Bruck, Jehoshua
- Sima, Jin and Bruck, Jehoshua (2022) Correcting k Deletions and Insertions in Racetrack Memory; 10.48550/arXiv.2207.08372
- Mazaheri, Bijan and Jain, Siddharth, el al. (2021) Expert Graphs: Synthesizing New Expertise via Collaboration; 10.48550/arXiv.2107.07054
- Sima, Jin and Bruck, Jehoshua (2021) Trace Reconstruction with Bounded Edit Distance
- Kilic, Kordag Mehmet and Bruck, Jehoshua (2021) Neural Networks Computations with DOMINATION Functions
- Mazaheri, Bijan and Jain, Siddharth, el al. (2021) Synthesizing New Expertise via Collaboration
- Mazaheri, Bijan and Jain, Siddharth, el al. (2020) Robust Correction of Sampling Bias Using Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Jain, Siddharth and Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad, el al. (2020) Coding for Optimized Writing Rate in DNA Storage
- Jain, Siddharth and Mazaheri, Bijan, el al. (2020) Cancer Classification from Blood-Derived DNA; 10.1101/517839
- Raviv, Netanel and Jain, Siddharth, el al. (2020) CodNN - Robust Neural Networks From Coded Classification
- Sima, Jin and Bruck, Jehoshua (2019) Optimal k-Deletion Correcting Codes
- Jain, Siddharth and Mazaheri, Bijan, el al. (2019) Cancer Classification from Healthy DNA using Machine Learning; 10.1101/517839
- Jain, Siddharth and Mazaheri, Bijan, el al. (2019) Short Tandem Repeats Information in TCGA is Statistically Biased by Amplification; 10.1101/518878
- Raviv, Netanel and Yu, Qian, el al. (2019) Download and Access Trade-offs in Lagrange Coded Computing
- Sima, Jin and Raviv, Netanel, el al. (2018) On Coding over Sliced Information
- Elishco, Ohad and Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad, el al. (2018) The Capacity of Some PĆ³lya String Models
- Sima, Jin and Raviv, Netanel, el al. (2018) Two Deletion Correcting Codes from Indicator Vectors
- Jain, Siddharth and Raviv, Netanel, el al. (2018) Attaining the 2nd Chargaff Rule by Tandem Duplications
- Huang, Wentao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2017) Generic Secure Repair for Distributed Storage; 10.48550/arXiv.1706.00500
- Huang, Wentao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2017) Generic Secure Repair for Distributed Storage; 10.48550/arXiv.1706.00500
- Huang, Wentao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2017) Secure RAID Schemes from EVENODD and STAR Codes
- Jain, Siddharth and Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad, el al. (2017) Noise and Uncertainty in String-Duplication Systems
- Huang, Wentao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2017) Secret Sharing with Optimal Decoding and Repair Bandwidth
- Alon, Noga and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2016) Duplication Distance to the Root for Binary Sequences
- Huang, Wentao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2016) Secure RAID Schemes for Distributed Storage; 10.1109/ISIT.2016.7541529
- Jain, Siddharth and Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad, el al. (2016) Duplication-Correcting Codes for Data Storage in the DNA of Living Organisms; 10.1109/ISIT.2016.7541455
- Huang, Wentao and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2015) Communication Efficient Secret Sharing; 10.1109/TIT.2016.2616144
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2015) A Stochastic Model for Genomic Interspersed Duplication
- En Gad, Eyal and Huang, Wentao, el al. (2015) Rewriting Flash Memories by Message Passing; 10.48550/arXiv.1502.00189
- Jain, Siddharth and Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad, el al. (2015) Capacity and Expressiveness of Genomic Tandem Duplication; 10.48550/arXiv.1509.06029
- Wang, Zhiying and Tamo, Itzhak, el al. (2014) Explicit MDS Codes for Optimal Repair Bandwidth; 10.48550/arXiv.1411.6328
- En Gad, Eyal and Li, Yue, el al. (2014) Asymmetric Error Correction and Flash-Memory Rewriting using Polar Codes; 10.1109/TIT.2016.2539967
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2014) The Capacity of String-Replication Systems; 10.48550/arXiv.1401.4634
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2014) Rate-Distortion for Ranking with Incomplete Information; 10.48550/arXiv.1401.3093
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2014) The Capacity of String-Replication Systems; 10.48550/arXiv.1401.4634
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2014) Rate-Distortion for Ranking with Incomplete Information; 10.48550/arXiv.1401.3093
- Buzaglo, Sarit and Yaakobi, Eitan, el al. (2014) Systematic Codes for Rank Modulation; 10.48550/arXiv.1311.7113
- Yaakobi, Eitan and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2013) Sequence Reconstruction for Grassmann Graphs and Permutations
- Wang, Zhiying and Shaked, Omer, el al. (2013) Codes for Network Switches
- Buzaglo, Sarit and Yaakobi, Eitan, el al. (2013) Error-Correcting Codes for Multipermutations
- Yaakobi, Eitan and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2013) Information-Theoretic Study of Voting Systems
- En Gad, Eyal and Yaakobi, Eitan, el al. (2013) Rank-Modulation Rewriting Codes for Flash Memories
- Yaakobi, Eitan and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2013) In-Memory Computing of Akers Logic Array
- Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Farzad and Yaakobi, Eitan, el al. (2013) Building Consensus via Iterative Voting
- Zhou, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2012) Linear Transformations for Randomness Extraction; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0732
- Zhou, Hongchao and Loh, Po-Ling, el al. (2012) The Synthesis and Analysis of Stochastic Switching Circuits; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0715
- Zhou, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2012) A Universal Scheme for Transforming Binary Algorithms to Generate Random Bits from Loaded Dice; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0726
- Zhou, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2012) Streaming Algorithms for Optimal Generation of Random Bits; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0730
- Zhou, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2012) Efficiently Extracting Randomness from Imperfect Stochastic Processes; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0734
- Zhou, Hongchao and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2012) Balanced Modulation for Nonvolatile Memories; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0744
- Wang, Zhiying and Tamo, Itzhak, el al. (2012) Long MDS Codes for Optimal Repair Bandwidth
- En Gad, Eyal and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2012) Trade-offs between Instantaneous and Total Capacity in Multi-Cell Flash Memories
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Zhou, Hongchao, el al. (2011) Variable-level Cells for Nonvolatile Memories
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Zhou, Hongchao, el al. (2011) Patterned Cells for Phase Change Memories
- Wang, Zhiying and Tamo, Itzhak, el al. (2011) On Codes for Optimal Rebuilding Access; 10.48550/arXiv.1107.1627
- Wang, Zhiying and Tamo, Itzhak, el al. (2011) On Codes for Optimal Rebuilding Access; 10.48550/arXiv.1107.1627
- Zhou, Hongchao and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2011) Systematic Error-Correcting Codes for Rank Modulation; 10.48550/arXiv.1310.6817
- Tamo, Itzhak and Wang, Zhiying, el al. (2011) MDS Array Codes with Optimal Rebuilding; 10.48550/arXiv.1103.3737
- En Gad, Eyal and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2011) Compressed Encoding for Rank Modulation; 10.48550/arXiv.1108.2741
- En Gad, Eyal and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2011) Generalized Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation; 10.48550/arXiv.1103.0317
- Lee, David and Bruck, Jehoshua (2011) Generating Probability Distributions using Multivalued Stochastic Relay Circuits; 10.48550/arXiv.1102.1441
- Lee, David and Bruck, Jehoshua (2011) Generating Probability Distributions using Multivalued Stochastic Relay Circuits; 10.48550/arXiv.1102.1441
- En Gad, Eyal and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2010) Constant-Weight Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2010) Trajectory Codes for Flash Memory; 10.48550/arXiv.1012.5430
- Wang, Zhiying and Dimakis, Alexandros G., el al. (2010) Rebuilding for Array Codes in Distributed Storage Systems
- Zhao, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2010) Efficiently Generating Random Bits from Finite State Markov Chains
- Zhou, Hongchao and Chen, Ho-Lin, el al. (2010) On the Synthesis of Stochastic Flow Networks; 10.48550/arXiv.1209.0724
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2010) Data Movement and Aggregation in Flash Memories
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2009) Cyclic Boolean circuits
- Cassuto, Yuval and Bruck, Jehoshua (2009) Low-Complexity Codes for Random and Clustered High-Order Failures in Storage Arrays
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2009) Data Movement in Flash Memories
- Wilhelm, Daniel and Bruck, Jehoshua (2009) Stochastic Switching Circuit Synthesis
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Langberg, Michael, el al. (2009) Universal Rewriting in Constrained Memories
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2009) Correcting Charge-Constrained Errors in the Rank-Modulation Scheme
- Zhou, Hongchao and Bruck, Jehoshua (2009) On the Expressibility of Stochastic Switching Circuits
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Mateescu, Robert, el al. (2009) Storage Coding for Wear Leveling in Flash Memories
- Loh, Po-Ling and Zhou, Hongchao, el al. (2009) The Robustness of Stochastic Switching Networks
- Wang, Zhiying and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2009) On the capacity of bounded rank modulation for flash memories
- Cook, Matthew and Soloveichik, David, el al. (2008) Programmability of Chemical Reaction Networks
- Cassuto, Yuval and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2008) Codes for Asymmetric Limited-Magnitude Errors with Application to Multi-Level Flash Memories
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehoshua (2008) Joint Coding for Flash Memory Storage
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Mateescu, Robert, el al. (2008) Rank Modulation for Flash Memories
- Soloveichik, David and Cook, Matthew, el al. (2008) Computation with Finite Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks
- Langberg, Michael and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2007) Distributed Broadcasting and Mapping Protocols in Directed Anonymous Networks
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bohossian, Vasken, el al. (2007) Floating Codes for Joint Information Storage in Write Asymmetric Memories
- Bohassian, Vasken and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew), el al. (2007) Buffer Coding for Asymmetric Multi-Level Memory
- Cassuto, Yuval and Schwartz, Moshe, el al. (2007) Codes for Multi-Level Flash Memories: Correcting Asymmetric Limited-Magnitude Errors
- Fett, Brian and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2007) Synthesizing Stochasticity in Biochemical Systems
- Schwartz, Moshe and Bruck, Jehoshua (2007) Constrained Codes as Networks of Relations
- Schwartz, Moshe and Bruck, Jehoshua (2007) Increasing the Information Density of Storage Systems Using the Precision-Resolution Paradigm
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2006) Exact Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Reactions with Cycle Leaping
- Cassuto, Yuval and Bruck, Jehoshua (2006) Cyclic Low-Density MDS Array Codes
- Bohossian, Vasken and Bruck, Jehoshua (2006) Shortening Array Codes and the Perfect 1-Factorization Conjecture
- Langberg, Michael and Sprintson, Alexander, el al. (2006) Network Coding: A Computational Perspective
- Schwartz, Moshe and Bruck, Jehoshua (2006) On the Capacity of Precision-Resolution Constrained Systems
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Gao, Jie, el al. (2006) Adaptive Bloom filter
- Cook, Matthew and Bruck, Jehoshua (2005) Networks of Relations for Representation, Learning, and Generalization
- Codenotti, Paolo and Sprintson, Alexander, el al. (2005) Anti-Jamming Schedules for Wireless Broadcast Systems
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Gao, Jie, el al. (2005) MAP: Medial Axis Based Geometric Routing in Sensor Networks; 10.1145/1080829.1080839
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Gao, Jie, el al. (2005) Localization and Routing in Sensor Networks by Local Angle
Information; 10.1145/1062689.1062713
- Cook, Matthew and Bruck, Jehoshua (2005) Implementability Among Predicates
- Cronin, Christopher J. and Mendel, Jane E., el al. (2005) An automated system for measuring parameters of nematode sinusoidal movement
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehoshua (2005) Monotone Percolation and The Topology Control of Wireless Networks
- Cassuto, Yuval and Bruck, Jehoshua (2005) Network Coding for Nonuniform Demands
- Langberg, Michael and Sprintson, Alexander, el al. (2004) The Encoding Complexity of Network Coding
- Langberg, Michael and Sprintson, Alexander, el al. (2004) Optimal Schedules for Asynchronous Transmission of Discrete Packets
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehosua (2004) Network File Storage With Graceful Performance Degradation
- Cassuto, Yuval and Bruck, Jehoshua (2004) A Combinatorial Bound on the List Size
- Reidel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2004) Timing Analysis of Cyclic Combinational Circuits
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2004) Timing Analysis of Cyclic Combinatorial Circuits
- Langberg, Michael and Sprintson, Alexander, el al. (2004) Optimal Unviersal Schedules for Discrete Broadcast
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Cook, Matthew, el al. (2004) Optimal Interleaving on Tori
- Foltz, Kevin and Xu, Lihao, el al. (2004) Scheduling for Efficient Data Broadcast over Two Channels
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Booth, Lorna, el al. (2003) Percolation in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) (2003) Multi-Cluster interleaving in linear arrays and rings
- Slivkins, Aleksandrs and Bruck, Jehoshua (2003) Interleaving Schemes on Circulant Graphs with Two Offsets
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2003) The Synthesis of Cyclic Combinatorial Circuits
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2003) The Synthesis of Cyclic Combinatorial Circuits
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (2003) Algorithmic Aspects of Cyclic Combinational Circuit Synthesis
- Booth, Lorna and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2002) Ad hoc wireless networks with noisy links
- Foltz, Kevin and Xu, Lihao, el al. (2002) Coding and Scheduling for Efficient Loss-Resilient Data Broadcasting
- Slivkins, Aleksandrs and Bruck, Jehoshua (2002) Interleaving Schemes on Circulant Graphs
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehoshua (2002) DNAS: Dispersed Network Attached Storage for Reliability and Performance
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2002) Microcellular Systems, Random Walks, and Wave Propagation
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Cook, Matthew, el al. (2002) A Geometric Theorem for Wireless Network Design Optimization
- Foltz, Kevin and Bruck, Jehoshua (2002) Time-Division is Better Than Frequency-Division for Periodic Internet Broadcasting
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehoshua (2002) Memory Allocation in Information Storage Networks
- Mukhtar, Saleem and Bruck, Jehoshua (2001) Interval Modulation Coding
- Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) and Bruck, Jehoshua (2001) Diversity Coloring for Distributed Storage in Mobile Networks
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Cook, Matthew, el al. (2001) A Geometric Theorem for Approximate Disk Covering Algorithms
- Booth, Lorna and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2001) Covering Algorithms, Continuum Percolation, and the Geometry of Wireless Networks.
- Mukhtar, Saleem and Bruck, Jehoshua (2001) Frequency Modulation for Asynchronous Data Transfer
- Foltz, Kevin and Bruck, Jehoshua (2000) Splitting Schedules for Internet Broadcast Communication
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua (2000) Coding for Tolerance and Detection of Skew in Parallel Asynchronous Communications
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Bruck, Jehoshua (1999) A Possible Solution to the Impossible Membership Problem
- Gibson, Michael A. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1999) Efficient Exact Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Systems with Many Species and Many Channels
- Bohossian, Vasken and Fan, Charles C., el al. (1999) Computing in the RAIN: A Reliable Array of Independent Nodes
- Foltz, Kevin and Bruck, Jehoshua (1999) Splitting the Scheduling Headache
- Bohossian, Vasken and Riedel, Marc D., el al. (1998) Trading Weight Size for Circuit Depth: A Circuit for Comparison
- LeMahieu, Paul S. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1998) A Consistent History Link Connectivity Protocol
- Xu, Lihao and Bohossian, Vasken, el al. (1998) Low Density MDS Codes and Factors of Complete Graphs
- Franceschetti, Massimo and Bruck, Jehoshua (1998) A Leader Election Protocol for Fault Recovery in Asynchronous Fully-Connected Networks
- Riedel, Marc D. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1998) Tolerating Faults in Counting Networks
- Gibson, Michael A. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1998) An Efficient Algorithm for Generating Trajectories of Stochastic Gene Regulation Reactions
- LeMahieu, Paul S. and Bohossian, Vasken, el al. (1998) Fault-Tolerant Switched Local Area Networks
- Xu, Lihao and Bruck, Jehoshua (1998) Improving the Performance of Data Servers Using Array Codes
- Ho, Ching-Tien and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (1997) Partial-Sum Queries in OLAP Data Cubes Using Covering Codes
- Bohossian, Vasken and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1997) Programmable Neural Logic
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua (1997) MDS Array Codes for Correcting Criss-Cross Errors
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (1997) Two-Dimensional Interleaving Schemes with Repetitions
- Xu, Lihao and Bruck, Jehoshua (1997) X-Code: MDS Array Codes with Optimal Encoding
- Fan, Charles C. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1996) Optimal Constructions of Fault-Tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks
- Xu, Lihao and Bruck, Jehoshua (1996) Deterministic Voting in Distributed Systems Using Error-Correcting Codes
- Bohossian, Vasken and Bruck, Jehoshua (1996) Multiple Threshold Neural Logic
- Bohossian, Vasken and Bruck, Jehoshua (1996) Algebraic Techniques for Constructing Minimal Weight Threshold Functions
- Gibson, Michael A. and Bruck, Jehoshua (1996) Efficient Digital to Analog Encoding
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (1996) On Optimal Placements of Processors in Tori Networks
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (1996) A Coding Approach for Detection of Tampering in Write-Once Optical Disks
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Ho, Ching-Tien (1995) Fault-Tolerant Cube Graphs and Coding Theory
- Bohossian, Vasken and Bruck, Jehoshua (1995) On Neural Networks with Minimal Weights
- Blaum, Mario and Bruck, Jehoshua (1995) Interleaving Schemes for Multidimensional Cluster Errors
- Ziv, Avi and Bruck, Jehoshua (1995) An Online Algorithm for Checkpointing Placement
- Ziv, Avi and Bruck, Jehoshua (1994) Performance Optimization of Checkpointing Schemes with Task Duplication
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Cypher, Robert, el al. (1994) Fault-Tolerant Meshes with Small Degree
- Bruck, Jehoshua and Dolev, Danny, el al. (1994) Efficient Message Passing Interface (MPI) for Parallel Computing on Clusters of Workstations; 10.1145/215399.215421
- Ziv, Avi and Bruck, Jehoshua (1994) Analysis of Checkpointing Schemes for Multiprocessor Systems