McKeon, Beverley
- Harms, Tanner D. and Brunton, Steven L., el al. (2024) Lagrangian gradient regression for the detection of coherent structures from sparse trajectory data; Royal Society Open Science; Vol. 11; No. 10; 10.1098/rsos.240586
- Arun, Rahul and Bae, H. Jane, el al. (2023) Towards real-time reconstruction of velocity fluctuations in turbulent channel flow; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 8; No. 6; 064612; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.8.064612
- Jafari, Azadeh and McKeon, Beverley J., el al. (2023) Frequency-tuned surfaces for passive control of wall-bounded turbulent flow – a resolvent analysis study; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 959; Art. No. A26; 10.1017/jfm.2023.149
- Baddoo, Peter J. and Herrmann, Benjamin, el al. (2023) Physics-informed dynamic mode decomposition; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 479; No. 2271; Art. No. 20220576; 10.1098/rspa.2022.0576
- Laskari, Angeliki and de Silva, Charitha M., el al. (2022) Spatiotemporal characteristics of uniform momentum zones: Experiments and modeling; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 7; No. 10; Art. No. 104603; 10.1103/physrevfluids.7.104603
- Baddoo, Peter J. and Herrmann, Benjamin, el al. (2022) Kernel learning for robust dynamic mode decomposition: linear and nonlinear disambiguation optimization; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 478; No. 2260; Art. No. 2021.0830; PMCID PMC9006118; 10.1098/rspa.2021.0830
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa and Lozano-Durán, Adrián, el al. (2022) Amplitude and wall-normal distance variation of small scales in turbulent boundary layers; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 7; No. 1; Art. No. 014606; 10.1103/physrevfluids.7.014606
- Barthel, Benedikt and Gomez, Salvador, el al. (2022) Variational formulation of resolvent analysis; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 7; No. 1; Art. No. 013905; 10.1103/physrevfluids.7.013905
- Barthel, Benedikt and Zhu, Xiaojue, el al. (2021) Closing the loop: nonlinear Taylor vortex flow through the lens of resolvent analysis; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 924; Art. No. A9; 10.1017/jfm.2021.623
- Shekar, Ashwin and McMullen, Ryan M., el al. (2021) Tollmien-Schlichting route to elastoinertial turbulence in channel flow; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 6; No. 9; Art. No. 093301; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.093301
- Ahmed, M. A. and Bae, H. J., el al. (2021) Resolvent analysis of stratification effects on wall-bounded shear flows; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 6; No. 8; Art. No. 084804; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.084804
- Herrmann, Benjamin and Baddoo, Peter J., el al. (2021) Data-driven resolvent analysis; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 918; Art. No. A10; 10.1017/jfm.2021.337
- Shamai, Maysam and Dawson, Scott T. M., el al. (2021) Unsteady dynamics in the streamwise-oscillating cylinder wake for forcing frequencies below lock-on; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 6; No. 7; Art. No. 074702; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.074702
- Jacobi, Ian and Chung, Daniel, el al. (2021) Interactions between scales in wall turbulence: phase relationships, amplitude modulation and the importance of critical layers; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 914; Art. No. A7; 10.1017/jfm.2020.770
- Bae, H. Jane and McKeon, Beverley J. (2021) Nonlinear mechanism of the self-sustaining process in the buffer and logarithmic layer of wall-bounded flows; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 914; Art. No. A3; 10.1017/jfm.2020.857
- Huynh, David P. and Huang, Yuting, el al. (2021) Experiments and Modeling of a Compliant Wall Response to a Turbulent Boundary Layer with Dynamic Roughness Forcing; Fluids; Vol. 6; No. 5; Art. No. 173; 10.3390/fluids6050173
- Laskari, Angeliki and McKeon, Beverley J. (2021) Temporal characteristics of the probability density function of velocity in wall-bounded turbulent flows; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 913; Art. No. A6; 10.1017/jfm.2020.1163
- McKeon, B. J. (2020) A basis for flow modelling; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 904; Art. No. F1; 10.1017/jfm.2020.728
- Arun, Rahul and Dawson, Scott T. M., el al. (2020) Control of instability by injection rate oscillations in a radial Hele-Shaw cell; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 5; No. 12; Art. No. 123902; 10.1103/physrevfluids.5.123902
- Dawson, Scott T. M. and McKeon, Beverley J. (2020) Prediction of resolvent mode shapes in supersonic turbulent boundary layers; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; Vol. 85; Art. No. 108677; 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108677
- Toedtli, Simon and Yu, Christine, el al. (2020) On the origin of drag increase in varying-phase opposition control; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; Vol. 85; Art. No. 108651; 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108651
- Shekar, Ashwin and McMullen, Ryan M., el al. (2020) Self-sustained elastoinertial Tollmien-Schlichting waves; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 897; Art. No. A3; 10.1017/jfm.2020.372
- McMullen, Ryan M. and Rosenberg, Kevin, el al. (2020) Interaction of forced Orr-Sommerfeld and Squire modes in a low-order representation of turbulent channel flow; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 5; No. 8; Art. No. 084607; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.084607
- Bae, H. Jane and McKeon, Beverley J. (2020) Characterization of vortex regeneration mechanism in the self-sustaining process of wall-bounded flows using resolvent analysis; Journal of Physics Conference Series; Vol. 1522; Art. No. 012001; 10.1088/1742-6596/1522/1/012001
- Huynh, David and McKeon, Beverley (2020) Measurements of a turbulent boundary layer-compliant surface system in response to targeted, dynamic roughness forcing; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 61; No. 4; Art. No. 94; 10.1007/s00348-020-2933-9
- Huynh, David and McKeon, Beverley (2020) Characterization of the Spatio-Temporal Response of a Turbulent Boundary Layer to Dynamic Roughness; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion; Vol. 104; No. 2-3; 293-316; 10.1007/s10494-019-00069-1
- Laskari, Angeliki and Saxton-Fox, T., el al. (2020) Spatial organisation of velocity structures for large passive scalar gradients; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 885; Art. No. A33; 10.1017/jfm.2019.977
- Symon, Sean and Sipp, Denis, el al. (2020) Mean and Unsteady Flow Reconstruction Using Data-Assimilation and Resolvent Analysis; AIAA Journal; Vol. 58; No. 2; 575-588; 10.2514/1.J057889
- Bae, H. Jane and Dawson, Scott T. M., el al. (2020) Resolvent-based study of compressibility effects on supersonic turbulent boundary layers; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 883; Art. No. A29; 10.1017/jfm.2019.881
- Symon, Sean and Sipp, Denis, el al. (2019) A tale of two airfoils: resolvent-based modelling of an oscillator versus an amplifier from an experimental mean; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 881; 81-83; 10.1017/jfm.2019.747
- Dawson, Scott T. M. and McKeon, Beverley J. (2019) On the shape of resolvent modes in wall-bounded turbulence; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 877; 682-716; 10.1017/jfm.2019.594
- Ranade, Piyush and Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam, el al. (2019) Turbulence Amplitude Amplification in an Externally Forced, Subsonic Turbulent Boundary Layer; AIAA Journal; Vol. 57; No. 9; 3838-3850; 10.2514/1.J057871
- Rosenberg, Kevin and McKeon, Beverley J. (2019) Computing exact coherent states in channels starting from the laminar profile: A resolvent-based approach; Physical Review E; Vol. 100; No. 2; Art. No. 021101; 10.1103/physreve.100.021101
- McKeon, Beverley J. (2019) Self-similar hierarchies and attached eddies; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 4; No. 8; Art. No. 082601; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.082601
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa and McKeon, Beverley J., el al. (2019) Effect of Coherent Structures on Aero-Optic Distortion in a Turbulent Boundary Layer; AIAA Journal; Vol. 57; No. 7; 2828-2839; 10.2514/1.J058088
- Toedtli, Simon S. and Luhar, Mitul, el al. (2019) Predicting the response of turbulent channel flow to varying-phase opposition control: Resolvent analysis as a tool for flow control design; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 4; No. 7; Art. No. 073905; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.073905
- Rosenberg, Kevin and Symon, Sean, el al. (2019) Role of parasitic modes in nonlinear closure via the resolvent feedback loop; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 4; No. 5; Art. No. 052601; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.052601
- Shekar, Ashwin and McMullen, Ryan M., el al. (2019) Critical-Layer Structures and Mechanisms in Elastoinertial Turbulence; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 122; No. 12; Art. No. 124503; 10.1103/physrevlett.122.124503
- Hufstedler, Esteban A. L. and McKeon, Beverley J. (2019) Vortical Gusts: Experimental Generation and Interaction with Wing; AIAA Journal; Vol. 57; No. 3; 921-931; 10.2514/1.J056914
- Rosenberg, Kevin and McKeon, Beverley J. (2019) Efficient representation of exact coherent states of the Navier–Stokes equations using resolvent analysis; Fluid Dynamics Research; Vol. 51; No. 1; Art. No. 011401; 10.1088/1873-7005/aab1ab
- McKeon, Beverley J. and Jacobi, Ian, el al. (2018) Dynamic Roughness for Manipulation and Control of Turbulent Boundary Layers: An Overview; AIAA Journal; Vol. 56; No. 6; 2178-2193; 10.2514/1.J056764
- Morgan, J. and McKeon, B. J. (2018) Relation between a singly-periodic roughness geometry and spatio-temporal turbulence characteristics; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; Vol. 71; 322-333; 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.04.005
- Symon, Sean and Rosenberg, Kevin, el al. (2018) Non-normality and classification of amplification mechanisms in stability and resolvent analysis; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 3; No. 5; Art. No. 053902; 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.053902
- Taira, Kunihiko and Brunton, Steven L., el al. (2017) Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview; AIAA Journal; Vol. 55; No. 12; 4013-4041; 10.2514/1.J056060
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa and McKeon, Beverley J. (2017) Coherent structures, uniform momentum zones and the streamwise energy spectrum in wall-bounded turbulent flows; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 826; Art. No. R6; 10.1017/jfm.2017.493
- Jacobi, I. and McKeon, B. J. (2017) Phase-relationships between scales in the perturbed turbulent boundary layer; Journal of Turbulence; Vol. 18; No. 12; 1120-1143; 10.1080/14685248.2017.1361536
- Symon, Sean and Dovetta, Nicolas, el al. (2017) Data assimilation of mean velocity from 2D PIV measurements of flow over an idealized airfoil; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 58; No. 5; Art. No. 61; 10.1007/s00348-017-2336-8
- McKeon, B. J. (2017) The engine behind (wall) turbulence: perspectives on scale interactions; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 817; Art. No. P1; 10.1017/jfm.2017.115
- Sharma, A. S. and Moarref, R., el al. (2017) Scaling and interaction of self-similar modes in models of high Reynolds number wall turbulence; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 375; No. 2089; Art. No. 20160089; PMCID PMC5311453; 10.1098/rsta.2016.0089
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam and McKeon, Beverley (2017) Phase relations in a forced turbulent boundary layer: implications for modelling of high Reynolds number wall turbulence; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 375; No. 2089; Art. No. 20160080; PMCID PMC5311448; 10.1098/rsta.2016.0080
- Dunne, R. and Schmid, P. J., el al. (2016) Analysis of Flow Timescales on a Periodically Pitching/Surging Airfoil; AIAA Journal; Vol. 54; No. 11; 3421-3433; 10.2514/1.J054784
- Luhar, M. and Sharma, A. S., el al. (2016) On the design of optimal compliant walls for turbulence control; Journal of Turbulence; Vol. 17; No. 8; 787-806; 10.1080/14685248.2016.1181267
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam and McKeon, Beverley (2016) Nonlinear interactions isolated through scale synthesis in experimental wall turbulence; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 1; No. 3; Art. No. 032401(R); 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.032401
- Gómez, F. and Blackburn, H. M., el al. (2016) A reduced-order model of three-dimensional unsteady flow in a cavity based on the resolvent operator; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 798; 10.1017/jfm.2016.339
- Sharma, Ati S. and Mezić, Igor, el al. (2016) Correspondence between Koopman mode decomposition, resolvent mode decomposition, and invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations; Physical Review Fluids; Vol. 1; No. 3; Art. No. 032402(R); 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.032402
- Gómez, F. and Blackburn, H. M., el al. (2016) Streamwise-varying steady transpiration control in turbulent pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 796; 588-616; 10.1017/jfm.2016.279
- Sharma, Ati S. and Moarref, Rashad, el al. (2016) Low-dimensional representations of exact coherent states of the Navier-Stokes equations from the resolvent model of wall turbulence; Physical Review E; Vol. 93; No. 2; Art. No. 021102; 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.021102
- Hultmark, Marcus and Marusic, Ivan, el al. (2016) Introduction to Topical Issue on Extreme Flows; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 57; No. 1; 3-4; 10.1007/s00348-015-2094-4
- Dunne, Reeve and McKeon, Beverley J. (2015) Dynamic stall on a pitching and surging airfoil; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 56; No. 8; Art. No. 157; 10.1007/s00348-015-2028-1
- Luhar, M. and Sharma, A. S., el al. (2015) A framework for studying the effect of compliant surfaces on wall turbulence; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 768; 415-441; 10.1017/jfm.2015.85
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam and McKeon, Beverley J. (2015) Triadic scale interactions in a turbulent boundary layer; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 767; R4; 10.1017/jfm.2015.79
- Gómez, F. and Blackburn, H. M., el al. (2014) On the origin of frequency sparsity in direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe flow; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 26; No. 10; Art. No. 101703; 10.1063/1.4900768
- Juillet, Fabien and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2014) Experimental control of natural perturbations in channel flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 752; 296-309; 10.1017/jfm.2014.317
- Luhar, M. and Sharma, A. S., el al. (2014) On the structure and origin of pressure fluctuations in wall turbulence: predictions based on the resolvent analysis; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 751; 38-70; 10.1017/jfm.2014.283
- Luhar, M. and Sharma, A. S., el al. (2014) Opposition control within the resolvent analysis framework; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 749; 597-626; 10.1017/jfm.2014.209
- Moarref, R. and Jovanović, M. R., el al. (2014) A low-order decomposition of turbulent channel flow via resolvent analysis and convex optimization; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 26; No. 5; Art. No. 051701; 10.1063/1.4876195
- Carmigniani, R. and Lapointe, S., el al. (2014) Influence of a local change of depth on the behavior of walking oil drops; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; Vol. 54; 237-246; 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.12.023
- Bourguignon, J.-L. and Tropp, J. A., el al. (2014) Compact representation of wall-bounded turbulence using compressive sampling; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 26; No. 1; Art. No. 015109; 10.1063/1.4862303
- Moarref, Rashad and Sharma, Ati S., el al. (2013) Model-based scaling of the streamwise energy density in high-Reynolds-number turbulent channels; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 734; 275-316; 10.1017/jfm.2013.457
- Sharma, A. S. and McKeon, B. J. (2013) On coherent structure in wall turbulence; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 728; 196-238; 10.1017/jfm.2013.286
- LeHew, J. A. and Guala, M., el al. (2013) Time-resolved measurements of coherent structures in the turbulent boundary layer; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 54; No. 4; Art. No. 1508; 10.1007/s00348-013-1508-4
- McKeon, B. J. (2013) Natural logarithms; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 718; 1-4; 10.1017/jfm.2012.608
- McKeon, B. J. and Sharma, A. S., el al. (2013) Experimental manipulation of wall turbulence: A systems approach; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 25; No. 3; Art. No. 031301; 10.1063/1.4793444
- Jacobi, I. and McKeon, B. J. (2013) Phase relationships between large and small scales in the turbulent boundary layer; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 54; No. 3; Art. No. 1481; 10.1007/s00348-013-1481-y
- Bailey, S. C. C. and Hultmark, M., el al. (2013) Obtaining accurate mean velocity measurements in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers using Pitot tubes; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 715; 642-670; 10.1017/jfm.2012.538
- Jacobi, I. and McKeon, B. J. (2011) Dynamic roughness perturbation of a turbulent boundary layer; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 688; 258-296; 10.1017/jfm.2011.375
- Sharma, A. S. and Morrison, J. F., el al. (2011) Relaminarisation of Re_τ=100 channel flow with globally stabilising linear feedback control; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 23; No. 12; Art. No. 125105; 10.1063/1.3662449
- Norman, A. K. and McKeon, B. J. (2011) Unsteady force measurements in sphere flow from subcritical to supercritical Reynolds numbers; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 51; No. 5; 1439-1453; 10.1007/s00348-011-1161-8
- LeHew, J. and Guala, M., el al. (2011) A study of the three-dimensional spectral energy distribution in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 51; No. 4; 997-1012; 10.1007/s00348-011-1117-z
- Norman, A. K. and McKeon, B. J. (2011) The effect of a small isolated roughness element on the forces on a sphere in uniform flow; Experiments in Fluids; Vol. 51; No. 4; 1031-1045; 10.1007/s00348-011-1126-y
- Bourguignon, Jean-Loup and McKeon, Beverley J. (2011) A streamwise-constant model of turbulent pipe flow; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 23; No. 9; Art. no. 095111; 10.1063/1.3640081
- Jacobi, I. and McKeon, B. J. (2011) New perspectives on the impulsive roughness-perturbation of a
turbulent boundary layer; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 677; 179-203; 10.1017/jfm.2011.75
- Gayme, Dennice F. and McKeon, Beverley J., el al. (2011) Amplification and nonlinear mechanisms in plane Couette flow; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 23; No. 6; 065108; 10.1063/1.3599701
- Norman, A. K. and Kerrigan, E. C., el al. (2011) The effect of small-amplitude time-dependent changes to the surface morphology of a sphere; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 675; 268-296; 10.1017/S0022112011000164
- Guala, M. and Metzger, M., el al. (2011) Interactions within the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 666; 573-604; 10.1017/S0022112010004544
- Smits, Alexander J. and McKeon, Beverley J., el al. (2011) High–Reynolds Number Wall Turbulence; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 43; 353-375; 10.1146/annurev-fluid-122109-160753
- Chung, D. and McKeon, B. J. (2010) Large-eddy simulation of large-scale structures in long channel flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 661; 341-364; 10.1017/S0022112010002995
- McKeon, B. J. and Sharma, A. S. (2010) A critical-layer framework for turbulent pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 658; 336-382; 10.1017/S002211201000176X
- Guala, M. and Metzger, M., el al. (2010) Intermittency in the atmospheric surface layer: Unresolved or slowly varying?; Physica D; Vol. 239; No. 14; 1251-1257; 10.1016/j.physd.2009.10.010
- Metzger, Meredith and McKeon, Beverley, el al. (2010) Scaling the characteristic time of the bursting process in the turbulent boundary layer; Physica D; Vol. 239; No. 14; 1296-1304; 10.1016/j.physd.2009.09.004
- Marusic, I. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2010) Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers: Recent advances and key issues; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 22; No. 6; Art. No. 065103; 10.1063/1.3453711
- McKeon, Beverley J. (2010) Controlling Turbulence; Science; Vol. 327; No. 5972; 1462-1463; 10.1126/science.1187607
- Gayme, D. F. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2010) A streamwise constant model of turbulence in plane Couette flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 665; 99-119; 10.1017/S0022112010003861
- McKeon, B. J. and Sreenivasan, K. R. (2007) Introduction: scaling and structure in high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 365; No. 1852; 635-646; 10.1098/rsta.2006.1952
- Metzger, M. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2007) The near-neutral atmospheric surface layer: turbulence and non-stationarity; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 365; No. 1852; 859-876; 10.1098/rsta.2006.1946
- McKeon, B. J. and Morrison, J. F. (2007) Asymptotic scaling in turbulent pipe flow; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 365; No. 1852; 771-787; 10.1098/rsta.2006.1945
- Arthur, G. G. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2006) Manufacture of micro-sensors and actuators for flow control; Microelectronic Engineering; Vol. 83; No. 4-9; 1205-1208; 10.1016/j.mee.2006.01.171
- McKeon, B. J. and Zagarola, M. V., el al. (2005) A new friction factor relationship for fully developed pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 538; 429-443; 10.1017/S0022112005005501
- McKeon, B. J. and Swanson, C. J., el al. (2004) Friction factors for smooth pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 511; 41-44; 10.1017/S0022112004009796
- Morrison, J. F. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2004) Scaling of the streamwise velocity component in turbulent pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 508; 99-131; 10.1017/S0022112004008985
- Li, J. D. and McKeon, B. J., el al. (2004) The response of hot wires in high Reynolds-number turbulent pipe flow; Measurement Science and Technology; Vol. 15; No. 5; 789-798; 10.1088/0957-0233/15/5/003
- McKeon, B. J. and Li, J., el al. (2004) Further observations on the mean velocity distribution in fully developed pipe flow; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 501; 135-147; 10.1017/S0022112003007304
- McKeon, B. J. and Li, J., el al. (2003) Pitot probe corrections in fully developed turbulent pipe flow; Measurement Science and Technology; Vol. 14; No. 8; 1449-1458; 10.1088/0957-0233/14/8/334
- McKeon, B. J. and Smits, A. J. (2002) Static pressure correction in high Reynolds number fully developed turbulent pipe flow; Measurement Science and Technology; Vol. 13; No. 10; 1608-1614; 10.1088/0957-0233/13/10/314
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