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- Huang, Yong and Beck, James L., el al. (2019) Multitask Sparse Bayesian Learning with Applications in Structural Health Monitoring; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 34; No. 9; 732-754; 10.1111/mice.12408
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- Huang, Yong and Beck, James L. (2018) Full Gibbs Sampling Procedure for Bayesian System Identification Incorporating Sparse Bayesian Learning with Automatic Relevance Determination; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 9; 712-730; 10.1111/mice.12358
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- Alimoradi, Arzhang and Beck, James L. (2015) Machine-Learning Methods for Earthquake Ground Motion Analysis and Simulation; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 141; No. 4; Art. No. 04014147; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000869
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- Minson, S. E. and Simons, M., el al. (2013) Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models I—theory and algorithm; Geophysical Journal International; 10.1093/gji/ggt180
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- Beck, James L. and Graf, Wolfgang, el al. (2012) Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Structural Engineering and Mechanics; Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; Vol. 27; No. 9; 639-639; 10.1111/j.1467-8667.2012.00784.x
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- Jalayer, F. and Beck, J. L., el al. (2012) Analyzing the Sufficiency of Alternative Scalar and Vector Intensity Measures of Ground Shaking Based on Information Theory; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 138; No. 3; 307-316; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000327
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- Bao, Yuequan and Beck, James L., el al. (2011) Compressive sampling for accelerometer signals in structural health monitoring; Structural Health Monitoring; Vol. 10; No. 3; 235-246; 10.1177/1475921710373287
- Beck, James L. (2011) Robust Stochastic Predictions of Dynamic Response During and Monitoring of Structures; Procedia Engineering; Vol. 14; 32-40; 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.004
- Taflanidis, Alexandros A. and Beck, James L. (2010) Reliability-Based Design Using Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization with a Treatment of Model Prediction Errors; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 136; No. 12; 1460-1473; 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000189
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- Beck, James L. (2010) Bayesian system identification based on probability logic; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Vol. 17; No. 7; 825-847; 10.1002/stc.424
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