Ahrens, Thomas
Fat'yanov, O. V. and Asimow, P. D., el al. (2018) Thermodynamically complete equation of state of MgO from true radiative shock temperature measurements on samples preheated to 1850 K ; Physical Review B; Vol. 97; No. 2; Art. No. 024106; 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.024106
Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2013) Moderate velocity oblique impact sliding: Production of shocked meteorite textures and palaeomagnetically important metallic spherules in planetary regoliths ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 48; No. 4; 656-664; 10.1111/maps.12081
Austin, Daniel E. and Shen, Andy H. T., el al. (2012) Time-of-flight mass spectrometry of mineral volatilization: Toward direct composition analysis of shocked mineral vapor ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 83; No. 4; Art. No. 044502; 10.1063/1.4705745
Anderson, W. W. and Ahrens, Thomas (2012) Physics of intact capture of cometary coma dust samples ; ISBN 978-0-7354-1006-0; Shock compression of condensed matter 2011; 875-878; 10.1063/1.3686417
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Asimow, Paul D. (2010) Shock compression of liquid silicates to 125 GPa: The anorthite‐diopside join ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 115; Art. No. B10209; 10.1029/2009JB007145
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Mosenfelder, Jed L., el al. (2009) Advances in Shock Compression of Mantle Materials and Implications ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0732-9; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2009; 859-862; 10.1063/1.3295278
Fat'yanov, Oleg V. and Asimow, Paul D., el al. (2009) Shock temperatures of preheated MgO ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0732-9; Shock-induced spall in copper: The effects of anisotropy, temperature, defects and loading pulse; 855-858; 10.1063/1.3295277
Tschauner, Oliver and Kostandova, Natalya, el al. (2009) Ultrafast growth of wadsleyite in shock-produced melts and its implications for early solar system impact processes ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 106; No. 33; 13691-13695; PMCID PMC2728955; 10.1073/pnas.0905751106
Sun, Daoyuan and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2009) Shock compression of preheated molybdenum to 300 GPa ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 174; No. 1-4; 302-308; 10.1016/j.pepi.2008.08.004
Mosenfelder, Jed L. and Frost, Daniel J., el al. (2009) The MgSiO_3 system at high pressure: Thermodynamic properties of perovskite, postperovskite, and melt from global inversion of shock and static compression data ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 114; B01203; 10.1029/2008JB005900
Minitti, Michelle E. and Leshin, L. A., el al. (2008) Assessment of shock effects on amphibole water contents and hydrogen isotope compositions: 2. Kaersutitic amphibole experiments ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 266; No. 3-4; 288-302; 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.11.012
Mosenfelder, Jed L. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2007) Thermodynamic properties of Mg_2SiO_4 liquid at ultra-high
pressures from shock measurements to 200 GPa on forsterite and wadsleyite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 112; No. B6; Art. No. B06208; 10.1029/2006JB004364
Ai, Huirong A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2007) Effects of shock-induced cracks on the ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in granite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 112; No. B1; Art. No. B01201; 10.1029/2006JB004353
Ai, H. A. and Ahrens, T. J. (2006) Simulation of dynamic response of granite: A numerical
approach of shock-induced damage beneath impact craters ; International Journal of Impact Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 1-12; 1-10; 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2006.09.046
Tschauner, Oliver and Luo, Sheng-Nian, el al. (2006) Recovery of stishovite-structure at ambient conditions out of shock-generated amorphous silica ; American Mineralogist; Vol. 91; No. 11-12; 1857-1862; 10.2138/am.2006.2015
Ni, Sidao and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2006) Surface motion of a fluid planet induced by impacts ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 167; No. 1; 445-452; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03072.x
Srama, R. and Ahrens, T. J. (2006) In situ dust measurements in the inner Saturnian system ; Planetary and Space Science; Vol. 54; No. 9-10; 967-987; 10.1016/j.pss.2006.05.021
Willis, M. J. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (2006) Bugbuster — survivability of living bacteria upon shock compression ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 247; No. 3-4; 185-196; 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.03.054
Ai, H. A. and Ahrens, T. J. (2006) Numerical Modeling of Shock-Induced Damage for Granite under Dynamic Loading ; ISBN 0-7354-0341-4; Shock compression of condensed matter--2005 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Baltimore, MD 31 July-5 August, 2005; 1431-1434; 10.1063/1.2263593
Willis, M. J. and Burchell, M. J., el al. (2005) Decreased values of cosmic dust number density estimates in the Solar System ; Icarus; Vol. 176; No. 2; 440-452; 10.1016/j.icarus.2005.02.018
Sun, D. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (2005) Thermodynamics of the lowermost mantle ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 69; No. 10; A253; 10.1016/j.gca.2005.03.027
Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2005) Shock properties of H_2O ice ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 110; No. E3; Art. No. E03005; 10.1029/2004JE002305
Ni, Sidao and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2005) Giant impact-induced blow-off of primordial atmosphere ; ISBN 9780813723846; Large Meteorite Impacts III; 427-432; 10.1130/0-8137-2384-1.427
Tschauner, O. and Luo, S. N., el al. (2004) Shock-synthesized glassy and solid silica: Intermediates between four- and six-fold coordination ; High Pressure Research; Vol. 24; No. 4; 471-479; 10.1080/08957950412331331754
Srama, R. and Ahrens, T. J. (2004) The Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 114; No. 1-4; 465-518; 10.1007/s11214-004-1435-z
Akins, Joseph A. and Luo, Sheng-Nian, el al. (2004) Shock-induced melting of MgSiO_3 perovskite and implications for melts in Earth's lowermost mantle ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 31; No. 14; Art. No. L14612; 10.1029/2004GL020237
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2004) Melting at the Limit of Superheating ; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 172-175; 10.1063/1.1780210
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Shen, Andy H., el al. (2004) Giant Impact Induced Atmospheric Blow-Off ; ISBN 0-7354-0181-0; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -- 2003: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1419-1422; 10.1063/1.1780504
Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2004) Impact-Induced Melting of Near-Surface Water Ice on Mars ; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1484-1487; 10.1063/1.1780519
Stewart, S. T. and Ahrens, T. J. (2004) A New H2O Ice Hugoniot: Implications for Planetary Impact Events ; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1478-1483
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2004) Shock-induced superheating and melting curves of geophysically important minerals ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 143-144; 369-386; 10.1016/j.pepi.2003.04.001
Asimow, Paul D. and Sun, D, el al. (2004) Petrology of the lowermost mantle ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 68; No. 11; A561
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Akins, Joseph A., el al. (2004) Shock-compressed MgSiO_3 glass, enstatite, olivine, and quartz: Optical emission, temperatures, and melting ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 109; No. B5; Art. No. B05205; 10.1029/2003JB002860
Ai, Huirong-Anita and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2004) Dynamic tensile strength of terrestrial rocks and application to impact cratering ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 39; No. 2; 233-246; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2004.tb00338.x
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2004) A new dense silica polymorph: A possible link between tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated silica ; American Mineralogist; Vol. 89; No. 2-3; 455-461
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2003) Maximum superheating and undercooling: Systematics, molecular dynamics simulations, and dynamic experiments ; Physical Review B; Vol. 68; No. 13; Art. No. 134206; 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.134206
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2003) Polymorphism, superheating, and amorphization of silica upon shock wave loading and release ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 108; No. B9; Art. No. 2421; 10.1029/2002JB002317
Austin, Daniel E. and Grimm, Ronald L., el al. (2003) Hypervelocity microparticle impact studies using a novel cosmic dust mass spectrometer ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 108; No. E5; Art. No. 5038; 10.1029/2002JE001947
Shen, Andy H. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2003) Shock wave induced vaporization of porous solids ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 93; No. 9; 5167-5174; 10.1063/1.1563035
Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2003) Shock Hugoniot of H_2O ice ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 30; No. 6; Art. No. 1332; 10.1029/2002GL016789
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2003) Superheating systematics of crystalline solids ; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 82; No. 12; 1836-1838; 10.1063/1.1563046
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gupta, Satish C., el al. (2003) Mass spectrometer calibration of Cosmic Dust Analyzer ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 108; No. E2; Art. No. 5007; 10.1029/2002JE001912
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2002) Shock-wave equation of state of molten and solid fayalite ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 134; No. 1-2; 35-52; 10.1016/S0031-9201(02)00080-8
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Çağin, Tahir, el al. (2002) Molecular dynamics modeling of stishovite ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 202; No. 1; 147-157; 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00749-5
Luo, Sheng-Nian and Mosenfelder, J. L., el al. (2002) Direct shock wave loading of Stishovite to 235 GPa: Implications for perovskite stability relative to an oxide assemblage at lower mantle conditions ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 14; Art. No. 1691; 10.1029/2002GL015627
Gupta, Satish C. and Love, Stanley G., el al. (2002) Shock temperature in calcite (CaCO_3) at 95–160 GPa ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 201; No. 1; 1-12; 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00685-4
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Xia, Kaiwen, el al. (2002) Depth of Cracking beneath Impact Craters: New Constraint for Impact Velocity ; ISBN 0-7354-0068-7; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -- 2001: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1393-1396; 10.1063/1.1483799
Liu, C. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (2002) Effect of phase change on shock wave attenuation in GeO2 ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 91; No. 11; 9136-9146; 10.1063/1.1469663
Akins, Joseph A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2002) Dynamic compression of SiO_2: A new interpretation ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 10; Art. No. 1394; 10.1029/2002GL014806
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Holland, Kathleen G., el al. (2002) Phase diagram of iron, revised-core temperatures ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 7; Art. No. 1150; 10.1029/2001GL014350
Luo, S.-N. and Mosenfelder, J. L., el al. (2002) Stishovite and its implications in geophysics: new results from shock-wave experiments and theoretical modeling ; Physics-Uspekhi; Vol. 45; No. 4; 435-439; 10.1070/PU2002v045n04ABEH001155
Austin, Daniel E. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2002) Dustbuster: a compact impact-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer for in situ analysis of cosmic dust ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 73; No. 1; 185-189; 10.1063/1.1427762
O'Keefe, John D. and Stewart, Sarah T., el al. (2001) Damage and rock-volatile mixture effects on impact crater formation ; International Journal of Impact Engineering; Vol. 26; No. 1-10; 543-553; 10.1016/S0734-743X(01)00112-9
Liu, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2001) Wave Generation from Explosions in Rock Cavities ; Pure and Applied Geophysics; Vol. 158; No. 11; 1909-1949; 10.1007/PL00001137
Tyburczy, James A. and Xu, Xiaomei, el al. (2001) Shock-induced devolatilization and isotopic
fractionation of H and C from Murchison meteorite:
some implications for planetary accretion ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 192; No. 1; 23-30; 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00429-0
Xia, Kaiwen and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2001) Impact induced damage beneath craters ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 28; No. 18; 3525-3527; 10.1029/2001GL013001
Ball, Andrew J. and Gadomski, Stanislaw, el al. (2001) An instrument for in situ comet nucleus surface density profile measurement by gamma ray attenuation ; Planetary and Space Science; Vol. 49; No. 9; 961-976; 10.1016/S0032-0633(01)00041-1
Gupta, Satish C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2001) Shock-induced vaporization of anhydrite and global cooling from the K/T impact ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 188; No. 3-4; 399-412; 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00327-2
Jyoti, G. and Gupta, Satish C., el al. (2000) Mass spectrometer calibration of Cosmic Dust Analyzer ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 967-970
Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2000) Shock wave propagation in porous ice ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock COmpression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1243-1246; 10.1063/1.1303686
Liu, C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2000) Vitreous GeO2 response to shock loading ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 275-278; 10.1063/1.1303472
Liu, C. and Ahrens, T. J. (2000) Penetration depth time history measurement method ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1039-1042; 10.1063/1.1303645
Gupta, Satish C. and Love, Stanley G., el al. (2000) Shock temperatures in calcite (CaCO3): Implication for shock induced decomposition ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1263-1266; 10.1063/1.1303691
Gupta, Satish C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2000) Shock induced vaporization of anhydrite CaSO4 and calcite CaCO3 ; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1259-1262
Jyoti, G. and Gupta, Satish C., el al. (1999) Mass spectrometer calibration of high velocity impact ionization based cosmic dust analyzer ; International Journal of Impact Engineering; Vol. 23; No. 1; 401-408; 10.1016/S0734-743X(99)00090-1
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1999) Complex craters: Relationship of stratigraphy and rings to impact conditions ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 104; No. E11; 27091-27104; 10.1029/1998JE000596
Newman, William I. and Symbalisty, Eugene M. D., el al. (1999) Impact Erosion of Planetary Atmospheres: Some Surprising Results ; Icarus; Vol. 138; No. 2; 224-240; 10.1006/icar.1999.6076
Chen, G. Q. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1999) Effect of irreversible phase change on shock-wave propagation ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 47; No. 4; 763-783; 10.1016/S0022-5096(98)00090-8
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Barringer medal acceptance address - 1997 July 23, Maui, Hawaii ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 33; No. S4; A6; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1998.tb01326.x
Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Shock vaporization of anhydrite and global effects of the K/T bolide ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 156; No. 3-4; 125-140; 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00006-5
Anderson, William W. and Yang, Wenbo, el al. (1998) Shock-wave equation of state of rhyolite ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 132; No. 1; 1-13; 10.1046/j.1365-246x.1998.00389.x
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Holland, Kathleen G., el al. (1998) Shock temperatures and the melting point of iron ; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 133-136; 10.1063/1.55518
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Radio frequency heating coils for shock wave experiments ; ISBN 1-55899-404-1; High-pressure materials research : symposium held December 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 63-71; 10.1557/PROC-499-63
Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Shock wave equations of state of chondritic meteorites ; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 115-118; 10.1063/1.55475
Holland, Kathleen G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Properties of LiF and Al_2O_3 to 240 GPa for Metal Shock Temperature Measurements ; ISBN 9780875900834; Properties of Earth and Planetary Materials at High Pressure and Temperature; 335-343; 10.1029/GM101p0335
Liu, C. L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Wave generations from confined explosions in rocks ; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 859-862; 10.1063/1.55601
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Dynamic compression of an Fe–Cr–Ni alloy to 80 GPa ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 82; No. 9; 4259-4269; 10.1063/1.366233
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Eugene M. Shoemaker (1928-97) - Founder of the scientific study of impact cratering - Obituary ; Nature; Vol. 389; No. 6647; 132; 10.1038/38145
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Ahrens Receives the Hess Medal ; Eos; Vol. 78; No. 31; 319-323; 10.1029/97EO00210
Smyth, Joseph R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) The crystal structure of calcite III ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 24; No. 13; 1595-1598; 10.1029/97GL01603
Knowles, James K. and Winfree, Nancy A., el al. (1997) Dynamically Induced Phase Transitions and the Modeling of Comminution in Brittle Solids ; Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids; Vol. 2; No. 2; 99-116; 10.1177/108128659700200201
Holland, Kathleen G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Melting of (Mg,Fe)_2SiO_4 at the Core-Mantle Boundary of the Earth ; Science; Vol. 275; No. 5306; 1623-1625; 10.1126/science.275.5306.1623
Love, Stanley G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Origin of asteroid rotation rates in catastrophic impacts ; Nature; Vol. 386; No. 6621; 154-156; 10.1038/386154a0
Liu, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Stress wave attenuation in shock-damaged rock ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 102; No. B3; 5243-5250; 10.1029/96JB03891
Ohtani, Eiji and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Special issue - Physical and chemical evolution of the Earth - Preface ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 100; No. 1-4; 1-2; 10.1016/S0031-9201(97)90019-4
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Erosion of terrestrial planet atmosphere by surface motion after a large impact ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 100; No. 1-4; 21-26; 10.1016/S0031-9201(96)03228-1
Takata, Toshiko and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Impact of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9—Size, Origin, and Plumes: Comparison of Numerical Analysis with Observations ; Icarus; Vol. 125; No. 2; 317-330; 10.1006/icar.1996.5616
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) High pressure and high temperature equation of state of gamma and liquid iron ; ISBN 1-55899-404-1; High-pressure materials research : symposium held December 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 41-61; 10.1557/PROC-499-41
Love, Stanley G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Catastrophic impacts on gravity dominated asteroids ; Icarus; Vol. 124; No. 1; 141-155; 10.1006/icar.1996.0195
Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1996) Emplacement of penetrators into planetary surfaces ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 101; No. E9; 21137-21149; 10.1029/96JE01421
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) High-pressure melting of iron: New experiments and calculations ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 354; No. 1711; 1251-1263; 10.1098/rsta.1996.0047
Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Shock temperature and melting in iron sulfides at core pressures ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 101; No. B3; 5627-5642; 10.1029/95JB01972
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Geophysical and Material Science Implications of the Post-Stishovite Phase ; ISBN 4944122012; Advanced materials '96: new trends in high pressure research; 1-4
Luo, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Stress wave attenuation in shock damaged rock ; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 589-592; 10.1063/1.50816
Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1996) Theory of shock magnetization of asteroids Gaspra and Ida ; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 1995; 929-932; 10.1063/1.50597
He, Hongliang and Jin, Xiaogang, el al. (1996) Characteristic of dynamic tensile fracture in augite-peridotite ; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 593-596; 10.1063/1.50630
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Application of shock compression science to Earth and planetary physics ; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 3-8; 10.1063/1.50667
Takata, T. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1995) Atmospheric effects on cratering on Venus ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 100; No. E11; 23329-23348; 10.1029/95JE02641
Franck, Siegfried and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Earth's Interior – Introduction ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 92; No. 1-2; 1; 10.1016/0031-9201(95)90013-6
Takata, Toshiko and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1995) Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: Fragment and progenitor impact energy ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 22; No. 17; 2433-2436; 10.1029/95GL02237
Evans, Noreen Joyce and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1995) Fractionation of ruthenium from iridium at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 134; No. 1-2; 141-153; 10.1016/0012-821X(95)00117-U
Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Impact Jetting of Geological Materials ; Icarus; Vol. 116; No. 2; 269-274; 10.1006/icar.1995.1125
Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Impact Jetting of Geological Materials ; Icarus; Vol. 116; No. 2; 269-274; 10.1006/icar.1995.1125
Chen, Guangqing and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1995) Hypervelocity Impacts and Magnetization of Small Bodies in the Solar System ; Icarus; Vol. 115; No. 1; 86-96; 10.1006/icar.1995.1080
Sekine, Toshimori and Duffy, Thomas S., el al. (1995) Shock compression and isentropic release of granite ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 120; No. 2; 247-261; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1995.tb01817.x
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Compressional sound velocity, equation of state, and constitutive response of shock-compressed magnesium oxide ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 100; No. B1; 529-542; 10.1029/94JB02065
Chen, Guangqing and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Equations of state of α, ϵ and liquid iron and Iron's melting curve —thermodynamic calculations ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 22; No. 1; 21-24; 10.1029/94GL02892
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Johnson, Mary L. (1995) Shock Wave Data for Rocks ; ISBN 9780875908533; A Handbook of Physical Constants; 35-44; 10.1029/RF003p0035
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Mineral Physics & Crystallography: A Handbook of Physical Constants ; ISBN 9781118668191; 10.1029/RF002
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Preface ; ISBN 9780875908519; Global earth physics: a handbook of physical constants; vii-vii; 10.1002/9781118668078.fmatter
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Johnson, Mary L. (1995) Shock wave data for minerals ; ISBN 0875908527; Mineral Physics & Crystallography: A Handbook of Physical Constants; 143-184; 10.1029/rf002p0143
Chen, Guangqing and Tyburczy, James A., el al. (1994) Shock-induced devolatilization of calcium sulfate and implications for K-T extinctions ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 128; No. 3-4; 615-628; 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90174-0
He, Hongliang and Ahrens, T. J. (1994) Mechanical properties of shock-damaged rocks ; International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts; Vol. 31; No. 5; 525-533; 10.1016/0148-9062(94)90154-6
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) The Origin of the Earth ; Physics Today; Vol. 47; No. 8; 38-45; 10.1063/1.881436
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Dynamic response of molybdenum shock compressed at 1400°C ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 76; No. 2; 835-842; 10.1063/1.357758
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takata, Toshiko (1994) Radiative signatures from impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 on Jupiter ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 14; 1551-1553; 10.1029/94GL01578
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takata, Toshiko, el al. (1994) Impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 11; 1087-1090; 10.1029/94GL01325
Rulison, Aaron J. and Flagan, Richard C., el al. (1994) Inward electrostatic precipitation of interplanetary particles ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 65; No. 6; 1839-1846; 10.1063/1.1144832
Takata, Toshiko and O'Keefe, John D., el al. (1994) Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: Impact on Jupiter and Plume Evolution ; Icarus; Vol. 109; No. 1; 3-19; 10.1006/icar.1994.1074
Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Shock induced formation of MgAl_2O_4 spinel from oxides ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 8; 721-724; 10.1029/94GL00079
Polanskey, Carol A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Scaling craters in carbonates: Electron paramagnetic resonance analysis of shock damage ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 99; No. E3; 5621-5638; 10.1029/93JE03574
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) The temperature sensitivity of elastic wave velocity at high pressure: New results for molybdenum ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 6; 473-476; 10.1029/94GL00223
Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) An equation of state for liquid iron and implications for the Earth's core ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 99; No. B3; 4273-4284; 10.1029/93JB03158
Rowan, Linda R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Observations of impact-induced molten metal-silicate partitioning ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 122; No. 1-2; 71-88; 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90052-3
Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Physics of interplanetary dust capture via impact into organic polymer foams ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 99; No. E1; 2063-2071; 10.1029/93JE03147
Song, Xi and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Pressure-temperature range of reactions between liquid iron in the outer core and mantle silicates ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 2; 153-156; 10.1029/93GL03262
Gallagher, Kathleen G. and Yang, Wenbo, el al. (1994) Free-Surface light emission from shocked Teflon ; 10.1063/1.46380
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Free surface velocity profiles in molybdenum shock compressed at 1400 °C ; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1079-1082; 10.1063/1.46292
Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Oblique impact jetting of geological materials ; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 835-838; 10.1063/1.46229
Evans, Noreen Joyce and Shahinpoor, M., el al. (1994) Hypervelocity impact: Ejecta velocity, angle, and composition ; ISBN 9780813722931; Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 93-101; 10.1130/SPE293-p93
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Shock compression and release of polycrystalline magnesium oxide ; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1107-1110; 10.1063/1.46299
Gallagher, Kathleen G. and Bass, Jay D., el al. (1994) Shock Temperature of Stainless Steel and a High Pressure - High Temperature Constraint on Thermal Diffusivity of Al_2O_3 ; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 963-966; 10.1063/1.46195
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Impact-induced melting of planetary surfaces ; ISBN 9780813722931; Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 103-109; 10.1130/SPE293-p103
Yang, W. and Chen, G., el al. (1994) Shock compression and isentropic release of rhyolite ; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1115-1118; 10.1063/1.46484
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1993) Planetary Cratering Mechanics ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E9; 17011-17028; 10.1029/93JE01330
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1993) Thermal expansion of mantle and core materials at very high pressures ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 20; No. 11; 1103-1106; 10.1029/93GL00479
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1993) Impact Erosion of Terrestrial Planetary Atmospheres ; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 21; 525-555; 10.1146/annurev.ea.21.050193.002521
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Rubin, Allan M. (1993) Impact-induced tensional failure in rock ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E1; 1185-1203; 10.1029/92JE02679
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Harris, Alan W. (1992) Deflection and fragmentation of near-Earth asteroids ; Nature; Vol. 360; No. 6403; 429-433; 10.1038/360429a0
Yang, Wenbo and Bond, G. M., el al. (1992) Dynamic consolidation of superhard materials ; Journal of Materials Research; Vol. 7; No. 6; 1501-1518; 10.1557/JMR.1992.1501
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Sound Velocities at High Pressure and Temperature and Their Geophysical Implications ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B4; 4503-4520; 10.1029/91JB02650
Sekine, Toshimori and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Shock-Induced Transformations in the System NaAISiO_4 -SiO_2 :
a new Interpretation ; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 18; No. 6; 359-364; 10.1007/BF00199416
Tingle, Tracy N. and Tyburczy, James A., el al. (1992) The fate of organic matter during planetary accretion: preliminary studies of the organic chemistry of experimentally shocked Murchison meteorite ; Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere; Vol. 21; No. 5-6; 385-397; 10.1007/BF01808309
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Lateral Variations in Lower Mantle Seismic Velocity ; ISBN 9781118663929; High‐Pressure Research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences; 197-205; 10.1029/gm067p0197
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Hugoniot Sound Velocities in Metals with Applications to the Earth's Inner Core ; ISBN 9781118663929; High‐Pressure Research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences; 353-361; 10.1029/gm067p0353
Yanagisawa, Masahisa and Eluszkiewicz, Janusz, el al. (1991) Angular momentum transfer in low velocity oblique impacts: Implications for asteroids ; Icarus; Vol. 94; No. 2; 272-282; 10.1016/0019-1035(91)90227-K
Sekine, Toshimori and Rubin, Allan M., el al. (1991) Shock wave equation of state of muscovite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B12; 19675-19680; 10.1029/91JB02253
Tyburczy, James A. and Duffy, Thomas S., el al. (1991) Shock wave equation of state of serpentine to 150 GPa: Implications for the occurrence of water in the Earth's lower mantle ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B11; 18011-18027; 10.1029/91JB01573
Miller, Gregory H. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1991) Shock-wave viscosity measurement ; Reviews of Modern Physics; Vol. 63; No. 4; 919-948; 10.1103/RevModPhys.63.919
Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1991) The shock wave equation of state of brucite Mg(OH)_2 ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B9; 14319-14330; 10.1029/91JB00987
Miller, Gregory H. and Stolper, Edward M., el al. (1991) The Equation of State of a Molten Komatiite. 2. Application to Komatiite Petrogenesis and the Hadean Mantle ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B7; 11,849-11,864; 10.1029/91JB01203
Miller, Gregory H. and Stolper, Edward M., el al. (1991) The Equation of State of a Molten Komatiite. 1. Shock Wave Compression to 36 GPa ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B7; 11831-11848; 10.1029/91JB01204
Gazis, Carey and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1991) Solution and shock-induced exsolution of argon in vitreous carbon ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 104; No. 2-4; 337-349; 10.1016/0012-821X(91)90214-3
Smither, C. L. and Ahrens, T. J. (1991) Displacements from relief of In situ stress by a cylindrical hole ; International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts; Vol. 28; No. 2-3; 175-186; 10.1016/0148-9062(91)92165-U
Rulison, Aaron J. and Flagan, Richard C., el al. (1991) Ablation of silicate particles in high-speed continuum and transition flow with application to the collection of interplanetary dust particles ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 371; No. 1; 432-442; 10.1086/169905
Rubin, Allan M. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1991) Dynamic tensile-failure-induced velocity deficits in rock ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 18; No. 2; 219-222; 10.1029/91GL00214
Bass, Jay D. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1990) Shock temperature measurements in metals: New results for an Fe alloy ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 95; No. B13; 21767-21776; 10.1029/JB095iB13p21767
Lay, Thorne and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1990) Studies of the Earth's Deep Interior: Goals and Trends ; Physics Today; Vol. 43; No. 10; 44-52; 10.1063/1.881240
Polanskey, Carol A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Impact Spallation Experiments: Fracture Patterns and Spall Velocities ; Icarus; Vol. 87; No. 1; 140-155; 10.1016/0019-1035(90)90025-5
Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Shock-induced temperatures of CaMgSi_2O_6 ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 95; No. B5; 6943-6953; 10.1029/JB095iB05p06943
Tyburczy, James A. and Krishnamurthy, R. V., el al. (1990) Impact-induced devolatilization and hydrogen isotopic fractionation of serpentine: Implications for planetary accretion ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 98; No. 2; 245-260; 10.1016/0012-821X(90)90063-4
Tan, Hua and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Shock induced polymorphic transition in quartz, carbon, and boron nitride ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 67; No. 1; 217-224; 10.1063/1.345282
Ahrens, T. J. (1990) Earth Accretion ; ISBN 0-19-506619-7; Origin of the Earth; 211-227
Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) A sensitive time-resolved radiation pyrometer for shock-temperature measurements above 1500 K ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 60; No. 12; 3711-3716; 10.1063/1.1140480
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Water storage in the mantle ; Nature; Vol. 342; No. 6246; 122-123; 10.1038/342122a0
Svendsen, Bob and Bass, Jay D., el al. (1989) Optical radiation from shock-compressed materials and interfaces ; Physics Reports; Vol. 180; No. 6; 333-416; 10.1016/0370-1573(89)90092-6.
Rigden, Sally M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1989) High-Pressure Equation of State of Molten Anorthite and Diopside ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B7; 9508-9522; 10.1029/JB094iB07p09508
Anderson, William W. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1989) Phase relations in iron-rich systems and implications for the Earth's core ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 3-4; 208-220; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90069-1
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Physical Properties of Solid and Molten Earth Materials - Foreword ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 3-4; v; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90067-8
Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Shock temperatures in silica glass: Implications for modes of shock-induced deformation, phase transformation, and melting with pressure ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B5; 5851-5871; 10.1029/JB094iB05p05851
Svendsen, Bob and Anderson, William W., el al. (1989) Ideal Fe—FeS, Fe—FeO phase relations and Earth's core ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 1-2; 154-186; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90241-0
Schmitt, Douglas R. and Smither, Catherine, el al. (1989) In-situ holographic elastic moduli measurements from boreholes ; Geophysics; Vol. 54; No. 4; 468-477; 10.1190/1.1442673
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Impact production of CO_2 by the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction bolide and the resultant heating of the Earth ; Nature; Vol. 338; No. 6212; 247-249; 10.1038/338247a0
Smither, C. L. and Schmitt, D. R., el al. (1988) Analysis and modelling of holographic measurements of in situ stress ; International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts; Vol. 25; No. 6; 353-362; 10.1016/0148-9062(88)90975-8
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Elements, Oxides, Silicates: High Pressure Phases With Implications for the Earth's Interior [Book Review] ; Eos; Vol. 69; No. 42; 964; 10.1029/88EO01157
Tan, Hua and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Dynamic consolidation of cubic boron nitride and its admixtures ; Journal of Materials Research; Vol. 3; No. 5; 1010-1020; 10.1557/JMR.1988.1010
Miller, Gregory H. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) The equation of state of molybdenum at 1400 °C ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 9; 4469-4475; 10.1063/1.341124
Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Shock consolidation of diamond and graphite mixtures to fused polycrystalline diamond ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 3; 910-914; 10.1063/1.340032
Rigden, S. M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) Shock compression of molten silicate: results for a model basaltic composition ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 93; No. B1; 367-382; 10.1029/JB093iB01p00367
Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) Shock-induced melting and shear banding in single-crystal NaCl ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 1; 99-106
Bass, Jay D. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1988) The temperature of shock compressed iron ; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 532-541; 10.1029/sp026p0532
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Equations of state of iron sulfide and constraints on the sulfur content of the Earth ; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 427-440; 10.1029/sp026p0427
Thadhani, Naresh N. and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1987) Microstructural modifications in a dynamically consolidated microcrystalline nickel titanium alloy powder ; Journal of Materials Science; Vol. 22; No. 12; 4446-4452; 10.1007/BF01132045
Stolper, Edward M. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) On the nature of pressure‐induced coordination changes in silicate melts and glasses ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 14; No. 12; 1231-1233; 10.1029/GL014i012p01231
Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Shock-induced temperatures of MgO ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 91; No. 3; 667-691; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1987.tb01664.x
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Jeanloz, Raymond (1987) Pyrite: Shock compression, isentropic release, and composition of the Earth's core ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 92; No. B10; 10363-10375; 10.1029/JB092iB10p10363
Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Dynamic consolidation of diamond powder into polycrystalline diamond ; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 51; No. 5; 317-319; 10.1063/1.98427
Williams, Quentin and Jeanloz, Raymond, el al. (1987) The Melting Curve of Iron to 250 Gigapascals: A Constraint on the Temperature at Earth's Center ; Science; Vol. 236; No. 4798; 181-182; 10.1126/science.236.4798.181
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Impact experiments in low-temperature ice ; Icarus; Vol. 69; No. 3; 506-518; 10.1016/0019-1035(87)90020-0
Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1987) Optical radiation from shock-compressed materials and interfaces ; ISBN 0875900666; High‐Pressure Research in Mineral Physics: A Volume in Honor of Syun‐iti Akimoto; 403-423; 10.1029/gm039p0403
Bass, Jay D. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1987) The temperature of shock compressed iron ; ISBN 0875900666; High‐Pressure Research in Mineral Physics: A Volume in Honor of Syun‐iti Akimoto; 393-402; 10.1029/gm039p0393
Tyburczy, James A. and Frisch, Benjamin, el al. (1986) Shock-induced volatile loss from a carbonaceous chondrite: implications for planetary accretion ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 80; No. 3-4; 201-207; 10.1016/0012-821X(86)90104-4
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Oblique Impact: A Process for Obtaining Meteorite Samples from Other Planets ; Science; Vol. 234; No. 4774; 346-349; 10.1126/science.234.4774.346
Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Shock wave equation of state of enstatite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B7; 7495-7503; 10.1029/JB091iB07p07495
Manghnani, Murli H. and Akimoto, Syun-iti, el al. (1986) High-Pressure Research Applications Seminar ; Eos; Vol. 67; No. 17; 427-428; 10.1029/eo067i017p00427-03
Tyburczy, James A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Dynamic compression and volatile release of carbonates ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B5; 4730-4744; 10.1029/JB091iB05p04730
Bass, Jay D. and Schmitt, Douglas, el al. (1986) Holographic in situ stress measurements ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 85; No. 1; 13-41; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb05170.x
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Shock-induced CO_2 loss from CaCO_3; implications for early planetary atmospheres ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 77; No. 3-4; 409-418; 10.1016/0012-821X(86)90150-0
Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1986) Shock temperatures in anorthite glass ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 84; No. 3; 475-489; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb04367.x
Boslough, Mark B. and Rigden, Sally M., el al. (1986) Hugoniot equation of state of anorthite glass and lunar anorthosite ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 84; No. 3; 455-473; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb04366.x
Schmitt, D. R. and Smither, C. L., el al. (1986) Holographic Measurement Of Elastic Moduli
Thadhani, Naresh N. and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1986) Shock Consolidation of Ni-Ti Alloy Powder
Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1985) Shock wave properties of anorthosite and gabbro ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 90; No. B9; 7814-7820; 10.1029/JB090iB09p07814
Lange, Manfred A. and Lambert, Philippe, el al. (1985) Shock effects on hydrous minerals and implications for carbonaceous meteorites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 49; No. 8; 1715-1726; 10.1016/0016-7037(85)90142-5
Rigden, Sally M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Densities of Liquid Silicates at High Pressures ; Science; Vol. 226; No. 4678; 1071-1074; 10.1126/science.226.4678.1071
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1984) FeO and H_2O and the homogeneous accretion of the earth ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 71; No. 1; 111-119; 10.1016/0012-821X(84)90057-8
Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Shock temperatures in CaO ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B9; 7845-7851; 10.1029/JB089iB09p07845
Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1984) Shock wave equations of state using mixed-phase regime data ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B9; 7836-7844; 10.1029/JB089iB09p07836
Tyburczy, J. A. and Blayney, J. L., el al. (1984) Streak camera recording of shock wave transit times at large distances using laser illumination ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 55; No. 9; 1452-1454; 10.1063/1.1137947
Kasiraj, P. and Vreeland, T., Jr., el al. (1984) Shock consolidation of a rapidly solidified steel powder ; Acta Metallurgica; Vol. 32; No. 8; 1235-1241; 10.1016/0001-6160(84)90130-5
Schwarz, R. B. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1984) A theory for the shock-wave consolidation of powders ; Acta Metallurgica; Vol. 32; No. 8; 1243-1252; 10.1016/0001-6160(84)90131-7
Brown, J. Michael and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Hugoniot data for pyrrhotite and the Earth's core ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B7; 6041-6048; 10.1029/JB089iB07p06041
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Impact cratering and spall failure of gabbro ; Icarus; Vol. 58; No. 3; 383-395; 10.1016/0019-1035(84)90084-8
Kasiraj, P. and Kostka, D., el al. (1984) Shock wave consolidation of an amorphous alloy ; Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids; Vol. 61-62; No. Pt. 2; 967-971; 10.1016/0022-3093(84)90668-9
Schwarz, R. B. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1984) The Effect of Shock Duration on the Dynamic Consolidation of Powders ; ISBN 9780444869043; Shock waves in condensed matter 1983; 435-438; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50098-1
Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Shock compression of single-crystal forsterite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B11; 9500-9512; 10.1029/JB088iB11p09500
Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Temperatures of shock-induced shear instabilities and their relationship to fusion curves ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 11; 1077-1080; 10.1029/GL010i011p01077
Vreeland, T., Jr. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1983) Shock Consolidation of Powders – Theory and Experiment ; ISBN 9780444009357; Rapidly Solidified Metastable Materials; 139-143; 10.1557/PROC-28-139
Ahrens, T. J. and Tozer, D. C. (1983) Preface ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 33; No. 3; R3; 10.1016/0031-9201(83)90116-4
Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Shock-induced radiation spectra of fused quartz ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 54; No. 8; 4382-4385; 10.1063/1.332676
Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Dynamic compression of diopside and salite to 200 GPa ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 7; 501-504; 10.1029/GL010i007p00501
Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Shock compression of diamond crystal ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 4; 281-284; 10.1029/GL010i004p00281
Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Shock temperatures of SiO_2 and their geophysical implications ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B3; 2431-2444; 10.1029/JB088iB03p02431
Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Heterogeneous shock-induced thermal radiation in minerals ; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 9; No. 3-4; 173-181; 10.1007/BF00308375
Kirwan, A. D. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Preface [to SEASAT II] ; Journal of Geophysical Research C; Vol. 88; No. C3; 1529; 10.1029/JC088iC03p01529
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) The dynamic tensile strength of ice and ice-silicate mixtures ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B2; 1197-1208; 10.1029/JB088iB02p01197
Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1983) Impact of an asteroid or comet in the ocean and extinction of terrestrial life ; 10.1029/2003JE002184
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Kostka, D., el al. (1983) Shock Compaction of Molybdenum Powder ; ISBN 9780444869043; Shock waves in condensed matter; 443-446; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50100-7
Kasiraj, Prakash and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1983) Mechanical Properties of a Shock Consolidated Steel Powder ; ISBN 9780444600172; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter; 439-442; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50099-3
Weldon, Ray J. and Thomas, Warren M., el al. (1982) Shock-induced color changes in nontronite: Implications for the Martian fines ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B12; 10102-10114; 10.1029/JB087iB12p10102
Lange, M. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Impact induced dehydration of serpentine and the evolution of planetary atmospheres ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. S1; A451-A456; 10.1029/JB087iS01p0A451
Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1982) Shock-induced devolatilization of calcite ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 61; No. 1; 166-170; 10.1016/0012-821X(82)90049-8
Ahrens, T. J. (1982) Constraints on Core Composition from Shock-Wave Data ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 306; No. 1492; 37-47; 10.1098/rsta.1982.0064
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Cometary and meteorite swarm impact on planetary surfaces ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B8; 6668-6680; 10.1029/JB087iB08p06668
Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The role of iron partitioning in mantle composition, evolution, and scale of convection ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B7; 5631-5644; 10.1029/JB087iB07p05631
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Impact mechanics of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction bolide ; Nature; Vol. 298; No. 5870; 123-127; 10.1038/298123a0
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The evolution of an impact-generated atmosphere ; Icarus; Vol. 51; No. 1; 96-120; 10.1016/0019-1035(82)90031-8
Lyzenga, G. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1982) The temperature of shock-compressed water ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 76; No. 12; 6282-6286; 10.1063/1.443031
Vizgirda, Joana and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Shock compression of aragonite and implications for the equation of state of carbonates ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B6; 4747-4758; 10.1029/JB087iB06p04747
Kondo, K. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1982) Electrical and optical measurements on fused quartz under shock compression ; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1981; 299-303; 10.1063/1.33328
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Boslough, Mark B., el al. (1982) Shock wave apparatus for studying minerals at high pressure and impact phenomena on planetary surfaces ; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1981; 631-633; 10.1063/1.33290
Boslough, M. B. and Ahrens, T. J. (1982) A method of determining points on the principal isentropes of molecular liquids ; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter - 1981; 236-240; 10.1063/1.33366
Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) One-dimensional isentropic compression ; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock waves in condensed matter--1981; 231-235; 10.1063/1.33365
Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The equation of state of Mg_(0.6)Fe_(0.4)O to 200 GPa ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 9; No. 2; 127-130; 10.1029/GL009i002p00127
Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Limited aperture light source streak photography ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 53; No. 1; 108-109; 10.1063/1.1136807
Ahrens, T. J. and Lyzenga, G. A., el al. (1982) Temperatures Induced by Shock Waves in Minerals: Applications to Geophysics ; ISBN 978-90-277-1439-8; High-pressure research in geophysics; 579-594
Vizgirda, Joana and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Structural study of Cactus Crater ; ISBN 0080280749; Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 1623-1639
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The interaction of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Extinction Bolide with the atmosphere, ocean, and solid Earth ; 10.1130/SPE190-p103
Kondo, Ken-ichi and Sawaoka, Akira, el al. (1981) Electrical measurements on fused quartz under shock compression ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 52; No. 8; 5084-5089; 10.1063/1.329459
Walker, James C. G. and Cicerone, Ralph J., el al. (1981) Highlights: Spring Council Meeting ; Eos; Vol. 62; No. 29; 588-590; 10.1029/EO062i029p00588-01
Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Hugoniot equation of state of periclase to 200 GPa ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 8; No. 7; 729-732; 10.1029/GL008i007p00729
Cohn, Stephen N. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Dynamic Tensile Strength of Lunar Rock Types ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 86; No. B3; 1794-1802; 10.1029/JB086iB03p01794
Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Fragmentation of ice by low velocity impact ; ISBN 0080280749; Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 1667-1687
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Impact cratering: The effect of crustal strength and planetary gravity ; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 19; No. 1; 1-12; 10.1029/RG019i001p00001
Somerville, Malcolm and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Shock compression of KFeS_2 and the question of potassium in the core ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 85; No. B12; 7016-7024; 10.1029/JB085iB12p07016
Henyey, Thomas L. and Teng, Ta-Liang, el al. (1980) A Multi-purpose crustal strain observatory, Dalton Tunnel complex, San Gabriel Mountains
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Equations of state of FeO and CaO ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 62; No. 3; 505-528; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02588.x
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Anorthite: thermal equation of state to high pressures ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 62; No. 3; 529-549; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02589.x
Vizgirda, J. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1980) Shock-induced effects in calcite from Cactus Crater ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 44; No. 8; 1059-1069; 10.1016/0016-7037(80)90059-9
Goto, Tsuneaki and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1980) Absorption spectrum of shock-compressed Fe^(2+)-bearing MgO and the radiative conductivity of the lower mantle ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 277-288; 10.1016/0031-9201(80)90044-8
Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Identification of Ice VI on the Hugoniot of Ice I_h ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 7; No. 5; 407-409; 10.1029/GL007i005p00407
Mashimo, Tsutomu and Kondo, Ken-ichi, el al. (1980) Electrical conductivity measurement of fayalite under shock compression up to 56 GPa ; Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth; Vol. 85; No. B4; 1876-1881; 10.1029/jb085ib04p01876
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Dynamic Compression of Earth Materials ; Science; Vol. 207; No. 4435; 1035-1041; 10.1126/science.207.4435.1035
Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Shock temperature measurements in Mg_2SiO_4 and SiO_2 at high pressures ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 7; No. 2; 141-144; 10.1029/GL007i002p00141
Croft, S. K. and Kieffer, S. W., el al. (1979) Low-velocity impact craters in ice and ice-saturated sand with implications for Martian crater count ages ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B14; 8023-8032; 10.1029/JB084iB14p08023
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Release adiabat measurements on minerals: The effect of viscosity ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B13; 7545-7548; 10.1029/JB084iB13p07545
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1979) B1-B2 Transition in Calcium Oxide from Shock-Wave and Diamond-Cell Experiments ; Science; Vol. 206; No. 4420; 829-830; 10.1126/science.206.4420.829
Lyzenga, G. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Multiwavelength optical pyrometer for shock compression experiments ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 50; No. 11; 1421-1424; 10.1063/1.1135731
Jackson, Ian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Shock-wave compression of vitreous and rutile-type GeO_2: A comparative study ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 20; No. 1; 60-70; 10.1016/0031-9201(79)90108-0
Raikes, Susan A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Post-shock temperatures in minerals ; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 58; No. 3; 717-747; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1979.tb04804.x
Goto, Tsuneaki and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1979) Absorption Spectra of Cr^(3+) in Al_2O_3 Under Shock Compression ; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 4; No. 3; 253-263; 10.1007/BF00307949
Jackson, Ian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Shock wave compression of single-crystal forsterite ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B6; 3039-3048; 10.1029/JB084iB06p03039
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Equations of state of iron sulfide and constraints on the sulfur content of the Earth ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B3; 985-998; 10.1029/JB084iB03p00985
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Editorial ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 84; No. B1; 145; 10.1029/JB084iB01p00145
Jeanloz, R. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1979) The B1/B2 Transition in CaO from Shock-Wave and Diamond-Cell Experiments ; Year Book Carnegie Institution of Washington; No. 78; 627-630
Goto, T. and Rossman, G. R., el al. (1979) Absorption spectroscopy in solids under shock compression ; ISBN 9780306400698; High-Pressure Science and Technology: Sixth AIRAPT Conference; 895-900
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) Impact flows and crater scaling on the moon ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 16; No. 4; 341-351; 10.1016/0031-9201(78)90072-9
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) The equation of state of a lunar anorthosite: 60025
Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1978) Energy and mass distributions of impact ejecta blankets on the moon and Mercury ; ISBN 0080229662; 9th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 3787-3802
Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) The relation between the shock-induced free-surface velocity and the postshock specific volume of solids ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 49; No. 1; 201-204; 10.1063/1.324323
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Meteorite Impact Ejecta: Dependence of Mass and Energy Lost on Planetary Escape Velocity ; Science; Vol. 198; No. 4323; 1249-1251; 10.1126/science.198.4323.1249-a
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1977) Shock-Produced Olivine Glass: First Observation ; Science; Vol. 197; No. 4302; 457-459; 10.1126/science.197.4302.457
Meier, Lyle D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Longitudinal elastic velocities in MgO to 360 kbar ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 82; No. 17; 2523-2528; 10.1029/JB082i017p02523
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Impact processess ; Geotimes; Vol. 22; 24-26
Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Effects of Shock Pressures on Calcic Plagioclase ; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 1; No. 1; 95-107; 10.1007/BF00307982
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Jackson, Ian, el al. (1977) Shock compression and adiabatic release of a titaniferous mare basalt ; ISBN 0080220525; 8th Lunar Science Conference; 3437-3455
Bless, Stephan J. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Measurements of the longitudinal modulus of Pierre clay shale at varying strain rates ; Geophysics; Vol. 42; No. 1; 34-40; 10.1190/1.1440710
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Impact-induced energy partitioning, melting, and vaporization on terrestrial planets ; ISBN 0080220525; 8th Lunar Science Conference; 3357-3374
Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1977) Equations of state and impact-induced shock-wave attenuation on the moon
Jeanloz, R. and Ahrens, T. J. (1977) Pyroxenes and olivines; structural implications of shock-wave data for high pressure phases ; ISBN 9780124687509; High-Pressure research: applications in geophysics; 439-461
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Wooten, Frederick (1976) Electrical Conductivity Induced in Insulators by Pulsed Radiation ; IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Vol. 23; No. 3; 1268-1272; 10.1109/TNS.1976.4328451
Bless, Stephan J. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Measurement of release wave speed in shock-compressed polycrystalline alumina and aluminum ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 81; No. 11; 1935-1942; 10.1029/JB081i011p01935
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Impact ejecta on the moon ; ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 3007-3025
King, David A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Shock compression of ilmenite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 81; No. 5; 931-935; 10.1029/JB081i005p00931
O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Shock effects from a large impact on the moon ; ISBN 9780080205663; Lunar Science Conference; 2831-2844
Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Alkali mobility in shocked basalt ; ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 1623-1632
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Tsay, Fun-Dow, el al. (1976) Shock-induced fine-grained recrystallization of olivine: Evidence against subsolidus reduction of Fe^(2+) ; ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 1143-1156
Menard, H. W. and McKenzie, Dan, el al. (1975) James B. Macelwane Award to Dan McKenzie, Gerald Schubert and Vytenis M. Vasyliunas ; Eos; Vol. 56; No. 11; 922-926; 10.1029/eo056i011p00922
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Compaction by impact of unconsolidated lunar fines ; The Moon; Vol. 14; No. 2; 291-299; 10.1007/BF00565328
Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1975) Spectra of shock-affected rhodonite: A reply ; American Mineralogist; Vol. 60; No. 9-10; 942-943
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Schubert, Gerald (1975) Rapid formation of eclogite in a slightly wet mantle ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 27; No. 1; 90-94; 10.1016/0012-821X(75)90165-X
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Equations of state of the Earth ; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 13; No. 3; 335-339; 10.1029/RG013i003p00335
Lagus, P. L. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1975) Solidified gas samples for shock wave experimentation ; Cryogenics; Vol. 15; No. 5; 246-248; 10.1016/0011-2275(75)90110-1
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Schubert, Gerald (1975) Gabbro-eclogite reaction rate and its geophysical significance ; Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics; Vol. 13; No. 2; 383-400; 10.1029/RG013i002p00383
Snee, Lawrence W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar dunite ; ISBN 9780080205663; Proceedings of the Sixth Lunar Science Conference; 833-842
Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1974) A Spectrographic Interpretation of the Shock-Produced Color
Change in Rhodonite (MnSiO_3): The Shock-Induced Reduction
of Mn(lll) to Mn(II). ; American Mineralogist; Vol. 59; No. 1-2; 177-182
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Cole, David M. (1974) Shock compression and adiabatic release of lunar fines from Apollo 17
Davies, Geoffrey F. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Measurement of elastic velocities of MgO under shock compression to 500 kilobars ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 32; 7596-7601; 10.1029/JB078i032p07596
Kleeman, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock-induced transition of quartz to stishovite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 26; 5954-5960; 10.1029/JB078i026p05954
Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Optical absorption spectra of ruby and periclase at high shock pressures ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 26; 5942-5953; 10.1029/JB078i026p05942
Lagus, Peter L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock wave measurements on solid hydrogen and argon ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 59; No. 7; 3517-3522; 10.1063/1.1680513
King, D. A. and Ahrens, T. J. (1973) Shock Compression of Iron Sulphide and the Possible Sulphur Content of the Earth's Core ; Nature Physical Science; Vol. 243; No. 127; 82-84; 10.1038/physci243082a0
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Liu, Hsi-Ping (1973) A shock-induced phase change in orthoclase ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 8; 1274-1278; 10.1029/JB078i008p01274
Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D., el al. (1973) Shock compression of a recrystallized anorthositic rock from Apollo 15
Graham, Earl K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock wave compression of iron-silicate garnet ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 2; 375-392; 10.1029/JB078i002p00375
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1972) Shock Melting and Vaporization of Metals ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 43; No. 5; 2443-2445; 10.1063/1.1661519
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1972) The state of mantle minerals ; Tectonophysics; Vol. 13; No. 1-4; 189-219; 10.1016/0040-1951(72)90020-0
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Graham, E. K. (1972) A shock-induced phase change in iron-silicate garnet ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 14; No. 1; 87-90; 10.1016/0012-821X(72)90086-6
Toksöz, M. Nafi and Thomson, Ker C., el al. (1971) Generation of seismic waves by explosions in prestressed media ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 61; No. 6; 1589-1623
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gaffney, Edward S. (1971) Dynamic compression of enstatite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 23; 5504-5513; 10.1029/JB076i023p05504
Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1971) Shock metamorphism of silicate glasses ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 23; 5489-5498; 10.1029/JB076i023p05489
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takahashi, Taro (1971) Static and dynamic compression of Earth materials ; Eos; Vol. 52; No. 5; 147-153; 10.1029/EO052i005pIU147
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Allen, Charles F., el al. (1971) Explosive Gas Blast: The Expansion of Detonation Products in Vacuum ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 42; No. 2; 815-829; 10.1063/1.1660099
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Lower, John H., el al. (1971) Equation of state of forsterite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 2; 518-528; 10.1029/JB076i002p00518
Ahrens, T. J. (1971) Shock-wave Equations of State of Minerals
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Fleischer, Robert L., el al. (1970) Erasure of fission tracks in glasses and silicates by shock waves ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 8; No. 6; 420-426; 10.1016/0012-821X(70)90145-7
Kovach, Robert L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1970) Explosive Seismic Sources for the Moon ; Geophysics; Vol. 35; No. 1; 33-44; 10.1190/1.1440079
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takahashi, Taro, el al. (1970) A proposed equation of state of stishovite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 75; No. 2; 310-316; 10.1029/JB075i002p00310
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Anderson, Don L. (1970) Evaluation of Equation of State Data
Horz, Friedrich and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1969) Deformation of experimentally shocked biotite ; American Journal of Science; Vol. 267; No. 10; 1213-1229; 10.2475/ajs.267.10.1213
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1969) Equations of State and Crystal Structures of High-Pressure Phases of Shocked Silicates and Oxides ; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 7; No. 4; 667-707; 10.1029/RG007i004p00667
Thomson, Ker C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1969) Dynamic Photoelastic Studies of P and S Wave Propagation in Prestressed Media ; Geophysics; Vol. 34; No. 5; 696-712; 10.1190/1.1440041
Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1969) Heat of Formation of O2– ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 51; No. 3; 1088-1091; 10.1063/1.1672107
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Petersen, C. F., el al. (1969) Shock compression of feldspars ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 74; No. 10; 2727-2746; 10.1029/JB074i010p02727
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Spetzler, Hartmut (1969) Calibration of an Image-Converter Streak Camera ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 40; No. 2; 354-355; 10.1063/1.1683934
Ahrens, T. J. and Petersen, C. F. (1969) Shock wave data and the study of the Earth ; ISBN 978-0471745051; The application of modern physics to the earth and planetary interiors; 449-461
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gust, W. H., el al. (1968) Material Strength Effect in the Shock Compression of Alumina ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 39; No. 10; 4610-4616; 10.1063/1.1655810
Cowperthwaite, M. and Ahrens, T. J. (1967) Thermodynamics of the Adiabatic Expansion of a Mixture of Two Phases ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 35; No. 10; 951-955; 10.1119/1.1973649
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Syono, Yasuhiko (1967) Calculated mineral reactions in the Earth's mantle ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 72; No. 16; 4181-4188; 10.1029/JZ072i016p04181
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Ruderman, M. H. (1966) Immersed-Foil Method for Measuring Shock Wave Profiles in Solids ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 37; No. 13; 4758-4765; 10.1063/1.1708133
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Duvall, George E. (1966) Stress relaxation behind elastic shock waves in rocks ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 71; No. 18; 4349-4360; 10.1029/JZ071i018p04349
Ahrens, Thomas J. (1966) High-pressure electrical behavior and equation of state of magnesium oxide from shock wave measurements ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 37; No. 7; 2532-2541; 10.1063/1.1782080
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gregson, V. G., Jr. (1964) Shock compression of crustal rocks: Data for quartz, calcite, and plagioclase rocks ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 69; No. 22; 4839-4874; 10.1029/JZ069i022p04839
Woeber, A. F. and Katz, Samuel, el al. (1963) Elasticity of selected rocks and minerals ; Geophysics; Vol. 28; No. 4; 658-663; 10.1190/1.1439242
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Katz, Samuel (1963) Ultrasonic observation of the calcite-aragonite transition ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 68; No. 2; 529-537; 10.1029/JZ068i002p00529
Ahrens, Thomas J. and Katz, Samuel (1962) An ultrasonic interferometer for high-pressure research ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 67; No. 7; 2935-2944; 10.1029/JZ067i007p02935