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- Akella, Prithvi and Ahmadi, Mohamadreza, el al. (2023) Barrier-Based Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Systems Subject to Timed Reach-Avoid Specifications
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- Clamons, Samuel E. and Murray, Richard M. (2021) How to model DNA replication in stochastic models of synthetic gene circuits (and why); 10.1101/2021.09.26.461880
- Hu, Chelsea Y. and Murray, Richard M. (2021) Layered Feedback Control Overcomes Performance Trade-off in Synthetic Biomolecular Networks; 10.1101/2021.09.12.459953
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- Pandey, Ayush and Murray, Richard M. (2020) A two-state ribosome and protein model can robustly capture the chemical reaction dynamics of gene expression; 10.1101/2020.11.25.399287
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- McCardell, Reed D. and Huang, Shan, el al. (2017) Control of bacterial population density with population feedback and molecular sequestration; 10.1101/225045
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- Arichega, Nikos and Dathathri, Sumanth, el al. (2017) Fast Automatic Verification of Large-Scale Systems with Lookup Tables
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- Filippidis, Ioannis and Murray, Richard M. (2016) Formalizing synthesis in TLA+
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- Yeung, Enoch and Kim, Jongmin, el al. (2015) Global Dynamical Structure Reconstruction from Reconstructed Dynamical Structure Subnetworks: Applications to Biochemical Reaction Networks
- Sen, Shaunak and Murray, Richard M. (2015) Quantitative Performance Bounds in Biomolecular Circuits due to Temperature Uncertainty
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- Livingston, Scott C. and Murray, Richard M. (2014) Hot-swapping robot task goals in reactive formal synthesis
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