Chandy, Kanianthra
- De Martini, Paul and Chandy, K. Mani, el al. (2012) Grid 2020: Towards a Policy of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources
- Capponi, Agostino and Chandy, Mani, el al. (2006) Predicate Signaling in Distributed Sensor Networks; 10.7907/Z9Z899D5
- Capponi, Agostino and Chandy, Mani (2005) Stream Processing Algorithms that model behavior changes; 10.7907/Z99K487T
- Charpentier, Michel and Chandy, K. Mani (2000) Theorems about Composition; 10.7907/Z9BK19C6
- Charpentier, Michel and Chandy, K. Mani (1999) Examples of Program Composition Illustrating the Use of Universal Properties; 10.7907/Z9ZC80WC
- Charpentier, Michel and Chandy, K. Mani (1999) Towards a Compositional Approach to the Design and Verification of Distributed Systems; 10.7907/Z93R0QW2
- Chandy, K. Mani and Rifkin, Adam, el al. (1997) Webs of Archived Distributed Computations for Asynchronous Collaboration; 10.7907/Z9R78C75
- Massingill, Berna L. and Chandy, K. Mani (1997) Parallel Program Archetypes; 10.7907/Z9WW7FP7
- Chandy, K. Mani and Kiniry, Joseph, el al. (1997) A Framework for Structured Distributed Object Computing; 10.7907/Z9JQ0Z2W
- Ramamoorthi, Ravi and Rifkin, Adam, el al. (1997) A General Resource Reservation Framework for Scientific Computing; 10.7907/Z9DZ06BJ
- Sivilotti, Paolo A. G. and Chandy, K. Mani (1996) Reliable Synchronization Primitives for Java; 10.7907/Z9P55KHS
- Chandy, K. Mani and Dimitrov, Boris, el al. (1996) A World-Wide Distributed System Using Java and the Internet; 10.7907/Z98W3BBD
- Chandy, K. Mani and Rifkin, Adam (1996) Systematic Composition of Objects in Distributed Internet Applications: Processes and Sessions; 10.7907/Z9JD4TTH
- Chandy, K. Mani and Schooler, Eve M. (1996) Designing Directories in Distributed Systems: A Systematic Framework; 10.7907/Z9736NXN
- Manohar, Rajit and Chandy, K. Mani (1994) Mach-Based Channel Library; 10.7907/Z9SJ1HMH
- Chandy, K. Mani and Manohar, Rajit, el al. (1994) Integrating Task and Data Parallelism with the Collective Communication Archetype; 10.7907/Z9222RSP
- Chandy, K. Mani and Foster, Ian (1993) A Deterministic Notation for Cooperating Processes; 10.7907/Z9B85664
- Chandy, K. Mani (1993) Properties of Concurrent Programs; 10.7907/Z9ZS2TJP
- Chandy, K. Mani (1993) Conjunctive Predicate Transformers for Reasoning about Concurrent Computation; 10.7907/0ztwa-hva90
- Carlin, Peter and Chandy, K. Mani, el al. (1993) The Compositional C++ Language Definition; 10.7907/Z9QF8QWK
- Chandy, K. Mani and Kesselman, Carl (1993) CC++: A Declarative Concurrent Object Oriented Programming Notation; 10.7907/Z96M34V8
- Chandy, K. Mani (1993) Using Triples to Reason About Concurrent Programs; 10.7907/Z94Q7S2R
- Chandy, K. Mani and Kesselman, Carl (1992) The Derivation of Compositional Programs; 10.7907/Z9GQ6VZZ
- Chandy, K. Mani and Kesselman, Carl (1992) Compositional C++: Compositional Parallel Programming; 10.7907/Z94F1NX8
- Chandy, K. Mani and Taylor, Stephen (1990) A Primer for Program Composition Notation; 10.7907/0779e-dms14
- Chandy, K. Mani and Taylor, Stephen, el al. (1990) The Program Composition Project; 10.7907/wemek-2ns55
- Chandy, K. Mani (1989) The Essence of Distributed Snapshots; 10.7907/jhr7a-4h585
- Chandy, K. Mani (1988) Programming Parallel Computers; 10.7907/hm444-6zc04
- Chandy, K. Mani (1988) Theorems on Computations of Distributed Systems; 10.7907/k0wav-gz192
- Chandy, K. Mani and Misra, Jay (1987) Conditional Knowledge as a Basis for Distributed Simulation; 10.7907/de5ac-j4z29