Jackson, Matthew O.
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2006) The Economics of Social Networks; ISBN 0521871522; Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications, ninth World Congress; 1-56
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2005) A Survey of Models of Network Formation: Stability
and Efficiency; ISBN 0521842719; Group formation in economics: networks, clubs, and coalitions; 11-57
- Dutta, Bhaskar and Jackson, Matthew O., el al. (2005) The Banks set and the Uncovered Set in budget allocation problems; ISBN 978-3540220534; Social Choice and Strategic Behavior: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Scot Banks; 163-199; 10.1007/3-540-27295-X_7
- Jackson, Matthew O. (2003) Stability and Efficiency of Economic and Social Networks; ISBN 978-3-642-07719-7; Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation; 99-140; 10.1007/978-3-540-24790-6_6
- Dutta, Bhaskar and Jackson, Matthew O. (2003) Stability and Efficiency of Directed Communication Networks; ISBN 978-3-642-07719-7; Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation; 185-206; 10.1007/978-3-540-24790-6_8
- Jackson, Matthew O. and Wolinsky, Asher (2003) A Strategic Model of Social and Economic Networks; ISBN 978-3-642-07719-7; Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation; 23-49; 10.1007/978-3-540-24790-6_3
- Dutta, Bhaskar and Jackson, Matthew O. (2003) On the Formation of Networks and Groups; ISBN 978-3-642-07719-7; Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation; 1-15; 10.1007/978-3-540-24790-6_1