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- Bassiri, Sassan (1987) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Radiation in Chiral Media; 10.7907/RFST-5K65
- van Zyl, Jakob Johannes (1986) On the Importance of Polarization in Radar Scattering Problems; 10.7907/QRD0-YE09
- Warne, Larry Kevin (1984) Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering in a Plasma with an Azimuthal Biasing Field; 10.7907/tja8-zp12
- Tatoian, James Zareh (1983) An Analytical Study of Electromagnetic Vector Field Propagation in a Nonlinear Electron Plasma; 10.7907/hzt3-s585
- Prouty, Dale Austen (1982) Investigations of Near-Zone Doppler Effects; 10.7907/vfzj-7d74
- Engheta, Nader (1982) On the Radiation Patterns of Interfacial Antennas; 10.7907/y86x-2709
- Harris, Jerry Michael (1980) The Influence of Random Media on the Propagation and Depolarization of Electromagnetic Waves; 10.7907/XH76-NK15
- De Logi, Walter K. (1978) Electromagnetic Wave Generation and Propagation in Gravitational Fields; 10.7907/es3k-qv56
- Mickelson, Alan Rolf (1978) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Almost Periodic Media; 10.7907/SZMY-A964
- Yang, Fang-Chou (1976) An Analysis of Linear Induction Motors for Propulsion and Suspension of Magnetically Levitated Vehicles; 10.7907/DM0P-XW77
- Evans, Gary Alan (1975) Electromagnetic Theory of Distributed Feedback Lasers in Periodic Dielectric Waveguides; 10.7907/QMW8-1287
- Satorius, Edgar Harry (1975) Electromagnetic Pulses at the Boundary of a Nonlinear Plasma; 10.7907/d6ww-a643
- Méndez, Horacio Augusto (1974) Shielding Theory of Enclosures with Apertures; 10.7907/Z9KW5D7F
- Broome, Norval Lagier (1974) Transient Radiation from Coaxial Waveguide and Cylindrical Monopole Antennas; 10.7907/5MP2-DD24
- Jiang, Ching-Lin (1973) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Radiation in a Suddenly Created Plasma; 10.7907/3TKY-YR40
- McGovern, Patrick Anthony (1972) Electromagnetic Fields in Nonuniform Lossless Transmission Lines; 10.7907/S8QM-4Y57
- Balanis, George Nick (1972) Plasma Inverse Scattering Theory; 10.7907/7PTN-RV17
- Elachi, Charles (1971) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Source Radiation in Space-Time Periodic Media; 10.7907/WYFR-GR84
- Damlamayan, Dikran (1970) Analysis of Aperture Antennas in Inhomogeneous Media; 10.7907/8GWH-NP26
- Bilow, Henry Joel (1970) Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Scattering in a Randomly-Inhomogeneous Dielectric Sphere; 10.7907/CMVZ-RR78
- Pogorzelski, Ronald James (1970) Investigations in the Theory of Electromagnetic Scattering from Expanding Dielectric Obstacles; 10.7907/G2F7-EJ85
- Baum, Carl Edward (1969) A Scaling Technique for the Design of Idealized Electromagnetic Lenses; 10.7907/N9WZ-SP03
- Norgard, John Dennis (1969) Radiation from an Antenna Entering the Martian Atmosphere; 10.7907/pd64-rx94
- Mo, Tse Chin (1969) Theory of Electrodynamics of Media in Non-Inertial Frames and Applications; 10.7907/1Z64-YS50
- Kenny, John Joseph (1968) Electric Dipole Radiation in Isotropic and Uniaxial Plasmas; 10.7907/2Q1Z-GS04
- Mrstik, Adolph Vincent, Jr. (1968) The Resolution of the Thermodynamic Paradox and the Theory of Guided Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media; 10.7907/5DAY-XC29
- Varvatsis, Athanassios Demetrius (1968) A Multiple Scattering Problem; 10.7907/02K5-V111
- Latham, Raymond Walter (1968) Electromagnetic Scattering From Cylindrically and Spherically Stratified Bodies; 10.7907/QGVG-1464
- Lam, John Ling-Yee (1967) Radiation of a Point Charge Moving Uniformly Over an Infinite Array of Conducting Half-Planes; 10.7907/1BR2-6A78
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- Nagelberg, Elliott Robert (1964) Microwave Interaction with Bounded Gyroelectric Plasmas; 10.7907/WG7A-PS41
- Mitzner, Kenneth Martin (1964) Theory of the Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Irregular Interfaces; 10.7907/HBEY-GT07
- Lee, Kelvin Shun-Hung (1964) On the Doppler Effect in a Medium; 10.7907/WGHV-8G71
- Jacobson, Alexander Donald (1964) On the Theory of Noise-like Electromagnetic Fields of Arbitrary Spectral Width; 10.7907/QH8J-B561
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