Lange, Andrew E.
- Tran, Huan and Bock, James, el al. (2010) Optical design of the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone telescope; ISBN 978-0-81948-221-1; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; Art. No. 77311R; 10.1117/12.857423
- Brevik, J. A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) Initial performance of the BICEP2 antenna-coupled superconducting bolometers at the South Pole; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411H; 10.1117/12.857861
- Ogburn, R. W., IV and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) The BICEP2 CMB polarization experiment; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411G; 10.1117/12.857864
- Matsumura, Tomotake and Bock, James J., el al. (2010) Absolute polarization angle calibration using polarized diffuse Galactic emission observed by BICEP; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77412O; 10.1117/12.856855
- Orlando, A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) Antenna-coupled TES Bolometer Arrays for BICEP2/Keck and SPIDER; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77410H; 10.1117/12.857914
- Sheehy, C. D. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) The Keck Array: a pulse tube cooled CMB polarimeter; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411R; 10.1117/12.857871
- Aikin, Randol W. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2010) Optical Performance of the BICEP2 Telescope at the South Pole; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77410V; 10.1117/12.857868
- Maffei, B. and Noviello, F., el al. (2010) Planck-HFI optical design and pre-flight performances; ISBN 978-1-4244-6431-9; 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
- Holmes, W. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2009) Heat Capacity of Neutron Transmutation Doped Ge Type 18; 10.1063/1.3292293
- Orlando, A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2009) Antenna-coupled TES Arrays For The BICEP2/Keck and SPIDER polarimeters; ISBN 978-0-7354-0751-0; Low Temperature Detectors LTD 13; 471-474; 10.1063/1.3292380
- Nguyen, Hien Trong and Kovac, John, el al. (2008) BICEP2/SPUD: searching for inflation with degree scale polarimetry from the South Pole; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201F; 10.1117/12.787997
- Sayers, J. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2008) Studies of atmospheric noise on Mauna Kea at 143 GHz with Bolocam; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201Q; 10.1117/12.790029
- Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2008) Antenna-coupled TES bolometer arrays for CMB polarimetry; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201I; 10.1117/12.788588
- Takahashi, Yuki D. and Barkats, Denis, el al. (2008) CMB polarimetry with BICEP: instrument characterization, calibration,
and performance; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201D; 10.1117/12.790306
- Montroy, T. E. and Brevik, J., el al. (2006) SPIDER: a new balloon-borne experiment to measure CMB polarization on large angular scales; ISBN 0819463329; Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes; Art. No. 62670R; 10.1117/12.670339
- Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2006) Antenna-coupled TES bolometers for CMB polarimetry; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751M; 10.1117/12.672737
- Maffei, B. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2004) Planck-HFI focal plane concept; ISBN 9780819454195; Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes; 523-531; 10.1117/12.552577
- Cahill, Gary and Bock, James J., el al. (2004) The quasi-optical design of the QUaD Telescope; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 396-406; 10.1117/12.551680
- Bowden, M. and Ganga, K. M., el al. (2004) Measuring the cosmic microwave background polarization with the QUaD experiment; ISBN 9780819454218; Ground-based Telescopes; 84-94; 10.1117/12.551110
- Gomez, P. and Romer, A. K., el al. (2004) Sunyaev-Zeldovich Observations of Massive Clusters of Galaxies; ISBN 0-7354-0176-4; Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe; 361-366; 10.1063/1.1718481
- Piat, Michel and Lamarre, Jean-Michel, el al. (2003) Planck-HFI thermal architecture: from requirements to solutions; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments; 740-748; 10.1117/12.461777
- Lamarre, J. M. and Puget, J. L., el al. (2003) The Planck high-frequency instrument: a third-generation CMB probe and the first submillimeter surveyor; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments; 730-739; 10.1117/12.461636
- Goldin, Alexey and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Design of broadband filters and antennas for SAMBA; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 163-171; 10.1117/12.459677
- Yun, Minhee and Beeman, Jeffrey, el al. (2003) Bolometric detectors for the Planck surveyor; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 136-147; 10.1117/12.459199
- Hunt, Cynthia L. and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Transition-edge superconducting antenna-coupled bolometer; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 318-321; 10.1117/12.459110
- Jones, W. C. and Bhatia, R. S., el al. (2003) A Polarization Sensitive Bolometric Receiver for Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 227-238; 10.1117/12.459194
- Holmes, W. and Bock, J., el al. (2003) Preliminary performance measurements of bolometers for the Planck high-frequency instrument; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 208-216; 10.1117/12.459421
- Glenn, Jason and Ade, Peter A. R., el al. (2003) Current status of Bolocam: a large-format millimeter-wave bolometer camera; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 30-40; 10.1117/12.459369
- Keating, Brian G. and Ade, Peter A., el al. (2003) BICEP: a large angular scale CMB polarimeter; ISBN 9780819446220; Polarimetry in Astronomy; 284-295; 10.1117/12.459274
- Bhatia, R. S. and Hristov, V. V., el al. (2003) Automated Closed-Cycle Cooling to 250 mK for the Polatron; ISBN 978-0-306-47714-0; Cryocoolers 12; 651-660; 10.1007/0-306-47919-2_86
- Paine, C. G. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2002) A low noise, high thermal stability, 0.1 K test facility for the Planck HFI bolometers; ISBN 0-7354-0059-8; Advances in Cryogenic Engineering; 1651-1658; 10.1063/1.1472202
- Mauskopf, P. and Ade, P., el al. (2002) Results from the first engineering run of BOLOCAM and plans for the future; ISBN 0-7354-0062-8; Experimental cosmology at millimetre wavelengths : 2K1BC workshop, Breuil-Cervinia (AO), Valle d'Aosta, Italy, 9-13 July 2001; 107-115; 10.1063/1.1475612
- Lamarre, J. M. and Maffei, B., el al. (2002) The High Frequency Instrument of Planck: Requirements and Design; ISBN 0735400628; Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths: 2K1BC Workshop; 213-218; 10.1063/1.1475631
- de Bernardis, P. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2002) ℓ-space spectroscopy of the Cosmic Microwave Background
with the BOOMERanG experiment; ISBN 0-7354-0062-8; Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths; 3-11; 10.1063/1.1475595
- Piacentini, F. and Crill, B. P., el al. (2002) Noise Properties of the BOOMERANG Instrument; ISBN 0-7354-0062-8; Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths; 39-43; 10.1063/1.1475600
- Masi, S. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2002) Interstellar dust in the BOOMERanG maps; ISBN 0-7354-0062-8; Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths; 18-22; 10.1063/1.1475597
- Piccirillo, L. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2002) QUEST—A 2.6-m mm-wave telescope for CMB polarization studies; ISBN 0-7354-0055-5; Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds: Workshop on Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds; 159-163; 10.1063/1.1471840
- Masi, S. and Hristov, V. V., el al. (2002) B2K: The polarization-sensitive BOOMERanG experiment; ISBN 0-7354-0055-5; Astrophysical polarized backgrounds; 122-128; 10.1063/1.1471834
- Lamarre, J. M. and Piat, M., el al. (2002) Use of High Sensitivity Bolometers for Astronomy: Planck High Frequency Instrument; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors: Ninth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors; 571-576; 10.1063/1.1457711
- Goldin, Alexey and Bock, James J., el al. (2002) SAMBA: Superconducting antenna-coupled, multi-frequency, bolometric array; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low temperature detectors; 251-254; 10.1063/1.1457640
- Bock, James J. and Goldin, Alexey, el al. (2002) Integrated Focal Plane Arrays for Millimeter-wave Astronomy; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors; 243-246; 10.1063/1.1457638
- Ganga, Ken and Hivon, E., el al. (2001) Recent results from the CMB; 10.22323/1.007.0283
- de Bernardis, P. and Crill, B. P., el al. (2001) Images of the Early Universe from the BOOMERanG experiment; ISBN 0-7354-0026-1; Relativistic Astrophysics; 157-171; 10.1063/1.1419548
- Bock, James J. and Kawada, Mitsunobu, el al. (1998) Rocketborne instrument to search for infrared emission from baryonic dark matter in galactic halos; ISBN 9780819428011; Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation; 1139-1149; 10.1117/12.317239
- Bock, James J. and Glenn, Jason, el al. (1998) Silicon nitride micromesh bolometer arrays for SPIRE; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 297-304; 10.1117/12.317365
- Glenn, J. and Bock, J. J., el al. (1998) Bolocam: a millimeter-wave bolometric camera; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 326-334; 10.1117/12.317418
- Bock, James J. and Lange, Andrew E., el al. (1994) NIFTE: The near Infrared Faint-Object Telescope Experiment; ISBN 9789401044660; Infrared Astronomy with Arrays: the Next Generation; 279-280; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_83