Whitepapers from CaltechAUTHORS
- Plavchan, Peter; Vasisht, Gautam; et al. (2020) EarthFinder
Probe Mission Concept Study: Characterizing nearby stellar exoplanet
systems with Earth-mass analogs for future direct imaging; 10.48550/arXiv.2006.13428
- Chary, Ranga Ram; Brammer, Gabriel; et al. (2019) Joint
Survey Processing of LSST, Euclid and WFIRST: Enabling a broad array of
astrophysics and cosmology through pixel level combinations of
datasets; 10.48550/arXiv.1910.01259
- Lund, Michael B.; Jacklin, Savannah R.; et al. (2019) Astro2020
APC White Paper: Enabling Terminal Master’s Degrees as a Step Towards a
Ph.D; 10.48550/arXiv.1909.02103
- Wang, Yun; Dickinson, Mark; et al. (2019) ATLAS
Probe: Breakthrough Science of Galaxy Evolution, Cosmology, Milky Way,
and the Solar System; 10.48550/arXiv.1909.00070
- Mawet, Dimitri; Beichman, Charles; et al. (2019) High-resolution
Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with the Keck and
Thirty Meter Telescopes; 10.48550/arXiv.1908.03623
- Jovanovic, Nemanja; Beichman, Charles; et al. (2019) Enabling
the next generation of scientific discoveries by embracing photonic
technologies; 10.48550/arXiv.1907.07742
- Sadavoy, Sarah I.; Armus, Lee; et al. (2019) The
Life Cycle of Dust; 10.48550/arXiv.1904.10994
- Bolatto, Alberto D.; Armus, Lee; et al. (2019) Cold
Gas Outflows, Feedback, and the Shaping of Galaxies; 10.48550/arXiv.1904.02120
- Doré, Olivier; Hirata, C.; et al. (2019) WFIRST:
The Essential Cosmology Space Observatory for the Coming Decade; 10.48550/arXiv.1904.01174
- Christiansen, Jessie; Barclay, Thomas; et al. (2019) Understanding
Exoplanet Atmospheres with UV Observations I: NUV and Blue/Optical;
- Ferraro, Simone; Doré, Olivier; et al. (2019) Inflation
and Dark Energy from spectroscopy at z > 2; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.09208
- Christiansen, Jessie; Beichman, Charles A.; et al. (2019) Mapping
out the time-evolution of exoplanet processes; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.09110
- Gaudi, B. Scott; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2019) ‘Auxiliary’
Science with the WFIRST Microlensing Survey: Measurement of the Compact
Object Mass Function over Ten Orders of Magnitude; Detection of ~10⁵
Transiting Planets; Astroseismology of ~10⁶ Bulge Giants; Detection of
~5x10³ Trans-Neptunian Objects; and Parallaxes and Proper Motions of
~6x10⁶ Bulge and Disk Stars; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08986
- Walter, Fabian; Carilli, Chris; et al. (2019) The
evolution of the cosmic molecular gas density; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08659
- Bhattacharya, Aparna; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2019) Masses
and Distances of Planetary Microlens Systems with High Angular
Resolution Imaging; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08185
- Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Adams, Scott; et al. (2019) The
Dynamic Infrared Sky; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08128
- Yee, Jennifer C.; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2019) The
Scientific Context of WFIRST Microlensing in the 2020s; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08219
- Bennett, David P.; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2019) Wide-Orbit
Exoplanet Demographics; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.08187
- Zellem, Robert T.; Biferno, Anya; et al. (2019) Engaging
Citizen Scientists to Keep Transit Times Fresh and Ensure the Efficient
Use of Transiting Exoplanet Characterization Missions; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.07716
- Fabbiano, G.; Elvis, M.; et al. (2019) Increasing
the Discovery Space in Astrophysics - A Collation of Six Submitted White
- Appleton, Philip N.; Armus, Lee; et al. (2019) Warm
H₂ as a probe of massive accretion and feedback through shocks and
turbulence across cosmic time; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.06653
- Dickinson, Mark; Wang, Yun; et al. (2019) Observing
Galaxy Evolution in the Context of Large-Scale Structure; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.07409
- Bowler, Brendan; Sallum, Steph; et al. (2019) The
Demographics and Atmospheres of Giant Planets with the ELTs; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.06299
- Casey, Caitlin M.; Capak, Peter; et al. (2019) Taking
Census of Massive, Star-Forming Galaxies formed <1 Gyr After the Big
Bang; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05634
- Ciardi, David R.; Bean, Jacob; et al. (2019) Astro2020
Science White Paper: Toward Finding Earth 2.0: Masses and Orbits of
Small Planets with Extreme Radial Velocity Precision; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05665
- Wang, Yun; Doré, Olivier; et al. (2019) Illuminating
the dark universe with a very high density galaxy redshift survey over a
wide area; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.06034
- Thilker, David; Lee, Janice; et al. (2019) The
Nature of Low-Density Star Formation; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05745
- Zemcov, Michael; Bock, James; et al. (2019) Opportunities
for Astrophysical Science from the Inner and Outer Solar System; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05729
- Pisani, Alice; Doré, Olivier; et al. (2019) Cosmic
voids: a novel probe to shed light on our Universe; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05161
- Ridgway, Stephen; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2019) Precision
Analysis of Evolved Stars; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05109
- Hu, Renyu; Beichman, Charles A.; et al. (2019) The
Super-Earth Opportunity - Search for Habitable Exoplanets in the
2020s; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05258
- Pope, Alexandra; Armus, Lee; et al. (2019) Simultaneous
Measurements of Star Formation and Supermassive Black Hole Growth in
Galaxies; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.05110
- Shen, Yue; Graham, Matthew; et al. (2019) Mapping
the Inner Structure of Quasars with Time-Domain Spectroscopy; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.04533
- Johnson, Marshall C.; Zhou, George; et al. (2019) Tracing
the Origins and Evolution of Small Planets using Their Orbital
Obliquities; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.04482
- Foley, Ryan J.; Andreoni, I.; et al. (2019) Gravity
and Light: Combining Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Observations
in the 2020s; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.04553
- Cooray, Asantha; Appleton, Phil; et al. (2019) Cosmic
Dawn and Reionization: Astrophysics in the Final Frontier; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.03629
- Bailey, Vanessa P.; Armus, Lee; et al. (2019) Key
Technologies for the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph
Instrument; 10.48550/arXiv.1901.04050
- Laine, Seppo; Martínez-Delgado, David; et al. (2018) LSST
Cadence Optimization White Paper in Support of Observations of
Unresolved Tidal Stellar Streams in Galaxies beyond the Local Group;
- Foley, R. J.; Koekemoer, A. M.; et al. (2018) LSST
Observing Strategy White Paper: LSST Observations of WFIRST Deep
Fields; 10.48550/arXiv.1812.00514
- Pontoppidan, Klaus M.; Bergin, Edwin A.; et al. (2018) The
need for a far-infrared cold space telescope to understand the chemistry
of planet formation; 10.48550/arXiv.1804.00743
- Yee, Jennifer C.; Anderson, Jay; et al. (2018) White
Paper: Exoplanetary Microlensing from the Ground in the 2020s; 10.48550/arXiv.1803.07921
- Beichman, Charles A.; Ciardi, David; et al. (2018) A
White Paper Submitted to The National Academy of Science’s Committee on
Exoplanet Science Strategy: Observing Exoplanets with the James Webb
Space Telescope; 10.48550/arXiv.1803.03730