- Grappone, Joseph Michael (2016) Investigating
the Death of the Early Paleozoic Moyero River Geomagnetic Superchron:
Middle Ordovician Paleomagnetism from Estonia; 10.7907/Z9KS6PJ4
- Howes, Thomas B (1955) A
Brief Study of the Geology and Ground Water Conditions in the Pauma
Valley Area, San Diego County, California; 10.7907/KJAN-C142
- Allingham, John Wing (1954) Metamorphism
at the Contact of the Cable Stock, Montana; 10.7907/A9ME-5365
- Winters, Herbert Harris (1954) The
Pleistocene Fauna of the Manix Beds in the Mojave Desert,
California; 10.7907/1CWE-5980
- Peck, Dallas Lynn (1953) Geology
of the Paradox No. 3 Mine Area; 10.7907/5H20-J918
- Ruiz-Elizondo, Jesús (1953) Geology
of the St. Francis Dam Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/DEYP-CR54
- Woodcock, John Richard (1953) Geology
of the Tick Canyon Area; 10.7907/WXER-CZ23
- O’Neill, Bernard Joseph (1952) Geology
of the Anorthosite Massif in Chester County, Pennsylvania; 10.7907/CNT4-DT95
- Barker, Fred (1952) The
Coast Range Batholith Between Haines, Alaska and Bennett Lake, British
Columbia; 10.7907/FAT7-BR23
- Bieler, Barrie Hill (1952) The
Design, Construction, and Testing of a Low Magnification Camera to
Photograph Polished Ore Specimens; 10.7907/WQ7Y-YE14
- Bass, Manuel Nathan (1951) A
Vertebrate Fauna from Late Tertiary Beds Near Frazier Mountain,
California; 10.7907/7368-BM35
- Campbell, Richard Bradford (1951) Continental
Glaciation in the Glenlyon Area, Pelly River District, Yukon,
Canada; 10.7907/GQNK-GQ14
- Roberts, William Brian (1951) Geology
of a Part of the Rosamond Hills Area, Kern County, California; 10.7907/MG58-VZ02
- Phipps, Rodney Thirsk (1951) Geology
of the Monte Cristo Mining Area; 10.7907/VG4N-GV19
- Smith, George Irving (1951) The
Geology of the Cache Creek Region, Kern County, California; 10.7907/CJEN-ZG93
- Foote, Royal Stuart (1951) The
Geology of the Houser Canyon Pegmatite with an X-Ray Analysis of
Monazite; 10.7907/R3W3-M749
- Harris, Paul Bernard (1950) Geology
of the Tunis-Pastoria Creek area, Kern County, California; 10.7907/SA85-J484
- Birman, Joseph Harold (1950) Geology
of the Upper Tick Canyon Area, California; 10.7907/FQB5-X751
- Otte, Carel, Jr. (1950) Geology
of the Upper Tick Canyon Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/XRKX-5K93
- Rigsby, George Pierce (1950) Glaciological
Studies in the St. Elias Range, Canada; 10.7907/MX3E-DB92
- Alexander, Joseph Brightwell (1950) Heavy
Minerals of Certain Quartzites from Malaya: a Study in Differentiation
and Correlation; 10.7907/5WW2-9A15
- Roddick, James Archibald (1950) Some
Features of the Geology of the North Vancouver Area; 10.7907/0A68-6213
- MacKevett, Edward Malcolm (1950) The
Geology of the Jurupa Mountains, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties,
California; 10.7907/Y1V7-CG63
- Cook, Phillip Granville (1950) The
Optical and X-Ray Properties of the Ferromagnesian Olivine Minerals with
Charts to Aid Identification; 10.7907/QWBE-DM48
- Irwin, William Porter (1950) The
Vasquez Series in the Upper Tick Canyon Area, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/3HDN-W727
- Leighton, Freeman Beach (1949) Contributions
to the Glaciology of the Seward Ice Field, Canada, and the Malaspina
Glacier, Alaska; 10.7907/RTYV-8D93
- Muehlberger, William Rudolf (1949) Mode
of Emplacement of the Barre Granite, Vermont; 10.7907/S31K-HT19
- Allen, Charles W. (1949) Structure
of the Northwestern Puente Hills, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/YXYT-EQ19
- Cutsforth, David Harrison (1949) The
Geology of a Portion of the San Jose Hills; 10.7907/B9NJ-HV96
- Smith, Raymond James (1948) Geology
of Portions of the Humphreys and Sylmar Quadrangles; 10.7907/CVCZ-CB42
- Edwards, Charles DeVries (1948) Geology
of the Del Valle Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/FRK8-F277
- MacNeill, Robert John (1948) Geology
of the Humphreys Station area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/32PJ-FV32
- Moore, Return Francis (1948) Geology
of the Pre-Cretaceous Rocks in a Portion of the Santa Ana Mountains;
- Shoemaker, Eugene Merle (1948) Petrology
of the Hopewell Series in the Ojo Caliente of New Mexico; 10.7907/N5RS-WN61
- Agnew, Haddon Wilson (1948) The
Geology of a Part of the Ravenna Quadrangle, California; 10.7907/2XWG-G561
- Dort, Wakefield, Jr. (1948) The
Geology of a Portion of Eastern Ventura Basin, California; 10.7907/JB4H-2S16
- Hedden, Albert Henry (1948) The
Geology of the Pinyon Peak Area, East Tintic Mts., Utah. The Geology of
the Upper Tick Canyon Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/J6KR-Z856
- Edmundson, James Wiliam (1947) A
Study of the Subsurface Conditions Prevailing in the Newhall-Potrero Oil
Field; 10.7907/M479-4913
- White, Robert Carleton (1947) Age
of the “Modelo” in Haskell Canyon, Easternmost Ventura Basin,
California; 10.7907/4G01-TX96
- Buffington, Edwin Conger (1947) An
Invertebrate Fauna from the “Modelo” of Dry Canyon, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/AE2T-1459
- Menard, Henry William (1947) Geology
of the Agua Dulce Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/K8WG-ES91
- Martin, Joseph Stewart (1947) Geology
of the Dry Canyon Area in the Eastern Section of the Ventura Basin,
California; 10.7907/1AY6-7Y04
- Nigra, John Oscar (1946) A
Statistical Study of the Metapodials of the Dire Wolf from the
Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea; 10.7907/N245-ER21
- Holser, William Thomas (1946) Geology
of the Mint Canyon Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/J528-VK62
- Lance, John Franklin (1946) Evidence
of Termites in the Pleistocene Asphalt of Carpinteria, California;
- Carlson, Harry William (1945) Geology
of the Elysian Park-Silver Lake District, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/EW10-9226
- Cebeci, Ahmet (1944) A
Study of Quartz Deposits Near Highway Highlands, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/MFZR-NZ87
- Fillippone, Walter Ross (1944) Investigation
of the Alaskan Earthquake of May 4, 1934; 10.7907/HZ0X-MM45
- Yüngül, Sulhi (1944) Magnetic
Survey of the San Gabriel Wash; 10.7907/N0GY-7Q46
- Silgado Ferro, Enrique (1944) The
Partition of Amplitudes for an SV-Wave by Zoeppritz’s Method; 10.7907/TE6G-AW85
- Dehlinger, Peter (1943) A
Magnetic Survey of Sand Canyon for Placer Deposits, San Gabriel
Mountains, California; 10.7907/CPV2-4136
- Akman, Mustafa Seyfettin (1943) A
Map Area South of Spadra, Two and One Half Miles Southwest of Pomona,
California; 10.7907/9Z3S-ZG54
- Greenwood, Robert (1943) Geology
of the Sugar Pine Area, Madera County, California; 10.7907/SWC4-F244
- Ergin, Kazim (1943) Improved
Epicentres of Earthquakes in Turkey; 10.7907/6XBY-XX41
- Daleon, Benjamin Angel (1943) Some
Philippine Upper Tertiary Foraminera; 10.7907/Y9DE-TX41
- Pray, Lloyd Charles (1943) Studies
of Certain Sierran Concrete Aggregates; 10.7907/E9SB-GK32
- Zebal, George Patterson (1943) The
Upper Cretaceous Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Simi Hills, Los
Angeles and Ventura Counties, California; 10.7907/C81A-AS44
- Tovell, Walter Massey (1942) Geology
of the Nodular Shale of the Middle and Upper Miocene of the Western Los
Angeles Basin; 10.7907/Q7TF-MP08
- Howell, Benjamin Franklin (1942) Some
Effects of Geologic Structure on Radio Rreception; 10.7907/H017-TG68
- Fuller, William Perrin (1942) Spectrographic
Study of Gold-Quartz Ores from Alleghany, California; 10.7907/ZA5N-K774
- Jordan, John Thomas (1941) Geology
of the Cactus Mines, Rosamond, Kern Co., California; 10.7907/B8DA-4M16
- Lewis, Lloyd Alan (1941) Geology
of the Northern Part of the Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County,
California; 10.7907/FS0B-A391
- Quarles, Miller Winthrop (1941) Geology
of the Repetto and Montebello Hills; 10.7907/W7C0-Q908
- Lieber, Paul (1941) Temperature
Perturbations and their Effect on the Temperature Maxima and Minima in
the Interior of the Earth; 10.7907/5mym-a583
- Regan, Louis John (1941) The
Composition, Texture, Structure, and Probable Origin of the “Gatchell”
Sand; 10.7907/N2K8-7D80
- Rupnik, John Joseph (1941) The
Geology of the Wiley Canyon Area, Oak Ridge Anticline, T 3-4 N, R 18-19
W, Ventura County, California; 10.7907/PJ20-ZK85
- Grobecker, Alan John (1941) Travel
Time Curves at Small Distances and Wave Velocities of Principal Phases
in the Southern California Ranges; 10.7907/FNRC-KA24
- Holloway, John Marshall (1940) Areal
Geology and Contact Relations of the Basement Complex and Later
Sediments, West End of the San Gabriel Mountains, California; 10.7907/S8Q6-4M27
- Smith, Clay Taylor (1940) Geology
and Ore Deposits of the Northeast Quarter of the Seiad Quadrangle,
California; 10.7907/1RJT-C033
- Roberts, Ellis Earl (1940) Geology
of the Alston District Houghton and Baraga Counties, Michigan; 10.7907/YB0S-SR57
- Levet, Melvin Newton (1940) Geology
of the San Juan Canyon Area, Orange County, California; 10.7907/A23X-X756
- Munk, Walter Heinrich (1940) Internal
Waves in the Gulf of California; 10.7907/ZJY3-GN77
- Karubian, Ruhollah Yahyaw (1940) Surface
and Subsurface Geology of Montebello Hills, California; 10.7907/F9D3-RE30
- Lewis, William Dabney (1940) The
Geology of the Upper Las Llajas Canyon Area, Santa Susana Mountains,
California; 10.7907/Z7HF-B694
- Doolittle, Russell Carter (1940) The
Theory, Construction, and Field Use of a Direct Current Potentiometer
for Measuring Earth Resistivity; 10.7907/D941-WY06
- Wallace, Robert Earl (1940) Volcanic
Tuff Beds of the Mint Canyon Formation; 10.7907/RC14-TJ83
- Dougherty, Jack Francis (1939) A
New Miocene Mammalian Fauna from the Caliente Mountains, California;
- Drescher, Arthur Bernard (1939) A
New Pliocene Badger from Mexico; 10.7907/6S0A-Y810
- Eichelberger, Alexis Martin (1939) Application
of Well-Logging Methods to Shot Holes; 10.7907/Q5KC-Q997
- Hoy, Robert Beck (1939) Geology
and Ore Deposits of the Capps Gold Mine, Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina; 10.7907/PBY7-N830
- Hendry, Noel Williamson and Wilson, Harry David Bruce (1939) Geology
and Quicksilver Deposits of the Coso Hot Springs Area, Inyo County,
California; 10.7907/06EH-QM89
- Cabeen, William Ross (1939) Geology
of the Aliso and Browns Canyons area, Santa Susana Mountains,
California; 10.7907/G8ZQ-ZT85
- Urick, Robert Joseph (1939) The
Determination of Sound Velocity in Core Samples; 10.7907/CYS4-WB36
- DeLong, James Henry (1939) The
Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Pleistocene at Signal Hill,
California; 10.7907/3HZ7-8067
- Henshaw, Paul Carrington (1938) A
Tertiary Mammalian Fauna From the Avawatz Mountains, California; 10.7907/S0SF-BT71
- Orr, James McPhail (1938) An
Investigation of the Geological Occurrence and Use of Titanium With
Special Reference to the San Gabriel Titanium Deposits, California;
- Lohman, Stanley William (1938) Ground
Water in Northeastern Pennsylvania; 10.7907/XPZ2-GZ82
- Wells, John Cawse (1938) Petrology
and Structure of the Crystal Lake Area, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/V9X4-FS83
- Sklar, Maurice (1938) Petrology
of the Volcanic Rocks of the Region Around Boulder Dam; 10.7907/3GPB-8K58
- Pye, Willard Dickison (1937) A
Comparison of Records from the Linear Strain and Pendulum
Seismographs; 10.7907/2Y9E-AP60
- Bryson, Robert Pearne (1937) Faulted
Fanglomerates at the Mouth of Perry Aiken Creek, Northern Inyo Range,
California, Nevada; 10.7907/GVHK-M090
- White, Walter Stanley (1937) Geology
of the Pacoima-Little Tujunga area; 10.7907/CYM4-XK34
- Bryson, Robert Pearne and Hopper, Richard Hutchinson (1937) Magnetic
Studies in the Inglewood District; 10.7907/ngdy-zj23
- Dreyer, Robert Marx and Dawson, Charles Alexander (1937) Magnetometer
Examination of the Monte Cristo Magnetite-Ilmenite Deposits; 10.7907/H0X4-QE32
- Dreyer, Robert Marx (1937) Mutual
Interference in the Microchemical Determination of Ore Minerals; 10.7907/Q8JE-0D18
- Dawson, Charles Alexander (1937) Petrology
of the Igneous Complex Near Lang, California; 10.7907/ED4Z-EJ49
- Fiedler, William Morris (1937) Structure
and Stratigraphy of a Section Across the White Mountains,
California; 10.7907/4AM8-R235
- Church, Harry Victor (1937) The
Structure and Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Near Redding,
California; 10.7907/R3RN-NT62
- Borys, Edmund (1936) A
Horizontal Intensity Magnetic Survey Across the Rosamond Fault; 10.7907/MNA4-WN85
- Scherb, Ivan Victor (1936) An
Investigation of the Mill Creek Earthquakes of October, 1935; 10.7907/G3NA-Q841
- Schafer, Sidney (1936) Experiments
Testing the Use of the Magnetometer in Determining Geologic
Structure; 10.7907/NXFQ-NG57
- Uhrig, Leonard Frederick (1936) Structural
Study of a Portion of the Lang and Humphreys Quadrangles, Los Angeles
County, California; 10.7907/94C6-N844
- Evans, Milton Harrison (1936) The
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Manzana Quadrangle, Los Angeles
County; 10.7907/8F8E-N680
- Bonillas, Ygnacio, III (1935) A
Study of Miocene Vulcanism in Southern California; 10.7907/BZRE-N110
- Judson, Jack Finlay (1935) Geology
of the Le Brun and Mint Canyon Quadrangles, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/J2MK-KK74
- Sharp, Robert Phillip (1935) Geology
of the Ravenna Quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/4364-VE20
- McNaughton, Duncan Anderson (1934) Geology
of the Eastern Portion of the San Gabriel Mountains; 10.7907/3CR8-FX22
- Cooksey, Charlton Dows (1934) The
Geology of Portions of the Humphreys, Sylmar, Newhall, and Saugus
Quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/TDR9-Z471
- Chawner, William Donald (1934) The
Montrose-La Crescenta (California) Flood of January 1, 1934, and its
Sedimentary Aspects; 10.7907/F3ED-0V61
- Cogen, William Maurice (1933) A
Study of the Heavy Minerals of the Modelo Formation in the Eastern
Portion of the Santa Monica Mountains; 10.7907/M8KB-ZP59
- Kemnitzer, Luis Emmett (1933) Geology
of San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands, Southern California; 10.7907/G26F-PT33
- Harshman, Elbert Nelson (1933) Geology
of the San Jose Hills, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/13N9-WW58
- Ericson, David Barnard (1933) Geology
of the Whittier Hills, California; 10.7907/2REH-7E70
- Holzman, Benjamin (1933) Geophysical
Applications of Radon Measurements; 10.7907/GAV8-HN33
- Donnelly, Maurice Ghirarr (1933) Preliminary
Report of the Geology of the Julian Region, California; 10.7907/G5C6-NW08
- Bell, Frank Wagner (1933) The
Stratigraphy and Foraminiferal Fauna of the Santa Susana Formation;
- Krick, Irving Parkhurst (1933) Topography
Versus Air Masses: a Discussion of the Phenomena Associated With the
Passage of Air Masses Over the Irregularities of the Earth’s
Surface; 10.7907/J2T7-4638
- Popenoe, Willis Parkison (1933) Transposed
Hinge Structures in Lamellibranchs; 10.7907/XXJF-9T66
- Scharf, David Walter (1932) A
Miocene Mammalian Fauna From Sucker Creek, Southeastern Oregon; 10.7907/24NW-X545
- Ross, Roland Case (1932) Fossil
Geese of the McKittrick Asphalt Deposits; 10.7907/2YAN-DQ47
- Findlay, Willard Alexander (1932) Geology
of a Part of the San Joaquin Hills; 10.7907/17TV-5408
- Bolles, Lawrence William (1932) Geology
of the Las Flores and Dry Canyon Quadrangles, Los Angeles County,
California; 10.7907/KGKH-RK06
- Kelley, Vincent Cooper (1932) Geology
of the Santa Monica Mountains, West of the Malibu Ranch, Ventura County,
California; 10.7907/T36S-TA59
- Phleger, Fred B. (1932) Notes
on Certain Ordovician Faunas of the Inyo Mountains, California; 10.7907/5KXB-FZ74
- Wilson, Robert Warren (1932) Rodents
and Lagomorphs of the Carpinteria Asphalt; 10.7907/DT2S-EW61
- Clark, Alex (1932) The
Cool-Water Timms Point Pleistocene Horizon at San Pedro, California;
- Webb, Robert Wallace (1932) The
Geology of Eastern Sierra Pelona Ridge and Vicinity in the Southeastern
Part of the Elizabeth Lake Quadrangle, California; 10.7907/VVAE-MW19
- Bode, Francis Dashwood (1931) Characters
Useful in Determining the Position of Individual Teeth in the Permanent
Cheek-Tooth Series of Merychippine Horses; 10.7907/KZFK-FX30
- Lohman, Kenneth Elmo (1931) Diatoms
From the Modelo Formation (Upper Miocene) Near Girard, Los Angeles
County, California; 10.7907/FGCS-R208
- Daly, John Warlaumont (1931) The
Geology and Mineralogy of the Limestone Deposits at Crestmore, Riverside
County, California; 10.7907/W4M0-X818
- Taylor, George Frederic (1931) The
Geology of the Merced Hills, Los Angeles County, California, With a
Section on the Radioactivity of the Oils and Waters; 10.7907/9SE7-TE84
- Murphy, Franklin Mac (1930) Geology
and Ore Deposits of a Part of the Panamint Range, California; 10.7907/NA5M-GD58
- Hookway, Lozell Charles (1930) Geology
of a Portion of the Lompoc Quadrangle of Santa Barbara County,
California; 10.7907/HG9P-D339
- Sutherland, John Clark (1930) The
Clays of Orange and Riverside Counties, Southern California; 10.7907/PH0S-NP97
- Eckis, Rollin Pollard (1930) The
Geology of the Southern Part of the Indio Quadrangle, California; 10.7907/6NCJ-NV47
- Southwick, Thomas Scott (1929) Geology
of a Portion of the Santa Ana Mountains, California; 10.7907/VRF8-M041
- Clements, Thomas (1929) Geology
of a Portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Tejon Quadrangle, Los
Angeles County, California; 10.7907/S6H4-QA15
- Sandberg, Edward Charles (1929) The
Gold Quartz Veins of the Julian District, California; 10.7907/my86-r714
- Maxson, John Haviland (1928) A
Tertiary Mammalian Fauna from the Mint Canyon Formation, Southern
California; 10.7907/X99H-2M15
- Gazin, Charles Lewis (1928) Tertiary
Mammal Bearing Beds in the Upper Cuyama Drainage Basin, California;
- Turner, Francis Earl (1928) The
Geology of the Quail Lake Region; 10.7907/B4EE-8Y50
- Nickell, Frank Andrew (1928) The
Geology of the Southwestern Part of Lake Elizabeth Quadrangle Between
San Francisquito and Bouquet Canyons; 10.7907/T68G-AQ61