Blake, Geoffrey
Blake, Geoffrey A. (2009) Terahertz Spectroscopy in the Lab and at Telescopes ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillip; 231-242
Bergin, Edwin A. and Aikawa, Yuri, el al. (2007) The Chemical Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks ; ISBN 9780816526543; Protostars and Planets V; 751-766
Richter, Matthew J. and Lacy, John H., el al. (2006) H_2 Mid-IR Pure Rotational Emission from Young Stars: The TEXES/IRTF Survey ; ISBN 3540252568; High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy; 197-202; 10.1007/10995082_30
Wu, Sheng and Kapinus, Vadym, el al. (2004) Mixed type I and II BBO OPO pumped at 355 nm provides good beam quality, bandwidth, and efficiency ; ISBN 9780819452450; Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications III; 102-111; 10.1117/12.547976
Blake, Geoffrey A. (2004) High resolution millimeter-wave to infrared spectroscopy of circumstellar disks ; ISBN 1-58381-186-9; Debris Disks and the Formation of Planets: A Symposium in Memory of Fred Gillett; 79-92
Thi, W. F. and van Dishoeck, E. F., el al. (2004) Gas evolution in protoplanetary disks ; ISBN 9781583811764; Planetary Systems in the Universe – Observation, Formation and Evolution; 378-380; 10.1017/s0074180900218317
Hogerheijde, Michiel R. and Boogert, Adwin C. A., el al. (2003) From Infall to Rotation Around Young Stellar Objects ; ISBN 978-3-540-43541-9; The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View; 51-58; 10.1007/10856518_6
Blake, Geoffrey A. (2003) Chemistry in Circumstellar Disks as Probed by High Resolution Millimeter-Wave to Infrared Spectroscopy ; ISBN 0-660-19089-3; Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation; 178-187
Kessler, Jacqueline E. and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (2003) Deuterium in protoplanetary disks ; ISBN 0-660-19089-3; Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation; 188-192
Boogert, A. C. A. and Blake, G. A., el al. (2003) Tracing protostellar evolution by observations of ices ; ISBN 0-660-19089-3; Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation; 172-177
Hogerheijde, Michiel R. and Boogert, Adwin C. A., el al. (2002) From Infall to Rotation Around Young Stellar Objects ; ISBN 978-3-540-43541-9; The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View; 53-60; 10.1007/10856518_6
Blake, Geoffrey A. (2001) Microwave and terahertz spectroscopy ; ISBN 9780750308274; Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry; 1063-1088
van Dishoeck, E. F. and Blake, G. A. (2001) Unravelling the Chemical Structure of Young Stellar Objects with ALMA ; ISBN 1-58381-072-2; Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA); 89-98
Wu, Sheng and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (2000) Multicrystal harmonic generator compensates for thermally induced phase mismatch ; ISBN 9780819435453; Nonlinear Materials, Devices, and Applications; 215-220; 10.1117/12.379920
Wu, Sheng and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (2000) Two-photon absorption inside β-BBO crystal during UV nonlinear optical conversion ; ISBN 9780819435453; Nonlinear Materials, Devices, and Applications; 221-227; 10.1117/12.379921
Langer, William D. and van Dishoeck, Ewine F., el al. (2000) Chemical Evolution of Protostellar Matter ; ISBN 9780816520596; Protostars and Planets IV; 29-57
Matsuura, Shuji and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1999) Design and characterization of optical-THz phase-matched traveling-wave photomixers ; ISBN 0-8194-3281-4; Terahertz and Gigahertz Photonics; 484-492; 10.1117/12.370198
Matsuura, Shuji and Chen, Pin, el al. (1999) Two-frequency MOPA diode laser system for difference-frequency generation of coherent THz waves ; ISBN 9780819430878; Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications; 14-21; 10.1117/12.347126
Thi, W. F. and van Dishoeck, E. F., el al. (1999) H_2 Emission From Disks Around Herbig Ae and T Tauri Stars ; ISBN 9789290927082; The Universe as Seen by ISO; 529-532
Matsuura, Shuji and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1999) Traveling-Wave Photomixers Based On Noncollinear Optical/Terahertz Phase-Matching
van Dishoeck, E. F. and Black, J. H., el al. (1999) ISO Spectroscopy of Young Stellar Objects ; ISBN 9789290927082; The Universe as Seen by ISO; 437-448
Hogerheijde, Michiel R. and van Dishoeck, Ewine F., el al. (1999) Observations of dust and molecules in the disks and envelopes of young stellar objects ; ISBN 0-7923-5474-5; Formation and evolution of solids in space; 521-526
Wu, Sheng and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1998) Low-threshold BBO OPO with cylindrical focusing ; ISBN 9780819427021; Nonlinear Optical Engineering; 52-55; 10.1117/12.308346
Wu, Sheng and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1998) Efficient compound OPO cavity with narrow bandwidth ; ISBN 9780819427021; Nonlinear Optical Engineering; 143-146; 10.1117/12.308348
Matsuura, Shuji and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1998) A High Power Frequency-Stabilized Tunable Two-Frequency Diode Laser System for the Generation of Coherent THz-Waves by Photomixing
Hogerheijde, Michiel R. and van Dishoeck, Ewine F., el al. (1997) Molecular outflows and 1000 AU structure of low mass YSO envelopes
Blake, Geoffrey A. (1997) High angular resolution observations of the gas phase composition of young stellar objects ; ISBN 0-7923-4538-X; Molecules in astrophysics: probes and processes; 31-44
Zmuidzinas, J. and Blake, G. A., el al. (1995) Submillimeter spectroscopy of interstellar hydrides ; ISBN 0-937707-92-9; Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, From Gas to Stars to Dust; 33-40
van Dishoeck, Ewine F. and Blake, Geoffrey A. (1995) Chemical Evolution of Circumstellar Matter around Young Stellar Objects ; ISBN 9789401040662; Circumstellar Matter 1994; 237-250; 10.1007/978-94-011-0147-9_41
van Dishoeck, Ewine F. and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1993) The Chemical Evolution of Protostellar and Protoplanetary Matter ; ISBN 9780816513345; Protostars and Planets III; 163-241
Wunderlich, R. K. and Wasserburg, G. J., el al. (1992) Systematics of the odd-even effect in the resonance ionization of Os and Ti ; ISBN 9780750302302; Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992; 127-130
Wunderlich, R. K. and Wasserburg, G. J., el al. (1992) Measurement of isotopic ratios by resonance ionization mass spectrometry
in the presence of optical isotope shifts ; ISBN 9780750302302; Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992; 229-232
Wunderlich, R. K. and Hutcheon, I. D., el al. (1992) Systematics of isotope ratio measurements with resonant laser photoionization sources ; ISBN 0-8194-0782-8; Applied spectroscopy in material science II; 211-222; 10.1117/12.59314
Blake, Geoffrey A. (1992) The Orion Nebula ; ISBN 9784130682053; Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Interstellar Molecules; 57-62
Blake, Geoffrey A. (1990) Carbon Chemistry in Dense Molecular Clouds: Theory and Observational Constraints
Masson, C. R. and Keene, J. B., el al. (1990) A search for dense gas around young stars ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 265-266; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_101
van Dishoeck, Ewine F. and Blake, Geoffrey A., el al. (1990) The Cosmochemistry of Protostellar Matter ; ISBN 9789290921028; Formation of stars and planets and the evolution of the solar system; 27-34
Blake, Geoffrey A. (1988) Chemistry in Dense Molecular Clouds: Theory and Observational Constraints ; ISBN 9780387504384; Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies; 132-150; 10.1007/3-540-50438-9_252