Sections from CaltechAUTHORS
- Alibay, Farah; Sindiy, Oleg V.; et al. (2023) SPHEREx
Preliminary Mission Overview; ISBN 978-1-6654-9032-0; 2023 IEEE
Aerospace Conference; IEEE: Piscataway, NJ; 1-18; 10.1109/aero55745.2023.10115793
- Ehlmann, Bethany L.; Klima, Rachel L.; et al. (2022) NASA’s
Lunar Trailblazer Mission: A Pioneering Small Satellite for Lunar Water
and Lunar Geology; ISBN 978-1-6654-3760-8; 2022 IEEE Aerospace
Conference (AERO); IEEE: Piscataway, NJ; 1-14; 10.1109/aero53065.2022.9843663
- Lawson, Kellen; Currie, Thayne; et al. (2021) High-contrast
integral field spectropolarimetry of planet-forming disks with
SCExAO/CHARIS; 10.1117/12.2594819
- Mennesson, B.; Bailey, V. P.; et al. (2021) The
Roman space telescope coronagraph technology demonstration: current
status and relevance to future missions; ISBN 9781510644847;
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 1182310; 10.1117/12.2603343
- Girard, Julien H.; Bogat, Ell; et al. (2020) The
Roman exoplanet Imaging data challenge: a major community engagement
effort; ISBN 9781510636736; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation
2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 1144337; 10.1117/12.2561736
- Crill, Brendan P.; Werner, Michael; et al. (2020) SPHEREx:
NASA’s near-infrared spectrophotometric all-sky survey; ISBN
9781510636736; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 114430I; 10.1117/12.2567224
- Gibson, Steven R.; Howard, Andrew W.; et al. (2020) Keck
Planet Finder: design updates; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and
Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 1144742; 10.1117/12.2561783
- Scire, Elena; Rebull, Luisa; et al. (2020) The
growing legacy of a Great Observatory: Spitzer publications; ISBN
9781510636859; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems VIII; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 114491N; 10.1117/12.2562801
- Teplitz, Harry I.; Rusholme, Benjamin; et al. (2020) Euclid’s
US Science Data Center: lessons learned from building a small part of a
big system; ISBN 9781510636859; Observatory Operations: Strategies,
Processes, and Systems VIII; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 114491P; 10.1117/12.2560108
- Jovanovic, N.; Cvetojevic, N.; et al. (2020) Status
and future developments of integrated photonic spectrographs for
astronomy and Earth and planetary sciences; ISBN 9781510633377;
Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VII; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 112870K; 10.1117/12.2546959
- Chary, Ranga-Ram (2020) Euclid,
Vera Rubin Observatory, WFIRST Joint Survey Processing: The Whole is
Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts; ISBN 9781583819418; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 47-56
- Mazzarella, Joseph M. (2020) Science
Discovery With Diverse Multi-Wavelength Datasets Fused in the NASA/IPAC
Extragalactic Database (NED); ISBN 9781583819418; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXIX; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 3-12
- Faisst, A.; Béthermin, M.; et al. (2019) Panchromatic
Study of the First Galaxies with Large ALMA Programs; ISBN
9781108471473; Challenges in Panchromatic Modelling with Next Generation
Facilities; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge; 12-16; 10.1017/S1743921319001881
- Grillmair, Carl J. (2019) FOSSILs
in the Galactic Halo; 10.1017/s1743921318007111
- Leisawitz, D.; Armus, L.; et al. (2019) The
Origins Space Telescope; ISBN 9781510629233; UV/Optical/IR Space
Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts IX;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 111150Q; 10.1117/12.2530514
- Jurić, Mario; Bellm, Eric C.; et al. (2019) The
ZTF Alert Stream: Lessons from the First Six Months of Operating an LSST
Precursor; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 485-488
- Wu, Xiuqin; Roby, W.; et al. (2019) Next
Generation Firefly for Web Application; ISBN 978-1-58381-929-6;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 32-35
- Rebull, L.; Desai, V.; et al. (2019) NASA’s
Long-Term Astrophysics Data Archives; ISBN 978-1-58381-929-6;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 36-45; 10.48550/arXiv.1709.09566
- Allen, Alice; Berriman, G. Bruce; et al. (2019) Astrophysics
Source Code Library: Here We Grow Again!; ISBN 978-1-58381-929-6;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 643-646
- Berriman, G. B.; Good, J. C.; et al. (2019) Expanding
the Breadth of Use of the Montage Image Mosaic Engine; ISBN
978-1-58381-929-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 201-204
- Da Silva, R.; Radovich, M.; et al. (2019) Euclid
Near-infrared Imaging Reduction Pipeline: Astrometric Calibration,
Resampling and Stacking; ISBN 978-1-58381-929-6; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXVI; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 311-314
- Good, John and Berriman, G. Bruce (2019) Image
Processing in Python with Montage; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 685-688
- Brown, M. K.; Mader, J. A.; et al. (2019) Streamlining
Pipeline Workflows: Using Python with an Object-Oriented Approach to
Consolidate Aggregate Pipeline Processes; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 163-166
- Berriman, G. B.; Ciardi, D.; et al. (2019) Breathing
New Life into an Old Pipeline: Precision Radial Velocity Spectra of TESS
Exoplanet Candidates; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 257-260
- Joliet, Emmanuel and Wu, Xiuqin (2019) Visualization
in IRSA Services using Firefly; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 681-684
- Chu, Selina; Wagstaff, Kiri L.; et al. (2019) Automatic
Detection of Microlensing Events in the Galactic Bulge using Machine
Learning Techniques; ISBN 978-1-58381-933-3; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 127-130
- Teuben, Peter; Allen, Alice; et al. (2019) Implementing
Ideas for Improving Software Citation and Credit; ISBN
978-1-58381-929-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 737-740
- Landry, Walter and Monkewitz, Serge (2019) Instantaneous
Archives; ISBN 978-1-58381-929-6; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XXVI; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 20-23
- Kelley, Michael S. P.; Bodewits, Dennis; et al. (2018) ZChecker:
Finding Cometary Outbursts with the Zwicky Transient Facility; ISBN
978-1-58381-933-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
XXVIII; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Laher, Russ R.; Masci, Frank J.; et al. (2018) Processing
Images from the Zwicky Transient Facility; ISBN 9780648399605;
Robotic Telescope, Student Research and Education Proceedings; 329-336;
- Rebull, L. M. (2018) Authentic
Research in the Classroom for Teachers and Students; ISBN
978-0-6483996-0-5; Robotic Telescope, Student Research and Education
Proceedings; 21-31; 10.32374/rtsre.2017.002
- Rebull, L. M.; Fitzgerald, M.; et al. (2018) The
NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program (NITARP); ISBN
978-0-6483996-0-5; Robotic Telescope, Student Research and Education
Proceedings; 171-187; 10.32374/rtsre.2017.016
- Content, Robert; Wang, Yun; et al. (2018) ATLAS
probe for the study of galaxy evolution with 300,000,000 galaxy
spectra; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation
2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106980I; 10.1117/12.2313082
- Ruane, G.; Jovanovic, N.; et al. (2018) Review
of high-contrast imaging systems for current and future ground- and
space-based telescopes I: coronagraph design methods and optical
performance metrics; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 106982S; 10.1117/12.2312948
- Bailey, Vanessa P.; Choquet, Élodie; et al. (2018) Lessons
for WFIRST CGI from ground-based high-contrast systems; ISBN
9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106986P; 10.1117/12.2313820
- Bradford, C. Matt; Cameron, Bruce; et al. (2018) Origins
Survey Spectrometer (OSS): a far-IR discovery machine for the Origins
Space Telescope; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 1069818; 10.1117/12.2314049
- Staguhn, Johannes; Amatucci, Edward; et al. (2018) Origins
Space Telescope: the far infrared imager and polarimeter FIP; ISBN
9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106981A; 10.1117/12.2312626
- Glenn, Jason; Bradford, C. Matt; et al. (2018) Galaxy
Evolution Probe: a concept for a mid and far-infrared space
observatory; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 106980L; 10.1117/12.2314076
- Ertel, S.; Beichman, C.; et al. (2018) The
HOSTS survey for exo-zodiacal dust: preliminary results and future
prospects; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation
2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106981V; 10.1117/12.2313685
- Meixner, Margaret; Armus, Lee; et al. (2018) Overview
of the Origins Space telescope: science drivers to observatory
requirements; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 106980N; 10.1117/12.2312255
- Ingalls, James G.; Krick, Jessica E.; et al. (2018) Spitzer/IRAC
precision photometry: a machine learning approach; ISBN
9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106985E; 10.1117/12.2313640
- Leisawitz, D.; Armus, L.; et al. (2018) The
Origins Space Telescope: mission concept overview; 10.1117/12.2313823
- Snik, Frans; Jovanovic, Nemanja; et al. (2018) Review
of high-contrast imaging systems for current and future ground-based and
space-based telescopes III: technology opportunities and pathways;
ISBN 9781510619654; Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for
Telescopes and Instrumentation III; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 107062L; 10.1117/12.2313957
- Bendek, Eduardo A.; Tuthill, Peter; et al. (2018) Precision
astrometry mission for exoplanet detection around binary stars; ISBN
9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106980G; 10.1117/12.2313919
- Jovanovic, Nemanja; Ruane, Garreth; et al. (2018) Review
of high-contrast imaging systems for current and future ground-based and
space-based telescopes: Part II. Common path wavefront sensing/control
and coherent differential imaging; ISBN 9781510619593; Adaptive
Optics Systems VI; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 107031U; 10.1117/12.2314260
- Lowrance, Patrick J.; Krick, Jessica E.; et al. (2018) Calibration
trending in the Spitzer beyond era; ISBN 9781510619616; Observatory
Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VII; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Aert.
No. 1070427; 10.1117/12.2313953
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J.; Kahr, Bolinda E.; et al. (2018) Lessons
learned in extended-extended Spitzer Space Telescope operations;
ISBN 9781510619616; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems VII; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 107041D; 10.1117/12.2314116
- Scire, Elena (2018) 14
years of Spitzer publications: data use and reuse; ISBN
9781510619616; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems VII; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 1070417; 10.1117/12.2312912
- Monnier, John D. and Ciardi, David (2018) Planet
formation imager: project update; ISBN 9781510619555; Optical and
Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 1070118; 10.1117/12.2312683
- Hodapp, K. W.; Kerr, T.; et al. (2018) UKIRT
under new management: status and plans; ISBN 9781510619531;
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 107002Z; 10.1117/12.2311923
- Korngut, Phillip M.; Bock, James J.; et al. (2018) SPHEREx:
an all-sky NIR spectral survey; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes
and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 106981U; 10.1117/12.2312860
- Grillmair, Carl J.; Lowrance, Patrick J.; et al. (2018) Correcting
distortions in the infrared array camera during the cryogenic mission of
the Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes
and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 106985D; 10.1117/12.2313706
- Krick, Jessica; Ingalls, James; et al. (2018) Using
the Spitzer IRAC science archive for instrument trending; ISBN
9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 106985Y; 10.1117/12.2310185
- Berriman, Graham B. and Good, John C. (2018) Sustaining
the Montage image mosaic engine since 2002; ISBN 9781510619678;
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 1070707; 10.1117/12.2307514
- Lowrance, Patrick J.; Ingalls, James G.; et al. (2018) Spitzer
Space Telescope: Innovations and Optimizations in the Extended Mission
Era; ISBN 978-1-62410-562-3; 2018 SpaceOps Conference; American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Reston, VA; Art.
No. 2018-2350; 10.2514/6.2018-2350
- Van Dyk, Schuyler D. (2017) Supernova
Progenitors Observed with HST; ISBN 978-3-319-20794-0; Handbook of
Supernovae; Springer: Cham, Switzerland; 693-719; 10.1007/978-3-319-20794-0_126-1
- Ruane, Garreth; Mawet, Dimitri; et al. (2017) Performance
and sensitivity of vortex coronagraphs on segmented space
telescopes; ISBN 9781510612570; Techniques and Instrumentation for
Detection of Exoplanets VIII; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 104000J; 10.1117/12.2274508
- Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín; Capak, Peter; et al. (2016) High-Redshift
Protoclusters Traced by Submillimeter Galaxies: Tracing Star Formation
Activity out to z > 4; ISBN 978-1-107-13520-8; From Interstellar
Clouds to Star-Forming Galaxies: Universal Processes?; Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge; 1-2; 10.1017/S1743921316008164
- Kantor, Jeffrey; Long, Kevin; et al. (2016) Agile
software development in an earned value world: a survival guide;
ISBN 978-1-5106-0201-4; Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project
Management for Astronomy VII; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 99110N; 10.1117/12.2233380
- Danchi, W.; Bailey, V.; et al. (2016) Enabling
the direct detection of earth-sized exoplanets with the LBTI HOSTS
project: a progress report; ISBN 9781510601932; Optical and Infrared
Interferometry and Imaging V; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 990713; 10.1117/12.2233397
- Moore, Anna M.; Kasliwal, Mansi M.; et al. (2016) Unveiling
the dynamic infrared sky with Gattini-IR; ISBN 978-1-5106-0191-8;
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VI; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 99062C; 10.1117/12.2233694
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Cohen, Richard W.; et al. (2016) A
case study in adaptable and reusable infrastructure at the Keck
Observatory Archive: VO interfaces, moving targets, and more; ISBN
9781510602052; Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 99130I; 10.1117/12.2231719
- Kraus, Stefan; Ciardi, David; et al. (2016) Planet
Formation Imager (PFI): science vision and key requirements; ISBN
9781510601932; Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 99071K; 10.1117/12.2231067
- Defrère, D.; Hinz, P.; et al. (2016) Simultaneous
Water Vapor and Dry Air Optical Path Length Measurements and
Compensation with the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer; ISBN
978-1-5106-0193-2; Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 99071G; 10.1117/12.2233884
- Mennesson, Bertrand; Defrère, Denis; et al. (2016) Making
high accuracy null depth measurements for the LBTI Exozodi survey;
ISBN 978-1-5106-0193-2; Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging
V; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Piscataway, NJ; Art. No. 99070X; 10.1117/12.2231839
- Rigopoulou, D.; Caldwell, M.; et al. (2016) The
Far Infrared Spectroscopic Explorer (FIRSPEX): probing the lifecycle of
the ISM in the universe; ISBN 9781510601871; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 99042K; 10.1117/12.2233593
- Meixner, M.; Cooray, A.; et al. (2016) The
Far-Infrared Surveyor Mission study: paper I, the genesis; ISBN
9781510601871; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 99040K; 10.1117/12.2240456
- Roby, W.; Wu, X.; et al. (2016) Firefly:
Embracing Future Web Technologies; ISBN 978-1-5106-0205-2; Software
and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 99130Y; 10.1117/12.2233042
- Wright, Shelley A.; Moore, M.; et al. (2016) The
InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: latest science cases and
simulations; ISBN 978-1-5106-0198-7; Adaptive Optics Systems V;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 990905; 10.1117/12.2233182
- McGlynn, Thomas; Fabbiano, Giuseppina; et al. (2016) Providing
comprehensive and consistent access to astronomical observatory archive
data: the NASA archive model; ISBN 978-1-5106-0199-4; Observatory
Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VI; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 99100A; 10.1117/12.2231438
- Tran, H. D.; Cohen, R.; et al. (2016) Data
reduction pipelines for the Keck Observatory Archive; ISBN
978-1-5106-0199-4; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems VI; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 99102E; 10.1117/12.2230963
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa; Dodd, Suzanne R.; et al. (2016) Ongoing
evolution of proposal reviews in the Spitzer warm mission; ISBN
978-1-5106-0199-4; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems VI; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 991012; 10.1117/12.2231788
- Laine, Seppo; Grillmair, Carl J.; et al. (2016) Imaging
of NGC 5907’s stellar stream; ISBN 9781107138193; The General
Assembly of Galaxy Halos: Structure, Origin and Evolution; Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge; 324-325; 10.1017/S1743921315006663
- Wu, Xiuqin; Ciardi, David; et al. (2016) IPAC
Firefly Development Roadmap; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 455-463
- Allen, Alice; Berriman, G. Bruce; et al. (2016) Improving
Software Citation and Credit; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 675-678; 10.48550/arXiv.1512.07919
- Cody, Ann Marie; Stauffer, John R.; et al. (2016) Multiwavelength
Variability Surveys: Reaping the Stellar Harvest; ISBN
978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 13-21
- Arviset, Christophe; Allen, Mark; et al. (2016) The
VO: A Powerful Tool for Global Astronomy; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 65-68; 10.48550/arXiv.1803.07490
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Good, J. C.; et al. (2016) The
Next Generation of the Montage Image Mosaic Toolkit; ISBN
978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 81-84; 10.48550/arXiv.1608.02649
- Allen, Alice; Berriman, G. Bruce; et al. (2016) Astrophysics
Source Code Library, version 3.1; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 517-520
- Mader, J. A.; Tran, H. D.; et al. (2016) The
Design and Development of the NIRSPEC Data Reduction Pipeline for the
Keck Observatory Archive; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 399-402
- Jurić, Mario; Dubois-Felsmann, Gregory; et al. (2016) The
LSST Data Management System; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 279-288; 10.48550/arXiv.1512.07914
- Grillmair, Carl J. and Carlin, Jeffrey L. (2016) Stellar
Streams and Clouds in the Galactic Halo; ISBN 978-3-319-19335-9;
Tidal Streams in the Local Group and Beyond; Springer: Cham,
Switzerland; 87-112; 10.1007/978-3-319-19336-6_4
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. (2016) Observatory
Archives in the Era of Big Data: Perspectives from the Spitzer
Mission; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical Data Analysis Software
and Systems XXV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Lee, C. D.; Yu, P. C.; et al. (2016) Searching
for Be Stars in the Open Cluster NGC663; ISBN 978-1-58381-896-1;
Bright Emissaries: Be Stars as Messengers of Star-disk Physics;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 271-274
- Carey, Sean J. (2016) Final
Calibration and Processing of Warm IRAC Data; ISBN
978-1-58381-908-1; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 347-350
- McGlynn, Thomas; Smale, Alan; et al. (2016) NAVO:
NASA Data in the Virtual Observatory; ISBN 978-1-58381-908-1;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 565-568
- Murphy, Eric J. (2015) The
VLA Sky Survey; 10.22323/1.267.0006
- Baran, N.; Smolčić, V.; et al. (2015) Star-forming
galaxies versus low- and high-excitation radio AGN in the VLA-COSMOS
3GHz Large Project; 10.22323/1.267.0055
- Defrère, D.; Hinz, P.; et al. (2015) Exoplanet
science with the LBTI: instrument status and plans; ISBN
978-1-62841-771-5; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets VII; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 96051G; 10.1117/12.2188692
- Annuar, Adlyka; Gandhi, Poshak; et al. (2015) Constraining
the Population of Compton-Thick AGN and N_H Distribution in the Local
Universe; ISBN 978-1-4799-1939-0; International Conference on Space
Science and Communication (IconSpace), 2015; IEEE: Piscataway, NJ;
329-331; 10.1109/IconSpace.2015.7283747
- Richards, J. L.; Lister, M. L.; et al. (2015) The
Parsec-scale Structure, Kinematics, and Polarization of Radio-Loud
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies; ISBN 9781107078741; Extragalactic
jets from every angle; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge; 139-142;
- Surace, Jason; Laher, Russ; et al. (2015) The
Palomar Transient Factory: High Quality Realtime Data Processing in a
Cost-Constrained Environment; ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 197-206; 10.48550/arXiv.1501.06007
- Teplitz, H. I.; Desai, V.; et al. (2015) IRSA’s
New Look: Design Considerations; ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 445-448
- Berriman, G. B.; Holt, J. M.; et al. (2015) Data
and Metadata Management at the Keck Observatory Archive; ISBN
9781583818749; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 535-538; 10.48550/arXiv.1408.5187
- de Jong, Jeroen; Gueguen, Alain; et al. (2015) Spectral
Cube Visualisation and Explorer Tool from the Herschel Interactive
Processing Environment (HIPE); ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 129-132
- Chary, R.-R. and Shim, H. (2015) [CII]
Emission from Low Redshift Analogs of Epoch of Reionization
Galaxies; ISBN 978-1-58381-883-1; Revolution in Astronomy with Alma:
the Third Year; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Ogle, Patrick M.; Mazzarella, Joe; et al. (2015) Rule-based
Cross-matching of Very Large Catalogs; ISBN 9781583818749;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 25-35; 10.48550/arXiv.1503.01184
- Gelino, Christopher R.; Berriman, G. B.; et al. (2015) Design
and Implementation of Data Reduction Pipelines for the Keck Observatory
Archive; ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and
Systems XXIV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Hanisch, Robert J.; Allen, Alice; et al. (2015) Astrophysics
Source Code Library Enhancements; ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 453-456; 10.48550/arXiv.1411.2031
- Fulton, Trevor; Naylor, David; et al. (2015) The
Herschel/SPIRE Spectrometer Phase Correction Data Processing Tasks;
ISBN 9781583818749; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
XXIV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Polehampton, Edward; Hopwood, Rosalind; et al. (2015) The
Herschel/SPIRE Spectrometer Useful Scripts; ISBN 9781583818749;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 339-342
- Beswick, R. J.; Brinks, E.; et al. (2014) SKA
studies of nearby galaxies: star-formation, accretion processes and
molecular gas across all environments; 10.48550/arXiv.1412.5810
- Jarvis, Matt J.; Seymour, Nick; et al. (2014) The
star-formation history of the Universe with the SKA; 10.48550/arXiv.1412.5753
- Murphy, Eric J.; Sargent, Mark T.; et al. (2014) The
Astrophysics of Star Formation Across Cosmic Time at ≳10 GHz with the
Square Kilometre Array; 10.48550/arXiv.1412.5677
- Grillmair, Carl J. (2014) Nearby
Halo Streams; ISBN 978-3-319-10614-4; Lessons from the Local Group:
A Conference in honour of David Block and Bruce Elmegreen; Springer:
Cham; 365-377; 10.1007/978-3-319-10614-4_30
- Lowrance, Patrick J.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2014) Enhancement
of the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) distortion correction for
parallax measurements; ISBN 9780819496119; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 914358; 10.1117/12.2057195
- Grillmair, Carl J.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2014) Improving
our understanding of the Spitzer Space Telescope’s pointing drifts;
ISBN 978-0-8194-9611-9; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014:
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 914359; 10.1117/12.2057238
- Bottom, Michael; Muirhead, Philip S.; et al. (2014) Design,
motivation, and on-sky tests of an efficient fiber coupling unit for
1-meter class telescopes; ISBN 9780819496157; Ground-based and
Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 91472E; 10.1117/12.2055605
- Lowrance, Patrick J.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2014) Enhancement
of the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera Distortion Correction for Parallax
Measurements; ISBN 978-0-8194-9611-9; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 914358; 10.1117/12.2057195
- Ingalls, James G.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2014) Using
drift scans to improve astrometry with Spitzer; ISBN
978-0-8194-9611-9; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 91431M; 10.1117/12.2056755
- Wright, Shelley A.; Larkin, James E.; et al. (2014) The
infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: overview of innovative
science programs; ISBN 978-0-8194-9615-7; Ground-based and Airborne
Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, Washington; Art.
No. 91479S; 10.1117/12.2055599
- Osterman, Steve N.; Ycas, Gabriel G.; et al. (2014) Near
field modal noise reduction using annealed optical fiber; ISBN
978-0-8194-9615-7; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for
Astronomy V; SPIE: Bellingham, Washington; 10.1117/12.2058416
- Defrère, D.; Hinz, P.; et al. (2014) Co-phasing
the Large Binocular Telescope: status and performance of
LBTI/PHASECam; ISBN 978-0-8194-9614-0; Optical and Infrared
Interferometry IV; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 914609; 10.1117/12.2057178
- Danchi, W.; Bailey, V.; et al. (2014) The
LBTI hunt for observable signatures of terrestrial systems (HOSTS)
survey: a key NASA science program on the road to exoplanet imaging
missions; ISBN 9780819496140; Optical and Infrared Interferometry
IV; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 914607; 10.1117/12.2056681
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Gelino, Christopher R.; et al. (2014) The
Design and Operation of The Keck Observatory Archive; ISBN
978-0-8194-9620-1; Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 91520A; 10.1117/12.2054772
- McAlpine, Kim; Prandoni, Isabella; et al. (2014) The
SKA view of the Interplay between SF and AGN Activity and its role in
Galaxy Evolution; 10.22323/1.215.0083
- Strong, A. W.; Dickinson, C.; et al. (2014) Synchrotron
emission from molecular clouds; 10.22323/1.221.0036
- Fischer, Debra A.; Howard, Andrew W.; et al. (2014) Exoplanet
Detection Techniques; ISBN 9780816531240; Protostars and Planets VI;
University of Arizona Press: Tucson, AZ; 715-738; 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816531240-ch031
- Tibbs, C. T.; Paladini, R.; et al. (2013) Using
Spinning Dust Emission To Constrain The Evolution Of Dust Grains In Cold
Clumps; 10.22323/1.207.0064
- Steinacker, Juügen; Andersen, Morten; et al. (2013) Tracing
micron-sized grains in molecular clouds with coreshine; 10.22323/1.207.0115
- Plavchan, Peter P.; Anglada-Escudé, G.; et al. (2013) Precision
near-infrared radial velocity instrumentation I: absorption gas
cells; ISBN 978-0-8194-9714-7; Techniques and Instrumentation for
Detection of Exoplanets VI; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 88641J; 10.1117/12.2023690
- Plavchan, Peter P.; Bottom, M.; et al. (2013) Precision
near-infrared radial velocity instrumentation II: noncircular core fiber
scrambler; ISBN 9780819497147; Techniques and Instrumentation for
Detection of Exoplanets VI; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 88640G; 10.1117/12.2023696
- Zhai, C.; Vasisht, G.; et al. (2013) Estimate
low- and high-order wavefront using P1640 calibrator measurements;
ISBN 9780819497147; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets VI; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 88640L; 10.1117/12.2024754
- Cady, Eric; Baranec, Christoph; et al. (2013) Electric
field conjugation with the project 1640 coronagraph; ISBN
9780819497147; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets VI; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 88640K; 10.1117/12.2024635
- Min, Wei; Laher, R.; et al. (2013) Palomar
Transient Factory Data Archive; ISBN 978-3-642-37133-2; Databases in
Networked Information Systems; Springer: Berlin; 67-70; 10.1007/978-3-642-37134-9_5
- Teplitz, H. I.; Groom, S.; et al. (2013) Enhancing
Science Return During the Rapid Expansion of IRSA; ISBN
978-1-58381-834-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXII;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 131-134
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Brinkworth, Carolyn; et al. (2013) A
Tale Of 160 Scientists, Three Applications, a Workshop, and a Cloud;
ISBN 978-1-58381-834-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
XXII; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 99-102; 10.48550/arXiv.1211.4055
- Lu, Nanyao; Xu, C. K.; et al. (2013) A
Herschel Spectroscopic Survey of Warm Molecular Gas in Local Luminous
Infrared Galaxies; ISBN 978-1-58381-838-1; Galaxy Mergers in an
Evolving Universe; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 31-35
- Shim, Hyunjin; Chary, Ranga-Ram; et al. (2013) The
Unusual and Ubiquitous Population of Hα Emitters at z ∼ 4: Where are all
the Mergers?; ISBN 9781583818381; Galaxy Mergers In An Evolving
Universe; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Hunt, Joseph C., Jr.; Sarrel, Marc A.; et al. (2012) Spitzer
Mission Operation System Planning for IRAC Warm-Instrument
Characterization (IWIC); ISBN 978-1-62410-164-9; SpaceOps 2010
Conference; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Reston,
VA; Art. No. 2010-2200; 10.2514/6.2010-2200
- Grillmair, Carl J. (2012) A
Matched Filter Analysis of SDSS DR8 Photometry in the Vicinity of the
Cetus Polar Stream; ISBN 978-1-58381-798-8; Galactic Archaeology:
Near-Field Cosmology and the Formation of the Milky Way; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 219-220
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Hanisch, Robert J.; et al. (2012) The
role in the Virtual Astronomical Observatory in the era of massive data
sets; 10.1117/12.926440
- Shupe, David L.; Laher, Russ R.; et al. (2012) More
Flexibility in Representing Geometric Distortion in Astronomical
Images; ISBN 978-0-8194-9152-7; Software and Cyberinfrastructure for
Astronomy II; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84511M; 10.1117/12.925460
- Hora, Joseph L.; Marengo, Massimo; et al. (2012) The
IRAC point response function in the warm Spitzer mission; ISBN
9780819491435; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 844239; 10.1117/12.926894
- Carey, S.; Ingalls, J.; et al. (2012) Absolute
photometric calibration of IRAC: lessons learned using nine years of
flight data; ISBN 978-0-8194-9143-5; Space telescopes and
instrumentation 2012: optical, infrared, and millimeter wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84421Z; 10.1117/12.927183
- Krick, Jessica E.; Glaccum, William J.; et al. (2012) A
Spitzer IRAC Measure of the Zodiacal Light; ISBN 978-0-8194-9143-5;
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2012: optical, infared, and
millimeter wave; International Society for Optical Engineering:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84421X; 10.1117/12.926664
- Beichman, Charles A.; Rieke, Marcia; et al. (2012) Science
opportunities with the near-IR camera (NIRCam) on the James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST); ISBN 9780819491435; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84422N; 10.1117/12.925447
- Lowrance, Patrick J.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2012) Modifications
to the warm Spitzer data reduction pipeline; ISBN 978-0-8194-9143-5;
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2012: optical, infrared, and
millimeter wave; International Society for Optical Engineering:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 844238; 10.1117/12.926944
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. and Dodd, Suzanne R. (2012) Spitzer
Warm Mission: Maximizing the Science Return in the Extended Mission
Phase; ISBN 978-0-8194-9149-7; Observatory Operations: Strategies,
Processes, and Systems IV; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84481E; 10.1117/12.925249
- Grillmair, Carl J.; Carey, Sean J.; et al. (2012) Pointing
effects and their consequences for Spitzer IRAC exoplanet
observations; ISBN 9780819491497; Observatory Operations:
Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84481I; 10.1117/12.927191
- Crane, Megan; Brinkworth, Carolyn; et al. (2012) MABEL
at IPAC: managing address books and email lists at the Infrared
Processing and Analysis Center; 10.1117/12.926468
- Zhai, C.; Vasisht, G.; et al. (2012) A
first order wavefront estimation algorithm for P1640 calibrator;
ISBN 9780819491480; Adaptive Optics Systems III; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84476W; 10.1117/12.927015
- Graham, Matthew J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; et al. (2012) Connecting
the time domain community with the Virtual Astronomical Observatory;
ISBN 9780819491497; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems IV; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84480P; 10.1117/12.926577
- Oppenheimer, Ben R.; Beichman, Charles; et al. (2012) Project
1640: the world’s first ExAO coronagraphic hyperspectral imager for
comparative planetary science; ISBN 978-0-8194-9148-0; Adaptive
Optics Systems III; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 844720; 10.1117/12.926419
- Mahoney, William A.; Effertz, Mark J.; et al. (2012) Spitzer
operations: scheduling the out years; ISBN 9780819491497;
Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Society
of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84481Z; 10.1117/12.926584
- McGlynn, Thomas A.; Hanisch, Robert J.; et al. (2012) Running
a distributed virtual observatory: U.S. Virtual Astronomical Observatory
operations; ISBN 978-0-8194-9149-7; Observatory Operations:
Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84480E; 10.1117/12.926083
- Mennesson, Bertrand; Millan-Gabet, Rafael; et al. (2012) Keck
Interferometer Nuller science highlights; ISBN 9780819491466;
Optical and Infrared Interferometry III; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 844507; 10.1117/12.926548
- Ragland, S.; Akeson, R.; et al. (2012) Recent
progress at the Keck Interferometer; ISBN 978-0-8194-9146-6; Optical
and Infrared Interferometry III; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84450C; 10.1117/12.925462
- Woillez, J.; Wizinowich, P.; et al. (2012) First
faint dual-field phase-referenced observations on the Keck
interferometer; ISBN 978-0-8194-9146-6; Optical and Infrared
Interferometry III; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84450E; 10.1117/12.926404
- Beichman, Charles A.; Rieke, Marcia; et al. (2012) Science
opportunities with the near-IR camera (NIRCam) on the James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST); ISBN 978-0-8194-9143-5; Space telescopes and
instrumentation 2012: optical, infrared, and millimeter wave;
International Society for Optical Engineering: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84422N; 10.1117/12.925447
- Ingalls, James G.; Krick, Jessica E.; et al. (2012) Intra-pixel
gain variations and high-precision photometry with the Infrared Array
Camera (IRAC); ISBN 978-0-8194-9143-5; Space telescopes and
instrumentation 2012: optical, infrared, and millimeter wave;
International Society for Optical Engineering: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84421Y; 10.1117/12.926947
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Hanisch, Robert J.; et al. (2012) The
organization and management of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory;
ISBN 9780819491503; Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project
Management for Astronomy V; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 84490H; 10.1117/12.926605
- Monnier, John D.; Baron, F.; et al. (2012) Tracking
faint fringes with the CHARA-Michigan Phasetracker (CHAMP); ISBN
978-0-8194-9146-6; Optical and Infrared Interferometry III; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 84451I; 10.1117/12.926399
- Teplitz, Harry I.; Groom, Steven; et al. (2012) Long
Term Preservation of Data Analysis Software at the NASA/IPAC Infrared
Science Archive; ISBN 978-1-58381-804-6; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XXI; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 605-614
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. (2012) Spitzer
Space Telescope: Unprecedented Efficiency and Excellent Science on a
Limited Budget; ISBN 978-1-58381-804-6; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XXI; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 125-134
- Rebull, L. M.; Gorjian, V.; et al. (2012) Authentic
Astronomy Research Experiences for Teachers: The NASA/IPAC Teacher
Archive Research Program (NITARP); ISBN 978-1-58381-796-4;
Connecting People to Science: A National Conference on Science Education
and Public Outreach; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 329-333
- Berriman, Bruce; Deelman, Ewa; et al. (2012) High-Performance
Compute Infrastructure in Astronomy: 2020 Is Only Months Away; ISBN
978-1-58381-804-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 91-94
- Hoffman, Douglas; Cutri, Roc; et al. (2012) Variability
with WISE; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain
Astronomy; Cambridge University Press: New York; 334-336; 10.1017/S174392131200097X
- Tsai, Chao-Wei; Einsenhardt, Peter R. M.; et al. (2011) WISE
Discovery of Hyper Luminous Galaxies at z = 2-4 and Their Implications
for Galaxy and AGN Evolution; ISBN 978-1-58381-838-1; Galaxy Mergers
in an Evolving Universe; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 247-250; 10.48550/arXiv.1311.0120
- Mao, Yalan; Andersen, Torben B.; et al. (2011) NIRCam
coronagraphic Lyot stop: design, fabrication, and testing; ISBN
9780819487605; Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments XIII; Society
of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 81500E; 10.1117/12.896451
- Barry, Richard; Kruk, Jeffery; et al. (2011) The
exoplanet microlensing survey by the proposed WFIRST Observatory;
ISBN 978-0-81948-761-2; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets V; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers:
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 81510L; 10.1117/12.898574
- Vöckler, Jens-S.; Juve, Gideon; et al. (2011) Experiences
using cloud computing for a scientific workflow application; ISBN
978-1-4503-0699-7; Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on
Scientific cloud computing; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM):
New York, NY; 15-24; 10.1145/1996109.1996114
- Colbert, James W.; Scarlata, Claudia; et al. (2011) Spitzer
Infrared Properties of Lyman α Emitters; ISBN 978-1-58381-772-8;
Galaxy Evolution: Infrared to Millimeter Wavelength Perspective;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 369-375
- Teplitz, H. I.; Capak, P.; et al. (2011) Science
Validation of the Spitzer Source List; ISBN 978-1-58381-764-3;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX; Astronomical Society
of the Pacific; 363-366
- Belle, Kunegunda E.; Hoard, D. W.; et al. (2010) Dust
in Intermediate Polars: Light Curves from the Spitzer Space
Telescope; ISBN 978-0-7354-0869-2; International Conference on
Binaries: In Celebration of Ron Webbink’s 65th Birthday; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 204-205; 10.1063/1.3536367
- Cooray, Asantha; Bock, Jamie; et al. (2010) Cosmic
Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER): A Probe of Extragalactic
Background Light from Reionization; ISBN 978-0-7354-0849-4; The
first stars and galaxies: challenges for the next decade; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 166-172; 10.1063/1.3518846
- Berriman, G. Bruce and Deelman, Ewa (2010) The
Role of Provenance Management in Accelerating the Rate of Astronomical
Research; 10.22323/1.099.0027
- Dowell, C. Darren; Levenson, Louis; et al. (2010) Status
of the SPIRE photometer data processing pipelines during the early
phases of the Herschel Mission; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space
Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter
Wave; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773136; 10.1117/12.858035
- Fulton, Trevor R.; Baluteau, Jean-Paul; et al. (2010) The
data processing pipelines for the Herschel/SPIRE imaging Fourier
transform spectrometer; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 773134; 10.1117/12.858282
- Bradford, C. M.; Bock, James; et al. (2010) The
background-limited infrared-submillimeter spectrograph (BLISS) for
SPICA: a design study; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77310S; 10.1117/12.857779
- Scowen, Paul A.; Jansen, Rolf H.; et al. (2010) Design
and implementation of the NUV/optical widefield Star Formation Camera
for the Theia Observatory; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes
and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77314Y; 10.1117/12.857475
- Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Lafrenière, David; et al. (2010) Planetary
system and star formation science with non-redundant masking on
JWST; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation
2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77313W; 10.1117/12.858161
- Naylor, David A.; Baluteau, Jean-Paul; et al. (2010) In-orbit
performance of the Herschel/SPIRE imaging Fourier transform
spectrometer; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 773116; 10.1117/12.856299
- Carey, S. J.; Surace, J. A.; et al. (2010) Calibration
and data quality of warm IRAC; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space
telescopes and instrumentation 2010 : optical, infrared, and millimeter
wave; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77310N; 10.1117/12.857788
- Guillard, P.; Rodet, T.; et al. (2010) Optical
performance of the JWST/MIRI flight model: characterization of the point
spread function at high resolution; 10.1117/12.853591
- Irace, William; Cutri, Roc; et al. (2010) Managing
the development of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission;
ISBN 978-0-81948-228-0; Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project
Management for Astronomy IV; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77380O; 10.1117/12.859774
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. and Dodd, Suzanne R. (2010) Downsizing
a Great Observatory: Reinventing Spitzer in the Warm Mission; ISBN
978-0-81948-227-3; Observatory operations : strategies, processes, and
systems III; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77370L; 10.1117/12.857827
- Mahoney, William A.; Garcia, Lisa J.; et al. (2010) Spitzer
Warm Mission Transition and Operations; ISBN 978-0-81948-227-3;
Observatory operations : strategies, processes, and systems III; Society
of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77371W; 10.1117/12.857814
- Wu, Xiuqin; Roby, Trey; et al. (2010) Spitzer
Heritage Archive; ISBN 978-0-81948-227-3; Observatory operations :
strategies, processes, and systems III; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773716; 10.1117/12.857728
- Absil, O.; Mennesson, B.; et al. (2010) The
Fomalhaut debris disk seen from every angle with interferometry;
ISBN 9780819482242; Optical and Infrared Interferometry II; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. no.
773417; 10.1117/12.858260
- Eisner, J. A.; Akeson, R.; et al. (2010) Science
with the Keck Interferometer ASTRA program; ISBN 978-0-8194-8224-2;
Optical and Infrared Interferometry II; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773411; 10.1117/12.856418
- Woillez, J.; Akeson, R.; et al. (2010) ASTRA:
astrometry and phase-referencing astronomy on the Keck
interferometer; ISBN 978-0-8194-8224-2; Optical and Infrared
Interferometry II; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773412; 10.1117/12.857740
- Berger, J.-P.; Millan-Gabet, R.; et al. (2010) PIONIER:
a visitor instrument for VLTI; ISBN 9780819482242; Optical and
Infrared Interferometry II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773435; 10.1117/12.858647
- Pott, J.-U.; Akeson, R. L.; et al. (2010) First
Keck Interferometer measurements in self-phase referencing mode:
spatially resolving circum-stellar line emission of 48 Lib; ISBN
9780819482242; Optical and Infrared Interferometry II; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77340P; 10.1117/12.856922
- Colavita, M. M.; Serabyn, E.; et al. (2010) Keck
Interferometer nuller instrument performance; ISBN
978-0-8194-8224-2; Optical and Infrared Interferometry II; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77340T; 10.1117/12.857166
- Law, N. M.; Dekany, R. G.; et al. (2010) The
Palomar Transient Factory Survey Camera: 1st Year Performance; ISBN
9780819482259; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy
III; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA;
Art. No. 77353M; 10.1117/12.857400
- Law, N. M.; Dekany, R. G.; et al. (2010) The
Palomar Transient Factory Survey Camera: first year performance and
results; ISBN 9780819482259; Ground-based and Airborne
Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77353M; 10.1117/12.857400
- Shaw, Richard A.; Levine, Deborah; et al. (2010) Science
data quality assessment for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope;
ISBN 978-0-81948-230-3; Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy;
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77400H; 10.1117/12.857293
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Deelman, Ewa; et al. (2010) The
application of cloud computing to the creation of image mosaics and
management of their provenance; ISBN 978-0-81948-230-3; Software and
Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77401F; 10.1117/12.856486
- Scire, Elena; Chan, Ben Hiu Pan; et al. (2010) The
Spitzer Bibliography Database: Bibliographic Statistics; ISBN
978-0-81948-227-3; Observatory operations : strategies, processes, and
systems III; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 77371V; 10.1117/12.857735
- Ragland, S.; Akeson, R.; et al. (2010) Recent
progress at the Keck Interferometer; ISBN 9780819482242; Optical and
Infrared Interferometry II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 773402; 10.1117/12.857477
- Evans, D. A.; Ogle, P. M.; et al. (2010) Spatially
Resolved Chandra HETG Spectroscopy of the NLR Ionization Cone in NGC
1068; ISBN 978-0-7354-0795-4; International Conference on X-Ray
Astronomy-2009: Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future
Perspectives; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 425-428; 10.1063/1.3475282
- Slavin, J. D.; Frisch, P. C.; et al. (2010) Exclusion
of Tiny Interstellar Dust Grains From the Heliosphere; ISBN
978-0-7354-0759-6; 12th International Solar Wind Conference; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 497-501; 10.1063/1.3396301
- Kane, S. R.; Mahadevan, S.; et al. (2010) First
Results from the Transit Ephemeris Refinement and Monitoring Survey
(TERMS); ISBN 978-1-58381-740-7; Pathways Towards Habitable Planets;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 464-465
- Akeson, R.; Colavita, M.; et al. (2010) Recent
Science Highlights from the Keck Interferometer; ISBN
978-0-8194-8224-2; Optical and Infrared Interferometry II; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 77340C; 10.1117/12.856494
- von Braun, K. and Kane, S. R. (2010) Constraints
on Secondary Eclipse Probabilities of Long-Period Exoplanets from
Orbital Elements; ISBN 978-1-58381-740-7; Pathways towards habitable
planets; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Teplitz, Harry I.; Capak, Peter; et al. (2010) The
Spitzer Source List; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data
analysis software and systems XIX; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 437-440
- Grillmair, C. J.; Laher, R.; et al. (2010) An
Overview of the Palomar Transient Factory Pipeline and Archive at the
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3;
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 28-36
- Berriman, G. B.; Ciardi, D.; et al. (2010) The
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Archives: KOA and NStED; ISBN
978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIX;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 119-122
- Morris, Patrick; Van Dyk, Schuyler; et al. (2010) Three
Concurrent Phases of Massive-Star Evolution in a Pulsar-Wind Nebula;
ISBN 978-1-58381-730-8; Hot and Cool : Bridging Gaps in Massive-Star
Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Van Dyk, Schuyler D. (2010) Explosions
of LBV and Post-LBV Stars; ISBN 978-1-58381-730-8; Hot and Cool:
Bridging Gaps in Massive-Star Evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 73-78
- Woodcraft, Adam L.; Nguyen, Hien; et al. (2009) Physics
based calibration of the Herschel/SPIRE bolometers; ISBN
978-0-7354-0751-0; Low Temperature Detectors, LTD 13; American Institute
of Physics: Melville, NY; 95-98; 10.1063/1.3292458
- Juve, Gideon; Deelman, Ewa; et al. (2009) Scientific
workflow applications on Amazon EC2; ISBN 978-1-4244-5947-6; 5th
IEEE International Conference on E-Science Workshops; IEEE: Piscataway,
NJ; 59-66; 10.1109/ESCIW.2009.5408002
- Scoville, Nick (2009) Large
Scale Structure in Dark Matter and Galaxies; ISBN 978-0-7354-0703-9;
Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe;
American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 10-15; 10.1063/1.3232166
- Krist, John E.; Balasubramanian, Kunjithapatham; et al. (2009) JWST/NIRCam
coronagraph: mask design and fabrication; ISBN 9780819477309;
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IV; Society
of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 74400W; 10.1117/12.826448
- Krist, John E.; Balasubramanian, Kunjithapatham; et al. (2009) The
JWST/NIRCam coronagraph: mask design and fabrication; ISBN
9780819477309; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets IV; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 74400W; 10.1117/12.826448
- Beichman, Charles (2009) Collaboration
and Competition in Exoplanet Research; ISBN 978-0-7354-0695-7;
Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity; American Institute
of Physics: Melville, NY; 373-380; 10.1063/1.3215899
- Dasyra, Kalliopi M.; Peterson, Bradley M.; et al. (2009) On
the Relation Between Black Hole Mass and Velocity Dispersion in Type 1
and Type 2 AGN; ISBN 978-0-521-76502-2; Co-Evolution of Central
Black Holes and Galaxies; Cambridge University Press: New York, NY;
172-176; 10.1017/S1743921310006113
- Dunkley, J.; Dickinson, C.; et al. (2009) Prospects
for polarized foreground removal; ISBN 978-0-7354-0678-0; CMB
Polarization Workshop; Theory and Foregrounds, CMBPol Mission Concept;
American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 222-264; 10.1063/1.3160888
- Weiler, Kurt W.; Panagia, Nino; et al. (2009) Radio
Emission from Supernovae; ISBN 9780735406483; Probing Stellar
Populations Out to the Distant Universe; American Institute of Physics:
Melville, NY; 440-447; 10.1063/1.3141589
- Neill, James D.; Sullivan, Mark; et al. (2009) The
GALEX View of Supernova Hosts; ISBN 978-0-7354-0648-3; Probing
Stellar Populations Out to the Distant Universe: CEFALU 2008,
Proceedings of the International Conference; American Institute of
Physics: New York, NY; 528-531; 10.1063/1.3141604
- Elias-Rosa, N.; Van Dyk, S. D.; et al. (2009) The
Progenitors of Recent Core-Collapse Supernovae; ISBN
978-0-7354-0648-3; Probing Stellar Populations Out to the Distant
Universe: CEFALU 2008, Proceedings of the International Conference;
American Institute of Physics: New York, NY; 625-626; 10.1063/1.3141621
- Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Burgasser, Adam J.; et al. (2009) Proper
Motions and Tangential Velocities for a Large Sample of Late-type M, L
and T Dwarfs; ISBN 978-0-7354-0627-8; Cool stars, stellar systems
and the sun; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 517-520; 10.1063/1.3099162
- Hernán-Obispo, M.; Gálvez, M. C.; et al. (2009) BD+20
1790 b: Chronicle of an exoplanetary discovery; ISBN
978-0-7354-0627-8; Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 441-444; 10.1063/1.3099142
- Caramazza, M.; Flaccomio, E.; et al. (2009) X-ray
emission in the Outer Galaxy: the Star Forming Region NGC 1893; ISBN
978-0-7354-0627-8; Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 580-583; 10.1063/1.3099179
- Gelino, Dawn M.; Gelino, Christopher R.; et al. (2009) Stellar
or Non-Stellar Light? Determining Near-Infrared Contamination in Low
Mass X-ray Binaries; 10.1063/1.3099183
- Gelino, Christopher R.; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; et al. (2009) Dwarf
Archives: A Compendium of M, L, and T Dwarf Data; ISBN
978-0-7354-0627-8; Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun: Proceedings
of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the
Sun; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 924-927; 10.1063/1.3099269
- Plavchan, Peter; Gee, Alan H.; et al. (2009) The
Peculiar Periodic YSO WL 4 in ρ Ophiuchus; ISBN 978-0-7354-0627-8;
Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun: Proceedings of the 15th
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 325-328; 10.1063/1.3099111
- Berriman, G. B.; Ali, B.; et al. (2009) The
NASA/IPAC/NExScI Star And Exoplanet Database; ISBN
978-0-7354-0627-8; Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The Sun: 15th
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 421-424; 10.1063/1.3099137
- Wiegert, Paul and Vaubaillon, Jeremie (2009) The
Sporadic Meteoroid Complex and Spacecraft Risk; ISBN
978-0-7354-0619-3; Protection of Materials and Structures from Space
Environment: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference: Protection
of Materials and Structures From Space Environment, Toronto, 20–23 May
2008; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 567-571; 10.1063/1.3076871
- Lawson, P. R.; Akeson, R. L.; et al. (2009) Technology
for a Mid-IR Flagship Mission to Characterize Earth-like
- Hoard, D. W.; Kafka, S.; et al. (2009) What’s
Cool About Hot Stars? Cataclysmic Variables in the Mid-Infrared;
ISBN 978-1-58381-685-1; The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar
Astrophysics: A Tribute to Kam Ching Leung; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco; 234-240
- Alexov, Anastasia; Good, John C.; et al. (2009) A
Case Study in Modernizing Software: The IRAS Scan Processing and
Integration Tool (“Scanpi”); ISBN 978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 33-36
- Armus, L. (2009) Starbursts
and AGN in Luminous Infrared Galaxies; ISBN 978-1-58381-696-7; The
starburst-AGN connection; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 105-115
- Levine, Deborah; Wu, X.; et al. (2009) Design
of the Spitzer Space Telescope Heritage Archive; ISBN
978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
XVIII; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Berriman, G. B.; Good, J. C.; et al. (2009) A
Cost-Benefit Study of Doing Astrophysics On The Cloud: Production of
Image Mosaics; ISBN 978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XVIII; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 131-134
- Grillmair, Carl J. (2008) Finding
Stellar Streams in Photometric Surveys; ISBN 978-0-7354-0613-1;
Classification and discovery in large astronomical surveys; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 226-232; 10.1063/1.3059052
- Hoffa, Christina; Mehta, Gaurang; et al. (2008) On
the Use of Cloud Computing for Scientific Workflows; ISBN
978-1-4244-3380-3; IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience;
IEEE: Piscataway, NJ; 640-645; 10.1109/eScience.2008.167
- Deelman, Ewa; Singh, Gurmeet; et al. (2008) The
Cost of Doing Science on the Cloud: The Montage Example; ISBN
978-1-4244-2834-2; International Conference for High Performance
Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2008. SC 2008; IEEE:
Piscataway, NJ; 10.1109/SC.2008.5217932
- Ragland, S.; Akeson, R.; et al. (2008) Recent
progress at the Keck Interferometer: operations and V^2 science;
ISBN 9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70130B; 10.1117/12.788070
- Pedretti, Ettore; Traub, Wesley A.; et al. (2008) Last
technology and results from the IOTA interferometer; ISBN
9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70132V; 10.1117/12.789751
- Berger, David H.; Monnier, John D.; et al. (2008) CHARA
Michigan phase-tracker (CHAMP): a preliminary performance report;
ISBN 9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 701319; 10.1117/12.790168
- Lawson, P. R.; Lay, O. P.; et al. (2008) Terrestrial
Planet Finder Interferometer: 2007-2008 progress and plans; ISBN
9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70132N; 10.1117/12.786822
- Tannirkulam, A.; Monnier, J. D.; et al. (2008) The
gas-dust transition region in young stellar objects: a
sub-milli-arcsecond view through the eyes of CHARA; ISBN
9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70130U; 10.1117/12.788512
- Barry, R. K.; Danchi, W. C.; et al. (2008) First
science with the Keck Interferometer Nuller: high spatial resolution
N-band observations of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi; ISBN
9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70130Q; 10.1117/12.787085
- Ireland, Michael J.; Mérand, Antoine; et al. (2008) Sensitive
visible interferometry with PAVO; ISBN 9780819472236; Optical and
Infrared Interferometry; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 701324; 10.1117/12.788386
- Colavita, M. M.; Akeson, R. L.; et al. (2008) Keck
Interferometer nuller update; ISBN 9780819472236; Optical and
Infrared Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70130A; 10.1117/12.789476
- Akeson, Rachel L. (2008) Science
and technical progress at the Palomar Testbed Interferometer; ISBN
9780819472236; Optical and Infrared Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. no.
701307; 10.1117/12.787429
- Schulz, Bernhard; Bock, James J.; et al. (2008) Noise
performance of the Herschel-SPIRE bolometers during instrument ground
tests; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors
and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. no. 702022; 10.1117/12.790163
- Monnier, John D.; Zhao, M.; et al. (2008) Imaging
the surface of Altair and a MIRC update; ISBN 9780819472236; Optical
and Infrared Interferometry; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 701302; 10.1117/12.789754
- Dodd, Suzanne R.; Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa; et al. (2008) Spitzer’s
model for dealing with the end of the cryogenic mission; ISBN
978-0-8194-7226-7; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems II; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70160D; 10.1117/12.788131
- Mighell, Kenneth J.; Glaccum, William; et al. (2008) Improving
the photometric precision of IRAC Channel 1; ISBN 9780819472205;
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and
Millimeter; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70102W; 10.1117/12.789801
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J.; Silbermann, Nancy A.; et al. (2008) Proposal
review rankings: the influence of reviewer discussions on proposal
selection; ISBN 978-0-8194-7226-7; Observatory Operations:
Strategies, Processes, and Systems II; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 701622; 10.1117/12.787964
- Berriman, G. Bruce (2008) The
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) as a resource in supporting
observatory operations; ISBN 9780819472267; Observatory Operations:
Strategies, Processes, and Systems II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 701618; 10.1117/12.788635
- Griffin, Matt; Hristov, Victor; et al. (2008) The
Herschel-SPIRE photometer data processing pipeline; ISBN
9780819472205; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70102Q; 10.1117/12.788431
- Crane, Megan K.; Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J.; et al. (2008) MySQL/PHP
web database applications for IPAC proposal submission; ISBN
978-0-8194-7226-7; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems II; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 701626; 10.1117/12.788567
- Vasisht, G.; Swain, M. R.; et al. (2008) THESIS:
terrestrial and habitable zone infrared spectroscopy spacecraft;
ISBN 9780819472205; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70103U; 10.1117/12.787688
- Scowen, Paul A.; Jansen, Rolf; et al. (2008) The
Star Formation Observatory (SFO) mission to study cosmic origins near
and far; ISBN 9780819472205; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation
2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70103Z; 10.1117/12.788038
- Fulton, Trevor R.; Naylor, David A.; et al. (2008) The
data processing pipeline for the Herschel/SPIRE imaging Fourier
Transform Spectrometer; ISBN 9780819472205; Space Telescopes and
Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70102T; 10.1117/12.789850
- Crane, Megan K.; Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J.; et al. (2008) SPRITE:
the Spitzer proposal review website; ISBN 978-0-8194-7226-7;
Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems II; Society
of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 701625; 10.1117/12.788559
- Levine, Deborah A. (2008) Spitzer
Science operations: the good, the bad, and the ugly; ISBN
9780819472267; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and
Systems II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70160C; 10.1117/12.789871
- Legassie, Mark; Bennett, Lee; et al. (2008) Advanced
load-testing techniques for a science archive; ISBN 9780819472267;
Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems II; Society
of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 70161C; 10.1117/12.788045
- Comeau, Susan; Legassie, Mark; et al. (2008) The
Spitzer Science Center: using metrics analysis to improve system
stability; ISBN 9780819472267; Observatory Operations: Strategies,
Processes, and Systems II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. no. 701623; 10.1117/12.788065
- Carey, S.; Surace, J.; et al. (2008) Stability
of the Infrared Array Camera for the Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN
9780819472205; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 70102V; 10.1117/12.790030
- Bandyopadhyay, Reba M.; Eikenberry, Stephen S.; et al. (2008) The path
to buried treasure : paving the way to the FLAMINGOS-2 galactic center
survey with IR and X-ray observations; ISBN 978-0-7354-0530-1; A
population explosion: the nature & evolution of x-ray binaries in
diverse environments; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY;
159-161; 10.1063/1.2945026
- Wachter, Stefanie (2008) Spitzer
Space Telescope observations of low mass X-ray binaries; ISBN
978-0-7354-0530-1; A Population Explosion: The Nature & Evolution of
X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments; American Institute of Physics:
Melville, NY; 210-214; 10.1063/1.2945044
- Gelino, Dawn M.; Balman, Solen; et al. (2008) The
inclination angle and mass of the black hole in XTE J1118+480; ISBN
978-0-7354-0530-1; A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of
X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments, St. Pete Beach, FL, 28–2
November 2007; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 82-84; 10.1063/1.2945095
- Hoard, D. W.; Wachter, S.; et al. (2008) What’s
cool about hot stars? Infrared observations of cataclysmic variables
with the Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN 9780735405301; A POPULATION
EXPLOSION: The Nature & Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse
Environments; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 195-197; 10.1063/1.2945039
- Mikles, Valerie J.; Eikenberry, Stephen S.; et al. (2008) Discovery
and interpretation of an X-ray period in the galactic center source
CXOGC J174536.1-285638; ISBN 9780735405301; A population explosion:
the nature & evolution of x-ray binaries in diverse environments;
American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 127-131; 10.1063/1.2945019
- Heinke, Craig O.; Ruiter, Ashley J.; et al. (2008) Cataclysmic
variables in globular clusters, the galactic center, and local
space; ISBN 978-0-7354-1174-6; A population explosion: the nature
& evolution of x-ray binaries in diverse environments; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 136-142; 10.1063/1.2945021
- Scoville, Nick (2008) Spectroscopic
surveys of cosmic evolution; ISBN 9781402069345; Science with the
Atacama Large Millimeter Array: A New Era for Astrophysics; Springer
Netherlands: Dordrecht; 287-291; 10.1007/978-1-4020-6935-2_50
- Wilson, C. D.; Petitpas, G. R.; et al. (2008) Luminous
infrared galaxies with the submillimeter array: probing the extremes of
star formation; ISBN 978-1-4020-6934-5; Science with the Atacama
Large Millimeter Array: A New Era for Astrophysics; Springer: Dordrecht;
297-302; 10.1007/978-1-4020-6935-2_52
- Singh, Gurmeet; Su, Mei-Hui; et al. (2008) Workflow
task clustering for best effort systems with Pegasus; ISBN
978-1-59593-835-0; MG ’08 Proceedings of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras
conference; ACM: New Orleans, NY; Art. No. 9; 10.1145/1341811.1341822
- Cruz, Kelle (2008) Connecting
the Dots: Low-Mass Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and Planets; ISBN
9781583816561; New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 51-60
- Shupe, David L.; Lonsdale, Carol J.; et al. (2008) MIPS
Class Coaddition of SWIRE High-Redshift Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The 2nd Spitzer Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of
Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific; 235-238
- Scoville, Nick (2008) The
Cosmic Evolution Survey - COSMOS; ISBN 978-0-387-72768-4; Mapping
the Galaxy and nearby galaxies; Springer: New York; 269-276; 10.1007/978-0-387-72768-4_39
- Alexov, Anastasia and Good, John C. (2008) Spitzer
data at the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA); ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual Spitzer Science Center conference :
infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution : proceedings of a meeting held
in Pasadena, California, USA, 14-16 November 2005; Astronomical Society
of the Pacific; 513-516
- Pesenson, Meyer; Roby, William; et al. (2008) Image
Processing Application for Cognition (IPAC) - Traditional and Emerging
Topics in Image Processing in Astronomy; ISBN 978-1-58381-658-5;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 97-106
- Yan, L. (2008) Spitzer
Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Infrared Luminous Galaxies at z ~ 2;
ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center
Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 343-350
- Teplitz, H. I.; Desai, V.; et al. (2008) Ultradeep
Spectroscopy with the Spitzer IRS; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The
Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of
Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 357-362
- Lonsdale, Carol J.; Polletta, M.; et al. (2008) Distant
ULIRGs in the SWIRE Survey; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The second
annual Spitzer Science Center conference : infrared diagnostics of
galaxy evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco;
- Damjanov, I.; Fadda, D.; et al. (2008) Mapping
Global Star Formation in the Interacting Galaxy Pair Arp32; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual Spitzer Science Center conference :
infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco; 144-147
- Appleton, P. N.; Gil de Paz, A.; et al. (2008) Massive
star formation and dust in collisional ring galaxies: From GALEX to
Spitzer; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual Spitzer Science
Center conference : infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution :
proceedings of a meeting held in Pasadena, California, USA, 14-16
November 2005; Astronomical Society of the Pacific; 128-131
- Narron, Bob; Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio; et al. (2008) Spitzer
IRS Pipelines for General Users; ISBN 978-1-58381-658-5;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XVII;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 569-572
- Berriman, G. B.; Good, J. C.; et al. (2008) The
Montage Image Mosaic Service: Custom Image Mosaics On-Demand; ISBN 9
78-1-58381-658-5; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
(ADASS) XVII; Astronomical Society Of The Pacific: San Francisco;
- Sheth, Kartik; Spalsbury, Lori; et al. (2008) The
Redshift Evolution of Bulges and Disks of Spiral Galaxies in COSMOS;
ISBN 978-1-58381-650-9; Pathways Through an Eclectic Universe;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 426-430
- Wilson, Gillian; Muzzin, Adam; et al. (2008) Clusters
of Galaxies at 1 < z < 2 : The Spitzer Adaptation of the
Red-Sequence Cluster Survey; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The Second
Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy
Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Marleau, F. R.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; et al. (2008) A
Spatially Resolved Study of the Cold Dust in NGC 205; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual Spitzer Science Center conference :
infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco; 177-180
- Seymour, N.; Stern, D.; et al. (2008) Spitzer
Observations of High Redshift Radio Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 398-404
- Simon, Joshua D.; Bolatto, Alberto D.; et al. (2008) Infrared
Sources in the Small Magellanic Cloud: First Results; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The 2nd Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific; 189-192
- Xu, C. K.; Appleton, P. N.; et al. (2008) Spitzer
Observations of Stephan’s Quintet – IGM Dust and Gas in a Multi-galaxy
Collision; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The Second Annual Spitzer Science
Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 88-91
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Good, J. C.; et al. (2008) Chapter
19: Web-based tools-montage: An astronomical image mosaic engine;
ISBN 978-1-58381-327-0; The National Virtual Observatory : tools and
techniques for astronomical research : proceedings of summer schools
held at Aspen, Colorado, USA in 2004, 2005 and 2006; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 179-189
- Yan, Haojing; Dickinson, Mark; et al. (2008) GOODS
Spitzer IRAC Observations of High-z Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 317-322
- Siana, B.; Polletta, M.; et al. (2008) The
z ~ 3 QSO Luminosity Function with SWIRE; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6;
The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared
Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 454-457
- Fang, Fan; Shupe, David; et al. (2008) Galaxy
Clustering in Far-Infrared SWIRE Fields; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The
second annual Spitzer Science Center conference : infrared diagnostics
of galaxy evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 225-229
- Roussel, H.; Helou, G.; et al. (2008) NGC1377:
An Extragalactic Proto-Starburst; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; 2nd
Spitzer Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 297-300
- Schulz, Bernhard; Siebenmorgen, Ralf; et al. (2008) Unification
of 3CR Radio Galaxies and Quasars; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The
Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of
Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 450-453
- Petric, A.; Lacy, M.; et al. (2008) Mid-IR
Selected Quasars in the First Look Survey; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6;
The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared
Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 430-433
- Lu, Nanyao and Helou, George (2008) Global
Star Formation and Mid-Infrared Emission Features in Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-58381-325-6; The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference:
Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 46-49
- Rebull, L. M.; Stauffer, J. R.; et al. (2008) Rotation
In Young Stars; ISBN 978-1-58381-331-7; 14th Cambridge Workshop on
Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 327-337
- Colbert, J. W.; Teplitz, H.; et al. (2008) Mystery
of the Lyα Blobs; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual Spitzer
Science Center conference : infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 468-473
- Frayer, D. T. and Huynh, M. T. (2008) Spitzer
70-micron Confusion Level; ISBN 978-1-58381-325-6; The second annual
Spitzer Science Center conference : infrared diagnostics of galaxy
evolution; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco;
- Parra, Rodrigo; Conway, John E.; et al. (2007) Multiwavelength
radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220; 10.22323/1.036.0033
- Wright, Edward L.; Eisenhardt, P. R. M.; et al. (2007) The
Porcupine Survey: A Distributed Survey and WISE Followup; ISBN
978-0-7354-0457-1; The Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission
Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 4–5 June 2007; American Institute of Physics:
Melville, NY; 242-247; 10.1063/1.2806783
- Stauffer, John R.; Mannings, Vincent; et al. (2007) The
Spitzer Warm Mission Science Prospects; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The
Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 43-66; 10.1063/1.2806787
- Gardner, Jonathan P.; Fan, Xiaohui; et al. (2007) A Spitzer
Warm Mission Ultra-Wide Survey As A Target Finder For The James Webb
Space Telescope; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The science opportunities
for the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop, Pasadena, CA, 4–5 June 2007;
American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 229-241; 10.1063/1.2806782
- Scoville, Nick; Capak, Peter; et al. (2007) IRAC
Deep Survey of COSMOS; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The Science
Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American Institute
of Physics: Melville, NY; 221-228; 10.1063/1.2806781
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. and Carey, Sean (2007) Spitzer
Warm Mission Workshop Introduction; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The
Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 29-39; 10.1063/1.2806785
- Calzetti, D.; Regan, M.; et al. (2007) The
Warm Spitzer Mission For The Investigation Of Nearby Galaxies; ISBN
978-0-7354-0457-1; The Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission
Workshop; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 175-183; 10.1063/1.2806778
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J.; Stauffer, John R.; et al. (2007) Spitzer
Warm Mission Archive Science Opportunities; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1;
The Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 67-85; 10.1063/1.2806788
- Lisse, C. M.; Sykes, M. V.; et al. (2007) Planetary
Science Goals for the Spitzer Warm Era; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The
Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 184-212; 10.1063/1.2806779
- Boden, Andy; Sargent, Anneila; et al. (2007) Preliminary
physical orbit of the HD 98800 B system; ISBN 978-3-540-74253-1; The
power of optical/IR interferometry : recent scientfic results and 2nd
generation instrumentation; Springer: Berlin; 281-285; 10.1007/978-3-540-74256-2_34
- Akeson, Rachel (2007) Observations
of young stellar objects with infrared interferometry: Recent results
from PTI, KI and IOTA; ISBN 978-3-540-74253-1; The power of
optical/IR interferometry : recent scientfic results and 2nd generation
instrumentation : proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching,
Germany, 4-8 April 2005; Springer; 235-241; 10.1007/978-3-540-74256-2_27
- Dwelly, Tom; Seymour, Nick; et al. (2007) Categorising
the sub-mJy population: Star-forming galaxies from deep radio
surveys; 10.22323/1.052.0051
- Krist, John E.; Beichman, Charles A.; et al. (2007) Hunting
planets and observing disks with the JWST NIRCam coronagraph; ISBN
9780819468413; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets III; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 66930H; 10.1117/12.734873
- Lawson, P. R.; Lay, O. P.; et al. (2007) Terrestrial
planet finder interferometer: 2006-2007 progress and plans; ISBN
9780819468413; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of
Exoplanets III; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 669308; 10.1117/12.734914
- Greene, Thomas; Beichman, Charles; et al. (2007) Observing
exoplanets with the JWST NIRCam grisms; ISBN 9780819468413;
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets III; Society
of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 66930G; 10.1117/12.732506
- Shao, Michael; Unwin, Stephen C.; et al. (2007) Finding
Earth clones with SIM: The most promising near-term technique to detect,
find masses for, and determine three-dimensional orbits of nearby
habitable planets; ISBN 9780819468413; Techniques and
Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets III; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 66930C; 10.1117/12.734671
- Panagia, Nino; Weiler, Kurt W.; et al. (2007) Radio
Observations of Supernovae; ISBN 978-0-7354-0434-2; The multicolored
landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins : Cefalu,
Sicily, 11-24 June 2006; American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY;
407-414; 10.1063/1.2774888
- Strom, Steve; Allen, Lori; et al. (2007) Star
Formation: Answering Fundamental Questions During the Spitzer Warm
Mission Phase; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The Science Opportunities of
the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American Institute of Physics:
Melville, NY; 137-156; 10.1063/1.2806776
- Murphy, E. J.; Braun, R.; et al. (2007) Van
der Kruit to Spitzer: a New Look at the Far–Infrared–Radio
Correlation; ISBN 978-1-4020-5572-0; Island Universes: Structure and
Evolution of Disk Galaxies; Springer: Dordrecht; 409-415; 10.1007/978-1-4020-5573-7_71
- Lonsdale, Colin J.; de Kleer, Katherine R.; et al. (2007) OH
emission and absorption associated with supernovae in Arp 220; ISBN
9780521874649; Astrophysical Masers and their Environments; Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge; 432-436; 10.1017/s1743921307013555
- Berriman, G. Bruce (2007) The
Public Archives at the NASA Michelson Science Center; ISBN
978-1-58381-313-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 205-208
- Ogle, P. M.; Antonucci, R. R. J.; et al. (2007) Mid-infrared
Spectra of Radio Galaxies and Quasars; ISBN 978-1-58381-307-2; The
Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 578-581
- Alexov, Anastasia and Good, John C. (2007) A
New Approach to Tagging Data in the Astronomical Literature; ISBN
978-1-58381-313-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 471-474
- Pesenson, Meyer; Roby, William; et al. (2007) Image
Processing Application for Cognition: IPAC Architecture and
Implementation in Java; ISBN 978-1-58381-313-3; Astronomical data
analysis software and systems XVI; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 123-126
- Schinnerer, E.; Bertoldi, F.; et al. (2007) Radio
and Millimeter Observations of the COSMOS Field; ISBN
978-1-58381-311-9; From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)millimeter Spectroscopy
of Galaxies; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Sheth, Kartik (2007) Tracing
the Evolution of Disk Galaxies with Galactic Structures and Gas
Kinematics; ISBN 978-1-58381-311-9; From Z-Machines to ALMA:
(Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco; 283-286
- Seymour, N.; Stern, D.; et al. (2007) Spitzer
Observations of High Redshift Radio Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-58381-323-2; At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the
Deepest Astronomical Surveys; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco; 393-398
- Yan, Lin (2007) Spitzer
Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Infrared-Luminous Galaxies at z ~ 1 − 2; ISBN
978-1-58381-311-9; From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy
of Galaxies; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco;
- Chary, Ranga-Ram (2007) Arp
102B: An ADAF and a Torus?; ISBN 978-1-58381-307-2; The central
engine of active galactic nuclei; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco; 443-446
- Fadda, Dario; Biviano, A.; et al. (2007) Spitzer
Observations of Galaxy Clusters; ISBN 978-1-58381-323-2; At the edge
of the universe: latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 507-510
- Chary, Ranga-Ram (2007) Insights
into galaxy evolution from mid-infrared wavelengths; ISBN
978-1-58381-323-2; At the edge of the universe: latest results from the
deepest astronomical surveys; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco; 375-385
- Good, John C. (2007) Chapter
11: Web-based Tools—VO Region Inventory Service; ISBN
978-1-58381-327-0; The National Virtual Observatory: Tools and
Techniques for Astronomical Research; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 99-103
- Laity, A.; Berriman, G. B.; et al. (2007) An
All-Sky 2MASS Mosaic Constructed on the TeraGrid; ISBN
978-1-58381-313-3; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 65-68
- Brinkworth, C. S.; Hoard, D. W.; et al. (2007) Spitzer
Space Telescope Observations of Circumbinary Dust Disks around
Polars; ISBN 978-1-58381-239-6; 15th European workshop on white
dwarfs; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 333-336
- Deming, Drake; Agol, Eric; et al. (2007) Observations
of Extrasolar Planets During the non-Cryogenic Spitzer Space Telescope
Mission; ISBN 978-0-7354-0457-1; The Science Opportunities of the
Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop; American Institute of Physics: Melville,
NY; 89-100; 10.1063/1.2806789
- Petric, A. O.; Lacy, M.; et al. (2007) Mid-IR-selected
Quasars in the Spitzer First Look Survey; ISBN 978-1-58381-307-2;
Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 497-498
- Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín; Blain, Andrew W.; et al. (2007) Mid-IR
Spectroscopy of High-z SMGs: First Results; ISBN 978-1-58381-320-1;
Cosmic Frontiers; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 290-291
- Masci, Frank J. (2006) Large
Scale Structure at 24 Microns in the SWIRE Survey; ISBN
978-1-583812-25-9; Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 271-272; 10.48550/arXiv.0503170
- Richards, Gordon; Lacy, M.; et al. (2006) Optical-IR
SEDs of SDSS quasars in the Spitzer First Look Survey; ISBN
978-1-583812-25-9; Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 261-262
- Lonsdale, C. J.; Farrah, D.; et al. (2006) Ultraluminous
Infrared Galaxies; ISBN 9783540303121; Astrophysics Update 2;
Springer: Berlin; 285-336; 10.1007/3-540-30313-8_9
- Montroy, T. E.; Brevik, J.; et al. (2006) SPIDER:
a new balloon-borne experiment to measure CMB polarization on large
angular scales; ISBN 819463329; Ground-based and Airborne
Telescopes; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 62670R; 10.1117/12.670339
- Ireland, Michael J.; Monnier, John D.; et al. (2006) Monte-Carlo
imaging for optical interferometry; ISBN 9780819463449; Advances in
Stellar Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 62681T; 10.1117/12.670940
- Berger, David H.; Monnier, John D.; et al. (2006) CHARA
Michigan phase-tracker (CHAMP): design and fabrication; ISBN
9780819463333; Advances in Stellar Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 62683K; 10.1117/12.672168
- Monnier, John D.; Pedretti, Ettore; et al. (2006) Michigan
Infrared Combiner (MIRC): commissioning results at the CHARA Array;
ISBN 9780819463333; Advances in Stellar Interferometry; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art.
No. 62681P; 10.1117/12.671982
- Akeson, R. L. (2006) Recent
progress at the Palomar Testbed Interferometer; ISBN 9780819463333;
Advances in Stellar Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 62680E; 10.1117/12.670571
- Millan-Gabet, Rafael (2006) Keck
Interferometer V^2 science; ISBN 9780819463333; Advances in Stellar
Interferometry; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 62680O; 10.1117/12.670564
- Beichman, Charles; Lawson, Peter; et al. (2006) Status
of the terrestrial planet finder interferometer (TPF-I); ISBN
9780819463333; Advances in Stellar Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. no.
62680S; 10.1117/12.673583
- Wizinowich, Peter; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2006) Recent
progress at the Keck Interferometer; ISBN 9780819463333; Advances in
Stellar Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 62680N; 10.1117/12.672069
- Colavita, M. Mark; Serabyn, Gene; et al. (2006) Nulling
at the Keck interferometer; ISBN 9780819463333; Advances in Stellar
Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; Art. No. 626803; 10.1117/12.672651
- Le Floc’h, Emeric; Charmandaris, Vassilis; et al. (2006) Missing
GRB host galaxies in deep mid-infrared observations: implications on the
use of GRBs as star formation tracers; ISBN 0-7354-0326-0; Gamma-ray
bursts in the Swift era: sixteenth Maryland Astrophysics Conference,
Washington, DC, 29 November-2 December 2005; American Institute of
Physics: Melville, NY; 528-533; 10.1063/1.2207949
- Armus, L. (2006) Observations
of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the IRS on Spitzer; ISBN
978-1-58381-225-9; The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco; 218-222
- Boogert, A. C. A. (2006) Spitzer
Spectroscopy of Ices: From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks;
ISBN 978-1-583812-25-9; The Spitzer Space Telescope : new views of the
cosmos; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Surace, J. A.; Wang, Z.; et al. (2006) Spitzer
Mid-Infrared Imaging of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-583812-25-9; The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 223-224
- Mazzarella, Joseph M. (2006) Spitzer
Space Telescope Observations of a Complete Sample of Luminous Infrared
Galaxies in the Local Universe; ISBN 978-1-583812-25-9; The Spitzer
Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 236-237
- Enoch, Melissa L.; Sargent, Anneila I.; et al. (2006) A
complete 1.1mm survey of Perseus with Bolocam; ISBN
978-1-583812-25-9; Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 137-138
- Ingalls, James G.; Reach, William T.; et al. (2006) Structure
of Diffuse Emission in the Spitzer Galactic First Look Survey; ISBN
978-1-583812-25-9; The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 81-84
- Yan, Haojing; Dickinson, Mark; et al. (2006) High-z
Galaxies Detected by the GOODS IRAC Observations in the HST Ultra Deep
Field; ISBN 978-1-583812-25-9; The Spitzer Space Telescope: New
Views of the Cosmos; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 288-289
- Kong, Mihseh; Good, John C.; et al. (2005) ROME
(Request Object Management Environment); ISBN 1-58381-215-6;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 213-217
- Green, Joseph J.; Beichman, Charles; et al. (2005) High
contrast imaging with the JWST NIRCAM coronagraph; 10.1117/12.619343
- Beichman, Charles; Traub, Wesley; et al. (2005) A
roadmap for NASA’s search for other Earths; ISBN 9780819459046;
UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and Concepts II;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; Art. No. 589907; 10.1117/12.624220
- Devost, Daniel; Brandl, Bernhard R.; et al. (2005) The
[Ne III]/[Ne II] line ratio in NGC 253; ISBN 073540246-9; The
Spectral Energy Distributions of Gas-Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models
with Data; International Workshop; American Institute of Physics:
Melville, NY; 429-432; 10.1063/1.1913960
- Makovoz, David (2005) Non-linear
matched filtering for point source detection; ISBN 9780819456458;
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IV; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 358-369; 10.1117/12.587283
- Singh, Gurmeet; Deelman, Ewa; et al. (2005) The
Pegasus portal: web based grid computing; ISBN 1-58113-964-0; SAC
’05 Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing; ACM: New
York, NY; 680-686; 10.1145/1066677.1066834
- Van Dyk, Schuyler D. (2005) Searching
for Progenitors of Core-Collapse Supernovae; ISBN 1-58381-209-1;
1604-2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses; Astronomical Society
of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 115-121
- Brandenburg, H.; Lowrance, P.; et al. (2005) Using
Perl in basic science and calibration pipelines for Spitzer Infrared
Array Camera data; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems XIV; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San
Francisco, CA; 575-579
- Masci, Frank J.; Laher, Russ; et al. (2005) Processing
of 24 Micron Image Data at Spitzer Science Center; ISBN
1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific; 468-472
- Alexov, Anastasia; Berriman, G. Bruce; et al. (2005) The
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA): The Demo; ISBN
1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV,
Proceedings; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, Ca;
- Berriman, G. B.; Ciardi, D. R.; et al. (2005) The
Design of the W. M. Keck Observatory Archive; ISBN 1-58381-215-6;
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 627-631
- Pevunova, Olga; Good, John; et al. (2005) New
NED XML/VOtable Services and Client Interface Applications
- Lee, Wen; Laher, Russ; et al. (2005) Caltrans
Keeps the Spitzer Pipelines Moving; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 594-598
- Roussel, Hélène; Helou, George; et al. (2005) Nascent
Starbursts in Synchrotron-Deficient Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-4020-3538-8; Starbursts: From 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies;
Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 223-226; 10.1007/1-4020-3539-x_39
- Zhang, Anzhen; Jarrett, Thomas H.; et al. (2005) RADAR:
A Fast, Scalable, and Distributable Archive Inventory Service; ISBN
1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 418-422
- Laity, Anastasia Clower; Anagnostou, Nate; et al. (2005) Montage:
An Astronomical Image Mosaic Service for the NVO; ISBN
1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 34-38
- McGlynn, Thomas; Accomazzi, Alberto; et al. (2004) Building
Interoperable NASA Archives; ISBN 978-3-540-21001-6; Toward an
International Virtual Observatory; Springer: Berlin; 294-295; 10.1007/10857598_58
- Gates, Elinor L.; Lacy, Mark; et al. (2004) Observations
of quasar host galaxies with laser guide star AO; ISBN
9780819454225; Advancements in Adaptive Optics; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 421-432; 10.1117/12.552078
- Akeson, Rachel L. (2004) Keck
Interferometer science: present and future; ISBN 9780819454232; New
Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; 28-34; 10.1117/12.551592
- Hrynevych, Michael A.; Tsubota, Kevin; et al. (2004) Keck
Interferometer autoaligner: algorithms and techniques; ISBN
9780819454232; New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA;
1061-1067; 10.1117/12.552417
- Wizinowich, Peter; Akeson, Rachel; et al. (2004) Visibility
science operations with the Keck Interferometer; ISBN 9780819454232;
New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 1678-1689; 10.1117/12.552746
- Boden, A. (2004) Science
and instrumentation update from the Palomar testbed interferometer;
ISBN 9780819454232; New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 506-510;
- Houck, J. R.; Matthews, K.; et al. (2004) The
infrared spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN
9780819454195; Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA;
62-76; 10.1117/12.550517
- Hora, J. L.; Bhattacharya, B.; et al. (2004) In-flight
performance and calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the
Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN 9780819454195; Optical, Infrared, and
Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers: Bellingham, WA; 77-92; 10.1117/12.550744
- Carey, Sean J.; Lacy, Mark; et al. (2004) Observing
with the infrared array camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space
Telescope; ISBN 9780819454195; Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter
Space Telescopes; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 211-222; 10.1117/12.550968
- Roellig, Thomas; Werner, Michael; et al. (2004) On-orbit
performance of the Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN 9780819454195;
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; 38-49; 10.1117/12.551037
- Pipher, Judith L.; Bhattacharya, Bidushi; et al. (2004) Comparison
of laboratory and in-flight performance of infared array camera (IRAC)
detector arrays on Spitzer Space Telescope; ISBN 9780819454195;
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 234-243;
- Unwin, S. C. and Beichman, C. A. (2004) Terrestrial
Planet Finder: science overview; ISBN 9780819454195; Optical,
Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 1216-1225; 10.1117/12.550949
- Patten, Brian M.; Hora, Joseph L.; et al. (2004) Normal
and unusual transient events in IRAC images; ISBN 9780819454195;
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 223-233;
- Lim, Tanya; Swinyard, Bruce; et al. (2004) First
results from Herschel-SPIRE performance tests; ISBN 9780819454195;
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; 460-468; 10.1117/12.551684
- Rieke, G. H.; Frayer, D. T.; et al. (2004) On
Orbit Performance of the MIPS Instrument; ISBN 0-8194-5419-2;
Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 50-61;
- Nguyen, H. T.; Bock, J. J.; et al. (2004) A
report on the laboratory performance of the spectroscopic detector
arrays for SPIRE/HSO; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and
Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 196-207; 10.1117/12.548974
- Bowden, M.; Ganga, K. M.; et al. (2004) Measuring
the cosmic microwave background polarization with the QUaD
experiment; ISBN 9780819454218; Ground-based Telescopes; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 84-94;
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Deelman, Ewa; et al. (2004) Montage:
a grid-enabled engine for delivering custom science-grade mosaics on
demand; ISBN 9780819454256; Optimizing Scientific Return for
Astronomy through Information Technologies; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers: Bellingham, WA; 221-232; 10.1117/12.550551
- Reddy, Naveen A.; Frayer, David T.; et al. (2004) Deep
Near-Infrared Imaging of Submillimeter Selected Galaxies; ISBN
978-1-4020-1971-5; Multiwavelength Cosmology; Springer: Dordrecht;
113-116; 10.1007/0-306-48570-2_23
- Regan, Michael W.; Armus, Lee; et al. (2004) The
Sings View of Barred Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-015-7085-5; Penetrating
Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork strikes a New
Note; Springer: Dordrecht; 661-665; 10.1007/978-1-4020-2862-5_55
- Stolovy, Susan; Melia, Fulvio; et al. (2003) Near-Infrared
Flux Limits for Sgr A* Based on NICMOS Data; ISBN 9783527404667;
Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002; Wiley: Weinheim;
419-423; 10.1002/9783527617982.ch64
- Scoville, Nick; Stolovy, Susan R.; et al. (2003) The
ISM and Stellar Distributions Near Sgr A*; ISBN 9783527404667;
Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002: the central 300
parsecs of the Milky Way; Wiley: Weinheim; 591-596; 10.1002/9783527617982.ch89
- Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Li, Weidong; et al. (2003) Core-Collapse
Supernova Progenitors in Hubble Space Telescope Images; ISBN
978-3-540-00483-7; From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of
Supernovae; Springer: Berlin; 33-36; 10.1007/10828549_6
- Dessauges-Zavadsky, Miroslava; D’Odorico, Sandro; et al. (2003) A
High-Redshift Damped Ly-α System at z_(abs) = 4.466 Towards APM BR
J0307-4945; ISBN 9783540427995; Deep Fields; Springer: Berlin;
339-340; 10.1007/10854354_97
- Malkan, Matthew A.; Teplitz, Harry I.; et al. (2003) Rest
Frame Optical Spectra of Lyman Break Galaxies: Other Lensing Arcs around
MS1512-cB58; ISBN 0-7354-0128-4; The emergence of cosmic structure;
American Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 253-256; 10.1063/1.1581800
- Hora, Joseph L.; Fazio, Giovanni G.; et al. (2003) Performance
of the infrared array camera (IRAC) for SIRTF during instrument
integration and test; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and
Instruments; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers:
Bellingham, WA; 83-97; 10.1117/12.461791
- Rieke, Marcia; Baum, Stefi; et al. (2003) NGST
NIRCam Scientific Program and Design Concept; ISBN 9780819446299; IR
Space Telescopes and Instruments; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 478-485; 10.1117/12.489103
- Green, William B. (2003) SIRTF
science operations system; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes
and Instruments; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 130-140; 10.1117/12.461105
- Ennico, K.; Sandford, S.; et al. (2003) AstroBiology
Explorer (ABE) MIDEX Mission Concept: Identifying Organic Molecules in
Space; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; 1149-1160; 10.1117/12.461145
- Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Makidon, Russell B.; et al. (2003) NIRCAM
image simulations for NGST wavefront sensing; ISBN 9780819446299; IR
Space Telescopes and Instruments; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 388-397; 10.1117/12.461933
- Lawrence, C. R.; Eisenhardt, P.; et al. (2003) Operating
SIRTF for maximum lifetime; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes
and Instruments; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 153-161; 10.1117/12.461953
- Mennesson, Bertrand; Shao, Mike; et al. (2003) Optical
Planet Discoverer: how to turn a 1.5-m class space telescope into a
powerful exo-planetary systems imager; ISBN 9780819446398;
High-Contrast Imaging for Exo-Planet Detection; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 32-44; 10.1117/12.457646
- Wehrle, A.; Unwin, S. C.; et al. (2003) Tracking
the moving optical photocenters of active galaxies: binary black holes,
accretion disks and relativistic jets; ISBN 9780819446312;
Interferometry in Space; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 152-160; 10.1117/12.460869
- Levine, B. M.; Shao, Michael; et al. (2003) Visible
light Terrestrial Planet Finder: planet detection and spectroscopy by
nulling interferometry with a single aperture telescope; ISBN
9780819446312; Interferometry in Space; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 221-229; 10.1117/12.460925
- Shen, TsePyng J.; Catanzarite, Joe; et al. (2003) Dependence
of the micro-arcsecond metrology (MAM) testbed performance prediction on
white light algorithm approach; ISBN 9780819446312; Interferometry
in Space; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; 602-611; 10.1117/12.460921
- Traub, W. A.; Ahearn, A.; et al. (2003) New
beam-combination techniques at IOTA; ISBN 9780819446176;
Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 45-52; 10.1117/12.459718
- Millan-Gabet, R.; Pedretti, E.; et al. (2003) Recent
science results with the two-telescope IOTA; ISBN 9780819446176;
Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 202-209; 10.1117/12.459687
- Koresko, Chris; Mennesson, Bertrand; et al. (2003) Longitudinal
dispersion control for the Keck interferometer nuller; ISBN
9780819446176; Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 625-635;
- Monnier, J. D.; Berger, J.-P.; et al. (2003) SMART
precision interferometry at 794 nm; ISBN 819446173; Interferometry
for Optical Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 1127-1138; 10.1117/12.459696
- Berger, J. P.; Haguenauer, P.; et al. (2003) An
integrated-optics 3-way beam combiner for IOTA; ISBN 9780819446176;
Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 1099-1106; 10.1117/12.457983
- Hofmann, K.-H.; Beckmann, U.; et al. (2003) Near-infrared
IOTA interferometry of the symbiotic star CH Cyg; ISBN
9780819446176; Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA;
1043-1046; 10.1117/12.458904
- Pedretti, E.; Millan-Gabet, R.; et al. (2003) Reconfigurable
electronics at the IOTA interferometer; ISBN 9780819446176;
Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 943-955; 10.1117/12.459339
- Keating, Brian G.; Ade, Peter A.; et al. (2003) BICEP:
a large angular scale CMB polarimeter; ISBN 9780819446220;
Polarimetry in Astronomy; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 284-295; 10.1117/12.459274
- Telesco, C. M.; Ciardi, D.; et al. (2003) Science
at mid-infrared wavelengths with large telescopes; ISBN
9780819446138; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 6- to
10-Meter-Class Telescopes II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 101-110; 10.1117/12.460956
- Wilkin, F. P. and Akeson, R. L. (2003) Palomar
Testbed Interferometer Observations of Young Stellar Objects; ISBN
9789048163793; The Very Large Telescope Interferometer Challenges for
the Future; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 145-150; 10.1007/978-94-017-0157-0_15
- Wittman, D.; Tyson, J. A.; et al. (2002) Deep
lens survey; ISBN 9780819446152; Survey and Other Telescope
Technologies and Discoveries; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 73-82; 10.1117/12.457348
- Gallego, Jesús; Cardiel, Nicolás; et al. (2002) Data
Reduction Pipeline for EMIR; a near-IR multiobject spectrograph for the
Spanish 10m telescope; ISBN 9780819446268; Astronomical Data
Analysis II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; 402-409; 10.1117/12.460344
- Beichman, C.; Coulter, D.; et al. (2002) Selected
Mission Architectures For The Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF): Large,
Medium, and Small; ISBN 9780819446145; Future Research Direction and
Visions for Astronomy; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 115-121; 10.1117/12.461532
- Berriman, G. Bruce; Curkendall, David; et al. (2002) Architecture
for access to a compute-intensive image mosaic service in the NVO;
ISBN 9780819446251; Virtual Observatories; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 91-102; 10.1117/12.461507
- Péroux, Céline; Irwin, Mike J.; et al. (2002) Statistical
Properties of DLAs and Sub-DLAs; ISBN 1-58381-093-5; Chemical
enrichment of intracluster and intergalactic medium; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 501-506; 10.48550/arXiv.0107125
- Ganga, Ken; Hivon, E.; et al. (2001) Recent
results from the CMB; 10.22323/1.007.0283
- Leech, Kieron J.; Völk, Heinrich J.; et al. (2001) C
II 158 μm Observations of a Sample of Late-Type Galaxies from the Virgo
Cluster; ISBN 978-3-540-67479-5; ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe;
Springer: Berlin; 224-231; 10.1007/3-540-45553-1_29
- Wilkes, Belinda J.; Hooper, Eric J.; et al. (2001) Infrared
Properties of High Redshift and X-ray Selected AGN Samples; ISBN
978-3-540-67479-5; ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe; Springer: Berlin;
177-184; 10.1007/3-540-45553-1_23
- Stickel, Manfred; Lemke, Dietrich; et al. (2001) ISOPHOT
170 μm Serendipity Sky Survey: The First Galaxy Catalogue; ISBN
978-3-540-67479-5; ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe; Springer: Berlin;
251-258; 10.1007/3-540-45553-1_32
- Schneider, G.; Lowrance, P. J.; et al. (2001) Imaging
and Spectroscopy of Hot (Young) “Ultracool” Companions; ISBN
978-3-642-62682-1; Ultracool Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T;
Springer: Berlin; 56-70; 10.1007/978-3-642-56672-1_6
- Burgasser, A. J.; Kirkpatrick, J. D.; et al. (2001) The
Classification of T Dwarfs; ISBN 978-3-642-62682-1; Ultracool
Dwarfs; Springer: Berlin; 169-182; 10.1007/978-3-642-56672-1_16
- Gizis, J. E. (2001) Activity
and Kinematics of M and L Dwarfs; ISBN 978-3-642-62682-1; Ultracool
Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T; Springer: Berlin; 71-82; 10.1007/978-3-642-56672-1_7
- Kirkpatrick, J. D. (2001) The
Classification of L Dwarfs; ISBN 978-3-642-62682-1; Ultracool
Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T; Springer: Berlin; 139-152; 10.1007/978-3-642-56672-1_14
- Péroux, Céline; McMahon, Richard G.; et al. (2001) Cosmological
Evolution of the Universe Neutral Gas Mass Measured by Quasar Adsorption
Systems; ISBN 9789810247867; Cosmic evolution: on the occasion of
the 60th birthdays of Jean Audouze and James W. Truran; World Scientific
Publishing: Singapore; 289-291; 10.1142/9789812810830_0068
- Brunner, R. J.; Prince, T.; et al. (2001) The
Digital Sky Project: Prototyping Virtual Observatory Technologies;
ISBN 1-58381-057-9; Virtual Observatories of the Future; Astronomical
Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 135-141
- Reid, I. N.; Koerner, D. W.; et al. (2001) Low-Mass
Stellar and Brown Dwarf Binary Systems; ISBN 978-3-642-62682-1;
Ultracool Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T; Springer: Berlin; 111-118;
- Péroux, Céline; Irwin, Mike J.; et al. (2001) The
Evolution and Space Density of Damped Lyman-α Galaxies; ISBN
978-90-481-5821-8; The Evolution of Galaxies; Kluwer Academic:
Dordrecht; 551-554; 10.1007/978-94-017-3313-7_142
- Kirkpatrick, J. D.; Gizis, J. E.; et al. (2001) Low-Luminosity
Companions to Nearby Stars: Status of the 2MASS Data Search; ISBN
978-3-642-62682-1; Ultracool Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T;
Springer: Berlin; 125-132; 10.1007/978-3-642-56672-1_12
- Hora, Joseph L.; Fazio, Giovanni G.; et al. (2000) Calibration
and performance of the infrared array camera (IRAC); ISBN
9780819437761; Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VIII; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 13-25;
- Hesselroth, Ted; Ha, Eng; et al. (2000) Data
reduction for the MIPS far-infrared arrays; ISBN 9780819437761;
Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VIII; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 26-37; 10.1117/12.406570
- Rieke, G. H.; Young, E. T.; et al. (2000) Performance
of the multiband imaging photometer for SIRTF; ISBN 9780819437761;
Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VIII; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 38-49; 10.1117/12.406571
- Bloemhof, E. E.; Marsh, K. A.; et al. (2000) Stability
of the adaptive-optic point spread function: metrics, deconvolution, and
initial Palomar results; ISBN 9780819436320; Adaptive Optical
Systems Technology; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 299-308; 10.1117/12.390384
- Akeson, Rachel L.; Swain, Mark R.; et al. (2000) Differential
phase technique with the Keck Interferometer; ISBN 9780819436313;
Interferometry in Optical Astronomy; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 321-327; 10.1117/12.390222
- Hofmann, K.-H.; Beckmann, U.; et al. (2000) Observations
of MIRA stars with the IOTA/FLUOR interferometer and comparison with
MIRA star models; ISBN 9780819436313; Interferometry in Optical
Astronomy; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; 688-695; 10.1117/12.390270
- Wilcox, Mavourneen K.; McLean, Ian S.; et al. (2000) NIRSPEC
brown dwarf spectroscopic survey; ISBN 9780819436306; Discoveries
and Research Prospects from 8- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 296-300;
- Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Peng, Chien Y.; et al. (2000) Supernova
Environments in Hubble Space Telescope Images; ISBN 1-56396-943-2;
Cosmic explosions: Tenth Astrophysics Conference; American Institute of
Physics: Melville, N.Y.; 151-154; 10.1063/1.1291708
- Lonsdale, Carol J.; Hurt, Robert; et al. (2000) ISO-IRAS
Faint Galaxy Survey: ISOCAM Imaging and Optical Spectroscopy; ISBN
978-3-540-67479-5; ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe; Springer: Berlin;
267-274; 10.1007/3-540-45553-1_34
- Liebert, James; Reid, I. Neill; et al. (2000) 2MASS
Brown Dwarfs and a First Estimate of the Substellar Mass Function;
ISBN 978-3-540-67163-3; From Extrasolar Planets to Cosmology: The VLT
Opening Symposium; Springer: Berlin; 505-510; 10.1007/10720961_72
- Ulmer, M. P.; Dixon, D. D.; et al. (1999) Novel
design for an all-sky low-energy gamma-ray observatory (ALLEGRO);
ISBN 9780819432513; EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for
Astronomy X; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE):
Bellingham, WA; 530-538; 10.1117/12.366532
- Storrie-Lombardi, Lisa J. (1999) Photometric
Redshifts and High-Redshift Galaxies; 10.1086/316424
- Evans, Aaron S.; Sanders, D. B.; et al. (1999) Near
Infrared Spectroscopy And The Search For CO Emission In 3 Extremely
Luminous IRAS Sources; ISBN 978-0-7923-5833-6; Galaxy Interactions
at Low and High Redshift; Springer: Dordrecht; 354; 10.1007/978-94-011-4665-4_89
- Thompson, Rodger I.; Weymann, Ray J.; et al. (1999) The
HDF, The Arizona View; ISBN 1-58381-019-6; The Hy-redshift universe
: galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift; Astronomical Society
of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 271-274
- Egami, E.; Armus, L.; et al. (1999) The
Nature of the Compact/Symmetric Near-IR Continuum Source in 4C
40.36; ISBN 1-58381-019-6; The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy
Formation and Evolution at High Redshift; Astronomical Society of the
Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 86-89; 10.48550/arXiv.9909517
- Yan, L.; McCarthy, P. J.; et al. (1999) Studying
the Evolution of Field Galaxies Using NICMOS/HST Parallel Imaging and
Grism Data; ISBN 1-58381-001-3; Astrophysics with infrared surveys,
a prelude to SIRTF; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco,
CA; 57-63
- Beichman, C. A. (1998) Terrestrial
Planet Finder: the search for life-bearing planets around other
stars; ISBN 9780819427977; Astronomical Interferometry; Society of
Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 719-723;
- Woolf, N. J.; Angel, J. R. P.; et al. (1998) Planet
Discoverer Interferometer (PDI) I: a potential precursor to Terrestrial
Planet Finder; ISBN 9780819427977; Astronomical Interferometry;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; 683-689; 10.1117/12.317132
- Behr, Bradford B. (1998) THuCIDIDES:
a high-efficiency multimode spectrograph design for the Hale
Telescope; ISBN 9780819428028; Optical Astronomical Instrumentation;
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham,
WA; 675-681; 10.1117/12.316801
- Stickel, M.; Lemke, D.; et al. (1998) ISOPHOT
far-infrared serendipity sky survey; ISBN 9780819427960; Observatory
Operations to Optimize Scientific Return; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 115-125; 10.1117/12.316509
- Pearson, T. J.; Browne, I. W. A.; et al. (1998) Caltech-Jodrell
Bank VLBI Surveys; ISBN 9781886733640; Radio Emission from Galactic
and Extragalactic Compact Sources; Astronomical Society of the Pacific:
San Francisco, CA; 17-24; 10.1017/s0252921100044377
- Helou, G. (1998) The
ISO Perspective on Normal Galaxies; ISBN 978-0-7923-5556-4;
Highlights of Astronomy; Springer: Dordrecht; 1134-1136; 10.1007/978-94-011-4778-1_155
- Smith, Harding E.; Hurt, Robert L.; et al. (1998) The
ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey; ISBN 1-886733-66-X; The Young
Universe; Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA;
- Hurt, R. L.; Lonsdale, C. J.; et al. (1997) The
ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey: Early results; ISBN 1-56396-678-6; The
seventh astrophysical conference: Star formation, near and far; American
Institute of Physics: Melville, NY; 506-509; 10.1063/1.52822
- Cutri, R. M. (1997) The
2MASS point source processing pipeline: design and prototype
results; ISBN 9789401064422; The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky
Surveys; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 187-195; 10.1007/978-94-011-5784-1_37
- Grillmair, Carl J.; Mould, Jeremy R.; et al. (1997) Hubble
Space Telescope Observations of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal; ISBN
1-886733-36-8; The Nature of Elliptical Galaxies; Astronomical Society
of the Pacific: San Francisco, CA; 306-307
- Lonsdale, Carol (1997) Space
and High Energy Astrophysics; ISBN 9789401157629; Reports on
Astronomy; Kluwer: Dordrecht; 562-583; 10.1017/S0251107X00011810
- Beichman, C. A. (1997) Infrared
Surveys: A Golden Age of Exploration; ISBN 9780792348030; New
Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys; Springer Netherlands:
Dordrecht; 27-40; 10.1007/978-94-009-1485-8_4
- Eisenhardt, P. R.; Armus, L.; et al. (1996) HST
Observations of the Luminous IRAS Source FSC10214+4724: A
Gravitationally Lensed Infrared Quasar
- Bernard, J. P.; Boulanger, F.; et al. (1996) Dust
in the diffuse ISM as revealed by DIRBE observations; ISBN
9781563965081; The COBE workshop; American Institute of Physics:
Woodbury, NY; 105-111; 10.1063/1.49251
- Madore, Barry F. (1996) 3D
Radiative Transfer Models of Galaxies; ISBN 978-3-662-22429-8;
Spiral Galaxies in the Near-IR; Springer: Berlin; 263-268; 10.1007/978-3-540-49739-4_42
- Helou, G.; Madore, B. F.; et al. (1995) The
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database; ISBN 9789401041782; Information
& On-Line Data in Astronomy; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht;
95-113; 10.1007/978-94-011-0397-8_10
- Ebert, R.; Helou, G.; et al. (1995) IPAC
datasets and on-line services; ISBN 9789401041782; Information &
On-Line Data in Astronomy; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 147-152; 10.1007/978-94-011-0397-8_14
- Schmitz, M.; Helou, G.; et al. (1995) NED
and SIMBAD conventions for bibliographic reference coding; ISBN
9789401041782; Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy; Springer
Netherlands: Dordrecht; 259-270; 10.1007/978-94-011-0397-8_24
- Colavita, M. Mark; Shao, Michael; et al. (1994) ASEPS-0
Testbed Interferometer; ISBN 0-8194-1495-6; Amplitude and Intensity
Spatial Interferometry II; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 89-97; 10.1117/12.177230
- Jarrett, T. H.; Helou, G.; et al. (1994) Brackett-γ
Line Emission Maps of Four Galaxies; ISBN 9789401044660; Infrared
Astronomy with Arrays: the Next Generation; Springer: Dordrecht;
177-178; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_61
- Graham, James R.; Herbst, T. M.; et al. (1994) Photodissociation
Regions in Young PN; ISBN 978-94-010-4466-0; Infrared Astronomy with
Arrays: The Next Generation; Springer: Dordrecht; 69-72; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_15
- Kaspi, V. M.; Manchester, R. N.; et al. (1994) Timing
Observations of the SMC Binary PSR J0045-7319
- Van Buren, D.; Jarrett, T.; et al. (1994) A
K Band Search for Starburst Supernovae; ISBN 9789401044660; Infrared
Astronomy with Arrays: the Next Generation; Springer: Dordrecht;
161-162; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_53
- Mazzarella, J. M.; Voit, G. M.; et al. (1994) JHK
and 3.3 µm PAH Imaging of the Starburst Ring in the Type 1 Seyfert
Galaxy NGC 7469; ISBN 9789401044660; Infrared Astronomy with Arrays:
the Next Generation; Springer: Dordrecht; 519-520; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_156
- Surace, J.; Armus, L.; et al. (1994) Near-Infrared
Imaging of Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-4466-0;
Infrared Astronomy with Arrays: The Next Generation; Springer:
Dordrecht; 157-158; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_51
- Jorquera, Carlos; Beichman, Charles; et al. (1993) Integration
and evaluation of a near-infrared camera utilizing a HgCdTe NICMOS3
array for the Mt. Palomar 200-inch Observatory; ISBN 9780819411822;
Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation; Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 534-546; 10.1117/12.158705
- Bruce, Carl; Beichman, Charles; et al. (1993) Development
and test of an IR camera for astronomical observation at the Palomar
200-inch observatory using the NICMOS II array; ISBN 9780819409355;
Infrared Technology XVIII; Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 444-460; 10.1117/12.138986
- Helou, G.; Madore, B. F.; et al. (1991) The
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database; ISBN 9789401054331; Databases
& On-line Data in Astronomy; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht;
89-106; 10.1007/978-94-011-3250-3_10
- Helou, George and Bicay, Michael D. (1990) The
Radio-Infrared Correlation within Galaxies; ISBN 9789401067317;
Windows on Galaxies; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 115-119; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_16
- Helou, G.; Madore, B. F.; et al. (1990) The
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database; ISBN 9789401067317; Windows on
Galaxies; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 109-113; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_15
- Soifer, B. T. (1990) IRAS
Observations of Galaxies; ISBN 9789401067317; Windows on Galaxies;
Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 101-107; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_14
- Helou, George (1989) Far
Infrared Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Dust; ISBN
9780792304494; Interstellar Dust; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht;
285-301; 10.1007/978-94-009-2462-8_25
- Helou, George; Hoffman, G. Lyle; et al. (1989) Blue
Compact Dwarf Galaxies in the W Cloud of Virgo; ISBN 9781461393580;
The World of Galaxies; Springer: New York, NY; 496-498; 10.1007/978-1-4613-9356-6_77
- Sanders, D. B.; Soifer, B. T.; et al. (1988) High
luminosity galaxies in the IRAS survey; ISBN 978-3-540-19052-3;
Comets to Cosmology; Springer: Berlin; 172-176; 10.1007/BFb0118805
- Beichman, Charles A. (1988) The
study of star formation with IRAS; ISBN 9783540190523; Comets to
Cosmology; Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Berlin, Heidelberg; 148-158; 10.1007/bfb0118802
- Houck, J. R.; Beckwith, S. V. W.; et al. (1986) Moderate
Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility
(SIRTF); ISBN 9780892526543; Cryogenic Optical Systems and
Instruments II; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 69-72; 10.1117/12.966640
- Rieke, G. H.; Lada, C.; et al. (1986) Mips:
The Multiband Imaging Photometer For SIRTF; ISBN 9780892526543;
Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments II; Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 73-79; 10.1117/12.966641
- Houck, J. R.; Beckwith, S. V. W.; et al. (1986) Moderate
Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility
(SIRTF); ISBN 9780892526246; Instrumentation for Optical Remote
Sensing from Space; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
(SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 238-241; 10.1117/12.951938
- Rieke, G. H.; Lada, C.; et al. (1986) MIPS:
The Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF; ISBN 9780892526246;
Instrumentation for Optical Remote Sensing from Space; Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE): Bellingham, WA; 242-248;
- Beichman, C. A. (1986) Point
Sources in the Orion Complex; ISBN 9789401085779; Light on Dark
Matter; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 279-292; 10.1007/978-94-009-4672-9_60
- Helou, George (1986) Statistical
Properties of IRAS Galaxies; ISBN 9789401085779; Light on Dark
Matter; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht; 405-414; 10.1007/978-94-009-4672-9_87
- Neugebauer, G.; Soifer, B. T.; et al. (1986) IRAS
Observations of Active Galaxies; ISBN 9789401085281; Structure and
Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei; Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht;
11-19; 10.1007/978-94-009-4562-3_2
- Neugebauer, Gerry (1977) Use
of the Large Space Telescope for Infrared Observations; ISBN
978-94-010-1213-3; Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy; Springer: Cham;
185-194; 10.1007/978-94-010-1211-9_34