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Foutch, Douglas Allen (1976) A study
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motion earthquake accelerograms index volume
Spanos, Polihronis Thomas Dimitrios (1976) Linearization
techniques for non-linear dynamical systems
Miller, Richard Keith (1975) The
Steady-state response of multidegree-of-freedom systems with a spatially
localized nonlinearity
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part Y - Accelerograms IY370 through
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Parts W and Y - Accelerograms IIW334 to IIW336, IIW338, IIW339,
IIW342 to IIW345, and IIY370 to IIY381
Wong, Hung Leung (1975) Dynamic
soil-structure interaction
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part T - Accelerograms IIT274 through IIT293
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
integrated ground velocity and displacement curves; Part V -
Accelerograms IIV314 through IIV333
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part U - Accelerograms IU294 through
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Parts V, W, and Y - Accelerograms IV294 to IV333, IIW334 to
IIW336, IIW338, IIW339, IIW342 to IIW345, and IIY370 to IIY381
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part V - Accelerograms IV314 through
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Parts W and Y - Accelerograms IIW334 to IIW336, IIW338, IIW339,
IIW342 to IIW345, and IIY370…
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part U - Accelerograms IIU294 through IIU313
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part W - Accelerograms IW334 through IW
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part U - Accelerograms IIU294 through IIU313
Foutch, Douglas Allen; Housner, George W.; et al. (1975) Dynamic
responses of six multistory buildings during the San Fernando
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part X - Accelerograms IX355 through
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
integrated ground velocity and displacement curves; Part T -
Accelerograms IT274 through IT293
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Parts T and U - Accelerograms IIT274 to IIT293 and IIU294 to
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part V - Accelerograms IIV314 through IIV333
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part T - Accelerograms IT274 through
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Parts Q, R and S - Accelerograms IIQ233 to IIQ243, IIR244 to
IIR254, IIS255 to IIS273
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Parts Q and R - Accelerograms IIQ233 to IIQ243 and IIR244 to
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Parts O and P - Accelerograms IIO198 to IIO201, IIO204 to
IIO208, IIO210, IIO213, IIP214 to …
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Parts L and M - Accelerograms IIL166 through IIL175 and IIM176
through IIM184
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part H - Accelerograms IIH115 through IIH126
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part I - Accelerograms II-I-128 through II-I-139
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part H - Accelerograms IIH115 through IIH126
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part H - Accelerograms IIH115 through IIHI26
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Parts J, K, L, and M - Accelerograms IIJ141 through IIJ150,
IIK157 through IIK160, IIL166 through IIL175, and IIM176 through
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Parts M and N - Accelerograms IIM176 through IIM184 and IIN185
through IIN197
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Parts Q and R - Accelerograms IIQ233 through IIQ243, IIR244
through IIR254
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Parts J and K - Accelerograms IIJ141 through IIJ150 and IIK157
through IIK160
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part S - Accelerograms IIS255 through IIS273
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Parts O and P - Accelerograms IIO198 to IIO201,IIO204 to
IIO208, IIO210, IIO213, IIP214 to IIP223, IIP231 and IIP232
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Parts J, K, and L - Accelerograms IIJ141 through IIJ150, IIK157
through IIK160, and IIL166 through IIL175
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part S - Accelerograms IIS255 through IIS273
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part I - Accelerograms II-I-128 through II-I-139
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part N - Accelerograms IIN185 through IIN197
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part R - Accelerograms IR244 through IR
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Parts N, O, and P - Accelerograms IIN185 to IIN197, IIO198 to
IIO201, IIO213, IIP214 to IIP223, IIP231 and IIP232
Jephcott, Donald K. and Hudson, Donald E. (1974) The
performance of public school plants during the San Fernando
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part S - Accelerograms IS255 through IS273,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part I - Accelerograms II-I-128 through II-I-139
Irvine, Hilary Max (1974) Studies in
the statics and dynamics of simple cable systems ; 10.7907/K4Y4-8H02
Crouse, C. B. (1973) Engineering
studies of the San Fernando earthquake
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1973) Routine
computer processing of strong-motion accelerograms
Udwadia, F. E. and Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1973) The
Fourier transform, response spectra and their relationship through the
statistics of oscillator response
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part P - Accelerograms IP214 through IP232,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part G - Accelerograms IIG106 through IlGI14
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part E - Accelerograms IIE071 through IIE085
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part B - Accelerograms IIB021 through IIB040
Iemura, H. and Jennings, Paul C. (1973) Hysteretic
response of a nine story reinforced concrete building during the San
Fernando Earthquake
Wood, John H (1973) Earthquake-induced
soil pressures on structures
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part B - Accelerograms IIB021 through IlBO40
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part D - Accelerograms IID056 through IID070
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part E - Accelerograms IIE071 through IIE085
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part E - Accelerograms IIE071 through IIE085
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part N - Accelerograms IN185 through IN197,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part G - Accelerograms IIG106 through IIG114
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part C - Accelerograms IIC041 through IIC055
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part D - Accelerograms IID056 through IID070
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part B - Accelerograms IIB021 through IIB040
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part F - Accelerograms IIF086 through IIF105
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part Q - Accelerograms IQ233 through IQ243,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part C - Accelerograms IIC041 through IIC055
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part M - Accelerograms IM 176 through IM 184,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part D - Accelerograms IID056 through IID070
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part C - Accelerograms IIC041 through IlC055
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part O - Accelerograms 1O198 Through 1O213,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
Irvine, Hilary Max (1973) The
Veracruz earthquake of 28 August 1973
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part F - Accelerograms IIF086 through IIF105
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part G - Accelerograms IIG106 through IIG114
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part F - Accelerograms IIF086 through IIF105
papers submitted to Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Rome, Italy 25-29 June 1973
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part L - Accelerograms IL166 through IL175,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
Udwadia, F. E. (1972) Investigation
of earthquake and microtremor ground motions
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part H - Accelerograms IH115 through IH127,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume IV - Fourier amplitude
spectra; Part A - Accelerograms IIA001 through IIA020
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part F - Accelerograms IF086 through IF105,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part J - Accelerograms IJ141 through IJ152,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
of strong motion earthquake accelerograms, Volume III - Response
spectra; Part A - Accelerograms IIA001 through IIA020
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part G - Accelerograms IG106 through
Jennings, Paul C. (1972) Rapid
calculation of selected fourier spectrum ordinates
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
Uncorrected accelerograms; Part K - Accelerograms IK 153 Through IK 165,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
Jennings, Paul C. (1972) Dynamics
of building-soil interaction
Wood, John H (1972) Analysis
of the earthquake response of a nine-story steel frame building during
the San Fernando earthquake
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part I - Accelerograms 1I128 Through 1I140,
Accelerograms from the San Fernando, California, earthquake of February
9, 1971
Hoerner, John Brent (1971) Modal
coupling and earthquake response of tall buildings
Skattum, Knut Sverre (1971) Dynamic
Analysis of Coupled Shear Walls and Sandwich Beams
Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; et al. (1971) Forced
vibration of a 22-story steel frame building
Hudson, Donald E. (1971) Strong-Motion
Instrumental data on the San Fernando Earthquake of Feb. 9,
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part D - accelerograms ID056 through
Bielak, Jacobo (1971) Earthquake
response of building-foundation systems
Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Udwadia, F. E.; et al. (1971) High
frequency errors and instrument corrections of strong-motion
Adu, Randolph Ademola (1971) Response
and failure of structures under stationary random excitation
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume II -
corrected accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and displacement
curves; Part A - Accelerograms IIA001 through IIA020
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part E - Accelerograms IE071 through
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part C - Accelerograms IC041 through
Jennings, Paul C. (1971) Engineering
features of the San Fernando earthquake of February 9, 1971
Trifunac, Mihailo D. and Hudson, Donald E. (1970) Laboratory
evaluations and instrument corrections of strong-motion
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1970) Wind and
microtremor induced vibrations of a twenty-two story steel frame
Heitner, Kenneth Leon (1970) Additional
investigations on a mathematical model for calculation of the run-up of
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1970) Ambient
vibration test of a thirty-nine story steel frame building
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1970) Low
frequency digitization errors and a new method for zero baseline
correction of strong-motion accelerograms
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1970) Response
envelope spectrum and interpretation of strong earthquake ground
Keightley, W. O. (1970) A
strong-motion accelerograph array with telephone line
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part B - Accelerograms IB21 through
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1970) On the
Statistics and possible triggering mechanism of earthquakes in Southern
motion earthquake accelerograms, digitized and plotted data, Volume I -
uncorrected accelerograms; Part A - Accelerograms IA1 through
Heitner, Kenneth Leon (1969) A
mathematical model for calculation of the run-up of tsunamis
Trifunac, Mihailo D. (1969) Investigation
of strong earthquake ground motion
Peters, Rex Bredesen (1968) Strong
motion accelerograph evaluation
Spencer, Richard A (1968) The
nonlinear response of some multistory reinforced and prestressed
concrete structures subjected to earthquake excitation
Nigam, Navin Chandra and Jennings, Paul C. (1968) Digital
calculation of response spectra from strong-motion earthquake
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Seismological Field Survey (1968)
Instrumental data on the Borrego Mountain Earthquake of 9 April
Husid, Raul (1967) Gravity
effects on the earthquake response of yielding structures
Nigam, Navin Chandra (1967) Inelastic
interactions in the dynamic response of structures
Lutes, Loren Daniel (1967) Stationary
random response of bilinear hysteretic systems
Giberson, Melbourne Fernald (1967) The
response of nonlinear multi-story structures subjected to earthquake
Kuroiwa, Julio Horiuchi (1967) Vibration
test of a multistory building
Hallanger, Lawrence W (1967) The
dynamic stability of an unbalanced mass exciter
Brady, Arthur Gerald (1966) Studies
of response to earthquake ground motion
Hanson, Robert D (1965) Static
and dynamic tests of a full-scale steel-frame structure
Hanson, Robert D (1965) Post-elastic
dynamic response of mild steel structures
Nielsen, Niels Norby (1964) Dynamic
response of multistory buildings
O’Kelly, Michael Edmond James (1964) Vibration
of viscously damped linear dynamic systems
Alford, Jack L.; Housner, George W.; et al. (1964) Spectrum
analyses of strong-motion earthquakes
Keightley, W. O. (1964) A
Dynamic investigation of Bouquet Canyon Dam
Keightley, W. O. (1963) Vibration
tests of structures
Jennings, Paul C. (1963) Response
of simple yielding structures to earthquake excitation
Hudson, Donald E. (1962) Synchronized
vibration generators for dynamic tests of full-scale structures
Jennings, Paul C. (1962) Velocity
spectra of the Mexican earthquakes of 11 May and 19 May 1962
Keightley, W. O.; Housner, George W.; et al. (1961) Vibration
tests of the Encino Dam intake tower
Merchant, Howard C. (1961) Mode
superposition methods applied to linear mechanical systems under
earthquake type excitations
Hudson, Donald E. (1961) A New
vibration exciter for dynamic tests of full scale structures
Iwan, Wilfred D. (1961) The
Dynamic response of bilinear hysteretic systems
Hudson, Donald E. and Iwan, Wilfred D. (1960) The
Wilmot survey type strong-motion earthquake recorder (The U.S.C.G.S.
Seismoscope) part II
Caughey, Thomas Kirk; Hudson, Donald E.; et al. (1960) The
C.I.T. Mark II electric analog type response spectrum analyzer for
earthquake excitation studies
Hudson, Donald E. (1958) The
Wilmot survey type strong-motion earthquake recorder
Housner, George W. (1954) Earthquake
pressures on fluid containers
Caughey, Thomas Kirk and Hudson, Donald E. (1954) An
electric analog type response spectrum analyzer for earthquake
excitation studies
Hudson, Donald E. and Housner, George W. (1954) Vibration
tests of a steel-frame building
Housner, George W. (1953) Analysis
of the Taft accelerogram of the earthquake of 21 July 1952
Housner, George W. (1953) A
Dislocation theory of earthquakes
Hudson, Donald E.; Alford, Jack L.; et al. (1952) Response
of a structure to an explosive-generated ground shock
Housner, George W. (1952) Intensity
of ground motion during strong earthquakes