Eiler, John
- Lawson, M. and Formolo, M. J., el al. (2018) Geochemical applications in petroleum systems analysis: new constraints and the power of integration; ISBN 9781786203663; From Source to Seep: Geochemical Applications in Hydrocarbon Systems; 1-21; 10.1144/sp468.6
- Stolper, Daniel A. and Lawson, Michael, el al. (2017) The utility of methane clumped isotopes to constrain the origins of methane in natural gas accumulations; ISBN 978-1-78620-366-3; From Source to Seep: Geochemical Applications in Hydrocarbon Systems; 23-52; 10.1144/SP468.3
- Eiler, John M. and Clog, Matthieu, el al. (2017) The isotopic structures of geological organic compounds; ISBN 978-1-78620-366-3; From Source to Seep: Geochemical Applications in Hydrocarbon Systems; 53-81; 10.1144/SP468.4
- Eiler, John M. (2003) Introduction; ISBN 9780875909974; Inside the Subduction Factory; 1-6; 10.1029/138GM01