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- Catanach, Thomas Anthony (2017) Computational Methods for Bayesian Inference in Complex Systems; 10.7907/Z9RX9948
- Zhang, Pengchuan (2017) Compressing Positive Semidefinite Operators with Sparse/Localized Bases; 10.7907/Z91N7Z5J
- Bhattacharyya, Pinaky (2017) Optimal Sensor Placement for Bayesian Parametric Identification of Structures; 10.7907/Z9H41PG5
- Yeung, Enoch Ho-Yee (2016) Reverse Engineering and Quantifying Context Effects in Synthetic Gene Networks; 10.7907/Z9Z31WM4
- Akhmetgaliyev, Eldar (2016) Fast Numerical Methods for Mixed, Singular Helmholtz Boundary Value Problems and Laplace Eigenvalue Problems - with Applications to Antenna Design, Sloshing, Electromagnetic Scattering and Spectral Geometry; 10.7907/Z97P8W93
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- Siriki, Hemanth (2015) Quantifying Earthquake Collapse Risk of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings Using Rupture-to-Rafters Simulations; 10.7907/Z9TX3CB4
- Mourhatch, Ramses (2015) Quantifying Earthquake Collapse Risk of Tall Steel Braced Frame Buildings Using Rupture-to-Rafters Simulations; 10.7907/Z9DV1GTG
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- Sharan, Rangoli (2014) Formal Methods for Control Synthesis in Partially Observed Environments: Application to Autonomous Robotic Manipulation; 10.7907/RQKC-N871
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- Cheng, Ming Hei (2014) New Applications that Come from Extending Seismic Networks into Buildings; 10.7907/STB2-XR07
- Bjornsson, Arnar Bjorn (2014) A Retrofitting Framework for Pre-Northridge Steel Moment-Frame Buildings; 10.7907/3Z6T-2H83
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- Ci, Maolin (2014) Multiscale Model Reduction Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations; 10.7907/06ND-CY07
- Heckman, Vanessa Mary (2014) Damage Detection in Civil Structures using High-Frequency Seismograms; 10.7907/NVKN-8D47
- Griffith, Virgil (2014) Quantifying Synergistic Information; 10.7907/ZS2T-XQ55
- Song, Shiyan (2014) A New Ground Motion Intensity Measure, Peak Filtered Acceleration (PFA), to Estimate Collapse Vulnerability of Buildings in Earthquakes; 10.7907/J5YB-AR86
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- Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2013) Sensor Networks for Geospatial Event Detection - Theory and Applications; 10.7907/MZWJ-T222
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- Cheung, Sai Hung (2009) Stochastic Analysis, Model and Reliability Updating of Complex Systems with Applications to Structural Dynamics; 10.7907/K5T7-4B72
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- Mitrani-Reiser, Judith (2007) An Ounce of Prevention: Probabilistic Loss Estimation for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering; 10.7907/JXPV-1Q19
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