Kohler, Monica
- Filippitzis, Fillipos and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2019) Identification of Sparse Damage in Steel-Frame Buildings Using Dense Seismic Array Measurements; ISBN 9781605956015; Structural Health Monitoring 2019: Enabling Intelligent Life-cycle Health Management for Industry Internet of Things (IIOT); Vol. 1; 10.12783/shm2019/32398
- Marsaglia, K. M. and Rodriguez, B., el al. (2019) Tracing the Arguello Submarine Canyon System from Shelf Origins to an Abyssal Sink; ISBN 9781565763548; From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution; 87-101; 10.2110/sepmsp.110.14
- Ebrahimian, Hamed and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2017) Parametric Estimation of Wave Dispersion for System Identification of Building Structures; ISBN 9783319674438; Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures. EVACES 2017; 791-802; 10.1007/978-3-319-67443-8_70
- Kohler, M. D. and Heaton, T. H., el al. (2014) Structural health monitoring through dense instrumentation by community participants: the Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network
- Kohler, Monica D. and Heaton, Thomas H., el al. (2013) The Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network: enabling structural health monitoring through instrumentation by community participants; ISBN 9780819494757; Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems; Art. No. 86923X; 10.1117/12.2010306
- Heckman, Vanessa M. and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2011) A Method to Detect Structural Damage Using High-Frequency Seismograms; ISBN 978-1-60595-053-2; Structural health monitoring 2011: condition based maintenance and intelligent structures; 2504-2511
- Heckman, Vanessa and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2011) A damage detection method for instrumented civil structures using prerecorded Green's functions and cross-correlation
- Heckman, V. M. and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2010) Detecting failure events in buildings: a numerical and experimental analysis
- Kohler, Monica D. and Heaton, Thomas H., el al. (2009) A time-reversed reciprocal method for detecting high-frequency events in civil structures with accelerometer arrays; ISBN 9788989693277; The Fifth International Workshop on Advanced Smart Material and Smart Structures Technology : proceedings
- Davey, F. J. and Eberhart-Phillips, D., el al. (2007) Geophysical Structure of the Southern Alps Orogen, South Island, New Zealand; ISBN 9780875904405; A Continental Plate Boundary: Tectonics at South Island, New Zealand; 10.1029/175GM04
- Fuis, Gary S. and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2007) A comparison between the transpressional plate boundaries of South Island, New Zealand, and Southern California, USA: the Alpine and San Andreas fault systems; ISBN 9780875904405; A Continental Plate Boundary: Tectonics at South Island, New Zealand; 307-327; 10.1029/175GM16
- Kohler, Monica D. and Heaton, Thomas, el al. (2006) Using embedded wired and wireless seismic networks in the moment-resisting steel frame Factor building for damage identification; ISBN 7894902942; SSCM' 2006 : safety and durability of structure : proceeding of the 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, Oct. 16-17, 2006, Hangzhou, China