Manohar, Rajit
- Manohar, Rajit (1998) The impact of asynchrony on computer architecture; 10.7907/kgstw-em803
- Manohar, Rajit and Sivilotti, Paolo A. G. (1996) Composing Processes Using Modified Rely-Guarantee Specifications; 10.7907/Z9P848X3
- Manohar, Rajit and Martin, Alain J. (1995) Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Circuits are Turing-Complete; 10.7907/Z9H70CV1
- Manohar, Rajit (1995) Folded FIFOs; 10.7907/Z9J67DZD
- Manohar, Rajit and Chandy, K. Mani (1994) Mach-Based Channel Library; 10.7907/Z9SJ1HMH
- Manohar, Rajit and Leino, K. Rustan M. (1994) Theory and Use of Conditional Composition; 10.7907/Z9VD6WGD
- Chandy, K. Mani and Manohar, Rajit, el al. (1994) Integrating Task and Data Parallelism with the Collective Communication Archetype; 10.7907/Z9222RSP