- Shepherd, J.E. and Kasahara, J. (2017) Analytical
Models for the Thrust of a Rotating Detonation Engine; 10.7907/DNVT-PY80
- Benezech, Laurent J.-M.; Bergthorson, Jeffrey M.; et al. (2006) Experimental
investigation of planar strained methane-air and ethylene-air
flames; 10.7907/ef6n-v741
- Wolf, M. L.; Lieberman, D. H.; et al. (2005) Characterization
of gravity current formation for the use in detonation refraction
experiments; 10.7907/RE61-N852
- Ponchaut, N. F.; Mouton, C. A.; et al. (2005) 3D Particle
Tracking Velocimetry Method: Advances and Error Analysis; 10.7907/qnad-cw63
- Shepherd, J. E. (2005) Pulse
Detonation Engines: Initiation, Propagation, and Performance; 10.7907/PTTP-CS61
- Bergthorson, Jeffrey M.; Sone, Kazuo; et al. (2005) Experiments
and modeling of impinging laminar jets at moderate separation
distances; 10.7907/jaky-fw03
- Shepherd, Joseph E. (2005) Detonation
Initiation by Annular Jets and Shock Waves; 10.7907/752v-d938
- Arienti, M.; Morano, E.; et al. (2004) Shock
and detonation modeling with the Mie-Grüneisen equation of state; 10.7907/HFD2-KJ79
- Pintgen, F. and Shepherd, J. E. (2003) Mixing and
Combustion of Rich Fireballs; 10.7907/wdaq-7r79
- Grunthaner, M. P. and Austin, J. M. (2003) Design
Considerations and Structural Analysis of the Narrow Channel
Facility; 10.7907/apmk-e397
- Jackson, S. I. and Shepherd, J. E. (2002) The
Development of a Pulse Detonation Engine Simulator Facility; 10.7907/zg0w-ry50
- Cooper, M. and Shepherd, J. E. (2002) Thermal and
Catalytic Cracking of JP-10 for Pulse Detonation Engine
Applications; 10.7907/da9e-gj19
- Wintenberger, E.; Austin, J. M.; et al. (2002) Impulse of
a Single-Pulse Detonation Tube; 10.7907/zbg7-z526
- Shepherd, J. E. (2002) Multidisciplinary
Study of Pulse Detonation Engines; 10.7907/6aet-2r17
- Grunthaner, M.; Jackson, S. I.; et al. (2001) Design and
Construction of an Annular Detonation Initiator; 10.7907/mnpp-0s08
- Chao, Tong Wa; Winterberger, E.; et al. (2001) On the
Design of Pulse Detonation Engines; 10.7907/rh9p-8843
- Shan, Jerry and Dimotakis, Paul (2001) Turbulent
Mixing in Transverse Jets; 10.7907/t6fq-sd29
- Fujii, Keisuke and Hornung, Hans G. (2001) A Procedure
to Estimate Absorption Rate of Sound Propagating Through High
Temperature Gas; 10.7907/qt5w-pv02
- Austin, J. M.; Cooper, M.; et al. (2000) Small Scale
Detonation Studies: Direct impulse measurements for detonations and
deflagrations; 10.7907/8he6-kk71
- Austin, J. M. and Shepherd, J. E. (2000) Detonations
in Hydrocarbon Fuel Blends; 10.7907/nvz7-5h38
- Cooper, M.; Jackson, S.; et al. (2000) Effect of
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition on Pulse Detonation Engine
Impulse; 10.7907/dd5r-k902
- Shepherd, J. E.; Nuyt, C. D.; et al. (2000) Flash Point
and Chemical Composition of Aviation Kerosene (Jet A); 10.7907/j59s-fv75
- Schultz, E. and Shepherd, J. (2000) Detonation
Diffraction Through a Mixture Gradient; 10.7907/ny3f-4p70
- Schultz, E. and Shepherd, J. (2000) Validation
of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms for Detonation Simulation; 10.7907/ta29-4765
- Shepherd, Joseph E.; Krok, J. Chris; et al. (2000) Results of
1/4-Scale Experiments. Vapor Simulant And Liquid Jet A Tests; 10.7907/22et-fz32
- Shepherd, Joseph E.; Krok, J. Christopher; et al. (2000) Spark
Ignition Energy Measurements in Jet A; 10.7907/sf5x-p228
- Lee, Julian J. and Shepherd, Joseph E. (2000) Spark
Ignition Measurements in Jet A: part II; 10.7907/zqd4-pd04
- Akbar, Raza; Kaneshige, Michael; et al. (2000) Detonations
in H₂-N₂O-CH₄-NH₃-O₂-N₂ Mixtures; 10.7907/pnyc-bn58
- Hébral, J.-P. and Shepherd, J. E. (2000) User
Guide for Detonation Cell Size Measurement using Photoshop and
Matlab; 10.7907/8xt4-zn57
- Pfahl, U. J. and Shepherd, J. E. (1999) Jet
Initiation of Deflagration and Detonation in Stoichiometric H₂-O₂-N₂
Mixtures; 10.7907/bcbd-n591
- Pfahl, U.; Schultz, E.; et al. (1998) Detonation
Cell Width Measurements for H₂–N₂O–N₂–O₂–CH₄ –NH₃ Mixtures; 10.7907/k82a-7z22
- Beltman, W. M. and Shepherd, J. E. (1998) Structural
Response of Shells to Shock and Detonation Loading; 10.7907/y44y-br60
- Pfahl, Ulrich; Shepherd, Joseph E.; et al. (1998) Combustion
within Porous Waste; 10.7907/emp2-7s36
- Shepherd, J. E.; Krok, J. C.; et al. (1997) Jet A
Explosions - Field Test Plan: 1/4-Scale Experiments; 10.7907/330g-j495
- Shepherd, Joseph E.; Krok, J. Christopher; et al. (1997) Jet A
Explosion Experiments: Laboratory Testing; 10.7907/86gm-wr43
- Kaneshige, Michael and Shepherd, Joseph E. (1997) Detonation
Database; 10.7907/g3gs-4y69
- Pfahl, Ulrich and Shepherd, Joseph E. (1997) Flammability,
Ignition Energy and Flame Speeds in NH₃-H₂-CH₄-N₂O-O₂-N₂ Mixtures;
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Catrakis, Haris J. (1997) Turbulence,
fractals, and mixing; 10.7907/1tc0-gg58
- Fourguette, D. C.; Dimotakis, P. E.; et al. (1996) Whole-Field
Measurements of Turbulent Flows for the Study of Aero-Optical
Effects; 10.7907/ddnh-6k17
- Candler, G. V.; Dimotakis, P. E.; et al. (1996) Interaction
of Chemistry, Turbulence, and Shock Waves in Hypervelocity Flow; 10.7907/wbg4-ra84
- Noca, Flavio (1996) On
the evaluation of instantaneous fluid-dynamic forces on a bluff
body; 10.7907/9cy7-jy59
- Adam, Philippe H. (1996) BLIMPK
Simulations of Hypervelocity Boundary Layers - Boundary Layer Integral
Matrix Procedure with Kinetics; 10.7907/152w-2k90
- Papalexandris, Miltiadis V.; Leonard, Anthony; et al. (1996) Unsplit
Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Source Terms in One Space
Dimension; 10.7907/a52f-t488
- Catrakis, Haris J. and Dimotakis, Paul E. (1995) Mixing
in turbulent jets: scalar measures and isosurface geometry; 10.7907/sfj4-sm73
- Klein, R.; Krok, J. C.; et al. (1995) Curved
quasi-steady detonations: Asymptotic analysis and detailed chemical
kinetics; 10.7907/n82a-e522
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Fourguette, Dominique (1995) Whole-Field
Measurements in Gas-Phase Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/96et-za81
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Leonard, Anthony (1995) Chemical
Reactions in Turbulent Mixing Flows; 10.7907/z36m-ct61
- Lappas, Tasso; Leonard, Anthony; et al. (1994) Riemann
Invariant Manifolds for the Multidimensional Euler Equations Part I:
Theoretical Development Part II: A Multidimensional Godunov Scheme and
Applications; 10.7907/yghw-7356
- Bélanger, Jacques (1994) Operator’s
Guide for the Combustion Driven Shock Tunnel in the TS Laboratory at
GALCIT; 10.7907/s1k3-j885
- Tokumaru, P. T. and Dimotakis, P. E. (1993) Image
correlation velocimetry; 10.7907/7q6z-1558
- Rousset, Bernard and Adam, Philippe (1993) Electre
Experiments in T5; 10.7907/jekf-r805
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Leonard, Anthony (1993) Chemical
Reactions in Turbulent Mixing Flows; 10.7907/akw6-xc58
- Dimotakis, Paul E. (1993) Some
issues on turbulent mixing and turbulence; 10.7907/g7fc-f113
- Shepherd, J. E. (1993) Detonation
Waves and Propulsion; 10.7907/r7mc-e915
- Tokumaru, P. T. and Dimotakis, P. E. (1992) Image
correlation velocimetry; 10.7907/ry4g-h059
- Miller, Paul L. and Dimotakis, Paul E. (1992) Measurements
of scalar power spectra in high Schmidt number turbulent jets; 10.7907/hpdt-2e37
- Perry, A. E. (1992) A
new look at some closure problems of turbulent boundary layers; 10.7907/prjm-xk24
- Cummings, Eric (1992) Techniques
of single-shot thermometry by degenerate four-wave mixing; 10.7907/9hs4-w091
- Rein, Martin (1991) Partial
Chemical Equilibrium: Theory and Implementation in the Program Surf;
- Dimotakis, Paul E. (1991) Hydroacoustic
Testing of a NACA-66 (MOD) Hydrofoil in the GALCIT High Speed Water
Tunnel; 10.7907/az4b-yz08
- Bélanger, Jacques (1990) Description
and Use of a Computer Program for Unsteady One-Dimensional Calculations
of Shock Tunnel Processes; 10.7907/a4fp-qn08
- Dimotakis, Paul E. (1990) On
the convection velocity of turbulent structures in supersonic shear
layers; 10.7907/6wgv-pn56
- Germain, Patrick (1990) Three
Samples of Inviscid Supersonic Reacting Nozzle Flow Calculation using
SURF; 10.7907/4jss-an52
- Hornung, H. and Sturtevant, B. (1990) Challenges
for high-enthalpy gasdynamics research during the 1990’s: Plans for the
GALCIT T5 Laboratory; 10.7907/59j9-jp14
- Hall, Jeffery and Dimotakis, Paul (1989) The
Supersonic Hydrogen-Fluorine Combustion Facility Design Review Report
Version 4.0; 10.7907/x0n5-he86
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Koochesfahani, Manoochehr M. (1989) Control
of Turbulent Mixing Layers; 10.7907/w891-xv06
- Dimotakis, Paul E. (1987) Turbulent
Shear Layer Mixing with Fast Chemical Reactions; 10.7907/2cnv-2b18
- Broadwell, J. E. and Mungal, M. G. (1986) The
Effects of Damköhler Number in a Turbulent Shear Layer; 10.7907/stqr-yc38
- Lang, Daniel B. and Dimotakis, Paul E. (1986) Laser
Doppler Velocity & Vorticity Measurements in Turbulent Shear
Layers; 10.7907/kn5k-7234
- Mungal, M. G. and Frieler, C. E. (1985) The
Effects of Damkohler Number on a Turbulent Shear Layer - Experimental
Results; 10.7907/6tpv-e568
- Mungal, M. G. (1984) High
Pressure Reactant Vessel; 10.7907/qq6j-vn07
- Dimotakis, Paul E. and Brown, Garry L. (1975) Large
Structure Dynamics and Entrainment in the Mixing Layer at High Reynolds
Number; 10.7907/qj0n-bb77
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of Electrogasdynamics and Applications; 10.7907/vhgz-8p06
- McCarthy, J. F. and Kubota, T. (1963) A
Study of Wakes Behind a Circular Cylinder at M = 5.7; 10.7907/d5zb-th50
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- Cole, J. D. and Messiter, A. F. (1956) Expansion
Procedures and Similarity Laws for Transonic Flow Part I. Slender Bodies
at Zero Incidence; 10.7907/shy1-ra36
- Cole, J. D. (1954) Transonic
Limits of Linearized Theory; 10.7907/xmcf-qs18
- Cole, J. D. (1954) Acceleration
of Slender Bodies of Revolution through Sonic Velocity; 10.7907/6tw0-7q49