Zmuidzinas, Jonas
- Redford, J. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2022) SuperSpec: On-Chip Spectrometer Design, Characterization, and Performance; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; 10.1007/s10909-022-02866-x
- Glenn, Jason and Bradford, Charles M., el al. (2021) Galaxy Evolution Probe; Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems; Vol. 7; No. 3; Art. No. 034004; 10.1117/1.jatis.7.3.034004
- Leisawitz, David and Amatucci, Edward, el al. (2021) Origins Space Telescope: trades and decisions leading to the baseline mission concept; Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems; Vol. 7; No. 1; Art. No. 011014; 10.1117/1.JATIS.7.1.011014
- Meixner, Margaret and Cooray, Asantha, el al. (2021) Origins Space Telescope science drivers to design traceability; Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems; Vol. 7; No. 1; Art. No. 011012; 10.1117/1.jatis.7.1.011012
- Leisawitz, David and Amatucci, Edward G., el al. (2021) Origins Space Telescope: baseline mission concept; Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems; Vol. 7; No. 1; Art. No. 011002; 10.1117/1.jatis.7.1.011002
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2020) Impacts of Technology Innovation on Scientific Discovery; ISBN 9781510636897; Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV; Art. No. 1145105; 10.1117/12.2590136
- Wandui, Albert K. and Bock, James J., el al. (2020) Antenna-coupled thermal kinetic inductance detectors for ground-based millimeter-wave cosmology; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114531E; 10.1117/12.2563373
- Redford, Joseph G. and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2020) SuperSpec: On-chip spectrometer design, characterization, and performance; 10.1117/12.2563110
- Colditz, Sebastian and Looney, Leslie W., el al. (2020) Upgrading the field-imaging far-infrared line spectrometer for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) with KIDs: enabling large sample (extragalactic) surveys; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 1145334; 10.1117/12.2560120
- Wandui, Albert and Bock, James J., el al. (2020) Thermal kinetic inductance detectors for millimeter-wave detection; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 128; No. 4; Art. No. 044508; 10.1063/5.0002413
- Fyhrie, A. and Day, P., el al. (2020) Decay Times of Optical Pulses for Aluminum CPW KIDs; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 199; No. 3-4; 688-695; 10.1007/s10909-020-02377-7
- Perido, J. and Glenn, J., el al. (2020) Extending KIDs to the Mid-IR for Future Space and Suborbital Observatories; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 199; No. 3-4; 696-703; 10.1007/s10909-020-02364-y
- Karkare, K. S. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2020) Full-Array Noise Performance of Deployment-Grade SuperSpec mm-Wave On-Chip Spectrometers; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 199; No. 3-4; 849-857; 10.1007/s10909-020-02407-4
- Wandui, A. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2020) Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Millimeter-Wave Astrophysics; 10.48550/arXiv.2001.08887
- Leisawitz, D. and Armus, L., el al. (2019) The Origins Space Telescope; ISBN 9781510629233; UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts IX; Art. No. 111150Q; 10.1117/12.2530514
- Zmuidzinas, J. and Karasik, B., el al. (2019) Room Temperature, Quantum-Limited THz Heterodyne Detection? Not Yet; 10.1038/s41550-019-0828-6
- Farrah, Duncan and Bradford, Charles M., el al. (2019) Review: far-infrared instrumentation and technological development for the next decade; Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems; Vol. 5; No. 2; Art. No. 020901; 10.1117/1.JATIS.5.2.020901
- McGeehan, R. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2018) Low-Temperature Noise Performance of SuperSpec and Other Developments on the Path to Deployment; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 193; No. 5-6; 1024-1032; 10.1007/s10909-018-2061-6
- Wheeler, Jordan and Hailey-Dunsheath, S., el al. (2018) SuperSpec, The On-Chip Spectrometer: Improved NEP and Antenna Performance; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 193; No. 3-4; 408-414; 10.1007/s10909-018-1926-z
- Fyhrie, Adalyn and Zmuidzinas, Jonas, el al. (2018) Progress towards ultra sensitive KIDs for future far-infrared missions: a focus on recombination times; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107083A; 10.1117/12.2312867
- Battersby, Cara and Armus, L., el al. (2018) The Origins Space Telescope; Nature Astronomy; Vol. 2; No. 8; 596-599; 10.1038/s41550-018-0540-y
- Meixner, Margaret and Armus, Lee, el al. (2018) Overview of the Origins Space telescope: science drivers to observatory requirements; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Art. No. 106980N; 10.1117/12.2312255
- Leisawitz, D. and Armus, L., el al. (2018) The Origins Space Telescope: mission concept overview; 10.1117/12.2313823
- Glenn, Jason and Bradford, C. Matt, el al. (2018) Galaxy Evolution Probe: a concept for a mid and far-infrared space observatory; ISBN 9781510619494; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Art. No. 106980L; 10.1117/12.2314076
- Karkare, Kirit S. and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2018) On-sky demonstration of the SuperSpec millimeter-wave spectrometer (Conference Presentation); ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081R; 10.1117/12.2313786
- Wheeler, Jordan D. and Hailey-Dunsheath, Steven, el al. (2018) SuperSpec: the on-chip spectrometer: characterization of a full 300 channel filterbank (Conference Presentation); ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107080P; 10.1117/12.2314364
- Redford, J. and Wheeler, J., el al. (2018) The design and characterization of a 300 channel, optimized full-band millimeter filterbank for science with SuperSpec; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081O; 10.1117/12.2313666
- Noroozian, Omid and Kerr, Anthony R., el al. (2018) Superconducting parametric amplifiers: The next big thing in (Sub)millimeter-wave receivers; ISBN 978-1-946815-02-6; 2018 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM); 1-2
- Flanigan, D. and Johnson, B. R., el al. (2016) Magnetic field dependence of the internal quality factor and noise performance of lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 109; No. 14; Art. No. 143503; 10.1063/1.4964119
- Meixner, M. and Cooray, A., el al. (2016) The Far-Infrared Surveyor Mission study: paper I, the genesis; ISBN 9781510601871; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Art. No. 99040K; 10.1117/12.2240456
- Wheeler, J. and Hailey-Dunsheath, S., el al. (2016) SuperSpec: development towards a full-scale filter bank; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99143K; 10.1117/12.2233798
- Fyhrie, Adalyn and McKenney, Christopher, el al. (2016) Responsivity boosting in FIR TiN LEKIDs using phonon recycling: simulations and array design; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99142B; 10.1117/12.2231476
- McCarrick, Heather and Abitbol, Maximilian H., el al. (2016) Development of dual-polarization LEKIDs for CMB observations; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140O; 10.1117/12.2231830
- Hailey-Dunsheath, S. and Shirokoff, E., el al. (2016) Low Noise Titanium Nitride KIDs for SuperSpec: A Millimeter-Wave On-Chip Spectrometer; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 184; No. 1; 180-187; 10.1007/s10909-015-1375-x
- Kher, A. and Day, P. K., el al. (2016) Kinetic Inductance Parametric Up-Converter; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 184; No. 1; 480-485; 10.1007/s10909-015-1364-0
- Sayers, Jack and Golwala, Sunil R., el al. (2016) Peculiar Velocity Constraints from Five-Band SZ Effect Measurements Towards RX J1347.5-1145 with MUSIC and Bolocam from the CSO; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 820; No. 2; Art. No. 101; 10.3847/0004-637X/820/2/101
- Flanigan, D. and McCarrick, H., el al. (2016) Photon noise from chaotic and coherent millimeter-wave sources measured with horn-coupled, aluminum lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 108; No. 8; Art. No. 083504; 10.1063/1.4942804
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2015) On the Use of Shot Noise for Photon Counting; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 813; No. 1; Art. No. 17; 10.1088/0004-637X/813/1/17
- Ade, P. A. R. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2015) Antenna-coupled TES Bolometers Used in BICEP2, Keck Array, and Spider; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 812; No. 2; Art. No. 176; 10.1088/0004-637X/812/2/176
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2015) The High-Frequency Limits of SIS Receivers; 10.1109/MWSYM.2015.7167149
- McCarrick, H. and Flanigan, D., el al. (2014) Horn-coupled, commercially-fabricated aluminum lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors for millimeter wavelengths; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 85; No. 12; Art. No. 123117; 10.1063/1.4903855
- Shirokoff, E. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2014) Design and Performance of SuperSpec: An On-Chip, KID-Based, mm-Wavelength Spectrometer; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 176; No. 5; 657-662; 10.1007/s10909-014-1122-8
- Johnson, B. R. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2014) The Detector System for the Stratospheric Kinetic Inductance Polarimeter (SKIP); Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 176; No. 5-6; 741-748; 10.1007/s10909-013-1014-3
- Hailey-Dunsheath, S. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2014) Optical Measurements of SuperSpec: A Millimeter-Wave On-Chip Spectrometer; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 176; No. 5-6; 841-847; 10.1007/s10909-013-1068-2
- Cornell, B. D. and Moore, D. C., el al. (2014) Particle Detection Using MKID-Based Athermal-Phonon Mediated Detectors; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 176; No. 5-6; 891-897; 10.1007/s10909-013-1039-7
- Hailey-Dunsheath, S. and Shirokoff, E., el al. (2014) Status of SuperSpec: a broadband, on-chip millimeter-wave spectrometer; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530M; 10.1117/12.2057229
- Bradford, C. M. and Hailey-Dunsheath, S., el al. (2014) X-Spec, A Multi-Object, Trans-Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for CCAT; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91531Y; 10.1117/12.2056750
- Araujo, D. C. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2014) A LEKID-based CMB instrument design for large-scale observations in Greenland; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530W; 10.1117/12.2056828
- Sayers, Jack and Duan, Ran P., el al. (2014) The Status of MUSIC: The Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915304; 10.1117/12.2055444
- Stacey, Gordon J. and Dowell, Charles D., el al. (2014) SWCam: the short wavelength camera for the CCAT Observatory; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530L; 10.1117/12.2057101
- Lindeman, M. A. and Eom, B. H., el al. (2014) AC Bolometer Theory and Measurements of Kinetic Inductance Bolometer-Resonators; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; 10.1007/s10909-013-1008-1
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2013) Development of Ultrasensitive Photon Detectors and Microwave Amplifiers Using Superconducting Nitride Thin Films; 10.26206/XQ74-AC47
- Riechers, Dominik A. and Bradford, C. M., el al. (2013) A dust-obscured massive maximum-starburst galaxy at a redshift of 6.34; Nature; Vol. 496; No. 7445; 329-333; 10.1038/nature12050
- Swenson, L. J. and Day, P. K., el al. (2013) Operation of a titanium nitride superconducting microresonator detector in the nonlinear regime; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 113; No. 10; Art. No. 104501; 10.1063/1.4794808
- Phillips, Thomas G. and Padin, Stephen, el al. (2013) Submillimeter Telescopes; ISBN 9789400756212; Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems; 284-311; 10.1007/978-94-007-5621-2_7
- Gao, J. and Vissers, M. R., el al. (2012) A titanium-nitride near-infrared kinetic inductance photon-counting detector and its anomalous electrodynamics; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 101; No. 14; Art. No. 142602; 10.1063/1.4756916
- Lupu, R. E. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2012) Measurements of CO Redshifts with Z-Spec for Lensed Submillimeter Galaxies Discovered in the H-ATLAS Survey; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 757; No. 2; Art. No. 135; 10.1088/0004-637X/757/2/135
- Shirokoff, E. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2012) MKID development for SuperSpec: an on-chip, mm-wave,
filter-bank spectrometer; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520R; 10.1117/12.927070
- Golwala, Sunil R. and Bockstiegel, Clint, el al. (2012) Status of MUSIC, the MUltiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 845205; 10.1117/12.926055
- Cornell, B. D. and Moore, D. C., el al. (2012) High-resolution gamma-ray detection using phonon-mediated detectors; ISBN 978-0-8194-9154-1; High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V; Art. No. 84532N; 10.1117/12.926829
- Barry, P. S. and Shirokoff, E., el al. (2012) Electromagnetic design for SuperSpec: a lithographically-patterned millimetre-wave spectrograph; ISBN 9780819491534; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84522F; 10.1117/12.927089
- Kovács, Attila and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2012) SuperSpec: design concept and circuit simulations; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84522G; 10.1117/12.927160
- McKenney, Christopher M. and Leduc, Henry G., el al. (2012) Design considerations for a background limited 350 micron
pixel array using lumped element superconducting
microresonators; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520S; 10.1117/12.925759
- Swenson, Loren J. and Day, Peter K., el al. (2012) MAKO: a pathfinder instrument for on-sky demonstration of low-cost 350 micron imaging arrays; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520P; 10.1117/12.926223
- Moore, D. C. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2012) Position and energy-resolved particle detection using phonon-mediated microwave kinetic inductance detectors; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 100; No. 23; Art. No. 232601; 10.1063/1.4726279
- Schlaerth, J. A. and Czakon, N. G., el al. (2012) The Status of Music: A Multicolor Sub/millimeter MKID Instrument; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 167; No. 3-4; 347-353; 10.1007/s10909-012-0541-7
- Noroozian, Omid and Day, Peter K., el al. (2012) Crosstalk Reduction for Superconducting
Microwave Resonator Arrays; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 60; No. 5; 1235-1243; 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2187538
- Noroozian, Omid and Day, Peter K., el al. (2012) Crosstalk Reduction for Superconducting Microwave Resonator Arrays; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 60; No. 5; 1235-1243; 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2187538
- Moore, D. C. and Golwala, S., el al. (2012) Phonon mediated microwave kinetic inductance detectors; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 167; No. 3-4; 329-334; 10.1007/s10909-011-0434-1
- Zemcov, M. and Aguirre, J., el al. (2012) High Spectral Resolution Measurement of the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect Null with Z-Spec; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 749; No. 2; 114; 10.1088/0004-637X/749/2/114
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2012) Superconducting Microresonators: Physics and Applications; Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics; Vol. 3; 169-214; 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-020911-125022
- Eom, Byeong Ho and Day, Peter K., el al. (2012) A Wideband, Low-Noise Superconducting Amplifier with High Dynamic Range; 10.26206/1CDR-F791
- Bradford, C. M. and Bolatto, A. D., el al. (2011) The Water Vapor Spectrum of APM 08279+5255: X-Ray Heating and Infrared Pumping over Hundreds of Parsecs; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 741; No. 2; L37; 10.1088/2041-8205/741/2/L37
- Gavazzi, R. and Cooray, A., el al. (2011) Modeling of the HerMES Submillimeter Source Lensed by a Dark Matter Dominated Foreground Group of Galaxies; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 738; No. 2; Art. No. 125; 10.1088/0004-637X/738/2/125
- Ikarashi, S. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2011) Detection of an ultrabright submillimetre galaxy in the
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- Karpov, Alexandre and Miller, David A., el al. (2011) Low Noise 1 THz SIS Mixer for Stratospheric Observatory: Design and Characterization; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 21; No. 3; 616-619; 10.1109/TASC.2011.2124437
- Scott, K. S. and Bock, J., el al. (2011) Redshift Determination and CO Line Excitation Modeling for the Multiply Lensed Galaxy HLSW-01; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 733; No. 1; Art. No. 29; 10.1088/0004-637X/733/1/29
- Conley, A. and Cooray, A., el al. (2011) Discovery of a Multiply Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy in Early HerMES Herschel/SPIRE Data; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 732; No. 2; Art. No. L35; 10.1088/2041-8205/732/2/L35
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- Wang, S. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2011) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS):
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- Negrello, M. and Hopwood, R., el al. (2010) Detection of a Population of Submillimeter-Bright, Strongly Lensed Galaxies; Science; Vol. 330; No. 6005; 800-804; 10.1126/science.1193420
- Schilke, P. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of ortho- and para-oxidaniumyl (H_2O^+)
in spiral arm clouds toward Sagittarius B2(M); Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L11; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015087
- Lis, D. C. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; L26; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015072
- Neufeld, D. A. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) Herschel/HIFI observations of interstellar OH^+ and H_2O^+ towards W49N: a probe of diffuse clouds with a small molecular fraction; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L10; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015077
- Melnick, G. J. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS):
Observations of H_2O and its isotopologues towards Orion KL; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L27; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015085
- Crockett, N. R. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): The
Terahertz spectrum of Orion KL seen at high spectral resolution; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L21; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015116
- Falgarone, E. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) CH^+(1–0) and ^(13)CH^+(1–0) absorption lines in the direction
of massive star-forming regions; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L15; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015109
- Bergin, E. A. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS):
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- Gerin, M. and Bell, T. A., el al. (2010) Interstellar CH absorption in the diffuse interstellar medium
along the sight-lines to G10.6–0.4 (W31C), W49N, and W51; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L16; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015115
- Mookerjea, B. and Bell, T. A., el al. (2010) Excitation and abundance of C_3 in star forming cores:
Herschel/HIFI observations of the sight-lines to W31C and W49N; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L13; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015095
- Lis, D. C. and Bell, T. A., el al. (2010) Herschel/HIFI discovery of interstellar chloronium (H_2Cl^+); Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L9; 10.1051/0004-6361/201014959
- Rolffs, R. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2010) Reversal of infall in SgrB2(M) revealed by Herschel/HIFI observations of HCN lines at THz frequencies; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; L46; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015106
- Qin, S. L. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): detecting spiral arm clouds by CH absorption lines; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; Art. No. L14; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015107
- Gupta, H. and Bell, T. A., el al. (2010) Detection of OH+ and H_2O+ towards Orion KL; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 521; L47; 10.1051/0004-6361/201015117
- Padin, S. and Hollister, M., el al. (2010) CCAT optics; ISBN 978-0-81948-223-5; Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III; Art. No. 77334Y; 10.1117/12.856489
- Tran, Huan and Bock, James, el al. (2010) Optical design of the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone telescope; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Art. No. 77311R; 10.1117/12.857423
- Sayers, Jack and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) Optics for MUSIC: a new (sub)millimeter camera for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77410W; 10.1117/12.857324
- Walker, C. and Kulesa, C., el al. (2010) Large format heterodyne arrays for observing far-infrared lines with SOFIA; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art No. 751884; 10.1117/12.857811
- Hollister, Matthew I. and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) The cryomechanical design of MUSIC: a novel imaging instrument for millimeter-wave astrophysics at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411L; 10.1117/12.856780
- Czakon, Nicole G. and Schlaerth, James A., el al. (2010) Optimization of MKID Noise Performance Via Readout Technique for Astronomical Applications; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77410Q; 10.1117/12.857866
- Mazin, Benjamin A. and O'Brien, Kieran, el al. (2010) ARCHONS: a highly multiplexed superconducting optical to near-IR camera; ISBN 9780819482259; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 773518; 10.1117/12.856440
- Edgar, Michael L. and Emprechtinger, Martin, el al. (2010) CASIMIR: a high resolution far-IR/submm spectrometer for airborne astronomy; ISBN 978-0-81948-225-9; Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 77351V; 10.1117/12.857706
- Duan, Ran and McHugh, Sean, el al. (2010) An open-source readout for MKIDs; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411V; 10.1117/12.856832
- Tan, Boon-Kok and Yassin, Ghassan, el al. (2010) A 700 GHz unilateral finline SIS mixer fed by a multi-flare angle smooth-walled horn; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774110; 10.1117/12.856711
- Schlaerth, James A. and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) MKID multicolor array status and results from DemoCam; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774109; 10.1117/12.857688
- de Graauw, Th. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (2010) The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI); Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 518; L6; 10.1051/0004-6361/201014698
- Ossenkopf, V. and Lis, D., el al. (2010) Detection of interstellar oxidaniumyl: Abundant H_2O^+ towards the star-forming regions DR21, Sgr B2, and NGC6334; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 518; L111; 10.1051/0004-6361/201014577
- Phillips, T. G. and Lis, D. C., el al. (2010) Herschel observations of EXtra-Ordinary Sources (HEXOS): Detection of hydrogen fluoride in absorption towards Orion KL; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 518; L109; 10.1051/0004-6361/201014570
- Mazin, Benjamin A. and Sank, Daniel, el al. (2010) Thin film dielectric microstrip kinetic inductance detectors; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 96; No. 10; Art. No. 102504; 10.1063/1.3314281
- Noroozian, Omid and Day, Peter K., el al. (2010) Microwave Crosstalk in Lumped Element Far-IR MKIDs; ISBN 978-1-4244-6657-3; IRMMW-THz 2010 : 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves; 1-1; 10.1109/ICIMW.2010.5612440
- Schlaerth, J. and Golwala, S., el al. (2009) Sensitivity Optimization of Millimeter/Submillimeter MKID Camera Pixel Device Design; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; Low Temperature Detectors, LTD 13; 180-183; 10.1063/1.3292310
- Maloney, P. R. and Czakon, N. G., el al. (2009) The MKID Camera; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; Low Temperature Detectors LTD 13; 176-179; 10.1063/1.3292309
- Gao, Jiansong and Vayonakis, Anastasios, el al. (2009) Measurement of loss in superconducting microstrip at millimeter-wave frequencies; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; Low Temperature Detectors LTD 13; 164-167; 10.1063/1.3292306
- Noroozian, Omid and Gao, Jiansong, el al. (2009) Two-level system noise reduction for Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; 13th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors; 148-151; 10.1063/1.3292302
- Moore, D. C. and Mazin, B. A., el al. (2009) Quasiparticle Trapping in Microwave Kinetic Inductance Strip Detectors; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; The Thirteenth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors - LTD 13; 168-171; 10.1063/1.3292307
- Czakon, N. G. and Vayonakis, A., el al. (2009) Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) Camera Testing for Submillimeter Astronomy; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; Low temperature detectors LTD-13; 172-175; 10.1063/1.3292308
- Bradford, C. M. and Aguirre, J. E., el al. (2009) The Warm Molecular Gas around the Cloverleaf Quasar; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 705; No. 1; 112-122; 10.1088/0004-637X/705/1/112
- Kumar, Shwetank and Vayonakis, Anastasios, el al. (2009) Millimeter-Wave Lumped Element Superconducting Bandpass Filters for Multi-Color Imaging; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 19; No. 3, Par; 924-929; 10.1109/TASC.2009.2017884
- Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2009) Development of Low Noise THz SIS Mixer Using an Array of Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN Junctions; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 19; No. 3, Par; 305-308; 10.1109/TASC.2009.2017913
- Stevenson, Thomas R. and Adams, Joseph S., el al. (2009) Superconducting Films for Absorber-Coupled MKID Detectors for Sub-Millimeter and Far-Infrared Astronomy; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 19; No. 3; 561-564; 10.1109/TASC.2009.2019661
- Blain, Andrew W. and Armus, Lee, el al. (2009) A complete view of galaxy evolution: panchromatic luminosity functions and the generation of metals; 10.48550/arXiv.0903.1272
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2009) Chasing Tom Phillips; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 365-376
- Radford, Simon J. E. and Giovanelli, Riccardo, el al. (2009) CCAT; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter Astrophysics and Technology : A Symposium Honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 113-124
- Woody, David and MacDonald, Dan, el al. (2008) Panel options for large precision radio telescopes; ISBN 9780819472281; Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation; Art. No. 70180T; 10.1117/12.788077
- Edgar, Michael L. and Karpov, Alexandre, el al. (2008) CASIMIR, The Caltech airborne submillimeter interstellar medium investigations receiver; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 702012; 10.1117/12.790121
- Inami, Hanae and Bradford, Matt, el al. (2008) A broadband millimeter-wave spectrometer Z-Spec: sensitivity and ULIRGs; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201T; 10.1117/12.788711
- Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2008) Antenna-coupled TES bolometer arrays for CMB polarimetry; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201I; 10.1117/12.788588
- Glenn, Jason and Day, Peter K., el al. (2008) A microwave kinetic inductance camera for sub/millimeter astrophysics; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70200B; 10.1117/12.790050
- MacDonald, Daniel and Woody, David, el al. (2008) Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope primary mirror surface sensing and controllability; ISBN 9780819472229; Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II; Art. No. 701211; 10.1117/12.790528
- Gao, Jiansong and Daal, Miguel, el al. (2008) A semiempirical model for two-level system noise in superconducting microresonators; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 92; No. 21; Art. No. 212504; 10.1063/1.2937855
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2008) Superconducting microresonators for detection and multiplexing; ISBN 978-1-4244-1438-3; Joint 32nd Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007 and the 2007 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics; 109-109
- Schlaerth, J. and Vayonakis, A., el al. (2008) A millimeter and submillimeter kinetic inductance detector camera; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 151; No. 3-4; 684-689; 10.1007/s10909-008-9728-3
- Gao, Jiansong and Daal, Miguel, el al. (2008) Experimental evidence for a surface distribution of two-level systems in superconducting lithographed microwave resonators; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 92; No. 15; Art. No. 152505; 10.1063/1.2906373
- Day, P. and LeDuc, H. G., el al. (2008) Distributed antenna-coupled TES for FIR detector arrays; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 151; No. 1-2; 477-482; 10.1007/s10909-007-9676-3
- Golwala, S. and Gao, J., el al. (2008) A WIMP Dark Matter Detector Using MKIDs; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 151; No. 1-2; 550-556; 10.1007/s10909-007-9687-0
- Gao, J. and Zmuidzinas, J., el al. (2008) Equivalence of the Effects on the Complex Conductivity of Superconductor due to Temperature Change and External Pair Breaking; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 151; No. 1-2; 557-563; 10.1007/s10909-007-9688-z
- Mazin, B. A. and Eckart, M. E., el al. (2008) Optical/UV and x-ray microwave kinetic inductance strip detectors; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 151; No. 1-2; 537-543; 10.1007/s10909-007-9686-1
- Kumar, Shwetank and Gao, Jiansong, el al. (2008) Temperature dependence of the frequency and noise of superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 92; No. 12; Art. No. 123503; 10.1063/1.2894584
- Goldsmith, P. F. and Bradford, C. M., el al. (2007) CALISTO: a cryogenic far-infrared/submillimeter observatory; ISBN 9780819468352; UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes: Innovative Technologies and Concepts III; Art. No. 66870P; 10.1117/12.731049
- Zmuidzinas, J. (2007) Technology for Submillimeter Astronomy; ISBN 1-4244-0688-9; Microwave Symposium, 2007. IEEE/MTT-S International; 1861-1864; 10.1109/MWSYM.2007.380133
- Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2007) Low Noise 1 THz–1.4 THz Mixers Using Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN SIS Junctions; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 17; No. 2, pt.; 343-346; 10.1109/TASC.2007.898277
- Gao, Jiansong and Zmuidzinas, Jonas, el al. (2007) Noise properties of superconducting coplanar waveguide microwave resonators; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 90; No. 10; Art. No. 102507; 10.1063/1.2711770
- Mazin, Benjamin A. and Bumble, Bruce, el al. (2006) Position sensitive x-ray spectrophotometer using microwave kinetic inductance detectors; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 89; No. 22; Art. No. 222507; 10.1063/1.2390664
- Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2006) Development of 1.25 THz SIS mixer for Herschel Space Observatory; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751U; 10.1117/12.684534
- Stacey, G. J. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2006) Instrumentation for the CCAT Telescope; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751G; 10.1117/12.672176
- Earle, L. and Ade, P., el al. (2006) Z-Spec: a broadband direct-detection millimeter-wave spectrometer -- instrument status and first results; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 627510; 10.1117/12.672309
- Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2006) Antenna-coupled TES bolometers for CMB polarimetry; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751M; 10.1117/12.672737
- Day, Peter K. and LeDuc, Henry G., el al. (2006) Distributed antenna-coupled transition edge sensors; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751R; 10.1117/12.672690
- Gao, Jiansong and Mazin, Benjamin, el al. (2006) Power dependence of phase noise in microwave kinetic inductance detectors; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 627509; 10.1117/12.672590
- Sebring, Thomas A. and Giovanelli, Riccardo, el al. (2006) Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT): a 25 m aperture telescope above 5000 m altitude; 10.1117/12.668735
- Goldsmith, Paul and Khayatian, Behrouz, el al. (2006) Analysis of the optical design for the SAFIR telelscope; 10.1117/12.670051
- Mazin, Benjamin A. and Day, Peter K., el al. (2006) Digital readouts for large microwave low-temperature detector arrays; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; Vol. 559; No. 2; 799-801; 10.1016/j.nima.2005.12.208
- Pearson, J. C. and Zmuidzinas, J., el al. (2004) THz instrumentation for the Herschel Space Observatory's heterodyne instrument for far infrared; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 486-497; 10.1117/12.552397
- Day, Peter K. and LeDuc, Henry, el al. (2004) Far-infrared/submillimeter imager-polarimeter using distributed antenna-coupled transition edge sensors; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 857-865; 10.1117/12.552440
- Bradford, C. M. and Ade, P., el al. (2004) Z-Spec: a broadband millimeter-wave grating spectrometer: design, construction, and first cryogenic measurements; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 257-267; 10.1117/12.552182
- Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2004) Heterodyne instrumentation upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 332-348; 10.1117/12.552539
- Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2004) Low-noise SIS mixer for far-infrared radio astronomy; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 616-621; 10.1117/12.553190
- Herter, Terry and Brown, Robert, el al. (2004) The large Atacama submillimeter telescope; ISBN 0819454303; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 55-62; 10.1117/12.551893
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas and Richards, Paul L. (2004) Superconducting detectors and mixers for millimeter and submillimeter astrophysics; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 92; No. 10; 1597-1616; 10.1109/JPROC.2004.833670
- Kaul, Anupama B. and Bumble, Bruce, el al. (2004) Fabrication of wide-IF 200–300 GHz superconductor–insulator–superconductor mixers with suspended metal beam leads formed on silicon-on-insulator; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B; Vol. 22; No. 5; 2417-2422; 10.1116/1.1798831
- Comito, C. and Schilke, P., el al. (2004) The Line-of-Sight Distribution of Water in SgrB2; ISBN 9783642623486; The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies; 265-268; 10.1007/978-3-642-18902-9_47
- Day, Peter K. and LeDuc, Henry G., el al. (2003) A broadband superconducting detector suitable for use in large arrays; Nature; Vol. 425; No. 6960; 817-821; 10.1038/nature02037
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2003) Thermal Noise and Correlations in Photon Detection; Applied Optics; Vol. 42; No. 25; 4989-5008
- Comito, C. and Schilke, P., el al. (2003) The line-of-sight distribution of water in the SgrB2 complex; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 402; No. 2; 635-645; 10.1051/0004-6361:20030293
- Pearson, J. C. and Miller, D., el al. (2003) Terahertz frequency receiver instrumentation for Herschel's heterodyne instrument for far infrared (HIFI); ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments; 650-661; 10.1117/12.461757
- Bradford, C. M. and Naylor, B. J., el al. (2003) WaFIRS: a waveguide far-IR spectrometer: enabling spectroscopy of high-z galaxies in the far-IR and submillimeter; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments; 1137-1148; 10.1117/12.461572
- Kooi, J. W. and Chattopadhyay, G., el al. (2003) A Full-Height Waveguide to Thin-Film Microstrip Transition with Exceptional RF Bandwidth and Coupling Efficiency; International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves; Vol. 24; No. 3; 261-284; 10.1023/a:1021903132609
- Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2003) Heterodyne Instrumentation Upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 265-278; 10.1117/12.459114
- Rice, F. and Sumner, M., el al. (2003) SIS mixer design for a broadband millimeter spectrometer suitable for rapid line surveys and redshift determinations; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 301-311; 10.1117/12.459710
- Naylor, Bret J. and Ade, Peter A. R., el al. (2003) Z-Spec: a broadband, direct-detection, millimeter-wave spectrometer; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 239-248; 10.1117/12.459419
- Hunt, Cynthia L. and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Transition-edge superconducting antenna-coupled bolometer; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 318-321; 10.1117/12.459110
- Goldin, Alexey and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Design of broadband filters and antennas for SAMBA; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 163-171; 10.1117/12.459677
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2003) Cramér-Rao sensitivity limits for astronomical instruments: implications for interferometer design; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 20; No. 2; 218-233
- Bradford, C. M. and Zmuidzinas, J. (2003) The Future of Far-IR/Submillimeter Astrophysics with Single Dish Telescopes; ISBN 9783642623486; The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies; 323-330; 10.1007/978-3-642-18902-9_59
- Mazin, Benjamin A. and Day, Peter K., el al. (2002) Superconducting kinetic inductance photon detectors; ISBN 9780819446282; Highly Innovative Space Telescope Concepts; 283-293; 10.1117/12.460456
- Gromke, J. J. and Bradford, C. M., el al. (2002) Z-Spec: A MM-Wave Spectrometer For Measuring Redshifts Of Submillimeter Galaxies; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors: Ninth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors; 543-546; 10.1063/1.1457705
- Mazin, B. A. and Day, P. K., el al. (2002) Multiplexable Kinetic Inductance Detectors; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors; 309-312; 10.1063/1.1457652
- Vayonakis, A. and Luo, C., el al. (2002) The millimeter-wave properties of superconducting microstrip lines; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors; 539-542; 10.1063/1.1457704
- Bock, James J. and Goldin, Alexey, el al. (2002) Integrated Focal Plane Arrays for Millimeter-wave Astronomy; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors; 243-246; 10.1063/1.1457638
- Goldin, Alexey and Bock, James J., el al. (2002) SAMBA: Superconducting antenna-coupled, multi-frequency, bolometric array; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low temperature detectors; 251-254; 10.1063/1.1457640
- Harris, A. I. and Zmuidzinas, J. (2001) A wideband lag correlator for heterodyne spectroscopy of broad astronomical and atmospheric spectral lines; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 72; No. 2; 1531-1538; 10.1063/1.1334629
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam and Miller, David, el al. (2000) A dual-polarized quasi-optical SIS mixer at 550 GHz; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 48; No. 10; 1680-1686; 10.1109/22.873895
- Kooi, J. W. and Kawamura, J., el al. (2000) A Low Noise NbTiN-Based 850 GHz SIS Receiver for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory; International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves; Vol. 21; No. 9; 1357-1373; 10.1023/A:1026444721454
- Edgar, Michael L. and Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2000) CASIMIR: a submillimeter heterodyne spectrometer for SOFIA; ISBN 9780819436399; Airborne Telescope Systems; 31-42; 10.1117/12.389129
- Kawamura, Jonathan and Miller, David, el al. (2000) Very high-current-density Nb/AlN/Nb tunnel junctions for low-noise submillimeter mixers; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 75; No. 15; 2119-2121; 10.1063/1.126272
- Kawamura, Jonathan and Chen, Jian, el al. (1999) Low-noise submillimeter-wave NbTiN superconducting tunnel junction mixers; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 75; No. 25; 4013-4015; 10.1063/1.125522
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam and Rice, Frank, el al. (1999) A 530-GHz balanced mixer; IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters; Vol. 9; No. 11; 467-469; 10.1109/75.808038
- Bin, M. and Benford, D. J., el al. (1999) A Large Throughput High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Submillimeter Applications; International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves; Vol. 20; No. 3; 383-400; 10.1023/A:1021709330349
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam and Philhour, Byron, el al. (1998) A 96-GHz ortho-mode transducer for the Polatron; IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters; Vol. 8; No. 12; 421-423; 10.1109/75.746762
- Glenn, J. and Bock, J. J., el al. (1998) Bolocam: a millimeter-wave bolometric camera; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 326-334; 10.1117/12.317418
- Chattopadhyay, Goutam and Zmuidzinas, Jonas (1998) A dual-polarized slot antenna for millimeter waves; IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Vol. 46; No. 5; 736-737; 10.1109/8.668920
- Kooi, J. W. and Stern, J. A., el al. (1998) Low-loss NbTiN films for THz SIS mixer tuning circuts; International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves; Vol. 19; No. 3; 373-383; 10.1023/a:1022595223782
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- Gaidis, M. C. and Bin, M., el al. (1996) Characterization of submillimetre quasi-optical twin-slot double-junction SIS mixers; Superconductor Science and Technology; Vol. 9; No. 4A; A133-A135; 10.1088/0953-2048/9/4A/034
- Bin, M. and Gaidis, M. C., el al. (1996) Low-noise 1 THz niobium superconducting tunnel junction mixer with a normal metal tuning circuit; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 68; No. 12; 1714-1716; 10.1063/1.115915
- Zmuidzinas, J. and Blake, G. A., el al. (1995) HCl Absorption Toward Sagittarius B2; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 447; No. 2; L125-L128; 10.1086/309570
- Dubash, Noshir B. and Wengler, Michael J., el al. (1995) Shot noise and photon-induced correlations in 500 GHz SIS detectors; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 5; No. 2, Par; 3308-3311; 10.1109/77.403299
- Zmuidzinas, J. and Ugras, N. G., el al. (1995) Low-noise slot antenna SIS mixers; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Vol. 5; No. 2; 3053-3056; 10.1109/77.403236
- Schoelkopf, Robert J. and Zmuidzinas, Jonas, el al. (1995) Measurements of noise in Josephson-effect mixers; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 43; No. 4; 977-983; 10.1109/22.375263
- Zmuidzinas, J. and Blake, G. A., el al. (1995) Submillimeter spectroscopy of interstellar hydrides; ISBN 0-937707-92-9; Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, From Gas to Stars to Dust; 33-40
- Engargiola, G. and Zmuidzinas, J., el al. (1994) A 492 GHz quasioptical SIS receiver for submillimeter astronomy; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 65; No. 6; 1833-1838; 10.1063/1.1144831
- Zmuidzinas, Jonas and LeDuc, Henry G., el al. (1994) Two-junction tuning circuits for submillimeter SIS mixers; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 42; No. 4; 698-706; 10.1109/22.285084
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- Zmuidzinas, Jonas and LeDuc, H. G. (1992) Quasi-optical slot antenna SIS mixers; IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; Vol. 40; No. 9; 1191-1198; 10.1109/22.156607
- Zmuidzinas, J. and LeDuc, H. G. (1992) A 500 GHz Quasi-Optical Slot Antenna SIS Mixer; ISBN 9783642774591; Superconducting Devices and Their Applications; 395-398; 10.1007/978-3-642-77457-7_70
- Zmuidzinas, J. and Sharifi, F., el al. (1990) Small-Area Niobium/Aluminum Oxide/Niobium Junctions for SIS Mixers; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 69-70; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_26
- Betz, A. L. and Boreiko, R. T., el al. (1990) Heterodyne spectroscopy of C II in molecular clouds; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 117-121; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_45
- Boreiko, R. T. and Betz, A. L., el al. (1990) Plateau emission from Orion in the CO J=17−16 Line; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 167-168; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_60
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