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Meng, Xianghao and Beck, James L., el al. (2025) Adaptive meta-learning stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo simulation for Bayesian updating of structural dynamic models ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 437; 117753; 10.1016/j.cma.2025.117753
Xue, Shicheng and Zhou, Wensong, el al. (2023) Damage localization and robust diagnostics in guided-wave testing using multitask complex hierarchical sparse Bayesian learning ; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Vol. 197; Art. No. 110365; 10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110365
Li, Qi and Gao, Jingze, el al. (2023) Probabilistic outlier detection for robust regression modeling of structural response for high-speed railway track monitoring ; Structural Health Monitoring; 10.1177/14759217231184584
Beck, James L. (2023) Neo-classical Relativistic Mechanics Theory for Electrons that Exhibits Spin, Zitterbewegung, Dipole Moments, Wavefunctions and Dirac's Wave Equation ; Foundations of Physics; Vol. 53; No. 3; Art. No. 57; 10.1007/s10701-023-00696-9
Wang, Chenyue and Gao, Jingze, el al. (2022) Robust sparse Bayesian learning for broad learning with application to high-speed railway track monitoring ; Structural Health Monitoring; 10.1177/14759217221104224
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2022) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 37; No. 9; 1069; 10.1111/mice.12875
Beck, James L. and Pei, Jin-Song (2022) Demonstrating the power of extended Masing models for hysteresis through model equivalencies and numerical investigation ; Nonlinear Dynamics; Vol. 108; No. 2; 827-856; 10.1007/s11071-022-07237-5
Filippitzis, Filippos and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2022) Sparse Bayesian learning for damage identification using nonlinear models: Application to weld fractures of steel-frame buildings ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 29; No. 2; Art. No. e2870; 10.1002/stc.2870
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2021) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 36; No. 9; 1093; 10.1111/mice.12744
Wang, Xiaoyou and Li, Lingfang, el al. (2021) Sparse Bayesian factor analysis for structural damage detection under unknown environmental conditions ; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Vol. 154; Art. No. 107563; 10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107563
Hou, Rongrong and Beck, James L., el al. (2021) Structural damage detection of space frame structures with semi-rigid connections ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 235; Art. No. 112029; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112029
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2021) Sequential sparse Bayesian learning with applications to system identification for damage assessment and recursive reconstruction of image sequences ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 373; Art. No. 113545; 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113545
Cantero-Chinchilla, Sergio and Beck, James L., el al. (2021) OptiSens—Convex optimization of sensor and actuator placement for ultrasonic guided-wave based structural health monitoring ; SoftwareX; Vol. 13; Art. No. 100643; 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100643
Pei, Jin-Song and Gay-Balmaz, François, el al. (2021) Connecting mem-models with classical theories ; Nonlinear Dynamics; Vol. 103; No. 2; 1321-1344; 10.1007/s11071-020-06084-6
Huang, Yong and Yu, Jianqi, el al. (2020) Novel sparseness-inducing dual Kalman filter and its application to tracking time-varying spatially-sparse structural stiffness changes and inputs ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 372; Art. No. 113411; 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113411
Bhattacharyya, Pinaky and Beck, James (2020) Exploiting convexification for Bayesian optimal sensor placement by maximization of mutual information ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 27; No. 10; e2605; 10.1002/stc.2605
Cantero-Chinchilla, Sergio and Beck, James L., el al. (2020) Optimal sensor and actuator placement for structural health monitoring via an efficient convex cost-benefit optimization ; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Vol. 144; Art. No. 106901; 10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.106901
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2020) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 35; No. 6; 533; 10.1111/mice.12542
Beck, James L. (2019) Invalidity of the Standard Locality Condition for Hidden-Variable Models of EPR-Bohm Experiments ; International Journal of Quantum Foundations; Vol. 5; No. 4; 115-133
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2019) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 34; No. 9; 731; 10.1111/mice.12483
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2019) Multitask Sparse Bayesian Learning with Applications in Structural Health Monitoring ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 34; No. 9; 732-754; 10.1111/mice.12408
Yang, Jia-Hua and Lam, Heung-Fai, el al. (2019) Bayes-Mode-ID: A Bayesian modal-component-sampling method for operational modal analysis ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 189; 222-240; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.03.047
Lam, Heung-Fai and Yang, Jia-Hua, el al. (2019) Bayesian operational modal analysis and assessment of a full-scale coupled structural system using the Bayes-Mode-ID method ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 186; 183-202; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.02.016
Huang, Yong and Shao, Changsong, el al. (2019) State-of-the-art review on Bayesian inference in structural system identification and damage assessment ; Advances in Structural Engineering; Vol. 22; No. 6; 1329-1351; 10.1177/1369433218811540
Pei, Jin-Song and Wright, Joseph P., el al. (2019) On choosing state variables for piecewise-smooth dynamical system simulations ; Nonlinear Dynamics; Vol. 95; No. 2; 1165-1188; 10.1007/s11071-018-4622-2
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L. (2018) Full Gibbs Sampling Procedure for Bayesian System Identification Incorporating Sparse Bayesian Learning with Automatic Relevance Determination ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 9; 712-730; 10.1111/mice.12358
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2018) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 9; 711; 10.1111/mice.12386
Betz, Wolfgang and Beck, James L., el al. (2018) Bayesian inference with reliability methods without knowing the maximum of the likelihood function ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 53; 14-22; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2018.03.004
Betz, Wolfgang and Papaioannou, Iason, el al. (2018) Bayesian inference with Subset Simulation: Strategies and improvements ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 331; 72-93; 10.1016/j.cma.2017.11.021
Wagner, Paul-Remo and Dertimanis, Vasilis K., el al. (2018) Robust-to-Uncertainties Optimal Design of Seismic Metamaterials ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 144; No. 3; Art. No. 04017181; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001404
Oh, Chang Kook and Beck, James L. (2018) A Bayesian Learning Method for Structural Damage Assessment of Phase I IASC-ASCE Benchmark Problem ; KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering; Vol. 22; No. 3; 987-992; 10.1007/s12205-018-1290-1
Vakilzadeh, Majid K. and Beck, James L., el al. (2018) Using Approximate Bayesian Computation by Subset Simulation for Efficient Posterior Assessment of Dynamic State-Space Model Classes ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 40; No. 1; B168-B195; 10.1137/16M1090466
Beck, James L. and Bursi, Oreste S., el al. (2018) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 1; 3-3; 10.1111/mice.12333
Vakilzadeh, Majid K. and Beck, James L., el al. (2017) Approximate Bayesian Computation by Subset Simulation for model selection in dynamical systems ; Procedia Engineering; Vol. 199; 1056-1061; 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.291
Catanach, Thomas A. and Beck, James L. (2017) Bayesian System Identification using auxiliary stochastic dynamical systems ; International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; Vol. 94; 72-83; 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2017.03.012
Minson, Sarah E. and Wu, Stephen, el al. (2017) Combining Multiple Earthquake Models in Real Time for Earthquake Early Warning ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 107; No. 4; 1868-1882; 10.1785/0120160331
Yeung, Enoch and Dy, Aaron J., el al. (2017) Biophysical Constraints Arising from Compositional Context in Synthetic Gene Networks ; Cell Systems; Vol. 5; No. 1; 11-24; 10.1016/j.cels.2017.06.001
Beck, James L. and Zuev, Konstantin M. (2017) Rare-Event Simulation ; ISBN 978-3-319-12384-4; Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification; 1075-1100; 10.1007/978-3-319-12385-1_24
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2017) Bayesian system identification based on hierarchical sparse Bayesian learning and Gibbs sampling with application to structural damage assessment ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 318; 382-411; 10.1016/j.cma.2017.01.030
Bao, Yuequan and Shi, Zuoqiang, el al. (2017) Identification of time-varying cable tension forces based on adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis of cable vibrations ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 24; No. 3; Art. No. e1889; 10.1002/stc.1889
Vakilzadeh, Majid K. and Huang, Yong, el al. (2017) Approximate Bayesian Computation by Subset Simulation using hierarchical state-space models ; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Vol. 84; 2-20; 10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.02.024
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2017) Hierarchical sparse Bayesian learning for structural damage detection: Theory, computation and application ; Structural Safety; Vol. 64; 37-53; 10.1016/j.strusafe.2016.09.001
Yeung, Enoch and Dy, Aaron J., el al. (2016) The Effect of Compositional Context on Synthetic Gene Networks ; 10.1101/083329
Baetica, Ania A. and Catanach, Thomas A., el al. (2016) A Bayesian approach to inferring chemical signal timing and amplitude in a temporal logic gate using the cell population distributional response ; 10.1101/087379
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2016) Bayesian compressive sensing for approximately sparse signals and application to structural health monitoring signals for data loss recovery ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 46; 62-79; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2016.08.001
Vakilzadeh, Majid K. and Huang, Yong, el al. (2016) Approximate Bayesian Computation by Subset Simulation for Parameter Inference of Dynamical Models ; ISBN 978-3-319-29753-8; Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification; 37-50; 10.1007/978-3-319-29754-5_4
Mitrani-Reiser, Judith and Wu, Stephen, el al. (2016) Virtual Inspector and its application to immediate pre-event and post-event earthquake loss and safety assessment of buildings ; Natural Hazards; Vol. 81; No. 3; 1861-1878; 10.1007/s11069-016-2159-6
Wu, Stephen and Cheng, Ming Hei, el al. (2016) An Engineering Application of Earthquake Early Warning: ePAD-Based Decision Framework for Elevator Control ; Journal of Structural Engineering; Vol. 142; No. 1; Art. No. 04015092; 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001356
Jia, Gaofeng and Taflanidis, Alexandros A., el al. (2015) Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for design problems with reliability constraints ; Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization; Vol. 52; No. 6; 1185-1204; 10.1007/s00158-015-1300-6
Beck, James L. and Graf, Wolfgang, el al. (2015) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 30; No. 5; 329; 10.1111/mice.12150
Zuev, Konstantin M. and Wu, Stephen, el al. (2015) General network reliability problem and its efficient solution by Subset Simulation ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 40; 25-35; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2015.02.002
Alimoradi, Arzhang and Beck, James L. (2015) Machine-Learning Methods for Earthquake Ground Motion Analysis and Simulation ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 141; No. 4; Art. No. 04014147; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000869
Wu, S. and Yamada, M., el al. (2015) Multi-events earthquake early warning algorithm using a Bayesian approach ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 200; No. 2; 789-806; 10.1093/gji/ggu437
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L. (2015) Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning for Structural Health Monitoring with Incomplete Modal Data ; International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification; Vol. 5; No. 2; 139-169; 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2015011808
Chiachío, Manuel and Chiachío, Juan, el al. (2014) Predicting fatigue damage in composites: A Bayesian framework ; Structural Safety; Vol. 51; 57-68; 10.1016/j.strusafe.2014.06.002
Minson, S. E. and Simons, M., el al. (2014) Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models – II: the 2011 great Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 198; No. 2; 922-940; 10.1093/gji/ggu170
Jia, G. and Taflanidis, A. A., el al. (2014) Non-parametric stochastic subset optimization for design problems with reliability constraints ; ISBN 978-972-752-165-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics; 2973-2980
Chiachio, Manuel and Beck, James L., el al. (2014) Approximate Bayesian Computation by Subset Simulation ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 36; No. 3; A1339-A1358; 10.1137/130932831
Duputel, Zacharie and Agram, Piyush S., el al. (2014) Accounting for prediction uncertainty when inferring subsurface fault slip ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 197; No. 1; 464-482; 10.1093/gji/ggt517
Beck, James L. and Graf, Wolfgang, el al. (2014) Introduction ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 29; No. 3; 159-159; 10.1111/mice.12070
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2014) Robust Bayesian Compressive Sensing for Signals in Structural Health Monitoring ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 29; No. 3; 160-179; 10.1111/mice.12051
Cheng, Ming-Hei and Wu, Stephen, el al. (2014) Earthquake early warning application to buildings ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 60; 155-164; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.12.033
Wu, Stephen and Beck, James L., el al. (2013) ePAD: Earthquake Probability-Based Automated Decision-Making Framework for Earthquake Early Warning ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 28; No. 10; 737-752; 10.1111/mice.12048
Zuev, Konstantin M. and Beck, James L. (2013) Global optimization using the asymptotically independent Markov sampling method ; Computers and Structures; Vol. 126; 107-119; 10.1016/j.compstruc.2013.04.005
Minson, S. E. and Simons, M., el al. (2013) Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models I—theory and algorithm ; Geophysical Journal International; 10.1093/gji/ggt180
Beck, James L. and Zuev, Konstantin M. (2013) Asymptotically Independent Markov Sampling: A New Markov Chain Monte Carlo Scheme for Bayesian Interference ; International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification; Vol. 3; No. 5; 445-474; 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2012004713
Beck, James L. and Taflanidis, Alexandros A. (2013) Prior and Posterior Robust Stochastic Predictions for Dynamical Systems using Probability Logic ; International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification; Vol. 3; No. 4; 271-288; 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2012003641
Johnson, E. A. and Lam, H. F., el al. (2012) A Simulated Data Benchmark Problem in Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 1566768810; Structural health monitoring : the demands and challenges : proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: the Demands and Challenges, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 12-14, 2001; 469-477
Porter, Keith A. and Scawthorn, Charles R., el al. (2012) Cost-Effectiveness of Stronger Wood-frame Buildings
Jalayer, F. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Application of the Subset Simulation Method in Predicting the Seismic Response of an Existing Reinforced-Concrete Frame Structure ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2009-2019
Au, S. K. and Ching, J., el al. (2012) Application of Subset Simulation Methods to Reliability Benchmark Problems ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2079-2084
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Hybrid Subset Simulation Method for Dynamic Reliability Problems ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2001-2008
Ching, J. and Muto, M., el al. (2012) Bayesian Linear Structural Model Updating using Gibbs Sampler with Modal Data ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2609-2616
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Bayesian State and Parameter Estimation using Particle Filters ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2617-2624
Shi, Y. F. and Yuen, K.-V., el al. (2012) Semi-active Control Design using MR Dampers and Clipped Robust Reliability-based Control ; ISBN 978-90-5966-056-4; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 2025-2031
Beck, James L. and Werner, Stuart D., el al. (2012) Analysis of Building Records from 1989 Loma Prieta, 1984 Morgan Hill and 1986 Mt Lewis Earthquakes
Polidori, David C. and Vanik, Michael W., el al. (2012) Ambient Vibration Surveys of a Steel Frame Building Damaged in the Northridge Earthquake
Yang, Chi-Ming and Beck, James L. (2012) Robust Adaptive Structural Control ; ISBN 0784400830; Proceedings 10th Engineering Mechanics Conference; 899-902
Werner, Stuart D. and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Seismic Analysis of Meloland Road Overcrossing Using Calibrated Structural and Foundation Models ; ISBN 0-87262-910-4; Structural engineering in natural hazards mitigation : proceedings of papers presented at the Structures Congress '93, held at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, Irvine, California, April 19-21, 1993; 367-372
Chen, Jay-Chung and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Hong Kong Full-Scale Structural Control Initiative
Papadimitriou, K. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Approximate Analysis of Nonstationary Random Vibrations of MDOF Systems ; ISBN 1853121479; Proceedings First International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics; 371-382
Beck, James L. (2012) Statistical System Identification of Structures ; ISBN 0-87262-743-8; Proceedings of ICOSSAR '89, the 5th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, San Francisco, August 7-11, 1989; 1395-1402
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Simplified Estimation of Economic Seismic Risk for Buildings
Papadimitriou, K. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Nonstationary Response Characteristics of Linear MDOF Systems ; ISBN 0872628671; Engineering mechanics : proceedings of the ninth conference; 572-575
Beck, J. L. and Katafygiotis, L. S. (2012) Updating Dynamic Models and their Associated Uncertainties for Structural Systems ; ISBN 0872628671; Engineering mechanics : proceedings of the ninth conference; 681-684
Katafygiotis, L. S. and Beck, J. L. (2012) An Efficient Treatment of Model Uncertainties for the Dynamic Response of Structures ; ISBN 1562520741; Proceedings First International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics; 661-672
Masri, S. F. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Some Issues in the Identification of Structural Systems for Control and Response Prediction ; ISBN 962076109X; Proceedings International Workshop on Technology for Hong Kong's Infrastructure Development; 13-33
Papadimitriou, Kostas and Beck, James L. (2012) Stochastic Characterization of Ground Motion and Applications to Structural Response ; ISBN 9054100605; Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering : 19-24 July 1992, Madrid, Spain / organized by Asociación Española de Ingeniería Sísmica ; sponsored by International Association for Earthquake Engineering; 835-838
Beck, J. L. and Katafygiotis, L. S. (2012) Probabilistic System Identification and Health Monitoring of Structures ; ISBN 9054100605; Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering : 19-24 July 1992, Madrid, Spain; 3721-3726
Nisar, A. and Werner, S. D., el al. (2012) Assessment of UBC Seismic Design Provisions using Recorded Building Motions ; ISBN 9054100613; Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering : 19-24 July 1992, Madrid, Spain; 5723-5726
Porter, Keith and Mitrani-Reiser, Judith, el al. (2012) Smarter Structures: Real-time Loss Estimation for Instrumented Buildings ; ISBN 9781615670444; Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; 2998-3007
Mitrani-Reiser, Judith and Haselton, Curt, el al. (2012) Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of a Code-Conforming Reinforced-Concrete Frame Building – Part II: Loss Estimation ; ISBN 978-1-61567-044-4; Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; 4599-4608
Beck, James L. and Iwan, Wilfred D., el al. (2012) International Full-Scale Test Facility for Structural Control ; ISBN 0-7803-1783-1; Proceedings American Control Conference; 3581-3585; 10.1109/ACC.1994.735253
Beck, James L. and Graf, Wolfgang, el al. (2012) Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Structural Engineering and Mechanics ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 27; No. 9; 639-639; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2012.00784.x
Oh, C. K. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Relevance Vector Machine Regression Applied to Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 0973643048; Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
Camelo, V. S. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe Buildings ; ISBN 0943198100; Seventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, (7NCEE) : proceedings ; Urban Earthquake Risk, July 21-25, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Paper No. ST-9c
Dyke, S. J. and Bernal, D., el al. (2012) An Experimental Benchmark Problem in Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 1566768810; Structural health monitoring : the demands and challenges : proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: the Demands and Challenges, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 12-14, 2001; 488-497
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy and Taciroglu, Ertugrul, el al. (2012) System Identification of Constructed Facilities: Challenges and Opportunities Across Hazards ; ISBN 978-0-7844-1016-5; Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress 2008; 1-10; 10.1061/41016(314)140
Saito, T. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Bayesian Approach to Order Selection of ARX Models with Applications to Structural Health Monitoring
Taflanidis, A. A. and Scruggs, J. T., el al. (2012) Smart Base Isolation Design including Model Uncertainty in Ground Motion Characterization
Johnson, Erik A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Future Directions for Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 1932078452; Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Structural Control; 177-181
Krishnan, S. and Ji, C., el al. (2012) Simulation of an 1857-like Mw 7.9 San Andreas Fault Earthquake and the Response of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings in Southern California – A Prototype Study
Zuev, K. M. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) On the Optimal Scaling of the Modified Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Zuev, K. M. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Bayesian Post-Processing for Subset Simulation for Decision Making under Risk ; ISBN 978-981-07-2219-7; Proceedings of the 5th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications; 145-150; 10.3850/978-981-07-2219-7_P397
Goller, B. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Evidence-Based Identification of Weighting Factors in Bayesian Model Updating Using Modal Data ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 138; No. 5; 430-440; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000351
Wu, Stephen and Beck, James L. (2012) Synergistic combination of systems for structural health monitoring and earthquake early warning for structural health prognosis and diagnosis ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9005-6; Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems; Art. No. 83481Z; 10.1117/12.914996
Jalayer, F. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Analyzing the Sufficiency of Alternative Scalar and Vector Intensity Measures of Ground Shaking Based on Information Theory ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 138; No. 3; 307-316; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000327
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Stochastic Optimization using Automatic Relevance Determination Prior Model for Bayesian Compressive Sensing Technique in Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 9780819490056; Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2012; Art. No. 834837; 10.1117/12.921257
Arangio, S. and Beck, J. L. (2012) Bayesian neural networks for bridge integrity assessment ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 19; No. 1; 3-21; 10.1002/stc.420
Zuev, Konstantin M. and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) Bayesian post-processor and other enhancements of Subset Simulation for estimating failure probabilities in high dimensions ; Computers and Structures; Vol. 92-93; 283-296; 10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.10.017
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Discussion of Paper by F. Miao and M. Ghosn, "Modified Subset Simulation for Reliability Analysis of Structural Systems" ; Structural Safety; Vol. 34; No. 1; 379-380; 10.1016/j.strusafe.2011.09.003
Huang, Y. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2011) Robust Diagnostics for Bayesian Compressive Sensing Technique in Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 978-1-60595-053-2; Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring; 103-110
Beck, James L. (2011) Bayesian Updating, Model Class Selection and Robust Stochastic Predictions of Structural Response ; ISBN 978-90-760-1931-4; Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011
Bao, Yuequan and Beck, James L., el al. (2011) Compressive sampling for accelerometer signals in structural health monitoring ; Structural Health Monitoring; Vol. 10; No. 3; 235-246; 10.1177/1475921710373287
Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2011) Robust Diagnostics for Bayesian Compressive Sensing with Applications to Structural Health Monitoring ; 10.1117/12.880687
Wu, Stephen and Beck, James L. (2011) An Automated Decision-making System Framework for Earthquake Early Warning System Applications
Beck, James L. (2011) Robust Stochastic Predictions of Dynamic Response During and Monitoring of Structures ; Procedia Engineering; Vol. 14; 32-40; 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.004
Saito, Tomoo and Beck, James L. (2010) Bayesian model selection for ARX models and its application to structural health monitoring ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 39; No. 15; 1737-1759; 10.1002/eqe.1006
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2010) Reliability-Based Design Using Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization with a Treatment of Model Prediction Errors ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 136; No. 12; 1460-1473; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000189
Beck, James L. (2010) Bayesian system identification based on probability logic ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 17; No. 7; 825-847; 10.1002/stc.424
Taflanidis, A. A. and Scruggs, J. T., el al. (2010) Robust Performance Optimization of Linear Controlled Stochastic Systems ; ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology; Paper 207
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Scruggs, Jeffrey T., el al. (2010) Robust Stochastic Design of Linear Controlled Systems for Performance Optimization ; Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control; Vol. 132; No. 5; 051008; 10.1115/1.4001849
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2010) Calculation of Posterior Probabilities for Bayesian Model Class Assessment and Averaging from Posterior Samples Based on Dynamic System Data ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 25; No. 5; 304-321; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2009.00642.x
Beck, James L. and Graf, Wolfgang, el al. (2010) Introduction [to special issue (v.25:5, July 2010)of the CACAIE journal, devoted to some recent research applying CI in structural engineering and mechanics] ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 25; No. 5; 303-303; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2010.00662.x
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2009) Life-cycle cost optimal design of passive dissipative devices ; Structural Safety; Vol. 31; No. 6; 508-522; 10.1016/j.strusafe.2009.06.010
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2009) Life-cycle Cost Optimal Design of Passive Dissipative Devices for Seismic Risk Mitigation ; ISBN 978-0-415-47557-0; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 467-467
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2009) Comparison of Different Model Classes for Bayesian Updating and Robust Predictions using Stochastic State-Space System Models ; ISBN 978-0-415-47557-0; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 474-474
Bao, Yuequan and Li, Hui, el al. (2009) Investigation of Compressive Sampling for Structural Vibration Data ; ISBN 978-3-905594-52-2; Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
Beck, J. L. (2009) Using Model Classes in System Identification for Robust Response Predictions ; ISBN 9602546824; Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Ching, Jianye and Porter, Keith A., el al. (2009) Propagating uncertainties for loss estimation in performance-based earthquake engineering using moment matching ; Structure and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 5; No. 3; 245-262; 10.1080/15732470701298323
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2009) Bayesian Model Updating Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation with Application to Structural Dynamic Models with Many Uncertain Parameters ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 135; No. 4; 243-255; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2009)135:4(243)
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2009) Stochastic Subset Optimization for reliability optimization and sensitivity analysis in system design ; Computers and Structures; Vol. 87; No. 5-6; 318-331; 10.1016/j.compstruc.2008.12.015
Beck, James L. and Cheung, Sai Hung (2009) Probability Logic, Model Uncertainty and Robust Predictive System Analysis ; ISBN 978-0-415-47557-0; Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability
Beck, James L. and Muto, Matthew M. (2008) Bayesian updating and model class selection of deteriorating hysteretic structural models using recorded seismic response ; ISBN 978-0-415-45261-8; Computational Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 413-426
Oh, Chang Kook and Beck, James L., el al. (2008) Bayesian Learning Using Automatic Relevance Determination Prior with an Application to Earthquake Early Warning ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 134; No. 12; 1013-1020; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2008)134:12(1013)
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2008) New Bayesian Updating Methodology for Model Validation and Robust Predictions Based on Data from Hierarchical Subsystem Tests
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2008) An efficient framework for optimal robust stochastic system design using stochastic simulation ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 198; No. 1; 88-101; 10.1016/j.cma.2008.03.029
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Scruggs, Jeffrey T., el al. (2008) Probabilistically robust nonlinear design of control systems for base-isolated structures ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 15; No. 5; 697-719; 10.1002/stc.275
Haselton, Curt B. and Goulet, Christine A., el al. (2008) An Assessment to Benchmark the Seismic Performance of a Code-Conforming Reinforced-Concrete Moment-Frame Building
Cheung, S. H. and Beck, J. L. (2008) On Using Posterior Samples for Model Selection for Structural Identification ; ISBN 988998394X; Structural reliability and its applications : proceedings of the fourth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA'08), June 19-20, 2008; 125-130
Taflanidis, A. and Beck, J. (2008) Robust Stochastic System Design with Life-cycle Cost Objectives
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2008) Robust-to-Modeling-Uncertainties Nonlinear Control Design for Offshore Structures ; International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering; Vol. 18; No. 2; 91-98
Muto, M. and Krishnan, S., el al. (2008) Seismic Loss Estimation Based on End-to-end Simulation ; ISBN 0415468574; Life-cycle civil engineering : proceedings of the first International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Varenna, Lake Como, Italy, June 10-14, 2008
Cheung, S. H. and Beck, J. L. (2008) Updating Reliability of Monitored Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems using Real-time Data
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2008) Stochastic Subset Optimization for optimal reliability problems ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 23; No. 2-3; 324-338; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2007.12.011
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Scruggs, Jeffrey T., el al. (2008) Reliability-Based Performance Objectives and Probabilistic Robustness in Structural Control Applications ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 134; No. 4; 291-301; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2008)134:4(291)
Jalayer, F. and Beck, J. L. (2008) Effects of Two Alternative Representations of Ground Motion Uncertainty on Probabilistic Seismic Demand Assessment of Structures ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 37; No. 1; 61-79; 10.1002/eqe.745
Muto, Matthew M. and Beck, James L. (2008) Bayesian Updating and Model Class Selection for
Hysteretic Structural Models Using Stochastic
Simulation ; Journal of Vibration and Control; Vol. 14; No. 1-2; 7-34; 10.1177/1077546307079400
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2008) Stochastic System Design Optimization using Stochastic Simulation ; ISBN 978-0-415-45260-1; Structural Design Optimization Considering Uncertainties; 155-187
Yamada, Masumi and Heaton, Thomas, el al. (2007) Real-time estimation of fault rupture extent using near-source versus far-source classification ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 97; No. 6; 1890-1910; 10.1785/0120060243
Grasso, V. F. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2007) Automated Decision Procedure for Earthquake Early Warning ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 29; No. 12; 3455-3463; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.08.020
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2007) Robust Reliability-based Design of Liquid Column Mass Dampers under Earthquake Excitation using an Analytical Reliability Approximation ; Engineering Structures; Vol. 29; No. 12; 3525-3537; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.08.004
Goulet, Christine A. and Haselton, Curt B., el al. (2007) Evaluation of the seismic performance of a code-conforming
reinforced-concrete frame building—from seismic hazard to
collapse safety and economic losses ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 36; No. 13; 1973-1997; 10.1002/eqe.694
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2007) Algorithms for Bayesian Model Class Selection of Higher-dimensional Dynamic Systems ; ISBN 0-7918-4802-7; Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference; 1549-1558; 10.1115/DETC2007-35858
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2007) Efficient simulation-based optimization for optimal reliability problems ; ISBN 978-0-415-45134-5; Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering; 293-294
Au, S. K. and Ching, J., el al. (2007) Application of subset simulation methods to reliability benchmark problems ; Structural Safety; Vol. 29; No. 3; 183-193; 10.1016/j.strusafe.2006.07.008
Yamada, M. and Heaton, T. H., el al. (2007) Early Warning Systems for Large Earthquakes: Classification of Near-source and Far-source Stations by using the Bayesian Model Class Selection ; ISBN 978-0-415-45211-3; Applications of statistics and probability in civil engineering : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP10, Tokyo, Japan, 31-July-3 August, 2007; 19-26
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2007) New Stochastic Simulation Method for Updating Robust Reliability of Dynamic Systems
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2007) Bayesian Model Class Selection of Higher-dimensional Dynamic Systems using Posterior Samples
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2007) Probabilistic Model Uncertainty in Control Applications
Beck, James L. and Muto, Matthew M. (2007) Bayesian Updating and Model Class Selection of Deteriorating Hysteretic Structural Models using Seismic Response Data
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2007) Stochastic Subset Optimization for Stochastic Design
Sibilio, Enrico and Ciampoli, Marcello, el al. (2007) Structural Health Monitoring by Bayesian Updating ; ISBN 978-0-415-45261-8; Computational structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; 275-291
Mitrani-Reiser, J. and Beck, J. L. (2007) Incorporating Losses due to Repair Costs, Downtime and Fatalities in Performance-based Earthquake Engineering
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L. (2007) Real-time Reliability Estimation for Serviceability Limit States in Structures with Uncertain Dynamic Excitation and Incomplete Output Data ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 22; No. 1; 50-62; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2006.05.006
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Shi, Yuanfeng, el al. (2007) Structural Protection using MR Dampers with Clipped Robust Reliability-based Control ; Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization; Vol. 34; No. 5; 431-443; 10.1007/s00158-007-0097-3
Grasso, Veronica F. and Beck, James L., el al. (2007) Seismic Early Warning Systems: Procedure for Automated Decision Making ; ISBN 9783540722403; Earthquake Early Warning Systems; 179-209; 10.1007/978-3-540-72241-0_10
Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Angelides, Demos C., el al. (2007) Probabilistically-robust nonlinear control of offshore structures ; ISBN 9781880653685; Proceedings of the Seventeenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference; 194-201
Cheung, Sai Hung and Beck, James L. (2007) Bayesian model updating of higher-dimensional dynamic systems ; ISBN 9780415451345; Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, held in Tokyo, Japan, 31 July - 3 August 2007; 593-594
Sibilio, E. and Ciampoli, M., el al. (2006) Seismic Reliability Assessment of Structures via Subset Simulation and Bayesian Updating
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2006) Analytical Approximation for Stationary Reliability of Certain and Uncertain Linear Dynamic Systems with Higher Dimensional Output ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 35; No. 10; 1247-1267; 10.1002/eqe.581
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James (2006) Real-time Reliability Estimation for Serviceability Limit States in Structures with Uncertain Dynamical Excitation and Incomplete Output Data
Taflanidis, Alexandros and Beck, James, el al. (2006) Robust Mass Damper Design using Stochastic Simulation
Ching, Jianye and Muto, Matthew M., el al. (2006) Bayesian Structural Model Updating and Model Selection with Modal Data using Gibbs Sampler
Muto, Matthew M. and Beck, James (2006) Damage Detection in Hysteretic Structures using Measured Seismic Response
Taflanidis, Alexandros and Scruggs, Jeffrey, el al. (2006) Reliability-based Performance Objectives and Probabilistic Model Uncertainty in Optimal Structural Control Applications
Oh, Chang and Beck, James (2006) Sparse Bayesian Learning for Structural Health Monitoring
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L., el al. (2006) Unified probabilistic approach for model updating and damage detection ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 73; No. 4; 555-564; 10.1115/1.2150235
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2006) Reliability-based Optimal Design by Efficient Stochastic Simulation ; ISBN 978 90 5966 052 6; Computational Stochastic Mechanics; 643-652
Sibilio, Enrico and Beck, James L., el al. (2006) Bayesian Model Updating Approach for Ground-Motion Attenuation Relations ; ISBN 978-1-4020-4994-1; Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics; 303; 10.1007/1-4020-5370-3_303
Ching, Jianye and Muto, Matthew M., el al. (2006) Structural Model Updating and Health Monitoring
with Incomplete Modal Data Using Gibbs Sampler ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 21; No. 4; 242-257; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2006.00432.x
Lam, Heung-Fai and Yuen, Ka-Veng, el al. (2006) Structural Health Monitoring via Measured Ritz Vectors utilizing Artificial Neural Networks ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 21; No. 4; 232-241; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2006.00431.x
Jalayer, F. and Beck, J. L. (2006) Using Information Theory Concepts to Compare Alternative Intensity Measures for Representing Ground Motion Uncertainty ; ISBN 978-1-61567-044-4; Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; 1166-1175
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L., el al. (2006) Bayesian State Estimation Method for Nonlinear Systems and Its Application to Recorded Seismic Response ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 132; No. 4; 396-410; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2006)132:4(396)
Porter, Keith and Mitrani-Reiser, Judith, el al. (2006) Near-real-time Loss Estimation for Instrumented Buildings ; The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings; Vol. 15; No. 1; 3-20; 10.1002/tal.340
Porter, Keith A. and Scawthorn, Charles R., el al. (2006) Cost-Effectiveness of Stronger Woodframe Buildings ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 22; No. 1; 239-266; 10.1193/1.2162567
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L., el al. (2006) Bayesian State and Parameter Estimation of Uncertain Dynamical Systems ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 21; No. 1; 81-96; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2005.08.003
Scruggs, J.T. and Taflanidis, A. A., el al. (2006) Reliability-based control optimization for active
base isolation systems ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 13; No. 2-3; 705-723; 10.1002/stc.107
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L., el al. (2006) Efficient Model Updating and Health Monitoring Methodology Using Incomplete Modal Data without Mode Matching ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 13; No. 1; 91-107; 10.1002/stc.144
Grasso, Veronica F. and Beck, James L., el al. (2005) Seismic Early Warning Systems: Procedure for Automated Decision Making
Comerio, Mary C. and Stallmeyer, John C., el al. (2005) PEER Testbed Study on a Laboratory Building: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment
Schuëller, G. I. and Pradlwater, H. J., el al. (2005) Benchmark Study on Reliability Estimation in Higher Dimensions of Structural Systems – An Overview ; ISBN 9059660331; Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Structural Dynamics; 717-722
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2005) Hybrid Subset Simulation Method for Reliability Estimation of Dynamical Systems Subject to Stochastic Excitation ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 20; No. 3; 199-214; 10.1016/j.probengmech.2004.09.001
Ching, J. and Au, S. K., el al. (2005) Reliability Estimation for Dynamical Systems Subject to Stochastic Excitation using Subset Simulation with Splitting ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 194; No. 12-16; 1557-1579; 10.1016/j.cma.2004.05.028
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2005) Analytical reliability calculation of linear dynamical systems in higher dimensions ; ISBN 90-5966-033-1; Structural Dynamics: EURODYN 2005; 723-728
Beck, J. L. and Au, S. K. (2005) Reliability of dynamic systems using stochastic simulation ; ISBN 90-5966-033-1; Structural dynamics: EURODYN 2005; 23-30
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L. (2004) New Bayesian Model Updating Algorithm Applied to a Structural Health Monitoring Benchmark ; Structural Health Monitoring; Vol. 3; No. 4; 313-332; 10.1177/1475921704047499
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Simplified Estimation of Economic Seismic Risk for Buildings ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 20; No. 4; 1239-1263; 10.1193/1.1809129
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Effect of Seismic Risk on Lifetime Property Value ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 20; No. 4; 1211-1237; 10.1193/1.1810536
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L. (2004) Bayesian Analysis of the Phase II IASC–ASCE Structural
Health Monitoring Experimental Benchmark Data ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 130; No. 10; 1233-1244; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2004)130:10(1233)
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Structural Damage Detection and Assessment using Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation ; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 11; No. 4; 327-347; 10.1002/stc.47
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Real-time Loss Estimation for Instrumented Buildings
Ching, J. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2004) Application of Bayesian State Estimation in Real-time Loss Estimation of Instrumented Buildings
Shaikhutdinov, Rustem V. and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Comparative Study of Different Methods of Structural Damage Assessment
Jalayer, Fatemeh and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Effect of Ground Motion Uncertainty on Predicting the Response of an Existing RC Frame Structure
Ching, Jianye and Au, Siu-Kui, el al. (2004) Reliability Estimation for Dynamical Systems Subject to Stochastic Excitation using Subset Simulation with Splitting
Bradford, S. C. and Heaton, T. H., el al. (2004) Structural Monitoring and Evaluation Tools at Caltech: Instrumentation and Real-Time Data Analysis
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Real-Time Bayesian Damage Detection for Uncertain Dynamical Systems
Beck, James L. and Porter, Keith A., el al. (2004) Simplified Estimation of Seismic Life-Cycle Costs ; ISBN 078440707X; Life-Cycle Performance of Deteriorating Structures: Assessment, Design and Management; 229-237; 10.1061/40707(240)25
Beck, James L. and Yuen, Ka-Veng (2004) Model Selection Using Response Measurements:
Bayesian Probabilistic Approach ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 130; No. 2; 192-203; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2004)130:2(192)
Ching, Jianye and Porter, Keith A., el al. (2004) Uncertainty Propagation and Feature Selection for Loss Estimation in Performance-based Earthquake Engineering
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L., el al. (2004) Real-time Bayesian State Estimation of Uncertain Dynamical Systems
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Au, Siu Kui, el al. (2004) Two-Stage Structural Health Monitoring Approach for Phase I Benchmark Studies ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 130; No. 1; 16-33; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2004)130:1(16)
Johnson, E. A. and Lam, H. F., el al. (2004) Phase I IASC-ASCE Structural Health Monitoring Benchmark Problem using Simulated Data ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 130; No. 1; 3-15; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2004)130:1(3)
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L. (2004) Simplified PBEE to Estimate Economic Seismic Risk for Buildings ; ISBN 0-9762060-0-5; Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design; 137-148
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L. (2003) Updating Nonlinear Dynamical Models using Response Measurements Only ; ISBN 0791837033; 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise : presented at the 2003 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference : September 2-6, 2003, Chiconference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise; 1593-1600
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (2003) Subset Simulation and its Application to Seismic Risk Based on Dynamic Analysis ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 129; No. 8; 901-917; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2003)129:8(901)
Beck, James and Ching, Jianye (2003) Two-Stage Bayesian Structural Health Monitoring Approach for Phase II ASCE Experimental Benchmark Studies
Dyke, Shirley J. and Bernal, Dionisio, el al. (2003) Experimental Phase II of the Structural Health Monitoring Benchmark Problem
Ching, J.-Y. and Beck, J. L. (2003) Detecting Beam-Column Connection Failures in ASCE Phase II Simulated Benchmark Studies using a Two-Step Bayesian Structural Health Monitoring Approach ; ISBN 9059660048; Applications of statistics and probability in civil engineering : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, San Francisco, California, USA, July 6-9, 2003; 517-524
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L. (2003) Reliability-based robust control for uncertain dynamical
systems using feedback of incomplete noisy
response measurements ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 32; No. 5; 751-770; 10.1002/eqe.247
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (2003) Importance Sampling in High Dimensions ; Structural Safety; Vol. 25; No. 2; 139-163; 10.1016/S0167-4730(02)00047-4
Zerva, A. and Beck, J. L. (2003) Identification of Parametric Ground Motion Random Fields from Spatially Recorded Seismic Data ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 32; No. 5; 771-791; 10.1002/eqe.248
Ching, Jianye and Beck, James L. (2003) Two-step Bayesian Structure Health Monitoring Approach for IASC-ASCE Phase II Simulated and Experimental Benchmark Studies
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L. (2003) Updating Properties of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Uncertain Input ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 129; No. 1; 9-20; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2003)129:1(9)
Beck, James L. and Yuen, Ka-Veng (2002) Stochastic Approach to Control and Identification of Smart Structures ; ISBN 0-08-044100-9; Advances in building technology : proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Building Technology, 4-6 December, 2002, Hong Kong, China; 457-464
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Sensitivity of Building Loss Estimates to Major Uncertain Variables ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 18; No. 4; 719-743; 10.1193/1.1516201
Camelo, Vanessa and Beck, James, el al. (2002) Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe Buildings
Beck, James L. and Au, Siu-Kui (2002) Robust Reliability of Stochastic Structural Systems under Stochastic Excitation ; ISBN 905809510 X; Structural dynamics - EURODYN 2002 : proceedings of the 4th international conference on structural dynamics, Munich, Germany, 2-5 September 2002; 331-336
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Investigation of Sensitivity of Building Loss Estimates to Major Uncertain Variables for the Van Nuys Testbed
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Katafygiotis, Lambros S., el al. (2002) Spectral Density Estimation of Stochastic Vector Processes ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 17; No. 3; 265-272; 10.1016/S0266-8920(02)00011-5
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Damage Detection of Structural Systems with Noisy Incomplete Input and Response Measurements
Au, Siu-Kui and Beck, James L. (2002) Application of Subset Simulation to Seismic Risk Analysis
Bernal, D. and Dyke, S. J., el al. (2002) Phase II of the ASCE Benchmark Study on SHM
Beck, James L. and Au, Siu-Kui (2002) Bayesian Updating of Structural Models and Reliability using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 128; No. 4; 380-391; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2002)128:4(380)
Beck, J. L. and Yuen, K. V., el al. (2002) Probabilistic Damage Detection Using Markov Chain Simulation with Application to a Benchmark Problem ; ISBN 0471489808; Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Structural Control; 1065-1070
Yuen, Ka-Veng and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Probabilistic Approach for Modal Identification Using Nonstationary Noisy Response Measurements Only ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 31; No. 4; 1007-1023; 10.1002/eqe.135
Beck, J. L. and Porter, K. A., el al. (2002) Accounting for Seismic Risk in Financial Analysis of Property Investment
Beck, James L. and Porter, Keith A., el al. (2002) Impact of Seismic Risk on Lifetime Property Values
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings. Volume 1: Report
Porter, Keith A. and Beck, James L., el al. (2002) Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings. Volume 2: Appendices
Au, Siu-Kui and Beck, James L. (2001) Estimation of Small Failure Probabilities in High Dimensions by Subset Simulation ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 16; No. 4; 263-277; 10.1016/S0266-8920(01)00019-4
Beck, James L. and Au, S. K., el al. (2001) Bayesian Updating of Nonlinear Model Predictions using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation ; ISBN 0791835464; 18th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise; 821-828
Beck, J. L. and Katafygiotis, L. S., el al. (2001) Damage Detection for a Benchmark Structure using One-step and Two-step Probabilistic Approaches ; ISBN 1587161117; Structural health monitoring : the demands and challenges : proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: the Demands and Challenges, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 12-14, 2001; 478-487
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (2001) First Excursion Probabilities for Linear Systems by Very Efficient Importance Sampling ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 16; No. 3; 193-207; 10.1016/S0266-8920(01)00002-9
Zerva, A. and Beck, J. L. (2001) Updating Spatially Variable Seismic Ground Motion Models ; ISBN 905809197X; Structural safety and reliability : ICOSSAR '01
Irfanoglu, A. and Beck, J. L. (2001) Optimal Structural Design under Seismic Risk Using Engineering and Economic Performance Objectives ; ISBN 905809197X; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 141
Yuen, K.-V. and Beck, J. L. (2001) Probabilistic System Identification for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Input ; ISBN 905809197X; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 327
Beck, J. L. and Au, S. K. (2001) Probabilistic System Identification with Unidentifiable Models ; ISBN 905809197X; Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability; 29
Beck, J. and Bernal, D. (2001) Structural testing series: Part 12 - A benchmark problem for structural health monitoring ; Experimental Techniques; Vol. 25; No. 3; 49-52; 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2001.tb00026.x
Papadimitriou, C. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2001) Updating robust reliability using structural test data ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 16; No. 2; 103-113; 10.1016/S0266-8920(00)00012-6
Beck, James L. and Au, Siu-Kui, el al. (2001) Monitoring Structural Health Using a Probabilistic Measure ; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 16; No. 1; 1-11; 10.1111/0885-9507.00209
Polidori, David C. and Beck, James L., el al. (2000) A New Stationary PDF Approximation for Non-linear Oscillators ; International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; Vol. 35; No. 4; 657-673; 10.1016/S0020-7462(99)00048-7
Johnson, E. A. and Lam, H. F., el al. (2000) A Benchmark Problem for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection ; ISBN 9810244754; Structural control for civil and infrastructure engineering : proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on structural control : Paris, France 6-8 July 2000; 317-324
Papadimitriou, Costas and Beck, James L., el al. (2000) Entropy-Based Optimal Sensor Location for Structural Model Updating ; Journal of Vibration and Control; Vol. 6; No. 5; 781-800; 10.1177/107754630000600508
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (2000) Subset Simulation – A New Approach to Calculating Small Failure Probabilities ; ISBN 9058091880; Monte Carlo simulation : proceedings of the International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulation, Principality of Monaco, 18-21 June 2000; 287-293
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (2000) Calculation of First Excursion Probabilities by Subset Simulation
Vanik, M. W. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2000) Bayesian Probabilistic Approach to Structural Health Monitoring ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 126; No. 7; 738-745; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2000)126:7(738)
Beck, J. L. and Au, S. K. (2000) Updating Robust Reliability using Markov Chain Simulation ; ISBN 9058091880; Monte Carlo simulation : proceedings of the International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulation, Principality of Monaco, 18-21 June 2000; 499-440
Johnson, E. A. and Lam, H. F., el al. (2000) A Benchmark Problem for Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection
Au, S. K. and Yuen, K.-V., el al. (2000) Two-Stage System Identification Results for Benchmark Structure
Beck, James L. and Irfanoglu, Ayhan, el al. (2000) A Performance-Based Optimal Design Methodology Incorporating Multiple Criteria ; ISBN 0958215405; 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand; Article No 344
Mason, Alfred B. and Beck, James L., el al. (2000) Optimal Strategy for Business Recovery after Earthquakes ; ISBN 0958215405; 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand; Paper 1497
Au, Siu-Kui and Beck, James L. (2000) On the solution of first-excursion failure problem for linear systems by efficient simulation
Beck, J. L. and Kiremidjian, A., el al. (1999) Decision Support Tools for Earthquake Recovery of Businesses : Final Report, CUREe-Kajima Joint Research Program, Phase III
Beck, J. L. and Papadimitriou, C., el al. (1999) Updating Robust Reliability for Bridges Using Measured Vibrational Data ; ISBN 90 5809 086 8; Applications of statistics and probability : civil engineering reliability and risk analysis : proceedings of the ICASP 8 Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 12-15 December 1999; 667-674
Zerva, A. and Beck, J. L. (1999) Updating Stochastic Models for Spatially Variable Seismic Ground Motions ; ISBN 90 5809 086 8; Applications of statistics and probability : civil engineering reliability and risk analysis : proceedings of the ICASP 8 Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 12-15 December 1999; 527-533
Au, S. K. and Papadimitriou, C., el al. (1999) Reliability of Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Multiple Design Points ; Structural Safety; Vol. 21; 113-133; 10.1016/S0167-4730(99)00009-0
Au, S. K. and Beck, J. L. (1999) A New Adaptive Importance Sampling Scheme for Reliability Calculations ; Structural Safety; Vol. 21; No. 2; 135-158; 10.1016/S0167-4730(99)00014-4
Polidori, David C. and Beck, James L., el al. (1999) New Approximations for Reliability Integrals ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 125; No. 4; 466-475; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1999)125:4(466)
Beck, J. and Kiremidjian, A., el al. (1999) Social, Economic, And System Aspects Of Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction: Year Two Research Report
Papadimitriou, Costas and Katafygiotis, Lambros S., el al. (1999) Asymptotic 2p-Moment Stability of Stochastic Linear Systems ; Mechanics Research Communications; Vol. 26; No. 1; 21-29; 10.1016/S0093-6413(98)00095-0
Beck, James L. and Chan, Eduardo, el al. (1999) Multi-Criteria Optimal Structural Design Under Uncertainty ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 28; 741-761
Natsiavas, S. and Beck, J. L. (1998) Almost Classically Damped Continuous Linear Systems ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 65; No. 4; 1022-1031; 10.1115/1.2791896
May, B. Scott and Beck, James L. (1998) Probabilistic Control for the Active-Mass-Driver Benchmark Model ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 27; No. 11; 1331-1346; 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9845(1998110)27:11<1331::AID-EQE787>3.0.CO;2-G
Beck, J. L. and Irfanoglu, A., el al. (1998) Performance-Based Optimal Design Under Seismic Risk ; ISBN 90 5410 982 3; Proceedings Eleventh European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Katafygiotis, L. S. and Beck, J. L., el al. (1998) Updating Structural Reliability Based on Dynamic Test Data ; ISBN 90 5410 982 3; Proceedings Eleventh European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Au, S. K. and Papadimitriou, C., el al. (1998) Treatment of Multiple Design Points in Reliability Methods ; ISBN 9058090248; Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Stochastic Structural Dynamics; 179-186
Beck, J. L. and Papadimitriou, C., el al. (1998) Improving Response and Reliability Predictions Using Measured Data ; ISBN 9058090248; Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Stochastic Structural Dynamics
Beck, James L. and Vanik, Michael W., el al. (1998) Structural Health Monitoring Using Ambient Vibrations ; ISBN 0-08-042845-2; Structural engineering world wide 1998 : proceedings of the Structural Engineers World Congress, 1998, San Francisco, USA; 294
Beck, James L. and Katafygiotis, Lambros S. (1998) A Bayesian Probability Approach to Updating Structural Models and Their Uncertainties ; ISBN 0471983101; Proceedings Second World Conference on Structural Control; 2259-2268
Beck, James L. and Papadimitriou, Costas, el al. (1998) Asymptotic Approximation of Probability Integrals with Applications to Reliability of Uncertain Dynamical Systems
Beck, James L. and Katafygiotis, Lambros S., el al. (1998) A Probabilistic System Identification Methodology for Structural Reliability Predictions
Beck, James L. and Irfanoglu, Ayhan, el al. (1998) A Methodology for Performance-Based Optimal Structural Design
Yang, C. M. and Beck, J. L. (1998) Generalized Trajectory Methods for Finding Multiple Extrema and Roots of Functions ; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications; Vol. 97; No. 1; 211-227; 10.1023/A:1022635419332
Katafygiotis, L. S. and Beck, J. L. (1998) Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. II: Model Identifiability ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 124; No. 4; 463-467; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1998)124:4(463)
Beck, J. L. and Katafygiotis, L. S. (1998) Updating Models and Their Uncertainties. I: Bayesian Statistical Framework ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 124; No. 4; 455-461; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1998)124:4(455)
Beck, James L. and Papadimitriou, Costas, el al. (1998) Entropy-based Optimal Sensor Location for Structural Damage Detection ; 10.1117/12.310604
Beck, James L. and Chan, Eduardo, el al. (1998) Statistical Methodology for Optimal Sensor Locations for Damage Detection in Structures
Vanik, M. W. and Beck, J. L. (1998) A Bayesian Probabilistic Approach to Structural Health Monitoring
Beck, James L. and Papadimitriou, Costas, el al. (1998) A performance-based optimal structural design methodology
Papadimitriou, C. and Beck, J. L., el al. (1997) Asymptotic Expansions for Reliabilities and Moments of Uncertain Dynamic Systems ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 123; No. 12; 1219-1229; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1997)123:12(1219)
Beck, James L. and Chan, Eduardo, el al. (1997) A Methodology for Reliability-based Multi-criteria Optimal Structural Design ; ISBN 9054109785; Structural safety and reliability : proceedings of ICOSSAR '97, the 7th International conference on structural safety and reliability, Kyoto, 24-28 November 1997; 1113-1120
Vanik, M. W. and Beck, J. L. (1997) A Bayesian Probabilistic Approach to Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 1566766052; Structural health monitoring : current status and perspectives : proceedings of the International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring; 140-151
Beck, James and Kiremidjian, Anne, el al. (1997) Social, Economic and System Aspects of Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction
Chiang, Dar-Yun and Beck, James L. (1996) A Transformation Method for Implementing Classical Multi-Yield-Surface Theory Using the Hardening Rule of Mroz ; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Vol. 33; No. 28; 4239-4261; 10.1016/0020-7683(95)00241-3
Polidori, David C. and Beck, James L. (1996) Approximate Solutions to Nonlinear Random Vibration Problems and the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equation ; ISBN 978-0-7844-0184-2; Probabilistic mechanics & structural reliability : proceedings of the Seventh Specialty Conference : Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, August 7-9, 1996; 94-97
Polidori, David C. and Beck, James L. (1996) Approximate Solutions for Nonlinear Random Vibration Problems ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 11; No. 3; 179-185; 10.1016/0266-8920(96)00011-2
Beck, J. L. and Papadimitriou, C., el al. (1996) Reliability-Based Optimal Design Decisions in the Presence of Seismic Risk ; ISBN 0080428223; Proceedings 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Paper No. 1058
Beck, J. L. (1996) System Identification Methods Applied to Measured Seismic Response
Beck, James L. and Vanik, Michael W. (1996) Structural Model Updating Using Expanded Modeshapes ; ISBN 0784401721; Engineering mechanics : proceedings of the 11th conference; 152-155
Beck, J. L. and Chan, E., el al. (1996) New Computer Tools for Optimal Design Decisions in the Presence of Risk
Beck, James L. and Jayakumar, Paramsothy (1996) Class of Masing Models for Plastic Hysteresis in Structures ; ISBN 0784401586; Building an international community of structural engineers : proceedings of Structures Congress XIV : Chicago, Illinois, April 15-18, 1996; 1083-1090
Beck, J. L. and Chan, E., el al. (1996) New Computer Tools for Optimal Design Decisions in the Presence of Risk
Chen, Jay-Chung and Beck, James L., el al. (1995) Ocean Cities Structural Integrity and Health Monitoring System ; La Houille Blanche; Vol. 8; 53-59; 10.1051/lhb/1995080
Beck, James L. and May, B. Scott, el al. (1995) Ambient vibration studies of three steel-frame buildings strongly shaken by the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Smith, H. A. and Masri, S., el al. (1995) Knowledge-Based Assistance for the Analysis, Design and Optimization of Civil Structures
Papadimitriou, Costas and Beck, James L., el al. (1995) Asymptotic expansions for reliabilities and moments of uncertain dynamic systems
Katafygiotis, L. S. and Beck, J. L. (1995) A Very Efficient Moment Calculation Method for Uncertain Linear Dynamic Systems ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 10; No. 2; 117-128; 10.1016/0266-8920(95)00005-J
Papadimitriou, C. and Katafygiotis, L. S., el al. (1995) Approximate Analysis of Response Variability of Uncertain Linear Systems ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 10; No. 4; 251-264; 10.1016/0266-8920(95)00020-8
Beck, J. L. and May, B. S., el al. (1994) Determination of Modal Parameters from Ambient Vibration Data for Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 0962890839; Proceedings First World Conference on Structural Control; TA3-3
Beck, J. L. and Vanik, M. W., el al. (1994) Determination of Stiffness Changes from Modal Parameter Changes for Structural Health Monitoring ; ISBN 0962890839; Proceedings First World Conference on Structural Control; TA3-13-TA3-22
Werner, S. D. and Crouse, C. B., el al. (1994) Use of Strong Motion Records for Model Evaluation and Seismic Analysis of a Bridge Structure ; ISBN 0943198461; Proceedings Fifth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; 511-520
Chiang, D. Y. and Beck, J. L. (1994) A New Class of Distributed-Element Models for Cyclic Plasticity - Part 1: Theory and Application ; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Vol. 31; No. 4; 469-484; 10.1016/0020-7683(94)90087-6
Chiang, D. Y. and Beck, J. L. (1994) A New Class of Distributed-Element Models for Cyclic Plasticity - Part 2: On Important Properties of Material Behavior ; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Vol. 31; No. 4; 485-496; 10.1016/0020-7683(94)90088-4
Natsiavas, S. and Beck, J. L. (1994) Almost Classically Damped Linear Discrete Systems ; ISBN 0912053445; Proceedings of the 12th International Modal Analysis Conference; 1656-1661
Papadimitriou, C. and Beck, J. L. (1994) Approximate Random Vibration Analysis of Classically-Damped MDOF Systems ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 120; No. 1; 75-96; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1994)120:1(75)
Hall, John F. and Beck, James L. (1993) Linear System Response by DFT: Analysis of a Recent Modified Method ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 22; No. 7; 599-615; 10.1002/eqe.4290220705
Werner, S. D. and Crouse, C. B., el al. (1993) Model Identification and Seismic Analysis of Meloland Road Overcrossing
Hashimoto, P. S. and Tiong, L. W., el al. (1993) Stiffness and Damping Properties of a Low Aspect Ratio Shear Wall Building Based on Recorded Earthquake Responses
Beck, J. L. and Papadimitriou, C. (1993) Moving Resonance in Nonlinear Response to Fully Nonstationary Stochastic Ground Motion ; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 8; No. 3-4; 157-167; 10.1016/0266-8920(93)90011-J
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Katafygiotis, L. S. and Beck, J. L. (1991) Probabilistic Approach to Structural Health Monitoring from Dynamic Testing ; ISBN 962076109X; Proceedings International Workshop on Technology for Hong Kong's Infrastructure Development; 291-305
Beck, J. L. and Katafygiotis, L. S. (1991) Updating of a Model and its Uncertainties Utilizing Dynamic Test Data ; ISBN 1562520741; Computational stochastic mechanics : [1st International Conference on Computational Stochastic Methods, 17-19 September 1991, Corfu, Greece]; 125-136
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Hashimoto, Philip S. and Beck, James L., el al. (1990) Seismic Analysis of a Low-Rise Shear Wall Building Using Actual Recorded Earthquake Motions
Nishimura, Isao and Abdel-Ghaffar, A. M., el al. (1990) An Experimental Study of the Active Control of a Building Model ; ISBN 0877628327; Proceedings First U.S./Japan Conference on Adaptive Structures; 64-83
Katafygiotis, Lambros S. and Beck, James L. (1990) Uniqueness in Structural System Identification ; ISBN 0962890804; Proceedings of the U.S. National Workshop on Structural Control Research; 136-140
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