Brennen, Christopher
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2019) With the wizard of the unit circle—An appreciation of T. Y. Wu ; Journal of Hydrodynamics; Vol. 31; No. 6; 1085-1088; 10.1007/s42241-019-0081-6
Brennen, C. E. and Keady, G., el al. (2018) A note on algal population dynamics ; IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 83; No. 4; 783-796; 10.1093/imamat/hxy010
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2017) On the Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps
Brennen, C. E. and Keady, G., el al. (2017) A Note on Algae Population Dynamics
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2016) On the Dynamics of a Cavitating Pump ; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science; Vol. 49; Art. No. 052018; 10.1088/1755-1315/49/5/052018
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2016) Canyoneering Fluid Mechanics ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 138; No. 10; Art. No. 101001; 10.1115/1.4034003
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2015) Cavitation in medicine ; Interface Focus; Vol. 5; No. 5; Art. No. 20150022; PMCID PMC4549847; 10.1098/rsfs.2015.0022
Li, Shengcai and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (2015) Introduction for amazing (cavitation) bubbles ; Interface Focus; Vol. 5; No. 5; Art. No. 20150059; 10.1098/rsfs.2015.0059
Brennen, Christopher Earls and Imberger, Jörg (2014) The wave-induced solute flux from submerged sediment ; Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 14; No. 1; 221-234; 10.1007/s10652-013-9307-2
Brennen, Christopher E. (2014) Adventures around the World ; ISBN 0-9667409-5-5
Brennen, Christopher E. (2014) Thermo-Hydraulics of Nuclear Reactors
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2014) Of Love and Exploration: an Autobiography ; ISBN 0966740998
Brennen, Christopher E. (2013) The Amazing World of Bubbles
d'Auria, Fabrizio and d'Agostino, Luca, el al. (2013) Inviscid stability of bubbly jets ; 10.2514/6.1995-2377
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2013) A Review of the Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 135; No. 6; Art. No. 061301; 10.1115/1.4023663
Ando, Keita and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2013) Shock Propagation in Polydisperse Bubbly Liquids ; ISBN 9783642342967; Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves; 141-175; 10.1007/978-3-642-34297-4_5
Brennen, C. E. (2012) A Review of the Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps ; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science; Vol. 15; No. 1; Art. No. 012001; 10.1088/1755-1315/15/1/012001
Koos, Erin and Linares-Guerrero, Esperanza, el al. (2012) Rheological measurements of large particles in high shear rate flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 24; No. 1; Art. No. 013302; 10.1063/1.3677687
Ando, K. and Sanada, T., el al. (2011) Shock Theory of a Bubbly Liquid in a Deformable Tube
Koos, Erin and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2011) Rheological Measurements in Liquid-Solid Flows
Brennen, Christopher E. (2011) Cloud cavitation with particular attention to pumps
Ando, Keita and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2011) Shock propagation in polydisperse bubbly flows
Brennen, Christopher E. (2011) An Introduction to Cavitation Fundamentals
Brennen, Christopher E. (2011) Cloud Cavitation: The Good, The Bad and the Bubbly
Hori, Shusuke and Brennen, Christopher E. (2011) Dynamic Response to Global Oscillation of Propulsion
Systems with Cavitating Pumps ; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Vol. 48; No. 4; 599-608; 10.2514/1.51945
Ando, Keita and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2011) Numerical simulation of shock propagation in a polydisperse bubbly liquid ; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 37; No. 6; 596-608; 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2011.03.007
Ando, Keita and Sanada, T., el al. (2011) Shock propagation through a bubbly liquid in a deformable tube ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 671; 339-363; 10.1017/S0022112010005707
Meier, J. A. and Jewell, J. S., el al. (2011) Bubbles emerging from a submerged granular bed ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 666; 189-203; 10.1017/S002211201000443X
Ando, Keita and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2009) Improvement of acoustic theory of ultrasonic waves in dilute bubbly liquids ; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 126; No. 3; EL69; 10.1121/1.3182858
Koos, Erin and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2008) Shear Stress Measurements of Non-Spherical Particles in High Shear Rate Flows ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0549-3; International Congress on Rheology, XV: The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, 3–8 August 2008; 740-742; 10.1063/1.2964830
Vriend, Nathalie M. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2008) Reply to comment by B. Andreotti et al. on "Solving the mystery of booming sand dunes" ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 35; No. L08; Art. No. L08307; 10.1029/2008GL033202
Colonius, Tim and Hagmeijer, Rob, el al. (2008) Statistical equilibrium of bubble oscillations in dilute bubbly flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 20; No. 4; Art. No. 040902; 10.1063/1.2912517
Preston, A. T. and Colonius, T., el al. (2007) A reduced-order model of diffusive effects on the dynamics of bubbles ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 19; No. 12; Art. No. 123302; 10.1063/1.2825018
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2007) Adventure hikes and canyoneering in the Southwest ; ISBN 0-9667409-5-5
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2007) Adventure hikes and canyoneering in the San Gabriels ; ISBN 0-9667409-0-4
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2007) The far side of the sky ; ISBN 0-9667409-1-2
Vriend, Nathalie M. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2007) Solving the mystery of booming sand dunes ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 34; No. L16; Art. No. L16306; 10.1029/2007GL030276
Brennen, Christopher E. (2007) Bubbly cloud dynamics and cavitation
Brennen, Christopher E. (2007) Multifrequency Instability of Cavitating Inducers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 129; No. 6; 731-736; 10.1115/1.2734238
Brennen, Christopher E. (2007) The Amazing World of Bubbles ; Engineering and Science; Vol. 70; No. 1; 30-41
Brennen, Christopher E. (2006) A Review of Cavitation Uses and Problems in Medicine; Invited Lecture
Brennen, Christopher E. (2006) A multifrequency instability of cavitating inducer systems
Brennen, Christopher E. and Acosta, Allan J. (2006) Fluid-induced Rotordynamic Forces and Instabilities ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 13; No. 1; 10-26; 10.1002/stc.145
Brennen, Christopher E. (2005) Hydrodynamics of Pumps Lecture Series : lectures 1-7
Hostler, Stephen R. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2005) Pressure wave propagation in a shaken granular bed ; Physical Review E; Vol. 72; No. 3; Art. no. 031304; 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.031304
Hostler, Stephen R. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2005) Pressure wave propagation in a granular bed ; Physical Review E; Vol. 72; No. 3; Art. no. 031303; 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.031303
Maines, Brant H. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2005) Lumped Parameter Model for Computing the Minimum Pressure During Mechanical Heart Valve Closure ; Journal of Biomechanical Engineering; Vol. 127; No. 4; 648-655; 10.1115/1.1934164
Brennen, Christopher Earls (2005) Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow ; ISBN 9780521848046; 10.1017/CBO9780511807169
Brantley, Katherine S. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (2005) Booming sand dunes: field measurements
Hostler, Stephen R. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2004) Measurements and Simulations of Wave Propagation in Agitated Granular Beds ; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Portland, OR; 69-72; 10.1063/1.1780186
Brennen, Christopher E. (2003) Cavitation in Biological and Bioengineering Contexts
Preston, A. and Colonius, T., el al. (2003) Reduced-Order Modeling of Diffusive Effects on the Dynamics of Bubbles
Watanabe, Satoshi and Brennen, Christopher E. (2003) Dynamics of a Cavitating Propeller in a Water Tunnel ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 125; No. 2; 283-292; 10.1115/1.1524588
Hostler, Stephen R. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2003) Granular State Effects on Wave Propagation ; ISBN 1 55899 696 6; Granular Material-Based Technologies; 73-78
Creech, J. and Divino, V., el al. (2002) Injection of Highly Supersaturated Oxygen Solutions without Nucleation ; Journal of Biomechanical Engineering; Vol. 124; No. 6; 676-683
Brennen, Christopher E. (2002) Fission of Collapsing Cavitation Bubbles ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 472; 153-166; 10.1017/S0022112002002288
Hsu, Yun and Brennen, Christopher E. (2002) Effect of Swirl on Rotordynamic Forces Caused by Front Shroud Pump Leakage ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 124; No. 4; 1005-1010
Wassgren, C. R. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (2002) Effects of vertical vibration on hopper flows of granular material ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 14; No. 10; 3439-3448; 10.1063/1.1503354
Brennen, Christopher E. (2002) Micro-nucleation in supersaturated oxygen solution injection
Preston, A. and Colonius, T., el al. (2002) A Reduced-Order Model of Heat Transfer Effects on the Dynamics of Bubbles
Hsu, Y. and Brennen, C. E. (2002) Fluid Flow Equations for Rotordynamic Flows in Seals and Leakage Paths ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 124; No. 1; 176-181; 10.1115/1.1436093
Waniewski, T. A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (2002) Bow Wave Dynamics ; Journal of Ship Research; Vol. 46; No. 1; 1-15
Hunt, M. L. and Zenit, R., el al. (2002) Revisiting the 1954 Suspension Experiments of R. A.Bagnold ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 452; 1-24
Preston, A. T. and Colonius, T., el al. (2002) A Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Bubbly Cavitating Nozzle Flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 14; No. 1; 300-311; 10.1063/1.1416497
Creech, J. and Divino, V., el al. (2002) A Remarkable Example of Bubble Nucleation Suppression
Waniewski, Tricia A. and Hunter, Christopher, el al. (2001) Bubble Measurements Downstream of Hydraulic Jumps ; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 27; No. 7; 1271-1284; 10.1016/S0301-9322(01)00003-9
McKinnon, Charles N. and Brennen, Danamichele, el al. (2001) Hydraulic Analysis of a Reversible Fluid Coupling ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 123; No. 2; 249-255; 10.1115/1.1350819
Brennen, Christopher E. (2001) Fission of Collapsing Cavitation Bubbles
Preston, Al and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2001) Toward Efficient Computation of Heat and Mass Transfer Effects in the Continuum Model for Bubbly Cavitating Flows
Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu and Kamijo, Kenjiro, el al. (2001) Unified Treatment of Flow Instabilities of Turbomachines ; Journal of Propulsion and Power; Vol. 17; No. 3; 636-643
Waniewski, T. A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (2001) Measurements of Air Entrainment by Bow Waves ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 123; No. 1; 57-63; 10.1115/1.1340622
Duttweiler, Mark E. and Brennen, Christopher E. (2001) Surge Instability on a Cavitating Propeller
Colonius, T. and d'Auria, F., el al. (2000) Acoustic Saturation in Bubbly Cavitating Flow Adjacent to an Oscillating Wall ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 12; No. 11; 2752-2761; 10.1063/1.1313561
Duttweiler, Mark E. and Schell, Steven E., el al. (2000) The Effect of Experimental Facility Dynamics on a Cavitation Instability
Preston, Al and Colonius, Tim, el al. (2000) A Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Bubbly Cavitating Nozzle Flows
Duttweiler, M. E. and Brennen, C. E. (2000) Surge Instability on a Cavitating Propeller ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 458; 133-152; 10.1017/S0022112002007784
Wang, Yi-Chun and Brennen, Christopher E. (1999) Numerical Computation of Shock Waves in a Spherical Cloud of Cavitation Bubbles ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 121; No. 4; 872-880
Meyer, P. A. and Stewart, C. W., el al. (1999) Effects of Crust Ingestion on Mixer Pump Performance in Tank
Uy, Robert V. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1999) Experimental Measurements of Rotordynamic Forces Caused by Front Shroud Pump Leakage ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 121; No. 3; 633-637
Duttweiler, Mark E. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1999) Experimental Investigation of an Instability on a Cavitating Propeller
Waniewski, Tricia A. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1999) The Evolution of Cavitation Events with Speed and Scale of the Flow
Hunt, M. L. and Weathers, R. C., el al. (1999) Effects of horizontal vibration on hopper flows of granular materials ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 11; No. 1; 68-75; 10.1063/1.869903
Brennen, C. and Colonius, T., el al. (1999) Cloud Cavitation Phenomena ; ISBN 0309065372; Twenty-Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics; 239-253
d'Agostino, Luca and d'Auria, Fabrizio, el al. (1998) A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Rotordynamic Forces on Whirling and Cavitating Helical Inducers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 120; No. 6; 698-704
Liu, Zhenhuan and Brennen, Christopher E. (1998) Cavitation Nuclei Population and Event Rates ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 120; No. 4; 728-737
Duttweiler, M. E. and Brennen, C. E. (1998) Partial cavity instabilities
Waniewski, Tricia A. and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1998) Void Fraction Measurment Beneath a Stationary Breaking Wave
Colonius, Tim and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1998) Computation of Shock Waves in Cavitating Flows ; ISBN 0791819507; Proceedings Of The 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting; 1-9
Brennen, Christopher E. (1998) Cloud cavitation : observations, calculations and shock waves
Wang, Yi-Chun and Brennen, C. E. (1998) One-Dimensional Bubbly Cavitating Flows Through a Converging-Diverging Nozzle ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 120; No. 1; 166-170
Uy, Robert V. and Bircumshaw, Brian L., el al. (1998) Rotordynamic Forces from Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps: Effects of Geometry ; JSME International Journal. Series B, Fluids and Thermal Engineering; Vol. 41; No. 1; 208-213
Reisman, G. E. and Wang, Y.-C., el al. (1998) Observations of Shock Waves in Cloud Cavitation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 355; 255-283
Zenit, R. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (1998) On the Direct and Radiated Components of the Collisional Particle Pressure in Liquid-Solid Flows ; Applied Scientific Research; Vol. 58; No. 1-4; 305-317
Brennen, C. E. and Uy, R. V. (1998) Fluid Flow Equations for Rotordynamic Flows in Seals and Leakage Paths
Brennen, Christopher E. and Colonius, Tim, el al. (1998) Computing Shock Waves in Cloud Cavitation
Zenit, R. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (1997) Collisional Particle Pressure Measurements in Solid-Liquid Flows ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 353; 261-283
Bhattacharyya, A. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1997) Rotordynamic Forces in Cavitating Inducers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 119; No. 4; 768-774
Uy, Robert V. and Bircumshaw, Brian L., el al. (1997) Rotordynaqmic Forces from Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps: Effects of Geometry
Reisman, G. E. and Brennen, C. E. (1997) Shock Wave Measurements in Cloud Cavitation
Waniewski, Tricia A. and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1997) Experimental Simulation of a Bow Wave
Uy, Robert V. and Bircumshaw, Brian L., el al. (1997) A Parametric Evaluation of the Effect of Inlet Swirl on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps
Wang, Yi-Chun and Brennen, Christopher E. (1997) One-Dimensional Bubbly Cavitating Flows through a Converging-Diverging Nozzle
Weathers, R. C. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (1997) Effects of Horizontal Vibration on Hopper Flows of Granular Material ; ISBN 0784402515; Mechanics of deformation and flow of particulate materials : proceedings of a symposium, Evanston, Illinois, June 29-July 2, 1997; 349-360
Reisman, G. E. and Duttweiler, M. E., el al. (1997) Effect of Air Injection on the Cloud Cavitation of a Hydrofoil
Wassgren, Carl R. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (1997) Effects of vertical vibration on hopper flows of granular material ; ISBN 0784402515; Mechanics of deformation and flow of particulate materials : proceedings of a symposium, Evanston, Illinois, June 29-July 2, 1997; 335-348
Wassgren, Carl R. and Hunt, Melany L., el al. (1997) Investigation of f/2 and f/4 Waves in Granular Beds Subject to Vertical, Sinusoidal Oscillations ; ISBN 9054108843; Powders & grains 97 : proceedings of the third International Conference on Powders & Grains, Durham, North Carolina, 18-23 May 1997; 433-436
d'Agostino, Luca and d'Auria, Fabrizio, el al. (1997) On the Inviscid Stability of Parallel Bubbly Flows ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 339; 261-274
Brennen, Christopher E. (1997) Some Current Advances in Cavitation Research
Brennen, C. E. and Reisman, G. E., el al. (1997) Shock Waves in Cloud Cavitation ; ISBN 0-309-05879-1; Twenty-First Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics; 756-771
Wassgren, C. R. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1996) Vertical Vibration of a Deep Bed of Granular Material in a Container ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 63; No. 3; 712-719
d'Auria, Fabrizio and d'Agostino, Luca, el al. (1996) Dynamic Response of Ducted Bubbly Flows to Turbomachinery-Induced Perturbations ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 118; No. 5; 595-601
Wassgren, C. R. and Hunt, M. L., el al. (1996) Vertical Side Wall Convection in Deep Beds of Granular Material Subjected to Vertical, Sinusoidal Oscillations
Brennen, C. E. and Ghosh, S., el al. (1996) Vertical Oscillation of a Bed of Granular Material ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 63; No. 1; 156-161
d'Auria, Fabrizio and d'Agostino, Luca, el al. (1996) The Effects of Vapor/Gas Bubbles on the Rotordynamic Forces in Bearings
Reisman, G. E. and Brennen, C. E. (1996) Pressure Pulses Generated by Cloud Cavitation
Wang, Y.-C. and Brennen, C. E. (1995) The Noise Generated by the Collapse of a Cloud of Cavitation Bubbles ; ISBN 0791814815; Cavitation and Gas-Liquid Flow in Fluid Machinery and Devices, 1995: Presented at the 1995 ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering and Laser Anemometry Conference and Exhibition, August 13-18, 1995, Hilton Head, South Carolina; 17-29
Wang, Y.-C. and Brennen, C. E. (1995) Shock Waves and Noise in the Collapse of a Cloud of Cavitation Bubbles ; ISBN 9810225938; International Symposium on Shock Waves (20th : 1995 : Pasadena, Calif.); 1213-1218
de Chizelle, Y. Kuhn and Ceccio, S. L., el al. (1995) Observations and scaling of travelling bubble cavitation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 293; 99-126; 10.1017/S0022112095001650
d'Agostino, Luca and d'Auria, Fabrizio, el al. (1995) Stability of Parallel Bubbly and Cavitating Flows
Liu, Zhenhuan and Brennen, Christopher E. (1995) Models of Cavitation Event Rates
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1995) The Influence of Swirl Brakes on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 117; No. 1; 104-108
Brennen, Christopher Earls (1995) Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics ; ISBN 0195094093
Kuhn de Chizelle, Y. and Ceccio, S. L., el al. (1995) Observations and Scalling of Travelling Bubble Cavitation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 293; 99-126
d'Auria, Fabrizio and d'Agostino, Luca, el al. (1995) Bubble Dynamics Effects on the Rotordynamic Forces in Cavitating Inducers
Wassgren, C. R. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1995) Granular Flow in a Vertically Vibrating Hopper ; ISBN 0784400830; ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (10th : 1995 : University of Colorado, Boulder); 1111-1114
Wang, Y.-C. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1994) Shock Wave Development in the Collapse of a Cloud of Bubbles
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1994) The Influence of Swirl Brakes and a Tip Discharge Orifice on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1994) Experimental Results for the Rotordynamic Characteristics of Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 116; No. 1; 110-115
Brennen, Christopher Earls (1994) Hydrodynamics of Pumps
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1994) Rotordynamic Forces in Cavitating Inducers
d'Auria, Fabrizio and d'Agostino, Luca, el al. (1994) Linearized Dynamics of Bubbly and Cavitating Flows in Cylindrical Ducts
Brennen, Christopher E. (1994) Observations of Cavitating Flow
Liu, Zhenhuan and Brennen, Christopher E. (1994) The Relation Between the Nuclei Population and the Cavitation Event Rate for Cavitation on a Schiebe Body
Chizelle, Y. and Ceccio, S., el al. (1994) Cavitation Scaling Experiments With Headforms: Bubble Acoustics
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1994) Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Leakage Annulus of a Whirling Shrouded Centrifugal Pump
Reisman, G. E. and McKinney, E. A., el al. (1994) Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil
McKenney, E. A. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1994) On the Dynamics and Acoustics of Cloud Cavitation on an Oscillating Hydrofoil
Kuhn de Chizelle, Y. and Brennen, C. E. (1993) Comparison of Observed and Calculated Shapes of Travelling Cavitation Bubbles ; ISBN 0792330080; Bubble dynamics and interface phenomena : proceedings of an IUTAM symposium held in Birmingham, U.K., 6-9 September, 1993; 207-217
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1993) The Effect of Inlet Swirl on the Rotordynamic Shroud Forces in a Centrifugal Pump ; Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power; Vol. 115; No. 2; 287-293
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1993) The Influence of Swirl Brakes and a Tip Discharge Orifice on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps
Guinzburg, Adiel and Brennen, Christopher E. (1993) Model predictions and experimental results for the rotordynamic characteristics of leakage flows in centrifugal pumps
Brennen, C. E. and Ghosh, S., el al. (1993) Vertical oscillation of a bed of granular material ; ISBN 905410323X; Powders & grains 93 : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Birmingham, UK, 12-16 July 1993; 247-252
Liu, Zhenhuan and Sato, Kotaro, el al. (1993) Cavitation Nuclei Population Dynamics in a Water Tunnel
Sato, K. and Liu, Zhenhuan, el al. (1993) The Micro-Bubble Distribution in the Wake of a Cavitating Circular Cylinder
Brennen, Christopher E. (1993) Cavitation Bubble Dynamics and Noise Production
Kumar, Sanjay and Brennen, Christopher E. (1993) A Study of Pressure Pulses Generated by Travelling Bubble Cavitation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 255; 541-564
Sivo, Joseph M. and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1993) The Influence of Swirl Brakes on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1993) Observations on Off-Design Flows in Non-Cavitating Axial Flow Inducers
Ahn, H. and Brennen, C. (1993) Channel flows of granular materials and their rheological implications ; ISBN 0750692758; Particulate two-phase flow; 210-243
Kumar, Sanjay and Brennen, Christopher E. (1993) Some Nonlinear Interactive Effects in Bubbly Clouds ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 253; 565-591
Liu, Z. and Kuhn de Chizelle, Y., el al. (1993) Cavitation Event Rates and Nuclei Distributions
Miskovish, R. S. and Brennen, C. E. (1992) Some Unsteady Fluid Forces on Pump Impellers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 114; No. 4; 632-637
Kuhn de Chizelle, Yan and Ceccio, Steven L., el al. (1992) Cavitation scaling experiments with headforms : bubble dynamics
Kumar, S. and Brennen, C. E. (1992) Harmonic Cascading in Bubble Clouds
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1992) The Effect of Inlet Swirl on the Rotordynamic Shroud
Forces in a Centrifugal Pump
Del Valle, J. and Braisted, D. M., el al. (1992) The Effects of Inlet Flow Modification on Cavitating Inducer Performance ; Journal of Turbomachinery; Vol. 114; No. 2; 360-365
Ahn, Hojin and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1992) Analysis of the Fully Developed Chute Flow of Granular Materials ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 59; No. 1; 109-119
Ceccio, S. L. and Brennen, C. E. (1992) Dynamics of Attached Cavities on Bodies of Revolution ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 114; No. 1; 93-99
Kuhn de Chizelle, Yan P. and Ceccio, Steven L., el al. (1992) Cavitation Scaling Experiments with Axisymmetric Bodies
Kuhn de Chizelle, Y. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1992) Scaling Experiments on the Dynamics and Acoustics of Travelling Bubble Cavitation ; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; Vol. C453; No. 047; 165-170
Ahn, H. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1991) Measurements of Velocity, Velocity Fluctuation, Density, and Stresses in Chute Flows of Granular Materials ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 58; No. 3; 792-803
Kumar, Sanjay and Brennen, Christopher E. (1991) Nonlinear Effects in the Dynamics of Clouds of Bubbles ; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 89; 707-714
Kytomaa, H. K. and Brennen, C. E. (1991) Small amplitude kinematic wave propagation in two-component media ; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 17; No. 1; 13-26; 10.1016/0301-9322(91)90067-D
Ceccio, S. L. and Brennen, C. E. (1991) Observations of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Travelling Bubble Cavitation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 233; 633-660
Ceccio, S. and Brennen, C. (1991) The Dynamics and Acoustics of Travelling Bubble Cavitation ; ISBN 0309045754; Eighteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics; 331-348
Kumar, Sanjay and Brennen, Christopher E. (1991) Statistics of Noise Generated by Travelling Bubble Cavitation
Franz, R. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1990) The Rotordynamic Forces on a Centrifugal Pump Impeller in the Presence of Cavitation ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 112; No. 3; 264-271
Sondergaard, R. and Chaney, K., el al. (1990) Measurements of Solid Spheres Bouncing Off Flat Plates ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 112; No. 3; 694-699
Kumar, S. and Hart, D. P., el al. (1990) Granular Pressure Measurement in Fluidized Beds ; ISBN 079180495X; Cavitation and multiphase flow forum, 1990 : presented at the 1990 Spring Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division held in conjunction with the 1990 Forum of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 1-5
Kumar, S. and Brennen, C. E. (1990) Nonlinear Effects in Cavitation Cloud Dynamics ; ISBN 079180495X; Cavitation and multiphase flow forum, 1990 : presented at the 1990 Spring Meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division held in conjunction with the 1990 Forum of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 107-113
Ceccio, S. L. and Brennen, C. E. (1990) Observations of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Attached Cavities ; ISBN 079180495X; Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum (25th : 1990 : Toronto, Ontario); 79-84
Hart, D. P. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1990) Observations of Cavitation on a Three-Dimensional Oscillating Hydrofoil ; ISBN 079180495X; Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum (25th : 1990 : Toronto, Ontario); 49-52
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1990) Experimental Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Centrifugal Pump With Several Vaned Diffusers ; Journal of Turbomachinery; Vol. 112; No. 1; 98-108; 10.1115/1.2927428
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1990) Measurements for the rotordynamic shroud forces for centrifugal pumps
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1990) Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps
Acosta, Allan J. and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1989) Impeller-Induced Rotor-Dynamic Forces ; ISBN 1560321148; Fluids engineering : Korea-U.S. progress
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1989) Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Diffuser Pump ; Journal of Turbomachinery; Vol. 111; No. 3; 213-221
Franz, R. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1989) The Rotordynamic Forces on a Centrifugal Pump Impeller in the Presence of Cavitation ; ISBN 0791803449; Pumping Machinery, 1989 : presented at the Third Joint ASCE/ASME Mechanics Conference, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, July 9-12, 1989 / sponsored by the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME; 205-211
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1989) Experimental Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Centrifugal Pump with Several Vaned Diffusers ; ISBN 978-0-7918-7913-9; ASME 1989 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition; Art. No. V001T01A033; 10.1115/89-GT-62
d'Agostino, Luca and Brennen, Christopher E. (1989) Linearized Dynamics of Spherical Bubble Clouds ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 199; 155-176
Karyeaclis, Michael P. and Miskovish, R. Scott, el al. (1989) Rotordynamic Tests in Cavitation of the SEP Inducer
Brennen, C. E. and Ceccio, S. L. (1989) Recent observations on cavitation and cavitation noise
d'Agostino, Luca and Brennen, Christopher E. (1988) Acoustical Absorption and Scattering Cross Sections of Spherical Bubble Clouds ; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 84; No. 6; 2126-2134
Tsujimoto, Y. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1988) Theoretical Study of Fluid Forces on a Centrifugal Impeller Rotating and Whirling in a Volute ; Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design; Vol. 110; No. 3; 263-269
d'Agostino, Luca and Brennen, Christopher E. (1988) Acoustical Absorption and Scattering Cross-Sections of Spherical Bubble Clouds
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1988) Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Diffuser Pump
Brennen, C. E. and Franz, R., el al. (1988) Rotor/Stator Unsteady Pressure Interaction
Brennen, C. E. and Franz, R., el al. (1988) Effects of Cavitation on Rotordynamic Force Matrices
Adkins, D. R. and Brennen, C. E. (1988) Analyses of Hydrodynamic Radial Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 110; No. 1; 20-28
Kytomaa, H. K. and Brennen, C. E. (1988) Some Observations of Flow Patterns and Statistical Properties of Three Component Flows ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 110; No. 1; 76-84
d'Agostino, Luca and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1988) Linearized Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Bubbly and Cavitating Flows Over Slender Surfaces ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 192; 485-509
Patton, J. S. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1987) Shear Flows of Rapidly Flowing Granular Materials ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 54; No. 4; 801-805
Ahn, H. and Brennen, C.E., el al. (1987) Experiments on Chute Flows of Granular Materials ; ISBN 0444705236; Micromechanics of granular materials : proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on the Micromechanics of Granular Materials, Sendai-Zao, Japan, October 26-30, 1987; 339-348
Kytomaa, H. K. and Brennen, C. E. (1987) Small amplitude kinematic wave propagation in two-component media
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1987) Unsteady Diffuser Vane Pressure and Impeller Wake Measurements in a Centrifugal Pump ; ISBN 9630546477; Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 49-56
Franz, R. and Arndt, N., el al. (1987) Rotordynamic Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers ; ISBN 9630546477; Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 252-258
Kytomaa, H. K. and Brennen, C. E. (1986) Some Observations of Flow Patterns and Statistical Properties of Three Component Flows
Patton, J. S. and Sabersky, R. H., el al. (1986) Convective heat transfer to rapidly flowing, granular materials ; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 29; No. 8; 1263-1269; 10.1016/0017-9310(86)90159-6
Franz, R. J. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1986) On the Effect of Cavitation on the Radial Forces and Hydrodynamic Stiffness of a Centrifugal Pump
Brennen, C. E. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1986) Impeller Fluid Forces
Kytomaa, H. K. and Brennen, C. E. (1986) Measurement of Friction Pressure Drops in Vertical Slurry and Bubbly Flows
Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1986) A Theoretical Study of Impeller and/or Vaneless Diffuser Attributed Rotating Stalls and their Effects on the Whirling Instability of a Centrifugal Impeller ; Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal; Vol. 52; No. 483; 3747-3754
Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1986) Analyses of the Characteristics of a Centrifugal Impeller with Leading Edge Cavitation by Mapping Methods ; Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal; Vol. 52; No. 480; 2954-2962
Adkins, Douglas R. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1986) Origins of hydrodynamic forces on centrifugal pump impellers
Chamieh, Dmitri S. and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1985) Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Radial Forces and Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump-Impeller ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 107; No. 3; 307-315
Zeininger, G. and Brennen, C. E. (1985) Interstitial Fluid Effects in Hopper Flows of Granular Material
Jery, Belgacem and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1985) Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers
Campbell, C. S. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1985) Flow regimes in inclined open-channel flows of granular materials ; Powder Technology; Vol. 41; No. 1; 77-82; 10.1016/0032-5910(85)85077-4
Campbell, Charles S. and Brennen, Christopher E. (1985) Computer Simulation of Granular Shear Flows ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 151; 167-188
Campbell, C. S. and Brennen, C. E. (1985) Chute Flows of Granular Material: Some Computer Simulations ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 52; No. 1; 172-178
Tsujimoto, Y. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1984) Two-Dimensional Unsteady Analysis of Fluid Forces on a Whirling Centrifugal Impeller in a Volute
Jery, B. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1984) Hydrodynamic Impeller Stiffness, Damping, and Inertia in the Rotordynamics of Centrifugal Flow Pumps
d'Agostino, L. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1984) On the linearized dynamics of two-dimensional bubbly flows over wave-shaped surfaces
d'Agostino, L. and Brennen, C. E. (1983) On the Acoustical Dynamics of Bubble Clouds
Campbell, C. S. and Brennen, C. E. (1983) Computer simulation of shear flows of granular material ; ISBN 0444421920; Mechanics of granular materials : new models and constitutive relations : proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on New Models and Constitutive Relations in the Mechanics of Granular Materials, Ithaca, New York, August 23-27, 1982; 313-326; 10.1016/B978-0-444-42192-0.50032-3
Bernier, R. N. and Brennen, C. E. (1983) Use of the electromagnetic flowmeter in a two-phase flow ; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 9; No. 3; 251-257; 10.1016/0301-9322(83)90104-0
Brennen, C. E. and Sieck, K., el al. (1983) Hydraulic jumps in granular material flow ; Powder Technology; Vol. 35; No. 1; 31-37; 10.1016/0032-5910(83)85023-2
Brennen, C. E. and Meissner, C., el al. (1982) Scale Effects in the Dynamic Transfer Functions for Cavitating Inducers ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 104; No. 4; 428-433
Spelt, J. K. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1982) Heat transfer to flowing granular material ; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 25; No. 6; 791-796; 10.1016/0017-9310(82)90091-6
Brennen, C. E. (1982) A Review of Added Mass and Fluid Inertial Forces
Campbell, C. S. and Brennen, C. E. (1982) Computer Simulation of Chute Flows of Granular Materials ; ISBN 9061912245; Deformation and Failure of Granular Materials; 515-521
Chamieh, D. S. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1982) Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump Impeller
Martin, C. Samuel and Medlarz, H., el al. (1981) Cavitation Inception in Spool Valves ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 103; No. 4; 564-576; 10.1115/1.3241768
Charles, A. L. and Chelvakumar, K., el al. (1981) Synfuel systems. A review of letdown devices and other multiphase flow problems
Nguyen, T. V. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1980) Funnel Flow in Hoppers ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 102; No. 4; 729-735
Brennen, C. and Oey, K. T., el al. (1980) Leading-Edge Flutter of Supercavitating Hydrofoils ; Journal of Ship Research; Vol. 24; No. 3; 135-146
Brennen, C. E. and Braisted, D. M. (1980) Stability of Hydraulic Systems with Focus on Cavitating Pumps
Brennen, C. E. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1980) A Test Program to Measure Fluid Mechanical Whirl-Excitation Forces in Centrifugal Pumps
Braisted, D. M. and Brennen, C. E. (1980) Auto-Oscillation of Cavitating Inducers
Chamieh, D. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1980) A Brief Note on the Interaction of an Actuator Cascade with a Singularity
Brennen, C. (1980) A Linear Dynamic Analysis of Vent Condensation Stability
Martin, C. S. and Medlarz, H., el al. (1979) Cavitation Inception in Spool Valves
Nguyen, T. V. and Brennen, C., el al. (1979) Gravity Flow of Granular Materials in Conical Hoppers ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 46; No. 3; 529-535
Nguyen, T. and Brennen, C., el al. (1979) Funnel Flow in Hoppers
Brennen, Christopher (1979) On the Unsteady, Dynamic Response of Phase Changes in Hydraulic Systems
Ng, S. L. and Brennen, C. (1978) Experiments on the dynamic behavior of cavitating pumps ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 100; No. 2; 166-176
Brennen, C. and Pearce, J. C. (1978) Granular Material Flow in Two-Dimensional Hoppers ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 45; No. 1; 43-50
Brennen, Christopher (1978) Bubbly Flow Model for the Dynamic Characteristics of Cavitating Pumps ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 89; No. 2; 223-240
Brennen, Christopher (1978) The Unsteady, Dynamic Characterization of Hydraulic Systems with Emphasis on Cavitation and Turbomachines
Braisted, David and Brennen, Christopher (1978) Observations on Instabilities of Cavitating Inducers
Brennen, Christopher and Winet, Howard (1977) Fluid Mechanics of Propulsion by Cilia and Flagella ; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 9; 339-398
Brennen, C. and Acosta, A. J. (1976) The Dynamic Transfer Function for a Cavitating Inducer ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 98; No. 2; 182-191
Brennen, Christopher (1976) On the Flow in an Annulus Surrounding a Whirling Cylinder ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 75; No. 1; 173-191
Brennen, Christopher (1975) A Concentrated Suspension Model for the Couette Rheology of Blood ; Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering; Vol. 53; No. 2; 126-133
Brennen, Christopher (1975) Locomotion of Flagellates with Mastigonemes ; Journal of Mechanochemistry and Cell Motility; Vol. 3; No. 3; 207-217
Brennen, Christopher and Acosta, Allan J. (1975) The Dynamic Performance of Cavitating Turbopumps ; ISBN 9630507250; Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 121-136
Keller, S. R. and Wu, T. Y., el al. (1975) A Traction-Layer Model for Ciliary Propulsion ; ISBN 0306370883; Proceedings of the Symposium on Swimming and Flying in Nature, held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., July 8-12, 1974; 253-271
Brennen, Christopher (1975) Hydromechanics of Propulsion for Ciliated Micro-Organisms ; ISBN 0306370883; Swimming and Flying in Nature; 235-253
Brennen, C. (1974) An oscillating-boundary-layer theory for ciliary propulsion ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 65; No. 4; 799-824
Brennen, Christopher (1974) Isostatic Recovery and the Strain Rate Dependent Viscosity of the Earth's Mantle ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 79; No. 26; 3993-4001
Brennen, C. (1973) The Dynamic Behavior and Compliance of a Stream of Cavitating Bubbles ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 95; No. 4; 533-541
Brennen, C. and Acosta, A. J. (1973) Theoretical, Quasi-Static Analysis of Cavitation Compliance in Turbopumps ; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Vol. 10; No. 3; 175-180
Wu, T. Yao-Tsu and Whitney, A. K., el al. (1973) Wall Effects in Cavity Flows and their Correction Rules
Brennen, C. (1973) Convective instability of a non-uniformly viscous sphere with reference to the earths mantle
Brennen, C. and Acosta, A. J. (1972) A Note on Turbopump Blade Cavitation Compliance for the POGO Instability
Wu, T. Yao-Tsu and Whitney, Arthur K., el al. (1971) Cavity-flow wall effects and correction rules ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 49; No. 2; 223-256
Brennen, Christopher (1971) Some Numerical Solutions of Unsteady Free Surface Wave Problems Using the Lagrangian Description of the Flow ; ISBN 0387054073; Proceedings of the second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : September 15-19, 1970, University of California, Berkeley; Lecture Notes in Physics; Vol. 8; 403-409
Whitney, Arthur K. and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1970) Experimental Verification of Cavity-Flow Wall Effects and Correction Rules
Brennen, Christopher (1970) Some Cavitation Experiments with Dilute Polymer Solutions ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 44; No. 1; 51-63
Brennen, Christopher (1970) Cavity Surface Wave Patterns and General Appearance ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 44; No. 1; 33-49
Brennen, Christopher and Whitney, Arthur K. (1970) Unsteady, Free Surface Flows; Solutions Employing the Lagrangian Description of the Motion
Brennen, C. (1969) The Dynamic Balances of Dissolved Air and Heat in Natural Cavity Flows ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 37; No. 1; 115-127
Brennen, Christopher (1969) A Numerical Solution of Axisymmetric Cavity Flows ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 37; No. 4; 671-688
Brennen, C. (1969) Some Viscous and Other Real Fluid Effects in Fully Developed Cavity Flows
Brennen, Christopher (1968) Some Cavitation Experiments with Dilute Polymer Solutions ; 123
Brennen, C. (1968) Wave Patterns on the Surface of Hydrodynamic Cavities
Brennen, C. E. and Gadd, G. E. (1967) Aging and Degradation in Dilute Polymer Solutions ; Nature; Vol. 215; No. 5108; 1368-1370
Brennen, C. (1966) Cavitation and Other Free Surface Phenomena