Pomatto, Luciano
- Pomatto, Luciano (2022) Stable matching under forward-induction reasoning; Theoretical Economics; Vol. 17; No. 4; 1619-1649; 10.3982/te3867
- Echenique, Federico and Miyashita, Masaki, el al. (2022) Twofold multiprior preferences and failures of contingent reasoning; Journal of Economic Theory; Vol. 202; Art. No. 105448; 10.1016/j.jet.2022.105448
- Denti, Tommaso and Pomatto, Luciano (2022) Model and Predictive Uncertainty: A Foundation for Smooth Ambiguity Preferences; Econometrica; Vol. 90; No. 2; 551-584; 10.3982/ecta18009
- Mu, Xiaosheng and Pomatto, Luciano, el al. (2021) From Blackwell Dominance in Large Samples to Rényi Divergences and Back Again; Econometrica; Vol. 89; No. 1; 475-506; 10.3982/ECTA17548
- Pomatto, Luciano (2021) Testable Forecasts; Theoretical Economics; Vol. 16; No. 1; 129-160; 10.3982/TE3767
- Al-Najjar, Nabil I. and Pomatto, Luciano (2020) Aggregate Risk and the Pareto Principle; Journal of Economic Theory; Vol. 189; Art. No. 105084; 10.1016/j.jet.2020.105084
- Pomatto, Luciano and Strack, Philipp, el al. (2020) Stochastic Dominance Under Independent Noise; Journal of Political Economy; Vol. 128; No. 5; 1877-1900; 10.1086/705555
- Al-Najjar, Nabil I. and Pomatto, Luciano (2020) An Abstract Law of Large Numbers; Sankhya A - The Indian Journal of Statistics; Vol. 82; No. 1; 1-12; 10.1007/s13171-018-00162-z
- Pomatto, Luciano and Sandroni, Alvaro (2018) An Axiomatic Theory of Inductive Inference; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 85; No. 2; 293-315; 10.1086/696386
- Al-Najjar, Nabil I. and Pomatto, Luciano (2016) Choice under aggregate uncertainty; Theory and Decision; Vol. 80; No. 2; 187-209; 10.1007/s11238-015-9504-1
- Al-Najjar, Nabil and Pomatto, Luciano, el al. (2014) Claim Validation; American Economic Review; Vol. 104; No. 11; 3725-3736; 10.1257/aer.104.11.3725
- Pomatto, Luciano and Al-Najjar, Nabil, el al. (2014) Merging and testing opinions; Annals of Statistics; Vol. 42; No. 3; 1003-1028; 10.1214/14-AOS1212