Kang, D. M.; Fernandez, V.; et al. (2006) Combined
acetone PLIF and IR laser absorption probe measurements of fuel mixture
fraction oscillations
Kang, Dal Mo; Culick, F. E. C.; et al. (2005) An
experimental study of coupling between combustor pressure, fuel/air
mixing, and the flame
Ananthkrishnan, N.; Deo, Shardul; et al. (2005) Reduced-order
modeling and dynamics of nonlinear acoustic waves in a combustion
chamber ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 177; No. 2;
221-247; 10.1080/00102200590900219
Kang, D. M.; Pinedo, C.; et al. (2004) Imaging
of fuel mixture fraction oscillations in a driven system using acetone
Matveev, K. I. and Culick, F. E. C. (2003) Limit-Cycle
Properties of a Rijke Tube ; Electronic Journal Technical Acoustics;
Vol. 12; No. 12; 1-13
Matveev, K. I. and Culick, F. E. C. (2003) A
study of the transition to instability in a Rijke tube with axial
temperature gradient ; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 264;
No. 3; 689-706; 10.1016/S0022-460X(02)01217-8
Matveev, Konstantin I. and Culick, F. E. C. (2003) A
model for combustion instability involving vortex shedding ;
Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 175; No. 6; 1059-1083; 10.1080/00102200390201622
Matveev, Konstantin (2003) On
the limiting parameters of artificial cavitation applied to reduce
drag ; Ocean Engineering; Vol. 30; No. 9; 1179-1190; 10.1016/S0029-8018(02)00103-8
Papachristodoulou, A. N. and Culick, F. E. C. (2003) Flight
Mechanics of the Wright Aircraft 1903-1912
Ratner, Albert; Pun, Winston; et al. (2002) Comparison
of Chemiluminescence, OH PLIF, and NO PLIF for Determination of Flame
Response to Acoustic Waves
Ratner, Albert; Palm, Steven L.; et al. (2002) Flame
response to excitation at frequencies <60 Hz as measured by
phase-resolved NO PLIF
Culick, F. E. C.; Pun, W.; et al. (2002) Phase
resolved PLIF and chemiluminescence for measuring combustion
Pun, Winston; Ratner, Albert; et al. (2002) Phase-Resolved
Chemiluminescence of an Acoustically Forced Jet Flame at Frequencies
< 60 Hz
Ratner, Albert; Pun, Winston; et al. (2002) Phase-Resolved
NO Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of a Jet Flame in an Acoustic
Chamber with Excitation at Frequencies <60Hz ; Proceedings of the
Combustion Institute; Vol. 29; No. 1; 85-90; 10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80015-3
Seywert, C.; Isella, G.; et al. (2000) Active
Feedback Control of Combustor Dynamics with Time Delay and
Culick, F. E. C. (2000) Combustion
instabilities: mating dance of chemical, combustion, and combustor
Shusser, Michael; Culick, Fred E. C.; et al. (2000) Combustion
response of ammonium perchlorate
Pun, W.; Palm, S. L.; et al. (2000) PLIF
measurements of combustion dynamics in a burner under forced oscillatory
Isella, G. and Culick, F. E. C. (2000) Modeling
the Effects of Velocity Coupling on the Global Dynamics of Combustion
Seywert, C. and Culick, F. E. C. (1999) Some
Influences of Noise on Combustion Instabilities and Combustor
Burnley, Victor S. and Culick, Fred E. C. (1999) On
the Energy Transfer between Transverse Acoustic Modes in a Cylindrical
Combustion Chamber ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 144;
No. 1-6; 1-19; 10.1080/00102209908924195
Roh, Tae-Seong; Cohen, Norman S.; et al. (1999) Numerical
Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor Instabilities With AP Composite
Culick, F. E. C.; Isella, G.; et al. (1998) Influences
of combustion dynamics on linear and nonlinear unsteady motions in solid
propellant rockets
Roh, T. S. and Culick, F. E. C. (1998) Numerical
analysis of transient combustion response to acoustic oscillations in
axisymmetric rocket motors
Liberman, M. A.; Bychkov, V. V.; et al. (1998) Numerical
study of curved flames under confinement ; Combustion Science and
Technology; Vol. 136; No. 1-6; 221-251; 10.1080/00102209808924172
Roh, T. S. and Culick, F. E. C. (1997) Numerical
study of acoustic oscillations and combustion instabilities in solid
propellant rocket
Isella, G.; Seywert, C.; et al. (1997) A
further Note on Active Control of Combustion instabilities Based on
Hysteresis ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 126; No. 1-6;
381-388; 10.1080/00102209708935682
Roh, T. S. and Culick, F. E. C. (1997) Transient
combustion responses of homogeneous propellants to acoustic oscillations
in axisymmetric rocket motors
Esipov, I. B.; Zosimov, V. V.; et al. (1997) Propagation
of an Acoustic Pulse of Finite Amplitude in a Granular Medium ;
Acoustical Physics; Vol. 43; No. 5; 558-563
Culick, F. E. C. (1997) A
Note on Ordering Perturbations and the Insignificance of Linear Coupling
in Combustion Instabilities ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol.
126; No. 1; 359-377; 10.1080/00102209708935681
Knoop, P.; Culick, F. E. C.; et al. (1997) Extension
of the Stability of Motions in a Combustion Chamber by Nonlinear Active
Control Based on Hysteresis ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol.
123; No. 1-6; 363-376; 10.1080/00102209708935635
Burnley, V. S. and Culick, F. E. C. (1997) Some
dynamics of acoustic oscillations with nonlinear combustion and
noise ; International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical
Propulsion; Vol. 4; No. 1+6; 998-1013
Culick, F. E. C. and Roh, T. S. (1996) Applications
of Various Methods of Analysis to Combustion Instabilities in Solid
Propellant Rockets
Kendrick, D. W.; Zsak, T. W.; et al. (1996) An
experimental and numerical investigation of premixed combustion in a
vortex in a laboratory dump combustor ; ISBN 978-0-7923-3888-8;
Unsteady Combustion; Kluwer Academic; 33-69
Culick, F. E. C. (1996) Combustion
instabilities in propulsion systems ; ISBN 978-0-7923-3888-8;
Unsteady Combustion; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston; 173-241
Swenson, G.; Pun, W.; et al. (1996) Nonlinear
Unsteady Motions and NOx Production in Gas Turbine Combustors
Budzinski, J. M.; Marble, F. E.; et al. (1995) An
experimental study of the flow after shock interactions with cylindrical
helium inhomegeneities
Lee, Ho-Hoon and Culick, Fred E. C. (1995) A
robust decoupled adaptive control of robots ; International Journal
of Control; Vol. 61; No. 2; 309-331; 10.1080/00207179508921905
Culick, Fred E. C. and Yang, Vigor (1995) Overview
of Combustion Instabilities in Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines ;
ISBN 978-1-60086-418-6; Liquid Rocket Engine Combustion Instability;
American Institute of Aeonautics and Astrophysics: Washington, DC;
Zukoski, E. E. (1995) Properties
of fire plumes ; ISBN 121942309; Combustion Fundamentals of Fire;
Academic Press; 101-219
Burnley, V.; Swenson, G.; et al. (1995) Pulsed
Instabilities in Combustion Chambers
Jahnke, Craig C. and Culick, F. E. C. (1994) Application
of dynamical systems theory to nonlinear combustion instabilities ;
Journal of Propulsion and Power; Vol. 10; No. 4; 508-517
Zukoski, E. E. (1994) Mass
Flux In Fire Plumes ; ISBN 1-886279-00-4; Fire Safety
Science-Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium; International
Association for Fire Safety Science; 137-147; 10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.4-137
Ton, V. T.; Karagozian, A. R.; et al. (1994) Numerical
Simulations of High-Speed Chemically Reacting Flow ; Theoretical and
Computational Fluid Dynamics; Vol. 6; No. 2-3; 161-179; 10.1007/BF00312347
Yang, Joseph and Kubota, Toshi (1994) The
Steady Motion of a Symmetric, Finite Core Size, Counterrotating Vortex
Pair ; SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics; Vol. 54; No. 1; 14-25; 10.1137/S0036139992240917
Jahnke, C. C. and Culick, F. E. C. (1994) Application
of Bifurcation Theory to the High-Angle-of-Attack Dynamics of the
F-14 ; Journal of Aircraft; Vol. 31; No. 1; 26-34
Culick, F. E. C. (1994) Some
Recent Results for Nonlinear Acoustics in Combustion Chambers ; AIAA
Journal; Vol. 32; No. 1; 146-169; 10.2514/3.11962
Lee, Ho-Hoon and Culick, Fred E. C. (1994) Design
of robust adaptive control law for robotic manipulators ; Journal of
Robotic Systems; Vol. 11; No. 4; 241-255; 10.1002/rob.4620110402
Marble, Frank E. (1994) Gasdynamic
enhancement of nonpremixed combustion ; Symposium (International) on
Combustion; Vol. 25; No. 1; 1-12; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80621-1
Jahnke, Craig C. and Culick, F. E. C. (1994) Nonlinear
Energy Transport Between Longitudinal Acoustic Modes in Cylindrical
Combustion Chambers
Marble, Frank E. (1993) Aerospace
Propulsion Technology—A Fertile Source of Issues in Basic Fluid
Mechanics ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 115; No. 4; 545-546;
Marble, F. E. (1993) Response
of a Thin Airfoil Encountering a Strong Density Discontinuity ;
Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 115; No. 4; 580-589; 10.1115/1.2910183
Yang, Joseph; Kubota, Toshi; et al. (1993) Applications
of Shock-Induced Mixing to Supersonic Combustion ; AIAA Journal; Vol.
31; No. 5; 854-862; 10.2514/3.11696
Sterling, James D. (1993) Nonlinear
Analysis and Modeling of Combustion Instabilities in a Laboratory
Combustor ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 89; No. 1-4;
167-179; 10.1080/00102209308924107
Jahnke, Craig C. and Culick, F. E. C. (1993) An
Application of Dynamical Systems Theory to Nonlinear Combustion
Kornev, Nikolai and Matveev, Konstantin (1993) Complex
numerical modeling of dynamics and crashes of wing-in-ground
Culick, F. E. C. (1993) Oscillatory
and unsteady processes in liquid rocket engines
Jacobs, J. W. (1993) Shock
accelerated cylindrical gas inhomogeneities. Part 2 - A heavy gas
Beran, Philip S. and Culick, Fred E. C. (1992) The
role of non-uniqueness in the development of vortex breakdown in
tubes ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 242; 491-527; 10.1017/S0022112092002477
Budzinski, John M.; Zukoski, Edward E.; et al. (1992) Rayleigh
Scattering Measurements of Shock Enhanced Mixing
Culick, F. E. C.; Paparizos, L.; et al. (1992) Combustion
noise and combustion instabilities in propulsion systems ; ISBN
9789283506676; Combat aircraft noise = le bruit généré par les avions de
combat; Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization: Neuilly sur Seine, France; 18-1
Waitz, Ian A.; Marble, Frank E.; et al. (1992) A
Systematic Experimental and Computational Investigation of a Class of
Contoured Wall Fuel Injectors
Jacobs, J. W. (1992) Shock-induced
mixing of a light-gas cylinder ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol.
234; 629-649; 10.1017/S0022112092000946
Yang, Joseph; Kubota, Toshi; et al. (1992) An
analytical and computational investigation of shock-induced vortical
Morehart, J. H.; Zukoski, E. E.; et al. (1992) Chemical
Species Produced in Fires Near the Limit of Flammability ; Fire
Safety Journal; Vol. 19; No. 2-3; 177-188; 10.1016/0379-7112(92)90032-8
Culick, F. E. C. and Yang, V. (1992) Prediction
of the stability of unsteady motions in solid-propellant rocket
motors ; ISBN 978-1-56347-014-1; Nonsteady Burning and Combustion
Stability of Solid Propellants; American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics: Washington, DC; 719-779
Waitz, Ian A.; Marble, Frank E.; et al. (1992) Vorticity
Generation by Contoured Wall Injectors
Waitz, Ian-A; Marble, Frank E.; et al. (1991) An
investigation of a contoured wall injector for hypervelocity mixing
Sterling, James D. (1991) Characterization
and modeling of aperiodic pressure oscillations in combustion
Culick, F. E. C.; Lin, W. H.; et al. (1991) Modeling
for Active Control of Combustion and Thermally Driven Oscillations ;
ISBN 0-87942-565-2; Proceedings of the 1991 American Control Conference;
IEEE: Piscataway, NJ; 2939-2948
Sterling, J. D. and Zukoski, E. E. (1991) Nonlinear
Dynamics of Laboratory Combustor Pressure Oscillations ; Combustion
Science and Technology; Vol. 77; No. 4-6; 225-238; 10.1080/00102209108951729
Zukoski, E. E.; Morehart, J. H.; et al. (1991) Species
Production and Heat Release Rates in Two-Layered Natural Gas Fires ;
Combustion and Flame; Vol. 83; No. 3-4; 325-332; 10.1016/0010-2180(91)90079-Q
Morehart, J. H.; Zukoski, E. E.; et al. (1991) Characteristics
Of Large Diffusion Flames Burning In A Vitiated Atmosphere ; ISBN
1-85166-719-9; Fire Safety Science - Proceedings of the third
International Symposium; International Association for Fire Safety
Science: New York; 575-583; 10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.3-575
Culick, F. E. C. (1991) Combustion
Instabilities and Rayleigh’s Criterion ; ISBN 0-387-97417-2; Modern
Research Topics in Aerospace Propulsion: in honor of Corrado Casci;
Springer-Verlag: New York; 135-151
Culick, F. E. C. (1990) Some
recent results for nonlinear acoustics in combustion chambers
Jahnke, Craig C. and Culick, Fred E. C. (1990) Application
of dynamical systems theory to the high angle of attack dynamics of the
Yang, Vigor and Culick, Fred E. C. (1990) On
the Existence and Stability of Limit Cycles for Transverse Acoustic
Oscillations in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber. 1: Standing Modes ;
Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 72; No. 1-3; 37-65; 10.1080/00102209008951639
Marble, F. E.; Zukoski, E. E.; et al. (1990) Shock
enhancement and control of hypersonic mixing and combustion
Yang, V.; Kim, S. I.; et al. (1990) Triggering
of Longitudinal Pressure Oscillations in Combustion Chambers. I:
Nonlinear Gasdynamics ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 72;
No. 4-6; 183-214; 10.1080/00102209008951647
Sobota, Thomas H. and Marble, Frank E. (1989) Swirling
flows in an annular-to-rectangular transition section ; Journal of
Propulsion and Power; Vol. 5; No. 3; 334-340; 10.2514/3.23157
Paparizos, Leonidas G. and Culick, F. E. C. (1989) The
Two-Mode Approximation to Nonlinear Acoustics in Combustion Chambers. I.
Exact Solution for Second Order Acoustics ; Combustion Science and
Technology; Vol. 65; No. 1-3; 39-65; 10.1080/00102208908924041
Culick, F. E. C. and Schadow, K. C. (1989) A
review of the ONR/NAVAIR research option combustion instabilities in
compact ramjets, 1983-1988
Culick, F. E. C. (1989) Analysis
of pressure oscillation in ramjets; review of research:
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analysis and stability of pressure oscillations in ramjets
Yang, V.; Kim, S. I.; et al. (1988) Third-Order
Nonlinear Acoustic Instabilities in Combustion Chambers, Part II:
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Jahnke, Craig C. and Culick, Fred E. C. (1988) Application
of dynamical systems theory to nonlinear aircraft dynamics
Culick, Fred E. C. (1988) Building
a 1903 Wright ‘Flyer’ - By committee
Culick, F. E. C. (1988) Combustion
instabilities in liquid-fuelled propulsion systems
Yang, V.; Sinha, A.; et al. (1988) Linear
theory of active control of pressure oscillations in combustion
Marble, Frank E. and Hendricks, Gavin J. (1988) Structure
and behavior of diffusion flames in a pressure gradient ; Symposium
International on Combustion; Vol. 21; No. 1; 1321-1327; 10.1016/S0082-0784(88)80363-1
Sercel, Joel C. (1987) Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance
(ECR) Plasma Acceleration
Humphrey, J. W. and Culick, F. E. C. (1987) Pressure
oscillations and acoustic-entropy interactions in ramjet combustion
Miake-Lye, Richard C. and Toner, Stephen J. (1987) Laser
Soot-Scattering Imaging of a Large Buoyant Diffusion Flame ;
Combustion and Flame; Vol. 67; No. 1; 9-26; 10.1016/0010-2180(87)90010-1
Sterling, J. D. and Zukoski, E. E. (1987) Longitudinal
Mode Combustion Instabilities in a Dump Combustor
Culick, F. E. C. (1987) A
Note on Rayleigh’s Criterion ; Combustion Science and Technology;
Vol. 56; No. 4-6; 159-166; 10.1080/00102208708947087
Culick, F. E. C. (1987) Aeronautics,
1898-1909: The French-American connection
Sobota, Thomas H. and Marble, Frank E. (1987) An
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Swirling Flows in a
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Marble, Frank E.; Hendricks, Gavin J.; et al. (1987) Progress
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Sercel, J. C.; Blandino, J. J.; et al. (1987) The
ballistic Mars hopper: An alternative Mars mobility concept
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nonlinear acoustic waves and triggering of pressure oscillations in
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Darabiha, N.; Candel, S. M.; et al. (1986) The
Effect of Strain Rate on a Premixed Laminar Flame ; Combustion and
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Crump, James E.; Schadow, Klaus C.; et al. (1986) Longitudinal
Combustion Instabilities in Ramjet Engines: Identification of Acoustic
Modes ; Journal of Propulsion and Power; Vol. 2; No. 2; 105-109
Koshigoe, S.; Yang, V.; et al. (1986) A
new method for stability analysis of a free jet with arbitrary cross
Zukoski, E. E. (1986) Fluid
Dynamic Aspects Of Room Fires ; ISBN 891164561; Fire Safety Science :
Proceedings of the First International Symposium; International
Association for Fire Safety Science: Berkeley, CA; 1-30; 10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.1-1
Yang, Vigor and Culick, Fred E. C. (1986) Nonlinear
analysis of pressure oscillations in ramjet engines
Awad, E. and Culick, F. E. C. (1986) On
the Existence and Stability of Limit Cycles for Longitudinal Acoustic
Modes in a Combustion Chamber ; Combustion Science and Technology;
Vol. 46; No. 3-6; 195-222; 10.1080/00102208608959800
Karagozian, Ann R. and Marble, Frank E. (1986) Study
of a Diffusion Flame in a Stretched Vortex ; Combustion Science and
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Aaron, K. M. and Culick, F. E. C. (1985) Coupled
vortex shedding and acoustic resonances in a duct
Culick, Fred E. C. and Jex, Henry R. (1985) Aerodynamics,
Stability and Control of the 1903 Wright Flyer
Yang, V. and Culick, F. E. C. (1985) Analysis
of unsteady inviscid diffuser flow with a shock wave ; Journal of
Propulsion and Power; Vol. 1; No. 3; 222-228
Culick, F. E. C.; Daily, J. W.; et al. (1985) Approximate
analysis and stability of pressure oscillations in ramjets
Koshigoe, S. and Culick, F. E. C. (1985) Calculations
of Interaction of Acoustic Waves with a Two- Dimensional Free Shear
Smith, D. A. and Zukoski, E. E. (1985) Combustion
instability sustained by unsteady vortex combustion
Marble, F. E. (1985) Growth
of a Diffusion Flame in the Field of a Vortex ; ISBN 306410796;
Recent advances in the aerospace sciences; Plenum Press: New York;
Zukoski, E. E.; Cetegen, B. M.; et al. (1985) Visible
structure of buoyant diffusion flames ; Symposium (International) on
Combustion : [papers]; Vol. 20; No. 1; 361-366; 10.1016/S0082-0784(85)80522-1
Cetegen, B. M.; Zukoski, E. E.; et al. (1984) Entrainment
in the Near and Far Field of Fire Plumes ; Combustion Science and
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Strand, L. D. and Magiawala, K. R. (1984) Microwave
measurement of solid propellant pressure-coupled response
Yang, V. and Culick, F. E. C. (1984) Numerical
calculations of pressure oscillations in a side-dump ramjet
Culick, F. E. C. and Rogers, T. (1983) The
Response of Normal Shocks in Diffusers ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 21;
No. 10; 1382-1390; 10.2514/3.60147
Ruth, E. K. (1983) Experiments
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Awad, E. and Culick, F. E. C. (1983) Existence
and stability of limit cycles for pressure oscillations incombustion
Zukoski, Edward E. and Marble, Frank E. (1983) Experiments
concerning the mechanism of flame blowoff from bluff bodies
Yang, V. and Culick, F. E. C. (1983) Linear
Theory of Pressure Oscillations in liquid-Fueled Ramjet Engines
Nomoto, H. and Culick, F. E. C. (1982) An
experimental investigation of pure tone generation by vortex shedding in
a duct ; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 84; No. 2; 247-252; 10.1016/S0022-460X(82)80007-2
Cetegen, Baki M. and Kubota, Toshi (1981) Integral
solution of a buoyant diffusion flame
Magiawala, K. R. and Culick, F. E. C. (1981) Measurements
of energy exchange between acoustic fields and non-uniform steady flow
fields ; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 75; No. 4; 503-517; 10.1016/0022-460X(81)90438-7
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in Fire Plumes ; Fire Safety Journal; Vol. 3; No. 3; 107-121; 10.1016/0379-7112(81)90037-0
Magiawala, K.; Wat, J.; et al. (1980) Measurements
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Kushner, M. J. and Culick, F. E. C. (1980) A
model for the dissociation pulse, afterglow, and laser pulse in the
Cu/CuCI double pulse laser ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 51;
No. 6; 3020-3032; 10.1063/1.328088
Zukoski, E. E. and Kubota, Toshi (1980) Two-layer
modeling of smoke movement in building fires ; Fire and Materials;
Vol. 4; No. 1; 17-27; 10.1002/fam.810040103
Marble, Frank E. (1980) Theoretical
Analysis of Nitric Oxide Production in a Methane/Air Turbulent Diffusion
Culick, F. E. C. and Rogers, T. (1980) Modeling
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Culick, F. E. C. and Magiawala, K. (1979) Excitation
of acoustic modes in a chamber by vortex shedding ; Journal of Sound
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Marble, Frank E. and Candel, Sebastien M. (1979) An
analytical study of the non-steady behavior of large combustors ;
Symposium (International) on Combustion; Vol. 17; No. 1; 761-769; 10.1016/S0082-0784(79)80074-0
Sears, William R. and Sears, Mabel R. (1979) The
Kármán years at GALCIT ; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 11;
1-11; 10.1146/annurev.fl.11.010179.000245
Culick, F. E. C. (1979) The
Origins of the First Powered, Man-carrying Airplane ; Scientific
American; Vol. 241; No. 1; 86-100; 10.1038/scientificamerican0779-86
Kushner, M. J. and Culick, F. E. C. (1978) Extrema of
electron density and output pulse energy in a CuCl/Ne discharge and a
Cu/CuCl double-pulsed laser ; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 33;
No. 8; 728-731; 10.1063/1.90518
Symington, William A. (1978) Analytical
Studies of Steady and Non-Steady Motions of a Bubbly Liquid
Zukoski, E. E. (1978) Development
of a Stratified Ceiling Layer in the Early Stages of a Closed-room
Fire ; Fire and Materials; Vol. 2; No. 2; 54-62; 10.1002/fam.810020203
Zukoski, E. E. and Kubota, Toshi (1978) A
computer model for fluid dynamic aspects of a transient fire in a two
room structure
Zukoski, E.
Afterburners ;
ISBN 978-1-60086-005-8; Aerothermodynamics of Aircraft Engine
Components; AIAA; 45-144
Vetter, A. A. and Culick, F. E. C. (1978) Thermal
Theory Approximation to a Low-Pressure CS_2/O_2 Flame ; Combustion
and Flame; Vol. 33; No. 2; 169-177; 10.1016/0010-2180(78)90058-5
Cumpsty, N. A. and Marble, F. E. (1977) The
Interaction of Entropy Fluctuations with Turbine Blade Rows; A Mechanism
of Turbojet Engine Noise ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A:
Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 357; No. 1690;
323-344; 10.1098/rspa.1977.0171
Marble, F. E. and Candel, S. M. (1977) Acoustic
disturbance from gas non-uniformities convected through a nozzle ;
Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 55; No. 2; 225-243; 10.1016/0022-460X(77)90596-X
Cumpsty, N. A. and Marble, F. E. (1977) Core
noise from gas turbine exhausts ; Journal of Sound and Vibration;
Vol. 54; No. 2; 297-309; 10.1016/0022-460X(77)90031-1
Vetter, A. A. and Culick, F. E. C. (1977) Rate
of population of CO(v) in a CS_2/O_2 flame ; Journal of Chemical
Physics; Vol. 67; No. 5; 2304-2308; 10.1063/1.435065
Bohn, M. S. (1977) Response
of a subsonic nozzle to acoustic and entropy disturbances ; Journal
of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 52; No. 2; 283-297; 10.1016/0022-460X(77)90647-2
Marble, Frank E. and Broadwell, James E. (1977) The
Coherent Flame Model for Turbulent Chemical Reactions
Vetter, A. A. and Culick, F. E. C. (1977) Flame
Speed of a Low Pressure CS_2/O_2 Flame ; Combustion and Flame; Vol.
30; No. 1; 107-109; 10.1016/0010-2180(77)90055-4
Culick, F. E. C. (1977) Remarks
on Entropy Production in the One-Dimensional Approximation to Unsteady
Flow in Combustion Chambers ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol.
15; No. 3; 93-97; 10.1080/00102207708946774
Kumar, R. N. and Culick, F. E. C. (1977) Role
of Condensed Phase Details in the Oscillatory Combustion of Composite
Propellants ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 15; No. 5;
179-199; 10.1080/00102207708946783
Sovero, Emilio; Chen, Che Jen; et al. (1976) Electron
temperature measurements in a copper chloride laser utilizing a
microwave radiometer ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 47; No. 10;
4538-4542; 10.1063/1.322426
Culick, F. E. C. (1976) Nonlinear
behavior of acoustic waves in combustion chambers—II ; Acta
Astronautica; Vol. 3; No. 9-10; 735-757; 10.1016/0094-5765(76)90108-9
Bohn, M. S. and Zukoski, E. E. (1976) Effect
of flow on the acoustic reflection coefficient at a duct inlet ;
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 59; No. 6; 1497-1499;
Bohn, Mark S. (1976) Noise
Produced by the Interaction of Acoustic Waves and Entropy Waves with
High-Speed Nozzle Flows
Zukoski, E. E. and Auerbach, J. M. (1976) Experiments
concerning the response of supersonic nozzles to fluctuating inlet
conditions ; Journal of Engineering for Power; Vol. 98; No. 1; 60-64;
Culick, F. E. C. (1976) Nonlinear
behavior of acoustic waves in combustion chambers—I ; Acta
Astronautica; Vol. 3; No. 9; 715-734; 10.1016/0094-5765(76)90107-7
Zukoski, Edward E. (1976) Prediction
of smoke movement in buildings
Culick, F. E. C. and Paparizos, L. (1976) Remarks
on the two-mode approximation to the nonlinear behavior of pressure
oscillations in combustion chambers
Kumar, R. N. (1975) Further
experimental results on the structure and acoustics of turbulent jet
Culick, F. E. C. (1975) Stability
of Three-Dimensional Motions in a Combustion Chamber ; Combustion
Science and Technology; Vol. 10; No. 3; 109-124; 10.1080/00102207508946663
Carrier, G. F.; Fendell, F. E.; et al. (1975) The
Effect of Strain Rate on Diffusion Flames ; SIAM Journal on Applied
Mathematics; Vol. 28; No. 2; 463-500; 10.1137/0128038
Marble, Frank E. and Candel, Sebastien M. (1975) Acoustic
Attenuation in Fans and Ducts by Vaporization of Liquid Droplets ;
AIAA Journal; Vol. 13; No. 5; 634-639; 10.2514/3.49777
Kumar, R. N. and Strand, L. D. (1975) Combustion
problems of nitramine propellants
Marble, Frank E. (1975) Response
of a nozzle to an entropy disturbance example of thermodynamically
unsteady aerodynamics
Culick, F. E. C. and Levine, J. N. (1974) Comparison
of approximate and numerical analyses of nonlinear combustion
Cumpsty, N. A. (1974) Excess
noise from gas turbine exhausts
Perry, E. H. and Culick, F. E. C. (1974) Measurements
of Wall Heat Transfer in the Presence of Large-Amplitude
Combustion-Driven Oscillations ; Combustion Science and Technology;
Vol. 9; No. 1/2; 49-53; 10.1080/00102207408960336
Cumpsty, Nicholas A. and Marble, F. E. (1974) The
generation of noise by the fluctuations in gas temperature into a
Kumar, R. N. and Culick, F. E. C. (1973) Influence
of Mechanical Properties on the Combustion of Propellants ;
Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 8; No. 4; 149-158; 10.1080/00102207308946638
Kumar, R. N. (1973) Condensed
Phase Details in the Time-Independent Combustion of AP/Composite
Propellants ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 8; No. 3;
133-148; 10.1080/00102207308946637
Kumar, R. N. (1973) A
new look at AP/composite propellant combustion ; JPL Quarterly
Technical Review; Vol. 3; No. 2; 53-77
Culick, F. E. C. (1973) The
Stability of One-Dimensional Motions in a Rocket Motor ; Combustion
Science and Technology; Vol. 7; No. 4; 165-175; 10.1080/00102207308952355
Candel, S. M. (1973) Acoustic
radiation from the end of two-dimensional duct, effects of uniform flow
and duct lining ; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 28; No. 1;
1-13; 10.1016/S0022-460X(73)80014-8
Quan, Victor; Marble, Frank E.; et al. (1973) Nitric
oxide formation in turbulent diffusion flames ; Symposium
(International) on Combustion; Vol. 14; No. 1; 851-860; 10.1016/S0082-0784(73)80078-5
Candel, S. M. (1972) Acoustic
transmission and reflection by a shear discontinuity separating hot and
cold regions ; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 24; No. 1; 87-91;
Hill, Murray K. and Zukoski, Edward E. (1972) Behavior
of Spherical Particles at Low Reynolds Numbers in a Fluctuating
Translational Flow. Preliminary Experiments
Culick, F. E. C. (1972) Research
on combustion instability and application to solid propellant rocket
motors. II.
Culick, F. E. C. (1971) Non-Linear
Growth and Limiting Amplitude of Acoustic Oscillations in Combustion
Chambers ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 3; No. 1; 1-16; 10.1080/00102207108952266
Shankar, P. N. and Marble, Frank E. (1971) Kinetic
Theory of Transient Condensation and Evaporation at a Plane Surface ;
Physics of Fluids; Vol. 14; No. 3; 510-516; 10.1063/1.1693464
Culick, F. E. C. (1970) Stability
of Longitudinal Oscillations with Pressure and Velocity Coupling in a
Solid Propellant Rocket ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 2;
No. 4; 179-201; 10.1080/00102207008952247
Marble, Frank E. and Wooten, David C. (1970) Sound
attenuation in a condensing vapor ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 13;
No. 11; 2657-2664; 10.1063/1.1692847
Serdengecti, Sedat and Marble, Frank E. (1970) A
theory of two-dimensional airfoils with strong inlet flow on the upper
Marble, Frank E. (1970) Dynamics
of Dusty Gases ; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 2;
Zukoski, Edward E.; Marble, Frank E.; et al. (1970) Large
building fires - experiments and analysis
Koester, John K.; Sajben, Miklos; et al. (1970) Analytical
and experimental studies of thermionically emitting electrodes in
contact with dense, seeded plasmas
Culick, F. E. C. and Dehority, G. L. (1969) An
Elementary Calculation for the Burning Rate of Composite Solid
Propellants ; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 1; No. 3;
193-204; 10.1080/00102206908952200
Frenandez, F. L. and Zukoski, E. E. (1969) Experiments
in supersonic turbulent flow with large distributed surface
injection ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 7; No. 9; 1759-1767
Culick, F. E. C. (1969) Remarks
on Extinguishment and the Response Function for a Burning Solid
Propellant ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 7; No. 7; 1403-1404
Culick, F. E. C. and Perry, E. H. (1969) T-Burner
Data and Combustion Instability in Solid Propellant Rockets ; AIAA
Journal; Vol. 7; No. 6; 1204-1205
Zung, Laurence B. (1969) Flow
Induced in Fluid-Particle Suspension by an Infinite Rotating Disk ;
Physics of Fluids; Vol. 12; No. 1; 18-23; 10.1063/1.1692261
Culick, F. E. C. (1969) An
Elementary Calculation of the Combustion of Solid Propellants ;
Astronautica Acta; Vol. 14; No. 2; 171-181
Beckstead, M. W.; Mathes, H. B.; et al. (1969) Combustion
instability of solid propellants ; Symposium (International) on
Combustion; Vol. 12; No. 1; 203-211; 10.1016/S0082-0784(69)80404-2
Puzyrewski, R. and Zukoski, E. E. (1969) Disintegration
of a liquid sheet due to gravity force
Gilpin, Robert R. and Zukoski, Edward E. (1969) Experimental
and Theoretical Studies of Electrothermal Waves ; AIAA Journal; Vol.
7; No. 8; 1438-1445
Marble, Frank E. (1969) Some
Gasdynamic Problems in the Flow of Condensing Vapors ; Astronautica
Acta; Vol. 14; No. 6; 585-613
Culick, F. E. C. (1968) A
review of calculations for unsteady burning of a solid propellant ;
AIAA Journal; Vol. 6; No. 12; 2241-2255
Spaid, F. W. and Zukoski, E. E. (1968) A
Study of the Interaction of Gaseous Jets from Transverse Slots with
Supersonic External Flows ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 6; No. 2; 205-212
Fernandez, F. L. and Zukoski, E. E. (1968) Experiments
in supersonic turbulent flow with large distributed surface
Dobbins, Richard A. (1968) Photoexcitation
and photoionization of argon ahead of a strong shock wave
Puzyrewski, Romuald (1967) Perturbation
analysis of condensation controlled by heat transfer on large
droplets ; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 10;
No. 12; 1717-1726; 10.1016/0017-9310(67)90041-5
Zukoski, Edward E. and Gilpin, Robert R. (1967) Large
amplitude electrothermal waves in a nonequilibrium plasma ; Physics
of Fluids; Vol. 10; No. 9; 1974-1977; 10.1063/1.1762394
Marble, Frank E. (1967) The
role of approximate analytical results in the study of two-phase flow in
Culick, F. E. C. (1967) Calculation
of the Admittance Function for a Burning Surface ; Astronautica Acta;
Vol. 13; No. 3; 221-237
Marble, Frank E. (1967) Droplet
Agglomeration in Rocket Nozzles Caused by Particle Slip and
Collision ; Astronautica Acta; Vol. 13; No. 2; 159-166
Liu, J. T. C. (1967) Flow
Induced by the Impulsive Motion of an Infinite Flat Plate in a Dusty
Gas ; Astronautica Acta; Vol. 13; No. 4; 369-377
Zukoski, Edward E. (1967) Turbulent
Boundary-Layer Separation in Front of a Forward-Facing Step ; AIAA
Journal; Vol. 5; No. 10; 1746-1753
Spaid, Frank W. and Zukoski, Edward E. (1966) Further
experiments concerning secondary injection of gases into a supersonic
flow ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 4; No. 12; 2216-2218
Gibson, Edward G. (1966) Ionization
Phenomena in a Gas-Particle Plasma ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 9;
No. 12; 2389-2399; 10.1063/1.1761630
Kelly, Arnold J. (1966) Atom-atom
ionization cross sections of the noble gases-Argon, Krypton, and
Xenon ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 45; No. 5; 1723-1732; 10.1063/1.1727821
Kelly, Arnold J. (1966) Atom-atom
ionization mechanism in Argon-Xenon mixtures ; Journal of Chemical
Physics; Vol. 45; No. 5; 1733-1736; 10.1063/1.1727822
Liu, J. T. C. (1966) Flow
induced by an oscillating infinite flat plate in a dusty gas ;
Physics of Fluids; Vol. 9; No. 9; 1716-1720; 10.1063/1.1761926
Cool, Terrill A. and Zukoski, Edward E. (1966) Recombination,
ionization, and nonequilibrium electrical conductivity in seeded
plasmas ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 9; No. 4; 780-796; 10.1063/1.1761745
Tam, Christopher K. W. (1966) Electrostatic
damping on the motion of a charged particle in a plasma ; Physics of
Fluids; Vol. 9; No. 3; 493-498; 10.1063/1.1761703
Culick, Fred E. C. (1966) Acoustic
oscillations in solid propellant rocket chambers ; Astronautica Acta;
Vol. 12; No. 2; 113-126
Gluck, D. F.; Gille, J. P.; et al. (1966) Distortion
of a free surface during tank discharge ; Journal of Spacecraft and
Rockets; Vol. 3; No. 11; 1691-1692; 10.2514/3.28731
Zukoski, E. E. (1966) Influence
of viscosity, surface tension, and inclination angle on motion of long
bubbles in closed tubes ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 25; No. 4;
821-837; 10.1017/S0022112066000442
Cool, T. A. and Zukoski, E. E. (1966) Recombination
rates and non-equilibrium electrical conductivity in a seeded
Culick, F. E. C. (1966) Remarks
on acoustic oscillations in a solid propellant rocket ; AIAA Journal;
Vol. 4; No. 6; 1120-1121
Culick, F. E. C. (1966) Rotational
axisymmetric mean flow and damping of acoustic waves in a solid
propellant rocket ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 4; No. 8; 1462-1464
Patch, R. W. (1965) Absolute
intensity measurements for the 2·7 μ band of water vapor in a shock
tube ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer;
Vol. 5; No. 1; 137-164; 10.1016/0022-4073(65)90038-5
Zukoski, Edward E. and Cool, Terrill A. (1965) Nonequilibrium
electrical conductivity measurements in argon and helium seeded
plasmas ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 3; No. 2; 370-371
Zukoski, Edward E. and Spaid, Frank W. (1964) Secondary
Injection of Gases into a Supersonic Flow ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 2;
No. 10; 1689-1696
Marble, Frank E. (1964) Mechanism of
particle collision in the one-dimensional dynamics of gas-particle
mixtures ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 7; No. 8; 1270-1282; 10.1063/1.1711372
Goldstein, R. and Penner, S. S. (1964) The
near-infrared absorption of liquid water at temperatures between 27 and
209°C ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer;
Vol. 4; No. 3; 441-451; 10.1016/0022-4073(64)90005-6
Culick, Fred E. C. (1964) Compressible
magnetogasdynamic channel flow ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte
Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 15; No. 2; 126-143; 10.1007/BF01602655
Goldstein, Robert (1964) Measurements
of infrared absorption by water vapor at temperatures to 1000°K ;
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 4;
No. 2; 343-352; 10.1016/0022-4073(64)90075-5
Goldstein, R. and Penner, S. S. (1964) Transmission
of infrared radiation through liquid water and through water vapor near
saturation ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative
Transfer; Vol. 4; No. 2; 359-361; 10.1016/0022-4073(64)90077-9
Harwell, Kenneth E. and Jahn, Robert G. (1964) Initial
ionization rates in shock-heated Argon, Krypton, and Xenon ; Physics
of Fluids; Vol. 7; No. 2; 214-222; 10.1063/1.1711135
Penner, S. S. and Thomas, M. (1964) Approximate
Theoretical Calculation of Continuum Opacities ; AIAA Journal; Vol.
2; No. 9; 1572-1575; 10.2514/3.2623
Zukoski, E. E.; Cool, T. A.; et al. (1964) Experiments
Concerning Nonequilibrium Conductivity in a Seeded Plasma ; AIAA
Journal; Vol. 2; No. 8; 1410-1417; 10.2514/3.2559
Penner, S. S.; Thomas, M.; et al. (1964) Similarity
parameters for radiative energy transfer in isothermal and
non-isothermal gas mixtures
Marble, Frank E. (1963) Nozzle
contours for minimum particle-lag loss ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 1;
No. 12; 2793-2801
Culick, F. E. C. (1963) A
boundary-layer problem associated with magnetogasdynamic channel
flow ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 1; No. 11; 2666-2667
Porter, J. W. and Penner, S. S. (1963) Experimental
determination of desorption rates and of heats of desorption ;
Physics of Fluids; Vol. 6; No. 11; 1610-1624; 10.1063/1.1710995
Watson, Ronald (1963) Experimental
spectroscopic temperature measurement in the reflected wave region of a
shock tube using the OH^2∑ → ^2Π band system ; Journal of
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 3; No. 3;
255-264; 10.1016/0022-4073(63)90036-0
Thomas, M. and Penner, S. S. (1963) On
radiative transfer calculations from non-isothermal gases ; Journal
of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 3; No. 3;
293-294; 10.1016/0022-4073(63)90041-4
Culick, F. E. C. (1963) Stability
of high-frequency pressure oscillations in rocket combustion
chambers ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 1; No. 5; 1097-1104
Pinchak, A. C. and Zukoski, E. E. (1963) Gas
phase and surface phenomena observed with a seeded plasma
Jacobs, T. A. (1963) Further
shock-tube studies by infrared emission of the decomposition of
ammonia ; Journal of Physical Chemistry; Vol. 67; No. 3; 665-667; 10.1021/j100797a030
Penner, S. S. (1963) Combustion
and Propulsion Research ; Chemical and Engineering News; Vol. 41;
No. 2; 74-85; 10.1021/cen-v041n002.p074
Goldestein, R. (1963) Preliminary
absolute intensity measurements for the 1•38, 1•37 and 2•7 µ bands of
water vapor between 125 and 200°C ; Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 3; No. 1; 91-93; 10.1016/0022-4073(63)90010-4
Gray, L. D. and Penner, S. S. (1963) Radiative
energy transfer to centrally located areas in cylindrical and conical
chambers containing isothermal, grey emitters ; Journal of
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 3; No. 1; 29-34;
Culick, F. E. C. (1963) Comments
on a hanging soap film ; AIAA Journal; Vol. 1; No. 6; 1462-1463
Marble, Frank E. (1963) Dynamics
of a gas containing small solid particles
Penner, S. S.; Olfe, D. B.; et al. (1963) Recent
studies on quantitative spectroscopy and gas emissivities
Penner, Stanford S. (1962) Propellants
and Combustion ; Astronautics; Vol. 6; No. 11; 97-98
Watson, Ronald (1962) Procedure
for reliable preparation of shock tube test gas mixtures containing
water vapor ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 33; No. 10;
1113-1114; 10.1063/1.1717700
Patch, R. W.; Shackleford, W. L.; et al. (1962) Approximate
spectral absorption coefficient calculations for electronic band systems
belonging to diatomic molecules ; Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 2; No. 3; 263-271; 10.1016/0022-4073(62)90002-X
Watson, Ronald (1962) Temperature
measurement on the OH 2Σ→ 2Π band system for a transparent gas
in a shock tube ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative
Transfer; Vol. 2; No. 3; 301-303; 10.1016/0022-4073(62)90006-7
Jahn, Robert G. (1962) Microwave
Probing of Ionized-Gas Flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 5; No. 6;
678-686; 10.1063/1.1706684
Watson, Ronald (1962) Reduction
of ultraviolet scattering from a continuous light source in a littrow
type monochromator ; Applied Spectroscopy; Vol. 16; No. 5; 164-165;
Gutmann, A. and Penner, S. S. (1962) Experimental
determination of the heat of dissociation of N _2O_4→2NO_2 from the
temperature dependence of absolute infrared intensities ; Journal of
Chemical Physics; Vol. 36; No. 1; 98-99; 10.1063/1.1732326
Gutman, A. (1962) Absolute
infrared intensity measurements on nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen
tetroxide ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative
Transfer; Vol. 2; No. 1; 1-15; 10.1016/0022-4073(62)90011-0
Penner, S. S. and Porter, J. W. (1962) Influence
of Heterogeneous Reaction Processes on Atomic Recombination Rates in
Rocket Nozzles ; Astronautica Acta; Vol. 8; No. 4; 240-242
Rannie, W. D. (1962) Perturbation
analysis of one-dimensional heterogeneous flow in rocket nozzles ;
ISBN 978-1-60086-261-8; Detonation and two-phase flow : a selection of
technical papers based mainly on a symposium of the American Rocket
Society held at Palm Beach, Florida, April 26-28, 1961; Academic Press:
New York; 117-144
Penner, S. S. (1962) Spectroscopy
methods of temperature measurements
Heitland, Herbert H. (1961) Design
of a high-speed valve ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 32;
No. 11; 1203-1204; 10.1063/1.1717208
Penner, S. S. (1961) On
iraser detectors for radiation emitted from diatomic gases and coherent
infrared sources ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative
Transfer; Vol. 1; No. 2; 163-168; 10.1016/0022-4073(61)90021-8
Kerrebrock, Jack L. and Meghreblian, Robert V. (1961) Vortex
containment for the gaseous-fission rocket ; Journal of the Aerospace
Sciences; Vol. 28; No. 9; 710-724
Kerrebrock, Jack L. (1961) Electrode
boundary layers in direct-current plasma accelerators ; Journal of
the Aerospace Sciences; Vol. 28; No. 8; 631-644
Penner, S. S. and Gray, L. D. (1961) Approximate
infrared emissivity calculations for HCl at elevated temperatures ;
Journal of the Optical Society of America; Vol. 51; No. 4; 460-462; 10.1364/JOSA.51.000460
Watson, Ronald (1961) Effect
of scale size on a rocket engine with suddenly frozen nozzle flow ;
ARS Journal; Vol. 31; No. 3; 452-453
Albini, Frank A. and Jahn, Robert G. (1961) Reflection
and transmission of electromagnetic waves at electron density
gradients ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 32; No. 1; 75-82; 10.1063/1.1735964
Reichenbach, J. and Penner, S. S. (1961) An
iterative procedure for the solution of nozzle-relaxation problems with
reversible chemical reactions ; Symposium (International) on
Combustion; Vol. 8; No. 1; 359-366; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80524-2
Broman, G. E. and Zukoski, E. E. (1961) Experimental
investigation of flame stabilization in a deflected jet ; Symposium
(International) on Combustion; Vol. 8; No. 1; 944-956; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80590-4
Reichenbach, R.; Squires, D.; et al. (1961) Flame
propagation in liquid-fuel droplet arrays ; Symposium (International)
on Combustion; Vol. 8; No. 1; 1068-1073; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80602-8
Olfe, D. and Penner, S. S. (1961) Radiant
energy emission from the equilibrated reaction products of a upre
ammonium perchlorate pellet ; Symposium (International) on
Combustion; Vol. 8; No. 1; 293-303; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80515-1
Penner, S. S. and Williams, F. A. (1961) The
Theory of Steady, One-dimensional, Laminar Flame Propagation for
One-step Chemical Reactions ; Astronautica Acta; Vol. 7; No. 2-3;
Penner, S. S. (1961) The
role of combustion research in rocket propulsion
Penner, S. S. and Jacobs, T. A. (1960) Combustion
and flames ; Annual Review of Physical Chemistry; Vol. 11; 391-406;
Jacobs, T. A.; Lapp, M.; et al. (1960) Quantitavive
spectroscopy ; Physics Today; Vol. 13; No. 7; 70-73; 10.1063/1.3057053
Penner, S. S. (1960) Oscillator
strengths of the ultraviolet γ bands of NO ; Journal of the Optical
Society of America; Vol. 50; No. 6; 627-627; 10.1364/JOSA.50.000627
Jacobs, T. A.; Penner, S. S.; et al. (1960) Approximate
theoretical performance evaluation for a diverging rocket
Takeyama, H. and Guttman, A. (1960) Emission
of diffuse bands of sodium behind shock fronts ; Journal of Chemical
Physics; Vol. 32; No. 2; 634-635; 10.1063/1.1730769
Penner, S. S. (1960) Radiant
energy emission from excited harmonic oscillators ; Journal of
Chemical Physics; Vol. 32; No. 2; 617-618; 10.1063/1.1730752
Kerrebrock, Jack L. (1960) Similar
solutions for boundary layers in constant-temperature magneto-gasdynamic
channel flow ; Journal of the Aerospace Sciences; Vol. 27; No. 2;
Kerrebrock, Jack L. and Marble, Frank
magneto-gasdynamic channel flow ; Journal of the Aerospace Sciences;
Vol. 27; No. 1; 78-78
Brownlee, W. Grant and Marble, Frank E. (1960) An
experimental investigation of unstable combustion in solid propellant
rocket motors ; ISBN 9781600862571; Solid propellant rocket research
: a selection of technical papers based mainly on a symposium of the
American Rocket Society; Academic Press: New York; 455-494; 10.2514/4.9781600862571
Wright, F. H. and Zukoski, E. E. (1960) Flame
spreading from bluff-body flameholders
Jacobs, T. A. (1960) Shock-tube
measurements of the homogeneous rate of decomposition on NH_3 in NH_3-AR
Turcotte, Donald L. (1960) Stable
combustion of a high-velocity gas in a heated boundary layer ;
Journal of the Aerospace Sciences; Vol. 27; No. 7; 509-516
Oates, Gordon C. (1959) Theory
of Throughflow in Axial Turbomachines with Variable Wall
Jahn, Robert G. and Grosse, Fred A. (1959) Response of
electrostatic probes to ionized gas flows in a shock tube ; Physics
of Fluids; Vol. 2; No. 4; 469-470; 10.1063/1.1724420
Oppenheim, U. P. (1959) Experimental
verification of theoretical relations between total gas absorptivities
and total gas emissivities for CO ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol.
30; No. 6; 803-807; 10.1063/1.1735244
Nachbar, W.; Williams, F.; et al. (1959) The
conservation equations for independent coexistent continua and for
multicomponent reacting gas mixtures ; Quarterly of Applied
Mathematics; Vol. 17; No. 1; 43-54
Olfe, D. and Penner, S. S. (1959) Relation
between gas absorptivities and emissivities ; Journal of Applied
Physics; Vol. 30; No. 1; 125-125; 10.1063/1.1734963
Kerrebrock, Jack L. (1959) Diffusion
in neutral and ionized gases with extreme pressure gradients
Williams, F. A.; Penner, S. S.; et al. (1959) Heterogeneous
burning in a diverging reactor ; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 3; No. 3;
355-371; 10.1016/0010-2180(59)90038-0
Penner, S. S.; Olfe, D.; et al. (1959) Relations
between molecular gas absoptivities and emissivities
Williams, F. A. (1958) Elementary
derivation of the multicomponent diffusion equation ; American
Journal of Physics; Vol. 26; No. 7; 467-469; 10.1119/1.1934643
Katz, Robert (1958) Performance
of Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet Flows
Dyne, P. J. (1958) Uncertainties
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of OH ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 28; No. 5; 999-1000; 10.1063/1.1744333
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Marble, Frank E. (1955) Propagation
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Penner, S. S. and Björnerud, E. K. (1955) Experimental
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Knuth, Eldon L. (1955) The
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Penner, S. S. (1954) Approximate
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Marble, Frank E. and Adamson, Thomas C., Jr. (1954) Ignition
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No. 2; 85-94
MacLeod, Gordon J. (1954) Production
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Elliott, B. H. and Penner, S. S. (1954) Effects
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von Kármán, Theodore and Penner, S. S. (1954) Fundamental
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the American Rocket Society; Vol. 23; No. 3; 165-169
Penner, S. S. and Kavanagh, R. W. (1953) Radiation
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Penner, S. S. (1953) Determination
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Penner, S. S. (1953) Quantitative
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Tsien, H. S. (1953) Similarity
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Tsien, H. S. (1952) Servo-stabilization
of combustion in rocket motors ; Journal of the American Rocket
Society; Vol. 22; No. 5; 256-263
Penner, S. S. (1952) A
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Temperature for Isothermal Flames ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol.
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Penner, S. S. (1952) Experimental
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Penner, S. S. (1952) [The Emission of Radiation from Diatomic
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Lines as a Function of Temperature and Optical
Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 23; No. 8; 825-837
Tsien, H. S. (1952) A
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Tsien, H. S.; Adamson, T. C.; et al. (1952) Automatic
navigation of a long range rocket vehicle ; Journal of the American
Rocket Society; Vol. 22; No. 4; 192-199
Penner, S. S. (1952) On
the Validity of Anomalous Population Temperatures in Flames ; Journal
of Chemical Physics; Vol. 20; No. 7; 1175-1176; 10.1063/1.1700694
Tsien, H. S. and Cheng, C. M. (1952) A
similarity law for stressing rapidly heated thin-walled cylinders ;
Journal of the American Rocket Society; Vol. 22; No. 3; 144-149,
Penner, S. S. and Tsien, H. S. (1952) On
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Molecules ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 20; No. 5; 827-828; 10.1063/1.1700578
Tsien, H. S. (1952) The
transfer functions of rocket nozzles ; Journal of the American Rocket
Society; Vol. 22; No. 3; 139-143
Penner, S. S. (1952) On
the kinetics of evaporation ; Journal of Physical Chemistry; Vol. 56;
No. 4; 475-479; 10.1021/j150496a015
Marble, Frank E. and Michelson, Irving (1952) Analytical
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and absorption of radiation by spectral lines with Doppler contour ;
Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 20; No. 3; 507-510; 10.1063/1.1700447
Penner, S. S. (1952) Note
on the application of near-frozen flow criteria for one-dimensional
nonviscous expansion through a Laval nozzle ; Journal of Chemical
Physics; Vol. 20; No. 2; 341; 10.1063/1.1700409
Penner, S. S.; Ostrander, M. H.; et al. (1952) The
emission of radiation from diatomic gases. III. Numerical emissivity
calculations for carbon monoxide for low optical densities at 300°K and
atmospheric pressure ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 23; No. 2;
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Penner, S. S. (1952) Chemical
propellants ; Journal of Chemical Education; Vol. 29; No. 1;
Adamson, T. C., Jr. (1952) On
the theory of one-dimensional flame propagation ; Journal of the
American Rocket Society; Vol. 22; No. 1; 38-38
Penner, S. S. (1952) Quantitative
evaluation of rocket propellants ; American Journal of Physics; Vol.
20; No. 1; 26-31
Tsien, H. S. (1952) Lecture
Notes on Applications of Jet Propulsion Power Plants
Cheng, C. M. (1951) Resistance to
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No. 6; 147-153
Meghreblian, R. V. (1951) Approximate
calculations of specific heats for polyatomic gases ; Journal of the
American Rocket Society; Vol. 21; 127-128, 131
Tsien, H. S. and Evans, Robert C. (1951) Optimum thrust
programming for a sounding rocket ; Journal of the American Rocket
Society; Vol. 21; 99-107
Penner, S. S. (1951) Thermodynamics
and chemical kinetics of one-dimensional nonviscous flow through a Laval
nozzle ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 19; No. 7; 877-881; 10.1063/1.1748400
Tsien, H. S. (1951) Influence of
flame front on the flow field ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol.
18; No. 2; 188-194
Tsien, Hsue-shen (1950) Instruction
and research at the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion
Center ; Journal of the American Rocket Society; No. 81; 51-64
Tsien, H. S. (1950) A
generalization of Alfrey’s theorem for visco-elastic media ;
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 8; No. 1; 104-106
Tsien, Hsue-Shen (1950) Research in
rocket and jet propulsion ; Aero Digest; 120-125