Sections from CaltechAUTHORS
- Djorgovski, S. G. (2005) Virtual
Astronomy, Information Technology, and the New Scientific
Methodology; ISBN 0-7695-2255-6; Seventh International Workshop on
Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP’05); IEEE:
Piscataway, NJ; 125-132; 10.1109/CAMP.2005.53
- Mahabal, Ashish A.; Djorgovski, S. G.; et al. (2005) Time Domain
Explorations With Digital Sky Surveys
- Jacob, Joseph C.; Katz, Daniel S.; et al. (2005) Grist:
Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy
- Williams, Roy (2003) Grids and the
Virtual Observatory
- Deelman, Ewa; Kesselman, Carl; et al. (2001) A
Virtual Data Grid for LIGO; ISBN 978-3-540-42293-8; High-Performance
Computing and Networking; Springer: Berlin; 3-12; 10.1007/3-540-48228-8_1
- Blackburn, Kent; Lazzarini, Albert; et al. (1999) XSIL:
Extensible scientific interchange language; ISBN 9783540658214;
High-Performance Computing and Networking; Springer: Berlin; 513-524; 10.1007/bfb0100612