Blake, Geoffrey
- Nimlos, Danika Katherine (2025) Development and Characterization of a Table-Top Laser-Produced Plasma Source for In-Situ and Time-Resolved Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy; 10.7907/3e9t-xr72
- Lin, Haw-Wei (2024) Nonlinear and Multidimensional Terahertz Spectroscopy of Liquids and Crystalline Solids; 10.7907/2qt0-mg05
- Dallas, Brooke Hillary (2024) Intermolecular and Intramolecular Stable Isotope Studies in Alanine; 10.7907/xqdx-pp86
- Csernica, Timothy Andrew (2024) Exploring Nature’s Fingerprints with Isotopic Distributions; 10.7907/zt08-jh39
- Hickam, Bryce Patrick (2024) Exploring How Entangled Photon Correlations Can Enhance Spectroscopy; 10.7907/ez5h-qp07
- Evans, John Matthew (2024) Impact of Interfacial Chemistry on Corrosion, Sensing, and Catalytic Properties of Materials; 10.7907/e033-xj27
- Virgil, Kyle Allan (2024) Polarization-Resolved, Oblique Incidence Terahertz Spectroscopy of Highly Uniform 2D Hybrid Perovskite Films; 10.7907/cr97-p373
- Michelsen, Jonathan Malte Zschiegner (2024) Measuring Charge Carrier and Structural Photodynamics at Solar Energy Material Surfaces Using Transient Extreme Ultraviolet Reflection Spectroscopy; 10.7907/73h7-kg35
- He, Manni (2024) Entanglement-Enhanced Bioimaging and Sensing; 10.7907/3zg0-4135
- Denman, William Thomas Plent (2024) The Birth of PICL: New Laboratory Experiments for Understanding Ocean Worlds; 10.7907/erq7-vb46
- Korol, Roman (2024) Development and Applications of Imaginary Time Path Integral Methods; 10.7907/jy10-rf87
- Meier, Madeline Claire (2023) Inorganic Phototropism: Emergent Properties Directing Growth of Mesostructured Semiconductors; 10.7907/rqwq-tv81
- Tribby, Ariana Linnae (2023) Inference of Global Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Production; 10.7907/pjn3-az83
- Ober, Douglas Clifford (2023) Laser Spectroscopy of Hydrocarbons for Applications in Atmospheric and Space Science; 10.7907/x42v-ry39
- Morla, Maureen Baradi (2023) Redox-Activated Covalent Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces; 10.7907/1exn-0t72
- Dutton, Sarah Emily (2023) Chirped Pulse Rotational Spectroscopy of Small Molecule Clusters; 10.7907/dxsp-c265
- Behmard, Aida (2023) Planet Host Star Properties as Probes of Planet Formation and Evolution; 10.7907/4mta-xt79
- Klein, Isabel McMillan (2023) Understanding the Origins of Photoexcited XUV Spectra; 10.7907/s8qe-4s74
- Hamann, Kathryn Rose (2022) Exploration of Materials and Mesostructures Accessible via Inorganic Phototropic Growth; 10.7907/z725-v841
- Chachan, Yayaati (2022) A Journey with Dust: from Protoplanetary Disks to Planetary Atmospheres and Outflows; 10.7907/8dxy-2b79
- Vasquez, Krystal TonyBeth (2022) Isomer Separation of Multifunctional Atmospheric Compounds Using Gas Chromatography and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/yaz8-qr39
- Rinaldi, Katherine Zoe (2022) A Technical and Systems Analysis of Hydrogen Fuel in Renewable Energy Systems; 10.7907/h8x1-xb98
- Wilkins, Olivia Harper (2022) High-Resolution Imaging of Chemistry in Extreme Interstellar Environments; 10.7907/rwj8-8683
- Wallack, Nicole Lisa (2022) The Planet-Disk Connection: from Protoplanetary Disks to Planetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/m484-et60
- Buzard, Camillus Francis (2022) Detecting Small Signals: Near-Infrared Studies of Substellar Companions; 10.7907/kwkz-t588
- Vissapragada, Shreyas (2022) The Irradiation-Driven Evolution of Gas-Giant Exoplanets; 10.7907/73xn-xx35
- Chimiak, Laura Marie (2021) Prebiotic Fingerprints; 10.7907/0hvh-xz81
- Messinger, Joseph Peter Herman (2021) Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Atmospheric and Astrochemical Reactions; 10.7907/ak7w-w439
- Trumbo, Samantha Kathleen (2021) Views of an Ocean World: The Signatures of Internal and External Processes on the Surface of Europa; 10.7907/d63b-y030
- Mead, Griffin John (2021) Chirped Pulse Microwave and Single-Shot Terahertz Spectroscopy Studies of Intermolecular Interactions; 10.7907/7wzt-ak58
- Carim, Azhar Iqbal (2021) Growth Towards Light: Translation of Optical Inputs into Mesostructured Outputs via Inorganic Phototropism; 10.7907/mn62-wc26
- Anderson, Dana Eklund (2020) Tracking Volatile Elements in Protoplanetary Disks and on Planetary Surfaces; 10.7907/GZSA-DK98
- Lunny, Elizabeth Margaret (2020) High-Resolution Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of the Oxygen A-Band; 10.7907/qxcm-4909
- Alexy, Eric John (2020) Development of Enantioselective Transition-Metal Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation Methodologies; 10.7907/41nh-wb31
- Marshall, Ryan Scott (2020) Developing Plasma Spectroscopy and Imaging Diagnostics to Understand Astrophysically-Relevant Plasma Experiments: Megameters, Femtometers, and Everything in Between; 10.7907/gfcd-4q50
- Krueger, Rachel Ann (2020) Theoretical Characterization of Aromatic Exciplex Fluorescence; 10.7907/FW2R-BF41
- Hui, Aileen Oyama Ah Yee (2019) Atmospheric Peroxy Radical Chemistry Studied by Infrared Kinetic Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9H0-1H20
- Carroll, Paul Brandon (2018) Laboratory and Astronomical Rotational Spectroscopy; 10.7907/8Y1M-6C76
- Wong, Ian Yu (2018) Probing the Trojan-Hilda-KBO Connection: An Empirical Test of Dynamical Instability Models of Solar System Evolution; 10.7907/Z9B856BX
- Bryan, Marta Levesque (2018) Lurking in the Shadows: Wide-Separation Gas Giants as Tracers of Planet Formation; 10.7907/XPMN-WQ35
- Wong, Michael L. (2018) A Planetary Perspective of Life; 10.7907/KVBE-HJ52
- Upton, Kathleen Tiffany (2018) Analysis and Characterization of Titan Aerosol Simulants by Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/Z9XG9PBK
- Shen, Linhan (2018) Cavity Ring-Down and Multi-Pass Spectroscopies for Methane Source Attribution and Chemical Kinetics Studies; 10.7907/WE40-5W54
- Piskorz, Danielle F. (2018) Exploring Exoplanets' Spectroscopic Secrets: Clues on the Migration and Formation of Hot Jupiters; 10.7907/Z9222RZX
- Finneran, Ian Alan (2017) Terahertz and Microwave Spectroscopy of Liquids and Hydrogen-Bonded Clusters; 10.7907/Z9348HD4
- Gao, Peter (2017) Clouds and Hazes in Planetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/Z99W0CGS
- Ngo, Henry Hoang Khoi (2017) Formation and Migration Histories of Giant Exoplanets in Multi-stellar Systems; 10.7907/Z9KD1VZW
- Good, Jacob Thomas (2016) Design and Applications of a Decade-Spanning Terahertz Frequency Comb Spectrometer: Doppler-limited Rotational Spectroscopy of Methanol and Methanol-OD; 10.7907/Z9MW2F37
- Dodson, Leah G. (2016) Gas Phase Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Atmospheric Radicals; 10.7907/Z9XD0ZP8
- Bui, Thinh Quoc (2015) Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopies for Applications of Remote Sensing, Chemical Kinetics and Detection of Radical Species; 10.7907/Z96D5QXW
- Schilling, Katherine Ann (2015) Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition Studies Using Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/Z93F4MJR
- Zhang, Ke (2015) Volatiles in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/Z9VQ30MD
- Zhang, Ke (2015) Volatiles in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/Z9VQ30MD
- Kammer, Joshua Andrew (2015) Analyses of Planetary Atmospheres Across the Spectrum: From Titan to Exoplanets; 10.7907/Z9GX48HD
- McGuire, Brett Andrew (2015) Time-Domain TeraHertz Spectroscopy and Observational Probes of Prebiotic Interstellar Gas and Ice Chemistry; 10.7907/Z9B27S79
- McGuire, Brett Andrew (2015) Time-Domain TeraHertz Spectroscopy and Observational Probes of Prebiotic Interstellar Gas and Ice Chemistry; 10.7907/Z9B27S79
- Allodi, Marco Alberto (2015) On Ultrafast Time-Domain TeraHertz Spectroscopy in the Condensed Phase: Linear Spectroscopic Measurements of Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics of Astrochemical Ice Analogs and Nonlinear TeraHertz Kerr Effect Measurements of Vibrational Quantum Beats; 10.7907/Z97D2S2P
- Holland, Daniel Brian (2014) Design, Construction, and Applications of a High-Resolution Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometer; 10.7907/Z91J97QR
- Yu, Jiun-Yann (2014) Innovations of Wide-Field Optical-Sectioning Fluorescence Microscopy: Toward High-Speed Volumetric Bio-Imaging with Simplicity; 10.7907/4V14-HW42
- Holland, Daniel Brian (2014) Design, Construction, and Applications of a High-Resolution Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometer; 10.7907/Z91J97QR
- Lockwood, Alexandra Charlotte (2014) Understanding Planet Formation through High Precision Photometry and Spectroscopy; 10.7907/7F1H-FG47
- Lockwood, Alexandra Charlotte (2014) Understanding Planet Formation through High Precision Photometry and Spectroscopy; 10.7907/7F1H-FG47
- Line, Michael Robert (2013) Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres: Spectral Retrieval and Chemistry; 10.7907/9VHA-2N67
- Wolf, Aaron Samuel (2013) Probing the Thermodynamic Properties of Mantle Rocks in Solid and Liquid States; 10.7907/TJ86-C566
- Li, King-Fai (2013) Atmospheric Trace Gases as Probes of Chemistry and Dynamics; 10.7907/EPJW-T613
- Zhang, Xi (2013) Aerosols and Chemistry in the Planetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/CS1E-F431
- Kelley, Matthew James (2013) Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Sugars; 10.7907/FQ9S-JF63
- Beck, Anna Rose (2012) Iron in the Ocean: Laboratory Experiments of Iron Geochemistry in the Presence of Marine Particles; 10.7907/0CAB-KF69
- Long, David Alexander (2012) Frequency-Stabilized Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy of O₂ and CO₂ to Support Atmospheric Remote Sensing; 10.7907/CTFH-GZ09
- Sprague, Matthew Kiran (2012) Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy, Kinetics, and Quantum Chemistry of Atmospherically Relevant Reactions; 10.7907/T8BQ-D871
- Batygin, Konstantin (2012) Orbits and Interiors of Planets; 10.7907/KQVW-GF86
- Sohn, Chang Ho (2011) New Reagents and Methods for Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics Investigations; 10.7907/HRF2-FJ21
- Spencer, Kathleen Marie (2011) Constraining Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions using Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/XRFJ-2Q92
- Schwamb, Megan E. (2011) Beyond Sedna: Probing the Distant Solar System; 10.7907/W4B2-1B44
- Sumner, Matthew Casey (2011) Optimizing End-to-End System Performance for Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Protostars: Wideband Heterodyne Receivers and Sideband-Deconvolution Techniques for Rapid Molecular-Line Surveys; 10.7907/HD7X-2A80
- Takematsu, Kana (2011) Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of the Nitrate and Peroxy Radicals; 10.7907/8SB5-HR07
- Kuai, Le (2011) I: Retrieval of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from High-Resolution Spectra. II: Interannual Variability of the Stratospheric Quasi-Biennual Oscillation; 10.7907/6821-E823
- Crounse, John D. (2011) Atmospheric Reactive Trace Gas Observations in Field and Chamber Studies Using CF₃O⁻ Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/JMSN-NF98
- Neidholdt, Evan Lyle (2010) Novel Pyroelectric and Switched Ferroelectric Ion Sources in Mass Spectrometry: Implementation and Applications; 10.7907/M86B-8T98
- Surratt, Jason Douglas (2010) Analysis of the Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols by Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/PVWD-HZ44
- Busch, Michael William (2010) Shapes and Spins of Near-Earth Asteroids; 10.7907/ZVGV-8X89
- Braakman, Rogier (2010) Gas-Phase Terahertz Spectroscopy and the Study of Complex Interstellar Chemistry; 10.7907/R2KK-E302
- Noell, Aaron Craig (2010) Laboratory Studies of the Self and Cross Reactions of Atmospheric Peroxy Radicals; 10.7907/B844-DA56
- Fisher, Daniel Ross (2010) Development and Applications of Quantum Monte Carlo; 10.7907/4YCS-9T88
- Yeung, Laurence Yip-Lun (2010) Photochemical and Dynamics Studies of Oxygen Isotope Exchange Reactions of CO₂; 10.7907/TQKB-3T76
- Gagnon, Alexander C. (2010) Geochemical Mechanisms of Biomineralization from Analysis of Deep-Sea and Laboratory Cultured Corals; 10.7907/N1MW-8Q84
- Guo, Weifu (2009) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry: Applications to Carbonaceous Chondrites and Effects of Kinetic Isotope Fractionation; 10.7907/BWC2-RH54
- Rohde, Rosemary Dyane (2009) Developing High-Affinity Protein Capture Agents and Nanotechnology-Based Platforms for in vitro Diagnostics; 10.7907/G70V-TC49
- Corder, Stuartt Allan (2009) Optimizing Image Fidelity with Arrays; 10.7907/Q7H2-2P58
- Wiktorowicz, Sloane John (2009) Unambiguous Black Hole Mass from Polarimetry and Application to Hot Jupiters; 10.7907/3YVF-VE44
- Chen, Wei-Chen (2009) Isotope Effects in Chemical Processes of Atmospheric Interest; 10.7907/WCH2-W090
- Ragozzine, Darin Alan (2009) Orbital Dynamics of Kuiper Belt Object Satellites, a Kuiper Belt Family, and Extra-Solar Planet Interiors; 10.7907/NRNC-XK21
- Salyk, Colette Vanessa (2009) Molecular Spectroscopy of Planet-Forming Regions in Circumstellar Disks; 10.7907/E4YF-FZ95
- Robichaud, David Joseph (2008) High-Resolution Study of the O₂ A-Band using Frequency Stabilized Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Q6GB-R592
- Moran, Sean Michael (2008) Understanding the Physical Processes Driving Galaxy Evolution in Clusters: A Case Study of Two z ~ 0.5 Galaxy Clusters; 10.7907/C7Q1-DF25
- Brown, Joanna Margaret (2008) Childhood to Adolescence: Dust and Gas Clearing in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/560K-TZ76
- Kim, Hugh Inkon (2008) Fundamental and Applied Studies of the Structures and Reaction Dynamics of Biomolecules Using Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Spectrometry; 10.7907/QQFG-WG57
- Schaller, Emily Lauren (2008) I. Seasonal Changes in Titan’s Cloud Activity. II. Volatile Ices on Outer Solar System Objects; 10.7907/YXFP-V230
- Barkume, Kristina Marie (2008) Surface Properties of Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs; 10.7907/EQY1-NM23
- Hamann, Thomas William (2007) Interfacial Electron-Transfer Reactions at Semiconductor Electrodes; 10.7907/mc8e-x717
- Kopp, Robert Evans, III (2007) The Identification and Interpretation of Microbial Biogeomagnetism; 10.7907/83R3-VB23
- Liang, Mao-Chang (2006) Chemical and Dynamical Processes in the Atmospheres of I. Ancient and Present-Day Earth, II. Jupiter and Galileo Satellite, III. Extrasolar “Hot Jupiters”; 10.7907/8HSF-CA03
- Nemanick, Eric Joseph (2006) Chemical and Electrical Passivation of Single Crystal Silicon Surfaces Through Covalently Bound Organic Monolayers; 10.7907/GNSW-GJ84
- Hodyss, Robert P. (2006) Methods for the Analysis of Organic Chemistry on Titan; 10.7907/NRTF-GH89
- Deev, Andrei (2005) Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of Atmospherically Important Radicals; 10.7907/YQBN-RX97
- Sisk, Brian Christopher (2005) Computational Optimization of Chemical Vapor Detector Arrays; 10.7907/Z3K5-C749
- Sumner, Heather Ann (2005) Gas Phase Reaction Dynamics and Design of Molecular Clusters and Bioconjugates; 10.7907/AVWS-B055
- Kapinus, Vadym A. (2005) Photophysical Properties of Protonated Aromatic Hydrocarbons; 10.7907/3A85-DC20
- Widicus Weaver, Susanna Leigh (2005) Rotational Spectroscopy and Observational Astronomy of Prebiotic Molecules; 10.7907/CN1R-H437
- Kessler, Jacqueline Elizabeth (2004) Gas and Dust Chemistry in Planet-Forming Disks; 10.7907/MGC6-WR47
- Kent, David Randall, IV (2003) New Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithms to Efficiently Utilize Massively Parallel Computers; 10.7907/V64A-V618
- Briglin, Shawn Michael (2003) Spatial, Temporal, and Chemical Aspects of Vapor Detection Using Conductive Composite Chemically Sensitive Resistors; 10.7907/XHF4-YX71
- Lane, Benjamin Frederick (2003) High-Precision Infra-Red Stellar Interferometry; 10.7907/618C-6550
- Noelte, Jeff Lee (2002) Effects of Surface Chemistry on Deposition Kinetics of Colloidal Hematite (α-Fe2O3) in Packed Beds of Silica Sand; 10.7907/KSZB-2238
- Amashukeli, Xenia (2002) Electron-Transfer Reorganization Energies of Isolated Molecules
- Cornu, Catherine J. G. (2002) Photocatalysis Under Periodic Illumination; 10.7907/ZDAH-V967
- Noelte, Jeff Lee (2002) Effects of Surface Chemistry on Deposition Kinetics of Colloidal Hematite (α-Fe2O3) in Packed Beds of Silica Sand; 10.7907/KSZB-2238
- Lee, Yuan-Tai (2001) Atmospheric Chemistry and Transport Modeling in the Outer Solar System; 10.7907/y7ep-g464
- Crill, Brendan Patrick (2001) A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background with a Long Duration Balloon-Borne Receiver; 10.7907/GVJ5-GC44
- Crill, Brendan Patrick (2001) A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background with a Long Duration Balloon-Borne Receiver; 10.7907/GVJ5-GC44
- Qi, Chunhua (2001) Aperture Synthesis Studies of the Chemical Composition of Protoplanetary Disks and Comets; 10.7907/VNV1-8B86
- Kuchner, Marc Jason (2001) Exozodiacal Dust; 10.7907/73cv-y270
- Zhang, Hui (2001) Spectroscopic Studies of N₂0 and HNO₄: A Window into the Global Biogeochemistry of Nitrogen; 10.7907/2ts6-9d87
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- Kossakovski, Dmitri A. (2000) Scanning probe chemical and topographical microanalysis; 10.7907/at5p-pe62
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