- Chen, Xiaoqiao (2025) Active
Acquisition Methods for Single Cell Genomics; 10.7907/nsn8-nd79
- Harms, Tanner David (2025) Chasing
After the Wind: Flow Structure Detection Strategies for Autonomous
Mobile Flow Field Measurements; 10.7907/vjvv-vb21
- de Jong, Emily Katherine (2025) Cloudy
with a Chance of Microphysics: Modeling Droplet Collisions for the
Climate Scale; 10.7907/yv2y-kg55
- Musgrave, Charles Bruce, III (2025) Computational
Approaches to Problems in Energy and Sustainability; 10.7907/hnc1-je90
- Mukasa, Daniel (2025) Computational
Design of Wearable Chemical Sensors for Personalized Healthcare; 10.7907/r46k-sw73
- Lukas, Heather (2025) Engineering
Bioaffinity Sensors toward Continuous Electrochemical Biosensing; 10.7907/2c89-k924
- Desai, Dhruv Chimanbhai (2025) First-Principles
Calculations of Magnetotransport and Electron-Phonon Interactions in
Semiconductors and Topological Materials; 10.7907/s0ca-dg17
- Liang, Mingshu (2025) Harvesting
Insights from Advanced Microscope Acquisitions: Techniques and
Applications; 10.7907/aysy-jg55
- Hatanpää, Benjamin Henrik James (2025) High-Field
Charge Transport and Fluctuation Phenomena in Semiconductors from First
Principles; 10.7907/fc5a-5276
- Huang, Yuting (2025) Linear
and Non-Linear Interactions Involving Large-Scale Structures in
Turbulence; 10.7907/739k-dj72
- Sekine, Ryoto (2025) Lithium
Niobate Nanophotonic Circuits for Information Processing; 10.7907/8vxv-eb34
- Libersky, Matthew (2025) Microwave
Spectroscopy for Probing Electronuclear Modes in Quantum Magnets; 10.7907/n5w4-ae93
- Heidt, Liam Frank Raven (2025) Modal
Analysis of Harmonically Forced Turbulent Flows with Application to
Jets; 10.7907/e6fe-kz94
- Kim, Taeho (2025) Modeling
Frictional Processes in the Presence of Fluids: From Earthquakes in the
Laboratory to Induced Seismicity in Geothermal Reservoirs; 10.7907/pp3a-2609
- Liu, Shengduo (2025) Numerical
Analyses of Frictional Sliding on Rate-and-State Interfaces: Fluid
Effects, Dynamic Weakening, and Potential-Based Formulation Through
Machine Learning; 10.7907/1tzb-pn69
- Baumgart, Alexandra Rose (2025) Numerical
Stability and Reduced Order Chemistry Modeling in Detonation
Simulations; 10.7907/1vna-9r39
- Gao, Maodong (2025) Physics
and Applications of Compact Optical Frequency Comb; 10.7907/ck74-m354
- Zhou, Ziran (2025) Predictive
Modeling of Architected Solids across Scales; 10.7907/cn82-z804
- Yu, Jing (2025) Safe
and Scalable Learning-Based Control: Theory and Application in
Sustainable Energy Systems; 10.7907/bgar-0602
- Boddapati, Purna Chandra Jagannadh Kumar (2025) Shear-Normal
Coupled Deformations in Anisotropic Structured Materials; 10.7907/k1t8-4t34
- Dassanayake, Sahangi (2025) Space
Legos: A Concept for In-Space Assembly of Large Structures with a
Stationary Robot; 10.7907/0pn5-3w42
- Pederson, John Monroe Jr. (2025) Thermoelastic
Deflections of Thin-Shell Composite Space Structures; 10.7907/xyry-w852
- Li, Gordon Han Ying (2025) Ultrafast
Computing with Nonlinear Photonics; 10.7907/g8re-9a27
- Zhao, Jiawei (2025) Understanding
and Improving Efficiency in Training of Deep Neural Networks; 10.7907/jgq8-et91
- Min, Jihong (2024) Innovations
in Wireless Bioelectronics for Precision Medicine, from Sustainable
Sweat Sensing to Ingestible Gut Monitoring; 10.7907/kcm7-wz71
- Sun, Yuchun (2024) 3D
Micro-Architected Materials for Batteries; 10.7907/y6bt-xb40
- Sun, Jennifer Jianing (2024) AI
for Scientists: Accelerating Discovery Through Knowledge, Data, and
Learning; 10.7907/d6y8-4590
- Jin, Zhiyang (2024) Acoustic
Biosensors for Noninvasive Imaging of Molecular Processes; 10.7907/b51h-q307
- Aghlmand, Fatemeh (2024) Adaptive
Optoelectronic Systems: From Bio- Sensing to Free-Space Optical
Communication; 10.7907/hj19-7516
- Deng, Weiting (2024) Additive
Manufacturing of 3D Micro-Architected Materials for Device
Applications; 10.7907/74dt-4442
- Villafuerte, Fernando Joaquin (2024) Additive
Manufacturing of Batteries and IR-Active Microparticles:
Polyborane-Based Electrolytes for Solid State Batteries and Additively
Manufactured, TiN-Coated Microbridges; 10.7907/jc8h-gs34
- Bernal-Choban, Camille Marie (2024) Atomic
Dynamics in Solids and Liquids from Inelastic Neutron Scattering; 10.7907/3nv3-g144
- Gunnarson, Peter John (2024) Autonomous
Flow-Based Navigation in Unsteady Underwater Environments; 10.7907/vnh6-3t44
- Akbari, Hamidreza (2024) Characterization
and Tuning of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride; 10.7907/qz1v-3696
- Nandi, Ankita (2024) Characterizing
the Molecular Structure of Preceramic Polysiloxanes for Freeze Casting
of Silicon Oxycarbide Ceramics; 10.7907/akf6-7631
- Naik, Nachiket Ramchandra (2024) Charge
Transport Phenomena in Cryogenic SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar
Transistors; 10.7907/f1tv-4w30
- Mazaheri, Bijan Henrik Socrates (2024) Combining
Sources and Leveraging Contexts; 10.7907/7t4d-xg91
- Ho, Dimitar Mi (2024) Control
of Unknown Dynamical Systems: Robustness and Online Learning of Feedback
Control; 10.7907/fb64-vk24
- Wei, Skylar Xueyao (2024) Data-Driven
Safety-Critical Autonomy in Unknown, Unstructured, and Dynamic
Environments; 10.7907/qpbp-0x81
- Cao, Ruizhi (2024) Dealing
with Imperfections: From Aberration to Scattering; 10.7907/adgc-g315
- Roberts, Gregory David (2024) Design,
Realization, and Applications of 3D Multifunctional Nanophotonics;
- Guzman, Pedro (2024) Developments
in Mössbauer Spectrometry: From Instrumentation to High Pressure Studies
on Spins and Phonons; 10.7907/hyry-q484
- Sun, Shi-Ning (2024) Digital
Quantum Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems; 10.7907/xm9j-9x23
- Soliman, Yousuf Mounir (2024) Discrete
Constrained Willmore Surfaces; 10.7907/ks49-mj38
- Li, Jing Shuang (Lisa) (2024) Distributed
Control Theory for Biological and Cyberphysical Systems; 10.7907/p3k0-rv78
- Rivière, Benjamin Pierre (2024) Do
Robots Dream of Random Trees? Monte Carlo Tree Search for Dynamical,
Partially Observable, and Multi-Agent Systems; 10.7907/dbwa-we50
- Chang, Benjamin K. (2024) Electron-Phonon
Interactions and Charge Transport in Organic Crystals and Transition
Metal Oxides from First-Principles Calculations; 10.7907/6zkq-2p13
- Xu, Changhao (2024) Electronic
Skin in Robotics and Healthcare: Towards Multimodal Sensing and
Intelligent Analysis; 10.7907/en0a-ep72
- Haghi, Benyamin Allahgholizadeh (2024) Energy-Efficient
and Robust Algorithms for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/gkx4-s019
- Chen, James Yuxuan (2024) Enforcing
Constraints in Learning-Augmented Online Optimization: Theory and
Applications to Energy Systems; 10.7907/fmhp-dg57
- Yu, Wesley Minlai (2024) Experiments
on Separation Shear Layer Instabilities in Hypervelocity Flows; 10.7907/1m4t-5n55
- Su, Magel Powei (2024) Exploring
Thermal Photonics for Sustainability: From Selective Solar Absorbers to
Terrestrial Radiative Cooling; 10.7907/rrf2-4979
- Graebener, Josefine Berta Marie (2024) Formal
Methods for Test and Evaluation: Reasoning over Tests, Automated Test
Synthesis, and System Diagnostics; 10.7907/4xdc-b988
- Leibovici, Daniel Victor (2024) General
Domain FC-Based Shock Dynamics Solver; 10.7907/bd5r-4q30
- Wu, Lue Leo (2024) Greater
Than One Billion Optical Q Factor for On-Chip Microresonators; 10.7907/n1cn-tn34
- Voloshin, Cameron (2024) Guaranteed
Policy Performance in Reinforcement Learning; 10.7907/n2fg-e554
- Wray, Parker Ryan (2024) How
to Make Small Things Do Big Things: Exploring Engineered Disorder for
Massively Scalable Metasurfaces and Metamaterials; 10.7907/kvz3-jn93
- Kamakari, Hirsh (2024) Investigation
of Quantum Computers for Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning; 10.7907/rec5-4z30
- Esho, Iretomiwa (2024) Investigation
of Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices:
Drain Noise, Two-Phonon Scattering, and Phonon Drag; 10.7907/b30w-cr73
- Burov, Dmitry Anatolyevich (2024) Kernel
Methods for Learning About Complex Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/zmmv-1a93
- Yao, Matthew Xuhuai (2024) Lean
Premixed Hydrogen Flames: Turbulence, Chemistry, and Modelling; 10.7907/yjzw-vp60
- Huang, Hsin-Yuan (2024) Learning
in the Quantum Universe; 10.7907/fgpv-3112
- Lee, Connor Tinghan (2024) Learning-Based
Perception for Robotics in Suboptimal Data Landscapes; 10.7907/v4yf-pj25
- Gomez De La Cruz, Salvador Rey (2024) Linear
Amplification in Nonequilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/hn98-c285
- Ogren, Alexander Charles (2024) Machine
Learning and Inference Methods for Surrogate Modeling and Inexpensive
Characterization of Elastodynamic Systems; 10.7907/dcbz-sj62
- Lei, Mi (2024) Many-Body
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Spin Dynamics with an Ensemble of
Rare-Earth Ions; 10.7907/gx1e-en28
- Pandey, Ayush (2024) Modeling
Frameworks for Modular and Scalable Biological Circuit Design; 10.7907/qacp-dw76
- Simon, Christopher (2024) Non-Equilibrium
Quantum Dynamics in a Disordered Ising Magnet; 10.7907/tm3k-yk55
- Liu, Mingchen (2024) Nonlinear
Enhancement of Optical Spectroscopy in the Mid-infrared; 10.7907/ffd0-yq96
- Spratt, Jean-Sébastien Alexandre (2024) Numerical
Simulations of Cavitating Bubbles in Elastic and Viscoelastic Materials
for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/g34e-6p65
- Böhme, Annette Ellen (2024) Observation
of the Microenvironment Around CO₂ Reduction Electrodes via Fluorescent
Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscopy; 10.7907/ceqb-ew84
- Kiliç, Kordağ Mehmet (2024) On
the Complexity of Neural Network Representations; 10.7907/trse-ff38
- Shang, Kuang-Ming (2024) Oxygen-Regulating
MEMS Devices for Cell Transplantation to Cure Type 1 Diabetes; 10.7907/xf5z-0p34
- Yuan, Zhiquan (2024) Physics
and Applications of Optical Nonlinearity in High-Q Microresonators;
- Kim, Areum (2024) Probing
Active Nanophotonic Materials Phenomena Under Electrostatic
Modulation; 10.7907/16x8-7x89
- Mueller, Andrew Sterling (2024) Quantum
Measurements with Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors;
- Wood, Steven Andrew (2024) Quantum
Microwave to Optical Transduction with Light-Robust Superconducting
Circuits; 10.7907/kkbj-ex94
- Zheng, Tianzhe (2024) Reconfigurable
Metasurfaces in Nanoelectromechanical and Silicon-Organic Systems;
- Desai, Niyati K. (2024) Scalar
Vortex Coronagraphs for Imaging Habitable Exoplanets; 10.7907/wnma-x832
- Moncada Lopez, Rigoberto (2024) Sea
Ice Discrete Element Modeling: Melt and Fracture of Floes and
Sheets; 10.7907/erqr-cr51
- Chen, Po-Chih (2024) Signal
Processing for Large Arrays: Convolutional Beamspace, Hybrid Analog and
Digital Processing, and Distributed Algorithms; 10.7907/m5ys-t440
- Ruskuc, Andrei (2024) Single
Rare-Earth Ions in Solid-State Hosts: A Platform for Quantum
Networks; 10.7907/ecn2-pp53
- Nelsen, Nicholas Hao (2024) Statistical
Foundations of Operator Learning; 10.7907/0246-7574
- Lu, Chen-Hsuan (2024) Strategic
Advances in 2D Materials: Low-Temperature Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor
Deposition Growth of Graphene and Complementary Insights into MoS₂;
- Kaifu, Hiroki (2024) Structural
and Dynamical Correlations Linked to Smaller Thermal Resistance at a
Classical Liquid/Solid Interface; 10.7907/4z6h-v265
- Chang, Yi Hua (2024) Studies
of the Evolution and Stability of the Thin Film Equation for Externally
Modulated Control of Electrohydrodynamic and Thermocapillary
Patterning; 10.7907/t65x-a578
- Ives, Craig Edward (2024) Subtractive
Photonics in Bulk CMOS; 10.7907/yrz7-ds33
- Iton, Zachery William Benjamin (2024) Superionic
Conduction of Next-Generation Mobile Ions in Solids Enabled by
Coordinating Ligands; 10.7907/fwyd-2w86
- Badithela, Apurva Srinivas (2024) Test
and Evaluation of Autonomous Systems: Reactive Test Synthesis and
Task-Relevant Evaluation of Perception; 10.7907/e8qz-rd26
- Kutsyy, Alice (2024) Thermomechanical
Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystal Elastomers; 10.7907/tm72-yw88
- Nandi, Ankita (2024) Thinking
Queerness and Forming Intimacies: Understanding Identity, Relationships,
and Queerness in South Asian Diasporic Contemporary Literature,
1981–2022; 10.7907/6v3z-tw65
- Leefmans, Christian Richard (2024) Topological
Phenomena in Time-Multiplexed Resonator Networks; 10.7907/2dp5-eb41
- Jurado Quiroga, Zoila Estefani (2024) Towards
a Synthetic Nucleus: Separating Transcription and Translation in
Cell-Free Protein Expression Systems; 10.7907/kvq4-6132
- Huang, Yujia (2024) Understanding
and Improving Reliability of Inference Dynamics in Deep Neural
Networks; 10.7907/77cc-6z86
- Zhang, Yang (2024) Understanding
the Plasma Universe through Laboratory Experiments and Related
Models; 10.7907/gc8w-6n85
- Wen, Alexander Huai-Cheng (2024) Vibration
Damping of Coiled Structures Through Frictional Slip; 10.7907/gvps-8x65
- Tu, Jiaobing (2024) Wearable
Sweat Sensors for Disease Monitoring and Management; 10.7907/7jdg-z479
- Chen, Amylynn C. (2023) 3D
in situ Chemical Synthesis: Additive Manufacturing of Functional
Polymeric Materials via Vat Photo-polymerization; 10.7907/ca3e-rc06
- Tamborini, Alessio (2023) A
Novel Approach to Cardiac Health Assessment Using a Redesign of the
Brachial Cuff Device; 10.7907/rp22-me93
- Lucas, Éowyn (2023) Advancement
of Asymmetric Bipolar Membranes for Tailoring Chemical Environments in
Electrochemical Systems; 10.7907/jken-ty64
- Yurk, Dominic Jeffrey (2023) Advancements
in Hemodynamic Measurement: Arterial Resonance, Ultrasound, and Machine
Learning; 10.7907/q7j4-vj19
- Renn, Peter Ian James (2023) Applied
Machine Learning for Prediction and Control of Fluid Flows; 10.7907/smnv-tz73
- Mohamed Soliman, Ahmed Mohamed (2023) BICEP
Array Detectors and Instrumentation at 30/40 GHz: Design, Performance,
and Deployment to the South Pole for Constraining Primordial
Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/srdx-w019
- Guo, Nian (2023) Causal
Sampling, Compressing, and Channel Coding of Streaming Data; 10.7907/n201-ca08
- Hu, Peng (2023) Computational
Compensation for Model Imperfections in Photoacoustic Computed
Tomography; 10.7907/6hdm-ar41
- Shen, Cheng (2023) Computational
Imaging for Phase Retrieval and Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/pahb-cx81
- Tsukamoto, Hiroyasu (2023) Contraction
Theory for Robust Learning-Based Control: Toward Aerospace and Robotic
Autonomy; 10.7907/rznp-g568
- Han, SooJean (2023) Control
and State-Estimation of Jump Stochastic Systems by Learning Recurrent
Spatiotemporal Patterns; 10.7907/gyae-jv94
- Chari, Celia S. (2023) Degradation
of Ceramic Surfaces and its Mitigation: From Electric Propulsion to
Cultural Heritage; 10.7907/22st-q436
- Moestopo, Widianto Putra (2023) Design,
Fabrication, and Mechanical Analysis of Intertwined and Frictional
Micro-Architected Materials; 10.7907/ycqd-1f27
- Tan Teck Keng, Adrian (2023) Digital
Quantum Simulation of Physical Systems on Noisy Intermediate-Scale
Quantum Computers; 10.7907/wget-ws64
- Amo Alonso, Carmen (2023) Distributed
and Localized Model Predictive Control; 10.7907/6pje-yd82
- Learsch, Robert Whitson (2023) Droplet
Control in Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Fluids: Long, End-Associative
Polymers Dictate Fluid Behavior Under Elongational Flows; 10.7907/zkpd-bq33
- Wei, Nathaniel James (2023) Dynamics
and Performance of Wind-Energy Systems in Unsteady Flow Conditions;
- Hirokawa, Soichi (2023) Dynamics
of Protein-Mediated Polymer Coupling and their Implications in Antibody
Production and Emergent Patterning; 10.7907/fpmm-a552
- Kim, Brian Lee Kiwon (2023) Dynamics
of Time-Varying and Nonlinear Phononic Lattices; 10.7907/n7mv-eg68
- Biswas, Souvik (2023) Electro-Optic
Excitations in van der Waals Materials for Active Nanophotonics; 10.7907/tz4z-ed06
- Polski, Robert Michael (2023) Electronic
Correlations and Topology in Graphene Moiré Multilayers and
InAs/GaSb-Derivative Systems; 10.7907/yhws-0f08
- Tucker, Maegan Lindsay (2023) Enabling
Robust and User-Customized Bipedal Locomotion on Lower-Body Assistive
Devices via Hybrid System Theory and Preference-Based Learning; 10.7907/j9hk-xa17
- Xiong, Lealia Li (2023) Expanding
the Toolbox for Thermal Control of E. coli: Cold-Activated Transcription
with Applications in Temperature Self-Regulation; 10.7907/5w59-0667
- Oshima, Emile Kazuo (2023) Experimental
Studies of Flow Control Techniques for Future Aircraft; 10.7907/fpcj-w268
- Hägeli Lohaus, Stefan P. (2023) Experimental
Study on the Thermodynamic Interactions of Phonons and Magnetism in Fe
Systems; 10.7907/5sb5-fm96
- Zhou, Yi (2023) Experimental
and Theoretical Studies of Unstable Dynamics of Caltech’s Plasma Jet:
X-Rays, Ultraviolet, and Visible Light; 10.7907/yfha-cs19
- Martin, Conor Daniel (2023) Experiments
in Thermal Ignition: Influence of Natural Convection on Properties of
Gaseous Explosions; 10.7907/twcf-m219
- Reddy, Narravula Harshavardhan (2023) Folding
and Dynamic Deployment of Ultralight Thin-Shell Space Structures; 10.7907/m7rd-6s86
- Wu, Chun-Wei Vince (2023) Freeze
Casting - from Battery Separators to Ceramic Scaffolds; 10.7907/ghvz-q712
- Dorobantu, Victor David (2023) Geometry
and Dynamical Systems in Machine Learning and Control; 10.7907/x271-r088
- Eldjarn Hjoerleifsson, Kristjan (2023) Graph
Modeling for Genomics and Epidemiology; 10.7907/s32c-a211
- Hashemi Talkhooncheh, Arian (2023) Holistic
Design in High-Speed Silicon Photonics and Low-Power Electronics
Platforms; 10.7907/8yj9-2a62
- Gu, Zichen (2023) Interparticle
Forces and Stress Transfer in Saturated and Unsaturated Granular
Systems; 10.7907/rgys-kh14
- Wang, Linghui (2023) Ion
Transport in Temperature Sensitive Polyelectrolytes; 10.7907/zsat-9s73
- Yang, Yiran (Isabella) (2023) Laser-Engraved
Wearable Sweat Sensor for Metabolic Monitoring; 10.7907/5yfm-tt16
- Lale, Ali Sahin (2023) Learning
and Control of Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/rdhq-8a88
- Li, Tongxin (2023) Learning-Augmented
Control and Decision-Making: Theory and Applications in Smart Grids;
- Palmer, Emily Hope (2023) Locomotory
Control Algorithms and Their Neuronal Implementation in Drosophila
melanogaster; 10.7907/yyjd-a554
- Sharma, Saransh (2023) Low-Power
and Miniaturized Medical Electronics for In-Vivo Localization and
Tracking; 10.7907/xrw0-k789
- Zhang, Ziyun (2023) Low-Rank
Matrix Recovery: Manifold Geometry and Global Convergence; 10.7907/hd6q-g460
- Levine, Matthew Emanuel (2023) Machine
Learning and Data Assimilation for Blending Incomplete Models and Noisy
Data; 10.7907/b82h-ye78
- Weeks, John Stephen IV (2023) Mechanical
Response of Lattice Structures under High Strain-Rate and Shock
Loading; 10.7907/9v5k-1157
- Buarque de Macedo, Robert Andrew (2023) Methods
for Control of Granular Material Attributes; 10.7907/1h8f-se14
- O’Connell, Michael Thomas (2023) Methods
for Robust Learning-Based Control; 10.7907/2xnc-t162
- Gehlhar, Rachel (2023) Model-Based
Lower-Limb Powered Prosthesis Control: Developing and Realizing
Nonlinear Subsystem Control Methods for Generalizable Prosthesis
Control; 10.7907/6724-6e14
- Korner, Kevin Andreas (2023) Modeling
Deformations of Active Rods, Ribbons, and Plates; 10.7907/2zb0-m166
- De Rose, Lucía Belén (2023) Nanoscale
Field Emission Devices for High-Temperature and High-Frequency
Operation; 10.7907/8qa5-kn97
- Yavas, Recep Can (2023) Non-Asymptotic
Analysis of Single-Receiver Channels with Limited Feedback; 10.7907/a9e9-he45
- Canales Escobedo, Fabricio Gianfranco (2023) Numerical
Analysis of Folding and Deployment Dynamics of Thin Shell Structures
with Localized Folds; 10.7907/gt81-0s18
- Chen, Yifan (2023) On
Multiscale and Statistical Numerical Methods for PDEs and Inverse
Problems; 10.7907/83p4-c644
- Akerson, Andrew James (2023) Optimal
Design of Soft Responsive Actuators and Impact Resistant Structures;
- Kamal, Omar (2023) Optimal
Receptivity and the Generalization of the One-Way Navier-Stokes (OWNS)
Equations to Complex High-Speed Boundary Layers and Jets; 10.7907/haet-h558
- Phelan, Megan Elisabeth (2023) Optimization
of Photovoltaic Performance for Luminescent Solar Concentrator
Systems; 10.7907/aqhb-s069
- Roy, Arkadev (2023) Parametrically-Driven
Nonlinear Optical Resonators and their Networks for Sensing and
Computing; 10.7907/xsyc-6668
- Ocegueda, Eric (2023) Physics-Based
and Data-Driven Computational Models of Inelastic Deformations; 10.7907/3gqd-zp93
- Anand, Emile Timothy (2023) Pseudorandomness
of the Sticky Random Walk; 10.7907/ze1k-6v37
- Akella, Prithvi (2023) Reliable
Controller Synthesis: Guarantees for Safety-Critical System Testing and
Verification; 10.7907/jej3-4444
- Shi, Guanya (2023) Reliable
Learning and Control in Dynamic Environments: Towards Unified Theory and
Learned Robotic Agility; 10.7907/8rz4-7b35
- Poremba, Alexander Mario (2023) Revocable
Cryptography in a Quantum World; 10.7907/y62s-j417
- Dixit, Anushri C. (2023) Risk-Aware
Planning and Control in Extreme Environments; 10.7907/xv2b-tj24
- Taylor, Andrew James (2023) Robust
Safety-Critical Control: A Lyapunov and Barrier Approach; 10.7907/bpht-by81
- Gandhi, Vatsa Bhupeshkumar (2023) Shock
Compression of Body-Centered Cubic Metals from the Atomistic to
Continuum Scale: Iron and Molybdenum; 10.7907/kwf1-7y79
- Zhang, Shumao (2023) Singularity
Formation in the High-Dimensional Euler Equations and Sampling of
High-Dimensional Distributions by Deep Generative Networks; 10.7907/8had-3a90
- Tang, Ellande (2023) Studies
on Off-Nominal Rotor Aerodynamics for eVTOL Aircraft; 10.7907/eytr-nd50
- Zhang, Xueyue (2023) Superconducting
Circuit Architectures Based on Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics; 10.7907/c7d8-nn87
- Wang, Ziyi (2023) Temperature
Dependence of Gas Physisorption Energy: Experimental and Computational
Studies of Krypton on Porous Carbon
- Bauinger, Christoph (2023) The
“Interpolated Factored Green Function” Method; 10.7907/1cnc-s558
- Rosakis, Alexandros Yiannis (2023) The
Hemodynamics of Native and Surgical Aortic Valves with Regards to Wall
Shear Stress and Residence Time; 10.7907/exsa-nm30
- Gordon, Spencer Lane (2023) The
Identification of Discrete Mixture Models; 10.7907/ebf5-0b48
- Gallivan, Rebecca Anne (2023) The
Role of Boundaries and Other Microstructural Features on Emergent
Mechanical and Mechanically-Coupled Phenomena at the Nanoscale; 10.7907/gv3v-9k07
- Ubamanyu, Kanthasamy (Uba) (2023) Time-Dependent
Failure of Thin-Ply Composite Laminates; 10.7907/x286-g488
- Ledezma, Luis M. (2023) Towards
Universal Integrated Laser Sources with Nonlinear Photonics; 10.7907/ag5t-r511
- Quine, Cullen Mackenzie (2023) Tunability
of Gas Adsorption Enthalpies in Carbonaceous Materials for
Energy-Related Applications; 10.7907/r5ad-1j85
- Werner, Lucien Desloge (2023) Uncertainty
and Decentralization: Two Themes in an Energy Transformation; 10.7907/scmm-p028
- Matsuka, Kai (2023) Vision-Based
Navigation and Large-Scale Estimation for Spacecraft Swarms; 10.7907/spf8-8p84
- Cole, Elijah Henry John (2023) Visual
and Spatial Representation Learning with Applications in Ecology; 10.7907/xp2k-es46
- Kim, Gunho (2023) Wave
Propagation in Periodic Acoustic Metamaterials: from 1D to 3D; 10.7907/dyq0-vm69
- Beery, Sara Meghan (2023) Where
the Wild Things Are: Computer Vision for Global-Scale Biodiversity
Monitoring; 10.7907/m4mt-2q51
- Jiang, Abigail Yuan-Shan (2023) Who’s
Chinatown, Whose Chinatown? Visions of Urban Progress in Los Angeles
Chinatown, 1970-2020; 10.7907/94nx-2495
- Qin, Yidan (2022) Autonomous
Temporal Understanding and State Estimation during Robot-Assisted
Surgery; 10.7907/n58k-tr61
- Zhou, Hao (2022) Accelerated
Computational Micromechanics; 10.7907/r4jb-4e98
- Zou, Sarah Jin (2022) An
Efficient Environment Encoding for Trajectory Feasibility and Cost
Predictions; 10.7907/605s-5h91
- Stevens, Benjamin Carter (2022) Applications
of Machine Learning to Finite Volume Methods; 10.7907/41qn-7n22
- Bouman, Amanda Rose (2022) Autonomous
Mission-Driven Robots in Extreme Environments; 10.7907/a78d-kv42
- Veismann, Marcel (2022) Axial
Descent of Multirotor Configurations – Experimental Studies for
Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Applications; 10.7907/w49w-qy54
- Liang, Chen (2022) Cascading
Failures in Power Systems: Modeling, Characterization, and
Mitigation; 10.7907/8817-xy25
- Hooper, Morgan Louise (2022) Characterization
and Optimization of a Fully Passive Flapping Foil in an Unsteady
Environment for Power Production and Propulsion; 10.7907/tymc-1985
- Cheng, Peishi Stephen (2022) Charge
and Heat Transport in Non-Metallic Crystals Using First-Principles
Boltzmann Transport Theory; 10.7907/45fv-ja45
- Mehta, Jenish Chetan (2022) Combinatorial
and Algebraic Propeties of Nonnegative Matrices; 10.7907/3vxb-6778
- Sima, Jin (2022) Correcting
Errors in DNA Storage; 10.7907/kdph-6z71
- Ambrose, Eric Ryan (2022) Creating
ARCHER: A 3D Hopping Robot with Flywheels for Attitude Control; 10.7907/gbts-va63
- Marshall, Michael Aaron (2022) Dynamics
of Ultralight Flexible Spacecraft During Slew Maneuvers; 10.7907/w6na-w476
- Huang, Zi-Yu (2022) Electrical
Impedance Spectroscopy-Derived 3D Conductivity Tomography for
Atherosclerosis Detection; 10.7907/n0md-h379
- Corona, Sydney Lea (2022) Emerging
Evidence of a Second Glass Phase in Strong to Ultra-Fragile Bulk
Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids; 10.7907/9bvb-2d78
- Chen, Kuan-Chang (2022) Energy-Efficient
Receiver Design for High-Speed Interconnects; 10.7907/ntem-sn47
- Dobreva, Tatyana (2022) Engineering
Tools to Probe and Manipulate the Immune System at Single-Cell
Resolution; 10.7907/n3rs-ft69
- Szoke, Szilard (2022) Entangled
Photon Interferometry: Development of Photonic Systems Towards Quantum
Spectroscopy; 10.7907/brct-zh28
- Cua, Eunice Michelle Chua (2022) Exploiting
Speckle to Image Deeper in Scattering Media; 10.7907/rcsj-a410
- Gao, Yang (2022) Extending
the Capability of Classical Quantum Many-Body Methods; 10.7907/15dc-sd19
- Cheng, Myra Miaobo (2022) Female
Inventors and Narratives of Innovation in Late Twentieth-Century
Computing; 10.7907/79me-jr94
- Booeshaghi, Ali Sina (2022) Foundations
and Applications of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing; 10.7907/ptbp-a779
- Fikes, Austin Covey (2022) Future
Microwave Arrays Take Shape; 10.7907/h541-3e28
- Dorn, Charles Jacob (2022) Geometry
Synthesis and Multi-Configuration Rigidity of Reconfigurable
Structures; 10.7907/ph2w-9a34
- Bauser, Haley Coddington (2022) High
Contrast Nanophotonics for Scalable Photovoltaics and Solar Fuels;
- Porsandeh Khial, Parham (2022) High
Sensitivity Time-Varying Systems In Photonics and Electronics; 10.7907/qzj9-rz93
- Needell, David Robert (2022) High-Efficiency
Luminescent Solar Concentrators for Photovoltaic Applications; 10.7907/5r7z-zd88
- Lee, Marcus Kuok Kuan (2022) Instabilities
in the Flow Over a Spinning Disk at Angle of Attack; 10.7907/kmhn-7e49
- Choi, Alexander Youngsoo (2022) Investigation
of Electronic Fluctuations in Semiconductor Materials and Devices
through First-Principles Simulations and Experiments in Transistor
Amplifiers; 10.7907/tba0-pd94
- Folkestad, Carl A. A. (2022) Koopman-based
Learning and Control of Agile Robotic Systems; 10.7907/2t6d-j206
- Kim, Yonghwi (2022) Light
Modulation with Vanadium Dioxide-Based Optical Devices; 10.7907/pkxj-9584
- Kovachki, Nikola Borislavov (2022) Machine
Learning and Scientific Computing; 10.7907/8nc5-cc67
- Rochman, Jake Herschel Lebi (2022) Microwave-to-Optical
Transduction Using Rare-Earth Ions; 10.7907/4h2f-wj87
- Ayoubi, Peyman (2022) Modeling
and Parameterization of Basin Effects for Engineering Design
Applications; 10.7907/4e61-q346
- McMahan, Connor Glenn (2022) Modeling
and Programming Shape-Morphing Structured Media; 10.7907/rcw1-r139
- Ballew, Conner Kiley (2022) Multifunctional
Volumetric Metaoptics; 10.7907/dn7h-6r72
- Hanania, Haeri Park (2022) Nanophotonic
Application to Biomedical Devices; 10.7907/tzpw-pt75
- Zhan, Eric (2022) New
Algorithms for Programmatic Deep Learning with Applications to Behavior
Modeling; 10.7907/5n5q-x203
- White, Nicholas Conlan (2022) Nonlinear
Dynamics and Stability of Viscous Free-Surface Microcapillary Flows in
V-Shaped Channels and on Curved Surfaces; 10.7907/yd3w-ck87
- Dougherty, Christopher John (2022) On
the Experimental Simulation of Atmospheric-Like Disturbances Near the
Surface; 10.7907/293w-ev66
- Barthel, Benedikt (2022) On
the Variational Principles of Linear and Nonlinear Resolvent
Analysis; 10.7907/sy44-d841
- Zhou, Fengyu (2022) Optimization
of Distribution Power Networks: from Single-Phase to Multi-Phase; 10.7907/tg26-9857
- Wong, Joeson (2022) Optoelectronic
Physics and Engineering of Atomically Thin Photovoltaics; 10.7907/pxk0-3d19
- Herren, Benjamin Riley (2022) Oxidative
and Internal Stress Effects of Dopants in Multilayer Yb₂Si₂O₇
Environmental Barrier Coatings; 10.7907/4cm0-8e79
- Banker, Jash Haren (2022) Photonic
and Phononic Band Gap Engineering for Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
and Quantum Transduction; 10.7907/jrf3-gx27
- Loke, Samuel Pei Hao (2022) Photovoltaic
Technologies Developed for Space-Based Solar Power; 10.7907/6jhy-2623
- Harmon, John Michael (2022) Predicting
the Strength of Planetary Surfaces; 10.7907/r9zm-kp19
- Jahelka, Phillip Robert (2022) Progress
in Low-Cost Gallium Arsenide Solar Cells; 10.7907/btbp-6h76
- Goel, Gautam (2022) Regret-Optimal
Control; 10.7907/8t6d-4t53
- Ryou, Serim (2022) Representation
of the Semantic Structures: from Discovery to Applications; 10.7907/rvnc-dp57
- Song, Yichuan (2022) Rheological
Measurements in Moderate Reynolds Number Liquid-Solid Flows; 10.7907/5ey8-v324
- Singletary, Andrew Wills (2022) Safe
Input Regulation for Robotic Systems; 10.7907/zz10-gv06
- Ardizzi, Anthony Joseph (2022) Self-Heating
of HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers in Liquid Cryogenic Environments and the
Limits of Microwave Noise Performance; 10.7907/9va8-tc64
- Williams, David Elliott (2022) Shape-Changing
Phased Arrays; 10.7907/r6f1-zq65
- Chen, Jiajie (2022) Singularity
Formation in Incompressible Fluids and Related Models; 10.7907/nqff-dh92
- Sudhir, Kavya (2022) Slip
Patterns on Heterogeneous Frictional Interfaces; 10.7907/xkbp-ks08
- Park, Jinsoo (2022) Spin-Phonon
Interactions and Spin Decoherence from First Principles; 10.7907/80bd-x991
- Saunders, Claire Nicole (2022) Thermal
Behavior of Cuprous Oxide: a Comprehensive Study of Three-Body Phonon
Effects and Beyond; 10.7907/mate-2v65
- Costanza, Vincenzo (2022) Thermally
Responsive Polymers for Wearable Calorimeters; 10.7907/0hf9-8m62
- Welch, Alexandra Justine (2022) Understanding
and Optimizing the Local Catalyst Environment in CO₂ Reduction
Electrodes; 10.7907/4s78-cq55
- Kim, Eun Jong (2022) Waveguide
Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits; 10.7907/bscv-b073
- Ferreira, Vinicius Thaddeu dos Santos (2022) Waveguide
Quantum Electrodynamics with Superconducting Slow-Light Waveguide
Circuits; 10.7907/y4vk-a827
- Chou, Tzu-Chieh (2022) Wearable
Inductive Damping Sensors for Skin Edema Quantification; 10.7907/q77f-me73
- Salehi, Fariborz (2021) Structured
Signal Recovery from Nonlinear Measurements with Applications in Phase
Retrieval and Linear Classification; 10.7907/1c69-wq71
- Pastor, Daniel (2021) Towards
Learning Robotic Dynamics: Application to Multirotor Takeoff and
Landing; 10.7907/199j-dk87
- Narita, Kai (2021) 3D
Architected Battery Electrodes for Exploring Battery Kinetics from Nano
to Millimeter; 10.7907/dr3b-2d27
- Gokuli, Mahi (2021) A
Combined High Temperature Tape-Casting and 2D Freeze-Casting Method for
Polymer Membranes with Vertically Oriented Pores; 10.7907/ywpf-cx09
- Joshi, Akshay (2021) A
Shock Compression Investigation of Failure Waves and Phase Transition in
Soda-Lime Glass; 10.7907/b8xs-8r91
- Fatemi, Seyed Mohammadreza (2021) Active
Flat Optics Wavefront Manipulation for Imaging, Ranging, and
Sensing; 10.7907/7e5p-9r23
- Shen, Boqiang (2021) Applications
and Integration of Optical Frequency Combs; 10.7907/p5z5-n346
- Murray, Riley John (2021) Applications
of Convex Analysis to Signomial and Polynomial Nonnegativity
Problems; 10.7907/vn9x-xj10
- Cheng, Richard (2021) Assuring
Safety under Uncertainty in Learning-Based Control Systems; 10.7907/9kye-rn93
- Narasimhan, Vinayak (2021) Bioinspired
Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/atnt-8p46
- Wu, Di (2021) Biomolecular
Tools for Noninvasive Imaging and Manipulation of Engineered Cells;
- Shamai, Maysam (2021) Complexity
Reduction of Fluid-Structure Systems at Low Forcing Frequencies; 10.7907/rhs5-yq49
- Chen, Yalu (2021) Computational
Investigation of Nanoscale Electrocatalysts for Clean Energy
Conversion; 10.7907/tgw8-c485
- Phan-Minh, Tung (2021) Contract-Based
Design: Theories and Applications; 10.7907/8vp7-kd82
- Toedtli, Simon Silvio (2021) Control
of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Through Closed-Loop Wall Transpiration;
- Kuo, Claire Taijung (2021) Customized
Porosity in Ceramic Composites via Freeze Casting; 10.7907/88p1-5v79
- Pedivellano, Antonio (2021) Deployment
Dynamics of Thin-Shell Space Structures; 10.7907/4zbq-g037
- Kwon, Hyounghan (2021) Dielectric
Metasurfaces for Integrated Imaging Devices and Active Optical
Elements; 10.7907/j08n-0q77
- Reher, Jenna (2021) Dynamic
Bipedal Locomotion: From Hybrid Zero Dynamics to Control Lyapunov
Functions via Experimentally Realizable Methods; 10.7907/h8v0-vd47
- Shahrestani, Shane Shayan (2021) Eddy
Current Damping Stroke Sensor; 10.7907/zxdh-ej95
- Kafaie Shirmanesh, Ghazaleh (2021) Electro-Optically
Tunable Metasurfaces for a Comprehensive Control of Properties of
Light; 10.7907/m554-as73
- Merk, Liana Noor (2021) Engineering
Logical Inflammation Sensing and Secreting Circuit for Gut
Modulation; 10.7907/wr7s-6436
- Lawson, Joel Michael (2021) Focused
Laser Differential Interferometry; 10.7907/5thh-f652
- London, Palma Alise den Nijs (2021) Frameworks
for High Dimensional Convex Optimization; 10.7907/db29-am33
- Arai, Noriaki (2021) Freeze
Casting of Ceramics: Pore Design from Solidification Principles; 10.7907/3rmr-cz93
- Ma, Wen-Loong (2021) From
Bipedal to Quadrupedal Locomotion, Experimental Realization of Lyapunov
Approaches; 10.7907/j1ty-zb28
- Faraji Dana, Mohammad Sadegh (2021) From
Metasurfaces to Compact Optical Metasystems; 10.7907/kvsy-ve81
- Anderson, Thomas Geoffrey (2021) Hybrid
Frequency-Time Analysis and Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Wave
Propagation; 10.7907/hmv1-r869
- Zhang, Zhewei (2021) Hybrid
Si/III-V Lasers for Next-generation Coherent Optical Communication;
- Filippitzis, Filippos (2021) Identification
of Structural Damage, Ground Motion Response, and the Benefits of Dense
Seismic Instrumentation; 10.7907/x0sf-pq18
- Kusanovic, Danilo Smiljan (2021) Improving
Reduced Order Models of Soil-Structure Interaction Using an Ensemble
Kalman Inversion Finite Element Model Updating Framework; 10.7907/m2qj-s182
- Schäfer, Florian Tobias (2021) Inference,
Computation, and Games; 10.7907/esyv-2181
- Shi, Xichen (2021) Intelligent
Control for Fixed-Wing eVTOL Aircraft; 10.7907/51c6-aa57
- Kim, Taeyong (2021) Investigation
of Transport Phenomena of Thermal Acoustic Excitations in
Semi-Crystalline and Amorphous Materials Using Transient Grating
Spectroscopy; 10.7907/k364-ga14
- Wang, Heming (2021) Kerr
Solitons and Brillouin Lasers in Optical Microresonators; 10.7907/g1kf-5t57
- Azizan Ruhi, Navid (2021) Large-Scale
Intelligent Systems: From Network Dynamics to Optimization
Algorithms; 10.7907/j494-j572
- Khachaturian, Aroutin (2021) Large-Scale
Photonics Integration: Data Communications to Optical Beamforming;
- Song, Jialin (2021) Learning
to Optimize: from Theory to Practice; 10.7907/7qaw-kd75
- Yildiz, Hikmet (2021) Linear
Codes with Constrained Generator Matrices; 10.7907/qz6m-wp22
- Roh, Becky (2021) Matching
Waveform Envelopes for Earthquake Early Warning; 10.7907/hw8k-zx98
- Edwards, Bryce Walker (2021) Mechanical
Investigations: Experimental Fracture Techniques and Frozen
Small-Molecule Organics; 10.7907/8f8y-5h58
- Zhang, Haolu Jane (2021) Microstructure-Enabled
Plasticity in Nano-to-Microscale Materials; 10.7907/0zvc-tc14
- Injeti, Sai Sharan (2021) Multi-Functional
Metamaterials; 10.7907/3rfm-1x78
- Yu, Ke (2021) Multi-Resolution
Lattice Green’s Function Method for High Reynolds Number External
Flows; 10.7907/wkc8-se35
- Ginsberg, Leah Morgan (2021) Multiscale
Mechanical Characterization of Subcellular Structures in Living Walled
Cells; 10.7907/avj4-ve78
- Karapiperis, Konstantinos (2021) Multiscale,
Data-Driven and Nonlocal Modeling of Granular Materials; 10.7907/7rtg-x780
- Neamati, Daniel A. (2021) New
Method and Analysis of Proximity Trajectory-Only Learned Dynamics for
Small Body Gravity Fields; 10.7907/4csx-4636
- Kishore Kumar, Deepan (2021) Novel
Light-Matter Interaction in Quasi-One-Dimensional Graphene Nanomaterials
for Photonics; 10.7907/y5a2-zx57
- Beardsell, Guillaume (2021) Numerical
Investigation of Compressibility Effects in Reacting Subsonic Flows;
- Chen, Yikai (Katie) (2021) Numerical
Simulation of Performance and Solar-to-Fuel Conversion Efficiency for
Photoelectrochemical Devices; 10.7907/65pq-7d93
- Novoseller, Ellen Rachel (2021) Online
Learning from Human Feedback with Applications to Exoskeleton Gait
Optimization; 10.7907/gvtx-1586
- Xu, Jian (2021) Optical
Light Manipulation and Imaging Through Scattering Media; 10.7907/4hkq-dz43
- Su, Yu (2021) Optimizing
Cloud AI Platforms: Resource Allocation and Market Design; 10.7907/bc2t-er54
- Shen, Naijian (2021) Part
I: The Equations of Plasma Physics and the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability
in Magnetohydrodynamics. Part II: Evolution of Perturbed Planar
Shockwaves.; 10.7907/e9b8-y318
- Gal-Katziri, Matan (2021) Precision
at Scale: System Design from Tiny Biosensors to Giant Arrays; 10.7907/t3cz-c785
- Ren, Xinying (Cindy) (2021) Principles
for Designing Robust and Stable Synthetic Microbial Consortia; 10.7907/hc8x-3280
- Royer, Fabien A. (2021) Probing
the Buckling of Thin-Shell Space Structures; 10.7907/ksn2-t598
- Xiong, Xiaobin (2021) Reduced
Order Model Inspired Robotic Bipedal Walking: A Step-to-step Dynamics
Approximation based Approach; 10.7907/9bz9-x102
- Ye, Erika (2021) Reducing
Computational Costs for Many-Body Physics Problems; 10.7907/xpvv-ar02
- Kennedy, Kathleen Marie (2021) Renewable
Energy Generation and Storage: From Microwires to Macro-Energy
Systems; 10.7907/nsmj-tq29
- Pickering, Ethan Marcus (2021) Resolvent
Modeling of Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/szxb-f168
- Cai, Karena Xin (2021) Safe
and Interpretable Autonomous Systems Design: Behavioral Contracts and
Semantic-Based Perception; 10.7907/w3m8-es32
- Teke, Oguzhan (2021) Signals
on Networks: Random Asynchronous and Multirate Processing, and
Uncertainty Principles; 10.7907/44dx-3g83
- Nakka, Yashwanth Kumar (2021) Spacecraft
Motion Planning and Control under Probabilistic Uncertainty for
Coordinated Inspection and Safe Learning; 10.7907/6329-sf68
- Buabthong, Pakpoom (Pai) (2021) Stability
and Protective Coatings of Semiconductor Electrodes for Solar Fuel
Devices; 10.7907/dx7s-fh20
- Porter, Tara S. (2021) Stabilization
of Brain-Machine Interface Systems via Alignment to Baseline; 10.7907/y1jt-b620
- Elliott, Luizetta Vadimovna (2021) Stimuli
Responsive Micro-Architected Materials; 10.7907/bnfv-9c75
- Ruan, Joseph Y. (2021) Streamwise
Homogeneous Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/qjfk-5q05
- Lin, Wei-Hsiang (2021) Synthesis
of 2D Quantum Materials for Nanoelectronic and Nanophotonic
Applications; 10.7907/vh7k-4w84
- Lee, Zachary Jordan (2021) The
Adaptive Charging Network Research Portal: Systems, Tools, and
Algorithms; 10.7907/8eqg-e110
- Lee, Victoria Jin-Young (2021) Theoretical,
Computational, and Experimental Characterization of Nematic
Elastomers; 10.7907/f2hp-qe09
- Jones, Silken Michelle (2021) Thermal
Ignition by Vertical Cylinders; 10.7907/9g5j-2b97
- Teh, Ying Shi (2021) Understanding
Imperfections and Instabilities in Crystals via Physics-Based and
Data-Driven Models; 10.7907/kd3n-eq78
- Roychoudhury, Ankita (2021) Understanding
the Lifetime and Rate of Protein Production in Cell-Free Reactions While
Maximizing Energy Use; 10.7907/94ms-b419
- Bedrossian, Manuel M. (2020) A
Novel Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM) to Investigate and
Characterize Microbial Motility in Extreme Aquatic Environments; 10.7907/m3a3-4610
- Yee, Daryl Wei Liang (2020) Additive
Manufacturing of 3D Functional Materials: From Surface Chemistry to
Combustion-Derived Materials; 10.7907/ya58-cn88
- Vyatskikh, Andrey (2020) Additive
Manufacturing of 3D Nano-Architected Metals and Ceramics; 10.7907/pdz2-dd59
- García Suárez, Antonio Joaquín (2020) Application
of Path-Independent Integrals to Soil-Structure Interaction; 10.7907/MMWW-B046
- Gurriet, Thomas (2020) Applied
Safety Critical Control; 10.7907/y97v-b205
- McMullen, Ryan Michael (2020) Aspects
of Reduced-Order Modeling of Turbulent Channel Flows: From Linear
Mechanisms to Data-Driven Approaches; 10.7907/wayx-eh75
- Garza Gonzalez, Emmanuel (2020) Boundary
Integral Equation Methods for Simulation and Design of Photonic
Devices; 10.7907/XXPX-9H78
- Ren, Hengjiang (2020) Cavity
Optomechanics for Hybrid Quantum Systems; 10.7907/vr67-w986
- Candogan, Utkan Onur (2020) Convex
Relaxations for Graph and Inverse Eigenvalue Problems; 10.7907/ZV0D-SW58
- Cvitkovic, Michael William (Milan0 (2020) Deep
Learning in Unconventional Domains; 10.7907/v7dm-6r52
- Rah, Kyupaeck Jeff (2020) Derivation
of Realistic Forcing Schemes to Reproduce Turbulent Characteristics of
Round Jets on Centerline; 10.7907/7SXH-V275
- Marshall, Ryan Scott (2020) Developing
Plasma Spectroscopy and Imaging Diagnostics to Understand
Astrophysically-Relevant Plasma Experiments: Megameters, Femtometers,
and Everything in Between; 10.7907/gfcd-4q50
- Pajunen, Kirsti Mari (2020) Dynamics
of Lightweight Tensegrity-Inspired Metamaterials Fabricated with
3D-Printing; 10.7907/wm2f-4013
- Wongwaitayakornkul, Pakorn (2020) Dynamics
of an Arched Magnetically-Twisted Current-Carrying Plasma; 10.7907/6Q9D-JH07
- Lu, I-Te (2020) First-Principles
Calculations of Electron-Defect Interactions and Defect-Limited Charge
Transport; 10.7907/gjx3-qh49
- Brodnik, Neal Ryan (2020) Fracture
and Toughening of Brittle Structures with Designed Anisotropy; 10.7907/ET0C-MK61
- Liu, Yang (2020) From
Restoring Human Vision to Enhancing Computer Vision; 10.7907/sq58-z682
- Salzman, Erika Emmanuelle (2020) Functional
Acrylate Resins for Shape Memory Polymer Microarchitectures; 10.7907/8870-1x03
- Bowkett, Joseph John Douglas (2020) Functional
Autonomy Techniques for Manipulation in Uncertain Environments; 10.7907/0kgt-yg76
- Figueroa-Schibber, Erika (2020) High-Cycle
Dynamic Cell Fatigue with Applications on Oncotripsy; 10.7907/0425-SN62
- Leibowitz, Matthew Gregory (2020) Hypervelocity
Shock Tunnel Studies of Blunt Body Aerothermodynamics in Carbon Dioxide
for Mars Entry; 10.7907/chyn-ea06
- Luo, Jie (2020) Integrating
Quantum Optical and Superconducting Circuits with Quantum Acoustics for
Scalable Quantum Network and Computation; 10.7907/P0YC-CQ43
- Huang, Jinglin Alice (2020) Investigations
of Different Methods to Promote Drug Mixing in the Eye; 10.7907/741T-MN38
- Lim, Yu Xian (2020) L-Band
Multi-Polarization Radar Scatterometry over Global Forests: Modelling,
Analysis, and Applications; 10.7907/7Y4D-JD17
- Taeb, Armeen (2020) Latent-Variable
Modeling: Algorithms, Inference, and Applications; 10.7907/YRF1-7W29
- Li, Liuchi (2020) Linking
Micro-Structure to Macro-Behavior of Granular Matter: From Flowing
Heterogeneously to Morphing Adaptively; 10.7907/pbec-dk61
- Schwacke, Miranda Lee (2020) Mechanical
Properties and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Ni and Ni Solid
Solutions; 10.7907/j8rq-5c26
- Kwong, Anthony Herman Fu-Hao (2020) Mechanical
Properties of Small-Scale Sputtered Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/4nv1-1f26
- Leclerc, Christophe (2020) Mechanics
of Ultra-Thin Composite Coilable Structures; 10.7907/X60S-BR30
- Allmaras, Jason Paul (2020) Modeling
and Development of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors;
- Mittelstein, David Reza (2020) Modifying
Ultrasound Waveform Parameters to Control, Influence, or Disrupt
Cells; 10.7907/71ak-w328
- Citrin, Michael Andrew (2020) Nanomechanical
Properties of Electrodeposited Li and Fabrication of 3D Architected
Cathodes for Li-Based Batteries; 10.7907/YD18-8N08
- Le, Hoang Minh (2020) New
Frameworks for Structured Policy Learning; 10.7907/rz4w-k233
- Wang, Chuting (2020) On-Chip
Photonic Devices for Coupling to Color Centers in Silicon Carbide;
- Cui, Can (Sunny) (2020) Optimizing
Deep Neural Networks for Single Cell Segmentation; 10.7907/030b-pm67
- Shen, Yang (2020) Phonon
Anharmonicity at the Limits of Perturbation Theory; 10.7907/e48r-2j94
- Herriman, Jane Elizabeth (2020) Phonon
Thermodynamics and Elastic Behavior of GaN and GaAs at High Temperatures
and Pressures; 10.7907/HJ36-P349
- Lin, Li (2020) Photoacoustic
Tomography: From Bench to Bedside; 10.7907/1DGY-T168
- Huang, De (2020) Positive
Definite Matrices: Compression, Decomposition, Eigensolver, and
Concentration; 10.7907/g2nt-yy27
- Yoon, Young Dae (2020) Probing
the Progression, Properties, and Progenies of Magnetic Reconnection;
- Coladangelo, Andrea Wei (2020) Quantum
Correlations, Certifying Quantum Devices, and the Quest for Infinite
Entanglement; 10.7907/VQC0-ZK80
- Craiciu, Ioana (2020) Quantum
Storage of Light Using Nanophotonic Resonators Coupled to Erbium Ion
Ensembles; 10.7907/yn6n-7x40
- Cho, Hyunjun (2020) Real-Time
Biosensing and Energy Harvesting on Human Body; 10.7907/ZN7F-ZF71
- Nguyen, Kien Trung (2020) Reduced-Order
Model for Dynamic Soil-Pipe Interaction Analysis; 10.7907/mekk-dc25
- Douik, Ahmed (2020) Riemannian
Optimization for Convex and Non-Convex Signal Processing and Machine
Learning Applications; 10.7907/jt3c-0m30
- Dathathri, Sumanth (2020) Scalable
Synthesis and Verification: Towards Reliable Autonomy; 10.7907/4j39-v857
- Oniyama, Tomoyuki (2020) Shock
Compression of Molybdenum Single Crystals to High Stresses; 10.7907/YWPJ-5379
- Albertson, Theodore Glenn (2020) Simulations
of Conic Cusp Formation, Growth, and Instability in Electrified Viscous
Liquid Metals on Flat and Curved Surfaces; 10.7907/thhf-5478
- Arora, Harpreet Singh (2020) Superconductivity
in Graphene Hetero-Structures: From Fundamental Physics to Functional
Devices; 10.7907/nc05-gr15
- Talon, Thibaud (2020) Surface
Reconstruction from Distributed Angle Measurements; 10.7907/ZG2D-2K77
- Fang, Michael Tianyu (2020) Suspended
Trace Air-Gap Resonators for Low Loss Superconducting Circuits; 10.7907/6teq-md72
- Tanner, Melissa Midori (2020) Tethered
Motion Planning for a Rappelling Robot; 10.7907/h7d4-ww72
- Moon, Jaeyun (2020) Thermal
Conduction in Amorphous Materials and the Role of Collective
Excitations; 10.7907/Z23D-Z566
- Mac Donald, Kimberley Ann (2020) Three-Dimensional
Quantitative Visualization for Mechanics of Discontinuous Materials;
- Ferraro, Serena (2020) Topology
Optimization and Failure Analysis of Deployable Thin Shells with
Cutouts; 10.7907/9VZ4-3E71
- Luan, Xingsheng (2020) Towards
Atom Assembly on Nanophotonic Structures with Optical Tweezers; 10.7907/08q5-0w11
- Cheng, Wen-Hui (Sophia) (2020) Towards
High Solar to Fuel Efficiency: From Photonic Design, Interface Study, to
Device Integration; 10.7907/kd6a-xt88
- Tokpanov, Yury (2020) Towards
Next Generation of Optoelectronics: from Quantum Plasmonics and 2D
Materials to Advanced Optimization Techniques of Nanophotonic
Devices; 10.7907/tg1b-hn35
- Yanes, Nelson Javier (2020) Ultraviolet
Radiation of Hypervelocity Stagnation Flows and Shock/Boundary-Layer
Interactions; 10.7907/WYHM-1218
- Abbasi, Ehsan (2020) Universality
Laws and Performance Analysis of the Generalized Linear Models; 10.7907/873c-ej41
- Mitskovets, Anna (2020) Using
DNA Origami to Create Hybrid Nanophotonic Architectures for
Single-Photon Emitters; 10.7907/kqaj-ex65
- Schill, William Joseph (2020) Variational
and Multiscale Modeling of Amorphous Silica Glass; 10.7907/B2A9-RQ38
- Ronchi, Matteo Ruggero (2020) Vision
for Social Robots: Human Perception and Pose Estimation; 10.7907/n2v1-1g79
- Fernandez-Lado, Agustin Gabriel (2020) Wave-Scattering
by Periodic Media; 10.7907/G7XQ-RT85
- Phlipot, Gregory Paul (2019) A
Fully-Nonlocal Quasicontinuum Method to Model the Nonlinear Response of
Periodic Truss Lattices; 10.7907/3MPP-Q119
- Deffo Nde, Arnold Durel (2019) A
Line-Free Method of Monopoles for 3D Dislocation Dynamics; 10.7907/23YV-3312
- Xia, Xiaoxing (2019) Adaptive
and Reconfigurable Architected Materials Driven by Electrochemistry;
- Weadock, Nicholas Joseph (2019) Addressing
Thermodynamic Inefficiencies of Hydrogen Storage in Transition Metal
Hydrides; 10.7907/ANY4-VA70
- da Silva, Andre Fernando de Castro (2019) An
EnKF-Based Flow State Estimator for Aerodynamic Problems; 10.7907/W327-VF41
- Kumar, Siddhant (2019) An
Enhanced Maximum-Entropy Based Meshfree Method: Theory and
Applications; 10.7907/0AP6-5F94
- Olsman, Noah Andrew (2019) Architecture,
Design, and Tradeoffs in Biomolecular Feedback Systems; 10.7907/DGPY-1679
- Chung, Jaebum (2019) Computational
Imaging: a Quest for the Perfect Image; 10.7907/8W3A-HE02
- Nakahira, Yorie (2019) Connecting
the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs in Sensorimotor Control and
Neurophysiology Reveals Diversity Sweet Spots in Layered Control
Architectures; 10.7907/VYQY-DF47
- Ratnaswamy, Vishagan (2019) Constraining
the Mantle’s Rheology Using Methods in Uncertainty Quantification;
- Mazur, Paul Antoine Benoit (2019) Controlling
the Buckling Behavior of Bilayered Systems; 10.7907/C70B-K221
- Ziani, Juba (2019) Data:
Implications for Markets and for Society; 10.7907/XZHX-1M46
- Jain, Siddharth (2019) Decoding
the Past; 10.7907/K286-5N63
- Filippidis, Ioannis (2019) Decomposing
Formal Specifications Into Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Hierarchical
System Design; 10.7907/Z9Q52MTD
- Wei, Yuchen (2019) Deployable
Piezoelectric Thin Shell Structures: Concepts, Characterization and
Vibration Control; 10.7907/4DRX-2X87
- Adalian, Dvin Artashes-Boghos (2019) Development
and Dynamics of Microfabricated Enzymatic Biosensors; 10.7907/7GHS-NX49
- Paik, Haemin (2019) Development
of Electrocatalysts in Solid Acid Fuel Cells; 10.7907/C96K-Z389
- Kamali, Seyedeh Mahsa (2019) Dielectric
Metasurfaces from Fundamentals to Applications; 10.7907/TPN1-XA53
- Kettenbeil, Christian (2019) Dynamic
Strength of Silica Glasses at High Pressures and Strain Rates; 10.7907/RZJW-MX30
- Lifson, Max Louis (2019) Electromechanical
Properties of 3D Multifunctional Nano-Architected Materials; 10.7907/D0AD-4T88
- Robbins, Andrew Beyer (2019) Exploring
Microscopic Thermal Transport Properties of Molecular Crystals with
Simulations and Experiments; 10.7907/ZZJ3-0K58
- Portela G., Carlos Mauricio (2019) Fabrication,
Mechanical Characterization, and Modeling of 3D Architected Materials
upon Static and Dynamic Loading; 10.7907/75S6-SB32
- Yang, Jin (2019) Fast
Adaptive Augmented Lagrangian Digital Image Correlation; 10.7907/MZ5G-PS98
- Soh, Yong Sheng (2019) Fitting
Convex Sets to Data: Algorithms and Applications; 10.7907/jkmq-b430
- Tosi, Luís Phillipe Costa Ferreira (2019) Fluid-Structure
Instability in an Internal Flow Energy Harvester; 10.7907/Y0KG-Y197
- Qian, Jin (2019) From
Quantum Mechanics to Experimental Observables: Computational
Investigations of Energy-Related Heterogeneous Catalysts; 10.7907/SPEJ-5X35
- Budninskiy, Maxim A. (2019) Geometry-Driven
Model Reduction; 10.7907/0RCX-0369
- Brouillet, Jeremy Jean (2019) Graphene-Mediated
Light-Matter Interaction; 10.7907/VRFE-ZY57
- Yang, Fred Chae-Reem (2019) High
Temperature Electron-Phonon and Magnon-Phonon Interactions; 10.7907/1KP5-CJ98
- Guo, Linqi (2019) Impact
of Transmission Network Topology on Electrical Power Systems; 10.7907/EN8K-W872
- Shi, Jian (2019) Improving
Site Response Analysis for Earthquake Ground Motion Modeling; 10.7907/X5NZ-DQ21
- Rimoli Assumpcao, Daniel (2019) Landau
Damping Induced Limits in Nanogap Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic
Waveguides and Cavities; 10.7907/HVA5-G915
- Sridhar, Akshay (2019) Large-Eddy
Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Spatially Varying
Roughness; 10.7907/8YWS-B862
- Jhalani, Vatsal A. (2019) Light
Emission and Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in III-V Semiconductors from
First Principles; 10.7907/9E0D-KX54
- Yalamanchili, Sisir (2019) Light
Management in Photovoltaics and Photoelectrochemical Cells using Tapered
Micro and Nano Structures; 10.7907/RRYM-VK03
- Morgan, Jonathan Philip (2019) Linear
and Non-linear Interactions in a Rough-Wall Turbulent Boundary
Layer; 10.7907/7RSR-3277
- Shapero, Aubrey Michael (2019) Long
Term Implantable Pressure Sensors; 10.7907/SX5J-VM54
- Arbabi, Ehsan (2019) Metasurfaces:
Beyond Diffractive and Refractive Optics; 10.7907/EQEY-KZ52
- Lai, Yu-Hung (2019) Microresonator
Brillouin Laser Gyroscope; 10.7907/10XE-G776
- Giwa, Adenike Monsurat (2019) Microstructure
and Small-Scale Deformation of Al₀.₇CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy; 10.7907/PSWX-RY20
- Li, Lei (2019) Multi-Contrast
Photoacoustic Computed Tomography; 10.7907/FYGX-7M29
- Fleischman, Dagny (2019) Nanophotonic
Structures: Fundamentals and Applications in Narrowband Transmission
Color Filtering; 10.7907/RA1G-GS84
- Sreedhar, Kavya (2019) Next
Generation Fast Shutter System for LIGO; 10.7907/PXGW-QF88
- Yang, Qifan (2019) Nonlinear
Physics in Soliton Microcombs; 10.7907/DWMX-S056
- Kim, Laura (2019) Novel
Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and
Far from Equilibrium; 10.7907/1CDC-HV37
- Edlund, Jeffrey Andrews (2019) Numerical
Investigation of Spinal Neuron Facilitation with Multi-electrode
Epidural Stimulation; 10.7907/2DVK-G212
- Huertas-Cerdeira, Cecilia (2019) On
the Dynamics of Flat Plates in a Fluid Environment: A Study of Inverted
Flag Flapping and Caudal Fin Maneuvering; 10.7907/326X-M576
- Wang, Cong (2019) On
the Manipulation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer by Unsteady Boundary
Conditions; 10.7907/FT8M-PM75
- Pang, John Zhen Fu (2019) Online
Platforms in Networked Markets: Transparency, Anticipation and Demand
Management; 10.7907/XY8M-8D94
- Scianmarello, Nicholas E. (2019) Oxygen
Transporter and Generator Devices to Treat Diabetic Retinopathy; 10.7907/JCS2-8E12
- Thomas, Nathan Hoover (2019) Passive
and Active Control of Radiative Heat Flow; 10.7907/FGWC-0244
- Hong, Brian Daffern (2019) Periodically
Disturbed Oscillators; 10.7907/W0A7-4258
- Cook, Colin Andrew (2019) Phototherapeutic
Devices for the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy; 10.7907/62R5-RF78
- Guerrero Vela, Pedro Pablo (2019) Plasma
Surface Interactions in LaB₆ Hollow Cathodes with Internal Xe Gas
Discharge; 10.7907/4CW7-2K35
- Tan, Wei Lin (2019) Polycrystalline
Perovskite Ferroelectrics: Microstructural Origins of the Macroscale
Electromechanical Response; 10.7907/J2W5-XA95
- Vidyasagar, A. (2019) Predicting
Microstructural Pattern Formation Using Stabilized Spectral
Homogenization; 10.7907/F1VN-1X80
- Veilleux, Jean-Christophe (2019) Pressure
and Stress Transients in Autoinjector Devices; 10.7907/VJSH-TF65
- Kindem, Jonathan Miners (2019) Quantum
Nanophotonics with Ytterbium in Yttrium Orthovanadate; 10.7907/Q40T-8907
- Fu, Zhongzheng (2019) Representations
of Action Monitoring and Cognitive Control by Single Neurons in the
Human Brain; 10.7907/RG37-G744
- Mauser, Kelly Ann Weekley (2019) Resonant
Thermoelectric Nanophotonics: Applications in Spectral and Thermal
Sensing; 10.7907/0HJF-X691
- Bukowsky, Colton Robert (2019) Scalable
Nanophotonic Light Management Design for Solar Cells; 10.7907/J5FG-1B48
- Brake, Joshua Harris (2019) Seeing
Through the Fog: Using Scattered Light to Peer Deeper into Biological
Tissue; 10.7907/0PP8-2E39
- Tertuliano, Ottman Aeman (2019) Small-Scale
Deformation and Fracture of Hard Biomaterials; 10.7907/CAPE-5661
- Shan, Kevin Qing (2019) Sparse
Deconvolution with Applications to Spike Sorting; 10.7907/3JQS-BT21
- Huynh, David Pham (2019) Spatio-Temporal
Response of a Compliant-Wall, Turbulent Boundary Layer System to Dynamic
Roughness Forcing; 10.7907/A5PS-GT54
- Tutcuoglu, Abbas Davud (2019) Stochastic
Multiscale Modeling of Dynamic Recrystallization; 10.7907/1VVP-T060
- Kalaee, Mahmoud (2019) Superconducting
Electromechanical and Nanophotonic Devices for Quantum Measurement and
Conversion; 10.7907/3PMX-2Y88
- Kou, Junlong (2019) Tailoring
Thermal Radiation from Near Field to Far Field; 10.7907/MCZC-7E85
- Helou, Bassam Mohamad (2019) Testing
Alternative Theories of Quantum Mechanics with Optomechanics, and
Effective Modes for Gaussian Linear Optomechanics; 10.7907/KJ1K-9268
- Tang, Yujie (2019) Time-Varying
Optimization and Its Application to Power System Operation; 10.7907/6N9W-3J20
- Georgiev, Nikola-Zlatkov (2019) Towards
High Performance Robotic Actuation; 10.7907/W64Q-1R69
- Omelchenko, Stefan Thomas (2019) Towards
a Net-zero Carbon Energy System: High Efficiency Photovoltaics and
Electrocatalysts; 10.7907/B6AS-EA22
- Van Horn, Grant Richard (2019) Towards
a Visipedia: Combining Computer Vision and Communities of Experts;
- Lymperopoulos-Bountalis, Filippos (2019) Town
Meeting: A Representative but Non-Sovereign Institution; 10.7907/AX73-H321
- Thompson, Jonathan Ross (2019) Unconventional
Approaches to Structured Semiconductors; 10.7907/YW6M-H367
- Dhandapani, Chandru (2019) Using
the Force: Applications and Implications of Turbulence Forcing Terms in
Direct Numerical Simulations; 10.7907/FH31-4468
- Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018) Achieving
Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and
Analytical Techniques; 10.7907/Z9HH6H7N
- Sherrott, Michelle Caroline (2018) Active
Infrared Nanophotonics in van der Waals Materials; 10.7907/Z9J964M8
- Braun, Noah Oakley (2018) An
LES and RANS Study of the Canonical Shock-Turbulence Interaction; 10.7907/BGX1-C128
- Martin, Nathan Koon-Hung (2018) Analysis
of Flapping Propulsion: Comparison, Characterization, and
Optimization; 10.7907/Q6CG-QY57
- Swaminathan, Anandh (2018) Application,
Computation, and Theory for Synthetic Gene Circuits; 10.7907/Z9833Q67
- Tozier, Dylan Douglas (2018) Cathode
Design for High Energy Molten Salt Lithium-Oxygen Batteries; 10.7907/TG0K-8776
- Kang, Stephen Dongmin (2018) Charge
Transport Analysis Using the Seebeck Coefficient-Conductivity
Relation; 10.7907/ZAQP-MN67
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa Ann (2018) Coherent
Structures, their Interactions, and their Effects on Passive Scalar
Transport and Aero-Optic Distortion in a Turbulent Boundary Layer;
- Brooks, Daniel James (2018) Computational
Investigation of Ionic Diffusion in Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion
Batteries; 10.7907/ZE9T-V407
- Horie, Yu (2018) Controlling
the Flow of Light Using High-Contrast Metastructures; 10.7907/Z94X5604
- Kirchdoerfer, Trenton Thomas (2018) Data
Driven Computing; 10.7907/Z9Z899MV
- Sakovsky, Maria (2018) Design
and Characterization of Dual-Matrix Composite Deployable Space
Structures; 10.7907/CNPY-A883
- Baetica, Ania-Ariadna (2018) Design,
Analysis, And Computational Methods For Engineering Synthetic Biological
Networks; 10.7907/98qt-zv92
- Chernow, Victoria Fay (2018) Design,
Fabrication, and Characterization of 3D Nanolattice Photonic Crystals
for Bandgap and Refractive Index Engineering; 10.7907/FK5P-FA29
- Floyd, Michael Cameron Dawley (2018) Development
of Ferromagnetic Metallic Glasses into Low Loss Power Transformer
Cores; 10.7907/Z9QF8R27
- Cid, Clément Antoine François (2018) Development,
Implementation, and Improvements on an Effective Electrochemical
Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Unit as a Sustainable Sanitation
Solution for the Developing World; 10.7907/Z9BG2M61
- Burkhardt, Matthew Ryan (2018) Dynamic
Modeling and Control of Spherical Robots; 10.7907/E5CW-8H41
- Fragoso, Anthony Thomas (2018) Egospace
Motion Planning Representations for Micro Air Vehicles; 10.7907/Z9GX48RJ
- Haw, Magnus Albert (2018) Experimental
and Numerical Studies of Cavities, Flows, and Waves in Arched Flux
Ropes; 10.7907/3AX5-EN61
- Kim, Dongwan (2018) Frequency
Noise Control of Heterogeneous Si/III-V Lasers; 10.7907/Z90Z71G6
- Monroe, Ryan McKay (2018) Gigahertz
Bandwidth and Nanosecond Timescales: New Frontiers in Radio Astronomy
Through Peak Performance Signal Processing; 10.7907/25DP-J474
- Korlakai Vinayak, Ramya (2018) Graph
Clustering: Algorithms, Analysis and Query Design; 10.7907/Z9RR1WFK
- Kucharczyk, Christopher James (2018) High-throughput
Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Materials; 10.7907/Z094-9907
- Buyco, John Kenneth (2018) Improving
Seismic Collapse Risk Assessments of Steel Moment Frame Buildings;
- Oh, Dong Yoon (2018) Integrated
Nonlinear Photonic Devices; 10.7907/Z95H7DGT
- Yang, Kiyoul (2018) Integrated
Ultra-High-Q Nonlinear Photonic Platform for On-Chip Optoelectronic
Systems; 10.7907/Z96T0JTQ
- Jiang, Jingjing (2018) Interfacial
and Stability Studies of Photocathodes for Hydrogen Evolution; 10.7907/SBJ9-D062
- Gat, Ilana Batya (2018) Investigations
of Incompressible Variable-Density Turbulence in an External
Acceleration Field; 10.7907/Z9JM27V7
- Gori, Marcello (2018) Laboratory
Investigation of Shear Ruptures: Supersonic Propagation and Nucleation
by Fluid Injection; 10.7907/AH9X-V905
- Marteau, Eloïse Sophie Hélène (2018) Laboratory
Studies of Granular Materials Under Shear: From Avalanches to Force
Chains; 10.7907/FKM0-P754
- Luo, Shi (2018) Microstructural
Effects on Diffusion and Mechanical Properties in Different Material
Systems; 10.7907/Z90G3HBV
- Schaal, Natalie Sarah Ann (2018) Modeling
of Nucleation and Dynamic Rupture on Heterogeneous Frictional Interfaces
with Applications to Foreshocks; 10.7907/YCVJ-PM21
- Jones, William Maxwell (2018) Nanoscale
Field Emission Devices; 10.7907/Z94B2ZHZ
- Schlup, Jason Robert (2018) Numerical
Investigations of Transport and Chemistry Modeling for Lean Premixed
Hydrogen Combustion; 10.7907/KFN6-7K54
- Goza, Andres Jared (2018) Numerical
Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction, and their Application to Flag
Flapping; 10.7907/Z95T3HPB
- Avellar, Louisa Taylor (2018) Observations
of Failure Phenomena in Periodic Media; 10.7907/8N81-MV74
- Grivel, Morgane Anne Marie (2018) On
the Effect of Large-Scale Patterned Wettability on Contact Line
Hydrodynamics; 10.7907/Z9736P2V
- Newman, Matthew Gregory (2018) On
the Kinetics of Materials of Geophysical Interest; 10.7907/Z9319T35
- Chen, Niangjun (2018) Online
Algorithms: From Prediction to Decision; 10.7907/Z95M63W4
- Papadakis, Georgia Theano (2018) Optical
Response in Planar Heterostructures: From Artificial Magnetism to
Angstrom-Scale Metamaterials; 10.7907/Z97H1GS1
- Leong, Yoke Peng (2018) Optimal
Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems; 10.7907/Z9TX3CK8
- Ren, Xiaoqi (2018) Optimizing
Resource Management in Cloud Analytics Services; 10.7907/K62Y-FV39
- Lloyd, John Vickery (2018) Optoelectronic
Design and Prototyping of Spectrum-Splitting Photovoltaics; 10.7907/G1CG-E962
- Zhou, Xinghao (2018) Performance
and Stability Optimization of Solar Fuel Devices; 10.7907/SSNP-XW29
- Ni, Xiaoyue (2018) Probing
Microplastic Deformation in Metallic Materials; 10.7907/F38W-6N47
- Sun, Dingyi (2018) Proliferation
of Twinning in Metals: Application to Magnesium Alloys; 10.7907/Z93B5XB4
- Symon, Sean Pearson (2018) Reconstruction
and Estimation of Flows Using Resolvent Analysis and
Data-Assimilation; 10.7907/B4K7-K876
- Yin, Lucy (2018) Reducing
Latencies in Earthquake Early Warning; 10.7907/Z9TH8JW4
- Rosenberg, Kevin Thomas (2018) Resolvent-Based
Modeling of Flows in a Channel; 10.7907/PHDW-Z389
- Abiri, Behrooz (2018) Silicon
Integrated Arrays: From Microwave to IR; 10.7907/MNYK-Y158
- Kim, Dennis Sungtae (2018) Silicon
Revisited: Understanding Pure Phonon Anharmonicity and the Effects on
Thermophysical Properties; 10.7907/Z9C827HR
- Maeda, Kazuki (2018) Simulation,
Experiments, and Modeling of Cloud Cavitation with Application to Burst
Wave Lithotripsy; 10.7907/N7JK-F529
- Minxha, Juri (2018) Single-Neuron
Correlates of Visual Object Representation in the Human Brain: Effects
of Attention, Memory, and Choice; 10.7907/8f55-zz50
- Liu, Chun-Lin (2018) Sparse
Array Signal Processing: New Array Geometries, Parameter Estimation, and
Theoretical Analysis; 10.7907/NSTQ-SD57
- Aasen, David (2018) Super
Pivotal Categories, Fermion Condensation, and Fermionic Topological
Phases; 10.7907/P9A4-MH26
- Mateos Arrieta, Arturo José (2018) Tensile
Failure and Fracture of Three-Dimensional Brittle Nanolattices; 10.7907/AZXG-NB17
- Kawamoto, Reid Yoshio (2018) The
Avatar Paradigm in Granular Materials; 10.7907/4fr8-bn91
- Harfouche, Mark (2018) The
Coherence Collapse Regime of High-Coherence Si/III-V Lasers and the Use
of Swept Frequency Semiconductor Lasers for Full Field 3D Imaging;
- Tembhekar, Ishan (2018) The
Fully Nonlocal, Finite-Temperature, Adaptive 3D Quasicontinuum Method
for Bridging Across Scales; 10.7907/RF27-NA04
- Tenneti, Srikanth Venkata (2018) The
Nested Periodic Subspaces: Extensions of Ramanujan Sums for Period
Estimation; 10.7907/1n4t-5876
- Moorthy, Aadith (2018) Theoretical
and Experimental Study of Pressure Hysteresis in the Palladium Hydride
Phase Transformation; 10.7907/mems-1g53
- Dou, Nicholas Gang (2018) Thermal
Transport in Three-Dimensional Nanoarchitected Materials; 10.7907/TPC8-VH59
- Seetharam, Karthik Iyengar (2018) Thermalization
in Periodically-Driven Interacting Quantum Systems; 10.7907/3G0V-TW52
- Maggi, Alessandro (2018) Three-Dimensional
Nano-Architected Materials as Platforms for Designing Effective Bone
Implants; 10.7907/Z947482K
- Burali, Nicholas (2018) Towards
a priori Models for Differential Diffusion in Turbulent Non-Premixed
Flames; 10.7907/N3VJ-BE39
- Hoff, Andrew Taylor (2018) Understanding
the Origin of Glass Forming Ability in Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z7Y5-0B62
- Periyakoil, Preethi Kasthuri (2018) Utilizing
Machine Learning Techniques to Rapidly Identify MUC2 Expression in Colon
Cancer Tissues; 10.7907/sapn-r691
- Wong, Ming Fai (2017) A
Study of Communication Networks through the Lens of Reduction; 10.7907/Z9348HFK
- Wang, Yuh-Shyang (2017) A
System Level Approach to Optimal Controller Design for Large-Scale
Distributed Systems; 10.7907/Z95M63PF
- Saadi, Fadl Hussein (2017) Acid-Stable
Electrocatalysts for the Solar Production of Fuels; 10.7907/Z9QF8QV4
- Hall, David Christopher (2017) Advancing
a Machine’s Visual Awareness of People; 10.7907/Z9ST7MWC
- Hirsch, Damian George (2017) An
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Active Flow Control; 10.7907/Z9N014KR
- Popescu, Paula Flor (2017) An
Optofluidic Ring Resonator Platform for Rapid and Robust Sensing; 10.7907/Z9H41PFQ
- Wilson, Lee L. (2017) Analysis
of Packaging and Deployment of Ultralight Space Structures; 10.7907/Z9B27S96
- Murialdo, Maxwell Robert (2017) Anomalous
Thermodynamics of Nonideal Gas Physisorption on Nanostructured
Carbons; 10.7907/Z9GH9FXM
- Chalupka, Krzysztof (2017) Automated
Macro-scale Causal Hypothesis Formation Based on Micro-scale
Observation; 10.7907/Z9MW2F4P
- Appel, Ron (2017) Boosting
Boosting; 10.7907/Z9N29V0J
- Huang, Wentao (2017) Coding
for Security and Reliability in Distributed Systems; 10.7907/Z9P26W5C
- Kim, Jinho (2017) Compact
Microscope System for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/Z9H9937R
- Zhang, Pengchuan (2017) Compressing
Positive Semidefinite Operators with Sparse/Localized Bases; 10.7907/Z91N7Z5J
- Johnson, Samantha Jo Iva (2017) Computational
Investigation of Small Molecule Catalysis by Cobalt, Rhodium, and
Iridium Molecular Catalysts; 10.7907/Z9TD9V9K
- Catanach, Thomas Anthony (2017) Computational
Methods for Bayesian Inference in Complex Systems; 10.7907/Z9RX9948
- Eyjolfsdottir, Eyrun-Arna (2017) Computational
Methods for Behavior Analysis; 10.7907/Z9445JJH
- Zelhofer, Alex James (2017) Computational
Modeling of the Mechanics of Elastic Structural Lattices: Effects of
Lattice Architecture and Hierarchy; 10.7907/Z91G0J90
- Chen, Yuhua Richard (2017) Concentration
Inequalities of Random Matrices and Solving Ptychography with a Convex
Relaxation; 10.7907/Z9M906MF
- Sternberger, Zachary Martin Murphy (2017) Determining
Strength of Materials Under Dynamic Loading Conditions Using
Hydrodynamic Instabilities; 10.7907/Z9N877T5
- London, Palma Alise den Nijs (2017) Distributed
Optimization and Data Market Design; 10.7907/Z9SX6B76
- Delapierre, Mélanie (2017) Dynamics
and Stability of Spinning Membranes; 10.7907/Z9HT2MC8
- Hsueh, Chun-Jen (2017) Effective
Toughness of Heterogeneous Materials; 10.7907/Z9HH6H49
- Ziani, Juba (2017) Efficiently
Characterizing Games Consistent with Perturbed Equilibrium
Observations; 10.7907/Z91Z42CF
- Zhang, Shell Xiaoxiao (2017) Electrical
Impedance Based Spectroscopy and Tomography Techniques for Obesity and
Heart Diseases; 10.7907/Z9CC0XPJ
- Sideris, Constantine (2017) Electromagnetic
Field Manipulation: Biosensing to Antennas; 10.7907/Z9RN35XW
- Kim, Seyoon (2017) Electronically
Tunable Light Modulation with Graphene and Noble Metal Plasmonics;
- Halbawi, Wael (2017) Error-Correcting
Codes for Networks, Storage and Computation; 10.7907/Z9J67F08
- Bhui, Rahul Brian (2017) Essays
on Timing and Economic Behavior; 10.7907/Z9959FJP
- Hufstedler, Esteban Antonio Lemus (2017) Experimental
Generation and Modeling of Vortical Gusts and Their Interactions with an
Airfoil; 10.7907/Z9Q52MN5
- Chern, Albert Ren-Haur (2017) Fluid
Dynamics with Incompressible Schrödinger Flow; 10.7907/Z98050N3
- Shah, Parth (2017) Heading
Estimation via Sun Sensing for Autonomous Navigation; 10.7907/Z9BG2M1S
- Verlage, Erik A. (2017) High-Efficiency
Solar Fuel Devices: Protection and Light Management Utilizing TiO2;
- Roh, Chris (2017) Hydrodynamics
of Insects. Part 1. Jetting of the Dragonfly Larvae. Part 2. Honeybee at
the Air-water Interface: Surfing with the Capillary Wave; 10.7907/Z97P8WFW
- Monge Osorio, Manuel Alejandro (2017) Localization
and Stimulation Techniques for Implantable Medical Electronics; 10.7907/Z9P55KJ7
- Hong, Brian Daffern (2017) Mathematical
Modeling of Electronic Systems: From Oscillators to Multipliers; 10.7907/Z9RB72NG
- Summy, Dustin Phillip (2017) Maximum
Entropy Reconstruction for Gas Dynamics; 10.7907/Z9GT5K7W
- Miyazono, Evan Tsugio (2017) Nanophotonic
Resonators for Optical Quantum Memories based on Rare-Earth-Doped
Materials; 10.7907/Z98K773F
- Ding, Ding (2017) Nanoscale
Thermal Transport with Photons and Phonons; 10.7907/Z94Q7RZ0
- Noorzad, Parham (2017) Network
Effects in Small Networks: A Study of Cooperation; 10.7907/Z9M32STV
- Nadkarni, Neel P. (2017) Nonlinear
Dynamics of Transition Waves in Multi-Stable Discrete and Continuous
Media; 10.7907/Z9DR2SG2
- Suh, Myoung-Gyun (2017) Nonlinear
Optics in Chip-based Microresonators and their Applications; 10.7907/Z92F7KG8
- Chu, Hao (2017) Nonlinear
and Ultrafast Optical Investigations of Correlated Materials; 10.7907/Z9VD6WHV
- Sui, Yanan (2017) Online
Learning for the Control of Human Standing via Spinal Cord
Stimulation; 10.7907/Z9BK19DN
- Zhou, Edward Haojiang (2017) Optical
Focusing and Imaging through Scattering Media; 10.7907/Z9TX3CD1
- Darbe, Sunita (2017) Optics
for High-Efficiency Full Spectrum Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z96W9833
- Collins, Lincoln Nash (2017) Optimal
Design of Materials for Energy Conversion; 10.7907/Z9X928B7
- Bhattacharyya, Pinaky (2017) Optimal
Sensor Placement for Bayesian Parametric Identification of
Structures; 10.7907/Z9H41PG5
- Guo, Zeyu (2017) P-Schemes
and Deterministic Polynomial Factoring Over Finite Fields; 10.7907/Z94F1NSG
- Ohno, Saneyuki (2017) Phase
Boundary Mapping for Exploring New Thermoelectric Zintl Compounds;
- Yi, Xu (2017) Physics
and Applications of Microresonator Solitons and Electro-optic Frequency
Combs; 10.7907/Z9FT8J22
- Safaripour Tabbalvandani, Amirreza (2017) Proximal-Field
Radiation Sensors for Dynamically Controllable and Self-Correcting
Integrated Radiators; 10.7907/Z9DR2SJZ
- Bruer, John Jacob (2017) Recovering
Structured Low-rank Operators Using Nuclear Norms; 10.7907/Z9F18WQS
- Ji, Ho-Il (2017) Redox
Kinetics of Nonstoichiometric Oxides; 10.7907/Z98913W2
- Hogstrom, Kristina (2017) Robotically
Assembled Space Telescopes with Deployable Modules: Concepts and Design
Methodologies; 10.7907/Z9T151NT
- Liu, Pengfei (2017) Spatial
Profiles in the Singular Solutions of the 3D Euler Equations and
Simplified Models; 10.7907/Z9V9862G
- Rufat, Dzhelil Sabahatin (2017) Spectral
Exterior Calculus and its Implementation; 10.7907/Z9VX0DKV
- Batara, Nicolas Anthony (2017) Spontaneous
Pattern Formation in Photoelectrodeposited Semiconductor Films; 10.7907/Z98S4MZ4
- Kher, Aditya Shreyas (2017) Superconducting
Nonlinear Kinetic Inductance Devices; 10.7907/Z9JQ0Z1F
- Xu, Chen (2017) The
Catalytic and Mechanical Properties of Lithium Battery Electrodes;
- Plucinsky, Paul P. (2017) The
Deformations of Thin Nematic Elastomer Sheets; 10.7907/Z9765CCT
- Cummings, Rachel Autumn Dixon (2017) The
Implications of Privacy-Aware Choice; 10.7907/Z9057CZP
- Ravichandran, Navaneetha Krishnan (2017) Theoretical
and Experimental Investigation of Phonon Boundary Scattering in Thin
Silicon Membranes; 10.7907/Z9SJ1HK2
- Palm, Steven Leslie (2017) Thermo-Acoustic
Coupling and Dynamic Response of a Premixed Methane-Air Flame; 10.7907/Z9V12309
- Bischann, Moriah Nicole (2017) Transverse
Photonic Doppler Velocimetry for Plate Impact Experiments; 10.7907/Z9GB224C
- Pérez Arancibia, Carlos Andrés (2017) Windowed
Integral Equation Methods for Problems of Scattering by Defects and
Obstacles in Layered Media; 10.7907/Z9GQ6VQT
- Sadek, Akram Sarwat (2017) Wireless
Nano and Molecular Scale Neural Interfacing; 10.7907/Z9RJ4GG4
- Chang, Yingrui (Ray) (2016) A
Continuum Model for Slip-Twinning Interactions in Magnesium and
Magnesium Alloys; 10.7907/Z96M34RX
- You, Seungil (2016) A
Direct Approach to Robustness Optimization; 10.7907/Z9X34VDV
- Amelang, Jeffrey Scott (2016) A
Fully-Nonlocal Energy-based Formulation and High-performance Realization
of the Quasicontinuum Method; 10.7907/Z9SB43PH
- Dizon, Abel Bermie Roberto (2016) A
Hybrid-Parallel Framework for the Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Very
Tall Buildings; 10.7907/Z96Q1V58
- Runnels, Brandon Scott (2016) A
Model for Energy and Morphology of Crystalline Grain Boundaries with
Arbitrary Geometric Character; 10.7907/Z9KS6PHP
- Hung, Peter Shek-Ho (2016) Advanced
Applications of Nanoelectromechanical Systems; 10.7907/Z9J38QJ3
- Zhao, Sinan (2016) Advanced
Monte Carlo Simulation and Machine Learning for Frequency Domain Optical
Coherence Tomography; 10.7907/Z9X63JVM
- Towne, Aaron S. (2016) Advancements
in Jet Turbulence and Noise Modeling: Accurate One-Way Solutions and
Empirical Evaluation of the Nonlinear Forcing of Wavepackets; 10.7907/Z99884XJ
- Araya, Daniel Borsodi (2016) Aerodynamics
of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines in Full-Scale and Laboratory-Scale
Experiments; 10.7907/Z9VD6WC2
- Thill, Matthew David (2016) Algebraic
Techniques in Coding Theory: Entropy Vectors, Frames, and Constrained
Coding; 10.7907/Z9F18WNW
- Chen, David Zhaoyue (2016) Atomic-Level
Structure and Deformation in Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z95Q4T2B
- Mehta, Jenish C. (2016) Behavior
of O(log n) Local Commuting Hamiltonians; 10.7907/Z9V98611
- Brown, Ana Maii (2016) Classical
and Quantum Effects in Plasmonic Metals; 10.7907/Z9QV3JHT
- Ou, Xiaoze (2016) Computational
Microscopy: Breaking the Limit of Conventional Optics; 10.7907/Z9M32SRZ
- Horstmeyer, Roarke William (2016) Computational
Microscopy: Turning Megapixels into Gigapixels; 10.7907/Z95Q4T1W
- Park, Soyoung (2016) Connectivity
and Function of the Primate Insula; 10.7907/Z9F47M2M
- Jaganathan, Kishore (2016) Convex
Programming-Based Phase Retrieval: Theory and Applications; 10.7907/Z9C82775
- Tolstova, Yulia (2016) Cu₂O
Heterojunction Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z92V2D22
- Meza, Lucas Rosendo (2016) Design,
Fabrication, and Mechanical Property Analysis of 3D Nanoarchitected
Materials; 10.7907/Z9154F1K
- Shing, Amanda M. (2016) Development
of Zn-IV-Nitride Semiconductor Materials and Devices; 10.7907/Z94Q7RXJ
- Peng, Qiuyu (2016) Distributed
Control and Optimization for Communication and Power Systems; 10.7907/Z99C6VBW
- Matni, Nikolai (2016) Distributed
Optimal Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller Synthesis,
Architecture Design and System Identification; 10.7907/Z99884Z0
- Dunne, Reeve (2016) Dynamic
Stall on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines; 10.7907/Z92Z13FX
- Yan, Wen (2016) Dynamics
of Chemically Active Suspensions; 10.7907/Z9Z60M1V
- Burgoyne, Hayden Andrew (2016) Dynamics
of Granular Crystals with Elastic-Plastic Contacts; 10.7907/Z9J38QG6
- Coronel, Naomi Cristina (2016) Earth-Abundant
Zinc-IV-Nitride Semiconductors; 10.7907/Z9CF9N28
- Cruz, Gerardo (2016) Economic
Fluctuations and Capitalistic Production: A Case Study in Robustness
Constraints; 10.7907/FDCE-MQ31
- Cai, Wuhan Desmond (2016) Electricity
Markets for the Smart Grid: Networks, Timescales, and Integration with
Control; 10.7907/Z9BG2KZG
- Liu, Zhao (2016) Electromyographic
Signal Processing With Application To Spinal Cord Injury; 10.7907/Z9QJ7F99
- Hua, Chengyun (2016) Exploring
Thermal Phonon Transport from Atomic to Macroscopic Scales for Energy
Conversion and Management; 10.7907/Z96H4FDH
- Montemayor, Lauren Christine (2016) Fabrication,
Characterization, And Deformation of 3D Structural Meta-Materials;
- Liska, Sebastian (2016) Fast
Lattice Green’s Function Methods for Viscous Incompressible Flows on
Unbounded Domains; 10.7907/Z9ZC80TG
- Akhmetgaliyev, Eldar (2016) Fast
Numerical Methods for Mixed, Singular Helmholtz Boundary Value Problems
and Laplace Eigenvalue Problems - with Applications to Antenna Design,
Sloshing, Electromagnetic Scattering and Spectral Geometry; 10.7907/Z97P8W93
- Sauerbrei, Britton Alan (2016) Firing
Patterns of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells During Locomotion and Sleep;
- Martinez-Ortiz, Monica Paola (2016) Fluid
Transport by Aggregations of Small Swimming Organisms; 10.7907/Z9057CX7
- Hurley, Ryan Colt (2016) Force
Chains, Friction, and Flow: Behavior of Granular Media across Length
Scales; 10.7907/Z91Z429J
- Billeh, Yazan Nicola (2016) Functional,
Clustered, Feedforward, and Mesoscale Brain Networks; 10.7907/Z9DB7ZSX
- Chen, Christopher Tien (2016) Heteroepitaxy
of Group IV and Group III-V semiconductor alloys for photovoltaic
applications; 10.7907/Z9KW5CX0
- Saeedi, Saman (2016) Holistic
Design In High-Speed Optical Interconnects; 10.7907/Z9K935HH
- Livingston, Scott Carlton (2016) Incremental
Control Synthesis for Robotics in the Presence of Temporal Logic
Specifications; 10.7907/Z94Q7RW3
- Kaltenboeck, Georg (2016) Investigation
of Capacitive Discharge Heating of Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z9251G5Z
- Shankar, Krishna (2016) Kinematics
and Local Motion Planning for Quasi-static Whole-body Mobile
Manipulation; 10.7907/Z9KK98RX
- Mitchell, Stephanie Jane (2016) Metaconcrete:
Engineered Aggregates for Enhanced Dynamic Performance; 10.7907/Z9H12ZXN
- Jerves Cobo, Alex Xavier (2016) Microscopic
Origin of Macroscopic Strength in Granular Media: A Numerical and
Analytical Approach; 10.7907/Z9GB2211
- Cymbalist, Niccolo (2016) Mixing,
Chemical Reactions, and Combustion in Supersonic Flows; 10.7907/Z9G73BNR
- Dunne, Simon G. (2016) Neural
and Hormonal Systems Underlying Human Reward-Seeking Behavior; 10.7907/Z9SN06ZX
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam (2016) Non-Linear
Scale Interactions in a Forced Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z9Z31WKP
- Liu, Yang (2016) Novel
Parylene Filters for Biomedical Applications; 10.7907/Z97P8WDF
- Tsai, Hsieh-Chen (2016) Numerical
Investigation of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines at Low Reynolds Number;
- Meng, Jomela Chen-Chen (2016) Numerical
Simulations of Droplet Aerobreakup; 10.7907/Z9KW5D09
- Schmidt, Bryan Eric (2016) On
the Stability of Supersonic Boundary Layers with Injection; 10.7907/Z93X84M6
- Jang, Mooseok (2016) Optical
Phase Conjugation and Its Applications in Biology; 10.7907/Z99G5JSN
- Farivar, Masoud (2016) Optimization
and Control of Power Flow in Distribution Networks; 10.7907/Z9JW8BSM
- De Lorenzo, Laura Anne (2016) Optomechanics
with Superfluid Helium-4; 10.7907/Z9RJ4GD7
- Arya, Manan (2016) Packaging
and Deployment of Large Planar Spacecraft Structures; 10.7907/Z9Z60M0D
- Emmer, Hal S. (2016) Paths
Towards High Efficiency Silicon Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z9RV0KN6
- Bajaj, Saurabh (2016) Phase
Diagrams and Defect Thermodynamics to Devise Doping Strategies in Lead
Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Materials and its Alloys; 10.7907/Z9DF6P6N
- Ha, Quoc Bao Nguyen (2016) Plasma
Loop and Strapping Field Dynamics: Reproducing Solar Eruptions in the
Laboratory; 10.7907/Z99G5JR6
- Tracy, Sally June (2016) Polaron
Hopping in Olivine Phosphates Studied by Nuclear Resonant
Scattering; 10.7907/Z95H7D67
- Weinstein, Aaron Jacob (2016) Quantum
Electromechanics with Two Tone Drive; 10.7907/Z95M63MJ
- Chen, Bo (2016) Quantum
of Vision; 10.7907/Z9057CWS
- Karakus, Gokcan (2016) Real-Time
Bayesian Analysis of Ground Motion Envelopes for Earthquake Early
Warning; 10.7907/Z9PN93JS
- Zhao, Changhong (2016) Real-Time
Load-Side Control of Electric Power Systems; 10.7907/Z9RN35TJ
- Thrampoulidis, Christos (2016) Recovering
Structured Signals in High Dimensions via Non-Smooth Convex
Optimization: Precise Performance Analysis; 10.7907/Z998850V
- Yeung, Enoch Ho-Yee (2016) Reverse
Engineering and Quantifying Context Effects in Synthetic Gene
Networks; 10.7907/Z9Z31WM4
- Jonsson, Vanessa Danielle (2016) Robust
Control of Evolutionary Dynamics; 10.7907/Z9NP22CH
- Papusha, Ivan Igorevych (2016) Robustness,
Adaptation, and Learning in Optimal Control; 10.7907/Z9F18WPB
- Agrawal, Vinamra (2016) Shock
Wave Propagation in Composites and Electro-Thermomechanical Coupling of
Ferroelectric Materials; 10.7907/Z98G8HN8
- Lapointe, Simon (2016) Simulation
of Premixed Hydrocarbon Flames at High Turbulence Intensities; 10.7907/Z90V89SW
- Bobbitt, Brock Douglas (2016) Small
Scale Turbulence in High Karlovitz Number Premixed Flames; 10.7907/Z9Z03649
- Natsiavas, Panagiotis Philippos (2016) Stability
of Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces During Charging in Lithium
Batteries; 10.7907/Z93R0QR8
- Janover, Christopher George (2016) SteelConverter
and Caltech VirtualShaker: Rapid Nonlinear Cloud-Based Structural Model
Conversion and Analysis; 10.7907/Z9SF2T3V
- Coronel, Stephanie Alexandra (2016) Thermal
Ignition Using Moving Hot Particles; 10.7907/Z9W37T9X
- Kim, Hyun-Sik (2016) Thermoelectric
Properties of Bismuth Antimony Telluride Alloys; 10.7907/Z9RN35V0
- Tang, Yinglu (2016) Thermoelectric
Skutterudites: Why and How High zT Can Be Achieved; 10.7907/Z9TD9VB1
- Mitchell, Sarah Louise (2016) Topology
Optimization of Silicon Anode Structures for Lithium-Ion Battery
Applications; 10.7907/Z9JW8BT2
- Allen, Thomas F. (2016) Two
and Three Finger Caging of Polygons and Polyhedra; 10.7907/Z93X84KR
- Mital, Utkarsh (2016) Understanding
Micro- and Macro-Mechanics of Soil Liquefaction: A Necessary Step for
Field-Scale Assessment; 10.7907/Z9PV6HB0
- Choi, Jeesoon (2016) Unsteady
Aerodynamics and Optimal Control of an Airfoil at Low Reynolds
Number; 10.7907/Z9J1014Q
- Harrison, Laura Anne (2015) Real-World
Social Cognition: Context Effects in Face and Threat Processing; 10.7907/Z95H7D7P
- Agarwal, Anish (2015) A
Model For Residential Adoption of Photovoltaic Systems; 10.7907/Z9RB72J4
- Wang, Xin C. (2015) A
Variational Framework for Spectral Discretization of the Density Matrix
in Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory; 10.7907/Z99021QK
- Balaji Gopal, Chirranjeevi (2015) Ab-Initio
and Experimental Techniques for Studying Non-Stoichiometry and Oxygen
Transport in Mixed Conducting Oxides; 10.7907/Z9TT4NWZ
- Krause, Alexander Grey (2015) Acceleration
Sensing, Feedback Cooling, and Nonlinear Dynamics with Nanoscale
Cavity-Optomechanical Devices; 10.7907/Z98K771J
- Yang, Chih-Kai (2015) An
Exploration of Perovskite Materials for Thermochemical Water
Splitting; 10.7907/Z91834GB
- Stiles, Noelle Rebecca Barry (2015) Behavioral
and fMRI Measures of Crossmodal Plasticity Induced by Auditory Sensory
Substitution; 10.7907/Z9N29TZP
- Meenehan, Sean Michael (2015) Cavity
Optomechanics at Millikelvin Temperatures; 10.7907/Z92J68S7
- Savard, Bruno (2015) Characterization
and Modeling of Premixed Turbulent n-Heptane Flames in the Thin Reaction
Zone Regime; 10.7907/Z9GM858F
- Hulikal Sampath Kumaran, Srivatsan (2015) Collective
Behavior of Asperities as a Model for Friction and Adhesion; 10.7907/Z94M92HM
- Oymak, Samet (2015) Convex
Relaxation for Low-Dimensional Representation: Phase Transitions and
Limitations; 10.7907/Z9S46PWX
- Aryanfar, Asghar (2015) Dendrites
Inhibition in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries; 10.7907/Z9ZK5DMP
- Ji, Chenguang (2015) Design
of Antenna-Coupled Lumped-Element Titanium Nitride KIDs for
LongWavelength Multi-Band Continuum Imaging; 10.7907/Z9W66HQ7
- Lim, Keng-Wit (2015) Discrete
Modeling of Granular Media: A NURBS-based Approach; 10.7907/Z9W093V4
- Gan, Lingwen (2015) Distributed
Load Control in Multiphase Radial Networks; 10.7907/Z9FQ9TJ0
- Aitken, Zachary Howard (2015) Effect
of Microstructural Interfaces on the Mechanical Response of Crystalline
Metallic Materials; 10.7907/Z9C24TCP
- Brown, David Ross (2015) Enhanced
Thermoelectric Performance at the Superionic Phase Transitions of Mixed
Ion-Electron Conducting Materials; 10.7907/Z9B56GNM
- Gabuchian, Vahe (2015) Experimental
Investigation of Thrust Fault Rupture Mechanics; 10.7907/Z9J96497
- Linares-Guerrero, Esperanza Crystal (2015) Experimental
Study on Inertial Effects in Liquid-Solid Flows; 10.7907/Z9GT5K4J
- Zhai, Xiang (2015) Experimental,
Numerical and Analytical Studies of the MHD-Driven Plasma Jet,
Instabilities and Waves; 10.7907/Z90G3H3Q
- Wojnar, Charles Stanley (2015) Exploring
the Kinetics of Domain Switching in Ferroelectrics for Structural
Applications; 10.7907/Z9HD7SM7
- Fan, Boyu (2015) Fluid-Structure
Interactions of Inverted Leaves and Flags; 10.7907/Z9GQ6VPC
- Mason, Gemma Ellen (2015) Full
and Model-Reduced Structure-Preserving Simulation of Incompressible
Fluids; 10.7907/Z9KK98QG
- Cubillos-Moraga, Max Anton (2015) General-Domain
Compressible Navier-Stokes Solvers Exhibiting Quasi-Unconditional
Stability and High Order Accuracy in Space and Time; 10.7907/Z9WW7FKW
- Ning, Xin (2015) Imperfection
Insensitive Thin Shells; 10.7907/Z91J97P9
- Mao, Wei (2015) Information-Theoretic
Studies and Capacity Bounds: Group Network Codes and Energy Harvesting
Communication Systems; 10.7907/Z9ZS2TFB
- Raj, Mayank (2015) Injection
Locked Clocking and Transmitter Equalization Techniques for Chip to Chip
Interconnects; 10.7907/Z90P0WZD
- Duan, Ran (2015) Instrumentation
for Kinetic-Inductance-Detector-Based Submillimeter Radio Astronomy;
- Zhang, Xuan (2015) Investigation
of Fundamental Processes Governing Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
in Laboratory Chambers; 10.7907/Z9QZ27WP
- Narang, Prineha (2015) Light-Matter
Interactions in Semiconductors and Metals: From Nitride Optoelectronics
to Quantum Plasmonics; 10.7907/Z9513W4S
- Kang, Dongyang (2015) MEMS
for Diabetic Retinopathy; 10.7907/Z97D2S34
- Asimakopoulos, Aristotelis (2015) Macroscopically
Dissipative Systems with Underlying Microscopic Dynamics : Properties
and Limits of Measurement; 10.7907/Z9V40S4N
- Nandra, Mandheerej Singh (2015) Microelectrode
Implants for Spinal Cord Stimulation in Rats; 10.7907/Z9930R3G
- Heyden, Stefanie (2015) Micromechanical
Damage and Fracture in Elastomeric Polymers; 10.7907/Z9HX19NS
- Kozachkov, Henry (2015) Modifying
Bulk Metallic Glasses: Composites and Configurational States; 10.7907/Z9JQ0XZ4
- Steeves, John Bradley (2015) Multilayer
Active Shell Mirrors; 10.7907/Z99W0CFB
- Callahan, Dennis Michael (2015) Nanophotonic
Light Trapping In Thin Solar Cells; 10.7907/Z92N506Z
- Vilenchik, Yaakov (2015) Narrow-Linewidth
Si/III-V Lasers: a Study of Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Effects; 10.7907/Z9513W57
- Revechkis, Boris (2015) Neural
Prosthetics and Parietal Cortex; 10.7907/Z9Z31WNK
- McNamee, Daniel Ciarán (2015) Neural
and Computational Representations of Decision Variables; 10.7907/Z96971HZ
- Lydon, Joseph John II (2015) Nonlinear
Effects in Granular Crystals with Broken Periodicity; 10.7907/Z93J39XM
- Gomez, Marcella Mary (2015) On
the Role of Delays in Biological Systems : Analysis and Design; 10.7907/Z9JH3J4W
- González Palacios, Carlos Roberto (2015) Optimal
Data Distributions in Machine Learning; 10.7907/Z9DR2SD5
- Srinivas, Niranjan (2015) Programming
Chemical Kinetics: Engineering Dynamic Reaction Networks with DNA Strand
Displacement; 10.7907/Z9KD1VVJ
- Mourhatch, Ramses (2015) Quantifying
Earthquake Collapse Risk of Tall Steel Braced Frame Buildings Using
Rupture-to-Rafters Simulations; 10.7907/Z9DV1GTG
- Siriki, Hemanth (2015) Quantifying
Earthquake Collapse Risk of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings Using
Rupture-to-Rafters Simulations; 10.7907/Z9TX3CB4
- Fakonas, James Spencer (2015) Quantum
Interference and Entanglement of Surface Plasmons; 10.7907/Z9MG7MD3
- Tsai, Ho-Cheng (2015) Quantum
Mechanics Studies of Fuel Cell Catalysts and Proton Conducting Ceramics
with Validation by Experiment; 10.7907/Z9P55KFW
- Thevamaran, Ramathasan (2015) Rate
and Microstructure Effects on the Dynamics of Carbon Nanotube Foams;
- En Gad, Eyal (2015) Rewriting
Schemes for Flash Memory; 10.7907/Z9R49NQ3
- Homyk, Andrew P. (2015) Scalable
Methods for Deterministic Integration of Quantum Emitters in Photonic
Crystal Cavities; 10.7907/Z9D50JXC
- Dasgupta, Kaushik (2015) Self-Healing
Techniques for RF and mm-Wave Transmitters and Receivers; 10.7907/Z9HQ3WTR
- Pai, Alex Hao-Yu (2015) Sensing
and Actuation from Biology to Electronics; 10.7907/Z9NC5Z5M
- Rauls, Michael Brian (2015) Shock
Wave Behavior of Particulate Composites; 10.7907/Z98P5XHC
- Coralic, Vedran (2015) Simulation
of Shock-Induced Bubble Collapse with Application to Vascular Injury in
Shockwave Lithotripsy; 10.7907/Z91N7Z26
- Ren, Xiaoqi (2015) Speculation-Aware
Resource Allocation for Cluster Schedulers; 10.7907/Z9R49NRJ
- Bitter, Neal Phillip (2015) Stability
of Hypervelocity Boundary Layers; 10.7907/Z9Q23X5Z
- Mbengue, Cheikh Oumar (2015) Storm
Track Response to Perturbations in Climate; 10.7907/Z9FT8J05
- Usiskin, Robert Ezra (2015) Surface
Activity and Bulk Defect Chemistry of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Cathodes; 10.7907/Z91N7Z3N
- Mahdavi, Alborz (2015) Synthetic
Biology Tools for Targeted Incorporation of Non-Canonical Amino Acids
into Cellular Proteins; 10.7907/Z9W66HS4
- Sullivan, Nicolette Jean (2015) The
Neurocomputational Basis of Self-Control Success and Failure; 10.7907/Z90P0X8V
- Mauger, Lisa Mary (2015) The
Phonon Thermodynamics of Iron and Cementite; 10.7907/Z9TQ5ZH3
- Hoenselaar, Andreas (2015) The
Structure of Hippocampal Activity During REM Sleep; 10.7907/Z98W3B8H
- Veeraraghavan, Swetha (2015) Toppling
Analysis of Precariously Balanced Rocks under Earthquake Excitation;
- Chang, Chieh-Feng (2015) Wafer-Scalable
Fabrication of Metal Nanostructures for Plasmonics-Assisted Biomedical
Sensing Applications; 10.7907/Z9K935FM
- Han, Chao (2015) Wide
Field-of-View Microscopes and Endoscopes for Time-Lapse Imaging and
High-Throughput Screening; 10.7907/Z9SF2T49
- Wilson, Samantha Stricklin (2015) Zn-VI/Cu2O
Heterojunctions for Earth-Abundant Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z9N58J9H
- Steger, Scott Tiedeman (2014) A
Fundamental Approach to Phase Noise Reduction in Hybrid Si/III-V
Lasers; 10.7907/91CD-6H86
- Lyon, Bradley Joseph (2014) A
Multi-Scale Approach to Shaping Carbon Nanotube Structures for Hollow
Microneedles; 10.7907/BJGT-TB74
- Song, Shiyan (2014) A
New Ground Motion Intensity Measure, Peak Filtered Acceleration (PFA),
to Estimate Collapse Vulnerability of Buildings in Earthquakes; 10.7907/J5YB-AR86
- Amlani, Faisal (2014) A
New High-Order Fourier Continuation-Based Elasticity Solver for Complex
Three-Dimensional Geometries; 10.7907/V9DQ-P103
- Della Rocca, Gerry V. (2014) A
Novel Methodology for Simulating Contact-Line Behavior in
Capillary-Driven Flows; 10.7907/Z9CN71WW
- Bjornsson, Arnar Bjorn (2014) A
Retrofitting Framework for Pre-Northridge Steel Moment-Frame
Buildings; 10.7907/3Z6T-2H83
- Liu, Xiao (2014) A
Study on Iron-Based Amorphous Alloys: Alloy Development, Thermodynamics
and Soft Magnetism; 10.7907/X2WM-RA54
- Demers, Steven Brian (2014) Advanced
Density Functional Theory Methods tor Materials Science; 10.7907/KNJR-6F80
- Rabinovitch, Jason (2014) Advancing
EDL Technologies for Future Space Missions: From Ground Testing
Facilities to Ablative Heatshields; 10.7907/XKM7-7368
- Bose, Subhonmesh (2014) An
Integrated Design Approach to Power Systems: From Power Flows to
Electricity Markets; 10.7907/FRGW-AF26
- Florian, Mihai (2014) Analysis-Aware
Design of Embedded Systems Software; 10.7907/VB1N-Y042
- Jewell, Joseph Stephen (2014) Boundary-Layer
Transition on a Slender Cone in Hypervelocity Flow with Real Gas
Effects; 10.7907/Z9H9935V
- Lee, Seung Ah (2014) Bright-Field
and Fluorescence Chip-Scale Microscopy for Biological Imaging; 10.7907/HNWJ-J182
- Lucey, Kaitlyn Shae (2014) Catechol
2,3-Dioxygenase-Assisted Cleavage of Aromatics by “Anaerobic” Termite
Gut Spirochetes and Genomic Evidence of a Complete Meta-Pathway; 10.7907/KQB3-7010
- Zevalkink, Alexandra (2014) Chain-Forming
Zintl Antimonidcs as Novel Thermoelectric Materials; 10.7907/YDSW-A554
- Hakimi, Shabnam (2014) Characterization
of the Neural Mechanisms Supporting the Implementation of Cognitive
Control in Human Decision Making; 10.7907/W6VP-VM56
- Olson, Michael James (2014) Cloud
Computing Services for Seismic Networks; 10.7907/5D60-FG88
- Faulkner, Matthew Nicholas (2014) Community
Sense and Response Systems; 10.7907/QFM5-FH06
- van Breugel, Floris (2014) Complex
Behavior and Perception in Drosophila Emerges from Iterative
Feedback-Regulated Reflexes; 10.7907/WSE4-WG98
- Hou, Xiaodi (2014) Computational
Modeling and Psvchophysics in Low- and Mid-Level Vision; 10.7907/1H1Q-J703
- Wolff, Eric McKenzie (2014) Control
of Dynamical Systems with Temporal Logic Specifications; 10.7907/TGFR-SS39
- Huang, Tiffany Amy (2014) Convex
Model Predictive Control for Vehicular Systems; 10.7907/PNN7-SC35
- Heckman, Vanessa Mary (2014) Damage
Detection in Civil Structures using High-Frequency Seismograms; 10.7907/NVKN-8D47
- Warmann, Emily Cathryn (2014) Design
Strategies for Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaics; 10.7907/0K8F-9871
- Eyjolfsdottir, Eyrun Arna (2014) Detecting
Actions of Fruit Flies; 10.7907/SD8H-YB17
- Roberts, Scott Nolan (2014) Developing
and Characterizing Bulk Metallic Glasses for Extreme Applications;
- Satsanarukkit, Penvipha (2014) Development
of Integrated Parylene Fluidic Devices for Use as a Microbial Monitoring
System in Wastewater Treatment; 10.7907/Z98G8HPQ
- Bowers, Steven Michael (2014) Dynamically
Controllable Integrated Radiation and Self-Correcting Power Generation
in mm-Wave Circuits and Systems; 10.7907/Z9MP518K
- Ray, Debajyoti (2014) Efficient
Methods for Empirical Tests of Behavioral Economics Theories in
Laboratory and Field Experiments; 10.7907/V184-1318
- Horowitz, Matanya Benasher (2014) Efficient
Methods for Stochastic Optimal Control; 10.7907/D40A-9E03
- Kim, Kun Woo (2014) Electronic
States in Disordered Topological Insulators; 10.7907/BSH1-AA62
- Mohan, Nisha (2014) Extracting
Material Response from Simple Mechanical Tests on
Hardening-Softening-Hardening Viscoplastic Solids; 10.7907/MMTW-FF91
- Zhao, Yu (2014) Flexible
Microimplants for In Vivo Sensing; 10.7907/SHYA-5Y51
- Sharan, Rangoli (2014) Formal
Methods for Control Synthesis in Partially Observed Environments:
Application to Autonomous Robotic Manipulation; 10.7907/RQKC-N871
- Wu, Stephen (2014) Future
of Earthquake Early Warning: Quantifying Uncertainty and Making Fast
Automated Decisions for Applications; 10.7907/EK7V-7A89
- Ferrari de Goes, Fernando (2014) Geometric
Discretization through Primal-Dual Meshes; 10.7907/32CA-7376
- Sanan, Patrick David (2014) Geometric
Elasticity for Graphics, Simulation, and Computation; 10.7907/DF7X-F354
- Tyranowski, Tomasz Michal (2014) Geometric
Integration Applied to Moving Mesh Methods and Degenerate
Lagrangians; 10.7907/PH3X-YH23
- Maqueda Jiménez, Ignacio (2014) High
Strain Composites and Dual-Matrix Composite Structures; 10.7907/Z34C-NY82
- Wang, Heng (2014) High
Temperature Transport Properties of Lead Chalcogenides and Their
Alloys; 10.7907/BBQ6-8X60
- Mujeeb-U-Rahman, Muhammad (2014) Integrated
Microsystems for Wireless Sensing Applications; 10.7907/Z98050MN
- Saito, Namiko (2014) Large-Eddy
Simulations of Fully Developed Turbulent Channel and Pipe Flows with
Smooth and Rough Walls; 10.7907/WKNJ-ET18
- Patterson, Keith D. (2014) Lightweight
Deformable Mirrors for Future Space Telescopes; 10.7907/S7JS-A837
- Rajagopal, Aditya (2014) Microfabricated
Tools and Engineering Methods for Sensing Bioanalytes; 10.7907/Z9W9575D
- Wei, Wei (2014) Microfluidics-Based
Single-Cell Functional Proteomics Microchip for Portraying Protein
Signal Transduction Networks within the Framework of Physicochemical
Principles, with Applications in Fundamental and Translational Cancer
Research; 10.7907/Z9WS8R7G
- Heinz, Nicholas A. (2014) Microstructure
Control and Iodine Doping of Bismuth Telluride; 10.7907/HKX2-QG08
- Chen, Niangjun (2014) Model
Predictive Control for Deferrable Loads Scheduling; 10.7907/493H-BD56
- Ci, Maolin (2014) Multiscale
Model Reduction Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations; 10.7907/06ND-CY07
- Cheng, Ming Hei (2014) New
Applications that Come from Extending Seismic Networks into
Buildings; 10.7907/STB2-XR07
- Suver, Marie Patricia (2014) Octopamine
Neurons Mediate Flight-Induced Modulation of Visual Processing in
Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/DJKK-TC21
- Cossé, Julia Theresa (2014) On
the Behavior of Pliable Plate Dynamics in Wind: Application to Vertical
Axis Wind Turbines; 10.7907/X7S3-CS74
- Fokoua Djodom, Landry (2014) Optimal
Scaling in Ductile Fracture; 10.7907/B1TW-2D81
- Han, Shuo (2014) Optimal
Uncertainty Quantification via Convex Optimization and Relaxation;
- Smith, Hillary Leigh (2014) Phase
Transformations and Entropy of Non-Equilibrium Materials; 10.7907/Z9FB50W7
- Malik, Imran Raouf (2014) Point
of Care Molecular Diagnostics for Humanity; 10.7907/Z9HH6H2D
- Xuan, Yuan (2014) Progress
in Numerical Modeling of Non-Premixed Combustion; 10.7907/ZED4-A872
- Griffith, Virgil (2014) Quantifying
Synergistic Information; 10.7907/ZS2T-XQ55
- Ahn, Hyoung Jun (2014) Random
Propagation in Complex Systems: Nonlinear Matrix Recursions and Epidemic
Spread; 10.7907/MC7M-EE22
- Guo, Zeyu (2014) Randomness-Efficient
Curve Sampling; 10.7907/N64Q-T997
- Chang, Xiaofei (2014) Resetting
Asynchronous QDI Systems; 10.7907/RNGK-RV18
- Keller, Sean Jason (2014) Robust
Near-Threshold QDI Circuit Analysis and Design; 10.7907/79EJ-Q945
- Faulkner, Matthew Nicholas (2014) Selective
Data Gathering in Community Sensor Networks; 10.7907/NBQ4-6Q72
- Jones, Daniel Lawson III (2014) Sequence-Function
Relationships in E. coli Transcriptional Regulation; 10.7907/4J7V-WD59
- Wang, Shuo (2014) Social
Saliency: Visual Psychophysics and Single-Neuron Recordings in
Humans; 10.7907/Z90Z718H
- Tavallali, Peyman (2014) Sparse
Time-Frequency Data Analysis: A Multi-Scale Approach; 10.7907/Z9TT4NXD
- Desautels, Thomas Anthony (2014) Spinal
Cord Injury Therapy through Active Learning; 10.7907/X5M7-EC09
- John, Kristen Kathleen (2014) Strength
of Tantalum at High Pressures through Richtmyer-Meshkov Laser
Compression Experiments and Simulations; 10.7907/NE7Y-CK04
- Lan, Tian (2014) Studies
of Phonon Anharmonicity in Solids; 10.7907/AB7A-FP25
- Liu, Zhenhua (2014) Sustainable
IT and IT for Sustainability; 10.7907/296T-HR79
- Richmond, Victoria Stolyar (2014) Techniques
for Strength Measurement at High Pressures and Strain-Rates using
Transverse Waves; 10.7907/SH60-5659
- Miller, Madeline Diane (2014) The
Deep Ocean Density Structure at the Last Glacial Maximum: What Was It
and Why?; 10.7907/QHD5-FH77
- LeBon, Lauren E. (2014) The
Logic of Receptor-Ligand Interactions in the Notch Signaling
Pathway; 10.7907/83PA-9833
- Fefferman, William Jason (2014) The
Power of Quantum Fourier Sampling; 10.7907/6HJB-MC69
- Carroll, Phares Lynn (2014) Towards
Understanding the Mixing Characteristics of Turbulent Buoyant Flows;
- Verma, Siddhartha (2014) Velocity
Resolved - Scalar Modeled Simulations of High Schmidt Number Turbulent
Transport; 10.7907/PTD9-W004
- Chang, Jan Han-Chieh (2014) Wireless
Parylene-Based Retinal Implant; 10.7907/YTN7-ZA05
- Chandra, Fiona Adriani (2013) Limits
and Tradeoffs in the Control of Autocatalytic Systems; 10.7907/Z1BQ-ZX85
- O’Farrell, Clara (2013) A
Dynamical Systems Analysis of Vortex Pinch-Off; 10.7907/AFAA-KF43
- McCoy, Michael Brian (2013) A
Geometric Analysis of Convex Demixing; 10.7907/156S-EZ89
- Pahlevan, Niema Mohammed (2013) A
Systems Approach to Cardiovascular Health and Disease with a Focus on
Aortic Wave Dynamics; 10.7907/Z9DR2SFM
- Cheng, Mulin (2013) Adaptive
Methods Exploring Intrinsic Sparse Structures of Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations; 10.7907/V638-V403
- Deceglie, Michael Gardner (2013) Advanced
Silicon Solar Cell Device Physics and Design; 10.7907/PV2J-1429
- Varga, Aron (2013) Advancing
Electrocatalysis in Solid Acid Fuel Cells; 10.7907/Z9RX992C
- Lin, Minghong (2013) Algorithmic
Challenges in Green Data Centers; 10.7907/NRXJ-JB76
- Mehta, Nikil (2013) An
Ultra-Low-Energy, Variation-Tolerant FPGA Architecture Using
Component-Specific Mapping; 10.7907/358S-CW22
- Szelengowicz, Ivan Michel Nicolas (2013) Analysis
and Optimization of Stress Wave Propagation in Two-Dimensional Granular
Crystals with Defects; 10.7907/TE86-1A15
- Woo, Sungwook (2013) Beyond
Watson and Crick: Programming the Self-Assembly and Reconfiguration of
DNA Nanostructures Based on Stacking Interactions; 10.7907/4NZK-XK58
- Shi, Wendian (Leo) (2013) Blood
Cell Count On-a-Chip; 10.7907/6YF1-WR04
- Censi, Andrea (2013) Bootstrapping
Vehicles: A Formal Approach to Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning Based
on Invariance; 10.7907/PWVS-2Q74
- Hong, Ting (2013) Brownian
Thermal Noise in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors and Single
Photon Optomechanics; 10.7907/B83T-7730
- Gopalakrishnan, Ragavendran (2013) Characterizing
Distribution Rules for Cost Sharing Games; 10.7907/AWE2-H976
- Hoglen, Nerissa Emmy Graetz (2013) Charles
I: Unhero of Royalist Poetry; 10.7907/3QHF-E532
- Wang, Zhiying (2013) Coding
for Information Storage; 10.7907/TFHZ-RW88
- Crane, Keenan Michael (2013) Conformal
Geometry Processing; 10.7907/8V9Z-N286
- Aria, Adrianus Indrat (2013) Control
of Wettability of Carbon Nanotube Array by Reversible Dry Oxidation for
Superhydrophobic Coating and Supercapacitor Applications; 10.7907/B6MF-FX89
- Leonard, Andrea Beth (2013) Controlling
Wave Propagation through Nonlinear Engineered Granular Systems; 10.7907/NF5J-5W42
- Stobbe, Peter (2013) Convex
Analysis for Minimizing and Learning Submodular Set Functions; 10.7907/1A1J-SA64
- Giang, Ha Thanh (2013) Coupled
Effects of Mechanics, Geometry, and Chemistry on Bio-Membrane
Behavior; 10.7907/BVSK-K782
- Burgos, Stanley P. (2013) Coupled
Plasmonic Systems and Devices: Applications in Visible Metamaterials,
Nanophotonic Circuits, and CMOS Imaging; 10.7907/N2JK-5318
- Moeller, Robert Carlos (2013) Current
Transport and Onset-Related Phenomena in an MPD Thruster Modified by
Applied Magnetic Fields; 10.7907/39VT-GB93
- Darvish, Davis Solomon (2013) Cu₂O
Substrates and Epitaxial Cu₂O/ZnO Thin Film Heterostructures for Solar
Energy Conversion; 10.7907/0KEM-KG56
- Wang, Ying Min (2013) Deep
Tissue Fluorescence Imaging with Time-Reversed Light; 10.7907/YNSN-8960
- Loh Rui Yan, Matthew (2013) Dense,
Efficient Chip-to-Chip Communication at the Extremes of Computing;
- Xu, Huan (2013) Design,
Specification, and Synthesis of Aircraft Electric Power Systems Control
Logic; 10.7907/QDJN-BB72
- Li, Na (Lina) (2013) Distributed
Optimization in Power Networks and General Multi-agent Systems; 10.7907/NHVJ-FX37
- Whittlesey, Robert Wells (2013) Dynamics
and Scaling of Self-Excited Passive Vortex Generators for Underwater
Propulsion; 10.7907/SC4M-8896
- Notbohm, Jacob K. (2013) Dynamics
of Cell–Matrix Mechanical Interactions in Three Dimensions; 10.7907/AXD0-2D10
- Honarvar Nazari, Meisam (2013) Electrical
and Optical Interconnects for High-Performance Computing; 10.7907/TSX2-EE48
- Oh, Tae-Sik (2013) Electrical,
Electrochemical, and Optical Characterization of Ceria Films; 10.7907/139F-KV81
- Muñoz, Jorge Alberto (2013) Electronic
Structure and Phonon Thermodynamics of Iron Alloys; 10.7907/7EJD-RP70
- Ren, Jian (2013) Endoscopic
Optical Coherence Tomography: Design and Application; 10.7907/Z9445JF5
- Wu, Indira (2013) Engineering
Thermostable Fungal Cellobiohydrolases; 10.7907/V80F-X625
- Hebert, Paul (2013) Estimation
and Inference for Grasping and Manipulation Tasks Using Vision and
Kinesthetic Sensors; 10.7907/PZB6-QJ39
- Elzinga, Michael John (2013) Flight
Dynamics in Drosophila Through a Dynamically-scaled Robotic
Approach; 10.7907/MSRS-JG88
- Pang, Shuo (2013) Fluorescence
Optofluidic Microscopy and Fluorescence Microscopy Based on the Talbot
Effect; 10.7907/WWFF-7S14
- Penmecha, Bharat Prasad (2013) Fracture
of Materials Undergoing Solid-Solid Phase Transformation; 10.7907/FNTG-9T08
- Elling, Timothy James (2013) GPU-Accelerated
Fourier-Continuation Solvers and Physically Exact Computational Boundary
Conditions for Wave Scattering Problems; 10.7907/A5ZM-NK18
- DeLorimier, Michael John (2013) GRAph
Parallel Actor Language: A Programming Language for Parallel Graph
Algorithms; 10.7907/M3TW-7Y53
- Santis, Christos Theodoros (2013) High-Coherence
Hybrid Si/III-V Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/M4KJ-8H56
- Rought, Rebecca Lynn (2013) Identification
of Thermally-Tagged Coherent Structures in the Zero Pressure Gradient
Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z2V0-9V82
- Zheng, Guoan (2013) Innovations
in Imaging System Design: Gigapixel, Chip-Scale and MultiFunctional
Microscopy; 10.7907/SF6E-S775
- Richards, Andrew Walter (2013) Interplay
of Martensitic Phase Transformation and Plastic Slip in
Polycrystals; 10.7907/MM8X-BZ69
- Mihaly, Jonathan Michael (2013) Investigation
of Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena Using Real-time Concurrent
Diagnostics; 10.7907/V3A7-7686
- Griffin, Gregory Scott (2013) Learning
and Using Taxonomies for Visual and Olfactory Classification; 10.7907/YTZH-HA75
- Leenheer, Andrew Jay (2013) Light
to Electrons to Bonds: Imaging Water Splitting and Collecting
Photoexcited Electrons; 10.7907/A8ZZ-Z189
- Sojoudi, Somayeh (2013) Mathematical
Study of Complex Networks: Brain, Internet, and Power Grid; 10.7907/E750-2M74
- Kwok, Kawai (2013) Mechanics
of Viscoelastic Thin-Walled Structures; 10.7907/RSSF-1C35
- Johnson, Gwendolyn Brook (2013) Modeling,
Simulation, and Design of Self-Assembling Space Systems: Accurate
Collision Detection, Robust Time Integration, and Optimal Control;
- Bourguignon, Jean-Loup (2013) Models
of Turbulent Pipe Flow; 10.7907/BPEZ-VM28
- Pal, Piya (2013) New
Directions In Sparse Sampling and Estimation For Underdetermined
Systems; 10.7907/P0E1-5G05
- Akgiray, Ahmed Halid (2013) New
Technologies Driving Decade-Bandwidth Radio Astronomy: Quad-ridged
Flared Horn and Compound-Semiconductor LNAs; 10.7907/TYX5-2C48
- Smith, Matthew Alexander (2013) Non-Contiguous
Protein Recombination; 10.7907/4B8E-ZH08
- Hill, Jeffrey Thomas (2013) Nonlinear
Optics and Wavelength Translation Via Cavity-Optomechanics; 10.7907/DKW6-TF64
- Li, Jiang (2013) Nonlinear
Optics in Planar Silica-on-Silicon Disk Resonators; 10.7907/20G7-EM85
- Dikaliotis, Theodoros K. (2013) On
Delay and Security in Network Coding; 10.7907/1KE1-DW91
- Leong, Derek (2013) On
Erasure Coding for Distributed Storage and Streaming Communications;
- Tootoonian, Sina (2013) On
the Analysis and Design of the Locust Olfactory System; 10.7907/MAWA-GD04
- Sendowski, Jacob Benjamin (2013) On-Chip
Integrated Label-Free Optical Biosensing; 10.7907/2H9Y-AB63
- Kim, Justin Young-Hyun (2013) Parylene-C
as a New Piezoelectric Material; 10.7907/1VEH-EP90
- Panithipongwut, Chatr (2013) Phase
Behavior of Complex Superprotonic Solid Acids; 10.7907/NXG8-TY79
- Pomrehn, Gregory Schoelerman (2013) Phase
Stability and Defect Behavior in Complex Thermoelectric
Zinc-Antimonides; 10.7907/0AWH-4P69
- Damazo, Jason Scott (2013) Planar
Reflection of Gaseous Detonation; 10.7907/4QW7-TK55
- Jang, Min Seok (2013) Plasmonics
and Electron Optics in Graphene; 10.7907/59RB-9653
- Weir, Peter Thomas (2013) Polarization-Based
Navigation in Drosophila; 10.7907/3VXQ-TE73
- Mishra, Himanshu (2013) Proton
Transfers at the Air-Water Interface; 10.7907/A9HR-PN89
- Safavi-Naeini, Amir Hossein (2013) Quantum
Optomechanics with Silicon Nanostructures; 10.7907/VZW9-1Z52
- Zhou, Hongchao (2013) Randomness
and Noise in Information Systems; 10.7907/82KV-2H11
- Trautman, Peter (2013) Robot
Navigation in Dense Crowds: Statistical Models and Experimental Studies
of Human Robot Cooperation; 10.7907/BHGM-0C65
- Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2013) Sensor
Networks for Geospatial Event Detection - Theory and Applications;
- Sternberg, Jonathan Ben-Zion (2013) Signal
Transduction with Hybridization Chain Reactions; 10.7907/Z90Z719Z
- Lopez Ortega, Alejandro (2013) Simulation
of Richtmyer-Meshkov Flows for Elastic-Plastic Solids in Planar and
Converging Geometries Using an Eulerian Framework; 10.7907/4WJ6-D795
- Mou, Judy (2013) Situation
Awareness Application; 10.7907/CH76-YW89
- Parziale, Nicholaus J. (2013) Slender-Body
Hypervelocity Boundary-Layer Instability; 10.7907/KZJ1-Y009
- Somala, Surendra Nadh (2013) Source
Imaging with Dense Sensor Networks: Inversions Based on Adjoint
Methods; 10.7907/Z9WQ01S7
- Schaeffer, Joseph Malcolm (2013) Stochastic
Simulation of the Kinetics of Multiple Interacting Nucleic Acid
Strands; 10.7907/JEBY-6X69
- Jacobi, Ian (2013) Structure
of the Turbulent Boundary Layer under Static and Dynamic Impulsive
Roughness Perturbation; 10.7907/H5WJ-RK31
- Garrett, Glenn Robert (2013) Study
of the Origins of Toughness in Amorphous Metals; 10.7907/Z9JD4TRM
- Dubois, Julien Christian Roger (2013) Studying
Conscious and Unconscious Vision with Functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging : the BOLD Promise; 10.7907/7EGE-FG03
- Ikeda, Ayako (2013) Superprotonic
Solid Acids: Thermochemistry, Structure, and Conductivity; 10.7907/R1SG-VY83
- Mehrotra, Prakhar (2013) Sustainable
Energy Solutions for Irrigation and Harvesting in Developing
Countries; 10.7907/KV5Y-4960
- Stadie, Nicholas P. (2013) Synthesis
and Thermodynamic Studies of Physisorptive Energy Storage Materials;
- Dabby, Nadine L. (2013) Synthetic
Molecular Machines for Active Self-Assembly: Prototype Algorithms,
Designs, and Experimental Study; 10.7907/T0ZG-PA07
- Russell, Damon Stuart (2013) Technology
Advances for Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/MW3P-2S22
- Vasilyev, Arseny (2013) The
Optoelectronic Swept-Frequency Laser and Its Applications in Ranging,
Three-Dimensional Imaging, and Coherent Beam Combining of Chirped-Seed
Amplifiers; 10.7907/YD38-BT07
- Gdoutos, Eleftherios E. (2013) Thin
Metastructures with Engineered Thermal Expansion; 10.7907/M69R-3A76
- Azizgolshani, Hesham (2013) Tissue
Engineering Active Biological Machines: Bio-Inspired Design, Directed
Self-Assembly, and Characterization of Muscular Pumps Simulating the
Embryonic Heart; 10.7907/2C8T-TB84
- Gittens, Alex A. (2013) Topics
in Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra; 10.7907/3K1S-R458
- Liu, Chih-Hao (2013) Transceiver
Designs and Analysis for LTI, LTV and Broadcast Channels - New Matrix
Decompositions and Majorization Theory; 10.7907/2VFF-SZ70
- Chen, Tong (2013) Ultralow-Loss
Silica Resonators and Waveguides on a Silicon Chip; 10.7907/QBR4-3980
- Turner-Evans, Daniel B. (2013) Wire
Array Photovoltaics; 10.7907/8E75-WH21
- LeHew, Jeffrey Allen (2012) Spatio-Temporal
Analysis of the Turbulent Boundary Layer and An Investigation of the
Effects of Periodic Disturbances; 10.7907/20CM-EV70
- Franco, Elisa (2012) Analysis,
Design, and in vitro Implementation of Robust Biochemical Networks;
- Hurwitz, Jeremy Scott (2012) A
Nearly-Quadratic Gap Between Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Property
Testers; 10.7907/W178-HP57
- Tan, Hongjin (2012) A
Study of the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of LiₓFePO₄ as a Cathode
Material for Li Batteries; 10.7907/NQC1-J605
- Chang, Christopher SungWook (2012) Applications
of Coding in Network Communications; 10.7907/3N60-MB49
- An, Qi (2012) Atomistic
Simulations of Material Properties under Extreme Conditions; 10.7907/E3Z0-1A27
- Tiwary, Pratyush (2012) Atomistic
Simulations of Materials: Methods for Accurate Potentials and Realistic
Time-Scales; 10.7907/J8W9-XS70
- Abad-Manterola, Pablo (2012) Axel
Rover Tethered Dynamics and Motion Planning on Extreme Planetary
Terrain; 10.7907/MPHD-PC75
- DeBoer, Charles Meno Theodore (2012) Biomimetic
Accommodating Intraocular Lens; 10.7907/Z9B56GQH
- Deng, Xiaowei (2012) Clefted
Equilibrium Shapes of Superpressure Balloon Structures; 10.7907/YYTP-2005
- Olson, Michael James (2012) Cloud
Computing for Citizen Science; 10.7907/8S5K-FX17
- Lee, Euiwoong (2012) Clustering
Affine Subspaces: Algorithms and Hardness; 10.7907/VF38-NT60
- Khajehnejad, M. Amin (2012) Combinatorial
Regression and Improved Basis Pursuit for Sparse Estimation; 10.7907/04J6-Y832
- Michener, Joshua Kieran (2012) Combining
Rational and Evolutionary Approaches to Optimize Enzyme Activity in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 10.7907/2KPP-DS46
- Shin, Seung Woo (2012) Compiling
and Verifying DNA-Based Chemical Reaction Network Implementations;
- Yoo, Juhwan (2012) Compressed
Sensing Receivers: Theory, Design, and Performance Limits; 10.7907/Y3FA-VB87
- Jennings, Andrew Tynes (2012) Deformation
Mechanisms in Nanoscale Single Crystalline Electroplated Copper
Pillars; 10.7907/6128-HG61
- Yu, Ted H. (2012) Degradations
and Improvements in PEM Fuel Cell Materials: A Computational Study;
- Mendoza-Cortes, Jose Luis (2012) Design
of Molecules and Materials for Applications in Clean Energy, Catalysis
and Molecular Machines Through Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics and
Monte Carlo Simulations; 10.7907/PQ74-HK88
- Huang, Jinghao (2012) Discrete
Differential Form Subdivision and Vector Field Generation over
Volumetric Domain; 10.7907/FXF2-4447
- Sukhavasi, Ravi Teja (2012) Distributed
Control and Computing: Optimal Estimation, Error Correcting Codes, and
Interactive Protocols; 10.7907/7431-FH32
- Moser, Auna Louise (2012) Dynamics
of Magnetically Driven Plasma Jets: An Instability of an Instability,
Gas Cloud Impacts, Shocks, and Other Deformations; 10.7907/V7P0-AW84
- Miller, Gerald Matthew (2012) Electron
Transport in Silicon Nanocrystal Devices: From Memory Applications to
Silicon Photonics; 10.7907/FAZ1-XZ98
- Dempsey, William P. (2012) Establishing
a Genetic and Exogenous Toolbox for Studying Multiple Stages of
Vertebrate Development in vivo; 10.7907/Z98S4MVS
- Mullen, Patrick Gary (2012) Eulerian
Geometric Discretizations of Manifolds and Dynamics; 10.7907/5GSC-W341
- Stenson, Eve Virginia (2012) Fields,
Forces, and Flows: What Laboratory Experiments Reveal About the Dynamics
of Arched Plasma Structures; 10.7907/24HR-J675
- Levine, Joseph H. (2012) Genetic
Regulatory Circuit Dynamics: Analysis and Synthesis; 10.7907/35A7-K421
- Jacobs, Henry Ochi (2012) Geometric
Descriptions of Couplings in Fluids and Circuits; 10.7907/AZXE-PH33
- Standley, Brian Lawrence (2012) Graphene
as a Platform for Novel Nanoelectronic Devices; 10.7907/6MMB-T165
- Raney, Jordan Robert (2012) Hierarchical
Structures of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Low-Density Energy-Dissipative
Materials; 10.7907/25R0-JT92
- Lintner, Stéphane Karl (2012) High-Order
Integral Equation Methods for Diffraction Problems Involving Screens and
Apertures; 10.7907/VP8P-DP74
- Huang, Ruo-Gu (2012) High-Performance
Silicon Nanowire Electronics; 10.7907/CG0M-QB27
- Welinder, Nils Peter Egon (2012) Hybrid
Human-Machine Vision Systems: Image Annotation using Crowds, Experts and
Machines; 10.7907/N6A2-F347
- Ford, William Chastang (2012) I.
Quantal Effects in Biochemical Cooperativity and a Proposed Mechanism
for the Differentiation of Calcium Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity. II.
Evolutionary Algorithms for the Optimization of Methods in Computational
Chemistry; 10.7907/Z9HH6H1Z
- Mello, Michael (2012) Identifying
the Unique Ground Motion Signatures of Supershear Earthquakes: Theory
and Experiments; 10.7907/DJDD-2487
- Bohn, Florian (2012) Integrated
Circuit Signal Generation and Detection Techniques for Microwave and
Sub-Millimeter Wave Signals; 10.7907/Q018-QP18
- Stetson, Robert Chess Abernathy (2012) Interaction
of Planning Regions in Cortex; 10.7907/VGS7-PZ20
- Rolfe, Jason Tyler (2012) Intrinsic
Gradient Networks; 10.7907/YCB7-7X24
- Inoue, Michio (2012) Large-Eddy
Simulation of the Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer at High Reynolds
Numbers; 10.7907/PXTM-W616
- Lin, Jeffrey Chun-Hui (2012) MEMS
for Glaucoma; 10.7907/4XD2-SP34
- Chan, Man Nin (2012) Mass
Spectrometric Analysis of Organic Aerosol Composition: Laboratory and
Ambient; 10.7907/CGKH-EW24
- Hu, Xin (2012) Multiscale
Modeling and Computation of 3D Incompressible Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/K1RZ-1H07
- Bakshi, Mayank (2012) Network
Coding and Distributed Compression over Large Networks: Some Basic
Principles; 10.7907/GWDW-5H78
- Barmpoutis, Dionysios (2012) Network
Structure Optimization with Applications to Minimizing Variance and
Crosstalk; 10.7907/ER8Y-ZK49
- Harel, Jonathan (2012) Neural
Pattern Similarity and Visual Perception; 10.7907/1BCV-MQ11
- Lin, Alice (2012) Neural
and Behavioral Investigations of Social Reward Processing; 10.7907/0XT9-2494
- Khatri, Devvrath (2012) Non-Destructive
Evaluation of Material System Using Highly Nonlinear Acoustic Waves;
- Thomas, Vaughan Lamar (2012) Particle-Based
Modeling of Ni-YSZ Anodes; 10.7907/JF8P-5495
- Lu, Bo (2012) Parylene
as a New Membrane Material for Biomems Applications; 10.7907/DPDC-9E57
- Karol, Robert Frederick (2012) Peak-Seeking
Controller for Real-Time Mobile Satellite Tracking; 10.7907/CCW3-V522
- Bodine-Baron, Elizabeth Anne (2012) Peer
Effects in Social Networks: Search, Matching Markets, and Epidemics;
- Li, Chen W. (2012) Phonon
Anharmonicity of Ionic Compounds and Metals; 10.7907/7VS5-0F52
- Capece, Angela Maria (2012) Plasma-Surface
Interactions in Hollow Cathode Discharges for Electric Propulsion;
- Nair, Jayakrishnan U. (2012) Scheduling
for Heavy-Tailed and Light-Tailed Workloads in Queueing Systems; 10.7907/AAXJ-EX10
- Sengupta, Kaushik (2012) Silicon-Based
Terahertz Circuits and Systems; 10.7907/MBXB-6R29
- Ziegler, John Lewis (Jack) (2012) Simulations
of Compressible, Diffusive, Reactive Flows with Detailed Chemistry Using
a High-Order Hybrid WENO-CD Scheme; 10.7907/ZKW8-ES97
- Noroozian, Omid (2012) Superconducting
Microwave Resonator Arrays for Submillimeter/Far-infrared Imaging;
- Lee, Lap Man (2012) The
Implementation of Optofluidic Microscopy on a Chip Scale and Its
Potential Applications in Biology; 10.7907/GKW9-QR51
- Schaeffer, Joseph Malcolm (2012) The
Multistrand Simulator: Stochastic Simulation of the Kinetics of Multiple
Interacting DNA Strands; 10.7907/BBH8-CG37
- Fitzmaurice, Arthur Gerald, III (2012) The
Role of Pesticide-Induced Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibition in the
Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease; 10.7907/FDAG-HH02
- Liu, Hsi-Chun (2012) Theory
and Experiment of Slow-Light Coupled-Resonator Structures; 10.7907/GVBF-4T29
- Boettcher, Philipp Andreas (2012) Thermal
Ignition; 10.7907/H2W9-ZK95
- Langeland, Krista S. (2012) Thin-Film
Silicon Photovoltaics: Characterization of Thin-Film Deposition and
Analysis of Enhanced Light Trapping from Scattering Nanoparticle
Arrays; 10.7907/ZS04-AH18
- Nelson, Matthew John (2012) Understanding
and Applying Extracellular Recordings in Awake, Behaving Animals; 10.7907/1JYP-K183
- Cho, In Ho (2012) Virtual
Earthquake Engineering Laboratory with Physics-Based Degrading Materials
on Parallel Computers; 10.7907/49W9-PY43
- Huang, Jingqing (2012) Wavelength-Scale
Confinement of Light and Its Applications in On-Chip Photonic
Devices; 10.7907/6F0A-TD74
- Winterrose, Michael Lon (2011) Quantum
Mechanical Simulation and X-Ray Scattering Applied to Pressure-Induced
Invar Anomaly in Magnetic Iron Alloy; 10.7907/2CBN-7H49
- Zia, Roseanna Nellie (2011) Individual
Particle Motion in Colloids: Microviscosity, Microdiffusivity, and
Normal Stresses; 10.7907/2743-8W26
- Fefferman, William Jason (2011) On
Quantum Computing and Pseudorandomness; 10.7907/3Q00-DD64
- Meier, John Allen (2011) A
Novel Experimental Study of a Valveless Impedance Pump for Applications
at Lab-On-Chip, Microfluidic, and Biomedical Device Size Scales; 10.7907/DBKG-EJ21
- Lin, Minghong (2011) Algorithmic
Issues in Green Data Centers; 10.7907/DBXG-1N54
- de Goes, Fernando Ferrari (2011) An
Optimal Transport Approach to Robust Reconstruction and Simplification
of 2D Shapes; 10.7907/YKZF-VX90
- White, Jerome S. (2011) Applying
Formal Methods to Distributed Algorithms Using Local-Global
Relations; 10.7907/8FRW-ZF17
- Van Valen, David Ashley (2011) Case
Studies in Quantitative Biology: Biochemistry on a Leash and a
Single-Molecule Hershey-Chase Experiment; 10.7907/FJW3-G615
- Suryanarayana, Phanish (2011) Coarse-Graining
Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory; 10.7907/GCKH-EX20
- Plan, Yaniv (2011) Compressed
Sensing, Sparse Approximation, and Low-Rank Matrix Estimation; 10.7907/K8W9-RS71
- Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen (2011) Constraints
on the Global Carbon Budget from Variations in Total Column Carbon
Dioxide; 10.7907/5BZZ-BW98
- Han, Si-ping (2011) DNA
Directed Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanotube Structures; 10.7907/3ZN9-T618
- Silva, Michael Lee (2011) Damage
Evolution in Composite Materials and Sandwich Structures Under Impulse
Loading; 10.7907/CRX1-7D43
- Moore, Ashley (2011) Discrete
Mechanics and Optimal Control for Space Trajectory Design; 10.7907/ZXTG-V056
- Chueh, William C. (2011) Electrochemical
and Thermochemical Behavior of CeO₂-δ; 10.7907/EBKT-ET32
- Brown, Evan Cornell (2011) Electrochemically
Deposited Ceria Structures for Advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; 10.7907/93NE-TG09
- Gonzalez, Marcial (2011) Energy
and Force Stepping Integrators in Lagrangian Mechanics; 10.7907/SP10-A207
- Shadbakht, Sormeh (2011) Entropy
Region and Network Information Theory; 10.7907/P8ZB-4D40
- Huang, Ray Kui-Jui (2011) Flexible
Neural Implants; 10.7907/VMZB-0N20
- Boechler, Nicholas Sebastian (2011) Granular
Crystals: Controlling Mechanical Energy with Nonlinearity and
Discreteness; 10.7907/BAHK-WD44
- Liu, Zhenhua (2011) Greening
Geographical Load Balancing; 10.7907/QGF7-4K56
- Lamperski, Andrew G. (2011) Hierarchies,
Spikes, and Hybrid Systems: Physiologically Inspired Control
Problems; 10.7907/0ANZ-8209
- Brown, Justin Lee (2011) High
Pressure Hugoniot Measurements in Solids Using Mach Reflections; 10.7907/SC1V-PK42
- Briggs, Ryan Morrow (2011) Hybrid
Silicon Nanophotonic Devices: Enhancing Light Emission, Modulation, and
Confinement; 10.7907/G19Z-CY24
- Hsieh, Chia-Lung (2011) Imaging
with Second-Harmonic Generation Nanoparticles; 10.7907/WCS2-FD82
- Paulot, Fabien Georges André (2011) Insights
into the Isoprene Photochemical Cascade; 10.7907/C11Q-E180
- Nahmad Bensusan, Marcos (2011) Interpretation
and Scaling of Positional Information During Development; 10.7907/2ZYV-FF66
- Kwan, Alan Jake-Man (2011) Investigating
Sources and Sinks of Organic Aerosols: NO₃-initiated Oxidation of
Isoprene and Heterogeneous Oxidation of Organic Aerosol; 10.7907/2ET7-0D89
- Yang, Yue (2011) Lagrangian
and Vortex-Surface Fields in Turbulence; 10.7907/DF3E-G629
- Lavaei, Javad (2011) Large-Scale
Complex Systems: From Antenna Circuits to Power Grids; 10.7907/CM46-5R54
- Buchfuhrer, David Isaac (2011) Limits
on Computationally Efficient VCG-Based Mechanisms for Combinatorial
Auctions and Public Projects; 10.7907/N0M7-C473
- Giacchino, Luca (2011) MEMS
Electrolytic Inchworms for Movable Neural Probe Applications; 10.7907/GQYY-BM80
- Kovalchick, Christopher (2011) Mechanics
of Peeling: Cohesive Zone Law and Stability; 10.7907/W2KT-CY70
- Lopez Jimenez, Francisco (2011) Mechanics
of Thin Carbon Fiber Composites with a Silicone Matrix; 10.7907/A773-KF92
- Shin, Young Shik (2011) Micro-
and Nanotechnology-Based Platforms to Study Biology at Small Scale: From
DNAs to Single Cells; 10.7907/T590-G472
- Spain, Merrielle Therese (2011) Modeling
and Predicting Object Attention in Natural Scenes; 10.7907/JTEE-7367
- Perotti, Luigi Emanuele (2011) Modeling
the Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Structures Subjected to
Underwater Explosions; 10.7907/83JD-HN76
- Tao, Molei (2011) Multiscale
Geometric Integration of Deterministic and Stochastic Systems; 10.7907/6J83-7C18
- Reina Romo, Celia (2011) Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation of Damage by Void Nucleation and Growth; 10.7907/WFYW-AS22
- Hurtado Sepulveda, Daniel Esteban (2011) Multiscale
Modeling of Microcrystalline Materials; 10.7907/FHZT-3A33
- Vyetrenko, Svitlana S. (2011) Network
Coding for Error Correction; 10.7907/D2ZM-V541
- Hariadi, Rizal Fajar (2011) Non-Equilibrium
Dynamics of DNA Nanotubes; 10.7907/6GQW-YG26
- Walavalkar, Sameer Sudhir (2011) Optical,
Mechanical, and Electronic Properties of Etched Silicon Nanopillars;
- Satyan, Naresh (2011) Optoelectronic
Control of the Phase and Frequency of Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/24DM-VW62
- Becker, Stephen R. (2011) Practical
Compressed Sensing: Modern Data Acquisition and Signal Processing;
- Farnsworth, Claire Elizabeth (2011) Processes
Controlling the Fate and Transport of Trace Metals in the Subsurface
During Changing Redox Potential; 10.7907/TB3A-Z569
- Elbanna, Ahmed Ettaf (2011) Pulselike
Ruptures on Strong Velocity-Weakening Frictional Interfaces: Dynamics
and Implications; 10.7907/80MV-6Y66
- Vakili, Ali (2011) Random
Matrix Recursions in Estimation, Control, and Adaptive Filtering; 10.7907/HCKN-7W53
- Sen, Shaunak (2011) Regulatory
Consequences of Bandpass Feedback in a Bacterial Phosphorelay; 10.7907/NPZD-G382
- Stohlman, Olive Remington (2011) Repeatability
of Joint-Dominated Deployable Masts; 10.7907/D3AR-G573
- Kapre, Nachiket Ganesh (2011) SPICE²:
A Spatial, Parallel Architecture for Accelerating the Spice Circuit
Simulator; 10.7907/QVZR-VB52
- Aly, Mohamed Alaa El-Dien Mahmoud Hussein (2011) Searching
Large-Scale Image Collections; 10.7907/VRGJ-4J54
- Beni, Catherine Elizabeth (2011) Simulation
Capabilities for Challenging Medical Imaging and Treatment Planning
Problems; 10.7907/8PBA-RN43
- Fuller, Sawyer Buckminster (2011) Steady
as She Goes: Visual Autocorrelators and Antenna-Mediated Airspeed
Feedback in the Control of Flight Dynamics in Fruit Flies and
Robotics; 10.7907/Z3D0-GG27
- Hersey, Scott Patrick (2011) Studies
of Aerosol Composition and Hygroscopicity; 10.7907/GZY7-P532
- Choi, Jae-Woo (2011) Surface
Optofluidic Implementations towards the Development of a Biosensor;
- Pilotto, Concetta (2011) Systematic
Design and Formal Verification of Multi-Agent Systems; 10.7907/SCQF-VP66
- Keehr, Edward Arthur (2011) Techniques
for Mixed-Signal Linearization and Large Signal Handling in
Radio-Frequency Receiver Circuits; 10.7907/WFGT-4823
- Vermesh, Udi Benjamin (2011) Technologies
for Protein Analysis and Tissue Engineering, with Applications in
Cancer; 10.7907/21G2-0A20
- Tchieu, Andrew Allen (2011) The
Development of Low-Order Models for the Study of Fluid-Structure
Interactions; 10.7907/SYHX-8A77
- Rosenberg, Robert Alan (2011) The
Impact of Surface Chemistry on Photoelectrochemical Device
Characteristics; 10.7907/TW3G-C242
- Weng, Ching-Chih (2011) The
Roles of Majorization and Generalized Triangular Decomposition in
Communication and Signal Processing; 10.7907/2R1B-QE65
- Ward, Geoffrey M. (2011) The
Simulation of Shock- and Impact-Driven Flows with Mie-Grüneisen
Equations of State; 10.7907/8Q2Q-GT29
- Venturini, Gabriela Natalia (2011) Topics
in Multiscale Modeling of Metals and Metallic Alloys; 10.7907/D6YS-B365
- Gomes, Ryan Geoffrey (2011) Towards
Open Ended Learning: Budgets, Model Selection, and Representation;
- Berchenko-Kogan, Yakov Ilich (2011) Uncovering
the Lagrangian from Observations of Trajectories; 10.7907/4M31-DK09
- Andreetto, Marco (2011) Unsupervised
Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections; 10.7907/ZH04-VT55
- Gawlik, Evan S. (2010) Geometric,
Variational Discretization of Continuum Theories; 10.7907/HW8J-FQ68
- Peng, Jifeng (2010) A
Lagrangian Approach to Transport of Momentum and Biomass in Aquatic
Biological Systems; 10.7907/3XEF-X568
- Quach, Quoc Chan (Brandon) (2010) A
Parylene Real Time PCR Microdevice; 10.7907/YC9S-0R15
- Gayme, Dennice F. Maynard (2010) A
Robust Control Approach to Understanding Nonlinear Mechanisms in Shear
Flow Turbulence; 10.7907/P1DS-Q379
- Diest, Kenneth Alexander (2010) Active
Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Devices; 10.7907/7J9Z-N927
- Gojman, Benjamin (2010) Algorithms
and Techniques for Conquering Extreme Physical Variation in Bottom-Up
Nanoscale Systems; 10.7907/BBC7-XK34
- Zadeh, Joseph N. (2010) Algorithms
for Nucleic Acid Sequence Design; 10.7907/20DG-NF39
- Gopalakrishnan, Ragavendran (2010) An
Architectural View of Game Theoretic Control; 10.7907/ZW5K-AF41
- Li, Xiaobai (2010) An
Experimental and Numerical Study of Normal Particle Collisions in a
Viscous Liquid; 10.7907/S5V0-3E25
- Rosenberg, Jessie C. (2010) Applications
of Micro/Nanoscale Optical Resonators: Plasmonic Photodetectors and
Double-Disk Cavity Optomechanics; 10.7907/GA8B-F134
- Wu, David Dah-wei (2010) Biomechanical
Information Transfer: Maximum Caliber, λ Genome Ejection Dynamics, and
the Formation of Otoliths in Zebrafish; 10.7907/X454-MV52
- Vriend, Nathalie Maria (2010) Booming
Sand Dunes; 10.7907/BFHE-0969
- Choi, Inki (2010) Catalytic
Modification of Flammable Atmosphere in Aircraft Fuel Tanks; 10.7907/69YQ-XZ33
- Kim, Daegyoum (2010) Characteristics
of Three-dimensional Vortex Formation and Propulsive Performance in
Flapping Locomotion; 10.7907/8VZJ-7Z78
- Cheng, Jie (2010) Chemical
Fractionation at Environmental Interfaces; 10.7907/08FV-FP25
- Lee, Cheng-Chung (2010) Chemical
Synthesis in Elastomer-Based Integrated Microfluidics; 10.7907/8603-G150
- Cui, Tao (2010) Coding
for Wireless Broadcast and Network Secrecy; 10.7907/JYV2-DM74
- Xu, Weiyu (2010) Compressive
Sensing for Sparse Approximations: Constructions, Algorithms, and
Analysis; 10.7907/F63K-GT12
- Neumann, Dirk (2010) Connectivity
of the Brain from Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 10.7907/1A5T-S275
- Buzi, Gentian (2010) Control
Theoretic Analysis of Autocatalytic Networks in Biology with
Applications to Glycolysis; 10.7907/MHMV-9M59
- Karnesky, James Alan (2010) Detonation
Induced Strain in Tubes; 10.7907/GTKC-FY91
- Choi, Jina (2010) Development
of Visible-Light-Active Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Production and
Environmental Application; 10.7907/90AX-KS12
- Crane, Keenan Michael (2010) Discrete
Connections for Geometry Processing; 10.7907/SYF7-QD47
- Zhang, David Yu (2010) Dynamic
DNA Strand Displacement Circuits; 10.7907/Q4NR-CH87
- Lamberson, Leslie Elise (2010) Dynamic
Optical Investigations of Hypervelocity Impact Damage; 10.7907/AQJH-3D60
- Pope, Melissa Davis (2010) Dynamics
of Multicellular Aggregation and Disaggregation: Implications for Tissue
Engineering and Cancer Metastasis; 10.7907/3Z4S-5676
- Young, Kakani Katija (2010) Effect
of In Situ Animal-Fluid Interactions on Transport and Mixing; 10.7907/QJAM-9228
- Norman, Adam Keith (2010) Effect
of Surface Morphological Changes on Flow Over a Sphere; 10.7907/SED1-5250
- Ando, Keita (2010) Effects
of Polydispersity in Bubbly Flows; 10.7907/SW8K-Y135
- Sasaki, Kenji Alexander (2010) Electrochemical
Characterization of Solid Acid Fuel Cell Electrodes; 10.7907/BN8H-3F41
- Norris, Noele R. (2010) Estimation
Using Quantized Innovations for Wireless Sensor Networks; 10.7907/BXRJ-MT98
- Walker, Christopher (2010) Fabrication
of Microfluidic Structures by Automated Laser Ablation and Automation of
Optical Testing; 10.7907/PEET-AM61
- Yang, Wanwan (2010) Fast
Viability Assessment of Clostridium Spores: Survival in Extreme
Environments; 10.7907/8BBD-7Y02
- Wongpiromsarn, Tichakorn (2010) Formal
Methods for Design and Verification of Embedded Control Systems:
Application to an Autonomous Vehicle; 10.7907/XZ3X-7V51
- Kharevych, Liliya (2010) Geometric
Interpretation of Physical Systems for Improved Elasticity
Simulations; 10.7907/8ZF3-XN72
- Purewal, Justin (2010) Hydrogen
Adsorption by Alkali Metal Graphite Intercalation Compounds; 10.7907/20CE-T553
- Zhang, Xinning (2010) I.
Formate Dehydrogenase Gene Diversity in Lignocellulose-Feeding Insect
Gut Microbial Communities. II. Metabolic Impacts on the Hydrogen Isotope
Content of Bacterial Lipids; 10.7907/ETXQ-D671
- Henry, Michael David (2010) ICP
Etching of Silicon for Micro and Nanoscale Devices; 10.7907/Z9MW2FBC
- Guðmundsson, Kristján (2010) Instability
Wave Models of Turbulent Jets from Round and Serrated Nozzles; 10.7907/BQH9-G487
- Jones, Glenn Evans (2010) Instrumentation
for Wide Bandwidth Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/BMZR-P813
- Liu, Mike Chia-Chung (2010) Integrated
Microfluidic Devices for Cell Culture and Assay; 10.7907/D43B-D825
- Gu, Ming (2010) Interactions
Between Hippocampal Areas CA3 and CA1 During Slow-Wave Sleep; 10.7907/Z9BV7DMM
- McDowell, Emily Jayne (2010) Low
Optical Signal Detection in Biological Materials: SNR Considerations and
Novel Techniques; 10.7907/7Q7B-1E27
- Mahmoud, Eugene Leo Draine (2010) Low
Temperature Catalytic Ethanol Conversion Over Ceria-Supported Platinum,
Rhodium, and Tin-Based Nanoparticle Systems; 10.7907/Q9W4-0356
- Schramm, Joseph Paul (2010) Mechanical
Performance of Amorphous Metallic Cellular Structures; 10.7907/H56A-SA70
- Wunderlich, Klaus (2010) Multiple
Forms of Valuation in the Human Brain; 10.7907/90F2-1348
- Chu, Chia-Chieh (2010) Multiscale
Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Related
Applications; 10.7907/PFGA-YY17
- Kim, Sukwon (2010) Network
Coding for Resource Optimization and Error Correction; 10.7907/9E6W-SN15
- Shen, Kai (2010) Neural
Encoding of Mixtures and Stimulus Generation in the Insect Brain; 10.7907/MDZC-0J48
- Roy, Anthony Mathew (2010) Neuro-Evolution
Using Recombinational Algorithms and Embryogenesis for Robotic
Control; 10.7907/YNED-VN66
- Krimmel, Jeffrey James (2010) Numerical
Simulation of Wave Focusing and Scattering in Shock Wave
Lithotripsy; 10.7907/XWED-RZ95
- Ko, Chih-Kai (2010) On
Matrix Factorization and Scheduling for Finite-Time
Average-Consensus; 10.7907/GCT7-5Y66
- Hofmann, Carrie Elizabeth (2010) Optics
at the Nanoscale: Light Emission in Plasmonic Nanocavities; 10.7907/B774-EW86
- Joe, Won Tae (2010) Optimized
Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding on an Inclined Flat Plate; 10.7907/6D11-2Y92
- Cui, Xiquan (2010) Optofluidic
Microscopy and Wavefront Microscopy: Innovations in Biological
Imaging; 10.7907/BJY0-NJ69
- Khankhoje, Uday Kiran (2010) Photon
Confinement in Photonic Crystal Cavities; 10.7907/CZBG-5917
- Choi, Harry Ming Tak (2010) Programmable
In Situ Amplification for Multiplexed Bioimaging; 10.7907/K4A3-1K41
- Ma, Jeremy Chee-Ming (2010) Real-Time
Applications of 3D Object Detection and Tracking; 10.7907/4N1K-GK74
- Du Toit, Noel Eduard (2010) Robot
Motion Planning in Dynamic, Cluttered, and Uncertain Environments: the
Partially Closed-Loop Receding Horizon Control Approach; 10.7907/SD3N-JR18
- Florian, Mihai (2010) SCALE:
Source Code Analyzer for Locating Errors; 10.7907/KXWA-7Y81
- Roumi, Farshid (2010) Shape
Changing Transformations: Interactions with Plasticity and
Electrochemical Processes; 10.7907/P94H-4B23
- Shearn, Michael Joseph, II (2010) Silicon
Integrated Optics: Fabrication and Characterization; 10.7907/VKA1-B695
- Kelzenberg, Michael David (2010) Silicon
Microwire Photovoltaics; 10.7907/99RA-7Z65
- Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2010) Simulation
and Implementation of Distributed Sensor Network for Radiation
Detection; 10.7907/XF1E-XW61
- Hanna, Jeffrey (2010) Solid-Oxide
Fuel Cell Electrode Microstructures: Making Sense of the Internal
Framework Affecting Gas Transport; 10.7907/NRY2-2K63
- Bane, Sally Page Moffett (2010) Spark
Ignition: Experimental and Numerical Investigation With Application to
Aviation Safety; 10.7907/W1NB-5W06
- Kim, Jin-Hong (2010) State
Diagram for Contact-Inhibition of Proliferation: A Quantitative
Framework for Modulating Growth Patterns in Epithelial Cell
Clusters; 10.7907/JV13-YS19
- Sun, Xiankai (2010) Supermode
Si/III-V Lasers and Circular Bragg Lasers; 10.7907/6797-0136
- Sullivan, Regina Mariko (2010) The
Physics of High-Velocity Ions in the Hall Thruster Near-Field; 10.7907/8F2Y-NM32
- Ruiz, Lydia Ann (2010) The
Role of Unsteady Hydrodynamics in the Propulsive Performance of a
Self-Propelled Bioinspired Vehicle; 10.7907/7JWD-TB88
- Wiest, Aaron (2010) Thermoplastic
Forming and Related Studies of the Supercooled Liquid Region of Metallic
Glasses; 10.7907/W2G5-1S16
- Narayan, Anusha (2010) Transfer
at C. elegans Synapses; 10.7907/CB9Q-MC14
- Du Toit, Philip Christopher (2010) Transport
and Separatrices in Time-Dependent Flows; 10.7907/X0Y5-N133
- Pekarek, David N. (2010) Variational
Methods for Control and Design of Bipedal Robot Models; 10.7907/KATX-3233
- Fong, Eileen (2010) Wound
Healing on Artificial Extracellular Matrix Proteins; 10.7907/8VQJ-DS58
- Rimoli, Julian Jose (2009) A
Computational Model for Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking; 10.7907/K1HJ-DZ56
- Kelly, Alex (2009) A
Constitutive Relation for Shape-Memory Alloys; 10.7907/YMT5-AX47
- Poon, Poh Chieh Benny (2009) A
Critical Appraisal of Nanoindentation with Application to
Elastic-Plastic Solids and Soft Materials; 10.7907/J1WM-BW36
- Matsuda, Yuki (2009) Ab
Initio Quantum Mechanical Studies in Electronic and Structural
Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Silicon Nanowires; 10.7907/7FXD-ZQ68
- Dicken, Matthew James (2009) Active
Oxide Nanophotonics; 10.7907/WPBT-C144
- Othmer, Jonathan Andrew (2009) Algorithms
for Mapping Nucleic Acid Free Energy Landscapes; 10.7907/VJX1-6376
- Wildman, Richard Alan (2009) Biogeochemical
Implications of Changing Groundwater and Surface Water Hydrology at Lake
Powell, Utah and Arizona, and the Merced River, California, USA; 10.7907/2BQF-KR29
- Wang, Yu-Jiu (2009) Circuits
and Systems for Wireless Concurrent Communication; 10.7907/FZ1R-MJ30
- Lucas, Matthew Steven (2009) Cluster
Expansion Applied to Inelastic Scattering Experiments; 10.7907/8SX7-KG02
- Wu, Jigang (2009) Coherence
Domain Optical Imaging Techniques; 10.7907/6H07-PA44
- Lu, Xiao (2009) Combined
Experimental and Numerical Study of Spontaneous Dynamic Rupture on
Frictional Interfaces; 10.7907/BGGT-MC04
- Wang, Guangxi (2009) Compact
Nonlinear Optical Devices in Silicon-Polymer Hybrid Material System;
- Cerf, Moran (2009) Competition
and Attention in the Human Brain Eye-Tracking and Single-Neuron
Recordings in Healthy Controls and Individuals with Neurological and
Psychiatric Disorders; 10.7907/BFNE-C518
- Leong, Peter Anthony (2009) Computational
Challenges in High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy; 10.7907/GJKS-2P80
- Yogev, Or (2009) Computational
Evolutionary Embryogeny; 10.7907/N4XG-F402
- Ciucci, Francesco (2009) Continuum
Modeling of Mixed Conductors: A Study of Ceria; 10.7907/3TWK-W923
- Capponi, Agostino (2009) Credit
Risk and Nonlinear Filtering: Computational Aspects and Empirical
Evidence; 10.7907/7XV3-9Q45
- Kwong, Gabriel Abner (2009) DNA
Encoded Biotechnologies for Informative Cancer Diagnostics; 10.7907/AXMP-AM12
- Hofmann, Douglas Clayton (2009) Designing
Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites with High Toughness and Tensile
Ductility; 10.7907/CJZ7-VV41
- Mitchell, Marcus Quintana (2009) Dynamic
Simulation and Control of Articulated Limbs; 10.7907/2FAM-6A26
- Bhattacharyya, Rajan (2009) Egocentric
Distance Encoding in the Posterior Parietal Cortex; 10.7907/FBNQ-0P48
- Brenner, Sarah Katherine (2009) Engineering
Synthetic Biofilm-Forming Microbial Consortia; 10.7907/PMZ3-4Z96
- Kumar, Deepak (2009) Experimental
Investigations of Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma Jets; 10.7907/ENZ7-QV92
- Dionne, Jennifer Anne (2009) Flatland
Photonics: Circumventing Diffraction with Planar Plasmonic
Architectures; 10.7907/3DCC-CZ57
- Suh, Jin-Yoo (2009) Fracture
Toughness Study on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Novel Joining Method Using
Bulk Metallic Glass Solder; 10.7907/EQ77-D286
- Stern, Ari Joshua (2009) Geometric
Discretization of Lagrangian Mechanics and Field Theories; 10.7907/K943-VJ44
- Li, Zhiyi (2009) High-Order
Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in Domains
Containing Conical Singularities; 10.7907/VEEB-AV75
- Lyon, Mark Edward (2009) High-Order
Unconditionally-Stable FC-AD PDE Solvers for General Domains; 10.7907/3FFW-GK56
- Sutoyo, Daniel (2009) Hysteretic
Characteristics of Wood-Frame Structures Under Seismic Motions; 10.7907/R92X-6R80
- Chen, Wei-Ting (2009) I.
Global Simulations of Interactions between Aerosols and Future Climate
and II. Sensitivity of Multiangle Imaging to the Optical and
Microphysical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols; 10.7907/0ZWE-9K94
- Chen, Po-Jui (2009) Implantable
Wireless Intraocular Pressure Sensors; 10.7907/46T7-0P24
- Hudson, Nicolas Henry (2009) Inference
in Hybrid Systems with Applications in Neural Prosthetics; 10.7907/REB5-BB43
- Li, Wen (2009) Integrated
Retinal Implants; 10.7907/AMK6-TA42
- Chen, Yan (2009) Integration
of Dye Lasers and Microfluidics for Biochemical Analysis; 10.7907/2E06-0W63
- Perahia, Raviv (2009) Investigation
and Application of Microscale Semiconductor Lasers and Cavities; 10.7907/TVHA-6D03
- Franck, Jennifer Ann (2009) Large-Eddy
Simulation of Flow Separation and Control on a Wall-Mounted Hump; 10.7907/DH38-D592
- Kalyanaraman, Shankar (2009) Limited
Randomness in Games, and Computational Perspectives in Revealed
Preference; 10.7907/KH85-HJ73
- Kislitsyn, Mikhail N. (2009) Materials
Chemistry of Superprotonic Solid Acids; 10.7907/4JCZ-BE49
- Hansen, Benjamin Lee (2009) Modeling
Metallic Single Crystal Plastic Hardening Through the Evolution of
Dislocation Subgrain Structures; 10.7907/C052-3119
- Card, Gwyneth Megan (2009) Neural
Control and Biomechanics of Flight Initiation in Drosophila
melanogaster; 10.7907/PR7S-Y618
- Bray, Signe Lauren (2009) Neural
Mechanisms Underlying the Influence of Associative Learning on Valuation
and Decision-Making in Humans; 10.7907/C5V1-RE97
- Yang, Jing (2009) Nonlinear
Responses of High-Rise Buildings in Giant Subduction Earthquakes; 10.7907/JDRP-HR74
- Chung, Daniel (2009) Numerical
Simulation and Subgrid-Scale Modeling of Mixing and Wall-Bounded
Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/NE1Y-M812
- Gu, WeiHsin (2009) On
Achievable Rate Regions for Source Coding Over Networks; 10.7907/J8JP-R695
- Deshpande, Vikram Vijay (2009) One-Dimensional
Physics of Interacting Electrons and Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes; 10.7907/RTMF-SF53
- Michael, Christopher Paul (2009) Optical
Material Characterization Using Microdisk Cavities; 10.7907/G2P2-DY72
- Kramer, Sharlotte Lorraine Bolyard (2009) Phase-Shifting
Full-Field Interferometric Methods for In-Plane Tensorial Stress
Determination for Fracture Studies; 10.7907/M9NV-T722
- Ostby, Eric Paul (2009) Photonic
Whispering-Gallery Resonators in New Environments; 10.7907/ER2J-WT93
- Adleman, James Richard (2009) Plasmonic
Nanoparticles for Optofluidic Applications; 10.7907/QB6E-2Q64
- Wang, Hua (2009) Precision
Frequency and Phase Synthesis Techniques in Integrated Circuits for
Biosensing, Communication and Radar; 10.7907/T4EC-TX97
- Wierzynski, Casimir M. (2009) Prefrontal-Hippocampal
Interactions; 10.7907/Z9833Q10
- Kayes, Brendan Melville (2009) Radial
pn Junction, Wire Array Solar Cells; 10.7907/X9WE-V642
- Shi, Ling (2009) Resource
Optimization for Networked Estimator with Guaranteed Estimation
Quality; 10.7907/DTCJ-BN07
- Arii, Motofumi (2009) Retrieval
of Soil Moisture under Vegetation Using Polarimetric Radar; 10.7907/SKJ9-KT40
- Koos, Erin Crystal (2009) Rheological
Measurements in Liquid-Solid Flows; 10.7907/KKTC-B990
- Braman, Julia Marie Badger (2009) Safety
Verification and Failure Analysis of Goal-Based Hybrid Control
Systems; 10.7907/3H42-BF56
- Cullina, Daniel Francis (2009) Searching
for Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes; 10.7907/ATJY-BT03
- Chen, Scott Chun-Yang (2009) Signal
Processing Algorithms for MIMO Radar; 10.7907/TPT1-9V58
- Johnson, Thomas James (2009) Silicon
Microdisk Resonators for Nonlinear Optics and Dynamics; 10.7907/SBDK-7J52
- Bardin, Joseph Cheney (2009) Silicon-Germanium
Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Extremely Low-Noise
Applications; 10.7907/MCPE-4M30
- Harish, Ajay Bangalore (2009) Simulation
of Dynamic Interface Fracture Using Spectral Boundary Integral
Method; 10.7907/B6P7-F707
- Axelrod, Blake Waters (2009) Single
Cell Pico Force Microscopy: A Novel Tool for High Resolution Measurement
of Cell Forces; 10.7907/ESGS-Z942
- Kramer, Richard Michael Jack (2009) Stable
High-Order Finite-Difference Interface Schemes with Application to the
Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability; 10.7907/HXGM-DC92
- Cheung, Sai Hung (2009) Stochastic
Analysis, Model and Reliability Updating of Complex Systems with
Applications to Structural Dynamics; 10.7907/K5T7-4B72
- Kogan, Oleg Boris (2009) Stochastic
and Collective Properties of Nonlinear Oscillators; 10.7907/93R8-TJ70
- Ursell, Tristan Scott (2009) Stretching
the Definition of a Lipid Bilayer: Elasticity’s Role in Protein and
Lipid Organization; 10.7907/Q0R5-K353
- Li, John Jian-Zhong (2009) Study
of Liquid Metals by Electrostatic Levitation; 10.7907/JY7J-Q837
- Kresch, Max G. (2009) Temperature
Dependence of Phonons in Elemental Cubic Metals Studied by Inelastic
Scattering of Neutrons and X-Rays; 10.7907/5FYM-3M24
- Habbal, Feras (2009) The
Optimal Transportation Meshfree Method for General Fluid Flows and
Strongly Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems; 10.7907/MHQX-3Z52
- Li, Bo (2009) The
Optimal Transportation Method in Solid Mechanics; 10.7907/FAT3-0247
- Chiu, Hsin-Ying (2009) Thermal
Properties and Nanoelectromechanical System Based on Carbon
Nanotubes; 10.7907/2T53-P806
- Lo, Hsi-Wen (2009) Thin
Film Silicon for Implantable Electronics; 10.7907/DBDE-PQ14
- Liu, Yi (2009) Three-Dimensional
Elastodynamic Modeling of Frictional Sliding with Application to
Intersonic Transition; 10.7907/JWCV-8V74
- Glidden, Hilary K. (2009) Tracker
Effector-Specific and Motor Planning Signals in Human Frontal and
Parietal Cortices: Relevance for Goal-Directed Action and Neural
Prosthetics; 10.7907/CDC5-TK34
- Lucas, Leonard Joseph (2009) Uncertainty
Quantification Using Concentration-of-Measure Inequalities; 10.7907/DRAM-H941
- Zheng, Ling (2009) Wrinkling
of Dielectric Elastomer Membranes; 10.7907/RTAB-GX13
- Grosberg, Anna (2008) A
Bioinspired Computational Model of Cardiac Mechanics: Pathology and
Development; 10.7907/THMJ-C355
- Wolf, Julie Anne (2008) A
Plasticity Model to Predict the Effects of Confinement on Concrete;
- Wang, Ke (2008) A
Subdivision Approach to the Construction of Smooth Differential
Forms; 10.7907/K0DE-9P44
- Monro, John Anderson (2008) A
Super-Algebraically Convergent, Windowing-Based Approach to the
Evaluation of Scattering from Periodic Rough Surfaces; 10.7907/F9VM-JP39
- Jiang, Hao (2008) Adaptive
Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition and Ultra-Wideband Radar Signal
Analysis; 10.7907/7NR6-AR24
- Pratap, Amrit (2008) Adaptive
Learning Algorithms and Data Cloning; 10.7907/GV3D-AB69
- Sweatlock, Sarah Lynne (2008) Asymptotic
Weight Analysis of Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) Code Ensembles;
- Nicaise, Fabien (2008) Automated
Design Synthesis of Structures using Growth Enhanced Evolution; 10.7907/28H7-E831
- Fontaine, Ebraheem Ihsan (2008) Automated
Visual Tracking for Behavioral Analysis of Biological Model
Organisms; 10.7907/TSQ7-SN68
- Oh, Chang Kook (2008) Bayesian
Learning for Earthquake Engineering Applications and Structural Health
Monitoring; 10.7907/RFD5-7Y72
- Su, Borching (2008) Blind
Channel Estimation Using Redundant Precoding: New Algorithms, Analysis,
and Theory; 10.7907/R7MS-KQ06
- Jackson, Winston Paul (2008) Characterization
of Soft Polymers and Gels Using the Pressure-Bulge Technique; 10.7907/DMZ9-RE14
- Cassuto, Yuval (2008) Coding
Techniques for Data-Storage Systems; 10.7907/38ZT-QT95
- El Sayed, Tamer (2008) Constitutive
models for polymers and soft biological tissues; 10.7907/KH16-4S81
- Mulliken, Grant Haverstock (2008) Continuous
Sensorimotor Control Mechanisms in Posterior Parietal Cortex: Forward
Model Encoding and Trajectory Decoding; 10.7907/VRHH-NT69
- Yung, Pun To (Douglas) (2008) Detection
of Aerobic Bacterial Endospores: From Air Sampling, Sterilization
Validation to Astrobiology; 10.7907/9GJ2-FV58
- Kao, Shannon Theresa (2008) Detonation
Stability with Reversible Kinetics; 10.7907/H8JN-VS03
- Rodger, Damien Craig (2008) Development
of Flexible Parylene-based Microtechnologies for Retinal and Spinal Cord
Stimulation and Recording; 10.7907/ZCXK-8T38
- Rinderknecht, Derek Gresham (2008) Development
of a Microimpedance Pump for Pulsatile Flow Transport - Part 1: Flow
Characteristics of the Microimpedance Pump. Part 2: A Systematic Study
of Steady and Pulsatile Transport in Microscale Cavities; 10.7907/0K4J-0548
- Babakhani, Aydin (2008) Direct
Antenna Modulation (DAM) for On-Chip mm-Wave Transceivers; 10.7907/BS6T-1S20
- Donaldson, Roger David (2008) Discrete
Geometric Homogenisation and Inverse Homogenisation of an Elliptic
Operator; 10.7907/S4S7-8T31
- Yang, Weiwei (2008) Discrete
Mechanical Interpolation of Keyframes; 10.7907/A1Y4-9054
- Dunlop, Mary Julia (2008) Dynamics
and Correlated Noise in Gene Regulation; 10.7907/AC8V-6S05
- Yun, Gunsu Soonshin (2008) Dynamics
of Plasma Structures Interacting with External and Self-Generated
Magnetic Fields; 10.7907/9CMD-C377
- Tian, Lixiu (2008) Effective
Behavior of Dielectric Elastomer Composites; 10.7907/CZNF-JB47
- Bruguier, Antoine Jean (2008) Encoding
of Financial Signals in the Human Brain; 10.7907/76FW-PD72
- Waydo, Stephen J. (2008) Explicit
Object Representation by Sparse Neural Codes; 10.7907/1XY7-2H19
- Emery, Teresa Holly (2008) Fabrication
of Nanowire-based Magnetic Structures for Magnetic Resonance
Applications; 10.7907/3XYZ-BW96
- McHale, Kevin L. (2008) Feedback
Tracking and Correlation Spectroscopy of Fluorescent Nanoparticles and
Biomolecules; 10.7907/6YYA-9T10
- Lin, Hsuan-Tien (2008) From
Ordinal Ranking to Binary Classification; 10.7907/7B0F-E145
- Soedarmadji, Edwin (2008) Generalized
Network Routing Metrics and Algorithms; 10.7907/Z94B2ZJD
- Zhang, Zhonglin Johnny (2008) Identification
of Lagrangian Coherent Structures Around Swimming Jellyfish from
Experimental Time-Series Data; 10.7907/KK45-ZV02
- Han, Lin (2008) In
vitro DNA Mechanics in Gene Regulation: One Molecule at a Time; 10.7907/7573-A922
- Mendez, Jeffrey Michael (2008) Iron
and Manganese in the Ocean: Investigation of Atmospheric Input by Dust
and Coastal Ocean Time Series; 10.7907/Q7JK-MV77
- Matheou, Georgios (2008) Large-Eddy
Simulations of Molecular Mixing in a Recirculating Shear Flow; 10.7907/VFKF-SC30
- Chow, Gang (2008) Laser
Tweezers for Moving Live Dissociated Neurons; 10.7907/9A72-G624
- Rutishauser, Ueli (2008) Learning
and Representation of Declarative Memories by Single Neurons in the
Human Brain; 10.7907/GX3N-QD05
- Tanabe, Katsuaki (2008) Low-Cost
High-Efficiency Solar Cells with Wafer Bonding and Plasmonic
Technologies; 10.7907/4W2B-RD63
- Grubits, Katalin Anna (2008) Low-Dimensional
Representations of Transitions in Molecular Systems; 10.7907/YMTC-WQ16
- Epstein, Michael Steven (2008) Managing
Information in Networked and Multi-Agent Control Systems; 10.7907/84NT-9N46
- Shih, Jason J. (2008) Microfabricated
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) System with Closed-Loop
Flow Control; 10.7907/8A6W-2X34
- Lee, Wonhee (2008) Microfluidic
Chip Calorimeters for Biological Applications; 10.7907/W8E0-4W22
- Maerkl, Sebastian Josef (2008) Microfluidic
Large Scale Integration and its Application to Systems Biology; 10.7907/5CMX-CV08
- Noblet, David Alexander (2008) MojaveComm:
a View-Oriented Group Communication Protocol with Support for Virtual
Synchrony; 10.7907/M69B-WB70
- Soloveichik, David (2008) Molecules
Computing: Self-Assembled Nanostructures, Molecular Automata,and
Chemical Reaction Networks; 10.7907/ZGE0-AF38
- Leprince, Sebastien (2008) Monitoring
Earth Surface Dynamics with Optical Imagery; 10.7907/ZMTV-GV90
- Seitaridou, Effrosyni (2008) Non-Equilibrium
Dynamics: Diffusion in Small Numbers and Ribosomal Self-Assembly; 10.7907/X12R-DA46
- Hines, George Herbert (2008) Nonlinear
Three-Dimensional Trajectory Following: Simulation and Application;
- Helgason, Hannes (2008) Nonparametric
Detection and Estimation of Highly Oscillatory Signals; 10.7907/SAEK-MV13
- Hoch, David (2008) Nonreflecting
Boundary Conditions Obtained from Equivalent Sources for Time-Dependent
Scattering Problems; 10.7907/5M0P-NR33
- Johnsen, Eric (2008) Numerical
Simulations of Non-Spherical Bubble Collapse with Applications to
Shockwave Lithotripsy; 10.7907/WPQB-2W24
- Gao, Xiaojie (2008) On A
Capacitated Multivehicle Routing Problem; 10.7907/3Y9X-EW47
- Bermejo-Moreno, Ivan (2008) On
the Non-Local Geometry of Turbulence; 10.7907/DH9W-Y894
- Stojnic, Mihailo (2008) Optimization
Algorithms in Wireless and Quantum Communications; 10.7907/D6RN-ZD88
- Li, Zhenyu (2008) Optofluidic
Dye Lasers; 10.7907/AQQR-QG80
- Heng, Xin (2008) Optofluidic
Microscopy: Technology Development and Its Applications in Biology;
- Pang, Changlin (2008) Parylene
Technology for Neural Probes Applications; 10.7907/GH99-K875
- Zhu, Lin (2008) Photonic
Crystal Bragg Lasers: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization; 10.7907/7MMN-7Q15
- Sweatlock, Luke A. (2008) Plasmonics:
Numerical Methods and Device Applications; 10.7907/8GPE-SB31
- Benezech, Laurent Jean-Michel (2008) Premixed
Hydrocarbon Stagnation Flames: Experiments and Simulations to Validate
Combustion Chemical-Kinetic Models; 10.7907/TVB9-4266
- Moreels, Pierre (2008) Probabilistic,
Features-Based Object Recognition; 10.7907/YGYX-XX55
- Heo, Jinseong (2008) Probing
Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes; 10.7907/A83N-TN35
- Franck, Christian (2008) Quantitative
Characterization of 3D Deformations of Cell Interactions with Soft
Biomaterials; 10.7907/VMN5-SP86
- Lu, Jian (2008) Quantitative
Three-dimensional Imaging of Droplet Convection and Cardiac Cell Motions
Based on Micro DDPIV; 10.7907/4JFZ-AG10
- Flores Contreras, Melvin Estuardo (2008) Real-Time
Trajectory Generation for Constrained Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using
Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline Basis Functions; 10.7907/TK01-9X60
- White, Jerome S. (2008) Receive
Buffer Dynamics and OS Scheduling; 10.7907/ZTYH-6B13
- Naeimi, Helia (2008) Reliable
Integration of Terascale Systems with Nanoscale Devices; 10.7907/P842-7B49
- Feldman, Daniel Robert (2008) Remote
Sensing of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rates from Satellite Instrument
Measurements; 10.7907/XMMC-F033
- Lombardini, Manuel (2008) Richtmyer-Meshkov
Instability in Converging Geometries; 10.7907/5SNE-4003
- Liang, Yongqiang (2008) Robotic
Training for Motor Rehabilitation after Complete Spinal Cord Injury;
- Carson, John Maurice, III (2008) Robust
Model Predictive Control with a Reactive Safety Mode; 10.7907/S0VN-VE35
- Duan, Gang (2008) Simulations,
Modeling, and Designs of Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZH3G-JF43
- Jang, Wonjin (2008) Soft-Error
Tolerant Quasi Delay-insensitive Circuits; 10.7907/ZVFF-WE07
- Olsen, Anna H. (2008) Steel
Moment-Resisting Frame Responses in Simulated Strong Ground Motions: or
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Big One; 10.7907/Y42R-V333
- Taflanidis, Alexandros Angelos (2008) Stochastic
System Design and Applications to Stochastically Robust Structural
Control; 10.7907/6TRA-1C83
- Liang, Wei (2008) Study
of Optical Phase Lock Loops and the Applications in Coherent Beam
Combining and Coherence Cloning; 10.7907/YHBF-KW11
- Kumar, Shwetank (2008) Submillimeter
Wave Camera Using A Novel Photon Detector Technology; 10.7907/F58T-SV45
- Ruiz-Angulo, Angel (2008) Surface
Deformation in a Liquid Environment Resulting from Single Particle
Collisions; 10.7907/WVJT-TG10
- Wolf, Michael Timothy (2008) Target
Tracking Using Clustered Measurements, with Applications to Autonomous
Brain-Machine Interfaces; 10.7907/6Y3F-8M87
- Buchfuhrer, David Isaac (2008) The
Complexity of Formula Minimization; 10.7907/9T9K-4394
- Taira, Kunihiko (Sam) (2008) The
Immersed Boundary Projection Method and Its Application to Simulation
and Control of Flows Around Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings; 10.7907/VSDD-P465
- Erickson, Jonathan Christopher (2008) The
Neurochip: A Complete System for Long-Term Investigation of Cultured
Neural Network Connectivity; 10.7907/EAMA-EQ86
- Gao, Jiansong (2008) The
Physics of Superconducting Microwave Resonators; 10.7907/RAT0-VM75
- Ayalasomayajula, Meher Kiran Prakash (2008) Theoretical
Studies of Single Molecule Biophysical Systems and Photochemical
Ensembles; 10.7907/5D2K-7H81
- Tong, Chinghang (2008) Thermodynamic
Modeling of Organic Aerosol; 10.7907/3M7R-9620
- Prakash, Piyush (2008) Throughput
Optimization of Quasi Delay Insensitive Circuits via Slack Matching;
- Fanti, Claudio (2008) Towards
Automatic Discovery of Human Movemes; 10.7907/M4PS-B302
- Lind, Mary Laura (2008) Ultrasonic
Investigation of the Elastic Properties and Liquid Fragility of Bulk
Metallic Glasses in the Supercooled Liquid Region; 10.7907/3B4B-ZV48
- Mattson, Matthew Sanford (2008) Understanding
and Treating Eye Diseases: Mechanical Characterization and Photochemical
Modification of the Cornea and Sclera; 10.7907/DXGR-GV57
- Angelova, Anelia Nedelcheva (2008) Visual
Prediction of Rover Slip: Learning Algorithms and Field Experiments;
- Imoukhuede, Princess Ikhianosen Uerenikhosen (2008) Visualizing
the Membrane Confinement, Trafficking and Structure of the GABA
Transporter, GAT1; 10.7907/3Q8S-CV89
- Miserendino, Scott Brian (2007) A
Modular Microfluidic Approach to Nano High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection; 10.7907/GNV8-6M21
- Rubel, Michael Thomas (2007) A
Theory of Stationarity and Asymptotic Approach in Dissipative
Systems; 10.7907/VWDE-GB16
- Martinez Estrada, Alfredo (2007) A
Treatise on Econometric Forecasting; 10.7907/WXN5-9A47
- Mullen, Patrick Gary (2007) A
Variational Approach to Eulerian Geometry Processing of Surfaces and
Foliations; 10.7907/Q51A-W257
- Poon, Joyce Kai See (2007) Active
and Passive Coupled-Resonator Optical Waveguides; 10.7907/MX8K-9V82
- Veazey, Christopher Thomas (2007) Amorphous
Metallic Foam: Synthesis and Mechanical Properties; 10.7907/JXDW-9224
- Au, John King-Tai (2007) An Ab
Initio Approach to the Inverse Problem-Based Design of Photonic Bandgap
Devices; 10.7907/TZG8-R064
- Mitrani-Reiser, Judith (2007) An
Ounce of Prevention: Probabilistic Loss Estimation for Performance-Based
Earthquake Engineering; 10.7907/JXPV-1Q19
- Muto, Matthew Mokihana (2007) Application
of Stochastic Simulation Methods to System Identification; 10.7907/9JKZ-Z422
- Rao, Chaitanya Kumar (2007) Asymptotic
Analysis of Wireless Systems with Rayleigh Fading; 10.7907/YYD6-VP11
- Campbell, Kate Marie (2007) Biogeochemical
Mechanisms of Arsenic Mobilization in Haiwee Reservoir Sediments; 10.7907/T3WC-DA42
- Basset, Christophe Jean-Michel (2007) CMOS
Imaging Technology with Embedded Early Image Processing; 10.7907/2GZN-T836
- Morris, Bradford S. (2007) Charge-Exchange
Collision Dynamics and Ion Engine Grid Geometry Optimization; 10.7907/W996-M220
- Kulkarni, Yashashree (2007) Coarse-Graining
of Atomistic Description at Finite Temperature; 10.7907/W9M0-HX47
- Hu, Cheng (2007) Concurrent
System Design Using Flow; 10.7907/HPA7-2B52
- Jin, Zhipu (2007) Coordinated
Control for Networked Multi-Agent Systems; 10.7907/ZRAD-XN95
- Ruglovsky, Jennifer Lynn (2007) Correlating
Microscopic Ferroelectric Properties and Macroscopic Thin Film Device
Performance; 10.7907/K3BG-N315
- Daly, Samantha Hayes (2007) Deformation
and Fracture of Thin Sheets of Nitinol; 10.7907/RATX-WG46
- Choi, John Myun (2007) Design,
Fabrication, and Characterization of Semiconductor Transverse Bragg
Resonance Lasers; 10.7907/NG25-BN55
- Tooker, Angela Colleen (2007) Development
of Biocompatible Parylene Neurocages for Action Potential Stimulation
and Recording; 10.7907/9M7Q-ZM04
- Lohwongwatana, Boonrat (2007) Development,
Characterization, and Applications of Gold and Platinum Bulk Metallic
Glasses; 10.7907/F215-BD47
- Holub, Alex David (2007) Discriminative
vs. Generative Object Recognition: Objects, Faces, and the Web; 10.7907/2HC2-K923
- Mehyar, Mortada (2007) Distributed
Averaging and Efficient File Sharing on Peer-to-Peer Networks; 10.7907/Q9EV-S167
- Gupta, Vijay (2007) Distributed
Estimation and Control in Networked Systems; 10.7907/KWN2-X741
- Yamada, Masumi (2007) Early
Warning for Earthquakes with Large Rupture Dimension; 10.7907/RXHP-W788
- Klamo, Joseph Thomas (2007) Effects
of Damping and Reynolds Number on Vortex-Induced Vibrations; 10.7907/S27Z-J533
- Gavini, Vikram (2007) Electronic
Structure Calculations at Macroscopic Scales; 10.7907/1R69-YY30
- Miao, Shu (2007) Electronic
Structure and Bonding in Energy Storage Materials; 10.7907/FD8F-2H41
- Sansom, Elijah Bodhi (2007) Experimental
Investigation on Patterning of Anchored and Unanchored Aligned Carbon
Nanotube Mats by Fluid Immersion and Evaporation; 10.7907/TJ7E-PK42
- Harmon, John Shelby, III (2007) Experimental
Studies of Elasticity, Plastic Flow, and Anelasticity in
Metallic-Glass-Forming-Liquids; 10.7907/53AD-3G15
- Polsenberg Thomas, AnnMarie (2007) Exploration
into the Feasibility of Underwater Synthetic Jet Propulsion; 10.7907/72SZ-T823
- Barclay, Paul Edward (2007) Fiber
Coupled Nanophotonic Devices for Nonlinear Optics and Cavity QED; 10.7907/JKP4-SC05
- Kolasinski, Robert David (2007) Fundamental
Ion-Surface Interactions in Plasma Thrusters; 10.7907/XWSV-1E98
- Tiwari, Abhishek (2007) Geometrical
Analysis of Spatio-temporal Planning Problems; 10.7907/917G-MJ20
- McKenzie, Alexander George (2007) HOLA:
a High-Order Lie Advection of Discrete Differential Forms With
Applications in Fluid Dynamics; 10.7907/0TJH-M778
- Bou-Rabee, Nawaf Mohammed (2007) Hamilton-Pontryagin
Integrators on Lie Groups; 10.7907/0EC4-2042
- Jiang, Xun (2007) I:
Interannual Variability of Stratospheric Ozone and Temperature. II:
Seasonal Cycle of N₂O; 10.7907/4022-0X13
- Lai, Wei (2007) Impedance
Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Electrochemical Study of Mixed Conducting
Ceria; 10.7907/0SKX-1Z55
- Wang, Bingwen (2007) Information-Theoretic
Methods for Modularity in Engineering Design; 10.7907/ZBBK-JM82
- Chung, Timothy Hahn Deut (2007) Intelligent
Information-Gathering: Using Control for Sensing and
Decision-Making; 10.7907/V5S4-4197
- Pracko, Steven Edmund (2007) Laser
Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Spheromak Plasmas; 10.7907/KHG6-DH51
- Pilotto, Concetta (2007) Local-to-Global
in Multi-Agent Systems; 10.7907/JY2K-6194
- Bao, Xiaoyan Robert (2007) Lost
in a Crowd: Observations of Single DNA Knots and Single Mammalian
Cells; 10.7907/F2XV-MC44
- Richardson, Christine Esber (2007) Low-Temperature
Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition of Epitaxial Films for Large-Grained
Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Devices; 10.7907/GG0F-1775
- Nasiraei Moghaddam, Abbas (2007) Measurement
and Analysis of Structure and Function of Myocardium in Embryonic and
Adult Heart; 10.7907/RQE4-MA23
- Brown, Michal Amaris (2007) Measuring
Stress in Thin-Film - Substrate Systems Featuring Spatial
Nonuniformities of Film Thickness and/or Misfit Strain; 10.7907/9GD9-A088
- Kidd, Theresa Hiromi (2007) Mechanical
Characterization of Damage and Failure in Polymeric Foams and
Glass/Epoxy Composites; 10.7907/G25Y-KE07
- Zhang, Lei (2007) Metric
Based Upscaling for Partial Differential Equations with a Continuum of
Scales; 10.7907/AZ06-4B54
- Maltezos, George Manuel (2007) Microfluidic
Devices for Accessible Medical Diagnostics; 10.7907/BWQC-RE07
- Balagaddé, Frederick Kiguli (2007) Microfluidic
Technologies for Continuous Culture and Genetic Circuit
Characterization; 10.7907/NJ5Z-XV43
- Wei, Xiaoliang (David) (2007) Microscopic
Behavior of Internet Congestion Control; 10.7907/W5E3-9N04
- Komijani, Abbas (2007) Microwave
Integrated Phased-Array Transmitters in Silicon; 10.7907/EW67-RX66
- Natarajan, Arun Sridhar (2007) Millimeter-Wave
Phased Arrays in Silicon; 10.7907/SGZC-FD54
- Hampton, Alan Nicolás (2007) Model-Based
Decision Making in the Human Brain; 10.7907/K9Z8-E248
- Sone, Kazuo (2007) Modeling
and Simulation of Axisymmetric Stagnation Flames; 10.7907/DYGA-YJ20
- Fingler, Jeffrey Paul (2007) Motion
Contrast Using Optical Coherence Tomography; 10.7907/8W4X-Z041
- Loumes, Laurence (2007) Multilayer
Impedance Pump: A Bio-Inspired Valveless Pump with Medical
Applications; 10.7907/MT2J-AR81
- Anen, Cédric Robert (2007) Neural
Correlates of Economic and Moral Decision-Making; 10.7907/W3VS-MW78
- El-Khamy, Mostafa Said (2007) New
Approaches to the Analysis and Design of Reed-Solomon Related Codes;
- Dayal, Kaushik (2007) Nonlocal
Microstructural Mechanics of Active Materials; 10.7907/YGR6-H428
- Brès, Guillaume Alain (2007) Numerical
Simulations of Three-Dimensional Instabilities in Cavity Flows; 10.7907/Z96W988B
- Hao, Yong (2007) Numerical
Study of Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; 10.7907/H3E7-TY92
- Graff, Emilio Castaño (2007) On
the Development of Defocusing Digital Particle Image Velocimetry with
Full Characterization; 10.7907/Z9HM56F8
- Zheng, Siyang (2007) On-Chip
Blood Count; 10.7907/SJ43-XM11
- Afshari, Ehsan (2007) Optotronics:
Optically Inspired Electronics; 10.7907/Z95M63XK
- Farajidana, Amir (2007) Performance
Limits and Design Issues in Wireless Networks; 10.7907/PRMQ-0644
- Dodd, Joanna Lynn (2007) Phase
Composition and Dynamical Studies of Lithium Iron Phosphate; 10.7907/0B7N-ZF63
- Guzmán, Marcelo Ioel (2007) Photochemistry
of Pyruvic Acid in Water and Ice; 10.7907/6CDJ-VD20
- Masmanidis, Sotirios Konstantinos (2007) Piezoelectric
and Magnetoelastic Strain in the Transduction and Frequency Control of
Nanomechanical Resonators; 10.7907/85NX-A673
- Babilo, Peter (2007) Processing
and Characterization of Proton Conducting Yttrium Doped Barium Zirconate
for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications; 10.7907/WE3X-GD14
- Yu, Xin (2007) Reflection
and Its Application to Mechanized MetaReasoning About Programming
Languages; 10.7907/S0HG-RT72
- Cai, Lance Lin-Lan (2007) Robotics
Training Algorithms for Optimizing Motor Learning in Spinal Cord Injured
Subjects; 10.7907/EH12-WD80
- Liu, Xin (2007) Robustness,
Complexity, Validation and Risk; 10.7907/JZX4-QN41
- Yoon, Byung-Jun (2007) Signal
Processing Methods for Genomic Sequence Analysis; 10.7907/48J3-G286
- Walters, Robert Joseph (2007) Silicon
Nanocrystals for Silicon Photonics; 10.7907/TKXK-8930
- Latini, Marco (2007) Simulations
and Analysis of Two- and Three-Dimensional Single-Mode Richtmyer-Meshkov
Instability using Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory and Vortex
Methods; 10.7907/1397-GZ04
- Smith Downey, Nicole V. (2007) Soil
Uptake of Molecular Hydrogen and Remote Sensing of Soil Freeze and
Thaw; 10.7907/BXV8-HH61
- Mysore, Shreesh Pranesh (2007) Structural
Plasticity in Neuronal Networks; 10.7907/EVYW-EY02
- Dondl, Patrick Werner (2007) Structure
and Evolution of Martensitic Phase Boundaries; 10.7907/89AW-3S87
- Wang, Ya-Juan (Megan) (2007) Studies
on Environmental Relevance of Quorum Sensing Signal Decay; 10.7907/C00R-DG30
- Motahari, Seyed-Maziar (2007) Study
of Constitutive Behavior of Ferroelectrics via Self-Consistent Modeling
and Neutron Diffraction; 10.7907/55PX-GT55
- Cowan, Lisa (2007) Superprotonic
Solid Acid Phase Transitions and Stability; 10.7907/30RE-XG95
- El-Naggar, Mohamed Y. (2007) Textured
Ferroelectric Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization, and Influence of
Compositional Grading on the Dielectric Behavior; 10.7907/WMJW-H724
- Kheradvar, Arash (2007) The
Role of Vortex Ring Formation and Pressure Drop on Dynamics of the Left
Ventricle during Diastole; 10.7907/M1QB-4Y59
- Schulman, Rebecca Beth (2007) The
Self-Replication and Evolution of DNA Crystals; 10.7907/3F8C-9D50
- Bradford, Samuel Case, V (2007) Time-Frequency
Analysis of Systems with Changing Dynamic Properties; 10.7907/HMK7-FJ81
- Li, Lun (2007) Topologies
of Complex Networks: Functions and Structures; 10.7907/9G3P-7F13
- Zhang, Zhaoyu (2007) Towards
Functional Miniaturized Lasers; 10.7907/C2WY-TG62
- Mouton, Christopher Andre (2007) Transition
Between Regular Reflection and Mach Reflection in the Dual-Solution
Domain; 10.7907/TEA0-Q468
- Feng, Philip Xiao-Li (2007) Ultra-High
Frequency Nanoelectromechanical Systems with Low-Noise Technologies for
Single-Molecule Mass Sensing; 10.7907/Z9NC5Z62
- Li, Mo (2007) Very
High Frequency Nanoelectromechanical Resonators and their Chemical
Sensing Applications; 10.7907/0KB4-H204
- Reiser, Michael Bernard (2007) Visually
Mediated Control of Flight in Drosophila: Not Lost in Translation;
- Chen, Lijun (2007) Wireless
Network Design and Control; 10.7907/TEVD-PK95
- Gowaikar, Radhika (2007) Wireless
Networks: New Models and Results; 10.7907/9652-QK53
- Mitros, Ania Karolina (2006) A
Compact System for Self-Motion Estimation; 10.7907/50B3-RW79
- Branchaud, Edward Allan (2006) A
Control System for Positioning Recording Electrodes to Isolate Neurons
in Extracellular Recordings; 10.7907/6HHC-5456
- Shadden, Shawn Christopher (2006) A
Dynamical Systems Approach to Unsteady Systems; 10.7907/BG86-YB12
- Sadjadpour, Amir (2006) A
Micromechanics-Inspired Three-Dimensional Constitutive Model for the
Thermomechanical Response of Shape-Memory Alloys; 10.7907/MB1W-1V17
- Gillula, Jeremy Hugh (2006) A
Probabilistic Framework for Real-Time Mapping on an Unmanned Ground
Vehicle; 10.7907/SXNY-XG55
- Wang, Jiantao (2006) A
Theoretical Study of Internet Congestion Control: Equilibrium and
Dynamics; 10.7907/4DQ0-GA49
- Pfister, Samuel Thomas (2006) Algorithms
for Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping, Incorporating Detailed Noise
Modeling and Multi-scale Feature Extraction; 10.7907/FN3J-M568
- Tsuchiya, Naotsugu (2006) Attention
and Awareness: Visual Psychophysics and Aversive Conditioning in
Humans; 10.7907/JVP9-TA28
- Sharif, Masoud (2006) Broadband
Wireless Broadcast Channels: Throughput, Performance, and PAPR
Reduction; 10.7907/25JK-Z952
- Kharevych, Liliya (2006) Circle
Patterns Documentation 1.0 [Supplemental material for Masters thesis:
Implementation of circle pattern parameterization (2006)] – GO TO
- Tsang, Mankei (2006) Classical
and Quantum Nonlinear Optical Information Processing; 10.7907/BG6Y-VX33
- Muñoz Fernández, Michela (2006) Coherent
Optical Array Receiver for PPM Signals Under Atmospheric Turbulence;
- Washenfelder, Rebecca Ann (2006) Column
Abundances of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Retrieved from Ground-Based
Near-Infrared Solar Spectra; 10.7907/7SPN-EY19
- Zielonka, Matias Gabriel (2006) Configurational
Forces and Variational Mesh Adaption in Solid Dynamics; 10.7907/V6RB-FR94
- Demanet, Laurent (2006) Curvelets,
Wave Atoms, and Wave Equations; 10.7907/1TEF-RQ51
- Li, Ling (2006) Data
Complexity in Machine Learning and Novel Classification Algorithms;
- Wang, Feiyu (2006) Design
and Analysis of High-Efficiency L-Band Power Amplifiers; 10.7907/CJGR-TF04
- Jaggi, Sidharth (2006) Design
and Analysis of Network Codes; 10.7907/7ERZ-H253
- Jeon, Sanggeun (2006) Design
and Stability Analysis Techniques for Switching-Mode Nonlinear Circuits:
Power Amplifiers and Oscillators; 10.7907/V4YT-YM88
- Buckwalter, James Franklin (2006) Deterministic
Jitter in Broadband Communication; 10.7907/EGRD-TZ84
- Lieberman, Daniel Howard (2006) Detonation
Interaction with Sharp and Diffuse Interfaces; 10.7907/9JZE-X524
- Inamdar, Mandar Mukund (2006) Dissipative
Nanomechanics; 10.7907/P5K9-BD68
- Spanos, Demetri Polychronis (2006) Distributed
Gradient Systems and Dynamic Coordination; 10.7907/D1NJ-KF96
- Țăpuș, Cristian (2006) Distributed
Speculations: Providing Fault-Tolerance and Improving Performance;
- Forouhar, Arian Soroush (2006) Dynamic
Views of Structure and Function during Heart Morphogenesis; 10.7907/Z0X2-HG40
- Zhang, Yizhen (2006) Engineering
Design Synthesis of Sensor and Control Systems for Intelligent
Vehicles; 10.7907/NB6H-S822
- Capponi, Agostino (2006) Estimation
Problems in Sense and Respond Systems; 10.7907/YZF9-ZN10
- Lykotrafitis, Georgios C. (2006) Experimental
Study of Dynamic Frictional Sliding Modes along Incoherent
Interfaces; 10.7907/0CCJ-5S66
- Maune, Brett Michael (2006) Fluidic
and Polymeric Integration and Functionalization of Optical
Microresonators; 10.7907/2746-3104
- Tang, Ao (Kevin) (2006) Heterogeneous
Congestion Control Protocols; 10.7907/eh43-pa83
- Tao, Min (2006) High
Temperature Deformation of Vitreloy Bulk Metallic Glasses and Their
Composite; 10.7907/27SN-R187
- Rokhsari Azar, Hossein (2006) High-Q
Microcavities: Optomechanical Nonlinearities, Measurement Techniques and
Applications; 10.7907/CVT6-8J70
- Borselli, Matthew Gregory (2006) High-Q
Microresonators as Lasing Elements for Silicon Photonics; 10.7907/2EF5-QD36
- Kharevych, Liliya (2006) Implementation
of Circle Pattern Parameterization; 10.7907/PC38-GT79
- Gu, Chunhui (2006) Improving
Situational Awareness in RoboFlag; 10.7907/9PEH-B582
- Christianson, Gestur Björn (2006) Information
Processing in the Interaural Time Difference Pathway of the Barn
Owl; 10.7907/3WJJ-7294
- He, Qing (2006) Integrated
Nano Liquid Chromatography System On-a-Chip; 10.7907/NQVA-F827
- Hochberg, Michael (2006) Integrated
Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Devices in Silicon; 10.7907/8124-DA56
- Yang, Fu-Ling (2006) Interaction
Law for a Collision Between Two Solid Particles in a Viscous Liquid;
- Walther, Dirk (2006) Interactions
of Visual Attention and Object Recognition: Computational Modeling,
Algorithms, and Psychophysics; 10.7907/P5NY-VC91
- Welp, Lisa Renee (2006) Links
Between Carbon and Water Cycles in Northern Ecosystems: Constraints from
Stable Isotopes; 10.7907/KY54-DC47
- Vyawahare, Saurabh (2006) Manipulating
Fluids: Advances in Micro-Fluidics, Opto-Fluidics and Fluidic
Self-Assembly; 10.7907/04XY-C430
- Goulet, David Michael (2006) Mathematical
Models of the Developing C. elegans Hermaphrodite Gonad; 10.7907/D7C9-PA08
- Kang, Dal Mo (2006) Measurements
of Combustion Dynamics with Laser-Based Diagnostic Techniques; 10.7907/6F5N-9G88
- Zhang, Rongjing (2006) Mechanical
Characterization of Thin Films with Application to Ferroelectrics;
- Guan, Xiang (2006) Microwave
Integrated Phased Array Receivers in Silicon; 10.7907/E5GE-EP91
- Drummond, David Allan (2006) Misfolding
Dominates Protein Evolution; 10.7907/DH8E-2N10
- Williams, Kjerstin Irja (2006) Multi-robot
Systems: Modeling Swarm Dynamics and Designing Inspection Planning
Algorithms; 10.7907/G1T2-FB74
- Baehr-Jones, Tom Wetteland (2006) Novel
Modulation and Detection Mechanisms in Silicon Nanophotonics; 10.7907/SRA3-F079
- Kalyanaraman, Shankar (2006) On
Obtaining Pseudorandomness from Error-Correcting Codes; 10.7907/64AT-E090
- Pongsajapan, John (2006) Optimization
and Stability of TCP/IP with Delay-Sensitive Utility Functions; 10.7907/262Z-0J78
- Kapre, Nachiket Ganesh (2006) Packet-Switched
On-Chip FPGA Overlay Networks; 10.7907/8NFZ-4Y29
- Yang, Ya-Tang (2006) Phase
Noise of Nanoelectromechanical Systems; 10.7907/YDZP-3X10
- Laurence, Stuart Jon (2006) Proximal
Bodies in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/VZJV-KJ48
- Tian, Lu (2006) Resource
Allocation in Streaming Environments; 10.7907/35Y5-H853
- Papadantonakis, Karl Spyros (2006) Rigorous
Analog Verification of Asynchronous Circuits; 10.7907/4R8F-WF03
- Khorlin, Andrey (2006) Scheduling
in Distributed Stream Processing Systems; 10.7907/4MH9-9104
- Srinivasan, Kartik (2006) Semiconductor
Optical Microcavities for Chip-Based Cavity QED; 10.7907/0QW0-1R58
- Analui, Behnam (2006) Signal
Integrity Issues in High-Speed Wireline Links: Analysis and Integrated
System Solutions; 10.7907/GGMB-0J23
- Feng, Tao (2006) Silicon
Nanocrystal Charging Dynamics and Memory Device Applications; 10.7907/N8JK-ZQ70
- van Dam, Robert Michael (2006) Solvent-Resistant
Elastomeric Microfluidic Devices and Applications; 10.7907/4EJF-1V78
- Neal, Terrell Demetris (2006) Surface
Plasmon Enhanced Light Emission from Organic Light Emitters; 10.7907/DH6C-2C59
- Cremean, Lars Brör (2006) System
Architectures and Environment Modeling for High-Speed Autonomous
Navigation; 10.7907/8HT2-N165
- Shih, Victor-Chi-Yuan (2006) Temperature-Controlled
Microchip Liquid Chromatography System; 10.7907/ZDK5-Q871
- Papandrew, Alexander Blair (2006) The
Effects of High Pressure on the Vibrational and Magnetic Properties of
Iron-Based Materials; 10.7907/6VG5-GH55
- Parkin, Kevin L.G. (2006) The
Microwave Thermal Thruster and Its Application to the Launch
Problem; 10.7907/T337-T709
- Delaire, Olivier (2006) The
Phonon Entropy of Transition Metals and Alloys: Effects of Impurities
and of a Martensitic Phase Transition; 10.7907/SDJF-E025
- Taghavi Larigani, Shervin (2006) Theory,
Fabrication and Applications of a Novel Archetype Semi-Ring Fabry-Perot
(SRFP) Resonator and New Tiltmeters; 10.7907/KC5S-1T19
- Ferguson, Megan Alameda (2006) TiO₂-Photocatalyzed
As(III) Oxidation and its Applicability to Water Treatment; 10.7907/093T-4643
- Mehta, Nikil (2006) Time-Multiplexed
FPGA Overlay Networks on Chip; 10.7907/WZTS-XR26
- Kriechbaum, Kristopher Lars (2006) Tools
and Algorithms for Mobile Robot Navigation with Uncertain
Localization; 10.7907/R6YB-NQ21
- Min, Bumki (2006) Ultrahigh–Q
Microtoroid On-Chip Resonators for Low Threshold Microlasers; 10.7907/KGE9-J792
- Liger, Matthieu (2006) Uncooled
Carbon Microbolometer Imager; 10.7907/R7HB-GF96
- Strinopoulos, Theofilos (2006) Upscaling
Immiscible Two-Phase Flows in an Adaptive Frame; 10.7907/AP0P-8S11
- Swan-Wood, Tabitha Liana (2006) Vibrational
Entropy Contributions to the Phase Stability of Iron- and Aluminum-Based
Binary Alloys; 10.7907/3PTA-J395
- Luo, Wuan (2006) Wiener
Chaos Expansion and Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations; 10.7907/RPKX-BN02
- Naeimi, Helia (2005) A
Greedy Algorithm for Tolerating Defective Crosspoints in NanoPLA
Design; 10.7907/Z5AS-8A57
- White, Christopher John (2005) A
Solid-state Atomic Frequency Standard; 10.7907/ATKE-YX40
- Johnson, Michael Bernard (2005) Aerodynamic
Control and Mixing with Ramp Injection; 10.7907/8EVK-FK75
- Hickerson, Anna Iwaniec (2005) An
Experimental Analysis of the Characteristic Behaviors of an Impedance
Pump; 10.7907/SQQK-FD11
- Thorpe, Jeremy Christopher (2005) Analysis
and Design of Protograph Based LDPC Codes and Ensembles; 10.7907/dyfb-2z28
- Friedel, Ilja Heinrich (2005) Approximation
of Surfaces by Normal Meshes; 10.7907/FVSZ-GF75
- Yavari, Arash (2005) Atomic
Structure of Ferroelectric Domain Walls, Free Surfaces and Steps; 10.7907/jdy3-1m77
- Zhang, Qingsong (2005) Atomistic
Simulation of Barium Titanate; 10.7907/SQ9J-4H73
- Humbert, James Sean (2005) Bio-Inspired
Visuomotor Convergence in Navigation and Flight Control Systems; 10.7907/T5QZ-QS18
- Acevedo Bolton, Gabriel Alejandro (2005) Blood
Flow Effects on Heart Development and a Minimally Invasive Technique for
in vivo Flow Alterations; 10.7907/Q9A2-1M37
- Fung, Jimmy (2005) Coarse
Analysis of Multiscale Systems: Diffuser Flows, Charged Particle Motion,
and Connections to Averaging Theory; 10.7907/wn0z-gn57
- Meeker, Daniella Elena Patricia (2005) Cognitive
Neural Prosthetics: Brain Machine Interfaces Based in Parietal
Cortex; 10.7907/V2BZ-EG30
- Chatelain, Philippe (2005) Contributions
to the Three-Dimensional Vortex Element Method and Spinning Bluff Body
Flows; 10.7907/YEDS-0V89
- Cua, Georgia B. (2005) Creating
the Virtual Seismologist: Developments in Ground Motion Characterization
and Seismic Early Warning; 10.7907/M926-J956
- Wu, Jian (2005) Defect
Chemistry and Proton Conductivity in Ba-based Perovskites; 10.7907/VTCG-T978
- Lee, Seung-Yub (2005) Deformation
Mechanisms of Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites; 10.7907/X74S-3H47
- Endelman, Jeffrey B. (2005) Design
and Analysis of Combinatorial Protein Libraries Created by Site-Directed
Recombination; 10.7907/GF35-Q269
- Gregory, Irene Michelle (2005) Design
and Stability Analysis of an Integrated Controller for Highly Flexible
Advanced Aircraft Utilizing the Novel Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion;
- Pintgen, Florian Peter (2005) Detonation
Diffraction in Mixtures with Various Degrees of Instability; 10.7907/YSG0-TH85
- Xu, Donghua (2005) Development
of Novel Binary and Multi-Component Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/XD2M-WW51
- Wirz, Richard Edward (2005) Discharge
Plasma Processes of Ring-Cusp Ion Thrusters; 10.7907/VKKE-PC20
- Elcott, Sharif Mohamed (2005) Discrete,
Circulation-Preserving, and Stable Simplicial Fluids; 10.7907/D68G-5532
- Witzens, Jeremy (2005) Dispersion
in Photonic Crystals; 10.7907/NV9T-SC75
- Bergthorson, Jeffrey Myles (2005) Experiments
and Modeling of Impinging Jets and Premixed Hydrocarbon Stagnation
Flames; 10.7907/7FQZ-EY88
- Yang, Lan (2005) Fabrication
and Characterization of Microlasers by the Sol-Gel Method; 10.7907/HHQ8-VC25
- deLorimier, Michael John (2005) Floating-Point
Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply for FPGAs; 10.7907/FCCD-FA51
- Faddy, James Malcolm (2005) Flow
Structure in a Model of Aircraft Trailing Vortices; 10.7907/RC42-JY40
- Jackson, Scott Irving (2005) Gaseous
Detonation Initiation Via Wave Implosion; 10.7907/MKP3-VC84
- Gray, Nathaniel Asoka (2005) High-Confidence,
Modular Compiler Development in a Formal Environment; 10.7907/RBAD-VH06
- Staneff, Geoffrey D. (2005) High-Pressure
Synthesis of Thermoelectric Materials; 10.7907/HWWN-NS80
- Green, William M. J. (2005) InGaAsP-InP
Semiconductor Microcavity Geometries for Annular Bragg Reflection,
Optical Switching, and Sensing; 10.7907/GGH2-AQ53
- Lin, Hsuan-Tien (2005) Infinite
Ensemble Learning with Support Vector Machines; 10.7907/E03R-EN93
- Xie, Jun (2005) Integrated
Parylene LC-ESI on a Chip; 10.7907/00KQ-V723
- Gunn, Lawrence Cary, III (2005) Integration
of Complex Optical Functionality in a Production CMOS Process; 10.7907/HKW9-4K53
- Mukhtar, Saleem (2005) Interval
Modulation: A New Paradigm for the Design of High Speed Communication
Systems; 10.7907/6F03-MP11
- Romero-Talamás, Carlos Alejandro (2005) Investigations
of Spheromak Plasma Dynamics: High-Speed Imaging at the Sustained
Spheromak Physics Experiment and Magnetic Diagnostics at the Caltech
Spheromak Experiment; 10.7907/Z21H-6A46
- Xia, Kaiwen (2005) Laboratory
Investigations of Earthquake Dynamics; 10.7907/WQQX-6Q19
- Bhat, Harish Subrahmanya (2005) Lagrangian
Averaging, Nonlinear Waves, and Shock Regularization; 10.7907/8DJ2-F672
- Lu, Miao-Ling (2005) Large-Eddy
Simulations of Marine Cumulus and Stratocumulus and Study of Humidity
Halos and Aerosol Indirect Radiative Effects; 10.7907/H3BE-W731
- Cummings, Uri Vaughan (2005) Linearized
and High Frequency Electrooptic Modulators; 10.7907/GTD7-V873
- Yu, Xinwei (2005) Localized
Non-bBlowup Conditions for 3D Incompressible Euler Flows and Related
Equations; 10.7907/K5E1-W938
- Stredie, Valentin Gabriel (2005) Mathematical
Modeling and Simulation of Aquatic and Aerial Animal Locomotion; 10.7907/8PWE-RK28
- Boland, Justin Scott (2005) Micro
Electret Power Generators; 10.7907/B16C-NT21
- Zhou, Jijie (2005) Nanowicking:
Multi-scale Flow Interaction with Nanofabric Structures; 10.7907/XMW0-DJ25
- Cook, Matthew M. (2005) Networks
of Relations; 10.7907/CVKM-D684
- Mazor, Ofer (2005) Neural
Dynamics and Population Coding in the Insect Brain; 10.7907/PANC-K035
- Boxe, Christopher Shawn (2005) Nitrate
Photochemistry and Interrelated Chemical Phenomena in Ice; 10.7907/NC6C-NA28
- Alves, Steven Wayne (2005) Nonlinear
Analysis of Pacoima Dam with Spatially Nonuniform Ground Motion; 10.7907/QVFR-MV06
- Wheatley, Vincent (2005) On
the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Magnetohydrodynamics; 10.7907/N407-2B54
- Hsieh, Hung-Te (2005) Operation
of Holographic Elements with Broadband Light Sources; 10.7907/9R5R-JT19
- Prajna, Stephen (2005) Optimization-Based
Methods for Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems Verification; 10.7907/S3BJ-4M47
- Ponchaut, Nicolas Frederic (2005) Part
I: 3DPTV: Advances and Error Analysis. Part II: Extension of Guderley’s
Solution for Converging Shock Waves; 10.7907/09ZH-9M66
- Paloczi, George T. (2005) Polymer
Integrated Optics: Device Architectures and Fabrication Methods; 10.7907/W41G-2374
- Thunnissen, Daniel Pierre (2005) Propagating
and Mitigating Uncertainty in the Design of Complex Multidisciplinary
Systems; 10.7907/0FX2-AM50
- Papachristodoulou, Antonis (2005) Scalable
Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Using Convex Optimization; 10.7907/5YG6-JG32
- Savarese, Silvio (2005) Shape
Reconstruction from Shadows and Reflections; 10.7907/FH0V-3M10
- Prakash, Piyush (2005) Slack
Matching; 10.7907/g43p-hv51
- Boland, Stacey Walker (2005) Sol-Gel
Synthesis of Highly Oriented Lead Barium Titanate and Lanthanum
Nickelate Thin Films for High Strain Sensor and Actuator
Applications; 10.7907/7H7R-6X26
- Jing, Yindi (2005) Space-Time
Code Design and Its Applications in Wireless Networks; 10.7907/QYN9-0Z55
- Chow, Stephanie Sienyee (2005) Speciation
in Digital Organisms; 10.7907/X1PD-TN75
- Del Vecchio, Domitilla (2005) State
Estimation in Multi-Agent Decision and Control Systems; 10.7907/SAX3-ED56
- Dooley, Bradley Scott (2005) Stereo
Digital Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of a Free Surface
Mixing Layer; 10.7907/EH41-N436
- Bahreini, Roya (2005) Studies
with the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer; 10.7907/1YNP-QQ95
- Mukherjee, Sundeep (2005) Study
of Crystallization Behavior, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Bulk
Metallic Glasses Using Noncontact Electrostatic Levitation
Technique; 10.7907/33FY-8482
- Xiao, Yu (2005) The
Influence of Oxygen Vacancies on Domain Patterns in Ferroelectric
Perovskites; 10.7907/5QSX-9Y68
- Kowalewsky, Olga (2005) Theory
of Complex Lattice Quasicontinuum and Its Application to
Ferroelectrics; 10.7907/rb0c-9534
- Gavriliu, Marcel (2005) Towards
More Efficient Interval Analysis: Corner Forms and a Remainder Interval
Newton Method; 10.7907/C196-9R88
- Armani, Deniz Karapetian (2005) Ultra-High-Q
Planar Microcavities and Applications; 10.7907/EZHA-VY23
- Dorn, Evan David (2005) Universal
Biosignatures for the Detection of Life; 10.7907/08B9-8Q96
- Dabiri, John Oluseun (2005) Unsteady
Fluid Mechanics of Starting-Flow Vortex Generators with Time-Dependent
Boundary Conditions; 10.7907/QV8Y-YZ12
- Westhead, Andrew Neil (2005) Upscaling
for Two-Phase Flows in Porous Media; 10.7907/T7Q0-FG76
- Litke, Nathan Jacob (2005) Variational
Methods in Surface Parameterization; 10.7907/EW4Q-0727
- Li, Fei-Fei (2005) Visual
Recognition: Computational Models and Human Psychophysics; 10.7907/G5NP-KH67
- Hostler, Stephen Richard (2005) Wave
Propagation in Granular Materials; 10.7907/NQ1S-5E45
- Schkolne, Steven (2004) 3-D
Interfaces for Spatial Construction; 10.7907/8VWJ-TX38
- Klug, William Scott (2004) A
Director-Field Theory of DNA Packaging in Bacteriophage Viruses; 10.7907/E0V6-4Y97
- Lu, Dai (2004) Active
Patch Array Design and Indoor Channel Modeling for Future Wireless
Communications; 10.7907/PVB9-TH19
- Fanti, Claudio (2004) An
Improved Scheme for Detection and Labeling in Johansson Displays; 10.7907/JF8Y-TK36
- Wintenberger, Eric (2004) Application
of Steady and Unsteady Detonation Waves to Propulsion; 10.7907/2NXT-SE76
- Ouyang, George Xiaoxi (2004) Bragg
Reflection in Optical Waveguides; 10.7907/31V8-1J13
- O’Reilly, Gerard Kieran (2004) Compressible
Vortices and Shock-Vortex Interactions; 10.7907/FGJD-0Z31
- Tanguay, Michel (2004) Computation
of Bubbly Cavitating Flow in Shock Wave Lithotripsy; 10.7907/VQXV-Y948
- Fago, Matthew Justin (2004) Constrained
Sequential Lamination: Nonconvex Optimization and Material
Microstructure; 10.7907/P1PK-E179
- Riedel, Marcus D. (2004) Cyclic
Combinational Circuits; 10.7907/410B-XR25
- Ross, Shane David (2004) Cylindrical
Manifolds and Tube Dynamics in the Restricted Three-Body Problem; 10.7907/KHYT-A428
- Florens, Cédric Jean Paul (2004) Data
Collection and Distribution in Sensory Networks; 10.7907/ZK3J-VB92
- Angelova, Anelia Nedelcheva (2004) Data
Pruning; 10.7907/T1GM-1R20
- Meyer, Mark (2004) Discrete
Differential Operators for Computer Graphics; 10.7907/M3NP-4G18
- Dunbar, William Bruce (2004) Distributed
Receding Horizon Control of Multiagent Systems; 10.7907/1N74-MZ62
- Chenchiah, Isaac Vikram (2004) Energy-Minimizing
Microstructures in Multiphase Elastic Solids; 10.7907/RXE5-9A33
- Spillane, Sean Michael (2004) Fiber-Coupled
Ultra-High-Q Microresonators for Nonlinear and Quantum Optics; 10.7907/MKYH-WV47
- Leok, Melvin (2004) Foundations
of Computational Geometric Mechanics; 10.7907/KDV0-WR34
- Aparicio Joo, Roberto (2004) Frequency
Generation Techniques for Integrated Applications; 10.7907/S2EP-3A93
- Chao, Tong Wa (2004) Gaseous
Detonation-Driven Fracture of Tubes; 10.7907/TEZP-YC46
- Wong, Catherine Grace (2004) High-Level
Synthesis and Rapid Prototyping of Asynchronous VLSI Systems; 10.7907/5N2N-0W58
- Sankaran, Ramanathan Mohan (2004) High-Pressure
Microdischarges as Microreactors for Materials Applications; 10.7907/DP21-7606
- Cooper, Marcia Ann (2004) Impulse
Generation by Detonation Tubes; 10.7907/97GS-4N79
- Hashemi, Hossein (2004) Integrated
Concurrent Multi-Band Radios and Multiple-Antenna Systems; 10.7907/3R2B-8A25
- Adams, Mark Lee (2004) Integration
of Optoelectronics and Microfluidics for Biological and Chemical
Sensing; 10.7907/JVSC-D109
- Oldham, Neal Curtis (2004) Investigation
of Spintronic Materials Systems: Deposition and Characterization; 10.7907/ZAV0-8X28
- Aydiner, Cahit Can (2004) Investigation
of Thermal Tempering in Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZC9Z-5Y06
- Rogan, Robert Cashman (2004) Investigation
of the Multiscale Constitutive Behavior of Ferroelectric Materials Using
Advanced Diffraction Techniques; 10.7907/BT3T-F608
- Palanki, Ravi (2004) Iterative
Decoding for Wireless Networks; 10.7907/05AN-ME34
- Țăpuș, Cristian (2004) Kernel
Level Distributed Inter-Process Communication System (KDIPC); 10.7907/N0A5-WA49
- Chaubell, Mario Julián (2004) Low-Coherence
Interferometric Imaging: Solution of the One-Dimensional Inverse
Scattering Problem; 10.7907/ED7Y-Q436
- Pratap, Amrit (2004) Maximum
Drawdown of a Brownian Motion and AlphaBoost: a Boosting Algorithm;
- Hernández, Maria Eugenia (2004) Mechanisms
of Indirect Mineral Reduction by Bacteria; 10.7907/G5P3-ER69
- Hansen, Carl Lars Genghis (2004) Microfluidic
Technologies for Structural Biology; 10.7907/N9T3-7114
- Preston, Alastair Thomas (2004) Modeling
Heat and Mass Transfer in Bubbly Cavitating Flows and Shock Waves in
Cavitating Nozzles; 10.7907/ZHSN-D849
- Clinton, John Francis (2004) Modern
Digital Seismology: Instrumentation, and Small Amplitude Studies in the
Engineering World; 10.7907/DVSS-2290
- Vrcelj, Bojan (2004) Multirate
Signal Processing Concepts in Digital Communications; 10.7907/ABS2-4505
- Lin, Jiao (2004) Mössbauer
Diffractometry: Principles, Practice, and an Application to a Study of
Chemical Order in ⁵⁷Fe₃Al; 10.7907/JSZ7-BC77
- Husain, Ali (2004) Nanotube
and Nanowire Devices; 10.7907/1MNR-PW32
- Swift, Geoffrey Allen (2004) Neutron
Diffraction Study of In Situ-Reinforced Silicon Nitride during
Creep; 10.7907/A3PQ-FC67
- Kippenberg, Tobias Jan August (2004) Nonlinear
Optics in Ultra-High-Q Whispering-Gallery Optical Microcavities; 10.7907/T5B6-9R14
- Ran, Hongyu (2004) Numerical
Study of the Dynamics and Sound Generation of a Turbulent Vortex
Ring; 10.7907/ASHK-JV07
- Malhotra, Sanjeev (2004) On
Combustion Instability in Solid Rocket Motors; 10.7907/V1WS-S833
- Fleming, Michael Ian James (2004) On
Source Coding for Networks; 10.7907/CY48-QJ71
- Tkacenko, Andre (2004) Optimization
Algorithms for Realizable Signal-Adapted Filter Banks; 10.7907/QZYN-ND12
- Dugatkin, Diego G. (2004) Optimization
of Multi-Resolution Source Codes; 10.7907/RZ2Y-1Z78
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) (2004) Optimized
Network Data Storage and Topology Control; 10.7907/91R7-MH71
- Yoshie, Tomoyuki (2004) Planar
Photonic Crystal Nanocavities with Active Quantum Nanostructures; 10.7907/WD4W-XQ37
- Bobba, Kumar Manoj (2004) Robust
Flow Stability: Theory, Computations and Experiments in Near Wall
Turbulence; 10.7907/0J1D-1B18
- Gao, Xiaojie (2004) Router
Congestion Control; 10.7907/VZ4D-4047
- Kartalov, Emil Paskalev (2004) Single-Molecule
Detection and DNA Sequencing-by-Synthesis; 10.7907/50YQ-0S81
- Barsic, David Nicholas (2004) Small-Scale
Liquid-State Dynamics in Nanometer Size Devices; 10.7907/BWJB-7K61
- Cao, Shiyan (2004) Spike
Train Characterization and Decoding for Neural Prosthetic Devices;
- Scruggs, Jeffrey Thomas (2004) Structural
Control Using Regenerative Force Actuation Networks; 10.7907/W3M9-ZW72
- Shaikhutdinov, Rustem Vil (2004) Structural
Damage Evaluation: Theory and Applications to Earthquake
Engineering; 10.7907/5SA6-4414
- Boysen, Dane Andrew (2004) Superprotonic
Solid Acids: Structure, Properties, and Applications; 10.7907/41BQ-3R07
- Mason, Maribeth Swiatek (2004) Synthesis
of Large-Grained Polycrystalline Silicon by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor
Deposition for Thin Film Photovoltaic Applications; 10.7907/7K9R-VX22
- Camp, Charles David (2004) Temporal
and Spatial Patterns of the Interannual Variability of Stratospheric
Ozone and Dynamics; 10.7907/A4EC-6M08
- O’Gorman, Paul Ambrose (2004) Theory
and Simulation of Passive Scalar Mixing in the Presence of a Mean Scalar
Gradient; 10.7907/K02H-HK48
- Fon, Warren Chung Wah (2004) Thermal
Properties of Nano- and Microstructures; 10.7907/FK4H-CV52
- Yang, Qiang (2004) Thermomechanical
Variational Principles for Dissipative Materials with Application to
Strain Localization in Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/6FV2-KV63
- Krishnan, Swaminathan (2004) Three-Dimensional
Nonlinear Analysis of Tall Irregular Steel Buildings Subject to Strong
Ground Motion; 10.7907/A00K-RQ42
- Hunt, Cynthia Lee (2004) Transition-Edge
Superconducting Antenna-Coupled Bolometer; 10.7907/RG6K-C898
- West, Matthew (2004) Variational
Integrators; 10.7907/CMZ1-RQ16
- Jewell, Joseph Stephen (2004) Violence
in the Medieval Church before the First Crusade; 10.7907/33km-kt20
- Waniuk, Theodore Andrew (2004) Viscosity
and Crystallization in a Series of Zr-based Bulk Amorphous Alloys;
- Ringuette, Matthew James (2004) Vortex
Formation and Drag on Low Aspect Ratio, Normal Flat Plates; 10.7907/907K-2F28
- Barba, Lorena A. (2004) Vortex
Method for Computing High-Reynolds Number Flows: Increased Accuracy with
a Fully Mesh-Less Formulation; 10.7907/TSR5-DE67
- Howard, Elizabeth Anne (2003) A
Front Tracking Method for Modelling Thermal Growth; 10.7907/HRNV-DA03
- Arienti, Marco (2003) A
Numerical and Analytical Study of Detonation Diffraction; 10.7907/MAGN-R628
- Koslowski, Marisol (2003) A
Phase-Field Model of Dislocations in Ductile Single Crystals; 10.7907/SFMJ-1B50
- Song, Yang (2003) A
Probabilistic Approach to Human Motion Detection and Labeling; 10.7907/945J-QX86
- Guyader, Andrew Charles (2003) A
Statistical Approach to Equivalent Linearization with Application to
Performance-Based Engineering; 10.7907/Z9HZ-9M41
- Bhave, Prakash Viththal (2003) Air
Pollution at the Single-Particle Level: Integrating Atmospheric
Measurements with Mathematical Models; 10.7907/ZA39-HJ32
- Hung, Patrick Hin Fun (2003) Algorithms
for Reaction Mechanism Reduction and Numerical Simulation of Detonations
Initiated by Projectiles; 10.7907/H5GV-PV33
- Kumar, Sanjay (2003) An
Experimental Investigation of Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability; 10.7907/NKDR-TT39
- Lessard, Guillaume (2003) Apertureless
Near-Field Optical Microscopy for Fluorescence Imaging; 10.7907/Y704-ER28
- Vela, Patricio Antonio (2003) Averaging
and Control of Nonlinear Systems; 10.7907/N7HH-PM67
- Greenberg, Andrei Yakovlevich (2003) Chebyshev
Spectral Method for Singular Moving Boundary Problems with Application
to Finance; 10.7907/J383-YX41
- Joseph Gonzalez, Gustavo (2003) Collisional
Dynamics of Macroscopic Particles in a Viscous Fluid; 10.7907/FFFC-X753
- Wood, Zoë Justine (2003) Computational
Topology Algorithms for Discrete 2-Manifolds; 10.7907/BQT9-SS34
- Mookherjea, Shayan (2003) Coupled-Resonator
Optical Waveguides and Multiplexed Solitons; 10.7907/9BYR-7J64
- Hanan, Jay Clarke (2003) Damage
Evolution in Uniaxial SiC Fiber Reinforced Ti Matrix Composites; 10.7907/C5GW-WV41
- Hirani, Anil Nirmal (2003) Discrete
Exterior Calculus; 10.7907/ZHY8-V329
- Camelo, Vanessa Sabrina (2003) Dynamic
Characteristics of Woodframe Buildings; 10.7907/GPHK-KA52
- Mauch, Sean Patrick (2003) Efficient
Algorithms for Solving Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations; 10.7907/5R5P-Y603
- Graetz, Jason Allan (2003) Electronic
Environments and Electrochemical Properties in Lithium Storage
Materials; 10.7907/CS3R-RW08
- Leung, Fok-Yan Thomas (2003) Elucidation
of the Origins of Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols by Isotopic
Methods; 10.7907/CPWV-0307
- Hyde, Edward McKay (2003) Fast,
High-Order Methods for Scattering by Inhomogeneous Media; 10.7907/Z0V0-KM52
- Smith, Justin David (2003) Fault
Tolerance Using Whole-Process Migration and Speculative Execution;
- Mason, Richard James (2003) Fluid
Locomotion and Trajectory Planning for Shape-Changing Robots; 10.7907/MFM1-0866
- Khandekar, Aamod Dinkar (2003) Graph-Based
Codes and Iterative Decoding; 10.7907/Q06G-MW38
- Maier, Stefan Alexander (2003) Guiding
of Electromagnetic Energy in Subwavelength Periodic Metal
Structures; 10.7907/TKPX-3H40
- Panotopoulos, Georgios (2003) Holographic
Information Systems; 10.7907/P6B7-VR22
- Yang, Yunping (2003) Holographic
Recording and Dynamic Range Improvement in Lithium Niobate Crystals;
- Preisler, Edward James (2003) Investigation
of Novel Semiconductor Heterostructure Systems: I. Cerium Oxide/Silicon
Heterostructures. II. 6.1 Å Semiconductor-Based Avalanche
Photodiodes; 10.7907/59X1-WQ68
- Meng, Ellis Fan-Chuin (2003) MEMS
Technology and Devices for a Micro Fluid Dosing System; 10.7907/MRDS-FC06
- Morgan, Matthew Alexander (2003) Millimeter-Wave
MMICs and Applications; 10.7907/MW4Z-2Q79
- Agassounon, William B. G. (2003) Modeling
Artificial, Mobile Swarm Systems; 10.7907/EJYZ-3Y55
- Kastner, Jason Christopher (2003) Modeling
a Hox Gene Network: Stochastic Simulation with Experimental
Perturbation; 10.7907/2TWD-EK72
- Gallivan, Martha Anne (2003) Modeling
and Control of Epitaxial Thin Film Growth; 10.7907/FXZB-XT91
- Lee, Hyon-Jee (2003) Molecular
Dynamics Studies of Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZE5V-VZ33
- Lončar, Marko (2003) Nanophotonic
Devices Based on Planar Photonic Crystals; 10.7907/SB3Y-8Z20
- Zhao, Qian (2003) Network
Source Coding: Theory and Code Design for Broadcast and Multiple Access
Networks; 10.7907/61XN-MV62
- Santamore, Deborah Hannah (2003) Quantum
Transport and Dynamics of Phonons in Mesoscopic Systems; 10.7907/E62V-PR26
- Milam, Mark Bradley (2003) Real-Time
Optimal Trajectory Generation for Constrained Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/1X68-E370
- Wang, Xiaoou (2003) Set
Mapping in the Method of Imprecision; 10.7907/J0JH-M190
- Wu, Hui (2003) Signal
Generation and Processing in High-Frequency / High-Speed Silicon-Based
Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/51YY-3Y81
- Chisholm, Calum Ronald Inneas (2003) Superprotonic
Phase Transitions in Solid Acids: Parameters Affecting the Presence and
Stability of Superprotonic Transitions in the MHₙXO₄ Family of Compounds
(X=S,Se,P,As; M=Li,Na,K,NH₄,Rb,Cs); 10.7907/FYTW-7G64
- Radford, James Edward (2003) Symmetry,
Reduction and Swimming in a Perfect Fluid; 10.7907/CE65-XM80
- Grinspun, Eitan (2003) The
Basis Refinement Method; 10.7907/QH6Z-0276
- Pottebaum, Tait Sherman (2003) The
Relationship Between Near-Wake Structure and Heat Transfer for an
Oscillating Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flow; 10.7907/C9NQ-N832
- Austin, Joanna Maria Karol (2003) The
Role of Instability in Gaseous Detonation; 10.7907/X7YH-T687
- Cartoixà Soler, Xavier (2003) Theoretical
Methods for Spintronics in Semiconductors with Applications; 10.7907/0YTD-VC11
- Matveev, Konstantin Ivanovich (2003) Thermoacoustic
Instabilities in the Rijke Tube: Experiments and Modeling; 10.7907/3X6A-6D11
- Lekien, Francois Paul (2003) Time-Dependent
Dynamical Systems and Geophysical Flows; 10.7907/A83E-VZ73
- Thoutireddy, Pururav (2003) Variational
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method; 10.7907/DQT0-5104
- Fetecau, Razvan Constantin (2003) Variational
Methods for Nonsmooth Mechanics; 10.7907/VXBJ-R447
- Lew, Adrián José (2003) Variational
Time Integrators in Computational Solid Mechanics; 10.7907/6C74-GC16
- Cheung, Chun Tung (2003) Waveguide
Packaging of Quasi-Optical Grid Amplifiers; 10.7907/KSGC-3G92
- Franceschetti, Massimo (2003) Wireless
Networks, from Collective Behavior to the Physics of Propagation; 10.7907/SCTG-FN57
- Eldredge, Jeffrey D. (2002) A
Dilating Vortex Particle Method for Compressible Flow with Applications
to Aeroacoustics; 10.7907/7EYY-0S65
- Halverson, Nils William (2002) A
Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum
with DASI; 10.7907/BEJN-HQ49
- Ginis, Roman (2002) Automating
Resource Management for Distributed Business Processes; 10.7907/9GXT-BD03
- Nguyen, Olivier Thanh (2002) Cohesive
Models of Fatigue Crack Growth and Stress-Corrosion Cracking; 10.7907/C3KP-4M44
- Murphey, Todd David (2002) Control
of Multiple Model Systems; 10.7907/17Q7-Y019
- Chang, Dong Eui (2002) Controlled
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems; 10.7907/3DRR-ZV53
- Petrasek, Danny (2002) Diffusion-Mediated
Regulation Endocrine Networks; 10.7907/776t-vs55
- Ragan, Regina (2002) Direct
Energy Bandgap Group IV Alloys and Nanostructures; 10.7907/1WKJ-RZ66
- Aoki, Ichiro (2002) Distributed
Active Transformer for Integrated Power Amplification; 10.7907/6XMD-MR86
- Xu, Luoyu Roy (2002) Dynamic
Failure Characteristics in Layered Materials and Structures; 10.7907/wver-8342
- Zimmerman, Daniel Marc (2002) Dynamic
UNITY; 10.7907/AC6E-WE21
- Purohit, Prashant Kishore (2002) Dynamics
of Phase Transitions in Strings, Beams and Atomic Chains; 10.7907/DP97-XH80
- Noelte, Jeff Lee (2002) Effects
of Surface Chemistry on Deposition Kinetics of Colloidal Hematite
(α-Fe2O3) in Packed Beds of Silica Sand; 10.7907/KSZB-2238
- Lee, Cin-Young (2002) Efficient
Automatic Engineering Design Synthesis Via Evolutionary Exploration;
- Pénzes, Paul Ivan (2002) Energy-Delay
Complexity of Asynchronous Circuits; 10.7907/9jpj-5s67
- Anderson, David Deloyd (2002) Experimental
Investigation of Quasistatic and Dynamic Fracture Properties of Titanium
Alloys; 10.7907/NHZS-D271
- Wang, Guofeng (2002) First
Principles Based Multiscale Modeling of Single Crystal Plasticity:
Application to BCC Tantalum; 10.7907/5nyn-ct36
- Xu, Yong (2002) Flexible
MEMS Skin Technology for Distributed Fluidic Sensing; 10.7907/V3KW-SV35
- Nicholson, Alexander Marshall (2002) Generalization
Error Estimates and Training Data Valuation; 10.7907/1H16-VX81
- González Liñero, Luis (2002) Global
Fracture Analysis of Laminated Composite Materials for Aerospace
Structures; 10.7907/FCJ8-EW63
- Liao, Hong (2002) Interactions
between Tropospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in a Unified GCM
Simulation; 10.7907/E2SZ-YX06
- Kiniry, Joseph Roland (2002) Kind
Theory; 10.7907/TVTD-E826
- Sverdrup, Lawrence Henry (2002) Lower
Hybrid Current Drive Experiments on the Encore Tokamak; 10.7907/27RZ-SM06
- Chen, Min (2002) Mathematical
Methods for Image Synthesis; 10.7907/WDPH-N912
- Lu, Jun (2002) Mechanical
Behavior of a Bulk Metallic Glass and Its Composite Over a Wide Range of
Strain Rates and Temperatures; 10.7907/3SZ8-Y947
- Feng, Xiaolin (2002) Methods
for the Analysis of Visual Motion; 10.7907/SAVS-VJ68
- Yuen, Ka-Veng (2002) Model
Selection, Identification and Robust Control for Dynamical Systems;
- Rowley, Clarence Worth, III (2002) Modeling,
Simulation, and Control of Cavity Flow Oscillations; 10.7907/G4ZX-KH73
- Spence, Charles Frederick (2002) Nanobiology:
Halting Steps into a Portion of Richard Feynman ’s Vision; 10.7907/a3g1-x447
- Zhu, Weidong (2002) Nonlinearly
Viscoelastic Response of Glassy Polymers; 10.7907/V7GW-0342
- Liu, Zhiwen (2002) Optical
Information Storage and Processing; 10.7907/EVK8-H316
- Fax, Joseph Alexander (2002) Optimal
and Cooperative Control of Vehicle Formations; 10.7907/M4N7-AK02
- Mumbrú, José (2002) Optoelectronic
Circuits Using Holographic Elements; 10.7907/GM6Y-TE35
- Pornsinsirirak, Teerachai Nicholas (2002) Parylene
MEMS Technology for Adaptive Flow Control of Flapping Flight; 10.7907/jtjd-dd33
- Yao, Tze-Jung (2002) Parylene
for MEMS Applications; 10.7907/caxb-sr18
- Foltz, Kevin E. (2002) Periodic
Broadcast Scheduling for Data Distribution; 10.7907/980Q-RQ20
- Craciun, Bogdan (2002) Phase
Boundary Propagation in Heterogeneous Media; 10.7907/JXG6-W865
- Cornu, Catherine J. G. (2002) Photocatalysis
Under Periodic Illumination; 10.7907/ZDAH-V967
- Vučković, Jelena (2002) Photonic
Crystal Structures for Efficient Localization or Extraction of
Light; 10.7907/VDXC-S449
- Feng, Hanying (2002) Rate
Loss of Network Source Codes; 10.7907/GVDP-7248
- Stephens, Jennie Catherine (2002) Response
of Soil Mineral Weathering to Elevated Carbon Dioxide; 10.7907/9ET7-QX09
- Hayes, Adam Thomas (2002) Self-Organized
Robotic System Design and Autonomous Odor Localization; 10.7907/KH16-XH33
- Zhuang, Shiming (2002) Shock
Wave Propagation in Periodically Layered Composites; 10.7907/988X-1V27
- Ham, Donhee (2002) Statistical
Electronics: Noise Processes in Integrated Communication Systems; 10.7907/tgja-7y11
- Kee, Scott David (2002) The
Class E/F Family of Harmonic-Tuned Switching Power Amplifiers; 10.7907/MD86-FX51
- Fine, Philip Malcolm (2002) The
Contribution of Biomass Combustion to Ambient Fine Particle
Concentrations in the United States; 10.7907/B4VY-AS20
- Bogdanoff, Peter David (2002) The
Phonon Entropy of Metals and Alloys: The Effects of Thermal and Chemical
Disorder; 10.7907/045G-6426
- Chasiotis, Ioannis (2002) The
Strength of Polycrystalline Silicon at the Micro- and Nano-Scales with
Applications to MEMS; 10.7907/JPRZ-P277
- Vela-Arevalo, Luz Vianey (2002) Time-Frequency
Analysis Based on Wavelets for Hamiltonian Systems; 10.7907/8MBB-3Z60
- Pesavento, Alberto (2002) Visual
Sensors for Focal Plane Computation of Image Features; 10.7907/BS04-5817
- Papadantonakis, Karl Spyros (2002) What
is “Deterministic CHP”, and is “Slack Elasticity” That Useful?; 10.7907/PCCK-CS43
- Su, Wei-Jen (2001) Aerodynamic
Control for a Subsonic Diffuser; 10.7907/xqg4-r486
- Bhardwaj, Ashish Ishwar Singh (2001) All-Optical
Logic Circuits Based on the Polarization Properties of Non-Degenerate
Four-Wave Mixing; 10.7907/CMAB-WF06
- Guduru, Pradeep Reddy (2001) An
investigation of dynamic failure events in steels using full field
high-speed infrared thermography and high-speed photography; 10.7907/3w5m-qb27
- Duchemin, Olivier Bernard (2001) An
investigation of ion engine erosion by low energy sputtering; 10.7907/K408-J123
- Lindal, John (2001) An
investigation of several document classification algorithms leading to
the design of an autonomous software agent for locating specific,
relevant information on the World Wide Web; 10.7907/k937-cy67
- Koosh, Vincent Frank (2001) Analog
Computation and Learning in VLSI; 10.7907/9B65-TB43
- Jin, Hui (2001) Analysis
and design of turbo-like codes; 10.7907/VC95-2C74
- Blandino, John Joseph (2001) Application
of Diamond Films to Electric Propulsion: Low Energy Sputter Yield
Measurement and MPD Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition; 10.7907/270K-TR61
- Chow, Benjamin Bin (2001) Application
of dynamic fracture mechanics to the investigation of catastrophic
failure in aircraft structures; 10.7907/745f-mb29
- Nyström, Mika (2001) Asynchronous
Pulse Logic; 10.7907/B107-MW15
- Billock, Joseph Gregory (2001) Attentional
Control of Complex Systems; 10.7907/132r-jm11
- Salmassi, Tina Megerdichian (2001) Bacterial
oxidation of arsenite at Hot Creek: characterization of biofilm
communities and isolation of novel bacteria associated with aquatic
macrophytes; 10.7907/J3TC-QJ66
- Cocker, David Rea (2001) Chamber
investigations of secondary organic aerosol formation; 10.7907/22w2-vk68
- Roberts, Gregory Charles (2001) Cloud
condensation nuclei in the Amazon Basin : their role in a tropical
rainforest; 10.7907/ebt1-np17
- Seywert, Claude (2001) Combustion
Instabilities: Issues in Modeling and Control; 10.7907/JKFD-7W43
- Watanabe, Katsumi (2001) Crossmodal
Interaction in Humans; 10.7907/66cn-aq26
- Lokhandwalla, Murtuza (2001) Damage
Mechanisms in Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL); 10.7907/VZWS-7Z85
- Ching, Weng Ki (2001) Disinfection
by Pulsed Power Discharges; 10.7907/RV3M-0849
- Kim, Choongnyun Paul (2001) Ductile
phase reinforced bulk metallic glass composites formed by chemical
partitioning; 10.7907/fe9w-sc46
- Coker, Demirkan (2001) Dynamic
Initiation and Propagation of Cracks in Unidirectional Composite
Plates; 10.7907/yrm2-4b88
- Hughes, Lara Shane (2001) Evolution
of atmospheric aerosols along trajectories crossing the Los Angeles
basin; 10.7907/r80f-v702
- Fan, Chenggong Charles (2001) Fault-tolerant
cluster of networking elements; 10.7907/R15B-VD58
- Akkarakaran, Sony John (2001) Filter
Bank Optimization with Applications in Noise Suppression and
Communications; 10.7907/4712-9414
- Zuhal, Lavi Rizki (2001) Formation
and Near-Field Dynamics of a Wing Tip Vortex; 10.7907/VNJW-6592
- Manley, Michael Edward (2001) From
Elementary Excitations to Microstructures: the Thermodynamics of Metals
and Alloys Across Length Scales; 10.7907/WECC-4662
- Provenzano, Dan Raymond (2001) From
semiconductor lasers to fiber Bragg grating lasers in optical
communications; 10.7907/setx-7j50
- Giammar, Daniel (2001) Geochemistry
of uranium at mineral-water interfaces: rates of sorption-desorption and
dissolution-precipitation reactions; 10.7907/EJ9E-XW58
- Steckman, Gregory Joseph (2001) Holographic
recording in polymeric materials with applications; 10.7907/m10t-n277
- Liu, Wenhai (2001) Holographic
resolution and its application in memory and imaging; 10.7907/BDB0-VJ12
- Meşe, Murat (2001) Image
halftoning and inverse reconstruction problems with considerations to
image watermarking; 10.7907/561b-d051
- Mehta, Neelesh B. (2001) Impact
of User Mobility on Resource Allocation Schemes in Cellular Radio
Systems; 10.7907/9fje-n644
- Tripathi, Ashok Burton (2001) In-Situ
Diagnostics for Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of YBCO; 10.7907/3ZJS-BE38
- Ye, Yun (2001) Interaction
of hydrogen with novel carbon materials; 10.7907/z8wn-gs34
- Burcsu, Eric Noboru (2001) Investigation
of Large Strain Actuation in Barium Titanate; 10.7907/XT3Y-Z860
- Hill, Cory James (2001) Investigation
of spin injection and optical imaging with scanning probe microscopy
techniques; 10.7907/bvj9-jv02
- Fain, Daniel Cark (2001) Kinematic
Measurement and Feature Sets for Automatic Speech Recognition; 10.7907/9vse-8c78
- Hansen, John Freddy (2001) Laboratory
simulations of solar prominences; 10.7907/SACS-CK16
- Hightower, Adrian (2001) Lithium
electronic environments in rechargeable battery electrodes; 10.7907/tb89-6g55
- Hsieh, Wen Hsuan (2001) MEMS
thin film teflon electret condenser microphones; 10.7907/sk4y-ws65
- Tokman, Mayya (2001) Magnetohydrodynamic
modeling of solar magnetic arcades using exponential propagation
methods; 10.7907/PDCS-GX15
- Pun, Winston (2001) Measurements
of Thermo-Acoustic Coupling; 10.7907/SPSR-VD18
- Bossuyt, Sven Cecile Rene (2001) Microstructure
and Crystallization Behavior in Bulk Glass Forming Alloys; 10.7907/MHKM-QR74
- Shan, Wei-Jen Jerry (2001) Mixing
and Isosurface Geometry in Turbulent Transverse Jets; 10.7907/0R6S-DY34
- Isella, Giorgio Carlo (2001) Modeling
and Simulation of Combustion Chamber and Propellant Dynamics and Issues
in Active Control of Combustion Instabilities; 10.7907/k1rf-a525
- Qi, Yue (2001) Molecular
dynamics (MD) studies on phase transformation and deformation behaviors
in FCC metals and alloys; 10.7907/9NXP-E603
- Tang, Kea-Tiong (2001) Neuromorphic
VLSI circuits for an electronic nose chip; 10.7907/sdb6-3c88
- Eckett, Christopher Adam (2001) Numerical
and Analytical Studies of the Dynamics of Gaseous Detonations; 10.7907/83ME-8076
- Louie, Michael (2001) Numerical
study of pattern forming processes in models of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard
convection; 10.7907/v9dx-9b55
- Au, Siu-Kui (2001) On
the Solution of First Excursion Problems by Simulation with Applications
to Probabilistic Seismic Performance Assessment; 10.7907/C0JQ-G051
- Cai, Ming (2001) Optical
Fiber Taper Coupled Glass Microsphere Resonators; 10.7907/JB4C-VR78
- Moser, Christophe (2001) Optical
Information Processing; 10.7907/3mvn-0f95
- Painter, Oskar Jon (2001) Optical
Nanocavities in Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Planar Waveguides;
- Rasheed, Adam (2001) Passive
Hypervelocity Boundary Layer Control Using an Ultrasonically Absorptive
Surface; 10.7907/EFZZ-X764
- Dubowski, Yael (2001) Photochemical
transformations in ice: implications for the fate of chemical
species; 10.7907/e57f-dj36
- Nolte, Christopher Glenn (2001) Polar
organic compounds in fine particulate matter sources and in the urban
atmosphere; 10.7907/nxc3-re40
- Chen, Claudine Minnie (2001) Polycrystalline
Silicon Thin Films for Photovoltaics; 10.7907/fgh9-ze28
- Santamaria-Perez, Fidel (2001) Processing
of Mossy Fiber Activity in the Cerebellar Cortex: a Combination of
Computer Modeling and Electrophysiological Experiments; 10.7907/r9zp-5814
- Jadbabaie, Ali (2001) Receding
horizon control of nonlinear systems: a control Lyapunov function
approach; 10.7907/CRHD-3202
- Ma, Lin (2001) Robust
mask-layout and process synthesis in micro-electro-mechanical-systems
(MEMS) using genetic algorithms; 10.7907/e8hm-z754
- Hsu, Yun (2001) Rotordynamic
Forces Generated by Annular Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps; 10.7907/fr51-ft92
- Huang, Ying (2001) Scanning
Tunneling Microscopy and Digital Image Correlation in Nanomechanics
Investigations; 10.7907/exy7-5z58
- Zhang, Yunfeng (2001) Semi-Active
Control of Dynamically Excited Structures Using Active Interaction
Control; 10.7907/N9QZ-ZP30
- Koumans, Roger Gerard Matthias (2001) Semiconductor
mode-locked lasers : modeling, characterization and applications; 10.7907/wx7b-6286
- Grosjean, Charles (2001) Silicone
MEMS for fluidics; 10.7907/j98f-v013
- Hu, Gang (2001) Singularity
formation in three-dimensional vortex sheets; 10.7907/5mw5-d871
- Piatina, Tatiana Borisovna (2001) Studies
of metal-organic interactions with model synthetic and natural ligands
applicable to natural waters; 10.7907/57TJ-PE22
- Samudrala, Omprakash (2001) Subsonic
and intersonic crack growth along weak planes and bimaterial
interfaces; 10.7907/51b0-1c87
- Duttweiler, Mark Edward (2001) Surge
Instability on a Cavitating Propeller; 10.7907/07RB-NX02
- Boer, Elizabeth A. (2001) Synthesis,
Passivation and Charging of Silicon Nanocrystals; 10.7907/ZB66-SN79
- Glade, Stephen Clarke (2001) The
Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 glass-forming alloy : thermophysical properties,
crystallization, and the effect of small alloying additions on the
thermal stability; 10.7907/4ZJQ-RP66
- Good, Nathan Ray (2001) The
Influence of Texture on the Magnetoelastic Properties of Polycrystalline
TbDy Alloys; 10.7907/nh91-2f05
- Ol, Michael Volf (2001) The
Passage Toward Stall of Nonslender Delta Wings at Low Reynolds
Number; 10.7907/016w-2332
- Krueger, Paul Samuel (2001) The
Significance of Vortex Ring Formation and Nozzle Exit Over-Pressure to
Pulsatile Jet Propulsion; 10.7907/3QWF-8G05
- Molinari, Jean-Francois Roland (2001) Three
dimensional finite element analysis of impact damage and erosion of
metallic targets; 10.7907/6ZJV-B162
- Yu, Chengxiang Rena (2001) Three-Dimensional
Cohesive Modeling of Impact Damage of Composites; 10.7907/nd8e-tc84
- Sane, Sandeep Bhalchandra (2001) Time-dependent
compressibility of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) : an experimental
and molecular dynamics investigation; 10.7907/saw5-7p32
- Schooler, Eve Meryl (2001) Why
multicast protocols (don’t) scale: an analysis of multipoint algorithms
for scalable group communication; 10.7907/44QZ-R465
- Haberman, Keith Scott (2000) A
Micromechanical Constitutive Model for the Dynamic Response of Brittle
Materials “Dynamic Response of Marble”; 10.7907/smj0-cq27
- Voelkl, Tobias (2000) A
physical-space version of the stretched-vortex subgrid-stress model for
large-eddy simulation of incompressible flow; 10.7907/d900-mk74
- Smith, James N. (2000) A.
Computational chemistry applied to the analysis of air pollution
reaction mechanisms ; B. Fundamental studies of droplet evaporation and
discharge dynamics in electrospray ionization; 10.7907/M9MM-6Z40
- Mohseni, Kamran (2000) A:
Universality in Vortex Formation. B: Evaluation of Mach Wave Radiation
Mechanisms in a Supersonic Jet; 10.7907/MB7E-7950
- Deckman, Blythe Chadwick (2000) Active
quasi-optics and measurements; 10.7907/a6x5-z643
- Li, Lifang (2000) Adaptive
Receiver Design and Optimal Resource Allocation Strategies for Fading
Channels; 10.7907/ata8-3r29
- Harrison, Reid R. (2000) An
analog VLSI motion sensor based on the fly visual system; 10.7907/TSDS-SJ16
- Kneebone, Penelope E. (2000) Arsenic
geochemistry in a geothermally impacted system : the Los Angeles
Aqueduct; 10.7907/83BV-0B62
- Goncalves, Luis (2000) Automatic
observation and synthesis of human motion; 10.7907/n3fn-jd79
- Collins, Donald R. (2000) Characterization
of the Physical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols through Airborne
Sampling; 10.7907/3XTD-ZV06
- Gibson, Michael Andrew (2000) Computational
methods for stochastic biological systems; 10.7907/G4X0-D149
- Karion, Anna (2000) Couette
Flows of Granular Materials: Mixing, Rheology, and Energy
Dissipation; 10.7907/HX15-PC72
- Schultz, Eric (2000) Detonation
Diffraction Through an Abrupt Area Expansion; 10.7907/96F1-QR61
- Pekarsky, Sergey (2000) Discrete
reduction of mechanical systems and multisymplectic geometry of
continuum mechanics; 10.7907/1y6f-7w97
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam (2000) Dual
polarized and balanced receivers at millimeter and submillimeter
wavelengths; 10.7907/RMVX-0619
- Wang, Yong (2000) Effects
of actuator limits in bifurcation control with applications to active
control of fluid instabilities in turbomachinery; 10.7907/229f-f376
- Yee, Jimmy (2000) Experimental
investigations in spheromaks : injection into a tokamak and formation in
an unbounded environment; 10.7907/Y45X-9C19
- Aagaard, Brad Thomas (2000) Finite-Element
Simulations of Earthquakes; 10.7907/T65C-9C94
- Aji, Srinivas Mandayam (2000) Graphical
Models and Iterative Decoding; 10.7907/79XC-5C54
- Zhu, Xiaoyun (2000) Hard
vs. soft bounds in probablilistic robustness analysis and generalized
source coding and optimal web layout design; 10.7907/1f3r-va82
- Manwani, Amit (2000) Information-theoretic
analysis of neuronal communication; 10.7907/q9c5-f606
- Wang, Xuan-Qi (2000) Integrated
parylene micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS); 10.7907/qe8x-ca65
- Wu, Shuyun (2000) Integrated
polysilicon thermistors for microfluidic sensing; 10.7907/w1yy-ne91
- Babcock, David S. (2000) Intelligent
control using generalizing case-based reasoning with neural
networks; 10.7907/HBTD-WE62
- Schlamp, Stefan (2000) Laser-induced
thermal acoustic velocimetry; 10.7907/skm0-tk82
- Lee, Reginald K. (2000) Lasing
and modified spontaneous emission in photonic crystal structures and
microcavities; 10.7907/kvvd-em02
- Armond, Michelle Elle (2000) Legal
dimensions of the Chinese experience in Los Angeles, 1860-1880; 10.7907/8Q9B-F003
- Davis, John F. (2000) Low-cost,
industrial class-E power amplifiers with sine-wave drive; 10.7907/j5vk-kx77
- Chou, Hou-Pu (2000) Microfabricated
devices for rapid DNA diagnostics; 10.7907/0D20-Y875
- Desai, Amish S. (2000) Micromachined
devices for an airborne bio-particle analysis system; 10.7907/ge1w-t045
- Oguni, Kenji (2000) Micromechanical
Aspects of Failure in Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Composites; 10.7907/3VSA-QN96
- Jabbour, Michel E. (2000) Modeling
chemical vapor deposition of thin solid films; 10.7907/pa2d-3n29
- Ho, Ching Elizabeth (2000) Multiple
mechanisms of apparent motion perception; 10.7907/gmqp-sx69
- Park, Peter J. (2000) Multiscale
numerical methods for the singularly perturbed convection-diffusion
equation; 10.7907/4C7T-3440
- Ikriannikov, Alexandr (2000) New
Developments in Single Phase Power Factor Correction; 10.7907/c1b0-qk33
- Bandić, Zvonimir Z. (2000) Novel
devices employing epitaxial wide bandgap semiconductors : physics,
electronics and materials characterization; 10.7907/cnyb-cq58
- Swenson, Grant Douglas (2000) Numerical
simulations of combustion instabilities in gas turbine combustors, with
applications; 10.7907/3QG6-JN34
- Daniell, Cynthia Evors (2000) Object
Recognition in Compressed Imagery.; 10.7907/6z3z-ar86
- Jeon, David S. (2000) On
Cylinders Undergoing One- and Two-Degree of Freedom Forced Vibrations in
a Steady Flow; 10.7907/ky58-en52
- Djekić, Ognjen (2000) Optimization
and miniaturization of microprocessor power supplies; 10.7907/afba-8b98
- Wang, Xu (2000) Optoelectric
devices for optical memory systems; 10.7907/kf9g-xq27
- Wong, Joyce Y. (2000) Perpendicular
patterned media for high density magnetic storage; 10.7907/WEP6-MN90
- Adibi, Ali (2000) Persistent
holographic storage in photorefractive crystals; 10.7907/ESSK-6B14
- Brady, Mark A. (2000) Regularized
vortex sheet evolution in three dimensions; 10.7907/pbyj-k986
- Peral, Eva M. (2000) Some
issues relevant to propagation of lightwave signals in optical
fibers; 10.7907/PVBN-KY66
- Irfanoglu, Ayhan (2000) Structural
Design under Seismic Risk Using Multiple Performance Objectives; 10.7907/W5WE-TD86
- Parrilo, Pablo A. (2000) Structured
semidefinite programs and semialgebraic geometry methods in robustness
and optimization; 10.7907/2K6Y-CH43
- Qu, Wendong (2000) Studies
on Nonlinear Dispersive Water Waves; 10.7907/19B4-2N21
- Kazadi, Sanza Nkashama Tsilobo (2000) Swarm
Engineering; 10.7907/YR44-KF67
- Min, Kyu Sung (2000) Synthesis
and properties of light-emitting Si-based nanostructures; 10.7907/tjep-v350
- Witham, Charles Kincaid (2000) The
effects of alloy chemistry on the electrochemical and hydriding
properties of NI-substituted LaNi5; 10.7907/w3e0-5779
- Moeleker, Piet (2000) The
filtered advection-diffusion equation : Lagrangian methods and
modeling; 10.7907/2q17-4g27
- Lu, Daqi (2000) Theoretical
Studies of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials; 10.7907/myx9-7278
- Li, Ying (2000) Tsunamis:
Non-Breaking and Breaking Solitary Wave Run-Up; 10.7907/kake-7p89
- Weber, Markus (2000) Unsupervised
learning of models for object recognition; 10.7907/ec32-c786
- Munich, Mario Enrique (2000) Visual
input for pen-based computers; 10.7907/1VW0-ZG46
- Wen, Jiajun (2000) What
you can see outside the focus of attention; 10.7907/9z53-3157
- Aivazis, Keri Ann (1999) A
Spherical Vortex Model for Homogeneous Turbulence; 10.7907/3acm-yj36
- Maric, Dragan S. (1999) Advanced
flux weakening techniques for surface-mounted permanent-magnet machine
drives; 10.7907/fy8g-pm69
- Johansen, Anne Marie Jorunn (1999) Aerosol
chemistry over remote oceanic regions; 10.7907/P5HP-F516
- Waniewski, Tricia Ann (1999) Air
entrainment by bow waves; 10.7907/JAY3-M016
- Deshpande, Nitin Ashok (1999) An
Experimental Investigation of High-Shear-Strain-Rate Behavior of
Metals; 10.7907/naah-mx91
- Preventza, Polly (1999) Analysis
and design for quasi-optical structures; 10.7907/t7ve-td81
- Love, Philip (1999) Bifurcations
in Kolmogorov and Taylor-vortex flows; 10.7907/g2f3-s507
- Benedict, Noel Lakshman (1999) Buoyant
flows in vertical channels relating to smoke movement in high-rise
building fires; 10.7907/ynbt-qn25
- Long, Mark K. (1999) Computer
aided mask layout synthesis for anisotrophic etch photolithography;
- Song, Xubo (1999) Contextual
pattern recognition with applications to biomedical image
identification; 10.7907/F5YK-HM52
- Roweis, Sam T. (1999) Data
driven production models for speech processing; 10.7907/DP55-8897
- Owen, Randall Lee (1999) Detection
and Analysis of Musical Events Using Model-Based Signal Processing;
- Bridger, Paul M. (1999) Development
of apertureless microscopy and force microscopy of GaN and CeO22; 10.7907/8ybw-sh03
- Lloyd, Thomas (1999) Dissolution
of Fe(III)- and Mn(III,IV)- (hydr)oxides by deferrioxamine B; 10.7907/dxzk-z221
- Alonzo, Alicia Cristina (1999) Effects
of geometry on the wet thermal oxidation of aluminum arsenide; 10.7907/Q286-WB43
- Ofria, Charles A. (1999) Evolution
of genetic codes; 10.7907/2z40-1m97
- Chuang, Patrick Yung-Shie (1999) Experimental
and theoretical studies of cloud condensation nuclei; 10.7907/RY6B-CY09
- Khatri, Sven H. (1999) Extensions
to the structured singular value; 10.7907/aw0t-7881
- Maheo, Patrice Michel (1999) Free-Surface
Turbulent Shear Flows; 10.7907/TCTV-BM26
- Kaneshige, Michael Jiro (1999) Gaseous
Detonation Initiation and Stabilization by Hypervelocity
Projectiles; 10.7907/GBE9-FG37
- Davis, Jean-Paul (1999) High-enthalpy
shock/boundary-layer interaction on a double wedge; 10.7907/4C98-MN23
- Xu, Lihao (1999) Highly
available distributed storage systems; 10.7907/EQK9-8C84
- Winfree, Nancy A. (1999) Impact-Induced
Phase Transformations in Elastic Solids: A Continuum Study Including
Numerical Simulations for GeO₂; 10.7907/4dhf-fj83
- Dickson, Jeffrey Allen (1999) Integration
of analog VLSI and thin films for chemical sensing arrays; 10.7907/9rg8-4a38
- Cheng, Xiao-chang (1999) Investigation
of new devices and characterization techniques in the III-V
semiconductor system; 10.7907/4pmy-xb16
- Xu, Meina (1999) Iterative
decoding and graphical code representations; 10.7907/q731-9q50
- Horn, Gavin B. (1999) Iterative
decoding and pseudo-codewords; 10.7907/RS6G-C640
- Yang, Xing (1999) Micromachined
silicone rubber membrane valves for fluidic applications; 10.7907/k8hw-ph10
- Slatkin, Andrew Brett (1999) Modeling
and Experiments for a Class of Robotic Endoscopes; 10.7907/NG6V-TD44
- Piquette, Eric C. (1999) Molecular
beam heteroepitaxial growth and characterization of wide band gap
semiconductor films and devices; 10.7907/by67-nr24
- Bullo, Francesco (1999) Nonlinear
control of mechanical systems : a Riemannian geometry approach; 10.7907/xrak-3409
- Yeung, Chung-hei (Simon) (1999) Nonlinear
control of rotating stall and surge with axisymmetric bleed and air
injection on axial flow compressors; 10.7907/1wef-gp10
- Primbs, James A. (1999) Nonlinear
optimal control: a receding horizon appoach; 10.7907/4AD2-0T48
- Huang, Yun (1999) Nonlinear
optimal control: an enhanced quasi-LPV approach; 10.7907/5VNR-GF60
- Shariff, Shaun (1999) Numerical
simulation of viscous reacting hypersonic flow past cones; 10.7907/D6TR-5Z18
- Kirac, Ahmet (1999) Optimal
orthonormal subband coding and lattice quantization with vector
dithering; 10.7907/ec82-t391
- Phares, Denis Joseph (1999) Particle
resuspension from surfaces; 10.7907/63FG-BC19
- Shapiro, Benjamin (1999) Passive
control of flutter and forced response in bladed disks via
mistuning; 10.7907/1xae-bn33
- Paiella, Roberto (1999) Physics
and application of four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical
amplifiers; 10.7907/r9qa-0n27
- Schenk, Kurt (1999) Power
factor correction topologies and small-signal modeling. I: Single-phase
and three-phase power factor correction. II: Small-signal analysis of
converters in discontinuous conduction mode; 10.7907/EXCX-Z103
- Gleeson, James P. (1999) Random
advection of a passive scalar; 10.7907/1k1x-z678
- Bond, Christopher Llewellyn (1999) Reynolds
number effects on mixing in the turbulent shear layer; 10.7907/3KKM-HB66
- Gallagher, Donal A. (1999) Saffman-Taylor
fingers in deformed Hele-Shaw cells; 10.7907/32e1-fp41
- Monzon, Franklin Gregory (1999) Semiconductor
magnetoelectronics and prospects for a spin transistor; 10.7907/gccy-3j80
- Shu, Yi-Chung (1999) Shape-memory
effect in bulk and thin-film polycrystals; 10.7907/4NW5-3Q89
- Leyva, Ivett A. (1999) Shock
detachment process on cones in hypervelocity flows; 10.7907/62TN-GA26
- Choi-Yim, Haein (1999) Synthesis
and characterization of bulk metallic glass matrix composities; 10.7907/NZS0-9N89
- Efendiev, Yalchin R. (1999) The
Multiscale Finite Element Method (MsFEM) and Its Applications; 10.7907/2QJN-2S06
- Manohar, Rajit (1999) The
impact of asynchrony on computer architecture; 10.7907/xzwa-p598
- Lemieux, Patrick (1999) The
instability of shear layers produced by curved shocks; 10.7907/V9R0-JD15
- Laubach, Sharon Lynn (1999) Theory
and experiments in autonomous sensor-based motion planning with
applications for flight planetary microrovers; 10.7907/b1wv-hc78
- Carlson, Anders Elof (1999) Three-Dimensional
Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings Damaged by
Earthquake Excitations; 10.7907/7s2s-9r50
- Wright, John A. (1999) Through-wafer
3-D micromachining and its applications for neural interfaces and
microrelays; 10.7907/g4sj-2q41
- Li, Shijie (1999) UHF
and X-Band Class-E amplifiers; 10.7907/wrwt-7a21
- Masuhr, Andreas (1999) Viscous
flow and crystallization of bulk metallic glass forming liquids; 10.7907/S22B-5C59
- Bouguet, Jean-Yves (1999) Visual
methods for three-dimensional modeling; 10.7907/hc2c-sp47
- Park, Han G. (1998) A
Study of Heat Transport Processes in the Wake of a Stationary and
Oscillating Circular Cylinder Using Digital Particle Image
Velocimetry/Thermometry; 10.7907/C9KN-RQ12
- Sivilotti, Paolo A. G. (1998) A
method for the specification, composition, and testing of distributed
object systems; 10.7907/z89g-gm27
- Polidori, David Charles (1998) A
probabilistic treatment of uncertainty in nonlinear dynamical
systems; 10.7907/axk4-vz45
- Massingill, Berna Linda (1998) A
structured approach to parallel programming; 10.7907/5ma9-h225
- Alouini, Mohamed-Slim (1998) Adaptive
and Diversity Techniques for Wireless Digital Communications Over Fading
Channels; 10.7907/SDZ9-8G93
- Camata, Renato Penha (1998) Aerosol
synthesis and characterization of silicon nanocrystals; 10.7907/n9df-zc75
- Winfree, Erik (1998) Algorithmic
Self-Assembly of DNA; 10.7907/HBBV-PF79
- Patel, Bibhuti Bhusan (1998) An
Experimental Investigation of Wave Propagation in Fractured Brittle
Material; 10.7907/w1t3-1f55
- Heirich, Alan Bryant (1998) Analysis
of scalable algorithms for dynamic load balancing and mapping with
application to photo-realistic rendering; 10.7907/ZVYW-H876
- Slessor, Michael David (1998) Aspects
of turbulent-shear-layer dynamics and mixing; 10.7907/K55F-8589
- Dandliker, Richard B. (1998) [Bulk metallic glass matrix
processing, microstructure, and application as a kinetic energy
- Zenit Camacho, Jose Roberto (1998) Collisional
mechanics in solid-liquid flows; 10.7907/E0D9-C117
- Frank, Timothy S. (1998) Computing
with spiking neurons; 10.7907/vf21-gw62
- Goodwine, John William (1998) Control
of stratified systems with robotic applications; 10.7907/49h9-q898
- Ramamoorthi, Ravi (1998) Creating
Generative Models from Range Images; 10.7907/VZXG-Q639
- Springfield, Christopher D. (1998) Development
of an object-oriented infrared imaging system simulator and its
application to multi-spectral infrared imaging; 10.7907/jcn5-z151
- Watts, Jerrell R. (1998) Dynamic
load balancing and granularity control on heterogeneous and hybrid
architectures; 10.7907/gvgq-3d11
- Zaremba, Slawomir M. (1998) Dynamical
signatures of gearbox vibrations; 10.7907/ab9t-b513
- Press, William Alan (1998) Effects
of Spatial Attention on Macaque Primary Visual Cortex; 10.7907/jt9f-av51
- Weavers, Linda K. (1998) Enhancement
of ultrasonic and ultraviolet irradiation with chemical oxidants; 10.7907/WPCP-PA50
- Radovitzky, Raul A (1998) Error
estimation and adaptive meshing in strongly nonlinear dynamic
problems; 10.7907/MF7F-YK03
- Crowdy, Darren G. (1998) Exact
solutions for two-dimensional Stokes flow; 10.7907/3jys-vr33
- Rudnev, Mikhail K. (1998) Exponentially
small splitting of separatrices and the Arnold’s diffusion problem;
- Lee, Sangwook (1998) Failure
of laminated composites at thickness discontinuities under complex
loading and elevated temperatures; 10.7907/9p36-ht49
- Blackwell, Veronica R. (1998) Formation
processes of clathrate hydrates of carbon dioxide and methane; 10.7907/XR79-CF85
- Wang, Chun-Ming (1998) Image
enhancement with two-photon laser scanning microscopy; 10.7907/nrrt-dr18
- Nairn, Bruce James (1998) Incipient
transport of silt-sized sediments; 10.7907/E67A-3484
- Çataltepe, Zehra Kök (1998) Incorporating
Input Information into Learning and Augmented Objective Functions;
- Barbastathis, George (1998) Intelligent
holographic databases; 10.7907/1R63-9H50
- Misra, Ashish (1998) Large-eddy
simulation using a vortex-based subgrid stress model; 10.7907/0J91-NE77
- Winner, Darrell Alan (1998) Long-term
modeling of regional ozone concentrations and control strategies; 10.7907/WAJM-9058
- Conner, Robert Dale (1998) Mechanical
properties of bulk metallic glass matrix composites; 10.7907/xvhx-px15
- Lin, Qiao (1998) Mechanics
and Planning of Workpiece Fixturing and Robotic Grasping; 10.7907/1d4m-j065
- Sill, Joseph (1998) Monotonicity
and connectedness in learning systems; 10.7907/GQWN-1H71
- Cheng, Chuan-cheng (1998) Nanofabrication
and Characterization of Photonic Crystals; 10.7907/sjy2-r565
- Bohossian, Vasken Z. (1998) Neural
logic : theory and implementation; 10.7907/N0T5-7J92
- Bachman, David Alan (1998) Nonlinear
Phenomena in a Pure Electron Plasma Studied with a 2-D Fluid Code;
- Engin, Doruk (1998) Nonlinear
spatial dynamics of double phase conjugation in photorefractive crystals
and holographic dynamics of photopolymerization; 10.7907/78gp-sz41
- Repetto, Eduardo A. (1998) On
the fatigue behavior of ductile F.C.C. metals; 10.7907/zkfb-sr87
- Levene, Michael (1998) Optics
in neural computation; 10.7907/XQVE-SA13
- Hill, David J. (1998) [Part I. Vortex dynamics in wake models.
- Wave
- Rieffel, Marc A. (1998) Performance
modeling for concurrent particle simulations; 10.7907/sx57-5d89
- Sanders, Steven Jay (1998) Plasma
ion dynamics in large-amplitude drift waves : stochasticity, collisions,
orbit loss, and recycling; 10.7907/11sj-hm29
- May, Bennett Scott (1998) Probabilistic
Robust Control: Theory and Applications; 10.7907/19jn-c337
- Tong, Xiaolin (1998) Properties
and applications of potassium lithium tantalate niobate; 10.7907/Y1N1-2V86
- Taylor, Maggie Elizabeth (1998) Pulsed
laser deposition : energetic growth effects in group iv semiconductor
materials; 10.7907/1vfn-ax53
- Glavaski, Sonja (1998) Robust
system analysis and nonlinear system model reduction; 10.7907/jh14-eg48
- Odum, Jay Russell (1998) Secondary
Organic Aerosol Formation and Gas/Aerosol Partitioning; 10.7907/R5WB-VW19
- Montilla Edmonds, Karina Luciel (1998) Shock
Wave Processing of Transitional Metal Silicides; 10.7907/9g63-5c59
- Tsao, Thomas Rocco (1998) Silicon
micromachined magnetic actuators for aerodynamic flow control
applications; 10.7907/z29s-kt20
- Jiang, Fukang (1998) Silicon-micromachined
flow sensors; 10.7907/R2QN-SC72
- Shiels, Douglas G. (1998) Simulation
of Controlled Bluff Body Flow with a Viscous Vortex Method; 10.7907/49A0-VA12
- Schauer, James Jay (1998) Source
contributions to atmospheric organic compound concentrations : emissions
measurements and model predictions; 10.7907/3FPH-HY50
- Hunziker, Guido H. (1998) Spectroscopy
and wavelength conversion by four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical
amplifers; 10.7907/fcfk-7n73
- Zorin, Denis N. (1998) Stationary
Subdivision and Multiresolution Surface Representations; 10.7907/EKMR-0233
- Tuqan, Jamal (1998) Statistical
optimization of multirate systems and orthonormal filter banks; 10.7907/vx5t-w383
- Uy, Robert Vincent (1998) Studies
of Rotordynamic Forces Generated by Annular Flows; 10.7907/9nq0-qp03
- Magdon-Ismail, Malik (1998) Supervised
learning in probabilistic environments; 10.7907/6Y8S-4442
- Kelly, Scott D. (1998) The
mechanics and control of robotic locomotion with applications to aquatic
vehicles; 10.7907/50M3-1529
- Forman, Selena M. (1998) The
transport of nonlinearly adsorbing compounds between stream water and
sediment bed in a laboratory flume; 10.7907/vj00-a140
- Kao, John (1998) Two-Dimensional
Steady Bow Waves in Water of Finite Depth; 10.7907/tp0w-sd61
- Frase, Heather N. (1998) Vibrational
and magnetic properties of mechanically attrited Ni3Fe nanocrystals;
- Paulsen, Susan Catherine (1997) A
Study of the Mixing of Natural Flows Using ICP-MS and the Elemental
Composition of Waters; 10.7907/mx81-8e29
- Vanik, Michael William (1997) A
bayesian probabilistic approach to structural health monitoring; 10.7907/ve6c-w550
- Wang, Luo-Jia (1997) Active
interaction control for civil structures; 10.7907/zsgm-ve62
- Lee, Robert Bumju (1997) All-Optical
Wavelength Conversion by Four-Wave Mixing in a Semiconductor Optical
Amplifier; 10.7907/4yye-5f58
- Kedia, Rajesh (1997) An
Investigation of Velocity and Temperature Fields in Taylor-Couette
Flows; 10.7907/0AAS-AW20
- Gupta, Vidyabhusan (1997) Analog
VLSI for active drag reduction; 10.7907/3zas-5z34
- Horiuchi, Timothy Ken (1997) Analog
VLSI-Based, Neuromorphic Sensorimotor Systems: Modeling the Primate
Oculomotor System; 10.7907/nbm7-1361
- Lazar, James Frederick (1997) Analysis
of single phase rectifier circuits; 10.7907/ZWBE-EV76
- Minch, Bradley Arthur (1997) Analysis,
synthesis, and implementation of networks of multiple-input translinear
elements; 10.7907/rh58-rz05
- Vanelli, Charles Anthony (1997) Autonomous
Reorientation of a Maneuver-Limited Spacecraft Under Simple Pointing
Constraints; 10.7907/kap2-6n63
- Lin, Xianghong (1997) Bulk
Glass Formation and Crystallization of Zr-Ti Based Alloys; 10.7907/dwm0-yq34
- Gornowicz, Galen Gerald (1997) Continuous-Field
Image-Correlation Velocimetry and its Application to Unsteady Flow Over
an Airfoil; 10.7907/52KD-JX10
- Yu, Zhong (1997) Design
issues in communications networks : reliability and traffic
analysis; 10.7907/pa8m-ay72
- Melnik, M. Susan (1997) Diamond
surfaces : interactions with hydrogen and halogens; 10.7907/gdrt-7n92
- Rathinam, Muruhan (1997) Differentially
flat nonlinear control systems; 10.7907/k7pm-hs13
- Marshall, William K. (1997) Dynamics
of Amplitude and Phase in Semiconductor Lasers and Effects of
Propagation in Dispersive Optical Fibers; 10.7907/amwv-x166
- Turteltaub, Sergio Ricardo (1997) Dynamics
of phase transformations in thermoelastic solids; 10.7907/gk0c-8r75
- Reisman, Garrett Erin (1997) Dynamics,
acoustics and control of cloud cavitation on hydrofoils; 10.7907/48X3-7X08
- Gan, Wenshui (1997) Earthquake
Response of Steel Braces and Braced Steel Frames; 10.7907/6zt3-2k51
- Sarpeshkar, Rahul (1997) Efficient
precise computation with noisy components : extrapolating from an
electronic cochlea to the brain; 10.7907/FSBH-QA93
- Assad, Christopher (1997) Electric
field maps and boundary element simulations of electrolocation in weakly
electric fish; 10.7907/2xh4-jv86
- Adam, Philippe H. (1997) Enthalpy
Effects on Hypervelocity Boundary Layers; 10.7907/YF0K-HK91
- Packman, Aaron Ian (1997) Exchange
of colloidal kaolinite between stream and sand bed in a laboratory
flume; 10.7907/FYMP-BR13
- Palmer, Michael Edward (1997) Exploiting
parallel memory hierarchies for ray casting volumes; 10.7907/mbmg-ne39
- Peill, Nicola Joy (1997) Fiber-optic
bundled array cable reactors for heterogeneous photocatalysis and waste
stream remediation; 10.7907/4x4b-8w92
- Chea, Limdara Ong (1997) Finite
Element Simulation and Analysis of Local Stress Concentration in
Polymers with a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model; 10.7907/13SD-9N16
- Hasler, Paul Edward (1997) Foundations
of learning in analog VLSI; 10.7907/2J7M-GE02
- Feng, Jing (1997) Frequency
chirp and spectral dynamics in semiconductor lasers; 10.7907/mahd-9t42
- Gonzalez, Javier Gonzalez (1997) Full
Field Study of Strain Distribution Near the Crack Tip in the Fracture of
Solid Propellants Via Large Strain Digital Image Correlation and Optical
Microscopy; 10.7907/HRM1-RJ74
- D’Andrea, Raffaello (1997) Generalizations
of H-infinity optimization. Control of rotating stall; 10.7907/4R8P-RR02
- Geraghty, David Francis (1997) Investigation
of wavelength conversion by four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical
amplifiers; 10.7907/rqrk-zs39
- Cheng, Jung-Fu (1997) Iterative
decoding; 10.7907/ydj9-zq05
- Krok, James Christopher (1997) Jet
Initiation of Deflagration and Detonation; 10.7907/PSTR-T717
- Ross, Martin Christopher (1997) Lean
Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen-Nitrous Oxide-Ammonia Mixtures in
Air; 10.7907/4QVK-MZ52
- Yang, Chih Meng (1997) Manipulation
of Si and Ge Crystallization; 10.7907/3693-9p48
- Natarajan, Venkata V. R. (1997) Material
and thermal transport in vertical granular flows; 10.7907/wze4-p323
- Deng, Tony H. (1997) Measurement
of the dynamic bulk compliance of polymers; 10.7907/vxb1-4950
- Miller, Raanan Ariel (1997) Microfabricated
electromagnetic flap actuators and their applications; 10.7907/1m4s-8d50
- Beck, Carolyn Louise (1997) Model
Reduction and Minimality for Uncertain Systems; 10.7907/MPV7-2Q79
- Diorio, Christopher J. (1997) Neurally
inspired silicon learning : from synapse transistors to learning
arrays; 10.7907/vbyq-fy15
- Behnken, Robert Louis (1997) Nonlinear
Control and Modeling of Rotating Stall in an Axial Flow Compressor;
- Lu, Hongbing (1997) Nonlinear
thermo-mechanical behavior of polymers under multiaxial loading; 10.7907/SH42-W153
- Baumstein, Anatoly I. (1997) Nonlinear
water waves with shear; 10.7907/1QTM-MP39
- Noca, Flavio (1997) On
the Evaluation of Time-Dependent Fluid-Dynamic Forces on Bluff
Bodies; 10.7907/K2Z0-9016
- Hodowany, Jon (1997) On
the conversion of plastic work into heat; 10.7907/FENH-ZK36
- Lin, Yuan-Pei (1997) One-
and Two-Dimensional Cosine Modulated Filter Banks; 10.7907/n255-7g92
- Chan, Eduardo (1997) Optimal
Design of Building Structures Using Genetic Algorithms; 10.7907/4jea-yw44
- Drolet, Jean-Jacques P. (1997) Optoelectronic
devices for information storage and processing; 10.7907/80x4-rf73
- Gibson, Andrew Douglas (1997) Physical
scale modeling of geotechnical structures at one-G; 10.7907/97V4-YE48
- Capewell, Dale L. (1997) Planar
Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging and Monte Carlo Simulations of Pulsed
Laser Ablation; 10.7907/1bah-m913
- Jonscher, Karen Rae (1997) Quadrupole
ion trap mass spectrometry of peptides; 10.7907/9btc-bk47
- Xu, Yuanjian (1997) Quantum
well intersubband transition detection and modulation; 10.7907/pbpa-dx11
- Moussessian, Alina (1997) Quasi-optical
active antennas; 10.7907/0nah-v928
- Burl, Michael C. (1997) Recognition
of visual object classes; 10.7907/96P7-6E62
- Boahen, Kwabena Adu (1997) Retinomorphic
vision systems : reverse engineering the vertebrate retina; 10.7907/96W6-N605
- Sur, Sudipto (1997) Robotic
manipulation with flexible link fingers; 10.7907/RVP5-Q254
- Kantner, Michael James (1997) Robust
simulation and analysis of nonlinear systems; 10.7907/BDXE-V419
- Sivo, Joseph Michael (1997) Rotordynamic
Forces Due to Annular Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps;
- Mackey, Ryan Murrill Ezekiel (1997) Soap
Film Thickness Imaging by Infrared Methods; 10.7907/7bv0-m741
- Maskit, Daniel (1997) Software
register synchronization for super-scalar processors with partitioned
register files; 10.7907/tyap-ea69
- Salik, Boaz (1997) Spatio-temporal
beam synthesis and applications to photolithography; 10.7907/ws8q-mt53
- Siefert, Ronald Lyn (1997) Speciation
of Fe in ambient aerosol and cloudwater; 10.7907/fssg-ew75
- Prochazka, Aurelius (1997) Stability
and structure of stretched vortices; 10.7907/sc0x-1g40
- Shcheglov, Kirill Vadim (1997) Synthesis,
optical and electronic properties of group IV semiconductor
nanocrystals; 10.7907/59ar-ek67
- Warncke, Amy E. (1997) The
Effects of Surfactants on Free-Surface Flows; 10.7907/1xg2-yy62
- Haroldsen, David John (1997) The
numerical calculation of three-dimensional water waves using a boundary
integral method; 10.7907/etyh-8140
- Lin, Wei (1997) The
trellis complexity of block and convolutional codes; 10.7907/5130-4858
- Meng, Zhaoyue (1997) Thermodynamic
and dynamic modeling of atmospheric aerosols; 10.7907/0jjb-5n70
- Van Nieuwstadt, Michiel Jacques (1997) Trajectory
generation for nonlinear control systems; 10.7907/9X7P-A431
- Papalexandris, Miltiadis Vassilios (1997) Unsplit
Numerical Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws with
Source Terms; 10.7907/HW7S-AR36
- Wassgren, Carl R. (1997) Vibration
of granular materials; 10.7907/QMSQ-QJ88
- Nagel, Laura Jeanne (1997) Vibrational
entropy differences in materials; 10.7907/bwwk-w256
- Bakke, Eric (1997) Viscosity
measurements of bulk metallic glass forming alloys; 10.7907/5161-9m27
- Watts, Philip (1997) Water
waves generated by underwater landslides; 10.7907/S3NH-RA23
- Tierno, Jorge E. (1996) A
computational approach to nonlinear system analysis; 10.7907/4txk-p492
- Soatto, Stefano (1996) A
geometric framework for dynamic vision; 10.7907/x87w-t943
- Thornley, John William (1996) A
parallel programming model with sequential semantics; 10.7907/mytw-er77
- Forstner, Hali J. L. (1996) Aerosol
formation from atmospheric hydrocarbon photooxidation; 10.7907/khpq-7188
- Kuzo, David Matthew (1996) An
experimental study of the turbulent transverse jet; 10.7907/xa4v-qb95
- Valluri, Siddhartha (1996) Bluff
Body Flows in the Presence of a Free Surface; 10.7907/2wbk-9k81
- Stephens, Tab Allen (1996) Chemical
environment selectivity in Mossbauer diffraction; 10.7907/q4tq-7k23
- Ardalan, Kayvan (1996) Compressible
vortex arrays; 10.7907/s4n5-1v32
- O’Brien, John David (1996) Design,
growth, and characterization of vertical cavity surface emitting
lasers; 10.7907/79nd-7w93
- Ambrose, Barry E. (1996) Dynamic
routing of telephone traffic using network management tools; 10.7907/cky0-6y06
- Shakouri, Ali (1996) Electron
transport in quantum well infrared photodetectors; 10.7907/aqq2-yj56
- Morris, John Christopher (1996) Experimental
Control: a Helicopter Case Study; 10.7907/sdad-de68
- Fey, Kate Elizabeth (1996) Experimental
and theoretical aspects of dynamic crack growth along bimaterial
interfaces; 10.7907/ehea-x787
- Moore, Cyrille Dennis (1996) Experiments
in axisymmetric supersonic jets; 10.7907/1g15-nz55
- Moore, Kevin C. (1996) Experiments
on the interaction of a coflowing light gas jet with a weak oblique
shock wave; 10.7907/qgz4-en52
- Hua, Xinlei (1996) First
principles simulations : development of new density functionals and
pseudopotentials and formation mechanism of fullerenes; 10.7907/r7qa-wt76
- Orlov, Sergei S. (1996) Holographic
storage dynamics, phase conjugation, and nonlinear optics in
photorefractive materials; 10.7907/RYVB-3254
- De Lisio, Michael Peter (1996) Hybrid
and monolithic active quasi-optical grids; 10.7907/knb4-j089
- Deng, Edward E. (1996) I.
Negative incremental impedance of fluorescent lamps. II. Simple high
power factor lamp ballasts; 10.7907/SCBW-QZ94
- Zhang, Jin E. (1996) I.
Run-Up of Ocean Waves on Beaches II. Nonlinear Waves in a Fluid-Filled
Elastic Tube; 10.7907/TGA4-F552
- Lie, Yu-Chun Donald (1996) Ion
implantation in epitaxial GexSi1-x on Si(100); 10.7907/6GA1-F433
- Lubecke, Victor Manuel (1996) Micromechanical
tuning elements for submillimeter wave integrated circuits; 10.7907/g8rb-ds84
- Catrakis, Haris J. (1996) Mixing
and the Geometry of Isosurfaces in Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/GPS6-DW08
- Newlin, Matthew Philip (1996) Model
Validation, Control, and Computation; 10.7907/nvwd-hw47
- Luo, Jiafu (1996) Monolithic
GaAs VLSI optoelectronic neuron arrays; 10.7907/F7DG-YM82
- Liu, Cheh-Ming Jeff (1996) Monolithic
grid amplifiers; 10.7907/9c1y-j677
- Burnley, Victor Scott (1996) Nonlinear
Combustion Instabilities and Stochastic Sources; 10.7907/013z-q287
- Huang, Ching-Tung (1996) On
the Dynamic Response of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems; 10.7907/2xpp-3s50
- Tsai, Charles Su-Chang (1996) Optoelectronic
structure fabrication by organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy and
selective epitaxy; 10.7907/vrda-c377
- Howard, Danny Dwayne (1996) Part
I. Mechanisms of injury associated with extracorporeal shock wave
lithotripsy; Part II. Exsolution of volatiles; 10.7907/995X-8517
- Demiralp, Ersan (1996) Prediction
of structures and properties for organic superconductors; 10.7907/7p7g-sm17
- Chiao, Jung-Chih (1996) Quasi-optical
components for millimeter and submillimeter waves; 10.7907/qr6b-zk66
- Hayen, Jeffrey Clyde (1996) Response
Control of Structural Systems Using Semi-Actively Controlled
Interactions; 10.7907/2c70-e383
- Lin, Duo-min (1996) Run-Up
and Nonlinear Propagation of Oceanic Internal Waves and Their
Interactions; 10.7907/rgkn-4g56
- Choset, Howard Marc (1996) Sensor
Based Motion Planning: The Hierarchical Generalized Voronoi Graph;
- Paganini-Herrera, Fernando (1996) Sets
and Constraints in the Analysis of Uncertain Systems; 10.7907/3X73-5F28
- Wang, Yi-Chun (1996) Shock
waves in bubbly cavitating flows. Part I. Shock waves in cloud
cavitation. Part II. Bubbly cavitating flows through a
converging-diverging nozzle; 10.7907/82EP-4P53
- Liu, Chang (1996) Silicon
Micromachined Sensors and Actuators for Fluid Mechanics
Applications; 10.7907/k8pm-8g13
- Pettersson, Per-Olov (1996) Silicon
heterojunctions; 10.7907/pvjr-8w50
- Jaegle, Lyatt (1996) Stratospheric
chlorine and nitrogen chemistry: observations and modeling; 10.7907/fk0v-h242
- Hong, Liubo (1996) Structures
and stabilities of nanocrystalline materials synthesized by mechanical
alloying and modeled as driven alloys; 10.7907/shrg-rd86
- Erimli, Bahadir (1996) Switching
algorithms and buffer management in asynchronous transfer mode
networks; 10.7907/agbk-bn50
- Zhou, Dongyan (1996) Synthesis
of PWM Dc-to-Dc Power Converters; 10.7907/JEK6-1P40
- Klewicki, J. Kenneth (1996) The
Kinetics of Redox Reactions of Mn(II) and Mn(III) in Aqueous Systems:
Homogenous Autoxidation of Mn(II) and the Formation and Disappearance of
Mn(III) Complexes; 10.7907/40pv-rq92
- Walter, Mark E. (1996) The
evolution of damage in ceramic matrix composites; 10.7907/w4b4-dx66
- Ostrowski, James Patrick (1996) The
mechanics and control of undulatory robotic locomotion; 10.7907/Y1TF-RF86
- Hua, Inez (1996) The
sonochemistry of aqueous solutions; 10.7907/YWAK-2730
- Berson, Olga (1996) The
study of copper bioavailability and mechanism of uptake in the type I
methanotroph Methylomicrobium albus BG8; 10.7907/X6N0-JR80
- Phoong, See-May (1996) Time-varying
and finite field filter banks; 10.7907/1bzz-ba31
- Kolb, F. Christopher (1996) Two
themes in perceptual ecology : visual attention and awareness; 10.7907/tv8e-g179
- Heikal, Ahmed Abdou (1996) Ultrafast
molecular dynamics in complexed trans-stilbene; 10.7907/p3gz-kj57
- Salvatore, Randal A. (1996) Ultrashort
and ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulses from passively mode-locked
semiconductor lasers; 10.7907/1f05-ek48
- Lee, Tak Kwan (1995) A
General Approach to Performance Analysis and Optimization of
Asynchronous Circuits; 10.7907/ehzs-y537
- Watts, Jerrell (1995) A
Practical Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing; 10.7907/jyz7-7019
- McKenney, Elizabeth Anne (1995) A
Study of Tip Vortices and Cavitation on a Propeller in a Non-Uniform
Flow Field; 10.7907/7THC-NG74
- Breton, Fabienne Anne (1995) A
large deformation analysis of plates or membranes for the determination
of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio; 10.7907/0c9r-ve54
- Fleischer, Kurt W. (1995) A
multiple-mechanism developmental model for defining self-organizing
geometric structures; 10.7907/sz7n-ad32
- Reid, Jason S. (1995) Amorphous
ternary diffusion barriers for silicon metallizations; 10.7907/4TFH-VM05
- Tierno, Jose Andres (1995) An
energy-complexity model for VLSI computations; 10.7907/PP38-4935
- Kendrick, Donald William (1995) An
experimental and numerical investigation into reacting vortex structures
associated with unstable combustion; 10.7907/9QDG-AP23
- Levy, Harold (1995) Application
and integration of quantum-effect devices for cellular VLSI; 10.7907/qtd4-5r46
- Lewis, Andrew David (1995) Aspects
of geometric mechanics and control of mechanical systems; 10.7907/CHWF-M421
- Rousset, Bernard (1995) Calibration
and Study of the Contoured Nozzle of the T5 Free-Piston Hypervelocity
Shock Tunnel; 10.7907/A82S-0J92
- Deora, Sanjeev K. (1995) Channel
assignment algorithms in cellular radio networks; 10.7907/1nxh-ak43
- Leifer, Stephanie D. (1995) Characterization
of fullerenes for electrostatic propulsion applications; 10.7907/2GRP-X396
- Iannelli, John M. (1995) Coherence
and spectral properties of composite-cavity semiconductor lasers; 10.7907/y55j-f079
- Zhong, Xiaoguang Allan (1995) Continuum
dynamics of solid-solid phase transitions; 10.7907/PW4M-9B73
- Lu, Wei-Min (1995) Control
of Uncertain Systems: State-Space Characterizations; 10.7907/dnxg-nz58
- Swenberg, Johanes F. N. (1995) Development
of wide-bandgap II-VI semiconductor light-emitting device technology
based on the graded injector design; 10.7907/p2ey-5557
- Chen, Weinong (1995) Dynamic
failure behavior of ceramics under multiaxial compression; 10.7907/0NNE-JD20
- M’Closkey, Robert Thomas (1995) Exponential
stabilization of driftless nonlinear control systems; 10.7907/7myb-h217
- Zhou, Jianhui (1995) Four-wave
mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers for terahertz spectroscopy
and wavelength conversion; 10.7907/vmke-sz45
- Laidlaw, David H. (1995) Geometric
model extraction from magnetic resonance volume data; 10.7907/1spw-fx17
- Wang, Michael Wei-Ching (1995) Graded
injector, wide bandgap light emitters and XPS studies of the InAs/GaSb
heterointerface; 10.7907/653J-FX31
- Perez, Frank Allen (1995) Hue
Segmentation, Color Circuitry, and the Mantis Shrimp; 10.7907/zev6-6330
- Liu, Jianqiang (1995) Integrated
micro devices for small scale gaseous flow study; 10.7907/sra1-0d58
- Halling, Marvin Wilford (1995) Investigation
of Base-Isolated Structures During Recent Earthquakes and Computer
Simulations Utilizing Near-Source Long-Period Ground Motions; 10.7907/HWVH-DM02
- Murty, M. V. Ramana (1995) Ion-surface
interactions and limits to silicon epitaxy at low temperatures; 10.7907/1vkn-xh33
- Semrau, Jeremy D. (1995) Kinetic,
biochemical, and genetic analysis of the particulate methane
monooxygenase; 10.7907/jvdy-gy47
- Cummings, Eric Bryant (1995) Laser-Induced
Thermal Ccoustics; 10.7907/p7mb-d967
- Miles, Robert J. (1995) Microprobe
investigations of semiconductor structures; 10.7907/7bk3-4486
- Huang, Liping (1995) Mode-Like
Properties and Identification of Nonlinear Vibrating Systems; 10.7907/707b-jf67
- Suarez, Humbert H. (1995) Modeling
motion detection in striate visual cortex using massive excitatory
feedback; 10.7907/78a8-3m56
- Musgrave, Charles Bruce (1995) Molecular
Mechanics and Ab Initio Simulations of Silicon (111) Surface
Reconstructions, Semiconductors and Semiconductor Superlattices, H
Abstraction for Nanotechnology, Polysilane, and Growth of CVD
Diamond; 10.7907/7khv-pb17
- Chen, Xiaodong (1995) Near-Field
Ground Motion from the Landers Earthquake; 10.7907/v3ye-3c10
- Pillai, N. Sateesh (1995) Non-Dissipative
Decay of Linear Quasimodes in a Pure Electron Plasma; 10.7907/GHGX-Z547
- Pich, Peter (1995) Nonlinear
rigid block dynamics; 10.7907/2gsn-6v23
- Liu, Zhenhuan (1995) Nuclei
population dynamics and cavitation; 10.7907/eq2r-9z75
- Chen, Jen-Sue (1995) Ohmic
contacts to beta silicon carbide : electrical and metallurgical
characterizations; 10.7907/yk40-pj23
- Djokovic, Igor (1995) Optimization
issues in wavelets and filter banks; 10.7907/pyy4-dt15
- Kryukova, Svetlana A. (1995) Parallel
Programming Archetypes in Combinatorics and Optimization; 10.7907/g8mm-x344
- Kewitsch, Anthony S. (1995) Part
I. Optically induced, ferroelectric domain gratings in photorefractive
crystals and applications to nonlinear optics. Part II. Self-focusing
and self-trapping of optical beams upon photopolymerization and
applications to microfabrication; 10.7907/ngzk-1s10
- Tierney, C. Michael (1995) Plume
characteristics of a multiple ion source thruster; 10.7907/mj8f-q926
- Witelski, Thomas P. (1995) Problems
in nonlinear diffusion; 10.7907/SC6N-KK20
- Jain, Mohit Kumar (1995) Processing
and mechanical behavior of ultrafine grain materials; 10.7907/8fty-t229
- Almogy, Gilad (1995) Quantum
Well Intersubband Transitions: Nonlinear Optics, Refractive Index and
Infrared Modulation; 10.7907/3qj9-9777
- Marquardt, Ronald R. (1995) Quantum
magnetotransport studies of semiconductor heterostructure devices;
- Kitching, John E. (1995) Quantum
noise reduction in semiconductor lasers using dispersive optical
feedback; 10.7907/ANGH-BY42
- Liu, Yixin (1995) Quantum
tunneling, field induced injecting contact, and excitons; 10.7907/JKFM-1G06
- Bruck, Hugh Alan (1995) Quasi-static
and dynamic constitutive characterization of beryllium bearing bulk
metallic glasses; 10.7907/jd42-3s83
- Flanagan, Michael J. (1995) Reduced-complexity
digital sinusoid generators and oversampled data converters; 10.7907/SP61-8895
- Van der Goot, Marcel Rene (1995) Semantics
of VLSI synthesis; 10.7907/SR5V-KT18
- Sanderson, Simon Ralph (1995) Shock
wave interaction in hypervelocity flow; 10.7907/3GPK-5G29
- Regehr, Martin W. (1995) Signal
extraction and control for an interferometric gravitational wave
detector; 10.7907/5EYV-5813
- Tatic-Lucic, Svetlana (1995) Silicon
micromachined devices for in vitro and in vivo studies of neural
networks; 10.7907/6jhx-9889
- Lunden, Melissa Mae (1995) Sintering
of aerosol agglomerates; 10.7907/R12F-E147
- Cortese, John Anthony (1995) Stochastic
Computation; 10.7907/W627-YA05
- Hattori, Masayuki (1995) Subspace
Subcodes of Reed-Solomon Codes; 10.7907/m50j-xx64
- Stevanovic, Ljubisa D. (1995) Switching
converters for input current shaping and regulation of multiple
outputs; 10.7907/7tyd-1d21
- Hofstee, H. Peter (1995) Synchronizing
processes; 10.7907/G620-GG65
- Bodenheimer, Robert Edward (1995) The
Whirling Blade and the Steaming Cauldron; 10.7907/fmwm-mm97
- Lough, Michael F. (1995) [The motion of thin-cored vortex
the equations of motion and their solution for some special
cases](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-10172007-093152); 10.7907/gbak-q488
- Leino, K. Rustan M. (1995) Toward
reliable modular programs; 10.7907/ynt2-nn65
- Min, Inki A. (1995) Transport,
stirring and mixing in two-dimensional vortex flows; 10.7907/8y2c-8203
- Pedroni, Volnei A. (1995) VLSI
systems for analog and Hamming parallel computation; 10.7907/DC5Z-3Q89
- Curtis, Kevin R. (1994) 3-D
photopolymer disks for correlation and data storage, and cross-talk in
volume holographic memories; 10.7907/6FK7-Z369
- Maskit, Daniel (1994) A
Message-Driven Programming System for Fine-Grain Multicomputers; 10.7907/z35v-1x17
- Edwards, David A. (1994) A
model for nonlinear diffusion in polymers; 10.7907/45KS-DN62
- Duong, Cong N. (1994) A
nonlinear thermoviscoelastic stress and fracture analysis of an adhesive
bond; 10.7907/3HF2-K703
- Eldering, Annmarie (1994) Alternative
Models for Air Pollutant Effects on Visibility; 10.7907/502K-HY92
- Salam, Gamze Erten (1994) An
analog VLSI architecture for stereo correspondence; 10.7907/H61K-0Q06
- Sugawara, Satoshi (1994) An
experimental investigation of fracture at an interface between two
epoxies; 10.7907/850e-8c88
- Cauwenberghs, Gert (1994) Analog
VLSI Autonomous Systems for Learning and Optimization; 10.7907/CW78-8H63
- Park, Namkyoo (1994) Application
of fiber amplifiers to fiber lasers and terahertz spectroscopy; 10.7907/ZK03-KN91
- Sanouillet, Remy D. (1994) Computer
mediated communication; 10.7907/THJT-R127
- Antsos, Dimitrios (1994) Computer-aided
modeling and analysis of passive microwave and millimeter-wave
high-temperature superconductor circuits and components; 10.7907/fb3q-7f74
- Li, Mo (1994) Crystal
to Glass Transition and its Relation to Melting; 10.7907/a2hw-gm49
- Shin, Jung Hoon (1994) Defects
in amorphous silicon : dynamics and role on crystallization; 10.7907/TW9D-5657
- Carlin, Peter (1994) Distributed
linear algebra on networks of workstations; 10.7907/ync0-mn20
- Lambros, John (1994) Dynamic
decohesion of bimaterial interfaces; 10.7907/36hw-c185
- Liu, Cheng (1994) Dynamic
fracture problems involving highly transient crack growth histories : an
investigation of dynamic failure in homgeneous and bimaterial
systems; 10.7907/k32y-0450
- Peker, Atakan (1994) Formation
and characterization of bulk metallic glasses; 10.7907/KBSB-JM25
- Hacker, Jonathan Bruce (1994) Grid
mixers and power grid oscillators; 10.7907/fekf-qz14
- Kuhn de Chizelle, Yan P. (1994) Hydrodynamics,
acoustics and scaling of traveling bubble cavitation; 10.7907/E92Q-C197
- Wen, Chihyung (1994) Hypervelocity
flow over spheres; 10.7907/5DDV-GW34
- Bhattacharyya, Abhijit (1994) Internal
flows and force matrices in axial flow inducers; 10.7907/Q4ST-4X32
- Hubbard, Ted J. (1994) MEMS
design : the geometry of silicon micromachining; 10.7907/TK4C-M144
- Manohar, Rajit (1994) Mach-Based
Channel Library; 10.7907/q2v9-sq59
- Santi, Enrico (1994) Magnetics
and control in power electronics : I. Modeling of coupled inductors. II.
One-cycle control of switching converters; 10.7907/QR7V-XF60
- Yvon, Pascal (1994) Metastable
phases in the aluminum-germanium alloy system. Synthesis by mechanical
alloying and pressure induced transformations; 10.7907/a9ct-na12
- Hashim, Imran (1994) Microstructural
and magnetic properties of polycrystalline and epitaxial permalloy
(Ni80Fe20) multilayered thin films; 10.7907/X1XA-W810
- Tan, Fang Dong (1994) [Modeling and control of switching
I. Unified modeling and measurement of current-programmed converters.
- A generic averaged model for switches in dc-to-dc
- Haller, Gyorgy (1994) Multi-pulse
homoclinic phenomena in resonant Hamiltonian systems; 10.7907/dx2n-8q82
- Greenspan, Hayit (1994) Multi-resolution
image processing and learning for texture recognition and image
enhancement; 10.7907/KR83-J714
- Langlois, Jean-Marc (1994) New
methods for ab initio quantum mechanical calculations in molecular and
crystalline systems; 10.7907/j75s-5f43
- Conley, Andrew (1994) New
plane shear flows; 10.7907/T34K-J848
- Raphaeli, Dan (1994) Noncoherent
Coded Modulation; 10.7907/fexw-ex94
- Mezic, Igor (1994) On
the geometrical and statistical properties of dynamical systems : theory
and applications; 10.7907/SM03-1C46
- Goldsmith, Jeff (1994) Optimized
Computer-Generated Motions for Animation; 10.7907/s6r9-sr28
- Liu, Wen-Shu (1994) Oxidation
of GeSi and applications; 10.7907/pv5t-qy03
- Schrans, Thomas (1994) Part
1: Longitudinal static and dynamic effects in semiconductor lasers. Part
II: Spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked quantum well
lasers; 10.7907/6fvd-ez10
- Von Sosen, Harald (1994) Part
I: Folds and bifurcations in the solutions of semi-explicit
differential-algebraic equations. Part II: The recursive projection
method applied to differential-algebraic equations and incompressible
fluid mechanics; 10.7907/JP6Q-ED69
- Buntine, James D. (1994) Part
I: Inviscid, swirling flows and vortex breakdown. Part II: A numerical
investigation of the Lundgren turbulence model; 10.7907/5rah-r125
- Zeng, Zheng (1994) Recurrent
neural networks for grammatical inference; 10.7907/BQBV-GE18
- Vollin, Jeffrey Lance (1994) Resonant
power processing at a fixed frequency using a controllable
inductance; 10.7907/WRR4-7B68
- Vendroux, Guillaume (1994) Scanning
tunneling microscopy in micromechanics investigations; 10.7907/KVSX-Q863
- Suzuki, Hideyuki (1994) Scintillation
mechanisms of cerium-doped rare earth oxyorthosilicates; 10.7907/3a2x-nk63
- Lee, Ming-Chieh (1994) Still
and Moving Image Compression Systems Using Multiscale Techniques; 10.7907/02w7-rg28
- Willette, Gregory Thomas (1994) Stochastic
excitation of the solar oscillations by turbulent convection; 10.7907/7nmq-8a04
- Al Juhany, Khalid Ahmed Bin Talal (1994) Supersonic
Film Cooling Including the Effect of Shock Wave Interaction; 10.7907/7ry6-fy87
- Brkovic, Milivoje Slobodan (1994) Switching
converters with magnetic amplifiers as controllable switches : I:
Soft-switching converters. II: Input current shaping; 10.7907/y716-bs43
- Cetin, Bedri Cag (1994) TRUST
: a new global optimization methodology, application to artificial
neural networks, and analog VLSI implementation; 10.7907/gf87-7y12
- Çataltepe, Zehra Kök (1994) The
Scheduling Problem in Learning from Hints; 10.7907/3zvq-w228
- Seizovic, Jakov N. (1994) The
architecture and programming of a fine-grain multicomputer; 10.7907/53vc-hs15
- Germain, Patrick (1994) The
boundary layer on a sharp cone in high-enthalpy flow; 10.7907/hfje-z896
- Gao, Zheng-Quiang (1994) The
kinetics of ordering, grain growth and chemical segregation in
nonequilibrium Fe3X alloys (X=Al, Si and Ge); 10.7907/d93x-xn03
- Shih, Angela Chao-Hsuan (1994) The
study of Taylor-Couette flows with superimposed isothermal and heated
axial flows at high Taylor numbers; 10.7907/3r06-hm27
- Huang, Mei-Jiau (1994) Theoretical
and computational studies of isotropic homogeneous turbulence; 10.7907/CQ2T-Z242
- Chen, I-Ming (1994) Theory
and Applications of Modular Reconfigurable Robotic Systems; 10.7907/2AAA-RY45
- Zhao, Bin (1994) Threshold
and Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Well Lasers; 10.7907/5ZK1-TC36
- Srinivas, Mullahalli V. (1994) Time
dependent failure of thin films; 10.7907/n3rb-w197
- Eylers, Hinrich (1994) Transport
of adsorbing metal ions between stream water and sediment bed in a
laboratory flume; 10.7907/ZATX-S424
- Cortelezzi, Luca (1993) A
Theoretical and Computational Study on Active Wake Control; 10.7907/ZMMS-XA57
- Sivilotti, Paul (1993) A
Verified Integration of Imperative Parallel Programming Paradigms in an
Object-Oriented Language; 10.7907/ngrt-q826
- Mandell, Michael I. (1993) A
comparison of CDMA and frequency hopping in a cellular environment;
- Sheiman, Arthur E. (1993) A
new method for solving irises in waveguides; 10.7907/6ptc-ac45
- Kirk, David B. (1993) Accurate
and Precise Computation Using Analog VLSI, with Applications to Computer
Graphics and Neural Networks; 10.7907/1ykm-yq27
- Lappas, Tasso (1993) An
adaptive Lagrangian method for computing 1-D reacting flows, and, The
theory of Riemann invariant manifolds for the compressible Euler
equations; 10.7907/bw0e-2789
- Sercel, Joel Christopher (1993) An
experimental and theoretical study of the ECR plasma engine; 10.7907/PDWR-J354
- Zsak, Thomas William (1993) An
investigation of the reacting vortex structures associated with pulse
combustion; 10.7907/aja3-z307
- Mouchtaris, Petros N. (1993) Analysis
of an interactive video architecture; 10.7907/A9Z4-N267
- Sheehy, Finbar T. (1993) Antenna-coupled
mm-wave electro-optic modulators and linearized electro-optic
modulators; 10.7907/MSTR-SC86
- Dugan, Regina E. (1993) Axisymmetric
Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow with Shear: Transition and Mixing; 10.7907/1jmz-kj71
- Tsuyuki, Richard M. (1993) Buckling
of thermoviscoelastic structures under temporal and spatial temperature
variation; 10.7907/T54W-0694
- Miller, John W. (1993) Building
probalistic models from databases; 10.7907/mm98-d904
- Hart, Douglas P. (1993) Cavitation
and wake structure of unsteady tip vortex flows; 10.7907/ANNN-VC25
- Yeung, Moon-Tai (1993) Chemical
Reactions in a Scramjet Combustor and Two-Dimensional Nozzles; 10.7907/vw7e-nq49
- Higgins, Charles Marion (1993) Classification
and Approximation with Rule-Based Networks; 10.7907/4r7r-w573
- Watts, Donald Lloyd (1993) Cochlear
Mechanics: Analysis and Analog VLSI; 10.7907/19EW-YM12
- Bourzutschky, Marc S. (1993) Complex
dynamics in systems with many degrees of freedom; 10.7907/s944-8d11
- Rotstein, Hector P. (1993) Constrained
H[infinity]-optimization for discrete-time control systems; 10.7907/51VE-9H34
- Restuccio, Jim M. (1993) Continuum
modeling of materials that can undergo martensitic phase
transformations; 10.7907/YB1M-0R23
- Zhang, Yongfang (1993) Coupled
array of CO2 waveguide lasers; 10.7907/zajm-ra61
- Koumoutsakos, Petros D. (1993) Direct
numerical simulations of unsteady separated flows using vortex
methods; 10.7907/TCQ9-9C86
- Bailey, Andrew Dewey (1993) Drift
wave ion fluid velocity field measured by planar laser induced
fluorescence; 10.7907/0437-H138
- Chan, Wingsiu Richard (1993) Experimental
and numerical studies on two-dimensional gravity currents in a
horizontal channel; 10.7907/d44w-pm14
- Kerns, Douglas A. (1993) Experiments
in Very Large-Scale Analog Computation; 10.7907/5ph3-1w81
- Cardell, Gregory Scott (1993) Flow
past a circular cylinder with a permeable wake splitter plate; 10.7907/25C5-1150
- Choi, Wooyoung (1993) Forced
Generation of Solitary Waves in a Rotating Fluid and Their
Stability; 10.7907/v6v3-v763
- Abe, Yoshio (1993) Formation
and stability of nanocrystalline alloys synthesized by mechanical
milling; 10.7907/td6t-jp61
- Grave, Ilan (1993) GaAs
quantum well devices for detection and nonlinear optics in the
mid-infrared; 10.7907/mjwc-4k88
- Ouyang, Hao (1993) Grain
boundaries of nanophase materials; 10.7907/8d25-6574
- Kim, Moonil (1993) Grid
amplifiers; 10.7907/19xw-he51
- Hofmeister, Rudolf (1993) Growth
and applications of photorefractive potassium lithium tantalate niobate
(KLTN); 10.7907/zm1c-8w92
- Hsueh, Wen-Jean (1993) High-resolution
optoelectronic and photogrammetic 3-D surface geometry acquisition and
analysis; 10.7907/wn0s-6y22
- Togami, Kenji (1993) Hypervelocity
dissociating flow over a spherically blunted cone; 10.7907/kewn-2m49
- Massingill, Berna Linda (1993) Integrating
Task and Data Parallelism; 10.7907/a7ga-s950
- Delbruck, Tobias (1993) Investigations
of analog VLSI visual transduction and motion processing; 10.7907/N5TD-G224
- Anthony, Lawrence (1993) Kinetics
of disorder -> order transformations in highly nonequilibrium
materials; 10.7907/5e9h-nh03
- Ryan, Barry James (1993) Lie-Poisson
integrators in Hamiltonian fluid mechanics; 10.7907/n4ds-zz40
- Hammer, Jay A. (1993) Lifted
turbulent jet flames; 10.7907/fn1k-za85
- Eng, Lars E. (1993) Low
threshold current strained InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well lasers; 10.7907/wxtc-4x91
- Harley, Robert Adam (1993) Mathematical
Modeling of Gas-Phase Organic Air Pollutants; 10.7907/va0x-2331
- Mason, James Joseph (1993) Mechanisms
and effects of heat generation at the tips of dynamic cracks and notches
in metals; 10.7907/FAB4-5056
- Chen, Tsuhan (1993) Multidimensional
multirate filters and filter banks : theory, design, and
implementation; 10.7907/XHE8-RB96
- Soman, Anand (1993) New
results on paraunitary filter banks : energy compaction properties,
linear phase factorizations and relation to wavelets; 10.7907/tkk3-a559
- Lisoski, Derek Lee Ashton (1993) Nominally
2-Dimensional Flow About a Normal Flat Plate; 10.7907/AZEG-2T16
- Geubelle, Philippe H. (1993) Nonlinear
effects in interfacial fracture; 10.7907/rkt0-7k90
- Pulos, Guillermo C. (1993) Nonsteady
crack propagation and craze behavior in PMMA; 10.7907/4kqe-ec90
- Ko, Tsz-Mei (1993) On
the VLSI decompositions for complete graphs, DeBruijn graphs,
hypercubes, hyperplanes, meshes, and shuffle-exchange graphs; 10.7907/s7w7-a995
- Neugebauer, Charles F. (1993) Parallel
Analog Computation with Charge Coupled Devices; 10.7907/3e7h-9p50
- Chiang, Dar-Yun (1993) Parsimonious
modeling of inelastic systems; 10.7907/75ZY-2K10
- Cook, James N. (1993) Production
Rule Verification for Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Circuits; 10.7907/t65k-bq93
- Iinoya, Fujio (1993) Pulsed
expansion of plasma in a magnetic thruster; 10.7907/j09c-vb03
- Ruoff, Carl F. (1993) Robotic
hand-eye motor learning; 10.7907/47t1-2f31
- Young, Peter Michael (1993) Robustness
with Parametric and Dynamic Uncertainty; 10.7907/HJF8-J281
- Boden, Nanette Jackson (1993) Runtime
systems for fine-grain multicomputers; 10.7907/2c3a-k589
- Hsiau, Shu-San (1993) Shear-induced
transport properties of granular material flows; 10.7907/yj3a-tm14
- Dawson, Jay W. (1993) Single
and multiple frequency fiber lasers; 10.7907/65s0-wf19
- Beatty, Susan M. (1993) Size
segregation of binary granular materials in vertical channel flows;
- Belanger, Jacques (1993) Studies
of mixing and combustion in hypervelocity flows with hot hydrogen
injection; 10.7907/012K-GE91
- Okamoto, James Kozo (1993) Temperature-dependent
extended electron energy loss fine structure measurements from K, L23,
and M45 edges in metals, intermetallic alloys, and nanocrystalline
materials; 10.7907/kk1d-wm17
- Petroff, Catherine M. (1993) The
interaction of breaking solitary waves with an armored bed; 10.7907/65xx-xn79
- Fu, Zezhong (1993) The
mechanical alloying of aluminum and zirconium; 10.7907/wfgh-ej06
- Lee, David Soong-Hua (1993) Thermodynamic
and structural aspects of equilibrium and mechanically milled
YBa2Cu3O6+delta powder; 10.7907/xzfk-gw94
- Bridges, David Henry (1993) Tip
effects on the vortex wake of an axisymmetric body at angle of
attack; 10.7907/DZ4H-M010
- Ramsden, Jerald Day (1993) Tsunamis
: forces on a vertical wall caused by long waves, bores, and surges on a
dry bed; 10.7907/HVQR-ZH55
- Barzel, Ronen (1992) A
structured approach to physically-based modeling for computer
graphics; 10.7907/tbgd-g285
- Nadiga, Balasubramanya T. (1992) A
study of multi-speed discrete-velocity gases; 10.7907/tz85-x511
- Lysek, Mark Joseph (1992) A
thermodynamic study of layering and capillary condensation of methane
adsorbed on graphite foam; 10.7907/1tad-9z23
- Steele, Craig S. (1992) Affinity
: a concurrent programming system for multicomputers; 10.7907/syrm-sx30
- Gortsema, Steven Craig (1992) An
Experimental Investigation of the Failure of a Stepped Composite
Plate; 10.7907/4R72-Y162
- Galton, Ian (1992) An
analysis of quantization noise in delta sigma modulation and its
application to parallel delta sigma modulation; 10.7907/BF7F-6D40
- Bowen, John Murray (1992) An
experimental investigation of fracture at a bimaterial interface; 10.7907/esfz-eb60
- Sullivan, Gregory Daniel (1992) An
investigation of mixing and transport at a sheared density
interface; 10.7907/931s-r394
- Sayano, Masahiro (1992) Analyses
of coding and compression strategies for data storage and
transmission; 10.7907/xxh5-v758
- Workman, Thomas Wilson (1992) Analysis
of collision cascades in titanium deuteride by D-D fusion; 10.7907/fa6m-mh68
- Melman, Aharon (1992) Complexity
analysis for the Newton modified barrier function method; 10.7907/yrr2-5a17
- Askenazy, Philip Douglas (1992) Deformation-induced
amorphization of Cu-Ti intermetallics; 10.7907/qssf-8m12
- Grant, Stanley Clement Baugh (1992) Detection
and partitioning of bacteriophage in fluid/solid systems: application to
the ecology and mobility of viruses in the environment; 10.7907/91MJ-XK16
- Ramesh, Rajaram (1992) Efficient
multichannel methods for high-rate data transmission with application to
ISDN (or) pouring water to get more out of copper; 10.7907/s4r5-wm48
- Li, Xiaoming (1992) Experimental
Studies of Char Oxidation and Fume Formation from Pyrite; 10.7907/3kmh-j058
- Kay, Timothy L. (1992) From
geometry to texture : experiments towards realism in computer
graphics; 10.7907/XCAM-R775
- Lin, Steven H. (1992) GaAs
optoelectronic integrated circuits for optical neural network
applications; 10.7907/tqm4-en29
- Ji, Chuanyi (1992) Generalization
capability of neural networks; 10.7907/HR3F-0410
- Fyfe, William John Andrew (1992) Invariance
hints and the VC dimension; 10.7907/ft2z-te28
- Tsai, Cho-Jen (1992) Low
energy ion-surface interaction and epitaxial growth in the SiGe
system; 10.7907/886t-t311
- van Putten, Maurice H. P. M. (1992) MHD
in divergence form : a computational method for astrophysical flow;
- Lusk, Mark T. (1992) Martensitic
phase transitions with surface effects; 10.7907/NBES-9M76
- Laidlaw, David H. (1992) Material
Classification of Magnetic Resonance Volume Data; 10.7907/x6rr-4t20
- Ammons, Richard Lewis Martin (1992) Mathematical
control theory for liquid chromatography; 10.7907/bneq-qh86
- Pearson, Douglas Harvey (1992) Measurements
of white lines in transition metals and alloys using electron energy
loss spectrometry; 10.7907/Q7FW-HP21
- Guo, Yong (1992) Millimeter-wave
integrated-circuit horn-antenna imaging arrays; 10.7907/ewa6-ey43
- Schlautman, Mark A. (1992) Mineral
Surfaces and Humic Substances: Partitioning of Hydrophobic Organic
Pollutants; 10.7907/pdy0-wk35
- Frieler, Clifford Eugene (1992) Mixing
and reaction in the subsonic 2-D turbulent free shear layer; 10.7907/fsen-at31
- Yamamura, Alan Akihiro (1992) Neural
network control and an optoelectronic implementation of a multilayer
feedforward neural network; 10.7907/4dbn-z991
- Challa, Venkata Ramana Murty (1992) Nonlinear
seismic behaviour of steel planar moment-resisting frames; 10.7907/jk1f-2d70
- Guthart, Gary Steven (1992) On
the Existence and Stability of Standing Solitary Waves in Faraday
Resonance; 10.7907/fp2g-ds59
- Lu, Lingyun (1992) On
the development and application of a modified boundary element method
for the analysis of three-dimensional elastostatic problems in thick
plates; 10.7907/tkxp-f839
- Rulison, Aaron John (1992) Part
1. Synthesis of ceramic powders by electrospray pyrolysis. Part 2. An
approach to interplanetary particle sampling; 10.7907/5tcw-c634
- Kaper, Tasso J. (1992) Part
I. On the structure in separatrix-swept regions of slowly-modulated
Hamiltonian systems. Part II. On the quantification of mixing in chaotic
Stokes’ flows : the eccentric journal bearing; 10.7907/MDD9-3Z11
- Lui, Shiu-Hong (1992) Part
I: Multiple bifurcations. Part II: Parallel homotopy method for the real
nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem; 10.7907/b79y-vb23
- Mau, Russell Edgar (1992) Particle
transport in flow through porous media : advection, longitudinal
dispersion, and filtration; 10.7907/4JBE-GH29
- Sanders, Steven (1992) Passive
mode-locking and millimeter-wave modulation of quantum well lasers;
- Budzinski, John Michael (1992) Planar
Rayleigh Scattering Measurements of Shock Enhanced Mixing; 10.7907/pwj0-h036
- Lee, Ho-Hoon (1992) Robust
adaptive control of manipulators with application to joint
flexibility; 10.7907/ks5z-8e20
- Guinzburg, Adiel (1992) Rotordynamic
forces generated by discharge-to-suction leakage flows in centrifugal
pumps; 10.7907/dv7v-hy83
- Yan, Liping (1992) Seismic
deformation analysis of earth dams : a simplified method; 10.7907/DM65-BJ63
- Sercel, Peter C. (1992) Semiconductor
structures in the quantum size regime; 10.7907/cmqv-p871
- Karasawa, Naoki (1992) Simulations
of polymer crystals : new methods and applications; 10.7907/mjj7-qt65
- Kumar, Sanjay (1992) Some
theoretical and experimental studies of cavitation noise; 10.7907/zr24-gn41
- Minahen, Timothy M. (1992) Structural
instabilities involving time dependent materials : theory and
experiment; 10.7907/7h70-2p51
- Hazewindus, Pieter Johannes (1992) Testing
delay-insensitive circuits; 10.7907/0d7v-9d09
- Chirikjian, Gregory Scott (1992) Theory
and Applications of Hyper-Redundant Robotic Manipulators; 10.7907/F12D-0X25
- Wong, Yiu-fai Isaac (1992) Towards
a simple and fast learning and classification system; 10.7907/531t-v696
- Wissler, John B. (1992) Transmission
of thin light beams through turbulent mixing layers; 10.7907/pw33-qc68
- Kotronarou, Anastassia (1992) Ultrasonic
irradiation of chemical compounds in aqueous solutions; 10.7907/RR28-5R10
- Bonazza, Riccardo (1992) X-ray
measurements of shock-induced mixing at an air/xenon interface; 10.7907/3h5j-yb71
- Gavillet, Guillaume G. (1991) A
computational model for low-pressure diamond synthesis; 10.7907/phqr-a780
- Tokumaru, Phillip Takeo (1991) Active
control of the flow past a cylinder executing rotary motions; 10.7907/v7p7-d977
- Rogak, Steven Nicholas (1991) Aerosol
dynamics of agglomerates; 10.7907/PVDQ-PN74
- Wang, Shih-Chen (1991) Aerosol
formation and growth in atmospheric organic/NOx systems; 10.7907/npvk-7c22
- Waitz, Ian Anton (1991) An
Investigation of Contoured Wall Injectors for Hypervelocity Mixing
Augmentation; 10.7907/MPJS-1Q71
- Dyer, Lounette M. (1991) An
Object-Oriented Real-Time Simulation of Music Performance Using
Interactive Control; 10.7907/cy26-vp85
- Yang, Joseph (1991) An
analytical and computational investigation of shock-induced vortical
flows with applications to supersonic combustion; 10.7907/SZQ1-YB88
- Gilbrech, Richard Joseph (1991) An
experimental investigation of chemically-reacting, gas-phase turbulent
jets; 10.7907/p80s-h321
- Hall, Jeffery Lawrence (1991) An
experimental investigation of structure, mixing and combustion in
compressible turbulent shear layers; 10.7907/T0MN-J472
- DeWeerth, Stephen Paul (1991) Analog
VLSI Circuits for Sensorimotor Feedback; 10.7907/vvye-b883
- Vakakis, Alexander F. (1991) Analysis
and identification of linear and nonlinear normal modes in vibrating
systems; 10.7907/60CA-1Q64
- Fried, Eliot (1991) Aspects
of the morphological character and stability of two-phase states in
non-elliptic solids; 10.7907/WJKM-GB39
- Schweizer, David Lawrence (1991) Combinatorial
design of fault-tolerant communication structures, with applications to
non-blocking switches; 10.7907/92k2-w943
- Schultheisz, Carl R. (1991) Comparison
of experimental and computational crack-tip deformations using Moire
interferometry and finite elements; 10.7907/etqv-z784
- Gupta, Rajiv (1991) Compiler
Optimization of Data Storage; 10.7907/E8DD-VG68
- Wedge, Scott William (1991) Computer-aided
design of low noise microwave circuits; 10.7907/ZRTG-GX48
- Paulson, Suzanne Elizabeth (1991) Contributions
of biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons to photochemical smog
formation; 10.7907/3cyt-0315
- Smedley, Keyue Ma (1991) Control
art of switching converters; 10.7907/TQG2-GK48
- Koilpillai, Ravinder David (1991) Design
issues in multirate digital filter banks, including
transmultiplexers; 10.7907/C6MF-3A43
- Rose, Kenneth (1991) Deterministic
annealing, clustering, and optimization; 10.7907/8N1R-3G60
- Stern, Jeffrey Aaron (1991) Fabrication
and testing of NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions for use as high-frequency
heterodyne detectors; 10.7907/AZ4Q-DF35
- Popovic, Lada (1991) Finite
state codes and generalized De Bruijn sequences; 10.7907/21wf-wa45
- Beck, Robert Teran (1991) Fundamental
Problems in the Application of Structural Identification Procedures to
Damage Detection; 10.7907/ty3h-hz53
- Snyder, John Michael (1991) Generative
Modeling: An Approach to High Level Shape Design for Computer Graphics
and CAD; 10.7907/HRFJ-QC74
- Croke, Edward Timothy, III (1991) Growth
and Characterization of Si-Based Electronic Materials for Novel Device
Applications; 10.7907/yc74-1m24
- Kittl, Jorge A. (1991) Growth
and characterization of Y-BA-CU-O high-Tc superconductor thin films;
- Mutz, Andrew Howard (1991) Heterogeneous
shock energy deposition in shock wave consolidation of metal
powders; 10.7907/makt-d357
- Bai, Gang (1991) I.
Heteroepitaxy on Si. II. Ion implantation in Si and
heterostructures; 10.7907/v8kr-gm23
- Wexler, Anthony Stein (1991) Inorganic
Components of Atmospheric Aerosols; 10.7907/EYF6-3M05
- Newkirk, Michael Avery (1991) Investigations
of semiconductor laser modulation dynamics and field fluctuations;
- Leyva, Victor (1991) Investigations
of the photorefractive effect in potassium tantalum niobate; 10.7907/cayt-6896
- Scott, Michael James (1991) Kinetics
of adsorption and redox processes on iron and manganese oxides :
reactions of As(III) and Se(IV) at goethite and birnessite surfaces;
- Kramer, Kathleen A. (1991) Large
operand division and an asynchrous approach to fault detection; 10.7907/pt8p-9g83
- Atiya, Amir (1991) Learning
algorithms for neural networks; 10.7907/F46C-3V67
- Miller, Paul Lewis (1991) Mixing
in high Schmidt number turbulent jets; 10.7907/PN2P-RK49
- Sathe, Vinay Padmakar (1991) Multirate
adaptive filtering algorithms : analysis and applications; 10.7907/ec5w-7460
- Brown, Timothy X. (1991) Neural
network design for switching network control; 10.7907/ABJA-5B60
- Pham, Thu (1991) Numerical
studies of incompressible Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in a stratified
fluid; 10.7907/ryrb-cg53
- Mudkavi, Vidyadhar Yogeshwar (1991) Numerical
studies of nonlinear axisymmetric waves on vortex filaments; 10.7907/TMK2-ME89
- Neifeld, Mark A. (1991) Optical
memory disks in optical pattern recognition systems; 10.7907/5bbq-0q27
- Rajakarunanayake, Yasantha Nirmal (1991) Optical
properties of Si-Ge superlattices and wide band gap II-VI
superlattices; 10.7907/b43v-6930
- Jackson, Michael Kevin (1991) Optical
studies of semiconductor heterostructures: measurements of tunneling
times, and studies of strained superlattices; 10.7907/2c3x-qn71
- Sugioka, Ichiro (1991) Particle
Transport by Rapid Vaporization of Superheated Liquid; 10.7907/ZS1H-VE29
- Burns, Steven Morgan (1991) Performance
analysis and optimization of asynchronous circuits; 10.7907/kez1-7q52
- Yu, Edward Tsu-Wei (1991) Physics
and applications of semiconductor heterostructures : I. Measurement of
band offsets in semiconductor heterojunctions. II. Theoretical and
experimental studies of tunneling in semiconductor heterostructure
devices; 10.7907/AXNV-8575
- Hobson, Dana Daniel (1991) Point
Vortex Models for Modon Dynamics; 10.7907/69f0-gs44
- Hudson, Raymond Scott (1991) Radar
imaging for aircraft identification and planetary astronomy; 10.7907/cf3k-sv32
- Krueger, Barry Robert (1991) Shock-wave
processing of powder mixtures; 10.7907/f01e-9k60
- Erlanson, Ruth A. (1991) Soft-decision
decoding of a family of nonlinear codes using a neural network; 10.7907/c855-aj24
- Morehart, James Henry (1991) Species
produced in fires burning in two-layered and homogenous vitiated
environments; 10.7907/9xja-9n92
- Papadimitriou, Konstantinos (1991) Stochastic
Characterization of Strong Ground Motion and Applications to Structural
Response; 10.7907/Y124-M904
- Shimabukuro, Sy Ross (1991) Stress
Assisted Diffusion in Polymers; 10.7907/2g5v-v304
- Kubr, Thomas J. (1991) Stresses
near a change of thickness in a continuous-fiber-composite plate; 10.7907/rra5-sv66
- Dumas, Guy (1991) Study
of spherical couette flow via 3-D spectral simulations: large and
narrow-gap flows and their transitions; 10.7907/Z6DW-4T51
- Wong, Brian Alan (1991) The
oxidation of individually levitated char particles; 10.7907/tm62-ax11
- Pfaff, Richard D. (1991) Three-dimensional
effects in nonlinear fracture explored with interferometry; 10.7907/6jnw-kh62
- Elliott, Alexander H. (1991) Transfer
of solutes into and out of streambeds; 10.7907/JBTC-ZX91
- Katafygiotis, Lambros Solon (1991) Treatment
of Model Uncertainties in Structural Dynamics; 10.7907/6s88-dn31
- Sivilotti, Massimo Antonio (1991) Wiring
Considerations in Analog VLSI Systems, with Application to
Field-Programmable Networks; 10.7907/stj4-kh72
- Jiang, Qing (1990) A
continuum model for phase transformation in thermoelastic solids; 10.7907/x4hj-2v63
- Wood, Kristin Lee (1990) A
method for the representation and manipulation of uncertainties in
preliminary engineering design; 10.7907/g1hs-p655
- Smedley, Gregory Todd (1990) A
study of immiscible liquids, liquid behavior at zero gravity, and
dynamic contact lines and angles; 10.7907/AQR1-4B73
- Nikzad, Shouleh (1990) A
study of ion beam sputtering of compound materials with laser
spectroscopy; 10.7907/kgvz-n067
- Hildemann, Lynn Mary (1990) A
study of the origin of atmospheric organic aerosols; 10.7907/XFQA-MH78
- Kalra, Devendra (1990) A
unified framework for constraint-based modeling; 10.7907/33km-wt29
- Levine, Marie-Bernard P. (1990) Accelerogram
Processing Using Reliability Bounds and Optimal Correction Methods;
- Washabaugh, Peter D. (1990) An
experimental investigation of mode-I crack tip deformation; 10.7907/wv0e-g535
- Zhuang, Mei (1990) An
investigation of the inviscid spatial instability of compressible mixing
layers; 10.7907/650s-9t96
- Jahnke, Craig C. (1990) Application
of dynamical systems theory to nonlinear aircraft dynamics; 10.7907/9KZS-XC46
- Zimmerman, George Allan (1990) Applications
of frequency modulation interference cancellers to multiaccess
communications systems; 10.7907/186j-bd56
- Kovacic, Gregor (1990) Chaos
in a model of the forced and damped sine-Gordon equation; 10.7907/rg86-2095
- Xiong, Fulin (1990) Characterization
and application of MeV ion implanted layers in III-V compound
semiconductors; 10.7907/yjk5-wv20
- Hayes, Catherine Kent (1990) Diffusion
and stress driven flow in polymers; 10.7907/1NE9-1T14
- Deng, Xiaomin (1990) Dynamic
Crack Propagation in Elastic-Plastic Solids; 10.7907/WHJV-C644
- Jensen, Hector A. (1990) Dynamic
Response of Structures with Uncertain Parameters; 10.7907/5970-fp02
- Kavranoglu, Davut (1990) Elementary
solutions for the H infinity- general distance problem- equivalence of
H2 and H infinity optimization problems; 10.7907/y2q9-nq75
- Chen, Howard ZeHua (1990) GaAs/AlₓGa₁₋ₓAs
Quantum Well Lasers Grown on GaAs and Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy;
- Doğanata, Zinnur (1990) General
Structural Representations for Multi-Input Multi-Output Discrete-Time
FIR and IIR Lossless Systems; 10.7907/h011-7b66
- Popovic, Zoya Basta (1990) Grid
oscillators; 10.7907/721n-xr11
- Paslaski, Joel Stephen (1990) High
Speed Optoelectronics: Photodiodes, Q-Switched Laser Diode and
Photoconductive Sampling; 10.7907/dkyt-nc40
- Goldstein, David Benjamin (1990) Investigations
of a Discrete Velocity Gas; 10.7907/DK4P-AK28
- Zarem, Hal (1990) Investigations
of quantum wires, carrier diffusion lengths, and carrier lifetimes in
GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures; 10.7907/ajzc-wx87
- Mehuys, David Glenn (1990) Linear,
nonlinear, and tunable guided wave modes for high-power (GaAl)As
semiconductor lasers; 10.7907/xjjy-2330
- Makur, Anamitra (1990) Low
rate image coding using vector quantization; 10.7907/GEP0-NG36
- Smith, Roy S.R. (1990) Model
Validation for Uncertain Systems; 10.7907/7S0Z-ZY41
- Thyagarajan, Ravi Shanker (1990) Modeling
and analysis of hysteretic structural behavior; 10.7907/r3as-fj34
- Losi, Giancarlo Umberto Maria (1990) Nonlinear
thermoviscoelastic behavior of polymers; 10.7907/2dk7-z575
- Hou, Zhikun (1990) Nonstationary
Response of Structures and its Application to Earthquake
Engineering; 10.7907/db5g-6572
- Tan, Phalkun (1990) Numerical
simulations of two-dimensional saturated granular media; 10.7907/e02e-mz83
- Ceccio, Steven Louis (1990) Observations
of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Travelling Bubble Cavitation; 10.7907/427S-BC75
- Onyszchuk, Ivan M. (1990) On
the Performance of Convolutional Codes; 10.7907/7nb5-gy54
- Liu, Vincent Cheng-Teh (1990) One
and two-dimensional digital mutirate systems with applications in
sub-sampling and bandlimited signal reconstruction; 10.7907/cvbb-m844
- Morlet, Anne Chantal (1990) Part
I. Numerical experiments for the computation of invariant curves in
dynamical systems. Part II. Numerical convergence results for a
one-dimensional Stefan problem; 10.7907/nfr6-ca66
- Camassa, Roberto Alfredo (1990) Part
I: Forced Generation and Stability of Nonlinear Waves. Part II: Chaotic
Advection in a Rayleigh-Bénard Flow; 10.7907/2MK9-ZD86
- Brady, David Jones (1990) Photorefractive
Volume Holography in Artificial Neural Networks; 10.7907/1YB6-SE42
- Sayano, Koichi (1990) Photorefractive
properties of ferroelectric materials for optical phase conjugation,
two-beam coupling, and holographic storage; 10.7907/rc1x-8046
- Vu, Hoanh Xuan (1990) Plasma
Collection by an Obstacle; 10.7907/ctcn-eq94
- Su, Wen-King (1990) Reactive-Process
Programming and Distributed Discrete-Event Simulation; 10.7907/9qzd-kv20
- Baskin, John Spencer (1990) Real-Time
Observation and Analysis of Coherence and Alignment in Molecular
Systems: Isolated Molecules and Chemical Reactions; 10.7907/H8TF-EE69
- Balas, Gary John (1990) Robust
Control of Flexible Structures: Theory and Experiments; 10.7907/T7NG-T636
- McLachlan, Robert Iain (1990) Separated
viscous flows via multigrid; 10.7907/8ZMX-HW74
- Shinn-Mendoza, Rachel (1990) Shocks
and instabilities in traffic; 10.7907/dw5a-sw09
- Lazzaro, John P. (1990) Silicon
Models of Early Audition; 10.7907/nt1w-ry58
- Allard, Marie-Agnès (1990) Soil
Stress Field Around Driven Piles; 10.7907/GGE1-GC92
- Sivarajan, Kumar N. (1990) Spectrum
efficient frequency assignment for cellular radio; 10.7907/q2qb-hh14
- Fric, Thomas Frank (1990) Structure
in the Near Field of the Transverse Jet; 10.7907/JVHG-E582
- Ng, Kit Yin (1990) Thermal
plumes from staged multiport diffusers in uniform quiescent
environment; 10.7907/58bk-6222
- Brinson, Lynda Catherine (1990) Time-Temperature
Response of Multi-Phase Viscoelastic Solids Through Numerical
Analysis; 10.7907/SYAS-2A50
- Chua, Kiat (1990) Vortex
Simulation of Separated Flows in Two and Three Dimensions; 10.7907/9ENS-EP36
- Maher, Mary Ann Cecilia (1989) A
Charge-Controlled Model for MOS Transistors; 10.7907/JHQE-T452
- Ngai, John Yee-Keung (1989) A
Framework for Adaptive Routing in Multicomputer Networks; 10.7907/a01h-0z81
- Soibelman, Israel (1989) A
Study of Finite Amplitude Bifurcations in Plane Poiseuille Flow; 10.7907/2xg0-5q97
- Beran, Philip Stewart (1989) An
Investigation of the Bursting of Trailing Vortices Using Numerical
Simulation; 10.7907/chyb-nk54
- Von Herzen, Brian (1989) Applications
of Surface Networks to Sampling Problems in Computer Graphics; 10.7907/K9AS-GN82
- Mok, Fai Ho (1989) Binary
Correlators for Optical Computing and Pattern Recognition; 10.7907/dwpt-gn93
- Collett, Jeffrey Lee, Jr. (1989) Characterization
of Cloudwater and Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition at Elevated
Sites in Central and Southern California; 10.7907/fybt-5982
- Collins, Oliver Michael (1989) Coding
Beyond the Computational Cutoff Rate; 10.7907/nxwj-1433
- Williams, Wyman Lee (1989) Computer-Aided
Measurement of Microwave Circuits; 10.7907/65XX-PQ66
- Platt, John Carlton (1989) Constraint
Methods for Neural Networks and Computer Graphics; 10.7907/vnt8-kh55
- Nguyen, Truong Quang (1989) Design
and Implementation of Linear-Phase and/or Pairwise-Symmetric
Perfect-Reconstruction FIR Multirate Filter Banks; 10.7907/8z2n-y592
- DiChristina, Thomas J. (1989) Dissimilative
Fe(III) Reduction by Alteromonas putrefaciens Strain 200; 10.7907/temn-0p39
- Lu, Lun-Tseng (1989) Dynamics,
Noise Properties, and Spectral Characteristics of Semiconductor Lasers
with External Coupling; 10.7907/frs6-t936
- Rotenberry, James Michael (1989) Effect
of Compliant Boundaries on Weakly Nonlinear Shear Waves in Channel
Flow; 10.7907/gva0-r175
- Nowak, Paul Scott (1989) Effect
of Nonuniform Seismic Input on Arch Dams; 10.7907/zbd0-ty45
- Schneider, Steven Philip (1989) Effects
of Controlled Three-Dimensional Perturbations on Boundary Layer
Transition; 10.7907/ZJ0M-GG83
- James, David Earl (1989) Effects
of Hydrazine and Other Toxicants on Early Life Stages of California
Brown Algae; 10.7907/WRCJ-G589
- Rosakis, Phoebus (1989) Ellipticity
and Deformations with Discontinous Gradients in Finite
Elastostatics; 10.7907/jn2t-m109
- Chao, Chi-chao (1989) Error-Correction
Coding for Reliable Communication in the Presence of Extreme Noise;
- Franz, Ronald John (1989) Experimental
Investigation of the Effect of Cavitation on the Rotordynamic Forces on
a Whirling Centrifugal Pump Impeller; 10.7907/5JXT-CZ84
- Donlon, William Patrick, Jr. (1989) Experimental
Investigation of the Nonlinear Seismic Response of Concrete Gravity
Dams; 10.7907/4mqw-6z67
- Anilkumar, A. V. (1989) Experimental
Studies of High-Speed Dense Dusty Gases; 10.7907/5B1B-AY62
- Ahn, Hojin (1989) Experimental
and Analytical Investigations of Granular Materials: Shear Flow and
Convective Heat Transfer; 10.7907/XFYT-7909
- Zhuang, Fei (1989) Experimental
investigation of the hydrodynamic forces on the shroud of a centrifugal
pump impeller; 10.7907/xywm-v650
- Chow, David Hsingkuo (1989) Growth,
Characterization, and Simulation of Novel Semiconductor Tunnel
Structures; 10.7907/96gc-kc14
- Maboudian, Roya (1989) In-Situ
Observation of Surface and Near-Surface Modification Using Scattering of
Ballistic Phonons; 10.7907/w5xh-p756
- Ting, Francis Chi Kin (1989) Interaction
of Water Waves with a Density-Stratified Fluid in a Rectangular
Trench; 10.7907/8bgx-4e53
- Nazaroff, William W. (1989) Mathematical
Modeling and Control of Pollutant Dynamics in Indoor Air; 10.7907/89WP-N863
- Rasi, Marco (1989) Mixing
in Density-Stratified Conjugate Flows; 10.7907/2s6d-kv47
- Tomita, Yasuo (1989) Modal
Dispersal of Information and Wave Mixing in Photorefractive Crystals for
Information Retrieval, Processing and Sensing; 10.7907/vjga-q464
- Lo, Davy (1989) Molecular
Dynamics Simulation of Sputtering; 10.7907/EVKV-AW57
- El-Aidi, Bahaa (1989) Nonlinear
Earthquake Response of Concrete Gravity Dam Systems; 10.7907/n2f8-rv33
- McChesney, Jon Mearns (1989) Observations
of Stochastic Ion Heating by Low Frequency Drift Waves; 10.7907/vyaq-ye14
- Coffey, John Timothy (1989) On
Complexity and Efficiency in Encoding and Decoding Error-correcting
Codes; 10.7907/4jy2-w055
- Krishnaswamy, Sridhar (1989) On
the Domain of Dominance of the Asymptotic Elastodynamic Crack-Tip
Fields; 10.7907/cfz9-nk80
- Brouillette, Martin (1989) On
the Interaction of Shock Waves with Contact Surfaces Between Gases of
Different Densities; 10.7907/9JGS-ZX78
- Andrews, Kurt Arthur (1989) Orifice
coefficients for an asymmetrical flow into a slot; 10.7907/pbn8-ny92
- Schalit, Mark Alan (1989) Oscillating-Field
Current-Drive Schemes for Tokamaks; 10.7907/xjrw-pq56
- Rom-Kedar, Vered (1989) Part
I. An Analytical Study of Transport, Mixing and Chaos in an Unsteady
Vortical Flow. Part II. Transport in Two Dimensional Maps; 10.7907/EH82-GA67
- Chiueh, Tzi-Dar (1989) Pattern
Classification and Associative Recall by Neural Networks; 10.7907/pjan-6r82
- Derry, Pamela Louise (1989) Properties
of Buried Heterostructure Single Quantum Well (Al,Ga)As Lasers; 10.7907/WSZC-4R60
- Jones, Todd Jarrott (1989) Radiation-Induced
Conductivity in Amorphous Carbon; 10.7907/5A5K-T270
- Sánchez Peña, Ricardo Salvador (1989) Robust
Analysis of Feedback Systems with Parametric and Dynamic Structured
Uncertainty; 10.7907/MM2J-E556
- Miles, Richard Henry (1989) Structural
and Optical Properties of Strained-Layer Superlattices; 10.7907/042y-d234
- Maksimović, Dragan (1989) Synthesis
of PWM and Quasi-Resonant DC-to-DC Power Converters; 10.7907/B8XA-2R90
- Munger, James William (1989) The
Chemical Composition of Fogs and Clouds in Southern California; 10.7907/YFER-M388
- Mittelstein, Michael (1989) Theory
and Experiments on Unstable-Resonator and Quantum Well GaAs/GaAlAs
Lasers; 10.7907/p3k2-pp58
- Winckelmans, Grégoire Stéphane (1989) Topics
in Vortex Methods for the Computation of Three- and Two-Dimensional
Incompressible Unsteady Flows; 10.7907/19HD-DF80
- Johnson, Matthew Bruce (1989) Ultrafast
Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Studies of GaAs; 10.7907/9WE7-AP87
- Burch, Jerry R. (1988) A
Comparison of Strict and Non-Strict Semantics for Lists; 10.7907/01bb-3j05
- Levendis, Yiannis Angelo (1988) A
Fundamental Study of Char Oxidation Kinetics Using Model Materials;
- Cox, Robert William (1988) A
Model for Stress-Driven Diffusion in Polymers; 10.7907/06tx-qh63
- Majani, Eric Etienne (1988) A
Model for the Study of Very Noisy Channels, and Applications; 10.7907/9AF1-K251
- Lin, Anne (1988) A
Numerical Evaluation of the Method of Equivalent Nonlinearization;
- Larson, Susan Mary (1988) A
Study of Summer Midday Low-Visibility Events in the Los Angeles
Area; 10.7907/33vc-mc45
- Crouch, David Dale (1988) A
Theoretical Study of the Generation of Squeezed-State Light via
Degenerate Parametric Amplification; 10.7907/55jn-f921
- Boden, Nanette Jackson (1988) A
study of fine-grain programming using Cantor; 10.7907/z2fe-5a26
- Hong, Pui-Kwan Andrew (1988) Catalytic
Oxidation of Sulphur Dioxide by Heterogeneous Cobalt-Phthalocyanine;
- Waas, Anthony Marius (1988) Compression
Failure of Fibrous Laminated Composites in the Presence of Stress
Gradients: Experiment and Analysis; 10.7907/PP86-PE50
- Smith, Paul Wesley, Jr. (1988) Considerations
for the Design of Gas-Lubricated Slider Bearings; 10.7907/FYJ3-X454
- So, Frank Cheung Tao (1988) Diffusion
Barriers for VLSI Applications; 10.7907/7ytp-0932
- Karyeaclis, Michael P. (1988) Dynamics
of a Semi-Active Impact Damper: Regular and Chaotic Motions; 10.7907/aeca-5g55
- Liang, Liyuan (1988) Effects
of Surface Chemistry on Kinetics of Coagulation of Submicron Iron Oxide
Particles (α-Fe₂O₃) in Water; 10.7907/4XGW-4G55
- Wu, Yu-shu George (1988) Electronic
Properties of II-VI Superlattices and III-V Tunnel Structures; 10.7907/7sag-9t91
- Arndt, Norbert Karl Erhard (1988) Experimental
Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in Diffuser Pumps; 10.7907/MR43-SR51
- Woodward, Ted Kirk (1988) Experimental
Studies of Heterostructure Devices: Resonant Tunneling Transistors and
GaAs/AlAs/GaAs Capacitors; 10.7907/cwz8-my71
- Durón, Ziyad Hassan (1988) Experimental
and Finite Element Studies of a Large Arch Dam; 10.7907/e0rt-g677
- Pugh, Jeffrey David (1988) Finite
Amplitude Waves in Plane Poiseuille Flow; 10.7907/XHFQ-MJ23
- Peng, Chia-Yen (1988) Generalized
Modal Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems; 10.7907/e70y-gz66
- Wengler, Michael James (1988) Heterodyne
Detection with Superconducting Tunnel Diodes; 10.7907/TYQQ-RZ71
- Freeland, Stephen D. (1988) I. A
Unified Analysis of Converters with Resonant Switches. II. Input-Current
Shaping for Single-Phase Ac-Dc Power Converters; 10.7907/PVNN-X318
- Kim, Sung Joon (1988) I.
Ion-Solid Interactions with Markers. II. Oxidation Phenomena in
Silicides and Aluminides; 10.7907/av5j-xe20
- Anlage, Steven Mark (1988) Icosahedral
Order in Metastable Metallic Alloys; 10.7907/mjqp-qr45
- Bell, Mark Robert (1988) Information
Theory and Radar: Mutual Information and the Design and Analysis of
Radar Waveforms and Systems; 10.7907/AYD5-RB83
- Wang, Rueen-Fang Theresa (1988) Laboratory
Analysis of Settling Velocities of Wastewater Particles in Seawater
using Holography; 10.7907/0zds-gj34
- Pilinis, Christodoulos (1988) Mathematical
Modeling of the Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Multicomponent
Atmospheric Aerosols; 10.7907/t5w6-2r52
- Dowling, David Russell (1988) Mixing
in Gas Phase Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/9233-5476
- Rebeiz, Gabriel M. (1988) Monolithic
Millimeter-Wave Two-Dimensional Horn Imaging Arrays; 10.7907/B9FG-6H18
- Regehr, Wade Gordon (1988) Neuron-Microdevice
Connections; 10.7907/nshf-ww49
- Dowling, Michael John (1988) Nonlinear
Seismic Analysis of Arch Dams; 10.7907/DJ4P-9393
- Madhavan, Raghu (1988) On
the Collapse of Long Thick-Walled Circular Tubes under Biaxial
Loading; 10.7907/VPAC-QV51
- Sahu, Ranajit (1988) On
the Combustion of Bituminous Coal Chars; 10.7907/zrnz-qc25
- Yu, Jeffrey Winston (1988) Optical
Processing Using Photorefractive Crystals; 10.7907/q49d-bb74
- Giezen, Jurgen Johannes (1988) Plastic
Buckling of Cylinders Under Biaxial Loading; 10.7907/ycv3-kp17
- Hernández Valencia, Enrique José (1988) Queues
of Queues in Communication Networks; 10.7907/wygw-0f83
- Whirley, Robert Gary (1988) Random
Response of Nonlinear Continuous Systems; 10.7907/ezsr-jt33
- Meng, Wen Jin (1988) Solid
State Amorphization Reactions in thin Film Diffusion Couples; 10.7907/E13T-CN40
- Fuhs, Susan Elizabeth (1988) Studies
of Inertial Deposition of Particles onto Heat Exchanger Elements; 10.7907/jh2a-bh94
- Smyth, Padhraic (1988) The
Application of Information Theory to Problems in Decision Tree Design
and Rule-Based Expert Systems; 10.7907/cn89-3127
- Parsons, Ian Dennis (1988) The
Application of the Multigrid Method to the Finite Element Solution of
Solid Mechanics Problems; 10.7907/MVMM-ED69
- Avila-Segura, Francisco E. (1988) The
Creeping Motion of Immiscible Drops Through a Converging/Diverging Tube:
I. Non-Newtonian Effects of Viscoelastic Drops. II. Effects of Constant
Pressure Gradient Condition for the Flow. III. Motion of Drops Through a
Parallel Channel; 10.7907/1944-bp37
- Rizvi, Syed Azhar Abbas (1988) The
Critical Points of Poynting Vector Fields; 10.7907/gj18-eq28
- Olson, Terese Marie (1988) The
Formation Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Thermodynamics of S(IV)-Aldehyde
Addition Compounds; 10.7907/rpn9-8403
- Seizovic, Jakov N. (1988) The
Reactive Kernel; 10.7907/r8k6-tq12
- Green, Sheldon Isaiah (1988) Tip
Vortices - Single Phase and Cavitating Flow Phenomena; 10.7907/23TX-JF33
- Fanson, James L. (1987) An
Experimental Investigation of Vibration Suppression in Large Space
Structures Using Positive Position Feedback; 10.7907/0SA8-HW86
- Schatzle, Paul Russell (1987) An
Experimental Study of Fusion of Vortex Rings; 10.7907/KK00-ZJ41
- Sobota, Thomas Henry (1987) An
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Swirling Flows in a
Rectangular Nozzle; 10.7907/dw4x-ex64
- Compton, Richard C. (1987) Analysis
of Millimeter and Microwave Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/P7EA-S138
- Doğanata, Yurdaer Nezihi (1987) Analysis
of Traffic Problems of Integrated Networks; 10.7907/d844-3g40
- Brewster, Mary Elizabeth (1987) Asymptotic
Analysis of Thin Plates Under Normal Load and Horizontal Edge
Thrust; 10.7907/DDP9-KW92
- Burns, Steven Morgan (1987) Automated
compilation of concurrent programs into self-timed circuits; 10.7907/j438-dz84
- O’Hern, Timothy John (1987) Cavitation
Inception Scale Effects: I. Nuclei Distributions in Natural Waters. II.
Cavitation Inception in a Turbulent Shear Flow; 10.7907/G8TY-K105
- Leung, Ping-Sang Kenneth (1987) Co-Phthalocyanine
Catalyzed Autoxidation of Mercaptans; 10.7907/jgax-r052
- Dailey, Russell Lane (1987) Conic
Sector Analysis for Digital Control Systems with Structured
Uncertainty; 10.7907/gz0q-x789
- Zhang, Zhe (1987) Coupled-Inductor
Magnetics in Power Electronics; 10.7907/7T0E-2219
- Arnold, Robert Glenn (1987) Dissimilative
Fe(III) Reduction by Pseudomonas sp. 200; 10.7907/xsas-dd69
- Zehnder, Alan T. (1987) Dynamic
Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Metals: Experimental Results and
Techniques; 10.7907/f3zy-j846
- Bassiri, Sassan (1987) Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation and Radiation in Chiral Media; 10.7907/RFST-5K65
- Bonnefoi, Alice Renée (1987) Electronic
Properties and Device Applications of GaAs/AlₓGa₁₋ₓAs Quantum Barrier
and Quantum Well Heterostructures; 10.7907/c4q6-2176
- Toner, Stephen James (1987) Entrainment,
Chemistry, and Structure of Fire Plumes; 10.7907/jazd-8n24
- Cheung, Kar-Ming (1987) Error-Correction
Coding in Data Storage Systems; 10.7907/emtw-yh64
- Papamoschou, Dimitri (1987) Experimental
Investigation of Heterogeneous Compressible Shear Layers; 10.7907/M7PQ-Y494
- Jery, Belgacem (1987) Experimental
Study of Unsteady Hydrodynamic Force Matrices on Whirling Centrifugal
Pump Impellers; 10.7907/cmn0-qk37
- d’Agostino, Luca (1987) Experimental
and Theoretical Study on Cavitation Inception and Bubbly Flow Dynamics:
I. Design, Development and Operation of a Cavitation Susceptibility
Meter. II. Linearized Dynamics of Bubbly and Cavitating Flows with
Bubble Dynamics Effects; 10.7907/HK8Q-VQ14
- Burridge, Paul Brian (1987) Failure
of Slopes; 10.7907/2C4G-6R71
- Athas, William C., Jr. (1987) Fine
Grain Concurrent Computations; 10.7907/63xc-r308
- Chobotov, Michael V. (1987) Gravity
Currents with Heat Transfer Effects; 10.7907/3rnv-em84
- Lindsey, Christopher Paul (1987) High
Power Phased Array and Tailored Gain Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/9mh8-wv40
- Rudin, Leonid Iakov (1987) Images,
Numerical Analysis of Singularities and Shock Filters; 10.7907/5hr8-8412
- Hauenstein, Robert Joseph (1987) Investigations
of Single-Crystal Silicide/Silicon Structures; 10.7907/8hdm-m814
- Cheng, Yang-Tse (1987) Ion-Beam
Mixing and the Formation of Amorphous Alloys; 10.7907/W1Y4-0347
- Venkatesh, Santosh Subramanyam (1987) Linear
Maps with Point Rules: Applications to Pattern Classification and
Associative Memory; 10.7907/1YSB-Q028
- Humphrey, Joseph William, III (1987) Linear
and Nonlinear Acoustics with Nonuniform Entropy in Combustion
Chambers; 10.7907/ZXQ4-SA60
- Choo, Young-il (1987) Logic
from Programming Language Semantics; 10.7907/r9hf-1b88
- Sterling, James David (1987) Longitudinal
Mode Combustion Instabilities in Air Breathing Engines; 10.7907/2WKT-AY26
- Lam, Wayne W. (1987) Millimeter-Wave
Monolithic Schottky Diode-Grid Phase Shifter; 10.7907/CGD0-XA98
- Ramarathnam, Narasimhan (1987) Mode
I, Plane Stress Crack Initiation and Growth in Elastic-Plastic Solids: A
Finite Element Analysis; 10.7907/RG0C-WF30
- Jayakumar, Paramsothy (1987) Modeling
and Identification in Structural Dynamics; 10.7907/1wwx-ca82
- Landman, Michael J. (1987) New
Solutions of an Amplitude Equation Describing Transition in a Laminar
Shear Flow; 10.7907/CYPP-D856
- Lacerda, Nehemias Lima (1987) On
the Start Up of Supersonic Underexpanded Jets; 10.7907/W3CX-2Z48
- Hong, John Hyunchul (1987) Optical
Computing for Adaptive Signal Processing and Associative Memories;
- Zufiria, Juan Antonio (1987) Part
I: Symmetry Breaking of Water Waves. Part II: On the Superharmonic
Instability of Surface Water Waves; 10.7907/4JDZ-9Y53
- Rakuljic, George Anthony (1987) Photorefractive
Properties and Applications of Barium Titanate and Tungsten Bronze
Ferroelectrics; 10.7907/8w0w-ea37
- Wu, Jin Jwang (1987) Powder
Synthesis in Aerosol Reactors; 10.7907/njvw-jn75
- Mahadevan, Ramaswamy (1987) Problems
in Analysis, Control, and Design of Switching Inverters and
Rectifiers; 10.7907/2R9K-A588
- Yeh, Xian-Li (1987) Reaction
of Hydrogen with Crystalline and Amorphous Alloys — Crystal to Amorphous
Transformation Induced by Hydrogen; 10.7907/zc2t-pq88
- Natsiavas, Sotirios (1987) Response
and Failure of Fluid-Filled Tanks under Base Excitation; 10.7907/CNWT-V417
- Kamm, James Russell (1987) Shape
and Stability of Two-Dimensional Uniform Vorticity Regions; 10.7907/NW61-5178
- Lau, Billy Ying Bui (1987) Small-Signal
Frequency Response Theory for Ideal Dc-to-Dc Converter Systems; 10.7907/mqpe-vz16
- Paparizos, Leonidas G. (1987) Some
Observations on the Random Response of Hysteretic Systems; 10.7907/w5wv-5f87
- Kytömaa, Harri Kaarlo (1987) Stability
of the Structure in Multicomponent Flows; 10.7907/VNYA-FE49
- Arakeri, Jaywant H. (1987) Structure
Measurements in a Synthetic Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/FABW-YZ77
- Moser, Michael Anthony (1987) The
Response of Stick-Slip Systems to Random Seismic Excitation; 10.7907/ntjg-hg45
- Conklin, Martha Harriet (1987) Thermodynamics,
Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Reactions of S(IV) with Cu(II) and
Fe(III); 10.7907/83k6-ex73
- Wagner, Kelvin H. (1987) Time
and Space Integrating Acousto-Optic Signal Processing; 10.7907/4WH0-H941
- Kasilingam, Dayalan P. (1987) Topics
in Millimeter-Wave Imaging Arrays; 10.7907/rt21-jt48
- Lin, Jane Ming-Chin (1987) Transient
Gas Jets into Liquid; 10.7907/4qp0-4x37
- Lyn, Dennis Anthony (1987) Turbulence
and Turbulent Transport in Sediment-Laden Open-Channel Flows; 10.7907/G5WF-5K07
- Hannoun, Imad A. (1987) Turbulent
Mixing in Stably-Stratified Fluids Subjected to Zero-Mean Shear; 10.7907/N4NS-MP03
- Wawrzynek, John Charles (1987) VLSI
Concurrent Computation for Music Synthesis; 10.7907/qjfp-m864
- Li, Peyyun Peggy (1986) A
Parallel Execution Model for Logic Programming; 10.7907/2ngs-bp80
- Atzmon, Michael (1986) A
Study of Bulk Amorphous Alloys Formed by Solid-State Reaction in
Elemental Composites; 10.7907/5M6N-SK53
- Dally, William James (1986) A
VLSI Architecture for Concurrent Data Structures; 10.7907/f8d5-x741
- Anderson, Mark Carter (1986) A
study of the periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of the discrete
duffing equation; 10.7907/RCHW-E496
- Haney, Michael William (1986) Acousto-Optical
Time-and-Space Integrating Processors for Real-Time Synthetic Aperture
Radar Imaging; 10.7907/64T4-7N83
- Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled Ahmed Sabry (1986) An
Information- and Coding-Theoretic Study of Bursty Channels with
Applications to Computer Memories; 10.7907/gfyh-ss98
- Adkins, Douglas Ray (1986) Analyses
of Hydrodynamic Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers; 10.7907/X6KZ-W852
- Swaminathan, Kumar (1986) Analysis
and Demonstration of the Quantile Vocoder; 10.7907/2XFF-5X20
- Peek, Ralf (1986) Analysis
of Unanchored Liquid Storage Tanks under Seismic Loads; 10.7907/w43k-hj54
- Gray, Harry Andrew (1986) Control
of Atmospheric Fine Primary Carbon Particle Concentrations; 10.7907/p3dp-1v47
- El-Hamamsy, Sayed-Amr (1986) Coupled-Inductor
Inversion, Rectification and Cycloconversion; 10.7907/BHKX-4J16
- Waldman, Jed Michael (1986) Depositional
Aspects of Pollutant Behavior in Fog; 10.7907/6K0F-E189
- Freeman, Janet Elizabeth (1986) Design
of one-kilometer-long antenna sticks and support structure for a
geosynchronous satellite; 10.7907/0cpe-gh28
- Jones, Nicholas Patrick (1986) Flow-Induced
Vibration of Long Structures; 10.7907/ZXWC-ZZ44
- Leong, Harrison Mon Fook (1986) Frequency
Dependent Electromagnetic Fields: Models Appropriate for the Brain;
- Smith, John Stephen (1986) III-V
Molecular Beam Epitaxy Structures for Electronic and Optoelectronic
Applications; 10.7907/r489-8025
- Poh, Hean Lee (1986) Incorporating
Time in the New World of Computing Systems; 10.7907/85gd-y881
- Hetzler, Steven Robert (1986) Infrared
Optical Studies of HgTe-CdTe Superlattices and GaAs; 10.7907/5ptm-z449
- Tanner, John Edward (1986) Integrated
Optical Motion Detection; 10.7907/PK3H-CM61
- Zhu, Jinlin (1986) Internal
Solitons Generated by Moving Disturbances; 10.7907/pspg-vp83
- Banwell, Thomas Clyde (1986) Investigations
of Atomic Transport Induced by Heavy Ion Irradiation; 10.7907/3sgh-2m46
- Zah, Chung-en (1986) Millimeter-Wave
Monolithic Schottky Diode Imaging Arrays; 10.7907/YSN2-8F19
- Dauhajre, Abraham A. (1986) Modelling
and Estimation of Leakage Phenomena in Magnetic Circuits; 10.7907/VTCM-S717
- Mosteller, Richard Craig (1986) Monte
Carlo Methods for 2-D Compaction; 10.7907/mwrq-t026
- Schwendeman, Donald William (1986) Numerical
Shock Propagation Using Geometrical Shock Dynamics; 10.7907/Q5VX-AF72
- Papantoniou, Dimitris Antony (1986) Observations
in Turbulent Buoyant Jets by Use of Laser-Induced Fluorescence; 10.7907/SX4D-3555
- Skjelbreia, James Eric (1986) Observations
of Breaking Waves on Sloping Bottoms by Use of Laser Doppler
Velocimetry; 10.7907/g5bj-2c76
- Barrett, Christopher Louis (1986) On
Central Processes in the Temporal Control of Movement; 10.7907/9jgx-pa60
- van Zyl, Jakob Johannes (1986) On
the Importance of Polarization in Radar Scattering Problems; 10.7907/QRD0-YE09
- Lee, Hyuk (1986) Optical
Interactions in a Dielectric Material with Multiple Perturbations;
- Schlesinger, Tuviah Ehud (1986) Optical
and Opto-Electronic Investigations of Semiconductor Defects and
Heterostructures; 10.7907/0ydw-cg53
- Bruno, William Michael (1986) Powder
Core Dielectric Waveguides; 10.7907/mxe4-ep43
- Guérin, Roch (1986) Queueing
and Traffic in Cellular Radio; 10.7907/WY9Y-FB87
- Lang, Robert James (1986) Semiconductor
Lasers: New Geometries and Spectral Properties; 10.7907/rk0z-ma09
- Silling, Stewart Andrew (1986) Singularities
and Phase Transitions in Elastic Solids: Numerical Studies and Stability
Analysis; 10.7907/0ytn-e775
- Venkataramanan, Ramanarayanan (1986) Sliding
Mode Control of Power Converters; 10.7907/230A-P786
- Blume, Janet A. (1986) Some
Issues in the Kinematics of Finite Deformations; 10.7907/5rhm-hb74
- Schweizer, David Lawrence (1986) Some
Results on Kolmogorov-Chaitin Complexity; 10.7907/50qm-c858
- Dubois, Pascale C. (1986) Study
of the stall-spin phenomena using analysis and interactive 3-D
graphics; 10.7907/SFMF-Z114
- Ungsuwarungsri, Tawach (1986) The
Effect of Strain-Softening Cohesive Material on Crack Stability; 10.7907/sqjv-pf95
- Taylor, Stephen (1986) The
Effects of Large-Eddy Manipulator Devices on the Turbulent Spot and the
Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7520-qj30
- Robey, Harry Francis, III (1986) The
Nature of Oblique Instability Waves in Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/7VG8-Y513
- Synolakis, Constantine Emmanuel (1986) The
Runup of Long Waves; 10.7907/REBC-D787
- Sigurdson, Lorenz Willard (1986) The
Structure and Control of a Turbulent Reattaching Flow; 10.7907/prfm-x404
- Zelt, Jeffrey Alan (1986) Tsunamis:
The Response of Harbours with Sloping Boundaries to Long Wave
Excitation; 10.7907/QBE6-5409
- Hendricks, Gavin Julian (1986) Two
Mechanisms of Vorticity Generation in Combusting Flow Fields; 10.7907/kj79-eq14
- Tan, Thiam-Soon (1986) Two-Phase
Soil Study: A. Finite Strain Consolidation. B. Centrifuge Scaling
Considerations; 10.7907/agt3-mf84
- Lazzaro, John Paul (1986) anaLOG:
A functional Simulator for VLSI Neural Systems; 10.7907/af3r-e056
- Lin, Tzu-mu (1985) A
Hierarchical Timing Simulation Model for Digital Integrated Circuits and
Systems; 10.7907/41bh-7e43
- Maragakis, Emmanuel (1985) A
Model for the Rigid Body Motions of Skew Bridges; 10.7907/YWES-NJ36
- Chelvakumar, Kasivisvanathan (1985) A
Simple Strain-Space Plasticity Model for Clays; 10.7907/kcgf-c188
- Hazelton, Lowell Eugene (1985) A
Study of Hydrogen Mobility in a Glassy Zr₂Pd Using Internal
Friction; 10.7907/t60e-ft46
- Whelan, Daniel Steven (1985) ANIMAC:
A Multiprocessor Architecture for Real-Time Computer Animation; 10.7907/0qnw-g372
- Smith, Duane A. (1985) An
Experimental Study of Acoustically Excited, Vortex Driven, Combustion
Instability within a Rearward Facing Step Combustor; 10.7907/xn67-7h10
- Matthys, Eric Francois (1985) An
Experimental Study of Convective Heat Transfer, Friction, and Rheology
for Non-Newtonian Fluids: Polymer Solutions, Suspensions of Fibers, and
Suspensions of Particulates; 10.7907/pr91-d523
- Fredrickson, Eric Donald (1985) An
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of a Finite Beta Modified
Drift Wave; 10.7907/fdcx-m289
- Whiting, Douglas Lee (1985) Bit-Serial
Reed-Solomon Decoders in VLSI; 10.7907/bjd1-9j44
- Lien, Sheue-Ling Chang (1985) Combining
Computation with Geometry; 10.7907/n1qe-h846
- Jeong, Garrett Duane (1985) Cumulative
Damage of Structures Subjected to Response Spectrum Consistent Random
Processes; 10.7907/97b3-2427
- Pak, Ronald Y.S. (1985) Dynamic
Response of a Partially Embedded Bar Under Transverse Excitations;
- Vahala, Kerry John (1985) Dynamic
and Spectral Features of Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/H7JA-K512
- Aaron, Kim Maynard (1985) Edgetones
and Acoustic Resonances in a Duct; 10.7907/bfy8-1995
- Wie, Chu Ryang (1985) Effects
Produced in GaAs by MeV Ion Bombardment; 10.7907/m4f7-4x30
- Frost, David Lawrence (1985) Effects
of Ambient Pressure on the Instability of a Liquid Boiling Explosively
at the Superheat Limit; 10.7907/8J3K-PS54
- Roberts, Fredrick Allen (1985) Effects
of a Periodic Disturbance on Structure and Mixing in Turbulent Shear
Layers and Wakes; 10.7907/syy5-a334
- Collins, Reuben Theodore (1985) Electronic
Properties of Heterostructures and Defects in Compound
Semiconductors; 10.7907/pg8h-k549
- Patton, James Scott (1985) Experimental
Study of Shear Flows and Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of
Granular Materials; 10.7907/f3ja-cj26
- Dahm, Werner Johann Anton (1985) Experiments
on Entrainment, Mixing and Chemical Reactions in Turbulent Jets at Large
Schmidt Number; 10.7907/k93g-jh12
- Russell, Armistead Goode (1985) Formation
and Control of Atmospheric Aerosol Nitrate and Nitric Acid; 10.7907/rdz0-9a12
- Lee, Seung-Joon (1985) Generation
of Long Water Waves by Moving Disturbances; 10.7907/EG1N-VZ69
- Hermanson, James Carl (1985) Heat
Release Effects in a Turbulent, Reacting Shear Layer; 10.7907/y722-za34
- Whitney, Telle Elizabeth (1985) Hierarchical
Composition of VLSI Circuits; 10.7907/ykeb-r680
- Biswas, Pratim (1985) Impactors
for Aerosol Measurement: Developments and Sampling Biases; 10.7907/YG7P-PX37
- Brown, Elliott R. (1985) Investigation
of Bulk Indium Antimonide as Heterodyne Detector for the Submillimeter
Wavelength Region; 10.7907/wm40-4k69
- Prabhakar, Arati (1985) Investigations
of Deep Level Defects in Semiconductor Material Systems; 10.7907/BNQT-B222
- Dolgin, Benjamin Paul (1985) Kinetics
of the Formation of an Amorphous Layer During a Solid State
Reaction; 10.7907/n0qt-h472
- Lang, Daniel Bernard (1985) Laser
Doppler Velocity and Vorticity Measurements in Turbulent Shear
Layers; 10.7907/YFR4-VE59
- Papanicolaou, Panayiotis Nikolas (1985) Mass
and Momentum Transport in a Turbulent Buoyant Vertical Axisymmetric
Jet; 10.7907/6khx-sv30
- Tong, Peter Ping Tak (1985) Millimeter-Wave
Integrated-Circuit Antenna Arrays; 10.7907/ddxq-rj80
- Davies, Simon Henry Richard (1985) Mn
(II) Oxidation in the Presence of Metal Oxides; 10.7907/512V-8A90
- Wakugawa, Jason Masao (1985) On
the Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution to the Small-Scale
Nonlinear Anti-Plane Shear Crack Problem in Finite Elastostatics; 10.7907/dfcw-j110
- Fier, Jeffrey Michael (1985) Part
I. Fold Continuation and the Flow Between Rotating, Coaxial Disks. Part
II. Equilibrium Chaos. Part III. A Mesh Selection Algorithm for
Two-Point Boundary Value Problems; 10.7907/cs9b-ft10
- Henshaw, William Douglas (1985) Part
I. The Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws.
Part II. Composite Overlapping Grid Techniques; 10.7907/kz0y-2j77
- Faust, Bruce Charles (1985) Photo-Induced
Reductive Dissolution of Hematite (α-Fe₂O₃) by S(IV) Oxyanions; 10.7907/cj3r-5x15
- Steele, Craig S. (1985) Placement
of Communicating Processes on Multiprocessor Networks; 10.7907/kemx-dv57
- Kendall, Elizabeth Ann (1985) Range
Dependent Signals and Maximum Entropy Methods for Underwater Acoustic
Tomography; 10.7907/hrqs-cv92
- Rösgen, Thomas (1985) Second
Sound Scattering in Superfluid Helium; 10.7907/r8ge-j070
- Platt, John C. (1985) Sequential
Threshold Circuits; 10.7907/fsx9-vh16
- Kasiraj, Prakash (1985) Shock-Wave
Consolidation of Metallic Powders; 10.7907/7cxy-vx62
- Smith, Kenneth Scott (1985) Stochastic
Analysis of the Seismic Response of Secondary Systems; 10.7907/w4cj-w767
- Elyada, Dov (1985) Structural
Analysis of Imperfect Three-Legged Truss Columns for Large Space
Structures Applications; 10.7907/YXNE-YE65
- Liew, Boon-Khim (1985) Study
of Solid-Phase Reactions of metals on GaAs; 10.7907/pay8-6h38
- Bales, Roger Curtis (1985) Surface
Chemical and Physical Behavior of Chrysotile Asbestos in Natural Waters
and Water Treatment; 10.7907/4q42-z892
- Cifuentes, Arturo O. (1985) System
Identification of Hysteretic Structures; 10.7907/p43n-j428
- Mehra, Madhav (1985) The
Atomic Structure of Some Metallic Glasses and the Influence of the
Preparation Technique on the Amorphous State; 10.7907/6twq-9080
- Jacob, Daniel James (1985) The
Origins of Inorganic Acidity in Fogs; 10.7907/54GV-ZQ97
- Lien, Chuen-Der (1985) Thin
Film Silicide Formation by Thermal Annealing: Study of Kinetics, Moving
Species, Impurity Effect, and Electrical Properties; 10.7907/t5r5-5267
- Vorpérian, Vatché (1984) Analysis
of Resonant Converters; 10.7907/NWMH-AP27
- Wilson, John Charles (1984) Analysis
of the Observed Earthquake Response of a Multiple Span Bridge; 10.7907/5321-6p57
- Bardet, Jean-Pierre (1984) Application
of Plasticity Theory to Soil Behavior: A New Sand Model; 10.7907/Z23J-9E80
- Polivka, William M. (1984) Applications
of Magnetics to Problems in Switched-Mode Power Conversion; 10.7907/31G4-8128
- Eriksen, K. Jeffrey (1984) Biophysical
Source Modeling of Some Exogenous and Endogenous Components of the Human
Event-Related Potential; 10.7907/SPSG-FX90
- Chang, Samuel Kwang Yeh (1984) Crack
Propagation in Viscoelastic Materials under Transient Loading with
Application to Adhesively Bonded Structures; 10.7907/ZHV3-TK46
- Lutz, Christopher (1984) Design
of the Mosaic Processor; 10.7907/cs85-zs74
- Baxter, David Verge (1984) EXAFS
Studies of La-Ga Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/NHED-5T47
- Schulz, Robert (1984) Electrical
Transport During Phase Transformation in Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/yxsm-vx37
- Warne, Larry Kevin (1984) Electromagnetic
Radiation and Scattering in a Plasma with an Azimuthal Biasing
Field; 10.7907/tja8-zp12
- Winget, James Michael (1984) Element-by-Element
Solution Procedures for Nonlinear Transient Heat Conduction
Analysis; 10.7907/G7VB-EV65
- Cornet, Jean-Luc (1984) Evaluation
of the Unsteady Effects for a Class of Wind Turbines; 10.7907/JVZE-1485
- Ho, Kuo Ting (1984) Evolution
of Nitrogen Impurities in Metal-Silicon Binary Couples and their Effect
on Silicide Formation; 10.7907/tz19-ww79
- Robinson, Allen Conrad (1984) Existence
and Stability of Vortices and Vortex Arrays; 10.7907/0db7-mr48
- Hushmand, Behnam (1984) Experimental
Studies of Dynamic Response of Foundations; 10.7907/6TJK-6088
- Koochesfahani, Manoochehr Mohseni (1984) Experiments
on turbulent mixing and chemical reactions in a liquid mixing layer;
- White, Jeffrey Owen (1984) Four-Wave
Mixing and Phase Conjugation in Photorefractive Crystals; 10.7907/f9ef-m894
- Oyang, Yen-Jen (1984) HEX:
A Hierarchical Circuit Extractor; 10.7907/mptd-b683
- Papachristidis, Alexandros Christou (1984) Heterogeneous
Data Base Access; 10.7907/5sdf-7w07
- Chen, Wen-Chi (1984) Hierarchy
of Graph Isomorphism Testing; 10.7907/pgav-zy26
- Paine, Scott Nelson (1984) High
Energy Heavy Ion Beam Enhanced Adhesion of Gold Films to GaAs; 10.7907/Z9XD0ZWZ
- Lim, Christopher Sy (1984) I.
Mixing in Doorway Flows. II. Entrainment in Fire Plumes; 10.7907/MWGY-CY05
- Greene, Glenn Joel (1984) ICRF
Antenna Coupling and Wave Propagation in a Tokamak Plasma; 10.7907/ppan-gp26
- Neikirk, Dean Paul (1984) Integrated
Detector Arrays for High Resolution Far-Infrared Imaging; 10.7907/jxk1-9t91
- Haas, Jean-François Luc (1984) Interaction
of Weak Shock Waves and Discrete Gas Inhomogeneities; 10.7907/T37C-X215
- Huang, Moh-jiann (1984) Investigation
of Local Geology Effects on Strong Earthquake Ground Motions; 10.7907/pm3k-w086
- Cimbala, John Michael (1984) Large
Structure in the Far Wakes of Two-Dimensional Bluff Bodies; 10.7907/KZ05-YC02
- Yu, Paul Kit-Lai (1984) Long
Wavelength InGaAsP/InP Lasers and Optoelectronic Integration; 10.7907/4dk7-wn36
- Houseworth, James Evan (1984) Longitudinal
Dispersion in Nonuniform, Isotropic Porous Media; 10.7907/0vtp-g766
- Alam, Md. Khairul (1984) Nucleation
and Condensational Growth of Aerosols: Application to Silicon
Production; 10.7907/t1x1-p304
- Smyth, Noel Frederick (1984) Part
I: Soliton on a Beach and Related Problems. Part II: Modulated Capillary
Waves; 10.7907/VXDD-1M21
- Yang, Vigor (1984) Pressure
Oscillations in Liquid-Fueled Ramjet Engines; 10.7907/rfpg-es59
- Abushagur, Mustafa A. G. (1984) Scattering
of Light from Large Cylinders; 10.7907/akkw-r889
- Margoliash, Daniel (1984) Songbirds,
Grandmothers, Templates: a Neuroethological Approach; 10.7907/2yhr-5t19
- Simmen, Jeffrey Alan (1984) Steady
Deep-Water Waves on a Linear Shear Current; 10.7907/H88C-1G49
- Senior, Constance Lynn (1984) Submicron
Aerosol Formation During Combustion of Pulverized Coal; 10.7907/70GT-H495
- Su, Wen-King (1984) Supermesh;
- Ho, Tai-Ping (1984) The
Dialogue Designing Dialogue System; 10.7907/5v76-gn68
- Wang, Chiun (1984) The
Effects of Curvature on Turbulent Mixing Layers; 10.7907/BC48-BE98
- Ngai, John Yee-Keung (1984) The
General Interconnect Problem of Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/fgcc-ks03
- Mailhiot, Christian (1984) Theoretical
Investigations of Electron States in Small-Scale Semiconductor
Structures; 10.7907/0470-nf89
- Zur, Amikam (1984) Theoretical
Investigations of Solid Interfaces: 1. The Position of the Fermi Level
at a Metal-Semiconductor Interface. 2. Geometric Lattice Match and Its
Application to Heteroepitaxy. 3. Ab-Initio Calculation of the Elastic
Properties of Silicon, Using Small Clusters; 10.7907/w8vp-2g07
- Ngo, Khai Doan The (1984) Topology
and Analysis in PWM Inversion, Rectification, and Cycloconversion;
- Chiang, Chao-Lin (1984) Towards
Concurrent Arithmetic: Residue Arithmetic and VLSI; 10.7907/mh9h-1v86
- Derby, Howard (1984) Using
Logic Programming for Compiling APL; 10.7907/gmjh-z702
- Bartur, Meir (1984) Utilization
of Silicides for VLSI-Contacts with Aluminum and Thermal Oxidation;
- Levit, Itzhak (1983) A
General Solution Strategy for Large Scale Static and Dynamic Nonlinear
Finite Element Problems Employing the Element-by-Element Factorization
Concept; 10.7907/jqbq-rc43
- Dolson, Mark Barry (1983) A
Tracking Phase Vocoder and its Use in the Analysis of Ensemble
Sounds; 10.7907/0RC3-V146
- Athas, William C. (1983) A
VLSI Combinator Reduction Engine; 10.7907/r471-je71
- Tatoian, James Zareh (1983) An
Analytical Study of Electromagnetic Vector Field Propagation in a
Nonlinear Electron Plasma; 10.7907/hzt3-s585
- Botelho, Dirceu Luiz Rodrigues (1983) An
Empirical Model for Vortex-Induced Vibrations; 10.7907/T3ZS-SH29
- Heymans, Luc J. (1983) An
Engineering Analysis of Polymer Film Adhesion to Rigid Substrates;
- Goh, Chuen Jin (1983) Analysis
and Control of Quasi Distributed Parameter Systems; 10.7907/96PH-6521
- Jain, Sudhir Kumar (1983) Analytical
Models for the Dynamics of Buildings; 10.7907/4k04-ca84
- Trimberger, Stephen Mathias (1983) Automated
Performance Optimization of Custom Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/8YDZ-G637
- Harder, Christoph S. (1983) Bistability,
High Speed Modulation, Noise and Pulsations in GaAlAs Semiconductor
Lasers; 10.7907/jxwz-e844
- Wong, Tak-Yiu (1983) Calculation
of wave characteristics in bubbly two-phase flows; 10.7907/gbzx-es15
- Abu-Mostafa, Yaser Said (1983) Complexity
of Information Extraction; 10.7907/FVKM-7J60
- Ungar, Jeffrey Eugene (1983) Double
Charge Exchange of Pions on Helium-4; 10.7907/QKDK-7G96
- Rashed, Ahmed Atef (1983) Dynamic
Analyses of Fluid-Structure Systems; 10.7907/1yc0-fm70
- Mungal, Mark Godfrey (1983) Experiments
on Mixing and Combustion with Low Heat Release in a Turbulent Shear
Flow; 10.7907/QZ4F-V692
- Chamieh, Dimitri Suhayl (1983) Forces
on a Whirling Centrifugal Pump-Impeller; 10.7907/vnqy-ne26
- Neches, Philip Malcolm (1983) Hardware
Support for Advanced Data Management Systems; 10.7907/BH0Y-Q162
- Moody, Douglas Marion, Jr. (1983) I.
Numerical Solution of the Superfluid Shock Jump Conditions. II.
Experimental Investigation of the Liquid Helium II-Vapor Interface;
- Chiou, Arthur Er-Terg (1983) I.
Parametric Study of Optically Pumped Far-Infrared Waveguide Lasers. II.
Theory and Experiment of Folded Fabry-Perot Quasi-Optical Ring Resonator
Diplexer; 10.7907/eeh1-p029
- Chiu, Liew-Chuang (1983) III-V
Semiconductor Lasers and Detectors; 10.7907/ttgs-8a70
- Erickson, Robert Warren, Jr. (1983) Large
Signals in Switching Converters; 10.7907/CN9A-WY51
- Hopkins, Stuart Thomas (1983) Low
Temperature Specific Heat Studies of Molybdenum-Ruthenium Based
Superconducting Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/TJRF-S955
- Magaldi, Tony (1983) Low
velocity impact damage and its propagation under compressive load in
curved, graphite/epoxy panels; 10.7907/ekat-8g08
- Sargent, William Stapf (1983) Natural
Convection Flows and Associated Heat Transfer Processes in Room
Fires; 10.7907/n7kr-k165
- Blauvelt, Henry A. (1983) New
Structures for AlGaAs Lasers and Avalanche Photodetectors; 10.7907/DJMZ-S785
- Awad, Elias A. (1983) Nonlinear
Acoustics Instabilities in Combustion Chambers; 10.7907/h9sr-tq76
- Zondervan, Keith Peter (1983) Optimal
Low Thrust, Three Burn Orbit Transfers with Large Plane Changes; 10.7907/NXPK-GE17
- Zee, Layne (1983) Ordinary
and Strong Ellipticity in the Equilibrium Theory of Incompressible
Hyperelastic Solids; 10.7907/jzka-ce91
- Ullner, Michael K. (1983) Parallel
Machines for Computer Graphics; 10.7907/wxmq-sx43
- Valioulis, Iraklis Anestis (1983) Particle
Collisions and Coalescence in Fluids; 10.7907/w0ax-hs27
- Barzegar, Farhad (1983) Problems
in Switched-Mode DC and AC Power Conversion; 10.7907/qr7n-cj36
- Lam, Jimmy (1983) RTsim:
A register transfer simulator; 10.7907/727m-mf30
- Trawick, David James (1983) Robust
Sentence Analysis and Habitability; 10.7907/re17-h091
- Torczynski, John Robert (1983) Second
Sound Shock Waves in Rotating Superfluid Helium; 10.7907/Y2KN-XM66
- Chen, Marina Chien-mei (1983) Space-time
Algorithms: Semantics and Methodology; 10.7907/bfpj-t811
- Clemens, Bruce Montgomery (1983) Superconductivity
as a Structural Characterization Tool in Amorphous Materials; 10.7907/GTS1-9E08
- Gharib, Morteza (1983) The
Effect of Flow Oscillations on Cavity Drag, and a Technique for their
Control; 10.7907/JJYA-CK31
- Norton, Olin Perry (1983) The
Effects of a Vortex Field on Flames with Finite Reaction Rates; 10.7907/7vn8-4078
- Pence, Thomas James (1983) The
Emergence and Propagation of a Phase Boundary in an Elastic Bar; 10.7907/85D8-5A19
- O’Sullivan, Timothy Christopher (1983) The
Propagation and Arrest of an Edge Crack in an Elastic Half-Space Under
Conditions of Anti-Plane Shear: Analytical and Numerical Results; 10.7907/jb3j-5460
- Stone, Alan Thomas (1983) The
Reduction and Dissolution of Manganese(III) and (IV) Oxides by
Organics; 10.7907/MSQ2-M609
- Connolly, Jeremiah Finbarr (1983) Two
Problems in Plane Finite Elastostatics; 10.7907/yhjy-mb48
- Megdal, Barry Bruce (1983) VLSI
Computational Structures Applied to Fingerprint Image Analysis; 10.7907/9tyn-bc11
- Speriosu, Virgil Simon (1983) X-ray
Rocking Curve and Ferromagnetic Resonance Investigations of
Ion-Implanted Crystals; 10.7907/BET3-1831
- Schember, Helene R. (1982) A New
Model for Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Dispersive Long Waves; 10.7907/05SA-9135
- Whiting, Douglas Lee (1982) A
Self-Timed Chip Set for Microprocessor Communication; 10.7907/tnv1-t713
- Chen, Michael Jiu-Wei (1982) A
Spatiotemporal Probe of the Human Visual System by Application of
Nonlinear Systems Identification Theory; 10.7907/f613-bd08
- Young, James Robert (1982) A
Study of the Adsorption of Ni(II) onto an Amorphous Silica Surface by
Chemical and NMR Methods; 10.7907/Q574-CG34
- Trebitz, Bernd Otto (1982) Acoustic
Transmission Imaging for Flow Diagnostics; 10.7907/pnsp-rk30
- Karagozian, Ann Renee (1982) An
Analytical Study of Diffusion Flames in Vortex Structures; 10.7907/NE3D-T576
- Ravi-Chandar, K. (1982) An
Experimental Investigation into the Mechanics of Dynamic Fracture;
- Spelt, Jan Karel (1982) An
experimental study of heat transfer to flowing granular media; 10.7907/dw3p-ac27
- Katz, Joseph (1982) Cavitation
Inception in Separated Flows; 10.7907/VP9N-K847
- Christenson, John Eric (1982) Centrifugal
model testing of foundation piles in axial loading; 10.7907/FDZ3-F478
- Schweig, Edgard (1982) Dielectric
Waveguides for Millimeter Waves; 10.7907/05DR-KV58
- Chen, Carl Leei (1982) Direct
Output Feedback Control of Large Flexible Spacecraft; 10.7907/vx2f-yh14
- Psycharis, Ioannis N. (1982) Dynamic
Behavior of Rocking Structures Allowed to Uplift; 10.7907/jexq-jr68
- Ortiz, Louis Alexander (1982) Dynamic
Centrifuge Testing of Cantilever Retaining Walls; 10.7907/vep9-1127
- Kingsley, Chris (1982) EARL:
An Integrated Circuit Design Language; 10.7907/z452-0r86
- Feenstra, Randall Meindert (1982) Electronic
and Vibrational States of Point Defects in Semiconductors; 10.7907/p5ph-6811
- Cetegen, Baki Mehmet (1982) Entrainment
and Flame Geometry of Fire Plumes; 10.7907/CJ4E-W053
- Lin, Albert Niu (1982) Experimental
Observations of the Effect of Foundation Embedment on Structural
Response; 10.7907/ksr8-pf30
- Ng, Charles H. (1982) FIFO
Buffering Transceiver: A Communication Chip Set for Multiprocessor
Systems; 10.7907/vdzd-7h35
- Tezduyar, Tayfun Ersin (1982) Finite
Element Formulations for Hyperbolic Systems with Particular Emphasis on
the Compressible Euler Equations; 10.7907/994z-vj07
- Fowler, Graeme Francis (1982) Finite
Plane and Anti-Plane Elastostatic Fields with Discontinuous Deformation
Gradients Near the Tip of a Crack; 10.7907/td0f-kr59
- Koch, Thomas Lawson (1982) Gigawatt
Picosecond Dye Lasers and Ultrafast Processes in Semiconductor
Lasers; 10.7907/61ca-rp72
- Choo, Young-il (1982) Hierarchical
Nets: A Structured Petri Net Approach to Concurrency; 10.7907/t5w4-vt07
- Carroll, Christopher Ralph (1982) Hybrid
Processing; 10.7907/ssgy-ep18
- Barker, John Wilson (1982) I.
Interactions of Fast and Slow Waves in Problems with Two Time Scales.
II. A Numerical Experiment on the Structure of Two-Dimensional Turbulent
Flow; 10.7907/ynsy-nh46
- Romero, Louis Anthony (1982) I.
Similarity Solutions of the Equations of Three Phase Flow through Porous
Media. II. The Fingering Problem in a Hele-Shaw Cell; 10.7907/MR6S-7C08
- Mueller, James R. (1982) I.
The analysis of the rewetting of a vertical slab using a Wiener-Hopf
technique. II. Asymptotic expansions of integrals with three coalescing
saddle points; 10.7907/8q9c-pe97
- Prouty, Dale Austen (1982) Investigations
of Near-Zone Doppler Effects; 10.7907/vfzj-7d74
- Anderson, Lisa (1982) Iron
Reduction and Micronutrient Nutrition of Juvenile Macrocystis pyrifera
(L.) C. A. Agardh (Giant Kelp) Determined by a Chemically Defined
Medium, Aquil; 10.7907/t2eq-ve46
- Chen, Pei-Chuang (1982) Long
Wavelength GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Lasers for Optical
Communications; 10.7907/51sv-sm58
- Bauer, Thomas Patrick (1982) Low-Thrust
Perturbation Guidance; 10.7907/TVQ3-FV70
- Hedemann, Mark Allen (1982) Measurements
of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Caltech Research Tokamak; 10.7907/z70q-f715
- Shieh, A. H. (1982) Non-stationary
lattice theory; 10.7907/xknf-r113
- van Ingen, Catharine (1982) Observations
in a Sediment-Laden Flow by Use of Laser-Doppler Velocimetry; 10.7907/X24M-0R50
- Engheta, Nader (1982) On
the Radiation Patterns of Interfacial Antennas; 10.7907/y86x-2709
- Kavaya, Michael Joseph (1982) Optoacoustic
Detection Employing Stark Voltage Modulation and Stark Polarization
Modulation; 10.7907/JB2P-3726
- Nosenchuck, Daniel Mark (1982) Passive
and Active Control of Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/CKFA-E875
- Brownlie, William Robert (1982) Prediction
of Flow Depth and Sediment Discharge in Open Channels; 10.7907/100Z-Z157
- Ooi, Kean Khoon (1982) Scale
Effects on Cavitation Inception in Submerged Jets; 10.7907/qvn5-1075
- Campbell, Charles Soutter (1982) Shear
Flows of Granular Materials; 10.7907/QZSF-E358
- Catherasoo, Christopher Jeyaparan (1982) Shock
Dynamics in Non-Uniform Media; 10.7907/7knb-5s50
- Fleming, Graham Christopher (1982) Structure
and Stability of Buoyant Diffusion Flames; 10.7907/DVY5-MD93
- DeBenedictis, Erik Penn (1982) Techniques
for Testing Integrated Circuits; 10.7907/ZKWD-NR73
- Scheid, Robert Elmer, Jr (1982) The
Accurate Numerical Solution of Highly Oscillatory Ordinary Differential
Equations; 10.7907/4JVY-JB67
- Reinhall, Per Gustaf (1982) The
Analysis of a Nonlinear Difference Equation Occurring in Dynamical
Systems; 10.7907/X17F-E253
- Scott, David Martin (1982) The
Effects of Oxygen on the Formation of Ni, Pd, and Pt Silicides; 10.7907/234h-2915
- Lang, Charles Richard, Jr. (1982) The
Extension of Object-Oriented Languages to a Homogeneous, Concurrent
Architecture; 10.7907/9EVC-2X08
- Chai, Herzl (1982) The
Growth of Impact Damage in Compressively Loaded Laminates; 10.7907/58D3-ZZ41
- Batchelder, John Samuel (1982) The
Luminescent Solar Concentrator; 10.7907/W5W7-9660
- Stevenson, John Cary (1982) The
Rheology of a Bituminous Coal; 10.7907/06Q1-DZ20
- Holstege, Eric J. (1982) Type
Inference in a Declarationless, Object-Oriented Language; 10.7907/sa4t-bn94
- Bernier, Robert J. N. (1982) Unsteady
Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation and Measurement; 10.7907/8KSZ-8796
- Wilt, Daniel Paul (1981) (AlGa)As
Semiconductor Lasers and Integrated Optoelectronics; 10.7907/f9jz-ez68
- Whitney, Telle (1981) A
Hierarchical Design Rule Checker; 10.7907/dqz1-c122
- Krousgrill, Charles Morton (1981) A
Linearization Technique for the Dynamic Response of Nonlinear
Continua; 10.7907/d5wa-0v91
- Schatzman, James Carl (1981) A
Model for the von Kármán Vortex Street; 10.7907/34YN-H995
- Brooks, Alexander Nelson (1981) A
Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Formulation for Convection Dominated
Flows; 10.7907/Q164-VZ22
- Melton, Ronald Benjamin (1981) A
Study of Horizontal Cell-Photoreceptor Interaction in the Frog Retina
Using a Randomly Modulated Stimulus; 10.7907/6dzj-fd89
- Milenkovic, Paul Henry (1981) A
Systematic Assessment of the Accuracy of Vocal Tract Area Function
Estimates Made from the Speech Waveform; 10.7907/6ydf-ke74
- Whelan, Daniel Steven (1981) A
Versatile Ethernet Interface; 10.7907/x4t9-5n88
- Ouimette, James Richard (1981) Aerosol
Chemical Species Contributions to the Extinction Coefficient; 10.7907/s1we-wc48
- Katz, Joseph (1981) AlGaAs
Optoelectronic Devices for Optical Communications; 10.7907/2AXD-2Z75
- Glezer, Ari (1981) An
Experimental Study of a Turbulent Vortex Ring; 10.7907/RC4P-DA56
- Williams, Arthur Ray (1981) Atomic
Structure of Transition Metal Based Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/sb90-n460
- Sung, Windsor (1981) Catalytic
Effects of the γ-FeOOH (Lepidocrocite) Surface on the Oxygenation
Removal Kinetics of the Fe(II) and Mn(II); 10.7907/r22w-2c12
- Yu, Kwang-I (1981) Communicative
Databases; 10.7907/mga3-1n19
- Doan, Phuc The (1981) Computing
the Development of Disturbances in the Blasius Boundary Layer Due to
Localized Unsteady Two-Dimensional Wall Injection; 10.7907/bt7y-zn32
- Liu, Wing Kam (1981) Development
of Finite Element Procedures for Fluid-Structure Interaction; 10.7907/4yzv-q979
- Shepherd, Joseph Emmett (1981) Dynamics
of Vapor Explosions: Rapid Evaporation and Instability of Butane
Droplets Exploding at the Superheat Limit; 10.7907/E3KR-3X92
- Ruth, Edward Kenneth (1981) Experiments
with Unconventional Cross Flow Heat Exchangers; 10.7907/P6TP-GR40
- Shih, Choon-Foo (1981) Failure
of Liquid Storage Tanks Due to Earthquake Excitation; 10.7907/m0v8-hs31
- Lin, Tzu-Mu (1981) From
Geometry to Logic; 10.7907/887g-zn84
- Jepson, Allan Douglas (1981) I.
Asymptotic Boundary Conditions for Ordinary Differential Equations. II.
Numerical Hopf Bifurcation; 10.7907/C2RJ-6F27
- Kath, William Lawrence (1981) I.
Propagating and Waiting Fronts in Nonlinear Diffusion. II. Sustained
Reentry Roll Resonance; 10.7907/bpk3-rt60
- Kuech, Thomas Francis (1981) Investigations
of Schottky Barrier Structures in Compound Semiconductors: I. HgTe on
CdTe: a Lattice Matched Schottky Barrier. II. Au-Cd Barriers to CdTe.
III. AAu Barriers on InₓGa₁₋ₓP; 10.7907/8hcw-7421
- Taylor, Dean Dalton (1981) Laboratory
Studies of Submicron Particle Formation in Pulverized Coal
Combustion; 10.7907/as3w-nf63
- Mitchard, Gordon Stuart (1981) Low
Temperature Photoluminescence Properties of Silicon and
Silicon-Germanium Alloys; 10.7907/T3SB-MQ10
- McRae, Gregory John (1981) Mathematical
Modeling of Photochemical Air Pollution; 10.7907/n8p7-f149
- Tenhover, Michael Alan (1981) Mössbauer
Effect Studies in Yttrium Based Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/5a6h-a632
- Gabriel, Andrew Keith (1981) Optogalvanic
Spectroscopy and Cataphoretic Laser Isotope Separation; 10.7907/xhjf-aa40
- Mosteller, R. C. (1981) REST:
A Leaf Cell Design System; 10.7907/1r9d-ad60
- Cohen, Martin (1981) Silent
Boundary Methods for Transient Wave Analysis; 10.7907/xrgh-ag46
- Johannsen, David Lawrence (1981) Silicon
Compilation; 10.7907/32ha-8453
- Ségal, Richard Lawrence (1981) Structure,
placement and modelling; 10.7907/tb24-mg70
- Jin, Michael Yih-Hwa (1981) Temporal-Spatial
Functional Analysis of the Class-II-a1 Motion Detection Cell of the Fly
Calliphora phaenicia; 10.7907/ccc0-ws70
- Bernal, Luis Paulino (1981) The
Coherent Structure of Turbulent Mixing Layers. I. Similarity of the
Primary Vortex Structure. II. Secondary Streamwise Vortex Structure;
- Gray, Moshe (1981) The
Design and Implementation of a Reticle Maker for VLSI; 10.7907/0v5p-7011
- Stephenson, Rodney Alan (1981) The
Equilibrium Field Near the Tip of a Crack for Finite Plane Strain of
Incompressible Elastic Materials; 10.7907/y00g-0984
- James, Ralph Boyd (1981) Theoretical
Studies of the Nonlinear Infrared Properties of p-Type
Semiconductors; 10.7907/e2ha-tt71
- Brown, Arthur Raymond (1981) Topics
in the Analysis, Measurement, and Design of High-Performance Switching
Regulators; 10.7907/SQ09-ZS78
- Lien, Sheue-Ling C. (1981) Toward
a Theorem Proving Architecture; 10.7907/ctky-sp95
- Lepelletier, Thierry Georges (1981) Tsunamis
– Harbor Oscillations Induced by Nonlinear Transient Long Waves; 10.7907/05TE-BH74
- Lau, Kam-Yin (1981) Ultra-High
Frequency Dynamics of Semiconductor Injection Lasers; 10.7907/f057-zj77
- Hall, Shawn Anthony (1981) Vortex-Induced
Vibrations of Structures; 10.7907/Y4QP-A998
- Barton, Anthony Francis (1980) A
Fault Tolerant Integrated Circuit Memory; 10.7907/dr7k-qn11
- Seiler, Larry Dean (1980) A
Pascal Machine Architecture Implemented in Bristle Blocks, a Prototype
Silicon Computer; 10.7907/Z9VH5KTT
- Hess, Gideon David (1980) A
Software Design System; 10.7907/Z9348HB7
- Demetrescu, Stefan Gabriel (1980) A
VLSI Based Real-Time Hidden Surface Elimination Display System; 10.7907/Z9GF0RGD
- Nomoto, Hideki (1980) Acoustic
Waves Generated by Vortex Shedding; 10.7907/ghk0-az55
- Liljestrand, Howard Michael (1980) Atmospheric
Transport of Acidity in Southern California by Wet and Dry
Mechanisms; 10.7907/pgev-yh86
- Lang, Charles Richard (1980) Automated
Wiring Analysis of Integrated Circuit Geometric Data; 10.7907/qxbg-2c10
- Braisted, David Miner (1980) Cavitation
Induced Instabilities Associated with Turbomachines; 10.7907/V1WV-V511
- Hunt, James Robert (1980) Coagulation
in Continuous Particle Size Distributions: Theory and Experimental
Verification; 10.7907/dbbb-v854
- Korwar, Vijaya Narayan (1980) Degradation
of Picture Quality by Speckle in Coherent Mapping Systems; 10.7907/edk6-jc81
- Ikemi, Douglas Kerry (1980) Development
of a High Intensity, Low Emissions Burner; 10.7907/p85m-cd96
- Gallagher, Timothy Joseph (1980) Domain
Wall Dynamics in Ion-Implanted Magnetic Bubble Materials; 10.7907/j5xa-xp25
- Haroun, Medhat Ahmed (1980) Dynamic
Analyses of Liquid Storage Tanks; 10.7907/1J74-RH65
- Mullainathan, M. (1980) Finite-Difference
Solution of Steady Two-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Equations with Heat
Transfer; 10.7907/rawg-2g03
- McVerry, Graeme Haynes (1980) Frequency
Domain Identification of Structural Models from Earthquake Record;
- Cheung, Woontong Nathan (1980) I.
Channeling Studies of Silicon Interfaces. II. Diffusion Barrier
Properties of Titanium Nitride; 10.7907/e47n-cg57
- Agmon, Pinchas (1980) I.
Design, Control, and Characterization of the Passively Mode Locked CW
Dye Laser. II. Photoconductive Impulse Response and Excess Carrier
Lifetime of Cr-doped GaAs; 10.7907/hr51-0r95
- Koffman, Larry Douglas (1980) I.
Experimental Observations of the Microlayer in Vapor Bubble Growth on a
Heated Solid. II. An Investigation of the Theory of Evaporation and
Condensation; 10.7907/M1H1-S690
- Moyer, Richard Harrison (1980) I.
The Mode Locked Dye Laser. II. Picosecond Photoconductivity of
Semi-Insulating Gallium Arsenide; 10.7907/bhsz-8b41
- Tsaur, Bor-Yeu (1980) Ion-Beam-Induced
Modifications of Thin Film Structures and Formation of Metastable
Phases; 10.7907/2v82-tm86
- Sander, Stanley Paul (1980) Kinetics
Studies of Bromine Monoxide and Methylperoxy Free Radicals by Flash
Photolysis; 10.7907/9BZ5-X071
- Vural, Kadri Lütfi (1980) Magnetic
Domain Wall Dynamics in the Presence of an In-Plane Field; 10.7907/NPAV-0X78
- Kuwabara, James Shigeru (1980) Micronutrient
Requirements for Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. A. Agardh (Giant Kelp)
Gametophytes Determined by Means of a Chemically Defined Medium,
Aquil; 10.7907/ECSY-FZ64
- Ury, Israel (1980) Monolithic
Integration of Gallium Arsenide Optoelectronic Devices; 10.7907/s4x6-kk53
- Sherman, David Carl (1980) Natural
Convection Film Boiling on a Vertical Surface; 10.7907/MZ76-J054
- Subbaiah, Malladi Venkata (1980) Non-Steady
Behavior of a Flame Spreading from a Point in a Two-Dimensional
Duct; 10.7907/se8q-9c70
- Kyriakides, Stelios (1980) On
the Propagating Buckle and Its Arrest; 10.7907/c81x-nk02
- Elliott, Kenneth Robert (1980) Optical
Determination of the Properties of Excitons Bound to Impurities in
Semiconductors; 10.7907/z105-h928
- Levine, Bruce Stephen (1980) Particle
Confinement and Magnetic Fluctuations in Tokamak Discharges with Gas
Puffing; 10.7907/rrs7-xm92
- Pepper, David M. (1980) Phase
Conjugate Optics: On the Theory, Observation, and Utilization of
Temporally-Reversed Wavefronts as Generated Via Nonlinear Optical
Parametric Interactions; 10.7907/03GZ-7C28
- Hsu, Shi-Ping (1980) Problems
in Analysis and Design of Switching Regulators: I. Pole Placement
Technique for DC-to-DC Switching Regulators. II . Transformer Modelling.
III. Cross-Regulation of the Two-Output Ćuk Converter; 10.7907/GV8S-2J15
- Roach, Kelly (1980) Pronouns;
- Turner, Timothy Neal (1980) Second
Sound Shock Waves and Critical Velocities in Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/cg05-6436
- Coutsias, Evangelos Athanassios (1980) Some
Effects of Spatial Nonuniformities in Chemically Reacting Mixtures;
- Nguyen, Tanh Van (1980) Studies
in the Flow of Granular Materials; 10.7907/dm6x-9s32
- Chen, Jing-Chang (1980) Studies
on Gravitational Spreading Currents; 10.7907/16RG-AZ72
- Rensink, Loman (1980) Switching
Regulator Configurations and Circuit Realizations; 10.7907/PD3T-2V38
- Liechti, Kenneth Macdougall (1980) The
Application of Optical Interferometry to Time Dependent Unbonding: Parts
1, 2, and 3; 10.7907/9yk1-v212
- Bowser, William Matthew (1980) The
Development and Utilization of Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
as a Surface Vibrational Probe with an Emphasis on the Study of
Chemisorption and Heterogeneous Catalysis; 10.7907/w6b6-t291
- Locanthi, Bartholomew Nicholas, III (1980) The
Homogeneous Machine; 10.7907/0jdc-9578
- Harris, Jerry Michael (1980) The
Influence of Random Media on the Propagation and Depolarization of
Electromagnetic Waves; 10.7907/XH76-NK15
- Browning, Sally Anne (1980) The
Tree Machine: A Highly Concurrent Computing Environment; 10.7907/15zs-9x82
- Rowson, James Allely (1980) Understanding
Hierarchical Design; 10.7907/Z9BP00R2
- Breidenthal, Robert Edward (1979) A
Chemically Reacting, Turbulent Shear Layer; 10.7907/hj67-9h91
- Ayres, Ronald Frederick (1979) A
Language Processor and a Sample Language; 10.7907/r2hy-6x63
- Petersen, Stephen Vaughn (1979) CARTAM
: the Cartesian Access Method for Data Structures with n-Dimensional
Keys; 10.7907/va76-8270
- Grossman, William Mark (1979) Combustion
of CS₂/O₂ in a laminar mixing layer and processes in the CO chemical
laser; 10.7907/CAPG-QQ92
- Beck, James Leslie (1979) Determining
Models of Structures from Earthquake Records; 10.7907/JP7R-KF57
- Abeyaratne, Rohan Chandra (1979) Discontinuous
Deformation Gradients in Plane Finite Elastostatics of Incompressible
Materials. (I) General Considerations. (II) An Example; 10.7907/seym-cd95
- Kushner, Mark Jay (1979) Electronic
and Kinetic Processes in the Cu/CuCl Double Pulse Laser; 10.7907/a9bz-sw68
- Wise, Jack LeRoy, III (1979) Experimental
Investigation of First- and Second-Sound Shock Waves in liquid Helium
II; 10.7907/c49w-bh82
- Rogers, Philip Louis (1979) Experimental
Investigation of Second Sound Shock Waves in Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/y2bj-vw94
- MacNeal, Bruce Edward (1979) Horizontal
Bloch Line Motion in Magnetic Bubble Materials; 10.7907/m96x-g645
- Oey, Nicolaus Kiam Thian (1979) Leading
Edge Flutter of a Supercavitating Hydrofoil; 10.7907/9DGB-DW93
- Hong, Chi-Shain (1979) New
Optical Waveguide Devices Using Periodic and Chirped Surface
Corrugations and Optical Waves in Periodic Layered Structures; 10.7907/77TB-4N62
- Lyon, Stephen Aplin (1979) Optical
Properties of Excited Silicon and Germanium at Low Temperatures; 10.7907/8gcb-7j35
- Vinkler, Aharon P. (1979) Optimal
Controller Design Methods for linear Systems with Uncertain Parameters:
Development, Evaluation and Comparison; 10.7907/9fwb-er39
- Hwang, David Li-Shui Quek (1979) Propagation
of the Fast Magnetosonic Wave in a Tokamak Plasma; 10.7907/f15y-jy67
- Best, John Stewart (1979) Schottky
Barriers on Compound Semiconductors: I. HgSe Highly Electronegative
Contacts. II. Au Schottky Barriers on n-Ga₁₋ₓA1ₓAs; 10.7907/ysaz-r608
- Savaş, Ömer (1979) Some
Measurements in Synthetic Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/XZ05-2555
- Mason, Alfred Barr (1979) Some
Observations on the Random Response of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems; 10.7907/hvp8-jf64
- Gartrell, Gregory Jr. (1979) Studies
on the Mixing in a Density-Stratified Shear Flow; 10.7907/G80K-5566
- Pankow, James Frederick (1979) The
Dissolution Rates and Mechanisms of Tetragonal Ferrous Sulfide
(Mackinawite) in Anoxic Aqueous Systems; 10.7907/31FS-0Q87
- Hagan, Patrick Shawn (1979) The
Stability of Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Equations; 10.7907/yn9e-nm19
- Goring, Derek Garard (1979) Tsunamis
– The Propagation of Long Waves onto a Shelf; 10.7907/Z9W957BN
- Masumoto, Rodney Tak (1978) A
16-Bit LSI Digital Multiplier; 10.7907/64v1-br36
- Ly, Uy-Loi (1978) A
Direct Method for Designing Optimal Control Systems That Are Insensitive
to Arbitrarily Large Changes in Physical Parameters; 10.7907/z992-rx27
- Tangren, Ernst Norman (1978) An
Experimental Investigation of Convective Flows Associated with Room
Fires; 10.7907/2d9y-x090
- Hamill, Gregory Prince (1978) Analysis
of Defect Structures in High Purity Copper Single Crystals Using X-Ray
Topographic Techniques; 10.7907/51fg-6x90
- Symington, William Allan (1978) Analytical
Studies of Steady and Non-Steady Motions of a Bubbly Liquid; 10.7907/0ENX-DE36
- Shellan, Jeffrey B. (1978) Aperiodic
Structures in Optics and Integrated Optics and the Transverse Bragg
Reflector Laser; 10.7907/662b-ca80
- Lentini Gil, Marianela (1978) Boundary
Value Problems on Semi-Infinite Intervals.; 10.7907/BZTP-PR15
- De Logi, Walter K. (1978) Electromagnetic
Wave Generation and Propagation in Gravitational Fields; 10.7907/es3k-qv56
- Mickelson, Alan Rolf (1978) Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation in Almost Periodic Media; 10.7907/SZMY-A964
- Kubena, Randall Lynn (1978) Fluctuations
in a Tokamak Plasma; 10.7907/ncb6-bs51
- Wadcock, Alan James (1978) Flying-Hot-Wire
Study of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Separation on an NACA 4412 Airfoil at
Maximum Lift; 10.7907/5TB8-1G75
- Clough, Gene Alan (1978) [I. A Recirculating Charge-Coupled
- The Mercury Selenide on N-Silicon Schottky
- Koenig, Keith (1978) Interference
Effects on the Drag of Bluff Bodies in Tandem; 10.7907/EXEV-R625
- Scranton, Robert A. (1978) Investigations
of the Conductor-Semiconductor Interface; 10.7907/z9j6-a423
- Neely, Stephen Taylor (1978) Mathematical
Models of the Mechanics of the Cochlea; 10.7907/EP0H-Z652
- Magiawala, Kiran Ramanlal (1978) Measurements
of Energy Exchange Between Acoustic Fields and Non-Uniform Steady Flow
Fields; 10.7907/TR93-1793
- Cass, Glen Rowan (1978) Methods
for Sulfate Air Quality Management with Applications to Los Angeles;
- Lee, Chien-Ping (1978) New
Optoelectronic Devices Using GaAs-GaAlAs Epitaxy; 10.7907/RNFQ-GG20
- Delayen, Jean Roger (1978) Phase
and Amplitude Stabilization of Superconducting Resonators; 10.7907/ZS1J-1E35
- Grabbe, Crockett Lane (1978) Resonance
Cones and Mode Conversion in a Warm Magnetized Bounded Plasma; 10.7907/BY3Z-2M41
- Poon, Siu-Joe (1978) Superconductivity,
Spin-Glass Properties, and Ferromagnetism in Amorphous La-Gd-Au
Alloys; 10.7907/s0jp-gw13
- Williams, Randall Gary (1978) The
Stochastic Exit Problem for Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/rwka-vz48
- Decker, Dwight William (1978) Topics
in Bifurcation Theory; 10.7907/xv6r-jf75
- Holm, Thomas Russell (1978) Trace
Metals in Fresh Water Plankton; 10.7907/86aa-4708
- Foutch, Douglas Allen (1977) A
Study of the Vibrational Characteristics of Two Multistory
Buildings; 10.7907/X944-SG43
- Konrad, John Harrison (1977) An
Experimental Investigation of Mixing in Two-Dimensional Turbulent Shear
Flows with Applications to Diffusion-Limited Chemical Reactions; 10.7907/ZE81-ZM79
- Hesselink, Lambertus (1977) An
Experimental Investigation on Propagation of Weak Shock Waves in a
Random Medium; 10.7907/XKHF-VD55
- Udupa, Shriram Mahabal (1977) Collision
Detection and Avoidance in Computer Controlled Manipulators; 10.7907/2E18-0E29
- Srinivas, Sankaran (1977) Error
Recovery in Robot Systems; 10.7907/P7QY-KN31
- Shah, Piyush Chimanlal (1977) Estimation
of Properties in Petroleum Reservoirs; 10.7907/7DC3-EX92
- Higuchi, Hiroshi (1977) Experimental
Investigation on Axisymmetric Turbulent Wakes with Zero Momentum
Defect; 10.7907/121B-VN50
- Spanos, Polihronis Thomas Dimitrios (1977) Linearization
Techniques for Non-Linear Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/bxg5-0375
- Chen, Martin Yu-Wen (1977) Luminescence
Properties of Electron-Hale-Droplets in Pure and Doped Germanium; 10.7907/9WCK-2W46
- Ćuk, Slobodan M. (1977) Modelling,
Analysis, and Design of Switching Converters; 10.7907/SNGW-0660
- Wojcik, Gregory Lynn (1977) Self-Similar
Elastodynamic Solutions for the Plane Wedge; 10.7907/E1D3-0T11
- Olowolafe, Johnson Olufemi (1977) Silicide
Formation and the Interaction of Metals with Polycrystalline Si; 10.7907/JZBN-0V57
- Johnson, Robert Edward (1977) Slender-Body
Theory for Stokes Flow and Flagellar Hydrodynamics; 10.7907/HYMQ-AH77
- Stoll, Michael Edward (1977) Spin
Dynamics of Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance in Solids; 10.7907/3A2F-RM03
- Baker, Gregory Richard (1977) Studies
in Vortex Motion; 10.7907/4yv1-7109
- Berg, Dale Evan (1977) Surface
Roughness Effects on the Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/2S44-JV38
- Cadena-Cepeda, Fernando (1977) Temperature
Effects on the Activity Coefficient of the Bicarbonate Ion; 10.7907/DX7Y-8N64
- Gates, Nathan Craig (1977) The
Earthquake Response of Deteriorating Systems; 10.7907/E3AQ-B348
- Gates, Edward Maurice (1977) The
Influence of Freestream Turbulence, Freestream Nuclei Populations and a
Drag-Reducing Polymer on Cavitation Inception on Two Axisymmetric
Bodies; 10.7907/GH1H-3780
- Redondo-Muiño, Antonio (1977) Theoretical
Studies of Silicon Surfaces Using Finite Clusters; 10.7907/8M08-WC34
- Edwards, Dean Barton (1977) Time
Domain Analysis of Switching Regulators; 10.7907/GRRM-FG16
- van der Kogel, Hans (1977) Wave
Propagation in Saturated Porous Media; 10.7907/5REP-HK49
- Craig, James Eldon (1977) Weak
Shocks in Open-Ended Ducts with Complex Geometry; 10.7907/QAFR-PS29
- Shea, John Richard, III (1976) A
Chemical Reaction in a Turbulent Jet; 10.7907/BJQT-9A50
- Cantwell, Brian Joseph (1976) A
Flying Hot Wire Study of the Turbulent Near Wake of a Circular Cylinder
at a Reynolds Number of 140,000; 10.7907/QKGW-CA84
- Bofah, Kwasi Kete (1976) A
Study of the Trailing Vortices Behind a Ring Wing; 10.7907/050Z-4228
- Vuceta, Jasenka (1976) Adsorption
of Pb(II) and Cu(II) on α-Quartz from Aqueous Solutions: Influence of
pH, Ionic Strength, and Complexing Ligands; 10.7907/71AV-TE55
- Yang, Fang-Chou (1976) An
Analysis of Linear Induction Motors for Propulsion and Suspension of
Magnetically Levitated Vehicles; 10.7907/DM0P-XW77
- Suezawa, Yoshitaka (1976) Damped
Free Oscillation of Magnetization in Ni-Fe Thin Films; 10.7907/MD0Y-D860
- Faisst, William Karl (1976) Digested
Sludge: Delineation and Modeling for Ocean Disposal; 10.7907/j7nk-g480
- Packard, Dennis John (1976) Discrete
Modeling and Analysis of Switching Regulators; 10.7907/VR66-DX76
- Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed Mansour (1976) Dynamic
Analyses of Suspension Bridge Structures and Some Related Topics; 10.7907/Y1XR-WG52
- Lam, Ignatius Po-cheung (1976) Edge
function method applied to thin plates resting on Winkler
foundation; 10.7907/RCTX-T347
- Cosner, Raymond Robert (1976) Experiments
on Thin Airfoils Spanning a Transonic Shear Flow; 10.7907/YJNQ-ZP43
- Moyls, Adrian Leigh (1976) Friction
and Heat Transfer Reduction in Turbulent Flow of Dilute Asbestos Fiber
Suspensions in Smooth and Rough Tubes; 10.7907/2395-4706
- Pearce, James Charles (1976) Mechanics
of Flowing Granular Media; 10.7907/46HR-Q850
- Bohn, Mark Stephen (1976) Noise
Produced by the Interaction of Acoustic Waves and Entropy Waves with
High Speed Nozzle Flows; 10.7907/ZP95-5T73
- Jackson, George Anthony (1976) Nutrients
and Productivity of the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis Pyrifera, in the
Nearshore; 10.7907/j42e-c605
- Harris, Joe Marion, Jr. (1976) Part
I. Energy Straggling of ⁴He below 2.0 MeV in Al, Ni, Au, and Pt. Part
II. Studies of the Ti-W Metallization System on Si; 10.7907/C4FY-ZX66
- Lau, Kei-Fung (1976) Pulse
NMR in Solids: Chemical Shift, Lead Fluoride and Thorium Hydride; 10.7907/FP5F-FD33
- Minzoni Alessio, Antonmaria (1976) Some
Problems of Edge Waves and Standing Waves on Beaches; 10.7907/jyc7-f650
- Naheer, Ehud (1976) Stability
of Bottom Armoring Under the Attack of Solitary Waves; 10.7907/TMPB-2078
- Ramer, O. Glenn (1976) Surface
Effects on Spinwave Resonance in Thin Magnetic Films; 10.7907/PKCX-X329
- Ng, Sheung-Lip (1976) The
Dynamic Response of Cavitating Turbomachines; 10.7907/KC09-P112
- Tangonan, Gregory Ligot (1976) The
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Pd-Cu-P Alloys; 10.7907/XW4A-2E70
- Miller, Richard Keith (1976) The
Steady-State Response of Multidegree-of-Freedom Systems with a Spatially
Localized Nonlinearity; 10.7907/M5NW-Z443
- Miklovic, Donald W. (1976) Topics
in Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Waves; 10.7907/KPRH-JK65
- Gover, Avraham (1976) Wave
Interactions in Periodic Structures and Periodic Dielectric
Waveguides; 10.7907/V0RY-GY17
- Stoker, Pieter Wilhelm (1975) A
Comparison of Linear Guidance Techniques, Applied to a Low-Thrust Orbit
Transfer Problem; 10.7907/2a06-sk90
- Brown, Thomas Carl, Jr. (1975) A
Structured Design Method for Specialized Proof Procedures; 10.7907/nrh8-ka82
- Berrill, John Beauchamp (1975) A
Study of High-Frequency Strong Ground Motion from the San Fernando
Earthquake; 10.7907/B04E-Q851
- Kotsovinos, Nikolas Evangelos (1975) A
Study of the Entrainment and Turbulence in a Plane Buoyant Jet; 10.7907/JBRN-V548
- Bremmer, David Franklin (1975) An
Efficient Approximate Solution Method for Predicting the Buckling of
Axially Compressed Imperfect Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/S3M9-NT50
- Smith, Gordon Carl (1975) An
Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Fracture of a Brittle
Material; 10.7907/35AK-XJ82
- Veldman, Charl Christo (1975) An
Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer From a Buoyant Gas Plume
to a Horizontal Unobstructed Ceiling; 10.7907/NJR4-M471
- Kulkarny, Vijay Anand (1975) An
Experimental Investigation on Focussing of Weak Shock Waves in Air;
- Horgen, Henri Michel (1975) Analysis
of Object-Image Relationships in Electron Microscopy by Image Processing
Techniques; 10.7907/46Q4-TE10
- Daimon-Hagihara, Yoshiaki (1975) Change
Transfer in Charge Coupled Devices; 10.7907/vx9y-gb03
- Cannon, Johnnie B., Jr. (1975) Convective
Flows Under Conditions Applicable to Fires in High Rise Buildings;
- Wilgen, John Bernard (1975) Cyclotron
Harmonic Emission in a Penning Discharge; 10.7907/0Y87-V047
- Lee, Tsu-wei Frank (1975) Deep
Levels and High Concentrations of Impurities in Silicon; 10.7907/j2rb-3s97
- Wong, Hung Leung (1975) Dynamic
Soil-Structure Interaction; 10.7907/yqyx-mg56
- Satorius, Edgar Harry (1975) Electromagnetic
Pulses at the Boundary of a Nonlinear Plasma; 10.7907/d6ww-a643
- Evans, Gary Alan (1975) Electromagnetic
Theory of Distributed Feedback Lasers in Periodic Dielectric
Waveguides; 10.7907/QMW8-1287
- Auerbach, Jerome Martin (1975) Experimental
Studies of the Noise Produced in a Supersonic Nozzle by Upstream
Acoustic and Thermal Disturbances; 10.7907/z2x3-g471
- Sarohia, Virendra (1975) Experimental
and Analytical Investigation of Oscillations in Flows over Cavities;
- Keller, Stuart Ronald (1975) Fluid
Mechanical Investigations of Ciliary Propulsion; 10.7907/QD11-B584
- Roberts, Paul Thomas (1975) Gas-To-Particle
Conversion: Sulfur Dioxide in a Photochemically Reactive System; 10.7907/c8qr-7m43
- Livanos, Alexander Constantine R. (1975) I.
Edge Diffraction of a Convergent Wave. II. Diffraction of Laguerre
Gaussian Beams by a Circular Aperture; 10.7907/KDAN-7033
- Feng, Joseph Shao-Ying (1975) I.
Stopping Cross Section Additivity for 0-2 MeV ⁴He Ions in Solids. II.
Magnetite Thin Films: Fabrication and Electrical Properties; 10.7907/1C3P-AH34
- Decker, Stephen K. (1975) Investigations
of Noise and of Quantum Interference in Proximity Effect Bridges; 10.7907/HZMZ-3C32
- Vetter, Alan August (1975) Kinetics
and Structure of the CS₂/O₂ Flame Laser; 10.7907/D6QA-YZ15
- Stevens, Thomas (1975) Numerical
Methods for Ill-Posed, Linear Problems; 10.7907/ZB0R-1F34
- Moronval, Marc Jules (1975) Optimization
of Arch and Shell Structures; 10.7907/EMCP-7017
- Sankur, Haluk (1975) Part
I - Diffusion of Si in Al and Solid Phase Growth of Epitaxial Si
Structures in Al. Part II - Investigation on the Si-Au Interface Effects
and on the Phase Diagram of Si-Au-Cu; 10.7907/cvpy-tr40
- Marrello, Vincent (1975) Part
I. Solid-Phase Growth of Germanium Structures. Part II. Condensation of
Injected Electrons and Holes in Germanium; 10.7907/56z0-0h91
- Sharma, Dhiraj Kumar (1975) Predictive
Encoding of Digitized TV Pictures; 10.7907/t5n9-3a07
- Chen, Wilkie Yung-Kee (1975) Properties
of Superconducting Cu-Rich Composites Containing V₃Si or V₃Ga; 10.7907/4FAM-6K11
- Sun, Yen-Sheng Edmund (1975) Proximity
Effect in Ag-Pb Alloys; 10.7907/eqtc-vh77
- Nicolaides, Pericles Leonidas (1975) RELSIM
- An On-Line Language for Discrete Simulation in Social Sciences; 10.7907/czr0-2x47
- Simons, Donald Alan (1975) Scattering
of a Rayleigh Wave by the Edge of a Thin Surface Layer; 10.7907/TZ1Z-9M12
- Laguna, Glenn Alan (1975) Second
Sound Attenuation in a Liquid Helium Counterflow Jet; 10.7907/7C0G-HK08
- Melville, Richard Devern Samuels (1975) Spatial
and Spectral Behavior of Speckle in an Imaging System; 10.7907/2KP8-CT79
- Johnson, William Lewis (1975) Superconductivity
in Metal-Semiconductor Eutectic Alloys; 10.7907/ZJ13-0B77
- Gomberg, Richard Ira (1975) Test
Particle Motion in a Lorentz Gas; 10.7907/5MDV-YZ10
- Toda, Susumu (1975) The
Effects of Elliptic and Rectangular Cutouts on the Buckling of
Cylindrical Shells Loaded by Axial Compression; 10.7907/473V-C743
- Treweek, Gordon Paul (1975) The
Flocculation of E. coli with Polyethyleneimine; 10.7907/Y732-V890
- MacQuigg, David Rodgers (1975) The
Modulated Grating Hologram; 10.7907/VZN5-MT65
- Szolovits, Peter (1975) The
REL Language Writer’s Language: A Metalanguage for Implementing
Specialized Application Languages; 10.7907/599s-1283
- Chang, Liang-Chou (1975) Theoretical
Investigations of Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Wavy Surface; 10.7907/ANTA-K262
- Jain, Atul (1974) A
Wavelength Diversity Technique for Smoothing of Speckle; 10.7907/02VQ-6128
- Knight, Doyle Dana (1974) An
Analytical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Over a Wavy Boundary; 10.7907/T9PD-TM13
- Dukelow, Robert Alexander (1974) An
Experimental Investigation of Very Low Frequency Semiconductor
Noise; 10.7907/2E2R-Z765
- Kendall, Frank, III (1974) An
Experimental Investigation of the Nonlinear Vibration of Cylindrical
Shells; 10.7907/Q4F6-C984
- Sidor, Laurent Bernard (1974) An
Investigation of the Ejector-Powered Jet-Flap; 10.7907/D5X4-X160
- Hoeijmakers, Hendrik Willem Marie (1974) Effects
of Planform Curvature in Supersonic Wings; 10.7907/6DFV-0J65
- Pashley, Richard Dana (1974) Electrical
Properties of Ion Implanted Layers in Silicon and Gallium Arsenide;
- Crouse, Charles Brian (1974) Engineering
Studies of the San Fernando Earthquake; 10.7907/17yn-bc14
- Whipple, Christopher George (1974) Extension
of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Theory with Applications; 10.7907/5bc3-w217
- Blevins, Robert Dilworth (1974) Flow
Induced Vibration of Bluff Structures; 10.7907/F3D4-5Q27
- Lugujjo, Eriabu (1974) I.
Backscattering and Channeling Effect Studies on Semiconductor-Metal
Systems. II. Low Temperature Migration of Silicon through Metal
Films; 10.7907/0zd4-s880
- Brabston, Donald Campbell, Jr. (1974) I.
Numerical Solutions of Steady Viscous Flow Past Spheres and Gas Bubbles.
II. Numerical Solution of Singular Endpoint Boundary Value Problems;
- Folsom, Blair Allen (1974) I.
Two-Phase Flow in Vertical and Annular Fluidized Beds. II. Unsteady
Disturbances in Axial Compressors; 10.7907/SBE9-8D93
- Rizk, Magdi Hanna (1974) Nonsteady
Fluid Mechanics of Vehicles in Tubes; 10.7907/8PJF-8H92
- Stoll, Harold McDowell (1974) Proton-Implanted
Optical Waveguides and Integrated Optical Detectors in Gallium
Arsenide; 10.7907/m0zg-j870
- Méndez, Horacio Augusto (1974) Shielding
Theory of Enclosures with Apertures; 10.7907/Z9KW5D7F
- Irvine, Hilary Max (1974) Studies
in the Statics and Dynamics of Simple Cable Systems; 10.7907/K4Y4-8H02
- Myers, Edward Payson (1974) The
Concentration and Isotopic Composition of Carbon in Marine Sediments
Affected by a Sewage Discharge; 10.7907/9dd2-v129
- Fletcher, Donnie Carlton (1974) The
Conservation Laws of Three Dimensional Linearized Elasticity Theory;
- Moeller, Thomas Lee (1974) The
Dynamics of a Spinning Elastic Disk with Massive Load; 10.7907/cq6c-nf52
- Peterson, Lee Louis (1974) The
Propagation of Sunlight and the Size Distribution of Suspended Particles
in a Municipally Polluted Ocean Water; 10.7907/TADP-EA09
- Uehara, Sachio (1974) Theoretical
Investigation of Minimum Time Loop Maneuvers of Jet Aircraft; 10.7907/ZTAZ-J396
- Somekh, Sasson Roger (1974) Theory,
Fabrication and Performance of Some Integrated Optical Devices; 10.7907/TGHB-PR22
- Broome, Norval Lagier (1974) Transient
Radiation from Coaxial Waveguide and Cylindrical Monopole Antennas;
- Prosperetti, Andrea (1974) Viscous
and Nonlinear Effects in the Oscillations of Drops and Bubbles; 10.7907/FRDP-DV27
- Griffin, Jerry Howard (1974) Wave
Front Analysis in the Scattering of a Plane Compressional Pulse by a
Cylindrical Elastic Inclusion; 10.7907/AKFT-PB89
- Masoni, Harry Joseph (1973) A
Communications Satellite System Design with Educational Television for
the Republic of Indonesia; 10.7907/W9SX-GB37
- Piliavin, Michael Aron (1973) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Intermolecular Correlations
upon Properties of Simple Liquids from X-Ray Diffraction
- Lee, Peter Hoong-Yee (1973) An
Investigation of Collisionless Plasma Beam Interaction with a
Nonhomogeneous Magnetic Field; 10.7907/XNF6-9D90
- Rebollo-Rebollo, Manuel (1973) Analytical
and Experimental Investigation of a Turbulent Mixing Layer of Different
Gases in a Pressure Gradient; 10.7907/6YB5-CJ15
- Hill, Murray Keith (1973) Behavior
of Spherical Particles at Low Reynolds Numbers in a Fluctuating
Translational Flow; 10.7907/22ME-5X65
- Bhatia, Prem (1973) Buckling
of Imperfect Circular Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/FS7M-8D46
- Bigelow, Richard Henry (1973) Computer
Languages for Numerical Engineering Problems; 10.7907/CBA9-Z637
- D’Orazio, Robert Joseph (1973) Detection
of Mode-Locked Laser Signals; 10.7907/26D2-8776
- Tamura, Yukio Stephen (1973) Dynamic
Stability of Cylindrical Shells Under Step Loading; 10.7907/MSMN-N280
- Wood, John Holm (1973) Earthquake-Induced
Soil Pressures on Structures; 10.7907/MZWQ-BA46
- Jiang, Ching-Lin (1973) Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation and Radiation in a Suddenly Created Plasma; 10.7907/3TKY-YR40
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1973) Experimental
Study of Shock Wave Strengthening by a Positive Density Gradient in a
Cryogenic Shock Tube; 10.7907/ZXBM-7809
- Kosmicki, James Joseph (1973) Experimental
Study of the Separation and Reattachment in a Partially Confined
Jet; 10.7907/14DA-WA82
- Mahale, Narayan Krishna (1973) Failure
of Precracked Fiber Reinforced Composite Plate; 10.7907/DPK2-YA94
- Glaser, Robert James (1973) Gravity
Gradiometer Data Reduction; 10.7907/5VY1-7Z44
- Sullivan, William Noel (1973) Heat
Transfer to Flowing Granular Media; 10.7907/9CC8-A074
- Lu, Tyzz-Dwo (1973) I.
Constitutive Relations for a Granular Material. II. The Distribution of
Stresses and Development of Failure at the Toe of a Slope and Around the
Tip of a Crack; 10.7907/P0H6-TA75
- Cummings, John Chester (1973) I.
Development of a Cryogenic Shock Tube. II. Experimental Investigation of
the Interaction of a Shock Wave with Liquid Helium and I and II; 10.7907/AM0F-DB64
- Jiménez Sendín, Javier (1973) I.
Nonlinear Gas Oscillations in Pipes. II. Wavetrains with Small
Dissipation; 10.7907/HRSK-FC56
- Mohsen, Amr Mohamed (1973) Incomplete
Charge Transfer in Overlapping Gates Charge Coupled Devices; 10.7907/CEG6-AR39
- Marzwell, Neville Ingersoll (1973) Influence
of Composition of the Structure, Electric and Magnetic Properties of
Pd-Mn-P and Pd-Co-P Amorphous Alloys; 10.7907/NARJ-BA54
- Zoltek, John Jr. (1973) Interaction
of Aqueous Inorganic Orthophosphate and Phosphate Rock; 10.7907/8957-0Z94
- Dimotakis, Paul Emmanuel (1973) Investigation
of Supercritical Heat Flow in Helium II; 10.7907/WMV3-FJ63
- Zaidel, Eran (1973) Linguistic
Competence and Related Functions in the Right Cerebral Hemisphere of Man
Following Commissurotomy and Hemispherectomy; 10.7907/GBH1-QX09
- Carne, Thomas Glen (1973) Load-Absorption
and Interaction of Two Filaments in a Fiber-Reinforced Material; 10.7907/GDSK-RJ45
- Small, Robert Donald (1973) Nonlinear
Dispersive Waves in Nonlinear Optics; 10.7907/KKBY-7364
- Sinclair, Glenn Bruce (1973) On
Nonmixed Symmetric End-Load Problems in Elastic Waveguides; 10.7907/ZDWG-ZG20
- Wiley, Robert Freeland (1973) On
the Use of Fixed Attitude Propulsive Arcs for Transfer Between
Neighboring Coplanar Keplerian Orbits; 10.7907/456S-YS44
- Yu, Thomas King Lin (1973) Optimal
Filtering for Systems Governed by Coupled Ordinary and Partial
Differential Equations; 10.7907/C7W5-8C39
- Storm, Erik (1973) Part
I. Investigation of Strong Shock Waves in a Conical Convergent Channel.
Part II. Spectroscopic Investigation of Strong Shockwaves in a Conical,
Convergent Channel; 10.7907/TJFS-6964
- Chang, Daniel Pan Yih (1973) Particle
Collection from Aqueous Suspensions by Solid and Hollow Single
Fibers; 10.7907/rs2j-vw31
- Bower, Robert William (1973) Reaction
Kinetics of Pd and Ti-Al Films on Si; 10.7907/NY05-4E97
- Poore, Aubrey Bonner (1973) Stability
and Bifurcation Phenomena in Chemical Reactor Theory; 10.7907/Y69M-X355
- Apostolakis, George Efstratios (1973) Studies
in Nuclear Reactor Dynamics. I. The Accuracy of Point Kinetics. II. The
Effect of Delayed Neutrons on the Spectrum of the Group Diffusion
Operator; 10.7907/CJCX-CB43
- Ditchey, Robert Louis (1973) The
Effect of Imperfections on the Buckling of Thin Walled Cylindrical
Shells; 10.7907/TPE9-EM80
- Maeda, Hisatoshi (1973) Theoretical
and Experimental Investigations of Saturation Effects in a Gas
Laser; 10.7907/K70K-GS53
- Ikawa, Hideo (1973) Turbulent
Mixing Layer Experiment in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/4MBK-D880
- Arakeri, Vijay Hanumappa (1973) Viscous
Effects in Inception and Development of Cavitation on Axi-Symmetric
Bodies. Part I. Cavitation Inception. Part II. A Semi-Empirical Method
to Predict Cavitation Separation on Smooth Bodies; 10.7907/JJ3M-ZA06
- Su, Tsung-Chow Joe (1973) Viscous-Inviscid
Flow Interaction in Stratified Flow Over a Barrier; 10.7907/XNJM-ES87
- Eisenberg-Grünberg, Moisés (1973) Voltage
Gateable Ionic Pores Induced by Alamethicin in Black Lipid
Membranes; 10.7907/2YFT-Q653
- Yuen, Henry Che-Chuen (1973) Waves
on Vortex Filaments; 10.7907/37BW-KF96
- Caloyannides, Michael Akylas (1972) A
Mathematical and Experimental Investigation of Microcycle Spectral
Estimates of Semiconductor Flicker Noise; 10.7907/MDV9-W982
- Furuya, Okitsugu (1972) A
Singular Perturbation Method of Calculating the Behavior of
Supercavitating Hydrofoils with Rounded Noses; 10.7907/A946-HN67
- Trijonis, John Charles, Jr. (1972) An
Economic Air Pollution Control Model-Application: Photochemical Smog in
Los Angeles County in 1975; 10.7907/hxbp-pc89
- Kulkarni, Arun Narayan (1972) Analysis
of the Airline Systems Performance by Varying Inputs, Viz. Jet Aircraft,
Routes and Scheduling; 10.7907/C94H-PP45
- Candel, Sebastien M. (1972) Analytical
Studies of Some Acoustic Problems of Jet Engines; 10.7907/E5DD-ZC41
- Baligh, Mohsen Mohamed (1972) Applications
of Plasticity Theory to Selected Problems in Soil Mechanics; 10.7907/EAM0-H226
- Smith, Richard Ross (1972) Collective
Effects in Three Pulse Cyclotron Echoes; 10.7907/PR88-HK58
- Thyagaraja, Anantanarayanan (1972) Compressible
Flows at Small Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/VVKA-ZS09
- Greenfeld, Norton Robert (1972) Computer
System Support for Data Analysis; 10.7907/XGAM-XB93
- Palaniswamy, Karuppagounder (1972) Crack
Propagation under General In-Plane Loading; 10.7907/M7WW-G964
- Baker, Mary (1972) Double-Slit
Photometric Measurement of Velocity Profiles of Blood in Microvessels
and Capillary Tubes; 10.7907/DDWS-GF91
- Furuike, Dennis Masato (1972) Dynamic
Response of Hysteretic Systems with Application to a System Containing
Limited Slip; 10.7907/WENT-KG11
- Yagii, Keikichi (1972) Effect
of Pressure on the Mechanical Behavior of Filled Elastomers; 10.7907/1vr2-7x25
- Johnson, Gordon Oliver (1972) Effects
of Magnetostriction and Superlattice Formation in Ferromagnetic Thin
Films; 10.7907/DYFK-DQ28
- Pučik, Thomas Antone (1972) Elastostatic
Interaction of Cracks in the Infinite Plane; 10.7907/BVJ3-BV94
- Anthony, Michael Paul (1972) Electrical
and Optical Properties of Beta-Gallium Oxide; 10.7907/HB9S-1F80
- McGovern, Patrick Anthony (1972) Electromagnetic
Fields in Nonuniform Lossless Transmission Lines; 10.7907/S8QM-4Y57
- Steinhilper, Eric Anthony (1972) Electron
Beam Measurements of the Shock Wave Structure: Part I. The Inference of
Intermolecular Potentials from Shock Wave Experiments. Part II. The
Influence of Accommodation on Reflecting Shock Waves; 10.7907/AWTA-PA12
- Debrule, Paul Maurice (1972) Friction
and Heat Transfer Coefficients in Smooth and Rough Pipes with Dilute
Polymer Solutions; 10.7907/0NA8-5133
- Hulcher, Gregory Don (1972) Hypersonic
Viscous-Inviscid Flow Interactions Including Boundary Layer Separation
on a Flat Plate at Angle of Attack; 10.7907/PZCP-FT88
- Morel, François M. M. (1972) I. A
Study of Passive Potassium Efflux From Human Red Blood Cells Using Ion
Specific Electrodes. II. Quantitation of Human Red Blood Cell Fixation
by Glutaraldehyde; 10.7907/WGFY-R705
- Hoeneisen-Frost, Bruce (1972) I.
Fundamental Limitations in Microelectronics. II. Power Schottky Diode
Design and Comparison with the Junction Diode. III. Permittivity of
Strontium Titanate; 10.7907/TVY5-NY24
- Pearson, James Edward (1972) Infrared
Optical Parametric Fluorescence and Parametric Oscillation; 10.7907/HZSX-GD54
- Udwadia, Firdaus Erach (1972) Investigation
of Earthquake and Microtremor Ground Motions; 10.7907/4cv1-wy73
- Logan, Samuel Ernest (1972) Laser
Velocimeter Measurement of Reynolds Stress and Turbulence in Dilute
Polymer Solutions; 10.7907/BD39-BV19
- Chao, Chih Chieh (1972) Lattice
Anomalies and Magnetic States in Fe₅Si₃-Mn₅Si₃ Alloys; 10.7907/X3BM-C979
- Kavanagh, Robert Nicholas (1972) Localization
of Sources of Human Evoked Responses; 10.7907/J35H-XN59
- Wester, Gene Ward (1972) Low-Frequency
Characterization of Switched dc-de Converters; 10.7907/RMBC-4961
- Lineberry, Michael Jay (1972) Neutron
Slowing Down with Inelastic Scattering; 10.7907/AQAR-2957
- Davis, Joseph Eugene (1972) Non-Planar
Wings in Non-Planar Ground Effect; 10.7907/NNF7-GV39
- Marmarelis, Panos Zissis (1972) Nonlinear
Dynamic Transfer Functions for Certain Retinal Neuronal Systems; 10.7907/TBKA-2Q74
- Chen, Jay-Chung (1972) Nonlinear
Vibration of Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/CBC4-MP23
- Nieuwstadt, Fransiscus (1972) Numerical
Solution of Steady, Symmetric and Laminar Flow Around a Circular
Cylinder; 10.7907/A6ET-VQ44
- Brockway, George Samuel, II (1972) On
the Uniqueness of Singular Solutions to Boundary-Initial Value Problems
in Linear Elastodynamics; 10.7907/WR6E-S243
- Giraudbit, Jean-Noël (1972) Optimal
Simple Structures with Bending and Membrane Stresses; 10.7907/29PJ-3X76
- Balanis, George Nick (1972) Plasma
Inverse Scattering Theory; 10.7907/7PTN-RV17
- Barker, Steven Joseph (1972) Radiated
Noise and Wall Pressure Measurements in Turbulent Boundary Layers in
Dilute Polymer Solutions; 10.7907/4TVJ-YA39
- Setchell, Robert Earle (1972) Shock
Tube Investigations of Strong Shock Waves in a Convergent Channel;
- Keener, James Paul (1972) Some
Modified Bifurcation Problems with Application to Imperfection
Sensitivity in Buckling; 10.7907/8P4J-GD34
- Bajorek, Christopher Henry (1972) Spin
Wave Resonance in Ferromagnetic Thin Films; 10.7907/9e70-r690
- Chapyak, Edward Jay (1972) Surface
Effects in Simple Molecular Systems; 10.7907/F4N2-0732
- Taylor, Brent Dalton (1972) Temperature
Effects in Alluvial Streams; 10.7907/9XZ5-FA91
- Miyata, Gavien Nobuyuki (1972) The
Effect of a Spanwise Blowing Jet on the Separation Bubble Length Behind
a Rearward Facing Step; 10.7907/EFBF-0016
- Goodwin, Antony Wilfred (1972) The
Oculomotor System: (1) Vertical-Horizontal Interaction and Signal
Recognition. (2) Time Delays and Power Spectra; 10.7907/ETE3-RP39
- Owyoung, Adelbert (1972) The
Origins of the Nonlinear Refractive Indices of Liquids and Glasses;
- Dolait, Jean-Pierre (1972) Transonic
Wind Tunnel for Investigation of Turbomachinery Blades; 10.7907/4D2K-SR72
- Hammack, Joseph Leonard, Jr. (1972) Tsunamis:
A Model of Their Generation and Propagation; 10.7907/4XTB-TS46
- Newhall, X X (Nicholas) (1972) Two
New Integral Transforms and Their Applications; 10.7907/P9CC-E241
- Van Dillen, David Edwin (1972) Vibrations
of a Three-Layer Beam with a Viscoelastic Middle Layer; 10.7907/P2BD-K350
- Delaney, Michael Ernest (1971) I.
Singular Perturbation Problems Involving Singular Points and Turning
Points. II. On the Averaged Lagrangian Technique for Nonlinear
Dispersive Waves; 10.7907/D9B7-N756
- Wilson, Michael Barron (1971) A
Michell Oseen-Flow Theory for Thin Ships; 10.7907/4ZZV-F953
- James, Edwin Charles (1971) A
Small Perturbation Theory for Cycloidal Propellers; 10.7907/Z979-K031
- Evans, Edward Norton (1971) A
Study of Strain Effects in Ni Alloys; 10.7907/KVSG-3T58
- Adegbola, Mashood Olayide (1971) Alias-Free
Spectral Estimation of Stochastic Processes; 10.7907/ymat-1n64
- Puckett, Jason Niles, Jr. (1971) An
Electrical and Statistical Study of Burst Noise; 10.7907/D816-7C55
- Liu, Ting-Lung (1971) An
Energy Approach to the Dynamic Buckling of Spherical Caps; 10.7907/8JD0-W843
- Willus, Charles Arthur (1971) An
Experimental Investigation of Particle Motion in Liquid Fluidized
Beds; 10.7907/2086-K074
- Davey, Robert Frederick (1971) An
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of a Density Gradient on Shear
Layer Instability; 10.7907/YJF7-DV47
- Sigal, Asher (1971) An
Experimental Investigation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Wavy
Wall; 10.7907/VK9A-XA44
- Wu, Jiunn-Jenq (1971) An
Experimental Study of Hypersonic Wakes Behind Wedges at Angle of
Attack; 10.7907/682B-HB46
- Shollenberger, Carl Alvin (1971) An
Investigation of a Two-Dimensional Propulsive Lifting System; 10.7907/GZNT-1X61
- Langford, William Finlay (1971) Bifurcation
Theory of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems; 10.7907/BP03-ZM29
- Okoye, Josephat Kanayo (1971) Characteristics
of Transverse Mixing in Open-Channel Flows; 10.7907/JTHM-FS72
- Kurtin, Stephen L. (1971) Current
Flow in Thin Solid Films: Thermionic Emission and Tunneling; 10.7907/Y9SR-D889
- Skattum, Knut Sverre (1971) Dynamic
Analysis of Coupled Shear Walls and Sandwich Beams; 10.7907/SMJ0-W112
- Stahl, Karl John (1971) Dynamic
Response of Circular Plates Subjected to Moving Massive Loads; 10.7907/1R1H-0G28
- Bielak, Jacobo (1971) Earthquake
Response of Building-Foundation Systems; 10.7907/YEAJ-FN27
- Elachi, Charles (1971) Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation and Source Radiation in Space-Time Periodic Media;
- Barcelo, Brian Thomas (1971) Electron
Beam Measurements of the Shock Wave Structure. Part 1. Determination of
the Interaction Potential of the Noble Gases from Shock Wave Structure
Experiments. Part II. Feasibility of a Modified Electron Beam
Densitometer Technique to Measure Diffusive Separation in Shock Waves in
Helium-Argon Mixtures; 10.7907/QH9Z-BH10
- Ellison, James Auby (1971) Existence,
Uniqueness, and Stability of Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Partial
Differential Equations; 10.7907/VBKZ-1R69
- Ramaswamy, Mathagondapally A. (1971) Experimental
Investigation of the Effect of Cooling on Near Wake of Circular Cylinder
at Mach Number Six; 10.7907/8ZZ8-PC49
- Vijayaraghavan, Alwar (1971) Free
and Forced Oscillations in a Class of Piecewise-Linear Dynamic
Systems; 10.7907/11SF-5Q09
- Ayers, Raymond Dean (1971) Hall
Coefficient and Resistivity of an Amorphous Palladium-Silicon Alloy;
- Chwang, Allen Tse-Yung (1971) Helical
Movements of Flagellated-Propelling Microorganisms; 10.7907/JWFS-FA36
- Arnett, David Woods (1971) Information
Processing by the First Optic Ganglion in Dipterans; 10.7907/VSZT-PE65
- Sharon, Thomas Edward (1971) Magnetism
in an Amorphous Fe-Pd-P Alloy System; 10.7907/SKE6-7667
- Brownlow, Leonard William, Jr. (1971) Magnetoelastic
Effects in Thin Ferromagnetic Films; 10.7907/G42T-JN47
- Ditmars, John David (1971) Mixing
of Density-Stratified Impoundments with Buoyant Jets; 10.7907/4RYG-QZ06
- Hoerner, John Brent (1971) Modal
Coupling and Earthquake Response of Tall Buildings; 10.7907/0H45-NM32
- Casperson, Lee Wendel (1971) Modes
and Spectra of High Gain Lasers; 10.7907/7JZX-4J40
- Jeffers, Robert Humphrey Francis (1971) On
Two-Dimensional Waves of Finite Amplitude in Elastic Materials of
Harmonic Type; 10.7907/C2ZB-4K70
- Everett, William Warren (1971) On
the Determination of the Properties of a Medium from its Reflection
Coefficient; 10.7907/fsax-ks83
- McFarlane, Harold Finley (1971) Pulsed
Neutron Experiments in Graphite; 10.7907/GJ42-CD26
- Singh, Nagendra (1971) Radiation
from a Short Electric Dipole Antenna in a Hot Uniaxial Plasma; 10.7907/R9Z4-RG15
- Adu, Randolph Ademola (1971) Response
and Failure of Structures Under Stationary Random Excitation; 10.7907/6304-3X27
- Neville, Richard Coulston (1971) Some
Electronic Properties of ZnO and SrTiO₃; 10.7907/ZF7V-1G45
- Imbert, Jean-François (1971) The
Effect of Imperfections on the Buckling of Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/RHXA-BJ33
- Kim, Jong Hyun (1971) The
Unsteady Cavity in Internal Flows; 10.7907/Q343-FG73
- Kasper, Dennis Robert (1971) Theoretical
and Experimental Investigations of the Flocculation of Charged Particles
in Aqueous Solution by Polyelectrolytes of Opposite Charge; 10.7907/K31R-A990
- Madhukar, Anupam (1971) Theory
of s-d Exchange Scattering in Dilute Magnetic Alloys; 10.7907/A2J0-9P67
- Nielsen, Richard Carl (1971) Transient
Heating in Bénard Convection; 10.7907/WPPS-5214
- Dill, John Cedric (1970) A
Computer-Aided Investigation of Motion Detection Units in the Fly;
- Baskes, Michael I. (1970) A
Generalized Treatment of the Order-Disorder Transformation in Alloys and
its Effect on their Magnetic Properties; 10.7907/GH0V-AX93
- O’Pray, John Edwin (1970) A
Semi-Inverse Design Technique for Leading Edge Slats; 10.7907/9X7D-HQ81
- Jassby, Kenneth Mark (1970) An
Experimental Study of the Mobility of Edge Dislocations in Pure Copper
Single Crystals; 10.7907/8J8A-7T18
- Cassady, Phillip Earl (1970) An
Investigation of Non-Equilibrium Effects in an Argon Free-Jet
Plasma; 10.7907/WHYP-RZ81
- Damlamayan, Dikran (1970) Analysis
of Aperture Antennas in Inhomogeneous Media; 10.7907/8GWH-NP26
- Koester, John Kent (1970) Analytical
and Experimental Studies of Thermionically Emitting Electrodes in
Contact with Dense, Seeded Plasmas; 10.7907/VK0B-6955
- Newkirk, Lawrence Ronald (1970) Band
Structure and Transport Properties of Simple Cubic Tellurium-Base
Alloys; 10.7907/ZJJ1-7T20
- Prych, Edmund Andrew (1970) Effects
of Density Differences on Lateral Mixing in Open-Channel Flows; 10.7907/WEDF-B722
- Horgan, Cornelius Oliver (1970) Eigenvalue
Problems Associated With Korn’s Inequalities in the Theory of
Elasticity; 10.7907/3VYK-2B81
- Bilow, Henry Joel (1970) Electromagnetic
Wave Propagation and Scattering in a Randomly-Inhomogeneous Dielectric
Sphere; 10.7907/CMVZ-RR78
- Patula, Edward John (1970) Equivalent
Differential Equations for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems; 10.7907/4PEG-2Q54
- Blumenthal, Donald Lawrence (1970) Experimental
Study of Satellite Wakes in a Simulated Ionospheric Plasma; 10.7907/PYM3-H107
- Kryder, Mark Howard (1970) Flux
Reversal in Ferromagnetic Thin Films; 10.7907/AP2X-M430
- Randall, David Lawrence (1970) Formal
Methods in the Foundations of Science; 10.7907/KB5H-4F11
- Pogorzelski, Ronald James (1970) Investigations
in the Theory of Electromagnetic Scattering from Expanding Dielectric
Obstacles; 10.7907/G2F7-EJ85
- Perry, Edward Harris (1970) Investigations
of the T-Burner and its Role in Combustion Instability Studies; 10.7907/J91E-7262
- Casten, Richard Guy (1970) Methods
for Deriving Conservation Laws; 10.7907/RMSA-DS35
- Stenzel, Reiner Ludwig (1970) Microwave
Absorption and Emission from Magnetized Afterglow Plasmas; 10.7907/PFRP-ZW64
- Wiscombe, Warren Jackman (1970) Non-Linear
Dispersive Waves with a Small Dissipation; 10.7907/4QJW-9809
- Chapman, Richard Bruce (1970) Nonspherical
Vapor Bubble Collapse; 10.7907/TDCB-D645
- Govindaraju, Shakkottai P. (1970) Part
I. An Analysis of Reiner’s Centripetal Pump. Part II. A Study of Some
Turbulent Flows Using a Model for Inhomogeneous Turbulence; 10.7907/C143-TT24
- Rastogi, Prabhat Kumar (1970) Part
I. Kinetics of Coarsening of the Gamma-Prime Precipitate in Ni-Si
Alloys. Part II. Rate of Crystallization of an Amorphous Fe-P-C
Alloy; 10.7907/NQW7-SH65
- Kerber, Ronald Lee (1970) Phase
Transitions from the Solid State of Monatomic Elements; 10.7907/7B4C-H074
- Taynai, Joseph Dean (1970) Properties
of α-Monoclinic Selenium; 10.7907/2T9A-6F21
- Prelewicz, Daniel Adam (1970) Range
of Validity of the Method of Averaging; 10.7907/4S5M-N506
- Chu, Billie Mae (1970) Rheological
Properties of Soft Extensible Animal Tissue in Both Living and Excised
States; 10.7907/48T9-AD89
- El Raheb, Michel Sadek (1970) Some
Approximations in the Dynamic Shell Equations; 10.7907/ejzn-dy90
- Vu, Quat Thuong (1970) Space-Charge-Limited
Current in Fast Neutron Irradiated Silicon; 10.7907/T93C-DG21
- Yang, I-Min (1970) Stationary
Random Response of Multidegree-of-Freedom Systems; 10.7907/ZX37-5J02
- Gran, Robert Lee (1970) Step
Induced Separation of a Turbulent Boundary Layer: Part I. Experiments in
Supersonic Flow. Part II. A Model for Incompressible Flow in a
Channel; 10.7907/XZZS-AR89
- Early, Benjamin Nathaniel (1970) Stochastic
Optimal Control; 10.7907/2F63-GT04
- Trenholme, John Burgess (1970) Superconducting
Proximity Effect Currents in Indium Above its Transition
Temperature; 10.7907/EHQZ-DY93
- Davey, Theodore Herbert (1970) The
Conjugate Representation of Signal Envelope; 10.7907/F0TV-2421
- Starnes, James Herbert, Jr. (1970) The
Effect of a Circular Hole on the Buckling of Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/VGHN-EQ52
- Goodman, Seymour Evan (1970) The
Hydro-Kinetic Theory of Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/X8EM-S579
- Wilcox, David Clinton (1970) The
Motion of a Disc at Angle of Attack in a Rapidly Rotating Fluid; 10.7907/EJBR-X182
- Snel, Hermanus (1970) The
Motion of a Sphere in a Cylinder Filled with a Viscous Liquid and with a
Diameter Slightly Larger than the Sphere Diameter; 10.7907/DAYS-G298
- Parker, Gerhard Hans (1970) Tunneling
in Schottky Barriers; 10.7907/QC24-Z481
- Lee, Jiin-Jen (1970) Wave
Induced Oscillations in Harbors of Arbitrary Shape; 10.7907/SEBX-ZE52
- French, Jonathan Akin (1970) Wave
Uplift Pressures on Horizontal Platforms; 10.7907/AKKA-X706
- Brinker, Gary Duane (1969) A
Kinetic Theory Description for External Spherical Flows with Arbitrary
Knudsen Number by a Moment Method; 10.7907/B115-B274
- Heitner, Kenneth Leon (1969) A
Mathematical Model for Calculation of the Run-Up of Tsunamis; 10.7907/GVM3-N517
- Srinivasan, Ramachandra (1969) A
Nonlinear Systems Model for the Control Mechanism of Free Fatty
Acid-Glucose Metabolism in Normal Humans; 10.7907/CV4F-WW33
- Baum, Carl Edward (1969) A
Scaling Technique for the Design of Idealized Electromagnetic
Lenses; 10.7907/N9WZ-SP03
- Rose, James Robert (1969) An
Analysis of the Incompressible Two-Dimensional Jet Ejector; 10.7907/Q1EZ-AW49
- Stevenson, Robert George (1969) An
Experimental Study of the Flow of a Subsonic and Turbulent Boundary
Layer Over a Forward-Facing Step; 10.7907/BECB-V842
- Molinder, John Irving (1969) Binary
Coding Using Standard Run Lengths; 10.7907/n2yk-3382
- Picraux, Samuel Thomas (1969) Channeling
in Semiconductors and its Application to the Study of Ion
Implantation; 10.7907/EBXR-QS35
- Hasegawa, Ryusuke (1969) Conduction-Electron
Localized-Moment Interaction in Palladium-Silicon Base Amorphous Alloys
Containing Transition Metals; 10.7907/V806-3R45
- St-Cyr, Gaetan Joseph (1969) Control
Mechanisms in the Human Binocular Oculomotor System; 10.7907/HWV2-8062
- Charette, Wilfred Peter (1969) Control
Systems Theory Applied to Metabolic Homeostatic System and the
Derivation and Identification of Mathematical Models; 10.7907/W419-NS94
- Green, Richard Rutherford (1969) Decoding
Cosets of First-Order Reed-Muller Codes; 10.7907/wfs6-ej43
- Grinthal, Edward Ted (1969) Derivation
and Interpretation of a Generalized Charge-Control Theory and
Reciprocity for a Bipolar Transistor; 10.7907/PFHF-HV33
- Lee, Don Howard (1969) Double-Injection:
High Frequency Noise and Temperature Dependence; 10.7907/964x-ab98
- Yoh, James (1969) Gas
Laser Discharge Noise and its Effect on the Laser Output; 10.7907/ysmv-qp80
- Chang, Milton M.T. (1969) Holographic
Dielectric Gratings: Theory and Practice; 10.7907/CWA9-QS54
- Suzuki, Takao (1969) I.
Anisotropy and Crystal Structure of Ferromagnetic Thin Films. II.
Investigations into Magnetic Microstructure by Lorentz Microscopy;
- Laussade, Jean-Pierre Raymond Henri (1969) I.
Mode Locking and Ultrashort Laser Pulses by a Refractive Index
Nonlinearity. II. A Theoretical Study of Optical Wave Propagation
Through a Random Medium and its Application to Optical
Communication; 10.7907/82JD-BB21
- Ko, Denny Ru-sue (1969) I.
Supersonic Laminar Boundary Layer Along a Two-Dimensional Adiabatic
Curved Ramp. II. Non-Linear Stability Theory for a Laminar,
Incompressible Wake; 10.7907/DM2V-N712
- Foster, Michael Ralph (1969) I.
The Rotation of a Gravitating Sphere in a Monatomic Gas. II. The Drag of
a Body Moving Transversely in a Confined Stratified Fluid; 10.7907/89KW-B656
- Parthasarathy, Shakkottai P. (1969) I.
The Transient Boundary Layer Produced by a Sink on a Plane Wall. II.
Flow of Dusty Gases; 10.7907/GAFK-2R04
- Maitrepierre, Philippe Louis (1969) Influence
of Composition on the Structure and Properties of Fe-Pd-P and Ni-Pd-P
Amorphous Alloys; 10.7907/8VCG-6E08
- Tsai, Nien Chien (1969) Influence
of Local Geology on Earthquake Ground Motion; 10.7907/RFBJ-0Y82
- Trifunac, Mihailo Dimitrije (1969) Investigation
of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion; 10.7907/FE4G-RF61
- Wong, Felix Shek Ho (1969) Large
Plane Deformations of Thin Elastic Sheets of Neo-Hookean Material;
- Stavro, William C. (1969) Low
Thrust Trajectories Using the Two Variable Asymptotic Expansion
Method; 10.7907/2DZ1-3033
- Robinson, William McKinley, Jr. (1969) Mass
Spectrometric Studies of Ionization Precursors Ahead of Strong Shock
Waves; 10.7907/0QN4-MY03
- Rodriguez, Valentin (1969) Measurement
of the Electron Drift Velocity in Silicon; 10.7907/B8ER-9195
- Whitney, Arthur Karl (1969) Minimum
Drag Profiles in Infinite Cavity Flow; 10.7907/QM8Z-5141
- Sahinkaya, Yilmaz Esref (1969) Minimum
Energy Control of Electric Propulsion Vehicles; 10.7907/24NJ-WQ58
- Randles, Philip Wayne (1969) Modal
Representations for the High-Frequency Response of Elastic Plates;
- Caywood, John Millard (1969) Optical
and Electrical Properties of α-Monoclinic Selenium; 10.7907/WWWK-4431
- Ash, Gerald Richard (1969) Optimal
Guidance of Low-Thrust Interplanetary Space Vehicles; 10.7907/RDY0-PH47
- Haas, Roger Allison (1969) Particle
Kinetics of Gas-Solid Particle Mixtures; 10.7907/BT3R-BW68
- Butman, Jerry (1969) Phase-Incoherent
Feedback Communication; 10.7907/HN11-MK65
- Norgard, John Dennis (1969) Radiation
from an Antenna Entering the Martian Atmosphere; 10.7907/pd64-rx94
- Pfeiffer, Wayne Wallace (1969) Reflection
and Transmission Functions in Reactor Physics; 10.7907/73BQ-HK18
- Wheeler, Lewis Turner (1969) Some
Theorems in Classical Elastodynamics; 10.7907/N9HD-N641
- Peters, Rex Bredesen (1969) Strong
Motion Accelerograph Evaluation; 10.7907/TEJJ-XX37
- Delph, Terry Joseph (1969) The
Dynamic Stability Under Impulsive Loading of Shallow Arches with Elastic
End Restraints; 10.7907/GRVF-AN95
- Turner, Arthur Piers Legh (1969) The
Effect of Stress and Temperature on the Velocity of Dislocations in Pure
Iron Monocrystals; 10.7907/RQXY-BZ41
- McGill, Thomas Conley, Jr. (1969) The
Evaluation of E-k Curves from Tunneling Currents; 10.7907/D3BX-RQ47
- Thach, Nathan Raymond, Jr. (1969) The
Flow of a Rarefied Gas Through a Circular Orifice and a Two-Dimensional
Slit; 10.7907/B8GW-KD14
- McCrickerd, John Thomas (1969) The
Holographic Stereogram; 10.7907/gq8t-k869
- Victoria, Keith Jordis (1969) The
Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer Near a Sharp Expansion Corner; 10.7907/EZX3-M918
- Collins, Donald James (1969) The
Near Wake of a Two-Dimensional Hypersonic Blunt Body with Mass
Addition; 10.7907/ZHBC-A772
- Cheung, Man Cheong (1969) The
Static and Dynamic Stability of Clamped Shallow Circular Arches; 10.7907/8MXG-DE89
- Curro, John Gillette (1969) Theoretical
Investigation of the Effect of Intramolecular Interactions on the
Configuration of Polymeric Chains; 10.7907/8KEP-R512
- Morel, Jean-Pierre Georges (1969) Theoretical
Solutions for the Jet Flap Diffuser; 10.7907/Y75H-MC77
- Mo, Tse Chin (1969) Theory
of Electrodynamics of Media in Non-Inertial Frames and Applications;
- Schlueter, Roger Selig (1969) Thermal
Wave Propagation in Helium II; 10.7907/3T5S-CN85
- Gakenheimer, David Charles (1969) Transient
Excitation of an Elastic Half-Space by a Point Load Traveling on the
Surface; 10.7907/5FEH-EG57
- Fernandez, Fernando Lawrence (1969) [Two-Dimensional Viscous Flows
with Large Distributed Surface Injection. Part I. Boundary Layer Flows
with Large Injection and Heat Transfer. Part II. Experiments in
Supersonic Turbulent Flow with Large Distributed Surface Injection.
- The Effect of Finite Plate
Length](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-10302003-155216); 10.7907/TCCK-HT69
- Ohtakay, Hiroshi (1969) Variable
Lift Control of a Space Vehicle During the Re-Entry into Martian
Atmosphere; 10.7907/NAF8-Q357
- Lake, Bruce Meno (1969) Velocity
Measurements Ahead of a Semi-Infinite Body in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow
with Aligned Fields; 10.7907/PN2X-JB97
- Tombach, Ivar Harald (1969) Velocity
Measurements with a New Probe in Inhomogeneous Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/V2CR-0Q19
- Blum, Joseph William (1969) Wave
Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium; 10.7907/CQ38-0N14
- Varvatsis, Athanassios Demetrius (1968) A
Multiple Scattering Problem; 10.7907/02K5-V111
- De Mari, Andrea (1968) Accurate
Numerical Steady-State and Transient One-Dimensional Solutions of
Semiconductor Devices; 10.7907/WS5D-0211
- McLaughlin, Michael Herbert (1968) An
Experimental Study of Particle-Wall Collision Relating to Flow of Solid
Particles in a Fluid; 10.7907/4FV5-JA03
- Kurosaka, Mitsuru (1968) Approximate
Theory for the Flow Through a Cascade of Cambered Airfoils; 10.7907/ENJQ-9M06
- MacDowell, Thomas William (1968) Boundary
Value Problems for Stochastic Differential Equations; 10.7907/JR7J-9W71
- Fersht, Rena Scher (1968) Buckling
of Cylindrical Shells with Random Imperfections; 10.7907/KF7B-XA89
- Majumdar, Suarindranath (1968) Buckling
of Thin Annular Plates Due to Radial Compressive Loading; 10.7907/QAE9-G437
- De Balbine, Guy (1968) Computational
Analysis of the Random Components Induced by a Binary Equivalence
Relation; 10.7907/2A9K-P464
- Chao, Chia-Chun (1968) Constant-Pressure
Laminar Mixing of a Shear Layer with a Quiescent Fluid; 10.7907/8FYR-SB25
- Bluman, George Wallace (1968) Construction
of Solutions to Partial Differential Equations by the Use of
Transformation Groups; 10.7907/X1E8-1E61
- Brock, Richard Runyon (1968) Development
of Roll Waves in Open Channels; 10.7907/E2V8-1794
- Krause, Daniel Julius (1968) Discontinuous
Yielding and Fracture Initiation Near a Notch in Mild Steel; 10.7907/4PP6-QN96
- Laetsch, Theodore Willis (1968) Eigenvalue
Problems for Positive Monotonic Nonlinear Operators; 10.7907/R8T3-TJ18
- Kenny, John Joseph (1968) Electric
Dipole Radiation in Isotropic and Uniaxial Plasmas; 10.7907/2Q1Z-GS04
- Latham, Raymond Walter (1968) Electromagnetic
Scattering From Cylindrically and Spherically Stratified Bodies; 10.7907/QGVG-1464
- Piva, Hugo de Oliveira (1968) Electron
Beam Measurements of Density in Shock Waves Reflecting From a Cold
Wall; 10.7907/EDZS-EA78
- Ho, Chee Leung (1968) Energy
Inequalities and Error Estimates for Axisymmetric Torsion of Thin
Elastic Shells of Revolution; 10.7907/ARTK-6968
- Bell, Lon Edward (1968) Energy
Transport by Combined Radiation and Conduction; 10.7907/1T27-2S89
- Bauer, Luc-Olivier Edouard (1968) Experimental
Study of the Upper Hybrid Echo in Plasmas; 10.7907/6GB4-EF52
- Gilpin, Robert Ridgeway (1968) Experimental
and Theoretical Studies of the Electrothermal Instability in a
Nonequilibrium Plasma; 10.7907/H7BQ-RD31
- Lavenberg, Stephen Stuart (1968) Feedback
Communication Using Orthogonal Signals; 10.7907/WKWH-7823
- Benson, David Bernard (1968) Formal
Languages, Part Theory and Change; 10.7907/MY2Y-F179
- Gruber, William Paul (1968) Formation
of Jets by Impulsive Acceleration of a Curved Free Surface; 10.7907/SWXB-0X23
- Yeh, Tyan (1968) I.
Nonexistence of Looping Trajectories in Hydromagnetic Waves of Finite
Amplitude. II. Breaking of Waves in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma in a
Magnetic Field. III. On Stability of Periodic Waves in a Cold
Collision-Free Plasma in a Magnetic Field; 10.7907/5T79-R738
- Shen, Cheng-Chung (1968) I.
Stokes Flow Past a Thin Screen. II. Viscous Flows Past Porous Bodies of
Finite Size; 10.7907/H3WJ-6N43
- Shankar, Pattamadai Narasimhan (1968) I.
The Effect of Droplet Solidification Upon Two-Phase Flow in a Rocket
Nozzle. II. A Kinetic Theory Investigation of Some
Condensation-Evaporation Phenomena by a Moment Method; 10.7907/X1YG-2K03
- Crespo Martínez, Antonio (1968) I.
Theoretical Investigation of the Reflection of Ionizing Shocks. II.
Theoretical Study of Sound and Shock Waves in a Two-Phase Flow; 10.7907/3XYJ-AC18
- Weiner, Martin Eric (1968) Magnetic
Moments In Amorphous Palladium-Cobalt-Silicon Alloys; 10.7907/NZ2B-DN76
- Schmulian, Robert Jay (1968) Nearly
Free Molecular Heat Transfer from a Sphere; 10.7907/KZ16-1X08
- Turteltaub, Matias Jose (1968) On
Concentrated Loads and Green’s Functions in Elastostatics; 10.7907/NZ29-8943
- O’Sullivan, Michael John (1968) On
the Dynamic Behavior of Thin Elastic Plates; 10.7907/2095-RQ32
- Farber, Steven Mark (1968) On
the Signal Selection Problem for Phase Coherent and Incoherent
Communication Channels; 10.7907/2JDG-ST74
- Pincince, Albert Bernard (1968) Oxygen
Relationships in Intermittent Sand Filtration of Wastewaters; 10.7907/AVVX-TN81
- Seliger, Robert Lewis (1968) Part
I. On the Breaking of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves. Part II. Variational
Principles in Continuum Mechanics; 10.7907/K2AZ-JX87
- Mortell, Michael Philip (1968) Some
Approximate Solutions of Dyn01nic Problems in the Linear Theory of Thin
Elastic Shells; 10.7907/11GT-4V56
- Zoutendyk, Peter John Andrew (1968) Spontaneous
and Stimulated Light Emission Due to Radiative Recombination in Forward
Biased Lead Telluride P-N Junctions; 10.7907/AK38-EQ82
- Mueller, Hans-Karl Christian Alfred (1968) Stable
Crack Propagation in a Viscoelastic Strip; 10.7907/MGSD-R362
- Lau, Joseph Po-keung (1968) Steady
Surface Wave Pattern in Shear Flow; 10.7907/PEET-KY40
- Lin, Stephen Chung-Hsiung (1968) Structure
and Properties of an Amorphous Ferromagnetic Alloy; 10.7907/2sdt-pf07
- Dirling, Raymond Benedict (1968) Superorbital
Entry Heat Transfer Including Atomic Line Radiation and Massive
Blowing; 10.7907/C3KT-S738
- Arbocz, Johann (1968) The
Effect of General Imperfections on the Buckling of Cylindrical
SheIls.; 10.7907/DSCT-G640
- Schaffner, Charles Albert (1968) The
Global Optimization of Phase-Incoherent Signals; 10.7907/t799-rn87
- Gorman, Jeffrey Archibald (1968) The
Mobility of Dislocations in High Purity Aluminum; 10.7907/5S7G-HJ46
- Mrstik, Adolph Vincent, Jr. (1968) The
Resolution of the Thermodynamic Paradox and the Theory of Guided Wave
Propagation in Anisotropic Media; 10.7907/5DAY-XC29
- Duderstadt, James Johnson (1968) The
Theory of Neutron Wave Propagation; 10.7907/2X5F-DQ88
- Conn, Robert William (1968) The
Theory of Pulsed Neutron Experiments in Polycrystalline Moderators;
- Thompson, Ansel Frederick, Jr. (1968) The
Ultrafiltration of Salt-Polyelectrolyte Solutions; 10.7907/NAJK-3T94
- DeLong, Raymond Kay (1968) The
Unsteady Forces on Slender Delta Wing Hydrofoils Oscillating in
Heave; 10.7907/H7R1-KF18
- Klineberg, John Michael (1968) Theory
of Laminar Viscous-Inviscid Interactions in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/P246-JJ81
- Weidman, Patrick Dan (1968) Wake
Transition and Blockage Effects on Cylinder Base Pressures; 10.7907/95CE-1189
- Zien, Tse-Fou (1967) A
Class of Three-Dimensional Optimum Wings in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/X1J8-JK85
- Poeschel, Robert Leslie (1967) A
Nonlinear Study of Beam Plasma Amplification; 10.7907/2Z3J-2V17
- Rispin, Peter Paul Augustine (1967) A
Singular Perturbation Method for Non-Linear Water Waves Past an
Obstacle; 10.7907/D0P9-9109
- Walter, Uso (1967) A
Study of the Longitudinal Low Frequency (Phugoid) Motion of an Airplane
at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/CNZT-1P02
- Smith, Jerome Allan (1967) An
Experimental Investigation of the Structure of Reflecting, Ionizing
Shocks in Xenon; 10.7907/KSPH-2V57
- Henderson, Arnold Herbert (1967) Construction
and Testing of a Rarefied Gas Flow Facility; 10.7907/CCG6-QV79
- Norwood, Frederick Reyes (1967) Diffraction
of Transient Elastic Waves by a Spherical Cavity; 10.7907/ps9n-9z78
- Greenman, William Franklin (1967) Dislocation
Mobility in Pure Copper Single Crystals; 10.7907/072F-RC63
- Blish, Richard Clark, III (1967) Dislocation
Velocity and Slip on the {1̅21̅2} <12̅13> Systems of Zinc; 10.7907/AEDX-C287
- Patton, Carl Elliot, III (1967) Dynamic
Processes in Magnetic Thin Films. Domain Wall Motion and Ferromagnetic
Resonance; 10.7907/YST3-KN23
- Lewis, John Eldon (1967) Experimental
Investigation of Supersonic, Laminar, Two-Dimensional, Boundary Layer
Separation in a Compression Corner with and without Cooling; 10.7907/R0FB-DD20
- Batt, Richard George (1967) Experimental
Investigation of Wakes Behind Two-Dimensional Slender Bodies at Mach
Number Six; 10.7907/3WW3-B746
- Chen, Jay Chung (1967) Extreme
Value Analysis of Fluctuating Air Loads Acting on a Cylinder; 10.7907/37E4-WS51
- Husid, Raúl (1967) Gravity
Effects on the Earthquake Response of Yielding Structures; 10.7907/9XAB-6V59
- Marshall, Franklin Lester (1967) I.
Surface Deformations in a Draining Cylindrical Tank. II. Stability of a
Laminar Film on an Inclined Plane; 10.7907/HFTH-5W53
- Wooten, David Clark (1967) I.
The Attenuation and Dispersion of Sound in a Condensing Medium. II. The
Flow of a Gas-Particle Mixture Downstream of a Normal Shock in a
Nozzle; 10.7907/T68P-M138
- Klein, Alan Frank (1967) I.
The Use of a Large Conventional Shock Tube as a Pre-Ionizer for an
Inverse Pinch Shock Tube. II. The Application of Thin-Film Heat Transfer
Gauges and Flush Electrostatic Probes to Partially Ionized Flows in
Shock Tubes; 10.7907/G7GV-GX76
- Nigam, Navin Chandra (1967) Inelastic
Interactions in the Dynamic Response of Structures; 10.7907/00JT-C362
- Alber, Irwin Emanuel (1967) Integral
Theory for Turbulent Base Flows at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds;
- Eddington, Robert Barnes (1967) Investigation
of Supersonic Shock Phenomena in a Two-Phase (Liquid-Gas) Tunnel; 10.7907/9RJT-A855
- Tyson, Thomas Janney (1967) Laminar
Boundary Layers in the Neighborhood of Abrupt Spatial Disturbances;
- Reihman, Thomas Charles (1967) Laminar
Flow Over Transverse Rectangular Cavities; 10.7907/Y7T9-3M41
- James, David Fielding (1967) Laminar
Flow of Dilute Polymer Solutions Around Circular Cylinders; 10.7907/G1Z1-PH10
- McGill, James Alexander (1967) Low-Density
Gas Dynamic Facility; 10.7907/P04W-KX13
- Suzuki, Bob Hiro (1967) Magnetofluid-Dynamic
Drag Measurements on Semi-Infinite Bodies in Aligned Fields; 10.7907/JWK4-BM31
- Hoffman, Alan Lowell (1967) Magnetohydrodynamic
Shock Production and Current Sheet Diffusion; 10.7907/4WVH-W290
- Wang, Charles Chang-Ping (1967) Mass
Spectrometric Studies of Ionization in Shock Heated Gas Mixtures; 10.7907/GN3Q-Y356
- McCloskey, David James (1967) Multiple
Scattering of Acoustical Waves; 10.7907/HC3V-M545
- Walsh, Myles Alexander, III (1967) On
the Turbulent Flow of Dilute Polymer Solutions; 10.7907/6NTP-AH77
- Butman, Stanley (1967) Optimum
Linear Coding for Additive Noise Systems Using Information Feedback;
- Witte, Arvel Benjamin (1967) Part
I. Experimental Investigation of an Arc-Heated Supersonic Free Jet. Part
II. Analysis of One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow for Partially Ionized
Argon; 10.7907/STEK-4N18
- Zung, Laurence Bei-Yu (1967) Particle
Fluid Mechanics in Shear Flows, Acoustic Waves, and Shock Waves; 10.7907/4T4F-9359
- Mani, Ramani (1967) Quasi
Two-Dimensional Flows Through Cascades; 10.7907/01sg-we85
- Flandro, Gary Arnold (1967) Rotating
Flows in Acoustically Unstable Rocket Motors; 10.7907/BYWJ-5Q96
- Atkinson, John David (1967) Spectral
Density of First Order Piecewise Linear Systems Excited by White
Noise; 10.7907/V6YX-7864
- Dickerson, John Randall (1967) Stability
of Parametrically Excited Differential Equations; 10.7907/62VM-QG37
- Lutes, Loren Daniel (1967) Stationary
Random Response of Bilinear Hysteretic Systems; 10.7907/Q4HZ-TM03
- Harstad, Kenneth Gunder (1967) Steady
Laminar Compressible Magneto-Fluid-Dynamic Gas Flows in Channels.;
- Spaeth, Edmund Eugene (1967) The
Convective Diffusion of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Inert Gas in
Blood; 10.7907/TFHB-C781
- Hallanger, Lawrence William (1967) The
Dynamic Stability of an Unbalanced Mass Exciter; 10.7907/2REC-VT88
- Pope, David Peter (1967) The
Mobility of Edge Dislocations in the Basal Slip System of Zinc; 10.7907/1XNZ-CE29
- Giberson, Melbourne Fernald (1967) The
Response of Nonlinear Multi-Story Structures Subjected to Earthquake
Excitation; 10.7907/W8D4-3W95
- Navarro-Cantero, Carlos (1967) The
Thermal Rayleigh Problem in Perfect and Ionized Gases; 10.7907/X3H0-7367
- Matthews, John Wallace (1967) Theory
of Holography; 10.7907/qznw-p178
- Fan, Loh-Nien (1967) Turbulent
Buoyant Jets into Stratified or Flowing Ambient Fluids; 10.7907/C69V-BE23
- Kuroiwa, Julio Horiuchi (1967) Vibration
Tests of a Multistory Building; 10.7907/NW3D-FE77
- Crow, Steven Collins (1966) 1.
The Spanwise Perturbation of Two-Dimensional Boundary Layers. 2. The
Turbulent Rayleigh Problem. 3. The Propagation of Free Turbulence in a
Mean Shear Flow; 10.7907/75J2-GM72
- Lissaman, Peter Barry Stuart (1966) A
Linear Solution for the Jet Flap in Ground Effect; 10.7907/PWFF-E933
- Murthy, K. R. Ananda (1966) A
Possible Analytical Explanation for the Micrometeorite Concentration
near the Earth; 10.7907/D8XP-4Q06
- Kerdemelidis, Vassilios (1966) A
Study of Cross-Polarization Effects in Paraboloidal Antennas; 10.7907/3SFB-WB47
- Chan, Tsiu Chiu (1966) A
Study of Nonlinear Phenomena in the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
in a Weakly Ionized Gas; 10.7907/E932-CW77
- Yonas, Gerold (1966) Aligned
Fields Magneto-Fluid Dynamic Flow Past Bodies; 10.7907/XGWS-3X78
- Beebe, Wayne Metcalf (1966) An
Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Plastic and
Metals; 10.7907/PC0B-4P13
- Hauptmann, Edward Gerald (1966) An
Experimental Investigation of Forced Convective Heat Transfer to a Fluid
in the Region of its Critical Point; 10.7907/8KYC-F077
- Hu, Paul Yu-fei (1966) Analytical
and Experimental Studies of Random Vibration; 10.7907/8wxv-qh07
- Lee, Jen-shih (1966) Application
of Finite Elastic Theory to the Deformation of Cylindrical Tubes; 10.7907/HM2E-AX28
- Williams, Richard R. (1966) Application
of the Two Variable Expansion Procedure to the Commensurable Planar
Restricted Three-Body Problem; 10.7907/PYNV-5723
- Maserjian, Joseph (1966) Conduction
Through Thin Titanium Dioxide Films; 10.7907/MNGD-M461
- Barnes, James Richmond (1966) Design
of an Oxygen Flow Meter for Hospital Application; 10.7907/9PQG-YR13
- Street, Donald Richard (1966) Effects
of Injection Nozzle Configuration on Secondary Injection into Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/WZWF-JK12
- Billings, Charles Edgar (1966) Effects
of Particle Accumulation in Aerosol Filtration; 10.7907/T733-0G47
- Tsuei, Chang-chyi (1966) Electrical
Resistance and Thermoelectric Power of the Metastable Phases in
Tellurium-Base Alloys; 10.7907/4NR0-FE43
- Lewicki, George Wladimir (1966) Electron
Tunneling through Thin Films of Aluminum Nitride; 10.7907/QDH7-C768
- Sutherland, Alexander James (1966) Entrainment
of Fine Sediments by Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/F86N-A080
- Rosen, Robert (1966) Equilibration
of a Liquid Droplet-Vapor-Gas Mixture Downstream of a Shock Wave; 10.7907/ZGM7-0E94
- Behrens, Hermann Wilhelm (1966) Flow
Field and Stability of the Far Wake Behind Cylinders at Hypersonic
Speeds; 10.7907/K0KH-9W58
- Ludewig, Hans (1966) Geometrical
Effects on the Resonance Absorption of Neutrons; 10.7907/DDW9-CY15
- Lindsey, Gerald Herbert (1966) Hydrostatic
Tensile Fracture of a Polyurethane Elastomer; 10.7907/K12J-X907
- Puhl, Andreas (1966) Hypersonic
Boundary Layer Flow Around a Sharp Corner; 10.7907/2TPX-DD83
- Moon, Donald Wayne (1966) Influence
of Dislocation Mobility on the Yield in Silicon-Iron; 10.7907/SJWH-6240
- Bowman, Robert Marcus (1966) Investigation
of Shock Front Topography in Shock Tubes; 10.7907/XPM1-ZZ53
- Cookson, John Thomas, Jr. (1966) Kinetics
and Mechanisms of Adsorption of Escherichia coli Bacteriophage T₄ to
Activated Carbon; 10.7907/BKTQ-2Q52
- Grange, Jean-Marie François (1966) Laminar
Boundary Layer Separation and Near Wake Flow for a Smooth Blunt Body at
Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3ZN7-BC18
- Tong, Pin (1966) Liquid
Sloshing in an Elastic Container; 10.7907/WYZD-Q384
- Fischer, Hugo Breed (1966) LongitudinaI
Dispersion in Laboratory and Natural Streams; 10.7907/8D5C-BV11
- Blakemore, David Jordan (1966) Microcycle
Spectral Estimation; 10.7907/PH0Z-0431
- Mellsen, Stanley Brun (1966) On
the Added Mass of a Sphere in a Circular Cylinder Considering Real Fluid
Effects; 10.7907/63N8-1N50
- Sorrell, Furman Yates, Jr. (1966) On
the Generation of Shock Waves in an Inverse Pinch; 10.7907/ZCDM-SF32
- Tam, Christopher Kwong-Wah (1966) On
the Transport Properties of Fluid-Particle Flow; 10.7907/X7YD-5B20
- Wong, Po Kee (1966) Propagation
of Harmonic Waves in an Elastic Rod of Elliptical Cross-Section; 10.7907/CX6S-JQ42
- Giraudbit, Georges Pierre Alexis (1966) Pulsed
Neutron Measurements in Two Adjacent Finite Media; 10.7907/JP3Y-CR96
- Cronin, Donald Leslie (1966) Response
of Linear, Viscous Damped Systems to Excitations Having Time-Varying
Frequency; 10.7907/NR49-C405
- Ko, Hon-Yim (1966) Static
Stress-Deformation Characteristics of Sand; 10.7907/WWZB-SM07
- Crewdson, Richard Clark (1966) Structure
and Properties of Amorphous Palladium Silicon Alloys; 10.7907/JASN-J126
- Brady, Arthur Gerald (1966) Studies
of Response to Earthquake Ground Motion; 10.7907/48HF-MX48
- Schwartz, Henry Gerard (1966) Studies
on Adsorption and Microbial Degradation of the Pesticides Isopropyl
N-(3-Chlorophenyl) Carbamate and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid in
Aqueous Solutions; 10.7907/1E55-D295
- Olson, Mervyn Daniel (1966) Supersonic
Flutter of Circular Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/32AP-C463
- Currie, Iain George (1966) The
Instability of Fluids with Time Dependent Heating; 10.7907/TH7H-TH69
- Clausing, Don Paul (1966) The
Tensile Fracture of Mild Steel; 10.7907/1VYF-8756
- Erdmann, Robert Charles (1966) Time-Dependent
Monoenergetic Neutron Transport in Two Adjacent Semi-infinite Media;
- Rocke, Richard Dale (1966) Transmission
Matrices and Lumped Parameter Models for Continuous Systems; 10.7907/4K3H-1E57
- Letcher, John Seymour (1966) Transverse
Hydrodynamic Forces on Slender Bodies in Free-Surface Flows at Low
Speed; 10.7907/M8NJ-KC21
- Klose, Gerhard Joachim (1966) Unsteady
Forces on Oscillating Hydrofoils; 10.7907/96CP-GE12
- Thornber, Karvel Kuhn (1966) [l. Electronic Processes in
- Polaron Motion in a D.C. Electric
- Wu, Jain-Ming (1965) A
Satellite Theory and its Applications; 10.7907/2XH7-1828
- Chao, Chang-Chih (1965) A
Study of CsCI Type Intermediate Phases Involving Rare Earth
Elements; 10.7907/EKPF-2Q83
- Jakub, Marlyn Tony (1965) A
Wave Front Approximation Method and its Application to Elastic Stress
Waves; 10.7907/Y9EG-XT74
- Asmus, John Fredrich (1965) An
Analysis of Perturbed Confocal Resonators; 10.7907/74wn-7319
- Knapp, Karl Kent (1965) An
Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer to Carbon
Dioxide in the Region of its Critical Point; 10.7907/A4PD-0R66
- Hertel, Robert Henry (1965) An
Experimental Study of the Hydromagnetic Waveguide; 10.7907/6RG2-ND30
- Goddard, William Andrew, III (1965) An
Improved Many-Electron Theory for Atoms and Molecules Which Uses
Eigenfunctions of Total Spin; 10.7907/K8HN-5208
- Masri, Sami Faiz (1965) Analytical
and Experimental Studies of Impact Dampers; 10.7907/XK0P-R658
- Argyropoulos, George S. (1965) Anisotropies
and Interactions in Shear Flow of Macromolecular Suspensions; 10.7907/8KNM-5225
- Kelly, Arnold James (1965) Atom-Atom
Ionization Mechanisms and Cross Sections in Noble Gases and Noble Gas
Mixtures; 10.7907/6CHH-Z732
- Smisek, Richard Franklin (1965) Boundary
Current Effects in Magnetohydrodynamics with Anisotropic
Conductivity; 10.7907/ANC6-1M76
- Calle, Jean-Michel (1965) Design
of a Tension Load Cell; 10.7907/HBSD-J913
- Bond, Robert Harold (1965) Directed
Electron Velocity Distributions in Rare Gas Discharges Using Guard Ring
Probes; 10.7907/VZM2-A856
- Cohen, Jules Bernard (1965) Effects
of Ionizing Radiation on Aqueous Solutions of the Detergent
Al!tylbenzenesulfonate and Several Lower Homologs; 10.7907/67ES-AK62
- Lau, Jark Chong (1965) Experimental
Study of the Reattachment Pressure Rise at Subsonic Speeds; 10.7907/P8AX-3102
- Townes, Harry Warren (1965) Flow
Over a Rough Surface; 10.7907/NTR6-2Q13
- Hwang, Li-San (1965) Flow
Resistance of Dunes in Alluvial Streams; 10.7907/HRDZ-N222
- Malhotra, Rajeshwar Kumar (1965) Free
and Forced Oscillations of a Class of Self-Excited Oscillators; 10.7907/81MF-FT73
- Pawula, Robert Francis (1965) Generalizations
and Extensions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations; 10.7907/K713-DX65
- de Pencier, Robert Dewey (1965) Genesis
of a Machine : a Production Paper Cutter; 10.7907/WTQD-CQ41
- Venezian, Giulio (1965) I.
Fluid Flow in a Precessing Spherical Cavity. II. Electromagnetic
Radiation from an Expanding Sphere in a Magnetic Field; 10.7907/CVPG-CK78
- Wade, Richard Bernard (1965) Investigations
on Cavitating Hydrofoils; 10.7907/8YEC-DS05
- Spitzer, Robert Edward (1965) Measurements
of Unsteady Pressures and Wake Fluctuations for Flow Over a Cylinder at
Supercritical Reynolds Number; 10.7907/WT4K-6337
- Close, Donald Henry (1965) Nonlinear
Effects in Traveling Wave Laser AmpIfiers; 10.7907/Y5FC-GV56
- Wiberg, Donald Martin (1965) Optimal
Feedback Control of Spatial Xenon Oscillations in a Nuclear Reactor;
- Specht, Walter Albert (1965) Part
I. Modes in Spherical-Mirror Resonators. Part II. Dominant Mode
Calculations in Output-Coupled Infinite Strip Mirror Resonators; 10.7907/P9W2-EX19
- Peck, Jerry Clifford (1965) Plane-Strain
Diffraction of Transient Elastic Waves by a Circular Cavity; 10.7907/GDNE-E586
- Hanson, Robert Duane (1965) Post-Elastic
Dynamic Response of Mild Steel Structures; 10.7907/76XX-4687
- Hostetler, Glen Walter (1965) Prediction
of Off Design Performance of Multistage Compressors; 10.7907/G44G-KE51
- Davison, Lee Walker (1965) Propagation
of Finite Amplitude Waves in Elastic Solids; 10.7907/Q1QQ-VG41
- Cool, Terrill Alan (1965) Recombination,
Ionization, and Nonequilibrium Electrical Conductivity in Seeded
Plasmas; 10.7907/JB0S-4521
- Cooper, Wayne Robert (1965) Side
Forces Resulting from Forward-Facing Steps and Injection Through a Slot
in a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/GFPQ-FN54
- Van Atta, Charles William (1965) Spiral
Turbulence in Circular Couette Flow; 10.7907/73GQ-A629
- Buczek, Carl James (1965) Spontaneously
Radiating Atoms in Cavity Fields; 10.7907/CCD3-4P11
- Beeler, George Wood (1965) Stochastic
Processes in the Human Eye Movement Control System; 10.7907/84W2-8N43
- Bell, James Melvin (1965) Stress-Strain
Characteristics of Cohesionless Granular Materials Subjected to
Statically Applied Homogeneous Loads in an Open System; 10.7907/066B-HV20
- List, Ericson John (1965) The
Stability and Mixing of a Density-Stratified Horizontal Flow in a
Saturated Porous Medium; 10.7907/3THV-YS27
- Swedlow, Jerold Lindsay (1965) The
Thickness Effect and Plastic Flow in Cracked Plates; 10.7907/0WVE-W364
- Ahmed, Nazeer (1965) Work
Hardening During Pyramidal Slip in Zinc; 10.7907/92AW-H890
- Spaid, Frank William (1964) A
Study of Secondary Injection of Gases into a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/T76G-2R21
- Hughes, Gordon Frierson (1964) A
Threshold Gate Feed-Forward Switching Net Algorithm; 10.7907/K8X1-1697
- Clark, Peter Osgoode (1964) An
Analysis of Multireflector Optical Resonators; 10.7907/M4PW-BM47
- Grellmann, Hans Werner (1964) An
Experimental Study of the Separated Flow Field About Slender Delta Wings
of Triangular Cross Section; 10.7907/H5K7-P024
- Shumate, Michael Stewart (1964) An
Interferometric Measurement of Index of Refraction; 10.7907/RYZC-8410
- Reardon, Bernard Charles (1964) Deposited
Loops Coupling Magnetic Films as Fast Computer Elements; 10.7907/1FZC-JY74
- Skidmore, Lionel Joseph (1964) Discrete
and Continuous Estimation in Correlated Noise with Finite Observation
Time; 10.7907/1V5T-2J86
- Collette, René Clément (1964) Domain
Walls, Demagnetizing Fields and Anisotropy in Thin Ferromagnetic
Films; 10.7907/BSKM-G135
- Nielsen, Niels Norby (1964) Dynamic
Response of Multistory Buildings; 10.7907/KN80-YN39
- Tso, Wai Keung (1964) Dynamics
of Thin-Walled Beams of Open Section; 10.7907/9S14-CQ21
- Vallerani, Ernesto (1964) Effect
of Single and Periodic Disturbances on Intermittency in Pipe Flow;
- McColl, Malcolm (1964) Electron
Current Through Thin Mica Films; 10.7907/7ENX-8503
- Baganoff, Donald (1964) Experiments
on the Wall-Pressure History in Shock Reflection Processes; 10.7907/XK5D-HZ55
- Singleton, Robert Edmund (1964) Fluid
Mechanics of Gas-Solid Particle Flow in Boundary Layers; 10.7907/X9TM-K912
- Tracy, Richard Ripley (1964) Hypersonic
Flow Over a Yawed Circular Cone; 10.7907/RMWT-TH67
- Auksmann, Boris (1964) Investigation
of Mechanical Seals; 10.7907/41WJ-PW93
- Gibson, Edward George (1964) Ionization
Phenomena in a Gas-Particle Plasma; 10.7907/B2A5-KH20
- Linde, Ronald Keith (1964) Kinetics
of Transformation of Metastable Silver-Copper Solid Solutions; 10.7907/9F9D-3011
- Luo, Huey-Lin (1964) Metastable
Amorphous Phase of Tellurium-Base Alloys; 10.7907/GC87-HJ15
- Nagelberg, Elliott Robert (1964) Microwave
Interaction with Bounded Gyroelectric Plasmas; 10.7907/WG7A-PS41
- Lieberman, Alfred George (1964) Mode
Excitation and Propagation in Waveguides Containing Anistropic
Plasmas; 10.7907/DCTN-2N35
- Philippou, Demetrius (1964) Near
Minimum Energy Trajectories in the Two Fixed Force-Center Problem;
- Herzog, Robert Theodore (1964) Nitrogen
Injection into the Base Region of a Hypersonic Wake; 10.7907/J4XP-F867
- Evensen, David Arthur (1964) Non-Linear
Flexural Vibrations of Thin Circular Rings; 10.7907/7D5J-3C40
- Lee, Kelvin Shun-Hung (1964) On
the Doppler Effect in a Medium; 10.7907/WGHV-8G71
- Jacobson, Alexander Donald (1964) On
the Theory of Noise-like Electromagnetic Fields of Arbitrary Spectral
Width; 10.7907/QH8J-B561
- Bush, William B. (1964) On
the Viscous Hypersonic Blunt-Body Problem; 10.7907/QCBK-ZD50
- Smithey, William John Henry (1964) Optimum
Thrust Programming for Low Thrust Devices; 10.7907/FGHG-HF41
- Shackleford, William Lewis (1964) Part
I. Measurement of gf-Values for Singly Ionized Chromium Using the
Reflected Wave Region of a Shock Tube. Part II. Experimental
Investigation of the Approach to Equilibrium Ionization and Electronic
Excitation in Shock-Heated Mixtures of Chromium and Argon. Part III.
Approximate Spectral Absorption Coefficient Calculations for Electronic
Band Systems Belonging to Diatomic Molecules; 10.7907/RAAH-J388
- Patch, Richard Walker (1964) Part
I. Radiative Transfer Studies and Opacity Calculations for Heated Gases.
Part II. Absolute Intensity Measurements for the 2.7 µ Band of Water
Vapor in a Shock Tube; 10.7907/G92Q-ED75
- Schwarz, Steven Emanuel (1964) Plasma
Diagnosis by Means of Photon-Electron Scattering; 10.7907/7Y36-RP09
- Liu, Joseph Tsu Chieh (1964) Problems
in Particle-Fluid Mechanics; 10.7907/11Y4-2H39
- Richer, Ira (1964) Properties
of an Arbitrarily Doped Field-Effect Transistor; 10.7907/E5RR-2P55
- Goldstein, Robert (1964) Quantitative
Spectroscopic Studies on the Infrared Absorption by Water Vapor and
Liquid Water; 10.7907/5NW0-JM56
- Thomas, Mitchell (1964) Radiative
Transfer and Opacity Calculations; 10.7907/EAA2-7R56
- Burden, Harvey Worth (1964) Some
Effects of Secondary Injection of Gases into a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/DRZK-W405
- Shumka, Alex (1964) Space-Charge-Limited
Current in Germanium; 10.7907/EV7W-8D66
- Mantle, Peter John (1964) Spinning
Symmetric Missiles in a Nonlinear Aerodynamic Field; 10.7907/YXWV-VV41
- Gray, Augustine Heard (1964) Stability
and Related Problems in Randomly Excited Systems; 10.7907/FS96-6Q62
- Hegemier, Gilbert Arthur (1964) Stability
of Thin Cylindrical Shells Subjected to a Class of Axially Symmetric
Moving Loads; 10.7907/4P8K-YN54
- Grimes, Charles Kenneth (1964) Studies
on the Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solid Media; 10.7907/EW57-KB61
- O’Regan, Patrick Gerard (1964) The
Application of Tunnel Diodes to Switching and Logical Circuits; 10.7907/ZPA2-X230
- Parmerter, Robert Reid (1964) The
Buckling of Clamped Shallow Spherical Shells Under Uniform Pressure;
- Squire, William Dean (1964) The
Effects of Bias on Polarity-Coincidence Detection; 10.7907/MDEF-MH25
- Folias, Efthymios Stefanos (1964) The
Stresses in a Spherical Shell Containing a Crack; 10.7907/N4ST-K607
- Arenz, Robert James (1964) Theoretical
and Experimental Studies of Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic
Materials; 10.7907/E8KM-6M98
- Mitzner, Kenneth Martin (1964) Theory
of the Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Irregular Interfaces;
- Fehlberg, William Thomas (1964) Thermal
Neutron Distributions near Material Discontinuities; 10.7907/GSNH-HP15
- Scott, Richard Anthony (1964) Transient
Wave Propagation in Elastic Plates with Cylindrical Boundaries, Studied
with the Aid of Multi-integral Transforms; 10.7907/G7HA-F836
- Levinson, Mark (1964) Variational
Principles and Applications in Finite Elastic Strain Theory; 10.7907/PK58-HQ71
- Keightley, Willard Otis (1964) Vibration
Tests of Structures; 10.7907/E95Z-HW51
- O’Kelly, Michael Edmond James (1964) Vibration
of Viscously Damped Linear Dynamic Systems; 10.7907/XGD9-0W17
- Koh, Robert Ching-Yee (1964) Viscous
Stratified Flow Towards a Line Sink; 10.7907/YXY3-GG82
- Parks, Richard Earl (1963) An
Analysis of Turbulent Flame Spreading in a Rectangular Duct; 10.7907/WDJR-AY43
- Tesnière, André Jacques (1963) Analysis
of Heterogeneous Reactors Containing Moderating Fuel Elements; 10.7907/865C-1C75
- Ko, William L. (1963) Application
of Finite Elastic Theory to the Behavior of Rubber-Like Materials;
- Wrobel, Joseph Richard (1963) Application
of the Element Potential Method to Gaseous Chemical Equilibrium
Calculation; 10.7907/8D03-R614
- Titsworth, Robert Clem (1963) Correlation
Properties of Cyclic Sequences; 10.7907/XE6F-BM96
- Githinji, Philip Mwangi (1963) Effect
of Orientation of a Flat Heating Surface on Nucleate Boiling Heat
Transfer; 10.7907/162N-6976
- Pinchak, Alfred Cyril (1963) Experimental
Investigation of Gas Phase and Surface Phenomena in a Seeded Plasma;
- Vlases, George Charpentier (1963) Experiments
in a Cylindrical Magnetic Shock Tube; 10.7907/1EHZ-AZ30
- Ahlstrom, Harlow Garth (1963) Experiments
on the Upstream Wake in Magneto-Fluid Dynamics; 10.7907/NAR6-M485
- Wu, Ying-Chu Lin Susan (1963) Flow
Generated by Suddenly Heated Flat Plate; 10.7907/CPQD-RQ29
- Hickling, Robert (1963) I.
Acoustic Radiation and Reflection from Spheres. II. Some Effects of
Thermal Conduction and Compressibility in the Collapse of a Cavity in a
Liquid; 10.7907/N27T-0Y47
- Watson, Ronald (1963) I.
Experimental Spectroscopic Temperature Measurements in the Reflected
Wave Region of a Shock Tube Using the OH ²Σ → ²π Band System. II. Shock
Tube Measurements of the Absorption Oscillator Strength for the ²Σ → ²π
Band System of OH; 10.7907/20T1-5E54
- Fourney, Michael Eugene (1963) I. On
the Application of a Laser to High Speed Photography. II. Torsional
Magnetoelastic Waves in a Circular Cylinder; 10.7907/6M9E-V056
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1963) Influence
of Radiative Dissipation on the Shock Wave Structure; 10.7907/41E3-T691
- Harwell, Kenneth Edwin (1963) Initial
Ionization Rates in Shock-Heated Argon, Krypton, and Xenon; 10.7907/HW2S-MW55
- Petty, James Sibley (1963) Linearized
Transonic Flow About Non-Lifting, Thin Symmetric Airfoils; 10.7907/3ZC0-7Y26
- Shi, Yun-Yuan (1963) Low
Reynolds Number Flow Past Finite Cylinders of Large Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/JA8T-4N67
- Dewey, Clarence Forbes (1963) Measurements
in Highly Dissipative Regions of Hypersonic Flows. Part I. Hot-Wire
Measurements in Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Flows. Part II. The Near
Wake of a Blunt Body at Hypers0nic Speeds; 10.7907/XG0Q-ZA42
- Schmidt, Louis Vincent (1963) Measurements
of Fluctuating Air Loads on a Circular Cylinder; 10.7907/8714-PJ73
- Stebbins, Charles Fleming (1963) Measurements
of Heat Transfer Rates Within a Plane Shock Wave Using Very Fine Cold
Wires; 10.7907/VDFV-DG16
- Slachmuylders, Erik Jaak (1963) Measurements
of the Acceleration of Reflected Shock Waves by Means of a New Heat
Transfer Gauge; 10.7907/5G88-B054
- de Barbeyrac Saint-Maurice, Jacques J. (1963) Minimal
Time Deadbeat Regulation and Control of Linear, Stationary, Sampled-Data
Systems; 10.7907/X0XR-4J34
- Liñán-Martínez, Amable (1963) On
the Structure of Laminar Diffusion Flames; 10.7907/JHTK-CA51
- Mauldin, James Howard (1963) Part
I. Analysis of a Multi-Stage Axial Compressor with High Reaction
Blading. Part II. A Design Study of a Multi-Stage Axial Compressor with
Blading of High Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/BBZZ-TE94
- Porter, John William (1963) Part
I. Chemical Reactions During Flow in Rocket Nozzles. Part II. Gas
Discharge Rates Through De Laval Nozzles and the Experimental
Determination of Desorption Rates; 10.7907/MYSG-P786
- Gray, Louise Dillon (1963) Part
I. Theoretical Calculations of Equilibrium Infrared Gas Emissivities
from Spectroscopic Data. Part II. Representative Radiative Energy
Transfer Calculations for Transparent and Optically Dense Media; 10.7907/79HT-JK40
- Mei, Chiang Chung (1963) Part
One. On the Initial Value Problems of Radiation and Scattering of Water
Waves by Immersed Obstacles. Part Two. Gravity Waves Due to a Point
Disturbance in a Stratified Flow; 10.7907/1C5K-TF68
- Jennings, Paul Christian (1963) Response
of Simple Yielding Structures to Earthquake Excitation; 10.7907/C017-RF39
- Knauss, Wolfgang Gustav (1963) Rupture
Phenomena in Viscoelastic Materials; 10.7907/KZSV-0Y32
- Gold, Harris (1963) Stability
of Laminar Wakes; 10.7907/X1TJ-MG72
- Intaglietta, Marcos (1963) Streaming
Birefringence Study of the Interactions of Submicroscopic Particles;
- Anderson, William Judson (1963) [Studies in Panel Flutter at Higher
Mach Numbers: I. Flat and Slightly Curved Panels at Mach Number
- Cylindrical Shells with Boundary
Layer](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-12152005-081824); 10.7907/E3ZX-JG81
- Boyle, William Charles (1963) Studies
on the Biochemistry of Disinfection by Monochloramine
- McMichael, Francis Clay (1963) Suspensions
of Granular Particles Generated by an Upward Flow; 10.7907/E8SA-YB56
- Stuart, Floyd Ronald (1963) The
Buckling of Thin Walled Circular Cylindrical Shells Under Combined Axial
Compression and Bending; 10.7907/0SEM-H188
- Thompson, Thomas Ross (1963) The
Gray Gas in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/9865-C310
- Roesch, Louis C. (1963) The
Influence of Temperature and Preferred Orientation on Hall Coefficient
and Resistivity of Pure Titanium; 10.7907/PNQF-2315
- Blackiston, Harry Spencer (1963) Tip
Effects on Fluctuating Lift and Drag Forces Acting on a Circular
Cylinder Perpendicular to an Air Flow; 10.7907/TV46-TR33
- Lock, Kenneth (1962) A
Digital-Computer-Programmed Topological Method of Coordinate Selection
for Numerical Computations in an Electrical Network; 10.7907/1KC2-ZF72
- Wang, Duen-Pao (1962) A
Perturbation Theory for Unsteady Cavity Flows; 10.7907/NKPW-4612
- Shimabukuro, Fred Ichiro (1962) A
Study of Dispersion in Plasmas; 10.7907/W2HJ-XE62
- Johnson, Grant Reed (1962) A
Theoretical Investigation of Particle Trajectories Through a
Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan; 10.7907/FTNK-N998
- Casey, John Carl (1962) A
Theoretical Investigation of Using N Low Thrust Impulses to Escape from
a Circular Satellite Orbit; 10.7907/58PH-YA67
- Brown, Wilbur Parker (1962) A
Theoretical Study of the Scattering of Electromagnetic Impulses by
Finite Obstacles; 10.7907/4892-CE13
- Radey, Kendrick (1962) A
Time-Optimal Control Problem in Dynamics with Sampled Data; 10.7907/CXDE-J137
- Marlotte, Gary Lynn (1962) An
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of a Transverse Hypersonic Flow
Velocity upon a Low-Density D.C. Electrical Discharge in Air; 10.7907/3BR3-ZT02
- Rosenfeld, Robert Leopold (1962) Analysis
of Long Compressional Elastic Waves in Rods of Arbitrary Cross Section
and Elastic Wave Fronts in Plates and Circular Rods; 10.7907/WVNP-Z097
- Zukerman, Abraham (1962) Analytical
Approximations to the Solutions of the Equations of Motion in the
Earth-Moon Space; 10.7907/ZFV9-4018
- Messick, Roger Edwin (1962) Applications
of an Edge-and Corner Layer Technique to Elastic Plates and Shells;
- Simmons, Jerry Lee (1962) Applications
of the Two-Variable Expansion Procedure to Problems in Celestial
Mechanics; 10.7907/E66T-1A37
- Wang, Neng-Ming (1962) Bending
of Thin Elastic Plates Containing Line Discontinuities; 10.7907/9WFR-W284
- King, Kenneth Robert (1962) Dynamic
Shear Deformation in Zinc Crystals; 10.7907/J5Q8-5C31
- Yeh, Cavour Wei-Hou (1962) Electromagnetic
Surface-Wave Propagation along a Dielectric Cylinder of Elliptical Cross
Section; 10.7907/A13E-BB49
- Muller, Richard Stephen (1962) Electronic
Processes in Au-CdS-In Diodes; 10.7907/JF60-HN20
- Renard, Marc L. (1962) Experimental
Investigation of an Arc Heater; 10.7907/SVWJ-NB92
- Marxman, Gerald Albert (1962) Heat
Transfer in Reacting Gas Mixtures with Large Pressure Gradients.; 10.7907/61YR-1468
- McCarthy, John Francis (1962) Hypersonic
Wakes; 10.7907/63NK-AG38
- Johnson, Douglas Stoddard (1962) I.
Design and Application of Piezoceramic Transducers to Transient Pressure
Measurements. II. Some Measurements of Curvature and Thickness of
Reflecting Normal Shocks at Low Initial Pressures; 10.7907/BJ82-FM97
- Guttman, Andrew (1962) I.
Quantitative Studies of the N0₂- N₂0₄ System in the Infrared. II.
Emission of Diffuse Bands of Sodium Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/BKS0-GN58
- Albini, Frank Addison (1962) I.
Relaxation Time of One-Dimensional, Laminar Deflagration for First Order
Reactions. II. Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves at
Electron Density Gradients; 10.7907/TYH3-ZQ11
- Schapery, Richard Allan (1962) Irreversible
Thermodynamics and Variational Principles with Applications to
Viscoelasticity; 10.7907/QEB0-N308
- Hoult, David Parks (1962) Magnetohydrodynamic
Surface Waves; 10.7907/RVM0-1T80
- Preukschat, A. Werner (1962) Measurements
of Drag Coefficients for Falling and Rising Spheres in Free Motion;
- Klement, William, Jr. (1962) Metastable
Structures in Alloys Rapidly Cooled from the Melt; 10.7907/HHG6-AY94
- Lathrop, Kaye Don (1962) Neutron
Thermalization in Solids; 10.7907/K87B-FC98
- DiLoreto, Aldo Gene (1962) Noise
Optimization Techniques for Linear Transistor Amplifiers; 10.7907/5JV3-EZ18
- Liu, Chung-Yen (1962) Part
I. Kinetic Theory Description of Plane, Compressible Couette Flow. Part
II. Kinetic Theory Description of Conductive Heat Transfer from a Fine
Wire; 10.7907/Q16R-JR92
- Malmuth, Norman David (1962) Perturbations
on Hypersonic Wedge Flow; 10.7907/KE9Q-XN81
- Stofel, Edwin Jule (1962) Plastic
Flow and Fracture of Zinc Single Crystals; 10.7907/EQK7-RS94
- Goldstein, Richard Morris (1962) Radar
Exploration of Venus; 10.7907/EB99-8T09
- Stiffler, Jack Justin (1962) Self-Synchronizing
Binary Telemetry Codes; 10.7907/G956-8Z21
- Seymour, Ernest Richard (1962) Some
Investigations of Heterogeneous Flow in a Rocket Nozzle; 10.7907/01GY-2E21
- Cummings, Benjamin Edgar (1962) Some
Nonlinear Vibration and Response Problems of Cylindrical Panels and
Shells; 10.7907/AXC2-6P94
- Eiselen, Everett Truman (1962) Sound
Propagation in Small Diameter Tubes; 10.7907/5WXZ-NS91
- Mason, Peter Vroman (1962) Surface
Impedance of Thin Superconducting Films; 10.7907/F5XN-7E70
- Babcock, Charles Dwight (1962) The
Buckling of Cylindrical Shells with an Initial Imperfection Under Axial
Compression Loading; 10.7907/0P4A-SA39
- Savage, Stuart Blackton (1962) The
Effect of Heat Transfer on Separation of Laminar Compressible Boundary
Layers; 10.7907/XCR8-Y474
- Watts, George Arthur (1962) Vibration
and Damping of Thin-Walled Cylinders; 10.7907/XPER-7Q77
- Lloyd, James Reily (1962) Wave
Propagation in an Elastic Plate Resting on an Elastic Foundation; 10.7907/D5NC-XR09
- Collins, Daniel Joseph (1961) A
Study of Hydrodynamic Interactions of Macromolecules in Solution by
Means of Precision Viscometry; 10.7907/Z3VF-FW62
- Lock, Malcolm Harvey (1961) A
Study of Two-Dimensional Panel Flutter; 10.7907/NZ2V-H267
- Rice, James Orville (1961) A
Theoretical Investigation of Particle Motion in an Oscillating Gas;
- Pinson, Elliot Neil (1961) An
Adaptive Control Technique for Systems with Lightly Damped
Resonances; 10.7907/6HPW-4V89
- Dipprey, Duane Floyd (1961) An
Experimental Investigation of Heat and Momentum Transfer in Smooth and
Rough Tubes at Various Prandtl Numbers; 10.7907/WRNM-4K03
- Copper, John Alan (1961) An
Experimental Investigation of the Equilibrium Interface Technique;
- Kreisberg, Harvey N. (1961) Applications
of Linearized Flow Theory to Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet
Flows; 10.7907/TV0R-NV88
- Childress, William Stephen (1961) Asymptotic
Expansion of Navier-Stokes Solutions in Three Dimensions for Large
Distances; 10.7907/A77G-P071
- Aron, Richard Michael (1961) Bandwidth
Limitations and Synthesis Procedures for Negative Resistance and
Variable Reactance Amplifiers; 10.7907/NF7W-1K08
- Boedtker, Olaf Alexander (1961) Delay
Time in the Alpha to Gamma Transformation of Iron; 10.7907/Z8WG-R830
- Meuris, Jean Maurice (1961) Design
of a Granular Pressure Cell to be Used in Soils; 10.7907/BZGX-R355
- Christiansen, Walter Henry (1961) Development
and Calibration of a Cold Wire Probe for Use in Shock Tubes; 10.7907/QGS9-WZ66
- Cann, Gordon Lawrence (1961) Energy
Transfer Processes in a Partially Ionized Gas; 10.7907/XV8R-MM73
- Kingsland, Louis (1961) Experimental
Study of Helium and Argon Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder
at M = 5.8; 10.7907/1FDZ-JX04
- Taylor, Robert Hugh, Jr. (1961) Exploratory
Studies of Open-Channel Flow over Laterally Varying Roughness; 10.7907/VHGK-9950
- Willens, Ronald Howard (1961) I.
A Vacuum X-Ray Diffractometer for High Temperature Studies. II. An
Investigation of the Allotropic Transformation of Titanium; 10.7907/W8TJ-XN31
- Lynn, Yen-Mow (1961) Isentropic
Plane Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics; 10.7907/K49C-2N76
- Chen, William S. (1961) Measurements
of Aerodynamic Noise on a Flat Plate in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/SEEW-5974
- Long, Dennis Vernon (1961) Mechanics
of Consolidation with Reference to Experimentally Sedimented Clays;
- Merchant, Howard Carl (1961) Mode
Superposition Methods Applied to Linear Mechanical Systems Under
Earthquake Type Excitation; 10.7907/KMKT-B363
- O’Kelly, Michael Edmond James (1961) Normal
Modes in Damped Systems; 10.7907/NV4G-5N20
- Ai, Daniel Kwoh-i (1961) Part
I. Cylindrical Couette Flow in a Rarefied Gas According to Grad’s
Equation. Part II. Small Perturbations in the Unsteady Flow of a
Rarefied Gas Based on Grad’s Thirteen Moment Approximation; 10.7907/9P2N-HF23
- Stearman, Ronald Oran (1961) Part
I. The Stability of a Membrane in a Subsonic Flow. Part II. The
Stability of a Grid of Panels in a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/TE64-4652
- Wong, Howard (1961) Preliminary
Study of the Rate and Degree of Thermal Ionization of Argon Behind Shock
Waves; 10.7907/SDGQ-VZ93
- Lang, Theodore Edmund (1961) Response
of a Uniform Free-Pinned Beam to Lateral Sinusoidal and Random
Excitation; 10.7907/EMNS-X912
- Dienes, John Kalman (1961) Some
Applications of the Theory of Continuous Markoff Processes to Random
Oscillation Problems; 10.7907/R51Y-W418
- Narasimha, Roddam (1961) Some
Flow Problems in Rarefied Gas Dynamics; 10.7907/1S8T-QA38
- Russell, David Allison (1961) Studies
of the Effects of Cross-Sectional Area Change and Boundary-Layer Growth
on the Motion of a Shock Wave; 10.7907/HXQP-VQ30
- Jacobs, Delbert Harold (1961) The
Conduct of Basic Research in the Aerospace Industry; 10.7907/RVZX-EQ72
- Iwan, Wilfred Dean (1961) The
Dynamic Response of Bilinear Hysteretic Systems; 10.7907/Y32J-KT73
- Sullivan, Timothy Lay (1961) The
Effect of Floating Rings on the Stability of Longitudinally Stiffened
Cylinders in Axial Compression; 10.7907/3MBR-S755
- Kevorkian, Jirair Kevork (1961) The
Uniformly Valid Asymptotic Approximations to the Solutions of Certain
Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations; 10.7907/K8NE-5X16
- Jones, Orval Elmer (1961) Theoretical
and Experimental Studies on the Propagation of Longitudinal Elastic
Strain Pulses in Wide Rectangular Bars; 10.7907/KXTS-1Y59
- Evtuhov, Viktor (1961) Theory
of the Valence Band Energy Level Structures of Germanium and Silicon in
an External Magnetic Field; 10.7907/ZTF9-GX67
- Marin, Jean-François (1961) Transitions
in Chromium; 10.7907/MP9B-B768
- Bodeen, Charles Albert (1961) Vector
Velocity Fluctuations of Propagating Stall in Axial Flow
Compressors; 10.7907/X72A-P111
- Kelly, Peter M. (1960) A
Unified Approach to Two-Terminal Network Synthesis; 10.7907/WP7M-PE92
- Utterback, Paul Wilson (1960) An
Experimental Investigation of Flow Conditions Behind a Bluff Body
Flameholder; 10.7907/YHR8-6948
- Gorecki, Jacek Piotr (1960) An
Investigation of Temperature Fluctuations on Bluff Bodies; 10.7907/KV3S-CJ64
- Griffith, Jerry Dice (1960) An
Investigation of the Mechanism of Heat Transfer Near the Critical State
of a Fluid; 10.7907/Y3CN-YX32
- Hunter, Herbert Erwin (1960) Application
of Asymptotic Expansion Procedures to Low Reynolds Number Flows about
Infinite Bodies; 10.7907/5PBX-0J36
- Linhardt, Hans-Dieter (1960) Application
of Cascade Theories to Axial Flow Pumps; 10.7907/RHMN-2J84
- Sarosdy, Louis Robert (1960) Cavitation
Similarity Studies with Water and Freon-113; 10.7907/CZWP-PB71
- Reichenbach, Roy Earl (1960) Combustion
Research; 10.7907/8CB5-TG80
- Lindquist, David Max Wadsworth (1960) Exact
and Approximate Solutions to the Pressure-Loaded Plate Strip with
Temperature Distribution; 10.7907/G7PZ-8898
- Mohlenhoff, William (1960) Experimental
Study of Helium Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder at
M=5.8; 10.7907/QH2Z-TC50
- Olfe, Daniel Burrhus (1960) Gas
Emissivities and Radiative Transfer Studies; 10.7907/FZWR-9J22
- Anderson, David Ellsworth (1960) Investigation
of Ablation of Ice Bodies in Hypersonic Flows; 10.7907/CD24-6081
- Glick, Herbert Seymour (1960) Modified
Crocco-Lees Mixing Theory for Supersonic Separated and Reattaching
Flows; 10.7907/0V7K-QS61
- MacGillivray, Dean (1960) Motion
of a Current Element Through a Fluid of Low Electrical Conductivity;
- Fleming, Edward Richard (1960) Non-Linear
Flutter; 10.7907/CSNK-SA02
- Gourdine, Meredith Charles (1960) On
Magnetohydrodynamic Flow over Solids; 10.7907/5AMT-CM66
- Naudé, Charl François (1960) On
the Mechanism of Cavitation Damage by Non-Hemispherical Cavities
Collapsing in Contact with a Solid Boundary; 10.7907/QACP-9A29
- Jacobs, Theodore Alan (1960) Part
1. An Investigation of Relaxation Processes. Part 2. Studies in
Combustion; 10.7907/9YND-DS33
- Lapp, Marshall (1960) Part
1. Emissivity Calculations for CO₂. Part 2 Shock Tube f-Number
Measurement for OH; 10.7907/BW2K-2M27
- Stumpf, Henry John (1960) Response
of Mechanical Systems to Random Excitation; 10.7907/NJSA-T820
- Reshotko, Eli (1960) Stability
of the Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer; 10.7907/M6HG-WW29
- Kennedy, John Fisher (1960) Stationary
Waves and Antidunes in Alluvial Channels; 10.7907/Y27F-NR79
- Sutera, Salvatore Philip (1960) Streaming
Birefringence as a Hydrodynamic Research Tool; 10.7907/DDJZ-7X80
- Williams, Allen Dean (1960) The
Effect of Tip Clearance Flows on Performance of Axial Flow
Compressors; 10.7907/7T14-SP07
- Sturtevant, Bradford (1960) The
Effusion of Charged Particles from a Shock Heated Gas; 10.7907/PCNN-DW03
- Hsieh, Din-Yu (1960) Theory
of Gas Bubble Dynamics in Oscillating Pressure Fields; 10.7907/3VCA-FH77
- Forster, Donald Charles (1960) Theory
of Parametrically-Pumped Longitudinal-Field Electron Beams; 10.7907/WNEA-DF59
- Mead, Carver A. (1960) Transistor
Switching Analysis; 10.7907/0Q5Z-KA62
- Rusch, Willard Van Tuyl (1959) A New
Transmitting Antenna System for Very Low Radio Frequencies; 10.7907/BXK9-YY23
- Pietrokowsky, Paul (1959) A
Study of Conformal Phases in Metal Alloy Systems; 10.7907/J221-2G70
- Satre, Robert Scott (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of Flame Propagation Downstream of a
Cylindrical Flameholder; 10.7907/6BCM-YC54
- Wood, Richard Donald (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Stagnation Temperature
Probes; 10.7907/KXK1-JQ18
- Brownlee, Wilmot Grant (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of Unstable Combustion in Solid Propellant
Rocket Motors; 10.7907/84XQ-AA28
- Dawson, Thomas Emmett (1959) An
Experimental Investigation of a Fully Cavitating Two-Dimensional Flat
Plate Hydrofoil Near a Free Surface; 10.7907/Y3SP-XX86
- Kuehl, Hans Henry (1959) Asymmetrically
Excited Electromagnetic Radiation from Circular Cylinders of Finite
Length and Prolate Spheroids; 10.7907/KDNQ-NR51
- Peck, Jerry Clifford (1959) Bending-Torsion
Flutter of an Airfoil with Nonlinear Structural Characteristics; 10.7907/P0DS-PX18
- Broman, Gunnar Erik (1959) Experimental
Investigation of Flame Stabilization in a Deflected Jet; 10.7907/J5D1-MX07
- Auksmann, Boris (1959) Experimental
Investigation of Oilfilm Behaviour in Short Journal Bearings; 10.7907/Y6X7-4C85
- Golden, Roger Morse (1959) Experiments
in Very Low-Frequency Radio Propagation; 10.7907/E1C7-K279
- Doering, Eugene Richard (1959) Experiments
on the Flow at the Nose of a Thin Airfoil; 10.7907/6NZA-Q027
- Boyd, Gary Delane (1959) Experiments
on the Interaction of a Modulated Electron Beam with a Plasma; 10.7907/JAAT-0J83
- Chapkis, Robert Lynn (1959) Hypersonic
Flow Over an Elliptic Cone: Theory and Experiment; 10.7907/35S5-3H33
- Monroe, Louis L. (1959) Investigation
of the Transmission of a Shock Wave Through an Orifice; 10.7907/Y42Q-9F44
- Chang, I-Dee (1959) Navier-Stokes
Solutions at Large Distances from a Finite Object; 10.7907/SMPS-TA29
- Stockmair, Wilfried (1959) Problems
in Effusion; 10.7907/KH55-XN11
- Briceland, Richard Harald (1959) Secondary
Flow in a Cascade of Airfoils; 10.7907/EYF1-2Y08
- George, Nicholas A. (1959) Spatial
Distribution of Thermal Radiation at Microwave Frequencies; 10.7907/CERS-Y395
- Dawson, Victor Charles Douglas (1959) Spectroscopic
Studies of Heated Salts Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/A9DJ-HB94
- Smith, Homer Leroy (1959) The
Study of a Lifting Air Breathing Boost for Satellite Launch; 10.7907/Q47F-X275
- Vernon, Frank Lee (1959) The
Theory of a General Quantum System Interacting with a Linear Dissipative
System; 10.7907/JNJ1-QZ83
- Weyers, Paul Frederik Robert (1959) The
Vibration and Acoustic Radiation of Thin-Walled Cylinders Caused by
Internal Turbulent Flow; 10.7907/QTM4-9Z19
- Oates, Gordon Cedric (1959) Throughflow
in Axial Turbomachines with Variable Wall Geometry; 10.7907/ZR3D-NR88
- Royce, Winston Walker (1959) Transonic
Flow Over a Non-Lifting Slender Body of Revolution; 10.7907/NFVH-YH92
- Hemmingway, Richard Earl (1959) Turbulent
Flow in a Nuclear Heat-Exchanger; 10.7907/0QX0-8Y04
- Bauer, Andrew Burkhard (1959) Vortex
Formation and Shedding from a Two-Dimensional, Thin, Flat Plate Parallel
to the Free Stream; 10.7907/K0ZD-XY10
- Sedin, James Walter (1958) A
Large-Signal Analysis of Beam-Type Crossed-Field Traveling-Wave
Tubes; 10.7907/5MN5-D881
- Thurston, Dick Wright (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of Flame Spreading from Bluff Body
Flameholders; 10.7907/BR8E-T735
- Turcotte, Donald Lawson (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of Flame Stabilization in a Heated Turbulent
Boundary Layer; 10.7907/XT75-T174
- Matthews, Malcolm LeRoy (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of Viscous Effects on Static and Impact
Pressure Probes in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/MQPD-A933
- McCoy, John Carver (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of the General Instability of Ring-Stiffened,
Unpressurized, Thin-Walled Cylinders Under Axial Compression; 10.7907/TR8H-6D86
- Demetriades, Anthony (1958) An
Experimental Investigation of the Stability of the Hypersonic Laminar
Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7SR9-9M59
- McMahon, Howard Martin (1958) An
Experimental Study of the Effect of Mass Injection at the Stagnation
Point of a Blunt Body; 10.7907/PWSC-6787
- Braham, Harold Stanley (1958) An
Investigation of the Use of Feedback Control to Raise the Flutter Speed
of an Aeroelastic System; 10.7907/5EVF-4945
- Heimer, Harry James (1958) Balanced
Flap Type Supersonic Control Surfaces; 10.7907/YVYN-ZD39
- Thorman, Herman Carl (1958) Boundary
Layer Measurements on an Axisymmetric Body with Spin and Yaw; 10.7907/R54D-S906
- Thomson, James Alex Lloyd (1958) Emissivities
and Absorptivities of Gases; 10.7907/2HJG-SD13
- Huebner, Danny Frederick (1958) Experimental
Development of a Short Flexible Plate Nozzle Using the Influence
Method; 10.7907/YN82-P321
- Barker, Calvin LaRue (1958) Experiments
Concerning the Occurrence and Mechanism of High-Frequency Combustion
Instability; 10.7907/F39S-MP16
- Hastrup, Rolf Constantin (1958) Heat
Transfer and Pressure Drop in an Artificially Roughened Tube at Various
Prandtl Numbers; 10.7907/SG10-T622
- McLaughlin, Ronald Theodore (1958) On
the Mechanics of Sedimentation in Artificial Basins; 10.7907/0AB9-FS61
- Fuhs, Allen Eugene (1958) Part
I. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Heterogeneous Diffusion
Flames. Part II. Spectroscopic Studies of Flames; 10.7907/ENEM-BM84
- Prouty, Raymond Wilbur (1958) Part
I: A Second Approximation to the Induced Drag of a Helicopter Rotor in
Forward Flight. Part II: The Instantaneous Induced Velocity at the Blade
of a Finite-Bladed Rotor in Forward Flight; 10.7907/GZWS-7W28
- Katz, Robert (1958) Performance
of Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet Flows; 10.7907/5214-1S06
- Hooker, William Joseph (1958) Shock-Induced
C₂H₂ Pyrolysis and CO Emissivity; 10.7907/J37Y-C144
- Trivelpiece, Alvin William (1958) Slow
Wave Propagation in Plasma Waveguides; 10.7907/WNSZ-2Y08
- Fabula, Andrew George (1958) Some
Experiments in Cavitation Bubble Dynamics; 10.7907/942V-N588
- Ang, Dang Dinh (1958) Some
Radiation Problems in Elastodynamics; 10.7907/TF74-2977
- Nelson, Richard Keith (1958) The
Deflection Curve for a Centrifugally Loaded Tape Traversing an Annular
Cap; 10.7907/A39F-7R35
- Demetriades, Sterge Theodore (1958) The
Effect of Electrostatic Fields on the Orientation of Collodial Particles
Immersed in Shear Flow; 10.7907/AZC4-P010
- Russell, Thomas Lee (1958) The
Effect of Grain Size on the Yielding Behavior of Very Low Carbon
Steel.; 10.7907/77XQ-5M30
- Nicholson, Kenneth F. (1958) The
Effects of Blunt Leading Edges on Delta Wings at Mach 5.8; 10.7907/ZSFZ-MN41
- Bell, Richard William (1958) The
Elastic Instability of Thin Cantilever Struts on Elastic Supports with
Axial and Transverse Loads at the Free End; 10.7907/5FEX-RT33
- Tanaka, Richard Isamu (1958) The
Logical Design of a Serial General-Purpose Computer with Micro-Program
Capabilities; 10.7907/TE7V-ZX24
- Williams, Forman Arthur (1958) Theoretical
Studies in Heterogeneous Combustion; 10.7907/F9A8-VN10
- Beutler, Fredrick Joseph (1957) A
Generalization of Wiener Optimum Filtering and Prediction; 10.7907/D8FV-4255
- Rabinowicz, Josef (1957) Aerodynamic
Studies in the Shock Tube; 10.7907/MXH9-5H80
- Harney, Donald James (1957) An
Aerodynamic Study of the “Electric Wind”; 10.7907/Z774-ZM53
- Kamins, Milton (1957) An
Analytical Approach to Automotive Fuel Economy; 10.7907/77ZB-HJ63
- Savage, Glenn Allen (1957) An
Analytical Investigation of the Ducted Propeller for Hydrodynamic
Propulsion; 10.7907/EBDR-SN58
- Wisenbaker, Eugene Morgan (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Flow over Simple Blunt Bodies at Mach
Number of 5.8; 10.7907/0KC4-4827
- Richards, Homer Keener (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates on a Blunt Body in
Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/C7F5-2G95
- Fraasa, Donald Gordon (1957) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt-Nosed Bodies at
a Mach Number 5.8; 10.7907/G6D1-N841
- Benenson, David Maurice (1957) Characteristics
of Propagating Stall in Axial-Flow Compressors; 10.7907/Q6J5-C011
- Hartwig, Frederic William (1957) Development
and Application of a Technique for Steady State Aerodynamic Heat
Transfer Measurements; 10.7907/Y2JY-A341
- Shapiro, Haskell (1957) Electromagnetic
Scattering Properties of a Resonant Plasma; 10.7907/60W8-N371
- Messiter, Arthur Frederic (1957) Expansion
Procedures and Similarity Laws for Transonic Flow; 10.7907/4HK0-K279
- Richmond, Ronald LeRoy (1957) Experimental
Investigation of Thick, Axially Symmetric Boundary Layers on Cylinders
at Subsonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/A8P6-BA17
- Plapp, John Elmer (1957) I.
Laminar Boundary Layer Stability in Free Convection. II. Laminar Free
Convection with Variable Fluid Properties; 10.7907/6DDP-8W66
- Kubota, Toshi (1957) Investigation
of Flow Around Simple Bodies in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/ZVPP-FK96
- Neustein, Joseph (1957) Low
Reynolds Number Experiments in an Axial Flow Turbomachine; 10.7907/7EKE-PD84
- Oliver, Robert Earl (1957) Part
I. The Effect of a Simple Throat Distortion on the Downstream Flow in a
Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Nozzle. Part II. An Experimental Investigation of
Flow over Simple Blunt Bodies at a Nominal Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/462P-XC43
- Carpenter, Stanley Hammack (1957) Performance
of Cavitating Axial Inducers with Varying Tip Clearance and
Solidity; 10.7907/35Z3-YN17
- Harshbarger, Frederick Clay (1957) Physico-Chemical
Processes Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/YYJF-HM80
- Cummings, Benjamin Edgar (1957) Supersonic
Flutter of a Plate Containing Many Bays in the Spanwise Direction;
- Goddard, Frank Eber (1957) The
Effect of Uniformly Distributed Roughness on Turbulent Skin Friction
Drag at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/BA5G-7H43
- Gloria, Ruben M. (1957) The
Failure of Pressurized Thin-Walled Cylinders; 10.7907/VQNF-4J52
- Hendrickson, James Arnold (1957) The
Initiation of Yielding and Brittle Fracture in Annealed Mild Steel;
- Kuo, Tsao Hwa (1957) The
Measurement of Gas Produced by Electrical Power Arcs in Insulating
Oil; 10.7907/EMS6-8Z18
- Munson, Albert Gallatin (1956) A
Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flow over Simple Bodies of
Revolution at M = 18.4 in Helium; 10.7907/X3HZ-BN39
- Johnson, Robert Royce (1956) An
Electronic Digital Polynomial Root Extractor; 10.7907/XSCJ-XT27
- Machell, Reginald Montague (1956) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at
a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/SJ75-6W93
- O’Bryant, William Theral (1956) An
Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at
a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/923A-XB12
- Kendall, James Madison (1956) An
Experimental Investigation of Leading Edge Shock Wave-Boundary Layer
Interaction at Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/6XVK-B331
- Martel, Hardy Cross (1956) An
Investigation of the Omegatron Type Mass Spectrometer; 10.7907/71EX-5M05
- Sibulkin, Merwin (1956) Boundary
Layer Measurements at Supersonic Nozzle Throats; 10.7907/1JZK-HZ46
- Bennett, Eugene Newell (1956) Carbon
Formation from Acetylene in the Shock Tube; 10.7907/GB80-GE14
- Nawoj, Henry John (1956) Cavitation
Studies in Axial Inducers; 10.7907/FJCF-EC97
- Rethorst, Scott Carson (1956) Characteristics
of an Airfoil Extending Through a Circular Jet; 10.7907/7PS7-T859
- Dooley, Donald Allen (1956) Combustion
in Laminar Mixing Regions and Boundary Layers; 10.7907/MGTH-TS83
- Foster, James Roger (1956) Effects
of Combustion Chamber Blockage on Bluff Body Flame Stabilization; 10.7907/T553-DA28
- Nomicos, George Nicolas (1956) Effects
of Sediment Load on the Velocity Field and Friction Factor of Turbulent
Flow in an Open Channel; 10.7907/QZ0J-A652
- Berry, John Warren (1956) Fatigue
of Aluminum as Affected by Temperature and Intermittent Periods of
Rest; 10.7907/SNTV-ZX45
- Buchman, William W. (1956) Field
Theory of Travelling-Wave with Loss: Application to the Study of
Attenuator Saturation Effects; 10.7907/F74C-PD63
- Conrad, Allan (1956) Hydrodynamic
Forces Induced in Fluid Containers by Earthquakes; 10.7907/JYF8-KK15
- Kanevsky, Joseph Norman (1956) I.
Interference During Burning of Body-Centered Cubic Arrays of Nine Fuel
Droplets in Air. II. Spray Formation and Evaporation; 10.7907/JHWV-HB29
- Mitchell, Thomas Patrick (1956) I.
The Propagation of Shock Waves in Non-Uniform Gases. II. The Stability
of the Spherical Shape of a Vapor Cavity in a Liquid; 10.7907/PDMS-YT82
- Ames, Lionel Eugene (1956) Interference
Effects Between Multiple Bluff Body Flameholders; 10.7907/JJVQ-3G91
- Lamson, Philip (1956) Measurements
of Lift Fluctuations Due to Turbulence; 10.7907/2ZDV-9T79
- Vermilya, Jay J. (1956) Migration
of Vacancies to Stress Centers; 10.7907/J43D-4D95
- Eisley, Joe Griffin (1956) Panel
Flutter in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/ZF04-TK14
- Lindley, Charles Alexander (1956) Secondary
Flow in Compressor Cascades; 10.7907/2RYC-QB23
- Shen, Yung-chung (1956) Similarity
Solution for Transonic Flow Past a Cone; 10.7907/74PX-HS89
- Zima, Gordon Everett (1956) Some
High Temperature Oxidation Characteristics of Nickel with Chromium
Additions; 10.7907/8MC2-WR66
- Karamcheti, Krishnamurty (1956) Sound
Radiation from Surface Cutouts in High Speed Flow; 10.7907/1CRR-9Y28
- Williams, Harry Edwin (1956) Stresses
and Strains in Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/1EB7-W116
- Hartlieb, Robert Joseph (1956) The
Cancellation of Random Disturbances in Automatic Control Systems; 10.7907/SCBZ-3H18
- Statler, Irving Carl (1956) The
Effects of Nonstationary Aerodynamics on the Rigid-Body Dynamic
Stability of an Airplane; 10.7907/1EHQ-B547
- Kerrebrock, Jack Leo (1956) The
Interaction of Flow Discontinuities with Small Disturbances in a
Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/9EN8-WZ61
- Srinivasan, Prabandam (1956) The
effect of wheel unbalance on vehicle dynamics; 10.7907/KDJ4-3T33
- Rodriguez, Alexander Martin (1956) Theorems
Concerning the Reduction of Drag for Supersonic Aircraft; 10.7907/R1JD-WT10
- Rubin, Sheldon (1956) Transient
Motion Measurements for Structural Response Analysis; 10.7907/ND1B-3V27
- Campbell, George Stuart (1956) Turbulence
in the Wake of a Thin Airfoil at Low Speeds; 10.7907/T35K-QF86
- Schalin, Pehr Harald Benedictus (1955) A
Slender Body Aeroelastic Transfer Function Including the Effects of
Structural Flexibility and Nonstationary Aerodynamics; 10.7907/2GPJ-KV69
- Denney, Joseph Myers (1955) A
Study of Electron Effects in Solid Solution Alloys of Titanium; 10.7907/MJ3D-CA66
- Stalk, George (1955) A
Study of Fatigue Notch Sensitivity of 2014-T and 7075-T at Elevated
Temperatures; 10.7907/A948-ZS36
- Sutton, George Walter (1955) A
Study of the Application of Photoelasticity to the Investigation of
Stress Waves; 10.7907/ZQCE-ZN61
- Crumb, Stephen Franklin (1955) A
Study of the Effects of Damping on Normal Modes of Electrical and
Mechanical Systems; 10.7907/YESX-K771
- Seidman, Oscar (1955) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Upwash and Camber on Drag Due
to Lift for Rectangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/AMQ1-JJ66
- Burggraf, Odus Roy (1955) A
Theory of Stall Propagation in Axial Compressors on the Basis of Airfoil
Characteristics; 10.7907/HQV0-7S12
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1955) A
Time Correlator for Problems in Aerodynamics; 10.7907/6B8H-3139
- Gleghorn, George Jay, Jr. (1955) An
Analog Computer for the Solution of Eigenvalue Problems; 10.7907/FK46-6J12
- Williamson, William Jeffris (1955) An
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer from Fine Wires to Still Air
at Low Density; 10.7907/J54H-9F64
- Howard, Weston Morgan (1955) An
Experimental Investigation of Pressure Gradients Due to Temperature
Gradients in Small Diameter Tubes; 10.7907/SQF1-5002
- Magnus, Richard Jeffrey (1955) An
Experimental Investigation of the Transfer of Heat from Small Wires to a
Viscous Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/4ZYH-PF56
- Flygare, Richard Wilson (1955) An
Investigation of Ground Accelerations Produced by Machines; 10.7907/H63X-5M60
- Serdengecti, Sedat (1955) Analysis
of Optimalizing Control Systems witb Special Reference to Noise
Interference Effects; 10.7907/TMXZ-AJ80
- Carlson, John Arthur (1955) Analytical
and Experimental Studies of Vehicle Dynamics Behavior; 10.7907/4TY3-Y818
- Ormsbee, Allen Ives (1955) Conical
Techniques for Incompressible Non-Viscous Flow; 10.7907/77MG-6Z64
- Crowe, Thomas Huston (1955) Correlation
of Laminar Flame Velocities for Hydrocarbon-Oxygen-Inert Gas
Mixtures; 10.7907/29MY-5D14
- Larsen, Harold Cecil (1955) Design
of a Model for the Measurement of the Pressure Distribution on an
Axially Symmetric Rotating Body; 10.7907/TDEY-2865
- Fehrman, Alvin Lyone (1955) Effect
of Spin and Yaw on Boundary Layer Transition Along a Body of
Revolution; 10.7907/NP87-FA81
- McClellan, Robert (1955) Equilibrium
Temperature and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Hot Wires in Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/AB2Y-MC42
- Cornwell, Roy Stribling (1955) Experiments
in Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer; 10.7907/PHKW-K604
- Lal, Shankar (1955) Heat
Transfer in Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layers; 10.7907/BRKX-WV81
- Rex, James Foster (1955) Interference
Effects During Burning in Air for Two Stationary N-Heptane Droplets;
- Birdwell, Carl (1955) Investigation
at Low Speed of a Six-Percent Thick Symmetrical Circular-Arc Airfoil
with Leading Edge Retraction in Combination with Nose Slot; 10.7907/B8SG-Y069
- Bowerman, Ray Deverle (1955) Investigation
of a Three-Dimensional Design Procedure for Axial Flow Pump
Impellers; 10.7907/HXHG-QJ10
- Doss, Robert Franklin (1955) Leading
Edge Retraction as a High Lift Device; 10.7907/PV47-6A63
- Kiley, Donald Walter (1955) On
the Burning of Single Drops of Monopropellants; 10.7907/33WQ-4M23
- Feldman, Saul (1955) On
the Hydrodynamic Stability of Two Viscous Incompressible Fluids in
Parallel Uniform Shearing Motion; 10.7907/X62Y-2070
- Berndt, Sune Bertil (1955) On
the Influence of Wall Boundary Layers in Closed Transonic Test
Sections; 10.7907/T014-DR86
- Wright, William Vale (1955) Precipitation
Embrittlement Studies in Vacuum Melted Iron-Chromium Alloys; 10.7907/007T-MG19
- Chase, Robert Apperson (1955) Pressurized
Fuselage Stress Analysis; 10.7907/ZCGR-N460
- Yang, Hsun-Tiao (1955) Rayleigh’s
Problem at LoMach Number According to the Kinetic Theory of Gases;
- Goldsmith, Martin (1955) The
Burning of Single Drops of Fuel in Oxidizing Atmospheres; 10.7907/E4YT-5B12
- James, George Thomas (1955) The
Effect of Adhesive Coating on the Fatigue Properties of 2014-T and
7075-T at Normal and Elevated Temperatures; 10.7907/AX4T-KX34
- Marks, Craig (1955) The
Effects of Chamber Geometry, Surface Characteristics, and Temperature
Boundary Conditions on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Reaction; 10.7907/76DZ-EH40
- Benton, William Curtis (1955) The
Emissivity of Hydrogen Atoms at High Ttemperatures; 10.7907/G0S8-8Q90
- Scarbrough, Alfred Dale (1955) The
Use of Junction Transistors in Switching Circuits; 10.7907/WSS7-8P71
- Baldwin, Lawrence Cloyd (1955) Viscous
Effects on Static Pressure Distribution for a Slender Cone at a Nominal
Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/XNB2-P865
- Morgan, Merle Loren (1954) A
Computer for Algebraic Functions of a Complex Variable; 10.7907/19YT-MN23
- Berger, Howard Martin (1954) A New
Approach to the Analysis of Large Deflections of Plates; 10.7907/FA0E-1X79
- Wohlwill, Hans Emil (1954) A
Resonant Cavity Method of Measuring the Velocity of Light; 10.7907/9JQK-Y835
- Hayashi, Paul Hideo (1954) A
Study of a Laterally Loaded Thin Circular Cylindrical Shell; 10.7907/CJ37-CB17
- Mertz, Charles (1954) A
Study of the Effect of Boundary Layer Control on an Axial Flow
Compressor Stage; 10.7907/AG0W-5T14
- Hlavka, George Elmer (1954) An
Approximate Theory for Potential Flow Through Cascades of Airfoils;
- Rogers, Don Easterday (1954) An
Experimental Investigation of High Frequency Combustion Instability in a
Fuel-Air Combustor; 10.7907/65NM-7Q10
- von Gerichten, Robert Louis (1954) An
Experimental Investigation of the Recirculation Zone of Laminar Flames
Stabilized on Bluff Bodies at Low Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/HHVW-Z921
- Upthegrove, Harry Nelson (1954) An
Investigation of the Influence of Fuselage Elasticity on the Pitching
Motion of a Controlled Missile; 10.7907/B4FA-2254
- Harkins, William Douglas (1954) Base
Pressure and Static Pressure for a Cone-Cylinder at a Nominal Mach
Number of 5.8; 10.7907/P0K8-XG38
- Perkins, Carlton Kay (1954) Burning
of Single Droplets of Hydrocarbon Fuels in Oxidizing Atmospheres; 10.7907/DMX1-0Y63
- Basin, Michael Abram (1954) Electric
Analog Computer Study of Supersonic Flutter of Elastic Delta Wings;
- Mulligan, Hampton Emanuel (1954) Experiments
on the Relationship Between the Coefficients of Friction and Heat
Transfer in Nucleate Boiling; 10.7907/6KN7-5864
- Kaplan, Abner (1954) Finite
Deflections and Buckling of Slightly Curved Beams and Shallow Spherical
Shells under Lateral Loads; 10.7907/Q1HV-T474
- Zukoski, Edward Edom (1954) Flame
Stabilization on Bluff Bodies at Low and Intermediate Reynolds
Numbers; 10.7907/E9V0-GM76
- Lampert, Seymour (1954) Homogeneous
Flow Fields of Degree Greater than Zero; 10.7907/W215-QX89
- Stallkamp, John Albert (1954) Hydrodynamic
Forces on Prolate Ellipsoidal Bodies; 10.7907/D5TA-HR09
- Adamson, Thomas Charles, Jr. (1954) Ignition
and Combustion in a Laminar Mixing Zone; 10.7907/Q9A7-T088
- Graves, Jack Carl (1954) Impact
Pressure and Total Temperature Interpretation at Hypersonic Mach
Number; 10.7907/V04Q-TF29
- Quiel, Norwald Richard (1954) Impact
Pressure and Total Temperature Interpretation at Hypersonic Mach
Numbers; 10.7907/SMHA-4160
- Adams, Gaynor Jefferson (1954) Investigations
of Generalized Conical Flow Fields; 10.7907/GRS3-P551
- Brooks, Norman Herrick (1954) Laboratory
Studies of the Mechanics of Streams Flowing over a Movable Bed of Fine
Sand; 10.7907/JB2P-1H91
- Mark, Richard Muin (1954) Laminar
Boundary Layers on Slender Bodies of Revolution in Axial Flow; 10.7907/4H6Z-K569
- Hakkinen, Raimo Jaakko (1954) Measurements
of Skin Friction in Turbulent Boundary Layers at Transonic Speeds;
- Strand, Torstein (1954) Minimum
Drag Due to Lift for a Delta Wing with Sonic Leading Edges; 10.7907/Y3KY-N097
- Gates, Chester Wright (1954) Some
Experiments in Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer; 10.7907/Y7A3-1P44
- Macmillan, Robert Smith (1954) Some
Properties of the Ionosphere at Low Radio Frequencies; 10.7907/ETPM-E198
- Valluri, Sitaram Rao (1954) Some
Studies in the Fundamental Parameters of Fatigue; 10.7907/5Y4Z-CW45
- Bergman, Carl William (1954) Studies
of Experimental Techniques for Sounding the Ionosphere at Low and Very
Low Radio Wave Frequencies; 10.7907/MQ5A-1M44
- Loh, Eugene Yu-Cheng (1954) Study
of the Kinetics of the Order-Disorder Transformation in the Alloy
MnNi₃; 10.7907/D45V-WR30
- Dailey, Charles Lee (1954) Supersonic
Diffuser Instability; 10.7907/V9XM-W683
- Neiswander, Robert South (1954) Techniques
in Treating Nonlinear Closed-Cycle Systems; 10.7907/8T8F-3S33
- Vrebalovich, Thomas (1954) The
Development of Direct and Alternating Current Glow Discharge Anemometers
for the Study of Turbulence Phenomena in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/95XT-RN93
- Shennum, Robert Herman (1954) The
Dielectric Recovery of Parallel Arcs; 10.7907/G0V3-BW26
- Caughey, Thomas Kirk (1954) The
Existence and Stability of Periodic Motions in Forced Non-Linear
Oscillations; 10.7907/6MNJ-8N71
- Marschner, Bernard Walter (1954) The
Flow over a Body in a Choked Wind Tunnel and in a Sonic Free-Jet; 10.7907/P4DG-RV54
- Yoler, Yusuf Amon (1954) The
Hypersonic Shock Tube; 10.7907/853G-K555
- McCaldin, James Oeland (1954) The
Influence of Isotopic Mass on Some Physical Properties of Iron; 10.7907/NYAY-8G77
- Willmarth, William Walter (1954) The
Lift of Thin Airfoils at High-Subsonic Speeds; 10.7907/DFFC-8041
- Knuth, Eldon Luverne (1954) The
Mechanics of Film Cooling; 10.7907/G4AT-5P75
- Diederich, Franklin Wolfgang (1954) The
Response of an Airplane to Random Atmospheric Disturbances; 10.7907/XPKW-QH24
- Kaplun, Saul (1954) The
Role of Coordinate Systems in Boundary Layer Theory; 10.7907/9QZM-8W36
- Mileson, Donald Francis (1954) The
Thermal Theory of Laminar Flame Propagation for Hydrogen-Bromine
Mixtures; 10.7907/WN9C-Q975
- Rains, Dean Arthur (1954) Tip
Clearance Flows in Axial Compressors and Pumps; 10.7907/MR84-WZ87
- Ergin, Erdem I. (1954) Transient
Response of Non-linear Spring-Mass Systems; 10.7907/0528-K973
- Korkegi, Robert Hani (1954) Transition
Studies and Skin Friction Measurements on an Insulated Flat Plate at a
Hypersonic Mach Number; 10.7907/X3B9-VW73
- Charles, John Morrison (1954) Variation
of Burning Velocity of Laminar Flames with Pressure by the Burner-Area
Method; 10.7907/PVFG-9X18
- Penny, Harmon Charles (1954) Vibrational
Relaxation Times of Gaseous Mixtures of Diatomic Molecules and their
Effect on Rocket Performance; 10.7907/Y2D2-M834
- Savant, Clement Joseph (1953) A
Non-Linear Computer for the Solution of Servomechanism Problems; 10.7907/MV47-XY14
- Howard, Robert Charles (1953) A
Special Purpose Electric Analog Computer and its Application to the
Solution of Certain Nonlinear Differential Equations; 10.7907/Y018-YQ64
- Ellion, Max Edmund (1953) A
Study of the Mechanism of Boiling Heat Transfer; 10.7907/9KF8-S513
- Ritter, Darrell Lloyd (1953) Activation
Energies of Global Reactions in Laminar Flame Propagation; 10.7907/8539-Z537
- Anderson, Jack Steele (1953) An
Analysis of Servomechanisms Containing a Dependent Variable
Nonlinearity; 10.7907/SQ9A-3G13
- Holmquist, Carl Oreal (1953) An
Approximate Method of Calculating Three-Dimensional Compressible Flow in
Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/3FB2-G132
- Curran, Donald Charles (1953) An
Experimental Study of the Stability of Laminar Flame; 10.7907/6W88-7713
- Mackay, Douglas Severance (1953) Boundary
Layer Temperature Recovery Factor on a Cone at Nominal Mach Number
Six; 10.7907/8DEC-WE68
- Eimer, Manfred (1953) Direct
Measurement of Laminar Skin Friction at Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/MK2E-1P76
- Beyer, David Dean (1953) Economic
Possibilities of Long Range Commercial Rocket Transports; 10.7907/4YV8-MX65
- Merritt, Richard George (1953) Effect
of Foundation Compliance on the Earthquake Stresses in Typical Tall
Buildings; 10.7907/JQP7-AQ78
- Dayman, Bain (1953) Experimental
Aerodynamics of a Two-Dimensional Sail; 10.7907/7GWF-WA96
- DeLauer, Richard Daniel (1953) Experimental
Heat Transfer at Hypersonic Mach Number; 10.7907/59SJ-TR03
- Iura, Toru (1953) Experimental
Investigations of Stall Propagation in Axial-Flow Compressors; 10.7907/7K4C-DA90
- Saxon, John Solon (1953) Feedback
Servo-Stabilization of a Rocket During Take-Off; 10.7907/BV8Y-QT45
- Kampé de Fériet, Marc (1953) Investigation
of Boundaries for Transitions from Axial to Two-Dimensional Flow by
Electrical Analogy; 10.7907/RRZH-NR37
- Stoolman, Leo (1953) Investigation
of an Instability Phenomena Occurring in Supersonic Diffusors; 10.7907/EG52-8V58
- Mager, Artur (1953) Laminar
Boundary Layer Problems Associated with Flow Through Turbomachines;
- Coles, Donald Earl (1953) Measurements
in the Boundary Layer on a Smooth Flat Plate in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/0DDW-9S38
- Delson, Jerome King (1953) Networks
Involving Ideal Transformers; 10.7907/JY4D-QP61
- Ellis, Albert Tromly (1953) Observations
on Cavitation Bubble Collapse; 10.7907/EWJ4-R705
- Karlsson, Thorbjörn (1953) On
the Influence of Radial Components of Blade Forces in Axial
Turbomachines; 10.7907/ea2z-1w49
- Robison, William Clay (1953) Properties
of Ethylene Oxide and Hydrazine Related to their Use as Propellants;
- MacLeod, Gordon John (1953) Some
Considerations in the Application of a Gas Turbine Cycle to the
Manufacture of Nitric Oxide; 10.7907/YN04-XS79
- Poorman, Herbert R. (1953) Some
Experimental Studies of Laminar Burning Velocity; 10.7907/J2N7-T584
- Elliott, Benton Holford (1953) Spectroscopic
Studies of OH in Flames. I. Theoretical Investigations of Distortions
Produced by Temperature Gradients, Self-Absorption and Changes in
Spectral Line-Shape. II. Experimental Studies on Acetylene-Oxygen Flames
Burning at Atmospheric Pressure; 10.7907/Y37J-RF90
- Skjelbreia, Lars (1953) Stress
Analysis of Prismatic and Cylindrical Shells; 10.7907/5DQX-4V47
- Solverson, Robert Richard (1953) Stress
Concentrations in Fillets; 10.7907/M29Q-K453
- Offtermatt, Wilbur Francis (1953) Tables
of Bond and Resonance Energies for Estimating Standard Heats of
Fformation; 10.7907/TZFF-RW53
- Duesterhoeft, William Charles (1953) Temperature
Measurements of Large Power Arcs and the Relation of Temperature to
Dielectric Recovery; 10.7907/XRPC-8159
- Chuan, Raymond Lu-Po (1953) The
Development and Utilization of Some Equipment for Low Reynolds Number
Supersonic Flow Research; 10.7907/B6T3-QB91
- Johnson, James Edgar (1953) The
Dynamic Stress-Strain Relation of Annealed 2S Aluminum Under Compression
Impact; 10.7907/3CM0-PH78
- Robinson, Winthrop Pratt (1953) The
Effect of Temperature Ccycling on the Physical Properties of 75S-T6
Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal; 10.7907/GEHN-V977
- Lindsley, Jack Nathan (1953) The
Effect of Temperature Cycling on the Physical Properties of FS-1
Magnesium Alloy Sheet Metal; 10.7907/N1M2-JG59
- Ponsford, Henry Thomas (1953) The
Effects of Stiffness on the Buckling of Cylinders with Moderate Wall
Thickness; 10.7907/JAYX-PF29
- Meghreblian, Robert Vartan (1953) Thermodynamic
Functions of Polyelectronic Atoms at Very High Temperatures; 10.7907/88PE-S208
- Anderson, Roger Alan (1953) Transient
Response of Uniform Beams; 10.7907/ZVM1-7T63
- Solomon, George Edward (1953) Transonic
Flow Past Cone-Cylinders; 10.7907/DE4W-ZJ43
- Fernández, Raymond Caesar (1953) Use
of a Sampling Feedback System for Stabilization of Low Frequency
Oscillations in Liquid Monopropellant Rocket Motors; 10.7907/PZEC-N445
- Pardee, William McKnight (1953) Variation
of Burning Velocity with Pressure; 10.7907/C95P-BV39
- Pauw, Adrian (1952) A
Rational Design Procedure for Machine Foundations; 10.7907/MZVV-X944
- Vreeland, Thad (1952) A
Study of the Initiation of Yielding in Mild Steel; 10.7907/7ZK4-D555
- Robinson, Martin Samuel (1952) A Ten
Channel Statistical Analyzer for Use in Turbulence Research; 10.7907/3BGC-7N43
- Dixon, William Joseph (1952) An
Analysis of Errors in the Electric-Analog Computer; 10.7907/JZ9T-BA74
- Becker, Jack Lincoln (1952) An
Experimental Investigation of Ignition and Flame Stabilization in a
Turbulent Mixing Zone; 10.7907/BFQK-V510
- Acosta, Allan James (1952) An
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Two-Dimensional
Centrifugal Pump Impellers; 10.7907/159P-SA35
- Kauffman, Ralph J. (1952) An
Investigation of Creep in Light Metal Alloys; 10.7907/HB4M-3P19
- Woodward, Frank Arthur (1952) An
Investigation of the Effect of the Muzzle on the Motion of the
Projectile in a Recoilless Gun; 10.7907/928R-MD36
- Arbo, Paul Edward (1952) Burning
Rate for a Solid Propellant Ramjet Developing Constant Tthrust; 10.7907/31B3-3W28
- Gaibler, Richard (1952) Column
Creep of 75S-T6 Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/DTB9-Y232
- Buhler, Rolf Dietrich (1952) Condensation
of Air Components in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels: Theoretical Calculations
and Comparison with Experiment; 10.7907/0J8Q-9Z82
- Schroeder, Joseph Herman (1952) Effect
of Vibrational Excitation on the Theoretical Performance of the
Stoichiometric Carbon-Oxygen Propellant System; 10.7907/BGFA-6E97
- Arthur, Paul David (1952) Effects
of Impurities on the Supersaturation of Nitrogen in a Hypersonic Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/PBSD-2V70
- Dervishyan, Aram Ohannes (1952) Fatigue
Stress Concentration Studies on Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/4BCE-M652
- Holm, Robert Joseph (1952) I.
Integrated Intensity Measurements for Vibration-Rotation Bands of Carbon
Dioxide. II. Total Absorptivity Measurements on Carbon Dioxide at Room
Temperature; 10.7907/RN61-AX46
- Weinberg, Warren E. (1952) Initial
Motion of a Rocket Moving on a Stretched Cable; 10.7907/NY23-GR26
- MacCready, Paul Beattie (1952) Investigation
of Atmospheric Turbulence; 10.7907/F8AR-VH67
- Eriksen, George August (1952) Investigation
of Flame Velocities at Low Pressures; 10.7907/NGNK-YA29
- Nay, Harvey Orin (1952) Low
Speed Boundary Layer and Pressure Distribution Tests on a Family of
Swept Back Wings; 10.7907/29BY-XV92
- Wallace, Richard Earl (1952) Low-Speed
Investigation of a Double Wedge Airfoil with a Leading-Edge Slat; 10.7907/NJPD-HF21
- Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu (1952) On
Problems of Heat Conduction in a Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/G8DW-K988
- Roshko, Anatol (1952) On
the Development of Turbulent Wakes from Vortex Streets; 10.7907/4WDN-9807
- Luo, Peilin (1952) On
the Theory of Salient Pole Alternators with Electromagnet and with
Permanent Magnet Excitations; 10.7907/M0ZN-HQ87
- Mueller, Gregg (1952) Optimum
Range of a Wingless Rocket About a Rotating Earth; 10.7907/HHJS-QS62
- Parkin, Blaine Raphael (1952) Scale
Effects in Cavitating Flow; 10.7907/DWKE-J388
- Thatcher, Roland Churchill (1952) Short
Time Compressive Creep in 75S-T6 and 25S-T6 Aluminum Alloy Short
Columns; 10.7907/DFBM-7A50
- Cox, Dale William (1952) Stabilization
of a Bipropellant Liquid Rocket Motor; 10.7907/4SBW-M406
- Thiene, Paul George, Jr. (1952) Studies
on Absorptive Transitions Between Rotational Sublevels of Symmetric-Top
Molecules in a Static Electric Field; 10.7907/MS6H-6Z64
- Cheng, Che-Min (1952) Studies
on Thermal Stresses in Elastic Solids; 10.7907/06BJ-3W12
- Linderman, Robert Bruce (1952) The
Effect of pH on the Workability of Concrete; 10.7907/C141-5S39
- Grey, Jerry (1952) The
Effects of Air Condensation on Properties of Flow and their Measurement
in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels; 10.7907/HFHE-HR77
- Hartwig, Frederic William (1952) The
Evaporation Rate of Liquid Droplets in a Hot Gas; 10.7907/NY38-9J57
- Dergarabedian, Paul (1952) The
Rate of Growth of Vapor Bubbles in Superheated Water; 10.7907/M5Q9-M126
- Shapiro, Henry (1952) Transient
Response of a Multi-Frequency Reed Gage; 10.7907/1V1D-ET24
- Morgan, Antony John Andrew (1951) A
General Similarity Theory of Partial Differential Equations and its Use
in the Solution of Problems in Aeronautics; 10.7907/9142-KZ49
- Wylly, Alexander (1951) A
Second-Order Solution for an Oscillating, Two-Dimensional, Supersonic
Airfoil; 10.7907/YA8A-4R06
- Jensen, Arnold Axtell (1951) A
Slender Cone Starting Impulsively; 10.7907/19KD-1M64
- Monroe, Gerald Morgan (1951) A
Study of Compressible Perfect Fluid Motion in Turbomachines with
Infinitely Many Blades; 10.7907/HQD3-G406
- Solomon, Salim Sion (1951) An
Absolute Method for the Determination of the Noise Figure of Radio
Receivers; 10.7907/K3TT-0T85
- Norris, James Caspar (1951) An
Analysis of a Compound Pendulum Rocket Suspension; 10.7907/YDS1-JW02
- Bryson, Arthur Earl (1951) An
Experimental Investigation of Transonic Flow Past Two-Dimensional Wedge
and Circular Arc Sections Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer; 10.7907/S45R-FG17
- Walker, Donald Petrilla (1951) An
Experimental Investigations of the Oscillations of an Airfoil Near a
Sharp Velocity Gradient; 10.7907/5PMF-4R60
- Dankworth, Edwin George (1951) An
Investigation of the Effects of a Sharp Velocity Gradient of the
Flexure-Torsion Flutter Speed of an Airfoil; 10.7907/QBG8-G786
- Greenwood, Donald Theodore (1951) Analog
Methods of Nonlinear Vibration Analysis; 10.7907/0DNR-VB14
- Hughes, Richard Frank (1951) Analytical
Performance Study of Turbojet Cycle with Nearly Ideal Component
Efficiencies; 10.7907/Q2CP-J309
- Rosen, Harold Alvin (1951) Applications
of the Potential Analogy in Network Analysis; 10.7907/2249-6Z06
- Kendrick, James Benjamin (1951) Automatic
or Coupled Control Surfaces for Aircraft; 10.7907/CN1Q-P992
- Swanson, Wilbur Milton (1951) Complete
Characteristic Circle Diagrams for Turbomachinery; 10.7907/MVKX-4X51
- Lobdell, John Henry (1951) Determination
of Temperature in a Low Pressure Flame; 10.7907/MTQ1-K461
- Kaplun, Saul (1951) Dimensional
Analysis of the Inflation Process of Parachute Canopies; 10.7907/25MM-HY18
- Dhawan, Satish (1951) Direct
Measurements of Skin Friction; 10.7907/1S03-8631
- Holmquist, Carl Oreal (1951) Effect
of Small Variations of Parameters in the Turboprop Cycle; 10.7907/B34Z-JX85
- Ostrander, Max Howell (1951) Emissivity
Calculations for Carbon Monoxide; 10.7907/7DDZ-WA46
- Ellis, Harry McPhee (1951) Factors
Affecting the Rate of Dielectric Recovery of Power Arcs in Long
Gaps; 10.7907/KAYK-Z254
- Hipsh, Harold Marvin (1951) Harmonic
Oscillations of a Narrow Delta Wing in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/VRVK-HB35
- Rannie, William Duncan (1951) Heat
Transfer in Turbulent Shear Flow; 10.7907/9G0F-9R87
- Angelo, Raymond Louis (1951) I.
Experimental Determination of Selected Accommodation Coefficients. II.
Experimental Determination of the Heat of Iodine; 10.7907/1DD6-8B60
- Michelson, Irving (1951) I. On
the Dust Devils. II. Linearized Theory of Conical Turbomachines; 10.7907/PZKM-9280
- Bleviss, Zegmund Oscar (1951) Interference
Effects in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/YDMK-MS28
- Pounder, Edwin (1951) Investigation
of Blockage Effects on Circular Cylinders in a Two-Dimensional Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/1F84-BB81
- Davidson, Harold William (1951) Lift
Increase Obtained with Boundary Layer Suction on a 10% Double Wedge
Airfoil with a 20% Chord Leading and Trailing Edge Flaps; 10.7907/KPZ6-2V51
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1951) Mean-Speed
Measurements in Two-Dimensional, Incompressible, Fully-Developed
Turbulent Channel Flow; 10.7907/CGEH-Q720
- Lo, Shih-Chun (1951) Oscillating
Airfoil in Parallel Streams Separated by an Interface; 10.7907/HR3R-5994
- Struble, Arthur Dewey (1951) Preliminary
Design Study of a Centrifugal Jet Engine with a Supersonic
Propeller; 10.7907/SXBW-F552
- Steenson, Bernard Owen (1951) Radar
Methods for the Exploration of Glaciers; 10.7907/3YY8-XC87
- Stuart, Jay William (1951) Spectra
of the Velocity Fluctuations in the Wake of Stalled Airfoils; 10.7907/0DKR-ZG89
- Dixon, Howard Henry (1951) Stresses
and Deflections of Unswept and Swept Thin-Walled Beams; 10.7907/7D5X-ZN05
- Nielsen, Jack Norman (1951) Supersonic
Wing-Body Interference; 10.7907/E6Z2-SM31
- Lassen, Herbert Arthur (1951) The
Analytical Computation of Residual Thermal Stresses; 10.7907/XH09-8359
- Oswald, Telford Wilbert (1951) The
Influence of Variable Air Density and of Nonlinear Aerodynamic
Characteristics on Dynamic Behavior at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/VG6Q-C753
- Parkinson, Geoffrey Vernon (1951) Unit-Step
Motion of a Wide Delta-Wing; 10.7907/73TW-ZE47
- Barker, William Cyrus (1950) A
Formulation of the Problem of Distributed Vorticity in the Shock Wave
Boundary Layer Interaction process; 10.7907/H3PW-QF74
- Alperin, Morton (1950) A
Study of Detached Shock Waves in Two-Dimensions; 10.7907/NW30-HY03
- McClintock, Frank Ambrose (1950) A
Study of Single and Polycrystalline Ingot Iron Under Repeated
Stress; 10.7907/A49D-6315
- Barish, David Theodore (1950) Acoustical
Airspeed Indicators; 10.7907/FR7P-K372
- Scherer, Lee Richard (1950) Aerodynamic
Characteristics of a Wedge and Cone at Hypersonic Mach Numbers; 10.7907/29PE-XX71
- DeLauer, Richard Daniel (1950) Aerodynamic
Characteristics of a Wedge and Cone at Hypersonic Mach Numbers; 10.7907/rndh-4a17
- DeGroff, Harold Miller (1950) Aerodynamic
Forces on a Propeller in Non-Stationary Motion; 10.7907/DYT6-1W82
- Wechsler, Joseph Wolff (1950) An
Investigation of the Application of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method to the
Deflection of a Small Aspect Ratio Swept Plate of Uniform Thickness;
- Schurman, Glenn August (1950) An
Investigation of the Autoignition of a Combustible Mixture Due to the
Presence of a Heated Surface; 10.7907/3QCH-T047
- Welch, Frank (1950) Analysis
of an Inclined Thrust Axis as Applied to a Ramjet Propelled
Aircraft; 10.7907/T1QH-QJ51
- Rechtin, Eberhardt (1950) Application
of a New Technique for Radio Wave Propagation Study to Experimental
Confirmation of the Phase Characteristics of Norton’s Ground Wave
Propagation Theory; 10.7907/6M4E-4539
- Rowney, James Victor (1950) Application
of the Ram Jet to Vertical Ascent; 10.7907/DRA1-DS60
- Matzdorff, Roger Edward (1950) Castable
Plastics in Photoelastics Stress Analysis; 10.7907/1CAZ-4A36
- Shepherd, John Tyler (1950) Correlation
of Fatigue Data to Determine Stress Concentration Factors in 76S-T
Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/XMFM-KC84
- Kane, John Clarence (1950) Correlation
of Fatigue Data to Determine Stress Concentration Factors in 76s-T
Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/FHCF-VX77
- Martin, Harold Clifford (1950) Elastic
Instability of Cantilever Struts Under Combined Axial and Transverse
Forces at the Free End; 10.7907/F3YJ-3D63
- Oliver, Robert Norris (1950) Experimental
Determination of Accommodation Coefficients as Functions of Temperature
for Several Metals and Gases; 10.7907/MDBN-3R17
- Bryan, William Cleveland (1950) Experimental
Investigation of Detached Shock on a 70° Cone at Various Angles of
Attack; 10.7907/XAZW-8051
- Frick, Leo Francis (1950) Experimental
Investigation of Detached Shock on a 70° Cone at Various Angles of
Attack; 10.7907/D4TV-0W57
- Chase, Patrick Stanley (1950) Flexible
Plate Supersonic Wind Tunnel Flow Correction to Account for Plate
Elastic Properties; 10.7907/EC0T-P917
- Alford, Jack Leland (1950) Internal
Friction in Metals; 10.7907/J7H1-BJ17
- Schmidt, Louis Vincent (1950) Investigation
of Blockage Effects from Flow About Circular Cylinders in a
Two-Dimensional Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/1NSH-2G22
- Staros, Basil (1950) Investigation
of Effect of Energy Dissipation Behind a Detached Shock Wave on Total
Head Measurements; 10.7907/TQG5-4092
- Lurie, Harold (1950) Lateral
Vibrations as Related to Structural Stability; 10.7907/0P9M-XM21
- Adler, Fred Peter (1950) Measurement
of the Complex Conductivity of an Ionized Gas at Microwave
Frequencies; 10.7907/705A-3B21
- Froehlich, Jack Edward (1950) Non-Stationary
Motion of Purely Supersonic Wings; 10.7907/FCGZ-7P23
- Chuang, Feng-Kan (1950) On
the Statistical Theory of Turbulence; 10.7907/2TJM-BK44
- Li, Ting-Yi (1950) Periodic
Supersonic Motions of a Thin Wing of Finite Span; 10.7907/VZX8-E374
- Benscoter, Stanley Urner (1950) Secondary
Stresses in Thin-Walled Beams with Closed Cross-Sections; 10.7907/XKAT-E346
- Rasof, Bernard (1950) Supersonic
Source Flow Past Thin Air Foils; 10.7907/NCKK-3A63
- Crossley, Harry Eastwood (1950) The
Analogy Between Surface Shock Waves in a Liquid and Shocks in
Compressible Gases; 10.7907/grgr-zs89
- Ashkenas, Harry Israel (1950) The
Design and Construction of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Use with
the GALCIT Transonic Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/D0V1-MJ80
- Roney, Robert Kenneth (1950) The
Influence of Metal Grain Structure on the Attenuation of an Ultrasonic
Acoustic Wave; 10.7907/V3FK-SM37
- Chang, Chieh-Chien (1950) The
Linearized Wing Theory of the Supersonic Flow with the Karman’s Fourier
Integral Method; 10.7907/67DX-1V06
- Williams, Max Lea (1950) The
Plate Problem for a Cantilever Sector of Uniform Thickness; 10.7907/WFM9-RR55
- Geisberg, Ralph Lewis (1950) Transient
Analysis Methods for Determining the Longitudinal Stability Derivatives
of a Submerged Body from Free Flight Tests; 10.7907/H9NV-2777
- Brown, John R. (1949) A
Critical Study of Spin-Up Drag Loads on Aircraft Landing Gears; 10.7907/PDPG-ET80
- Quinlan, Patrick Michael (1949) A
Fourier Integral Approach to an Aeolotropic Medium; 10.7907/CTQV-V186
- Dwire, Oliver Scott (1949) A
Study of Pressure Drop in Helical Coils; 10.7907/GV93-7D64
- Van Dyke, Milton Denman (1949) A
Study of Second-Order Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/MMKH-KT11
- Blenkush, Philip George (1949) A
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of
High-Lift Devices on Supersonic Wings at Low Subsonic Speed; 10.7907/N6XA-GR06
- Francis, Donald Lowell (1949) An
Experimental Investigation of Blocking in a High-Speed, Closed Wind
Tunnel Using the Wall Pressure Method; 10.7907/V893-YJ92
- Weatherup, Robert Alexander (1949) An
Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Loss in Flow Through Helical
Coils; 10.7907/KZ8G-V819
- Bacon, John William (1949) An
Investigation of Blowing as a Method of Increasing the Maximum Lift of a
Double-Wedge Airfoil; 10.7907/NT63-HE54
- McKenney, John Dill (1949) An
Investigation of Flow Separation in an Overexpanded Supersonic
Nozzle; 10.7907/G1V3-A479
- Goebel, Thomas Parker (1949) An
Investigation of the Deformation of a 3S-O Sheet Specimen During Tensile
Failure; 10.7907/06BQ-R471
- Schurmeier, Harris McIntosh (1949) An
Investigation of the Interference Effects of a Sting Support System on
the Pressure Distribution over a Body of Revolution; 10.7907/H9SM-CM40
- Chandler, Ralph Stewart (1949) An
Investigation of the Stresses and Deflections of Swept Plates; 10.7907/WSRF-6S68
- Ogilvie, Douglas Clark (1949) Correlation
of Existing Design Information on Sandwich Construction; 10.7907/F4C5-0536
- Ford, Warren Woodrow (1949) Design
of a Six Component Internal Strain Gage Balance System; 10.7907/8DE6-1J31
- Bottenberg, William Robert (1949) Effect
of Reynolds Number on the Flow About a Finite Cone of 70 Degrees; 10.7907/PPKS-C120
- Garrett, Joseph (1949) Experimental
Deflection Survey of Cantilever Sectors of Uniform Thickness; 10.7907/YP13-NN87
- Henry, William Earl (1949) Experimental
Deflection Survey of Cantilever Sectors of Uniform Thickness; 10.7907/A463-DC95
- Pinkerton, Charles C. (1949) Experimental
Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Porous Copper; 10.7907/T9JD-BK76
- Clancy, Albert Harrison (1949) Experimental
Investigation of Pressure Drop in Helical Coils; 10.7907/Y2Z6-SG48
- Sabersky, Rolf Heinrich (1949) Experimental
and Theoretical Investigations on the General Flow Patterns in Axial
Flow Compressors; 10.7907/6H98-MT27
- Lamb, William Emerson (1949) Fatigue
Strength of Metal Sandwich Type Construction; 10.7907/YEGJ-XT59
- MacKinnon, Neil Allan (1949) Flow
Field Around a Finite Cone with Shock; 10.7907/XR4M-9R51
- Muirhead, Vincent Uriel (1949) Flow
Field Around a Finite Cone with Shock; 10.7907/7GMA-0V07
- Monroe, Gerald Morgan (1949) Higher
Order Approximate Solutions for the Flow in Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/8BJW-AE38
- McElligott, Richard Hardy (1949) Investigation
of Pressure Drop Through Helical Coils; 10.7907/0S5A-NH14
- Head, Richard Moore (1949) Investigations
of Spontaneous Condensation Phenomena; 10.7907/06R8-C778
- Marx, Michael Ferdinand (1949) Low
Speed Wind Tunnel Investigation of High Lift Devices on a 65° Swept-Back
Supersonic Wing of 3.44 Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/2B48-J790
- Thomas, John William (1949) Low
Speed Wind Tunnel Investigation of High Lift Devices on a 65° Swept-Back
Supersonic Wing of 3.44 Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/TYRW-TZ93
- Peterson, Norman Charles (1949) Noncircular
Fuselages in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/JCZX-0749
- Dhawan, Satish (1949) On
the Design and Use of a Flexible Nozzle for the GALCIT Transonic Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/ESYY-5P20
- Cole, Julian David (1949) Problems
in Transonic Flow; 10.7907/QS66-WA09
- Cooley, James Siggins (1949) Reversed
Bending Fatigue Properties of 25 S-T, 75 S-T, and 76 S-T Aluminum
Alloys; 10.7907/HNFP-NB63
- Schneider, Arthur John Rudolph (1949) Some
Compressibility Effects in Cavitation Bubble Dynamics; 10.7907/C2VH-HM56
- Mandelbrot, Benoit B. (1949) Some
Potential Problems Arising in the Theory of Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/QGD5-YD25
- Burke, James Donahue (1949) Sounding
Rocket Performances Analysis; 10.7907/XW5Q-1Y06
- Teig, Vernon Ellwood (1949) Stress
Distribution in Two Intersecting Cylinders Under Pressure; 10.7907/9QC1-C818
- Harmon, Leonard Edward (1949) Stress,
Distribution in Two Circular Cylinders Intersecting at Right Angles
Under the Influence of Internal Pressure; 10.7907/RMGJ-1S84
- Benitez, Louis Eugenio (1949) Studies
of Radiant Heat Transfer from Pure Gases; 10.7907/EG68-PD69
- Ismail, Hassan Mohamed (1949) Study
of Suspended Sediment in Closed Channels; 10.7907/FR64-QE92
- Benezra, Joseph Nissim (1949) Supersonic
Flow in a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Channel; 10.7907/GYFS-PN59
- Gompf, George Edward (1949) Supersonic
Nozzle Design for Viscous Fluids; 10.7907/R422-S076
- Puckett, Allen Emerson (1949) Supersonic
Wave Drag of Thin Airfoils; 10.7907/HYJJ-3241
- Mettler, Ruben Fred (1949) The
Anemometric Application of an Electrical Glow Discharge in Transverse
Air Streams; 10.7907/RTBA-4692
- Bevernick, Richard Alexander (1949) The
Effect of Reynolds Number on the Flow Field About a 70° Cone; 10.7907/FGSF-5183
- Ringness, William Merritt (1949) The
Effect of Surface Roughness upon 25 ST Aluminum Alloy Subjected to
Repeated Tensile Stresses Above the Proportional Limit; 10.7907/WH57-T868
- Hardy, Donald James (1949) The
Effect of Surface Roughness upon 25 ST Aluminum Alloy Subjected to
Repeated Tensile Stresses Above the Proportional Limit; 10.7907/Q6A7-1796
- Wood, David Shotwell (1949) The
Influence of Stress and Temperature upon the Time to Initiate Plastic
Deformation in an Annealed Low Carbon Steel; 10.7907/5355-1Z24
- MacNeal, Richard Henri (1949) The
Solution of Partial Differential Equations by Means of Electrical
Networks; 10.7907/PZ04-5290
- Morikawa, George Kiyoshi (1949) The
Wing-Body Problem for Linearized Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/PJZP-YG35
- Nagamatsu, Henry Takeshi (1949) Theoretical
Investigation of Detached Shock Waves; 10.7907/HW36-ZP15
- Densmore, James Edward (1949) Wind
Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of High Lift
Devices on Supersonic Wings at Low Subsonic Speed; 10.7907/Z0Y9-J658
- Shonerd, David Edwin (1949) Winged
Rocket Performance Analysis; 10.7907/34ZH-KG02
- Begovich, Nicholas Anthony (1948) A
Contribution to the Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tubes; 10.7907/jv0b-2n11
- Altseimer, John H. (1948) An
Experimental Investigation of Detached Shock Waves; 10.7907/W6SF-EG14
- Amster, Warren (1948) An
Investigation into the Effects of Running Propellers on the Static
Longitudinal Stability of Multi-Engine Tractor-Propeller-Driven
Monoplanes; 10.7907/VMA6-2G04
- Marschner, Bernard Walter (1948) An
Investigation of Detached Shock Waves
- Chuan, Raymond Lu-Po (1948) An
Investigation of Vortex Shedding as Related to the Self-Excited
Torsional Oscillation of an Airfoil; 10.7907/6JQH-FS81
- Imster, Harry Frederick and Lesko, James Steven (1948) Axially
Symmetric Laminar Compressible Boundary Layers with Pressure
Gradient; 10.7907/HFMY-CY49
- Chapman, Dean Roden (1948) Base
Pressure at Supersonic Velocities; 10.7907/F2ZC-4B47
- Slater, Mervin Otis (1948) Calculation
of Enthalpy-Entropy Diagrams for Rocket Propellant Systems; 10.7907/J89N-WK27
- White, Richard Street (1948) Calculation
of Enthalpy-Entropy Diagrams for Rocket Propellant Systems; 10.7907/PGDK-YH67
- DeGroff, Harold M. (1948) Calculation
of the Optimum Pitch Distribution of a Propeller with Sweepback; 10.7907/6PJQ-Q596
- Davis, Thomas V. (1948) Design
of a Large Water Tunnel; 10.7907/H8HZ-D718
- Gasich, Welko Elton (1948) Downwash
Distribution Behind a Wing with an Angle of Attack Discontinuity at
Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/GGC8-CN80
- Kyropoulos, Peter Rudolf (1948) Dynamic
Effects on the Gas Exchange Process in Two Stroke Cycle Engines; 10.7907/EDNA-1J88
- Fung, Yuan-cheng (1948) Elastostatic
and Aereolastic Problems Relating to Thin Wings of High Speed
Airplanes; 10.7907/JK8Q-RH35
- Srinivasan, Natesan (1948) Higher
Order Approximations for Transonic Flow Over Slender Bodies; 10.7907/8HMA-7V02
- Trilling, Leon (1948) Investigation
into the Flow of a Viscous Heat Conducting Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/14DR-5V68
- Miller, Herman (1948) Investigation
of Errors Obtained with Reflection-Plane Mounted Models Due to End Plate
Tares; 10.7907/V2HD-F021
- Laufer, John (1948) Investigation
of Turbulent Flow in a Two-Dimensional Channel; 10.7907/6ZYC-HJ88
- Smith, Josiah E. (1948) Investigations
of the Aerodynamic Interactions Between Wind Tunnel Models and their
Support Systems at the GALCIT Ten Foot Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/P2JE-8W83
- Williams, Max L. (1948) Maximum
Stress in a Cylindrical Bar of Double Wedge Cross Section Under
Torsion; 10.7907/52Z6-WX56
- Wilts, Charles Harold (1948) Measurements
of the Ratio of Charge to Mass of Free Electrons Using a Resonant
Cavity; 10.7907/4HDY-1E79
- Wheldon, Wilbert Gayton (1948) Method
for Estimating Downwash Behind Swept Airfoils; 10.7907/67D0-3C95
- Seager, Donald Barstow (1948) Operational
Flight Testing; 10.7907/21B0-X909
- Murphy, Walter Patrick (1948) Performance
Calculations of Rocket Tripropellant Systems; 10.7907/ER6J-8M16
- Sims, William Edward (1948) Performance
Calculations of Rocket Tripropellant Systems; 10.7907/QT2H-WD21
- Nelson, Conrad Nathaniel (1948) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24-ST Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/V6ZX-5G92
- Joga Rao, Chintakindi Venkata (1948) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24st Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/V8T5-YS83
- Lampert, Seymour (1948) Rolling
Moment Due to Yaw of Flat Wings of Trapezoidal Planform at Supersonic
Speeds; 10.7907/HDT1-PR91
- Marble, Frank Earl (1948) Some
Problems Concerning the Rotational Motion of a Perfect Fluid; 10.7907/2JGF-0Z67
- Wunch, William Stuart (1948) Studies
of the Double-Wedge and Biconvex Airfoils in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/BSMQ-5177
- Magnus, Richard Jeffrey (1948) Study
of Vortex Shedding as Related to Torsional Oscillations of a Thin
Airfoil; 10.7907/NAKT-DG24
- Buhler, Rolf Dietrich (1948) Supersonic
Flow Through Cascades, with Application to Diffusers; 10.7907/FJEG-RM29
- Paul, Charles Craig (1948) The
Design of a Multipurpose Chair for Children; 10.7907/hrn6-ym94
- Swan, Walter Charles (1948) The
Influence of Nozzle Design on the Flight Performance of Rocket Vehicles,
with an Analysis of the Results of Jet Separation; 10.7907/1T89-B949
- Pritchard, Ernest I. (1948) Upwash
and Sidewash Induced by Certain Control Surfaces in a Supersonic
Flow; 10.7907/HK5H-NH60
- Jensen, Arnold Axtell and Koerner, Warren Gottlieb (1948) Wind
Tunnel Investigation of a Supersonic Tailless Airplane at Low Subsonic
Speed; 10.7907/KFRK-AF65
- Trilling, Leon (1947) A
Problem in Potential Flow with a Free Surface; 10.7907/CA87-ZG47
- Pollock, Albert David and Reck, Floyd Francis (1947) A
Study of Methods to Increase the Lift of Supersonic Airfoils at Low
Speeds; 10.7907/J3NG-DD26
- Ponsford, Henry Thomas (1947) A
Study of Some Problems Affecting the Design of Wings for Transonic
Aircraft; 10.7907/3HNE-5E94
- Swatta, Frank Albert (1947) A
Study of the Effect of Vertical Sand Drains as a Means for the Rapid
Consolidation of Soils of Low Permeability; 10.7907/FB0G-N523
- Soli, Orlan Alton and Ditch, William Earl (1947) A
Study of the Effects of Rapidly Applied Loads and Repeated Loads on
Countersunk Riveted Joints; 10.7907/WEWA-8A78
- Clarke, Fredric B. and Sappington, Merrill Homer (1947) A
Study of the Ignition Lag of Spontaneous Rocket Propellants; 10.7907/GV68-3M37
- O’Meara, Donald John and Andrews, Clyde Cecil (1947) A
Study of the Temperature Gradients of Gases Flowing Through Heated
Porous Metal; 10.7907/WNFK-V169
- Ballhaus, William Francis (1947) Aerodynamic
and Geometric Parameters Affecting Aircraft Weight; 10.7907/T60T-F120
- Heller, William Edwin (1947) An
Analysis of the Stresses in the Wall Slab of a Counterforted Retaining
Wall; 10.7907/abs5-th87
- Mullane, Leo Wayne (1947) An
Apparatus for the Study of the Turbulent Diffusion Flame; 10.7907/DW7B-DN61
- Griffing, Charles W.; Wilburn, William Clarence; et al. (1947) An
Application of the Method of Characteristics to Axially Symmetric
Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/GTHG-VM56
- Harris, Robert Blynn (1947) An
Investigation in the Reduction of Tabulated Loads for Bolted Joints
Fabricated of Green Douglas Fir; 10.7907/4D9Y-VF55
- Sanders, Lewis B. (1947) An
Investigation of Inspection Criteria for Countersunk Rivets; 10.7907/X2ZV-8G18
- Deodati, Joseph Benjamin and Monteath, Edward Berlendis (1947) An
Investigation of the Round Jet in a Moving Air Sstream; 10.7907/8QPZ-RY03
- Amster, Warren (1947) Calculation
of the Static Longitudinal Stability of Multi-Engine
Tractor-Propeller-Driven Monoplanes; 10.7907/P9X7-WM80
- Tangren, Robert Fulton (1947) Correction
of Ramjet Experimental Data; 10.7907/291V-BB68
- Reiserer, Russell Lawrence and Barden, Kenneth Perrin (1947) Design
and Test of a Rocket Motor Expansion Joint; 10.7907/CM3Y-6453
- Burger, Glenn William and Daniels, Jerry Forest (1947) Design
of an Instrument for Measuring the True Vertical Velocity of an Airplane
at Moment of Contact in Landing; 10.7907/R4C9-D634
- Cole, Charles Willard and Levitt, Bernard Barclay (1947) Design
of an Instrument for Measuring the True Vertical Velocity of an Airplane
at Moment of Contact in Landing; 10.7907/55P1-6Z07
- Anderson, Roy Gene; Rush, Charles Wesley; et al. (1947) Development
of a Hydroduct; 10.7907/7PWR-0P18
- Whitmore, Quentin Robert (1947) Experimental
Investigation of Temperature and Velocity Distribution About a Rocket
Jet; 10.7907/SN1E-KS25
- Collins, Hugh L. H. (1947) Experimental
Study of the Burning Rates of Some Solid Propellants by Using a Closed
Bomb; 10.7907/EFSF-XG74
- Goodwin, Walter Hardenbroecke (1947) Formation
and Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in Metals as Affected by Overstressing
and Understressing; 10.7907/j4pg-se71
- Bowie, James Monfort and Huestis, Gerald Stephen (1947) Gas
Generation by Chemical Reaction for Pressurizing Liquid Rocket
Propellants; 10.7907/7T6E-3D20
- Corrsin, Stanley (1947) I.
Extended Applications of the Hotwire Anemometer. II. Investigations of
the Flow in Round, Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/NB53-K411
- Kirkwood, Thomas Frederick (1947) Integral
Methods Applied to a Compressible Boundary Layer on an Insulated Flat
Plate Parallel to the Wind; 10.7907/ERYV-B305
- Heppe, R. Richard (1947) Investigation
of a Variable Geometry Supersonic Diffuser; 10.7907/WYNA-G323
- Durup, Paul Christian and Weisenberg, Joseph Oscar (1947) Lateral
Stability of Thin Tapered Struts; 10.7907/FGGF-0080
- Cole, Julian David (1947) On
the Transonic Flow Past Thin Airfoils; 10.7907/7YQN-9C32
- Rice, Harold Egbert (1947) Performance
Calculations of New Propellant Systems; 10.7907/VJT1-6602
- Bull, Edward George and Mastin, Robert L. (1947) Repeated
Loads Above the Proportional Limit on 24ST Aluminum Alloy; 10.7907/BN3E-8T35
- Fossier, Mike Walter and Small, John (1947) Supersonic
Wind Tunnel Tests of Two Rocket Propelled Projectile Models; 10.7907/71EK-W641
- Dore, Frank John (1947) The
Design of Tailless Airplanes; 10.7907/0RZ6-EV10
- Palmer, George Marshall (1947) The
Downwash Distribution Behind a Delta Wing at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3VWX-XE20
- Schamberg, Richard (1947) The
Fundamental Differential Equations and the Boundary Conditions for High
Speed Slip-Flow, and their Application to Several Specific Problems;
- Weldon, Thomas Franklin (1947) The
Performance of a Supersonic Airplane; 10.7907/T271-MK09
- Marble, Frank Earl (1947) The
Rotational Motion of an Ideal Fluid and Application to the
Three-Dimensional Flow Through Axial Turbomachinery; 10.7907/CJJR-H730
- Satterfield, Loys Malcolm and Wheatley, John Paul (1947) Theoretical
Investigation of Acceleration of a Turbojet Engine; 10.7907/N3NM-X518
- Hoffman, Charles Calvin and Gillette, Edmond Stephen (1946) A
Study of Porous Metal Cooling; 10.7907/PF1D-8T69
- Olsen, Leslie Richard (1946) A
Theoretical Investigation of a Method of Increasing the Performance of
Rocket Propellants for Use in Torpedoes by the Injection of Water;
- Parker, James Frederick; Anderson, John Berwick; et al. (1946) An
Investigation of the Effects of the Sudden Extension of a Dive-Recovery
Flap on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Symmetrical Airfoil in Two
Dimensional Flow; 10.7907/DJD3-KV06
- Browning, Frank Horace and Mcconnaughhay, ]ames William (1946) Conditions
for Choking in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber with Eddying Pressure
Losses; 10.7907/BC2C-0A22
- Winson, Jonathan (1946) Motion
of an Unarticulated Helicopter Blade with Application to the Problem of
Vibration of the Rigid Rotor Helicopter; 10.7907/WBDG-XG02
- Kleiss, Norman Jack and Kerkering, Stanley William (1946) Some
Studies of Expansion Rings in Rocket Motors; 10.7907/CD3E-ZE50
- Halvorson, George Grandchamp and Sledge, Edward Cress (1946) Studies
on the Performance of a Rocket Propelled Orbiting Missile; 10.7907/Z8SA-3358
- Morelli, Dino Anthony (1946) Some
Contributions to the Theory of the Stiffened Suspension Bridge; 10.7907/ZAVX-HG34
- Jamele, Patrick Robert and Lewis, Charles Hadley (1946) 3000
Dynamic Meter Ideal Charts Corresponding to the Ideal Surface Types for
Zones 3 and 4: Progress Report; 10.7907/e9qp-1k67
- Dowd, Mudson White (1946) An
Analysis to Determine the Safe Yield of the Water Resources of San Diego
County, California; 10.7907/43s7-be59
- Charyk, Joseph Vincent (1946) Condensation
Phenomena in Supersonic Flows; 10.7907/RSQH-W442
- Weitzenfeld, Daniel Kehr; Trauger, Robert James; et al. (1946) The
Effect of Dive Recovery Flaps on the Lift of a Two Dimensional
Symmetrical Airfoil with Changes in Chordwise Location of the Flaps;
- Gibson, Charles Edward; Knapp, Elton Lewis; et al. (1945) A
Report on Increasing the Thrust of a Turbojet Engine by Combustion of
Fuel in the The Tail Pipe; 10.7907/1HM4-J830
- Hege, Jeremiah Collins and Goebel, Thomas Parker (1945) An
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Lip on the Column Strength
of Rolled Sheet Zee and Angle Sections; 10.7907/HM7P-CK04
- Leydon, John Koebig and Miller, Walter Bernard (1945) An
Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Effects at High Mach Numbers; 10.7907/HNBB-CK44
- Lancaster, Otis Ewing (1945) Combustion
Gas Turbine for Airplanes; 10.7907/82FF-C054
- Fejér, Andrej (Andrew) (1945) Lifting
Line Theory in Linearly Varying Flow; 10.7907/EJJN-XF31
- Levy, Charles Nathaniel (1945) Self-Excited
Torsional Oscillations of an Arfoil; 10.7907/0HEH-TC15
- Daily, James Wallace (1945) The
Hydrodynamic Forces and the High Frequency Noise Resulting from
Cavitation on Underwater Bodies; 10.7907/5S51-F383
- Kuo, Yung-Huai (1945) Two-Dimensional
Irrotational Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid
and the Upper Critical Mach Number; 10.7907/D9ME-DD61
- Denison, Frank G. (1944) A
Method of Performance Analysis for Sailing Vessels; 10.7907/3697-3Y49
- Boehnlein, Charles Thompson (1944) Aerodynamic
Theory of the Oscillating Wing-Aileron of Finite Span; 10.7907/KJZ7-FG07
- Baranowski, John J. and Seiler, Dayton A. (1944) An
Investigation of a Method of Underwater Propulsion by Direct Gas
Injection; 10.7907/XDF1-M512
- Chambers, Lester S.; Doll, Raymond. E.; et al. (1944) An
Investigation of the Effects of Angle of Attack and Airfoil Model Size
on the Occurrence of Shock Waves in a Two Dimensional Wind Tunnel;
- Ours, Statton Ray and Jackson, William Gauss (1944) An
Investigation of the Effects of Weight Geometry and Time in Repeated
Tension Impact Testing; 10.7907/G8NX-JD54
- Zarem, A. Mordecai (1944) I.
The Explosion of Ether-Air Mixtures by Electric Sparks. II. The Dynamic
Resistance of a Spark; 10.7907/WRM8-4W23
- Dixon, Howard Henry (1944) Investigation
of Design Criteria of Stiffened Wood Curved Panels; 10.7907/HJ3Y-3F83
- Lin, Chia-Chiao (1944) On
the Development of Turbulence; 10.7907/ZF3F-AN21
- Miles, John Wilder (1944) The
Analysis of Discontinuities in Cylindrical Tubes Propagating Sound
Waves; 10.7907/58H4-E268
- Dunn, William C. and Furer, Albert B. (1944) The
Quantitative Effect of a Flexible Fuselage on the Symmetric Torsional
Modes of the Wings of a Large Airplane; 10.7907/H4PK-H195
- Lee, Edwin Samuel and Sterling, Cedric Warren (1943) A
Correlation of Repeated Tension Impact Tests with Other Tension Tests of
17ST Duralumin; 10.7907/VP8E-Q282
- Hanger, Willard Muirhead (1943) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Elliptical and Modified
Cutouts in Flat Panels Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear; 10.7907/6M05-2809
- Sweeney, William Edward and Bridgland, Edgar Parsons (1943) Investigation
of Design Criteria of Stiffened Wooden Panels; 10.7907/4YVN-3R91
- Hayes, Wallace Dean (1943) Some
Investigations in the Buckling of Thin Rods; 10.7907/2G6H-SH82
- Zebb, George Keirn (1943) Technique
of Measuring Transverse Components of Velocity Fluctuations in Turbulent
Flow; 10.7907/H56H-BX29
- Kane, Richard Francis and Kelley, Edward Frederick (1943) The
Theory, Design and Performance of a Two Dimensional High Speed,
Induction Type Wind-Tunnel; 10.7907/S53W-ST96
- Gibbons, Robert Martin and Dill, Douglas Gordon (1942) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Elliptical and Modified
Cutouts in Flat Panels Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear; 10.7907/36WR-QZ84
- Kiergan, Nova Babb and Tomamichel, Jack Jones (1942) A
Study of Flutter in One Degree of Freedom; 10.7907/NX9K-JT57
- Olsen, Carl Baker and Brown, Sheldon Willis (1942) A
Study of the Effects of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain
Metals Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/RXJQ-C567
- Schwarzenbach, Jean Christophe (1942) Calibration
of the Merrill-G.A.L.C.I.T. Wind-Tunnel, and a Suggestion for a Variable
Cross-Section on a Small High-Speed Wind-Tunnel; 10.7907/PGWH-E460
- Corrsin, Stanley (1942) Decay
of Turbulence Behind Three Similar Grids; 10.7907/GXRW-6609
- Williams, Edgar Purell (1942) Fuselage
and Nacelle Effects on Airplanes as Determined by a Statistical Study of
Data from the GALCIT 10-Foot Tunnel; 10.7907/WY13-WD59
- Hudson, Donald Ellis (1942) Internal
Friction in Metals; 10.7907/Z2V9-C551
- Goode, John Edward (1942) Maneuverability;
- Wouk, Victor (1942) Static
Electricity Generated During the Distribution of Gasolene; 10.7907/9HN9-EE76
- Shevell, Richard Shepherd (1942) The
Design and Testing of an Aerodynamic Model of a High Speed Wind
Tunnel; 10.7907/DPNP-VP27
- Yuan, Shao Wen (1942) Thin
Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Various Types of Concentrated Loads;
- Tyra, Thomas Donald and Hollister, William Wallace (1941) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Cutouts in Panels Subject to
Shear and Bending; 10.7907/Q4B3-CJ36
- Roudebush, Bert Victor (1941) A
Study of Heat Transfer by Turbulence; 10.7907/7g1q-mx90
- Tiemann, Cordes Fredrich and Miller, Joseph Alfred, Jr. (1941) A
Study of the Type “B” Weather Situations; 10.7907/rkrn-q242
- Ashworth, Thomas and Dilworth, John Andrew (1941) An
Analytical Approach to the Problem of Longitudinal Stability of Flying
Boats in the Planing Conditions; 10.7907/AP1X-DP12
- Wetmore, William Owen (1941) An
Investigation of Some Silver Alloy Steels; 10.7907/v2ch-sj29
- Cobb, Charles Lewis (1941) An
Investigation of the Deflection Curve for a Pile Due to a Horizontal
- Housner, George William (1941) An
Investigation of the Effects of Earthquakes on Buildings; 10.7907/CTJR-HD62
- Ellsworth, Richard Elmer and Shores, Von Roy, Jr. (1941) Classification
of 1937 Synoptic Charts and Type “A” Synoptic Situations; 10.7907/wpe9-j350
- Kolb, Louis Lawrence (1941) Cold
Wave Phenomena : a 16 mm. Kodachrome Motion Picture of Clouds,
Miniatures, and Weather Maps; 10.7907/0zv6-2r53
- Damberg, Carl Fillmore and Dane, Paul Howard (1941) Design
Study Of Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Installation on the YO-55 (ERCOUPE)
Airplane with an Analysis of Performance and Flight Characteristics;
- McCoy, Howard Monroe and Longfelder, Harlowe Julius (1941) Discussion
of Two Specialized Aircraft Propeller Problems; 10.7907/9YND-4B66
- Hales, James Vern (1941) Hourly
Variation of the Total Insolation Incident Since Sunrise by Months for
the Northern Hemisphere; 10.7907/x1aa-3826
- Hill, Preston Louis and Smith, Herman Walton (1941) Micro-Photographic
Record of Weather Maps; 10.7907/W9X0-6A94
- Hubbard, Jack M. (1941) Pressure
as a Factor in the Prediction of Fog Formation; 10.7907/dasg-d125
- Bell, Richard William and Storms, Harrison Allen (1941) Some
Aspects of the Effects of Propeller Operation on the Static Longitudinal
Stability of an Airplane; 10.7907/A8D1-2071
- Caldwell, Norman Hubert and Oder, Frederic Carl Emil (1941) The
Effect of Frontal Passages on Flight Restrictions at the Chicago, Omaha
and Kansas City Terminals; 10.7907/82ey-9d50
- Lapin, Ellis (1941) The
Effect of Gunfire on the Longitudinal Motion of an Airplane; 10.7907/GQG7-6C62
- Griffis, LeVan (1941) The
Influence of the Rate of Deformation on the Strength of Materials in
Tension; 10.7907/p0k1-8035
- Fleming, Robert Ernst (1941) The
Mechanical and Nomographic Solution of RAOB and APOB Data; 10.7907/dt2n-vj73
- Fischer, Charles Fink (1941) The
Performance of Jet Propelled Space Vehicles; 10.7907/HFY8-KW92
- Stone, William Welch, Jr. and Weir, Gordon Bruce (1941) The
Preparation of Monthly Streamlined Charts; 10.7907/ybrt-x588
- Carlmark, Carl Wilbert and Whitfield, Hervey Haydon (1941) Types
and Cycles of Summer Weather; 10.7907/143t-fb38
- Moyers, Frank Neff (1940) A
Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Pressure Distributions at
High Speed About the N.A.C.A. 4412 Airfoil; 10.7907/YTRV-NM88
- Gentner, William Ellis and Biglow, James Otis (1940) A
Study of the Effect of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain Metals
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/93VQ-ED36
- Fischer, Harold S. (1940) An
Application of Matrix Methods to Wing Theory; 10.7907/E1VN-SQ19
- Van Driest, Edward Reginald (1940) An
Experimental Investigation of Turbulence Mixing as a Factor in the
Transportation of Sediment in Open Channel Flow; 10.7907/NPRA-FT23
- Koch, Walter Louis (1940) An
Experimental Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Interference on Rolling
and Yawing Moments Due to Deflected Ailerons; 10.7907/MN6W-EB71
- Dunn, Louis Gerhardus (1940) An
Investigation of Sheet-Stiffener Panels Subjected to Compression Loads
with Particular Reference to Torsionally Weak Stiffeners; 10.7907/84RM-ZH50
- Powell, Walter Brown (1940) An
Investigation of Some Problems in the Design of Tailless Airplanes;
- Harrison, Arthur Elliot (1940) Cathode
Beam Behavior in a High Speed Oscillograph; 10.7907/ptan-cr41
- Malina, Frank Joseph (1940) Characteristics
of the Rocket Motor and Flight Analyses of the Sounding Rocket; 10.7907/MF80-9W14
- Nagamatsu, Henry Takeshi (1940) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/FNQF-4Q12
- Vanoni, Vito August (1940) Experiments
on the Transportation of Suspended Sediment by Water; 10.7907/CYT2-W932
- Pai, Shih-I (1940) On
Turbulent Flow Between Rotating Cylinders; 10.7907/6VD9-HY80
- Hsu, Chang-Pen (1940) Propagation
of Electromagnetic Waves Inside a Cylindrical Metal Tube and Along Other
Types of Guides; 10.7907/PE3J-AP78
- Cabell, John Bell and Gant, Edward Victor (1940) Skewed
Rigid Frame Bridge; 10.7907/m5y6-hd75
- Kybal, Dalimil (1940) The
Aileron Influence on Wing Flutter; 10.7907/46zn-zn97
- Byrne, Ralph Edward (1940) The
Analysis of Stresses in a Thin Cylindrical Shell of Circular
Cross-Section; 10.7907/4542-J330
- Belsley, Steven Eric (1940) The
Determination of Two Parameters Dealing with Power-On Stability for a
Model with Right Hand Propellers; 10.7907/RPDT-VM86
- Stewart, Homer Joseph (1940) The
Effect of Shear Instability on the Transverse Circulation in the
Atmosphere; 10.7907/1FW3-YN51
- Sparks, Brian Orville (1940) The
Effects of Vertical Gusts on an Elastic Wing; 10.7907/20SK-0031
- Fredrick, Joseph Louis (1940) The
Failure of Thin-Walled Semi-Elliptical Cylinders Under Torsion; 10.7907/31X1-Q070
- Hatton, George Anthony (1940) The
Longitudinal Stability of a Flying-Boat in the Planing Condition as
Computed from Tank Test Data of a Hull Model; 10.7907/JR58-MH75
- Oliver, Bernard More (1940) The
Measurement of Dielectric Losses at a Frequency of One Hundred
Megacycles per Second; 10.7907/TW6X-AB09
- Pullen, Keats A., Jr. (1939) A
New Design AC-DC Measuring Instrument; 10.7907/cpa2-9290
- Fan, Hsu-Tsi (1939) A
Study of “Shear Lag” Phenomenon in a Stiffened Flat Panel by
Photoelastic Methods; 10.7907/WANC-TP12
- Beardsley, George Francis and Coates, Leonidas Dixon (1939) A
Study of the Effect of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain Metals
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/R4GM-7G81
- Wang, Tsun-Kuei (1939) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Distribution of Maximum Shearing
Stresses in a Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/A1JY-DH94
- Jackson, Andrew McBurney and Parish, Elliott Walter (1939) An
Investigation of Forced Flexural Torsional Oscillations of a Wing and
the Phenomenon of Flutter; 10.7907/V7TP-Q228
- Lombard, Albert Eaton (1939) An
Investigation of the Conditions for the Occurrence of Flutter in
Aircraft and the Development of Criteria for the Prediction and
Elimination of Such Flutter; 10.7907/80H8-TB52
- Kanemitsu, Sunao and Nojima, Noble M. (1939) Axial
Compression Test of Thin Circular Cylinders. A. Length Effect. B. Visual
Study of Buckling; 10.7907/HBZ9-MZ48
- Atsumi, John Shoichi (1939) Correlation
and Decay of Turbulence Produced by Various Grids in a Wind Tunnel;
- Sheppard, Herbert Ramsey and Carrick, Harry Hall, Jr. (1939) Experimental
Determination of Pressure Distribution Under a Combined Footing; 10.7907/qrds-yr03
- Tsubota, George Yoshio (1939) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/ZDZH-Y940
- Piper, Clark Neil (1939) Experimental
Investigation of the Profile Drag and Boundary Layer of a Wing Section
During Free Flight and in the Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/DSRZ-HZ95
- Knoblock, Frederick Delbridge (1939) Investigations
on the Applications of the Hot Wire Anemometer for Turbulence
Measurements; 10.7907/DKG6-T043
- Tsien, Hsue Shen (1939) Problems
in Motion of Compressible Fluids and Reaction Propulsion; 10.7907/2698-R671
- Christensen, Nephi Albert (1939) Some
Aspects of Gully Development, Classification and Control; 10.7907/ag6k-9d93
- Budenholzer, Roland Anthony (1939) Some
Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbon Mixtures; 10.7907/nrwe-sb95
- Howland, Walter Lavern (1939) Strength
of Thin-Walled Elliptical Cylinders Supported at the Minor Axis; 10.7907/KQK7-V396
- Serrell, Peter Van Horne (1939) The
Design of a Remote Reading Extensometer; 10.7907/FDWF-JQ52
- McCann, Gilbert Donald (1939) The
Impulse Characteristics of Oil Gaps from the Standpoint of Insulation
Coordination; 10.7907/TBA2-0272
- Schairer, Robert Sorg (1939) Unsymmetrical
Lift Distributions on a Stalled Monoplane Wing; 10.7907/3WX9-JZ33
- Gringorten, Irving I. (1939) Upper
Wind Components and Forecasting; 10.7907/4s8z-st73
- Ashkenas, Irving Louis and Smith, Robert Beaton (1939) Wind
Tunnel Model Tests to Investigate the Effects of Boundary Layer
Control; 10.7907/FE14-GP68
- Bell, Willard Newton and Bussey, John Kenneth (1938) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Distribution of Shearing Stresses in a
Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/9JFS-SF60
- Smith, Apollo Milton Olin (1938) A
Preliminary Study of the Problem of Boundary Layer Control; 10.7907/STNT-3N37
- Sears, William Rees (1938) A
Systematic Presentation of the Theory of Thin Airfoils in Non-Uniform
Motion; 10.7907/EM5X-CZ66
- Mechling, Wallace Bristol and Jack, Samuel Sloan (1938) An
Evaluation of the Tension Impact Test by Correlation With the Physical
Properties of Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/7XWB-QP81
- Dunn, Louis Gerhardus (1938) An
Experimental Investigation of the Stresses in Extruded Sections Commonly
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/9FAV-3513
- Morse, Charles Adelbert (1938) Concrete
Mix Design : A Summary; 10.7907/ab53-yv81
- Rader, Louis Telemacus (1938) Dielectric
Recovery of Short A-C Arcs Between High-Boiling-Point Electrodes; 10.7907/BXYB-0G14
- Butterworth, Wesley Theodore (1938) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/C57T-2C92
- Putt, Donald Leander (1938) Experimental
Investigation of the Thickness of the Boundary Layer and the Location of
the Transitional Region Along a Wing Section; 10.7907/ZZVX-7082
- Huang, Hsia-Chien (1938) Frontogenetic
Regions in the Far East; 10.7907/e6jy-3360
- Doll, Edward Bushnell (1938) Radio
Field Strength Measurements at 41 Megacycles; 10.7907/9j13-5y87
- Scoles, Albert Buddy and Schoech, William Alton (1938) Range
Calculations for Airplanes With Continuously Controllable Pitch
Propellers, and the Effect of Certain Geometric Parameters of the
Airplane on Range; 10.7907/CMHQ-E314
- Mellinger, George Rolland and Kurihara, Hisayuki (1938) Shear
Transfer of Load From Main Beams to Intermediate Corrugations in Metal
Sheet Covered Box Beams; 10.7907/5751-Y722
- Dykes, John Christopher (1938) Stability
Derivatives of Helicopter Rotors; 10.7907/N0GE-EA65
- Bowen, William Harold (1938) Tests
of Axial Flow Fans Designed by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/M6E1-0T44
- Okun, Daniel Alexander and Bonell, John Arthur (1938) The
Aeration of Activated Sludge Mixtures; 10.7907/9g8w-eq70
- Charters, Alexander Crane (1938) The
Effect of Curvature on Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/Z13V-F628
- Baker, Ralph Doris (1938) The
Effect of Surface Roughness on Skin Friction and Turbulence in Two
Dimensional Flow; 10.7907/6BXC-TP03
- Griest, Raymond Howard (1937) A
Low-Voltage High Speed Cathode-Ray Oscillograph; 10.7907/artw-qn46
- Boothe, Raymond Hudson Ferris and Wagner, Warren O. (1937) A
Study of High Velocity Flow Around a Sharp Bend of a Rectangular Open
Channel; 10.7907/qg6j-8k23
- Losey, Robert M. (1937) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Possibilities of Internal Cooling of
Aircraft Engines by Water Injection to the Cylinder; 10.7907/3PXW-GF19
- Young, Bradley Hobart (1937) A
Two-Parameter Wind Tunnel Rigging System; 10.7907/CVB4-7510
- Moore, Charles Kenneth and Nollan, John Lloyd (1937) Age
Hardening of Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy. An Investigation of the
Fluctuation of Hardness with Time of Ageing of Heat Treated Aluminum
Alloy Sheet; 10.7907/3G1Z-F889
- Hawley, Paul Frederick (1937) Design
and Operation of a Cathode-Ray Oscillograph for External
Photography; 10.7907/jvh3-bq94
- Levinton, Harold Leon (1937) Hunting
and its Cure in a Precision Dynamometer Automatic Torque Mechanism;
- Smith, Joe Nelson and Murphy, Joseph Nathaniel (1937) Investigation
of Extended Bulb Angle Sections Under Compression: Part One. As Euler
Columns ; Part Two. As Stiffeners Attached to Sheet; 10.7907/R62Z-6P10
- Clauser, Francis Hettinger and Clauser, Milton Ure (1937) New
Methods of Solving the Equations for the Flow of a Compressible
Fluid; 10.7907/ZAWH-VK93
- Allardt, Frederick Hamilton (1937) The
Brinelling of Small Ball Bearings; 10.7907/K872-W635
- Clauser, Milton Ure and Clauser, Francis Hettinger (1937) The
Effect of Curvature on the Transition from Laminar to the Turbulent
Boundary Layer; 10.7907/E5EQ-DA15
- McRae, James Wilson (1937) The
Measurement of Dielectric Loss in Solid Dielectrics at Very High
Frequencies; 10.7907/hpzm-bs17
- Miller, Shirley Snow and Albach, Walter Henry (1937) Wind
Tunnel Tests on a Low-Wing Monoplane With Propeller Running; 10.7907/y5vw-2z26
- Widess, Moses B. (1936) A
Clarification of Heaviside’s Operational Calculus; 10.7907/4jkh-wk78
- Vaile, Robert Brainard, Jr. (1936) A
Determination of the Deviation of the Calibration Constant of a Force
Voltmeter from its Theoretical Value for Isolated Spheres Due to the
Presence of Other Bodies; 10.7907/8ajh-qt69
- Bollay, William (1936) A New
Theory for Wings of Small Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/8BV2-QH84
- Ramo, Simon (1936) A
Proposed New Standard for High Voltage Measurements; 10.7907/7ZP0-G010
- Martin, Victor John (1936) Airplane
Takeoff Performance; 10.7907/JQD0-EW36
- Ippen, Arthur Thomas (1936) An
Analytical and Experimental Study of High Velocity Flow in Curved
Sections of Open Channels; 10.7907/162E-WA65
- Pierce, John Robinson (1936) An
Ink Recording Oscillograph for Steady State A.C. Phenomena in the Audio
Range; 10.7907/F2B9-4M08
- Dunn, Louis Gerhardus (1936) Analysis
of Circular and Non-Circular Rings with a Varying Distributed Load;
- Pipes, Louis Albert (1936) Cable
and Damper Vibration Studies; 10.7907/sqk6-y791
- Malina, Frank Joseph and Jenney, William W. (1936) Characteristics
of Braked, Locked and Free-Wheeling Two- and Three-Bladed
Propellers; 10.7907/HYXB-6T51
- Browne, Thomas Everett (1936) Dielectric
Recovery of Short A-C Arcs Between Low-Boiling-Point Electrodes; 10.7907/2G7K-6814
- Howland, Walter Lavern (1936) Effect
of Rivet Spacing on Stiffened Thin Sheet Under Compression; 10.7907/KCDP-9732
- Fleming, Morton Klyne (1936) Experimental
Investigation of the Effect Of Power Upon the Static Longitudinal
Stability of a Low Winged Monoplane and a Method for its
Calculation; 10.7907/JKVP-P690
- Fox, James May (1936) Flood
Frequencies on the San Gabriel River; 10.7907/gacm-2y50
- Griffiths, Thomas William (1936) Flow
Characteristics of the Santa Ana River; 10.7907/8sfb-dj41
- Binder, Raymond Charles (1936) Investigation
of the Instantaneous Velocity Distribution in the Volute of a
Centrifugal Pump; 10.7907/vc5c-xj91
- Childers, Milford Carlson (1936) Stresses
in Metal Beams with Flat Sheet Webs of Medium Thickness; 10.7907/Y3QT-J764
- Whelan, Thomas Murray (1936) The
Calculated Flight Path of the U.S.S. Macon; 10.7907/PC07-4F03
- McKillip, John C. Siemer and Oberholtzer, William Edward (1936) The
Causes and Forecasting of the Fog and Stratus Clouds of the California
Coastal Regions and the Temperature Inversions Associated with Them;
- Colman, Philip Abbey (1936) The
Oscillating Vane-Type Fan; 10.7907/0TZ7-7Q11
- Freeman, Robert Braman (1936) The
Relative Sliding Wear Resistance of Some Hard Alloys; 10.7907/1htx-tq50
- Lovett, Benjamin Barnes Compton and Rodee, Walter Fred (1936) Transfer
of Stress from Main Beams to Intermediate Stiffeners in Metal Sheet
Covered Box Beams; 10.7907/MAAF-MM48
- Bolster, Calvin Mathews (1936) Wind
Tunnel Tests on the Effect of Power on the Stability of a Low Wing
Monoplane with Three Vertical Positions of Horizontal Tail Surfaces;
- Kartzke, Paul Louis (1935) A
Comparison and Experimental Test of the Types of Analysis of the Motions
of Buildings Effected by Transient Oscillations; 10.7907/fjg5-vk82
- Wolfe, Halley (1935) An
Electrical Method of Measuring Earth Pressures Against Structures;
- White, Merit Penniman (1935) Analytical
Studies of the Dynamic Response of Certain Structures to Assumed Ground
Movements; 10.7907/3Y5W-NG36
- Wood, Carlos Claude (1935) Axial
Flow Fan Design by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/6H0T-G579
- McCann, Gilbert Donald (1935) Construction
and Operation of a Million Volt Surge Generator; 10.7907/xc96-gk14
- Genachte, Paul Frank (1935) Deforming
of the Front of Travelling Waves Along Power Lines Under Corona
Conditions; 10.7907/enzk-p071
- Chan, Glenn Chew (1935) Economical
Design of Building Frames; 10.7907/d779-h927
- Hobson, Jesse Edward (1935) High
Voltage Precision Measurements; 10.7907/0qx0-5576
- McNeal, Don (1935) Ice
Formation in the Atmosphere; 10.7907/SX19-PN27
- Parr, Warren Sherman and Beakley, Wallace Morris (1935) Investigation
of Duralumin Channel Section Strut Under Compression; 10.7907/9VQN-K047
- Kitsuda, Kaname (1935) Investigation
of Stress Distribution on Thin Metal Sheet With Holes; 10.7907/921K-MD80
- Russell, James Sargent and McCoy, Howard Monroe (1935) Propeller
Characteristics and Slipstream Effects on a High Wing Monoplane from
Wind Tunnel Tests; 10.7907/91VQ-DG62
- Howard, Ernest Russell (1935) Residual
Stresses in Bimetallic Strips; 10.7907/4n8a-nr57
- Lipp, James Everett (1935) Strength
of Thin Walled Cylinders Subjected to Combined Compression and
Torsion; 10.7907/6Z0W-XJ59
- Mills, Roscoe Harlan (1935) The
Boundary Layer for Some Axial Symmetric Flows; 10.7907/R7Q5-V769
- White, Roland James and Antz, Hans Martin (1935) The
Stress Distribution in Reinforced Plates Under Concentrated Edge
Loads; 10.7907/1Q4M-AS93
- Byrne, Ralph Edward (1934) A
Modification of the Moment Distribution Method to Take Into Account the
Depth of Members; 10.7907/R6FJ-YC59
- Magden, John Leslie (1934) A
Preliminary Investigation of Rivets and Riveted Joints in Metal Airplane
Construction; 10.7907/MWT3-P557
- Root, Leonard Eugene (1934) A
Study of the Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes with Special
Application to Design; 10.7907/an7m-3j68
- Rockefeller, William Curtis (1934) A
Study of the Selection of Flight Paths in Air Transport Operations;
- Housner, George William (1934) An
Investigation of the Effect of Bearing Area and Depth upon the
Settlements of Footings; 10.7907/2bkd-2s20
- Bridget, Francis Joseph (1934) Buckling
of Thin Walled Cylinders under Compression of Tension and Torsion;
- Wislicenus, George Friedrich (1934) Cavitation
and Separation in Pumps and Turbines; 10.7907/28qb-kc88
- Johnson, Samuel Yorks and Scott, Homer Judkins (1934) Experimental
Determination of Pressure Distribution Under a Combined Footing; 10.7907/37jm-wc42
- Rassieur, William Theodore (1934) Hinge
Moments; 10.7907/5P3S-7022
- Gainder, Melvin Earnest (1934) Impulse
Voltages in Windings; 10.7907/8jct-jh08
- Vosseller, Aurelius Bartlett and Jerome, Clayton Charles (1934) Investigation
of Relation Between Euler and Flat Plate Buckling of “L” Section
Struts; 10.7907/6HFP-5R14
- Goldstein, Julian Richard (1934) Investigation
of Turbulence in Circular Tubes by Means of a Hot-Wire Anemometer;
- Clark, Donald Sherman (1934) Metallographic
Investigation of the Iron, Iron-Carbide, Iron-Boride System; 10.7907/KKRD-7J80
- Descamps, Alphonse Maurice (1934) Photographic
Study of Vortex Motions; 10.7907/6QH1-R015
- Moore, Norton Bartlett (1934) The
Boundary Layer and Skin Friction for a Body of Revolution at Large
Reynold’s Numbers; 10.7907/JZW9-JZ15
- Christensen, Nephi Albert (1934) The
Effect of Openings on the Lateral Stiffness of Walls Between Continuous,
Rigid Floor; 10.7907/bn1m-4p30
- Cobine, James Dillon (1934) The
Reignition of an Arc at Low Pressures; 10.7907/ae7x-sk16
- Sechler, Ernest Edwin (1934) The
Ultimate Compressive Strength of Thin Sheet Metal Panels; 10.7907/HX3P-3Y69
- Harness, George Thomas, Jr. (1933) A
Comparison of Arc Characteristics in Switching in Vacuum and in Oil;
- Atwood, Albert William, Jr. (1933) A
Free Quartz Pendulum: Electrostatically Driven and Photoelectrically
Controlled as a Means of Precision Timekeeping; 10.7907/c5s0-qx08
- Beckwith, Sterling (1933) A
New Power Factor Bridge and its Application to Synchronous Machine
Testing; 10.7907/pbcz-zg06
- Evans, William Morris and Newmeyer, William Lawrence (1933) A
Study of Relaying for the Primary Transmission System of the Municipal
Light and Power Development, City of Pasadena; 10.7907/3rqc-dw75
- Wattendorf, Frank Leslie (1933) A
Study of the Effect of Curvature on Fully Developed Turbulent Flow;
- Applegate, Lindsay Moritz (1933) Current
Balance and Voltage Compensated Protection Systems; 10.7907/d7a9-9d72
- Hawley, Paul Frederick (1933) Determination
of the Mutual Inductance of End Turns of Induction Motors; 10.7907/KCRV-9C92
- Omsted, Harald (1933) Economic
Spacing of Counterforts in Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls; 10.7907/gp56-k182
- Cawley, Clifford Comer (1933) Experimental
Verification of Dr. Biot’s Method of Prediction of Earthquake Stresses
in a Building; 10.7907/vb95-d527
- Bowman, Frederic Berkeley (1933) Investigation
and Discussion of Phenomena Affecting the Settling Characteristics of
“Activated Sludge” in Light of Current Theory; 10.7907/j88a-ax58
- Murdock, Keith (1933) Investigations
on the Performances of Centrifugal Pumps with Various Alterations of the
Impeller; 10.7907/QNC1-NQ05
- Pleasants, John Gibson (1933) Observations
on the Theory and Characteristics of Electrical Figures on Plates in Air
with Particular Reference to their Speed of Growth; 10.7907/8EFG-G165
- Roach, Harold (1933) The
Economic Design of Water Pipe Lines in Southern California; 10.7907/rm0g-1589
- Wong, David Yue-Kwong (1933) The
Economical Spacing of Roof Trusses; 10.7907/hyhf-hy15
- Ager, Raymond Wellington (1933) The
Power Factor of Dielectrics when Subjected to Fifty Cycle Voltages;
- Smits, Howard Gardner (1933) The
Stress Determination by the Photo Elastic Method of the Shrinkage
Stresses in a Gravity Dam; 10.7907/g3vr-5d04
- Batchelder, Dean Eildermann; Butler, Albert; et al. (1932) A
Study of the Pasadena Power and Light System; 10.7907/vggb-gt59
- Folsom, Richard Gilman (1932) An
Experimental Investigation of the Phenomena Produced by the Highly
Turbulent Flow of Water Past a Series of Sharp Obstacles; 10.7907/BJ70-1607
- Wolfe, Karl Morgan (1932) Design
of an Optical Oscillograph for the Investigation of Lightning
Phenomena; 10.7907/s7rp-jr31
- White, Merit Penniman (1932) Part
One. Secondary Moments in Building Bents Due to Column Shortening. Part
Two. Primary and Secondary Moments in a Building Bent Due to Foundation
Settlement; 10.7907/592c-ed45
- Vanoni, Vito August (1932) Secondary
Wind Moments in a Five-Bay Ten Story Building Bent; 10.7907/dssp-ea18
- Brahtz, John Henry Augustus (1932) Stresses
at Two-Dimensional Corners for Various Force Distributions; 10.7907/4QRC-A816
- Cravitz, Philip (1932) The
Derivation and Graphical Representation of Stress Factors in an Arch
Dam, Including the Effect of Foundation Yield; 10.7907/p2zs-1j93
- Leeper, Laverne Davidson (1932) The
Effect of a Varying Moisture Content on the Settlement of Soil Subjected
to a Constant Load; 10.7907/dn6n-z437
- Boothe, Perry Mattison and Lewis, Charles K. (1932) The
Operation of Centrifugal Pumps Under Abnormal Conditions; 10.7907/PBM1-G869
- Oswald, W. Bailey (1932) The
Transverse Force Distribution on Ellipsoidal and Nearly Ellipsoidal
Bodies Moving in an Arbitrary Potential Flow; 10.7907/QK4H-C181
- Biot, Maurice A. (1932) Transient
Oscillations in Elastic Systems; 10.7907/ZHSH-T443
- Haeff, Andrew Vasily (1932) Ultra
High Frequency Oscillators; 10.7907/GAKG-W998
- Noland, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. (1931) A
New Method of Stress Analysis for Arch Dams; 10.7907/yc44-1j62
- Nagashi, Masahiro Howard (1931) A
Study of Fully Developed Turbulent Flow at a Very High Reynolds
Number; 10.7907/815A-2M78
- Levine, Ernest (1931) Concrete
and Concrete Aggregates; 10.7907/dck6-bj68
- Hoover, Vaino Alexander (1931) Correlation
of Induction Motor Design Factors and Determination of the End Turn
Reactance of Polyphase Machines; 10.7907/8zys-8x86
- Maxstadt, Francis William (1931) High
Air-Efficiency insulation; 10.7907/M7PR-FS48
- Zahorski, Adam Teodor (1931) On
the Torsion of Wings; 10.7907/E0T0-P929
- Robinson, Harlan Baird (1931) Stress
Analysis in a Gravity Dam through the Use of a Model: A Report Upon
Experiments Performed; 10.7907/9md8-r580
- Lash, Charles Coyle (1931) Study
of Electric Transients in the Vacuum Switch by Means of the Cathode Ray
Oscillograph; 10.7907/M45S-A062
- Cline, Frederick R. (1930) A
Report on the Water Supply of the Owens Valley, California; 10.7907/wc33-9c87
- Hugg, Ernest Branch and Olman, Samuel (1930) Analysis
of Hingeless Arches by Deflection Measurements of Elastic Models with
Mathematical Analyses Based on the Theory of Elasticity; 10.7907/qn7e-1588
- Thatcher, John William (1930) Flashover
of Cylindrical Insulators in Homogenous Electric Fields with Variable
Temperature and Humidity; 10.7907/1rq6-ca21
- Evans, Thomas Hayhurst (1930) Investigation
of Probable Power Variation of Black Canyon Reservoir; 10.7907/1ntd-ma81
- Sechler, Ernest Edwin (1930) Problems
Relating to the Use of Sheet Metal in Airplane Construction; 10.7907/RP44-R311
- Oboukhoff, Nicolas Mikhailovich (1929) A
Method of Designing Medium and High Frequency Alternators with a Special
Reference to the Inductor Type; 10.7907/fgd1-7v75
- Hayward, Claude DeWayne (1929) A
Study of Vacuum Switch Arc Phenomena with the Cathode Ray
Oscillograph; 10.7907/0stk-t522
- Lewis, William Abbett, Jr. (1929) Design
and Development of a Precision Speed Control Electric Drive for the
Guggenheim Aeronautics Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/y12g-2785
- Kingman, Douglas George (1929) Design
of a Seismometer for Local Earthquakes; 10.7907/776b-hm65
- Gramatky, Ferdinand Gunner and Robinson, Kenneth Hall (1929) Siphon
Spillway; 10.7907/972C-WG13
- Swedlund, Lloyd Edward (1928) A
Study of an Artificial Telephone Line; 10.7907/KARN-PM22
- Hoover, Vaino Alexander and Mesenkop, Louis Henry (1928) Condenser
Motor with High Starting Torque and Low Capacitance; 10.7907/H7V5-R649
- Lindvall, Frederick Charles (1928) Contact
Behavior and Gas Phenomena in a Vacuum Switch; 10.7907/P2G2-C358
- Hamilton, James Hugh (1928) Measurement
of Arc Voltage Across Opening Switch Contacts; 10.7907/CPH6-SH82
- Morgan, Stanley Chapin (1928) Resistance
of High Tension Porcelain Insulators; 10.7907/4VJ1-EW85
- Watson, Ralph Mayhew (1928) The
Development of an Engine with a Higher Compression Ratio; 10.7907/WVTB-5T08
- Banta, Arthur Perry and Renz, Carl Fred (1928) The
Water Permeability of Concrete and Some Factors Which Affect It; 10.7907/J72P-9P59
- Hall, Ray Irvin and Nordquist, Carroll Oscar (1927) A
Short Thesis on Arc-Welding; 10.7907/NTGM-4973
- Anderson, Henry Pierce and Krelle, William Hay (1927) An
Investigation of Various Types of Arc Welded Joints; 10.7907/KMVV-A147
- Diamos, George K. Surrapas and Lewis, William Abbett (1927) Flashover
of Insulation in Homogenous Electric Fields; 10.7907/QVT8-2G06
- Bailly, Florent Houlding and Browder, Edward Marion (1927) Report
of an Investigation of a Plan of Elimination of Grade Crossings on the
A.T. & S.F. Railway in the City of Pasadena, California; 10.7907/KN6T-2E77
- Hale, Frank Sherman (1927) Water
Conservation in the City of Pasadena; 10.7907/NXJ2-WD48
- McCarter, Kenneth C. (1926) Commercial
Testing of Concrete; 10.7907/9QRF-XK31
- MacFarlane, Donald Peter (1926) Industrial
Democracy: a Study of Labor Payment, Conditions, and Tendencies; 10.7907/3C9T-0N88
- Coleman, Theodore Cleaveland (1926) Influence
of Money Upon the Social Organization; 10.7907/DGT6-1S52
- Kingsbury, William Stephen (1926) Report
on the Design of a Rapid Transit Viaduct for the Sixth and Main Terminal
Extension of the Pacific Electric Railway in Los Angeles; 10.7907/7M6A-3C03
- Fricker, Felix Oscar (1926) The
Effect of Earthquakes on Reinforced Concrete Building Design; 10.7907/RSEP-P304
- Burmister, Clarence Armandus (1925) Design
of Concrete Girder and Cantilever for the Balcony of the Pasadena
Playhouse, Pasadena, California; 10.7907/mc5j-td59
- Beed, Carl Frederick (1925) Design
of a Gravity Dam with Siphon Spillway for the El Capitan Damsite; 10.7907/eg0d-h618
- Winckel, Edmond Emile (1925) Design
of a Standard Suspension Tower; 10.7907/TGSC-BM02
- Maxstadt, Francis William (1925) Obtaining
Steady High-Voltage Direct Current from a Thermionic Rectifier, Without
a Filter; 10.7907/V4MZ-YR84
- Alderman, Raymond Ellis (1925) Pasadena’s
Sewage Disposal by the Activated Sludge Process vs. Proposed County
Outfall to the Ocean; 10.7907/h3b6-ry90
- Miller, Leo Marco (1925) Reinforced
Concrete Chimney Design; 10.7907/kdse-3m70
- Hill, Byron Arthur (1925) Report
of an Investigation of the Mojave River Regarding the Feasibility of
Flood Control and Irrigation; 10.7907/82cz-n704
- Cheng, Ching Yun (1924) A
Study of the Proposed Diamond Creek Reservoir; 10.7907/ZJ6X-1G98
- Cheng, Ching Yun (1924) Control
of the Yellow River in China; 10.7907/470N-S596
- Piper, John William (1924) Design
of an Aerial Tramway; 10.7907/GY7J-S924
- Goldsmith, Morris (1924) Design
of the Raymond Theater, Pasadena, California, in Reinforced
Concrete; 10.7907/fgwj-9x67
- Stearns, Charles Fordham (1924) Efficiency
and Inefficiency in the Operation of the Bureau of Power and Light of
Los Angeles, California; 10.7907/6R54-G504
- Gridley, Horace Velsey (1924) Investigation
of Concrete Floor Systems; 10.7907/axv9-3v43
- Springer, Harold Ormiston (1924) Stress
and Load Calculation for Unknown Building; 10.7907/A67M-6M44
- Moody, Max W. (1924) The
Colorado River - a Source of Water and Power for Los Angeles; 10.7907/JTJH-7D58
- Kiesling, Louis (1924) The
Sail-Plane; 10.7907/YB5X-9C87
- Pope, Harold Frank (1924) Traffic
Report, Los Angeles, California; 10.7907/h7tx-1758
- Goodhue, Howard Willliam (1924) Water
Supply Situation in the San Jacinto River Basin; 10.7907/xe7y-4877
- Stromsoe, Douglas Albert (1923) A
Comparison of the Costs of Operation of the Motor Bus, Birney Safety
Car, and Trolley Bus on the Local Transportation Routes in Pasadena;
- Bangham, William Larribee (1923) A
Study of the Durability of Concrete in Sea Water; 10.7907/D9TH-4P57
- Skinner, Richmond Hastings (1923) A
Study of the Proposed Santa Fe Extension from the Present Redondo Branch
at El Segundo to Los Angeles Harbor; 10.7907/TJ1V-TF53
- Barnett, Harold Arthur (1923) Analysis
of a Concrete Arch Highway Bridge Reinforced with Structural Steel;
- Ramseyer, George Numa (1923) Design
and Test of a Model Siphon Spillway; 10.7907/E8MJ-QA38
- Howard, Charles Stetson (1923) Formulas,
Tables, and Graphs for Trapezoidal Reinforced Concrete Beams; 10.7907/RZB9-SP40
- Walling, Lloyd Andreas (1923) Report
on the Linda Vista Bridge Site; 10.7907/84AR-6Q58
- Shugart, Donald Field and Benioff, Ben (1922) Special
Problem : Renewal of Southern Pacific Structure 496-F over San Gabriel
River; 10.7907/xqb7-ah53
- Timourian, Haigalois (1922) Special
Sewage Problems: Report on the Sewage Problem of the City of Los Angeles
with Conclusions and Recommendations; 10.7907/GJ5A-XQ32
- Kemp, Edward Geoffrey (1922) Study
of the Problem of the Los Angeles Sewage Disposal; 10.7907/FN7P-6M62
- Makosky, Frank Charles and Morrison, Lloyd Elverton (1921) A
Brief Study of Economic Penstock Design; 10.7907/62GY-YH58
- Fox, Joseph (1921) Design
of a Timber Howe Truss Highway Bridge; 10.7907/8XPH-AA75
- Honsaker, John, Jr. (1921) Devil’s
Gate Reservoir and Its Effect Upon Pasadena’s Water Supply; 10.7907/089P-1R06
- Korn, Louis and Seaver, Edward Dewey (1921) San
Gabriel Valley Sewerage System; 10.7907/QTM0-F572
- Keith, Walter Allen; Black, James Robert; et al. (1920) A
Study of Stadia and a Comparative Study of Two Possible Stadia Sites in
- Bissiri, Alfio and Woodbury, Roscoe Errett (1920) Design
of an Electric Furnace for a Brass Foundry; 10.7907/64w0-w147
- St. Clair, Harry Prentice and Smith, Donald DeWitt (1920) Tertiary
Windings in Transformers: Engineering Report; 10.7907/8s4e-fw97
- Cory, George Lewis (1920) The
Application of Electricity to the Oil Industry: Engineering Report;
- Heywood, Gene Bryant (1918) Design
of a Constant Angle Arch Dam at Devil’s Gate in Connection with the
Flood Control of Los Angeles County; 10.7907/j50c-rm76
- Dowd, Munson Julius (1918) The
Design of a Suspension Bridge: Span 520 Feet; 10.7907/29f1-j711
- Carnahan, Stanley Crosson (1918) The
Principles Involved in a Factory Cost System; 10.7907/WPHN-MQ53
- Poole, Fred Lloyd (1917) A
Cathode Ray Power Diagram Indicator; 10.7907/s2qe-b943
- Meyer, Harry Pendleton (1917) A
Report on the Artificial Transmission Line with an Original Design;
- Beattie, Joseph Andrew (1917) A
Study of Carburetion of Gasoline, Including the Design and Testing of a
Venturi-Type Carburetor; 10.7907/c09b-7w58
- Sopp, Claude Wellington (1917) A
Study of the Rainfall and Run-off from the Drainage Area Tributary to
the Northeast Storm Drain, City of Pasadena; 10.7907/n0yj-w120
- Baker, Clark Edward (1917) Induction
Generator Characteristics; 10.7907/d0qv-fm06
- Stert, Arthur (1917) The
Design, Construction and Comparison of Several Types of Automatic Power
Plant Smoke Indicators; 10.7907/15cn-b763
- Askenasy, Alexander (1917) The
Industrial Bureau, a New Aid for Commercial Development; 10.7907/recd-mx17
- Richards, Roy Thomas (1917) The
Megger as a Means of Testing Transformer Oil; 10.7907/e3st-7a56
- Searl, Sidney Rickey (1917) Three
Methods of Street Cleaning: A Comparative Study of Motor-Driven and
Horse-Drawn Flushing and Vacuum Cleaning of Paved Streets in the City
Los Angeles; 10.7907/hq61-eg11
- Shugart, Harold Emerson (1916) An
Investigation of the Flood Flow in Eaton’s Canyon; 10.7907/4xtn-t635
- Harris, Tom Johnson (1916) Design
for a 180’ Concrete Arch Bridge at Devil’s Gate; 10.7907/07f5-1j16
- Farmer, Verdine Ellsworth (1916) Design
of a Fatigue Testing Machine; 10.7907/5f1r-pc84
- Dumond, Jesse William Monroe (1916) The
Design and Construction of an Harmonic Analyzer; 10.7907/agz4-5r53
- Allen, Robert Norman (1916) The
Design and Test of a Model Siphon Spillway; 10.7907/9cr8-0033
- Rich, Kenneth Whiting (1916) The
Effect of a Steel Core upon the Electrical Characteristics of Large
Stranded Aluminum Conductors; 10.7907/rqqa-7621
- Call, Raymond Fuller (1915) A.
An Investigation of the Relation Between the Tensile Strength and
(Brinell) Hardness of Non-Ferrous Alloys. B. A Design of a Fatigue
Testing Machine for a College Laboratory; 10.7907/hqr4-6h98
- Catland, Raymond Osgood (1915) An
Experimental Investigation of the Flow of Superheated Steam through
Circular Orifices in Thin Plates; 10.7907/pz42-m845
- Holmes, William Mowry (1915) Characteristics
of a Regulating Pole Synchronous Converter; 10.7907/r7dy-ym02
- Ferguson, Robert Sindorf (1915) Experimental
Study of the Regulation of Alternators; 10.7907/d4ea-sa11
- Holt, Herbert Brayton (1915) Suggested
Layouts for a Union Terminal and Car House for Pasadena, California;
- Black, Harold Alsworth (1915) Test
of 7.5 K.W. Kerr Turbine; 10.7907/tygt-c452
- Wilcox, Charles Herbert (1915) Test
of Babcock & Wilcox Boiler Situated at Pasadena Municipal Light
Plant; 10.7907/4kev-yg24
- Burt, Earle Andrews (1915) The
Design of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge over Eaton’s Canyon on the Mount
Wilson Toll Road; 10.7907/19gf-w732
- Elliott, Verne Donald (1915) The
Effect of Circulating Currents in Y-Delta Transformer Banks on Harmonic
and Unbalanced Voltages in Transmission Systems; 10.7907/e9fh-1c78
- Bultmann, Robert Arnold William (1915) The
Effect of Water Injection on the Fuel Consumption of a Gasoline
Engine; 10.7907/w6hf-nn59
- Ayars, William Finlaw (1914) Collection
of Data Regarding Pasadena’s Water Supply; 10.7907/4xpd-9340
- Gerckens, Henry Bernhardt (1914) Design
of Automobile Testing Plant Including Absorption Dynamometer; 10.7907/rsfm-dz95
- Newton, Walter Lamb (1914) Inherent
Voltage Relations in Y and Delta Connections; 10.7907/zt7n-wg70
- Morse, Virgil Franklin (1914) Permeability
Measurements; 10.7907/bs65-wp63
- Wells, Albert William (1914) The
Design of a High Tension Testing Transformer; 10.7907/85ez-zh38
- Gardiner, Everett Southworth (1914) The
Effect of Compression on the Fuel Consumption of a Gasoline Engine;
- Young, Guy DeWitt (1914) The
Electric System on Automobiles; 10.7907/es26-g630
- Koch, Louis Jacob, Jr. and Hovey, Chester Raymond (1913) The
Heating and Ventilating System of Throop College of Technology; 10.7907/bzp0-1f71
- Miller, Frank Curt (1912) The
Disposal of Sewage by Electrolysis; 10.7907/28c7-qd46
- Merrifield, John Dodge (1912) The
Regulation of Transformers on Three-Phase Systems with Load on One Phase
Only; 10.7907/kdbm-1x59
- Hill, Harold Curtis; Lewis, Stanley Morton; et al. (1911) Report
of the Pasadena Municipal Lighting Works; 10.7907/1byw-h596