Hirsch, Alexander V. and Shotts, Kenneth W. (2023) Veto
Players and Policy Entrepreneurship ; 10.7907/crfqw-8k260
Battaglini, Marco and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2023) Organizing
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Fong, Meng-Jhang; Lin, Po-Hsuan; et al. (2023) A
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Roll, Richard; de Bodt, Eric; et al. (2022) The
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Lin, Po-Hsuan and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2022) Cognitive
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Lu, Jay and Saito, Kota (2022) Mixed
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Holt, Charles A. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2022) Bilateral
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Plott, Charles R.; Cason, Timothy N.; et al. (2022) General
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Roll, Richard; de Bodt, Eric; et al. (2021) Competition
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Roll, Richard (2021) The
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Hirsch, Alexander V.; Kang, Karam; et al. (2021) Lobbyists
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Plott, Charles R.; Stoneham, Gary; et al. (2021) Using
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Hirsch, Alexander V. (2019) The
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Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2019) Changing
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Hirsch, Alexander V. and Kastellec, Jonathan P. (2019) A
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Hirsch, Alexander V. (2019) Polarization
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Palfrey, Thomas R. and Casella, Alessandra (2018) An
Experimental Study of Vote Trading ; 10.7907/zx62f-jxa23
Doval, Laura and Skreta, Vasiliki (2018) Mechanism
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Palfrey, Thomas R. and Casella, Alessandra (2018) Trading
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Echenique, Federico; Imai, Taisuke; et al. (2018) Approximate
Expected Utility Rationalization ; 10.7907/9ch8a-m6d21
Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2018) A
Characterization of “Phelpsian” Statistical Discrimination ; 10.48550/arXiv.1808.01351
Roll, Richard and Srivastava, Akshay (2018) Mimicking
Portfolios ; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 44; No. 5; 21-35;
Dianat, Ahrash; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2018) Statistical
Discrimination and Affirmative Action in the Lab ; 10.7907/7aq8f-sfk28
Ledyard, John O. (2018) Design
of Tradable Permit Programs under Imprecise Measurement ; 10.7907/a6fvp-ke472
Plott, Charles R.; Roll, Richard; et al. (2018) Tick
Size, Price Grids and Market Performance: Stable Matches as a Model of
Market Dynamics and Equilibrium ; 10.7907/as1az-qd784
Alvarez, Michael; Pettigrew, Stephen S.; et al. (2018) Residual
Votes and Abstentions in the 2016 Election ; 10.2139/ssrn.3225197
Echenique, Federico; Zhang, Jun; et al. (2018) Fairness
and efficiency for probabilistic allocations with endowments ; 10.7907/qfrht-74t85
Lee, Hsing Yang; Maron, Travis; et al. (2017) A
Testbed Experiment of a (Smart) Marked Based, Student Transportation
Policy: Non Convexities, Coordination, Non Existence ; 10.7907/wk1sk-xsf49
Saito, Kota (2017) Axiomatizations
of the Mixed Logit Model ; 10.7907/0vm8e-qys12
Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2017) A
Protocol for Factor Identification ; 10.7907/124y0-gvg05
Levy, Moshe and Roll, Richard (2017) Generalized
Portfolio Performance Measures: Optimal Overweighting of Fees Relative
to Sample Returns ; 10.7907/dg7d0-3g027
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Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2017) Preference
Identification ; 10.48550/arXiv.1807.11585
Großer, Jens and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2016) Candidate
entry and political polarization: An experimental study ; 10.7907/92153-cfm32
Fine, Leslie; Goeree, Jacob K.; et al. (2016) ACE:
A Combinatorial Market Mechanism ; 10.7907/mte8a-n4r44
de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Empirical
Evidence of Overbidding in M&A Contests ; 10.7907/t9c90-47y20
Palfrey, Thomas R. and Pogorelskiy, Kirill (2016) Communication
Among Voters Benefits the Majority Party ; 10.7907/33gtv-w8n81
Agranov, Marina and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2016) The
Effects of Income Mobility and Tax Persistence on Income Redistribution
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Cotter, John; Gabriel, Stuart; et al. (2016) Nowhere
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Gillen, Benjamin J. (2016) Subset
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Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2016) A
characterization of combinatorial demand ; 10.7907/qrejc-dsd67
Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2016) On
multiple discount rates ; 10.7907/v6dnf-qtv34
de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Full
Stock Payment Marginalization in M&A Transactions ; 10.7907/n6h0d-41t82
Chiong, Khai X. and Shum, Matthew (2016) Random
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Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2016) The
Political Economy of Public Debt: A Laboratory Study ; 10.7907/fbzrt-67w98
de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2016) Improved
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Levy, Moshe and Roll, Richard (2015) Seeking
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Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2015) Response
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Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2015) General
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Casella, Alessandra and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2015) Trading
Votes for Votes. A Decentralized Matching Algorithm ; 10.3386/w21645
Ahn, David; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2015) Average
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Pogorelskiy, Kirill and Plott, Charles R. (2015) Call
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Calls and Emergent Newton Adjustments ; 10.7907/6kery-xsc22
Plott, Charles R. and Merlob, Brian (2015) Mechanism
Design with Public Goods: Committee Karate, Cooperative Games, and the
Control of Social Decisions through Subcommittees ; 10.7907/v28ye-tjm02
Kim, Dae Hyun; Lee, Hsing Yang; et al. (2015) Multiple
Items, Ascending Price Auctions: An Experimental Examination of
Alternative Auction Sequences ; 10.7907/7ds1y-hk484
Pogorelskiy, Kirill (2015) Correlated
Equilibria in Voter Turnout Games ; 10.7907/s8476-bzv73
Pukthuanthong, Kuntara and Roll, Richard (2015) An
Agnostic and Practically Useful Estimator of the Stochastic Discount
Factor ; 10.7907/b7hye-e5g06
Hsieh, Yu-Wei; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2015) To
Score or Not to Score? Estimates of a Sponsored Search Auction
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Chiong, Khai X.; Galichon, Alfred; et al. (2015) Duality
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Palfrey, Thomas R.; Rosenthal, Howard; et al. (2015) How
Cheap Talk Enhances Efficiency in Public Goods Games ; 10.7907/99d56-9zp69
Plott, Charles R. and Llewellyn, Morgan (2015) Information
transfer and aggregation in an uninformed committee: A model for the
selection and use of biased expert advice ; 10.7907/f1t03-7kz89
Agranov, Marina; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2015) Static
and Dynamic Underinvestment: an Experimental Investigation ; 10.7907/dv3vt-ztf54
Agranov, Marina and Ortoleva, Pietro (2015) Stochastic
Choice and Preferences for Randomization ; 10.7907/77dwy-0rp12
Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2015) Testable
Implications of Translation Invariance and Homotheticity: Variational,
Maxmin, CARA and CRRA preferences ; 10.7907/wfa41-5z837
Agranov, Marina; Goeree, Jacob K.; et al. (2014) What
Makes Voters Turn Out: The Effects of Polls and Beliefs ; 10.7907/v0mdy-epq83
Camerer, Colin F.; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2014) Quantal
Response and Nonequilibrium Beliefs Explain Overbidding in Maximum-Value
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Cotter, John; Gabriel, Stuart; et al. (2014) Can
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Shi, Xiaoxia; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2014) Estimating
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Melo, Emerson; Pogorelskiy, Kirill; et al. (2014) Testing
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Plott, Charles R.; Gillen, Benjamin J.; et al. (2014) A
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Plott, Charles R. (2014) Public
Choice and the development of modern laboratory experimental method in
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Bongaerts, Dion; Roll, Richard; et al. (2014) The
Propagation of Shocks Across International Equity Markets: A
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Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Roll, Richard; et al. (2014) Resolving
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de Bodt, Eric; Cousin, Jean-Gabriel; et al. (2014) The
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Agranov, Marina and Tergiman, Chloe (2014) Transparency
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Tserenjigmid, Gerelt (2014) Choosing
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Echenique, Federico; Imai, Taisuke; et al. (2014) Testable
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Elbittar, Alexander; Gomberg, Andrei; et al. (2014) Ignorance
and Bias in Collective Decisions ; 10.7907/6fx75-j5292
Cason, Timothy N. and Plott, Charles R. (2014) Misconceptions
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Čopič, Jernej and Katz, Jonathan N. (2014) Scheduling
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Plott, Charles R.; Lee, Hsing Yang; et al. (2013) The
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Palfrey, Thomas R. (2013) Experiments
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Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2013) Testable
Implications of Exponential Discounting ; 10.7907/4jx8b-zxb60
Echenique, Federico and Saito, Kota (2013) Savage
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Echenique, Federico; Saito, Kota; et al. (2013) The
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Agranov, Marina and Tergiman, Chloe (2013) Communication
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Shi, Xiaoxia and Shum, Matthew (2013) Simple
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Chiong, Khai X.; Galichon, Alfred; et al. (2013) Estimating
Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Via Convex Analysis ; 10.7907/vgp0z-00y54
Fan, Yanqin; Sherman, Robert; et al. (2013) Identifying
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Echenique, Federico and Pereyra, Juan Sebastián (2013) Strategic
Uncertainty and Unraveling in Matching Markets ; 10.7907/qmt4b-v3n68
Echenique, Federico and Galichon, Alfred (2013) Ordinal
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Merlo, Antonio and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2013) External
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Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2013) The
Dynamic Free Rider Problem: A Laboratory Study ; 10.7907/5wr2k-ph607
Noussair, Charles N.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2013) An
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Echenique, Federico and Yenmez, M. Bumin (2012) How
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Agranov, Marina and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2012) Equilibrium
Tax Rates and Income Redistribution: A Laboratory Study ; 10.7907/0xp5n-z9471
Agranov, Marina (2012) Flip-Flopping,
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Kuzmics, Christoph; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2012) Symmetric
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Saito, Kota (2012) Social
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Hatfield, John William; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2012) Price
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Hatfield, John William; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2012) Understanding
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Palfrey, Thomas R. and Wang, Stephanie W. (2012) Speculative
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Roy, Nilanjan (2012) Cooperation
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Casella, Alessandra; Palfrey, Thomas R.; et al. (2012) Vote
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Herrera, Helios; Morelli, Massimo; et al. (2011) Turnout
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Echenique, Federico and Wierman, Adam (2011) Finding
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Battaglini, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2011) Legislative
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Plott, Charles R.; Roy, Nilanjan; et al. (2011) Marshall
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Lee, Sangmok (2011) Incentive
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Chambers, Christopher P. and Echenique, Federico (2011) Testable
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Pereyra, Juan Sebastián (2011) A
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Merlob, Brian; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (2011) The
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Grosser, Jens and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2011) Candidate
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Agranov, Marina; Caplin, Andrew; et al. (2010) The
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Echenique, Federico; Lee, Sangmok; et al. (2010) Existence
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Echenique, Federico; Golovin, Daniel; et al. (2010) A
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Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2010) General
Revealed Preference Theory ; 10.7907/65jz8-7zk78
Casella, Alessandra; Llorente-Saguer, Aniol; et al. (2010) Competitive
Equilibrium in Markets for Votes ; 10.7907/7qftr-6q446
Armantier, Olivier; Holt, Charles A.; et al. (2010) A
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Crockett, Sean; Oprea, Ryan; et al. (2010) Extreme
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Linardi, Sera and Camerer, Colin F. (2010) Can
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Hu, Yingyao; Kayaba, Yutaka; et al. (2010) Nonparametric
Learning Rules from Bandit Experiments: The Eyes have it! ; 10.7907/wm7ct-f2g27
Echenique, Federico; Lee, SangMok; et al. (2010) Revealed
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Lee, SangMok (2010) Strategic
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Hu, Yingyao; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2010) A
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Hortala-Vallve, Rafael; Llorente-Saguer, Aniol; et al. (2010) An
Experimental Comparison Between Free Negotiation and a Multi-issue Point
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Echenique, Federico (2010) Contracts
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Plott, Charles R. and Zeiler, Kathryn (2010) Endowment
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Moon, Hyungsik Roger; Shum, Matthew; et al. (2010) Estimation
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Hortala-Vallve, Rafael and Llorente-Saguer, Aniol (2010) Pure
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Iaryczower, Matias; Lewis, Garrett; et al. (2010) To
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Ortoleva, Pietro (2010) Modeling
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Battaglia, Marco; Nunnari, Salvatore; et al. (2010) Political
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Echenique, Federico; Lee, Sangmok; et al. (2010) Aggregate
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Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2010) The
Axiomatic Structure of Empirical Content ; 10.7907/7yp6a-gf196
Echenique, Federico; Wilson, Alistair J.; et al. (2009) Clearinghouses
for Two-Sided Matching: An Experimental Study ; 10.7907/jereh-qfx04
Iaryczower, Matias; Katz, Gabriel; et al. (2009) The
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Brocas, Isabelle; Carrillo, Juan D.; et al. (2009) Information
Gatekeepers: Theory and Experimental Evidence ; 10.7907/n9sr9-wbh87
Choi, Syngjoo; Gale, Douglas; et al. (2009) Network
Architecture, Salience and Coordination ; 10.7907/m9p9a-hyz82
Chambers, Christopher P.; Echenique, Federico; et al. (2009) Testable
Implications of Gross Substitutes in Demand ; 10.7907/c4yzh-awq44
Palfrey, Thomas R. and Wang, Stephanie W. (2009) On
Eliciting Beliefs in Strategic Games ; Journal of Economic Behavior
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Iaryczower, Matias and Mattozzi, Andrea (2009) On
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Katz, Jonathan N. and Katz, Gabriel (2009) Correcting
for Survey Misreports using Auxiliary Information with an Application to
Estimating Turnout ; 10.7907/r5ehj-emp92
Echenique, Federico and Ivanov, Lozan (2009) Implications
of Pareto Efficiency for Two-Agent (Household) Choice ; 10.7907/szdsc-6bp13
Myung, Noah (2009) Ambiguity
Aversion in Asset Market: Experimental Study of Home Bias ; 10.7907/7t9dp-ckn73
Myung, Noah and Romero, Julian (2009) Designing
Experiments with Computational Testbeds: Effects of Convergence Speed in
Coordination Games ; 10.7907/gfcyn-5ad35
Beck, Nathaniel and Katz, Jonathan N. (2009) Modeling
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Chambers, Christopher P. and Hayashi, Takashi (2005) Bayesian
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Echenique, Federico and Yenmez, M. Bumin (2005) A
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Jackson, Matthew O. and Kremer, Ilan (2003) Envy-Freeness
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Barberà, Salvador and Jackson, Matthew O. (2002) Choosing
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Jackson, Matthew O. and Wilkie, Simon (2002) Endogenous
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Jackson, Matthew O. and Razzolini, Laura (2002) Postcards
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Jackson, Matthew O. and van den Nouweland, Anne (2002) Strongly
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Jackson, Matthew O. and Nicolò, Antonio (2002) The
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Calvó-Armengol, Antoni and Jackson, Matthew O. (2002) Social
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Ordeshook, Peter C. and Schwartz, Thomas (1993) A
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Alvarez, R. Michael and Schousen, Matthew M. (1993) Policy
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Alvarez, R. Michael and Franklin, Charles H. (1993) Uncertainty
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Clauser, Laura and Plott, Charles R. (1993) On the
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Bronfman, Corinne; McCabe, Kevin; et al. (1992) An
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Duggan, John (1992) Contracting
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Plott, Charles R. and Smith, Jared (1992) Fads,
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Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1992) Less
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Boylan, Richard T.; Ledyard, John O.; et al. (1992) Political
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Aliprantis, Charalambos D. and Plott, Charles R. (1992) Competitive
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Ordeshook, Peter C. and Shvetsova, Olga V. (1992) Ethnic
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Chen, Yan (1992) The
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El-Gamal, Mahmoud; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1992) A
Bayesian Sequential Experimental Study of Learning in Games ; 10.7907/hgs8z-hwd27
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Palfrey, Thomas R. and Srivastava, Sanjay (1986) On
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Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1986) Plea
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Ledyard, John O. (1986) The
Economics of Space Station ; 10.7907/65nfx-ytv91
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Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1986) Credibility
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Banks, Jeffrey S.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (1986) An
Experimental Analysis of Public Goods Provision Mechanisms with and
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Banks, Jeffrey S. and Gasmi, Farid (1986) Endogenous
Agenda Formation in Three-Person Committees ; 10.7907/vdv5r-3s803
McKelvey, Richard D. (1986) Game
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Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Generalized
Inverses and Asymptotic Properties of Wald Tests ; 10.7907/ctkf9-4ew54
Plott, Charles R. (1986) Laboratory
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Banks, Jeffrey S. (1986) Liability
Rules and Pretrial Settlement ; 10.7907/ghjz6-1sf90
Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Likelihood
Ratio Tests for Model Selection and Non-Nested Hypotheses ; 10.7907/gx67y-we971
Plott, Charles R. (1986) Rational
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Lien, Donald and Vuong, Quang H. (1986) Selecting
the Best Linear Regression Model: A Classical Approach ; 10.7907/5nn18-dvb07
Strnad, Jeff (1986) The
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Rejoinder to Professors Kaplan and Warren ; 10.7907/r087s-qzt38
Kiewiet, D. Roderick and McCubbins, Mathew D. (1986) Presidential
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Gilligan, Thomas W. and Krehbiel, Keith (1986) Rules,
Subjurisdictional Choice, and Congressional Outcomes: An Event Study of
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Sutch, Richard (1986) Slave
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Ledyard, John O. (1985) The
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Graetz, Michael J.; Reinganum, Jennifer F.; et al. (1985) The
Tax Compliance Game: Toward an Interactive Theory of Law
Enforcement ; 10.7907/fnn49-d6737
Krehbiel, Keith (1985) A
Rationale for Restrictive Rules ; 10.7907/t5g8n-t5w69
Rothwell, Geoffrey S. (1985) Comparing
Models of Electric Utility Behavior ; 10.7907/qwvge-2nt80
Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) Political
Power in the International Coffee Organization: A Research Note ; 10.7907/t2q0c-0rt35
Page, Talbot (1985) Responsibility,
Liability, and Incentive Compatibility ; 10.7907/49ny5-azy38
Wilde, Louis L. (1985) Equilibrium
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Banks, Jeffrey S. and Sobel, Joel (1985) Equilibrium
Selection in Signaling Games ; 10.7907/yf3x1-6g428
Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1985) Evidence
of Block Switching in Demand Subject to Declining Block Rates - A New
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McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1985) Generalized
Symmetry Conditions at a Core Point ; 10.7907/scsnd-3xh89
Krehbiel, Keith and Rivers, Douglas (1985) Congressional
Roll Call Voting Strategies: Application of a New Test to Minimum Wage
Legislation ; 10.7907/b4t6s-vdz16
Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Henson, Steven E. (1985) The
Returns to Insulation Upgrades: Results from a Mixed Engineering
Econometric Model ; 10.7907/372a6-nhk98
Kousser, J. Morgan (1985) Must
Historians Regress? An Answer to Lee Benson ; 10.7907/g1wms-6dh93
Kousser, J. Morgan (1985) Speculation
or Specification? A Note on Flanigan and Zingale ; 10.7907/bygxx-n4f38
Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1985) Econometric
Modeling of a Stackelberg Game with an Application to Labor Force
Participation ; 10.7907/wkyqn-xhh62
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald and Vuong, Quang H. (1985) Parameterization
and Two-Stage Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation ; 10.7907/ccwfw-y7228
Miller, Ross M. and Plott, Charles R. (1985) Product
Quality Signaling in Experimental Markets ; Econometrica; Vol. 53;
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Graetz, Michael J. and Wilde, Louis L. (1985) The
Economics of Tax Compliance: Fact and Fantasy ; 10.7907/ad6ms-wqh65
Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) A
Note on Taxation, Development and Representative Government ; 10.7907/cadhs-w5m12
Border, Kim C. and Sobel, Joel (1985) A
Theory of Auditing and Plunder ; 10.7907/hq4vr-2ev86
Li, Lode (1985) An
Efficient Market Mechanism with Endogenous Information Acquisition:
Cournot Oligopoly Case ; 10.7907/hpk6d-g3j38
McKelvey, Richard D. (1985) Covering,
Dominance, and Institution Free Properties of Social Change ; 10.7907/ktzhs-d3673
Ferejohn, John A. and Krehbiel, Keith (1985) Reconciliation
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Li, Lode (1985) The
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Krehbiel, Keith (1985) Unanimous
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Schwartz, Alan (1985) Imperfect
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Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1985) Settlement
and Litigation Under Alternative Legal Systems ; 10.7907/81733-hx598
Quirk, James P. (1985) Consumer
Surplus Under Uncertainty: An Application to Dam-Reservoir Projects ;
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1985) Economic
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Li, Lode; McKelvey, Richard D.; et al. (1985) Optimal
Research for Cournot Oligopolists ; 10.7907/jdn82-4bs44
Strnad, Jeff (1985) The
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Gilligan, Thomas W. (1985) The
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Li, Lode (1985) Cournot
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Schofield, Norman (1985) Existence
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Plott, Charles R.; Isaac, R. Mark; et al. (1985) Public
Goods Provision in an Experimental Environment ; Journal of Public
Economics; Vol. 26; 51-74; 10.1016/0047-2727(85)90038-6
Miller, Gary J. and Plott, Charles R. (1985) Revenue
Generating Properties of Sealed-Bid Auctions: An Experimental Analysis
of One-Price and Discriminative Processes ; ISBN 0-89232-337-X;
Research in Experimental Economics; JAI Press: Greenwich, CT;
Bates, Robert H. and Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) A
Note on the International Coffee Agreement ; 10.7907/h6gw7-jak79
Quirk, James P. (1984) Hedging
as ‘Speculation on the Basis’ ; 10.7907/mxj4v-t7r51
Graetz, Michael J.; Reinganum, Jennifer F.; et al. (1984) A
Model of Tax Compliance Under Budget-Constrained Auditors ; 10.7907/m19yv-3z206
Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) A
Note on the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives in Probabilistic
Choice Models ; 10.7907/s1j8v-enq27
Rivers, Douglas and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Limited
Information Estimators and Exogeneity Tests for Simultaneous Probit
Models ; 10.7907/6e6gv-k1725
Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Sophistication,
Myopia, and the Theory of Legislatures: An Experimental Study ; 10.7907/wybar-75s67
McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1984) Structural
Instability of the Core ; 10.7907/e2cny-p7059
Poole, Keith T. and Rosenthal, Howard (1984) The
Polarization of American Politics ; Journal of Politics; Vol. 46;
No. 4; 1061-1079; 10.2307/2131242
Strnad, Jeff (1984) The
Taxation of Risky Investments: An Asset Pricing Approach ; 10.7907/a5er4-52w73
Dubin, Jeffrey A.; Miedema, Allen K.; et al. (1984) Price
Effects of Energy-Efficient Technologies: A Study of Residential Demand
for Heating and Cooling ; 10.7907/xjhp1-47t60
Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Rivers, Douglas (1984) Stochastic
Simulation of Labor Demand Under Wage Subsidization ; 10.7907/grmee-8x614
Krehbiel, Keith (1984) A
Technique for Estimating Legislators’ Ideal Points on Concrete Policy
Dimensions ; 10.7907/dp4sk-33x28
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald and Quirk, James P. (1984) Asymmetric
Arbitrage and the Pattern of Futures Prices ; 10.7907/rb1ct-0g817
Border, Kim C. (1984) More
on Harsanyi’s Utilitarian Cardinal Welfare Theorem ; 10.7907/q0pxs-qmw64
Grether, David M. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) Consumer
Choice and Information: New Experimental Evidence ; 10.7907/7ma4q-37749
Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Sophisticated
Committees and Structure-Induced Equilibria in Congress ; 10.7907/wzfct-vx803
Noll, Roger G. (1984) The
Political and Institutional Context of Communications Policy ; 10.7907/0xs8y-yma94
Palfrey, Thomas R. and Rosenthal, Howard (1984) Participation
and the provision of discrete public goods: a strategic analysis ;
Journal of Public Economics; Vol. 24; No. 2; 171-193; 10.1016/0047-2727(84)90023-9
Schwartz, Alan (1984) Products
Liability, Corporate Structure and Bankruptcy: Toxic Substances and the
Remote Risk Relationship ; 10.7907/qz2gs-xn296
McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Sequential
Elections with Limited Information ; 10.7907/v23kd-qbn10
Bjorn, Paul A. and Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Simultaneous
Equations Models for Dummy Endogenous Variables: A Game Theoretic
Formulation with an Application to Labor Force Participation ; 10.7907/f4sq0-rtn82
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Speculation
and Price Stability Under Uncertainty: A Generalization ; 10.7907/yn7hk-dzm61
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Speculative
Holdings under Linear Expectation Processes—A Mean-Variance
Approach ; 10.7907/zedhe-z7874
Vuong, Quang H. (1984) Two-Stage
Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Econometric Models ; 10.7907/36n4e-6tb16
Kiewiet, D. Roderick and Rivers, Douglas (1984) A
Retrospective on Retrospective Voting ; 10.7907/ka0z7-36045
Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) An
Equilibrium Model of Tax Compliance with a Bayesian Auditor and some
‘Honest’ Taxpayers ; 10.7907/jsd2p-mrw27
Kiewiet, D. Roderick and Cain, Bruce E. (1984) Ethnicity
and Electoral Choice: Mexican-American Voting Behavior in California
30th Congressional District ; Social Science Quarterly; Vol. 65;
No. 2; 315-327
Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1984) Sequential
Equilibrium Detection and Reporting Policies in a Model of Tax
Evasion ; 10.7907/zncgz-j6d73
Cain, Bruce E. and McCue, Kenneth F. (1984) The
Efficacy of Registration Drives ; 10.7907/87wpy-6qt34
McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1984) Common
Knowledge and Consensus with Aggregate Statistics ; 10.7907/z43xd-96j96
McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Elections
with Limited Information: A Multidimensional Model ; 10.7907/ebpx6-ssr61
Fort, Rodney D. and Noll, Roger G. (1984) Pay
and Performance in Baseball: Modeling Regulars, Reserves and
Expansion ; 10.7907/cvsge-4y440
Bates, Robert H. (1984) Agrarian
Politics and Development ; 10.7907/ps49v-a0w02
Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1984) The
Winner’s Curse and Cost Estimation Bias in Pioneer Projects ; 10.7907/336bx-96046
Jones, William Thomas (1984) Impossible
Choices ; 10.7907/7n3dk-sfc33
Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (1984) Linearity
of the Optimal Income Tax: A Generalization ; 10.7907/a6jm0-kaz10
Salant, Stephen W. (1984) Litigation
of Settlement Demands Questioned by Bayesian Defendants ; 10.7907/bgkb4-ykf40
Novshek, William (1984) On
the Existence of Cournot Equilibrium ; 10.7907/fwc3g-bf816
Banks, Jeffrey S. (1984) Price-Conveyed
Information vs. Observed Insider Behavior: A Note on Rational
Expectations Convergence ; 10.7907/swecv-syw29
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald (1984) Profitable
Speculation and Linear Excess Demand ; 10.7907/sq49a-56c51
Terasawa, Katsuaki; Quirk, James P.; et al. (1984) Turbulence,
Cost Escalation, and Capital Intensity Bias in Defense Contracting ;
Kousser, J. Morgan (1984) Voters,
Absent and Present: A Review Essay ; 10.7907/e9rps-t4827
Schofield, Norman (1984) Classification
Theorem for Smooth Social Choice ; 10.7907/4xz6g-t8k54
Strnad, Jeff (1984) Full
Nash Implementation of Neutral Social Functions ; 10.7907/g0bq8-ewe77
Page, Talbot (1984) On
the Meaning of the Preponderance Test in Judicial Regulation of Chemical
Hazard ; 10.7907/d0gcb-rkv58
Schofield, Norman (1984) Bargaining
Theory for Games with Transferable Value ; 10.7907/8t24j-yfh12
Bouissou, M. B.; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; et al. (1984) Disequilibrium
Econometrics on Micro Data ; 10.7907/cd2x3-nqd97
Krehbiel, Keith (1984) Obstruction,
Germaneness and Representativeness in Legislatures ; 10.7907/1hts8-yr249
Rivers, Douglas and Rose, Nancy L. (1984) Passing
the President’s Program: Public Opinion and Presidential Influence in
Congress ; 10.7907/pqn5t-wf122
Page, Talbot (1983) A
Groves-Like Mechanism in Risk Assessment ; 10.7907/h567m-6v306
McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1983) Elections
with Limited Information: A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using
Contemporaneous Poll and Endorsement Data as Information Sources ; 10.7907/a7hd5-zy507
Rivers, Douglas (1983) Heterogeneity
in Models of Electoral Choice ; 10.7907/0pd8p-9va06
Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) Practical
Implications of Game Theoretic Models of R and D ; 10.7907/pmnaq-p1m95
Bates, Robert H. (1983) Some
Conventional Orthodoxies in the Study of Agrarian Change ; 10.7907/kb68w-n7b37
Hoffman, Philip T. (1983) Economic
Theory and Sharecropping in Early Modern France ; 10.7907/d8p0s-tkx41
Hoffman, Philip T. (1983) Social
History and Taxes: the Case of Early Modern France ; 10.7907/h71ej-w4525
Kramer, Gerald H. and Snyder, James M., Jr. (1983) Fairness,
Self-Interest, and the Politics of the Progressive Income Tax ; 10.7907/q4svm-57n48
Vuong, Quang H. (1983) Misspecification
and Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation ; 10.7907/30jn1-p6y19
Novshek, William (1983) Perfectly
Competitive Markets as the Limits of Cournot Market ; 10.7907/x72tc-2kp86
Novshek, William and Sonnenschein, Hugo F. (1983) General
Equilibrium with Free Entry: A Synthetic Approach to the Theory of
Perfect Competition ; 10.7907/6njbm-ra082
Bouissou, M. B.; Laffont, Jean-Jacques; et al. (1983) Tests
of Non-Causality Under Markov Assumptions for Qualitative Panel
Data ; 10.7907/yv1q9-68e09
Cain, Bruce E. (1983) Assessing
the Partisan Effects of Redistricting ; 10.7907/233hz-8nq06
Laver, Michael and Schofield, Norman (1983) Bargaining
Theory and Portfolio Payoffs in European Coalition Governments
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Cain, Bruce E. and Kiewiet, D. Roderick (1983) Ethnicity
and Electoral Choice: Mexican-American Voting Behavior in the California
30th Congressional District ; 10.7907/qcwxe-tfn79
Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) Research
and Development with a Generalized Hazard Function ; 10.7907/7bgcj-2x476
Noll, Roger G. (1983) The
Political Foundations of Regulatory Policy ; 10.7907/fx4eh-xvs68
Poole, Keith T. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) A
Spatial Model for Legislative Roll Call Analysis ; 10.7907/bf60d-20s91
Schofield, Norman (1983) Classification
of Voting Games on Manifolds ; 10.7907/qs0qe-d3y23
Schofield, Norman (1983) Coalitions
in West European Democracies ; 10.7907/dz2ed-x3k55
Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1983) Estimation
of a Nested Logit Model for Appliance Holdings ; 10.7907/rm4sm-she48
Schofield, Norman (1983) Existence
of Equilibrium on a Manifold ; 10.7907/srtga-hs106
Schofield, Norman (1983) Social
Equilibrium and Cycles on Compact Sets ; 10.7907/frg2f-bdn68
Schofield, Norman (1983) The
Geometry of Voting ; 10.7907/1qdcd-h9911
Cohen, Linda R. and Noll, Roger G. (1983) The
Political Economy of Government Programs to Promote New Technology ;
Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1983) A
Two-Stage Model of Research and Development with Endogenous Second-Mover
Advantages ; 10.7907/9z0b8-t5531
Wilde, Louis L. and Schwartz, Alan (1983) Imperfect
Information in Markets for Contract Terms: The Examples of Warranties
and Security Interests ; 10.7907/wzyph-p9047
Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Consumer
Behavior and Belated Information: The Case of Uncertain Tastes ; 10.7907/yxf5d-m7342
Reinganum, Jennifer F. and Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Income
Tax Compliance in a Principal-Agent Framework ; 10.7907/jvh01-bpm41
Kousser, J. Morgan (1983) Suffrage ;
Cain, Bruce E.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1983) The
Images of Incumbents in Great Britain and the United States ; 10.7907/ms8wf-ag622
Poole, Keith T. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) The
Polarization of American Politics ; 10.7907/0t0rg-21g10
Dubin, Jeffrey A. and McFadden, Daniel L. (1983) A
Heating and Cooling Load Model for Single-Family Detached Dwellings in
Energy Survey Data ; 10.7907/qzhzj-29c87
Wilde, Louis L. (1983) Consumer
Behavior Under Imperfect Information: A Review of Psychological and
Marketing Research as It Relates to Economic Theory ; 10.7907/fak79-sqa94
Kramer, Gerald H. (1983) Electoral
Politics in the Zero-Sum Society ; 10.7907/9qm16-3vf77
Plott, Charles R. (1983) Externalities
and Corrective Policies in Experimental Markets ; Economic Journal;
Vol. 93; No. 369; 106-127; 10.2307/2232168
Page, Talbot (1983) Policy
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Dubin, Jeffrey A. (1983) Simulation
of the Demand for Electricity Under Alternate Rate Structures ; 10.7907/byx98-49g61
Fort, Rodney D. and Quirk, James P. (1983) Asymmetric
Arbitage and Normal Backwardation ; 10.7907/9bke9-k6462
Eswaran, Mukesh and Lewis, Tracy R. (1983) Collusive
behaviour in finite repeated games with bonding ; 10.7907/7hyx2-q9y37
Bogle, Gib and Page, Talbot (1983) Priority
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Graetz, Michael J. (1983) The
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“Flat-Rate” Tax ; 10.7907/sfgdt-dn559
Bates, Robert H. (1983) The
preservation of order in stateless societies: A reinterpretation of
Evans-Pritchard’s ‘The Nuer’ ; ISBN 9780521271011; Essays on the
Political Economy of Rural Africa; Cambridge University Press:
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Harris, Robert J. and Page, Talbot (1983) A
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Ottenwaelter, B. and Vuong, Quang H. (1983) An
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Adjustments: An Application of Recursive Systems of Log-Linear
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Border, Kim C. (1983) On
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Palfrey, Thomas R. and Rosenthal, Howard (1983) Participation
and the Provision of Discrete Public Goods: A Strategic Analysis ; 10.7907/2vnat-k7q66
McCubbins, Mathew D. (1983) Policy
Components of Arms Competitions ; 10.7907/6jajy-s3f46
Plott, Charles R. and Snyder, Shyam (1983) Rational
Expectations and the Aggregation of Diverse Information in Laboratory
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McCubbins, Mathew D. and Page, Talbot (1983) A
Theory of the Choice of Regulatory Form ; 10.7907/js7fk-w7j58
Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1983) Intertemporal
Speculation with a Random Demand in an Experimental Market ; ISBN
9780387122779; Aspiration levels in bargaining and economic decision
making; Springer-Verlag: Berlin; 201-216
Hoffman, Elizabeth and Plott, Charles R. (1983) Pre-Meeting
Discussions and the Possibility of Coalition-Breaking Procedures in
Majority Rule Committees ; Public Choice; Vol. 40; No. 1; 21-39
Balbien, Joel and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) A
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Sadanand, Venkatraman (1982) A
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Dominant Player: The Case of Cournot versus Stackelberg ; 10.7907/d1qbv-6ky07
Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) Consumer
Markets for Warranties ; 10.7907/9xmj9-wbm11
Green, Edward J. and Porter, Robert H. (1982) Noncooperative
Collusion Under Imperfect Price Information ; 10.7907/7nsw7-ab254
Border, Kim C. (1982) The
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Plott, Charles R. (1982) A
Comparative Analysis of Direct Democracy, Two Candidate Elections, and
Three Candidate Elections in an Experimental Environment ; 10.7907/24z4w-ay095
Bates, Robert H. (1982) Patterns
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Kousser, J. Morgan (1982) The
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Ladha, Krishna; Romer, Thomas; et al. (1982) If
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Cain, Bruce E. and Jones, William Thomas (1982) Implementing
Representation: A Framework and Two Applications ; 10.7907/6s1c5-vec81
Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1982) Intertemporal
Speculation with a Random Demand in an Experimental Market ; 10.7907/4cyr5-v1s44
Harris, Richard and Lewis, Tracy R. (1982) Strategic
Commitment Under Uncertainty with Private Information ; 10.7907/pw4zy-yn604
Cowens, James and Lewis, Tracy (1982) The
Great Fish War: A Cooperative Solution ; 10.7907/w5ytk-xpr09
Bates, Robert H. (1982) The
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Green, Edward J. (1982) Decentralization
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Noll, Roger G. (1982) Government
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Vuong, Quang H. (1982) Probability
Feedback in a Recursive System of Probability Models ; 10.7907/eaqn2-ews33
Hahn, Robert W. and Noll, Roger G. (1982) Tradable
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Plott, Charles R. and Rogerson, William P. (1979) Committee
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Grether, David M. and Plott, Charles R. (1979) Economic
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Nelson, Forrest D. (1979) The
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Rogerson, William P. (1979) Speculative
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Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Quirk, James P. (1979) Demand
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Page, Talbot; Balbien, Joel; et al. (1979) Diet
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McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1979) Experiments
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Isaac, R. Mark (1979) Petroleum
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Plott, Charles R. (1979) The
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Fiorina, Morris P. (1978) Short
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Kousser, J. Morgan (1978) Making
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Fiorina, Morris P. (1978) Legislative
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Miller, Gary J. (1978) Home-Owners,
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Ledyard, John O. (1978) The
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Fiorina, Morris P. and Plott, Charles R. (1978) Committee
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Lewis, Tracy R. (1978) Markets
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Al-Adhadh, Naim H. (1978) The
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Plott, Charles R. and Levine, Michael E (1978) A
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Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1978) Appropriative
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Miller, Gary J. (1978) Institutionalized
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Kousser, J. Morgan (1978) Separate
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Koppes, Clayton R. (1978) The
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Klein, Burton H. (1978) A
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Plott, Charles R. and Smith, Vernon L. (1978) An
Experimental Examination of Two Exchange Institutions ; Review of
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Cohen, Linda; Levine, Michael E.; et al. (1978) Communication
and Agenda Influence: The Chocolate Pizza Design ; ISBN
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Isaac, R. Mark and Plott, Charles R. (1978) Cooperative
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Majority Rule Committees: Theory and Experiment ; ISBN 9780814761564;
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Cohen, Linda (1977) Cyclic
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Miller, Ross M.; Plott, Charles R.; et al. (1977) Intertemporal
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Ferejohn, John A. and Fishburn, Peter C. (1977) Representations
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Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1977) The
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Fiorina, Morris P. and Noll, Roger G. (1977) Voters,
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Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1977) Water
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Levine, Michael E. and Plott, Charles R. (1977) Agenda
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Miller, Gary J. (1977) Is
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Burness, H. Stuart (1977) Price
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Cohen, Linda R.; Noll, Roger G.; et al. (1977) Responses
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Burness, H. Stuart and Lewis, Tracy R. (1977) Democratic
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Ferejohn, John A.; Forsythe, Robert; et al. (1977) Implementing
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Ledyard, John O. (1977) Incentive
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Miller, Gary J. (1976) Bureaucratic
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McKay, Derek J. (1976) Has
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Burness, H. Stuart; Lewis, Tracy R.; et al. (1976) Monopoly
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Ferejohn, John A. and Noll, Roger G. (1976) Uncertainty
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Plott, Charles R. (1976) Axiomatic
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Noll, Roger G. (1976) Empirical
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Koppes, Clayton R. (1976) Liberalism
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Ferejohn, John A. and Grether, David M. (1976) Some
New Impossibility Theorems ; 10.7907/rms89-zsc92
Hinich, Melvin J. (1976) Equilibrium
in Spatial Voting: The Median Voter Result is an Artifact ; 10.7907/tsypq-pp136
Wilde, Louis L. (1976) Market
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Forsythe, Robert (1976) Price
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Hinich, Melvin J. (1976) Some
Evidence on Non-Voting Models in the Spatial Theory of Electoral
Competition ; 10.7907/8wxg0-n1b56
Grether, David M. (1976) A
Note on Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction ; 10.7907/pcwkp-f1j10
Lewis, Tracy R. (1976) Energy
vs. the Environment ; 10.7907/p1dwn-g7982
Kousser, J. Morgan (1976) The
Agenda for “Social Science History” ; 10.7907/5da6m-1ec18
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1976) Rate
of Return Regulations and Factor Bias in Innovations ; 10.7907/6fc85-55k87
Cornell, Nina W.; Noll, Roger G.; et al. (1976) Safety
Regulation ; 10.7907/p7hkh-9mr75
Weisberg, Herbert F. (1976) The
Inherent Predictability of Legislative Votes: The Perils of Successful
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Lewis, Tracy R. (1976) Attitudes
Towards Risk and the Optimal Exploitation of an Exhaustible
Resource ; 10.7907/6pdh1-q1j82
Levine, Michael E. (1976) Financial
Implications of Regulatory Change in the Airline Industry ; 10.7907/ysy13-2mn25
Black, Gregory D. and Koppes, Clayton R. (1976) What
to Show the World: The Office of War Information and Hollywood,
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Noll, Roger G. (1976) Breaking
Out of the Regulatory Dilemma: Alternatives to the Sterile Choice ;
Forsythe, Robert (1976) Necessary
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Binger, Brian R. and Hoffman, Elizabeth (1976) Population
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Plott, Charles R. (1976) Transcript
of a Five-Member Committee Experiment ; 10.7907/ezztk-1nb98
Weisberg, Herbert F. and Fiorina, Morris P. (1976) Candidate
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Kousser, J. Morgan (1975) The
“New Political History”: A Methodological Critique ; 10.7907/v416h-0xq11
Lewis, Tracy R. (1975) Optimal
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Noll, Roger G. (1975) Information,
Decision-Making Procedures and Energy Policy ; 10.7907/h49xr-74r83
Noll, Roger G. (1975) The
Dilemma of Consumer Advocacy ; 10.7907/xt4m8-68523
Lewis, Tracy R. (1975) A
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Klein, Burton H. (1975) Limits
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Kevles, Daniel J. (1975) The
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Kevles, Daniel J. (1975) The
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Fiorina, Morris P. (1975) Axiomatic
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Plott, Charles R.; Little, James T.; et al. (1975) Individual
Choice when Objects have “Ordinal” Properties ; Review of Economic
Studies; Vol. 42; No. 3; 403-413; 10.2307/2296853
Hoffman, Elizabeth (1975) The
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Montgomery, W. David (1975) Competitive
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Smith, Vernon L. (1975) Economics
of Wilderness Resources ; 10.7907/fpje6-je058
Noll, Roger G. (1975) Government
Policy and Technological Innovation: Where Do We Stand and Where Should
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Levine, Michael E. and Plott, Charles R. (1975) On
Using the Agenda to Influence Group Decisions: Theory, Experiments, and
an Application ; 10.7907/3bj8y-gw844
Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1975) The
Ownership and Valuation of Professional Sports Franchises ; 10.7907/cxm41-9h940
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Regulation and Freight Traffic Allocation - A Review and Revision ;
Ferejohn, John A. (1975) Sophisticated
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Montgomery, W. David (1975) Stability
of Pure Trade Equilibrium with Externalities ; 10.7907/a1x6z-esn54
Smith, Vernon L. (1975) Experimental
Economics: Theory and Results ; 10.7907/pqe4d-jf046
Klein, Burton H. (1975) The
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A Dynamic Approach ; 10.7907/886k5-3zz53
Plott, Charles R. and Meyer, Robert A. (1975) The
Technology of Public Goods, Externalities, and the Exclusion
Principle ; ISBN 9780870142673; Economic Analysis of Environmental
Problems; National Bureau of Economic Research: New York; 65-94
Smith, Vernon L. (1974) Bidding
and Auctioning Institutions: Experimental Results ; 10.7907/qcdrj-53644
Kousser, J. Morgan (1974) Consequences
of Disfranchisement: Race and Class Discrimination in North Carolina,
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El-Hodiri, Mohamed M. and Quirk, James P. (1974) On
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Klein, Burton H. (1974) A
Dynamic Theory of Competition ; 10.7907/rn56m-c0294
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Noll, Roger G. (1974) Comments
Regarding Limitations on Programming Available Broadcast on Pay-TV
Channels ; 10.7907/3456q-65192
Davis, Lance E. and Groth, Susan G. (1974) Institutional
Structure and Technological Change ; 10.7907/ymqve-n8b66
Collins, Wayne D.; Ferejohn, John A.; et al. (1974) Patent
Policy, Technological Innovation, and Government Contracts: A Selective
Critique ; 10.7907/pamma-5fd76
Montgomery, W. David and Noll, Roger G. (1974) Public
Policy and Innovation: Two Cases ; 10.7907/eqg9t-fs320
Quirk, James P. (1974) Stadium
Capacities and Attendance in Professional Sports ; 10.7907/p1c15-q3h88
Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1974) Tax
Writeoffs and the Value of Sports Teams ; 10.7907/gv8zc-aje36
Noll, Roger G. (1974) The
Consequences of Public Utility Regulation of Hospitals ; 10.7907/m67kv-7j109
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1974) The
Market for Innovations. Factor Bias and Innovation: A Microeconomic
Approach ; 10.7907/gqcq5-s3632
Plott, Charles R. (1974) A
Review of Decision Theoretic Literature with Implications Regarding
Governmental Research and Development Policies ; 10.7907/g2m80-7v364
Grether, David M. (1974) Correlations
with ordinal data ; Journal of Econometrics; Vol. 2; No. 3; 241-246;
Ferejohn, John A. and Grether, David M. (1974) On
a class of rational social decision procedures ; Journal of Economic
Theory; Vol. 8; No. 4; 471-482; 10.1016/0022-0531(74)90022-2
Smith, Vernon L. (1974) Recycling
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Montgomery, W. David (1974) Separability,
Externalities, and Competitive Equilibrium ; 10.7907/3eq24-cjn50
Montgomery, W. David (1974) Separable
Externalities in Cost and Production Functions ; 10.7907/b8ash-f2q28
Ferejohn, John A. (1974) Sour
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Ferejohn, John A. and Fiorina, Morris P. (1974) The
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Grether, David M. and Mieszkowski, Peter (1974) Determinants
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Plott, Charles R. (1974) On
Game Solutions and Revealed Preference Theory ; 10.7907/bmxc6-e7576
Bates, Robert H. (1974) Rural
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Bates, Robert H. (1974) Ethnic
Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa ; Comparative
Political Studies; Vol. 6; No. 4; 457-484; 10.1177/001041407400600403
Fiorina, Morris P. (1974) A
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Fiorina, Morris P. (1974) Foundations
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Quirk, James P. and El-Hodiri, Mohamed M. (1974) The
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Bates, Robert H. (1973) The
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Quirk, James P. and Habibagahi, Hamid (1973) Hicksian
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Quirk, James P. (1973) A
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Grether, David M. and Maddala, G. S. (1973) Errors
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Smith, Vernon L. (1973) Notes
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Quirk, James (1973) An
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Krier, James E. and Montgomery, W. David (1973) Resource
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Montgomery, W. David (1972) Markets
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Bates, Robert H. (1972) Ethnic
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Plott, Charles R. (1972) Ethics,
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Plott, Charles R. (1971) Rationality
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Quirk, James P. (1969) The
competitive equilibrium: A qualitative analysis ; ISBN 9783540046387;
Economic Models, Estimation and Risk Programming: Essays in Honor of
Gerhard Tintner; Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg; 58-85; 10.1007/978-3-642-46198-9_4