- Plott, Charles R. and Gray, Peter (1989) The
Multiple Unit Double Auction; 10.7907/10wx6-yvn55
- Daniels, Brian P. and Plott, Charles R. (1987) Inflation
and Expectations in Experimental Markets; 10.7907/yb2y7-krm33
- Koford, Kenneth (1987) Different
Preferences, Different Politics: A Demand-and-Structure Explanation;
- Ulhaner, Carol J.; Cain, Bruce E.; et al. (1987) Political
Participation of Ethnic Minorities in the 1980s; 10.7907/txf9e-ekq40
- Banks, Jeffrey S.; Ledyard, John O.; et al. (1987) The
Design of Mechanisms to Allocate Space Station Resources; 10.7907/68k2y-nze20
- Rothenberg, Lawrence S. (1987) Organizational
Maintenance and the Retention Decision: A Theory of Experiential
Search; 10.7907/dg6yw-gck30
- Cain, Bruce E. and Jones, W. T. (1987) Madison’s
Theory of Representation; 10.7907/sa2vm-gqj50
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rothwell, Geoffrey S. (1987) Preparing
for the Improbable: Safety Incentives and the Price-Anderson Act; 10.7907/74ekw-6ph89
- Austen-Smith, David (1987) Electing
Legislatures; 10.7907/w7pch-hc458
- Cain, Bruce E. and Campagna, Janet C. (1987) Predicting
Partisan Redistricting Disputes; 10.7907/a1hrw-qn813
- Austen-Smith, David and Banks, Jeffrey S. (1987) Elections,
Coalitions, and Legislative Outcomes; 10.7907/rp24m-ekx15
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1987) The
Effect of Tax and Audit Rates on Compliance with the Federal Income Tax,
1977-85; 10.7907/gk55y-d2k84
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1987) Expert
Witnesses and Intent; 10.7907/wpg3c-c1e71
- Andrews, Donald K. (1987) Laws
of Large Numbers for Dependent Non-Identically Distributed Random
Variables; 10.7907/3gv6t-s2w13
- Krehbiel, Keith and Rivers, Douglas (1987) The
Analysis of Committee Power: An Application to Senate Voting on the
Minimum Wage; 10.7907/gtmj4-26n11
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1987) Chapter
I: The Supremacy of Equal Rights; 10.7907/smz30-khx98
- Page, Talbot (1987) Pivot
Mechanisms in Probability Revelation; 10.7907/3eqpm-6km75
- Austen-Smith, David (1987) Sincere
Voting in Models of Legislative Elections; 10.7907/ft6pf-eeh44
- Gilligan, Thomas W. and Krehbiel, Keith (1987) Collective
Decision-Making and Standing Committees: An Informational Rationale for
Restrictive Amendment Procedures; 10.7907/mzs93-2xa36
- Austen-Smith, David (1987) Sophisticated
Sincerity: Voting Over Endogenous Agendas; 10.7907/rxbfr-6xp42
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Wilde, Louis L. (1987) An
Empirical Analysis of Federal Income Tax Auditing and Compliance; 10.7907/fbxdh-p1n34
- Andrews, Donald W. K. (1987) Inference
in Econometric Models with Structural Change; 10.7907/ej3f4-ywh67
- Curren, Randall R. (1987) Invisible-Hand
Explanations Reconsidered; 10.7907/fb2d6-rdy06
- Koford, Kenneth J. and Miller, Jeffrey B. (1987) The
Natural Rate in a Share Economy; 10.7907/xe8y2-36r91
- Gilligan, Thomas W.; Marshall, William J.; et al. (1987) Regulation
and the Theory of Legislative Choice: The Interstate Commerce Act of
1887; 10.7907/qcbqw-vy854
- Gilligan, Thomas W.; Marshall, William J.; et al. (1987) The
Economic Incidence of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887: A Theoretical
and Empirical Analysis of the Short-haul Pricing Constraint; 10.7907/0mb4d-xwh10
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Graetz, Michael J.; et al. (1987) Are
we a Nation of Tax Cheaters? New Econometric Evidence on Tax
Compliance; 10.7907/yfjwd-43e95
- Plott, Charles R. (1987) Dimensions
of Parallelism: Some Policy Applications of Experimental Methods;
ISBN 9780521333924; Laboratory experimentation in economics: six points
of view; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK; 193-219
- Rothwell, Geoffrey S. (1986) Steam-Electric
Scale Economies and Construction Lead Times; 10.7907/wfqs9-cr410
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Srivastava, Sanjay (1986) Nash
Implementation Using Undominated Strategies; 10.7907/3fyfp-rks37
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1986) Toward
“Total Political History”; 10.7907/03fab-n7693
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1986) Agendas,
Strategic Voting, and Signaling with Incomplete Information; 10.7907/2h7ha-fxg91
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Srivastava, Sanjay (1986) On
Bayesian Implementable Allocations; 10.7907/0fhs2-c5n57
- Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1986) Plea
Bargaining and Prosecutorial Discretion; 10.7907/2gpw5-rp238
- Cramton, Peter C. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1986) Cartel
Enforcement with Uncertainty About Costs; 10.7907/keft3-2tk29
- Ledyard, John O. (1986) The
Economics of Space Station; 10.7907/65nfx-ytv91
- Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Cramer-Rao
Bounds for Misspecified Models; 10.7907/7j7ke-zja80
- Ransom, Roger L. and Sutch, Richard (1986) Did
Rising Out-Migration Cause Fertility to Decline in Antebellum New
England? A Life-Cycle Perspective on Old-Age Security Motives, Child
Default, and Farm-Family Fertility; 10.7907/6sgw5-8et09
- Easley, David and Ledyard, John O. (1986) Theories
of Price Formation and Exchange in Double Oral Auctions; 10.7907/hwega-5cv60
- Eastman, Kelly A. and Rothwell, Geoffrey S. (1986) A
Note on Allowed and Realized Rates of Return in the Electric Utility
Industry; 10.7907/hp10m-3q074
- Banks, Jeffrey S.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (1986) An
Experimental Analysis of Public Goods Provision Mechanisms with and
without Unanimity; 10.7907/msckd-0m869
- Plott, Charles R. (1986) Rational
Choice in Experimental Markets; 10.7907/hhzr1-8rs56
- Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Generalized
Inverses and Asymptotic Properties of Wald Tests; 10.7907/ctkf9-4ew54
- Plott, Charles R. (1986) Laboratory
Experiments in Economics: The Implications of Posted-Price
Institutions; 10.7907/bgpp5-g9665
- Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Likelihood
Ratio Tests for Model Selection and Non-Nested Hypotheses; 10.7907/gx67y-we971
- Banks, Jeffrey S. (1986) Liability
Rules and Pretrial Settlement; 10.7907/ghjz6-1sf90
- Banks, Jeffrey S. and Gasmi, Farid (1986) Endogenous
Agenda Formation in Three-Person Committees; 10.7907/vdv5r-3s803
- Lien, Donald and Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Selecting
the Best Linear Regression Model: A Classical Approach; 10.7907/5nn18-dvb07
- Strnad, Jeff (1986) The
Bankruptcy of Conventional Tax Timing Wisdom is Deeper than Semantics: A
Rejoinder to Professors Kaplan and Warren; 10.7907/r087s-qzt38
- Kiewiet, D. Roderick and McCubbins, Mathew D. (1986) Presidential
Influence on Congressional Appropriations Decisions; 10.7907/swsdw-7qr45
- Gilligan, Thomas W. and Krehbiel, Keith (1986) Rules,
Subjurisdictional Choice, and Congressional Outcomes: An Event Study of
Energy Taxation Legislation; 10.7907/r1mhj-x1n18
- Sutch, Richard (1986) Slave
Breeding; 10.7907/2v7yj-z4998
- Graetz, Michael J.; Reinganum, Jennifer F.; et al. (1985) The
Tax Compliance Game: Toward an Interactive Theory of Law
Enforcement; 10.7907/fnn49-d6737
- Page, Talbot (1985) Responsibility,
Liability, and Incentive Compatibility; 10.7907/49ny5-azy38
- Rothwell, Geoffrey S. (1985) Comparing
Models of Electric Utility Behavior; 10.7907/qwvge-2nt80
- Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) Political
Power in the International Coffee Organization: A Research Note; 10.7907/t2q0c-0rt35
- Krehbiel, Keith (1985) A
Rationale for Restrictive Rules; 10.7907/t5g8n-t5w69
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1985) Evidence
of Block Switching in Demand Subject to Declining Block Rates - A New
Approach; 10.7907/9319h-2fz70
- Wilde, Louis L. (1985) Equilibrium
Search Models as Simultaneous Move Games; 10.7907/07g4h-06450
- Krehbiel, Keith and Rivers, Douglas (1985) Congressional
Roll Call Voting Strategies: Application of a New Test to Minimum Wage
Legislation; 10.7907/b4t6s-vdz16
- Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Henson, Steven E. (1985) The
Returns to Insulation Upgrades: Results from a Mixed Engineering
Econometric Model; 10.7907/372a6-nhk98
- Kousser, J. Morgan (1985) Speculation
or Specification? A Note on Flanigan and Zingale; 10.7907/bygxx-n4f38
- Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1985) Econometric
Modeling of a Stackelberg Game with an Application to Labor Force
Participation; 10.7907/wkyqn-xhh62
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald and Vuong, Quang H. (1985) Parameterization
and Two-Stage Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation; 10.7907/ccwfw-y7228
- Ferejohn, John A. and Krehbiel, Keith (1985) Reconciliation
and the Size of the Budget; 10.7907/jea61-qj648
- Border, Kim C. and Sobel, Joel (1985) A
Theory of Auditing and Plunder; 10.7907/hq4vr-2ev86
- Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) A
Note on the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives in Probabilistic
Choice Models; 10.7907/s1j8v-enq27
- Strnad, Jeff (1984) The
Taxation of Risky Investments: An Asset Pricing Approach; 10.7907/a5er4-52w73
- Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Miedema, Allen K.; et al. (1984) Price
Effects of Energy-Efficient Technologies: A Study of Residential Demand
for Heating and Cooling; 10.7907/xjhp1-47t60
- Krehbiel, Keith (1984) A
Technique for Estimating Legislators’ Ideal Points on Concrete Policy
Dimensions; 10.7907/dp4sk-33x28
- Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald and Quirk, James P. (1984) Asymmetric
Arbitrage and the Pattern of Futures Prices; 10.7907/rb1ct-0g817
- Noll, Roger G. (1984) The
Political and Institutional Context of Communications Policy; 10.7907/0xs8y-yma94
- Schwartz, Alan (1984) Products
Liability, Corporate Structure and Bankruptcy: Toxic Substances and the
Remote Risk Relationship; 10.7907/qz2gs-xn296
- Rivers, Douglas and Rose, Nancy L. (1984) Passing
the President’s Program: Public Opinion and Presidential Influence in
Congress; 10.7907/pqn5t-wf122