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- Martin, Conor Daniel (2023) Experiments in Thermal Ignition: Influence of Natural Convection on Properties of Gaseous Explosions; 10.7907/twcf-m219
- Lawson, Joel Michael (2021) Focused Laser Differential Interferometry; 10.7907/5thh-f652
- Leibowitz, Matthew Gregory (2020) Hypervelocity Shock Tunnel Studies of Blunt Body Aerothermodynamics in Carbon Dioxide for Mars Entry; 10.7907/chyn-ea06
- Sridhar, Akshay (2019) Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Spatially Varying Roughness; 10.7907/8YWS-B862
- Hirsch, Damian George (2017) An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Active Flow Control; 10.7907/Z9N014KR
- Schmidt, Bryan Eric (2016) On the Stability of Supersonic Boundary Layers with Injection; 10.7907/Z93X84M6
- Jewell, Joseph Stephen (2014) Boundary-Layer Transition on a Slender Cone in Hypervelocity Flow with Real Gas Effects; 10.7907/Z9H9935V
- Mehrotra, Prakhar (2013) Sustainable Energy Solutions for Irrigation and Harvesting in Developing Countries; 10.7907/KV5Y-4960
- Parziale, Nicholaus J. (2013) Slender-Body Hypervelocity Boundary-Layer Instability; 10.7907/KZJ1-Y009
- Brown, Justin Lee (2011) High Pressure Hugoniot Measurements in Solids Using Mach Reflections; 10.7907/SC1V-PK42
- Mouton, Christopher Andre (2007) Transition Between Regular Reflection and Mach Reflection in the Dual-Solution Domain; 10.7907/TEA0-Q468
- Kang, Dal Mo (2006) Measurements of Combustion Dynamics with Laser-Based Diagnostic Techniques; 10.7907/6F5N-9G88
- Laurence, Stuart Jon (2006) Proximal Bodies in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/VZJV-KJ48
- Lieberman, Daniel Howard (2006) Detonation Interaction with Sharp and Diffuse Interfaces; 10.7907/9JZE-X524
- Chatelain, Philippe (2005) Contributions to the Three-Dimensional Vortex Element Method and Spinning Bluff Body Flows; 10.7907/YEDS-0V89
- Jackson, Scott Irving (2005) Gaseous Detonation Initiation Via Wave Implosion; 10.7907/MKP3-VC84
- Faddy, James Malcolm (2005) Flow Structure in a Model of Aircraft Trailing Vortices; 10.7907/RC42-JY40
- Faddy, James Malcolm (2005) Flow Structure in a Model of Aircraft Trailing Vortices; 10.7907/RC42-JY40
- Johnson, Michael Bernard (2005) Aerodynamic Control and Mixing with Ramp Injection; 10.7907/8EVK-FK75
- Ponchaut, Nicolas Frederic (2005) Part I: 3DPTV: Advances and Error Analysis. Part II: Extension of Guderley's Solution for Converging Shock Waves; 10.7907/09ZH-9M66
- Pintgen, Florian Peter (2005) Detonation Diffraction in Mixtures with Various Degrees of Instability; 10.7907/YSG0-TH85
- Chatelain, Philippe (2005) Contributions to the Three-Dimensional Vortex Element Method and Spinning Bluff Body Flows; 10.7907/YEDS-0V89
- O'Reilly, Gerard Kieran (2004) Compressible Vortices and Shock-Vortex Interactions; 10.7907/FGJD-0Z31
- Barba, Lorena A. (2004) Vortex Method for Computing High-Reynolds Number Flows: Increased Accuracy with a Fully Mesh-Less Formulation; 10.7907/TSR5-DE67
- Cooper, Marcia Ann (2004) Impulse Generation by Detonation Tubes; 10.7907/97GS-4N79
- Wintenberger, Eric (2004) Application of Steady and Unsteady Detonation Waves to Propulsion; 10.7907/2NXT-SE76
- O'Gorman, Paul Ambrose (2004) Theory and Simulation of Passive Scalar Mixing in the Presence of a Mean Scalar Gradient; 10.7907/K02H-HK48
- Barba, Lorena A. (2004) Vortex Method for Computing High-Reynolds Number Flows: Increased Accuracy with a Fully Mesh-Less Formulation; 10.7907/TSR5-DE67
- Austin, Joanna Maria Karol (2003) The Role of Instability in Gaseous Detonation; 10.7907/X7YH-T687
- Kumar, Sanjay (2003) An Experimental Investigation of Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability; 10.7907/NKDR-TT39
- Arienti, Marco (2003) A Numerical and Analytical Study of Detonation Diffraction; 10.7907/MAGN-R628
- Rasheed, Adam (2001) Passive Hypervelocity Boundary Layer Control Using an Ultrasonically Absorptive Surface; 10.7907/EFZZ-X764
- Lokhandwalla, Murtuza (2001) Damage Mechanisms in Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL); 10.7907/VZWS-7Z85
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- Shan, Wei-Jen Jerry (2001) Mixing and Isosurface Geometry in Turbulent Transverse Jets; 10.7907/0R6S-DY34
- Seywert, Claude (2001) Combustion Instabilities: Issues in Modeling and Control; 10.7907/JKFD-7W43
- Krueger, Paul Samuel (2001) The Significance of Vortex Ring Formation and Nozzle Exit Over-Pressure to Pulsatile Jet Propulsion; 10.7907/3QWF-8G05
- Zuhal, Lavi Rizki (2001) Formation and Near-Field Dynamics of a Wing Tip Vortex; 10.7907/VNJW-6592
- Krueger, Paul Samuel (2001) The Significance of Vortex Ring Formation and Nozzle Exit Over-Pressure to Pulsatile Jet Propulsion; 10.7907/3QWF-8G05
- Seywert, Claude (2001) Combustion Instabilities: Issues in Modeling and Control; 10.7907/JKFD-7W43
- Shan, Wei-Jen Jerry (2001) Mixing and Isosurface Geometry in Turbulent Transverse Jets; 10.7907/0R6S-DY34
- Rasheed, Adam (2001) Passive Hypervelocity Boundary Layer Control Using an Ultrasonically Absorptive Surface; 10.7907/EFZZ-X764
- Schultz, Eric (2000) Detonation Diffraction Through an Abrupt Area Expansion; 10.7907/96F1-QR61
- Leyva, Ivett A. (1999) Shock detachment process on cones in hypervelocity flows; 10.7907/62TN-GA26
- Lemieux, Patrick (1999) The instability of shear layers produced by curved shocks; 10.7907/V9R0-JD15
- Maheo, Patrice Michel (1999) Free-Surface Turbulent Shear Flows; 10.7907/TCTV-BM26
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- Davis, Jean-Paul (1999) High-enthalpy shock/boundary-layer interaction on a double wedge; 10.7907/4C98-MN23
- Mackey, Ryan Murrill Ezekiel (1997) Soap Film Thickness Imaging by Infrared Methods; 10.7907/7bv0-m741
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- Prochazka, Aurelius (1997) Stability and structure of stretched vortices; 10.7907/sc0x-1g40
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