- Yadlapalli Yurk, Nitika (2024) Interferometric
Millimeter Observations of the High Energy Universe; 10.7907/g8fs-5q44
- Li, Zhihui (2024) Unveiling
the Structure of the Circumgalactic Medium of High-Redshift Galaxies via
Emission and Absorption Lines; 10.7907/42cq-6x31
- Mohamed Soliman, Ahmed Mohamed (2023) BICEP
Array Detectors and Instrumentation at 30/40 GHz: Design, Performance,
and Deployment to the South Pole for Constraining Primordial
Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/srdx-w019
- Dong, Dillon Zhejun (2023) Shocks,
Jets, and Emerging Nebulae: Direct Detection and Characterization of
Extragalactic Radio Transients in the VLA Sky Survey; 10.7907/xwy9-tc17
- Sun, Guochao (2023) Understanding
the Cosmological Evolution of Galaxies with Intensity Mapping; 10.7907/fzqw-2m61
- de los Reyes, Mithi Alexa Caballes (2022) Dwarf
Galaxies in the Local Universe as Probes of Stellar and Galactic
Evolution; 10.7907/4bz3-2t66
- Xu, Yanjun (2021) Probing
the Inner Accretion Flow Properties Around Black Holes with X-ray
Observations; 10.7907/9kkg-4b58
- Bochenek, Christopher David (2021) The
Progenitors of Fast Radio Bursts; 10.7907/7tsx-x524
- Jencson, Jacob Edmund (2020) Hunting
for Hidden Explosions: Exploring the Transient Infrared Sky with the
Spitzer Space Telescope; 10.7907/Y9H7-XA93
- Leask, Ellen Kathleen (2020) Investigating
the Evolution of Surface Water on Mars through Spectroscopy of Secondary
Minerals; 10.7907/TWR4-N128
- Giesler, Matthew David (2020) Probing
the Nature of Black Holes with Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/akwv-r373
- Duggan, Gina Elizabeth (2020) Signatures
of the r-Process in Ancient Stellar Populations Using Barium
Abundances; 10.7907/D0A8-BM50
- Anderson, Dana Eklund (2020) Tracking
Volatile Elements in Protoplanetary Disks and on Planetary Surfaces;
- Schmitz, Denise Marie (2019) A
Perturbative Model for the Intrinsic Alignments of Galaxies; 10.7907/HZ7G-1048
- Anderson, Marin Mallory (2019) Adventures
Through Time and Phase Space: Characterizing the Dynamic Radio Sky, From
MHz to GHz, From Seconds to Years; 10.7907/D28A-YQ77
- Varma, Vadapalli Vijay S. (2019) Black
Hole Simulations: From Supercomputers to Your Laptop; 10.7907/YT07-Q639
- Barkett, Kevin Michael Canice (2019) Computational
Methods for Gravitational Wave Physics: Spectral Cauchy-Characteristic
Extraction and Tidal Splicing; 10.7907/3DH5-7773
- Du, Song Ming (2019) Fundamental
Physics Through Gravitational Waves: From No-Hair Theorem to Quantum
Structures of Black Holes; 10.7907/YSDX-J506
- Kleiser, Io K. (2019) Modeling
Rapidly Fading Supernovae as Nickel-Free Core-Collapse Explosions of
Extended Helium Stars; 10.7907/5YEJ-EX71
- Barenfeld, Scott Alexander (2019) New
Insights into Circumstellar Disk Evolution in the Era of ALMA; 10.7907/5DK0-H549
- Okounkova, Maria (2019) Numerical
Relativity Beyond General Relativity; 10.7907/WPAT-PS25
- Bilgi, Pavaman (2019) Optimization
of CCD Charge Transfer for Ground and Space-Based Astronomy; 10.7907/CNKG-8Y84
- Thomas, Nancy Helen (2019) Remotely
Sensing Aqueous Alteration on Mars: Innovative Statistical and
Analytical Methods for Large Spectral Datasets; 10.7907/8JFC-BY64
- Eastwood, Michael William (2019) Searching
for the Cosmic Dawn with the Hyperfine Structure Transition of
Hydrogen; 10.7907/DYPP-JP25
- Orr, Matthew Edward (2019) Spatially
Resolved Star Formation in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations:
Understanding the Role of Feedback in Scaling Relations; 10.7907/WE1D-5586
- Leethochawalit, Nicha (2019) Spectroscopy
of Galaxies: Evolution of Escape Fractions, Metallicity Gradients and
Stellar Metallicity; 10.7907/2GMR-3315
- Su, Kung-Yi (2019) Stellar
Feedback, AGN Feedback and Fluid Microphysics in Galaxy Evolution;
- Helou, Bassam Mohamad (2019) Testing
Alternative Theories of Quantum Mechanics with Optomechanics, and
Effective Modes for Gaussian Linear Optomechanics; 10.7907/KJ1K-9268
- Grudić, Michael Yvan (2019) The
Role of Stellar Feedback in Star Cluster Formation; 10.7907/7FBG-TE87
- Cornell, Brett Durcan (2018) A
Dark Matter Search Using the Final SuperCDMS Soudan Dataset and the
Development of a Large-Format, Highly-Multiplexed,
Athermal-Phonon-Mediated Particle Detector; 10.7907/M297-J716
- Murchikova, Elena M. (2018) Astrophysical
Applications of Quantum Mechanics; 10.7907/PEBS-ZJ88
- Sonka, Rita Frances (2018) Characterization
and Improvement of the Thermal Stability of TES Bolometers; 10.7907/4v3d-7k67
- Piskorz, Danielle F. (2018) Exploring
Exoplanets’ Spectroscopic Secrets: Clues on the Migration and Formation
of Hot Jupiters; 10.7907/Z9222RZX
- Monroe, Ryan McKay (2018) Gigahertz
Bandwidth and Nanosecond Timescales: New Frontiers in Radio Astronomy
Through Peak Performance Signal Processing; 10.7907/25DP-J474
- Carroll, Paul Brandon (2018) Laboratory
and Astronomical Rotational Spectroscopy; 10.7907/8Y1M-6C76
- Bryan, Marta Levesque (2018) Lurking
in the Shadows: Wide-Separation Gas Giants as Tracers of Planet
Formation; 10.7907/XPMN-WQ35
- Buz, Jennifer (2018) Macro
Mars to Micro Mars: Mapping Minerals and Magnetization; 10.7907/Z6EH-M526
- Buhler, Peter Benjamin (2018) Measuring
and Modeling the Interplay between Planetary Orbits, Interiors,
Surfaces, and Atmospheres; 10.7907/MEXZ-2586
- Hui, Howard (2018) Measuring
the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background with BICEP3; 10.7907/G8ET-FD62
- David, Trevor Justin (2018) On
the Evolutionary Pathways of Stars and Extrasolar Planets; 10.7907/Z9J67F42
- Guszejnov, Dávid (2018) On
the Origin of Scales and Scaling Laws in Star Formation; 10.7907/WZ2G-R643
- Wong, Ian Yu (2018) Probing
the Trojan-Hilda-KBO Connection: An Empirical Test of Dynamical
Instability Models of Solar System Evolution; 10.7907/Z9B856BX
- Quinn, Daven Patel (2018) Regional
Structural Geology of Earth and Mars; 10.7907/9enj-wn23
- Lanz, Alicia Elaine (2018) Studying
the Extragalactic Background Light with the Second Cosmic Infrared
Background ExpeRiment, CIBER-2; 10.7907/CN9Y-MB61
- Mishra, Abhilash (2018) The
Low-Frequency Frontier: Cosmology with Future 21cm Experiments; 10.7907/Z9W37TJ2
- Spalding, Christopher (2018) The
Primordial Origin and Dynamical Sculpting of Close-In Planetary System
Architectures; 10.7907/Z9RB72TQ
- Pang, Belinda Heyun (2018) Theoretical
Foundations for Quantum Measurement in a General Relativistic
Framework; 10.7907/dfyy-y188
- Ma, Xiangcheng (2018) Understanding
Galaxy Formation and Evolution with Realistic Simulations; 10.7907/MX2D-6P63
- Strom, Allison Leigh (2018) Unveiling
the Physical Conditions in Star-Forming Galaxies at the Peak of Galaxy
Assembly; 10.7907/Z9N58JJN
- Jensen-Clem, Rebecca Marie (2017) A
Toolbox for Exoplanet Exploration; 10.7907/Z96971M9
- Kao, Melodie Minyu (2017) Constraining
Substellar Magnetic Dynamos using Brown Dwarf Radio Aurorae; 10.7907/Z9J964DK
- Li, Cheng (2017) Convection
in Planetary Atmospheres: Titan’s Haze, Saturn’s Storm and Jupiter’s
Water; 10.7907/Z9R78C58
- Ngo, Henry Hoang Khoi (2017) Formation
and Migration Histories of Giant Exoplanets in Multi-stellar
Systems; 10.7907/Z9KD1VZW
- Pan, Lu (2017) Insights
into the Geologic History of Mars’ Northern Lowlands from Near-Infrared
Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z94747WX
- Montet, Benjamin Tyler (2017) Low-Mass
Stars and Their Companions; 10.7907/Z9KW5D1R
- Pineda, John Sebastian (2017) Multiwavelength
Characterization of the Brown Dwarf Auroral Phenomenon - Establishing
the Nature of the Electrodynamic Engine; 10.7907/Z90C4SRW
- Oklopčić, Antonija (2017) Radiative
Processes in Astrophysical Gases: From the Intergalactic and
Interstellar Medium to Exoplanetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/Z9GM85CS
- Lapôtre, Mathieu Gaetan Andre (2017) Sedimentary
Processes on Earth and Mars: Canyon Erosion, Sand-Ripple Formation, and
Mineral Composition; 10.7907/Z9RF5S2T
- Kher, Aditya Shreyas (2017) Superconducting
Nonlinear Kinetic Inductance Devices; 10.7907/Z9JQ0Z1F
- Finneran, Ian Alan (2017) Terahertz
and Microwave Spectroscopy of Liquids and Hydrogen-Bonded Clusters;
- Lingner, Nicole Renate (2017) The
Faint Intergalactic-Medium Redshifted Emission Balloon: FIREBall-2
Scientific Camera and Cooling System; 10.7907/Z9QV3JKQ
- Villadsen, Jacqueline Rose (2017) The
Search for Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections; 10.7907/Z9P55KGB
- Balokovic, Mislav (2017) Unveiling
the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray
Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9WM1BG8
- Siegel, Seth Robert (2016) A
Multiwavelength Study of the Intracluster Medium and the
Characterization of the Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance
Camera; 10.7907/Z9Z31WJ7
- Cao, Yi (2016) Cosmic
Explosions: Observations Of Infant Hydrogen-Free Supernovae Towards An
Understanding Of Their Parent Systems; 10.7907/Z9XD0ZNT
- Belli, Sirio (2016) Deep
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Galaxies: the Physical
Growth of Passive Systems; 10.7907/Z9QN64NQ
- Good, Jacob Thomas (2016) Design
and Applications of a Decade-Spanning Terahertz Frequency Comb
Spectrometer: Doppler-limited Rotational Spectroscopy of Methanol and
Methanol-OD; 10.7907/Z9MW2F37
- Su, Zhan (2016) High-Latitude
Ocean Convection and Gyre Dynamics; 10.7907/Z9H12ZZ3
- Manohar, Swarnima (2016) Lurking
in ULIRGs: Molecular Gas in local Merging Galaxies; 10.7907/Z9T72FDK
- Su, Yubo (2016) Simulation
Pipeline for Velocity Field Measurements using the Kinetic
Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect; 10.7907/727E-BW81
- Bottom, Michael (2016) Two
Roads to Planet Detection; 10.7907/Z97P8WC0
- Kammer, Joshua Andrew (2015) Analyses
of Planetary Atmospheres Across the Spectrum: From Titan to
Exoplanets; 10.7907/Z9GX48HD
- Shiu, Corwin (2015) Design
Considerations to Improving Sensitivity in Superspec: an Onchip
KID-Based, Mm-Wave Spectrometer; 10.7907/0XPB-W756
- Ji, Chenguang (2015) Design
of Antenna-Coupled Lumped-Element Titanium Nitride KIDs for
LongWavelength Multi-Band Continuum Imaging; 10.7907/Z9W66HQ7
- Schenker, Matthew Aaron (2015) Did
Galaxies Reionize the Universe?; 10.7907/Z9736NVR
- Mooley, Kunal Prakash (2015) Exploring
the Dynamic Radio Sky: The Search for Slow Transients with the
- Trainor, Ryan Francis (2015) Faint
Galaxies in the Megaparsec-Scale Environments of Hyperluminous QSOs at
Redshifts 2 < z < 3; 10.7907/Z90K26JG
- Handmer, Casey John (2015) Gauge
Invariant Spectral Cauchy Characteristic Extraction of Gravitational
Waves in Computational General Relativity; 10.7907/Z9NP22DZ
- Duan, Ran (2015) Instrumentation
for Kinetic-Inductance-Detector-Based Submillimeter Radio Astronomy;
- Teply, Grant Paul (2015) Measurement
of the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the BICEP2
and Keck Array Telescopes; 10.7907/Z9XP72WM
- Findeisen, Krzysztof (2015) New
Insights from Aperiodic Variability of Young Stars; 10.7907/Z93F4MH9
- Allodi, Marco Alberto (2015) On
Ultrafast Time-Domain TeraHertz Spectroscopy in the Condensed Phase:
Linear Spectroscopic Measurements of Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics of
Astrochemical Ice Analogs and Nonlinear TeraHertz Kerr Effect
Measurements of Vibrational Quantum Beats; 10.7907/Z97D2S2P
- Waszczak, Adam (2015) Solar
System Small-Body Demographics with the Palomar Transient Factory
Survey; 10.7907/Z91G0J73
- Jermyn, Adam Sean (2015) The
Atmospheric Dynamics of Pulsar Companions; 10.7907/Z90Z716M
- Singer, Leo Pound (2015) The
Needle in the 100 deg² Haystack: The Hunt for Binary Neutron Star
Mergers with LIGO and Palomar Transient Factory; 10.7907/Z9ZP442V
- McGuire, Brett Andrew (2015) Time-Domain
TeraHertz Spectroscopy and Observational Probes of Prebiotic
Interstellar Gas and Ice Chemistry; 10.7907/Z9B27S79
- Luan, Jing (2015) Toward
Understanding Astrophysical Phenomena; 10.7907/Z97942NB
- Zhang, Ke (2015) Volatiles
in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/Z9VQ30MD
- Tendulkar, Shriharsh Prakash (2014) Beyond
the Blur: Construction and Characterization of the First Autonomous AO
System and an AO Survev of Magnetar Proper Motions; 10.7907/7YS5-1P75
- Tucker, Rebecca Suzanne (2014) Characterization
of Detectors and Instrument Systematics for the SPIDER CMB
Polarimeter; 10.7907/HNHF-HA43
- Morton, Timothy Davies (2014) Demographic
Studies of Extrasolar Planets
- Holland, Daniel Brian (2014) Design,
Construction, and Applications of a High-Resolution Terahertz
Time-Domain Spectrometer; 10.7907/Z91J97QR
- Mukherjee, Eric S. (2014) How
Far from Jerusalem? Tropical Customs and the Question of Race in the
Book of John Mandeville; 10.7907/6WP5-V229
- Stevenson, Matthew Alan (2014) Observational
and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission
- Yang, Da (2014) The
Madden-Julian Oscillation: Observation, Modeling, and Theory; 10.7907/N1D7-1T85
- Zhang, Fan (2014) Tools
for the Study of Dynamical Spacetimes; 10.7907/Z9WD3XHF
- Lockwood, Alexandra Charlotte (2014) Understanding
Planet Formation through High Precision Photometry and Spectroscopy;
- Hong, Ting (2013) Brownian
Thermal Noise in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors and Single
Photon Optomechanics; 10.7907/B83T-7730
- Gluščević, Vera (2013) CMB
as a Probe of New Physics and Old Times; 10.7907/VZ0P-XD08
- Wernis, Rebecca Ann (2013) Characterizing
a Resonator Bolometer Array; 10.7907/XPSC-WR14
- Newman, Andrew Burch (2013) Dark
Matter and the Assembly History of Massive Galaxies and Clusters; 10.7907/BNC2-1X24
- Jones, Tucker A. (2013) Detailed
Properties of High Redshift Galaxies; 10.7907/XB2C-1B49
- Levitan, David Benjamin (2013) Finding
Needles in the Haystack: A Search for AM CVn Systems Using the Palomar
Transient Factory; 10.7907/MJJ0-7A67
- Pérez Muñoz, Laura María (2013) Grain
Growth in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/1BJC-4G54
- Chaudhuri, Saptarshi (2013) Measurement,
Simulation, and Design of the Dispersion-Engineered Traveling-Wave
Kinetic Inductance Amplifier; 10.7907/KTZD-SQ44
- Czakon, Nicole Gisela (2013) Sunyaev-Zel’dovich
Observations Using Large-Format Millimeter Arrays; 10.7907/SRVP-D536
- Kelley, Matthew James (2013) Terahertz
Time Domain Spectroscopy of Amino Acids and Sugars; 10.7907/FQ9S-JF63
- Aikin, Randol Wallace (2013) Testing
Inflationary Cosmology with the BICEP1 and BICEP2 Experiments; 10.7907/z9vx0df2
- Wegg, Christopher (2013) The
Dynamics of White Dwarfs, Black Holes and Stellar Cusps; 10.7907/YCAT-ES15
- Rudie, Gwen Charlena (2013) The
Intergalactic and Circumgalactic Medium Surrounding Star-Forming
Galaxies at Redshifts 2<z<3; 10.7907/Z9PZ56T6
- Max-Moerbeck Astudillo, Walter Kennerth (2013) The
Relationship Between the Radio and Gamma-Ray Emission of Blazars; 10.7907/ZX5X-V114
- Zimmerman, Aaron Benjamin (2013) Topics
in Black Hole Perturbation Theory and the Visualization of Curved
Spacetime; 10.7907/8809-P894
- Yang, Huan (2013) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Science: Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics and Black
Hole Physics; 10.7907/JMRS-DK55
- Moore, David Craig (2012) A
Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
and the Development of Highly Multiplexed Phonon-Mediated Particle
Detectors; 10.7907/X8JD-4R90
- Ahmed, Zeeshan (2012) A
Dark-Matter Search Using the Final CDMS II Dataset and a Novel Detector
of Surface Radiocontamination; 10.7907/W7TT-1E07
- Cody, Ann Marie (2012) A
Search for Pulsation in Young Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars;
- Bhalerao, Varun B. (2012) Neutron
Stars and NuSTAR: A Systematic Survey of Neutron Star Masses in High
Mass X-ray Binaries & Characterization of CdZnTe Detectors for
NuSTAR; 10.7907/CVT1-VR08
- Batygin, Konstantin (2012) Orbits
and Interiors of Planets; 10.7907/KQVW-GF86
- Brevik, Justus Albert (2012) Searching
for Primordial Gravitational Waves at Degree Scales from the South
Pole; 10.7907/E6Z2-CV94
- Noroozian, Omid (2012) Superconducting
Microwave Resonator Arrays for Submillimeter/Far-infrared Imaging;
- Tseliakhovich, Dmitriy (2012) The
Cosmic Stories: Beginning, Evolution and Present Days of the
Universe; 10.7907/T279-PV49
- Matuszewski, Mateusz Konrad (2012) The
Faint Intergalactic Redshifted Emission Balloon and the Cosmic Web
Imager: Two Integral Field Spectrographs Designed to Study Emission from
the Intergalactic Medium; 10.7907/AGDX-5C14
- Richards, Joseph Lee (2012) The
Radio Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars; 10.7907/N69P-KG16
- Trangsrud, Amy Ruth (2012) The
SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/83YV-A258
- Lee, Samuel Kuhnman (2012) Three
Paths to Particle Dark Matter; 10.7907/Q603-SH04
- Gonçalves, Thiago Signorini (2012) Topics
in Galaxy Evolution: Early Star Formation and Quenching; 10.7907/E5T6-AC13
- Krause, Anna Elisabeth (2012) Topics
in Large-Scale Structure; 10.7907/9HX2-RW58
- Nichols, David Andrew (2012) Visualizing,
Approximating, and Understanding Black-Hole Binaries; 10.7907/8D56-9Y02
- Karkare, Kirit Sukrit (2011) A
Ku-Band Polarimeter for the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40-Meter
Telescope; 10.7907/AX7Y-QF79
- Ali-Haimoud, Yacine (2011) A
New Spin on Primordial Hydrogen Recombination and a Refined Model for
Spinning Dust Radiation; 10.7907/QMFZ-0C90
- Schwamb, Megan E. (2011) Beyond
Sedna: Probing the Distant Solar System; 10.7907/W4B2-1B44
- Bode, Jason Nathaniel (2011) Black
Hole Mergers and Their Electromagnetic Counterparts; 10.7907/YVVG-R137
- Kasliwal, Mansi Manoj (2011) Bridging
the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe; 10.7907/EA7Q-WX87
- Sullivan, Ian Sorensen (2011) CIBER:
A Near-Infrared Probe of the Epoch of Reionization; 10.7907/EFS6-PJ64
- Sumner, Matthew Casey (2011) Optimizing
End-to-End System Performance for Millimeter and Submillimeter
Spectroscopy of Protostars: Wideband Heterodyne Receivers and
Sideband-Deconvolution Techniques for Rapid Molecular-Line Surveys;
- Binder, Gary Allen (2011) The
Importance of Compact-Object Spin in Extreme and Intermediate-Mass Ratio
Inspirals; 10.7907/J75G-J007
- Cohen, Michael Isaac (2011) Topics
in Gravitation – Numerical Simulations of Event Horizons and Parameter
Estimation for LISA; 10.7907/TG6W-Z732
- Busch, Michael William (2010) Shapes
and Spins of Near-Earth Asteroids; 10.7907/ZVGV-8X89
- Braakman, Rogier (2010) Gas-Phase
Terahertz Spectroscopy and the Study of Complex Interstellar
Chemistry; 10.7907/R2KK-E302
- Bogosavljević, Milan (2010) Lyman
Continuum and Lyman α Emission from Galaxies at High Redshift; 10.7907/KR0M-DH91
- Kraus, Adam L. (2010) Multiple
Star Formation; 10.7907/N0KT-QH17
- Grin, Daniel (2010) The
Lukewarm Frontier: Some Cosmological Consequences of ‘Low Energy’
Physics; 10.7907/EN34-1095
- Boyle, Michael (2009) Accurate
Gravitational Waveforms from Binary Black-hole Systems; 10.7907/7NSM-RW43
- Brobeck, Elina (2009) Measurement
of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with CHICOS; 10.7907/9YH6-N064
- Salyk, Colette Vanessa (2009) Molecular
Spectroscopy of Planet-Forming Regions in Circumstellar Disks; 10.7907/E4YF-FZ95
- Stark, Daniel Paul (2009) Observing
Galaxy Formation in the First Two Billion Years; 10.7907/Y1AH-J489
- Corder, Stuartt Allan (2009) Optimizing
Image Fidelity with Arrays; 10.7907/Q7H2-2P58
- Ragozzine, Darin Alan (2009) Orbital
Dynamics of Kuiper Belt Object Satellites, a Kuiper Belt Family, and
Extra-Solar Planet Interiors; 10.7907/NRNC-XK21
- Cenko, Stephen Bradley (2009) The
Energetics and Environments of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts; 10.7907/SNRD-BR66
- Cameron, Patrick Brian (2009) The
Formation and Evolution of Neutron Stars: Astrometry, Timing, and
Transients; 10.7907/HTW7-8X31
- Law, David Richard (2009) The
Kiloparsec-Scale Structure and Kinematics of High-Redshift Star-Forming
Galaxies; 10.7907/QNV4-9V14
- Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín (2009) The
Luminous, the Massive and the Dusty: A Near- to Mid-Infrared
Spectroscopic Study of Submillimeter Galaxies; 10.7907/J1R4-5F20
- Li, Chao (2009) Topics
in Theoretical Astrophysics; 10.7907/CWB8-VF13
- Wiktorowicz, Sloane John (2009) Unambiguous
Black Hole Mass from Polarimetry and Application to Hot Jupiters; 10.7907/3YVF-VE44
- Schlichting, Hilke Elisabeth (2009) Understanding
the Origin of Planetary Systems: Studying the Kuiper Belt and the
Dynamics of Planet Formation; 10.7907/SGJJ-9V78
- Slesnick, Catherine Louise (2008) 1-10
Myr-Old Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Nearby Star Forming
Regions; 10.7907/D7XM-E815
- Sayers, Jack (2008) A
Search for Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies on Arcminute
Scales; 10.7907/2Q9Q-JA33
- Naylor, Bret Justin (2008) Broadband
Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy with Z-Spec: An Unbiased Molecular-Line
Survey of the Starburst Galaxy M82; 10.7907/Y6TP-5E10
- Brown, Joanna Margaret (2008) Childhood
to Adolescence: Dust and Gas Clearing in Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/560K-TZ76
- Chen, Chi Ming Hubert (2008) Development
of Hard X-ray Imaging Detectors for the High Energy Focusing
Telescope; 10.7907/A2DS-N675
- Suyu, Sherry Hsuan (2008) Dissecting
the Gravitational Lens B1608+656: Implications for the Hubble
Constant; 10.7907/MQS2-Y860
- Schaller, Emily Lauren (2008) I.
Seasonal Changes in Titan’s Cloud Activity. II. Volatile Ices on Outer
Solar System Objects; 10.7907/YXFP-V230
- Enoch, Melissa Lanae (2008) Molecular
Clouds and Star Formation: A Multiwavelength Study of Perseus, Serpens,
and Ophiuchus; 10.7907/25QK-5K72
- Hainline, Laura Jeannine (2008) Multi-Wavelength
Properties of Submillimeter-Selected Galaxies; 10.7907/Q4DB-K461
- Kumar, Shwetank (2008) Submillimeter
Wave Camera Using A Novel Photon Detector Technology; 10.7907/F58T-SV45
- Barkume, Kristina Marie (2008) Surface
Properties of Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs; 10.7907/EQY1-NM23
- O’Donovan, Francis Thomas (2008) The
Detection and Exploration of Planets from the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet
Survey; 10.7907/585M-JF91
- Gao, Jiansong (2008) The
Physics of Superconducting Microwave Resonators; 10.7907/RAT0-VM75
- Mandel, Ilya (2008) The
Three Ss of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Sources, Signals,
Searches; 10.7907/GABY-T236
- Moran, Sean Michael (2008) Understanding
the Physical Processes Driving Galaxy Evolution in Clusters: A Case
Study of Two z ~ 0.5 Galaxy Clusters; 10.7907/C7Q1-DF25
- Christopher, Micol Huw (2008) Young,
Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae; 10.7907/QP4P-SD67
- Becker, George Dana (2007) A
High-Resolution Study of the High-Redshift Intergalactic Medium; 10.7907/TND7-F429
- Morris, Bradford S. (2007) Charge-Exchange
Collision Dynamics and Ion Engine Grid Geometry Optimization; 10.7907/W996-M220
- Li, Liming (2007) Dynamics
of the Jovian Atmosphere from Observation and Theory; 10.7907/6DAY-FJ03
- Cossel, Kevin (2007) Laser
Offset Stabilization for Broadly Tunable TeraHertz (THz) Frequency
Generation; 10.7907/S7V2-JJ56
- Eckart, Megan Elizabeth (2007) Measurements
of X-Ray Selected AGN and Novel Superconducting X-Ray Detectors; 10.7907/SZAB-0Y07
- Yang, Min (2007) Submillimeter
Surveys of Galaxy Samples; 10.7907/ZTAY-AM05
- Soderberg, Alicia Margarita (2007) The
Many Facets of Cosmic Explosions; 10.7907/5f1t-7f27
- Bondarescu, Mihai (2007) Topics
in General Relativity; 10.7907/2DKM-A388
- Fang, Hua (2007) Topics
in Gravitational Physics: Tidal Coupling in Gravitational Wave Searches
and Mach’s Principle; 10.7907/D99H-J577
- Lovelace, Geoffrey Mark (2007) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Physics; 10.7907/94TE-3B59
- Owen, Robert Philip (2007) Topics
in Numerical Relativity: The Periodic Standing-Wave Approximation, the
Stability of Constraints in Free Evolution, and the Spin of Dynamical
Black Holes; 10.7907/464A-4Y76
- Reddy, Naveen Ananta (2006) A
Multi-Wavelength Census of Star Formation at Redshift z ~ 2; 10.7907/9FXD-QX54
- Zukin, Phillip Gregory (2006) Astrophysical
Blastwaves; 10.7907/j6yy-wr15
- Metchev, Stanimir Angelov (2006) Brown
Dwarf Companions to Young Solar Analogs: An Adaptive Optics Survey Using
Palomar and Keck; 10.7907/ZGB1-CY59
- Liang, Mao-Chang (2006) Chemical
and Dynamical Processes in the Atmospheres of I. Ancient and Present-Day
Earth, II. Jupiter and Galileo Satellite, III. Extrasolar “Hot
Jupiters”; 10.7907/8HSF-CA03
- Liu, Junjun (2006) Interaction
of Magnetic Field and Flow in the Outer Shells of Giant Planets; 10.7907/4PVM-0G30
- Kovács, Attila (2006) SHARC-2
350 Micron Observations of Distant Submillimeter Selected Galaxies and
Techniques for the Optimal Analysis and Observing of Weak Signals;
- Basu, Shabari (2006) Simulations
of the Martian Dust Cycle with a General Circulation Model; 10.7907/BDB8-Z423
- Pan, Margaret Whei-Jie (2006) Slices
of Theoretical Astrophysics: Solar System Dynamics and Relativistic
Explosions; 10.7907/40AE-N743
- Bundy, Kevin A. (2006) The
Mass Assembly History of Field Galaxies; 10.7907/3QVQ-FH17
- Erb, Dawn Karuna (2006) The
Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 2: Kinematics, Stellar
Populations, and Metallicities; 10.7907/C5D0-7789
- Pan, Yi (2006) Topics
of LIGO Physics: Template Banks for the Inspiral of Precessing, Compact
Binaries, and Design of the Signal-Recycling Cavity for Advanced
LIGO; 10.7907/TJB1-PQ24
- Farmer, Alison Jane (2005) Adventures
in Theoretical Astrophysics; 10.7907/JJKJ-J144
- Eisner, Joshua Aaron (2005) High
Angular Resolution Studies of the Structure and Evolution of
Protoplanetary Disks; 10.7907/61Y5-F650
- Weinberg, Nevin Nachum (2005) I.
Ash Injection and Exposure During Radius Expansion Type I X-Ray Bursts.
II. Stellar Dynamics at the Galactic Center. III. Weak Gravitational
Lensing by Dark Matter Concentrations; 10.7907/V8PX-AE66
- Mazin, Benjamin A. (2005) Microwave
Kinetic Inductance Detectors; 10.7907/GZ72-V784
- Kapinus, Vadym A. (2005) Photophysical
Properties of Protonated Aromatic Hydrocarbons; 10.7907/3A85-DC20
- Jacoby, Bryan Anthony (2005) Recycled
Pulsars; 10.7907/H5DY-5J74
- Widicus Weaver, Susanna Leigh (2005) Rotational
Spectroscopy and Observational Astronomy of Prebiotic Molecules; 10.7907/CN1R-H437
- Berger, Edo (2004) Cosmic
Explosions: The Beasts and Their Lair; 10.7907/QV7S-4S81
- Sievers, Jonathan LeRoy (2004) Data
Analysis of and Results from Observations of the Cosmic Microwave
Background with the Cosmic Background Imager; 10.7907/8706-VY52
- Hunt, Matthew Philip (2004) Faint
Optically Selected AGN at z = 3; 10.7907/J5MJ-AP67
- Santos, Michael Robert (2004) Galaxy
Formation Near the Epoch of Reionization; 10.7907/X9XT-YT35
- Kessler, Jacqueline Elizabeth (2004) Gas
and Dust Chemistry in Planet-Forming Disks; 10.7907/MGC6-WR47
- Wang, Huiqun Helen (2004) Global
Observations of Martian Clouds with the Mars Orbiter Camera of the Mars
Global Surveyor Spacecraft; 10.7907/CYNM-8830
- Udomprasert, Patricia Simcoe (2004) H₀
from Cosmic Background Imager Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich
Effect in Nearby Clusters.; 10.7907/VR2Z-MP09
- Simcoe, Robert Andrew (2004) Observations
of Intergalactic Heavy-Element Enrichment in the Early Universe; 10.7907/E1N9-BF97
- Bouchez, Antonin Henri (2004) Seasonal
Trends in Titan’s Atmosphere: Haze, Wind, and Clouds; 10.7907/7KVP-D712
- Kaplan, David Lior Ariel (2004) The
Diversity of Neutron Stars: Nearby Thermally Emitting Neutron Stars and
the Compact Central Objects in Supernova Remnants; 10.7907/2890-AB41
- Selman, Fernando Javier (2004) The
Initial Mass Function and Star-Formation History in the 30 Doradus
Super-Association; 10.7907/ZKTC-0760
- O’Shaughnessy, Richard William (2004) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy; 10.7907/4C1K-VZ17
- Cartwright, John Kenneth (2003) A
Limit on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation; 10.7907/D3CT-YV96
- Fenton, Lori Kay (2003) Aeolian
Processes on Mars: Atmospheric Modeling and GIS Analysis; 10.7907/C9V4-8050
- Shapley, Alice Eve (2003) Detailed
Astrophysical Properties of Lyman Break Galaxies; 10.7907/6F95-VD13
- Liu, Yuk Tung (2003) Dynamical
Stability of Nascent Neutron Stars; 10.7907/61ZS-XQ28
- Hartl, Michael David (2003) Dynamics
of Spinning Compact Binaries in General Relativity; 10.7907/KZ5M-MR27
- Chandler, Adam Matthew (2003) Pulsar
Searches: From Radio to Gamma-Rays; 10.7907/MDJX-M255
- Kelly, Melissa Ann (2003) Some
New Measurements of the Ground and v₂ = 1 States of HDO in the Region
200 – 750 GHz; 10.7907/P33F-HD20
- Purdue, Patricia Marie (2003) Topics
in LIGO-Related Physics: Interferometric Speed Meters and Tidal
Work; 10.7907/0YKJ-SW34
- Chen, Yanbei (2003) Topics
of LIGO Physics: Quantum Noise in Advanced Interferometers and Template
Banks for Compact-Binary Inspirals; 10.7907/VQH0-QA78
- Mao, Peter Hsih-Jen (2002) Hard
X-Ray Observations of the Extragalactic Sky: The High Energy Focusing
Telescope and the Serendipitous Extragalactic X-ray Source
Identification Survey; 10.7907/R5E3-RQ86
- Dyudina, Ulyana Anatolyevna (2002) Light
Scattering in the Clouds on Jupiter; 10.7907/N7JD-N925
- Vallisneri, Michele (2002) Modeling
and Detecting Gravitational Waves from Compact Stellar Objects; 10.7907/JN6M-BW40
- Ward, John Strawn (2002) Observations
of Carbon Monoxide in the Starburst Galaxy M82 with a 690 GHz Wide
Spectral Bandwidth Receiver; 10.7907/5S4X-NV83
- Kern, Brian Daniel (2002) Optical
Pulse-Phased Observations of Faint Pulsars with a Phase-Binning CCD
Camera; 10.7907/XP9W-WM62
- Adelberger, Kurt Ludvig (2002) Star
Formation and Structure Formation between Redshifts 1 < z < 4;
- Burgasser, Adam Jonathan (2002) The
Discovery and Characterization of Methane-bearing Brown Dwarfs and the
Definition of the T Spectral Class; 10.7907/KECQ-7R18
- Alvi, Kashif Siddiq (2002) Topics
in General Relativity: Binary Black Holes and Hyperbolic Formulations of
Einstein’s Equations; 10.7907/5S0S-MF65
- Lithwick, Yoram (2002) Topics
in MHD Turbulence; 10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29
- Bloom, Joshua Simon (2002) Toward
an Understanding of the Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts; 10.7907/GKHP-2K61
- Qi, Chunhua (2001) Aperture
Synthesis Studies of the Chemical Composition of Protoplanetary Disks
and Comets; 10.7907/VNV1-8B86
- Lee, Yuan-Tai (2001) Atmospheric
Chemistry and Transport Modeling in the Outer Solar System; 10.7907/y7ep-g464
- Toigo, Anthony Domenick (2001) Behavior
of Dust in the Martian Atmosphere; 10.7907/7v06-j640
- Kuchner, Marc Jason (2001) Exozodiacal
Dust; 10.7907/73cv-y270
- Sandhu, Jagmit Singh (2001) High
Precision Dual Frequency Timing of Millisecond Pulsars; 10.7907/17DD-8X47
- Jenet, Fredrick August (2001) High
Time Resolution Observations of Radio Pulsars: The First Detection of
Coherent Emission; 10.7907/frka-dh94
- Pankine, Alexey Anatolyevich (2001) Low
Order Model of Martian Circulation and Interannual Variability of Global
Dust Storms; 10.7907/MGSA-ZT98
- Maron, Jason L. (2001) Magnetohydrodynamic
Turbulence; 10.7907/x455-kq95
- Gal, Roy R. (2001) The
Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey: Galaxy Clusters from Five Thousand
Square Degrees of DPOSS; 10.7907/5v1y-pk39
- Moyer, Elisabeth Jeanne Bailey (2001) Tracers
of Rapid Transport in the Lower Stratosphere; 10.7907/snq4-db56
- Behr, Bradford B. (2000) A New
Spin on Horizontal-Branch Stars: Anomalous Abundances and Rapid Rotation
Rates; 10.7907/rdxg-qg24
- Chiang, Eugene (2000) Circumstellar
and circumplanetary disks; 10.7907/8B2W-8V06
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam (2000) Dual
polarized and balanced receivers at millimeter and submillimeter
wavelengths; 10.7907/RMVX-0619
- Creighton, Teviet David (2000) From
the Big Bang to Tumbleweeds: Analysis of Signals from Relic Gravitons,
Neutron Stars, and Terrestrial Gravitational Noise in Gravitational Wave
Detectors; 10.7907/6xcj-0z64
- Krasnopolsky, Ruben (2000) Hydromagnetic
astrophysical outflows; 10.7907/j2ak-0b24
- Luo, Chiyan (2000) Millimeter
Wave Loss in Superconducting Striplines; 10.7907/y3bd-n770
- Baker, Andrew Jordan (2000) Molecular
Gas in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/c2qn-2b77
- Kollmeier, Juna Ariele (2000) On
the Kinematics of Galaxies and Associated QSO Absorption Systems; 10.7907/z006-x990
- Murphy, Thomas Williams, Jr. (2000) Ultraluminous
Infrared Galaxies: Power Sources and Ages Along the Merger Sequence;
- Benford, Dominic James (1999) Broadband
submillimeter instrumentation for the detection of distant galaxies;
- Kass, David M. (1999) Change
in the Martian Atmosphere; 10.7907/1mbp-xd62
- Fassnacht, Christopher D. (1999) Determining
the distance scale with CLASS: studies of two new gravitational lenses
and a measurement of the Hubble constant; 10.7907/pe8p-yc41
- Oppenheimer, Ben R. (1999) Direct
Detection of Brown Dwarf Companions of Nearby Stars; 10.7907/5C8H-1A83
- Levin, Yuri (1999) Topics
in Physics and Astrophysics of LIGO; 10.7907/ped8-ec41
- Leitch, Erik M. (1998) A
measurement of anisotropy in the microwave background on 7’-22’
scales; 10.7907/DRVA-T966
- Lyutikov, Maxim (1998) Coherent
emission mechanisms in radio pulsars; 10.7907/3y39-fz45
- Koh, Danny Towsian (1998) Continuous
Long Term Observations of Accreting Pulsars; 10.7907/ch1h-0w87
- Pahre, Michael Andrew (1998) Elliptical
galaxies : structure, stellar content, and evolution; 10.7907/PQ71-9E96
- Wu, Yanqin (1998) Excitation
and Saturation of White Dwarf Pulsation; 10.7907/nc60-8v65
- Owen, Benjamin James (1998) Gravitational
Waves from Compact Objects; 10.7907/63nf-9z58
- Hughes, Scott Alexander (1998) Gravitational-Wave
Astronomy: Aspects of the Theory of Binary Sources and Interferometric
Detectors; 10.7907/smxp-aw47
- Vasavada, Ashwin R. (1998) I.
Temperatures of polar ice deposits on mercury and the moon. II. Jovian
atmospheric dynamics from Galileo imaging; 10.7907/ps1y-d710
- Gizis, John Evangelos (1998) M
Subdwarfs and the Population II Luminosity Function; 10.7907/pfke-c379
- Mahajan, Sanjoy Sondhi (1998) Order
of Magnitude Physics: A Textbook with Applications to the Retinal Rod
and the Density of Prime Numbers; 10.7907/8MJZ-A984
- Ogle, Patrick Michael (1998) Polarization
and Structure of Broad Absorption Line Quasi-Stellar Objects; 10.7907/X967-5E39
- Bernstein, Rebecca A. (1998) The
HST/LCO measurement of the mean flux of the extragalactic background
light (3000-8000Å); 10.7907/4cy1-bw30
- Asimow, Paul David (1997) A
Thermodynamic Model of Adiabatic Melting of the Mantle; 10.7907/93RY-AN70
- Hunter, Todd Russell (1997) A
submillimeter imaging survey of ultracompact HII regions; 10.7907/9k2a-vf26
- Jiang, Yibo (1997) Decadal
evolution of atmospheric ozone and remote sensing of tropospheric
ozone; 10.7907/40ec-pk63
- Bryant, Peter M. (1997) High-resolution
observations of the molecular gas in luminous infrared galaxies; 10.7907/0rav-qq54
- Bin, Mei (1997) Low-noise
THz Niobium SIS Mixers; 10.7907/AZYZ-XP41
- Labrador, Allan Wayne (1997) Measurement
of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Antiproton Flux from 0.25 GeV to 3.11 GeV
with the Isotope Matter Antimatter Experiment (IMAX); 10.7907/92WC-0T91
- Akeson, Rachel Lynn (1997) Millimeter
Interferometric Polarimetry of Magnetic Field Structure in Protostellar
Condensations; 10.7907/RGCX-HK35
- Kennefick, Daniel John (1997) Radiation
Reaction in Binary Systems in General Relativity; 10.7907/jzcp-a525
- Ryan, Fintan Danh (1997) Searching
for Black Holes and Other Massive, Compact Bodies Using the
Gravitational Waves from Binary Inspirals; 10.7907/3n38-zg42
- Knop, Robert A., Jr. (1997) Spatially
Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies; 10.7907/GZ2H-3X10
- Yan, Lin (1996) Binary
stars in globular clusters; 10.7907/n04t-dp55
- Chakrabarty, Deepto (1996) Hard
X-Ray Detection and Timing of Accretion-Powered Pulsars with BATSE;
- Putney, Angela (1996) Magnetic
white dwarf stars; 10.7907/mq60-yx71
- Vasisht, Gautam (1996) Many
faces of young neutron stars; 10.7907/m11k-ex13
- Stockman, Paul Alan (1996) Microwave
and Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Water-Containing, Hydrogen-Bonded
Dimers: Vibrational, Rotational, and Tunneling Dynamics; 10.7907/PYV0-B286
- Larkin, James Edwin (1996) Near
Infrared Spectroscopy of LINER Galaxies; 10.7907/0G7Z-BS49
- Small, Todd Andrew (1996) The
Norris survey of the Corona Borealis supercluster; 10.7907/sy8m-7r36
- Hansen, Bradley Miles Stougaard (1996) The
ages, speeds and offspring of pulsars; 10.7907/69DE-D262
- Peri, Michal Leah (1995) Asteroseismological
observations of eta Cassiopeiae A with the Palomar east arm echelle
spectrograph; 10.7907/VKRJ-A345
- Weir, William Nicholas (1995) Automated
analysis of the Digitized Second Palomar Sky Survey : system design,
implementation, and initial results; 10.7907/wdng-9x48
- Rauch, Kevin Patrick (1995) Black
holes and accretion disks in active galactic nuclei : microlensing,
caustics, and collisional stellar dynamics; 10.7907/cpyq-cr33
- Ray, Paul Shelton (1995) High-sensitivity
searches for radio pulsars; 10.7907/6m41-p432
- Schoelkopf, Robert J. (1995) Studies
of noise in Josephson-effect mixers and their potential for
submillimeter heterodyne detection; 10.7907/xezv-q641
- Thompson, David (1995) Surveys
for primeval galaxies; 10.7907/b644-y527
- McMuldroch, Stuart (1995) The
Circumstellar Environments of FU Orionis Stars; 10.7907/14NE-ZW09
- Groesbeck, Todd Dickson (1995) The
Contribution of Molecular Line Emission to Broadband Flux Measurements
at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths; 10.7907/rbaq-gb42
- Xu, Wenge (1995) The
first Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI survey; 10.7907/k8f8-gn20
- Koerner, David (1995) The
kinematics of circumstellar disks around T Tauri stars; 10.7907/css3-2v20
- Apostolatos, Theocaris A. (1995) Topics
in general relativity : naked singularities, and theoretical aspects of
gravitational waves from merging compact binaries; 10.7907/2x5m-b994
- Banfield, Donald J. (1994) A
dynamical history of the inner Neptunian satellites and Martian weather
: Viking observations and M.O. data assimilation techniques; 10.7907/07dr-qq38
- Herbig, Thomas (1994) A
measurement of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the coma cluster of
galaxies; 10.7907/3wd8-xa84
- Navarro, Jose (1994) A
wide bandwidth pulsar timing machine; 10.7907/x08x-cm32
- Marković, Dragoljub (1994) Black
holes in the early universe, in compact binaries, and as energy sources
inside solar-type stars; 10.7907/ms5q-kt36
- Roth, Joshua (1994) Constraints
upon the cosmological density parameter from Tully-Fisher observations
of IRAS galaxies; 10.7907/G8Y2-6V10
- Leroy, Stephen Sylvain (1994) Convectively
generated internal gravity waves in Venus’s middle atmosphere : momentum
transport and radio scintillations; 10.7907/msgs-7b48
- Horowitz, Irwin Kenneth (1994) Evolution
of emission line galaxies; 10.7907/c8r3-gs98
- Willette, Gregory Thomas (1994) Stochastic
excitation of the solar oscillations by turbulent convection; 10.7907/7nmq-8a04
- Lee, Jeongwoo (1994) Study
of solar microwave radiation using multifrequency data; 10.7907/1vr9-wh15
- Young, Kenneth Harbour (1994) Submillimeter
and infrared studies of mass lost by asymptotic giant branch stars;
- Flanagan, Eanna E. (1994) Topics
in general relativity : the hoop conjecture and theoretical aspects of
gravitational wave detection; 10.7907/7SW7-8076
- Anderson, Stuart Bruce (1993) A
study of recycled pulsars in globular clusters; 10.7907/mb1s-an45
- Reisenegger, Tassilo Andreas (1993) Hydrodynamics
of neutron star interiors and laboratory superfluids; 10.7907/1FTJ-0J14
- Büttgenbach, Thomas H. (1993) Quasi-optical
sis receivers and astrophysical observations at submillimeter
wavelengths; 10.7907/1dkj-1503
- Biehle, Garrett T. (1993) Studies
of stars with neutron cores and of x-ray binaries displaying
quasi-periodic oscillations; 10.7907/sx31-ra11
- Ghez, Andrea Mia (1993) The
Multiplicity of T Tauri Stars in the Star Forming Regions Taurus-Auriga
and Ophiucus-Scorpius: A 2.2 µm Speckle Imaging Survey; 10.7907/AD5X-DA38
- Tinney, Christopher G. (1993) The
faintest stars; 10.7907/0wrn-f607
- Santee, Michelle (1993) The
thermal structure, dust loading, and meridional transport in the Martian
atmosphere during late southern summer; 10.7907/5qzc-4127
- Johnston, Helen Margaret (1992) Compact
objects in the disk and globular clusters; 10.7907/828h-3x32
- Sigurdsson, Steinn (1992) Dynamics
of neutron stars and binaries in globular clusters or, Ménages à trois:
revitalizing burnt out degenerates through partner swapping; 10.7907/gcf0-px44
- Palmer, David M. (1992) Gamma-ray
imaging observations of Supernova 1987A; 10.7907/ctqh-qa26
- van Putten, Maurice H. P. M. (1992) MHD
in divergence form : a computational method for astrophysical flow;
- Klinkhammer, Gunnar Ulrich (1992) Multiply
connected spacetimes and closed timelike curves in semiclassical
gravity; 10.7907/694e-b162
- Achterberg, Richard Karl (1992) Numerical
Simulation of Baroclinic Jovian Vortices; 10.7907/0pjs-sb11
- Padgett, Deborah Lynne (1992) Photospheric
abundance analysis of low mass pre-main sequence stars; 10.7907/wxz8-y734
- Zuo, Lin (1992) QSO
Absorption Lines and the Ionizing Field at High Redshifts; 10.7907/vsk7-nv30
- Stapelfeldt, Karl Roald (1991) A
multiwavelength observational investigation of Herbig-Haro objects and
their exciting stars; 10.7907/2638-br68
- Stern, Jeffrey Aaron (1991) Fabrication
and testing of NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions for use as high-frequency
heterodyne detectors; 10.7907/AZ4Q-DF35
- Salmon, John K. (1991) Parallel
hierarchical N-body methods; 10.7907/3J5V-VR08
- Carico, David Paul (1991) Properties
of infrared-luminous galaxies, or, how I spent seven summer
vacations; 10.7907/XZPT-HV21
- Coppi, Paolo Severo (1991) Radiative
processes in active galactic nuclei; 10.7907/GDMQ-Q829
- Han, Mingsheng (1991) The
I-band Tully-Fisher relation and large-scale motions in the
universe; 10.7907/85nr-2g69
- Picard, Alain (1991) The
large scale structure of the universe; 10.7907/hv26-2889
- Rand, Richard J. (1991) The
relationship between the density wave, molecular gas and star formation
in M51; 10.7907/c2j4-qh42
- Budge, Kent Grimmett (1990) A
Non-LTE Analysis of a Sample of O Stars Selected from Galactic OB
Associations; 10.7907/A24K-G089
- Myers, Steven Theodore (1990) A
Search for Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background on Angular
Scales of 1 to 30 Arcminutes; 10.7907/p4e7-rw11
- Canzian, Blaise J. (1990) Molecular
Gas and Star Formation in the Central Regions of Virgo Spiral
Galaxies; 10.7907/pcga-sm96
- Zhang, Xiao-He (1990) Multipole
moments in general relativity and dynamical perturbations of black-hole
magnetospheres; 10.7907/ra46-aj38
- Miller, Michael Coleman (1990) Radiative
transfer in very strong magnetic fields; 10.7907/9t01-q903
- Steidel, Charles Colville (1990) Spectroscopic
Observations of High Redshift QSOs: Galaxies and the Intergalactic
Medium at Early Epochs; 10.7907/MK1V-9803
- Wilson, Christine Diana (1990) Star
formation and the interstellar medium in M33; 10.7907/sqk4-dx41
- Dowling, Timothy Edward (1989) A
Dynamical Study of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot; 10.7907/whc3-mh91
- Zucker, Michael Edward (1989) Experiments
with a Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Antenna; 10.7907/T5D0-4N31
- Barsony, Mary Anne (1989) Outflows
in High Mass Star-Forming Regions; 10.7907/FDFC-0Q12
- Yurtsever, Ulvi Hamit (1989) Singularities
and Horizons in the Collisions of Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/zm5n-g882
- Grossman, Erich Nathan (1988) A
Far-Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer for Airborne Astronomy; 10.7907/79cv-bm83
- McCarthy, James K. (1988) Echelle
Spectroscopy of the Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae; 10.7907/jzsq-vr40
- Kumar, Pawan (1988) Excitation
and Damping of Solar P-Modes; 10.7907/q6y2-3263
- Wengler, Michael James (1988) Heterodyne
Detection with Superconducting Tunnel Diodes; 10.7907/TYQQ-RZ71
- Ojakangas, Gregory Wayne (1988) I.
Episodic Volcanism of Tidally Heated Satellites with an Application to
Io. II. Thermal State of an Ice Shell on Europa. III. Polar Wander of a
Synchronously Rotating Satellite with Application to Europa; 10.7907/RMD6-XM66
- Porter, Alain Cheyney (1988) Isophotometry
of Brightest Elliptical Galaxies in Rich Clusters; 10.7907/3WWA-4575
- Wang, Haimin (1988) Magnetic
Fields and Supergranule Velocity Fields on the Quiet Sun; 10.7907/1cja-6j65
- Braunstein, Samuel Leon (1988) Novel
Quantum States and Measurements; 10.7907/9K1B-7X39
- Finger, Mark Harold (1988) The
Imaging of Extra-Galactic Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources: Prospects,
Techniques, and Instrumentation; 10.7907/yagn-1j29
- Morris, Michael Scott (1988) The
R +ɛR² Cosmology; 10.7907/h44f-9639
- Edelson, Richard Allen (1987) Broadband
Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/gtk1-3n45
- Chou, Dean-Yi (1987) Development
and Evolution of Magnetic Fields in Active Regions on the Sun; 10.7907/rkc8-g529
- Friedson, Andrew James (1987) I.
Meridional Energy Balance of Uranus. II. Viscosity of Rock-Ice Mixtures.
III. The Thermosphere of Titan; 10.7907/65ch-hj35
- Kirk, Randolph Livingstone (1987) I.
Thermal Evolution of Ganymede and Implications for Surface Features. II.
Magnetohydrodynamic Constraints on Deep Zonal Flow in the Giant Planets.
III. A Fast Finite-Element Algorithm for Two-Dimensional
Photoclinometry; 10.7907/T5PT-S948
- Rudy, Donald James (1987) Mars:
High Resolution VLA Observations at Wavelengths of 2 and 6 cm and
Derived Properties; 10.7907/3g59-p796
- Lind, Kevin Robert (1987) Observations
and Gas Dynamics of Extragalactic Radio Jets; 10.7907/wnqa-gn45
- Finn, Lee Samuel (1987) Relativistic
Stellar Pulsations; 10.7907/T7VS-8648
- Rich, Robert Michael (1986) Abundances
and Kinematics of K Giants in the Galactic Nuclear Bulge; 10.7907/zyq4-ta43
- Biretta, John Anthony (1986) Investigations
of Radio Jets in M87, 3C273, and 3C345; 10.7907/dsst-qp22
- Blake, Geoffrey A. (1986) On
the Chemical Composition of Interstellar Molecular Clouds: A Millimeter
and Submillimeter Spectral Line Survey of OMC-1; 10.7907/0F73-PJ76
- Hough, David Hans (1986) Parsec-Scale
Structure in the Nuclei of Double-Lobed Radio Quasars; 10.7907/8P47-SM58
- Fillmore, James Arthur (1985) A
Study on the Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies; 10.7907/b70x-qk59
- Sahai, Raghvendra (1985) Circumstellar
Shells of Late-Type Stars – A Study at Millimeter and Infrared
Wavelenghts; 10.7907/yfv7-n741
- Suen, Wai Mo (1985) Dynamical
Electromagnetic Fields Near Black Holes and Multipole Moments of
Stationary, General Relativistic Systems; 10.7907/xayq-7806
- Brown, Elliott R. (1985) Investigation
of Bulk Indium Antimonide as Heterodyne Detector for the Submillimeter
Wavelength Region; 10.7907/wm40-4k69
- Schumaker, Bonny Laura (1985) Theoretical
Investigations in Nonlinear Quantum Optics, Theory of Measurement, and
Pulsations of General Relativistic Models of Neutron Stars; 10.7907/fwvz-7t26
- Saha, Abhijit (1984) A
Survey of Halo RR Lyrae Stars; 10.7907/d56z-kf18
- Macdonald, Douglas Alan (1984) Black-Hole
Electrodynamics; 10.7907/vv78-at49
- Filippenko, Alexei Vladimir (1984) Physical
Conditions in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/34v9-vc35
- Redmount, Ian H. (1984) Topics
in Black-Hole Physics: Geometric Constraints on Noncollapsing,
Gravitating Systems and Tidal Distortions of a Schwarzschild Black
Hole; 10.7907/mp3n-4r06
- Lichten, Stephen Morris (1984) Turbulence
and Mass Motion in Galactic Molecular Clouds; 10.7907/wbm2-9x67
- Pier, Jeffrey Ross (1983) A
Study of A- and B-Type Stars in the Southern Galactic Halo; 10.7907/s939-dc28
- Horne, Keith Douglas (1983) Eclipse
Mapping of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Binaries; 10.7907/5E49-4N30
- Simon, Richard Stanley (1983) Nuclear
Structure of Quasars at 329 Megahertz; 10.7907/zyfw-8c64
- Gürsel, Halis Yekta (1983) Stability
of Spherically Symmetric, Charged Black Holes and Multipole Moments for
Stationary Systems; 10.7907/e9t6-dr05
- Malkan, Matthew Arnold (1983) The
Physical Nature of the Continuum in Active Galaxies; 10.7907/Z85C-9706
- Borne, Kirk Daniel (1983) The
Structure and Evolution of Interacting Binary Galaxies; 10.7907/8PH6-6R18
- Berriman, Graham (1983) Visible
and Infrared Studies of Cataclysmic Variable Stars; 10.7907/psse-c523
- Schneider, Donald P. (1982) CCD
Observations of Clusters of Galaxies; 10.7907/tsbt-dz83
- Flammang, Richard Alan (1982) Stationary
Spherical Optically Thick Accretion into Black Holes; 10.7907/t73p-2e81
- Redman, Russell Ormond (1982) The
Orientation and Sizes of Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy; 10.7907/p0pn-sw91
- Sebok, William Lawrence (1982) Use
of an Automated Photographic Object Detection System to Analyse the
Effect of Magnitude on the Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies;
- Wisdom, Jack Leach (1981) 1.
The Origin of the Kirkwood Gaps: A Mapping for Asteroidal Monitor Near
the 3/1 Commensurability. 2. The Resonance Overlap Criterion and the
Onset of Stochastic Behavior in the Restricted Three-Body Problem;
- Yee, Howard Kwong Chew (1981) Optical
Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars; 10.7907/5AKF-YS51
- Wade, Richard Alan (1981) Spectroscopy
and Spectrophotometry of Cataclysmic Variable Stars; 10.7907/83wt-0h57
- Linfield, Roger Paul (1981) Studies
of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources; 10.7907/5cg5-0d24
- Rabin, Douglas Mark (1981) Studies
of Stellar Populations: Star Clusters in M3l, the Galaxy and the
Magellanic Clouds; 10.7907/962q-x238
- Cimerman, Menachem (1980) A
Study of Hydroxyl Masers in the Circumstellar Envelopes of Long Period
Variable Stars; 10.7907/zsta-x423
- Kent, Stephen Matthew (1980) Interactions
Between Galaxies and a Hot Medium in Rich Clusters; 10.7907/msvj-7y70
- Zimmermann, Mark Edward (1980) Studies
on Gravitational Waves and Stars with Neutron Cores; 10.7907/n4hc-5489
- Hoessel, John Greg (1980) The
Photometric Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies; 10.7907/2nws-1w21
- Nicholson, Philip David (1979) 1.
Tidal Synchronization of the Rotation of Early Main Sequence Stars in
Close Binaries. 2. The Rings of Uranus: Results of the 1978 April 10
Occultation. 3. On the Resonance Theory of the Rings of Uranus; 10.7907/xtcv-p562
- Romney, Jonathan Daniel MacLeish (1979) Fine-Scale
Structure of the Neutral Hydrogen Absorption in NGC1275; 10.7907/ytaj-x179
- LaBonte, Barry James (1979) Studies
of Chromospheric Activity Observed in Hα and D₃; 10.7907/wv44-e526
- Young, Peter John (1979) Supermassive
Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/mcgd-jp70
- Caves, Carlton Morris (1979) Theoretical
Investigations of Experimental Gravitation; 10.7907/H3T8-FQ06
- De Logi, Walter K. (1978) Electromagnetic
Wave Generation and Propagation in Gravitational Fields; 10.7907/es3k-qv56
- Alcock, Charles (1978) I.
Small Angle Scattering of Radiation. II. Molecular Emission Lines Around
Evolved Stars; 10.7907/9NC1-B853
- Elias, Jonathan H. (1978) Infrared
Studies of Two Dark Clouds; 10.7907/78t4-q193
- Sargent, Anneila Isabel (1978) Molecular
Clouds and Star Formation; 10.7907/XZSK-2H71
- Green, Richard Frederick (1977) A
Complete Sample of White Dwarfs, Hot Subdwarfs, and Quasars; 10.7907/8Q1N-ZW17
- Kovács, Sándor János, Jr. (1977) The
Generation of Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/VHQW-W277
- Huchra, John Peter (1977) The
Nature of Markarian Galaxies and Studies of Star Formation In Blue
Galaxies; 10.7907/F34C-J170
- Melnick, Jorge (1977) The
Structure of Giant Extragalactic HII Regions; 10.7907/H0TV-1A14
- Pigg, Jay Cee (1976) A
Limit on the Inhomogeneity of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
at an Angular Scale of 1.25 Arcmin; 10.7907/RJMF-HZ44
- Page, Don Nelson (1976) Accretion
Into and Emission from Black Holes; 10.7907/RAEC-8822
- Turner, Edwin Lewis (1976) Binary
Galaxies and Groups of Galaxies; 10.7907/C4RG-BW87
- Kormendy, John (1976) Brightness
Distributions in Compact and Normal Galaxies; 10.7907/YZFX-X226
- Willner, Steven Paul (1976) Compact
Infrared Sources: NGC 7538 and the Galactic Center; 10.7907/YGRP-NJ17
- Williams, Theodore Burton (1976) Stellar
Populations and Velocity Dispersions of Ten Nearby Galaxies; 10.7907/85S6-PX78
- Bagnuolo, William G., Jr. (1976) The
Stellar Composition and Evolution of Irregular and Other Late-Type
Galaxies; 10.7907/84BT-0F97
- Turnrose, Barry Edmund (1976) The
Stellar Content of the Nuclear Regions of Sc Galaxies; 10.7907/4HGY-GB71
- Hickson, Paul (1976) The
Structure of Clusters of Galaxies and the Angular Size-Redshift
Test; 10.7907/6F00-K950
- Reid, Mark Jonathan (1976) The
Structure of Hydroxyl Masers and Circumstellar Envelopes of Long Period
Variable Stars; 10.7907/4EGT-TW53
- Chu, Kwong Wah (1975) HI
Observations of Dust Clouds; 10.7907/FFYW-J027
- Kirshner, Robert Paul (1975) Spectrophotometry
of Supernovae and their Remnants; 10.7907/YN9G-P338
- Bieging, John Harold (1974) Aperture
Synthesis Observations of OH Absorption in the Galactic Center; 10.7907/HD0Q-HN74
- Shectman, Stephen Alan (1974) Clusters
of Galaxies and the Cosmic Light; 10.7907/APSH-4Q39
- Sorkin, Rafael D. (1974) Development
of Simplectic Methods for the Metrical and Electromagnetic Fields;
- Lee, David Li (1974) Frameworks
for Analyzing and Testing Theories of Gravity; 10.7907/KC8C-MS78
- Lightman, Alan Paige (1974) I.
Time-Dependent Accretion Disks Around Compact Objects and II.
Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing and Testing Gravitation
Theories; 10.7907/1QYN-CQ82
- Callahan, Philip Sidney (1974) Observation
of the Solar-Wind Turbulence Near the Sun; 10.7907/9ZFM-K287
- Teukolsky, Saul Arno (1974) Perturbations
of a Rotating Black Hole; 10.7907/N3AW-PV92
- Veeder, Glenn John, Jr. (1974) Temperatures
and Luminosities of M Type Dwarfs from Infrared Photometry; 10.7907/CRWW-Y818
- Shaffer, David Bruce (1974) The
Structure of Compact Radio Sources at 10.7 GHz; 10.7907/FER5-8H88
- Oemler, Augustus, Jr. (1974) The
Systematic Properties of Clusters of Galaxies; 10.7907/BT4A-JT75
- Greisen, Eric Winslow (1973) Aperture
Synthesis of Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen in Absorption; 10.7907/3A2K-C664
- Press, William Henry (1973) Applications
of Black-Hole Perturbation Techniques; 10.7907/0HKZ-DJ23
- Dykla, John Joseph (1973) Conserved
Quantities and the Formation of Black Holes in the Brans-Dicke Theory of
Gravitation; 10.7907/h455-hg42
- Ward, William Roger (1973) I.
The Formation of Planetesimals. II. Tidal Friction and Generalized
Cassini’s Laws in the Solar System; 10.7907/kqm5-4r97
- Shields, Gregory Alan (1973) Ionization
Structure and Emission Line Intensities of Seyfert Galaxy Nuclei; 10.7907/DAZ1-4251
- Ni, Wei-Tou (1973) Metric
Theories of Gravity and their Astrophysical Implications; 10.7907/MCQM-3M81
- Kwan, John Ying-Kuen (1973) Polarization
Properties of Astrophysical Masers; 10.7907/906J-2N21
- Purcell, George Harber (1973) The
Structure of Compact Radio Sources at 606 MHz; 10.7907/8jjw-z848
- Adelman, Saul Joseph (1972) A
Study of Twenty-One Sharp-Lined Non-Variable Cool Peculiar A Stars;
- Oinas, Valdar (1972) Analysis
of Normal and Strong-Lined K-Type Dwarf and Giant Stars; 10.7907/HHGN-ZB70
- Shostak, Gerson Seth (1972) Aperture
Synthesis Observations of Neutral Hydrogen in Three Galaxies; 10.7907/FRRJ-YB73
- Persson, Sven Eric (1972) Interpretation
of the Neutral Helium Triplet Spectrum in Planetary Nebulae; 10.7907/FNVG-6W53
- Schutz, Bernard Frederick, Jr. (1972) Relativistic
Velocity: Potential Hydrodynamics and Stellar Stability; 10.7907/05NX-9C06
- Yip, Ka Bing Winson (1972) Synthesis
of the Polarization Properties of Cygnus A at 8300 and 9600
Megahertz; 10.7907/GVT6-PD26
- Christensen, Clark Gardner (1972) The
Synthesis of Composite Spectra: A Study of Four Globular Clusters of the
Galaxy, Five Globular Clusters of M31 and the Nucleus of NGC 205; 10.7907/VTAK-FR10
- Weistrop, Donna Etta (1971) Characteristics
of Disk and Halo Populations Derived from Photographic Photometry;
- Frogel, Jay Albert (1971) Infrared
Spectra of Late-Type Stars; 10.7907/F9GE-VF59
- Price, Richard Henry (1971) Nonspherical
Perturbation of Relativistic Gravitational Collapse; 10.7907/1EGC-Y160
- Cohen, Judith Gamora (1971) The
Lithium Isotope Ratio in F and G Field Stars; 10.7907/1R06-FG25
- Will, Clifford Martin (1971) Theoretical
Frameworks for Testing Relativistic Gravity. The Parametrized
Post-Newtonian Formalism; 10.7907/NQNB-RK02
- Shipman, Henry Longfellow (1971) White
Dwarfs; 10.7907/49SJ-WP05
- Peterson, Arsine Victoria (1970) A
Spectroscopic Investigation of Four O-Type Subdwarfs; 10.7907/9AF4-BY55
- Michaud, Georges Joseph (1970) I.
Diffusion Processes in A-PEC Stars. II. Nucleosynthesis in Si
Burning; 10.7907/ZR0T-W227
- Keeley, Douglas Allan (1970) Static
and Dynamical Models of Long-Period Variable Stars; 10.7907/NTN2-HH47
- Osmer, Patrick Stewart (1970) The
Atmospheres of the F Supergiants; 10.7907/8N4Y-K187
- Sramek, Richard Anthony (1970) The
Brightness Distribution of Core-Halo Radio Sources; 10.7907/3HJ1-PE18
- Webber, John Clinton (1970) The
Molecular Spectrum of Sunspots; 10.7907/FKJP-0C31
- O’Connell, Robert West (1970) The
Stellar Content of M82; 10.7907/AEZK-3E15
- Defouw, Richard John (1970) Thermal
Instability and the Convective Stability of Stellar Chromospheres;
- Anderson, Kurt Steven Jarl (1969) A
Spectrophotometric Study of Seyfert Nuclei; 10.7907/H52P-ZH29
- Peterson, Bruce Alrick (1969) A
Study of Absorption and Reddening Using Absolute Magnitudes and Colors
of Galaxies; 10.7907/7WK7-V137
- Jacobs, Kenneth Charles (1969) Bianchi
Type I Cosmological Models; 10.7907/KSSQ-R708
- Burke, William Lionel (1969) The
Coupling of Gravitational Radiation to Nonrelativistic Sources; 10.7907/89HA-6J10
- Ipser, James Reid (1969) The
Stability of Relativistic, Spherically Symmetric Star Clusters; 10.7907/GF6C-JN05
- Scargle, Jeffrey Drexel (1968) Activity
in the Crab Nebula; 10.7907/4E5Y-0V49
- Larson, Richard Bondo (1968) Dynamics
of a Collapsing Protostar; 10.7907/B8XQ-F688
- Trimble, Virginia Louise (1968) Motions
and Structure of the Filamentary Envelope of the Crab Nebula; 10.7907/7DCP-QS42
- Anderson, Christopher Marlowe (1968) The
Interstellar Extinction of Stars in H II Regions; 10.7907/DH4K-AB89
- Castor, John Irvin (1967) Atmospheric
Dynamics in a Model RR Lyrae Star; 10.7907/EKJM-HV30
- Fomalont, Edward Berel (1967) The
East-West Structure of Radio Sources at 1425 MHz; 10.7907/W9HN-MY72
- Gunn, James Edward (1966) A
Mathematical Framework for Discussing the Statistical Distribution of
Galaxies in Space and its Cosmological Implications; 10.7907/EV32-TQ73
- Chandra, Subhash (1966) A
Study of Spectroscopic and Kinematic Characteristics of Peculiar A-Type
Stars; 10.7907/KDF0-XZ45
- Kayser, Susan Elizabeth (1966) Photometry
in the Nearby Irregular Galaxy, NGC 6822; 10.7907/ZKRJ-7R03
- Trafton, Laurence Munro (1965) A
Study of the Energy Balance in the Atmospheres of the Major Planets;
- Berge, Glenn LeRoy (1965) An
Interferometric Study of Jupiter’s Decimeter Radio Emission; 10.7907/QYHG-PN18
- Divine, Theodore Neil (1965) Structure
and Evolution of Model Helium Stars; 10.7907/G079-F390
- Arpigny, Claude (1964) A
Study of Molecular and Physical Processes in Comets; 10.7907/Y86M-JB16
- Norton, Robert Henry (1964) HeH⁺
in Model Stellar Atmospheres; 10.7907/YRJA-NP26
- Mihalas, Dimitri Manuel (1964) Model
Atmosphere Studies of Early Type Stars; 10.7907/7TH1-H154
- Méndez, Manuel E. (1964) The
Spectrophotometry of the Orion Nebula; 10.7907/SPX8-CV53
- Clark, Barry Gillespie (1964) The
Twenty-One Centimeter Hydrogen Line in Absorption; 10.7907/385M-0W22
- Parker, Robert Allan Ridley (1963) The
Physical Conditions Pertaining to Some Possible Supernova Remnants;
- Wilson, Robert Woodrow (1962) Observations
of the Galactic Plane at 960 Mc/s; 10.7907/1R1X-J090
- Wildey, Robert LeRoy (1962) The
Stellar Content of the Perseus Galactic Arm in the Region of h and Chi
Persei; 10.7907/TNJ1-XF88
- Harris, Daniel Everett (1961) The
Continuous Spectra of Radio Sources with Particular Reference to
Non-Thermal Galactic Sources; 10.7907/N09S-3J04
- Melbourne, William Geary (1959) Line
Blanketing Effects on Middle-Type Main-Sequence and Sub-Dwarf Stars;
- Bonsack, Walter Karl (1959) The
Abundance of Lithium in the Atmospberes of Cool Stars; 10.7907/HAVA-YH31
- Tifft, William Grant (1958) Multicolor
Photoelectric Photometry of Bright Extragalactic Systems; 10.7907/Q9G6-YA63
- Wallerstein, George (1958) Spectra
of Population II Cepheid Variable Stars; 10.7907/JGXJ-B131
- Abell, George Ogden (1957) The
Distribution of Rich Clusters of Galaxies; 10.7907/99X5-ZM38
- Mathis, John Samuel (1956) The
Abundance of Helium Relative to Hydrogen in the Orion Nebula; 10.7907/CB4D-4026
- Stewart, John Charles (1955) A
Quantitative Analysis of the Atmospheres of Three Peculiar
Low-Luminosity B Stars; 10.7907/DWVS-1E46
- Parker, James Mervin (1954) Profiles
and Wavelength of Spectrum Lines in the Solar Chromosphere; 10.7907/GC46-VM62
- Sandage, Allan Rex (1953) A
Study of the Globular Cluster M3; 10.7907/06G7-RG84
- Arp, Halton Christian (1953) Variable
Stars with Periods Greater than One Day in Globular Clusters; 10.7907/SMXJ-NH60
- Abt, Helmut Arthur (1952) An
Analysis of the Variable Star, W Virginis; 10.7907/R3P7-KJ13
- Young, Richard Davidson (1952) The
R-F Thermal Radiation from the Sun; 10.7907/7084-7319
- Hill, Armin John (1950) Relative
f-Values of Selected lines in the Absorption Spectrum of Chromium I;
- Johnson, Josef Jerome (1935) Visual
Measurements of the Polarization of the Solar Corona; 10.7907/FBFH-ER25