    title = "Spatially Resolved Star Formation in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations: Understanding the Role of Feedback in Scaling Relations",
    year = "2019",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05142019-152545186",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/WE1D-5586"

    title = "Astrophysical Applications of Quantum Mechanics",
    year = "2018",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06082018-000259902",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/PEBS-ZJ88"

    title = "On the Origin of Scales and Scaling Laws in Star Formation",
    year = "2018",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05142018-155029272",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/WZ2G-R643"

    title = "On the Origin of Scales and Scaling Laws in Star Formation",
    year = "2018",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05142018-155029272",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/WZ2G-R643"

    title = "Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy",
    year = "2017",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06052017-232351957",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9WM1BG8"

    title = "Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy",
    year = "2017",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06052017-232351957",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9WM1BG8"

    title = "Lurking in ULIRGs: Molecular Gas in local Merging Galaxies",
    year = "2016",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:03042016-144127692",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9T72FDK"

    title = "Volatiles in Protoplanetary Disks",
    year = "2015",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05222015-173941425",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9VQ30MD"

    title = "Volatiles in Protoplanetary Disks",
    year = "2015",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05222015-173941425",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9VQ30MD"

    title = "Did Galaxies Reionize the Universe?",
    year = "2015",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:08012014-181643065",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Z9736NVR"

    title = "Observational and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission",
    year = "2014",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09292013-182521898",
    id = "record"

    title = "Demographic Studies of Extrasolar Planets",
    year = "2014",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11082013-132329970",
    id = "record"

    title = "Observational and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission",
    year = "2014",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09292013-182521898",
    id = "record"

    title = "Demographic Studies of Extrasolar Planets",
    year = "2014",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11082013-132329970",
    id = "record"

    title = "Detailed Properties of High Redshift Galaxies",
    year = "2013",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04082013-194357946",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/XB2C-1B49"

    title = "Detailed Properties of High Redshift Galaxies",
    year = "2013",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04082013-194357946",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/XB2C-1B49"

    title = "Topics in Large-Scale Structure",
    year = "2012",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04272012-102231664",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/9HX2-RW58"

    title = "Topics in Large-Scale Structure",
    year = "2012",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04272012-102231664",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/9HX2-RW58"

    title = "A New Spin on Primordial Hydrogen Recombination and a Refined Model for Spinning Dust Radiation",
    year = "2011",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05172011-165447651",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/QMFZ-0C90"

    title = "Multiple Star Formation",
    year = "2010",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-08252009-233632",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/N0KT-QH17"

    title = "Multiple Star Formation",
    year = "2010",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-08252009-233632",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/N0KT-QH17"

    title = "Observing Galaxy Formation in the First Two Billion Years",
    year = "2009",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-11112008-105159",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Y1AH-J489"

    title = "The Luminous, the Massive and the Dusty: A Near- to Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Submillimeter Galaxies",
    year = "2009",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09102008-170617",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/J1R4-5F20"

    title = "Multi-Wavelength Properties of Submillimeter-Selected Galaxies",
    year = "2008",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01242008-093655",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/Q4DB-K461"

    title = "Molecular Clouds and Star Formation: A Multiwavelength Study of Perseus, Serpens, and Ophiuchus",
    year = "2008",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-06292007-134316",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/25QK-5K72"

    title = "Young, Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae",
    year = "2008",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05152008-141502",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/QP4P-SD67"

    title = "Young, Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae",
    year = "2008",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05152008-141502",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/QP4P-SD67"

    title = "A Multi-Wavelength Census of Star Formation at Redshift z \textasciitilde\ 2",
    year = "2006",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05172006-133633",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/9FXD-QX54"

    title = "Slices of Theoretical Astrophysics: Solar System Dynamics and Relativistic Explosions",
    year = "2006",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05252006-181025",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/40AE-N743"

    title = "The Mass Assembly History of Field Galaxies",
    year = "2006",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-03092006-120454",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/3QVQ-FH17"

    title = "The Initial Mass Function and Star-Formation History in the 30 Doradus Super-Association",
    year = "2004",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05122004-130955",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/ZKTC-0760"

    title = "A Galaxy Cluster Survey Using the Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect",
    year = "2004",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09272003-154928",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/DVS1-3590"

    title = "Faint Optically Selected AGN at z = 3",
    year = "2004",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05122004-113008",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/J5MJ-AP67"

    title = "A Search for Galaxy Clusters Using the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect",
    year = "2003",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-05292003-125239",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/YQ5M-SA90"

    title = "Detailed Astrophysical Properties of Lyman Break Galaxies",
    year = "2003",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-04242003-004156",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/6F95-VD13"

    title = "Pulsar Searches: From Radio to Gamma-Rays",
    year = "2003",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01232003-213508",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/MDJX-M255"

    title = "Observations of Carbon Monoxide in the Starburst Galaxy M82 with a 690 GHz Wide Spectral Bandwidth Receiver",
    year = "2002",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01112002-085240",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/5S4X-NV83"

    title = "Toward an Understanding of the Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts",
    year = "2002",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01062003-061357",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/GKHP-2K61"

    title = "Topics in MHD Turbulence",
    year = "2002",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:01302012-162107660",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29"

    title = "Topics in MHD Turbulence",
    year = "2002",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:01302012-162107660",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29"

    title = "Observations of Carbon Monoxide in the Starburst Galaxy M82 with a 690 GHz Wide Spectral Bandwidth Receiver",
    year = "2002",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01112002-085240",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/5S4X-NV83"

    title = "Exozodiacal Dust",
    year = "2001",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09202008-105312",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/73cv-y270"

    title = "Exozodiacal Dust",
    year = "2001",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09202008-105312",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/73cv-y270"

    title = "Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: Power Sources and Ages Along the Merger Sequence",
    year = "2000",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-08292008-130426",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/JR80-9T40"

    title = "Molecular Gas in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei",
    year = "2000",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09202008-104918",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/c2qn-2b77"

    title = "Polarization and Structure of Broad Absorption Line Quasi-Stellar Objects",
    year = "1998",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09232008-090917",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/X967-5E39"

    title = "Near Infrared Spectroscopy of LINER Galaxies",
    year = "1996",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05292018-163017352",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/0G7Z-BS49"

    title = "The faintest stars",
    year = "1993",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09242008-091045",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/0wrn-f607"

    title = "Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Central Regions of Virgo Spiral Galaxies",
    year = "1990",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-06182007-104442",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/pcga-sm96"

    title = "Outflows in High Mass Star-Forming Regions",
    year = "1989",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09102008-084535",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/FDFC-0Q12"

    title = "Echelle Spectroscopy of the Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae",
    year = "1988",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09172008-093354",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/jzsq-vr40"

    title = "Echelle Spectroscopy of the Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae",
    year = "1988",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09172008-093354",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/jzsq-vr40"

    title = "Broadband Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei",
    year = "1987",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09092008-113501",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/gtk1-3n45"

    title = "Broadband Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei",
    year = "1987",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09092008-113501",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/gtk1-3n45"

    title = "An Acousto-Optical Correlation Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy",
    year = "1987",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-08282008-094735",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/pvms-m577"

    title = "On the Chemical Composition of Interstellar Molecular Clouds: A Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectral Line Survey of OMC-1",
    year = "1986",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-12092003-145807",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/0F73-PJ76"

    title = "Circumstellar Shells of Late-Type Stars -- A Study at Millimeter and Infrared Wavelenghts",
    year = "1985",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09042008-105047",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/yfv7-n741"

    title = "A Study of Hydroxyl Masers in the Circumstellar Envelopes of Long Period Variable Stars",
    year = "1980",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09042008-141513",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/zsta-x423"

    title = "A Study of Hydroxyl Masers in the Circumstellar Envelopes of Long Period Variable Stars",
    year = "1980",
    url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-09042008-141513",
    id = "record",
    doi = "10.7907/zsta-x423"