Dervan, Peter
- Dervan, Peter B. and Kurmis, Alexis A., el al. (2018) Molecular Recognition of DNA by Py–Im Polyamides: From Discovery to Oncology; ISBN 978-1-78262-992-4; DNA-targeting Molecules as Therapeutic Agents; 298-331; 10.1039/9781788012928-00298
- Dervan, Peter B. and Poulin-Kerstien, Adam T., el al. (2005) Regulation of gene expression by synthetic DNA-binding ligands; ISBN 978-3-540-22835-6; DNA Binders and Related Subjects; 1-31; 10.1007/b100440
- Dervan, Peter B. and Fechter, Eric J., el al. (2004) Regulation of gene expression with pyrrole-imidazole polyamides; ISBN 9783527306336; Pseudo-Peptides in Drug Development; 121-152; 10.1002/3527601902.ch3
- Dervan, Peter B. and Urbach, Adam R. (2001) The importance of β-alanine for recognition of the minor groove of DNA; ISBN 9783906390284; From Molecular Structure towards Biology; 327-339; 10.1002/9783906390451.ch9
- Trauger, John W. and Dervan, Peter B. (2001) Footprinting methods for analysis of pyrrole-imidazole polyamide/DNA complexes; ISBN 9780121822415; Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions; 450-466; 10.1016/S0076-6879(01)40436-8
- Iverson, Brent L. and Dervan, Peter B. (1993) Adenine-specific DNA chemical sequencing reaction; ISBN 978-0-12-182119-7; Recombinant DNA; 222-227; 10.1016/0076-6879(93)18017-7
- Strobel, S. A. and Dervan, P. B. (1992) Triple helix-mediated single-site enzymatic cleavage of megabase genomic DNA; ISBN 978-0-12-182117-3; Recombinant DNA; 309-321; 10.1016/0076-6879(92)16029-J
- Dervan, Peter B. (1991) Characterization of protein-DNA complexes by affinity cleaving; ISBN 978-0-12-182109-8; Protein 3- DNA Interactions; 497-515; 10.1016/0076-6879(91)08026-E
- Dervan, Peter B. (1990) Chemical methods for the site-specific cleavage of genomic DNA; ISBN 0-940030-29-2; Structure and Methods; 37-49
- Breslauer, Kenneth J. and Ferrante, Robert, el al. (1990) The Origins of the DNA Binding Affinity and Specificity of Minor Groove Directed Ligands: Correlations of Thermodynamic and Structural Data; ISBN 0-940030-22-5; Structure and Methods; 273-289
- Dervan, Peter B. (1989) Oligonucleotide recognition of double-helical DNA by triple-helix formation; ISBN 978-1-349-10871-8; Oligodeoxynucleotides: Antisense Inhibitors of Gene Expression; 197-210; 10.1007/978-1-349-10869-5_10
- Griffin, John H. and Dervan, Peter B. (1989) Metalloregulation in the Sequence Specific Binding of Synthetic Molecules to DNA; ISBN 9780845126974; Metal ion homeostasis : molecular biology and chemistry; 21-30
- Dervan, P. B. (1988) Sequence Specific Recognition of Double Helical DNA. A Synthetic Approach; ISBN 978-3-642-83386-1; Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology; 49-64; 10.1007/978-3-642-83384-7_3
- Dervan, Peter B. (1988) Sequence specific recognition and cleavage of double helical DNA
- Dervan, Peter B. (1988) Synthetic Tools for Molecular Biology; ISBN 9780841214736; Biotechnology and materials science : chemistry for the future; 21-29
- Dervan, Peter B. (1987) Design of synthetic sequence specific DNA binding molecules; ISBN 9788877610232; Working Group on Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenic and Antitumor Activity, October 21-25, 1986; 365-384
- Dervan, Peter B. and Youngquist, R. Scott, el al. (1987) Synthetic sequence specific DNA binding molecules; ISBN 0895736071; Stereochemistry of organic and bioorganic transformations; 221-234
- Dervan, P. B. and Sluka, J. P. (1986) Design of sequence specific DNA binding molecules: bis(distamycin)phenoxazone; ISBN 9780444989963; New Synthetic Methodology and Functionally Interesting Compounds; 307-322
- Dervan, Peter B. and Dougherty, Dennis A. (1982) Nonconjugated Diradicals; ISBN 0471086614; Diradicals; 107-149