Stoltz, Brian
- Fulton, Tyler J. and Du, Yun E., el al. (2022) Asymmetric allylic alkylation, allylation, and related reactions; ISBN 9781119736424; Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis, Fourth Edition; 661-704; 10.1002/9781119736424.ch17
- Li, Cheng and Lohrey, Trevor, el al. (2021) Part-per-trillion trace gas detection using frequency-locked whispering gallery mode microtoroids; ISBN 9781510642133; Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXV; Art. No. 116890B; 10.1117/12.2578032
- Schuman, David P. and Liu, Wen‐Bo, el al. (2019) Transition‐Metal‐Free Catalytic C─H Bond Silylation; ISBN 9783527344536; Organosilicon Chemistry: Novel Approaches and Reactions; 213-240; 10.1002/9783527814787.ch7
- Sun, Alexander W. and Stoltz, Brian M. (2019) Discussion Addendum for: Preparation of (S)-tert-ButylPHOX and (S)-2-Allyl-2-Methylcyclohexanone; ISBN 9780471264224; Organic Syntheses; 10.1002/0471264229.os095.29
- Korch, Katerina M. and Loskot, Steven A., el al. (2016) Asymmetric Synthesis of Quaternary Stereocenters via Metal Enolates; ISBN 9780470682531; PATAI'S Chemistry of Functional Groups; 1-85; 10.1002/9780470682531.pat0858
- Stoltz, B. M. and Bennett, N. B., el al. (2014) Alkylations of Enols and Enolates; ISBN 978-0-08-097743-0; Comprehensive Organic Synthesis II; 1-55; 10.1016/B978-0-08-097742-3.00301-3
- Reeves, Corey M. and Stoltz, Brian M. (2012) Catalytic Enantioselective Alkylation of Prochiral Ketone Enolates; ISBN 9783527329212; Asymmetric Synthesis II: More Methods and Applications; 1-10; 10.1002/9783527652235.ch1
- Behenna, Douglas C. and Stoltz, Brian M. (2012) Natural Products as Inspiration for Reaction Development: Catalytic Enantioselective Decarboxylative Reactions of Prochiral Enolate Equivalents; ISBN 978-3-642-34285-1; Inventing reactions; 281-314; 10.1007/3418_2012_49