Blanquart, Guillaume
- Dhandapani, Chandru and Rabinovitch, Jason, el al. (2020) Combustion Studies of MMA/GO_x for a Hybrid Rocket Motor; ISBN 978-1-62410-598-2; AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum; Art. No. 2020-3280; 10.2514/6.2020-3280
- Rabinovitch, J. and Blanquart, G. (2015) A Computationally Efficient Approach to Hypersonic Reacting Flows; ISBN 978-3-319-16835-7; 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves; 173-178; 10.1007/978-3-319-16835-7_25
- Rabinovitch, J. and Marx, V. M., el al. (2014) Pyrolysis Gas Composition for a Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator Heatshield; ISBN 9781624102813; AIAA Aviation : 11th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference; Art. No. 2014-2246; 10.2514/6.2014-2246
- Bobbitt, Brock and Blanquart, Guillaume (2013) On the Determination of General Resolution Requirements of Direct Numerical Simulations using Detailed Chemistry; ISBN 978-1-62993-584-3; Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute; 252-259
- Xuan, Y. and Blanquart, G. (2013) Large eddy simulation of a piloted turbulent jet flame; ISBN 978-1-62993-584-3; Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute; 241-251
- Burali, N. and Xuan, Y., el al. (2013) A new radiation model for tabulated chemistry based on steady state flamelets; ISBN 978-1-62993-584-3; Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute; 399-409
- Bobbitt, Brock and Blanquart, Guillaume (2013) Approximate Solutions of the Transformation of Vortices through a Premixed Flame using Generalized Expansions; ISBN 978-1-62993-584-3; Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute; 410-421
- Xuan, Y. and Blanquart, G. (2013) A flamelet-based relaxation model for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in turbulent flames; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US national combustion meeting 2013 : Park City, Utah, USA, 19-22 May 2013.; 2292-2303
- Bobbitt, Brock and Blanquart, Guillaume (2013) Investigation of Vortex-Premixed Flame Interaction with Detailed Chemistry; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US national combustion meeting 2013 : Park City, Utah, USA, 19-22 May 2013.; 2326-2337
- Savard, Bruno and Blanquart, Guillaume (2013) A Priori Model for the Effective Lewis Numbers in Premixed Turbulent Flames; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US national combustion meeting 2013 : Park City, Utah, USA, 19-22 May 2013.; 2312-2325
- Menon, S. K. and Blanquart, G. (2013) Investigation of ignition dynamics in a H_2/air mixing layer with an embedded vortex; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US National Meeting of the Combustion Institute; 2275-2291
- Bartlett, Andrew and Blanquart, Guillaume (2013) Investigation into the Mechanism of Soot Deposition from Gaseous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US National Combustion Meeting; 1391-1400
- Xuan, Y. and Blanquart, G., el al. (2013) Impact of mixture fraction field curvature on chemical species transport in diffusion flames; ISBN 9781627488426; 8th US national combustion meeting 2013 : Park City, Utah, USA, 19-22 May 2013.; 2136-2146
- Parziale, N. J. and Rabinovitch, J., el al. (2012) A Proposed Vertical Expansion Tunnel; ISBN 9781600869334; 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit; Art. No. 2012-3263; 10.2514/6.2012-3263
- Rabinovitch, Jason and Brion, Vincent, el al. (2011) Effect of a Splitter Plate on the Dynamics of a Vortex Pair; ISBN 9781600869471; 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit; Art. No. 2011-3894; 10.2514/6.2011-3894