Djorgovski, Stanislav
- Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) Multi-View, Generative, Transfer Learning for Distributed Time Series Classification; ISBN 9781728108582; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 5585-5594; 10.1109/bigdata47090.2019.9005452
- Lombeyda, Santiago and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2019) OVS+Tumor: a tool for enhanced lung tumor annotation in VR for machine learning training and analysis; ISBN 9781450363204; ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality; Art. No. 26; 10.1145/3306449.3328825
- Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) View-Adaptive Weighted Deep Transfer Learning for Distributed Time-Series Classification; ISBN 9781728126074; 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC); 373-381; 10.1109/compsac.2019.00061
- Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2018) Context-Aware Deep Sequence Learning with Multi-View Factor Pooling for Time Series Classification; ISBN 9781538650356; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 959-966; 10.1109/bigdata.2018.8622253
- Mahabal, A. and Sheth, K., el al. (2017) Deep-learnt classification of light curves; ISBN 978-1-5386-2727-3; 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI); 1-8; 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8280984
- Crichton, Daniel and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2017) The EDRN knowledge environment: an open source, scalable informatics platform for biological sciences research; ISBN 9781510608894; Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX; Art. No. 101942A; 10.1117/12.2263842
- Rampazzo, Roberto and D'Onofrio, Mauro, el al. (2016) In Pursuit of High Redshift Galaxies; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 479-508; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_6
- D'Onofrio, Mauro and Rampazzo, Roberto, el al. (2016) The Anatomy of Galaxies; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 243-379; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_4
- Rampazzo, Roberto and D'Onofrio, Mauro, el al. (2016) Extragalactic Astronomy: From Pioneers to Big Science; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 1-92; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_1
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2015) From stars to patients: Lessons from space science and astrophysics for health care informatics; ISBN 978-1-4799-9925-5; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 2957-2959; 10.1109/BigData.2015.7364135
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2014) Automated Real-Time Classification and Decision Making in Massive Data Streams from Synoptic Sky Surveys; ISBN 978-1-4799-4288-6; 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science; 204-211; 10.1109/eScience.2014.7
- Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2014) Immersive and Collaborative Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality Platforms; 10.1109/BigData.2014.7004282
- Djorgovski, George (2013) Astrophysics in the Era of Massive Time-Domain Surveys
- Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2013) Feature Selection Strategies for Classifying High Dimensional Astronomical Data Sets; ISBN 978-1-4799-1292-6; Big Data, 2013 IEEE International Conference; 35-45; 10.1109/BigData.2013.6691731
- Djorgovski, S. George and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2013) Sky Surveys; ISBN 978-94-007-5617-5; Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems; 223-281; 10.1007/978-94-007-5618-2_5
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Flashes in a star stream: Automated classification of astronomical transient events; ISBN 978-1-4673-4467-8; 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science; 1-8; 10.1109/eScience.2012.6404437
- Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) Connecting the time domain community with the Virtual Astronomical Observatory; ISBN 9780819491497; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Art. No. 84480P; 10.1117/12.926577
- Brescia, Massimo and Cavuoti, Stefano, el al. (2012) Extracting Knowledge from Massive Astronomical Data Sets; ISBN 978-1-4614-3322-4; Astrostatistics and Data Mining; 31-45; 10.1007/978-1-4614-3323-1_3
- Drake, A. J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 306-308; 10.1017/S1743921312000889
- Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The VAO Transient Facility; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 318-320; 10.1017/S1743921312000920
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Exploring the Time Domain with Synoptic Sky Surveys; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 141-146; 10.1017/S1743921312000488
- Mahabal, Ashish A. and Donalek, C., el al. (2011) Real-Time Classification of Transient Events in Synoptic Sky Surveys; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 355-357; 10.1017/S1743921312001056
- Mahabal, A. A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2011) Classification of Optical Transients: Experiences from PQ and CRTS Surveys; ISBN 978-2-7598-0608-9; GAIA: At the Frontiers of Astrometry; 173-178; 10.1051/eas/1045030
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Hut, P., el al. (2010) Exploring the Use of Virtual Worlds as a Scientific Research Platform: The Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics (MICA); ISBN 978-3-642-11742-8; Facets of Virtual Environments; 29-43; 10.1007/978-3-642-11743-5_3
- Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2010) Mixing Bayesian Techniques for Effective Real-time Classification of Astronomical Transients; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 115-118
- Williams, R. D. and Donalek, C., el al. (2010) US VAO Facility for Rapid Transients; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 123-126
- Williams, R. D. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2009) Skyalert: Real-time Astronomy for You and Your Robots; ISBN 978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII; 115-119
- Donalek, C. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2008) New approaches to object classification in synoptic sky surveys; ISBN 9780735406131; Classification and discovery in large astronomical surveys : proceedings of the International Conference "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys", Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 252-256; 10.1063/1.3059057
- Mahabal, A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2008) Towards real-time classification of astronomical transients; ISBN 9780735406131; International Conference on Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 287-293; 10.1063/1.3059064
- Daly, Ruth A. and Djorgovski, S. G. (2007) The Acceleration History of the Universe and the Properties of the Dark Energy; ISBN 978-0-7354-0448-9; Supernova 1987A: 20 Years after Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters, Aspen, CO, 19-23 February 2007; 298-302; 10.1063/1.2803581
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Donalek, C., el al. (2006) Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy; ISBN 0-7695-2521-0; The18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 856-863; 10.1109/ICPR.2006.1064
- Djorgovski, S. G. (2005) Virtual Astronomy, Information Technology, and the New Scientific Methodology; ISBN 0-7695-2255-6; Seventh International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP'05); 125-132; 10.1109/CAMP.2005.53
- Jacob, Joseph C. and Katz, Daniel S., el al. (2005) Grist: Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy
- Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) VOStat: A Distributed Statistical Toolkit for the Virtual Observatory; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 394-398
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Williams, R. (2005) Virtual Observatory: From Concept to Implementation; ISBN 1-58381-213-X; From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science; 517-530
- Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations with Digital Sky Surveys; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 604-608
- Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations With Digital Sky Surveys
- Skidmore, Warren and Schöck, Matthias, el al. (2004) Thirty Meter Telescope site testing system; ISBN 9780819454218; Ground-based Telescopes; 154-164; 10.1117/12.549384
- Skidmore, Warren and Schöck, Matthias, el al. (2004) The Thirty Meter Telescope site testing system; ISBN 0819454397; Ground-based Telescopes; 154-164; 10.1117/12.549384
- Djorgovski, Stan G. and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., el al. (2003) The cosmic gamma-ray bursts and their host galaxies in a cosmological context; ISBN 0-8194-4613-0; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 6- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes II; 238-247; 10.1117/12.457700
- Schöck, Matthias and Erasmus, D. André, el al. (2003) CELT site testing program; ISBN 081944619X; Future Giant Telescopes; 541-552; 10.1117/12.459124
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R., el al. (2003) Challenges for Cluster Analysis in a Virtual Observatory; ISBN 978-0-387-95546-9; Statistical Challenges in Astronomy; 127-141; 10.1007/0-387-21529-8_9
- Djorgovski, S. G. (2003) The Roles of Small Telescopes in a Virtual Observatory Environment; ISBN 978-1-4020-0951-8; The Future of Small Telescopes in the New Millennium; 85-95; 10.1007/978-94-010-0253-0_9
- Jacob, Joseph C. and Brunner, Robert, el al. (2002) yourSky: rapid desktop access to custom astronomical image mosaics; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 53-64; 10.1117/12.461514
- Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2002) Topic maps for custom viewing of data; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 65-76; 10.1117/12.461516
- Brunner, Robert J. and Djorgovski, S. George, el al. (2002) Massive Datasets in Astronomy; ISBN 978-1-4613-4882-5; Handbook of Massive Data Sets; 931-979; 10.1007/978-1-4615-0005-6_27
- Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2001) Topic maps as a virtual observatory tool; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 161-172; 10.1117/12.447170
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2001) Exploration of parameter spaces in a virtual observatory; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 43-52; 10.1117/12.447189
- Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2001) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts; ISBN 1563969874; Explosive Phenomena in Astrophysical Objects: First KIAS Astrophysics Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 24-27 May 2000; 240-260; 10.1063/1.1368281
- Testa, Vincenzo and Sabatini, Sabina, el al. (2001) Automated Search of LSB Galaxies in DPOSS (CRoNaRio Project): Method and First Results from Follow-Ups; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 557-563; 10.1007/10849171_72
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Kulkarni, S. R., el al. (2001) The GRB Host Galaxies and Redshifts; ISBN 978-3-540-42771-1; Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era; 218-225; 10.1007/10853853_60
- Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R. J., el al. (2001) Exploration of Large Digital Sky Surveys; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 305-322; 10.1007/10849171_37
- Gal, Roy R. and de Carvalho, Reinaldo R., el al. (2001) The Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 160-167; 10.1007/10849171_12
- Brunner, R. J. and Prince, T., el al. (2001) The Digital Sky Project: Prototyping Virtual Observatory Technologies; ISBN 1-58381-057-9; Virtual Observatories of the Future; 135-141
- Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts; ISBN 1-56396-947-5; Gamma Ray Bursts: 5th Huntsville Symposium, Huntsville, AL, 18-22 October 1999; 277-297; 10.1063/1.1361549
- Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) Afterglows of gamma-ray bursts; ISBN 0819436305; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 8- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes; 9-21; 10.1117/12.390135
- Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts; ISBN 1-56396-943-2; Cosmic Explosions: Tenth Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 11-13 October 1999; 191-212; 10.1063/1.1291715
- Djorgovski, S. G. and de Carvalho, R. R., el al. (1998) Cataloging of the Digitized Poss-II: Initial Scientific Results; ISBN 9780792348023; New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys; 424-430; 10.48550/arXiv.9612108
- Djorgovski, S. G. and de Carvalho, R. R., el al. (1997) Data mining a large digital sky survey: from the challenges to the scientific results; ISBN 9780819425867; Applications of Digital Image Processing XX; 98-109; 10.1117/12.292750
- de Carvalho, R. R. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1997) Towards an Objectively Defined Catalog of Galaxy Clusters from the Digitized POSS-II; ISBN 978-94-010-6413-2; Wide-Field Spectroscopy; 285-286; 10.1007/978-94-011-5722-3_51
- Kennefick, J. D. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1997) Space Density of Z > 4 Quasars from the Second Palomar Sky Survey; ISBN 978-94-010-6413-2; Wide-Field Spectroscopy; 381-382; 10.1007/978-94-011-5722-3_67
- Pahre, M. A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1997) Near-Infrared Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies and Its Evolution; ISBN 978-3-662-21934-8; Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications; 197-202; 10.1007/978-3-540-69654-4_24
- Djorgovski, S. G. (1996) The Quest for Protogalaxies; ISBN 978-0-7923-3976-2; New Light on Galaxy Evolution; 277-286; 10.1007/978-94-009-0229-9_41
- Maxfield, L. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1996) Optical and IR Properties of Radio Galaxies as a Function of Their Radio Power; ISBN 978-0-7923-3976-2; New Light on Galaxy Evolution; 414-414; 10.1007/978-94-009-0229-9_126
- Vigotti, M. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1996) The B3-VLA Sample; ISBN 978-0-7923-4122-2; Extragalactic Radio Sources; 519-521; 10.1007/978-94-009-0295-4_187
- Myers, Steven T. and Fassnacht, C. D., el al. (1996) 1608+656: A Quadruple Lens System Found in the Class Gravitational Lens Survey; ISBN 978-0-7923-3955-7; Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing; 317-322; 10.1007/978-94-009-0221-3_90
- Pahre, M. A. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1995) Near-IR Imaging of Elliptical Galaxies; ISBN 9780792335382; Stellar Populations; 443-443; 10.1007/978-94-011-0125-7_112
- Djorgovski, S. G. (1995) Observational Cosmology With Faint Galaxies and a (9±1)-meter Telescope; ISBN 978-3-662-22397-0; Science with the VLT; 351-360; 10.1007/978-3-540-49215-3_44
- Djorgovski, S. (1994) Structural and dynamical forms of elliptical and dwarf galaxies; ISBN 978-3-540-57929-8; Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics; 3-21; 10.1007/BFb0058086
- Cacciari, C. and Federici, L., el al. (1994) Globular Clusters in M31 with the Hubble Space Telescope; ISBN 978-94-010-4341-0; Frontiers of Space And Ground-Based Astronomy; 661-661; 10.1007/978-94-011-0794-5_104
- Weir, N. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1994) Cataloging the Northern Sky Using a new Generation of Software Technology; ISBN 978-0-7923-2879-7; Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging; 205-212; 10.1007/978-94-011-1146-1_43
- Fayyad, Usama M. and Weir, Nicholas, el al. (1993) Automated cataloging and analysis of sky survey image databases: the SKICAT system; ISBN 0-89791-626-3; CIKM '93 Proceedings of the second international conference on Information and knowledge management; 527-536; 10.1145/170088.170414
- Djorgovski, S. and Thompson, D. J. (1992) Searches for Primeval Galaxies; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 337-347; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_44
- Djorgovski, S. and Piotto, G. (1992) Stellar Population Changes in Post-Core-Collapse Globular Clusters; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 413; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_80
- Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1992) Properties of Dwarf Spheroidals; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 379-380; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_31
- Djorgovski, S. and Bendinelli, O., el al. (1992) NGC 205 and the Nature of Compact Nuclei in Dwarf Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 439-440; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_59
- de Carvalho, R. R. and Djorgovski, S. (1992) Systematic Differences Between the Field and Cluster Ellipticals; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 400; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_67
- Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1992) A search for gravitational lenses using sky survey plate scans; ISBN 978-3-540-55797-5; Gravitational Lenses; 323-327; 10.1007/3-540-55797-0_118
- Djorgovski, S. (1992) Galaxy Manifolds and Galaxy Formation; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 337-356; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_27
- Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G., el al. (1992) A search for the optical counterpart of the Einstein ring PKS 1830-211; ISBN 978-3-540-55797-5; Gravitational Lenses; 367; 10.1007/3-540-55797-0_129
- Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R., el al. (1992) Properties of Brightest Cluster Members; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 427-428; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_53
- Weir, N. and Djorgovski, S. (1991) A Subpixel Deconvolution Method for Astronomical Images; ISBN 978-94-010-5531-4; Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods; 275-283; 10.1007/978-94-011-3460-6_26
- Djorgovski, S. and Piotto, G., el al. (1991) Color and population gradients in globular clusters; ISBN 0-937707-32-5; The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters; 262-264
- Djorgovski, S. and Weir, N., el al. (1990) Application of image processing techniques in a search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs; 10.1007/BFb0009242
- Eisenhardt, P. and Chokshi, A., el al. (1990) Infrared Images of Distant 3C Radio Galaxies; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 371-372
- de Carvalho, R. and Djorgovski, S. (1990) The mass-metallicity - Luminosity density relation for elliptical galaxies; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 106-108
- Weir, W. N. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1990) Evolutionary model uncertainties in the K-band Hubble diagram; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 356-358
- Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1990) Optical and X-Ray Properties of Elliptical Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-6731-7; Windows on Galaxies; 307-310; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_40
- Djorgovski, S. and Weir, W. N. (1990) The cosmic submillimeter background - A signature of the initial burst of galaxy formation?; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 228-230
- Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1990) A search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs and the discovery of a new multiple QSO system; 10.1007/BFb0009243
- Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1990) Optical Properties of Early-Type Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-6731-7; Windows on Galaxies; 9-21; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_3
- Djorgovski, S. and Dickinson, M. (1989) CCD Data Taking Modes and Flatfielding Problems; ISBN 978-0-7923-0281-0; Highlights of Astronomy; 645-650; 10.1007/978-94-009-0977-9_115
- Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G. (1989) An Optical Imaging Search for Gravitational Lenses; ISBN 9780792302568; Active Galactic Nuclei; 269-270; 10.1017/S0074180900141038
- Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S. (1989) Discovery of a Probable Gravitational Lens; ISBN 9780792302568; Active Galactic Nuclei; 271-272; 10.1017/S007418090014104X
- Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G. (1989) An optical imaging survey for gravitational lenses and the discovery of a new lens candidate; ISBN 978-3-540-51061-1; Gravitational Lenses; 173-178; 10.1007/3-540-51061-3_51
- Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R., el al. (1988) The universality(?) of distance-indicator relations; ISBN 0-937707-21-X; The Extragalactic Distance Scale: Proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary Symposium; 329-343
- Weedman, D. W. and Djorgovski, S. (1988) Limits on the Number of Close Optical Quasar Pairs; ISBN 0-937707-19-8; Proceedings of a Workshop on Optical Surveys for Quasars; 226-232
- Djorgovski, S. (1988) Lyman-Alpha Galaxies at Large Redshifts; ISBN 978-94-010-7814-6; Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift; 259-274; 10.1007/978-94-009-2919-7_32
- Djorgovski, S. (1988) Surface Photometry of Globular Clusters; ISBN 978-90-277-2665-0; The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies; 333-345; 10.1007/978-94-015-1104-9_47
- McCarthy, Patrick J. and Spinrad, Hyron, el al. (1988) Extended Emission-Line Gas in Distant 3CR Radio Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-7828-3; Cooling Flows in Clusters and Galaxies; 325-329; 10.1007/978-94-009-2953-1_40
- Djorgovski, S. (1988) A Search for Obscured Globular Clusters; ISBN 978-90-277-2665-0; The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies; 527-528; 10.1007/978-94-015-1104-9_93
- Djorgovski, S. (1987) Morphological Properties of Elliptical Galaxies; ISBN 978-90-277-2586-8; Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies; 377-378; 10.1007/978-94-009-3971-4_31
- Spinrad, Hyron and Djorgovski, S. (1987) The Status of the Hubble Diagram In 1986; ISBN 978-90-277-2476-2; Observational Cosmology; 129-141; 10.1007/978-94-009-3853-3_11
- Djorgovski, S. (1987) The Manifold of Elliptical Galaxies; ISBN 978-90-277-2586-8; Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies; 79-88; 10.1007/978-94-009-3971-4_6
- Djorgovski, S. (1987) Galaxies at Very High Redshifts (z > 1); ISBN 978-1-4612-9145-9; Nearly Normal Galaxies - From the Planck Time to the Present; 290-299; 10.1007/978-1-4612-4762-3_34
- Djorgovski, S. (1987) Coherent Orientation Effects of Galaxies and Clusters; ISBN 978-1-4612-9145-9; Nearly Normal Galaxies - From the Planck Time to the Present; 227-233; 10.1007/978-1-4612-4762-3_28
- Djorgovski, S. (1986) Enhancement Of Features In Galaxy Images; ISBN 9780892526628; Instrumentation in Astronomy VI; 674-679; 10.1117/12.968146
- Djorgovski, S. and King, I. R., el al. (1986) The Structure of Globular Clusters; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 281-282; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_53
- Djorgovski, S. and Davis, Marc (1986) Galaxy Surface Brightness and Clustering: A Test for Biased Galaxy Formation Scenarios?; ISBN 978-94-010-8591-5; Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion; 291-294; 10.1007/978-94-009-4702-3_49
- Djorgovski, S. (1986) Surface Photometry Surveys of Galaxies with Small Telescopes; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 243-245; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_41
- Djorgovski, S. (1986) Surface Photometry Surveys of Galaxies with Small Telescopes; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 243-245; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_41
- Djorgovski, S. and King, I. R., el al. (1986) The Structure of Globular Clusters; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 281-282; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_53
- Djorgovski, S. and Davis, Marc (1986) An Improved Distance Indicator for Elliptical Galaxies; ISBN 978-94-010-8591-5; Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion; 135-138; 10.1007/978-94-009-4702-3_24
- Djorgovski, S. and Ebneter, K. (1986) A Search for Features in Early-Type Galaxies; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 277-279; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_52
- Djorgovski, S. and Ebneter, K. (1986) A Search for Features in Early-Type Galaxies; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 277-279; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_52
- Djorgovski, S. and Penner, H. (1985) A Search for Post-Collapse Cores; ISBN 978-90-277-1965-2; Dynamics of Star Clusters; 73-76; 10.1007/978-94-009-5335-2_8
- Djorgovski, S. and Spinrad, H., el al. (1985) Observing the galaxy evolution at high redshifts; ISBN 978-3-540-15657-4; New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry; 193-198; 10.1007/BFb0030942
- Djorgovski, S. and Penner, H. (1985) A Search for Post-Collapse Cores; ISBN 978-90-277-1965-2; Dynamics of Star Clusters; 73-76; 10.1007/978-94-009-5335-2_8
- Djorgovski, S. and Davis, M., el al. (1985) Morphological investigation of elliptical galaxies; ISBN 978-3-540-15657-4; New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry; 257-262; 10.1007/bfb0030953