Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu
- Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu and Murashige, Sunao (2011) On tsunami and the regularized solitary-wave theory; Journal of Engineering Mathematics; Vol. 70; No. 1-3; 137-146; 10.1007/s10665-010-9423-7
- Wu, Theodore Yaotsu (2011) On resolution to Wu's conjecture on Cauchy function's exterior singularities; Acta Mechanica Sinica; Vol. 27; No. 3; 309-317; 10.1007/s10409-011-0465-5
- Wu, Theodore Yaotsu (2011) On the generalized Cauchy function and new Conjecture
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- Wu, Theodore Yaotsu (2011) Fish Swimming and Bird/Insect Flight; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 43; 25-58; 10.1146/annurev-fluid-122109-160648
- Murashige, Sunao and Wu, Theodore Yaotsu (2010) Dwarf solitary waves and low tsunamis; Journal of Hydrodynamics; Vol. 22; No. S1; 917-925; 10.1016/s1001-6058(10)60059-5
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