Acosta, Allan J.
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1994) Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Leakage Annulus of a Whirling Shrouded Centrifugal Pump
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1994) Rotordynamic Forces in Cavitating Inducers
Sivo, J. M. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1993) The Influence of Swirl Brakes and a Tip Discharge Orifice on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1993) Observations on Off-Design Flows in Non-Cavitating Axial Flow Inducers
Sivo, Joseph M. and Acosta, Allan J., el al. (1993) The Influence of Swirl Brakes on the Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps
Hart, D. P. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1990) Observations of Cavitation on a Three-Dimensional Oscillating Hydrofoil ; ISBN 079180495X; Cavitation and Multiphase Flow Forum (25th : 1990 : Toronto, Ontario); 49-52
Guinzburg, A. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1990) Measurements for the rotordynamic shroud forces for centrifugal pumps
Acosta, Allan J. and Brennen, Christopher E., el al. (1989) Impeller-Induced Rotor-Dynamic Forces ; ISBN 1560321148; Fluids engineering : Korea-U.S. progress
Franz, R. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1989) The Rotordynamic Forces on a Centrifugal Pump Impeller in the Presence of Cavitation ; ISBN 0791803449; Pumping Machinery, 1989 : presented at the Third Joint ASCE/ASME Mechanics Conference, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, July 9-12, 1989 / sponsored by the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME; 205-211
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1989) Experimental Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Centrifugal Pump with Several Vaned Diffusers ; ISBN 978-0-7918-7913-9; ASME 1989 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition; Art. No. V001T01A033; 10.1115/89-GT-62
Franz, R. and Arndt, N., el al. (1987) Rotordynamic Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers ; ISBN 9630546477; Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 252-258
Arndt, N. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1987) Unsteady Diffuser Vane Pressure and Impeller Wake Measurements in a Centrifugal Pump ; ISBN 9630546477; Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 49-56
Franz, R. J. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1986) On the Effect of Cavitation on the Radial Forces and Hydrodynamic Stiffness of a Centrifugal Pump
Brennen, C. E. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1986) Impeller Fluid Forces
Tsujimoto, Y. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1984) Two-Dimensional Unsteady Analysis of Fluid Forces on a Whirling Centrifugal Impeller in a Volute
Jery, B. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1984) Hydrodynamic Impeller Stiffness, Damping, and Inertia in the Rotordynamics of Centrifugal Flow Pumps
d'Agostino, L. and Brennen, C. E., el al. (1984) On the linearized dynamics of two-dimensional bubbly flows over wave-shaped surfaces
Chamieh, D. S. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1982) Experimental Measurements of Hydrodynamic Stiffness Matrices for a Centrifugal Pump Impeller
Katz, Joseph and Acosta, Allan (1982) Observations of nuclei in cavitating flows ; ISBN 9789400975347; Mechanics and Physics of Bubbles in Liquids; 123-132; 10.1007/978-94-009-7532-3_11
Chamieh, D. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1980) A Brief Note on the Interaction of an Actuator Cascade with a Singularity
Brennen, C. E. and Acosta, A. J., el al. (1980) A Test Program to Measure Fluid Mechanical Whirl-Excitation Forces in Centrifugal Pumps
Acosta, A. J. and Parkin, B. R. (1975) Cavitation inception
Brennen, Christopher and Acosta, Allan J. (1975) The Dynamic Performance of Cavitating Turbopumps ; ISBN 9630507250; Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Fluid Machinery; 121-136
Arakeri, V. H. and Acosta, A. J. (1975) Some transition and cavitation inception observations on a 1.5 cal ogive
Brennen, C. and Acosta, A. J. (1972) A Note on Turbopump Blade Cavitation Compliance for the POGO Instability
Acosta, A. J. and Hollander, A. (1966) Observations on the Performance of Centrifugal Pumps at Low Reynolds Numbers
Acosta, A. J. (1958) An Experimental Study of Cavitating Inducers