Workingpapers from CaltechAUTHORS
- Hirsch, Alexander V. and Shotts, Kenneth W. (2023) Veto
Players and Policy Entrepreneurship; 10.7907/crfqw-8k260
- Battaglini, Marco and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2023) Organizing
for Collective Action: Olson Revisited; 10.7907/k04xn-z8w46
- Fong, Meng-Jhang; Lin, Po-Hsuan; et al. (2023) Cursed
Sequential Equilibrium; 10.7907/qnknz-6g493
- Fong, Meng-Jhang; Lin, Po-Hsuan; et al. (2023) A
Note on Cursed Sequential Equilibrium and Sequential Cursed
Equilibrium; 10.7907/k9a6d-7gv65
- Roll, Richard; de Bodt, Eric; et al. (2022) The
(Un)intended Consequences of M&A Regulatory Enforcements; 10.7907/tjfh-3220
- Lin, Po-Hsuan and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2022) Cognitive
Hierarchies in Extensive Form Games; 10.7907/fv09c-16q24
- Lu, Jay and Saito, Kota (2022) Mixed
Logit and Pure Characteristics Models; 10.7907/bn2y3-w1g29
- Holt, Charles A. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2022) Bilateral
Conflict: An Experimental Study of Strategic Effectiveness and
Equilibrium; 10.7907/phwgk-0c835
- Plott, Charles R.; Cason, Timothy N.; et al. (2022) General
Equilibrium Methodology Applied to the Design, Implementation and
Performance Evaluation of Large, Multi-Market and Multi-Unit Policy
Constrained Auctions; 10.7907/fa8rc-yng24
- Roll, Richard; de Bodt, Eric; et al. (2021) Competition
Shocks, rival reactions and return comovement; 10.7907/1m0m-4291
- Devdariani, Saba and Hirsch, Alexander V. (2021) Voter
Attention and Electoral Accountability; 10.7907/at6p5-w3118
- Roll, Richard (2021) The
Efficient Frontier: A Note on the Curious Difference Between Variance
and Standard Deviation; 10.7907/pr100-49531
- Hirsch, Alexander V.; Kang, Karam; et al. (2021) Lobbyists
as Gatekeepers: Theory and Evidence; 10.7907/vvtg1-a7r45
- Plott, Charles R.; Stoneham, Gary; et al. (2021) Using
Theory, Markets and Experimental Methods to Improve a Complex
Administrative Decision Process: School Transportation for Disadvantaged
Students; 10.7907/1qec5-pzw98
- Asparouhova, Elena; Bossaerts, Peter; et al. (2020) Price
Formation in Multiple, Simultaneous Continuous Double Auctions, with
Implications for Asset Pricing; 10.7907/h8b1v-76536
- Saito, Kota and Lu, Jay (2020) Repeated
Choice: A Theory of Stochastic Intertemporal Preferences; 10.7907/02s07-vq636
- Hirsch, Alexander V. (2019) The
Politics of Asymmetric Extremism; 10.7907/dkq8c-dez13
- Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2019) Changing
Expected Returns Can Induce Spurious Serial Correlation; 10.7907/1077w-2jx02
- Hirsch, Alexander V. and Kastellec, Jonathan P. (2019) A
Theory of Policy Sabotage; 10.7907/7ktcg-dr565
- Hirsch, Alexander V. (2019) Polarization
and Campaign Spending in Elections; 10.7907/ab04y-vvc93
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Casella, Alessandra (2018) An
Experimental Study of Vote Trading; 10.7907/zx62f-jxa23
- Doval, Laura and Skreta, Vasiliki (2018) Mechanism
Design with Limited Commitment; 10.7907/796dz-r6b06
- Butkovich, Lazarina; Butkovich, Nina; et al. (2018) Fake
News, Information Herds, Cascades, and Economic Knowledge; 10.2139/ssrn.3217603
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Casella, Alessandra (2018) Trading
Votes for Votes. A Dynamic Theory; 10.7907/r7xsa-fam18
- Butkovich, Lazarina; Butkovich, Nina; et al. (2018) Fake
News, Information Herds, Cascades and Economic Knowledge; 10.7907/pfnpj-4sc61
- Echenique, Federico; Imai, Taisuke; et al. (2018) Approximate
Expected Utility Rationalization; 10.7907/9ch8a-m6d21
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2018) A
Characterization of “Phelpsian” Statistical Discrimination; 10.48550/arXiv.1808.01351
- Dianat, Ahrash; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2018) Statistical
Discrimination and Affirmative Action in the Lab; 10.7907/7aq8f-sfk28
- Ledyard, John O. (2018) Design
of Tradable Permit Programs under Imprecise Measurement; 10.7907/a6fvp-ke472
- Plott, Charles R.; Roll, Richard; et al. (2018) Tick
Size, Price Grids and Market Performance: Stable Matches as a Model of
Market Dynamics and Equilibrium; 10.7907/as1az-qd784
- Alvarez, Michael; Pettigrew, Stephen S.; et al. (2018) Residual
Votes and Abstentions in the 2016 Election; 10.2139/ssrn.3225197
- Echenique, Federico; Zhang, Jun; et al. (2018) Fairness
and efficiency for probabilistic allocations with endowments; 10.7907/qfrht-74t85
- Lee, Hsing Yang; Maron, Travis; et al. (2017) A
Testbed Experiment of a (Smart) Marked Based, Student Transportation
Policy: Non Convexities, Coordination, Non Existence; 10.7907/wk1sk-xsf49
- Saito, Kota (2017) Axiomatizations
of the Mixed Logit Model; 10.7907/0vm8e-qys12
- Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2017) A
Protocol for Factor Identification; 10.7907/124y0-gvg05
- Levy, Moshe and Roll, Richard (2017) Generalized
Portfolio Performance Measures: Optimal Overweighting of Fees Relative
to Sample Returns; 10.7907/dg7d0-3g027
- Plott, Charles
- Manipulation;
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2017) Preference
Identification; 10.48550/arXiv.1807.11585
- Großer, Jens and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2016) Candidate
entry and political polarization: An experimental study; 10.7907/92153-cfm32
- Fine, Leslie; Goeree, Jacob K.; et al. (2016) ACE:
A Combinatorial Market Mechanism; 10.7907/mte8a-n4r44
- de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Empirical
Evidence of Overbidding in M&A Contests; 10.7907/t9c90-47y20
- Agranov, Marina and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2016) The
Effects of Income Mobility and Tax Persistence on Income Redistribution
and Inequality; 10.7907/15m59-zva74
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Pogorelskiy, Kirill (2016) Communication
Among Voters Benefits the Majority Party; 10.7907/33gtv-w8n81
- Cotter, John; Gabriel, Stuart; et al. (2016) Nowhere
to Run, Nowhere to Hide: Asset Diversification in a Flat World; 10.7907/5e9f8-dp598
- Gillen, Benjamin J. (2016) Subset
Optimization for Asset Allocation; 10.7907/vrg1e-9xr80
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2016) A
characterization of combinatorial demand; 10.7907/qrejc-dsd67
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2016) On
multiple discount rates; 10.7907/v6dnf-qtv34
- de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Full
Stock Payment Marginalization in M&A Transactions; 10.7907/n6h0d-41t82
- Chiong, Khai X. and Shum, Matthew (2016) Random
Projection Estimation of Discrete-Choice Models With Large Choice
Sets; 10.7907/9g8y6-hqs08
- Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2016) The
Political Economy of Public Debt: A Laboratory Study; 10.7907/fbzrt-67w98
- de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Improved
Methods for Detecting Acquirer Skills; 10.7907/ktv09-kht25
- Court, David; Gillen, Benjamin J.; et al. (2015) Two
Information Aggregation Mechanisms for Predicting the Opening Weekend
Box Office Revenues of Films: Boxoffice Prophecy and Guess of
Guesses; 10.7907/bgxee-k1z71
- Cornell, Bradford and Gokhale, Rajiv (2015) An
“Enhanced” Corporate Valuation Model: Theory and Empirical Tests; 10.7907/a836f-dae61
- Cornell, Bradford (2015) Information
Flow and Expected Inflation: An Empirical Analysis; 10.7907/arqb7-jjw44
- Levy, Moshe and Roll, Richard (2015) Seeking
Alpha? It’s a Bad Guideline for Portfolio Optimization; 10.7907/96363-0k862
- Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2015) Response
Time and Utility; 10.7907/fbmth-qyz68
- Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2015) General
Luce Model; 10.7907/s6fev-wn796
- Casella, Alessandra and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2015) Trading
Votes for Votes. A Decentralized Matching Algorithm; 10.3386/w21645
- Ahn, David; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2015) Average
Choice; 10.7907/gnvny-ekt49
- Pogorelskiy, Kirill and Plott, Charles R. (2015) Call
Market Experiments: Efficiency and Price Discovery through Multiple
Calls and Emergent Newton Adjustments; 10.7907/6kery-xsc22
- Plott, Charles R. and Merlob, Brian (2015) Mechanism
Design with Public Goods: Committee Karate, Cooperative Games, and the
Control of Social Decisions through Subcommittees; 10.7907/v28ye-tjm02
- Kim, Dae Hyun; Lee, Hsing Yang; et al. (2015) Multiple
Items, Ascending Price Auctions: An Experimental Examination of
Alternative Auction Sequences; 10.7907/7ds1y-hk484
- Pogorelskiy, Kirill (2015) Correlated
Equilibria in Voter Turnout Games; 10.7907/s8476-bzv73
- Pukthuanthong, Kuntara and Roll, Richard (2015) An
Agnostic and Practically Useful Estimator of the Stochastic Discount
Factor; 10.7907/b7hye-e5g06
- Hsieh, Yu-Wei; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2015) To
Score or Not to Score? Estimates of a Sponsored Search Auction
Model; 10.7907/gjyrs-nap73
- Chiong, Khai X.; Galichon, Alfred; et al. (2015) Duality
in dynamic discrete choice models; 10.7907/4gxmb-6an66
- Palfrey, Thomas R.; Rosenthal, Howard; et al. (2015) How
Cheap Talk Enhances Efficiency in Public Goods Games; 10.7907/99d56-9zp69
- Agranov, Marina; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2015) Static
and Dynamic Underinvestment: an Experimental Investigation; 10.7907/dv3vt-ztf54
- Plott, Charles R. and Llewellyn, Morgan (2015) Information
transfer and aggregation in an uninformed committee: A model for the
selection and use of biased expert advice; 10.7907/f1t03-7kz89
- Agranov, Marina and Ortoleva, Pietro (2015) Stochastic
Choice and Preferences for Randomization; 10.7907/77dwy-0rp12
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2015) Testable
Implications of Translation Invariance and Homotheticity: Variational,
Maxmin, CARA and CRRA preferences; 10.7907/wfa41-5z837
- Agranov, Marina; Goeree, Jacob K.; et al. (2014) What
Makes Voters Turn Out: The Effects of Polls and Beliefs; 10.7907/v0mdy-epq83
- Camerer, Colin F.; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2014) Quantal
Response and Nonequilibrium Beliefs Explain Overbidding in Maximum-Value
Auctions; 10.7907/pr9cf-1xg79
- Cotter, John; Gabriel, Stuart; et al. (2014) Can
Housing Risk be Diversified? A Cautionary Test from the Housing Boom and
Bust; 10.7907/mva5a-pt004
- Shi, Xiaoxia; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2014) Estimating
Multinomial Choice Models using Cyclic Monotonicity; 10.7907/njsz3-40831
- Melo, Emerson; Pogorelskiy, Kirill; et al. (2014) Testing
the Quantal Response Hypothesis; 10.7907/2ajb4-d0492
- Plott, Charles R.; Gillen, Benjamin J.; et al. (2014) A
Parimutuel-like Mechanism from Information Aggregation: A Field Test
Inside Intel; 10.7907/ws7ab-8k442
- Plott, Charles R. (2014) Public
Choice and the development of modern laboratory experimental method in
economics and political science; 10.7907/dtmmw-b5164
- Bongaerts, Dion; Roll, Richard; et al. (2014) The
Propagation of Shocks Across International Equity Markets: A
Microstructure Perspective; 10.7907/emqdm-bfm65
- de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2014) The
Hubris Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence; 10.7907/3mbyx-mv752
- Agranov, Marina and Tergiman, Chloe (2014) Transparency
Versus Back-Room Deals in Bargaining; 10.7907/0g2gw-ayy10
- Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2014) Resolving
the Errors-in-Variables Bias in Risk Premium Estimation; 10.7907/p4161-89e21
- Tserenjigmid, Gerelt (2014) Choosing
with the Worst in Mind: A Reference-Dependent Model; 10.7907/v2zmh-ess90
- Echenique, Federico; Imai, Taisuke; et al. (2014) Testable
Implications of Quasi-Hyperbolic and Exponential Time Discounting;
- Elbittar, Alexander; Gomberg, Andrei; et al. (2014) Ignorance
and Bias in Collective Decisions; 10.7907/6fx75-j5292
- Cason, Timothy N. and Plott, Charles R. (2014) Misconceptions
and Game Form Recognition of the BDM Method: Challenges to Theories of
Revealed Preference and Framing; 10.7907/x40kz-8b124
- Čopič, Jernej and Katz, Jonathan N. (2014) Scheduling
Auctions and Proto-Parties in Legislatures; 10.7907/7gq8e-c4j23
- Plott, Charles R.; Lee, Hsing Yang; et al. (2013) The
Continuous Combinatorial Auction Architecture; 10.7907/d8w8j-71t05
- Palfrey, Thomas R. (2013) Experiments
in Political Economy; 10.7907/c54mq-f2c90
- Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2013) Testable
Implications of Exponential Discounting; 10.7907/4jx8b-zxb60
- Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2013) Savage
in the Market; 10.7907/wx589-46888
- Echenique, Federico; Saito, Kota; et al. (2013) The
Perception-Adjusted Luce Model; 10.7907/spc2v-qkd82
- Agranov, Marina and Tergiman, Chloe (2013) Communication
in Multilateral Bargaining; 10.7907/q0zaq-zax13
- Shi, Xiaoxia and Shum, Matthew (2013) Simple
Two-Stage Inference for A Class of Partially Identified Models; 10.7907/3gn2w-wxz77
- Fan, Yanqin; Sherman, Robert; et al. (2013) Identifying
Treatment Effects under Data Combination; 10.7907/dzksf-x2220
- Chiong, Khai X.; Galichon, Alfred; et al. (2013) Estimating
Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Via Convex Analysis; 10.7907/vgp0z-00y54
- Echenique, Federico and Pereyra, Juan Sebastián (2013) Strategic
Uncertainty and Unraveling in Matching Markets; 10.7907/qmt4b-v3n68
- Echenique, Federico and Galichon, Alfred (2013) Ordinal
and cardinal solution concepts for two-sided matching
- Iaryczower, Matias; Shi, Xiaoxia; et al. (2013) Words
Get in the Way: The Effect of Deliberation in Collective
Decision-Making; 10.7907/95v1p-kkr41
- Merlo, Antonio and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2013) External
Validation of Voter Turnout Models by Concealed Parameter Recovery;
- Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2013) The
Dynamic Free Rider Problem: A Laboratory Study; 10.7907/5wr2k-ph607
- Brewer, Paul J.; Cvitanić, Jakša; et al. (2012) Market
Microstructure Design and Flash Crashes: A Simulation Approach; 10.7907/dtabn-mjz96
- Echenique, Federico and Yenmez, M. Bumin (2012) How
to control controlled school choice; 10.7907/982gm-51w96
- Agranov, Marina and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2012) Equilibrium
Tax Rates and Income Redistribution: A Laboratory Study; 10.7907/0xp5n-z9471
- Agranov, Marina (2012) Flip-Flopping,
Primary Visibility and the Selection of Candidates; 10.7907/5tzpw-t0696
- Kuzmics, Christoph; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2012) Symmetric
play in repeated allocation games; 10.7907/eb78v-njd23
- Saito, Kota (2012) Social
Preferences under Uncertainty: Equality of Opportunity vs. Equality of
Outcome; 10.7907/efypn-vdn31
- Hatfield, John William; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2012) Price
Controls, Non-Price Quality Competition, and the Nonexistence of
Competitive Equilibrium; 10.7907/0wg66-zt790
- Hatfield, John William; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2012) Understanding
Price Controls and Non-Price Competition with Matching Theory; 10.7907/z3ed3-whz07
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Wang, Stephanie W. (2012) Speculative
Overpricing in Asset Markets with Information Flows; 10.7907/370gk-wbz86
- Roy, Nilanjan (2012) Cooperation
Without Immediate Reciprocity: An Experiment in Favor Exchange; 10.7907/0t6fj-gad06
- Casella, Alessandra; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2012) Vote
trading with and without party leaders; 10.7907/4nb9v-8rb51
- Herrera, Helios; Morelli, Massimo; et al. (2011) Turnout
and Power Sharing; 10.7907/sh7hr-xth11
- Dean, Mark and Ortoleva, Pietro (2011) Objective
Lotteries as Ambiguous Objects: Allais, Ellsberg, and Hedging; 10.7907/b4ecq-6re88
- Echenique, Federico and Wierman, Adam (2011) Finding
a Walrasian equilibrium is easy for a fixed number of agents; 10.7907/wwxc6-hbb24
- Boosey, Luke A. (2011) Salary
Competition in Matching Markets with Private Information; 10.7907/h5k3q-z3618
- Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2011) Legislative
bargaining and the dynamics of public investment; 10.7907/sffq8-8mn50
- Katz, Jonathan N. and Spitzer, Matthew L. (2011) What’s
age to do with it? Supreme Court appointees and the long run location of
the Supreme Court median justice; 10.7907/5j2s1-sgj23
- Plott, Charles R.; Roy, Nilanjan; et al. (2011) Marshall
and Walras, Disequilibrium Trades and the Dynamics of Equilibriation in
the Continuous Double Auction Market; 10.7907/da3nf-75y29
- Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2011) The
Free Rider Problem: a Dynamic Analysis; 10.3386/w17926
- Lee, Sangmok (2011) Incentive
Compatibility of Large Centralized Matching Markets; 10.7907/vgfp1-8w504
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2011) Testable
Implications of Bargaining Theories; 10.7907/emff8-xea35
- Pereyra, Juan Sebastián (2011) A
dynamic school choice model; 10.7907/h4t9n-h9q32
- Merlob, Brian; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2011) The
CMS Auction: Experimental Studies of a Median-Bid Procurement Auction
with Nonbinding Bids; 10.7907/xk2zh-at086
- Grosser, Jens and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2011) Candidate
Entry and Political Polarization: An Anti-Median Voter Theorem; 10.7907/v1seg-1j538
- Hoffman, Philip T. (2011) Why
Was It Europeans Who Conquered the World?; 10.7907/8cgh9-55682
- Mostagir, Mohamed (2010) Exploiting
Myopic Learning; 10.7907/4dere-a0z63
- Bogliacino, Francesco and Ortoleva, Pietro (2010) Aspirations
and growth: a model where the income of others acts as a reference
point; 10.7907/taq1c-c6a27
- Agranov, Marina; Caplin, Andrew; et al. (2010) The
Process of Choice in Guessing Games; 10.7907/avqen-78z78
- Echenique, Federico; Lee, Sangmok; et al. (2010) Existence
and Testable Implications of Extreme Stable Matchings; 10.7907/4mcm3-0zj41
- Robbett, Andrea (2010) Community
Dynamics in the Lab: Congestion, Public Good Provision, and Local
Instability; 10.7907/xr5pr-rr692
- Robbett, Andrea (2010) Local
Institutions and the Dynamics of Community Sorting; 10.7907/4x0qz-0bm25
- Echenique, Federico; Golovin, Daniel; et al. (2010) A
Revealed Preference Approach to Computational Complexity in
Economics; 10.7907/cm0gg-20z31
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2010) General
Revealed Preference Theory; 10.7907/65jz8-7zk78
- Casella, Alessandra; Llorente-Saguer, Aniol; et al. (2010) Competitive
Equilibrium in Markets for Votes; 10.7907/7qftr-6q446
- Armantier, Olivier; Holt, Charles A.; et al. (2010) A
Reverse Auction for Toxic Assets; 10.7907/vm7yk-h0q12
- Crockett, Sean; Oprea, Ryan; et al. (2010) Extreme
Walrasian Dynamics: The Gale Example in the Lab; 10.7907/7x1yf-9nx90
- Iaryczower, Matias and Shum, Matthew (2010) The
Value of Information in the Court. Get it Right, Keep it Tight
- Linardi, Sera and Camerer, Colin F. (2010) Can
Relational Contracts Survive Stochastic Interruptions?; 10.7907/ymtpq-vtd88
- Hu, Yingyao; Kayaba, Yutaka; et al. (2010) Nonparametric
Learning Rules from Bandit Experiments: The Eyes have it!; 10.7907/wm7ct-f2g27
- Echenique, Federico; Lee, SangMok; et al. (2010) Revealed
Preference Tests using Supermarket Data: the Money Pump; 10.7907/rq8c5-k8y17
- Lee, SangMok (2010) Strategic
Voting in a Jury Trial with Plea Bargaining; 10.7907/rsgw3-8nh44
- Hu, Yingyao; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2010) A
Simple Estimator for Dynamic Models with Serially Correlated
Unobservables; 10.7907/6372h-8ss62
- Hortala-Vallve, Rafael and Llorente-Saguer, Aniol (2010) Pure
strategy Nash equilibria in non-zero sum colonel Blotto games; 10.7907/ayttm-ahe73
- Moon, Hyungsik Roger; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2010) Estimation
of Random Coefficients Logit Demand Models with Interactive Fixed
Effects; 10.7907/safgt-rvv10
- Hortala-Vallve, Rafael; Llorente-Saguer, Aniol; et al. (2010) An
Experimental Comparison Between Free Negotiation and a Multi-issue Point
Mechanism; 10.7907/bb0nx-nmq19
- Plott, Charles R. and Zeiler, Kathryn (2010) Endowment
effect theory, subject misconceptions and enhancement effect theory: A
reply to Isoni, Loomes and Sugden; 10.7907/wvna0-v6911
- Echenique, Federico (2010) Contracts
vs. Salaries in Matching; 10.7907/8swa2-84668
- Iaryczower, Matias; Lewis, Garrett; et al. (2010) To
Elect or to Appoint? Bias, Information, and Responsiveness of
Bureaucrats and Politicians; 10.7907/nhpgb-s3b25
- Ortoleva, Pietro (2010) Modeling
the Change of Paradigm: Non-Bayesian Reactions to Unexpected News;
- Iaryczower, Matias and Mattozzi, Andrea (2010) The
Pro-Competitive Effect of Campaign Limits in Non-Majoritarian
Elections; 10.7907/v8d44-qfk46
- Battaglia, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2010) Political
Institutions and the Dynamics of Investment; 10.7907/0s53y-9sr42
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2010) The
Axiomatic Structure of Empirical Content; 10.7907/7yp6a-gf196
- Echenique, Federico; Lee, Sangmok; et al. (2010) Aggregate
Matchings; 10.7907/rrg6w-3dj69
- Echenique, Federico; Wilson, Alistair J.; et al. (2009) Clearinghouses
for Two-Sided Matching: An Experimental Study; 10.7907/jereh-qfx04
- Iaryczower, Matias; Katz, Gabriel; et al. (2009) The
Not-So-Popular Branch: Bicameralism as a Counter-Majoritarian
Device; 10.7907/xf3pj-3zw13
- Choi, Syngjoo; Gale, Douglas; et al. (2009) Network
Architecture, Salience and Coordination; 10.7907/m9p9a-hyz82
- Brocas, Isabelle; Carrillo, Juan D.; et al. (2009) Information
Gatekeepers: Theory and Experimental Evidence; 10.7907/n9sr9-wbh87
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2009) Testable
Implications of Gross Substitutes in Demand; 10.7907/c4yzh-awq44
- Iaryczower, Matias and Mattozzi, Andrea (2009) On
the Nature of Competition in Alternative Electoral Systems; 10.7907/fpkkh-jah28
- Katz, Jonathan N. and Katz, Gabriel (2009) Correcting
for Survey Misreports using Auxiliary Information with an Application to
Estimating Turnout; 10.7907/r5ehj-emp92
- Echenique, Federico and Ivanov, Lozan (2009) Implications
of Pareto Efficiency for Two-Agent (Household) Choice; 10.7907/szdsc-6bp13
- Myung, Noah (2009) Ambiguity
Aversion in Asset Market: Experimental Study of Home Bias; 10.7907/7t9dp-ckn73
- Myung, Noah and Romero, Julian (2009) Designing
Experiments with Computational Testbeds: Effects of Convergence Speed in
Coordination Games; 10.7907/gfcyn-5ad35
- Beck, Nathaniel and Katz, Jonathan N. (2009) Modeling
Dynamics in Time-Series–Cross-Section Political Economy Data; 10.7907/zx3dd-bq275
- Lee, Sangmok (2009) The
Testable Implications of Zero-sum Games; 10.7907/k145j-6cx97
- Ledyard, John O. (2009) Market
Design for Fishery IFQ Programs; 10.7907/74cgh-0j750
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2009) Inequality
aversion and risk aversion; 10.7907/4b9sj-yrr47
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2009) When
does aggregation reduce uncertainty aversion?; 10.7907/ssk1n-sn790
- Myung, Noah (2009) Improving
Coordination and Cooperation Through Competition; 10.7907/kp9pn-h4663
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2008) The
Core Matchings of Markets with Transfers; 10.7907/mzhde-p8e50
- Plott, Charles R. and Katz, Gabriel (2008) An
Internal Fuel Efficiency Credit Market Mechanism for Meeting the CAFE
Standard: Internalizing a Regulation Caused Externality; 10.7907/xy6p6-yfx04
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Hayashi, Takashi (2008) Money
metric utilitarianism; 10.7907/mxpzf-mv393
- Alvarez, R. Michael; Bailey, Delia; et al. (2008) An
Empirical Bayes Approach to Estimating Ordinal Treatment Effects; 10.7907/wn44k-gkd25
- Battaglini, Marco; Morton, Rebecca B.; et al. (2008) Information
Aggregation and Strategic Abstention in Large Laboratory Elections;
- Katz, Gabriel (2008) A
Statistical Model of Abstention under Compulsory Voting; 10.7907/gy1y6-ndp05
- Großer, Jens and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2008) A
citizen candidate model with private information and unique
equilibrium; 10.7907/gdsn6-c9x32
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Katz, Gabriel (2008) A
Bayesian multinomial probit analysis of voter choice in Chile’s 2005
Presidential election; 10.7907/b3tkd-t8744
- Ueda, Michiko (2008) The
Impact of Minority Representation on Policy Outcomes: Evidence from the
U.S. States; 10.7907/nvwwt-0cv87
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Hayashi, Takashi (2008) Choice
and individual welfare; 10.7907/rma1m-0gq76
- Linardi, Sera and McConnell, Margaret A. (2008) Volunteering
and Image Concerns; 10.7907/zrzw5-m2b82
- Ueda, Michiko (2008) The
Impact of Race and Ideology on Voting: Does Race Still Matter?; 10.7907/xzwky-5kg48
- Alvarez, R. Michael; Bailey, Delia; et al. (2008) The
Effect of Voter Identification Laws on Turnout; 10.2139/ssrn.1084598
- Jacob, S. Nageeb Ali; Goeree, Jacob K.; et al. (2008) Information
aggregation in standing and ad hoc committees; 10.7907/s6x5b-ztg37
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Wang, Stephanie W. (2007) On
Eliciting Beliefs in Strategic Games; 10.7907/wc5xm-c6909
- Katz, Gabriel (2007) Policy-based
abstention in Brazil’s 2002 presidential election; 10.7907/xy2j9-bmc50
- Echenique, Federico and Shmaya, Eran (2007) You
won’t harm me if you fool me; 10.7907/fjybj-cn073
- Carrillo, Juan D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2007) No
Trade; 10.7907/h4tdm-q9r95
- Echenique, Federico and Komunjer, Ivana (2007) A
Test for Monotone Comparative Statics; 10.7907/q3yjn-rzc82
- Miller, Alan D. (2007) The
“Reasonable Man” and other legal standards; 10.7907/52q8c-zjc32
- Plott, Charles R. and Alton, Michael R. (2007) Principles
of Continuous Price Determination In An Experimental Environment With
Flows Of Random Arrivals And Departures; 10.7907/4zdjm-c8812
- Iaryczower, Matias (2007) Strategic
Voting in Sequential Committees; 10.7907/gzv0k-1wq94
- Brown, Alexander; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2007) The
Nature of Collusion Facilitating and Collusion Breaking Power of
Simultaneous Ascending Price and Simultaneous Descending Price
Auctions; 10.7907/be3gz-yhh47
- Chou, Eileen Y.; McConnell, Margaret A.; et al. (2007) The
control of game form recognition in experiments: Understanding dominant
strategy failures in a simple two person “guessing” game; 10.7907/75t80-xz320
- Battaglini, Marco and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2007) The
Dynamics of Distributive Politics; 10.7907/qn20c-9s527
- Abrajanoa, Marisa and Alvarez, R. Michael (2007) Why
are Latinos More Politically Trusting than Other Americans?; 10.2139/ssrn.1017861
- Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2007) On
behavioral complementarity and its implications; 10.7907/zxcag-rzk39
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Miller, Alan D. (2007) A
Measure of Bizarreness; 10.7907/jsfjx-92s55
- Boyle, Elette and Echenique, Federico (2007) Sequential
Entry in Many-to-one Matching Markets; 10.7907/bwpm5-t6p55
- Mathevet, Laurent (2007) Supermodular
Bayesian Implementation: Learning and Incentive Design; 10.7907/t8mnr-wr958
- Čopič, Jernej and Katz, Jonathan N. (2007) Auctioning
off the Agenda: Bargaining in Legislatures with Endogenous
Scheduling; 10.7907/wkd74-vbm27
- Axelrod, Boris S.; Kulick, Benjamin J.; et al. (2007) Design
Improved Parimutuel-type Information Aggregation Mechanisms:
Inaccuracies and the Long-Shot Bias as Disequilibrium Phenomena; 10.7907/ztse6-z0b19
- Carrillo, Juan D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2006) The
Compromise Game: Two-sided Adverse Selection in the Laboratory; 10.7907/xv853-bxx57
- Battaglini, Marco; Morton, Rebecca B.; et al. (2006) The
Swing Voter’s Curse in the Laboratory; 10.7907/7b0ph-rw267
- Aragones, Enriqueta; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2006) Political
Reputations and Campaign Promises; 10.7907/fkwdm-vm028
- Battaglini, Marco; Morton, Rebecca B.; et al. (2006) Efficiency,
Equity, and Timing of Voting Mechanisms; 10.7907/2mhxz-jsh85
- Eguia, Jon X. (2006) Voting
Blocs, Coalitions and Parties; 10.7907/crqbr-xmr36
- Mattes, Kyle (2006) Attack
Politics: Who Goes Negative and Why?; 10.7907/p4aew-npv33
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Yariv, Leeat (2006) Diffusion
of Behavior and Equilibrium Properties in Network Games; 10.7907/b57qw-xmy24
- Iaryczower, Matias (2006) Contestable
Leaderships: Party Discipline and Vote Buying in Legislatures; 10.7907/f6486-5ae40
- Kucuksenel, Serkan (2006) Interim
Efficient Mechanism Design with Interdependent Valuations; 10.7907/x5vbk-r4382
- Grether, David M. and Plott, Charles R. (2006) Sequencing
Strategies in Large, Competitive, Ascending Price Automobile Auctions:
An experimental examination; 10.7907/n0e45-k4k76
- Camerer, Colin F.; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2006) Heterogeneous
Quantal Response Equilibrium and Cognitive Hierarchies; 10.7907/1dxq5-hze86
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Patty, John W. (2006) A
Theory of Voting in Large Elections; 10.7907/5pq1n-gsc34
- Echenique, Federico (2006) What
Matchings Can Be Stable? The Refutability of Matching Theory; 10.7907/pwgkb-16d48
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Yariv, Leeat (2006) Diffusion
on Social Networks; 10.7907/0tk6s-m5v26
- Jackson, Matthew O.; Mathevet, Laurent; et al. (2006) Nomination
Processes and Policy Outcomes; 10.7907/q99jt-2ty33
- Miller, Alan D. (2006) Separation
of Decisions in Group Identification; 10.7907/zvwn9-g1983
- Casella, Alessandra; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2006) Minorities
and Storable Votes; 10.7907/ncqpj-fb226
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2006) Supermodularizability;
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2006) A
Simple Axiomatization of Quantiles on the Domain of Distribution
Functions; 10.7907/ykyzr-fyn87
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Morelli, Massimo (2006) Political
Bias and War; 10.7907/zqmcq-znk73
- Roust, Kevin A. and Plott, Charles R. (2005) The
Design and Testing of Information Aggregation Mechanisms: A Two-Stage
Parimutuel IAM; 10.7907/sjj5s-1xs10
- Mathevet, Laurent (2005) A
Contraction Principle for Finite Global Games; 10.7907/60sh5-87w07
- Echenique, Federico and Komunjer, Ivana (2005) Testing
Models with Multiple Equilibria by Quantile Methods; 10.7907/acyxk-m6t07
- Li, Jin and Plott, Charles R. (2005) Tacit
Collusion in Auctions and Conditions for Its Facilitation and
Prevention: Equilibrium Selection in Laboratory Experimental
Markets; 10.7907/8zxqw-8ar20
- Cook, Joseph P. and Plott, Charles R. (2005) Congestion
at Locks on Inland Waterways: An Experimental Testbed of a Policy of
Tradable Priority Permits for Lock Access; 10.7907/w98ts-h9q90
- Calvó-Armengol, Antoni and Jackson, Matthew O. (2005) Like
Father, Like Son: Social Networks, Human Capital Investment, and Social
Mobility; 10.7907/mc7yt-v4v02
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2005) Non-Existence
of Equilibrium in Vickrey, Second-Price, and English Auctions; 10.7907/et2fq-5nh70
- Gillen, Benjamin J.; Hirota, Masayoshi; et al. (2005) Divergence
and Convergence in Scarf Cycle Environments: Experiments and
Predictability in the Dynamics of General Equilibrium Systems; 10.7907/c0xh4-ksw60
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Hayashi, Takashi (2005) Bayesian
consistent prior selection; 10.7907/2epdc-s7810
- Kıbrıs, Özgür and Kucuksenel, Serkan (2005) Trade
rules for uncleared markets; 10.7907/tre32-rz293
- Hummel, Patrick (2005) Finite
Perfect Information Extensive Games with Generic Payoffs; 10.7907/veeev-b3b51
- Hummel, Patrick (2005) Iterative
Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategies in Binary Voting Agendas with
Sequential Voting; 10.7907/pamdw-qxg09
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2005) Proper
Scoring Rules for General Decision Models; 10.7907/g3pys-vyw44
- Echenique, Federico and Eguia, Jon X. (2005) An
Explanation of Inefficient Redistribution: Transfers Insure Cohesive
groups; 10.7907/px2t2-tw114
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2005) The
Economics of Social Networks; 10.7907/7r5g6-w1565
- Eguia, Jon X. (2005) Citizen
Candidates Under Uncertainty; 10.7907/qyp6e-3b423
- Noussair, Charles N.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2005) Production,
Trade, Prices, Exchange Rates and Equilibration in Large Experimental
Economies; 10.7907/e83m7-dtn86
- Mattozzi, Andrea (2005) Policy
Uncertainty, Electoral Securities and Redistribution; 10.7907/xk7az-rvd11
- Plott, Charles R. and Zeiler, Kathryn (2005) Asymmetries
in Exchange Behavior Incorrectly Interpreted as Evidence of Prospect
Theory; 10.7907/2g5fg-jhx98
- Echenique, Federico and Yenmez, M. Bumin (2005) A
Solution to Matching with Preferences over Colleagues; 10.7907/vtc5z-bnj02
- Galeotti, Andrea (2005) Consumers
Networks and Search Equilibria; 10.7907/jr1yh-fb549
- Galeotti, Andrea and Vega-Redondo, Fernando (2005) Strategic
analysis in complex networks with local externalities; 10.7907/xr8ja-nh893
- Border, Kim C.; Ghirardato, Paolo; et al. (2005) Objective
Subjective Probabilities; 10.7907/vtw3e-k9969
- Scudder, Thayer (2005) The
Kariba Case Study; 10.7907/5zrmp-vzn65
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2005) Quantiles
and Medians; 10.7907/7azxy-rj342
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2005) An
axiomatic theory of political representation; 10.7907/vd421-sjs02
- Goeree, Jacob K.; Holt, Charles H.; et al. (2005) Regular
Quantal Response Equilibrium; 10.7907/jex2e-1q546
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2005) Consistent
representative democracy; 10.7907/ee0ee-33s90
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Watts, Alison (2005) Social
Games: Matching and the Play of Finitely Repeated Games; 10.7907/jnzvc-spv90
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Rogers, Brian W. (2005) Search
in the Formation of Large Networks: How Random are Socially Generated
Networks?; 10.7907/ca4tc-rv406
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Rogers, Brian W. (2005) The
Economics of Small Worlds; 10.7907/0a668-m8989
- Eguia, Jon X. (2005) United
We Vote; 10.7907/23ptr-p8181
- Mattozzi, Andrea (2004) Can
We Insure Against Political Uncertainty? Evidence from the U.S. Stock
Market; 10.7907/p6fg6-eqg03
- Barbieri, Stefano and Mattozzi, Andrea (2004) Membership
in Citizen Groups; 10.7907/dwypj-5r926
- Beck, Nathaniel and Katz, Jonathan N. (2004) Random
Coefficient Models for Time-Series–Cross-Section Data; 10.7907/dgeyw-vqa80
- Barner, Martin; Feri, Francesco; et al. (2004) On
the Microstructure of Price Determination and Information Aggregation
with Sequential and Asymmetric Information Arrival in an Experimental
Asset Market; 10.7907/jxar7-zh873
- Dekel, Eddie; Jackson, Matthew O.; et al. (2004) Vote
Buying; 10.7907/qzfzg-ttj55
- Grether, David M.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2004) Mental
Processes and Strategic Equilibration: An fMRI Study of Selling
Strategies in Second Price Auctions; 10.7907/qh08g-khx44
- Charness, Gary and Jackson, Matthew O. (2004) Group
Play in Games and the Role of Consent in Network Formation; 10.7907/a7xa5-mmq08
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (2004) Criminal
Investigation Enforcement Activities and Taxpayer Noncompliance; 10.7907/jx877-17g52
- Goeree, Jacob K.; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2004) Self-correcting
Information Cascades; 10.7907/3dd4s-jz194
- Dutta, Bhaskar; Jackson, Matthew O.; et al. (2004) The
Banks Set and the Uncovered Set in Budget Allocation Problems; 10.7907/p1bj2-67w11
- Barberà, Salvador and Jackson, Matthew O. (2004) On
the Weights of Nations: Assigning Voting Weights in a Heterogeneous
Union; 10.7907/hd4q4-hvz64
- Bloch, Francis and Jackson, Matthew O. (2004) The
Formation of Networks with Transfers Among Players; 10.7907/ykz9t-00w66
- Hirota, Masayoshi (2004) On
the probability of the competitive equilibrium being globally stable:
The C.E.S. example; 10.7907/ecygz-2mc16
- Echenique, Federico (2004) Counting
Combinatorial Choice Rules; 10.7907/5zgfd-ahq27
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Swinkels, Jeroen M. (2004) Existence
of Equilibrium in Single and Double Private Value Auctions; 10.7907/bn99c-1r239
- Hsu, Ming (2004) A
Model of Elections with Spatial and Distributive Preferences; 10.7907/fszkv-dad98
- Healy, Paul J. (2004) Fairness,
or Just Gambling on It? An Experimental Analysis of the Gift Exchange
Game; 10.7907/7qnhm-ztm07
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Kremer, Ilan (2004) On
the Informational Inefficiency of Discriminatory Price Auctions; 10.7907/kf5pq-qm872
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Kremer, Ilan (2004) The
Relevance of a Choice of Auction Format in a Competitive
Environment; 10.7907/tkn9d-mbv20
- Callander, Steven and Plott, Charles R. (2003) Principles
of network development and evolution: An experimental study; 10.7907/q40yg-cye90
- Goeree, Jacob K.; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2003) Social
Learning with Private and Common Values; 10.7907/qp2k9-37b69
- Ledyard, John O. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2003) A
General Characterization of Interim Efficient Mechanisms for Independent
Linear Environments; 10.7907/fwfvf-9g770
- Healy, Paul J. (2003) Learning
Dynamics in Mechanism Design: An Experimental Comparison of Public Goods
Mechanisms; 10.7907/hnkz4-k2r54
- Chambers, Christopher P. and Hayashi, Takashi (2003) Preference
Aggregation under Uncertainty: Savage vs. Pareto; 10.7907/7mjtb-5d987
- Echenique, Federico and Oviedo, Jorge (2003) A
Theory of Stability in Many-to-many Matching Markets; 10.7907/c57yy-fm360
- Casella, Alessandra; Gelman, Andrew; et al. (2003) An
Experimental Study of Storable Votes; 10.7907/m1m03-52j79
- Saijo, Tatsuyoshi; Sjöström, Tomas; et al. (2003) Secure
Implementation: Strategy-Proof Mechanisms Reconsidered; 10.7907/2zwtm-v1486
- Kovalchik, Stephanie; Camerer, Colin F.; et al. (2003) Aging
and decision making: A comparison between neurologically healthy elderly
and young individuals; 10.7907/x4p85-xjv36
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2003) Multi-Utilitarianism
in Two-Agent Quasilinear Social Choice; 10.7907/jsqq1-8qq48
- Echenique, Federico and Manelli, Alejandro M. (2003) Comparative
Statics, English Auctions, and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem; 10.7907/14ndq-cem43
- Cox, Gary W. and Katz, Jonathan N. (2003) Gerrymandering
Roll-Calls: Votes, Decisions, and Partisan bias in Congress,
1879-2000; 10.7907/pt2hj-d5610
- Chambers, Christopher P. (2003) Virtual
Repeated Implementation; 10.7907/3q77x-a0h59
- Eguia, Jon X. (2003) Is
the Status Quo Relevant in a Representative Democracy?; 10.7907/rmqqz-v4303
- Border, Kim C. (2003) Reduced
Form Auctions Revisited; 10.7907/4f7kp-cze06
- Mizukami, Hideki; Saijo, Tatsuyoshi; et al. (2003) Strategy-proof
Sharing; 10.7907/f8k4x-e9y30
- Crémer, Jacques and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2003) A
Voting Model of Federal Standards with Externalities; 10.7907/7cdr5-27t20
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Pevniskaya, Svetlana (2003) Endogenous
Entry and Self-selection in Private Value Auctions: An Experimental
Study; 10.7907/y1s3v-psz75
- Goeree, Jacob K.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2003) Bidders’
choice auctions: Raising revenues through the right to choose; 10.7907/rva3j-cn376
- Aragones, Enriqueta and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2003) Spatial
Competition Between Two Candidates of Different Quality: The Effects of
Candidate Ideology and Private Information; 10.7907/v19cb-txp80
- Carson, Timothy N.; Saijo, Tatsuyoshi; et al. (2003) Secure
Implementation Experiments: Do Strategy-proof Mechanisms Really
Work?; 10.7907/hgxxb-qc166
- Berliant, Marcus and Wang, Ping (2003) Dynamic
Urban Models: Agglomeration and Growth; 10.7907/941k4-0x975
- Berliant, Marcus and McMillen, Daniel P. (2003) Hedonism
vs. Nihilism: No Arbitrage and Tests of Urban Economic Models; 10.7907/k41v7-g5s87
- Banks, Jeffrey S. and Duggan, John (2003) A
Social Choice Lemma on Voting over Lotteries with Applications to a
Class of Dynamic Games; 10.7907/eqx93-z9g89
- Berliant, Marcus and Page, Frank H., Jr. (2003) Budget
Balancedness and Optimal Income Taxation; 10.7907/5d8t8-qfj73
- Bernhardt, Dan; Duggan, John; et al. (2003) Electoral
Competition with Privately-Informed Candidates; 10.7907/qghv9-ecr54
- Banks, Jeffrey S. and Duggan, John (2003) A
bargaining model of legislative policy-making; 10.7907/2e007-xnw21
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2003) Allocation
Rules for Network Games; 10.7907/md7ss-0dq66
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Sonnenschein, Hugo F. (2003) The
Linking of Collective Decisions and Efficiency; 10.7907/1s9xs-94q22
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2003) A
Survey of Models of Network Formation: Stability and Efficiency; 10.7907/c4y9t-bg336
- Banks, Jeffrey S. and Duggan, John (2003) A
Bargaining Model of Collective Choice; 10.7907/0pn8v-n7v55
- Plott, Charles R. and Zeiler, Kathryn (2003) The
Willingness to Pay/Willingness to Accept Gap, the “Endowment Effect,”
Subject Misconceptions and Experimental Procedures for Eliciting
Valuations; 10.7907/61zef-vpy88
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Kremer, Ilan (2003) Envy-Freeness
and Implementation in Large Economies; 10.7907/vhrmj-xdr58
- Saijo, Tatsuyoshi; Yamato, Takehiko; et al. (2002) Non-Excludable
Public Good Experiments; 10.7907/znask-yjk17
- Jackson, Matthew O. and van den Nouweland, Anne (2002) Strongly
Stable Networks; 10.7907/f3hqc-xpm67
- Barberà, Salvador and Jackson, Matthew O. (2002) Choosing
How to Choose: Self-Stable Majority Rules; 10.7907/c634h-t3t66
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Wilkie, Simon (2002) Endogenous
Games and Mechanisms: Side Payments Among Players; 10.7907/98zeh-g6585
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Kremer, Ilan (2002) On
the Concentration of Allocations and Comparisons of Auctions in Large
Economies; 10.7907/x6e1x-crv92
- Fryer, Roland G., Jr. and Jackson, Matthew O. (2002) Categorical
Cognition: A psychological model of categories and identification in
decision making; 10.7907/5bmpz-kta12
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Razzolini, Laura (2002) Postcards
from the NSF; 10.7907/2fmxx-mx706
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Nicolò, Antonio (2002) The
Strategy-Proof Provision of Public Goods under Congestion and Crowding
Preferences; 10.7907/tbv76-57j49
- Echenique, Federico (2002) Finding
All Equilibria; 10.7907/acfse-rbn61
- Dutta, Bhaskar; Jackson, Matthew O.; et al. (2002) Equilibrium
Agenda Formation; 10.7907/wpdgx-d8t61
- Calvó-Armengol, Antoni and Jackson, Matthew O. (2002) Social
Networks in Determining Employment and Wages: Patterns, Dynamics, and
Inequality; 10.7907/b2v43-0c139
- Leinweber, David (2002) Markets,
Technology and Trust; 10.7907/kwvc9-x4m33
- Gelman, Andrew; Katz, Jonathan N.; et al. (2002) Standard
Voting Power Indexes Don’t Work: An Empirical Analysis; 10.7907/8999e-yz237
- Gelman, Andrew; Katz, Jonathan N.; et al. (2002) The
Mathematics and Statistics of Voting Power; 10.7907/hpnm8-cmw66
- Echenique, Federico (2002) A
Characterization of Strategic Complementarities; 10.7907/waxp1-j6f13
- Echenique, Federico and Oviedo, Jorge (2002) Core
Many-to-one Matchings by Fixed-Point Methods; 10.7907/8mv8v-a7476
- Plott, Charles R. and Salmon, Timothy C. (2002) The
Simultaneous, Ascending Auction: Dynamics of Price Adjustment in
Experiments and in the U.K. 3G Spectrum Auction; 10.7907/h96g6-hep41
- Komunjer, Ivana (2002) Quasi-Maximum
Likelihood Estimation for Conditional Quantiles; 10.7907/6c82y-05842
- Aragones, Enriqueta and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2002) The
Effect of Candidate Quality on Electoral Equilibrium: An Experimental
Study; 10.7907/w2rzf-2gt58
- Guarnaschelli, Serena; Kwasnica, Anthony M.; et al. (2002) Information
Aggregation in Double Auctions: Rational Expectations and the Winner’s
Curse; 10.7907/y2nkk-8dw42
- Lei, Vivian; Noussair, Charles; et al. (2002) Asset
Bubbles and Rationality: Additional Evidence from Capital Gains Tax
Experiments; 10.7907/661k1-aq830
- Leinweber, David (2002) Using
Information From Trading In Trading And Portfolio Management: Ten Years
Later; 10.7907/52ppd-wdc18
- Katz, Jonathan N.; Gelman, Andrew; et al. (2002) Empirically
Evaluating the Electoral College; 10.7907/5pr6t-3a795
- Ghirardato, Paolo; Maccheroni, Fabio; et al. (2002) Ambiguity
from the Differential Viewpoint; 10.7907/8ckw7-86588
- Plott, Charles R. and Chen, Kay-Yut (2002) Information
Aggregation Mechanisms: Concept, Design and Implementation for a Sales
Forecasting Problem; 10.7907/n9y0a-a5y79
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Katz, Jonathan N. (2002) Indecision
Theory: Quality of Information and Voting Behavior; 10.7907/x45sh-c4n27
- Hild, Matthias and Voorhoeve, Alex (2001) Roemer
on Equality of Opportunity; 10.7907/w4db8-jgy82
- Camerer, Colin F.; Ho, Teck-Hua; et al. (2001) Behavioral
Game Theory: Thinking, Learning and Teaching; 10.2139/ssrn.295585
- Calvó-Armengol, Antoni and Jackson, Matthew O. (2001) Networks
in Labor Markets: Wage and Employment Dynamics and Inequality; 10.7907/f30kj-w7374
- Camerer, Colin F.; Ho, Teck-Hua; et al. (2001) Sophisticated
EWA Learning and Strategic Teaching in Repeated Games; 10.7907/acy85-62128
- Ghirardato, Paolo; Maccheroni, Fabio; et al. (2001) A
Subjective Spin on Roulette Wheels; 10.7907/wwvcd-ff363
- Heifetz, Aviad (2001) The
Positive Foundation of the Common Prior Assumption; 10.7907/mjxvs-zg731
- Aumann, Robert J. and Heifetz, Aviad (2001) Incomplete
Information; 10.7907/5jwkt-1se17
- Maccheroni, Fabio and Marinacci, Massimo (2001) How
to cut a cake healthily; 10.7907/se2dq-wme73
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2001) A
Bayesian Unobservable/Observable Source Separation Model and Activation
Determination in fMRI; 10.7907/eqmw1-2yf39
- Gelman, Andrew and Katz, Jonathan N. (2001) How
much does a vote count? Voting power, coalitions, and the Electoral
College; 10.7907/4q8jx-vrx44
- Fohlin, Caroline (2001) Regulation,
Taxation, and the Development of the German Universal Banking System,
1884-1913; 10.7907/6v6nr-e5p31
- Hild, Matthias (2001) A
Note on Impossibility Theorems and Seniority Rules; 10.7907/yrset-1fg13
- Ho, Teck-Hua; Camerer, Colin F.; et al. (2001) Economic
Value of EWA Lite: A Functional Theory of Learning in Games; 10.7907/fksby-kk523
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2001) Bayesian
Source Separation with Jointly Distributed Mean and Mixing Coefficients
vie MCMC and ICM; 10.7907/9bv1k-zdq54
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2001) A
Model for Bayesian Source Separation with the Overall Mean; 10.7907/dvf2j-xbd71
- Hild, Matthias (2001) Policy
Reversals in Risk Management: The Effect of Refined Analyses; 10.7907/40mdh-rmj22
- Hild, Matthias (2001) Fair
Kidney Allocation Based on Waiting Time; 10.7907/jdkna-neq07
- Alvarez, R. Michael and McCaffery, Edward J. (2001) Is
there a Gender Gap in Fiscal Political Preferences?; 10.2139/ssrn.240502
- Hild, Matthias (2001) Stable
Aggregation of Preferences; 10.7907/3eqbb-2y409
- Hild, Matthias (2001) TECHNICAL
REPORT: The Instability of Ex Post and Robust Aggregation without
State-Consequence Separation; 10.7907/q7czj-z2a62
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Garcia Bedolla, Lisa (2001) The
Foundations of Latino Voter Partisanship: Evidence from the 2000
Election; 10.7907/18d7a-3sg98
- Hild, Matthias (2001) The
Instability of Robust Aggregation; 10.7907/vmr0n-5k854
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2001) A
Bayesian Model to Incorporate Jointly Distributed Generalized Prior
Information on Means and Loadings in Factor Analysis; 10.7907/8k65a-3cd06
- Honaker, James; Katz, Jonathan N.; et al. (2001) An
Improved Statistical Model for Multiparty Electoral Data; 10.7907/c5d2w-qmn15
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2001) A
Model for Bayesian Factor Analysis with Jointly Distributed Means and
Loadings; 10.7907/6htq7-smm75
- Hamo, Yoram and Heifetz, Aviad (2001) An
Evolutionary Perspective on Goal Seeking and Escalation of
Commitment; 10.7907/kknwr-kpf56
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Marinacci, Massimo (2000) Ambiguity
Made Precise: A Comparative Foundation; 10.7907/31gk7-s6m06
- Plott, Charles R. (2000) The
FCC Rules for the 700MHZ Auction: A Potential Disaster; 10.7907/arjxm-55823
- Casari, Marco (2000) Emergence
of Endogenous Legal Institutions: The Rural Charters in Northern
Italy; 10.7907/4yv4f-9rd82
- Ledyard, John O. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2000) The
Approximation of Efficient Public Good Mechanisms by Simple Voting
Schemes; 10.7907/v811f-scj07
- Heifetz, Aviad and Spiegel, Yossi (2000) On
the Evolutionary Emergence of Optimism; 10.7907/n7jaw-cf482
- Casari, Marco and Plott, Charles R. (2000) Keeping
an Eye on Your Neighbors: Agents Monitoring and Sanctioning One Another
In a Common-Pool Resource Environment; 10.7907/h1wcf-ctc47
- Fohlin, Caroline (2000) Banking
Industry Structure, Competition, and Performance: Does Universality
Matter?; 10.7907/0etxd-7qh20
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Katz, Jonathan N. (2000) Aggregation
and Dynamics of Survey Responses: The Case of Presidential Approval;
- Aragones, Enriqueta and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2000) Mixed
Equilibrium in a Downsian Model with a Favored Candidate; 10.7907/d5xt1-9dh42
- Camerer, Colin F.; Hsia, David; et al. (2000) EWA
Learning in Bilateral Call Markets; 10.7907/96ycp-0c965
- Bossaerts, Peter; Fine, Leslie; et al. (2000) Inducing
Liquidity in Thin Financial Markets through Combined-Value Trading
Mechanisms; 10.7907/yk4m6-yrv98
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2000) A
Bayesian Factor Analysis Model with Generalized Prior Information;
- Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck H. (2000) Strategic
Learning and Teaching; 10.7907/byfnc-zek61
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2000) On
Estimating the Mean In Bayesian Factor Analysis; 10.7907/2dddb-wgm70
- Bossaerts, Peter and Fohlin, Caroline (2000) Has
The Cross-Section of Average Returns Always Been the Same? Evidence from
Germany, 1881-1913; 10.7907/dn4fv-8ve95
- Rowe, Daniel B. (2000) Incorporating
Prior Knowledge Regarding the Mean in Bayesian Factor Analysis; 10.7907/3mbxp-d2q74
- Fohlin, Caroline (2000) IPO
Underpricing in Two Universes: Berlin, 1882-1892, and New York,
1998-2000; 10.7907/d0y4r-48224
- Reilly, Cavan; Gelman, Andrew; et al. (2000) Post-Stratification
without Population Level Information on the Post-Stratifying Variable,
with Application to Political Polling; 10.7907/814rt-46j78
- Fohlin, Caroline (2000) Economic,
Political, and Legal Factors in Financial System Development:
International Patterns in Historical Perspective; 10.7907/aq75t-8sd40
- Beck, Nathaniel and Katz, Jonathan N. (2000) Throwing
Out the Baby with the Bath Water: A Comment on Green, Yoon and Kim;
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (2000) Status
Quo Bias in Bargaining: An extension of the Myerson Satterthwaite
Theorem with an application to the Coase Theorem; 10.7907/fykjr-x5418
- Guarnaschelli, Serena; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (2000) An
Experimental Study of Jury Decision Rules; 10.7907/49qpb-78b68
- Ledyard, John O.; Olson, Mark A.; et al. (2000) The
First Use of a Combined Value Auction for Transportation Services;
- Fohlin, Caroline (2000) Corporate
Capital Structure and the Influence of Universal Banks in Pre-War
Germany; 10.7907/jqv94-zbc83
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Marinacci, Massimo (2000) Risk,
Ambiguity, and the Separation of Utility and Beliefs; 10.7907/b28c4-0z245
- Anderson, Christopher M.; Granat, Sander; et al. (2000) Global
Instability in Experimental General Equilibrium: The Scarf Example;
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Glasgow, Garrett (2000) Uncertainty
and Candidate Personality Traits; 10.7907/h81hw-0pv50
- Ishikida, Takashi; Ledyard, John O.; et al. (2000) Experimental
Testbedding of a Pollution Trading System: Southern California’s RECLAIM
Emissions Market; 10.7907/txk4w-c9032
- Brewer, Paul J. and Plott, Charles R. (2000) A
Smart Market Solution to a Class of Back-Haul Transportation Problems:
Concept and Experimental Testbeds; 10.7907/4g9yz-ft534
- Goeree, Jacob K.; Holt, Charles A.; et al. (2000) Quantal
Response Equilibrium and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions; 10.7907/7m89d-44815
- Bossaerts, Peter L. and Plott, Charles R. (2000) Basic
Principles of Asset Pricing Theory: Evidence from Large-scale
Experimental Financial Markets; 10.7907/eqsbn-kbz89
- Camerer, Colin F. and Knez, Mark (2000) Increasing
Cooperation in Prisoner’s Dilemmas by Establishing a Precedent of
Efficiency in Coordination; 10.7907/hfg50-nkp96
- Patty, John W. (2000) Plurality
and Probability of Victory: Some Equivalence Results; 10.7907/a421h-ndm17
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Marinacci, Massimo (2000) Range
Convexity and Ambiguity Averse Preferences; 10.7907/mmrke-86374
- Callander, Steven (1999) Electoral
Competition with Entry; 10.7907/h7879-q9e10
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1999) Voluntary
Implementation; 10.7907/q2nj0-z2j43
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Swinkels, Jeroen M. (1999) Existence
of Equilibrium in Auctions and Discontinuous Bayesian Games: Endogenous
and Incentive Compatible Sharing Rules; 10.7907/86a06-jka38
- Patty, John W. (1999) Equilibrium
Equivalence with J Candidates and N Voters; 10.7907/c6dk5-phj88
- DeMartini, Christine; Kwasnica, Anthony M.; et al. (1999) A
New and Improved Design for Multi-Object Iterative Auctions; 10.7907/wve8f-fxz97
- Dominitz, Jeff and Grether, David M. (1999) I
Know What You Did Last Quarter: Economic Forecasts of Professional
Forecasters; 10.7907/6fsfe-rfc97
- Alvarez, R. Michael and McCaffery, Edward J. (1999) Gender
and Tax; 10.2139/ssrn.172985
- Plott, Charles R. (1999) Market
Stability: Backward Bending Supply in a Laboratory Experimental
Market; 10.7907/jtj4g-2xr09
- Jackson, Matthew O. (1999) A
Crash Course in Implementation Theory; 10.7907/37vz7-4gj61
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1999) Statistical
Analysis of the Additive and Multiplicative Hypotheses of Multiple
Exposure Synergy for Cohort and Case-Control Studies; 10.7907/x82vj-kw233
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1999) Is
the Sleeping Giant Awakening? Latinos and California Politics in the
1990’s; 10.7907/f4t52-keg72
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1999) Why
Did Proposition 227 Pass?; 10.7907/7aa2q-gbq89
- Bossaerts, Peter; Kleiman, Daniel; et al. (1999) Price
Discovery in Financial Markets: The Case of the CAPM; 10.7907/q9mym-vse18
- Plott, Charles R.; Camerer, Colin F.; et al. (1999) Information
Aggregation in Experimental Asset Markets: Traps and Misaligned
Beliefs; 10.7907/c02mr-kz141
- Camerer, Colin F. and Hogarth, Robin M. (1999) The
Effects of Financial Incentives in Experiments: A Review and
Capital-Labor-Production Framework; 10.7907/y3wa8-v3914
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Le Breton, Michel (1999) Choquet
Rationality; 10.7907/tm8mm-xhq38
- Camerer, Colin F. and Anderson, Christopher
- Experience-Weighted
Attraction Learning in Sender-Receiver Signaling Games; 10.7907/t3pzy-0et43
- Sherstyuk, Katerina (1999) Collusion
in private value ascending price auctions; 10.7907/aq3gx-3at57
- Collins, Richard and Sherstyuk, Katerina (1999) Spatial
Competition with Three Firms: An Experimental Study; 10.7907/datyq-h1843
- McKelvey, Richard D.; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (1999) The
Effects of Payoff Magnitude and Heterogeneity on Behavior in 2 x 2 Games
with Unique Mixed Strategy Equilibria; 10.7907/95xv9-jkv06
- Ghirardato, Paolo and Marinacci, Massimo (1999) The
Impossibility of Compromise: Convexity and Uniqueness in Decision Making
under Risk and Uncertainty; 10.7907/bjsyc-wnx58
- Alvarez, R. Michael; Nagler, Jonathan; et al. (1999) Measuring
The Relative Impact of Issues and the Economy in Democratic
Elections; 10.7907/swzy5-vb688
- Hung, Angela A. and Plott, Charles R. (1998) Information
Cascades: Replication and an Extension to Majority Rule and Conformity
Rewarding Institutions; 10.7907/dpd8c-fkn46
- Kwasnica, Anthony M. (1998) Collusion
in Multiple Object Simultaneous Auctions: Theory and Experiments; 10.7907/c0290-p2b47
- Title, Leslie Rachel (1998) Platonic
Mechanism Design; 10.7907/pn7sd-8v583
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Watts, Alison (1998) The
Evolution of Social and Economic Networks; 10.7907/z7sw0-gx712
- Plott, Charles R. and Williamson, Dean V. (1998) Markets
for Contracts: Experiments Exploring the Compatibility of Games and
Markets for Games; 10.7907/tjwsk-z5k82
- Camerer, Colin F. and Weber, Roberto A. (1998) The
econometrics and behavioral economics of escalation of commitment: A
re-examination of Staw & Hoang’s NBA data; 10.7907/t4j0a-rh635
- Patty, John W. (1998) Elections
and the Media: The Supply Side; 10.7907/g1h9c-77d46
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Butterfield, Tara (1998) Citizenship
and Political Representation in Contemporary California; 10.7907/q2n3t-eks05
- Bykowsky, Mark. M; Cull, Robert J.; et al. (1998) Mutually
Destructive Bidding: The FCC Auction Design Problem; 10.7907/r2944-rm514
- Johnson, Eric J.; Camerer, Colin F.; et al. (1998) Detecting
Failures of Backward Induction: Monitoring Information Search in
Sequential Bargaining; 10.7907/q4x6c-tg374
- Camerer, Colin F. (1998) Prospect
theory in the wild: Evidence from the field; 10.7907/p3ren-j9d62
- Fohlin, Caroline (1998) Financial
System Structure and Industrialization: Reassessing the German
Experience before World War I; 10.7907/mah9p-jwv61
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Moselle, Boaz (1998) Coalition
and Party Formation in a Legislative Voting Game; 10.7907/eyge5-sb455
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Kalsow, Gretchen A.; et al. (1998) Tax
Return Preparers and Tax Evasion; 10.7907/4a0gr-cvp11
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Butterfield, Tara L. (1998) The
Revolution Against Affirmative Action in California: Politics,
Economics, and Proposition 209; 10.7907/gmd9m-32904
- Camerer, Colin F. and Lovallo, Dan (1998) Overconfidence
and Excess Entry: An Experimental Approach; 10.7907/teefk-9jr62
- Katz, Jonathan N. and King, Gary (1998) A
Statistical Model for Multiparty Electoral Data; 10.7907/ktgms-6m904
- Kalai, Ehud and Ledyard, John O. (1998) Repeated
Implementation; 10.7907/b7sbx-5k980
- Camerer, Colin F. (1998) Bounded
Rationality in Individual Decision Making; 10.7907/n0gd5-at008
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1998) A
Liapunov Function for Nash Equilibria; 10.7907/f61vr-arf47
- Menshikov, Ivan; Menshikova, Olga; et al. (1998) From
Non Market Attitudes to Market Behavior: Laboratory Market Experiments
in Moscow, and the Hvatat Property of Human Behavior
- Cox, Gary W. and Katz, Jonathan N. (1998) The
Reapportionment Revolution and Bias in U.S. Congressional Elections;
- Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua (1997) Experience-weighted
Attraction Learning in Normal Form Games; 10.7907/4e2kf-nme71
- Coughlan, Peter J. (1997) In
Defense of Unanimous Jury Verdicts: Communication, Mistrials, and
Sincerity; 10.7907/d3qd9-b6105
- Coughan, Peter J. and Plott, Charles R. (1997) An
Experimental Analysis of the Structure of Legal Fees: American Rule
vs. English Rule; 10.7907/7xn4b-ze373
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Butterfield, Tara (1997) The
Resurgence of Nativism in California? The Case of Proposition 187 and
Illegal Immigration; 10.7907/ycksa-pk633
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1997) Economics,
Entitlements and Social Issues: Voter Choice in the 1996 Presidential
Election; 10.7907/80v4g-r5z56
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1997) A
New Approach for Modeling Strategic Voting in Multiparty Elections;
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Glasgow, Garrett (1997) Do
Voters Learn from Presidential Election Campaigns?; 10.7907/z572j-c8444
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1997) Analysis
of Crossover and Strategic Voting; 10.7907/d9np1-r2b60
- Fohlin, Caroline (1997) Bank
Structure and Growth: Insights from British and German Bank Balance
Sheets Before World War I; 10.7907/z53xb-kba44
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1997) An
Experimental Study of the Effect of Private Information in the Coase
Theorem; 10.7907/h25ge-vez95
- Bossaerts, Peter and Hillion, Pierre (1997) IPO
Post-Issue Markets: Questionable Predilections But Diligent
Learners?; 10.7907/qz81g-90134
- Beck, Nathaniel; Katz, Jonathan N.; et al. (1997) Beyond
Ordinary Logit: Taking Time Seriously in Binary
Time-Series-Cross-Section Models; 10.7907/2fmk9-nvs52
- Crémer, Jacques and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1997) Political
Confederation; 10.7907/04xcr-91r09
- Filippov, Mikhail G.; Ordeshook, Peter C.; et al. (1997) Party
Fragmentation and Presidential Elections in Post-Communist
Democracies; 10.7907/0sgsn-vwq02
- Ledyard, John O. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1997) Interim
Efficiency in a Public Goods Problem; 10.7907/y319s-0vv88
- Battigalli, Pierpaolo and Siniscalchi, Marciano (1997) An
Epistemic Characterization of Extensive Form Rationalizability; 10.7907/py245-kxq87
- Fohlin, Caroline (1997) The
Universal Banks and the Mobilization of Capital in Imperial Germany;
- Erikson, Robert S. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1997) Equilibria
in Campaign Spending Games: Theory and Data; 10.7907/v39vq-q2c70
- Fohlin, Caroline (1997) Bank
Securities Holdings and Industrial Finance Before World War I: Britain
and Germany Compared; 10.7907/sjzfm-bq221
- Bondarenko, Oleg and Bossaerts, Peter (1997) Expectations
and Learning in Iowa; 10.7907/1jcq6-r2h20
- Plott, Charles R.; Wit, Jorgen; et al. (1997) Parimutuel
Betting Markets as Information Aggregation Devices: Experimental
Results; 10.7907/fbqg5-zzh14
- Elston, Julie Ann; Bond, Stephen; et al. (1997) Financial
Factors and Investment in Belgium, France, Germany and the UK: A
Comparison Using Company Panel Data; 10.7907/pwmjz-b7d36
- Porter, David P. (1997) The
Effect of Bid Withdrawal in a Multi-Object Auction; 10.7907/2m71w-g2h86
- Page, Scott E. (1997) On
Incentives and Updating in Agent Based Models; 10.7907/833jr-w8x29
- Fohlin, Caroline (1997) Revolutionary
Finance? Capital Mobilization and Utilization in Pre-War Germany and
Italy; 10.7907/zbv81-mva62
- Page, Scott E. (1997) On
the Emergence of Cities; 10.7907/2rhct-60240
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Kalsow, Gretchen A. (1997) Participation
in Direct Legislation: Evidence from the Voting Booth; 10.7907/v6txk-74k62
- Bossaerts, Peter (1997) The
Dynamics Of Equity Prices In Fallible Markets; 10.7907/xr38e-amk77
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Kalsow, Gretchen A. (1997) An
Aggregate Nested Logit Model of Political Participation; 10.7907/7kcmg-s2990
- Weber, Roberto A.; Rottenstreich, Yuval; et al. (1996) The
Illusion of Leadership; 10.7907/1kpw8-3yp19
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and Grether, David M. (1996) Unknown
heterogeneity, the EC-EM algorithm, and Large T Approximation; 10.7907/5brrc-5y985
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Jackson, Matthew O. (1996) Dynamic
Efficiency and Voluntary Implementation in Markets with Repeated
Pairwise Bargaining; 10.7907/t1fke-af726
- Hanson, Robin (1996) Voters
Can Have Strong Incentives To Become Informed, Or To Be Strategically
Ignorant; 10.7907/8zp37-mcw63
- Camerer, Colin F. (1996) Can
Asset Markets be Manipulated? A Field Experiment with Racetrack
Betting; 10.7907/6z163-c7z10
- Lohmann, Susanne (1996) Linkage
Politics; 10.7907/es2p3-hcg20
- Chaney, Carole; Alvarez, R. Michael; et al. (1996) Explaining
the Gender Gap in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1980-1992; 10.7907/9absa-ab280
- Altman, Micah (1996) What
Are Judicially Manageable Standards For Redistricting? Evidence From
History; 10.7907/mhby7-xsf81
- Lohmann, Susanne (1996) Federalism
and Central Bank Autonomy: The Politics of German Monetary Policy,
1957-1992; 10.7907/14tjf-j0m20
- Fohlin, Caroline (1996) Relationship
Banking, Liquidity, and Investment in the German Industrialization;
- Bossaerts, Peter; Ghysels, Eric; et al. (1996) Arbitrage-Based
Pricing When Volatility is Stochastic; 10.7907/73szt-nd743
- Ho, Teck H.; Weigelt, Keith; et al. (1996) Iterated
Dominance and Iterated Best-Response in Experimental P-Beauty
Contests; 10.7907/2wqmd-n6102
- Lohmann, Susanne (1996) Electoral
Incentives, Informational Asymmetries, and the Policy Bias Toward
Special Interests; 10.7907/gma71-brm17
- Hopenhayn, Hugo and Lohmann, Susanne (1996) Delegation
and the Regulation of Risk; 10.7907/n04sf-8mg45
- Ghirardato, Paolo; Klibanoff, Peter; et al. (1996) Linearity
with Multiple Priors; 10.7907/c8ke3-76j96
- Dutta, Bhaskar and Mutuswami, Suresh (1996) Stable
Networks; 10.7907/hkx61-6hc41
- Polishchuk, Leonid (1996) Russian
Federalism: Economic Reform and Political Behavior; 10.7907/vdc65-emq44
- Blecherman, Barry and Camerer, Colin F. (1996) Is
There a Winner’s Curse In The Market For Baseball Players? Evidence From
The Field; 10.7907/g0knw-0jx59
- Camerer, Colin F.; Knez, Marc J.; et al. (1996) Timing
and Virtual Observability in Ultimatum Bargaining and Weak Link
Coordination Games; 10.7907/gfg3r-ew664
- Polishchuk, Leonid (1996) Input
Markets Development, Property Rights, and Extra-Market
Redistribution; 10.7907/cawxk-k5a80
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1996) Russia’s
Party System: Is Russian Federalism Viable?; 10.7907/ts8j6-7gz34
- Bossaerts, Peter (1996) Martingale
Restrictions on Equilibrium Prices of Arrow-Debreu Securities Under
Rational Expectations and Consistent Beliefs; 10.7907/de6dw-zq306
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D.; Brown, D. J.; et al. (1996) Portfolio
Dominance and Optimality in Infinite Securities Markets; 10.7907/bsj3g-6ty02
- Plott, Charles R. (1996) Laboratory
Experimental Testbeds: Application to the PCS Auction; 10.7907/49k43-nsm83
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Franklin, Charles H. (1996) Attitudes,
Uncertainty and Survey Responses; 10.7907/zyt7v-hz990
- Fohlin, Caroline (1996) Fiduciari
and Firm Liquidity Constraints: The Italian Experience with German-Style
Universal Banking; 10.7907/ys61z-x8x87
- Ghirardato, Paolo (1996) Coping
With Ignorance: Unforeseen Contingencies and Non-Additive
Uncertainty; 10.7907/3kttz-cg466
- Filippov, Mikhail G. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1996) Fraud
or Fiction: Who Stole What in Russia’s December 1993 Elections; 10.7907/jzgay-6aq68
- Camerer, Colin F.; Babcock, Linda; et al. (1996) Labor
Supply of New York City Cab Drivers: One Day at a Time; 10.7907/9dtj1-nks95
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D.; Brown, D. J.; et al. (1996) Yudin
Cones and Inductive Limit Topologies; 10.7907/javtf-mk962
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Brehm, John (1996) Information
and American Attitudes Toward Bureaucracy; 10.7907/z7ape-pqx33
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1996) When
Politics and Models Collide: Estimating Models of Multi-Party
Elections; 10.7907/jcges-hyx21
- Ledyard, John O.; Porter, David; et al. (1996) The
Results of Some Tests of Mechanism Designs for the Allocation and
Pricing of Collections of Heterogeneous Items; 10.7907/6ehr5-jww49
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1996) A
Statistical Theory of Equilibrium in Games; 10.7907/m8276-pad75
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1996) Studying
Congressional and Gubernatorial Campaigns; 10.7907/1mm41-kt439
- Alvarez, R. Michael; Bowler, Shaun; et al. (1996) Issues,
Economics and the Dynamics of Multi-Party Elections: The British 1987
General Election; 10.7907/w9f59-jzr85
- Papai, Szilvia (1996) Strategyproof
and Nonbossy Assignments; 10.7907/p7bnp-hh210
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1996) Survey
Measures of Uncertainty: A Report to the National Election Studies Board
on the Use of “Certainty” Questions to Measure Uncertainty About
Candidate Traits and Issue Positions; 10.7907/h974a-n4y88
- Lee, Ho W. (1996) Merging
of Forecasts in Markov Models; 10.7907/js7h7-br259
- Papai, Szilvia (1996) Strategyproof
Allocation of a Single Object; 10.7907/3jsj7-n5z76
- Camerer, Colin F. (1995) Rules
for Experimenting in Psychology and Economics, and Why They Differ;
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1995) Quantal
Response Equilibria for Extensive Form Games; 10.7907/prxgj-mg253
- Plott, Charles R. and Wilkie, Simon (1995) Local
Telephone Exchanges, Regulation, and Entry; 10.7907/n2m6h-wsy26
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D.; Border, Kim C.; et al. (1995) Economies
With Many Commodities; 10.7907/jjhxf-hrj08
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Kalsow, Gretchen A. (1995) Comparing
Absentee and Precinct Voters: A View Over Time; 10.7907/2q6zy-69h08
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Kalsow, Gretchen A. (1995) Comparing
Absentee and Precinct Voters: Voting on Direct Legislation; 10.7907/wf98v-0q055
- Ghirardato, Paolo (1995) On
Independence For Non-Additive Measures, With a Fubini Theorem; 10.7907/jj5s5-fte97
- Palfrey, Thomas R. (1995) Implementation
Theory; 10.7907/f4x3p-w1n11
- Cox, Gary W. and Katz, Jonathan N. (1995) Why
Did The Incumbency Advantage In U.S. House Elections Grow?; 10.7907/mztr7-cd807
- Chen, Kat-Yut and Plott, Charles R. (1995) Nonlinear
Behavior in Sealed Bid First Price Auctions; 10.7907/y5qc6-vnx85
- Hillion, Pierre and Young, David S. (1995) The
Czechoslovak Privatization Auction: An Empirical Investigation; 10.7907/kc67g-1qp09
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1995) Reapportionment
Wars: Party, Race, and Redistricting in California, 1971-1992; 10.7907/hwrbt-dr259
- Myagkov, Mikhail and Plott, Charles R. (1995) Exchange
Economies and Loss Exposure: Experiments Exploring Prospect Theory and
Competitive Equilibria in Market Environments; 10.7907/63rqp-z0260
- Cachon, Gérard P. and Camerer, Colin F. (1995) Loss
Avoidance and Forward Induction in Experimental Coordination Games;
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1995) Hamilton’s
Political Economy and the National Bank; 10.7907/2zxfw-ghf62
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Brehm, John (1995) Are
Americans Ambivalent Towards Racial Policies?; 10.7907/01vc1-y8z98
- Bossaerts, Peter (1995) Rational
Price Discovery In Experimental And Field Data; 10.7907/c3h0d-2kp48
- Fohlin, Caroline (1995) Relationship
Banking and corporate governance in the Kaiserreich; 10.7907/cr120-h6772
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1995) The
New Republic and the New Institutionalism: Hamilton’s Plan and
Extra-Legislative Organization; 10.7907/k5e1w-bsb18
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1995) Estimating
the Partisan Consequences of Redistricting Plans - Simply; 10.7907/s188t-ty278
- Alvarez, R. Michael; Canon, David T.; et al. (1995) The
Impact of Primaries on General Election Outcomes in the U.S. House and
Senate; 10.7907/gm3y7-qwd03
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Saving, Jason (1995) Deficits,
Democrats, and Distributive Benefits: Congressional Elections and the
Pork Barrel in the 1980s; 10.7907/6rr57-0a981
- Page, Scott E.; Kollman, Ken; et al. (1995) A
Comparison of Political Institutions in a Tiebout Model; 10.7907/mkce4-2tg22
- Page, Scott E. (1995) Two
Measures of Difficulty; 10.7907/yrcx8-84j64
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Shvetsova, Olga V. (1995) If
Hamilton and Madison Were Merely Lucky, What Hope Is There for Russian
Federalism?; 10.7907/yv98z-edr97
- Border, Kim C. and Segal, Uzi (1995) Preferences
Over Solution to the Bargaining Problem; 10.7907/6xdyr-40f88
- Knez, Marc and Camerer, Colin F. (1995) Outside
Options and Social Comparison in 3-Player Ultimatum Game
Experiments; 10.7907/t6hjv-nrt82
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1995) The
Dynamics of Issue Emphasis: Campaign Strategy and Media Coverage in
Statewide Races; 10.7907/g1037-44d71
- Dudek, R.; Kim, Taesung; et al. (1995) First
Best Bayesian Privatization Mechanisms; 10.7907/rgkfq-awr86
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1995) Constitutions
for New Democracies: Reflections of Turmoil or Agents of Stability?;
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and Grether, David M. (1995) Are
People Bayesian? Uncovering Behavioral Strategies; 10.7907/hvm98-nab92
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1995) Shaw
vs. Reno and the World of Redistricting and Representation; 10.7907/70h0s-dtc53
- Ledyard, John O.; Noussair, Charles N.; et al. (1995) The
Allocation of a Shared Resource Within an Organization; 10.7907/sb8p2-77f71
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Saving, Jason (1995) Congressional
Committees and the Political Economy of Federal Outlays; 10.7907/4s991-1x478
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1994) Correlated
Disturbances in Discrete Choice Models: A Comparison of Multinomial
Probit Models and Logit Models; 10.7907/z0hv5-kw285
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1994) Two-Stage
Estimation of Non-Recursive Choice Models; 10.7907/aa41w-fsk46
- Banks, Jeffrey; Olson, Mark; et al. (1994) An
Experimental Analysis of the Two-Armed Bandit Program; 10.7907/cnh3w-1hp55
- Sherstyuk, Katerina (1994) The
Formation of Multiple Teams; 10.7907/keya4-azx13
- Jamison, Julian C. and Plott, Charles R. (1994) DELETE
Costly Offers and the Equilibration Properties of the Multiple Unit
Double Auction Under Conditions of Unpredictable Shifts of Demand and
- Jamison, Julian C. and Plott, Charles R. (1994) Costly
offers and the equilibration properties of the multiple unit double
auction under conditions of unpredictable shifts of demand and
supply; 10.7907/fnhzb-n0e58
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Nagler, Jonathan (1994) Voter
Choice in 1992: Economics, Issues, and Anger; 10.7907/r4hfn-zvy61
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Zeng, Langche (1994) Rational
Voters and Strategic Voting: Evidence from the 1968, 1980, and 1992
Elections; 10.7907/1vp12-5fe44
- Page, Scott E.; Kollman, Ken; et al. (1994) Landscape
Formation in a Spatial Voting Model; 10.7907/046nc-0c893
- Parkash, Chander and Tulkens, Henry (1994) The
Core of an Economy With Multilateral Environmental Externalities; 10.7907/tz6kj-f7g59
- Chander, Parkash and Tulkens, Henry (1994) A
Core-Theoretic Solution for the Design of Cooperative Agreements on
Transfrontier Pollution; 10.7907/2e6r1-9na73
- Lian, Peng and Plott, Charles R. (1994) General
Equilibrium, Markets, Macroeconomics and Money in a Laboratory
Experimental Environment; 10.7907/hbe2k-nn561
- McKelvey, Richard D. and McLennan, Andrew (1994) The
Maximal Number of Regular Totally Mixed Nash Equilibria; 10.7907/w4xpy-8z371
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1994) Alliances
Versus Federations: An Analysis with Military and Economic Capabilities
Distinguished; 10.7907/6wz3e-c2738
- Cason, Timothy N. and Plott, Charles R. (1994) EPA’s
New Emissions Trading Mechanism: A Laboratory Evaluation; 10.7907/s1bkn-wfk14
- Polk, Charles W. (1994) Subcomponent
Innovation and Moral Hazard: Where Technological Progress Meets the
Division of Labor; 10.7907/ra1cw-psk31
- Saving, Jason (1994) Human
Capital and Legislative Outcomes; 10.7907/486rs-pky55
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1994) Institutions
and Incentives: The Prospects for Russian Democracy; 10.7907/a6qwf-33e44
- Saving, Jason (1994) Welfare
Magnets, The Labor-Leisure Decision and Economic Efficiency; 10.7907/yfzr8-edd17
- Fey, Mark; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1994) An
Experimental Study of Constant-sum Centipede Games; 10.7907/g1kfx-nex14
- Page, Scott E. (1994) A
Bottom-Up Efficient Algorithm for Allocating Public Projects with
Positive Complementarities; 10.7907/64gk6-vk958
- Crémer, Jacques and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1994) In
or Out?: Centralization by Majority Vote; 10.7907/kqm1m-g9v70
- Shvetsova, Olga V. (1994) Equilibria
with Unrestricted Entry in Multi Member District Plurality (SNTV)
Elections; 10.7907/yzjqx-gsa77
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1994) Economical
Experiments: Bayesian Efficient Experimental Design; 10.7907/gkc2n-v7q38
- Shvetsova, Olga V. (1994) Equilibria
with Unrestricted Entry in Multi Member District Plurality (SNTV)
Elections; 10.7907/fpm96-56b91
- Ledyard, John O. (1994) Public
Goods: A Survey of Experimental Research; 10.7907/f3s6c-3pw50
- Plott, Charles R.; Sugiyama, Alexandre Borges; et al. (1994) Economies
of Scale, Natural Monopoly and Imperfect Competition in an Experimental
Market; 10.7907/s644e-hvw69
- Chander, Parkash and Wilde, Louis L. (1994) A
General Characterization of Optimal Income Taxation and Enforcement;
- Strnad, Jeff (1994) Choosing
a Tax Treatment for New Financial Products; 10.7907/0f5gs-x4152
- Page, Scott
- Covers;
- Plott, Charles R. (1993) Rational
Individual Behavior in Markets and Social Choice Processes; 10.7907/w32ec-wq985
- Kollman, Ken; Miller, John H.; et al. (1993) Political
Parties and Electoral Landscapes; 10.7907/ycdfc-bct60
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1993) The
Spatial Analysis of Elections and Committees: Four Decades of
Research; 10.7907/03y83-zga07
- Stefanescu, Anton (1993) Competitive
Solutions and Uniform Competitive Solutions for Cooperative Games;
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1993) Notes
on Constitutional Change in the ROC: Presidential versus Parliamentary
Government; 10.7907/dqqde-vaa45
- Ledyard, John O. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) Voting
and Lottery Drafts as Efficient Public Goods Mechanisms; 10.7907/x8d9n-q6988
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Prisbrey, Jeffrey E. (1993) Altruism,
Reputation, and Noise in Linear Public Goods Experiments; 10.7907/1rdj0-77t87
- Bossaerts, Peter and Hillion, Pierre (1993) Testing
The Mean-Variance Efficiency of Well-Diversified Portfolios in Very
Large Cross-Sections; 10.7907/ptdpn-hf013
- Kalai, Ehud and Lehrer, Ehud (1993) Subjective
Games and Equilibria; 10.7907/wgnmq-mgm72
- Gerber, Elisabeth R. (1993) Are
Legislators Afraid of Initiatives? Anticipation and Reaction in the
Policy Process; 10.7907/qx9s4-4e470
- Yang, Chen and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1993) Constitutional
Secession Clauses; 10.7907/0ck4t-s7q27
- Aleskerov, Fuad and Duggan, John (1993) Functional
Voting Operators: The Non-Monotonic Case; 10.7907/yb239-z0950
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Brehm, John (1993) When
Core Beliefs Collide: Conflict, Complexity, or Just Plain
Confusion?; 10.7907/6p349-99205
- Alvarez, R. Michael (1993) The
Bayesian Voter: The Dynamics of Information and Learning in a
Presidential Election Campaign; 10.7907/v4epr-1bp02
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and Grether, David M. (1993) Uncovering
Behavioral Strategies: Likelihood-Based Experimental Data Mining; 10.7907/evcyp-qez40
- Ledyard, John O. and Szakaly, Kristin E. (1993) Designing
Organizations for Trading Pollution Rights; 10.7907/zvw0j-4sc93
- Bernhardt, Dan and Hughson, Eric (1993) Intraday
Trade in Dealership Markets; 10.7907/ejv10-v2x89
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Spitzer, Matthew L. (1993) Testing
Minority Preferences in Broadcasting; 10.7907/503f9-xh666
- Sherstyuk, Katerina (1993) How
To Gerrymander: A Formal Analysis; 10.7907/4ncwz-88r70
- Cox, James C. and Grether, David M. (1993) The
Preference Reversal Phenomenon: Response Mode, Markets and
Incentives; 10.7907/7qqxt-mz131
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) The
Holdout Game: An Experimental Study of an Infinitely Repeated Game with
Two-Sided Incomplete Information; 10.7907/h5sgq-1q935
- Erikson, Robert S. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) The
Spending Game: Money, Votes, and Incumbency in Congressional
Elections; 10.7907/a9wsd-5xx59
- Beck, Nathaniel; Katz, Jonathan N.; et al. (1993) Government
Partisanship, Labor Organization and Macroeconomic Performance: A
Corrigendum; 10.7907/5f7wb-bjt75
- Aldrich, John H. and Alvarez, R. Michael (1993) Issues
and The Presidential Primary Voter; 10.7907/2dzqg-j2c55
- Sherstyuk, Katerina (1993) Firing
in Non-Repeated Incentive Contracts; 10.7907/f6kh2-37503
- Chen, Yan and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1993) Veto
Games: Spatial Committees Under Unanimity Rule; 10.7907/bqcs9-c3k77
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Franklin, Charles H. (1993) Uncertainty
and Political Perceptions; 10.7907/xbn07-tae09
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Schwartz, Thomas (1993) A
Draft Constitution for the Russian Federation; 10.7907/z0t1v-6vq54
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Schousen, Matthew M. (1993) Policy
Moderation Qr Conflicting Expectations? Testing The Intentional Models
of Split-Ticket Voting; 10.7907/ykx1p-w3965
- Gerber, Elisabeth R. and Lupia, Arthur (1993) When
Do Campaigns Matter? Informed Votes, the Heteroscedastic Logit and the
Responsiveness of Electoral Outcomes; 10.7907/jqtw3-sf596
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud (1993) A
Dynamic Migration Model with Uncertainty; 10.7907/h6gfj-xhx72
- Porter, David and Rangel, Antonio (1993) Trading
in a Pure Exchange Economy without an Auctioneer: An Experimental
Approach; 10.7907/fy9vd-3v732
- Bernhardt, Dan and Scoones, David (1993) A
Note on Sequential Auctions; 10.7907/mq1ss-6rm28
- Bernhardt, Dan and Robertson, J. Fiona (1993) Testing
Dividend Signalling Models; 10.7907/ffbr8-10564
- Alvarez, R. Michael and Gronke, Paul W. (1993) Perception
and Misperception: Constituent Knowledge of Their Representative’s
Persian Gulf War Vote; 10.7907/43gk8-wxh23
- Bernhardt, Dan; Hollifield, Burton; et al. (1993) Investment
and Insider Trading; 10.7907/xtkt5-qzm74
- Bernhardt, Dan and Hughson, Eric (1993) Discrete
Pricing and Institutional Design of Dealership Markets; 10.7907/ng8gs-j2119
- Domowitz, Ian and El-gamal, Mahmoud A. (1993) A
Consistent Test of Stationary Ergodicity; 10.7907/3pgd8-65s84
- Bossaerts, Peter (1993) Transaction
Prices When Insiders Trade Portfolios; 10.7907/nz7b5-k7z07
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud (1993) The
Extraction of Information From Multiple Point Estimates; 10.7907/rm31z-kcz44
- Ledyard, John O. (1993) The
Design of Coordination Mechanisms and Organizational Computing; 10.7907/y75p1-g1790
- Nikonov, Vyacheslav A. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1993) Russia’s
Transition to Democracy: Essays 11-18; 10.7907/1nes8-bby40
- Malishevski, Andrey V. (1993) Judging
the Rationality of Decisions in the Presence of Vague Alternatives;
- Brown, Donald W. and Werner, Jan (1993) Arbitrage
and Existence of Equilibrium in Infinite Asset Markets; 10.7907/w548r-cpv88
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1993) Beyond
Gingles: influence districts and the pragmatic tradition in voting
rights law; 10.7907/xjvb7-9m505
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) Engodeneity
of Alternating Offers in a Bargaining Game; 10.7907/46qat-kfm09
- Biais, Bruno and Bossaerts, Peter (1993) Asset
Prices and Volume in a Beauty Contest; 10.7907/ycpe4-67t20
- Chen, Yan and Plott, Charles R. (1993) The
Groves-Ledyard Mechanism: An Experimental Study of Institutional
Design; 10.7907/ammfx-20z29
- Bronfman, Corinne; McCabe, Kevin; et al. (1992) An
Experimental Examination of the Walrasian Tatonnement Mechanism; 10.7907/mwfh9-3n604
- Porter, David and Smith, Vernon L. (1992) Price
Expectations in Experimental Asset Markets with Futures Contracting;
- Nikonov, Vyacheslav A. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1992) Russia’s
Transition to Democracy: Essays 1-10; 10.7907/7wem4-mrn38
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud (1992) The
Rational Expectations-n(ϵ)ϵ-Equilibrium; 10.7907/8hfva-ej356
- Border, Kim C. and Segal, Uzi (1992) Dynamic
Consistency Implies Approximately Expected Utility Preferences; 10.7907/yxwaw-esd54
- Aleskerov, Fuad (1992) Relational-Functional
Voting Operations; 10.7907/hket7-e2774
- Aleskerov, Fuad (1992) Binary
Relations, Numerical Comparisons with Errors and Rationality Conditions
for Choice; 10.7907/136db-xpg65
- Duggan, John and Schwartz, Thomas (1992) Strategic
Manipulability is Inescapable: Gibbard-Satterthwaite without
Resoluteness; 10.7907/mq19n-p5k14
- Gerber, Elisabeth R. and Lupia, Arthur (1992) Competitive
Campaigns and the Responsiveness of Collective Choice; 10.7907/38v6t-m8153
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1992) Less
Filling, Tastes Great: The Realist-Neoliberal Debate; 10.7907/zr4b6-39b34
- Duggan, John (1992) Contracting
Theory with Coincidence of Interest; 10.7907/5529z-m5r22
- Boylan, Richard T.; Ledyard, John O.; et al. (1992) Political
Competition in a Model of Economic Growth; Some Theoretical Results;
- Plott, Charles R. and Smith, Jared (1992) Fads,
Upward Sloping Demand and the Stability of Equilibria in an Experimental
Market; 10.7907/8sxef-4m416
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Shvetsova, Olga V. (1992) Ethnic
Heterogeneity, District Magnitude, and the Number of Parties; 10.7907/w0tap-b7q51
- Chen, Yan (1992) The
Optimal Choice of Privatizing State-Owned Enterprises: A Political
Economic Model; 10.7907/wxqwx-ydz37
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1992) A
Bayesian Sequential Experimental Study of Learning in Games; 10.7907/hgs8z-hwd27
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1992) Was
Memphis’s Electoral Structure Adopted or Maintained for a Racially
Discriminatory Purpose?; 10.7907/vxj2z-wcb60
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1992) Stationarity
and Chaos in Infinitely Repeated Games of Incomplete Information; 10.7907/kz8hk-4de75
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1992) Vertigo:
Comparing Structural Models of Imperfect Behavior in Experimental
Games; 10.7907/084hn-k3v09
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1992) Why
Were There Black Schools in the Segregated South? The Exit Explanation
Reconsidered; 10.7907/55y30-0zz26
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1992) Market
Barriers to Conservation: Are Implicit Discount Rates Too High?; 10.7907/ht47e-mha45
- Bossaerts, Peter (1992) Asset
Prices in a Speculative Market; 10.7907/g9j6y-67681
- Gerber, Elisabeth R. (1992) Legislatures,
Initiatives, and Representation: Comparing the Effects of Institutions
on Policy Outcomes; 10.7907/6mxyw-37q78
- Bossaerts, Peter (1992) Lower
Bounds on Asset Return Comovement; 10.7907/jek4e-m2m07
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Gerber, Elisabeth R. (1992) Patterns
of Voting on Ballot Propositions: A Mixture Model of Voter Types; 10.7907/xprd7-7jt08
- Szakaly, Kristin E. (1992) The
Political Economy of Government Debt in England (1693-1800): War,
Liquidity, and Institutional Innovation; 10.7907/5jj4s-0nb49
- Keech, William R. (1992) Rules,
Discretion, and Accountability in Macroeconomic Policymaking; 10.7907/aqre4-ae727
- Prisbrey, Jeffrey E. (1992) An
Experimental Analysis of Two-Person Reciprocity Games; 10.7907/fsc33-sed43
- Requate, Till (1992) Permits
or Taxes? How to Regulate Cournot Duopoly with Polluting Firms; 10.7907/fymv6-6pp57
- Keech, William R. and Sistrom, Michael P. (1992) Implementation
of the Voting Rights Act in North Carolina; 10.7907/y4qqa-hcs79
- Cull, Robert; Hoffman, Philip T.; et al. (1992) New
Evidence for an Old Controversy: Scattered Landholdings and Open
Fields; 10.7907/rw4ty-5r351
- Cicchetti, Charles J. and Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1992) A
Micro-Econometric Analysis of Risk-Aversion and the Decision to
Self-Insure; 10.7907/zqnfd-x3139
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Rosenthal, Howard (1992) Repeated
Play, Cooperation and Coordination: An Experimental Study; 10.7907/d4sd9-y8j89
- Plott, Charles R. (1991) A
Computerized Laboratory Market System and Research Support Systems for
the Multiple Unit Double Auction; 10.7907/n7dgx-ah530
- Segal, Uzi (1991) The
Measure Representation: A Correction; 10.7907/pgv0f-kcm93
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rivers, Douglas (1991) Experimental
Estimates of the Impact of Wage Subsidies; 10.7907/wpeyq-2kx14
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1991) Constitutional
Stability; 10.7907/dg30h-t7q67
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Zeng, Langche (1991) Some
Properties of Hare Voting with Strategic Voters; 10.7907/ev76a-f2977
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Kiewiet, D. Roderick; et al. (1991) Voting
on Growth Control Measures: Preferences and Strategies; 10.7907/mpe7q-njc46
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1991) An
Experimental Study of the Centipede Game
- Olson, Mark A. (1991) Dominant
and Nash Strategy Mechanisms for the Assignment Problem; 10.7907/sf9j0-vp733
- Cicchetti, Charles J.; Dubin, Jeffrey A.; et al. (1991) The
Use and Misuse of Surveys in Economic Analysis: Natural Resource Damage
Assessment Under CERCLA; 10.7907/t68nv-jj920
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Reizman, Raymond G. (1991) Initial
Versus Continuing Proposal Power in Legislative Seniority; 10.7907/w9sq4-wzr65
- Keech, William R. (1991) Politics,
Economics, and Politics Again; 10.7907/ywgdt-ad109
- Bossaerts, Peter and Hughson, Eric (1991) Noisy
Signalling in Financial Markets; 10.7907/31151-11489
- Aizerman, M. A.; Vol’sliy, Vladimir I.; et al. (1991) Notes
About Theory of Pseudo-Criteria and Binary Pseudo-Relations and Their
Application to the Theory of Choice and Voting; 10.7907/7qzgp-vy226
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1991) The
Development of Contemporary Political Theory; 10.7907/dnm93-64s47
- Bossaerts, Peter and Hillion, Pierre (1991) Arbitrage
Restrictions Across Financial Markets: Theory, Methodology and
Tests; 10.7907/psgxd-nyf58
- Bossaerts, Peter and Dammon, Robert M. (1991) Tax-Induced
lntertemporal Restrictions on Security Returns; 10.7907/8y525-hrj13
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1991) Alliances
in Anarchic International Systems; 10.7907/y706q-8c051
- Strnad, Jeff (1991) Tax
Depreciation and Risk; 10.7907/vcgma-32563
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1991) Land
Rents and Agricultural Productivity: The Paris Basin, 1450-1789; 10.7907/xpkpg-pp864
- Boswell, Laird (1991) The
French Rural Communist Electorate in the 1920s and 1930s; 10.7907/647cm-yx728
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Zeng, Langche (1991) The
Heterogenous Logit Model; 10.7907/3x3n7-9fx82
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Wilden, Louis L. (1991) Welfare
Economics for Tobit Models; 10.7907/72gj0-4f919
- Olson, Mark A. and Porter, David (1991) An
Experimental Examination of the Assignment Problem; 10.7907/wffr3-4zg50
- Palfrey, Thomas R. (1990) Implementation
in Bayesian Equilibrium: The Multiple Equilibrium Problem in Mechanism
Design; 10.7907/hvv49-r3f64
- Plott, Charles R. (1990) Will
Economics Become an Experimental Science?; 10.7907/enx5b-pdg22
- Hoffman, Elizabeth and Spitzer, Matthew L. (1990) The
Divergence Between Willingness-To-Pay and Willingness-To-Accept Measures
of Value; 10.7907/54gj7-f0788
- Noussair, Charles N. and Porter, David (1990) Allocating
Priority with Auctions: An Experimental Analysis; 10.7907/epp4j-4e623
- Boylan, Richard T. (1990) Laws
of Large Numbers for Dynamical Systems with Randomly Matched
Individuals; 10.7907/2np5h-81951
- Wilde, Louis L. (1990) Criminal
Choice, Nonmonetary Sanctions, and Marginal Deterrence: A Normative
Analysis; 10.7907/fdh2h-vhe62
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1990) Equilibrium
Enforcement and Compliance in the Presence of Tax Practitioners; 10.7907/1mdtp-vx909
- Border, Kim C. and Segal, Uzi (1990) Dutch
Book Arguments and Subjective Probability; 10.7907/0z0pw-6pj51
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1990) How
to Determine Intent: Lessons from L.A.; 10.7907/72eyf-6z708
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1990) Social
History and Agricultural Productivity: The Paris Basin, 1450-1800;
- Banks, Jeffrey S.; Camerer, Colin F.; et al. (1990) An
Experimental Analysis of Nash Refinements in Signaling Games; 10.7907/p6hm5-2gb95
- Kantor, Shawn Everett (1990) Razorbacks,
Ticky Cows, and the Closing of the Georgia Open Range: The Dynamics of
Institutional Change Uncovered; 10.7907/njx8z-e1p29
- King, Ian; McAfee, R. Preston; et al. (1990) Industrial
Blackmail of Local Governments; 10.7907/cr111-m9a40
- Boylan, Richard T. and El-Gamal, Mahmoud (1990) Fictitious
Play: A Statistical Study of Multiple Economic Experiments; 10.7907/hfz3a-12r02
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael A.; et al. (1990) The
Demand for Tax Return Preparation Services; 10.7907/a6m3p-j6q49
- Porter, David and Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent (1990) Bargaining
Costs and Failures in the Sealed-Bid Double Auction; 10.7907/d0qjt-6a395
- El-gamal, Mahmoud A. and Sudaram, Rangarajan K. (1990) Bayesian
Economists…Bayesian Agents II: Evolution of Beliefs in the Single Sector
Growth Model; 10.7907/p1mgg-f1g11
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1990) State
Income Tax Amnesties 1: Causes; 10.7907/xghen-f3m05
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1990) A
Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Sun Tzu’s the Art of War; 10.7907/j2sxd-zjs13
- Boylan, Richard T. (1990) Equilibria
Resistant to Mutation; 10.7907/38p02-apd45
- McAfee, R. Preston and McMillan, John (1990) Organizational
Diseconomies of Scale; 10.7907/0kpxm-31v87
- Cramton, Peter C. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1990) Ratifiable
Mechanisms: Learning from Disagreement; 10.7907/7fkp2-7p565
- McAfee, R. Preston and Reny, Philip J. (1990) A
Stone-Weierstrass Theorem without Closure under Suprema; 10.7907/nscgn-97p45
- Grether, David M. (1990) Testing
Bayes Rule and the Representativeness Heuristic: Some Experimental
Evidence; 10.7907/f1eyg-pg070
- McAfee, R. Preston and McMillan, John (1990) Bidding
Rings; 10.7907/t02sf-rt279
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Reizman, Raymond G. (1990) Seniority
in Legislatures; 10.7907/af878-br061
- Porter, David P. and Plott, Charles R. (1990) An
Experiment With Space-Station Pricing Policies; 10.7907/7kjc8-bdc71
- Spitzer, Matthew L. (1990) Justifying
Minority Preferences in Broadcasting; 10.7907/se9t3-enj88
- Mayer, Wolfgang and Reizman, Raymond G. (1990) Voter
Preference for Trade Policy Instruments; 10.7907/dy2mc-b3x65
- Reizman, Raymond G. (1990) Dynamic
Tariffs with Asymmetric Information; 10.7907/ev9rf-aev27
- Reizman, Raymond G. and Whiteman, Charles H. (1990) Worldwide
Persistence, Business Cycles, and Economic Growth; 10.7907/y4vc1-khn90
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1989) Realism
Versus Neoliberalism: A Formulation; 10.7907/g60kx-23t81
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1989) The
Changing Face of Tax Enforcement, 1978-1988; 10.7907/amfy6-5qy64
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1989) The
Effect of Audit Rates on Federal Income Tax Filings and Collections,
1977-1986; 10.7907/xpncq-xzb82
- Graetz, Michael J.; Reinganum, Jennifer F.; et al. (1989) Expert
Opinions and Taxpayer Compliance: A Strategic Analysis; 10.7907/qwqsw-02p94
- Tan, Guofu (1989) Monopoly
Provision of Product Warranties; 10.7907/y7mrn-83m58
- Tan, Guofu (1989) Entry
and R & D Costs in Competitive Procurements and Contracting; 10.7907/k3a4d-b3018
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D. and Burkinshaw, Owen (1989) When
is the Core Equivalence Theorem Valid?; 10.7907/24902-y0m54
- El-gamal, Mahmoud A. and Sudaram, Rangarajan K. (1989) Bayesian
Economist … Bayesian Agents I: An Alternative Approach to Optimal
Learning; 10.7907/40s5h-as292
- Kantor, Shawn Everett and Kousser, J. Morgan (1989) Common
Sense or Commonwealth? The Fence Law and Institutional Change in the
Postbellum South; 10.7907/e3364-5y288
- Tan, Guofu (1989) Incentive
Procurement Contracts with Costly R&D; 10.7907/f1z2g-0we39
- Lowenstein, Daniel Hayes (1989) Legislative
Districting; 10.7907/079sf-jnf80
- Lowenstein, Daniel Hays (1989) Campaign
Finance and the Constitution; 10.7907/a7et3-pak73
- Lind, Barrry and Plott, Charles R. (1989) The
winner’s curse: experiments with buyers and with sellers; 10.7907/zz70j-d2260
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1989) Conflict
and Stability in Anarchic International Systems; 10.7907/mrr19-r2h04
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rivers, Douglas (1989) Alternative
Policies for Unemployment Insurance; 10.7907/hqrza-xzj92
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1989) Public
and Private Information: An Experimental Study of Information
Pooling; 10.7907/t4jca-fps61
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rivers, Douglas (1989) Selection
Bias in Linear Regression, Logit and Probit Models; 10.7907/1nz72-m8808
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1989) The
Report of the United States to the International Fiscal Association on
the Costs of Tax Administration and Compliance; 10.7907/6hqn3-9h683
- McCue, Kenneth and Lupia, Arthur (1989) An
Alternative Statistical Measure for Racially Polarized Voting; 10.7907/qx3wk-kzt57
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Srivastava, Sanjay (1989) Efficient
Trading Mechanisms with Pre-Play Communication; 10.7907/69xq2-h8e74
- Palfrey, Thomas R. (1988) A
Mathematical Proof of Duverger’s Law; 10.7907/n9fr9-jvy72
- Ledyard, John O. (1988) Information
Aggregation in Two-Candidate Elections; 10.7907/96gx6-bw273
- Cain, Bruce E.; Lewis, I. A.; et al. (1988) Strategy
and Choice in the 1988 Presidential Primaries; 10.7907/qv2r8-5d988
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1988) Before
Plessy, Before Brown: The Development of the Law of Racial Integration
in Louisiana and Kansas; 10.7907/mgy48-f7k47
- Plott, Charles R. and Guler, Kemal (1988) Private
R&D and Second Sourcing in Procurement: An Experimental Study;
- Plott, Charles R. and George, Glen (1988) Marshallian
VS. Walrasian Stability in an Experimental Market; 10.7907/nwvn3-30h47
- Cain, Bruce E. and Uhlaner, Carole J. (1988) The
Evolution of Partisanship Among Immigrants; 10.7907/z56vg-dm021
- Banks, Jeffrey S.; Ledyard, John O.; et al. (1988) Allocating
Uncertain and Unresponsive Resources; 10.7907/mhs8g-89z20
- Chander, Parkash (1988) Incentives
and a Process Converging to the Core of a Public Goods Economy; 10.7907/yacdq-8jg46
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Henson, Steven E. (1988) The
Distributive Effects of the Federal Energy Tax Act; 10.7907/5sc8m-gcb63
- Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (1988) Repeated
Auctions of Incentive Contracts, Investment and Bidding Parity with an
Application to Takeovers; 10.7907/344ch-yeg95
- Chander, Parkash and Leruth, Luc (1988) The
Optimal Product-Mix for a Monopolist in the Presence of Congestion
Effect: A Model and Some Results; 10.7907/dcyf5-6qx35
- Rothenberg, Lawrence S. (1988) Choosing
Among Public Interest Groups: Membership, Activism, and Retention in
Political Organizations; 10.7907/wntkc-pm808
- Collier, Kenneth; Ordeshook, Peter C.; et al. (1988) The
Rationality Uninformed Electorate: Some Experimental Evidence; 10.7907/2qm0h-kp137
- Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1988) Renegotiation
and the Form of Efficient Contracts; 10.7907/8x4wv-7kr95
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1988) The
State of Social Science History in the Late 1980’s; 10.7907/8sj1x-7mm18
- Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Matoussi, Mohamed Salah (1988) Moral
Hazard, Financial Constraints and Sharecropping in El Oulja; 10.7907/4n008-pd755
- Rothenberg, Lawrence S. (1988) The
Route to Activism is through Experience: Contributor Mobilization in
Interest Groups; 10.7907/j8ghv-ys872
- Aragon, Y.; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; et al. (1988) Testing
the Democratic Hypothesis in the Provision of Local Public Goods; 10.7907/jyth7-tgm96
- Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1988) Competition
on Many Fronts: A Stackelberg Signalling Equilibrium; 10.7907/s6fqa-87614
- Rothenberg, Lawrence S. (1988) The
Determinants of Interest Group Membership: Estimating Choice-Based
Probability Models of Contribution Decisions; 10.7907/b8yhv-k0251
- Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (1988) Adverse
Selection and Renegotiation in Procurement; 10.7907/gzx4m-b7s90
- Berezovskiy, B. A.; Baryshnikov, Yu M.; et al. (1987) Three
Problems of the Theory of Choice on Random Sets; 10.7907/x0ev8-14e12
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Rosenthal, Howard (1987) Private
Incentives in Social Dilemmas: The Effect of Incomplete Information and
Altruism; 10.7907/b0q0b-b0t12
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1987) The
Geographical Imperatives of the Balance of Power in 3-Country
Systems; 10.7907/yreww-09686
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Srivastava, Sanjay (1987) Mechanism
Design with Incomplete Information: A Solution to the Implementation
Problem; 10.7907/jh4qb-j1857
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1987) A
Decade of Experimental Research on Spatial Models of Elections and
Committees; 10.7907/bc0gn-qhp30
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (1987) The
Reintegration of Political Science and Economics and the Presumed
Imperialism of Economic Theory; 10.7907/m88qf-94d81
- Koford, Kenneth (1987) Testing
Theories of Legislative Voting: Dimensions, Ideology and Structure;
- Grether, David M.; Schwartz, Alan; et al. (1987) Uncertainty
and Shopping Behavior: An Experimental Analysis; 10.7907/bmg9m-8hh08
- Rothenberg, Lawrence S. (1987) Presidential
Management of the Bureaucracy: The Reform of Motor Carrier Regulation at
the ICC; 10.7907/ea1bt-tqw98
- Ledyard, John O. (1987) Market
Failure; 10.7907/rjxey-cy967
- Ledyard, John O. (1987) Incentive
Compatibility; 10.7907/k0pn8-m1r25
- Forsythe, Robert; Isaac, R. Mark; et al. (1987) Theories
and Tests of Blind Bidding in Sealed-bid Auctions; 10.7907/x766n-4cd70
- van Winden, Frans (1986) Man
in the Public Sector; 10.7907/9sjnj-chw06
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D. and Burkinshaw, Owen (1986) An
Overlapping Generations Model Core Equivalence Theorem; 10.7907/vakga-p8980
- Barry, Brian (1986) Wasted
Votes and Other Mares’ Nests: A View of Electoral Reform; 10.7907/f0kfq-fx054
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1986) Credibility
and Law Enforcement; 10.7907/hgdp2-z7q86
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1986) Game
Forms for Nash Implementation of General Social Choice
Correspondences; 10.7907/a7ntz-bnj28
- Ledyard, John O. (1985) The
Scope of the Hypothesis of Bayesian Equilibrium; 10.7907/nz1n2-wkn56
- Banks, Jeffrey S. and Sobel, Joel (1985) Equilibrium
Selection in Signaling Games; 10.7907/yf3x1-6g428
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1985) Generalized
Symmetry Conditions at a Core Point; 10.7907/scsnd-3xh89
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1985) Must
Historians Regress? An Answer to Lee Benson; 10.7907/g1wms-6dh93
- Graetz, Michael J. and Wilde, Louis L. (1985) The
Economics of Tax Compliance: Fact and Fantasy; 10.7907/ad6ms-wqh65
- Krehbiel, Keith (1985) Unanimous
Consent Agreements: Going along in the Senate; 10.7907/wqbwh-0yq59
- Li, Lode (1985) The
Economic Value of Resource Flexibility; 10.7907/a4tfn-kkr55
- Li, Lode (1985) An
Efficient Market Mechanism with Endogenous Information Acquisition:
Cournot Oligopoly Case; 10.7907/hpk6d-g3j38
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1985) Covering,
Dominance, and Institution Free Properties of Social Change; 10.7907/ktzhs-d3673
- Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) A
Note on Taxation, Development and Representative Government; 10.7907/cadhs-w5m12
- Schwartz, Alan (1985) Imperfect
Information and the Tender Offer Auction; 10.7907/taqrg-6bz64
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1985) Settlement
and Litigation Under Alternative Legal Systems; 10.7907/81733-hx598
- Gilligan, Thomas W. (1985) The
Competitive Effects of Resale Price Maintenance; 10.7907/xny20-9tt35
- Strnad, Jeff (1985) The
Charitable Contribution Deduction: A Politico-Economic Analysis; 10.7907/7sz81-1fe89
- Li, Lode; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1985) Optimal
Research for Cournot Oligopolists; 10.7907/jdn82-4bs44
- Quirk, James P. (1985) Consumer
Surplus Under Uncertainty: An Application to Dam-Reservoir Projects;
- Litvakov, Boris M. and Vol’skiy, Vladimir I. (1985) Tournament
Methods in Choice Theory; 10.7907/fbbtk-sx278
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) Economic
Analysis of Brain Drain; 10.7907/saz7r-2d590
- Aizerman, M. A. and Aleskerov, Fuad (1985) Voting
Operators in the Space of Choice Functions; 10.7907/k79pf-zr643
- Li, Lode (1985) Cournot
Oligopoly with Information Sharing; 10.7907/zb522-k0839
- Schofield, Norman (1985) Existence
of Permutation Cycles and Manipulation of Choice Functions; 10.7907/zcrwa-ba378
- Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) A
Note on the International Coffee Agreement; 10.7907/h6gw7-jak79
- Quirk, James P. (1984) Hedging
as ‘Speculation on the Basis’; 10.7907/mxj4v-t7r51
- Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Sophistication,
Myopia, and the Theory of Legislatures: An Experimental Study; 10.7907/wybar-75s67
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1984) Structural
Instability of the Core; 10.7907/e2cny-p7059
- Graetz, Michael J.; Reinganum, Jennifer F.; et al. (1984) A
Model of Tax Compliance Under Budget-Constrained Auditors; 10.7907/m19yv-3z206
- Rivers, Douglas and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Limited
Information Estimators and Exogeneity Tests for Simultaneous Probit
Models; 10.7907/6e6gv-k1725
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rivers, Douglas (1984) Stochastic
Simulation of Labor Demand Under Wage Subsidization; 10.7907/grmee-8x614
- Border, Kim C. (1984) More
on Harsanyi’s Utilitarian Cardinal Welfare Theorem; 10.7907/q0pxs-qmw64
- Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Sophisticated
Committees and Structure-Induced Equilibria in Congress; 10.7907/wzfct-vx803
- Grether, David M. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) Consumer
Choice and Information: New Experimental Evidence; 10.7907/7ma4q-37749
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Sequential
Elections with Limited Information; 10.7907/v23kd-qbn10
- Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Simultaneous
Equations Models for Dummy Endogenous Variables: A Game Theoretic
Formulation with an Application to Labor Force Participation; 10.7907/f4sq0-rtn82
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Speculation
and Price Stability Under Uncertainty: A Generalization; 10.7907/yn7hk-dzm61
- Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Two-Stage
Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Econometric Models; 10.7907/36n4e-6tb16
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Speculative
Holdings under Linear Expectation Processes—A Mean-Variance
Approach; 10.7907/zedhe-z7874
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) Sequential
Equilibrium Detection and Reporting Policies in a Model of Tax
Evasion; 10.7907/zncgz-j6d73
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick and Rivers, Douglas (1984) A
Retrospective on Retrospective Voting; 10.7907/ka0z7-36045
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) An
Equilibrium Model of Tax Compliance with a Bayesian Auditor and some
‘Honest’ Taxpayers; 10.7907/jsd2p-mrw27
- Cain, Bruce E. and McCue, Kenneth F. (1984) The
Efficacy of Registration Drives; 10.7907/87wpy-6qt34
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1984) Common
Knowledge and Consensus with Aggregate Statistics; 10.7907/z43xd-96j96
- Fort, Rodney D. and Noll, Roger G. (1984) Pay
and Performance in Baseball: Modeling Regulars, Reserves and
Expansion; 10.7907/cvsge-4y440
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Elections
with Limited Information: A Multidimensional Model; 10.7907/ebpx6-ssr61
- Bates, Robert H. (1984) Agrarian
Politics and Development; 10.7907/ps49v-a0w02
- Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1984) The
Winner’s Curse and Cost Estimation Bias in Pioneer Projects; 10.7907/336bx-96046
- Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (1984) Linearity
of the Optimal Income Tax: A Generalization; 10.7907/a6jm0-kaz10
- Terasawa, Katsuaki; Quirk, James P.; et al. (1984) Turbulence,
Cost Escalation, and Capital Intensity Bias in Defense Contracting;
- Salant, Stephen W. (1984) Litigation
of Settlement Demands Questioned by Bayesian Defendants; 10.7907/bgkb4-ykf40
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1984) Voters,
Absent and Present: A Review Essay; 10.7907/e9rps-t4827
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Profitable
Speculation and Linear Excess Demand; 10.7907/sq49a-56c51
- Jones, William Thomas (1984) Impossible
Choices; 10.7907/7n3dk-sfc33
- Novshek, William (1984) On
the Existence of Cournot Equilibrium; 10.7907/fwc3g-bf816
- Banks, Jeffrey S. (1984) Price-Conveyed
Information vs. Observed Insider Behavior: A Note on Rational
Expectations Convergence; 10.7907/swecv-syw29
- Strnad, Jeff (1984) Full
Nash Implementation of Neutral Social Functions; 10.7907/g0bq8-ewe77
- Schofield, Norman (1984) Classification
Theorem for Smooth Social Choice; 10.7907/4xz6g-t8k54
- Page, Talbot (1984) On
the Meaning of the Preponderance Test in Judicial Regulation of Chemical
Hazard; 10.7907/d0gcb-rkv58
- Bouissou, M. B.; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; et al. (1984) Disequilibrium
Econometrics on Micro Data; 10.7907/cd2x3-nqd97
- Schofield, Norman (1984) Bargaining
Theory for Games with Transferable Value; 10.7907/8t24j-yfh12
- Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Obstruction,
Germaneness and Representativeness in Legislatures; 10.7907/1hts8-yr249
- Bates, Robert H. (1983) Some
Conventional Orthodoxies in the Study of Agrarian Change; 10.7907/kb68w-n7b37
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1983) Elections
with Limited Information: A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using
Contemporaneous Poll and Endorsement Data as Information Sources; 10.7907/a7hd5-zy507
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) Practical
Implications of Game Theoretic Models of R and D; 10.7907/pmnaq-p1m95
- Page, Talbot (1983) A
Groves-Like Mechanism in Risk Assessment; 10.7907/h567m-6v306
- Rivers, Douglas (1983) Heterogeneity
in Models of Electoral Choice; 10.7907/0pd8p-9va06
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1983) Social
History and Taxes: the Case of Early Modern France; 10.7907/h71ej-w4525
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1983) Economic
Theory and Sharecropping in Early Modern France; 10.7907/d8p0s-tkx41
- Vuong, Quang H. (1983) Misspecification
and Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation; 10.7907/30jn1-p6y19
- Novshek, William (1983) Perfectly
Competitive Markets as the Limits of Cournot Market; 10.7907/x72tc-2kp86
- Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (1983) Fairness,
Self-Interest, and the Politics of the Progressive Income Tax; 10.7907/q4svm-57n48
- Novshek, William and Sonnenschein, Hugo F. (1983) General
Equilibrium with Free Entry: A Synthetic Approach to the Theory of
Perfect Competition; 10.7907/6njbm-ra082
- Bouissou, M. B.; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; et al. (1983) Tests
of Non-Causality Under Markov Assumptions for Qualitative Panel
Data; 10.7907/yv1q9-68e09
- Noll, Roger G. (1983) The
Political Foundations of Regulatory Policy; 10.7907/fx4eh-xvs68
- Cain, Bruce E. (1983) Assessing
the Partisan Effects of Redistricting; 10.7907/233hz-8nq06
- Cain, Bruce E. and Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1983) Ethnicity
and Electoral Choice: Mexican-American Voting Behavior in the California
30th Congressional District; 10.7907/qcwxe-tfn79
- Laver, Michael and Schofield, Norman (1983) Bargaining
Theory and Portfolio Payoffs in European Coalition Governments
1945-1983; 10.7907/jzb4b-0bc29
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) Research
and Development with a Generalized Hazard Function; 10.7907/7bgcj-2x476
- Schofield, Norman (1983) Existence
of Equilibrium on a Manifold; 10.7907/srtga-hs106
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1983) Estimation
of a Nested Logit Model for Appliance Holdings; 10.7907/rm4sm-she48
- Cohen, Linda R. and Noll, Roger G. (1983) The
Political Economy of Government Programs to Promote New Technology;
- Schofield, Norman (1983) Social
Equilibrium and Cycles on Compact Sets; 10.7907/frg2f-bdn68
- Schofield, Norman (1983) Coalitions
in West European Democracies; 10.7907/dz2ed-x3k55
- Poole, Keith T. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) A
Spatial Model for Legislative Roll Call Analysis; 10.7907/bf60d-20s91
- Schofield, Norman (1983) Classification
of Voting Games on Manifolds; 10.7907/qs0qe-d3y23
- Schofield, Norman (1983) The
Geometry of Voting; 10.7907/1qdcd-h9911
- Wilde, Louis L. and Schwartz, Alan (1983) Imperfect
Information in Markets for Contract Terms: The Examples of Warranties
and Security Interests; 10.7907/wzyph-p9047
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) A
Two-Stage Model of Research and Development with Endogenous Second-Mover
Advantages; 10.7907/9z0b8-t5531
- Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Consumer
Behavior and Belated Information: The Case of Uncertain Tastes; 10.7907/yxf5d-m7342
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Income
Tax Compliance in a Principal-Agent Framework; 10.7907/jvh01-bpm41
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1983) Suffrage;
- Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1983) The
Images of Incumbents in Great Britain and the United States; 10.7907/ms8wf-ag622
- Poole, Keith T. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) The
Polarization of American Politics; 10.7907/0t0rg-21g10
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and McFadden, Daniel L. (1983) A
Heating and Cooling Load Model for Single-Family Detached Dwellings in
Energy Survey Data; 10.7907/qzhzj-29c87
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1983) Simulation
of the Demand for Electricity Under Alternate Rate Structures; 10.7907/byx98-49g61
- Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Consumer
Behavior Under Imperfect Information: A Review of Psychological and
Marketing Research as It Relates to Economic Theory; 10.7907/fak79-sqa94
- Kramer, Gerald H. (1983) Electoral
Politics in the Zero-Sum Society; 10.7907/9qm16-3vf77
- Page, Talbot (1983) Policy
First or Science First: Two Approaches in the Management of Risk; 10.7907/ya8jn-pcy30
- Fort, Rodney D. and Quirk, James P. (1983) Asymmetric
Arbitage and Normal Backwardation; 10.7907/9bke9-k6462
- Graetz, Michael J. (1983) The
1982 Minimum Tax Amendment as a First Step in the Transition to a
“Flat-Rate” Tax; 10.7907/sfgdt-dn559
- Bogle, Gib and Page, Talbot (1983) Priority
Setting for Testing Chemicals; 10.7907/9q9sm-cxb55
- Eswaran, Mukesh and Lewis, Tracy R. (1983) Collusive
behaviour in finite repeated games with bonding; 10.7907/7hyx2-q9y37
- McCubbins, Mathew D. (1983) Policy
Components of Arms Competitions; 10.7907/6jajy-s3f46
- Ottenwaelter, B. and Vuong, Quang H. (1983) An
Empirical Analysis of Backlog, Inventory, Production and Price
Adjustments: An Application of Recursive Systems of Log-Linear
Models; 10.7907/4es1e-3c616
- Harris, Robert J. and Page, Talbot (1983) A
Cost-Benefit Approach to Drinking Water and Cancer; 10.7907/b2fn1-mz409
- Border, Kim C. (1983) On
Equilibria of Excess Demand Correspondences; 10.7907/e31jk-6s897
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) Participation
and the Provision of Discrete Public Goods: A Strategic Analysis; 10.7907/2vnat-k7q66
- Plott, Charles R. and Snyder, Shyam (1983) Rational
Expectations and the Aggregation of Diverse Information in Laboratory
Security Markets
- McCubbins, Mathew D. and Page, Talbot (1983) A
Theory of the Choice of Regulatory Form; 10.7907/js7fk-w7j58
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) Consumer
Markets for Warranties; 10.7907/9xmj9-wbm11
- Balbien, Joel and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) A
Dynamic Model of Targeting in R and D Contracts; 10.7907/81gqa-19914
- Sadanand, Venkatraman (1982) A
Noncooperative Equilibrium Concept with an Endogenously Determined
Dominant Player: The Case of Cournot versus Stackelberg; 10.7907/d1qbv-6ky07
- Border, Kim C. (1982) The
Core of a Coalitional Production Economy Without Ordered
Preferences; 10.7907/t18hp-r5w51
- Green, Edward J. and Porter, Robert H. (1982) Noncooperative
Collusion Under Imperfect Price Information; 10.7907/7nsw7-ab254
- Bates, Robert H. (1982) Patterns
of Market Intervention in Agrarian Africa; 10.7907/tykjy-nns14
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1982) The
Revivalism of Narrative: A Response to Recent Criticisms of Quantitative
History; 10.7907/tn9b5-scc70
- Plott, Charles R. (1982) A
Comparative Analysis of Direct Democracy, Two Candidate Elections, and
Three Candidate Elections in an Experimental Environment; 10.7907/24z4w-ay095
- Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1982) Intertemporal
Speculation with a Random Demand in an Experimental Market; 10.7907/4cyr5-v1s44
- Ladha, Krishna; Romer, Thomas; et al. (1982) If
at First You Don’t Succeed: Budgeting by a Sequence of Referenda; 10.7907/52vzb-q4130
- Harris, Richard and Lewis, Tracy R. (1982) Strategic
Commitment Under Uncertainty with Private Information; 10.7907/pw4zy-yn604
- Cain, Bruce E. and Jones, William Thomas (1982) Implementing
Representation: A Framework and Two Applications; 10.7907/6s1c5-vec81
- Bates, Robert H. (1982) The
Regulation of Rural Markets in Africa; 10.7907/kd9ht-ggb18
- Cowens, James and Lewis, Tracy (1982) The
Great Fish War: A Cooperative Solution; 10.7907/w5ytk-xpr09
- Green, Edward J. (1982) Decentralization
of Truthful Revelation and Other Decision Rules; 10.7907/04y2y-f1p38
- Hahn, Robert W. and Noll, Roger G. (1982) Tradable
Air Pollution Permits in the Overall Regulatory System: Problems of
Regulatory Interactions; 10.7907/59tnb-0pc21
- Noll, Roger G. (1982) Government
Regulatory Behavior: A Multidisciplinary Survey and Synthesis; 10.7907/592vz-m5926
- Vuong, Quang H. (1982) Probability
Feedback in a Recursive System of Probability Models; 10.7907/eaqn2-ews33
- Border, Kim C. (1982) An
Impossibility Theorem for Spatial Models; 10.7907/e3phc-jcr89
- Grether, David M. and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) Optimal
and Nonoptimal Satisficing I: A Model of ‘Satisfactory’ Choice; 10.7907/s9m86-3av66
- Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1982) The
Constituency Service Basis of the Personal Vote for U.S. Representatives
and British Members of Parliament; 10.7907/y6408-z2489
- Grether, David M. and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) Optimal
and Nonoptimal Satisficing II: An Experimental Analysis; 10.7907/0n01v-x1q28
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1982) Group
Concentration and the Delegation of Legislative Authority; 10.7907/4p9pf-xga16
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1982) The
Rationality of Candidates who Challenge Incumbents in Congressional
Elections; 10.7907/mgp1e-m4z13
- Noll, Roger G. (1982) The
Future of Telecommunications Regulation; 10.7907/yypds-tv128
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick and McCubbins, Mathew D. (1982) In
the Mood: The Effect of Election Year Considerations Upon the
Appropriations Process; 10.7907/54trc-jax59
- Noll, Roger G. (1982) Government
Policy and the Productivity Predicament; 10.7907/wbm91-2pa98
- Vuong, Quang H. (1982) Probability
Feedback in a Recursive System of Logit Models: Estimation; 10.7907/wjavj-ete24
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1982) Who
is Held Responsible? Further Evidence on the Hibbing-Alford Thesis;
- Aliprantis, Charalambos D. and Brown, Donald J. (1982) Equilibria
in Markets with a Reisz Space of Commodities; 10.7907/d4w5k-1jk64
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1982) Uncertain
Innovation and the Persistence of Monopoly; 10.7907/kwk7s-czd55
- Noll, Roger G. (1982) Regulation
and Its Reform; 10.7907/g2d07-ed375
- Page, Talbot (1982) Intergenerational
Justice as Opportunity; 10.7907/rkwe4-vr223
- Page, Talbot (1982) Incentive
Compatibility in Risk Assessment Mechanisms; 10.7907/tvvxd-yk089
- Isaac, R. Mark; McCue, Kenneth F.; et al. (1982) Public
Goods Provision in an Experimental Environment; 10.7907/tg38z-rs161
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Noll, Roger G. (1982) The
Regulation of Surface Freight Transportation: The Welfare Effects
Revisited; 10.7907/pv8dg-s6y30
- Hahn, Robert W. (1982) Market
Power and Transferable Property Rights; 10.7907/mspfh-0sr83
- Lichtman, Allan J. (1982) Critical
Elections in Historical Perspective; 10.7907/bqeq4-93p41
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1982) Bureaucratic
(?) Failures: Causes and Cures; 10.7907/dmv71-wm232
- Schwartz, Alan (1982) The
Enforceability of Security Interests in Consumer Goods; 10.7907/hjh6v-qx609
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1982) Legislative
Choice of Regulatory Forms: Legal Process or Administrative
Process?; 10.7907/6vzss-s9m40
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1982) Patent
Races with a Sequence of Innovations; 10.7907/wxrzf-anr77
- Rivers, Douglas (1982) Microeconomics
and Macropolitics: A Solution to the Kramer Problem; 10.7907/8x9ds-n5v33
- Cox, Gary W.; Galenson, David W.; et al. (1982) Log-Linear
Analysis of Contingency Tables: An Introduction for Historians with an
application to Thernstrom on the “Floating Proletariat”; 10.7907/pad86-efw83
- Green, Edward J. (1982) Continuum
and Finite-Player Noncooperative Models of Competition; 10.7907/v8ckj-gxd43
- Lee, James J. (1982) Food
Supply and Population Growth in Southwest China, 1250-1850; 10.7907/7yy6x-6x964
- Kamphoefner, Walter D. (1982) The
Social Consequence of Rural-Urban Migration in Imperial Germany: The
‘Floating Proletariat’ Thesis Reconsidered; 10.7907/x7ddb-akr97
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1982) Nash
Equilibrium Search for the Best Alternative; 10.7907/vxjgg-kdb69
- Brown, Donald J. and Heal, Geoffrey M. (1982) Existence,
Local Uniqueness, and Optimality of a Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibrium
in an Economy with Increasing Returns; 10.7907/qsqzv-xp273
- Jones, William Thomas (1981) Rousseau’s
General Will, The Pareto Principle, and the Problem of Consent; 10.7907/8zrxh-nhg26
- Williamson, John M. (1981) Quasitransitive
Social Choice Without the Pareto Principle; 10.7907/wj57r-wb377
- Kramer, Gerald H. (1981) The
Ecological Fallacy Revisited: Aggregate-Versus-Individual-Level Findings
on Economics and Elections, and Sociotropic Voting; 10.7907/gh6vf-t0a08
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1981) Technology
Adoption Under Imperfect Information; 10.7907/8rwsf-k1578
- Faust, Margaret S.; Faust, William L.; et al. (1981) Nonterminating
Disagreements and Implicit Presuppositions: B. F. Skinner and Carl R.
Rogers; 10.7907/z8203-ngd85
- Jones, William Thomas (1981) Public
Roles, Private Roles, and the Question of South African Investments;
- Grether, David M. and Plott, Charles R. (1981) The
Effects of Market Practices in Oligopolistic Markets: An Experimental
Examination of the Ethyl Case; 10.7907/k6g7t-rws92
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1981) Imperfect
Information and Monopolistic Competition; 10.7907/50ac8-x6m55
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1981) Sharecropping
and Investment in Agriculture in Early Modern France; 10.7907/gfjqb-p4f92
- Bates, Robert H. (1981) The
Centralization of African Tribal Societies; 10.7907/tss98-73h47
- Bates, Robert H. (1981) Some
Core Assumptions in Development Economics; 10.7907/nqtsa-08b93
- Grether, David M. (1981) Financial
Incentive Effects and Individual Decision-making; 10.7907/wgrbb-a1881
- Plott, Charles R. (1981) Industrial
Organization Theory and Experimental Economics; 10.7907/hnnc7-xwf70
- Forsythe, Robert and Suchanek, Gerry L. (1981) Collective
Decision Mechanisms and Efficient Stock Market Allocations: Existence of
a Participation Equilibrium; 10.7907/fwhqk-mr848
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1981) The
Effects of Personal Economic Problems upon Voting in American National
Elections; 10.7907/49g8d-kgk75
- Green, Edward J.; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1981) Methods
for Comparison of Markov Processes by Stochastic Dominance; 10.7907/em073-25e98
- Border, Kim C. (1981) Noncooperative
Games, Abstract Economies, and Walrasian Equilibria; 10.7907/z8ajz-55h10
- Noll, Roger G. (1981) The
Feasibility of Marketable Emissions Permits in the United States; 10.7907/rk68e-1h870
- Miller, Ross M. (1981) Incentives
and the Optimally Imperfect Information Structure; 10.7907/4pj8r-71q50
- Hahn, Robert W. and Noll, Roger G. (1981) Designing
a Market for Tradable Emissions Permits; 10.7907/zywef-cm445
- Ferejohn, John A.; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1981) Limiting
Distributions for Continuous State Markov Voting Models; 10.7907/p4th4-s2326
- Hoffman, Philip T. (1981) Pious
Bequests in Wills: A Statistical Analysis; 10.7907/8k9fz-2dq44
- Hahn, Robert W. (1981) A
Theoretical Analysis of the Demand for Emission Licenses; 10.7907/ngnna-mjp87
- Zaman, Asad (1981) Consistency
of Generalized M-Estimators; 10.7907/5zz44-w9c42
- Shin, Euisoon (1981) Elasticities
of Substitution and Firm Behavior; 10.7907/z884q-bm852
- Green, Edward J. (1981) Equilibrium
and Efficiency under Pure Entitlement Systems; 10.7907/rke39-af927
- Zaman, Asad and Stein, Charles (1981) Admissibility
in Four But Not in Five Dimensions of the Diffuse Prior Bayes Rule for
the Control Problem; 10.7907/kx013-cnw65
- Plott, Charles R. (1981) Theories
of Industrial Organization as Explanations of Experimental Market
Behavior; 10.7907/wp9bh-gj148
- Kevles, Daniel J. and Kolden-Dimotakis, Susan (1981) The
British and American Genetics Communities, 1900-1930: A Quantitative
Comparison; 10.7907/bpyzy-pyv81
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1981) Congressmen
and their Constituents: 1958 and 1978; 10.7907/gd5eb-wtd12
- Hahn, Robert W. (1981) On
Reconciling Conflicting Goals: Applications of Multiobjective
Programming; 10.7907/rjxdp-js255
- Hahn, Robert W. (1981) Marketable
Permits: What’s All the Fuss About?; 10.7907/ts4mq-4pq50
- Feinstein, David I. (1981) The
Mathematics of Growth Against Limits; 10.7907/pq820-cs423
- Border, Kim C. and Jordan, J. S. (1981) Straightforward
Elections, Unanimity, and Phantom Voters; 10.7907/wckbb-nkp96
- Baron, David P. and Forsythe, Robert (1981) Uncertainty
and the Theory of Tax Incidence in a Stock Market Economy; 10.7907/dg9mc-qex45
- Shyam, Manjula R. (1981) The
New International Economic Order and the New Regime for Fisheries
Management; 10.7907/xpv9t-vmg50
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1981) Oligopoly
Extraction of a Nonrenewable Common Property Resource: The Importance of
the Period of Commitment in Dynamic Games; 10.7907/3p8tt-sa686
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1981) Competitive
Equilibria in Markets for Heterogeneous Goods Under Imperfect
Information: A Theoretical Analysis with Policy Implications; 10.7907/1pvay-dyt20
- Shyam, Manjula R. (1981) Maritime
Zones Act, 1976 and the Draft Treaty: The Question of Ratification;
- Shin, Euisoon (1981) Inter-Energy
Substitution in Korea, 1962-1975; 10.7907/4s8by-v6968
- Shyam, Manjula R. (1981) Extended
Maritime Jurisdiction and Its Impact on South Asia; 10.7907/d9p88-jmt89
- Page, Talbot (1981) A
Framework for Unreasonable Risk in the Toxic Substances Control Act;
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1981) Strategic
Search Theory; 10.7907/4s0mh-dx407
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1981) Some
Problems in Studying the Effects of Resource Allocation in Congressional
Elections; 10.7907/j39d4-91720
- Ferejohn, John A. and McKelvey, Richard D. (1981) An
Impossibility Theorem for Von Neumann-Morgenstern Solutions; 10.7907/v65dx-j2z11
- Balbien, Joel; Noll, Roger G.; et al. (1981) The
Economics of Boxing Regulation in California; 10.7907/06btm-08t15
- Calvert, Randall Lee and Ferejohn, John Arthur (1981) Presidential
Coattails in Historical Perspective; 10.7907/9qztz-8ax77
- Ferejohn, John A. and Packel, Edward W. (1981) Continuous
Social Decision Procedures; 10.7907/x14nn-kqz43
- Burness, H. Stuart; Cummings, Ronald; et al. (1980) Ex
Ante Optimality and Spot Market Economies; 10.7907/s59r4-mxj08
- Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1980) Casework
Service in Great Britain and the United States; 10.7907/kpxwm-m8d03
- Zaman, Asad (1980) A
Comment on the Subjectivist Position; 10.7907/pqvzy-07263
- Jones, William Thomas; Faust, William L.; et al. (1980) Some
Implicit Presuppositions Involved in the Disagreement over the DNA
Guidelines; 10.7907/jbdb1-qad50
- Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1980) Divergent
Expectations, R & D Expenditures and Technical Progress; 10.7907/5mwx6-2x674
- Broder, Ivy and Litchman, Allan J. (1980) Modeling
the Past: A Note on the Search for Proper Form; 10.7907/vhze5-1mf02
- Jones, William Thomas; Faust, William L.; et al. (1980) Some
Implicit Presuppositions of Typical Writings in the Field of American
Intellectual History; 10.7907/0txwj-76c09
- Noll, Roger G. (1980) Major
League Team Sports; 10.7907/4645v-kmn41
- Fiorina, Morris P. and Shepsle, Kenneth A. (1980) Equilibrium,
Disequilibrium, and the General Possibility of a Science of
Politics; 10.7907/5w41s-yn507
- McCubbins, Mathew D. (1980) A
Decision-Theoretic Approach to Arms Competition; 10.7907/rp2xa-ae434
- Forsythe, Robert and Isaac, R. Mark (1980) Demand-Revealing
Mechanisms for Private Good Auctions; 10.7907/txrfg-abv43
- Kormendi, Roger C. and Plott, Charles R. (1980) Committee
Decisions under Alternative Procedural Rules: An Experimental Study
Applying a New Nonmonetary Method of Preference Inducement; 10.7907/jj1f9-xvf42
- Cain, Bruce E. (1980) Blessed
Be the Tie that Unbinds: Constituency Pressures and National Party
Forces in Great Britain; 10.7907/efvgh-kjr33
- Noll, Roger G. (1980) Adaptive
Approaches to the CO_2 Problem; 10.7907/1ehdq-gf382
- Grether, David M.; Isaac, R. Mark; et al. (1980) The
Allocation of Landing Rights by Unanimity among Competitors; 10.7907/gtfvh-jdq64
- Bates, Robert H. (1980) States
and Political Intervention in Markets: A Case Study from Africa; 10.7907/44gzh-j7582
- Kruse, Jörn (1980) Regulation
by Demand: A New Institutional Approach to the Natural Monopoly
Problem; 10.7907/2wb6k-q9j37
- Plott, Charles R. and Wilde, Louis L. (1980) Toward
a Theory of Professional Diagnosis and Service: Consumer Behavior;
- Suchanek, Gerry L. (1980) A
Convergent Demand Revealing Process; 10.7907/v39xv-58589
- Rogerson, William P. (1980) Efficient
Reliance and Contract Remedies; 10.7907/znzft-gt027
- Plott, Charles R. and Sunder, Shyam (1980) Efficiency
of Experimental Security Markets with Insider Information: An
Application of Rational-Expectations Models; 10.7907/c6vef-2rs51
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1980) A
Theory of Optimal Agenda Design; 10.7907/3f4kp-f9653
- Balbien, Joel and Wilde, Louis L. (1980) A
Formal Model of Government Sponsored Research (with Applications to
Solar Power Systems); 10.7907/njjjw-yjm59
- Anderson, Theodore Wilbur and Hsiao, Cheng (1980) Estimation
of Dynamic Models with Error Components; 10.7907/49czk-m0j77
- Anderson, Theodore W.; Kunitomo, Naoto; et al. (1980) Evaluation
of the Distribution Function of the Limited Information Maximum
Likelihood Estimator; 10.7907/3ayqg-e2k36
- Searle, Eleanor (1980) Women
and the Legitimization of Succession at the Norman Conquest; 10.7907/41a0z-ftr68
- Grether, David M. and Maddala, G. S. (1980) A
Time Series Model with Qualitative Variables; 10.7907/h9j5f-7wk15
- Rogerson, William P. (1980) Reputation
and Product Quality; 10.7907/4z3nz-meh48
- Levine, Michael E. (1980) Revisionism
Revised? Airline Deregulation and the Public Interest; 10.7907/5jyrz-2pn23
- Cox, Gary W. and McKelvey, Richard D. (1980) A
Ham Sandwich Theorem for General Measures; 10.7907/c09md-7bk98
- Balbien, Joel (1980) Jaws
I and the Politics of Budgetary Reduction. The City of Pasadena: A Case
Study; 10.7907/hcchj-eht14
- Balbien, Joel (1980) A
Note on the 1978 Jarvis-Gann Election; 10.7907/stk0z-gsz96
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1980) A
Class of Differential Games Where the Closed-Loop and Open-Loop Nash
Equilibria Coincide; 10.7907/20p0c-pd788
- Schwartz, Alan (1980) Security
Interests and Bankruptcy Priorities: A Review of Current Theories;
- Anderson, T. W. and Sawa, Takamitsu (1980) Exact
and Approximate Distributions of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a
Slope Coefficient: The LIML Estimator for a Known Covariance Matrix;
- Cohen, Linda R. and Noll, Roger G. (1980) The
Economics of Building Codes to Resist Seismic Shock; 10.7907/y9htn-8r275
- Cain, Bruce E. and Ritchie, David B. (1980) A
Constituency M. P. and His Local Community: A Case Study; 10.7907/yhcjy-szg04
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1980) A
Note on Rational Threats and Competitive Equilibrium; 10.7907/50qnq-vwr48
- Forsythe, Robert and McCubbins, Mathew D. (1980) The
Transfer Problem under Uncertainty: The Existence of Pareto-Improving
Transfers; 10.7907/ycvvb-1ex32
- Noll, Roger G. (1980) What
is Regulation?; 10.7907/b3bsx-t3b14
- Galenson, David W. (1980) Literacy
and Age in Preindustrial England: Quantitative Evidence and
Implications; 10.7907/qhwkj-51k76
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1980) Accounting
for the Electoral Effects of Short Term Economic Fluctuations: The Role
of Incumbency-Oriented and Policy-Oriented Voting; 10.7907/pn35x-vmx66
- Galenson, David W. (1980) White
Servitude and the Growth of Black Slavery in Colonial America; 10.7907/j5c2d-jq370
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1980) On
Restoring Politics to Political History; 10.7907/d479n-a1r36
- Galenson, David W. (1980) The
Market Evaluation of Human Capital: The Case of Indentured
Servitude; 10.7907/qvs5c-je743
- Packel, Edward W. (1980) Social
Decision Functions and Strongly Decisive Sets; 10.7907/aa003-0rs34
- Green, Edward J. and Wilde, Louis L. (1980) Two
Essays in the Philosophy of Economics; 10.7907/hvr37-4tw76
- Packel, Edward W. (1980) Power
Structure and Cardinality Restrictions for Paretian Social Choice
Rules; 10.7907/w95m-n841
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1980) The
Decline of Collective Responsibility in American Politics; 10.7907/5160g-f8r25
- Nelson, Forrest D. and Noll, Roger G. (1980) In
Search of Scientific Regulation: The UHF Allocation Experiment; 10.7907/324v5-38w21
- Nelson, Forrest D. (1980) A
Note on ‘Experimental Auction Markets and the Walrasian Hypothesis’;
- Isaac, R. Mark (1980) Cooperative
Institutions for Sharing in the Oil Industry; 10.7907/h84hm-yd474
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1980) History
QUASSHed, 1957-1980; 10.7907/pnm87-vjj24
- Border, Kim C. (1980) Social
Welfare Functions for Economic Environments with and without the Pareto
Principle; 10.7907/2nh7t-93726
- Ferejohn, John A.; Grether, David M.; et al. (1980) Continuous-Valued
Binary Decision Procedures; 10.7907/w41jc-3xc75
- Maddala, G. S. (1980) Disequilibrium,
Self-Selection and Switching Models; 10.7907/t6tpm-ff048
- Klein, Burton H. (1980) The
Role of Feedback in a Dynamically Stable Economic System; 10.7907/xf25p-8h662
- Wilde, Louis L. (1980) Information
Costs, Duration of Search and Turnover: Theory and Applications; 10.7907/exkst-9j615
- Ferejohn, John A.; Grether, David M.; et al. (1980) Implementation
of Democratic Social Choice Functions; 10.2307/2297367
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1980) Strategic
Lobbying Behavior; 10.7907/he3nf-dt844
- Klein, Burton H. (1980) A
Dynamic View of the Economy; 10.7907/mmwdc-5x131
- Forsythe, Robert (1979) Collective
Choice Mechanisms for Achieving Efficient Stock Market Allocations;
- Maddala, G. S. (1979) Methods
of Estimation for Models of Markets with Bounded Price Variation; 10.7907/m76hj-tgk06
- Cox, Gary W. and Tutt, Tim (1979) The
Rule of Five; 10.7907/at5x2-ee163
- Cox, Gary W. and Kousser, J. Morgan (1979) Turnout
and Rural Corruption: New York as a Test Case; 10.7907/krr7j-amk10
- Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1979) The
Roots of Legislator Popularity in Great Britain and the United
States; 10.7907/425m0-3v310
- Palfrey, Thomas R. (1979) Multiple-Object,
Discriminatory Auctions with Bidding Constraints: A Game-Theoretic
Analysis; 10.7907/fwy9p-8mk22
- Benton, John F. (1979) ‘Nostre
Français N’unt Talent De Fuïr’: The Song of Roland and the Enculturation
of a Warrior Class; 10.7907/gx6r9-ygt04
- Rogerson, William P. (1979) The
Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation: A Game Theoretic Analysis;
- Hahn, Robert W. (1979) Peak
Load Pricing: Who Should Pay?; 10.7907/6pd84-nwj78
- Plott, Charles R. and Rogerson, William P. (1979) Committee
Decisions under Majority Rule: Dynamic Theories and Experimental
Results; 10.7907/ykk52-wdw67
- Nelson, Forrest D. (1979) The
Effect of and a Test for Misspecification in the Censored-Normal
Model; 10.7907/acmhy-zaq55
- Klein, Burton H. (1979) The
U.S. Productivity Slowdown and Its Relation to the Inflation
Problem; 10.7907/nf771-crm12
- Grether, David M. (1979) Research
and Development Expenditures as a Competitive Strategy; 10.7907/0cjsv-tb190
- Rogerson, William P. (1979) Speculative
Inventory Holding and Price Stability; 10.7907/q8509-ndn39
- Miller, Gary J. (1979) Interest
Groups, Parties, and Plural Policy Arenas; 10.7907/rjs39-35n19
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. (1979) The
Workback Method and the Value of Helium; 10.7907/ag004-6cy47
- Brock, William A. (1979) Asset
Prices in a Production Economy; 10.7907/qy3z7-xxe95
- Page, Talbot (1979) A
Kantian Perspective on the Social Rate of Discount; 10.7907/jsmd3-xwy04
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. (1979) The
Role of Antitrust in a Deregulated Environment; 10.7907/vy9df-3sh77
- Cass, David (1979) Money
in Consumption-Loan Type Models: An Addendum; 10.7907/7qjhh-jjw58
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1979) Quantitative
Social-Scientific History; 10.7907/qv3zb-xt356
- Klein, Burton H. (1979) The
Slowdown in Productivity Advances: A Dynamic Explanation; 10.7907/4rk40-21483
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. (1979) An
Analysis of Fully Distributed Cost Pricing in Regulated Industries;
- Isaac, R. Mark (1979) Fuel
Cost Adjustment Mechanisms and the Regulated Utility Facing Uncertain
Fuel Prices; 10.7907/t7sbs-m9n17
- McKenzie, Lionel W. (1979) Optimal
Economic Growth and Turnpike Theorems; 10.7907/f8psc-8qj65
- Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1979) The
House Is Not a Home: M.P.’s and Their Constituencies; 10.7907/hmfhq-gp724
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. (1979) The
Effect of Uncertainty in Regulatory Delay on the Rate of Innovation;
- Isaac, R. Mark (1979) Petroleum
Price Controls When Information Is a Joint Product; 10.7907/gad0r-6r256
- Page, Talbot; Balbien, Joel; et al. (1979) Diet
as a Factor Affecting Organochlorine Contamination of Breast Milk;
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Quirk, James P. (1979) Demand
Uncertainty and the Regulated Firm; 10.7907/vh8tb-44a67
- Page, Talbot (1979) The
Severance Tax as an Instrument of Intertemporal Equity; 10.7907/7mwmp-mbv12
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1979) Experiments
on the Core: Some Disconcerting Results for Majority Rule Voting
Games; 10.7907/vxjaz-75n80
- Cain, Bruce E. and Ferejohn, John A. (1979) A
Comparison of Party Identification in the United States and Great
Britain; 10.7907/c6mrd-gh431
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1979) Progressivism
for Middle-Class Whites Only: The Distribution of Taxation and
Expenditures for Education in North Carolina, 1880-1910; 10.7907/cjx2p-9bv62
- Klein, Burton H. (1979) Ocean
Mining Policy: A Dynamic Approach; 10.7907/wzmk8-88v92
- Page, Talbot; Harris, Robert J.; et al. (1979) Removal
of Carcinogens from Drinking Water: A Cost-Benefit Analysis; 10.7907/wf8fj-38003
- Brock, William A. and Scheinkman, Jose A. (1979) Some
Remarks on Monetary Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model; 10.7907/rby1v-ykf27
- Fiorina, Morris P. and Noll, Roger G. (1979) Majority
Rule Models and Legislative Elections; 10.7907/3q914-nn514
- Mishan, Ezra and Page, Talbot (1979) The
Methodology of Benefit-Cost Analysis with Particular Reference to the
CFC Program; 10.7907/ychh1-v5m74
- Takekuma, Shin-Ichi (1979) A
Support Price Theorem for the Continuous Time Model of Capital
Accumulation; 10.7907/vdbez-zym18
- Rogerson, William P. (1979) Aggregate
Expected Consumer Surplus as a Welfare Index with an Application to
Price Stabilization; 10.7907/pkw72-3mm22
- Page, Talbot (1979) Keeping
Score: An Actuarial Approach to Zero-Infinity Dilemmas; 10.7907/82gbp-xde15
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1978) Short
and Long-Term Effects of Economic Conditions on Individual Voting
Decisions; 10.7907/a850t-t9z72
- Cass, David; Okuno, Masahiro; et al. (1978) The
Role of Money in Supporting the Pareto Optimality of Competitive
Equilibrium in Consumption-Loan Type Models; 10.7907/r9jg4-zxy93
- Miller, Gary J. (1978) Metropolitan
Fragmentation and Decentralized Control of Revenue Resources; 10.7907/f1vpj-jdh24
- Cass, David and Majumdar, Mukul (1978) Efficient
Intertemporal Allocation, Consumption-Value Maximization and
Capital-Value Transversality: A Unified View; 10.7907/az84b-xc227
- Bates, Robert H. (1978) The
Commercialization of Agriculture and the Rise of Rural Political Protest
in Black Africa; 10.7907/rzz44-kew47
- Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1978) Capital
Gains and the Economic Theory of Corporate Finance; 10.7907/p9b0s-xpj14
- Bates, Robert H. (1978) Pressure
Groups, Public Policy and Agricultural Development: A Study of Divergent
Outcomes; 10.7907/981t5-1ga11
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1978) Making
Separate Equal: The Integration of Black and White School Funds in
Kentucky, 1882; 10.7907/mwqcw-y6c59
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1978) Intervening
in Markets on the Basis of Imperfect Information: A Legal and Economic
Analysis; 10.7907/w84tp-xfh23
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1978) Legislative
Facilitation of Government Growth: Universalism and Reciprocity
Practices in Majority Rule Institutions; 10.7907/ydqd0-3cj50
- Ledyard, John O. (1978) The
Paradox of Voting and Candidate Competition: A General Equilibrium
Analysis; 10.7907/ck8tg-pc937
- Miller, Gary J. (1978) Home-Owners,
Renters, and Bureaucrats: A Redistributional Analysis of Municipal
Incorporation; 10.7907/gdrba-3sr68
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. and Hinich, M. J. (1978) A
Spatial Model of Leftist Ideological Shifts in Arab Politics; 10.7907/8sbvw-83790
- Payne, Peter L. (1978) The
Early Scottish Limited Companies, 1856-1895: An Historical and
Analytical Survey; 10.7907/1209p-4kq67
- Lewis, Tracy R. (1978) Markets
and Environmental Management with a Storable Pollutant; 10.7907/eqgxy-dez08
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1978) Chance
Constrained Dynamic Programming Model of Water Reservoir with Joint
Products; 10.7907/ctk3w-wg113
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1978) The
Effect of a Random Planning Horizon on Production and Investment for
Petroleum Reservoir – A Note on Kuller’s and Cumming’s Model; 10.7907/5af3g-8v165
- Calvert, Randall L. and Isaac, R. Mark (1978) The
Inherent Disadvantage of the Presidential Party in Midterm Congressional
Elections; 10.7907/9j14f-31q64
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1978) Chance
Constrained Model of Water Reservoir: Bounds on the Long-Run
Distribution of the Water Stock; 10.7907/8frh6-vbf63
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1978) The
Decline of Competition in Congressional Elections: Mayhew May Still be
Right; 10.7907/v2qq2-4ee44
- Miller, Gary J. (1978) Municipal
Incorporation Under LAFCO: A Critical View; 10.7907/jd112-3xr39
- Packel, Edward W. (1978) Transitive
Permutation Groups and Equipotent Voting Rules; 10.7907/1zkak-pr205
- Matthews, Steven A. (1978) Pairwise
Symmetry Conditions for Voting Equilibria; 10.7907/4wdpw-enh40
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1978) Public
Water, Private Land: Origins of the Acreage Limitation Controversy,
1933-1953; 10.7907/pyzt7-n6083
- Packel, Edward W. (1978) A
Stochastic Solution Concept for n-Person Games; 10.7907/qtera-n9f81
- Ferejohn, John A.; Fiorina, Morris P.; et al. (1978) Toward
a Theory of Legislative Decision; 10.7907/xkhxh-hha09
- Groves, Theodore and Ledyard, John O. (1978) The
Existence of Efficient and Incentive Compatible Equilibria with Public
Goods; 10.7907/8q2dx-kpv75
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1978) The
Bureau of Reclamation’s Excess Land Law: Origins of the Modern
Controversy, 1933-1961; 10.7907/995e3-y0210
- Miller, Gary J. (1978) Institutionalized
Inequality: The Mixed Blessings of Fragmentation in Metropolitan Los
Angeles; 10.7907/jtmrv-wgg31
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1978) Separate
but Not Equal: The Supreme Court’s First Decision on Racial
Discrimination in Schools; 10.7907/fxg2x-m5b57
- Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1978) Appropriative
Water Rights and the Efficient Allocation of Resources; 10.7907/n8whp-5vr97
- Forsythe, Robert (1978) The
Stock Market and the Theory of the Firm Under Price Uncertainty; 10.7907/kx3wj-t5826
- Klein, Burton H. (1978) A
Dynamic Theory of Regulation; 10.7907/ss846-ag539
- Deegan, John, Jr. and Packel, Edward W. (1978) An
Axiomatized Family of Power Indices for Simple n-Person Games; 10.7907/3bqbs-5n094
- Cohen, Linda (1977) Cyclic
Sets in Multidimensional Voting Models; 10.7907/6zfyp-pm338
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1977) Conservation
and the Continuity of American Liberalism, 1941-1953; 10.7907/df2t1-7yt77
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1977) Migratory
Wheat Harvesters in the Great Plains, 1900-1930; 10.7907/7hdm7-0xn66
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1977) From
Missiles to Space: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1955-1960; 10.7907/r7t58-tb180
- Montgomery, W. David (1977) The
Transition to Uncontrolled Crude Oil Prices; 10.7907/wn42n-zmb74
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1977) Control
of the Bureaucracy: A Mismatch of Incentives and Capabilities; 10.7907/119za-ngp11
- Matthews, Steven A. (1977) A
Simple Direction Model of Electoral Competition; 10.7907/cvjka-bn149
- Enthoven, Alain and Noll, Roger G. (1977) Regulatory
and Nonregulatory Strategies for Controlling Health Care Costs; 10.7907/ytv01-04x05
- Noll, Roger G. (1977) Public
Utilities and Solar Energy Development; 10.7907/jt52k-qqk34
- Wilde, Louis L. (1977) An
Information-Theoretic Approach to Job Quits; 10.7907/y3rtr-h6955
- Cain, Bruce E. (1977) Challenges
and Responses in British Party Politics; 10.7907/mm3ym-hb182
- Ferejohn, John A. and Fishburn, Peter C. (1977) Representations
of Binary Decision Rules by Generalized Decisiveness Structures; 10.7907/ap45q-prn91
- Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1977) The
Stingy Shift Explained as a Majority Rule Equilibrium; 10.7907/x942g-s2266
- Fiorina, Morris P. and Noll, Roger G. (1977) Voters,
Bureaucrats and Legislators; 10.7907/tace6-eys28
- Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1977) On
the Retrospective Effect of Economic Conditions in Congressional
Elections: A Simultaneous Equation Model Approach; 10.7907/fkd9x-tv956
- Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1977) Water
Rights and Optimal Reservoir Management; 10.7907/907yj-eyp20
- Matthews, Steven A. (1977) Undominated
Directions in Simple Dynamic Games; 10.7907/hzys4-4m012
- Noll, Roger G. and Thomas, Paul A. (1977) The
Economic Implications of Regulation by Expertise: The Guidelines for
Recombinant DNA Research; 10.7907/j83qp-jh703
- Cohen, Linda R.; Noll, Roger G.; et al. (1977) Responses
to Disaster: Planning for a Great Earthquake in California; 10.7907/5ty3e-qdr24
- Miller, Gary J. (1977) Is
the “Invisible Hand” Biased? Metropolitan Fragmentation and Individual
Choice; 10.7907/m59ht-3wb51
- Burness, H. Stuart (1977) Price
Uncertainty and the Exhaustive Firm; 10.7907/fg2zz-a8h26
- Burness, H. Stuart and Lewis, Tracy R. (1977) Democratic
Exploitation of a Non-Replenishable Resource; 10.7907/t11nn-3zj43
- Harding, Carolyn and Kevles, Daniel J. (1977) The
Physics, Mathematics, and Chemical Communities in America, 1970-1915: A
Statistical Survey; 10.7907/f9x7g-trk55
- Ferejohn, John A.; Forsythe, Robert; et al. (1977) Implementing
Planning Procedures for the Provision of Discrete Public Goods; 10.7907/jnby5-20f77
- Montgomery, W. David (1977) A
Case Study of Regulatory Programs of the Federal Energy
Administration; 10.7907/dvcwd-38c35
- Ledyard, John O. (1977) Incentive
Compatibility and Incomplete Information; 10.7907/qk8yn-ng985
- Wilde, Louis L. (1976) On
the Formal Theory of Inspection and Evaluation in Product Markets;
- McNicol, David L. (1976) Commodity
Agreements and the New International Economic Order; 10.7907/1edw7-ywd34
- Ferejohn, John A. (1976) On
the Decline of Competition in Congressional Elections; 10.7907/rttx4-mbx88
- Cain, Bruce E. (1976) Dynamic
and Static Components of Political Support in Britain; 10.7907/43k40-65w88
- Weingast, Barry R. (1976) A
Rational Choice Perspective on Congressional Norms; 10.7907/bewh3-4db80
- Miller, Gary J. (1976) Bureaucratic
Compliance as a Game on the Unit Square; 10.7907/ty3qe-6xt41
- McKay, Derek J. (1976) Has
the Averch-Johnson Effect Been Empirically Verified?; 10.7907/4fxw4-yk386
- Burness, H. Stuart; Lewis, Tracy R.; et al. (1976) Monopoly
and the Rate of Extraction of Exhaustible Resources: Note; 10.7907/cmce6-bce47
- Ferejohn, John A. and Noll, Roger G. (1976) Uncertainty
and the Formal Theory of Political Campaigns; 10.7907/8tc6d-pxg12
- Noll, Roger G. (1976) Empirical
Studies of Utility Regulation; 10.7907/yge4n-5p929
- Kevles, Daniel J. (1976) The
Physics, Mathematics, and Chemical Communities: A Comparative
Analysis; 10.7907/kw2fe-s3g79
- Ferejohn, John A. and Grether, David M. (1976) Some
New Impossibility Theorems; 10.7907/rms89-zsc92
- Koppes, Clayton R. (1976) Liberalism
in Retreat: The Interior Department, 1945-1952; 10.7907/car58-h2q79
- Hinich, Melvin J. (1976) Equilibrium
in Spatial Voting: The Median Voter Result is an Artifact; 10.7907/tsypq-pp136
- Wilde, Louis L. (1976) Market
Search Models: A Selective Survey; 10.7907/2hen2-d0942
- Hinich, Melvin J. (1976) Some
Evidence on Non-Voting Models in the Spatial Theory of Electoral
Competition; 10.7907/8wxg0-n1b56
- Forsythe, Robert (1976) Price
Uncertainty and the Heckscher-Ohlin Model; 10.7907/yxr4n-cyd89
- Grether, David M. (1976) A
Note on Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction; 10.7907/pcwkp-f1j10
- Lewis, Tracy R. (1976) Energy
vs. the Environment; 10.7907/p1dwn-g7982
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1976) The
Agenda for “Social Science History”; 10.7907/5da6m-1ec18
- Cornell, Nina W.; Noll, Roger G.; et al. (1976) Safety
Regulation; 10.7907/p7hkh-9mr75
- Weisberg, Herbert F. (1976) The
Inherent Predictability of Legislative Votes: The Perils of Successful
Prediction; 10.7907/43smn-t4141
- Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1976) Rate
of Return Regulations and Factor Bias in Innovations; 10.7907/6fc85-55k87
- Lewis, Tracy R. (1976) Attitudes
Towards Risk and the Optimal Exploitation of an Exhaustible
Resource; 10.7907/6pdh1-q1j82
- Levine, Michael E. (1976) Financial
Implications of Regulatory Change in the Airline Industry; 10.7907/ysy13-2mn25
- Black, Gregory D. and Koppes, Clayton R. (1976) What
to Show the World: The Office of War Information and Hollywood,
1942-1945; 10.7907/k0612-qpk97
- Noll, Roger G. (1976) Breaking
Out of the Regulatory Dilemma: Alternatives to the Sterile Choice;
- Plott, Charles R. (1976) Transcript
of a Five-Member Committee Experiment; 10.7907/ezztk-1nb98
- Forsythe, Robert (1976) Necessary
and Sufficient Conditions for Efficiency in an Economy with an
Incomplete Set of Markets; 10.7907/h1bkg-c2952
- Binger, Brian R. and Hoffman, Elizabeth (1976) Population
Pressure and Fertility Changes in Costa Rica, 1906-1970; 10.7907/e63r6-n9j18
- Weisberg, Herbert F. and Fiorina, Morris P. (1976) Candidate
Preference under Uncertainty: An Expanded View of Rational Voting;
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1975) The
“New Political History”: A Methodological Critique; 10.7907/v416h-0xq11
- Lewis, Tracy R. (1975) Optimal
Resource Management under Conditions of Uncertainty: The Case of an
Ocean Fishery; 10.7907/sgxjq-kf278
- Noll, Roger G. (1975) Information,
Decision-Making Procedures and Energy Policy; 10.7907/h49xr-74r83
- Noll, Roger G. (1975) The
Dilemma of Consumer Advocacy; 10.7907/xt4m8-68523
- Kevles, Daniel J. (1975) The
Debate Over Postwar Research Policy, 1942-1945: A Political
Interpretation of “Science: The Endless Frontier”; 10.7907/pyea2-xbm06
- Lewis, Tracy R. (1975) A
Note on Theoretical Issues on Resource Depletion; 10.7907/6bwka-dkx18
- Kevles, Daniel J. (1975) The
Physics, Mathematics, and Chemical Communities in the United States 1870
to 1915: A Preliminary Statistical Report; 10.7907/yz3f1-ymj08
- Klein, Burton H. (1975) Limits
to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome; 10.7907/h79v1-2z168
- Hoffman, Elizabeth (1975) The
Sources of the Italian Mortality Decline, 1887-1955; 10.7907/7kvtc-z9567
- Fiorina, Morris P. (1975) Axiomatic
Models of Risk and Decision: An Expository Treatment; 10.7907/y84vd-8dz33
- Smith, Vernon L. (1975) Economics
of Wilderness Resources; 10.7907/fpje6-je058
- Noll, Roger G. (1975) Government
Policy and Technological Innovation: Where Do We Stand and Where Should
We Go?; 10.7907/980g7-ajv47
- Montgomery, W. David (1975) Competitive
Equilibrium with Separable Externalities; 10.7907/npx5s-v6b11
- Levine, Michael E. and Plott, Charles R. (1975) On
Using the Agenda to Influence Group Decisions: Theory, Experiments, and
an Application; 10.7907/3bj8y-gw844
- Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1975) The
Ownership and Valuation of Professional Sports Franchises; 10.7907/cxm41-9h940
- Ferejohn, John A. (1975) Sophisticated
Voting with Separable Preferences; 10.7907/qb8gn-97q15
- Montgomery, W. David (1975) Stability
of Pure Trade Equilibrium with Externalities; 10.7907/a1x6z-esn54
- Sparling, Lee I. (1975) Rate
Regulation and Freight Traffic Allocation - A Review and Revision;
- Smith, Vernon L. (1975) Experimental
Economics: Theory and Results; 10.7907/pqe4d-jf046
- Klein, Burton H. (1975) The
Public Policy Issues Involved in Dealing with Environmental Degradation:
A Dynamic Approach; 10.7907/886k5-3zz53
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1974) Consequences
of Disfranchisement: Race and Class Discrimination in North Carolina,
1880-1910; 10.7907/hjdkh-6df79
- Smith, Vernon L. (1974) Bidding
and Auctioning Institutions: Experimental Results; 10.7907/qcdrj-53644
- El-Hodiri, Mohamed M. and Quirk, James P. (1974) On
Comparative Dynamics; 10.7907/z58m5-rn112
- Noll, Roger G. (1974) The
Consequences of Public Utility Regulation of Hospitals; 10.7907/m67kv-7j109
- Noll, Roger G. (1974) Comments
Regarding Limitations on Programming Available Broadcast on Pay-TV
Channels; 10.7907/3456q-65192
- Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1974) The
Market for Innovations. Factor Bias and Innovation: A Microeconomic
Approach; 10.7907/gqcq5-s3632
- Klein, Burton H. (1974) A
Dynamic Theory of Competition; 10.7907/rn56m-c0294
- Collins, Wayne D.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1974) Patent
Policy, Technological Innovation, and Government Contracts: A Selective
Critique; 10.7907/pamma-5fd76
- Montgomery, W. David and Noll, Roger G. (1974) Public
Policy and Innovation: Two Cases; 10.7907/eqg9t-fs320
- Quirk, James P. (1974) Stadium
Capacities and Attendance in Professional Sports; 10.7907/p1c15-q3h88
- Bates, Margaret Rouse (1974) Background
Memorandum: The Regulation of Atomic Energy for Power Generation; 10.7907/qbyzk-g3g10
- Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1974) Tax
Writeoffs and the Value of Sports Teams; 10.7907/gv8zc-aje36
- Davis, Lance E. and Groth, Susan G. (1974) Institutional
Structure and Technological Change; 10.7907/ymqve-n8b66
- Plott, Charles R. (1974) A
Review of Decision Theoretic Literature with Implications Regarding
Governmental Research and Development Policies; 10.7907/g2m80-7v364
- Smith, Vernon L. (1974) Recycling
and Exhaustible Resources; 10.7907/xcrms-tw212
- Montgomery, W. David (1974) Separability,
Externalities, and Competitive Equilibrium; 10.7907/3eq24-cjn50
- Montgomery, W. David (1974) Separable
Externalities in Cost and Production Functions; 10.7907/b8ash-f2q28
- Ferejohn, John A. (1974) Sour
Notes on the Theory of Vote Trading; 10.7907/7m5h5-mgy73
- Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1974) Factor
Bias and Innovations: A Microeconomic Approach; 10.7907/d7tag-czd80
- Plott, Charles R. (1974) On
Game Solutions and Revealed Preference Theory; 10.7907/bmxc6-e7576
- Bates, Robert H. (1974) Rural
Development in Kasumpa Village, Zambia; 10.7907/c74gr-sqy14
- Klein, Burton H. and Coltri, Alan (1973) The
Menu of Technology; 10.7907/3hjpe-81x25
- Bates, Robert H. (1973) The
Policy Origins of Migration in Zambia; 10.7907/e7c8p-h2w87
- Quirk, James P. (1973) A
Class of Generalized Metzlerian Matrices; 10.7907/v1110-hs477
- Montgomery, W. David (1973) Artificial
Markets and the Theory of Games; 10.7907/6t48h-cx485
- Smith, Vernon L. (1973) Notes
on Some Literature in Experimental Economics; 10.7907/2j0jw-38644
- Bates, Robert H. and Bennett, Bruce W. (1973) Determinants
of the Rural Exodus in Zambia: A Study of Inter-Censal Migration,
1963-1969; 10.7907/v88r9-1vc31
- Ferejohn, John A. and Page, Talbot (1973) Externalities
as Commodities: Comment; 10.7907/7c585-tmj95
- Bates, Robert H. (1972) Ethnic
Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa; 10.7907/eg3pq-41842
- Terasawa, Katsuaki (1972) Optimal
Replacement of Consumer Durables; 10.7907/xyrbb-hs940
- Plott, Charles R. (1971) Rationality
and Relevance in Social Choice Theory; 10.7907/erhr3-gcv11