- Wang, Yijun (2024) Topics
in Gravitational Wave Physics: Lensing, Detection with Astrometry and
Dark Siren Hubble Measurement; 10.7907/fjya-qm21
- Shi, Yanlong (2023) Assembly
of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Along Star Formation; 10.7907/thmn-7h07
- Chen, Baoyi (2022) Near-Horizon
Black Hole Physics; 10.7907/8szr-9e68
- Mark, Zachary R. (2021) Gravitational
Wave Signatures of Black Hole Physics; 10.7907/kh82-1q43
- Giesler, Matthew David (2020) Probing
the Nature of Black Holes with Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/akwv-r373
- Barkett, Kevin Michael Canice (2019) Computational
Methods for Gravitational Wave Physics: Spectral Cauchy-Characteristic
Extraction and Tidal Splicing; 10.7907/3DH5-7773
- Okounkova, Maria (2019) Numerical
Relativity Beyond General Relativity; 10.7907/WPAT-PS25
- Helou, Bassam Mohamad (2019) Testing
Alternative Theories of Quantum Mechanics with Optomechanics, and
Effective Modes for Gaussian Linear Optomechanics; 10.7907/KJ1K-9268
- Su, Kung-Yi (2019) Stellar
Feedback, AGN Feedback and Fluid Microphysics in Galaxy Evolution;
- Orr, Matthew Edward (2019) Spatially
Resolved Star Formation in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations:
Understanding the Role of Feedback in Scaling Relations; 10.7907/WE1D-5586
- Du, Song Ming (2019) Fundamental
Physics Through Gravitational Waves: From No-Hair Theorem to Quantum
Structures of Black Holes; 10.7907/YSDX-J506
- Schmitz, Denise Marie (2019) A
Perturbative Model for the Intrinsic Alignments of Galaxies; 10.7907/HZ7G-1048
- Varma, Vadapalli Vijay S. (2019) Black
Hole Simulations: From Supercomputers to Your Laptop; 10.7907/YT07-Q639
- Ma, Xiangcheng (2018) Understanding
Galaxy Formation and Evolution with Realistic Simulations; 10.7907/MX2D-6P63
- Murchikova, Elena M. (2018) Astrophysical
Applications of Quantum Mechanics; 10.7907/PEBS-ZJ88
- Guszejnov, Dávid (2018) On
the Origin of Scales and Scaling Laws in Star Formation; 10.7907/WZ2G-R643
- Lippuner, Jonas (2018) r-Process
Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Mergers with the New Nuclear Reaction
Network SkyNet; 10.7907/Z9V40SCS
- Richers, Sherwood Andrew, III (2018) Neutrino
Radiation Transport and Other Topics in High Energy Density
Astrophysics; 10.7907/Z9PC30JH
- Blackman, Jonathan Lloyd (2017) Surrogate
Models of Gravitational Waves from Numerical Relativity Simulations of
Binary Black Hole Mergers; 10.7907/Z93F4MPJ
- Oklopčić, Antonija (2017) Radiative
Processes in Astrophysical Gases: From the Intergalactic and
Interstellar Medium to Exoplanetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/Z9GM85CS
- Nerella, Tejaswi Venumadhav (2016) The
Astrophysics of Strongly Interacting Systems; 10.7907/Z900001N
- Handmer, Casey John (2015) Gauge
Invariant Spectral Cauchy Characteristic Extraction of Gravitational
Waves in Computational General Relativity; 10.7907/Z9NP22DZ
- Luan, Jing (2015) Toward
Understanding Astrophysical Phenomena; 10.7907/Z97942NB
- Kaplan, Jeffrey Daniel (2014) Where
Tori Fear to Trend: Hypermassive Neutron Star Remnants and Absolute
Event Horizons or Topics in Computational General Relativity; 10.7907/WAB5-8460
- Wegg, Christopher (2013) The
Dynamics of White Dwarfs, Black Holes and Stellar Cusps; 10.7907/YCAT-ES15
- Gluščević, Vera (2013) CMB
as a Probe of New Physics and Old Times; 10.7907/VZ0P-XD08
- Lee, Samuel Kuhnman (2012) Three
Paths to Particle Dark Matter; 10.7907/Q603-SH04
- Book, Laura Grace (2012) Cosmological
Consequences of Gravitation: Structure Formation and Gravitational
Waves; 10.7907/3KPE-MW85
- Krause, Anna Elisabeth (2012) Topics
in Large-Scale Structure; 10.7907/9HX2-RW58
- Tseliakhovich, Dmitriy (2012) The
Cosmic Stories: Beginning, Evolution and Present Days of the
Universe; 10.7907/T279-PV49
- O’Connor, Evan Patrick (2012) Topics
in Core-Collapse Supernova Theory: The Formation of Black Holes and the
Transport of Neutrinos; 10.7907/RAAR-4C77
- Ali-Haimoud, Yacine (2011) A
New Spin on Primordial Hydrogen Recombination and a Refined Model for
Spinning Dust Radiation; 10.7907/QMFZ-0C90
- Pullen, Anthony Robert (2011) A
Survey of Results in Modern Precision Cosmology; 10.7907/VJ9N-0J70
- Bode, Jason Nathaniel (2011) Black
Hole Mergers and Their Electromagnetic Counterparts; 10.7907/YVVG-R137
- Grin, Daniel (2010) The
Lukewarm Frontier: Some Cosmological Consequences of ‘Low Energy’
Physics; 10.7907/EN34-1095
- Collins, Benjamin Forster (2009) Understanding
the Solar System with Numerical Simulations and Lévy Flights; 10.7907/840K-TD87
- Li, Chao (2009) Topics
in Theoretical Astrophysics; 10.7907/CWB8-VF13
- Schlichting, Hilke Elisabeth (2009) Understanding
the Origin of Planetary Systems: Studying the Kuiper Belt and the
Dynamics of Planet Formation; 10.7907/SGJJ-9V78
- Erickcek, Adrienne Lynn (2009) The
Consequences of Modifying Fundamental Cosmological Theories; 10.7907/ST6B-1S91
- Suyu, Sherry Hsuan (2008) Dissecting
the Gravitational Lens B1608+656: Implications for the Hubble
Constant; 10.7907/MQS2-Y860
- Smith, Tristan Laine (2008) The
Gravity of the Situation; 10.7907/SY21-6Z52
- Mandel, Ilya (2008) The
Three Ss of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Sources, Signals,
Searches; 10.7907/GABY-T236
- Lovelace, Geoffrey Mark (2007) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Physics; 10.7907/94TE-3B59
- Fang, Hua (2007) Topics
in Gravitational Physics: Tidal Coupling in Gravitational Wave Searches
and Mach’s Principle; 10.7907/D99H-J577
- Pritchard, Jonathan Robin (2007) Extracting
the Cosmic History from Diffuse Backgrounds; 10.7907/W3BF-8Q61
- Pan, Yi (2006) Topics
of LIGO Physics: Template Banks for the Inspiral of Precessing, Compact
Binaries, and Design of the Signal-Recycling Cavity for Advanced
LIGO; 10.7907/TJB1-PQ24
- Liu, Junjun (2006) Interaction
of Magnetic Field and Flow in the Outer Shells of Giant Planets; 10.7907/4PVM-0G30
- Pan, Margaret Whei-Jie (2006) Slices
of Theoretical Astrophysics: Solar System Dynamics and Relativistic
Explosions; 10.7907/40AE-N743
- Sigurdson, Kris Raymond (2005) Variations
on the Standard Model of the Universe; 10.7907/52QC-H668
- Kesden, Michael Henry (2005) To
the Horizon and Beyond:Weak Lensing of the CMB and Binary Inspirals into
Horizonless Objects; 10.7907/BQMR-4C14
- Rathore, Yasser (2005) Resonant
Excitation of White Dwarf Oscillations in Compact Object Binaries;
- Farmer, Alison Jane (2005) Adventures
in Theoretical Astrophysics; 10.7907/JJKJ-J144
- Weinberg, Nevin Nachum (2005) I.
Ash Injection and Exposure During Radius Expansion Type I X-Ray Bursts.
II. Stellar Dynamics at the Galactic Center. III. Weak Gravitational
Lensing by Dark Matter Concentrations; 10.7907/V8PX-AE66
- Santos, Michael Robert (2004) Galaxy
Formation Near the Epoch of Reionization; 10.7907/X9XT-YT35
- Broderick, Avery Earl (2004) Radiative
Transfer in Accreting Environments; 10.7907/H2PF-K590
- O’Shaughnessy, Richard William (2004) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy; 10.7907/4C1K-VZ17
- Purdue, Patricia Marie (2003) Topics
in LIGO-Related Physics: Interferometric Speed Meters and Tidal
Work; 10.7907/0YKJ-SW34
- Liu, Yuk Tung (2003) Dynamical
Stability of Nascent Neutron Stars; 10.7907/61ZS-XQ28
- Hartl, Michael David (2003) Dynamics
of Spinning Compact Binaries in General Relativity; 10.7907/KZ5M-MR27
- Chen, Yanbei (2003) Topics
of LIGO Physics: Quantum Noise in Advanced Interferometers and Template
Banks for Compact-Binary Inspirals; 10.7907/VQH0-QA78
- Vallisneri, Michele (2002) Modeling
and Detecting Gravitational Waves from Compact Stellar Objects; 10.7907/JN6M-BW40
- Alvi, Kashif Siddiq (2002) Topics
in General Relativity: Binary Black Holes and Hyperbolic Formulations of
Einstein’s Equations; 10.7907/5S0S-MF65
- Lithwick, Yoram (2002) Topics
in MHD Turbulence; 10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29
- Krasnopolsky, Ruben (2000) Hydromagnetic
astrophysical outflows; 10.7907/j2ak-0b24
- Creighton, Teviet David (2000) From
the Big Bang to Tumbleweeds: Analysis of Signals from Relic Gravitons,
Neutron Stars, and Terrestrial Gravitational Noise in Gravitational Wave
Detectors; 10.7907/6xcj-0z64
- Levin, Yuri (1999) Topics
in Physics and Astrophysics of LIGO; 10.7907/ped8-ec41
- Lyutikov, Maxim (1998) Coherent
emission mechanisms in radio pulsars; 10.7907/3y39-fz45
- Mahajan, Sanjoy Sondhi (1998) Order
of Magnitude Physics: A Textbook with Applications to the Retinal Rod
and the Density of Prime Numbers; 10.7907/8MJZ-A984
- Hughes, Scott Alexander (1998) Gravitational-Wave
Astronomy: Aspects of the Theory of Binary Sources and Interferometric
Detectors; 10.7907/smxp-aw47
- Owen, Benjamin James (1998) Gravitational
Waves from Compact Objects; 10.7907/63nf-9z58
- Bernstein, Rebecca A. (1998) The
HST/LCO measurement of the mean flux of the extragalactic background
light (3000-8000Å); 10.7907/4cy1-bw30
- Hogg, David Wardell (1998) On
the Evolution of Field Galaxies; 10.7907/4s4s-gv41
- Ryan, Fintan Danh (1997) Searching
for Black Holes and Other Massive, Compact Bodies Using the
Gravitational Waves from Binary Inspirals; 10.7907/3n38-zg42
- Kennefick, Daniel John (1997) Radiation
Reaction in Binary Systems in General Relativity; 10.7907/jzcp-a525
- Small, Todd Andrew (1996) The
Norris survey of the Corona Borealis supercluster; 10.7907/sy8m-7r36
- Hansen, Bradley Miles Stougaard (1996) The
ages, speeds and offspring of pulsars; 10.7907/69DE-D262
- Lee, Hee-Won (1995) Polarization
of resonantly scattered lines in active galactic nuclei; 10.7907/xxz3-xa64
- Apostolatos, Theocaris A. (1995) Topics
in general relativity : naked singularities, and theoretical aspects of
gravitational waves from merging compact binaries; 10.7907/2x5m-b994
- Rauch, Kevin Patrick (1995) Black
holes and accretion disks in active galactic nuclei : microlensing,
caustics, and collisional stellar dynamics; 10.7907/cpyq-cr33
- Flanagan, Eanna E. (1994) Topics
in general relativity : the hoop conjecture and theoretical aspects of
gravitational wave detection; 10.7907/7SW7-8076
- Marković, Dragoljub (1994) Black
holes in the early universe, in compact binaries, and as energy sources
inside solar-type stars; 10.7907/ms5q-kt36
- Echeverria, Fernando (1993) Topics
in general relativity theory : gravitational-wave measurements of
black-hole parameters; gravitational collapse of a cylindrical body; and
classical-particle evolution in the presence of closed, timelike
curves; 10.7907/BEV7-NS85
- Quillen, Alice C. (1993) The
Kinematics of Molecular Gas and Dust in the Nearby Galaxies Centaurus A
and M82; 10.7907/r0q2-h886
- Biehle, Garrett T. (1993) Studies
of stars with neutron cores and of x-ray binaries displaying
quasi-periodic oscillations; 10.7907/sx31-ra11
- Klinkhammer, Gunnar Ulrich (1992) Multiply
connected spacetimes and closed timelike curves in semiclassical
gravity; 10.7907/694e-b162
- van Putten, Maurice H. P. M. (1992) MHD
in divergence form : a computational method for astrophysical flow;
- Zuo, Lin (1992) QSO
Absorption Lines and the Ionizing Field at High Redshifts; 10.7907/vsk7-nv30
- Sigurdsson, Steinn (1992) Dynamics
of neutron stars and binaries in globular clusters or, Ménages à trois:
revitalizing burnt out degenerates through partner swapping; 10.7907/gcf0-px44
- Coppi, Paolo Severo (1991) Radiative
processes in active galactic nuclei; 10.7907/GDMQ-Q829
- Miller, Michael Coleman (1990) Radiative
transfer in very strong magnetic fields; 10.7907/9t01-q903
- Zhang, Xiao-He (1990) Multipole
moments in general relativity and dynamical perturbations of black-hole
magnetospheres; 10.7907/ra46-aj38
- Kochanek, Christopher Sharpe (1989) Studies
in Gravitational Lensing and Numerical Hydrodynamics; 10.7907/fpn8-g713
- Yurtsever, Ulvi Hamit (1989) Singularities
and Horizons in the Collisions of Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/zm5n-g882
- Morris, Michael Scott (1988) The
R +ɛR² Cosmology; 10.7907/h44f-9639
- Lind, Kevin Robert (1987) Observations
and Gas Dynamics of Extragalactic Radio Jets; 10.7907/wnqa-gn45
- Finn, Lee Samuel (1987) Relativistic
Stellar Pulsations; 10.7907/T7VS-8648
- Romani, Roger William (1987) Neutron
Stars Observations as Astrophysical Probes; 10.7907/txfg-q107
- Hernquist, Lars Eric (1985) Thermal
and Magnetic Properties of Neutron Stars; 10.7907/ajp7-kr29
- Suen, Wai Mo (1985) Dynamical
Electromagnetic Fields Near Black Holes and Multipole Moments of
Stationary, General Relativistic Systems; 10.7907/xayq-7806
- Schumaker, Bonny Laura (1985) Theoretical
Investigations in Nonlinear Quantum Optics, Theory of Measurement, and
Pulsations of General Relativistic Models of Neutron Stars; 10.7907/fwvz-7t26
- Redmount, Ian H. (1984) Topics
in Black-Hole Physics: Geometric Constraints on Noncollapsing,
Gravitating Systems and Tidal Distortions of a Schwarzschild Black
Hole; 10.7907/mp3n-4r06
- Macdonald, Douglas Alan (1984) Black-Hole
Electrodynamics; 10.7907/vv78-at49
- Nugent, John Joseph, Jr. (1983) Non-Equilibrium
X-Ray Emission from Young Supernova Remnants; 10.7907/mees-s868
- Gürsel, Halis Yekta (1983) Stability
of Spherically Symmetric, Charged Black Holes and Multipole Moments for
Stationary Systems; 10.7907/e9t6-dr05
- Flammang, Richard Alan (1982) Stationary
Spherical Optically Thick Accretion into Black Holes; 10.7907/t73p-2e81
- Wisdom, Jack Leach (1981) 1.
The Origin of the Kirkwood Gaps: A Mapping for Asteroidal Monitor Near
the 3/1 Commensurability. 2. The Resonance Overlap Criterion and the
Onset of Stochastic Behavior in the Restricted Three-Body Problem;
- Linfield, Roger Paul (1981) Studies
of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources; 10.7907/5cg5-0d24
- Zimmermann, Mark Edward (1980) Studies
on Gravitational Waves and Stars with Neutron Cores; 10.7907/n4hc-5489
- Königl, Arieh (1980) Relativistic
Effects in Extragalactic Radio Sources; 10.7907/ze0j-3v45
- Caves, Carlton Morris (1979) Theoretical
Investigations of Experimental Gravitation; 10.7907/H3T8-FQ06
- De Logi, Walter K. (1978) Electromagnetic
Wave Generation and Propagation in Gravitational Fields; 10.7907/es3k-qv56
- Kovács, Sándor János, Jr. (1977) The
Generation of Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/VHQW-W277
- Page, Don Nelson (1976) Accretion
Into and Emission from Black Holes; 10.7907/RAEC-8822
- Lee, David Li (1974) Frameworks
for Analyzing and Testing Theories of Gravity; 10.7907/KC8C-MS78
- Teukolsky, Saul Arno (1974) Perturbations
of a Rotating Black Hole; 10.7907/N3AW-PV92
- Lightman, Alan Paige (1974) I.
Time-Dependent Accretion Disks Around Compact Objects and II.
Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing and Testing Gravitation
Theories; 10.7907/1QYN-CQ82
- Dykla, John Joseph (1973) Conserved
Quantities and the Formation of Black Holes in the Brans-Dicke Theory of
Gravitation; 10.7907/h455-hg42
- Ni, Wei-Tou (1973) Metric
Theories of Gravity and their Astrophysical Implications; 10.7907/MCQM-3M81
- Press, William Henry (1973) Applications
of Black-Hole Perturbation Techniques; 10.7907/0HKZ-DJ23
- Kwan, John Ying-Kuen (1973) Polarization
Properties of Astrophysical Masers; 10.7907/906J-2N21
- Schutz, Bernard Frederick, Jr. (1972) Relativistic
Velocity: Potential Hydrodynamics and Stellar Stability; 10.7907/05NX-9C06
- Will, Clifford Martin (1971) Theoretical
Frameworks for Testing Relativistic Gravity. The Parametrized
Post-Newtonian Formalism; 10.7907/NQNB-RK02
- Price, Richard Henry (1971) Nonspherical
Perturbation of Relativistic Gravitational Collapse; 10.7907/1EGC-Y160
- Defouw, Richard John (1970) Thermal
Instability and the Convective Stability of Stellar Chromospheres;
- Jacobs, Kenneth Charles (1969) Bianchi
Type I Cosmological Models; 10.7907/KSSQ-R708
- Kinnersley, William Morris, III (1969) Type
D Gravitational Fields; 10.7907/9TE3-F842
- Ipser, James Reid (1969) The
Stability of Relativistic, Spherically Symmetric Star Clusters; 10.7907/GF6C-JN05
- Burke, William Lionel (1969) The
Coupling of Gravitational Radiation to Nonrelativistic Sources; 10.7907/89HA-6J10