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- Chen, Po-Chih (2024) Signal Processing for Large Arrays: Convolutional Beamspace, Hybrid Analog and Digital Processing, and Distributed Algorithms; 10.7907/m5ys-t440
- Haghi, Benyamin Allahgholizadeh (2024) Energy-Efficient and Robust Algorithms for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/gkx4-s019
- Yurk, Dominic Jeffrey (2023) Advancements in Hemodynamic Measurement: Arterial Resonance, Ultrasound, and Machine Learning; 10.7907/q7j4-vj19
- Lale, Ali Sahin (2023) Learning and Control of Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/rdhq-8a88
- Ryou, Serim (2022) Representation of the Semantic Structures: from Discovery to Applications; 10.7907/rvnc-dp57
- Teke, Oguzhan (2021) Signals on Networks: Random Asynchronous and Multirate Processing, and Uncertainty Principles; 10.7907/44dx-3g83
- Mark, Zachary R. (2021) Gravitational Wave Signatures of Black Hole Physics; 10.7907/kh82-1q43
- Liu, Chun-Lin (2018) Sparse Array Signal Processing: New Array Geometries, Parameter Estimation, and Theoretical Analysis; 10.7907/NSTQ-SD57
- Urban, Luke Stuart (2018) An Electrophysiological Study Of Voluntary Movement and Spinal Cord Injury; 10.7907/K6P2-ZH75
- Tenneti, Srikanth Venkata (2018) The Nested Periodic Subspaces: Extensions of Ramanujan Sums for Period Estimation; 10.7907/1n4t-5876
- Hall, David Christopher (2017) Advancing a Machine's Visual Awareness of People; 10.7907/Z9ST7MWC
- Appel, Ron (2017) Boosting Boosting; 10.7907/Z9N29V0J
- Zhao, Sinan (2016) Advanced Monte Carlo Simulation and Machine Learning for Frequency Domain Optical Coherence Tomography; 10.7907/Z9X63JVM
- González Palacios, Carlos Roberto (2015) Optimal Data Distributions in Machine Learning; 10.7907/Z9DR2SD5
- Faulkner, Matthew Nicholas (2014) Community Sense and Response Systems; 10.7907/QFM5-FH06
- Satsanarukkit, Penvipha (2014) Development of Integrated Parylene Fluidic Devices for Use as a Microbial Monitoring System in Wastewater Treatment; 10.7907/Z98G8HPQ
- Liu, Chih-Hao (2013) Transceiver Designs and Analysis for LTI, LTV and Broadcast Channels - New Matrix Decompositions and Majorization Theory; 10.7907/2VFF-SZ70
- Stobbe, Peter (2013) Convex Analysis for Minimizing and Learning Submodular Set Functions ; 10.7907/1A1J-SA64
- Pal, Piya (2013) New Directions In Sparse Sampling and Estimation For Underdetermined Systems; 10.7907/P0E1-5G05
- Censi, Andrea (2013) Bootstrapping Vehicles: A Formal Approach to Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning Based on Invariance; 10.7907/PWVS-2Q74
- Griffin, Gregory Scott (2013) Learning and Using Taxonomies for Visual and Olfactory Classification; 10.7907/YTZH-HA75
- Barmpoutis, Dionysios (2012) Network Structure Optimization with Applications to Minimizing Variance and Crosstalk; 10.7907/ER8Y-ZK49
- Weng, Ching-Chih (2011) The Roles of Majorization and Generalized Triangular Decomposition in Communication and Signal Processing; 10.7907/2R1B-QE65
- Gomes, Ryan Geoffrey (2011) Towards Open Ended Learning: Budgets, Model Selection, and Representation; 10.7907/T92X-DQ05
- Aly, Mohamed Alaa El-Dien Mahmoud Hussein (2011) Searching Large-Scale Image Collections; 10.7907/VRGJ-4J54
- Andreetto, Marco (2011) Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections; 10.7907/ZH04-VT55
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- Roy, Anthony Mathew (2010) Neuro-Evolution Using Recombinational Algorithms and Embryogenesis for Robotic Control; 10.7907/YNED-VN66
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- Capponi, Agostino (2009) Credit Risk and Nonlinear Filtering: Computational Aspects and Empirical Evidence; 10.7907/7XV3-9Q45
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- Su, Borching (2008) Blind Channel Estimation Using Redundant Precoding: New Algorithms, Analysis, and Theory; 10.7907/R7MS-KQ06
- Helgason, Hannes (2008) Nonparametric Detection and Estimation of Highly Oscillatory Signals; 10.7907/SAEK-MV13
- Soloveichik, David (2008) Molecules Computing: Self-Assembled Nanostructures, Molecular Automata,and Chemical Reaction Networks; 10.7907/ZGE0-AF38
- Pratap, Amrit (2008) Adaptive Learning Algorithms and Data Cloning; 10.7907/GV3D-AB69
- Jiang, Hao (2008) Adaptive Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition and Ultra-Wideband Radar Signal Analysis; 10.7907/7NR6-AR24
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- Jang, Wonjin (2008) Soft-Error Tolerant Quasi Delay-insensitive Circuits; 10.7907/ZVFF-WE07
- Moreels, Pierre (2008) Probabilistic, Features-Based Object Recognition; 10.7907/YGYX-XX55
- Holub, Alex David (2007) Discriminative vs. Generative Object Recognition: Objects, Faces, and the Web; 10.7907/2HC2-K923
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- Li, Ling (2006) Data Complexity in Machine Learning and Novel Classification Algorithms; 10.7907/EW2G-9986
- Williams, Kjerstin Irja (2006) Multi-robot Systems: Modeling Swarm Dynamics and Designing Inspection Planning Algorithms; 10.7907/G1T2-FB74
- Li, Fei-Fei (2005) Visual Recognition: Computational Models and Human Psychophysics; 10.7907/G5NP-KH67
- Cook, Matthew M. (2005) Networks of Relations; 10.7907/CVKM-D684
- Armani, Deniz Karapetian (2005) Ultra-High-Q Planar Microcavities and Applications; 10.7907/EZHA-VY23
- Riedel, Marcus D. (2004) Cyclic Combinational Circuits; 10.7907/410B-XR25
- Panotopoulos, Georgios (2003) Holographic Information Systems; 10.7907/P6B7-VR22
- Franceschetti, Massimo (2003) Wireless Networks, from Collective Behavior to the Physics of Propagation; 10.7907/SCTG-FN57
- Agassounon, William B. G. (2003) Modeling Artificial, Mobile Swarm Systems; 10.7907/EJYZ-3Y55
- Zhao, Qian (2003) Network Source Coding: Theory and Code Design for Broadcast and Multiple Access Networks; 10.7907/61XN-MV62
- Song, Yang (2003) A Probabilistic Approach to Human Motion Detection and Labeling; 10.7907/945J-QX86
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- Rosenbluth, David (2002) Eye Position Modulation of Visual Cortex and the Sensory Set Hypothesis; 10.7907/jnhb-e433
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- Fain, Daniel Cark (2001) Kinematic Measurement and Feature Sets for Automatic Speech Recognition; 10.7907/9vse-8c78
- Billock, Joseph Gregory (2001) Attentional Control of Complex Systems; 10.7907/132r-jm11
- Daniell, Cynthia Evors (2000) Object Recognition in Compressed Imagery.; 10.7907/6z3z-ar86
- Munich, Mario Enrique (2000) Visual input for pen-based computers; 10.7907/1VW0-ZG46
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- Song, Xubo (1999) Contextual pattern recognition with applications to biomedical image identification; 10.7907/F5YK-HM52
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- Massingill, Berna Linda (1998) A structured approach to parallel programming; 10.7907/5ma9-h225
- Tuqan, Jamal (1998) Statistical optimization of multirate systems and orthonormal filter banks; 10.7907/vx5t-w383
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- Minch, Bradley Arthur (1997) Analysis, synthesis, and implementation of networks of multiple-input translinear elements; 10.7907/rh58-rz05
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