Chen, Tong
- Chen, Tong and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2012) 27-meter-long ultra-low-loss optical delay line on a silicon chip; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; Art. No. CTu3I.1
- Li, Jiang and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2012) Chip-based frequency comb with microwave repetition rate; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 1-2
- Li, Jiang and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2012) Microcavity Brillouin laser with high coherence; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; Art. No. CW3K.6
- Lee, Hansuek and Chen, Tong, el al. (2012) Ultra-high-Q wedge resonators with precise FSR control; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 1-2
- Lu, Tao and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2012) An ultra-narrow-linewidth microlaser for nanosensing; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 1-2
- Lee, Hansuek and Chen, Tong, el al. (2012) Ultra-low-loss delay lines and resonators on a silicon chip; ISBN 978-1-4577-0731-5; 2012 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC); 518-519; 10.1109/IPCon.2012.6358721
- Chen, Tong and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2012) Chemically-Etched Ultra-High-Q Micro-Cavities on a Silicon Chip; ISBN 978-1-4577-0731-5; 2012 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC); 262-263; 10.1109/IPCon.2012.6358592
- Lee, Hansuek and Li, Jiang, el al. (2011) Ultra-low-loss whispering gallery delay lines and resonators on a silicon chip; ISBN 978-1-4244-8939-8; 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference (PHO); 473-474; 10.1109/PHO.2011.6110632
- Chen, Tong and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2011) Ultra-High-Q Micro-Cavity on a Silicon Chip; ISBN 978-1-4244-8939-8; 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference (PHO); 3-4; 10.1109/PHO.2011.6110396
- Lu, Tao and Lee, Hansuek, el al. (2011) Nano-sensing with a Silica Microtoroid; ISBN 978-1-4577-1223-4; 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO); 1-2