Deliverables from CaltechAUTHORS
- Lee, Lisa; Spiropulu, M.; et al. (2012) Study
of the HCAL Fit-Based Noise Filters in 2012 Data
- Tong, Tony; Di Marco, E.; et al. (2012) Measurement
of Z+jets/W+jets with muon final states Berends-Giele Scaling using 5
fb−1 of data at sqrt(s)=8TeV
- Lambert, Valere; Bornheim, A.; et al. (2012) Measurement
of the CMS ECAL Performance with Z Dielectron Decay Events in 2012
- Takeda, Alex; Spiropulu, Maria; et al. (2012) Study
of Higgs detection in CMS experiment, and of the sensitivity to a Higgs
boson in the mH < 130 GeV range
- Chun, Sungbong and Spiropulu, M. (2012) Study
of Lepton Final States in Proton-Proton Collisions with the CMS Detector
at the LHC
- Lee, Lisa; Spiropulu, M.; et al. (2012) Optimization
of the hadron calorimeter in the CMS detector in the search for physics
beyond the Standard Model
- Chen, Kevin; Spiropulu, M.; et al. (2012) Using
Map/Reduce for Analyzing Physics Data from the Large Hadron
- Takeda, Alex; Spiropulu, M.; et al. (2012) Validation
of procedures used by CMS in the characterization of Higgs candidate
- Horton, Max; Spiropulu, M.; et al. (2011) Developing
A Maximum Likelihood Fit Workspace In RooFit/ROOT