<h1>Iwan, Wilfred D.</h1> <h2>Combined from <a href="https://authors.library.caltech.edu">CaltechAUTHORS</a></h2> <ul> <li>Chen, Jay-Chung and Beck, James L., el al. (2012) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120926-105514171">Hong Kong Full-Scale Structural Control Initiative</a></li> <li>Beck, James L. and Iwan, Wilfred D., el al. (2012) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120926-104842423">International Full-Scale Test Facility for Structural Control</a>; ISBN 0-7803-1783-1; Proceedings American Control Conference; 3581-3585; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1109/ACC.1994.735253">10.1109/ACC.1994.735253</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (2006) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:IWAes06">Preface to the Special Issue on the Great Sumatra Earthquakes and Indian Ocean Tsunamis of 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005</a>; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 22; No. S3; xi-xii; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1193/1.2241982">10.1193/1.2241982</a></li> <li>Scruggs, Jeffrey T. and Taflanidis, Alexandros A., el al. (2006) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20110809-115233169">Nonlinear stochastic controllers for semiactive and regenerative structural systems, with guaranteed quadratic performance margins</a>; ISBN 0-7918-4250-9; Dynamic systems and controls, Symposium on Design and Analysis of Advanced Structures, tribology; 487-495; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1115/ESDA2006-95625">10.1115/ESDA2006-95625</a></li> <li>Guyader, Andrew and Iwan, Wilfred D. (2004) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:EERL-2004-05">User Guide for AutoCSM: Automated Capacity Spectrum Method of Analysis</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. and Toki, K. (1998) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1998.EERL-98-01">Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Workshop on near-field earthquake damage in urban areas, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 5-7, 1998</a></li> <li>Wang, Luo-Jia and Gu, Qun, el al. (1996) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1996.EERL-96-05">A Collection of processed near-field earthquake accelerograms with response and drift spectra</a></li> <li>Iwan, W. D. (1996) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20121019-154757481">The drift demand spectrum and its application to structural design and analysis</a>; ISBN 0080428223; Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Art. No. 1116</li> <li>Hayen, Jeffrey C. and Iwan, Wilfred D. (1996) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20121022-111448650">The Use of Semi-actively Controlled Interactions for Earthquake Response Control of Structures</a>; ISBN 0080428223; Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Paper No. 1544</li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1995) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1995.EERL-95-07">Drift demand spectra for selected Northridge sites</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1992) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1992.EERL.1992.001">Proceedings of the International Workshop on Seismic Design and Reassessment of Offshore Structures</a></li> <li>Nishimura, Isao and Abdel-Ghaffar, A. M., el al. (1992) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120830-153547717">An Experimental Study of the Active Control of a Building Model</a>; Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; Vol. 3; No. 1; 134-165; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X9200300108">10.1177/1045389X9200300108</a></li> <li>Hou, Z. K. and Iwan, W. D. (1991) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20201009-102844230">Nonstationary Response of Linear Systems under Uncorrelated Parametric and External Excitations</a>; ISBN 9783642845338; Stochastic Structural Dynamics 1; 111-129; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-84531-4_6">10.1007/978-3-642-84531-4_6</a></li> <li>Nishimura, Isao and Abdel-Ghaffar, A. M., el al. (1990) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120926-115230732">An Experimental Study of the Active Control of a Building Model</a>; ISBN 0877628327; Proceedings First U.S./Japan Conference on Adaptive Structures; 64-83</li> <li>Peng, Chia-Yen and Iwan, W. D. (1990) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20140814-083625256">Some observations on data compression for digital strong-motion accelerograms</a>; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 80; No. 2; 252-266</li> <li>Cifuentes, Arturo O. and Iwan, Wilfred D. (1989) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20171205-091357492">Nonlinear system identification based on modelling of restoring force behaviour</a>; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; Vol. 8; No. 1; 2-8; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/S0267-7261(89)80002-8">10.1016/S0267-7261(89)80002-8</a></li> <li>Levine, Marie-Bernard P. and Beck, James L., el al. (1988) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1988.EERL-88-01">Accelerograms recorded at Caltech during the Whittier Narrows earthquakes of October 1 and 4, 1987 : a preliminary report</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. and Paparizos, Leonidas G. (1987) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20200930-113053866">The Stochastic Response of Strongly Yielding Systems: A new look at an old problem</a>; ISBN 9783540184621; Stochastic Approaches in Earthquake Engineering; 101-117; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-83252-9_7">10.1007/978-3-642-83252-9_7</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. and Moser, Michael A., el al. (1985) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20140902-105713596">Some observations on strong-motion earthquake measurement using a digital accelerograph</a>; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 75; No. 5; 1225-1246</li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. and Moser, Michael Anthony, el al. (1984) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1984.EERL-84-02">Strong-motion earthquake measurement using a digital accelerograph</a></li> <li>Iwan, W. D. (1984) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20160413-144321453">Local Effects Arrays</a></li> <li>Iwan, W. D. (1984) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20160413-151341411">Source Mechanism and Wave Propagation Arrays</a></li> <li>Iwan, W. D. (1981) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20170811-075323428">The vortex-induced oscillation of non-uniform structural systems</a>; Journal of Sound and Vibration; Vol. 79; No. 2; 291-301; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-460X(81)90373-4">10.1016/0022-460X(81)90373-4</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1981) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1981.EERL.1981.001">U.S. Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrumentation: Proceedings of the U.S. National Workshop on Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrumentation</a></li> <li>Haskell, Richard C. and Iwan, Wilfred D. (1980) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20200304-110517609">Optical Instrument Survival In A Major Earthquake</a>; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1117/12.958462">10.1117/12.958462</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1978) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:EERL.1978.001">Strong-motion earthquake instrument arrays : proceedings of the International Workshop on Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrument Arrays, May 2-5, 1978, Honolulu, Hawaii</a></li> <li>Blevins, R. D. and Iwan, W. D. (1974) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20170731-125116358">The Galloping Response of a Two-Degree-of-Freedom System</a>; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 41; No. 4; 1113-1118; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3423443">10.1115/1.3423443</a></li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1972) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:IWAjasa72">Dynamic Response of Suspended Underwater Systems</a>; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 51; No. 5, pt.; 1688-1676; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1913016">10.1121/1.1913016</a></li> <li>Iwan, W. D. and Lutes, L. D. (1968) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:IWAjasa68">Response of the Bilinear Hysteretic System to Stationary Random Excitation</a>; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 43; No. 3; 545-552; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1910864">10.1121/1.1910864</a></li> <li>Hudson, D. E. and Alford, J. L., el al. (1961) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20140801-105616751">Ground accelerations caused by large quarry blasts</a>; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 51; No. 2; 191-202</li> <li>Iwan, Wilfred D. (1961) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1961.EERL.1961.002">The Dynamic response of bilinear hysteretic systems</a></li> <li>Hudson, Donald E. and Iwan, Wilfred D. (1960) <a href="https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechEERL:1960.EERL.1960.002">The Wilmot survey type strong-motion earthquake recorder (The U.S.C.G.S. Seismoscope) part II</a></li> </ul>