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- Holk, Gregory J. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1997) ^(18)O/^(16)O homogenization of the middle crust during anatexis: The Thor-Odin metamorphic core complex, British Columbia: Comment and Reply; Geology; Vol. 25; No. 11; 1054-1055; 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025%3C1053:OOHOTM%3E2.3.CO;2
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- Gazis, Carey A. and Lanphere, Marvin, el al. (1995) ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar and ^(18)O/^(16)O studies of the Chegem ash-flow caldera and the Eldjurta Granite: Cooling of two late Pliocene igneous bodies in the Greater Caucasus Mountains, Russia; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 134; No. 3-4; 377-391; 10.1016/0012-821X(95)00141-X
- Holk, Gregory J. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1994) Multiple stages of influx and exsolution of H_2O from anatectic melts during adiabatic decompression, a petrologic catalyst responsible for ^(18)O/^(16)O homogenization of metamorphic core complexes?; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 26; No. 7; 280-280
- Stakes, Debra S. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1994) Origin of large plagiogranite bodies and their relationship to massive sulfide ore deposits in the Semail Ophiolite, northern Oman; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 26; No. 7; 39-39
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1994) A personal tribute to Mordeckai Magaritz, 1944-1993; Israel Journal of Earth-Sciences; Vol. 43; No. 3-4; 131-144
- Gazis, Carey and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1993) Use of oxygen isotopes to trace a zone of meteoric-hydrothermal fluid flow along a Hercynian fault system; Vosges, N.E. France; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 25; No. 6; 204-204
- Holk, Gregory J. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1993) Isotopic evidence for fluid-driven mid-crustal anatexis and late-stage meteoric-hydrothermal activity near the Monashee Decollement; Thor-Odin metamorphic core complex, S.E. British Columbia; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 25; No. 6; 204-204
- Burt, Emelia A. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1993) Remarkably uniform bulk silicate δ^(18)O values of terrigenous sedimentary rocks from the Central Appalachian and Ouachita geosynclines; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 25; No. 6; 203-204
- Stakes, Debra S. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1992) The Northern Samail Ophiolite: An Oxygen isotope, microprobe, and field study; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 97; No. B5; 7043-7080; 10.1029/91JB02743
- Holk, G. J. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1992) An application of open-system ^(18)O/^(16)O exchange kinetics to the Valhalla metamorphic core complex; Eos; Vol. 73; No. S14; A374; 10.1029/91EO10131
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- Dilles, John H. and Solomon, G. Cleve, el al. (1992) Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Characteristics of Hydrothermal Alteration at the Ann-Mason Porphyry Copper Deposit, Yerington, Nevada; Economic Geology; Vol. 87; No. 1; 44-63; 10.2113/gsecongeo.87.1.44
- Wickham, Stephen M. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr., el al. (1991) An oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of high-grade metamorphism and anatexis in the Ruby Mountains-East
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- Turi, B. and Taylor, H. P., Jr., el al. (1991) Comparisons of ^(18)O/^(16)O and ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr in volcanic rocks from the Pontine Islands, M. Ernici, and Campania with other areas in Italy; ISBN 0941809021; Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein; 307-324
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- Beaty, David W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr., el al. (1988) An oxygen isotope study of the Kidd Creek, Ontario, volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits; evidence for a high ¹⁸O ore fluid; Economic Geology; Vol. 83; No. 1; 1-17; 10.2113/gsecongeo.83.1.1
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- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1987) Comparison of hydrothermal systems in layered grabbros and granites, and the origin of low-¹⁸O magmas; ISBN 0-941809-00-5; Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles; 337-357
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Gregory, Robert T., el al. (1987) ¹⁸O/¹⁶O Evidence for Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Upper Mantle: Data from Ultramafic Nodules and K-Rich Volcanic Rocks in Italy; ISBN 978-94-010-8280-8; Chemical Transport in Metasomatic Processes; 1-37; 10.1007/978-94-009-4013-0_1
- Larson, Peter B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1986) An oxygen isotope study of hydrothermal alteration in the Lake City caldera, San Juan Mountains, Colorado; Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research; Vol. 30; No. 1-2; 47-82; 10.1016/0377-0273(86)90067-3
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- Turi, B. and Taylor, H. P., Jr., el al. (1986) A criticism of the Holm-Munksgaard oxygen and strontium isotope study of the Vulsinian District, Central Italy; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 78; No. 4; 447-453; 10.1016/0012-821x(86)90011-7
- Larson, Peter B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1986) An oxygen-isotope study of water-rock interaction in the granite of Cataract Gulch, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 97; No. 5; 505-515; 10.1130/0016-7606(1986)97<505:aosowi>2.0.co;2
- Gregory, Robert T. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr., el al. (1986) Possible non-equilibrium oxygen isotope effects in mantle nodules, an alternative to the Kyser-O'Neil-Carmichael ¹⁸O/¹⁶O geothermometer; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 93; No. 1; 114-119; 10.1007/bf00963589
- Magaritz, Mordeckai and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1986) Oxygen 18/oxygen 16 and D/H studies of plutonic granitic and metamorphic rocks across the Cordilleran Batholiths of southern British Columbia; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B2; 2193-2217; 10.1029/JB091iB02p02193
- Larson, Peter B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1986) ¹⁸O/¹⁶O ratios in ash-flow tuffs and lavas erupted from the central Nevada caldera complex and the central San Juan caldera complex, Colorado; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 92; No. 2; 146-156; 10.1007/bf00375290
- Hill, R. I. and Silver, L. T., el al. (1986) Coupled Sr-O isotope variations as an indicator of source heterogeneity for the Northern Peninsular Ranges batholith; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 92; No. 3; 351-361; 10.1007/BF00572164
- Bowers, Teresa Suter and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1985) An integrated chemical and stable-isotope model of the origin of Midocean Ridge Hot Spring Systems; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 90; No. B14; 12583-12606; 10.1029/JB090iB14p12583
- Wickham, Stephen M. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1985) Stable isotopic evidence for large-scale seawater infiltration in a regional metamorphic terrane; the Trois Seigneurs Massif, Pyrenees, France; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 91; No. 2; 122-137; 10.1007/bf00377760
- Ferrara, G. and Laurenzi, M. A., el al. (1985) Oxygen and strontium isotope studies of K-rich volcanic rocks from the Alban Hills, Italy; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 75; No. 1; 13-28; 10.1016/0012-821x(85)90046-9
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- Norton, Denis and Taylor, H. P., Jr., el al. (1984) The geometry and high-temperature brittle deformation of the Skaergaard Intrusion; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 89; No. B12; 10178-10192; 10.1029/jb089ib12p10178
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Turi, Bruno, el al. (1984) ¹⁸O/¹⁶O and chemical relationships in K-rich volcanic rocks from Australia, East Africa, Antarctica, and San Venanzo-Cupaello, Italy; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 69; No. 2; 263-276; 10.1016/0012-821x(84)90186-9
- Stakes, D. S. and Taylor, H. P., Jr., el al. (1984) Oxygen-isotope and geochemical characterization of hydrothermal alteration in ophiolite complexes and modern oceanic crust; Geological Society, London, Special Publications; Vol. 13; No. 1; 199-214; 10.1144/gsl.sp.1984.013.01.17
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- Beaty, David W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1982) Some petrologic and oxygen isotopic relationships in the Amulet Mine, Noranda, Quebec, and their bearing on the origin of Archean massive sulfide deposits; Economic Geology; Vol. 77; No. 1; 95-108; 10.2113/gsecongeo.77.1.95
- Beaty, David W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1982) The oxygen isotope geochemistry of komatiites; evidence for water-rock interaction; ISBN 9780045520190; Komatiites; 267-280
- Gregory, Robert T. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1981) An oxygen isotope profile in a section of Cretaceous oceanic crust, Samail Ophiolite, Oman: Evidence for δ^(18)O buffering of the oceans by deep (>5 km) seawater-hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 86; No. B4; 2737-2755; 10.1029/JB086iB04p02737
- McCulloch, Malcolm T. and Gregory, Robert T., el al. (1981) Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, and ^(18)O/^(16)O isotopic systematics in an oceanic crustal section: Evidence from the Samail Ophiolite; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 86; No. B4; 2721-2735; 10.1029/JB086iB04p02721
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- Forester, Richard W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1980) Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope studies of the Stony Mountain Complex, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado; Economic Geology; Vol. 75; No. 3; 362-383; 10.2113/gsecongeo.75.3.362
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1980) The effects of assimilation of country rocks by magmas on ¹⁸O/¹⁶O and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr systematics in igneous rocks; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 47; No. 2; 243-254; 10.1016/0012-821x(80)90040-0
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- McCulloch, Malcolm T. and Gregory, Robert T., el al. (1980) A neodymium, strontium, and oxygen isotopic study of the Cretaceous Samail ophiolite and implications for the petrogenesis and seawater-hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 46; No. 2; 201-211
- Silver, L. T. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr., el al. (1979) Some petrological, geochemical and geochronological observations of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith near the international border of the U.S.A. and Mexico
- Norton, D. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1979) Quantitative Simulation of the Hydrothermal Systems of Crystallizing Magmas on the Basis of Transport Theory and Oxygen Isotope Data: An analysis of the Skaergaard Intrusion; Journal of Petrology; Vol. 20; No. 3; 421-486; 10.1093/petrology/20.3.421
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Forester, Richard W. (1979) An Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Study of the Skaergaard Intrusion and its Country Rocks: a Description of a 55 M.Y. Old Fossil Hydrothermal System; Journal of Petrology; Vol. 20; No. 3; 355-419; 10.1093/petrology/20.3.355
- Taylor, Hugh P. and Silver, Leon T. (1978) Oxygen isotope relationships in plutonic igneous rocks of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, southern and Baja California
- Taylor, Hugh P. and Magaritz, Mordeckai (1978) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of the Cordilleran batholiths of western North America; Stable Isotopes in the Earth Sciences; 151-173; 10.7907/kc7ck-6ev29
- Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1977) Water/rock interactions and the origin of H₂O in granitic batholiths: Thirtieth William Smith lecture; Journal of the Geological Society; Vol. 133; No. 6; 509-558; 10.1144/gsjgs.133.6.0509
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Coleman, Robert G. (1977) Oxygen isotopic evidence for meteoric hydrothermal alteration of the Jabal at Tirf igneous complex, Saudi Arabia; Transactions - American Geophysical Union; Vol. 58; No. 6; 516
- Forester, Richard W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1977) ¹⁸O/¹⁶O, D/H, and ¹³C/¹²C studies of the Tertiary igneous complex of Skye, Scotland; American Journal of Science; Vol. 277; No. 2; 136-177; 10.2475/ajs.277.2.136
- Magaritz, Mordeckai and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) ¹⁸O/¹⁶O and D/H studies along a 500 km traverse across the Coast Range batholith and its country rocks, central British Columbia; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 13; No. 11; 1514-1536; 10.1139/e76-158
- Wenner, David B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of a Precambrian granite-rhyolite terrane, St. Francois Mountains, southeastern Missouri; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 87; No. 11; 1587-1598; 10.1130/0016-7606(1976)87<1587:oahiso>2.0.co;2
- Forester, Richard W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) ¹⁸O-depleted igneous rocks from the Tertiary complex of the Isle of Mull, Scotland; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 32; No. 1; 11-17; 10.1016/0012-821x(76)90178-3
- Magaritz, Mordeckai and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) Isotopic evidence for meteoric-hydrothermal alteration of plutonic igneous rocks in the Yakutat Bay and Skagway areas, Alaska; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 30; No. 2; 179-190; 10.1016/0012-821x(76)90244-2
- Magaritz, Mordeckai and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) Oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope studies of the franciscan formation, Coast Ranges, California; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 40; No. 2; 215-234; 10.1016/0016-7037(76)90179-4
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Turi, Bruno (1976) High-¹⁸O igneous rocks from the Tuscan Magmatic Province, Italy; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 55; No. 1; 33-54; 10.1007/bf00372753
- Turi, Bruno and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1976) Oxygen isotope studies of potassic volcanic rocks of the Roman Province, Central Italy; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 55; No. 1; 1-31; 10.1007/bf00372752
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1975) Stable isotope geochemistry; Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics; Vol. 13; No. 3; 102-107; 10.1029/RG013i003p00102
- Epstein, Samuel and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1975) Investigation of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon isotope and concentration relationships on the grain surfaces of a variety of lunar soils and in some Apollo 15 and 16 core samples; ISBN 9780080205663; Proceedings of the Sixth Lunar Science Conference; 1771-1798
- Magaritz, Mordeckai and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1974) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of serpentinization in the Troodos ophiolite complex, Cyprus; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 23; No. 1; 8-14; 10.1016/0012-821x(74)90023-5
- Wenner, David B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1974) D/H and O¹⁸/O¹⁶ studies of serpentinization of ultramaflc rocks; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 38; No. 8; 1255-1286; 10.1016/0016-7037(74)90120-3
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1974) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for large-scale circulation and interaction between ground waters and igneous intrusions, with particular reference to the San Juan Volcanic
Field, Colorado; ISBN 9780872796447; Geochemical Transport and Kinetics : Papers; 299-324
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1973) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ evidence for meteoric-hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition in the Tonopah, Comstock Lode, and Goldfield mining districts, Nevada; Economic Geology; Vol. 68; No. 6; 747-764; 10.2113/gsecongeo.68.6.747
- Wenner, David B. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1973) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks in oceanic environments and continental ophiolite complexes; American Journal of Science; Vol. 273; No. 3; 207-239; 10.2475/ajs.273.3.207
- Epstein, S. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1973) The isotopic composition and concentration of water, hydrogen, and carbon in some Apollo 15 and 16 soils and in the Apollo 17 orange soil; ISBN 9780080179094; Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference; 1559-1575
- Taylor, H. P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1973) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ and Si³⁰/Si²⁸ studies of some Apollo 15, 16, and 17 samples
- Lawrence, J. R and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1972) Hydrogen and oxygen isotope systematics in weathering profiles; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 36; No. 12; 1377-1393; 10.1016/0016-7037(72)90068-3
- Epstein, S. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1972) O¹⁸/O¹⁶, Si³⁰/Si²⁸, C¹³/C¹² and D/H studies of Apollo 14 and 15 samples; ISBN 9780262120647; Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference; 1429-1454
- Forester, Richard W. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1972) Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Data on the Interaction of Meteoric Ground Waters with a Gabbro-Diorite Stock, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1971) Oxygen isotope evidence for large-scale interaction between meteoric ground waters and Tertiary Granodiorite Intrusions, Western Cascade Range, Oregon; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 32; 7855-7874; 10.1029/JB076i032p07855
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Forester, Richard W. (1971) Low-O¹⁸ Igneous Rocks from the Intrusive Complexes of Skye, Mull, and Ardnamurchan, Western Scotland; Journal of Petrology; Vol. 12; No. 3; 465-497; 10.1093/petrology/12.3.465
- Lawrence, James R. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1971) Deuterium and oxygen-18 correlation: Clay minerals and hydroxides in Quaternary soils compared to meteoric waters; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 35; No. 10; 993-1003; 10.1016/0016-7037(71)90017-2
- Turi, Bruno and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1971) An oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of a granodiorite pluton from the Southern California batholith; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 35; No. 4; 383-406; 10.1016/0016-7037(71)90080-9
- Epstein, Samuel and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1971) O¹⁸/O¹⁶, Si³⁰/Si²⁸, D/H, and C¹³/C¹2 ratios in lunar samples; ISBN 9780262120517; Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference; 1421-1441
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1970) Oxygen and silicon isotope ratios of lunar rock 12013; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 9; No. 2; 208-210; 10.1016/0012-821x(70)90054-3
- Epstein, S. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1970) ^(18)O/^(16)O, ^(30)Si/^(28)Si, D/H, and ^(13)C/^(12)C Studies of Lunar Rocks and Minerals; Science; Vol. 167; No. 3918; 533-535; 10.1126/science.167.3918.533
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1970) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ ratios of Apollo 11 lunar rocks and minerals; ISBN 9780080163925; Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference; 1613-1626
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1969) Correlations between O^(18)/O^(16) ratios and chemical compositions of tektites; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 74; No. 27; 6834-6844; 10.1029/JB074i027p06834
- O'Neil, James R. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1969) Oxygen isotope equilibrium between muscovite and water; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 74; No. 25; 6012-6022; 10.1029/JB074i025p06012
- Conway, Clay M. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1969) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ and C¹³/C¹² Ratios of Coexisting Minerals in the Oka and Magnet Cove Carbonatite Bodies; Journal of Geology; Vol. 77; No. 5; 618-626
- Shieh, Y. N. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1969) Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Studies of Contact Metamorphism of Carbonate Rocks; Journal of Petrology; Vol. 10; No. 2; 307-331; 10.1093/petrology/10.2.307
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Noble, James A. (1969) Origin of Magnetite in the Zoned Ultramafic Complexes of Southeastern Alaska; ISBN 9781934969991; Magmatic ore deposits : a symposium; 209-230; 10.5382/mono.04.14
- Shieh, Y. N. and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1969) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of contact metamorphism in the Santa Rosa Range, Nevada and other areas; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 20; No. 4; 306-356; 10.1007/bf00373303
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Coleman, Robert G. (1968) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ Ratios of Coexisting Minerals in Glaucophane-Bearing Metamorphic Rocks; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 79; No. 12; 1727-1756; 10.1130/0016-7606(1968)79[1727:orocmi]2.0.co;2
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1968) The oxygen isotope geochemistry of igneous rocks; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 19; No. 1; 1-71; 10.1007/bf00371729
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1968) Oxygen isotope studies of anorthosites, with particular reference to the origin of bodies in the Adirondack Mountains, New York
- O'Neil, James R. and Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1967) The oxygen isotope and cation exchange chemistry of feldspars; American Mineralogist; Vol. 52; No. 9-10; 1414-1437
- Taylor, Hugh P. (1967) Stable Isotopes; Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union; Vol. 48; No. 2; 686-693; 10.1029/TR048i002p00323
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1966) Oxygen Isotope Studies of Ivory Coast Tektites and Impactite Glass from the Bosumtwi Crater, Ghana; Science; Vol. 153; No. 3732; 173-175; 10.1126/science.153.3732.173
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. (1966) Isotope Geochemistry of Oxygen and Hydrogen: A Brief Review; Transactions - American Geophysical Union; Vol. 47; No. 1; 287-290; 10.1029/tr047i001p00255
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Duke, Michael B., el al. (1965) Oxygen isotope studies of minerals in stony meteorites; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 29; No. 5; 489-512; 10.1016/0016-7037(65)90043-8
- Reuter, J. H. and Epstein, S., el al. (1965) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ ratios of some chondritic meteorites and terrestrial ultramafic rocks; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 29; No. 5; 481-488; 10.1016/0016-7037(65)90042-6
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1964) Comparison of Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Tektites, Soils, and Impactite Glasses
- Taylor, H. P., Jr. and Epstein, S. (1963) O¹⁸/O¹⁶ Ratios in Rocks and Coexisting Minerals of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland; Journal of Petrology; Vol. 4; No. 1; 51-74; 10.1093/petrology/4.1.51
- Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1963) Importance of chalcophile element abundances in determining the sequence of sulfide mineral deposition from monoascendent ore-forming solutions
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1962) Oxygen isotope studies on the origin of tektites; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 67; No. 11; 4485-4490; 10.1029/JZ067i011p04485
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1962) Relationship Between O^(18)/O^(16) Ratios in Coexisting Minerals of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. Part 2. Application to Petrologic Problems; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 73; No. 6; 675-693; 10.1130/0016-7606(1962)73[675:RBORIC]2.0.CO;2
- Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. and Epstein, Samuel (1962) Relationship Between O^(18)/O^(16) Ratios in Coexisting Minerals of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. Part 1: Principles and Experimental Results; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 73; No. 4; 461-480; 10.1130/0016-7606(1962)73[461:RBORIC]2.0.CO;2