Aharonson, Oded
- Hayne, P. O. and Aharonson, O. (2015) Thermal stability of ice on Ceres with rough topography; Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets; Vol. 120; No. 9; 1567-1584; 10.1002/2015JE004887
- Kite, Edwin S. and Howard, Alan D., el al. (2015) Stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Stratigraphic context of the great river deposits; Icarus; Vol. 253; 223-242; 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.03.007
- Rosenburg, Margaret A. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2015) Topographic power spectra of cratered terrains: Theory and application to the Moon; Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets; Vol. 120; No. 2; 177-194; 10.1002/2014JE004746
- Lucas, Antoine and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2014) Insights into Titan's geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 119; No. 10; 2149-2166; 10.1002/2013JE004584
- Kite, Edwin S. and Williams, Jean-Pierre, el al. (2014) Low palaeopressure of the martian atmosphere estimated from the size distribution of ancient craters; Nature Geoscience; Vol. 7; No. 5; 335-339; 10.1038/NGEO2137
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- Kreslavsky, Mikhail A. and Head, James W., el al. (2013) Lunar topographic roughness maps from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) data: Scale dependence and correlation with geologic features and units; Icarus; Vol. 226; No. 1; 52-66; 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.04.027
- Waszczak, A. and Ofek, E. O., el al. (2013) Main-belt comets in the Palomar Transient Factory survey – I. The search for extendedness; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 433; No. 4; 3115-3132; 10.1093/mnras/stt951
- Hayes, A. G. and Lorenz, R. D., el al. (2013) Wind driven capillary-gravity waves on Titan's lakes: Hard to detect or non-existent?; Icarus; Vol. 225; No. 1; 403-412; 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.04.004
- Kaspi, Yohai and Showman, Adam P., el al. (2013) Atmospheric confinement of jet streams on Uranus and Neptune; Nature; Vol. 497; No. 7449; 344-347; 10.1038/nature12131
- Limaye, Ajay B. S. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2012) Detailed stratigraphy and bed thickness of the Mars north and south polar layered deposits; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 117; Art. No. E06009; 10.1029/2011JE003961
- Zuber, Maria T. and Head, James W., el al. (2012) Constraints on the volatile distribution within Shackleton crater at the lunar south pole; Nature; Vol. 486; No. 7403; 378-381; 10.1038/nature11216
- Aharonson, Oded and Goldreich, Peter, el al. (2012) Why do we see the man in the Moon?; Icarus; Vol. 219; No. 1; 241-243; 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.02.019
- Polishook, D. and Ofek, E. O., el al. (2012) Asteroid rotation periods from the Palomar Transient Factory survey; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 421; No. 3; 2094-2108; 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20462.x
- Siegler, Matthew and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2012) Measurements of thermal properties of icy Mars regolith analogs; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 117; No. E3; Art. No. E03001; 10.1029/2011JE003938
- Marinova, Margarita M. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2011) Geophysical consequences of planetary-scale impacts into a Mars-like planet; Icarus; Vol. 211; No. 2; 960-985; 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.10.032
- Rosenburg, M. A. and Aharonson, O., el al. (2011) Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 116; No. E2; Art. No. E02001; 10.1029/2010JE003716
- Williams, Jean-Pierre and Ruiz, Javier, el al. (2011) Insolation driven variations of Mercury's lithospheric strength; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 116; Art. No. E01008; 10.1029/2010JE003655
- Hayes, A. G. and Aharonson, O., el al. (2011) Transient surface liquid in Titan's polar regions from Cassini; Icarus; Vol. 211; No. 1; 655-671; 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.08.017
- Lorenz, Ralph D. and Turtle, Elizabeth P., el al. (2011) Hypsometry of Titan; Icarus; Vol. 211; No. 1; 699-706; 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.10.002
- Huybers, Peter and Aharonson, Oded (2010) Orbital tuning, eccentricity, and the frequency modulation of climatic precession; Paleoceanography; Vol. 25; Art. no. PA4228; 10.1029/2010PA001952
- Hayes, A. G. and Wolf, A. S., el al. (2010) Bathymetry and absorptivity of Titan's Ontario Lacus; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 115; No. E9; Art. No. E09009; 10.1029/2009JE003557
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- Aharonson, O. and Hayes, A. G., el al. (2009) An asymmetric distribution of lakes on Titan as a possible consequence of orbital forcing; Nature Geoscience; Vol. 2; No. 12; 851-854; 10.1038/ngeo698
- Roach, L. H. and Mustard, J. F., el al. (2009) Testing evidence of recent hydration state change in sulfates on Mars; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 114; E00D02; 10.1029/2008JE003245
- Hudson, Troy L. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2009) Laboratory experiments and models of diffusive emplacement of ground ice on Mars; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 114; Art. No. E01002; 10.1029/2008JE003149
- Lewis, Kevin W. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2008) Quasi-Periodic Bedding in the Sedimentary Rock Record of Mars; Science; Vol. 322; No. 5907; 1532-1535; 10.1126/science.1161870
- Lewis, Kevin W. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2008) Structure and stratigraphy of Home Plate from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 113; E12S36; 10.1029/2007JE003025
- McCleese, D. J. and Schofield, J. T., el al. (2008) Intense polar temperature inversion in the middle atmosphere on Mars; Nature Geoscience; Vol. 1; No. 11; 745-749; 10.1038/ngeo332
- Hudson, Troy L. and Aharonson, Oded (2008) Diffusion barriers at Mars surface conditions: salt crusts, particle size mixtures, and dust; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 113; No. E9; E09008; 10.1029/2007JE003026
- Diez, B. and Feldman, W. C., el al. (2008) H layering in the top meter of Mars; Icarus; Vol. 196; No. 2; 409-421; 10.1016/j.icarus.2008.02.006
- Rogers, A. D. and Aharonson, O. (2008) Mineralogical composition of sands in Meridiani Planum determined from Mars Exploration Rover data and comparison to orbital measurements; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 113; No. E6; E06S14; 10.1029/2007JE002995
- Glotch, Timothy D. and Rossman, George R., el al. (2007) Mid-infrared (5–100 μm) reflectance spectra and optical constants of ten phyllosilicate minerals; Icarus; Vol. 192; No. 2; 605-622; 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.07.002
- Williams, J.-P. and Aharonson, O., el al. (2007) Powering Mercury's dynamo; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 34; No. 21; Art. No. L21201; 10.1029/2007GL031164
- Schorghofer, N. and Aharonson, O., el al. (2007) Three decades of slope streak activity on Mars; Icarus; Vol. 191; No. 1; 132-140; 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.04.026
- Zuber, Maria T. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2007) The Geophysics of Mercury: Current Status and Anticipated Insights from the MESSENGER Mission; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 131; No. 1-4; 105-132; 10.1007/s11214-007-9265-4
- Squyres, S. W. and Aharonson, O., el al. (2007) Pyroclastic Activity at Home Plate in Gusev Crater, Mars; Science; Vol. 316; No. 5825; 738-742; 10.1126/science.1139045
- Hudson, Troy L. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2007) Water vapor diffusion in Mars subsurface environments; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 112; Art. No. E05016; 10.1029/2006JE002815
- Aharonson, Oded (2006) Subsurface ice on Mars with rough topography; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 111; No. E11; E11007
- Lewis, Kevin W. and Aharonson, Oded (2006) Stratigraphic analysis of the distributary fan in Eberswalde crater using stereo imagery; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 111; No. E6; E06001; 10.1029/2005JE002558
- Schorghofer, Norbert and Aharonson, Oded (2005) Stability and exchange of subsurface ice on Mars; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 110; No. E5; E05003; 10.1029/2004JE002350
- Solomon, Sean C. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2005) New Perspectives on Ancient Mars; Science; Vol. 307; No. 5713; 1214-1220; 10.1126/science.1101812
- Aharonson, Oded and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (2004) Depth, distribution, and density of CO₂ deposition on Mars; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 109; No. E05; Art. No. E05004; 10.1029/2003JE002223
- Gerstell, Marguerite F. and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2004) A distinct class of avalanche scars on Mars; Icarus; Vol. 168; No. 1; 122-130; 10.1016/j.icarus.2003.11.005
- Aharonson, Oded and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (2004) Crustal remanence in an internally magnetized non-uniform shell: a possible source for Mercury's magnetic field?; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 218; No. 3-4; 261-268; 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00682-4
- Aharonson, Oded and Schorghofer, Norbert, el al. (2003) Slope streak formation and dust deposition rates on Mars; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 108; No. E12; 5138; 10.1029/2003JE002123
- Neumann, G. A. and Abshire, J. B., el al. (2003) Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter pulse width measurements and footprint-scale roughness; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 30; No. 11; Art. No. 1561; 10.1029/2003GL017048
- Schorghofer, Norbert and Aharonson, Oded, el al. (2002) Slope streaks on Mars: Correlations with surface properties and the potential role of water; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 23; Art. No. 2126; 10.1029/2002GL015889
- McGovern, Patrick J. and Solomon, Sean C., el al. (2002) Localized gravity/topography admittance and correlation spectra on Mars: Implications for regional and global evolution; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 107; No. E12; Art. No. 5136; 10.1029/2002JE001854
- Aharonson, Oded and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (2002) Drainage basins and channel incision on Mars; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 99; No. 4; 1780-1783; PMCID PMC122270; 10.1073/pnas.261704198
- Aharonson, Oded and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (2001) Statistics of Mars' topography from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter: Slopes, correlations, and physical Models; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 106; No. E10; 23723-23735; 10.1029/2000JE001403
- Phillips, Roger J. and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (2001) Ancient Geodynamics and Global-Scale Hydrology on Mars; Science; Vol. 291; No. 5513; 2587-2591; 10.1126/science.1058701
- Zuber, Maria T. and Smith, David E., el al. (2000) The Shape of 433 Eros from the NEAR-Shoemaker Laser Rangefinder; Science; Vol. 289; No. 5487; 2097-2101; 10.1126/science.289.5487.2097
- Zuber, Maria T. and Solomon, Sean C., el al. (2000) Internal Structure and Early Thermal Evolution of Mars from Mars Global Surveyor Topography and Gravity; Science; Vol. 287; No. 5459; 1788-1793; 10.1126/science.287.5459.1788
- Smith, David E. and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (1999) The Global Topography of Mars and Implications for Surface Evolution; Science; Vol. 284; No. 5419; 1495-1503; 10.1126/science.284.5419.1495
- Aharonson, Oded and Zuber, Maria T., el al. (1998) Mars: Northern hemisphere slopes and slope distributions; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 25; No. 24; 4413-4416; 10.1029/1998GL900057
- Zuber, Maria T. and Smith, David E., el al. (1998) Shape of the northern hemisphere of Mars from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA); Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 25; No. 24; 4393-4396; 10.1029/1998GL900129
- Zuber, Maria T. and Smith, David E., el al. (1998) Observations of the North Polar Region of Mars from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter; Science; Vol. 282; No. 5396; 2053-2060; 10.1126/science.282.5396.2053