Radziwill, Maksym
- Drappeau, Sary and Pratt, Kyle, el al. (2023) One-level density estimates for Dirichlet L-functions with extended support; Algebra & Number Theory; Vol. 17; No. 4; 805-830; 10.2140/ant.2023.17.805
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2023) Higher uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average; Annals of Mathematics; Vol. 197; No. 2; 739-857; 10.4007/annals.2023.197.2.3
- Humphries, Peter and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2022) Optimal Small Scale Equidistribution of Lattice Points on the Sphere, Heegner Points, and Closed Geodesics; Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics; Vol. 75; No. 9; 1936-1996; 10.1002/cpa.22076
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2022) Singmaster's Conjecture In The Interior Of Pascal's Triangle; Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Vol. 73; No. 3; 1137-1177; 10.1093/qmath/haac006
- Fouvry, Étienne and Radziwill, Maksym (2022) Level of distribution of unbalanced convolutions; Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure; Vol. 55; No. 2; 537-568; 10.24033/asens.2501
- Arguin, Louis-Pierre and Ouimet, Frédéric, el al. (2021) Moments of the Riemann zeta function on short intervals of the critical line; Annals of Probability; Vol. 49; No. 6; 3106-3141; 10.1214/21-AOP1524
- Kanigowski, Adam and Lemańczyk, Mariusz, el al. (2021) Rigidity in dynamics and Möbius disjointness; Fundamenta Mathematicae; Vol. 255; 309-336; 10.4064/fm931-11-2020
- Bettin, Sandro and Perret-Gentil, Corentin, el al. (2021) A Note on the Dimension of the Largest Simple Hecke Submodule; International Mathematics Research Notices; Vol. 2021; No. 7; 4907-4919; 10.1093/imrn/rny287
- Lester, Stephen and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2021) Signs of Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms; Mathematische Annalen; Vol. 379; No. 3-4; 1553-1604; 10.1007/s00208-020-02123-0
- Gorodetsky, Ofir and Matomäki, Kaisa, el al. (2021) On the variance of squarefree integers in short intervals and arithmetic progressions; Geometric and Functional Analysis; Vol. 31; No. 1; 111-149; 10.1007/s00039-021-00557-5
- Bettin, Sandro and Bui, Hung M., el al. (2020) A quadratic divisor problem and moments of the Riemann zeta-function; Journal of the European Mathematical Society; Vol. 22; No. 12; 3953-3980; 10.4171/JEMS/999
- Boca, Florin P. and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2020) Limiting distribution of eigenvalues in the large sieve matrix; Journal of the European Mathematical Society; Vol. 22; No. 7; 2287-2329; 10.4171/JEMS/965
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2020) Fourier uniformity of bounded multiplicative functions in short intervals on average; Inventiones Mathematicae; Vol. 220; 1-58; 10.1007/s00222-019-00926-w
- Lester, Stephen and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2020) Quantum Unique Ergodicity for half-integral weight automorphic forms; Duke Mathematical Journal; Vol. 169; No. 2; 279-351; 10.1215/00127094-2019-0040
- Heap, Winston and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2019) Sharp Upper Bounds for Fractional Moments of the Riemann Zeta Function; Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Vol. 70; No. 4; 1387-1396; 10.1093/qmathj/haz027
- Lamzouri, Youness and Lester, Stephen, el al. (2019) Discrepancy bounds for the distribution of the Riemann zeta-function and applications; Journal d'Analyse Mathématique; Vol. 139; No. 2; 453-494; 10.1007/s11854-019-0063-1
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2019) Correlations of the von Mangoldt and higher divisor functions II. Divisor correlations in short ranges; Mathematische Annalen; Vol. 374; No. 1-2; 793-840; 10.1007/s00208-018-01801-4
- Lester, Stephen and Matomäki, Kaisa, el al. (2018) Small scale distribution of zeros and mass of modular forms; Journal of the European Mathematical Society; Vol. 20; No. 7; 1595-1627; 10.4171/JEMS/794
- Radziwiłł, Maksym and Soundararajan, Kannan (2018) Selberg's central limit theorem for log |ζ(1/2+it)|; L'Enseignement Mathématique; Vol. 63; No. 1-2; 1-19; 10.4171/LEM/63-1/2-1
- Fouvry, Étienne and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2018) Another application of Linnik's dispersion method; Chebyshevskii Sbornik; Vol. 19; No. 3; 148-163; 10.22405/2226-8383-2018-19-3-148-163
- Bettin, Sandro and Chandee, Vorrapan, el al. (2017) The mean square of the product of the Riemann zeta-function with Dirichlet polynomials; Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik; Vol. 2017; No. 729; 51-79; 10.1515/crelle-2014-0133
- Lewko, Mark and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2017) Refinements of Gál's theorem and applications; Advances in Mathematics; Vol. 305; 280-297; 10.1016/j.aim.2016.09.006
- Blomer, Valentin and Bourgain, Jean, el al. (2017) Small gaps in the spectrum of the rectangular billiard; Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure; Vol. 50; No. 5; 1283-1300; 10.48550/arXiv.1604.02413
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2016) Sign patterns of the Liouville and Möbius functions; Forum of Mathematics, Sigma; Vol. 4; Art. No. e14; 10.1017/fms.2016.6
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2016) Multiplicative functions in short intervals; Annals of Mathematics; Vol. 183; No. 3; 1015-1056; 10.4007/annals.2016.183.3.6
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2015) Sign changes of Hecke eigenvalues; Geometric and Functional Analysis; Vol. 25; No. 6; 1937-1955; 10.1007/s00039-015-0350-7
- Radziwiłł, Maksym and Soundararajan, K. (2015) Moments and distribution of central L-values of quadratic twists of elliptic curves; Inventiones Mathematicae; Vol. 202; No. 3; 1029-1068; 10.1007/s00222-015-0582-z
- Matomäki, Kaisa and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2015) An averaged form of Chowla's conjecture; Algebra and Number Theory; Vol. 9; No. 9; 2167-2196; 10.2140/ant.2015.9.2167
- Gnang, Edinah K. and Radziwiłł, Maksym, el al. (2015) Counting arithmetic formulas; European Journal of Combinatorics; Vol. 47; 40-53; 10.1016/j.ejc.2015.01.007
- Radziwiłł, Maksym (2014) Gaps between zeros of ζ(s) and the distribution of zeros of ζ′(s); Advances in Mathematics; Vol. 257; 6-24; 10.1016/j.aim.2014.02.010
- Chandee, Vorrapan and Lee, Yoonbok, el al. (2014) Simple zeros of primitive Dirichlet L-functions and the asymptotic large sieve; Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Vol. 65; No. 1; 63-87; 10.1093/qmath/hat008
- Li, Xiannan and Radziwiłł, Maksym (2013) The Riemann-zeta function on vertical arithmetic progressions; International Mathematics Research Notices; Vol. 2015; No. 2; 325-354; 10.1093/imrn/rnt197
- Radziwiłł, Maksym and Soundararajan, Kannan (2013) Continuous lower bounds for moments of zeta and L-functions; Mathematika; Vol. 59; No. 1; 119-128; 10.1112/S0025579312001088
- Radziwiłł, Maksym (2011) The 4.36th Moment of the Riemann Zeta-Function; International Mathematics Research Notices; Vol. 2012; No. 18; 4245-4259; 10.1093/imrn/rnr183