@inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180717-152432620, title = "Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV", chapter = "BICEP2/SPUD: searching for inflation with degree scale polarimetry from the South Pole", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180717-152432620", id = "record", isbn = "9780819472304", doi = "10.1117/12.787997" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180725-084429622, title = "Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II", chapter = "CARMA: a new heterogeneous millimeter-wave interferometer", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180725-084429622", id = "record", isbn = "0819454303", doi = "10.1117/12.552446" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180809-161901893, title = "Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes", chapter = "Plans for a 10-m submillimeter-wave telescope at the South Pole", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180809-161901893", id = "record", isbn = "9780819428042", doi = "10.1117/12.317383" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20181211-073511185, title = "New Light on Galaxy Evolution", chapter = "Introduction to the JCMT-CSO Interferometer", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20181211-073511185", id = "record", isbn = "9780792339755", doi = "10.1017/S0074180900233858" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120928-133940935, title = "Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, From Gas to Stars to Dust", chapter = "Submillimeter spectroscopy of interstellar hydrides", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20120928-133940935", id = "record", isbn = "0-937707-92-9" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20181121-083143567, title = "Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry", chapter = "The Owens Valley Millimeter Array", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20181121-083143567", id = "record", isbn = "9780937707784", doi = "10.1017/S0252921100019023" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20190219-120219409, chapter = "Progress on a Fixed Tuned Waveguide Receiver Using a Series-Parallel Array of SIS Junctions", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20190219-120219409", id = "record" } @inbook{https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20190219-115249920, chapter = "Development of a Sideband Separation Receiver at 100 GHz", url = "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20190219-115249920", id = "record" }