Salik, Boaz
- Salik, Boaz and Rosen, Joseph, el al. (1996) Average coherence approximation for partially coherent optical systems; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 13; No. 10; 2066-2070
- Rosen, Joseph and Salik, Boaz, el al. (1995) Pseudo-nondiffracting beams generated by radial harmonic functions; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 12; No. 11; 2446-2457
- Salik, Boaz and Rosen, Joseph, el al. (1995) Nondiffracting images under coherent illumination; Optics Letters; Vol. 20; No. 17; 1743-1745
- Salik, Boaz and Rosen, Joseph, el al. (1995) One-dimensional beam shaping; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 12; No. 8; 1702-1706
- Rosen, Joseph and Salik, Boaz, el al. (1995) Pseudonondiffracting slitlike beam and its analogy to the pseudonondispersing pulse; Optics Letters; Vol. 20; No. 5; 423-425