- Hong, Brian Daffern (2017) Mathematical
Modeling of Electronic Systems: From Oscillators to Multipliers; 10.7907/Z9RB72NG
- Rought, Rebecca Lynn (2013) Identification
of Thermally-Tagged Coherent Structures in the Zero Pressure Gradient
Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z2V0-9V82
- Mehrotra, Prakhar (2013) Sustainable
Energy Solutions for Irrigation and Harvesting in Developing
Countries; 10.7907/KV5Y-4960
- Choi, Inki (2010) Catalytic
Modification of Flammable Atmosphere in Aircraft Fuel Tanks; 10.7907/69YQ-XZ33
- Mahmoud, Eugene Leo Draine (2010) Low
Temperature Catalytic Ethanol Conversion Over Ceria-Supported Platinum,
Rhodium, and Tin-Based Nanoparticle Systems; 10.7907/Q9W4-0356
- Harish, Ajay Bangalore (2009) Simulation
of Dynamic Interface Fracture Using Spectral Boundary Integral
Method; 10.7907/B6P7-F707
- Benezech, Laurent Jean-Michel (2008) Premixed
Hydrocarbon Stagnation Flames: Experiments and Simulations to Validate
Combustion Chemical-Kinetic Models; 10.7907/TVB9-4266
- Johnson, Michael Bernard (2005) Aerodynamic
Control and Mixing with Ramp Injection; 10.7907/8EVK-FK75
- Ouyang, George Xiaoxi (2004) Bragg
Reflection in Optical Waveguides; 10.7907/31V8-1J13
- Su, Wei-Jen (2001) Aerodynamic
Control for a Subsonic Diffuser; 10.7907/xqg4-r486
- Haberman, Keith Scott (2000) A
Micromechanical Constitutive Model for the Dynamic Response of Brittle
Materials “Dynamic Response of Marble”; 10.7907/smj0-cq27
- Deshpande, Nitin Ashok (1999) An
Experimental Investigation of High-Shear-Strain-Rate Behavior of
Metals; 10.7907/naah-mx91
- Owen, Randall Lee (1999) Detection
and Analysis of Musical Events Using Model-Based Signal Processing;
- Patel, Bibhuti Bhusan (1998) An
Experimental Investigation of Wave Propagation in Fractured Brittle
Material; 10.7907/w1t3-1f55
- Vanelli, Charles Anthony (1997) Autonomous
Reorientation of a Maneuver-Limited Spacecraft Under Simple Pointing
Constraints; 10.7907/kap2-6n63
- Gornowicz, Galen Gerald (1997) Continuous-Field
Image-Correlation Velocimetry and its Application to Unsteady Flow Over
an Airfoil; 10.7907/52KD-JX10
- Chea, Limdara Ong (1997) Finite
Element Simulation and Analysis of Local Stress Concentration in
Polymers with a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model; 10.7907/13SD-9N16
- Gonzalez, Javier Gonzalez (1997) Full
Field Study of Strain Distribution Near the Crack Tip in the Fracture of
Solid Propellants Via Large Strain Digital Image Correlation and Optical
Microscopy; 10.7907/HRM1-RJ74
- Ross, Martin Christopher (1997) Lean
Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen-Nitrous Oxide-Ammonia Mixtures in
Air; 10.7907/4QVK-MZ52
- Mackey, Ryan Murrill Ezekiel (1997) Soap
Film Thickness Imaging by Infrared Methods; 10.7907/7bv0-m741
- Erimli, Bahadir (1996) Switching
algorithms and buffer management in asynchronous transfer mode
networks; 10.7907/agbk-bn50
- Breton, Fabienne Anne (1995) A
large deformation analysis of plates or membranes for the determination
of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio; 10.7907/0c9r-ve54
- Rousset, Bernard (1995) Calibration
and Study of the Contoured Nozzle of the T5 Free-Piston Hypervelocity
Shock Tunnel; 10.7907/A82S-0J92
- Chen, Xiaodong (1995) Near-Field
Ground Motion from the Landers Earthquake; 10.7907/v3ye-3c10
- Tierney, C. Michael (1995) Plume
characteristics of a multiple ion source thruster; 10.7907/mj8f-q926
- Sugawara, Satoshi (1994) An
experimental investigation of fracture at an interface between two
epoxies; 10.7907/850e-8c88
- Srinivas, Mullahalli V. (1994) Time
dependent failure of thin films; 10.7907/n3rb-w197
- Tsuyuki, Richard M. (1993) Buckling
of thermoviscoelastic structures under temporal and spatial temperature
variation; 10.7907/T54W-0694
- Yeung, Moon-Tai (1993) Chemical
Reactions in a Scramjet Combustor and Two-Dimensional Nozzles; 10.7907/vw7e-nq49
- Togami, Kenji (1993) Hypervelocity
dissociating flow over a spherically blunted cone; 10.7907/kewn-2m49
- Beatty, Susan M. (1993) Size
segregation of binary granular materials in vertical channel flows;
- Gortsema, Steven Craig (1992) An
Experimental Investigation of the Failure of a Stepped Composite
Plate; 10.7907/4R72-Y162
- Bowen, John Murray (1992) An
experimental investigation of fracture at a bimaterial interface; 10.7907/esfz-eb60
- Yan, Liping (1992) Seismic
deformation analysis of earth dams : a simplified method; 10.7907/DM65-BJ63
- Gavillet, Guillaume G. (1991) A
computational model for low-pressure diamond synthesis; 10.7907/phqr-a780
- Popovic, Lada (1991) Finite
state codes and generalized De Bruijn sequences; 10.7907/21wf-wa45
- Kubr, Thomas J. (1991) Stresses
near a change of thickness in a continuous-fiber-composite plate; 10.7907/rra5-sv66
- Zhuang, Fei (1989) Experimental
investigation of the hydrodynamic forces on the shroud of a centrifugal
pump impeller; 10.7907/xywm-v650
- Andrews, Kurt Arthur (1989) Orifice
coefficients for an asymmetrical flow into a slot; 10.7907/pbn8-ny92
- Freeman, Janet Elizabeth (1986) Design
of one-kilometer-long antenna sticks and support structure for a
geosynchronous satellite; 10.7907/0cpe-gh28
- Dubois, Pascale C. (1986) Study
of the stall-spin phenomena using analysis and interactive 3-D
graphics; 10.7907/SFMF-Z114
- Chang, Samuel Kwang Yeh (1984) Crack
Propagation in Viscoelastic Materials under Transient Loading with
Application to Adhesively Bonded Structures; 10.7907/ZHV3-TK46
- Lim, Christopher Sy (1984) I.
Mixing in Doorway Flows. II. Entrainment in Fire Plumes; 10.7907/MWGY-CY05
- Wong, Tak-Yiu (1983) Calculation
of wave characteristics in bubbly two-phase flows; 10.7907/gbzx-es15
- Magaldi, Tony (1983) Low
velocity impact damage and its propagation under compressive load in
curved, graphite/epoxy panels; 10.7907/ekat-8g08
- Spelt, Jan Karel (1982) An
experimental study of heat transfer to flowing granular media; 10.7907/dw3p-ac27
- Christenson, John Eric (1982) Centrifugal
model testing of foundation piles in axial loading; 10.7907/FDZ3-F478
- Doan, Phuc The (1981) Computing
the Development of Disturbances in the Blasius Boundary Layer Due to
Localized Unsteady Two-Dimensional Wall Injection; 10.7907/bt7y-zn32
- Nomoto, Hideki (1980) Acoustic
Waves Generated by Vortex Shedding; 10.7907/ghk0-az55
- Ikemi, Douglas Kerry (1980) Development
of a High Intensity, Low Emissions Burner; 10.7907/p85m-cd96
- Mullainathan, M. (1980) Finite-Difference
Solution of Steady Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Equations with Heat
Transfer; 10.7907/rawg-2g03
- Rogers, Philip Louis (1979) Experimental
Investigation of Second Sound Shock Waves in Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/y2bj-vw94
- Masumoto, Rodney Tak (1978) A
16-Bit LSI Digital Multiplier; 10.7907/64v1-br36
- Ly, Uy-Loi (1978) A
Direct Method for Designing Optimal Control Systems That Are Insensitive
to Arbitrarily Large Changes in Physical Parameters; 10.7907/z992-rx27
- Tangren, Ernst Norman (1978) An
Experimental Investigation of Convective Flows Associated with Room
Fires; 10.7907/2d9y-x090
- Neely, Stephen Taylor (1978) Mathematical
Models of the Mechanics of the Cochlea; 10.7907/EP0H-Z652
- Lam, Ignatius Po-cheung (1976) Edge
function method applied to thin plates resting on Winkler
foundation; 10.7907/RCTX-T347
- Stoker, Pieter Wilhelm (1975) A
Comparison of Linear Guidance Techniques, Applied to a Low-Thrust Orbit
Transfer Problem; 10.7907/2a06-sk90
- Bremmer, David Franklin (1975) An
Efficient Approximate Solution Method for Predicting the Buckling of
Axially Compressed Imperfect Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/S3M9-NT50
- Veldman, Charl Christo (1975) An
Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer From a Buoyant Gas Plume
to a Horizontal Unobstructed Ceiling; 10.7907/NJR4-M471
- Toda, Susumu (1975) The
Effects of Elliptic and Rectangular Cutouts on the Buckling of
Cylindrical Shells Loaded by Axial Compression; 10.7907/473V-C743
- Kendall, Frank, III (1974) An
Experimental Investigation of the Nonlinear Vibration of Cylindrical
Shells; 10.7907/Q4F6-C984
- Sidor, Laurent Bernard (1974) An
Investigation of the Ejector-Powered Jet-Flap; 10.7907/D5X4-X160
- Hoeijmakers, Hendrik Willem Marie (1974) Effects
of Planform Curvature in Supersonic Wings; 10.7907/6DFV-0J65
- Irvine, Hilary Max (1974) Studies
in the Statics and Dynamics of Simple Cable Systems; 10.7907/K4Y4-8H02
- Masoni, Harry Joseph (1973) A
Communications Satellite System Design with Educational Television for
the Republic of Indonesia; 10.7907/W9SX-GB37
- Tamura, Yukio Stephen (1973) Dynamic
Stability of Cylindrical Shells Under Step Loading; 10.7907/MSMN-N280
- Kosmicki, James Joseph (1973) Experimental
Study of the Separation and Reattachment in a Partially Confined
Jet; 10.7907/14DA-WA82
- Mahale, Narayan Krishna (1973) Failure
of Precracked Fiber Reinforced Composite Plate; 10.7907/DPK2-YA94
- Glaser, Robert James (1973) Gravity
Gradiometer Data Reduction; 10.7907/5VY1-7Z44
- Wiley, Robert Freeland (1973) On
the Use of Fixed Attitude Propulsive Arcs for Transfer Between
Neighboring Coplanar Keplerian Orbits; 10.7907/456S-YS44
- Ditchey, Robert Louis (1973) The
Effect of Imperfections on the Buckling of Thin Walled Cylindrical
Shells; 10.7907/TPE9-EM80
- Su, Tsung-Chow Joe (1973) Viscous-Inviscid
Flow Interaction in Stratified Flow Over a Barrier; 10.7907/XNJM-ES87
- Kulkarni, Arun Narayan (1972) Analysis
of the Airline Systems Performance by Varying Inputs, Viz. Jet Aircraft,
Routes and Scheduling; 10.7907/C94H-PP45
- Hulcher, Gregory Don (1972) Hypersonic
Viscous-Inviscid Flow Interactions Including Boundary Layer Separation
on a Flat Plate at Angle of Attack; 10.7907/PZCP-FT88
- Nieuwstadt, Fransiscus (1972) Numerical
Solution of Steady, Symmetric and Laminar Flow Around a Circular
Cylinder; 10.7907/A6ET-VQ44
- Giraudbit, Jean-Noël (1972) Optimal
Simple Structures with Bending and Membrane Stresses; 10.7907/29PJ-3X76
- Miyata, Gavien Nobuyuki (1972) The
Effect of a Spanwise Blowing Jet on the Separation Bubble Length Behind
a Rearward Facing Step; 10.7907/EFBF-0016
- Dolait, Jean-Pierre (1972) Transonic
Wind Tunnel for Investigation of Turbomachinery Blades; 10.7907/4D2K-SR72
- Van Dillen, David Edwin (1972) Vibrations
of a Three-Layer Beam with a Viscoelastic Middle Layer; 10.7907/P2BD-K350
- Evans, Edward Norton (1971) A
Study of Strain Effects in Ni Alloys; 10.7907/KVSG-3T58
- Liu, Ting-Lung (1971) An
Energy Approach to the Dynamic Buckling of Spherical Caps; 10.7907/8JD0-W843
- Wu, Jiunn-Jenq (1971) An
Experimental Study of Hypersonic Wakes Behind Wedges at Angle of
Attack; 10.7907/682B-HB46
- Imbert, Jean-François (1971) The
Effect of Imperfections on the Buckling of Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/RHXA-BJ33
- O’Pray, John Edwin (1970) A
Semi-Inverse Design Technique for Leading Edge Slats; 10.7907/9X7D-HQ81
- Snel, Hermanus (1970) The
Motion of a Sphere in a Cylinder Filled with a Viscous Liquid and with a
Diameter Slightly Larger than the Sphere Diameter; 10.7907/DAYS-G298
- Stevenson, Robert George (1969) An
Experimental Study of the Flow of a Subsonic and Turbulent Boundary
Layer Over a Forward-Facing Step; 10.7907/BECB-V842
- Stavro, William C. (1969) Low
Thrust Trajectories Using the Two Variable Asymptotic Expansion
Method; 10.7907/2DZ1-3033
- Peters, Rex Bredesen (1969) Strong
Motion Accelerograph Evaluation; 10.7907/TEJJ-XX37
- Delph, Terry Joseph (1969) The
Dynamic Stability Under Impulsive Loading of Shallow Arches with Elastic
End Restraints; 10.7907/GRVF-AN95
- Thach, Nathan Raymond, Jr. (1969) The
Flow of a Rarefied Gas Through a Circular Orifice and a Two-Dimensional
Slit; 10.7907/B8GW-KD14
- Morel, Jean-Pierre Georges (1969) Theoretical
Solutions for the Jet Flap Diffuser; 10.7907/Y75H-MC77
- McLaughlin, Michael Herbert (1968) An
Experimental Study of Particle-Wall Collision Relating to Flow of Solid
Particles in a Fluid; 10.7907/4FV5-JA03
- Majumdar, Suarindranath (1968) Buckling
of Thin Annular Plates Due to Radial Compressive Loading; 10.7907/QAE9-G437
- Chao, Chia-Chun (1968) Constant-Pressure
Laminar Mixing of a Shear Layer with a Quiescent Fluid; 10.7907/8FYR-SB25
- Dirling, Raymond Benedict (1968) Superorbital
Entry Heat Transfer Including Atomic Line Radiation and Massive
Blowing; 10.7907/C3KT-S738
- Weidman, Patrick Dan (1968) Wake
Transition and Blockage Effects on Cylinder Base Pressures; 10.7907/95CE-1189
- Walter, Uso (1967) A
Study of the Longitudinal Low Frequency (Phugoid) Motion of an Airplane
at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/CNZT-1P02
- Henderson, Arnold Herbert (1967) Construction
and Testing of a Rarefied Gas Flow Facility; 10.7907/CCG6-QV79
- Chen, Jay Chung (1967) Extreme
Value Analysis of Fluctuating Air Loads Acting on a Cylinder; 10.7907/37E4-WS51
- Eddington, Robert Barnes (1967) Investigation
of Supersonic Shock Phenomena in a Two-Phase (Liquid-Gas) Tunnel; 10.7907/9RJT-A855
- McGill, James Alexander (1967) Low-Density
Gas Dynamic Facility; 10.7907/P04W-KX13
- Suzuki, Bob Hiro (1967) Magnetofluid-Dynamic
Drag Measurements on Semi-Infinite Bodies in Aligned Fields; 10.7907/JWK4-BM31
- Navarro-Cantero, Carlos (1967) The
Thermal Rayleigh Problem in Perfect and Ionized Gases; 10.7907/X3H0-7367
- Kuroiwa, Julio Horiuchi (1967) Vibration
Tests of a Multistory Building; 10.7907/NW3D-FE77
- Barnes, James Richmond (1966) Design
of an Oxygen Flow Meter for Hospital Application; 10.7907/9PQG-YR13
- Street, Donald Richard (1966) Effects
of Injection Nozzle Configuration on Secondary Injection into Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/WZWF-JK12
- Rosen, Robert (1966) Equilibration
of a Liquid Droplet-Vapor-Gas Mixture Downstream of a Shock Wave; 10.7907/ZGM7-0E94
- Puhl, Andreas (1966) Hypersonic
Boundary Layer Flow Around a Sharp Corner; 10.7907/2TPX-DD83
- Grange, Jean-Marie François (1966) Laminar
Boundary Layer Separation and Near Wake Flow for a Smooth Blunt Body at
Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3ZN7-BC18
- Mellsen, Stanley Brun (1966) On
the Added Mass of a Sphere in a Circular Cylinder Considering Real Fluid
Effects; 10.7907/63N8-1N50
- Wong, Po Kee (1966) Propagation
of Harmonic Waves in an Elastic Rod of Elliptical Cross-Section; 10.7907/CX6S-JQ42
- Giraudbit, Georges Pierre Alexis (1966) Pulsed
Neutron Measurements in Two Adjacent Finite Media; 10.7907/JP3Y-CR96
- Jakub, Marlyn Tony (1965) A
Wave Front Approximation Method and its Application to Elastic Stress
Waves; 10.7907/Y9EG-XT74
- Smisek, Richard Franklin (1965) Boundary
Current Effects in Magnetohydrodynamics with Anisotropic
Conductivity; 10.7907/ANC6-1M76
- Calle, Jean-Michel (1965) Design
of a Tension Load Cell; 10.7907/HBSD-J913
- Lau, Jark Chong (1965) Experimental
Study of the Reattachment Pressure Rise at Subsonic Speeds; 10.7907/P8AX-3102
- Spitzer, Robert Edward (1965) Measurements
of Unsteady Pressures and Wake Fluctuations for Flow Over a Cylinder at
Supercritical Reynolds Number; 10.7907/WT4K-6337
- Hostetler, Glen Walter (1965) Prediction
of Off Design Performance of Multistage Compressors; 10.7907/G44G-KE51
- Cooper, Wayne Robert (1965) Side
Forces Resulting from Forward-Facing Steps and Injection Through a Slot
in a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/GFPQ-FN54
- Ahmed, Nazeer (1965) Work
Hardening During Pyramidal Slip in Zinc; 10.7907/92AW-H890
- Grellmann, Hans Werner (1964) An
Experimental Study of the Separated Flow Field About Slender Delta Wings
of Triangular Cross Section; 10.7907/H5K7-P024
- Shumate, Michael Stewart (1964) An
Interferometric Measurement of Index of Refraction; 10.7907/RYZC-8410
- Vallerani, Ernesto (1964) Effect
of Single and Periodic Disturbances on Intermittency in Pipe Flow;
- Philippou, Demetrius (1964) Near
Minimum Energy Trajectories in the Two Fixed Force-Center Problem;
- Herzog, Robert Theodore (1964) Nitrogen
Injection into the Base Region of a Hypersonic Wake; 10.7907/J4XP-F867
- Smithey, William John Henry (1964) Optimum
Thrust Programming for Low Thrust Devices; 10.7907/FGHG-HF41
- Burden, Harvey Worth (1964) Some
Effects of Secondary Injection of Gases into a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/DRZK-W405
- Mantle, Peter John (1964) Spinning
Symmetric Missiles in a Nonlinear Aerodynamic Field; 10.7907/YXWV-VV41
- Parks, Richard Earl (1963) An
Analysis of Turbulent Flame Spreading in a Rectangular Duct; 10.7907/WDJR-AY43
- Tesnière, André Jacques (1963) Analysis
of Heterogeneous Reactors Containing Moderating Fuel Elements; 10.7907/865C-1C75
- Wrobel, Joseph Richard (1963) Application
of the Element Potential Method to Gaseous Chemical Equilibrium
Calculation; 10.7907/8D03-R614
- Githinji, Philip Mwangi (1963) Effect
of Orientation of a Flat Heating Surface on Nucleate Boiling Heat
Transfer; 10.7907/162N-6976
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1963) Influence
of Radiative Dissipation on the Shock Wave Structure; 10.7907/41E3-T691
- Stebbins, Charles Fleming (1963) Measurements
of Heat Transfer Rates Within a Plane Shock Wave Using Very Fine Cold
Wires; 10.7907/VDFV-DG16
- Slachmuylders, Erik Jaak (1963) Measurements
of the Acceleration of Reflected Shock Waves by Means of a New Heat
Transfer Gauge; 10.7907/5G88-B054
- Liñán-Martínez, Amable (1963) On
the Structure of Laminar Diffusion Flames; 10.7907/JHTK-CA51
- Mauldin, James Howard (1963) Part
I. Analysis of a Multi-Stage Axial Compressor with High Reaction
Blading. Part II. A Design Study of a Multi-Stage Axial Compressor with
Blading of High Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/BBZZ-TE94
- Stuart, Floyd Ronald (1963) The
Buckling of Thin Walled Circular Cylindrical Shells Under Combined Axial
Compression and Bending; 10.7907/0SEM-H188
- Thompson, Thomas Ross (1963) The
Gray Gas in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/9865-C310
- Roesch, Louis C. (1963) The
Influence of Temperature and Preferred Orientation on Hall Coefficient
and Resistivity of Pure Titanium; 10.7907/PNQF-2315
- Blackiston, Harry Spencer (1963) Tip
Effects on Fluctuating Lift and Drag Forces Acting on a Circular
Cylinder Perpendicular to an Air Flow; 10.7907/TV46-TR33
- Johnson, Grant Reed (1962) A
Theoretical Investigation of Particle Trajectories Through a
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan; 10.7907/FTNK-N998
- Casey, John Carl (1962) A
Theoretical Investigation of Using N Low Thrust Impulses to Escape from
a Circular Satellite Orbit; 10.7907/58PH-YA67
- Radey, Kendrick (1962) A
Time-Optimal Control Problem in Dynamics with Sampled Data; 10.7907/CXDE-J137
- Simmons, Jerry Lee (1962) Applications
of the Two-Variable Expansion Procedure to Problems in Celestial
Mechanics; 10.7907/E66T-1A37
- Renard, Marc L. (1962) Experimental
Investigation of an Arc Heater; 10.7907/SVWJ-NB92
- Johnson, Douglas Stoddard (1962) I.
Design and Application of Piezoceramic Transducers to Transient Pressure
Measurements. II. Some Measurements of Curvature and Thickness of
Reflecting Normal Shocks at Low Initial Pressures; 10.7907/BJ82-FM97
- Preukschat, A. Werner (1962) Measurements
of Drag Coefficients for Falling and Rising Spheres in Free Motion;
- Seymour, Ernest Richard (1962) Some
Investigations of Heterogeneous Flow in a Rocket Nozzle; 10.7907/01GY-2E21
- Savage, Stuart Blackton (1962) The
Effect of Heat Transfer on Separation of Laminar Compressible Boundary
Layers; 10.7907/XCR8-Y474
- Watts, George Arthur (1962) Vibration
and Damping of Thin-Walled Cylinders; 10.7907/XPER-7Q77
- Rice, James Orville (1961) A
Theoretical Investigation of Particle Motion in an Oscillating Gas;
- Copper, John Alan (1961) An
Experimental Investigation of the Equilibrium Interface Technique;
- Kreisberg, Harvey N. (1961) Applications
of Linearized Flow Theory to Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet
Flows; 10.7907/TV0R-NV88
- Meuris, Jean Maurice (1961) Design
of a Granular Pressure Cell to be Used in Soils; 10.7907/BZGX-R355
- Kingsland, Louis (1961) Experimental
Study of Helium and Argon Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder
at M = 5.8; 10.7907/1FDZ-JX04
- Taylor, Robert Hugh, Jr. (1961) Exploratory
Studies of Open-Channel Flow over Laterally Varying Roughness; 10.7907/VHGK-9950
- Chen, William S. (1961) Measurements
of Aerodynamic Noise on a Flat Plate in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/SEEW-5974
- O’Kelly, Michael Edmond James (1961) Normal
Modes in Damped Systems; 10.7907/NV4G-5N20
- Wong, Howard (1961) Preliminary
Study of the Rate and Degree of Thermal Ionization of Argon Behind Shock
Waves; 10.7907/SDGQ-VZ93
- Lang, Theodore Edmund (1961) Response
of a Uniform Free-Pinned Beam to Lateral Sinusoidal and Random
Excitation; 10.7907/EMNS-X912
- Jacobs, Delbert Harold (1961) The
Conduct of Basic Research in the Aerospace Industry; 10.7907/RVZX-EQ72
- Sullivan, Timothy Lay (1961) The
Effect of Floating Rings on the Stability of Longitudinally Stiffened
Cylinders in Axial Compression; 10.7907/3MBR-S755
- Bodeen, Charles Albert (1961) Vector
Velocity Fluctuations of Propagating Stall in Axial Flow
Compressors; 10.7907/X72A-P111
- Utterback, Paul Wilson (1960) An
Experimental Investigation of Flow Conditions Behind a Bluff Body
Flameholder; 10.7907/YHR8-6948
- Griffith, Jerry Dice (1960) An
Investigation of the Mechanism of Heat Transfer Near the Critical State
of a Fluid; 10.7907/Y3CN-YX32
- Linhardt, Hans-Dieter (1960) Application
of Cascade Theories to Axial Flow Pumps; 10.7907/RHMN-2J84
- Sarosdy, Louis Robert (1960) Cavitation
Similarity Studies with Water and Freon-113; 10.7907/CZWP-PB71
- Lindquist, David Max Wadsworth (1960) Exact
and Approximate Solutions to the Pressure-Loaded Plate Strip with
Temperature Distribution; 10.7907/G7PZ-8898
- Mohlenhoff, William (1960) Experimental
Study of Helium Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder at
M=5.8; 10.7907/QH2Z-TC50
- Anderson, David Ellsworth (1960) Investigation
of Ablation of Ice Bodies in Hypersonic Flows; 10.7907/CD24-6081
- Williams, Allen Dean (1960) The
Effect of Tip Clearance Flows on Performance of Axial Flow
Compressors; 10.7907/7T14-SP07
- Satre, Robert Scott (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of Flame Propagation Downstream of a
Cylindrical Flameholder; 10.7907/6BCM-YC54
- Wood, Richard Donald (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Stagnation Temperature
Probes; 10.7907/KXK1-JQ18
- Dawson, Thomas Emmett (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of a Fully Cavitating Two-Dimensional Flat
Plate Hydrofoil Near a Free Surface; 10.7907/Y3SP-XX86
- Peck, Jerry Clifford (1959) Bending-Torsion
Flutter of an Airfoil with Nonlinear Structural Characteristics; 10.7907/P0DS-PX18
- Auksmann, Boris (1959) Experimental
Investigation of Oilfilm Behaviour in Short Journal Bearings; 10.7907/Y6X7-4C85
- Doering, Eugene Richard (1959) Experiments
on the Flow at the Nose of a Thin Airfoil; 10.7907/6NZA-Q027
- Chapkis, Robert Lynn (1959) Hypersonic
Flow Over an Elliptic Cone: Theory and Experiment; 10.7907/35S5-3H33
- Monroe, Louis L. (1959) Investigation
of the Transmission of a Shock Wave Through an Orifice; 10.7907/Y42Q-9F44
- Stockmair, Wilfried (1959) Problems
in Effusion; 10.7907/KH55-XN11
- Dawson, Victor Charles Douglas (1959) Spectroscopic
Studies of Heated Salts Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/A9DJ-HB94
- Smith, Homer Leroy (1959) The
Study of a Lifting Air Breathing Boost for Satellite Launch; 10.7907/Q47F-X275
- Hemmingway, Richard Earl (1959) Turbulent
Flow in a Nuclear Heat-Exchanger; 10.7907/0QX0-8Y04
- Bauer, Andrew Burkhard (1959) Vortex
Formation and Shedding from a Two-Dimensional, Thin, Flat Plate Parallel
to the Free Stream; 10.7907/K0ZD-XY10
- Thurston, Dick Wright (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of Flame Spreading from Bluff Body
Flameholders; 10.7907/BR8E-T735
- Matthews, Malcolm LeRoy (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of Viscous Effects on Static and Impact
Pressure Probes in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/MQPD-A933
- McCoy, John Carver (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of the General Instability of Ring-Stiffened,
Unpressurized, Thin-Walled Cylinders Under Axial Compression; 10.7907/TR8H-6D86
- Huebner, Danny Frederick (1958) Experimental
Development of a Short Flexible Plate Nozzle Using the Influence
Method; 10.7907/YN82-P321
- Hastrup, Rolf Constantin (1958) Heat
Transfer and Pressure Drop in an Artificially Roughened Tube at Various
Prandtl Numbers; 10.7907/SG10-T622
- Prouty, Raymond Wilbur (1958) Part
I: A Second Approximation to the Induced Drag of a Helicopter Rotor in
Forward Flight. Part II: The Instantaneous Induced Velocity at the Blade
of a Finite-Bladed Rotor in Forward Flight; 10.7907/GZWS-7W28
- Fabula, Andrew George (1958) Some
Experiments in Cavitation Bubble Dynamics; 10.7907/942V-N588
- Nelson, Richard Keith (1958) The
Deflection Curve for a Centrifugally Loaded Tape Traversing an Annular
Cap; 10.7907/A39F-7R35
- Demetriades, Sterge Theodore (1958) The
Effect of Electrostatic Fields on the Orientation of Collodial Particles
Immersed in Shear Flow; 10.7907/AZC4-P010
- Nicholson, Kenneth F. (1958) The
Effects of Blunt Leading Edges on Delta Wings at Mach 5.8; 10.7907/ZSFZ-MN41
- Harney, Donald James (1957) An
Aerodynamic Study of the “Electric Wind”; 10.7907/Z774-ZM53
- Kamins, Milton (1957) An
Analytical Approach to Automotive Fuel Economy; 10.7907/77ZB-HJ63
- Savage, Glenn Allen (1957) An
Analytical Investigation of the Ducted Propeller for Hydrodynamic
Propulsion; 10.7907/EBDR-SN58
- Wisenbaker, Eugene Morgan (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Flow over Simple Blunt Bodies at Mach
Number of 5.8; 10.7907/0KC4-4827
- Richards, Homer Keener (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates on a Blunt Body in
Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/C7F5-2G95
- Fraasa, Donald Gordon (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt-Nosed Bodies at
a Mach Number 5.8; 10.7907/G6D1-N841
- Oliver, Robert Earl (1957) Part
I. The Effect of a Simple Throat Distortion on the Downstream Flow in a
Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Nozzle. Part II. An Experimental Investigation of
Flow over Simple Blunt Bodies at a Nominal Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/462P-XC43
- Carpenter, Stanley Hammack (1957) Performance
of Cavitating Axial Inducers with Varying Tip Clearance and
Solidity; 10.7907/35Z3-YN17
- Cummings, Benjamin Edgar (1957) Supersonic
Flutter of a Plate Containing Many Bays in the Spanwise Direction;
- Gloria, Ruben M. (1957) The
Failure of Pressurized Thin-Walled Cylinders; 10.7907/VQNF-4J52
- Kuo, Tsao Hwa (1957) The
Measurement of Gas Produced by Electrical Power Arcs in Insulating
Oil; 10.7907/EMS6-8Z18
- Munson, Albert Gallatin (1956) A
Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flow over Simple Bodies of
Revolution at M = 18.4 in Helium; 10.7907/X3HZ-BN39
- Machell, Reginald Montague (1956) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at
a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/SJ75-6W93
- O’Bryant, William Theral (1956) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at
a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/923A-XB12
- Sibulkin, Merwin (1956) Boundary
Layer Measurements at Supersonic Nozzle Throats; 10.7907/1JZK-HZ46
- Bennett, Eugene Newell (1956) Carbon
Formation from Acetylene in the Shock Tube; 10.7907/GB80-GE14
- Nawoj, Henry John (1956) Cavitation
Studies in Axial Inducers; 10.7907/FJCF-EC97
- Foster, James Roger (1956) Effects
of Combustion Chamber Blockage on Bluff Body Flame Stabilization; 10.7907/T553-DA28
- Berry, John Warren (1956) Fatigue
of Aluminum as Affected by Temperature and Intermittent Periods of
Rest; 10.7907/SNTV-ZX45
- Conrad, Allan (1956) Hydrodynamic
Forces Induced in Fluid Containers by Earthquakes; 10.7907/JYF8-KK15
- Kanevsky, Joseph Norman (1956) I.
Interference During Burning of Body-Centered Cubic Arrays of Nine Fuel
Droplets in Air. II. Spray Formation and Evaporation; 10.7907/JHWV-HB29
- Ames, Lionel Eugene (1956) Interference
Effects Between Multiple Bluff Body Flameholders; 10.7907/JJVQ-3G91
- Vermilya, Jay J. (1956) Migration
of Vacancies to Stress Centers; 10.7907/J43D-4D95
- Srinivasan, Prabandam (1956) The
effect of wheel unbalance on vehicle dynamics; 10.7907/KDJ4-3T33
- Schalin, Pehr Harald Benedictus (1955) A
Slender Body Aeroelastic Transfer Function Including the Effects of
Structural Flexibility and Nonstationary Aerodynamics; 10.7907/2GPJ-KV69
- Stalk, George (1955) A
Study of Fatigue Notch Sensitivity of 2014-T and 7075-T at Elevated
Temperatures; 10.7907/A948-ZS36
- Seidman, Oscar (1955) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Upwash and Camber on Drag Due
to Lift for Rectangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/AMQ1-JJ66
- Williamson, William Jeffris (1955) An
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer from Fine Wires to Still Air
at Low Density; 10.7907/J54H-9F64
- Howard, Weston Morgan (1955) An
Experimental Investigation of Pressure Gradients Due to Temperature
Gradients in Small Diameter Tubes; 10.7907/SQF1-5002
- Flygare, Richard Wilson (1955) An
Investigation of Ground Accelerations Produced by Machines; 10.7907/H63X-5M60
- Crowe, Thomas Huston (1955) Correlation
of Laminar Flame Velocities for Hydrocarbon-Oxygen-Inert Gas
Mixtures; 10.7907/29MY-5D14
- Larsen, Harold Cecil (1955) Design
of a Model for the Measurement of the Pressure Distribution on an
Axially Symmetric Rotating Body; 10.7907/TDEY-2865
- Fehrman, Alvin Lyone (1955) Effect
of Spin and Yaw on Boundary Layer Transition Along a Body of
Revolution; 10.7907/NP87-FA81
- McClellan, Robert (1955) Equilibrium
Temperature and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Hot Wires in Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/AB2Y-MC42
- Cornwell, Roy Stribling (1955) Experiments
in Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer; 10.7907/PHKW-K604
- Rex, James Foster (1955) Interference
Effects During Burning in Air for Two Stationary N-Heptane Droplets;
- Birdwell, Carl (1955) Investigation
at Low Speed of a Six-Percent Thick Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoil
with Leading Edge Retraction in Combination with Nose Slot; 10.7907/B8SG-Y069
- Bowerman, Ray Deverle (1955) Investigation
of a Three-Dimensional Design Procedure for Axial Flow Pump
Impellers; 10.7907/HXHG-QJ10
- Doss, Robert Franklin (1955) Leading
Edge Retraction as a High Lift Device; 10.7907/PV47-6A63
- Kiley, Donald Walter (1955) On
the Burning of Single Drops of Monopropellants; 10.7907/33WQ-4M23
- James, George Thomas (1955) The
Effect of Adhesive Coating on the Fatigue Properties of 2014-T and
7075-T at Normal and Elevated Temperatures; 10.7907/AX4T-KX34
- Benton, William Curtis (1955) The
Emissivity of Hydrogen Atoms at High Ttemperatures; 10.7907/G0S8-8Q90
- Baldwin, Lawrence Cloyd (1955) Viscous
Effects on Static Pressure Distribution for a Slender Cone at a Nominal
Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/XNB2-P865
- Hayashi, Paul Hideo (1954) A
Study of a Laterally Loaded Thin Circular Cylindrical Shell; 10.7907/CJ37-CB17
- Mertz, Charles (1954) A
Study of the Effect of Boundary Layer Control on an Axial Flow
Compressor Stage; 10.7907/AG0W-5T14
- Rogers, Don Easterday (1954) An
Experimental Investigation of High Frequency Combustion Instability in a
Fuel-Air Combustor; 10.7907/65NM-7Q10
- von Gerichten, Robert Louis (1954) An
Experimental Investigation of the Recirculation Zone of Laminar Flames
Stabilized on Bluff Bodies at Low Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/HHVW-Z921
- Harkins, William Douglas (1954) Base
Pressure and Static Pressure for a Cone-Cylinder at a Nominal Mach
Number of 5.8; 10.7907/P0K8-XG38
- Perkins, Carlton Kay (1954) Burning
of Single Droplets of Hydrocarbon Fuels in Oxidizing Atmospheres; 10.7907/DMX1-0Y63
- Mulligan, Hampton Emanuel (1954) Experiments
on the Relationship Between the Coefficients of Friction and Heat
Transfer in Nucleate Boiling; 10.7907/6KN7-5864
- Graves, Jack Carl (1954) Impact
Pressure and Total Temperature Interpretation at Hypersonic Mach
Number; 10.7907/V04Q-TF29
- Quiel, Norwald Richard (1954) Impact
Pressure and Total Temperature Interpretation at Hypersonic Mach
Numbers; 10.7907/SMHA-4160
- Adams, Gaynor Jefferson (1954) Investigations
of Generalized Conical Flow Fields; 10.7907/GRS3-P551
- Strand, Torstein (1954) Minimum
Drag Due to Lift for a Delta Wing with Sonic Leading Edges; 10.7907/Y3KY-N097
- Gates, Chester Wright (1954) Some
Experiments in Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer; 10.7907/Y7A3-1P44
- Bergman, Carl William (1954) Studies
of Experimental Techniques for Sounding the Ionosphere at Low and Very
Low Radio Wave Frequencies; 10.7907/MQ5A-1M44
- Mileson, Donald Francis (1954) The
Thermal Theory of Laminar Flame Propagation for Hydrogen-Bromine
Mixtures; 10.7907/WN9C-Q975
- Charles, John Morrison (1954) Variation
of Burning Velocity of Laminar Flames with Pressure by the Burner-Area
Method; 10.7907/PVFG-9X18
- Penny, Harmon Charles (1954) Vibrational
Relaxation Times of Gaseous Mixtures of Diatomic Molecules and their
Effect on Rocket Performance; 10.7907/Y2D2-M834
- Ritter, Darrell Lloyd (1953) Activation
Energies of Global Reactions in Laminar Flame Propagation; 10.7907/8539-Z537
- Curran, Donald Charles (1953) An
Experimental Study of the Stability of Laminar Flame; 10.7907/6W88-7713
- Mackay, Douglas Severance (1953) Boundary
Layer Temperature Recovery Factor on a Cone at Nominal Mach Number
Six; 10.7907/8DEC-WE68
- Beyer, David Dean (1953) Economic
Possibilities of Long Range Commercial Rocket Transports; 10.7907/4YV8-MX65
- Merritt, Richard George (1953) Effect
of Foundation Compliance on the Earthquake Stresses in Typical Tall
Buildings; 10.7907/JQP7-AQ78
- Dayman, Bain (1953) Experimental
Aerodynamics of a Two-Dimensional Sail; 10.7907/7GWF-WA96
- Saxon, John Solon (1953) Feedback
Servo-Stabilization of a Rocket During Take-Off; 10.7907/BV8Y-QT45
- Kampé de Fériet, Marc (1953) Investigation
of Boundaries for Transitions from Axial to Two-Dimensional Flow by
Electrical Analogy; 10.7907/RRZH-NR37
- Karlsson, Thorbjörn (1953) On
the Influence of Radial Components of Blade Forces in Axial
Turbomachines; 10.7907/ea2z-1w49
- Robison, William Clay (1953) Properties
of Ethylene Oxide and Hydrazine Related to their Use as Propellants;
- MacLeod, Gordon John (1953) Some
Considerations in the Application of a Gas Turbine Cycle to the
Manufacture of Nitric Oxide; 10.7907/YN04-XS79
- Poorman, Herbert R. (1953) Some
Experimental Studies of Laminar Burning Velocity; 10.7907/J2N7-T584
- Elliott, Benton Holford (1953) Spectroscopic
Studies of OH in Flames. I. Theoretical Investigations of Distortions
Produced by Temperature Gradients, Self-Absorption and Changes in
Spectral Line-Shape. II. Experimental Studies on Acetylene-Oxygen Flames
Burning at Atmospheric Pressure; 10.7907/Y37J-RF90
- Offtermatt, Wilbur Francis (1953) Tables
of Bond and Resonance Energies for Estimating Standard Heats of
Fformation; 10.7907/TZFF-RW53
- Robinson, Winthrop Pratt (1953) The
Effect of Temperature Ccycling on the Physical Properties of 75S-T6
Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal; 10.7907/GEHN-V977
- Lindsley, Jack Nathan (1953) The
Effect of Temperature Cycling on the Physical Properties of FS-1
Magnesium Alloy Sheet Metal; 10.7907/N1M2-JG59
- Fernández, Raymond Caesar (1953) Use
of a Sampling Feedback System for Stabilization of Low Frequency
Oscillations in Liquid Monopropellant Rocket Motors; 10.7907/PZEC-N445
- Pardee, William McKnight (1953) Variation
of Burning Velocity with Pressure; 10.7907/C95P-BV39
- Robinson, Martin Samuel (1952) A Ten
Channel Statistical Analyzer for Use in Turbulence Research; 10.7907/3BGC-7N43
- Becker, Jack Lincoln (1952) An
Experimental Investigation of Ignition and Flame Stabilization in a
Turbulent Mixing Zone; 10.7907/BFQK-V510
- Kauffman, Ralph J. (1952) An
Investigation of Creep in Light Metal Alloys; 10.7907/HB4M-3P19
- Woodward, Frank Arthur (1952) An
Investigation of the Effect of the Muzzle on the Motion of the
Projectile in a Recoilless Gun; 10.7907/928R-MD36
- Arbo, Paul Edward (1952) Burning
Rate for a Solid Propellant Ramjet Developing Constant Tthrust; 10.7907/31B3-3W28
- Gaibler, Richard (1952) Column
Creep of 75S-T6 Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/DTB9-Y232
- Schroeder, Joseph Herman (1952) Effect
of Vibrational Excitation on the Theoretical Performance of the
Stoichiometric Carbon-Oxygen Propellant System; 10.7907/BGFA-6E97
- Dervishyan, Aram Ohannes (1952) Fatigue
Stress Concentration Studies on Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/4BCE-M652
- Holm, Robert Joseph (1952) I.
Integrated Intensity Measurements for Vibration-Rotation Bands of Carbon
Dioxide. II. Total Absorptivity Measurements on Carbon Dioxide at Room
Temperature; 10.7907/RN61-AX46
- Weinberg, Warren E. (1952) Initial
Motion of a Rocket Moving on a Stretched Cable; 10.7907/NY23-GR26
- Eriksen, George August (1952) Investigation
of Flame Velocities at Low Pressures; 10.7907/NGNK-YA29
- Nay, Harvey Orin (1952) Low
Speed Boundary Layer and Pressure Distribution Tests on a Family of
Swept Back Wings; 10.7907/29BY-XV92
- Wallace, Richard Earl (1952) Low-Speed
Investigation of a Double Wedge Airfoil with a Leading-Edge Slat; 10.7907/NJPD-HF21
- Mueller, Gregg (1952) Optimum
Range of a Wingless Rocket About a Rotating Earth; 10.7907/HHJS-QS62
- Thatcher, Roland Churchill (1952) Short
Time Compressive Creep in 75S-T6 and 25S-T6 Aluminum Alloy Short
Columns; 10.7907/DFBM-7A50
- Cox, Dale William (1952) Stabilization
of a Bipropellant Liquid Rocket Motor; 10.7907/4SBW-M406
- Linderman, Robert Bruce (1952) The
Effect of pH on the Workability of Concrete; 10.7907/C141-5S39
- Hartwig, Frederic William (1952) The
Evaporation Rate of Liquid Droplets in a Hot Gas; 10.7907/NY38-9J57
- Shapiro, Henry (1952) Transient
Response of a Multi-Frequency Reed Gage; 10.7907/1V1D-ET24
- Solomon, Salim Sion (1951) An
Absolute Method for the Determination of the Noise Figure of Radio
Receivers; 10.7907/K3TT-0T85
- Norris, James Caspar (1951) An
Analysis of a Compound Pendulum Rocket Suspension; 10.7907/YDS1-JW02
- Walker, Donald Petrilla (1951) An
Experimental Investigations of the Oscillations of an Airfoil Near a
Sharp Velocity Gradient; 10.7907/5PMF-4R60
- Dankworth, Edwin George (1951) An
Investigation of the Effects of a Sharp Velocity Gradient of the
Flexure-Torsion Flutter Speed of an Airfoil; 10.7907/QBG8-G786
- Hughes, Richard Frank (1951) Analytical
Performance Study of Turbojet Cycle with Nearly Ideal Component
Efficiencies; 10.7907/Q2CP-J309
- Kendrick, James Benjamin (1951) Automatic
or Coupled Control Surfaces for Aircraft; 10.7907/CN1Q-P992
- Swanson, Wilbur Milton (1951) Complete
Characteristic Circle Diagrams for Turbomachinery; 10.7907/MVKX-4X51
- Lobdell, John Henry (1951) Determination
of Temperature in a Low Pressure Flame; 10.7907/MTQ1-K461
- Kaplun, Saul (1951) Dimensional
Analysis of the Inflation Process of Parachute Canopies; 10.7907/25MM-HY18
- Holmquist, Carl Oreal (1951) Effect
of Small Variations of Parameters in the Turboprop Cycle; 10.7907/B34Z-JX85
- Ostrander, Max Howell (1951) Emissivity
Calculations for Carbon Monoxide; 10.7907/7DDZ-WA46
- Angelo, Raymond Louis (1951) I.
Experimental Determination of Selected Accommodation Coefficients. II.
Experimental Determination of the Heat of Iodine; 10.7907/1DD6-8B60
- Pounder, Edwin (1951) Investigation
of Blockage Effects on Circular Cylinders in a Two-Dimensional Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/1F84-BB81
- Davidson, Harold William (1951) Lift
Increase Obtained with Boundary Layer Suction on a 10% Double Wedge
Airfoil with a 20% Chord Leading and Trailing Edge Flaps; 10.7907/KPZ6-2V51
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1951) Mean-Speed
Measurements in Two-Dimensional, Incompressible, Fully-Developed
Turbulent Channel Flow; 10.7907/CGEH-Q720
- Struble, Arthur Dewey (1951) Preliminary
Design Study of a Centrifugal Jet Engine with a Supersonic
Propeller; 10.7907/SXBW-F552
- Stuart, Jay William (1951) Spectra
of the Velocity Fluctuations in the Wake of Stalled Airfoils; 10.7907/0DKR-ZG89
- Barker, William Cyrus (1950) A
Formulation of the Problem of Distributed Vorticity in the Shock Wave
Boundary Layer Interaction process; 10.7907/H3PW-QF74
- Barish, David Theodore (1950) Acoustical
Airspeed Indicators; 10.7907/FR7P-K372
- DeLauer, Richard Daniel (1950) Aerodynamic
Characteristics of a Wedge and Cone at Hypersonic Mach Numbers; 10.7907/rndh-4a17
- Scherer, Lee Richard (1950) Aerodynamic
Characteristics of a Wedge and Cone at Hypersonic Mach Numbers; 10.7907/29PE-XX71
- Wechsler, Joseph Wolff (1950) An
Investigation of the Application of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method to the
Deflection of a Small Aspect Ratio Swept Plate of Uniform Thickness;
- Welch, Frank (1950) Analysis
of an Inclined Thrust Axis as Applied to a Ramjet Propelled
Aircraft; 10.7907/T1QH-QJ51
- Rowney, James Victor (1950) Application
of the Ram Jet to Vertical Ascent; 10.7907/DRA1-DS60
- Matzdorff, Roger Edward (1950) Castable
Plastics in Photoelastics Stress Analysis; 10.7907/1CAZ-4A36
- Shepherd, John Tyler (1950) Correlation
of Fatigue Data to Determine Stress Concentration Factors in 76S-T
Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/XMFM-KC84
- Kane, John Clarence (1950) Correlation
of Fatigue Data to Determine Stress Concentration Factors in 76s-T
Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/FHCF-VX77
- Oliver, Robert Norris (1950) Experimental
Determination of Accommodation Coefficients as Functions of Temperature
for Several Metals and Gases; 10.7907/MDBN-3R17
- Bryan, William Cleveland (1950) Experimental
Investigation of Detached Shock on a 70° Cone at Various Angles of
Attack; 10.7907/XAZW-8051
- Frick, Leo Francis (1950) Experimental
Investigation of Detached Shock on a 70° Cone at Various Angles of
Attack; 10.7907/D4TV-0W57
- Chase, Patrick Stanley (1950) Flexible
Plate Supersonic Wind Tunnel Flow Correction to Account for Plate
Elastic Properties; 10.7907/EC0T-P917
- Schmidt, Louis Vincent (1950) Investigation
of Blockage Effects from Flow About Circular Cylinders in a
Two-Dimensional Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/1NSH-2G22
- Staros, Basil (1950) Investigation
of Effect of Energy Dissipation Behind a Detached Shock Wave on Total
Head Measurements; 10.7907/TQG5-4092
- Crossley, Harry Eastwood (1950) The
Analogy Between Surface Shock Waves in a Liquid and Shocks in
Compressible Gases; 10.7907/grgr-zs89
- Ashkenas, Harry Israel (1950) The
Design and Construction of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Use with
the GALCIT Transonic Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/D0V1-MJ80
- Geisberg, Ralph Lewis (1950) Transient
Analysis Methods for Determining the Longitudinal Stability Derivatives
of a Submerged Body from Free Flight Tests; 10.7907/H9NV-2777
- Brown, John R. (1949) A
Critical Study of Spin-Up Drag Loads on Aircraft Landing Gears; 10.7907/PDPG-ET80
- Dwire, Oliver Scott (1949) A
Study of Pressure Drop in Helical Coils; 10.7907/GV93-7D64
- Blenkush, Philip George (1949) A
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of
High-Lift Devices on Supersonic Wings at Low Subsonic Speed; 10.7907/N6XA-GR06
- Francis, Donald Lowell (1949) An
Experimental Investigation of Blocking in a High-Speed, Closed Wind
Tunnel Using the Wall Pressure Method; 10.7907/V893-YJ92
- Weatherup, Robert Alexander (1949) An
Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Loss in Flow Through Helical
Coils; 10.7907/KZ8G-V819
- Bacon, John William (1949) An
Investigation of Blowing as a Method of Increasing the Maximum Lift of a
Double-Wedge Airfoil; 10.7907/NT63-HE54
- McKenney, John Dill (1949) An
Investigation of Flow Separation in an Overexpanded Supersonic
Nozzle; 10.7907/G1V3-A479
- Goebel, Thomas Parker (1949) An
Investigation of the Deformation of a 3S-O Sheet Specimen During Tensile
Failure; 10.7907/06BQ-R471
- Schurmeier, Harris McIntosh (1949) An
Investigation of the Interference Effects of a Sting Support System on
the Pressure Distribution over a Body of Revolution; 10.7907/H9SM-CM40
- Chandler, Ralph Stewart (1949) An
Investigation of the Stresses and Deflections of Swept Plates; 10.7907/WSRF-6S68
- Ogilvie, Douglas Clark (1949) Correlation
of Existing Design Information on Sandwich Construction; 10.7907/F4C5-0536
- Ford, Warren Woodrow (1949) Design
of a Six Component Internal Strain Gage Balance System; 10.7907/8DE6-1J31
- Bottenberg, William Robert (1949) Effect
of Reynolds Number on the Flow About a Finite Cone of 70 Degrees; 10.7907/PPKS-C120
- Garrett, Joseph (1949) Experimental
Deflection Survey of Cantilever Sectors of Uniform Thickness; 10.7907/YP13-NN87
- Henry, William Earl (1949) Experimental
Deflection Survey of Cantilever Sectors of Uniform Thickness; 10.7907/A463-DC95
- Pinkerton, Charles C. (1949) Experimental
Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Porous Copper; 10.7907/T9JD-BK76
- Clancy, Albert Harrison (1949) Experimental
Investigation of Pressure Drop in Helical Coils; 10.7907/Y2Z6-SG48
- Lamb, William Emerson (1949) Fatigue
Strength of Metal Sandwich Type Construction; 10.7907/YEGJ-XT59
- MacKinnon, Neil Allan (1949) Flow
Field Around a Finite Cone with Shock; 10.7907/XR4M-9R51
- Muirhead, Vincent Uriel (1949) Flow
Field Around a Finite Cone with Shock; 10.7907/7GMA-0V07
- Monroe, Gerald Morgan (1949) Higher
Order Approximate Solutions for the Flow in Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/8BJW-AE38
- McElligott, Richard Hardy (1949) Investigation
of Pressure Drop Through Helical Coils; 10.7907/0S5A-NH14
- Marx, Michael Ferdinand (1949) Low
Speed Wind Tunnel Investigation of High Lift Devices on a 65° Swept-Back
Supersonic Wing of 3.44 Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/2B48-J790
- Thomas, John William (1949) Low
Speed Wind Tunnel Investigation of High Lift Devices on a 65° Swept-Back
Supersonic Wing of 3.44 Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/TYRW-TZ93
- Dhawan, Satish (1949) On
the Design and Use of a Flexible Nozzle for the GALCIT Transonic Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/ESYY-5P20
- Cooley, James Siggins (1949) Reversed
Bending Fatigue Properties of 25 S-T, 75 S-T, and 76 S-T Aluminum
Alloys; 10.7907/HNFP-NB63
- Mandelbrot, Benoit B. (1949) Some
Potential Problems Arising in the Theory of Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/QGD5-YD25
- Burke, James Donahue (1949) Sounding
Rocket Performances Analysis; 10.7907/XW5Q-1Y06
- Teig, Vernon Ellwood (1949) Stress
Distribution in Two Intersecting Cylinders Under Pressure; 10.7907/9QC1-C818
- Harmon, Leonard Edward (1949) Stress,
Distribution in Two Circular Cylinders Intersecting at Right Angles
Under the Influence of Internal Pressure; 10.7907/RMGJ-1S84
- Benitez, Louis Eugenio (1949) Studies
of Radiant Heat Transfer from Pure Gases; 10.7907/EG68-PD69
- Benezra, Joseph Nissim (1949) Supersonic
Flow in a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Channel; 10.7907/GYFS-PN59
- Gompf, George Edward (1949) Supersonic
Nozzle Design for Viscous Fluids; 10.7907/R422-S076
- Bevernick, Richard Alexander (1949) The
Effect of Reynolds Number on the Flow Field About a 70° Cone; 10.7907/FGSF-5183
- Ringness, William Merritt (1949) The
Effect of Surface Roughness upon 25 ST Aluminum Alloy Subjected to
Repeated Tensile Stresses Above the Proportional Limit; 10.7907/WH57-T868
- Hardy, Donald James (1949) The
Effect of Surface Roughness upon 25 ST Aluminum Alloy Subjected to
Repeated Tensile Stresses Above the Proportional Limit; 10.7907/Q6A7-1796
- Densmore, James Edward (1949) Wind
Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of High Lift
Devices on Supersonic Wings at Low Subsonic Speed; 10.7907/Z0Y9-J658
- Shonerd, David Edwin (1949) Winged
Rocket Performance Analysis; 10.7907/34ZH-KG02
- Altseimer, John H. (1948) An
Experimental Investigation of Detached Shock Waves; 10.7907/W6SF-EG14
- Amster, Warren (1948) An
Investigation into the Effects of Running Propellers on the Static
Longitudinal Stability of Multi-Engine Tractor-Propeller-Driven
Monoplanes; 10.7907/VMA6-2G04
- Marschner, Bernard Walter (1948) An
Investigation of Detached Shock Waves
- Chuan, Raymond Lu-Po (1948) An
Investigation of Vortex Shedding as Related to the Self-Excited
Torsional Oscillation of an Airfoil; 10.7907/6JQH-FS81
- Imster, Harry Frederick and Lesko, James Steven (1948) Axially
Symmetric Laminar Compressible Boundary Layers with Pressure
Gradient; 10.7907/HFMY-CY49
- White, Richard Street (1948) Calculation
of Enthalpy-Entropy Diagrams for Rocket Propellant Systems; 10.7907/PGDK-YH67
- Slater, Mervin Otis (1948) Calculation
of Enthalpy-Entropy Diagrams for Rocket Propellant Systems; 10.7907/J89N-WK27
- DeGroff, Harold M. (1948) Calculation
of the Optimum Pitch Distribution of a Propeller with Sweepback; 10.7907/6PJQ-Q596
- Davis, Thomas V. (1948) Design
of a Large Water Tunnel; 10.7907/H8HZ-D718
- Gasich, Welko Elton (1948) Downwash
Distribution Behind a Wing with an Angle of Attack Discontinuity at
Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/GGC8-CN80
- Srinivasan, Natesan (1948) Higher
Order Approximations for Transonic Flow Over Slender Bodies; 10.7907/8HMA-7V02
- Miller, Herman (1948) Investigation
of Errors Obtained with Reflection-Plane Mounted Models Due to End Plate
Tares; 10.7907/V2HD-F021
- Smith, Josiah E. (1948) Investigations
of the Aerodynamic Interactions Between Wind Tunnel Models and their
Support Systems at the GALCIT Ten Foot Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/P2JE-8W83
- Williams, Max L. (1948) Maximum
Stress in a Cylindrical Bar of Double Wedge Cross Section Under
Torsion; 10.7907/52Z6-WX56
- Wheldon, Wilbert Gayton (1948) Method
for Estimating Downwash Behind Swept Airfoils; 10.7907/67D0-3C95
- Seager, Donald Barstow (1948) Operational
Flight Testing; 10.7907/21B0-X909
- Murphy, Walter Patrick (1948) Performance
Calculations of Rocket Tripropellant Systems; 10.7907/ER6J-8M16
- Sims, William Edward (1948) Performance
Calculations of Rocket Tripropellant Systems; 10.7907/QT2H-WD21
- Nelson, Conrad Nathaniel (1948) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24-ST Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/V6ZX-5G92
- Joga Rao, Chintakindi Venkata (1948) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24st Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/V8T5-YS83
- Lampert, Seymour (1948) Rolling
Moment Due to Yaw of Flat Wings of Trapezoidal Planform at Supersonic
Speeds; 10.7907/HDT1-PR91
- Wunch, William Stuart (1948) Studies
of the Double-Wedge and Biconvex Airfoils in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/BSMQ-5177
- Magnus, Richard Jeffrey (1948) Study
of Vortex Shedding as Related to Torsional Oscillations of a Thin
Airfoil; 10.7907/NAKT-DG24
- Buhler, Rolf Dietrich (1948) Supersonic
Flow Through Cascades, with Application to Diffusers; 10.7907/FJEG-RM29
- Paul, Charles Craig (1948) The
Design of a Multipurpose Chair for Children; 10.7907/hrn6-ym94
- Swan, Walter Charles (1948) The
Influence of Nozzle Design on the Flight Performance of Rocket Vehicles,
with an Analysis of the Results of Jet Separation; 10.7907/1T89-B949
- Pritchard, Ernest I. (1948) Upwash
and Sidewash Induced by Certain Control Surfaces in a Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/HK5H-NH60
- Jensen, Arnold Axtell and Koerner, Warren Gottlieb (1948) Wind
Tunnel Investigation of a Supersonic Tailless Airplane at Low Subsonic
Speed; 10.7907/KFRK-AF65
- Trilling, Leon (1947) A
Problem in Potential Flow with a Free Surface; 10.7907/CA87-ZG47
- Pollock, Albert David and Reck, Floyd Francis (1947) A
Study of Methods to Increase the Lift of Supersonic Airfoils at Low
Speeds; 10.7907/J3NG-DD26
- Ponsford, Henry Thomas (1947) A
Study of Some Problems Affecting the Design of Wings for Transonic
Aircraft; 10.7907/3HNE-5E94
- Soli, Orlan Alton and Ditch, William Earl (1947) A
Study of the Effects of Rapidly Applied Loads and Repeated Loads on
Countersunk Riveted Joints; 10.7907/WEWA-8A78
- Clarke, Fredric B. and Sappington, Merrill Homer (1947) A
Study of the Ignition Lag of Spontaneous Rocket Propellants; 10.7907/GV68-3M37
- O’Meara, Donald John and Andrews, Clyde Cecil (1947) A
Study of the Temperature Gradients of Gases Flowing Through Heated
Porous Metal; 10.7907/WNFK-V169
- Mullane, Leo Wayne (1947) An
Apparatus for the Study of the Turbulent Diffusion Flame; 10.7907/DW7B-DN61
- Griffing, Charles W.; Wilburn, William Clarence; et al. (1947) An
Application of the Method of Characteristics to Axially Symmetric
Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/GTHG-VM56
- Sanders, Lewis B. (1947) An
Investigation of Inspection Criteria for Countersunk Rivets; 10.7907/X2ZV-8G18
- Deodati, Joseph Benjamin and Monteath, Edward Berlendis (1947) An
Investigation of the Round Jet in a Moving Air Sstream; 10.7907/8QPZ-RY03
- Tangren, Robert Fulton (1947) Correction
of Ramjet Experimental Data; 10.7907/291V-BB68
- Reiserer, Russell Lawrence and Barden, Kenneth Perrin (1947) Design
and Test of a Rocket Motor Expansion Joint; 10.7907/CM3Y-6453
- Cole, Charles Willard and Levitt, Bernard Barclay (1947) Design
of an Instrument for Measuring the True Vertical Velocity of an Airplane
at Moment of Contact in Landing; 10.7907/55P1-6Z07
- Burger, Glenn William and Daniels, Jerry Forest (1947) Design
of an Instrument for Measuring the True Vertical Velocity of an Airplane
at Moment of Contact in Landing; 10.7907/R4C9-D634
- Anderson, Roy Gene; Rush, Charles Wesley; et al. (1947) Development
of a Hydroduct; 10.7907/7PWR-0P18
- Collins, Hugh L. H. (1947) Experimental
Study of the Burning Rates of Some Solid Propellants by Using a Closed
Bomb; 10.7907/EFSF-XG74
- Goodwin, Walter Hardenbroecke (1947) Formation
and Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in Metals as Affected by Overstressing
and Understressing; 10.7907/j4pg-se71
- Bowie, James Monfort and Huestis, Gerald Stephen (1947) Gas
Generation by Chemical Reaction for Pressurizing Liquid Rocket
Propellants; 10.7907/7T6E-3D20
- Kirkwood, Thomas Frederick (1947) Integral
Methods Applied to a Compressible Boundary Layer on an Insulated Flat
Plate Parallel to the Wind; 10.7907/ERYV-B305
- Heppe, R. Richard (1947) Investigation
of a Variable Geometry Supersonic Diffuser; 10.7907/WYNA-G323
- Durup, Paul Christian and Weisenberg, Joseph Oscar (1947) Lateral
Stability of Thin Tapered Struts; 10.7907/FGGF-0080
- Cole, Julian David (1947) On
the Transonic Flow Past Thin Airfoils; 10.7907/7YQN-9C32
- Rice, Harold Egbert (1947) Performance
Calculations of New Propellant Systems; 10.7907/VJT1-6602
- Bull, Edward George and Mastin, Robert L. (1947) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24ST Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/BN3E-8T35
- Fossier, Mike Walter and Small, John (1947) Supersonic
Wind Tunnel Tests of Two Rocket Propelled Projectile Models; 10.7907/71EK-W641
- Dore, Frank John (1947) The
Design of Tailless Airplanes; 10.7907/0RZ6-EV10
- Palmer, George Marshall (1947) The
Downwash Distribution Behind a Delta Wing at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3VWX-XE20
- Weldon, Thomas Franklin (1947) The
Performance of a Supersonic Airplane; 10.7907/T271-MK09
- Marble, Frank Earl (1947) The
Rotational Motion of an Ideal Fluid and Application to the
Three-Dimensional Flow Through Axial Turbomachinery; 10.7907/CJJR-H730
- Satterfield, Loys Malcolm and Wheatley, John Paul (1947) Theoretical
Investigation of Acceleration of a Turbojet Engine; 10.7907/N3NM-X518
- Hoffman, Charles Calvin and Gillette, Edmond Stephen (1946) A
Study of Porous Metal Cooling; 10.7907/PF1D-8T69
- Olsen, Leslie Richard (1946) A
Theoretical Investigation of a Method of Increasing the Performance of
Rocket Propellants for Use in Torpedoes by the Injection of Water;
- Parker, James Frederick; Anderson, John Berwick; et al. (1946) An
Investigation of the Effects of the Sudden Extension of a Dive-Recovery
Flap on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Symmetrical Airfoil in Two
Dimensional Flow; 10.7907/DJD3-KV06
- Browning, Frank Horace and Mcconnaughhay, ]ames William (1946) Conditions
for Choking in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber with Eddying Pressure
Losses; 10.7907/BC2C-0A22
- Winson, Jonathan (1946) Motion
of an Unarticulated Helicopter Blade with Application to the Problem of
Vibration of the Rigid Rotor Helicopter; 10.7907/WBDG-XG02
- Kleiss, Norman Jack and Kerkering, Stanley William (1946) Some
Studies of Expansion Rings in Rocket Motors; 10.7907/CD3E-ZE50
- Halvorson, George Grandchamp and Sledge, Edward Cress (1946) Studies
on the Performance of a Rocket Propelled Orbiting Missile; 10.7907/Z8SA-3358
- Weitzenfeld, Daniel Kehr; Trauger, Robert James; et al. (1946) The
Effect of Dive Recovery Flaps on the Lift of a Two Dimensional
Symmetrical Airfoil with Changes in Chordwise Location of the Flaps;
- Gibson, Charles Edward; Knapp, Elton Lewis; et al. (1945) A
Report on Increasing the Thrust of a Turbojet Engine by Combustion of
Fuel in the The Tail Pipe; 10.7907/1HM4-J830
- Leydon, John Koebig and Miller, Walter Bernard (1945) An
Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Effects at High Mach Numbers; 10.7907/HNBB-CK44
- Lancaster, Otis Ewing (1945) Combustion
Gas Turbine for Airplanes; 10.7907/82FF-C054
- Levy, Charles Nathaniel (1945) Self-Excited
Torsional Oscillations of an Arfoil; 10.7907/0HEH-TC15
- Denison, Frank G. (1944) A
Method of Performance Analysis for Sailing Vessels; 10.7907/3697-3Y49
- Baranowski, John J. and Seiler, Dayton A. (1944) An
Investigation of a Method of Underwater Propulsion by Direct Gas
Injection; 10.7907/XDF1-M512
- Chambers, Lester S.; Doll, Raymond. E.; et al. (1944) An
Investigation of the Effects of Angle of Attack and Airfoil Model Size
on the Occurrence of Shock Waves in a Two Dimensional Wind Tunnel;
- Ours, Statton Ray and Jackson, William Gauss (1944) An
Investigation of the Effects of Weight Geometry and Time in Repeated
Tension Impact Testing; 10.7907/G8NX-JD54
- Dixon, Howard Henry (1944) Investigation
of Design Criteria of Stiffened Wood Curved Panels; 10.7907/HJ3Y-3F83
- Miles, John Wilder (1944) The
Analysis of Discontinuities in Cylindrical Tubes Propagating Sound
Waves; 10.7907/58H4-E268
- Dunn, William C. and Furer, Albert B. (1944) The
Quantitative Effect of a Flexible Fuselage on the Symmetric Torsional
Modes of the Wings of a Large Airplane; 10.7907/H4PK-H195
- Lee, Edwin Samuel and Sterling, Cedric Warren (1943) A
Correlation of Repeated Tension Impact Tests with Other Tension Tests of
17ST Duralumin; 10.7907/VP8E-Q282
- Hanger, Willard Muirhead (1943) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Elliptical and Modified
Cutouts in Flat Panels Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear; 10.7907/6M05-2809
- Sweeney, William Edward and Bridgland, Edgar Parsons (1943) Investigation
of Design Criteria of Stiffened Wooden Panels; 10.7907/4YVN-3R91
- Hayes, Wallace Dean (1943) Some
Investigations in the Buckling of Thin Rods; 10.7907/2G6H-SH82
- Zebb, George Keirn (1943) Technique
of Measuring Transverse Components of Velocity Fluctuations in Turbulent
Flow; 10.7907/H56H-BX29
- Kane, Richard Francis and Kelley, Edward Frederick (1943) The
Theory, Design and Performance of a Two Dimensional High Speed,
Induction Type Wind-Tunnel; 10.7907/S53W-ST96
- Gibbons, Robert Martin and Dill, Douglas Gordon (1942) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Elliptical and Modified
Cutouts in Flat Panels Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear; 10.7907/36WR-QZ84
- Kiergan, Nova Babb and Tomamichel, Jack Jones (1942) A
Study of Flutter in One Degree of Freedom; 10.7907/NX9K-JT57
- Olsen, Carl Baker and Brown, Sheldon Willis (1942) A
Study of the Effects of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain
Metals Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/RXJQ-C567
- Schwarzenbach, Jean Christophe (1942) Calibration
of the Merrill-G.A.L.C.I.T. Wind-Tunnel, and a Suggestion for a Variable
Cross-Section on a Small High-Speed Wind-Tunnel; 10.7907/PGWH-E460
- Corrsin, Stanley (1942) Decay
of Turbulence Behind Three Similar Grids; 10.7907/GXRW-6609
- Williams, Edgar Purell (1942) Fuselage
and Nacelle Effects on Airplanes as Determined by a Statistical Study of
Data from the GALCIT 10-Foot Tunnel; 10.7907/WY13-WD59
- Goode, John Edward (1942) Maneuverability;
- Shevell, Richard Shepherd (1942) The
Design and Testing of an Aerodynamic Model of a High Speed Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/DPNP-VP27
- Tyra, Thomas Donald and Hollister, William Wallace (1941) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Cutouts in Panels Subject to
Shear and Bending; 10.7907/Q4B3-CJ36
- Roudebush, Bert Victor (1941) A
Study of Heat Transfer by Turbulence; 10.7907/7g1q-mx90
- Ashworth, Thomas and Dilworth, John Andrew (1941) An
Analytical Approach to the Problem of Longitudinal Stability of Flying
Boats in the Planing Conditions; 10.7907/AP1X-DP12
- Damberg, Carl Fillmore and Dane, Paul Howard (1941) Design
Study Of Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Installation on the YO-55 (ERCOUPE)
Airplane with an Analysis of Performance and Flight Characteristics;
- McCoy, Howard Monroe and Longfelder, Harlowe Julius (1941) Discussion
of Two Specialized Aircraft Propeller Problems; 10.7907/9YND-4B66
- Bell, Richard William and Storms, Harrison Allen (1941) Some
Aspects of the Effects of Propeller Operation on the Static Longitudinal
Stability of an Airplane; 10.7907/A8D1-2071
- Lapin, Ellis (1941) The
Effect of Gunfire on the Longitudinal Motion of an Airplane; 10.7907/GQG7-6C62
- Fischer, Charles Fink (1941) The
Performance of Jet Propelled Space Vehicles; 10.7907/HFY8-KW92
- Fox, Joseph (1921) Design
of a Timber Howe Truss Highway Bridge; 10.7907/8XPH-AA75